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Palin’s Approval Rating Crashes. When Does the Burning Start?

After the last six weeks of watching the Palin train cars derail one by one, in what can only be described as agonizing political slow motion, we’ve been waiting with curiosity to see what would happen when the latest Hays Research poll came out.  The last poll numbers we had showed Palin’s approval rating at 59.8% (sum of very favorable and favorable ratings) and her approval index (very favorable minus very unfavorable) at +14.

Bear in mind that at one point, before people started paying attention, her approval rating hovered a hair under 80% and her approval index was an unheard of +40.  Let’s take a look at what those numbers looked like last July before the nomination.


(whistles)  No wonder the GOP was impressed.  Little did they know about that not paying attention part.

I’ll cut Alaskans a little slack.  We were coming off a bad relationship.  Former governor Frank Murkowski left us wanting “anyone but Frank.”  And that’s what we got.  Be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes.

But her heretofore astronomical approval rating goes to illustrate a very important point.  The idea of Sarah Palin got an 89% approval rating in this very red, very down to earth, very mavericky state.  It’s when we started learning about the real her that the bloom was off the rose.  And now, by the look of things, the petals are dropping pretty quickly.

Here are the latest numbers from Hays research.  Approval rating 55% and Approval index at +6.  Ouch.


And a beautiful summary of the entire descent:


And that, my friends, is what a crash in progress looks like.  And now we ask the question, “So when does the burning start, and who took my marshmallows?”

The graph you see is the reflection of six weeks that included three ethics complaints, a disastrous and inappropriate pick for Attorney General, a petulant “appointment war” with Senate Democrats, rejecting and then accepting and then still rejecting part of the stimulus money, asking a sitting US Senator to resign and then denying it, flying out of state for a right to life dinner party during the last 3 days of the legislative session, and a host of other things including airing family dirty laundry and smacking down a teenager in the national media.  And let’s not forget blaming bloggers for everything from ethics complaints to the rejection of her Attorney General pick…  I could go on.  Really, I could.  Those were just the highlights.

Meanwhile, another Alaskan Republican woman in high office has been in the spotlight lately too.  What happens when one of those go-getter feisty Alaskan political women has a sharp mind, a good work ethic, moderate views, an ability to work with people, and acts like an adult?  Check it out.


Yes, that would be a 76% approval rating, and an approval index of +27.  Alaska may have a golden girl, but it’s not the governor.

[Full survey results from Hays Research available HERE]

**Cross-posted on The Huffington Post. BUZZ IT UP!

h/t Dr. Chill for the fabulous added chart. It makes me feel so…..Ross Perot!



212 Responses to “Palin’s Approval Rating Crashes. When Does the Burning Start?”
  1. wasillawarrior says:

    Wow – love the poll results, I can not wait for the next gov election season to get underway…Sarah won’t run the risk of losing is to great, the Palin’s can really focus on the pimping out the family thing with out the threat of ethics violations…maybe they’ll move away, that would be sweet !!!

  2. Moose Pucky says:

    lynnrockets, Poll-slide! ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha

  3. Moose Pucky says:

    redwoodmouse–Did you lurk on her twitter site? Immediately after I did, I got her newsletter. Gaaaak.

  4. Moose Pucky says:

    Pi, absolutely: “Best wishes to all our neighbors in the Yukon and Kuskokwim river drainages who are flooded or in danger of flooding..
    We may be talking about the ghastly gov crashing and burning here but you are topmost in our thoughts and prayers.”

  5. Moose Pucky says:

    Moose Pucky wouldn’t go so far as to call that Senator who voted against the Sebelius nomination a “golden girl.”

    Nice to see the approval crash documented. And especially nice that it comes from Alaska.

    The big question now is–Who do we really want for Alaska’s governor???

  6. Blooper says:

    PalinSucks: Don’t be ashamed, you won’t be fooled again at least!

    In hindsight, the democrats should have offered up someone more compelling than Tony Knowles, our former two time Democratic governor. No offense to him, but Alaskans had been there and done that and wanted something new, hence SP. As AKM so wisely said, we Alaskans should be careful what we wish for!

    I think Bob Poe will be our knight in shining armor this time around.

  7. InJuneau says:

    And there will be others, I can just about guarantee that…

  8. Blooper says:

    OregonBird: Here’s who we’ve got. 🙂

    Meet Bob Poe, a light at the end of our political tunnel here in AK. (And no, it’s not a train). This guy has an impressive resume, is smart, can speak in complete sentences and should prove appealing to dems, the independants/undeclared and even *gasp* repubs. And he’s on our side. Check it out here:

  9. InJuneau says:

    bubbles–thinking good healing, healthy thoughts for your kiddo!

  10. InJuneau says:

    @austintx–usually she does; we call them the “Bomb Shelter Boys”…

  11. bubbles says:

    txindygirl,austintx,palinsucks and mswfm ca…..thank you for your kind thoughts and good wishes……love b

  12. PalinSucks says:

    bubbles…same here. Much love and well wishes.

  13. PalinSucks says:

    Blooper Says “Sarah just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

    I am ashamed, I did mark my ballot, for her.

    Vote For Ted Until He’s Dead, Steven’s backed her, I went along.

  14. Blooper says:

    PS. I forgot to mention I did not vote for her then. I proudly voted for Tony Knowles. =)

  15. nswfm CA says:

    Bubbles, congratulations on having a smart daughter. It was smoky yesterday afternoon/evening, but this AM the winds had died down. Let’s hope they get a better handle today, because it’s the afternoon winds that kick it back up in that microclimate.

  16. Blooper says:

    UK Lady: Good observation!

    And a quick answer to those who were questioning why SP was so popular in the first place. Well, basically a rock could have won against Frank Murkowski (the governor that Palin ran against in the 06′ republican primaries). Incidentally right before the primaries he was ranked as the least popular governor in America.

    Sarah just happened to be in the right place at the right time. This still doesn’t let Alaskans off the hook for not doing proper vetting during that time. Even I was hoodwinked. She literally waltzed into the governor’s office with a smile and a moderate agenda. Talk about wolf in sheep’s clothing!

  17. austintx says:

    bubbles – thinking good thoughts for your daughter !!!

  18. txindygirl says:

    bubbles – i understand from the personal experience of close friends how rough asthma can be. prayers for your daughter!

  19. txindygirl says:


    OT…i haven’t gotten through all the comments here, but i did see your post on the boston globe – The Wreck of the Sarah L. Palin. That was divine!

    I still remember that Gordon Lightfoot album with great fondness….

  20. SmallSteps says:

    I remember he enlisted while we still lived in AK in ’07.

  21. bubbles says:

    dear mudpeeps my daughter is in santa barbara and since she moved there to teach at the university in goleta i have made friends with some great folks there. please keep her in your thoughts today, she suffers from asthma and last night she didn;t sound good to me. i am just a tiny bit concerned and of course sad to hear of the destruction of homes and property. thank you….love b

  22. austintx says:

    Govs. have someone taking pics. or videos when they visit disasters. Even flyovers.

  23. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Mmmmmm…in reviewing national articles about Palin (not complimentary ones), I think I know where Team Rats and company went! I don’t know for sure, but I’m seeing a LOT of comments that sound just like the whackos always defending her at ADN. I’ve been reviewing articles for months, as many of us have, so I think it’s pretty funny if this is the new trend. There have always been the whackos on the national articles, too, also – but after seeing these lame and unintelligent comments from Team Rats and C4P over the months, they become pretty familiar and I think they are giving up on Alaskans and trying to brainwash lower 49ers instead.

    Just a thought, a pretty funny one. Maybe they are only a little less stupid than I give them credit for – finally realizing that they aren’t doing anything but damage in Alaska with their moronic comments mostly on ADN. As though as out-of-staters, and idiots to boot, they are going to affect anyone’s opinion of the twit gov in AK. Alaskans already know how they feel about her, one way or another and it’s so obvious when the rats show up to comment because they are so clueless and so uninformed about Alaska, but try to act like they are. You can spot ’em in a heartbeat. Hey, maybe they are goin’ ROGUE, too! Rogue Rats – kind of has a nice ring to it.

    If they weren’t so stupid and downright creepy, I might even feel a little sorry for them. They were so desperate for a candidate that they chose the wrong one. All that work, all that typing, all those long nights spent trying to defend their twit – mostly from herself. Another thing – now that session is over, Alaskans are mostly ignoring her anyway and getting ready for the summer. So they aren’t getting much of an audience here anyway. Good riddance Rats!

  24. InJuneau says:

    I think he enlisted in 2007, had to go through boot camp/basic training/whatever and then had to do some specialized training. He was leaving for Afghanistan in 2008.

  25. C. Rock says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    What I find troubling in the article is it says Track 18 enlisted in the Army in Sept 2007. I thought Gino saw him off to the Army in 2008. WTH

  26. InJuneau says:

    New thread, great graphics alert.

  27. pvazwindy says:

    new thread

  28. PalinSucks says:

    pvazwindy Says “Check the log on the State Trooper plane, that ought to tell you if she was on a flight to the interior.”


  29. PalinSucks says:

    “I don’t believe her. Show me pictures.”

    How long does it take to fly out there?

  30. pvazwindy says:

    Check the log on the State Trooper plane, that ought to tell you if she was on a flight to the interior.

  31. nswfm CA says:

    169 C. Rock, I didn’t find that, someone else did and posted it but MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel wasn’t able to see the article. I just came back here from PalinDeceptions and they have found other pics by the photographer, but someone was looking for the article and someone else talked about trying to find the article, not just the text. Someone in TN disussed how to use a service to tell you which libraries had a periodical, and I’m guessing someone posted it on The Immoral Minority. Not sure why the entire article wasn’t on PalinDeceptions, though.

  32. austintx says:

    173 PalinSucks Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 11:15 AM
    “In the air, on my way out to Interior AK to see extent of damage caused by most severe flooding in recent AK history.”

    About freakin time. One last grandstand before, Palin’s flight out of state tonight, huh?
    I don’t believe her.
    Show me pictures.
    Govs. video or take pictures of these kind of things , and they show us that they are doing the job.
    Arnold is in SB today and is on tv. Perry is in a chopper at dawn when stuff like this flooding happens. Then the film at 6pm news. Also makes great campaign material.
    I say she did not go to look. Why not some video ???

  33. PalinSucks says:

    175 & 176, not a very good picture. What is w/always having 2 Blackberries?

  34. Lilybart says:

    Anyone who cares about Babygate: there is a new post at Palins Deceptions with a new photo of a non-pregnant-a-few-days-before-birth Palin.

  35. CorningNY says:

    OT (sort of)

    To all you “Trig Truthers” out there–
    Audrey at Palin’s Deceptions has posted yet ANOTHER photo of SP taken just 8 days before she “gave birth” looking amazingly non-pregnant. This photo was taken just three days before the widely-publicized picture of her looking VERY pregnant. It’s not a great shot, but clear enough IMO to show that there was no big baby-bump like she would suddenly sprout for the interview three days later. I really wish someone in AK who knows the truth would step forward–even if it was the truth that they witnessed Trig being delivered by SP. But I think there’s a lot more to it than that.

  36. Paula says:

    Boston Globe Comment:

    “Sarah Palin is Alaska’s answer to Tonya Harding.
    She’s not pure trailer park…she’s probably risen to the level of a double-wide.”

    those comments….Oh Boy!


  37. PalinSucks says:

    “In the air, on my way out to Interior AK to see extent of damage caused by most severe flooding in recent AK history.”

    About freakin time. One last grandstand before, Palin’s flight out of state tonight, huh?

  38. Ripley in CT!! says:

    yaknow…. New England may be becoming the new Progressive hot spot of the country… what with all the gay marriage laws going into effect in yet another state over here on the right coast.

    I wonder if GINO will change her story again as to how she named her daughter… you know, the teenage mother one. Connecticut is the anti-Palin. Even our Republican governor has bypassed her as the most popular governor in the US… I bet that goes right up GINO’s skort!

    Yeah, I said “skOrt” and I meant it!

  39. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the TV theme of, “Rawhide”

    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’

    Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
    People disapprovin’
    Sarah’s not improvin’, Poll-Slide!
    She cannot understand ‘em,
    She hopes results are random,
    Soon she’ll be in a double-wide.
    There’s no way of definin’
    Just why the polls declinin’, declinin’ like a massive

    Headin’ down, movin’ fast,
    Losin’ ground, ship her out,
    Headin’ down, movin’ fast
    Kick her out, shoot her down,
    Send her home, push her out,
    Kick her butt, fallin’ fast

    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’

    Fallin’ Fallin’ Fallin’
    Her eyeballs are a ballin’
    How come no-one’s a callin’?
    It looks like stormy weather
    And she’s lite like a feather
    She’ll be swept under by the tide.
    She’ll be unemployed soon,
    A wolf killin’ buffoon,
    And all this resultin’ from her lies

    Headin’ down, movin’ fast,
    Losin’ ground, ship her out,
    Headin’ down, movin’ fast
    Kick her out, shoot her down,
    Send her home, push her out,
    Kick her butt, fallin’ fast

  40. Paula says:

    lower 48 said:An article today:
    Love this:
    They [posters diplayed on the stage] read, “You think your parents gave you a lot of crap?” or, “You think being in school stinks?” One with a photo of a baby crib read, “Not really what you pictured your first crib, huh?”

    Is this what Tripps baby book will look like? Posters of what an unwanted, awful mistake he was?

    Wow, I had a baby at 18 and I didn’t think he, or ‘it’ sucked. Nor did I look in his crib and wish it was some bright pink pad where I could get high and sleep with strangers. It was hard, we were poor, and we paid rent on our small uncool ‘crib,’ but worse than school, blah, blah, how negative can you get. Poor babies.

    Great though that the kids see she’s a hypocrite forced to help her nutcase mother.

  41. CO almost native says:

    Warm hugs and dry thoughts go out to yukonbushgrma: be safe.

    And to our So Cal mudflatters: be safe from the fires!

  42. C. Rock says:

    nswfm CA

    May 7th, 2009 at 10:18 AM
    FYI, this was posted in the comments on the Immoral Minority blog, but unable to post comments there for some reason (no dropdown box):

    To MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel: this was the article I got when I clicked on the preview. Someone should print/save that for when it really does get taken down.

    OMG Good Find. Its very telling.

  43. C. Rock says:

    OT: I was surfing other website and ran across this comment , On the evening Of May14 Bristol will be graduating at Wasilla H.S also that this trumps GINO on the NRA dinner. ? ?

  44. nswfm CA says:

    Maybe Kanye West could make a comment or two about GINO and Eagle a la Bush and Katrina….

  45. BooBooBear says:

    Yes, there are many who know the truth about who paid for their house and the truth about Trig, but….most of them work for this administration and do not want to risk losing their cush $100,000+ jobs. The truth will come out in the end but who knows how much damage GINO will have inflicted on this state before it does come out.

  46. nswfm CA says:

    Also, Scott Palin, glad to hear from you and hope the rest of the SB area mudflatters are ok.

  47. nswfm CA says:

    FYI, this was posted in the comments on the Immoral Minority blog, but unable to post comments there for some reason (no dropdown box):

    To MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel: this was the article I got when I clicked on the preview. Someone should print/save that for when it really does get taken down.

  48. deist says:

    Why was Palin popular in the first place?

    Alaska keeps falling for these elixir-selling politicians who get elected as governor or run for governor– Palin, Murkowski, Sheffield, Hickle, etc. (who did I forget?) and that John Lindauer guy who almost got elected until he was exposed. Palin reminds me most of Lindaur except she managed to keep her bad secrets concealed until after she was elected.

  49. UK Lady says:

    Just a thought, re what Blooper posted. If you become a social pariah in AK if you speak out against GINO, maybe you need to make some new friends. The progressives seem like a very sociable bunch to me. 🙂

  50. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    PalinSucks Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 9:36 AM
    Bristol, was definitely on the campaign bus, often. Meg McCain, wrote about her on her blog and there are, photos. Bristol, was in hotels and in New York, for, SNL.
    I signed up for her blog. Why on earth would someone call her “plus size”?
    She just normal? GINO is gettin’ to look like a Quiptip or bobblehead. Must be too much adderall.

  51. Blooper says:

    @Bystander: Unfortunately, even though Palin’s popularity is rapidly on the decline here she still wields a lot of power.

    It’s one thing to criticize GINO from afar but if you live here and decide to take the ‘fight’ public you will quickly become a social pariah. There is light at the end of the tunnel, though.

    The brave few here who have non-anonymously decided to continue their plight against GINO and her cronies will open up the way for more and more people to speak up without fear of reprisals. Eventually I think there will be a critical mass of public opinion against GINO that will make it very difficult for her to remain popular in Alaska. At that point she will probably take the path of least resistance and head south to keep cashing in on the stupid SOBs who continue to shell out what little money they have to keep feeding the Palin money machine.

    It’s pretty hilarious that Palin is one of the biggest crusaders against welfare and yet she is almost entirely dependent on people supporting her financially.

  52. redwoodmuse says:

    Eeeek! She’s invading my inbox. Opened it up to find a picture of SP staring at me and beautiful scenery with the following message.

    Sarah Palin’s Official PAC

    Dedicated to building America’s future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.

    SarahPAC believes America’s best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.
    SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.
    SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!

    Please note: There are many websites claiming to support Sarah Palin. is the ONLY political action committee authorized by Sarah Palin.

    How did she get my email? Gack

  53. InJuneau says:

    @PalinSucks–yes, Bristol was at the convention and the SNL date, but many of those photos may have been of Willow. They look a lot alike. I just scanned through a bunch of Meghan’s blog entries and don’t see any photos of Bristol and very few mentions of her either, other than support of her in one labeled “Daughters”.

  54. austintx says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 6:20 AM
    I see where there’s a female p^*n star possibly running against US Senator David Vitter, R-Louisiana… perhaps there’s an equivalent to run against Palin in whatever next office she chooses to pursue? Cannot be John Holmes as he’s dead.
    I actually heard her on some radio show and she was witty and informed. Seriously. She said she will debate him anytime.The dj asked her if Vitter should take her seriously and she did not miss a beat and said “He wears diapers with hookers , should I take HIM seriously ??” Dang it was funny !!

  55. SmallSteps says:

    MarthaYAS and Bijou – good luck getting that recall going!

    I spoke with Anchorage friends last night who are so unhappy about Sullivan. It does keep AKM in business, but still. I hope it hasn’t angered the volcano gods. We were wondering if a sacrifice needs to be made to the volcano god? I love this picture from the ADN website of the previous eruption: looks like the volcano god(dess) is not happy!

    Yukonbushgrma – sending safe/dry thoughts your way, and to all the villages/villagers dealing with the flooding. I saw some of the pics – yikes!

    Since GINO hates her title so much, I will have to make sure I include it also too in every post so that GINO well, also too, you know, 🙂 maybe she’ll throw a monkey shoe or some other fit! And a thankyou to SecretShopper for coining that term!

  56. InJuneau says:

    @Scott Palin–yeah, that’s what you get for electing someone with at least some brain and some compassion and empathy and sense. Darn you Californians! 😉

  57. PalinSucks says:

    “Bristol actually wasn’t being dragged around the country during the campaign. After the first few appearances, she went back to Wasilla and lived with her grandparents to “go to school”

    Bristol, was definitely on the campaign bus, often. Meg McCain, wrote about her on her blog and there are, photos. Bristol, was in hotels and in New York, for, SNL.

  58. Scott Palin says:

    OT – The difference between CA and AK

    Governor Schwarzenegger speaks in Santa Barbara after declaring state of emergency

    Our governor declares and shows up!

  59. Ann Strongheart says:

    @Kath the Scrappy,

    I answered your question on the last thread 😀

  60. Tealwomin says:

    Boston Globe Comment:

    “Sarah Palin is Alaska’s answer to Tonya Harding.
    She’s not pure trailer park…she’s probably risen to the level of a double-wide.”

    those comments….Oh Boy!

  61. InJuneau says:

    @strangelet–Bristol actually wasn’t being dragged around the country during the campaign. After the first few appearances, she went back to Wasilla and lived with her grandparents to “go to school” and get ready for the birth.

    Word is (from APRN this morning) that GINO is “perhaps” heading back to AK today to do a fly over of the flooded villages. Awww, she’d have to miss the fish tasting thing tomorrow in NYC and the WH Correspondents’ Dinner if she did that, unless she’s planning to fly back again (urg, she prob. is)!

  62. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Bystander Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 8:15 AM

    Sorry to be critical of AK, but I find it a bit amazing that among the rugged individualists there is no one willing to cross the Queen.

    At least 50 people know who built the house and parivided materials for it.

    At least 50 people know the details of Trig’s birth.

    Yet every one of them is afraid to come forward.
    Maybe her decline in popularity and power will cause someone to squeal.
    They are all probably working for her so their lips are sealed !

    MarthaYAS-I wish I could take credit for GINO but that was Secret Shopper who coined that…and Boy does GINO hate it!!! 😀

  63. bubbles says:

    sending good thoughts your way yukonbushgrma. please stay safe and dry…love b

  64. let it run says:

    Annie Says:
    Bristol’s message sounds something like this:While it didn’t work for me (or my mom or grandma,) I believe abstinence is best for you. Oh who I am kidding, this baby Tripp is the love of my life and a blessing. Go for it.
    Ok I think SP’s mother should be left alone ( if that’s who grandma is), after all she has an ability to stay out of the limelight or any light wahtsoever and I am sure she is a huge help to Bristol right now. As for SP, she was in her twenties when she stopped (??) abstaining, so at least she had 5 years or so on Bristol ( if you look at when she started havign kids as teh barometer). Essentially, I feel sorry for Bristol being “pimped” so to speak. Why not let her recover from this experience without parading her around in order to have her “pay” publicly for her actions. Shameful!

  65. UK Lady says:

    Sending out good thoughts from the UK for yukonbushgrma. Hope she is OK, it’s been a rough few weeks for her one way and another. Keep safe.

  66. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ bijou

    Cool – I am also in SE! I posted two links on the recall but the spam filter is EVIL. Well, not evil I guess, just really picky. We aren’t supposed to double post. It should show soon. Maybe, too, also!

  67. austintx says:

    125 OutWest08 Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 8:06 AM
    (It can’t go by without me saying: BURN, BABY BURN)
    The Trammps – Burn Baby Burn

  68. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ bijou

    Cool – I did not realize we had another southeasterner here! I am also in SE. Here is the recall process from the state website:

    And Palingates did a great job, too

  69. redwoodmuse says:

    My thoughts are with yukonbushgrma and her village. May all end well for her and her community.

    It’s finally stopped raining here, so off to get set for a yard sale this weekend.

  70. hedgewytch says:

    The only reason Lisa is looking so good right now, is because she’s standing next to Sarah. Though I will admit, Lisa is much more educated, thoughtful and can communicate without winking and folksy talk. But, Lisa is still a lock step Republican and is part of the Good Ol’ Boy network that this State has seen much too much of.

    BTW Shannon, I’m on my way down to my favorite city, Homer, today for the Katchemak Bay Shorebird Festival. See ya on the spit!

  71. bijou says:

    No offense taken Martha but I AM up here 🙂 Actually in SE…..All the petitions in my part of the state would be signed, sealed, delivered. There’s alot of blue down here. I’m just not familiar with the process. I figured there was someone with more political saavy than me to see if it was even feasible.

  72. txindygirl says:

    At they’ve got a story on Rush’s crush on Palin. Based on what I read, Rush is lying about other GOPers in an effort to promote his SP wet dream. Pretty sad day for the GOP when Rush is manipulating and misrepresenting actual events in HIS OWN party.

    Rush Limbaugh Defends Sarah Palin
    Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:23 PM
    By: Dan Weil Article Font Size

    Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is blasting Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney for insulting Sarah Palin because they feel threatened by her political rise, he says.

    While neither has made any disparaging comments about the Alaska governor, “these people hate Sarah Palin,” Limbaugh said on his show yesterday. “They despise Sarah Palin. They fear Sarah Palin. According to them, she’s embarrassing.”

  73. IsyFleur says:

    Enjay – About Joe the Plumber…so sad for the Republicans… On the other hand, maybe he does have a lick of sense in him after all!
    How about that turkey-slaughterer guy? Maybe Sarah can recruit him next time she runs for office. As in: president of the “No More Track’s, Trig’s or Tripp’s Abstinence For All League” or something.

  74. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ Blooper Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 7:19 PM
    I’ll bring the chocolate and graham crackers.
    I’ve got the marshmallows and moose nuggies (to stoke the flames, of course).

  75. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ bijou – no offense, but move on up here and start the process!

  76. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I am wondering about yukonbushgrma – should have put it together earlier that she has not been posting. She’s the night raven of the Alaskans, up LATE and almost always here!

    Thank you to whoever earlier pointed out that she’d been contacted through the forum but no answer as of yet. Think your best thoughts and send the best wishes her way – it’s just not like her to be missing on MF. She is very likely in a flooding area!

  77. bijou says:

    I agree whole-heartedly with PepperzMom: Post 121. Even the action of a recall would send the message that it’s more than people sitting around in their pj’s that find GINO an embarrassment. Would she be calling that “asinine” as well? Probably…..

  78. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ C. Rock

    The term “(X-insert here) In Name Only” has been around for awhile, DINO and RINO being the most commonly used. I think it was crystalwolf who grabbed it for the twit gov as GINO- but I may not be remembering that right.

  79. Bystander says:

    Sorry to be critical of AK, but I find it a bit amazing that among the rugged individualists there is no one willing to cross the Queen.

    At least 50 people know who built the house and parivided materials for it.

    At least 50 people know the details of Trig’s birth.

    Yet every one of them is afraid to come forward.
    Maybe her decline in popularity and power will cause someone to squeal.

  80. Enjay in E.MT says:

    OT OT OT Another bail-out of a GOP Spokesperson

    “… the news that Joe the Plumber, also known as Samuel Wurzelbacher, is quitting the GOP. ”

    red more @

  81. OutWest08 says:

    I’ll tell you something, the burning will start as fast as you can trumpet these results. There is nothing more powerful than the “collective”. And it will raise you up or it will bring you down.

    You go Lisa, it is about time that the great state of Alaska has righteous national representation.

    (It can’t go by without me saying: BURN, BABY BURN)

  82. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    My heart goes out to Bristol and Levi. I am sure that her choices are not her own. I hope she realizes education is her way out and that she chooses to take both parenting and psychology courses.

    Interesting article and quote from said. Sorry if this has been posted before.
    Health researchers say parents who fret about teenage sex often fail to focus on the important lessons they can learn from the kids who aren’t having sex. Teenagers with more parental supervision, who come from two-parent households and who are doing well in school are more likely to delay sex until their late teens or beyond.

    “For teens, sex requires time and lack of supervision,” Dr. Kefalas said.

  83. AKRaven says:

    I wonder what Palin did to change Bristol’s honest opinion about abstinence that she stated on Fox. Now Bristol is saying abstinence is what teens should follow in order not to get pregnant. I don’t believe she will have much influence with teens while she prances around with her baby. They can see reality and they know that what Bristol said in her first interview is the real deal. Mommy dearest must have threatened food and shelter to get her to tow the Conservative Republican line.

  84. PalinSucks says:

    Considering last year graduation was on, May 15th, you would think, (With the energy, Palin has spent with tabloids about her kids education), she would have known far in advance the graduation date and not booked herself out of state.

  85. lynnrockets says:

    Since she’s still in NYC, how about this?

    (sung to the Carly Simon song, “You’re So Vain”

    You’re in the G.O.P. party
    You think of yourself as a big shot
    Your rimless glasses in front of your two eyes
    Your shoes are a polka dot
    You’re a fashion disaster, like
    A date in the parking lot
    And John McCain dreamed that he’d be your partner
    He’d be your partner, but

    You’re so lame
    You probably thought you’d win the election
    You’re to blame
    For causing massive voter rejection
    Yes you. Yes you.

    You hurried back to Alaska
    Where you were still known as the Guv
    You showed your disdain for the Legislature
    You thought you could push and shove
    But they taught you a thing or two
    When they shot down Wayne Ross
    Now there’s your problem with mass ethics complaints
    Mass ethics complaints, and

    You’re so lame
    You’ll never win another election
    You’re to blame
    For Bristol’s failure to use protection

    Now there’s your problem with mass ethics complaints
    Mass ethics complaints, and

    You’re so lame
    You’ll never win another election
    You’re to blame
    For Bristol’s failure to use protection
    Yes you. Yes you.

    Well, I hear you flew down to NYC
    And took little Bristol along
    You need to mend some fences with the G.O.P.
    While Bristol sings her abstinence song
    With the Fox News folks you’ll wine and dine
    And take a photo or two
    Then you’ll return to Alaska as a disaster
    As a disaster, and

    You’re so lame
    You’ll never win another election
    You’re to blame
    For Bristol’s failure to use protection
    Yes you. Yes you.

  86. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Something to consider re: either a recall or an impeachment.

    Don’t worry about the timeline issue. Just do it!!!!!

    Why? The information beyond what is already known at this stage (ethics complaint issues, other things out in the open, etc) will prove once and for all that no matter what, SP is not what you, all Alaskans, want. Anything brought into the sunlight during the recall efforts or impeachment proceedings will simply provide further proof of SP’s 1) lack of ethics, if not outright fraud/pro quid pro efforts/unsavory behind the scenes work; 2) inability to govern effectively; and 3) lack of a future in politics – state-wide or nationally.

    So, Alaskans – get going on the recall/impeachment….please.

  87. DonnaInMichigan says:

    BTW, how much was Bristol paid to become the Candies Abstinence Spokesperson??

  88. DonnaInMichigan says:

    This abstinence campaign, will Bristol be traveling around the country speaking to teens, in high schools, etc? She is going to be dragging that 4 month baby around to different places in the USA?

    And if that is the case, what about her attending high school, to get her degree?? She says she gets up every morning to attend school. So I am thinking she is physically going to SCHOOL instead of taking online courses. So she skipped school these last few days? Isn’t it time for studying for exams? My son, is graduating this year. His last day of school is May 21st. His exams are May 13th, 14, and 15th. . His graduation date is June 6th. His Grad party is on June 13th.

    What about her graduation? Have we heard whether or not the Palin’s plan on having a Graduation Party for their daughter?? Wouldn’t that be coming up soon?? Wasn’t this supposedly her last year of high school..and she is getting ready to start college next semester? Which college/university has she applied at? Which one’s have accepted her?

    Or does she think she is going to be able to become spokesperson for these different agenda’s of her mothers, and doesn’t need a degree now? Has mommy taught her that fame if fleeting? After all her mother’s chances of being re-elected are becoming slim, as the result shows of the latest approval polls out.

    I would love for an interviewer to ask her about her schooling, etc. And if she is in her last month of high school, why is she out and about all over the country speaking, instead of being in school.

  89. kenai kenny says:

    Do you personally feel satisfied after every time you rip into the Governor ?

    Why are you, Munger, et al so obsessive over Palin ?

    I don’t get it ?

    There are so many other issues out there, oh, say like Bush III who is in the White House right now, yet all you do is write about Sarah Palin.

    What is wrong with you ?

    And why do you only publish comments that go along with your point of view ?

  90. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Arghhhhh! OT a bit, but I had to get this ‘out of my system’ re: Bristol…
    Bristol has stated repeatedly that being a mom is “hard work” in order to justify her abstinence pitch. In order to stop this whole abstinence farce by Bristol, there is one question that needs to be directed to her, with only a yes/no answer allowed.

    If you knew before ‘doing it’ that being a mom was going to be such “hard work”, would you have still had sex with Levi?

    If her answer is “yes”, then she is stupid beyond stupid, and unqualified to be a promoter of anything related to safe sex/abstinence.

    If her answer is “no”, then that message needs to highlighted & explained to the masses.
    My bet is on a “yes” answer…after all, she is her mother’s daughter.

  91. sauerkraut says:

    95 aha Says: May 7th, 2009 at 4:45 AM

    Did I read somewhere Bristol is dating Joe The Plumber?


    Wouldn’t that be like dating the id side of her grandfather?

  92. Priceless says:

    Gee, I’m sorry Stranglet. I would assume that Brisol would understand when you sleep with the hockey team, you might get an extra player in a few months. But then again….

    And now we’ll hear from Palin once more telling us to lay off the kiddies. But she pimps them out on a schedule that would boggle even the most soccor est of mom’s minds. Her children and grand children are photo ops only. Nothing more than windowdressing. You can’t make up for bad parenting by parading them around saying they are just like our kids. they are nots

  93. sauerkraut says:

    I see where there’s a female porn star possibly running against US Senator David Vitter, R-Louisiana… perhaps there’s an equivalent to run against Palin in whatever next office she chooses to pursue? Cannot be John Holmes as he’s dead.

  94. sauerkraut says:

    DINO is an accro that’s been around for a long time… former MA guv Eddie King, for instance, was often referred to as DINO by the MA democratic party hierarchy.

  95. Star says:

    I love this place….Thx AKM for keeping m informed..Just wish more people would wake up and see the real Palin family for what they are…

  96. C. Rock says:

    hwmnbn Speaking of new nickname for GINO, KO on countdown is calling Sen Specter DINO ,Democrat in name only. I wonder where KO came up with that ? Could be US here at Mudflats. LMAO

  97. Alaska Pi says:

    @85 tigerwine Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 3:37 AM
    OT Keep YukonBushGrma in your thoughts and prayers. Her village has been flooded. Personal messaged her, but haven’t heard back.

    Best wishes to all our neighbors in the Yukon and Kuskokwim river drainages who are flooded or in danger of flooding..
    We may be talking about the ghastly gov crashing and burning here but you are topmost in our thoughts and prayers.

  98. CrabbyPatty says:

    On our local FOX news affiliate (doesn’t seem like they drink their full-share of Faux craziness – they are pretty bipartisan) this morning, they were talking about Bristol Palin.

    The guest – a columnist from the Mpls. Star Tribune – said “I would tell Bristol what I tell my own 18-yr-old nephew – you’re 18 – come back when you’ve lived and learned something!” and the anchor and she were rolling their eyes about the Candies campaign.

  99. CrabbyPatty says:

    I was just checking the Hayes website last week, wondering when a new Palin poll would come down ….. I think the summer will produce some additional point-dropping events for Palin and family.

    Since Hayes does a poll about every 3 months or so, by the next poll at the end of summer, Palin will have been to the June parade in NY celebrating Seward (yawn – meaningless PR event drummed up by Meg S.), poor Bristol will have been on many talk shows sadly trying to defend the “abstinence only” position her mother has FORCED on her, Levi will have perhaps started his push for shared custody for their kid and all that negative news will hit, and in typical Palin fashion, she will try to make some big event happen to keep her in the news …… and we know how well that all has been working for her.

    Anyone else predicting 25% very favorable rating by summer’s end?

  100. lower 48 mudflats fan says:

    An article today:

    Another SP effort to make herself look good, using even her own kids, gone awry. Her clueless, classless, inept grasp of simple decency and effective action gives new shine to the saying: Give her enough rope, let her hang herself, and slack-jawed at her inanity we’re watching it happen.

    Great news, that, for the U.S. and for Alaska.

  101. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    So I found out grad is the 14th…I guess the NRA didn’t check the “first family box”….! Methinks GINO getting a rep for being a flake. She still hasn’t confirmed for the shindig w/ faux news on sat…?

  102. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    SillyWhabbit Seattle, WA Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 5:01 AM

    The questions become:
    1) Will there come along someone to fill her shoes?
    2) Has the world and Alaska learned anything from our exposure to The Gash?
    3) Will people realize it the next time someone like her steps up?
    4) What/who will those who follow her look to after the last ember fades? She seems to be an addiction to those who love her AND hate her.
    and finally
    5) How has The Gash changed the face of politics?


    Basically if I move to alaska, Run on a promise of inequality and no ethical commitment to my job.. I should be a shoe in… Figure if I talk like a Cons, walk like a cons, and wheel and deal like a Cons.. Should be good enough to get me into office, and then show them my true political ideals.. Should go over REAL well right?

    You know Statues of AKM built in the middle of wasilla… Governors Mansion lived in 24/7, Legislature sessions attended, recorded, and interacted with. Those pesky villages in the outskirts being brought to the forefront of attention. Negotiating new contracts with the oil companies, and ports to move oil tanks out of disaster zones… Things like that, which wouldn’t normally make me a Gov candidate.

    If I promised to nominate a certain moose as my spokesmoose, would that get me more votes?

  103. hwmnbn says:

    ZOMG, in the comments section of that article, someone came up with another Sarah nickname…

    Gidget von Braun

    bwahaha, so apt on so many levels!

  104. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I read that GINO is not going to the NRA thing (banquet) to accept her “rifle” on May 16, b/c Bristol is graduating on that day. Anyone know if that is grad day for WHS???

  105. austintx says:

    100 Candy Knight Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 5:31 AM
    Of course this means that 55% of Alaskans STILL like her. Sigh.
    I know……..WTF………I’ll raise you a sigh………

  106. austintx says:

    lynnrockets – Thanks for the link. I read it and some comments also.too. Saw you in the comments !! Some of the commenters are sarah lovers………

    Oh – and I think she is gonna bail on the dinner and come back to AK. to handle state emergency {flooding}.

  107. Candy Knight says:

    Of course this means that 55% of Alaskans STILL like her. Sigh.

  108. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Rubber Room Hotel…………I would suggest people in villages take it upon themselves to start keeping your villagers up to speed on state news! Why not compile info and post at the community centers? do a Alaska newsletter. There is too much of a vacumn happening. hear ye hear ye, todays news! Do your own polls too on issues needing attention and what’s going well. Don’t wait for journalists to come do a story. Do it yourself and get it viral.

  109. lynnrockets says:

    There is a great op-ed piece in this morning’s Boston Globe by Joan Venocchi about why Sarah Palin is unelectable. I’ll try to post the link, but I’m not very good at that. I think that is the reason that I’m unelectable. In any event, if the link doesn’t work, just go to the Boston Globe website and read it in the Editorials section.

  110. The questions become:
    1) Will there come along someone to fill her shoes?
    2) Has the world and Alaska learned anything from our exposure to The Gash?
    3) Will people realize it the next time someone like her steps up?
    4) What/who will those who follow her look to after the last ember fades? She seems to be an addiction to those who love her AND hate her.
    and finally
    5) How has The Gash changed the face of politics?

  111. The questions become:
    1) Will there come along someone to fill her shoes?
    2) Has the world and Alaska learned anything from our exposure to The Gash?
    3) Will people realize it the next time someone like her steps up?
    4) What/who will those who follow her look to after the last ember fades? She seems to be an addiction to those who love her AND hate her.
    and finally
    5) How has The Gash changed the face of politics?

  112. The questions become:
    1) Will there come along someone to fill her shoes?
    2) Has the world and Alaska learned anything from our exposure to The Gash?
    3) Will people realize it the next time someone like her steps up?
    4) What/who will those who follow her look to after the last ember fades? She seems to be an addiction to those who love her AND hate her.
    and finally
    5) How has The Gash changed the face of politics?

  113. austintx says:

    91 womanwithsardinecan Says:
    May 7th, 2009 at 4:22 AM
    I saw on the twit’s tweet that she declared an emergency because of the floods. And then she left the state. Usually a governor is out touring the disaster area, having meetings with the disaster relief people, helping with critical decision-making….oh yeah, we’re talking about Sarah. That would be called governing. Not on her resume.
    As much as I despise Perry , no matter the emergency , his ass is in a chopper at dawn checking it out and dispatching the National Guard. sarah is a lame-ass.

    YukonBushGrnma – Praying for you. I’m missing our early bird chats. When you can – let us know you’re ok.

  114. aha says:

    Did I read somewhere Bristol is dating Joe The Plumber?

    Lol, nah, just kidding!!!

  115. Lilybart says:

    I really think that she needs to be reelected to be a viable candidate in 2012. IF she were, The GOP would brag that she is the REELECTED (people approve of her so ignore the DEM whining) GOV of the largest state with energy blah blah blah….

    But if she doesn’t run or worse, loses, I don’t see how they can spin the lack of accomplishments since the last time she ran, accomplishments that were shown to be lies and exaggerations in 2008. She’s got nothing but babies.

    She would be reelected with a 54% approval, depending on who runs, right?

  116. lacoov says:

    Keep it up Alaskans (throwing a bag of marshmallows) we in the lower 48 want s,more!!!!

  117. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Let’s hope the lady who likes cows is not in charge of dealing with the flooding. Maybe the people “in charge” can blame it on those pesky wolves.

  118. womanwithsardinecan says:

    I saw on the twit’s tweet that she declared an emergency because of the floods. And then she left the state. Usually a governor is out touring the disaster area, having meetings with the disaster relief people, helping with critical decision-making….oh yeah, we’re talking about Sarah. That would be called governing. Not on her resume.

  119. sauerkraut says:

    Love that blue/pink chart. Really brings to the fore the increasing negative view Alaskans have of their governor. But it also shows lots of red and pink, so much that if she were to face election today, her chances of being re-elected are slightly better than 50-50.

    Oh, and sorry ’bout those Perot ears. Got any good doctors up there? 😉

  120. @tigerwine – that is terrible!! Hope they are safe…

  121. EyeOnYou says:

    Found It! It was on the Topic:

    Les Gara is Today’s Guest on the Demo Memo!
    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:26 PM
    He doesn’t and will not join a recall movement and by time it gets traction, it will be time to vote anyway. Put energy into good candidaqtes you want for 2010


  122. @anahata56
    I remembered that after I spotted Rush L. in there as well (his piece was written by G. Beck. Big Guffaw inserted right here).

    Telling line from nnA C. “The only thing I have against her is that she threatens to surpass me in attracting the left´s hatred.” I guess a popularity of sorts is good enough for either of them, as long as it makes dollars.

  123. EyeOnYou says:

    As for a Recall/Impeachment, I seem to recall Les Gara on here saying something about the length of time it would actually take would make it rather impossible to accomplish before she is up for re-election. Anyone remember that?

    I’ll look back and see if I can find it.

  124. tigerwine says:

    OT Keep YukonBushGrma in your thoughts and prayers. Her village has been flooded. Personal messaged her, but haven’t heard back.

  125. anahata56 says:

    @lettersfromeurope–Influential does not necessarily mean that the influence is *good*. If I recall correctly, that list has often included some fairly evil characters.

    But she *has* been influential. To my mind, she singlehandedly derailed a republican’t candidate’s run at the White House, and clearly has become a media freak show, turning up every…single…day. She has become a martyr for the wingnuts, and a symbol of the incompetence and blindness of the conservative movement to the left.

    So being “influential” is not necessarily a compliment.

  126. james says:

    Off-topic, sorry:

    Here is the full radio interview with Rex Butler, the lawyer of Levi Johnston. It’s well worth listening to (and I like his “Palin’s henchmen” comment):

  127. Susie says:

    I found this just this morning. It’s old and perhaps been referenced here before but still it’s very interesting:

    Injustice Collector:

    1. Injustice collectors are never wrong. How is it possible that they are never wrong? It’s simple: They are always right.
    2. Injustice collectors never apologize. Ever. For anything.
    3. Injustice collectors truly believe they are morally and ethically superior to others and that others seem incapable of holding themselves to the same high standards as the injustice collector does.
    4. Injustice collectors make the rules, break the rules and enforce the rules of the family. They are a combination of legislator, police, judge and jury to those they consider their subjects. They forever banish from their kingdom any subject they deem disloyal, and only grant clemency if there is sufficient contrition.
    5. Injustice collectors never worry about what is wrong with them as their “bad” list grows. Their focus is always on the failings of others.
    6. Injustice collectors are never troubled by the disparity between their rules for others and their own expectations of themselves. Injustice collectors rationalize their own behavior with great ease and comfort.
    7. Injustice collectors have an external orientation; the problem always exists in the world, outside of themselves, and in their view, the world would be an acceptable place if their rules and standards were followed at all times.
    8. Injustice collectors do not have a capacity for remorse or guilt.
    9. Injustice collectors scoff at the idea of therapy, therapists, self-help books, and other tools used by people who struggle to live with them.
    10. The phrase “walking on eggshells” describes life with an injustice collector.

  128. KateinCanada says:

    Great comment by Phil Munger in his blog on the new Poll:

    “Unfortunately, though, her advisors from SarahPac, particularly Meghan Stapleton, make one move after another that forces Palin further and further into the far right corner.

    She’d probably do better at this point with Tonya Harding running her publicity machine.”

  129. Oh Dear, somebody should tell nnA C. who is trying to (always is) rewrite history in her Time piece about Palin (yes, my european edition claims she is amongst the 100 most influential and her leeeetle picture appears next to that of OPRAH!!! How…. I imagine nnA C. will do anything to boost her sales and say anything, but this might tip her off that she is betting on the wrong horse.

  130. .
    Hey, now, democracy’s not a popularity contest!

    Oh, wait. Yes it is.

    Guess that’s why the Repukelickin’s hate full, free & fair elections; and the people who can win them without cheating.

    Which explains why it took such a roundabout way for Dick Cheney to become President.

  131. Irishgirl says:

    Wow, that is some drop in her approval ratings, and I presume the reactions to her heading off to NY in the midst of flooding and BP and Todd’s TV appearances haven’t been factored into that. Finally…some light at the end of the tunnel!

    I’m also too, looking forward to more flyinureye graphics. 🙂

  132. Visitor says:

    It’s about time people wake up and identify this woman as the fraud that she is.

    Thank you, Alaskans.

  133. Lee323 says:

    Palin’s receiving 31% “very positive opinion” in her own state….a very red state….essentially her base….not impressive at all.

    Those 24% “somewhat positive” opinions are having their doubts…..who can blame them after this disastrous 90 day legislative session and family debacles as AKM partially outlined above.

    The combined 42% “somewhat negative/very negative” opinions are approaching the nearly 50% polled negatives by the rest of the country….blue and red states combined.

    Strong message here about cracked doors closing for the Wasilla plow gal and her sycophant plowettes….

  134. DrChill says:

    Ross Perot !?

    Hey I’ve got a graph one with 3rd degree polynomial trend lines … oh, yeah, I see what you mean…
    ; )

  135. Thank you Martha Unalaska yard Sign.

  136. BooBooBear says:

    I just took my first stroll over to the dark side….Palin’s Twitter page. Lordie, lordie, lordie……..take a gander at her followers! Half of them look like hookers, perverts and people right out of “Deliverance.” Ouch. Is that her Southern “base?” Scary……..

  137. honestyinGov says:

    I just found AKM’s story here on the HuffPo. It must have been posted late… it was not there before. Most people have gone to bed already but make sure to chat it up tomorrow.
    With this new popularity poll, all the TV interviews and the NYT Op-ed piece… I think it is about time for Flyinuereye to make an appearance again soon.

    Something ‘delicious’ and spicy I hope.

    Something tells me that flyinureye may be making a drive by shortly… 😉 AKM

  138. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I just hope BP doesn’t try to tan her baby to match hers. That’s as snarky as I get about the kids!

  139. Annie says:

    This link perfectly sums up Bristol’s mixed message:

    “I believe Bristol was genuinely trying to warn teen parents away from the travails of early parenthood by talking with Lauer about the late-night feedings and diaper changes. But the unspoken message was: See this adorable baby? You get it by having unprotected sex the way I did with Levi Johnston. And everything turned out OK.”

  140. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Forever Anonymous – you did just fine, and I thank you for stepping in! We have touched many times on this subject here at MF, but outside of this venue I have not heard one Alaskan mention the possibility. It’s complicated – and why so many out of staters would like to see this happen is so that the twit Gov is tarnished for national politics. But here – not many who don’t like SP would want her minion Parnell in charge, either (or anyone else she tries to throw in that slot in one of her convoluted and ridiculous ploys to shore up her minion base). And many Alaskans are very lazy when it comes to politics. Have you noticed? That was a joke BTW, of course everyone has noticed!

  141. WOW – AKM – I really should not have commented @ 54. many times people have asked about a recall, now I definitely know the answer!…..
    was I wrong saying there is not time for one at this point?

    To be honest, I’m not entirely clear on the timeline. I know the Clean Elections Initiative was a huge effort and took quite a bit of time. There are many hoops to jump through and signatures to gather before the process can officially proceed. I’ll see if I can find that info. AKM

  142. EatWildFish says:

    AKM: Is it possible to put a recall initiative on an October ballot and be voted upon this year??

    Gasp! But then we would be stuck with Sub-parnell aka The Phantom!!

    Can Sen. Lisa come home and help us?

  143. Annie says:

    I’d like to ignore Bristol for a couple of years but I fear her message could result in hundreds or even thousands of teenage pregnancies or STDs.

    Bristol’s message sounds something like this:

    While it didn’t work for me (or my mom or grandma,) I believe abstinence is best for you. Oh who I am kidding, this baby Tripp is the love of my life and a blessing. Go for it.

  144. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    But Mike – we don’t WANT to reduce the impact! We’d (or at least me) would love to see pieces and parts flying off the robo gov when it crashes. Maybe we can salvage them for something useful – Alaskans are really good at that. Salvaging. We build, we innovate, we persevere, we salvage – we just seem to have a problem w/ keeping an eye on politicians and voting.

  145. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    I’d embroider one myself, but having taken a home-ec class before.. I know that blood loss from repeatedly stabbing my hands/fingers/wrists with a sewing needle can lead to light headedness or loss of consciousness.. (Read.. I can’t bloody sew! )

  146. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    Is GINO following the NYT on Twitter…?
    No – but she’s following the Drudge Report ……. bleuccch!

  147. Mike from Everett Wa says:

    So any mudpups making embroidered pillows in their offtime? I think a gift to SP would be appropriate at this juncture.

    Something along the lines of “To reduce the impact when reality crashes down on you” or “Incase of Fall from grace, Cushion may be used as a Impact restraint device” ..

  148. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Boo Boo Bear – I second the motion that your Dud laptop joke was funny! I’ll bet he’s got his little Team Sarah beanie with him, though!

    I think the Team Rats are tired – it’s not ADN that deletes the comments – it’s just that the ailing and confused newspaper won’t upgrade their commenting system and they don’t give a d@mn. it used to work well, before the days of the Rats. Hey, if I were a Team Rat member trying to defend Palin, I’d get tired, too, also. It’s a never ending battle, and w/ the End of Times approaching they better find somebody new fast! If I were one of them, I’d have a talk with my mean and judgmental god to suggest moving the Rapture Grounds out of Alaska and then not send the memo to SP. SNARK!

  149. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    strangelet… I’m lost

  150. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    AKM asked a good question – when does the burning start after the crash? I say, right now! She’s burning w/ anger at the AUDACITY of Hayes Research doing an unauthorized poll! Hayes is goin’ rogue – watch out! God that makes me think of Tina Fey and I could just hug her for her parody of SP. I will never forget her outstanding contribution to the country – hugs all around!

  151. Tealwomin says:

    BooBoo…that was funny

  152. strangelet says:

    @RRH: King Jeebus North Pole? Honto? Gewalt.

    @Everybody: This is late in the day, but a couple of threads back I noticed some increase in the hostility directed at Bristol. Granted that she is acting like a doofus, but try to remember she is only 18, and has spent the last year in a mixmaster that exceeds most of our experience (sorry for the absent grammar, but you know what I mean). Even allowing for those who had kids at that age, how many of you spent the latter part of your pregnancy in a (Vice-)Presidential campaign?

    The law now says you’re an adult at 18, but when I was 18 the law said 21, and I’ve come to believe 24 might be a better idea. Well, skip that: in another couple of years I’ll probably be looking for 30. But anyhow, 18-end-of-high-school is pushing it.

    [For any younger folks, the reason the age of majority (but not, of course, legal drinking) got dropped to 18 is that during the Viet Nam war you could get drafted at 18.]

    My point? Yeah, I’ve got one around here someplace. Ah. Bristol is an eighteen-year old, living at home with an infant, who has been launched — because of her mother’s notoriety — into the lower levels of celebrityspace.

    Just ignore her for a couple of years and see what happens. Unfortunately, none of us can help her much. Let’s concentrate on where we can help.

  153. BooBooBear says:

    Wow-over at ADN on the Bristol article, the blog comments are overwhelming against what she did. Very few in support of her going on TV. For once in a very long time, entries are not being deleted. HHMMMMM……Todd is in New York City……did he leave his laptop at home?

  154. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Tealwomin Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 9:42 PM

    …her therapist must laff her @$$ off after every one of GiNOs visits…
    Now that’s a reality show I’d watch, “Mental Health and SP”.

  155. honestyinGov says:

    Based on GINO’s previous reactions to stories and polls in the Press.

    Based on the NYT Op-ed piece linked here earlier…. Will Meg Stapletongue be having a Press release tomorrow says the Times statements are ” false, mis-leading and lies”…. and how will they react.

    The other question… Is GINO following the NYT on Twitter…?
    (Enquiring Minds want to Know)

  156. bijou, As I understand it , a recall at this time is not effective because is a long processes, by time the legislature deals with it, it will be time to vote again. Impeachment by leg. is also a no….. because….. I don’t know…either they like her or she has done nothing to wrong warranted it..blah blah blah.

    A recall is a statewide effort which would result in a ballot initiative to be voted on in an election. Impeachment is a function of the senate. AKM

  157. Link to George Bush’s approval ratings through the years…42% was about where he was in 2006.

  158. bijou says:

    I would think that of all the bullsh*t GINO has pulled, there would be recall petitions circulating. I am not “in the know” with recall legalize but while I personally feel all the ethics complaints are justified, a recall seems like it would get the attention of ridding ourselves of a self serving, pathological, narcistic, non-maternal governor.

  159. Tealwomin says:

    …her therapist must laff her @$$ off after every one of GiNOs visits…

  160. The Rubber Room hotel – You are very welcome, I had and idea of how information may be difficult in Alaska and how everyday life might get one away from politics. It definitely takes an anomaly like Sarah Palin to pay attention.

    My daughter left a message today saying that she was fine, just wanted to say hi. And I thought of you with a smile.

  161. PalinSucks says:

    “I have to ask this: Isn’t there enough ammo to warrant a recall?”

    Isn’t there a “rumor” something is soon going to be said about those Yahoo Emails?

  162. bijou says:

    I have to ask this: Isn’t there enough ammo to warrant a recall? Has anyone looked into this? I would think it’s a no-brainer….GINO needs to be “held accountable” once and for all by the people in this state. Any info out there????

  163. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    The article I posted above was written by the ADN, yet they refuse to publish it on their own website.

    Just who is pressuring them to hide these poll results?

  164. honestyinGov says:

    As per Annies earlier post….
    (#29)Annie Says:
    May 6th, 2009 at 8:19 PM
    op-ed NYTimes on Bristol’s new gig. Some quotes
    I just read the story. What a good read…… Pulls no punches.
    I liked the last few lines in the story.

    ” But when a teenager goes out on this kind of mission, you have to wonder where her parents’ heads were. What does this say about Sarah Palin’s judgment?”

    “Although we’ve sort of answered that question before.”

  165. PalinSucks says:

    ADN, is not deleting, commentary on the Bristol fiasco today. Hmmm, nor are they printing this poll.

  166. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Forever Anonmous…. Why thank you it is cold and blustery here today warm hugs work wonders.

  167. PalinSucks says:

    “PalinSucks, As my mother taught me, never look a gifthorse in the mouth!!”

    Oh, I am not. The poll numbers are everywhere being discussed, giving an edge to discontent. With previous, clients pursuing the same data, Hayes, is certainly reputable to have done an independent study. How is SarahPAC sinning them. Prior poll releases they gave the numbers the credibility as if, God, dictated them.

  168. Canadian Neighbour says:

    As my mother taught me, never look a gifthorse in the mouth!!

    No matter – Hays is still a company. Most companies now don’t do much for people.

  169. PalinSucks says:

    Times article is brilliant. Levi, poor guy, his intentions are good. You can tell he loves his little guy. He seems instinctively paternal.

  170. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    And, just think, it’s all the fault of you bloggers! Thank you!

    OT, but visiting ADN, I wondered if they’ve changed their handling of the propalinites. There seemed to be more negative comments re: palin than I’m used to seeing.

  171. PalinSucks says:

    “Anne Hays said the firm paid for the survey itself. ”

    How much could phoning 400 people have put her back 🙂 Hayes, gets attention eveytime they do a, Palin, poll. I thin she was drumming up business for herself. Still, I am LOVING the numbers.

  172. TX Lisa says:

    Annie–I read the NY Times article. My favorite line was:

    “If you have ever watched Levi Johnston on TV for two minutes you will appreciate how terrifying it is when he has the most reasonable analysis of a social issue.”

    Good article!

  173. Phillip Munger is calling ADN to the plate today..scroll down to “A Call To Arms”

    A great reference to AKM and commenters.

    (don’t tell me I’m late…again)

  174. woodstove says:

    I don’t like Sarah either. I don’t like Don and am a little ambivalant about Begich. Is Obama really one of them? Nothing is really adding up to change from the status quo. For instance, the ramp up of getting the war machine into Pakistan, playing the nuc card on the national news. Guess what? Pakistan is a country of 170,000,000, the Taliban at most is like 10,000. And yet we think we may need 100,000 US troops to protect the Pakistanis from the Taliban. We are there to prevent Democracy and continue with the military dictatorship with the dictator of our choosing. Exchange yourself for freedom from fear and reason it out to satisfy your soul, even if it means giving the holder of the deed to your soul license to kill and worse. I don’t like Lisa, but enjoyed seeing Mona Lisa at the Louvre.

  175. Canadian Neighbour says:

    “Anne Hays said the firm paid for the survey itself. ”

    Thank you Anne Hays & Hays Research!!!

  176. Lainey says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel #19

    wow…Alaska is the perfect petrie dish for palin to keep on sucker punching…cunning like a wolf?

  177. seattlefan says:

    I’m glad her numbers are falling in Alaska. With all the pimping Rush is doing for her, I wonder how her numbers are nationally. Does anyone know? I’ll try to find out. I’m sure all those crazies that attended her rallies during the Presidential campaign are still in her camp. God help us all.

  178. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Phil Munger

    Yes, I believe you are very correct in stating that our FANTASTICALLY talented and persevering blue bloggers have made a HUGE impact on SP’s popularity crash – I mean, next to Andree, you guys in your pajamas are public enemies number 2 through 12 (or more). I’m very proud of all of you, and extremely grateful that you have our back. We have yours, too.

  179. curiouser says:

    The trend is encouraging.

    I guess I’m impatient, though. How many more months and lies before the combined positives hit below 50%?

  180. Alaska Pi says:

    You’re right, as usual. It WAS the idea of SP …
    And like all those infatuations of our middle-school years, each day the idea has less and less correspondence with the reality of the ghastly gov for more and more folks.
    We’re getting there.
    Shoot- the whole country took longer to break up with Mr Bush than it’s taken us to to start to wise up…
    Roasted marshmallows? I love roasted marshmallows! Fire’s getting going…

  181. Annie says:

    op-ed NYTimes on Bristol’s new gig. Some quotes

    Palin is not in any way to be confused with the new Candie’s brand spokesperson, Britney Spears. Bristol is the one endorsing abstinence; Britney is the one promoting “hot bottoms.”

    But surely, when it comes to combating teen pregnancy, the Palin family has done enough damage already.

    But when a teenager goes out on this kind of mission, you have to wonder where her parents’ heads were. What does this say about Sarah Palin’s judgment?

    Go read the great opinion piece.

  182. The Rubber Room Hotel – warm hug to you.

  183. Ethan says:

    Woot, may those numbers continue to dwindle!

  184. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    sorry, Miami (smoking again)

  185. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Oddly, the Miani Herald posted this article by Sean Cockerham, but I don’t see any mention in the ADN.

  186. PalinSucks says:

    I actually did send it to her 🙂

    PalinIsALiar@AKGovSarahPalin New Alaskan poll. PalinSucks!!!
    about 1 hour ago from web in reply to AKGovSarahPalin

  187. PalinSucks says:

    “It took Gino hitting the national stage for people to start paying attention.”

    Took a national stage to secure those who knew what she was doing to tell their tales. Before then, Palin, had the run of the joint with a key to the back door. Look at how she is today with all eyes on her, reckless, beholding to no one, stealing with both hands. She was some kind of holy terror, as we now know. I would have been afraid of her.

  188. LOL PalinSucks @ 16 – I’m truly LOL, but,…… are you kidding me? anyway, I enjoy the thought.

  189. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    I hope the numbers for Scary Sarah keep dropping right down the toilet where she belongs. Thank you for the new numbers AKM. I will sleep a whole lot better tonight because of it. Hopefully more Alaskans will get better educated about Miss High & Mighty Palin and flush her out with the rest of the ” Dirty Water.”

  190. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I would say that it is more than nobody was paying attention.
    News can be very hard to get in the rural areas of Alaska.
    Where I live we get mail 3 days a week M/W/F weather and conditions such as forest fire smoke permitting. For me the closest news paper is the Fairbanks Daily News it is very costly to have it mailed and when it arrives it is a week late. So most people don’t bother it is not worth it. There are very few radio stations that reach out here and the ones that do are KJNP and the like that would be King Jesus North Pole. So that’s great if you care for that kind of programing, even the news is selected and delivered with a certain point of view. Paying for other news sources magazines again expensive and always late. Then there is the television stations in my village we get two stations when they are working. ARCS Alaska Rural Communication Service which has a mix of network and public TV you get basic news but in Alaska again the stations are not what I would call hard hitting journalists. I had a newscaster tell me once that Alaska was where we come to learn our trade. Now more people have satellite TV but we don’t necessarily get local programing for some services there is added cost. I personally get what they call local programing which is Anchorage that is over 600 miles from here and a lot of the coverage is not very relevant to me. In a lot of villages the internet is just not available or affordable. I have satellite internet that is somewhat expensive and almost impossible to get service and expensive to get installed. More people are getting satellites dishes all the time, though I would say the majority of the folks that have them are not watching news and if they are its faux.
    It took Gino hitting the national stage for people to start paying attention.
    In my village 112 people are on the voting register, on Nov. 4th 49 people voted only 9 of those voted for Obama and 9 for Begich. The 40 voters that voted the other way well they were all voting for Stevens and i doubt any of them were voting for McCain they were voting for Gino.

  191. PalinSucks says:

    Palin, running off to New York, while those photos of absolute horror of villages being consumed by ice and water will be the last straw.

    Those images are impressive to everyone I have linked. They take your breath away. No one can imagine any other state governor sitting by waiting to see the obvious come to pass.

  192. YEAH, I like Lisa now that I know Sarah
    (Boy, if i had a nickel every for time I said something like that in High School)

  193. PalinSucks says:

    Someone should twitter sarah the good news

    I already did 🙂

  194. PalinSucks says:

    Rush should shut it. He reminds of a guy full of fishing stories who probably can’t bait his own hook. Sarah can feel pretty good about her endorsement from the real leader of the GOP. Sarah Palin is sacrificing Alaska for Boss Limbaugh’s affection.

    If the governor doesn’t step up and help the state with some financial energy relief by May 12th, her next polls will drop even lower.

    Alaskan’s don’t consider heat a luxury.

  195. Someone should twitter sarah the good news.

    waves -( I’m always here.)

  196. zyggy says:

    those numbers are still very high, considering what she’s been up to. I suspect the next round will be much lower since she is now pimping her daughter.

  197. PalinSucks says:

    Too soon, to do the, happy dance? Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead!!!

    What a shock living off of Todd’s wages will be. Without a blank state check, times are going to be tough. AHaHaHaHaHa. Back to the common ground princess.

  198. honestyinGov says:

    Hmmm…? (Me scratching my chin here….)

    I wonder if the other side is reporting on this new Poll out..?

    WHAT !! No comment…….. Awwww…. 😉

  199. sauerkraut says:

    Look at the positive side… Mr. Steele is happy to have company on the suckage side.

  200. karen marie says:

    monalisa, i would attribute the “don’t know/refused” number to people who are just thoroughly sick of hearing about her and but otherwise ignore politics and therefore decline to render judgment on her performance.

    even completely non-politics following people have got la palin in their face pretty much 24/7 thanks to her unfortunate habit of grabbing the spotlight at the drop of a pin.

    as for the numbers themselves, this should be no surprise. i have a memory of a post with similar bad news for missy sarah a couple months ago — was it january?

    she’s done herself no favors and a lot of damage since the last poll. hooking up with the nutcase group with mitt “i drive my car with my dog tied to the roof” romney and john “sarah who?” mccain isn’t going to help.

    but my favorite bit of nilap swen is king rush laying his kingdom at her feet by declaring her the epitome of all things glorious in the conservative movement (that phrase always makes me think of a small, difficult poop — sorry).

    sadly, these clowns are much worse for the country than their individual failures in their jobs. they are an enormous distraction to people paying attention to actually important things that are going on or that should be going on.

    the sooner they can be sidelined the better. it’s only a year and a half to 2010 elections. who’s up for consideration as governor, on both sides?

    i was sorry to read earlier today that croft lost the election. best luck with sullivan.

  201. Right where I predicted she’d be about now. I’d say our Alaska bloggers are responsible for the difference between 68% and 55%.

  202. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Here’s mud in your eye, Sarah!! (pun intended)

  203. PalinSucks says:

    Annie Says “So I guess the campaign to delete negative comments about Sarah at is not working.”

    LMAO, hope, they crash & burn, along with her the wussies!!!

    BTW, I believe seeing, Mudflats, linked everywhere has been a considerable factor in letting everyone know what is truly going on. allowing true sentiments and outrage to stand, no cowering…HIGH FIVE MUDFLATS!!!

  204. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Was it something I said, woodstove? 😉

    I find it interesting that there are more ‘don’t know/refused’ people.
    I can’t possibly believe more people haven’t heard of her since 7/08.

  205. Annie says:

    So I guess the campaign to delete negative comments about Sarah at is not working.

  206. PalinSucks says:

    Nice big graphics, I like!!!

  207. Blooper says:

    I’ll bring the chocolate and graham crackers. 🙂

  208. woodstove says:

    I don’t like Lisa.

  209. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:


  210. CrabbyPatty says:

    Wow – the positives just keep on dropping like a stone, and the negatives are higher than before. Can’t wait to see how the nitwits spin this.

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