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Friday, January 28, 2022

Oyster Roundup – Doritos, Cocktails, a Bitter Pill and more…

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! Google for Pebble? It doesn’t seem possible that a company which has always been known for its progressive leanings, and whose slogan was “don’t be evil” could be supporting a project like The Pebble Mine. The first hint should have been the Google logo plastered next to the Fox one at the GOP debate last week. Then, The Huffington Post broke the bad news in their article featured with the scarlet front page banner simply stating – Google Goes Red. The shift in political strategy comes as…

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If You Pay Her, She Will Run – The Latest on Palin 2012 from SarahPAC

Do you think she’ll run? Will she or won’t she? Well… she might, but then again she might not. She’ll decide soon. But it’s too soon now. She could wait… or she could decide now, if she wanted to. But she doesn’t want to right now. She’s not ready. She’s thinking. She’s scoping out the other candidates. She’s assessing. Maybe she’s being foolish to wait so long. Maybe she’s waiting so long because she’s crazy like a fox.  Maybe everyone else is playing tiddly-winks and she’s playing pick-up-sticks. Will she run as a Republican, or a third party candidate? Would…

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Almost a Year Later, APOC Will Render a Verdict on Rep. Bill Thomas

By Linda Kellen Biegel   Mudflatters, think wayyyyyy, wayyyyyy back to October of 2010 and you might remember Representative William Thomas, Jr., a Republican legislator from the beautiful little town of Haines, Alaska. Representative Thomas is not someone who generally comes to my attention way over here in Anchorage. However, in September of 2010 while Rep. Thomas was running a reelection campaign, I was alerted to some very strange discrepancies regarding some regular ads running in Haines’s only newspaper, The Chilkat Valley News. After doing much research, I filed a complaint with Alaska Public Offices Commission on October 13th: The…

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The Only Reason to Stop Pebble is to Keep Fish, Says Pebble Supporter.

Ah, Paul Jenkins. You may remember him as one of our “odd bedfellows” during the reign of Sarah Palin. Normally, wildly off the mark, Mr. Jenkins was actually spot on about Sarah, and surgically shredded her in the Anchorage Daily News on a regular basis. He did this not because he had suddenly seen the error of his political ways, but because she stuck it to the oil companies. And Mr. Jenkins and his oily, resource extractin’ at any price pals were not amused. It’s sad, because Mr. Jenkins is not stupid, nor is he a bad writer. And during…

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Open Thread – Yay, Death!

Ahh. Nothing warms the cockels of the heart like a room full of bloodthirsty Republicans full-out cheering for the sheer number of people put to death in Texas during the Perry administration. Yeah, it’s cheaper to keep people alive than pay for the extended appeals process of capital cases. Yeah, if you’re wrong you can’t suspend the sentence of the accused because it’s too late. No, the victims’ families usually don’t “feel better” after it’s over. Yes, taxpayer dollars actually get used to murder people, because murder is wrong… And there’s the whole racial disparity thing – only 11% of…

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Open Thread – Michele, One L

I’ve been saving this one for a good weekend chuckle, so nobody gets in trouble for laughing too loud at an inappropriate time at work. Enjoy! [h/t Mudflatter DinkleJim]

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Us vs. Them in a Back to Basics War

~Free market under-regulated air in Beijing, China It’s become increasingly clear in the past months that the Environmental Protection Agency is squarely in the crosshairs of the Republican Party. But it’s not just insignificant or annoying rules and regs that irritate the right. The battles being fought are elemental and huge – The Clean Air Act, The Clean Water Act, massive extraction projects that could cause harm to our country on a massive scale. The EPA believes it is a fundamental right that citizens of this nation can breathe clean air, and drink clean water. The “nanny state” believes that…

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Captain Zero Greets CPAC in Alaska

‘Tis the season! No, not the moose rut. No, not the last run of silvers. ‘Tis the season that conservatives emerge from the sea and make their landfall on the arctic shores of Alaska. We’ve talked before about the “Tea Party at Sea” ship on The Mudflats. And now, there seems to have been yet another starboard leaning vessel that has docked in Juneau. Rather than heading for the misty hills of that fair city screaming when the invaders arrived, Governor Sean “Captain Zero” Parnell did the political equivalent of throwing flowers and candy. Yes, he greeted CPAC as liberators….

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Prevo divorce documents raise questions about Anchorage Baptist Temple house

  by Mel Green Court documents in the divorce of Allen Prevo, son of Anchorage Baptist Temple pastor Jerry Prevo, and Holly Jo Prevo raise questions about ABT religious exemption housing. Or, in the judge’s words, “if there was a tax appraiser or a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News, things would not look good… it’s pretty loosey-goosey to me.” Citing Alaska Statute § 25.20.120, which provides the option of sealing court records in proceedings involving child custody, attorney Wayne Anthony Ross on August 3 filed a motion to seal the records in the case of Allen Prevo v. Holly…

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Golem Turns on its GOP Masters

By Elstun Lauesen There is a powerful tale of biblical dimensions unfolding in the politics of these latter days. It comes through the drama within the Grand Old Party. As we all know, the Republican Party has used religion and ‘faith’ as its most powerful organizing weapon. But what we are witnessing in the political theater today is what happens when that weapon is turned upon its creator. Those within the Republican Party who understand the mainstream purposes of government are staring helplessly at the advancing shadow of their own creation like the legendary Rabbi of Prague beheld the ravages…

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