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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Quitter Returns!

Alaska has lost its longest serving member of Congress, Don Young, who took office in 1973. He was 88 years old and the majority of Alaskans have never known another Congressional Representative. He’s like the Queen Victoria or the Ramses II of the Great Land.

Young has yet to be interred, awaiting March 29 when he will lie in state at the US Capitol, and guess who’s already willing to fill his “huge shoes” 72 hours after his death?

Yep, the former half-governor has decided she’d like to un-quit politics now. After ditching the governor’s mansion permanently to skip off on a book tour, and a TV show, the years passed and the Queen of Quit started to lose her sparkle. There was that thing on the Masked Singer. And then that super weird rant. Then she lost her suit against the New York Times, and spread covid droplets all over Manhattan. And pretty much everyone forgot about her unless it was in a moment of pure mock-stalgia.

But then. In an appearance on NewsMax, foregoing her Wasilla garage TV studio for a glimmering sunbeam in her own kitchen, she dropped the bomb. When the host asked if she’d consider running for the House seat, she answered. And get out the wooden bowl and giant forks because that lady can still toss up some word salad.


For those who can’t bring themselves to listen, here, as always, is your transcript:

Palin: “Oh my goodness, think of those huge shoes to be filled when we consider Don Young’s longevity and his passions for his fighting spirit for our wonderful state of Alaska and for the nation as a whole. If I were asked to serve in the House and take his place, I would be humbled and honored, and I would! Yeah, in a heartbeat I would.

“We’ll see how this process is going to go in terms of filling that seat but it would be an honor.”

HOST: Well I will tell you folks, there it is. You heard it here first. Sarah Palin will be a great great addition to the US House of Representatives. Governor, as a friend of yours for a very long time I would love to see you in some of those Congressional hearings with the left  I can’t imagine. their heads would be spinning Are you up for that challenge?

Palin: “Well you know, when you have nothing to lose. Kind of like President Trump when he came in to… in one sense you have everything to lose as Trump gave up so much. But on the other hand, you know when the media has clobbered you as bad as you can get clobbered and the haters, you’re not going to change their mind, but you have faith that there are enough Americans who understand where you’re coming from, your love for the country, your servant’s heart, um, uh, yeah I think there are enough Americans who understand what we need, and when I have nothin’ to lose as is the case today, I think it’d be good for my family even. Um yeah!”

There you have it. She has nothing to lose, and it would be good for her family. Never have more inspirational words about public service been spoken. Maybe that will be on her campaign literature.

**And apparently she hasn’t kept up with Alaska’s new election laws. She doesn’t have to be “asked” to serve by anyone. All any candidate needs to do is fill out a form and they’ll appear on the open primary ballot. The top 4 primary winners (of any party) will go on to a ranked-choice general election. Buckle up!



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