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Friday, January 28, 2022

Senate 2014 – Begich v. Palin?!

Here’s a little bright spot for Alaska Democrats. I know, right? How often to you hear THAT? Harper Polling, a Republican-leaning outfit, has done a survey in Alaska of 1157 likely voters. They asked about hypothetical match-ups in the 2014 senate race, in which giddy Republicans are lining up to take on freshman Democratic Senator Mark Begich. The poll was taken on January 29 – 30. After Begich’s narrow win in 2008 over Senator Ted Stevens, who at the time was a 7-time convicted felon, the right has had their knickers in a twist over the “illegitimacy” of Begich’s win….

A History Lesson for Joe Miller – The Tenth Amendment

In Which Joe Miller Gets a History Lesson (Again) Over the past few weeks, I have written with some incredulity on the subject of Joe Miller’s supposed legal expertise.  Today, I feel compelled to address another area in which Mr. Miller’s competence is woefully inadequate: United States history.  As you may have surmised, your Legal Eagle is an attorney, not a historian. I do, however, take an interest in history, and generally consider it to be an obligation of all Americans to at least familiarize themselves with the basics of their country’s history. This is even more true when you…

Farmer Joe and the Feds (Updated)

Maybe it’s the fact that he’s  Kansas born and bred, or maybe it was just the sweet smell of the great outdoors, barley, and a little extra folding money – whatever it was, senate candidate Joe Miller apparently decided after he came to Alaska, he’d try his hand at farming. Farmer Joe bought himself a thousand acres near Fairbanks.  And what did he have a yen to grow on his arable land in the sleepy hollow of Delta Junction?  Barley, it would appear. But life as a farmer/ivy league attorney is tough. Sometimes a feller could use a helping hand. Maybe something like a…

Joe Miller Thinks You’re Not Very Smart.

By Legal Eagle Apparently, Joe Miller doesn’t read The Mudflats.  Or if he does, he skips over my posts because he has already “mastered the law” (insert sarcastic chuckle).  So what is our favorite divorce lawyer saying today?  To paraphrase – screw the Alaska Constitution and Statehood Act, we want our land back! Yes, Mr. Miller still hasn’t learned his lesson (or stopped talking in the third person, but that’s a separate, non-legal issue).  He recently told his hometown paper that despite the inflammatory Teabagger rhetoric that he used during the primary, he’ll request money from the federal government until…