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Open Thread – Unreal Men Beware!

For the most part when I look in my inbox and review the many daily messages I get from Newt Gingrich’s Human Events Newsletter, it goes something like this:   click…..eyeroll…..delete….click…..eyeroll….delete.   It’s the wash, rinse, repeat of Conservative spam.  But this one I thought I’d pass along.  *Warning*  Put down the coffee.

Right after a screeching rant from Ann Coulter about how liberals can’t stand “sexy Christians” like Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean, came this book advertisement.

Today’s weak and pusillanimous Nanny State is anything but hospitable to true manhood.

And that’s why we need real men more than ever.

The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide is a Godsend! It gives young men what they need to become not effete “metrosexuals” skilled at the ins and outs of high fashion and cocktail chat, but well-rounded men who can fight off bears and alligators, create a tourniquet out of a t-shirt, set a dislocated joint, rescue a drowning person — and pick the perfect cigar and bottle of wine.

Yes, this book, sent by God, will turn your socialist martini-drinkin’, hair gel usin’, turtleneck wearin’ sissy boy into a testosterone soaked capitalist alligator wrestler.  And if the gator gets him, he’ll be able to set his own dislocated joints. 

What I want to know is where these down to earth “real men” conservative types who wrote the ad came up with the words “pusillanimous” and “effete”.   Way to write for the audience.



208 Responses to “Open Thread – Unreal Men Beware!”
  1. justafarmer says:

    got the onions, potatoes, garlic, greens & peas that I’m not worried about in the least, they actually love the cold (and the peas have survived a half-dozen hard freezes since they were planted on St. Patrick’s Day–another local farming “myth” is to plant peas on that day). Hubby rushed to transplant the okra, squash & cukes. Fortunately, the vast majority of green beans, tomatoes and other stuff are still in the greenhouse.

  2. just sayin' says:

    I too am ‘just a farmer’ and learned long ago(’bout 30 years now) that the early urge to plant out veg is to be resisted, not only with the frost danger but with the helicoptering that happens to the plants as the high spring winds twist them out of the ground (Mat valley we’re talking here)…it’s like pushing during childbirth…resist the urge! and plant some potatoes, peas, and be patient…

  3. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ justafarmer Says: at 9:39 PM

    awful! I just hope the forecasts are wrong, but so often those myths have been built on history. People just don’t need more of the stress. Please! Keep us updated, will ya?

  4. justafarmer says:

    oops! forgot to mention that we had thunder on February 18 and again on February 27.

  5. justafarmer says:

    weird Appalachian myth:
    We have a saying here “Thunder in February, frost in May”.
    I (and many others) make a point of marking the calendar whenever we have thunder in February.
    Here comes the bad part…
    We’ve had wonderful weather (highs & lows of 80/50) but come Sunday night/Monday morning (Monday, May 18!!!) our forecast is for 37F!
    Here, that’s frost temps at dawn and we have crops in the fields that there is NO WAY we can cover.

  6. honestyinGov says:

    I saw this the other day when the story about Bristol’s graduation was taking place…. and I just remembered it. I was curious what that certain ‘ cons’ website had to say about Palin not being the presenter as well. I was just lurking.

    The story was at the top of the page in telling the story used they used the word ‘Palinism’s… and I think it was ‘ Palinbots’. It seems these words have become so commonplace that THEY are using them as well in their regular conversations.

    Do they hear them used so often they think nothing of it now…?
    (scratching my head)
    Both words have a negative connotation to me. If I was a supporter…. I wouldn’t use the words in a conversation.

  7. Moose Pucky says:

    Cheers to the filly–Rachel Alexendra. First filly to win the Preakness since 1924. The emotion in the announcers voice opened Moose Pucky’s tear faucets.

  8. honestyinGov says:

    200 sauerkraut Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 7:15 PM

    Kaine vs. Steele is kinda like… Blutarski vs Neidermeyer, aint it
    I expect Steele to arrive in the studio in ‘flip-flops’.

    Or just go shoe-less. It’s got to be hard putting your foot in your mouth that often. Open….. wiiiiiiiiide..

  9. sauerkraut says:

    Kaine vs. Steele is kinda like… Blutarski vs Neidermeyer, aint it?

  10. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Greytdog -thanks for the Huff Po head’s up. As always, it’s great to read the comments!!

  11. austintx says:

    196 honestyinGov Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 6:03 PM
    I’m not a Meet the Press fan but just got an email from Tim Kaine at DNC. (below)

    Tomorrow morning I’ll go head-to-head in a debate with Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and I want to invite you to watch.

    This is a great chance to show folks the difference between what our two parties have to offer the American people, and why President Obama and Democrats in Congress have the leadership we need to get our country back on track.
    Yeah – Tim Russert WAS “Meet the Press”. Should be a cakewalk for Kaine. Thanks for the tip.

  12. honestyinGov says:

    I’m not a Meet the Press fan but just got an email from Tim Kaine at DNC. (below)

    Tomorrow morning I’ll go head-to-head in a debate with Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and I want to invite you to watch.

    This is a great chance to show folks the difference between what our two parties have to offer the American people, and why President Obama and Democrats in Congress have the leadership we need to get our country back on track.

  13. austintx says:

    Greytdog Δ – Wow , a progressive 3rd world country that makes us look stupid………..

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Mudflatters call Shannyn NOW!!!!
    Sorry don’t have number 🙁

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Shannyn talking about Mudflats NOW!

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    UKLady, Diva shout out to you 🙂

  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Shannyn Moore NOW!

  18. curiouser says:

    #186 UK Lady Says:
    Thats odd, went to Celtic Diva clicked on the link to adn and a story about Evans with 7 comments. Opened a window to ADN direct and story gone already, hhmmmm!

    The story is still there under the Alaska Politics Blog. It’s been updated:

    UPDATE — I just spoke to Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton, who said the report that Evans is coming to work for Palin is wrong.

    Stapleton said Evans was one of several lawyers consulted to ensure Palin’s legal defense fund was set up correctly under the law (apparently he has some expertise in that area.)

    That’s the extent of his work for Palin and there’s no job for him, she said.

  19. Closet Mudpup says:

    UK Lady – I just read the article at this link.

  20. Canadian Neighbour says:

    UK Lady,
    The link to a d n works saying updated.

    ” I just spoke to Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton, who said the report that Evans is coming to work for Palin is wrong. “

  21. austintx says:

    Lot of hmmmm going on……..

  22. UK Lady says:

    Thats odd, went to Celtic Diva clicked on the link to adn and a story about Evans with 7 comments. Opened a window to ADN direct and story gone already, hhmmmm!

  23. austintx says:

    184 pearl89 Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 4:12 PM
    Celtic Diva’s take on Palin’s hiring of Evans? I think Diva raising some very good questions.
    Thanks for the link. So Yes , why would you hire a guy with a bazooka to take out pesky little “ankle biters” ??

  24. pearl89 says:

    Celtic Diva’s take on Palin’s hiring of Evans? I think Diva raising some very good questions.

  25. UK Lady says:

    No, it will be forgotten immediately, and the runner up will be a big booby 😆

  26. Bystander says:

    Will the winning book title have to do some fancy pageant walkin’ and
    will they be doing the talent competition?

  27. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 3:57 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    Dug through my bookmarked sites. jacquefabrics dot com
    On the right it said links. Northern Lights is on the Etsy site.
    Thanks 🙂

  28. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    Dug through my bookmarked sites. jacquefabrics dot com
    On the right it said links. Northern Lights is on the Etsy site.

  29. Cathy in Texas says:

    Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin
    Oh no! Do the finalists have to answer a “gotcha” MSM question or something like that?
    Will the duties include announcing our personal contrasts and comparisons to GINO?
    From what I can tell, 2 finalists at this point are Texans…….should we just suscede?
    This is just too much fun for this novice! Yee Ha!

  30. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics,
    That link is interesting to read. Thanks.

  31. austintx says:

    171 Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 3:22 PM
    Exciting race for First Runnerup in the Name Sarah’s Book Poll.

    This could be important because, as we all know, if, for any reason, the winning title is unable to fulfill its duties as Sarah’s book title, the First Runnerup will serve as the winning book title.
    Is flute playing a prerequisite ??

  32. BigPete says:

    “let her breasts satisfy thee at all times”
    proverbs 5:19

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 3:29 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    It’s actually fabric which can be compared to I guess similar to silk screening but not according to her site. I’ve bought various pieces from her and framed. This one is from the ‘Northern Lights’ group — Appropriate!! Different one (asian) on the vote site.
    Yes I thought it was the northern lights, but material, wow! Nice! 🙂

  34. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Good one Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin!!

    We’ll know where it came from if it shows up on a Dust Cover!!

  35. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    It’s actually fabric which can be compared to I guess similar to silk screening but not according to her site. I’ve bought various pieces from her and framed. This one is from the ‘Northern Lights’ group — Appropriate!! Different one (asian) on the vote site.

  36. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    An interesting read about technology (age old), written to easily understand, envision and follow, therefore I find educational to those like me who have no formal training, lol! fun

  37. Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin says:

    Exciting race for First Runnerup in the Name Sarah’s Book Poll.

    This could be important because, as we all know, if, for any reason, the winning title is unable to fulfill its duties as Sarah’s book title, the First Runnerup will serve as the winning book title.

  38. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 2:49 PM
    I really like your new Avi!

  39. the problem child says:

    Well, okay, the Gov’s tweets have mostly been completely self-serving garbage, but then right smack in the middle she provides a link to the announcement of a NEA National Heritage Fellowship winner. And her work is beautiful!

  40. UK Lady says:


    Think you must have missed the last page in this thread. 😆

  41. pvazwindy says:

    Who is Evans and what’s his connection to Palin? Have I missed a post or something?

  42. UK Lady says:

    Maybe the emails are real trouble, good possibility as they are going down kicking and biting on releasing them. The house is another possibility as is the Mat Su dairy scandal, let’s face it, it could be any number of dodgy doings with the GINO bunch. I’m also’, too’, not entirely sure that ‘troopergate’ has completely gone away.

  43. Canadian Neighbour says:

    UK Lady & austintx,
    Think makes me wonder about the emails. She wouldn’t do this just for that — but then again it is GINO!! It has been a looong time waiting

    Another Hmmm!!

  44. Repiglican says:

    AKM, thanks for warning us to put down our coffee, as an Alaskan guy who’d not afraid to be in touch with his feminine side, I felt the urge to vomit after reading that!

    All’s well though, they can keep all the manly men as far as I’m concerned. We’ll do just fine without them. 🙂

  45. austintx says:

    I guess Evans had plenty of practice on ethics charges with Newt. What , 84 of ’em ?? Oh…..and he resigned…….

  46. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Watched it together with why I posted just after you posted link.

  47. the problem child says:

    Canadian Neighbour,
    It sounds like you might have switched your keyboard into French mode.

    If you are using a Microsoft system, hit the start button, choose Control Panel and from that menu, choose Regional and Language Options. See what is showing up in the dialogue box.

  48. austintx says:

    159 Canadian Neighbour Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 2:21 PM
    I will give it to the horse. I just find it was his looking to play dirty. Guess it is in his DNA
    Were you able to look at the link ^^ up there about what Rachel Maddow said on the “Alaska connection” ??

  49. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I will give it to the horse. I just find it was his looking to play dirty. Guess it is in his DNA

  50. austintx says:

    Got hand it to Mine that Bird though , dead last to 2nd.

  51. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Mind That Bird 2nd

    The look on his face — He was shooting darts. Can tell he is thinking I should have blocked her from entering.

    Celebrate, Celebrate !! Na,na,na,na!!!

  52. UK Lady says:

    Haven’t Levi’s family said that things have improved between the two families recently?

    What with the new hotshot ethics lawyer and sucking up to the Johnstons, it seems very like major damage limitation.

  53. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Rachel Alexandra WON!!!!!!!

  54. akmuckraker says:

    This post moved to open thread by AKM
    Originall posted by Penny

    OT Warning:

    From People online:
    “Sherry Johnston, the troubled mother of Levi Johnston, the ex-fiancé of Bristol Palin, has been granted a short reprieve to consider her options.

    An Alaskan judge Friday postponed her May 18 jury trial on felony charges for allegedly selling OxyContin. Instead, the judge, Eric Smith, scheduled a May 21 hearing at which Johnston, 42, will have the opportunity to discuss her case with a prosecutor and judge and consider changing her plea.

    Johnston had previously pleaded not guilty to charges resulting from a December 2008 arrest for allegedly pedalling the prescription drug in a Wasilla shopping center parking lot. Johnston later told PEOPLE she became addicted to the painkiller after taking it years ago to treat pain from a hysterectomy and several subsequent surgeries.

    Johnston’s attorney, Rex Butler, did not return calls Friday. Messages left at the district attorney’s office in Palmer, Alaska, were also not returned.

    Johnston’s son, Levi, 18, recently claimed in TV interview that tensions with Bristol Palin and her family have prevented him from spending quality time with the estranged pair’s infant son, Tripp. Meanwhile, Bristol Palin, 19, has finished high shool and graduated with classmates in Wasilla on May 14.”

    Things that make you go hummmmm…

  55. MinNJ says:

    whose…idiot mode today.

  56. MinNJ says:

    It did say that Evans lived in Newt’s basement for a time…and then he went to law school. Who’s dime, I wonder. They seem connected at the hip.

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    How long would he be able to tolerate her Word Salad!!!

  58. UK Lady says:

    Going to have to get rid of this tinfoil hat (it’s not my colour anyway), but what fun if Newt slld Randy in there to SABOTAGE the silly woman.

  59. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Cathy In Texas,
    Thanks but it is not that.

    Here is my question mark É
    Here is backslash é
    my quote went to `
    forwardslash went to less than <


    Why do they not give print instruction books with new laptops or computers. My search wording on help is not their nerdy thoughts!!

  60. UK Lady says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    I was thinking the very same thing. Wonder how thrilled Newt will be that his favourite pet lawyer is now on the GINO paycheck? If he has ideas of 2012, not very I should think.

  61. Canadian Neighbour says:

    That he is Chairman of the board of the Newt Gingrich Companies sounds like a strange conflict of interest of some sort considering how Newt talks about her

  62. Cathy in Texas says:

    For Canadian Neighbor
    The last time my computer switched keys, it was because I had the numbers lock on. Took me forever to find my numbers lock key! Can you tell computer expert I am NOT. Anyway, hope that helps.

  63. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    UK Lady Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 1:33 PM

    Canadian Neighbour

    Link – Well it makes me go Hhhmmmmmmmmm!
    Two very interesting links UK lady…! I guess GINO not wastin’ time usin’ her slush fund…eh???

  64. UK Lady says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    I know one thing about Randy Evans, he won’t be cheap, I hope those Palinbots have deep pockets because GINO won’t want to pay that little lot out of her big book bucks.

  65. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Reading re Randy Evans on sourcewatch, I could not help but notice this one line:

    Randy Evans is probably best known nationally for his representation of former Speaker Newt Gingrich against ethics complaints

    Is someone in big doodoo or is this an attempt at threats. Is this a thought to throw into AG position


    I would type a question mark but I have hit some key on my laptop that has switched some of the keys to other stuff and I do not know how I did it or how to stop it!!!

  66. UK Lady says:

    GINO’s new lawyers wiki page – note the expertise in ethics violations.

  67. MinNJ says:

    In watching the Preakness coverage, Mark Allen really seems like a doofus! Good grief!

  68. Cathy in Texas says:

    Double Hmmmmmmmmmm……..”now doing legal work” for Palin? Would that be on the book or the baker’s dozen ethics complaints. Or will “legal work” be all mixed together to be funded by Palin’s Legal Defense fund.
    Sounds like Todd or someone will be busy trying to keep all these legal expenses in order or maybe disorder.

  69. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    UgaVic Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:25 AM

    #55 Crystalwolf and Say No to….

    What I thought was REALLY neat about Chena Hot Springs is that it can be done with ‘low temperature’ geothermal just about any place in the US!!! If you dig deep enough, less than oil wells but more than standard water, you get warm water that can be used.

    The entire Chena operation is self contained with NO WASTE at all.

    We are not paying enough attention to this technology!! The owner will help anyone who wants to learn. He offers all his info for free and just wants to get more people doing it.

    Vic B
    [email protected]
    Thank you guys for this info, this is what “they” should be pushing instead of Fake “clean coal”! (no such thing!)
    So Vic you are saying anywhere in the country if they dig deep enough it is there???
    Wow! Why aren’t these things being pursued?
    Sorry it took me so long to answer…MY POWER WENT OUT, NO KIDDING!

  70. honestyinGov says:

    I see that Shannyn will be on the radio again today at 5:00. And this time there is a link to listen in as well.

    Does anybody know what subjects or topics she will be talking about…?

  71. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I couldn’t get this to play for me but in reading the comments it seems like a well accepted idea. What do you guys think, especially the mudpup teachers?

    Just a few days ago my daughter was moaning over a new text book bought last semester for $265.00 was now worth $12.00 because they’re switching required books. Such a waste of books and trees! It’s also a very expensive part of going to school!

  72. Canadian Neighbour says:

    UK Lady,
    Where did you read about GINO & Randy Evans

  73. Star says:

    I feel like a real retard today..After reading all these hilarios comments, no ay no how could i even come close to you guys..he he ..To hot here today..:))

  74. Mother Who Thinks says:

    Ummm……’s been 40 years since I graduated from high school…but I think that the way you say how much you missed graduating with honors by is NOT “zero-point-something.” In Miss Bristol’s case, she should display her sparkling intellect and her mastery of high school mathematics by saying, “I missed graduating with honors by three-one thousandths of a point.” Accurate and classier.

    Wait. I’ve set my sights too high, given her parental role models and family values. How about “almost graduated with honors” as a way of sounding less dumb?


  75. UK Lady says:

    Things that make you go Hhhmmmmmmmmm!

    This bloke is leaving a top job in Georgia to work for GINO!

    Look what his specialit is guys and gals. Do you think he may be trying to melt icebergs?

  76. Canadian Neighbour says:

    My mean streak is coming out. The Preakness Race is running shortly and I hope the filly Rachel Alexandra beats Mine That Birt — Even better — WIN IT!!

    Mark Allen was playing dirty this week. Surprise, Surprise. Seems his ways have not changed. He wanted to block Rachel Alexandra from entering the race. Could be done by him entering another horse. Supposedly he spoke to other owners and they didn’t go for it. He didn’t enter another horse so Rachel is running.

    Add to the drama that the jockey who rode Mine That Bird to victory in the Kentucky Derby, rode Rachel to a win that Friday in a stakes race. He has switched and is riding Rachel today!! Yeah!!

    Go Rachel Alexandra!! A filly running against the boys!!

  77. Martha says:

    Terpsichore Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 12:57 PM
    You really don’t want your real estate agent trying to help you buy a home and telling you about variable and fixed interests rates and saying their difference is only “zero-point-something”.
    She better have a 4.0 in winking…….lol

  78. Martha says:

    Netroots Nation conference…………..AKM….349 now……………Top Dawg!

  79. Terpsichore says:

    Since this is the Open Thread I’m going to post this here – been mulling about it for a few days, been a little busy, tho’ not too much.

    From People Magazine: “Bristol boasted a 3.497 G.P.A., regretting only that she was “point zero-zero-something” away from graduating with Honors.”

    Could it be that she didn’t get to be an Honor Grad because of bad grads in her MATH CLASSES?!!!!!!!!!!

    Assuming a GPA of 3.5 is required to be an honor grad at Wasilla High, her GPA was point-zero-zero-three (NOT “point-zero-zero-SOMETHING”) away from getting to be an honor grad. Anyone who is trying to maintain a good GPA in order to be an honor grad, or just be in a better position to get scholarships knows this.

    The lowest GPA for an ‘A’ is 3.6. If honor grads at Wasilla high can have just a B+ GPA, well, that’s Wasilla High. My high school didn’t do traditional valdictorian/salutorian, but anyone who got a 4.0 GPA was an Honor Grad and was somehow involved in the ceremony.

    There were five honor grads my year, I was No. 6 with a GPA of 3.96 – so yes, Bristol was actually closer than me for being a high school honor grad. By exactly how much I’ll let her figure out.

    Gradualting from high school is an acheivement, and I am pleased to see she has reached it, however it was acheived. But I fear that her educational preparation for any future career is still woefully inadequate. You really don’t want your real estate agent trying to help you buy a home and telling you about variable and fixed interests rates and saying their difference is only “zero-point-something”.

  80. austintx says:

    Alaska connection at the Preakness today. I posted this last nite on the “Ted” thread. Rachel rocks !!

    Here it is……..starts at the 1:54 mark. Bill Allen gives fatherly advice from prison. You can’t make this s^*t up !!

  81. Martha says:

    Another good one from KO;

    Countdown’s WTF Moment: Texas Secession (VIDEO)
    Nicholas Graham

    Well, between skyrocketing taxes, loss of military protection, sports teams crumbling, massive debt burdens, and the coming political crisis in 2020 (when the projected population of Texas will be 45 percent Hispanic and 38 percent Anglo, and the Hispanics win a ballot initiative to have the new republic join Mexico), the picture doesn’t look good.

  82. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    anadventurer……..been there done that with our daughter who tested gifted, do speak to the teacher, do speak to the principal, do speak to the guidance councilor, if you do enough talking, it will be addressed in some fashion. They cannot hold your child back from wanting to learn at an advanced rate, do something or he may become bored and lose the excitement of learning, or worse act out.

    And don’t wait, course with girls it’s different, I finally got the okay to have my daughter work on advanced subjects but by then she “knew” being smart was not a good thing to peg a girl with, you were supposed to be cute, thin and popular…..besides, dang it all, she knew she could breeze quickly through the regular stuff and have more time to socialize. Talk as I may I could not convince her to take the benefit. The teacher enlisted her to help other students, put her to work, lol. BTW…..before testing, I only became aware of the differences in the classroom because I was helping grade papers at home for the teacher, about 5 kids out of 30 were constantly 100% or close on every math sheet in every math subject. They could have been advancing faster.

    Had it been a school policy in the first place she wouldn’t have understood she had a choice, well I don’t think she would have figured it out as easily. Even by second grade she already had the idea that girl image is more important than girl smarts, lasted all the way through high school, it didn’t help that she is knock out beautiful. AGH…… at 23, she says she wishes she’d listened, lol. I remember she came home from school one day in the first grade and was convinced she was fat just because someone said she was, just to be mean.

    I often wondered whether separating the males and females in classes, not all but some, would give girls more confidence.

    I would have loved to take car and wood shop in high school it wasn’t offered to girls but I may have been too intimidated by males even if it was, I dunno.

    this is a cool video of young girls at a physics camp having fun making simple battery operated motors……..oh how I wish this had been done much sooner for young girls to encourage learning and exploring ideas.

  83. austintx says:

    sorry -“Add Your Support”

  84. hindsite2020 says:

    Mucho thanks Canadian Neighbour !!

  85. austintx says:

    117 hindsite2020 Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 12:23 PM
    Boy do I feel like an idiot. I’ve been over at NetRoots Nation trying to vote for AKM but I can’t find a submit vote button anywhere. Help please !!!! LOL
    It’s the “add support” tab. Real small lite blue letters.

  86. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Click on AKM’s boots. Then under Grassroots Supporters, click on Add Your Support. If you have already registered, you can leave a comment. That qualifies as the vote.

    I know various Mudpups have been leaving info to register and vote on the blog of the Boots Walking.

  87. pvazwindy says:

    Johnston is due in court with Rex Butler, Mon 18th

  88. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Thank lettersfromeurope for the link!

    FYI – 4 more votes to No. 1 🙂

  89. hindsite2020 says:

    Boy do I feel like an idiot. I’ve been over at NetRoots Nation trying to vote for AKM but I can’t find a submit vote button anywhere. Help please !!!! LOL

    Events at Notre Dame listed above.

    I think we should send Cheney the book on how to be a real man.

  91. jojobo1 says:

    Skyotter #95&96 LOL good ones

  92. austintx says:

    Can’t someone take Cheney to the world’s largest microwave oven factory and give him a tour of the testing room while the ovens are humming on the high setting ??

  93. austintx says:

    112 Dr. Patois Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 11:54 AM
    I haven’t read all of the posts so many someone has already discussed but what is up with the Johnston trial?
    I think someone here mentioned something about this coming Monday. Court appearance of some kind.

  94. Dr. Patois says:

    I haven’t read all of the posts so many someone has already discussed but what is up with the Johnston trial?

  95. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’m finding all sorts of goodies……a comment from a ADN reader, check out the snow “mobil” info…

    4/21/2008, 6:08 a.m.
    Suggest removal

    This car is soon to be mass produced in China…

    Lithium batteries are fast evolving with nanotech,
    likewise carbon-aerogel ultracapacitors have revolutionized EMD-systems.

    CarbonFoam has revolutionized lead-acid batteries to make a superior AcrticClimate battery..


    ….and I have a college geek friend in China who is building a snowmobile that has no engine but runs like a dream..
    ..the track is loaded with magnets and is the armature to a linear-motor…but the really neato part of it is the propane-fuelcell that really cranks out the juice….a sno-go with only one moving part>> the track.

  96. SmallSteps says:

    #74CRFlats Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:35 AM
    Just another reminder to VOTE:
    Mudboots is a secure 2nd, gaining fast on Number ONE! We can’t rest until AKM takes her rightful place in the lead.

    I got my vote in – Go AKM! Let’s get those boots a walkin to Pittsburgh!

    Also, too, CRFLats I’m looking forward to the Copper River Salmon season in our lower 48 grocery store. While I’m a big believer in eating local, when it comes to fish that’s tough. We got used to “local fish” in Alaska, and now we only eat Alaskan Sockeye in our Virginia house too, also. We have been spoiled after living in Alaska!! WalMart sells Wild Alaskan Sockeye all year. And, our grocery stores carry them often – but have been out for a few months. Soon though, they will be back! Yum!!

  97. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Im so haopy GINO is not at my house. I have a bunny rabbit sitting on my front porch!!

    I know Michelle Obama is giving a Commencement Speechat 4:30 today.
    When is the Notre Dame speech?

  98. austintx says:

    103 BigPete Says:
    More views on Dick “The Spanish Inquisition” Cheney.
    I know…….I know………..

  99. austintx says:

    Had not been to urban dicionary to see “Palin” in a while……now , right smack in the middle is a sarahPac ad !! Those people are nuckin’ futs !! A joke within a joke !!

  100. @BigPete Wooohoooooo. What a howl.

    Cheney is scared easily!! Love that and I saw the Larry King thing with Ventura. How refreshing. A REAL man. HAHAHA.

  101. @austintx Did Keyes protest the Iraq war too? Let me guess.

  102. austintx says:

    lettersfromeurope – This happened yesterday , the 15th.

  103. I really have a hard time accepting that Newt Gingrich has become a catholic. He think he can confess his way into heaven? Guaranteed last minute forgiveness on the deathbed or ultimate hypocrisy? And he was one of the guys lamenting that Notre Dame invited Obama.
    Notre Dame go. Do your thing! You are doing right and somebody like NG certainly has no, no, no, no moral authority.

  104. BigPete says:

    austintx Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:05 AM
    Jesse Ventura is ready for “5 deferment Dick Cheney”. Starts at 2:20 mark.

    More views on Dick “The Spanish Inquisition” Cheney.

  105. Please give your support to Notre Dame and its peaceful celebration of commencement in the presence of President Obama.

    The socalled religious right is saying it shouldn´t happen, because of one issue. BUT where were they when Pope John Paul II condemned the stupid wars we find ourselves involved in???? Please stand with the catholics that are asking for your help. It´s political and has nothing to do with religion. Thankyou

  106. Thomas Mullen says:

    Guess I missed alligator wrestling in bootcamp (Parris Island) I wonder if the conservatives will set up a training camp ? There are quite a few I would pay to see, FLUNK IT,starting with the Buffoon Chairman.

  107. honestyinGov says:

    Note to AKM….???

    Do you have an opinion on the announcement today that Gov. Huntsman will be Ambassador to China…? (is it worth a little Story?)

    He was on that list who were supposed to be in the running for 2012.
    Just another ‘ rational ‘ Republican who has some common sense. They are rare these days.

  108. austintx says:

    96 skyotter Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 9:56 AM
    gator wrasslin’ 101: hold its snout shut, and don’t get et

    /fancy book learnin’
    This fella comes close to gettin’ “et”. Listen for those jaws chompin’.

  109. Ripley in CT says:

    *wondering if Joe Lieberman is upset about being left off the leading Republican list*

  110. austintx says:

    Dang – Just when you think this dumb-ass could not possibly say any more stupid s^*t ……………keep talkin’ Steele……

  111. skyotter says:

    gator wrasslin’ 101: hold its snout shut, and don’t get et

    /fancy book learnin’

  112. skyotter says:

    i’m a nerdy guy so i don’t have to worry about hair gel *or* alligators. it’s kinda freeing …

    i do own a turtleneck, but i’d know how to make a tourniquet out of it, so i guess that evens out

    live long and prosper =)

  113. TBNTJudy says:

    Bystander said: “I think Ann Coulter is a “real man”- check out the adam’s apple, and don’t look up that short skirt!” ROFL!!

    Okay, I cannot resist. I’m afraid in looking up that skirt, you might find a Bush.

  114. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    AKM is in second place – 36 votes to be #1! IF you have not voted, PLEASE go to and become a “supporter” of AKM (which will mean you voted)!

  115. Gindy50 says:

    “I feel our society is pushing mediocrity,”

    Of course it is. People who have had their ability to learn stunted are more easily controlled. You can substitute science, math, and engineering with god garbage. This has happened in the past, see the middle ages. Science and math were around then but punished by the church for being evil. It was and is far easier to rip people off if they are too stupid to see it.

  116. KaJo says:

    I just printed off the PDF of the Chena Hot Springs brochure for my sister. She’s going on a cruise-tour to Alaska in August, and will do the tour part first, starting in Fairbanks. She has 2 nights there before a trip to Denali, so she might have time for an afternoon at the hot springs. Sounds woooooonderful!

  117. Bystander says:

    I think Ann Coulter is a “real man”- check out the adam’s apple, and don’t look up that short skirt!

  118. TBNTJudy says:

    @CRFLATS: I know I am preaching to the choir here, but that farmed salmon is not healthy for you, me, wild salmon, or the planet.

  119. DrChill says:

    AKM- What I want to know is where these down to earth “real men” conservative types who wrote the ad came up with the words “pusillanimous” and “effete”. Way to write for the audience.
    I think the audience is for real men wannabes. Real tough men don’t read books on how to … they don’t read books!
    None of these ‘tough guys’ will ever wrestle an aligator, but its nice to know how, so presumably you can talk about it like you really know to do it, and maybe you’ll get the chance one day to encourage someone else to give it a try!


  120. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Alaskans should flood calls to radio and tv stations, newspapers to request thorough coverage of this energy conference, it’s a big chance to move things forward in AK and get the real info out for citizens to hear……the key note and other speakers know the renewable energy industry very well, it is supported by the present Obama administration, this is a window of opportunity for your state! It’s something that should have happened long before now.

    Gosh, read the conference program…….tons of very progressive info will be presented. If AK is stuck with Scarah we might as well push, drag and shame her into doing the right thing. Whenever you can tie it into a comment area in AK news do so! press for good things people! help out the good AK progressive blogs like AKM’s. Yes, we can!

    She’s already screwed up so much, lets do damage control, let’s minimize her efforts for oil and mining.

    Also, first thing Monday morning call the Gov’s office to see if Palin or exactly who from the administration will be attending. Let them know you expect state support for alternative renewable energy.

    You should also contact all your legs and express interest in this, ask that they support this technology in Alaska and that they attend, beg them to.

    “We know the country that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will lead the 21st century.”
    – President Barak Obama, address to Congress, February 24, 2009.

  121. Moose Pucky says:

    Next time I need a dislocated joint set and the perfect cigar, I’ll call a real man.

  122. CRFlats says:

    76 austintx Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:47 AM
    72 CRFlats – Do you work with these guys. If not , they get Copper River Salmon from someone.

    Austintx, it looks like a very nice place. I’m not actually in the fish biz anymore, but it is the mainstay of our economy here so I love to promote it, and it’s good and good for you. My family has been involved for generations, as was I for over 3 decades. The Exxon Valdez changed the course of my life, and our community has changed, but thankfully our Copper River stocks are healthy, and the salmon have returned to Prince William Sound. The market is improving after a couple of decade’s slump and people are getting a better understanding of Wild Salmon vs. farm.

    Eat Alaska Salmon and live longer (or at least, better) 🙂

  123. honestyinGov says:

    Speaking of newt and the other GOP talking heads…. and opinionators.

    I saw on the HuffPo that Dana Perrino was now an officially signed on as a contributor to Faux News. At least we know that CNN will not have her back to ‘ give opinion ‘ as to how Barack Obama is doing now. (barff !)

    Between John King being doing the softball Cheney interview letting him give his ‘opinion’ as the Truth and this week they had Dana Bash posing questions to Nancy Pelosi in what they (CNN) thought was a ‘ Gotcha moment’…. at least spinning it that way…. CNN has lost all respect in the industry. And even HLN is coming out ahead of them in the ratings. CNN.. 4th place, and probably there permanently.

    BTW: For those that didn’t know. John King and Dana Bash were married earlier this year. Two right-wingers in the same family… reporting their Opinions…. and spin. Keep that in mind when Dana says anything while she is ‘reporting’.

  124. TBNTJudy says:

    @38 UK Lady: Thanks for that link. Good thing I put my coffee down before viewing. Started my whole day off on the right foot!

  125. Moose Pucky says:

    Winkeye the Hockey Mom–Wrong to the Finish

    As she let Newt Gingrich beat Winkeye the Hockey Mom

  126. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here’s the energy conference info….it’s a pdf file

  127. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Let’s see if Palin attends this, it’s in Anchorage, Dena’ina Center…….May 18-19, 2009…….a free job fair included! I’ll add the lit page link in the next post so I don’t get stuck in the tubes.

    The Business of Clean Energy in Alaska (BCEA) is a two-day conference showcasing the opportunity for Alaska to become a leader in Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE). The conference will focus on understanding the challenges and best practices in implementing an EE/RE infrastructure. Attendees will gain insight into the experiences of governments and businesses from around the country, as they relate to Alaska’s unique potential.

    Who should attend:

    * Alaska business leaders
    * Alaska legislators
    * Alaska energy agency administrators
    * Investors and venture capitalists
    * Job seekers
    * Military representatives
    * Labor union representatives
    * Educators

    Who will present:

    * Business leaders in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sector
    * University experts
    * Labor representatives
    * Policy makers
    * Energy agency administrators
    * Other leaders in the EE/RE space

  128. austintx says:

    73 greatgrammy1 Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:42 AM
    News Flash! Fox News had a Republican only poll and Sarah came in 4th behind Huckabee, Romney and NEWT! for President. She can put that in her pipe and smoke it.
    Yup – sarah can smoke some of this too.also.
    Q: Who among your party’s current crop of governors has the brightest political future?

    Republicans (99 votes)

    Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal 21 percent
    Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour 20 percent
    Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty 17 percent
    Florida Gov. Charlie Crist 13 percent
    South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford 8 percent
    Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. 6 percent

    Also receiving votes: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, 5 percent each; no one, 2 percent; California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and “Pawlenty and Sanford,” 1 percent each.

  129. JRC says:

    Wrestling alligators. Conservatives. There is a Darwin Award coming soon.

  130. BigPete says:

    Candy Knight Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 5:25 AM
    The funny part is that scientific studies have shown that people who scare easily, physically, are also politically conservative.
    Lawrence O’Donnell on “Republican toughness”.

  131. austintx says:

    72 CRFlats – Do you work with these guys. If not , they get Copper River Salmon from someone.

  132. greatgrammy1 says:

    News Flash! Fox News had a Republican only poll and Sarah came in 4th behind Huckabee, Romney and NEWT! for President. She can put that in her pipe and smoke it.

  133. CRFlats says:

    Just another reminder to VOTE:

    Mudboots is a secure 2nd, gaining fast on Number ONE! We can’t rest until AKM takes her rightful place in the lead.

  134. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here’s how interested Palin is in “progressing” renewable clean energy resources. So exactly what did that Palin appointed “energy zzar” do putting together his plan, exactly where is that plan, what does it say? She’s inept. Trying to appear all fiscal but really in the oil/gas/mining back pockets.

    Palin cuts money for energy research

    By Stefan Milkowski

    Published Thursday, May 29, 2008

    “Lawmakers included $500,000 in state funding in the operating budget they approved last month, but Palin cut the funding.

    Gwen Holdmann, the group’s director, said Tuesday the $500,000 in state funding was needed as a match for federal grant money.

    “It really cripples us in our ability to bring federal funding,” she said of the governor’s veto.

    ……”Palin’s budget director Karen Rehfeld said Wednesday the governor was concerned about the growth of the state’s operating budget and wanted to let the Alaska Energy Authority complete its statewide energy plan.”

  135. UgaVic says:

    #55 Crystalwolf and Say No to….

    What I thought was REALLY neat about Chena Hot Springs is that it can be done with ‘low temperature’ geothermal just about any place in the US!!! If you dig deep enough, less than oil wells but more than standard water, you get warm water that can be used.

    The entire Chena operation is self contained with NO WASTE at all.

    We are not paying enough attention to this technology!! The owner will help anyone who wants to learn. He offers all his info for free and just wants to get more people doing it.

    BTW- It is about an hour+ drive from DT Fairbanks to the resort and well worth the trip.
    I think it would be a great weekend get away!!
    Vic B
    [email protected]

  136. Just when you think the right can’t get anymore weird, they step up to prove we’re wrong once again. My particular favorite was the one about real men not cheering when sport biggies throw tantrums. Um, I distinctly remember everyone cheering at the Seattle Mariners games whenever Lou Pinella threw his cap in the dirt, kicked the bases around and went nose to nose with the umpire. And that’s been going on for years – part of baseball. But maybe they are too busy wrestling those alligators – the ones that most men will never see.

  137. Holy freaking cow, I just read book page from AKM’s link. To be clear: that is so not what I am talking about!

  138. austintx says:

    65 Lainey Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 8:14 AM
    OMG!! They’ll use God for any excuse.
    Won’t see this on their car……….

  139. I’ll just say it: I feel our society is pushing mediocrity, over sensitivity and sense that “some one” will take care of you and you are not responsible. I am not extremist on this but my son is in 2nd grade public school and his teacher will not let him learn a head (reading, math, writing, nothing at all) any extra work is rewarded with don’t work on that, we will all get to it next year. They are not learning history or geography (but have the capacity to learn it as we do at home) instead they often have “free choice” time or watch movies.

    Yes I do think our boys get the message that strong and protective is not ok and just look at what our girls are learning from Carry Prejean and Bristol!

    BUT this all comes back to parents, most of the readers here are switched on and do a pretty good job as parents (I feel pretty comfortable making that blanket statement). It’s up to us to help our kids filter and interpret what the “media” and the schools “teach” them.

  140. Lainey says:

    OMG!! They’ll use God for any excuse.

  141. BigPete says:

    No country for flabby old men.

    If you have the stomach for it, imagine the typical Conservative “Chickenhawk”; Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Bill Bennett and Mitch McConnell. Not a pretty sight. Soft and flabby. Not the types you would want next to you in a fox hole, in the heat of battle.

    However, compared to the “Neo-con mamas boys”- Bill Kristol, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and Joe Lieberman-the Chickenhawks seem positively heroic.

  142. KaJo says:

    Conservative “real men” are obese clowns (Limbaugh), low-brow idiots (Hannity), balding/squinting clones of Joe McCarthy (O’Reilly), insane beige-haired babblers (Beck), and, of course, Ann Coulter.

    BTW, any of you used to read “Pogo”? Do you remember Simple J. Malarkey? That was Walt Kelly’s “animal kingdom” mocking of Joe McCarthy, and I’ll be darned if Bill-O doesn’t look like Simple, too.

  143. austintx says:

    Jesse Ventura is ready for 5 deferment Dick Cheney. Starts at 2:20 mark.

  144. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Four Americans investigated in Afghan death

    “The four men believe that Xe [eX-Blackwater] is attempting to negotiate a deal in which it would hand them over to Afghan authorities in exchange for official permission to remain in the country.”

    … are these the very same cowards who shot civilians by the score in Iraq?

  145. honestyinGov says:

    Well… I must confess AKM. You are a better person than most of us to have to read all of that gibberish from every one of Newt’s Newsletters. I hope you are quick with the ‘delete’ button…. and always wait a half hour after eating (just like the swimming rule ) before you read the letter. It gives you time to let your stomach settle.

    ‘effette’…? That sounds like one of Southern Cajun words that maybe Bobby Jindal can help them out with it they have problems with it.

    I picture some French Cajun type guy with an accent looking down and saying…..

    ‘ ee…feet ‘…? Yes msir… feet are stuck in ee mud…

    THAT is where the GOP is…. stuck in the Mud…. and they can’t get out.

    As for “pusillanimous”….. that sounds like an animal related to the Goposaur I believe. Both extinct…. in the GOP party.

    The Yellow Boots however, are #287 and climbing…. 😉
    NOT ….’stuck in the Mud’

  146. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Largo…..well put, lol.

  147. I can see a cornfield from my house says:

    Remember Nixon’s VP, Spiro Agnew? He used the phrase “pusillanimous pussyfooters” as well as the ever popular “nattering nabobs of negativism” to taunt the “liberal” press and anyone else who disagreed with Nixon. I’m pretty sure he talked about effete liberal snobs, too, or words to that effect.

    I’ve always felt that there was some element that got their hooks into the Republican Party when Nixon was in office – and they ran with it since then. Sounds like they have gone into the book marketing business which is a much better place for them.

    In a side issue — Agnew also had to resign office because he was charged with accepting bribes. He was the only VP that had to resign because of charges.

  148. asiangrrlMN says:

    Damn. I thought Newt wrote the book and he was going to talk about it on The Daily Show Monday. Yes, he’s going to be on The Daily Show Monday night. Live bloggin’, anyone? I won’t be watching, so I need someone else to tell me what happens.

    As for real men–real men don’t need other people to tell them what makes them real.

  149. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here’s a little bit longer video on the Chena Hot Springs Resort geothermal project…..runs a greenhouse and permanent ice musuem for a few dollars a day, also, TOO. It’s going to pay for itself in a matter of years. I didn’t catch how long it took to get this up and running but it doesn’t sound like the many years needed to build a gas line and all the environmental gas line problems.

    I think it’s fascinating, and if I was wealthier and a savvy stock investor I’d be sinking some money into these renewable energy company stocks.

    “The first power module arrived at Chena Hot Springs on July 8th and produced power within one month’s time. The site work consisted of providing hot water to the evaporator and cold water to the condenser.

    The Chena plant includes a single 480 V three-phase electrical power connection. It runs without an operator; the integrated control system brings the unit online and monitors for any potential problems.

    The plant provides power for the resort’s on-site electrical needs. All 44 buildings at the resort-including a greenhouse, hotel, cabins and ice museum-are linked by a geothermal district heating system. It is a source of emissions free renewable energy. In Alaska its success is particularly significant for rural village applications where more than 300 communities (including Chena Hot Springs prior to July 2006) burn diesel fuel in gensets, at costs ranging from 30¢ per kWhr to 86¢ per kWhr. The power plant installed at Chena Hot Springs has reduced the local cost of power to 6¢ per kWhr.

    With more than 1,700 operating hours, the Chena plant has performed at 99 percent availability.”

  150. Ashkee Colorado says:

    Does this include killing wild life from helicopters? Being and unreal man, I suppose you’d start with doing things that have no useful purpose like fighting bears and alligators.

    I’d like to see Newt and other repugnikins start by serving in the military as some of us libruls have done.

  151. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 7:18 AM

    crystawolf…….I meant to post this link yesterday but got busy in the yard, I think it’s very cool, well actually very hot, lol and it’s wonderful they’ve found a way to tap into it! I wish we had hot springs nearby.

    I think I first read about this when Vic mentioned touring it as part of the garden expo deal she went to……the below link has a lot of news about AK geothermal…..perhaps AKM can do a post about it to promote it?
    Oooooooooooohmyyyyyyygodddddddddddddddddd! I would love to go there!!!!!
    Is that the place is hard to travel too? I think I read a story in the ADN of a hot spring place that was really hard to get to? (snowmobile needed)
    Now I’m going to watch the video about geothermal…that is the way to go, IMO energywise, clean energy!
    Thanks for the link!!! 🙂

  152. KateinCanada says:

    Another place to play word games- the New York Times has a contest for coining new collective nouns- such as a sulk of teenagers, and an aviary of tweets.

    Geothermal Heat Pumps
    Very popular in Germany right not. When our oil heating dies, we will switch to this kind of pump, plus some solar energy and we will never need any fuel ever again. COOOL! and hot.

    Surplus Energy produced by my household can be fed into the grid and the electricity guys even pay me!

  154. Largo says:

    Oh Jeebus…. Remove your t-shirt. Make a tourniquet around your neck and keep twisting.

  155. Gryphen says:

    Well clearly I HAVE to order a copy of this very important handbook on being all manly and everything.

    I am sure I have been doing it wrong all of these years.

  156. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here’s a Today Show video on the geothermal info, AK LEADS in geo possiblities. Electricity, heat and cooling all possible……everybody watch this! Villages can get away from diesel, Ak and other states can get away from oil.

    And don’t forget Palin stripped all 2007 funding, that’s responsible development for ya. That should be part of her legacy.

  157. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    crystawolf…….I meant to post this link yesterday but got busy in the yard, I think it’s very cool, well actually very hot, lol and it’s wonderful they’ve found a way to tap into it! I wish we had hot springs nearby.

    I think I first read about this when Vic mentioned touring it as part of the garden expo deal she went to……the below link has a lot of news about AK geothermal…..perhaps AKM can do a post about it to promote it?

  158. Marnie says:

    21 Candy Knight Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 5:25 AM
    The funny part is that scientific studies have shown that people who scare easily, physically, are also politically conservative.

    As Obama goes calmly about the process of trying fix the mess they made, they are running in ever smaller circles crying “The Sky is Falling. The Sky is Falling.”

    Come to think of it; it was a chicken that said those words.

  159. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    back to food, lol……the hubby and I like to use 1/2″ thick strips of teriyaki marinated pork, chicken, beef or goose, line with sliced jalapeno and a dollop of cream cheese, roll up, wrap with bacon, tooth pick then grill, oh yummy!

    *Injuneau, I’ll check out your salmon sites……thanks!

  160. HAHAHA, that Cheney is a joker! Right. Right? Right?! HAHAHAHAHA, Sombody from the comedy channel must have joined them as a saboteur and put out this thing. How could they expect to get anything than big laughs….
    (little nagging voice in the background: They are not joking) OH!!! Still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA………………………………………………………… If you need to buy a book to figure out how to be a man, you are in trouble, don´t you think?

  161. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    austintx Says:
    He was drunk.
    No amount of alcohol would make me shoot my friend’s face off!

    Dick Cheney is a better man than me because he’s quite happy to wander around with a skinful and a loaded gun and just randomly shoot whomever he hits. I could never do that, so clearly I’m a Democrat wuss.

  162. Marnie says:

    Effete: (ee-feet) Draft dodging money loving, Nieman Marcus shopping, suit and tie wearing Republicans.

  163. Cathy in Texas says:

    Gee…..for once I got some substance buried deep under the idiotic content.

    Pusillanimous…..”marked by contemptible timidity, lacking courage”

  164. UK Lady says:

    Jon Huntsman speaks Mandarin, who knew?

  165. austintx says:

    38 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 6:36 AM
    @ Paula

    Oh, Cheney is far superior to us in the toughness stakes!!

    Seriously, really, truly, could YOU shoot your friend in the face at close range?

    Not me. Clearly I am not the man that Dick Cheney is.

    He was drunk.

  166. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    “President Obama naming Huntsman Ambassador to China!”

    President Barack Obama named Republican Utah Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. as his pick for ambassador to China, likely removing one of his strongest potential challengers in the 2012 presidential campaign from the running.

    In an unusual Saturday announcement broadcast live on some cable networks, Obama acknowledged that Huntsman’s decision might not be easy for him to explain to the Republican Party.

  167. C. Rock says:

    Good Morning Mudpuppies ! Just Voted for AKM. I hope He/She wins.

  168. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    @ Paula

    Oh, Cheney is far superior to us in the toughness stakes!!

    Seriously, really, truly, could YOU shoot your friend in the face at close range?

    Not me. Clearly I am not the man that Dick Cheney is. 😉

  169. UK Lady says:

    No wonder you lot think the Brits are eccentric! Another Britains Got Talent you tube. It’s not politics I know, but we all need a good laugh sometimes.

  170. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 6:02 AM

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 5:51 AM
    I’m sorry folks, but mining that dumps tailings into pristine lakes and leaving toxic tailings behind forever is not a good thing in my book. I don’t care if it is gold and high paying jobs. Is that responsible environmental mining?
    No, it’s not responsible environmental mining, and it never will be. The big difference is that a good government will make sure that getting the gold doesn’t destroy the environment, and make the mining co forfeit profits to protect the environment. A Sarah Palin government will do nothing of the kind. Clean Water, anyone? Any person who bleats about “responsible development” like she does 24/7 has got to be a bigtime environmental rapist.
    Yes I totally agree! There should be no more mining until environmentally sound ways are found if any, the earth has been plundered enough! I was reading last night in a recent Nat Geo about the “tar sands” of Canada, and they show some all green and then the ones they are working, a ugly blight on the earth not to mention it takes all kinds of energy to extract it vs. open a facet in Middle East for oil! Isn’t the tar sands where GINO wants her precious pipeline to end? It makes me truly sick to see these greedy oil companies drill, baby, drill, mine baby, mine at the expense of people, the environment.
    I just saw briefly yesterday how some people are researching geothermal energy in Alaska, but hardly any money is going to fund that project. In this day and age More money needs to go into funding these alt ways and put gold/silver/coal mine at a stop and tar sands for oil??? Insane!

  171. Paula says:

    Aussie Blue Sky: And yeah, we also know how to make a meal and coffee from weeds and stuff. So, huh, to those right wing dorks! And $100. says Palin and Cheney couldn’t kill a bear without their AK47s. How about some hand to hand combat against those pesky polar bears? Or a good ole fashion waterboarding (on video) will do…

  172. michigander says:

    I’m guessing everybody on this thread has already voted for AKM to go to the Netroots Nation but if not see the Boots post below. Just trying to keep it fresh and make sure all are aware of it.

    I’m rallying the relatives today (o:

  173. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Morning coffee and Mudflats. That’s my routine. You never disappoint, AKM.

  174. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    lynnrockets!!! hey I just caught your post on yesterdays fern thread…..good to have you and your songs back!

  175. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 5:51 AM
    I’m sorry folks, but mining that dumps tailings into pristine lakes and leaving toxic tailings behind forever is not a good thing in my book. I don’t care if it is gold and high paying jobs. Is that responsible environmental mining?
    No, it’s not responsible environmental mining, and it never will be. The big difference is that a good government will make sure that getting the gold doesn’t destroy the environment, and make the mining co forfeit profits to protect the environment. A Sarah Palin government will do nothing of the kind. Clean Water, anyone? Any person who bleats about “responsible development” like she does 24/7 has got to be a bigtime environmental rapist.

  176. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    why the frick wasn’t this done before the fuel was spilled!!!

    “Landowners in Eagle are eligible for federal funding to help remove debris from the flooding that occurred this month in the Yukon River community. The Emergency Watershed Protection program has $25,000 for the cleanup.

    Among possible uses of the money is temporarily storing contaminated materials in safe locations and removing contaminated materials, said Robert Jones, state conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, an arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”

  177. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    The SAS Survival Handbook. I don’t think this is the chapter on catching, killing and skinning wild animals with your bare hands, and eating them raw – not that I wouldn’t love to see the very very butch Newt Gingrich doing that with his VERY BUTCH fellow Republicans ….. man, you wouldn’t see the pusillanimous nannies for the gore, would you?

    After you, Gringrich and co. Age before beauty, like they say.

  178. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here’s more refresher info…..

    Supreme Court to hear Kensington mine dispute

    The Associated Press

    Published: June 27th, 2008 09:54 AM
    Last Modified: June 27th, 2008 03:09 PM

  179. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’m sorry folks, but mining that dumps tailings into pristine lakes and leaving toxic tailings behind forever is not a good thing in my book. I don’t care if it is gold and high paying jobs. Is that responsible environmental mining?

    She just filed this…’s about Kensington Gold Mine, she’s using her “acting (puppet) attorney general. Egads, can you imagine how bad things could have gotten (quickly) if WAR had been confirmed, shudder!
    (Palin is trying to push it through)

    “The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC) filed a lawsuit to stop the mine. The suit alleged that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated federal law by issuing permits that allow tailings to be deposited in a small and remote muskeg lake. The state intervened to assist mine owner Coeur-Alaska and the corps in defending the permit.”

  180. ira2 says:

    Me, I’d love to see Newt fight off a bear. With his bare hands, like a real American man. Make the bear a real American wild-grown one. Make it a sow with cubs. In Alaska. Sexy conservative Sarah Palin will be there also too, a little woman to be protected by he-man Newt. She will NOT attempt to outdo him in the fighting-off department, of course. She will be meek and subservient and respect his status as the leader, and hold a small glass of his chosen wine in one hand and his chosen cigar in the other to serve him after his successful manly endeavor.

    I know, I know, that means broken glass and a bunch of vinyl and polyester rags littering the pristine Alaska landscape, but wouldn’t it be worth it? Ta-dah, problem solved?

  181. JuneauJoe Δ says:

    Chapter 1: How to wrestle an alligator: First-Pick up M-16 Rifle

  182. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Jayzazz! I guess the first dud on the first page then?
    Newt! Always good for a laugh…glad you warned us AKM…and BTW who has a name like Newt? Was that a nickname???
    Opps looking in my spellbooks too much, Eye of Newt…3 hairs of a palin & fingernail of Ann C +pic of michele bachmann, put in cauldren stir=Instant crazy! 😯

  183. Evelyn says:

    Personally, I’d love to see video of Newt, Cheney, Rice, Bush et al. wrestling alligators.

  184. Candy Knight says:

    The funny part is that scientific studies have shown that people who scare easily, physically, are also politically conservative.

  185. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Paula Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 4:09 AM
    Well shucks, AKM, my tatoo covered, blue collar working, cow milkin’, gun totin’ liberal man could whoop all them pansy hee-men conservatives with one hand tied behind his back (tied with organic jute, a course).
    Funny you should say that, Paula – my man doesn’t milk cows and to hear him talk you’d never guess he’s a fine upstanding liberal, but I would back my Yankee against any redneck on any day. His guns are better also too. 😉

    But while we’re on the subject, I can set bones and make splints and tourniquets from found objects. I can fight off sharks if I have to, and rescue folks who can’t swim, and I have no trouble picking the perfect wine – or the perfect cognac. It would be a really dumb woman who thought a man could any of those better by virtue of his gender.

    Oh, sorry – it would have to be a really dumb CONSERVATIVE woman who would believe that rubbish …. so I’m betting an awful lot of them are faking their admiration. 😉

  186. Karin in CT says:

    Pu-leaze! These idiots get worse by the day.

  187. I See Villages From My House says:

    I always enjoy books recommended by God and/or Jesus. It makes me feel superior to my fellow man and secure in my hereafter, also.

  188. marcus2 says:

    LOL. Since Barack Obama has been elected, all the extremist conservative nut-jobs have come out of the woodwork. They remind me of Travis Bickle characters from Taxi Driver without the mohawk. Totally wacked out.

  189. Martha says:

    Tooo funny! Jon Stewart or maybe Colbert, would have some fun with this one!

  190. austintx says:

    UK Lady – Guess it’s time for your alter ego to spring forth and save the country.

  191. ttownlotta says:

    Does Ann Coulter have a beau???? A real man I do not believe would even look twice at her. They only live in her mind and she is not a real women either. She is all mouth.

  192. Forty Watt says:

    “pusillanimous” and “effete”. Channeling Spiro Agnew, perhaps?

  193. UK Lady says:

    I guess those ‘real men’ only live in the ‘real America’. Bunch of dickheads.

    austintx – You have no idea!, I’m not sure if we”ll even have a Parliament left at the rate they are going down. It really is going crazy. The speaker of the House is about to go down in flames. We are almost at the point of civil unrest.

  194. lynnrockets says:

    Let’s get this straight. Is the book referring to “real men” like chickenhawks Gingrich, Limbaugh, Bush Jr., Cheney, Rove, Lindsey (now there’s a real man-like name) Graham, Pearlman, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld? Just wondering.

  195. austintx says:

    I googled “a real man”……..and found this………

  196. mary b says:

    These so-called neocon men are only found in the neocon women’s dreams. They do not exsist and never will.
    And, if they did exsist, they would also be wife beaters, power hungry and be prone to outragous temper tantrums when they don’t get their own way.

    Give me a real man anytime, one who has empathy for al others. I don’t want some science fiction character trying to run my life or anyone elses.

  197. austintx says:

    UK Lady – Are you here ?? What in the HELL is going on over there ?!?! Just clicked on Huffpo. Dang – your Parliament has gone nuts.

  198. DrChill says:

    Wine !?? Real men don’t drink no French grape juice. Jack Daniels in a tin cup.
    Tobacco: Cigars are for sissy boys. Chew it ‘n spit it.

  199. Paula says:

    Well shucks, AKM, my tatoo covered, blue collar working, cow milkin’, gun totin’ liberal man could whoop all them pansy hee-men conservatives with one hand tied behind his back (tied with organic jute, a course).

    The right gets weirder by the day. Thank you God (eyes toward heaven, face full of awe, hands waving skyward in praise).

  200. Ripley in CT says:

    I was thinking the same thing about the verbiage. Silly little boys.

  201. va_soccer_mom says:

    Sure, they can wrestle an alligator, but give them a naughty librarian and they’re instantly whipped. (Thanks for the warning to put my coffee down first!)

  202. dee says:

    Too funny. Where’s the chapter on gun ownership and smacking the “little woman” around a bit if she gets too mouthy?

  203. michigander says:

    Hahaha! Good Morning – off to check the voting progress (o:

  204. austintx says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    May 16th, 2009 at 3:07 AM
    Does this book have a chapter on that favorite manly Republican pursuit, draft-dodging?
    Or how to serve your wife divorce papers while she lays in the cancer ward at the hospital……..wife #1
    Or how to boink an intern while cheating on your wife…….wife # 2
    Look out ex-intern/#3…….you married a real peckerhead.

  205. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Does this book have a chapter on that favorite manly Republican pursuit, draft-dodging?