Breaking News – Three More Ethics Complaints Against Palin, and Then Some?!
Alaska Report has breaking news! According to the site, there are three (count ’em…THREE) ethics complaints against Governor Sarah Palin coming down the pike.
Mention is also made of a “long simmering embezzlement/IRS scandal” that is still being looked at by the feds.
I have no more news than that, folks. Check it out at the link above, and use this thread to… I don’t know…. speculate I guess!
Have at it.
It’s time that people stop apologizing to Palin over every little thing that causes her to have the vapors. She does this to effectively censor anyone that speaks out against her or makes light of her policies/beliefs/lack of ethics.
The next time Sarah Thin Skin gets all bent out of shape all she should get from the person is a “So, who cares if you’re upset. I’m upset over your inability to govern in a mature and ethical manner”. The let Palin and Meggy rant and rave like the loons they are while reasonable people laugh at her.
I’m just tired of the hypocracy(sp) of the right wingers. They run people into the ground but like typical bullies, they can dish it out but can’t take it. Well no more, give it back to them and let them whine and cry because I couldn’t care less about these childish people who feel that politics are a game instead of it being a position where you are working for the best interests of the citizens of this country.
164 Martha Says: June 25th, 2009 at 3:59 PM
It appears that the Palins borrowed the money from a living trust, that her parents have majority control of AND that was created approximatley 2 weeks before they borrowed the money.
This “iceberg” threat is about the Palins and Heaths embezzling from with a trust fund that was federally guaranteed. That the federal government agencies are looking (obligated to) into this wrong doing, because of the guarantee. And that the IRS is involved in this too.
That part I got. Private transaction wherein Palin “borrowed” money. Did Palin not pay back the borrowed money? I don’t see embezzlement under the scenario wherein Palin borrowed money (presumably it’s a loan extended by the Carter’s).
I can see where the IRS might have raised an eyebrow if Palin did not pay back the money. Or if they paid no interest on the “borrowed” money (which the IRS views as an interest-free loan).
If the money was not paid back, and the value of the “borrowed” money never declared on a 1040, then there’s a problem as the IRS tends to view these types of transactions as involving undeclared income. Oops. Still gotta pay taxes on undeclared income!
If no interest was paid on the “borrowed” money, then there’s also a problem here as the IRS tends to view the unpaid interest on no-interest loans as… income. If that income was not included on the 1040, then there’s yet another instance of undeclared income. Still gotta pay taxes on undeclared income!
But that’s all conjecture as we do not know the nature or terms of the transaction(s) that you listed. Did the Carter’s actually loan money to Palin? Did the Carter’s expect to be paid a certain amount of interest? If there was interest, did the Carter’s declare that on their 1040? Did the Carter’s provide the appropriate IRS 1099 interest form to Palin? Has any of this shown up on tax returns released by Palin?
There are other pertinent questions, but those are where we ought to start.
Oh, and here’s a kicker… 1994? Are any claims by any of the parties (Palin, Carter, IRS?) barred by applicable statute of limitations? Has the bell tolled on any possible enforcement action?
159 sdragon Says: June 25th, 2009 at 12:38 PM
Why doesn’t somebody just throw a bucket of water on her & see if she melts?
Because there are federal and state laws against the pollution of water?
I’m trying to make sense of these land records. It looks like the Palins borrowed money from the Carter living trust to buy a house in 1994 and gave back a mortgage/deed of trust to the Carter living trust. Amy Carter and the Heaths are also involved but it doesn’t state that they’re trustees, which would be the norm. Then, in 1996, both Mr. and Mrs. Carter, the owners of the living trust, as trustees of their trust and in the name of their trust, and Amy Carter, assigned the Palin’s mortgage/deed of trust to Chuck Heath. So if they owned the trust and voluntarily assigned the mortgage/deed of trust to Chuck Heath, I’m trying to figure out where the embezzlement is? Any educated guesses?
Lee323 – Then Rush will blame PO……….
Guess the news about three more ethics complaints and possible IRS investigation was getting a little hot for Palin and Stapletongue.
Hence…..trot out the baby.
I assume Palin’s fans are not smart enough to understand that Diva’s Palin-Burke graphic had nothing to do with special needs babies. Just like Letterman’s joke had nothing to do with rape. They follow her feigned outrage like little goslings after Mother Goose.
Hmmm….Mother Goose. Now that IS a sacred icon for millions of children…… Yep. I came full circle on this post: Palin’s groupies are child-like.
Can’t wait until Humpty-Dumpty has her great fall…
OMG! That pic was just too funny! Made my day, and thanks!
I certainly hope that I have not done anything wrong (opps, too late) before you guys get to me. Go for it! I rely on you for these details.
OOps…..forgot to include the link;
138 sauerkraut Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 10:25 AM
Martha… I don’t get it. What’s so special or unusual about these real estate transactions?
Well, when I went to the page to read this, it looks like;
a) They borrowed money from a trust fund.
b) Palins are the “grantors”………they get the money
Grantee – CARTER AMY L………..they decide to give the monies, as they are running the trust fund.
The trust is named/and or belongs to……..RAYMOND L CARTER AND KRISTINE M CARTER LIVING
e) the trust was created ………….Comments: GRANTEE NAME;TRUST DATED OCTOBER 21 1994
f) Palins borrowed the money……Date Recorded: 11/08/1994 Time: 09:15AM Book: 787 Page: 447 Pages: 6
It appears that the Palins borrowed the money from a living trust, that her parents have majority control of AND that was created approximatley 2 weeks before they borrowed the money.
This “iceberg” threat is about the Palins and Heaths embezzling from with a trust fund that was federally guaranteed. That the federal government agencies are looking (obligated to) into this wrong doing, because of the guarantee. And that the IRS is involved in this too.
Who are these Carter folks? Anyone know?
Maybe someone can enlighten me if I’m wrong. The following was found at this page too;
Document Year: 1989 Number: 018185 Suf: 0 District: 311 – PALMER
Date Recorded: 12/12/1989 Time: 09:59AM Book: 604 Page: 657 Pages: 1
Index: M – MORTGAGES Other ID: 241 646
Grantor – ALTICO INC
Location: Lot: 20 Block: 2 Plat: 63-19
Document Year: 1996 Number: 007984 Suf: 0 District: 311 – PALMER
Date Recorded: 06/06/1996 Time: 10:07AM Book: 851 Page: 84 Pages: 1
Index: M – MORTGAGES Other ID: 787 447
Grantor – CARTER AMY L
Location: Lot: 10 Block: 1 Plat: 62-5
Document Year: 2000 Number: 008861 Suf: 0 District: 311 – PALMER
Date Recorded: 05/31/2000 Time: 01:34PM Book: 1070 Page: 998 Pages: 2
Index: D – DEEDS
Location: Lot: 9 Block: 5 Plat: 79-366
Location: Lot: 8 Block: 5 Plat: 79-366
One mark of successful politicians is the ability to poke fun at themselves- even McCain, Bush and Giuliani have that ability, and Obama is a master. Has anyone ever seen Palin poke fun at herself? I think she is so narcissistic that it is impossible for her. The reference to the “iconic” photo is very ironic.
Another reason she’ll never be successful in obtaining national office. Being the perpetual victim may get the headlines, but not the votes.
Witchy woman is on the attack again. The huff post showed Linda Kellen Biegel’s doctored picture of Palin holding Eddie Burke, ans she don’t like it! I’m skeered . . . .
See Scarah doesn’t have to feel so dang picked on…….it’s not just about her.
And oh my, the car’s tracking device had been deactivated. Very naughty.
Gov. Sanford to Reimburse His State for Trip to Argentina
“The governor’s trips to Argentina were already being investigated by the state.”
“But before Mr. Sanford released his statement about reimbursement, Mr. Peeler said that the governor’s trips to Argentina were being investigated to determine if he used taxpayer money. If he did, he said: “That’s a deal breaker.”
Linda is being ripped off all right-in Washington State record checks are free if you do it yourself. If state does it for you its $30.00 an hr. plus fees for copies. $5500.00 divided by $30.00 a hr. would be 138 hrs. Its going to take a person over a month of working 8 hr. a day to find the e-mail records?????? TALK ABOUT BEING UNETHICAL ! It’s beginning to sound like the whole Alaska State Gov. is unethical.
Why doesn’t somebody just throw a bucket of water on her & see if she melts?
99 skeletons sit on a wall, 99 skeletons sit!
Take one down, pass it around, 98 skeletons still on the wall
98 skeletons sit on a wall, 98 skeletons sit!
Take one down, pass it around, 97 skeletons still on the wall!
This might be a long road, folks!
@sauerkraut #92 – well said.
I have no idea of what the news is, or if it’s true – but if it is I am having ONE HUGE LAUGH at Gov Medusa’s expense – if it’s true – it’s the FEDS. What could be worse? Not much. She’ll get the AIP whipped into a frenzy and they’ll try to close the borders to save what’s her face! And don’t forget the Rapture Minions – maybe they’ll all decide to send out an appeal to their mean and vindictive god to send her off early before the FEDS get ‘er. Wouldn’t that be pleasant?
I know I’m dreaming – I prefer not to speculate til there’s more info – but I sure can point and laugh in the interim since she has paved the way for that all by little ‘ol snarky self. The only thing that would be better is that she and her whole family moved to Antarctica (sorry penguins – learn to waddle really really fast cause she’ll go after you guys, too).
@72 John Says – Palin doesn’t have the same backing Bush did to manipulate the Supreme Court.
(There was definitely something weird there… I know… sounds like tin hat stuff, but, come on. Gore had the popular vote… should have counted for something… anyway… water under the bridge if you ignore the thousands of people who have died as a result….)
Well, no wonder Palin chose this week to get all patriotic and visit the Alaskan troops. I suppose she thinks a photo-op will save her fanny – has in the past, I suppose, so who am I to say otherwise… but still…. it’s disgusting how she manipulates and exploits everything that is good and sweet and honorable in the world to save her evil face.
Amereurocan – although she hasn’t appointed all members of the Personnel Board, the salient point is that she can fire any of them “with cause.” And of course, who determines “cause?” Probably her Attorney General…. and if we go by recent history, she seems to have a knack for appointing an AG who fits nice and snug in her decolletage.
I was on Munger’s blog last night (Chapter 68 of his Sarah series – the one with the really ugly mean pic from the campaign trail. my fav Palin pic. I have it saved… call it The Face of Hate, but I digress….) and I noticed a post by onejrkitty (or something like that) that led me to Bob Lynn’s blog where Anonymous posted some really eyebrow raising stuff. And another Anonymous posted a retaliatory remark. I got chills from both. All of this is so edge-of-the-chair. But I try not to get excited. Palin is like a Dalek. She seems to get killed off in one series only to return in the next.
Well, looks like Chuckie did as fine of a job passing along his ethics to Sarah Jr – about as fine as any job he did passing on his knowledge as a science teacher.
And then he blamed Sarah retrospectively – to cover his own a** for what he knew would be a huge train wreck when she matured into a full blown Sarah Junior robot – with their comment quoted from ADN about how Sarah, even as a child, would do as she pleased and listened to no one, not even her parents. I’m paraphrasing this, because now ADN wants to charge for the archived article. Hmmmmm???
I think we have more than one ethically & knowledge challenged Palin here – the baby robot doesn’t fall very far from the clandestine robot lab and its resident inventor!
Well I guess the value of her book will go down after this ?
Another failed GOP’r?
Martha Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Palins army raining down in the middle east;
This is funny!
LOL! I thought about posting this…knew Austin would luv it
no one is buying the iconic crapola….
117 Bystander Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 9:18 AM
The Huffpo article refers to Burke as a “conservative talk show host”- like he is George Will. I wish someone would clue them in on this nutball, as illustated on the thread below….
Get the t-shirt pic. to Huffpo.
I’m thinking ahead. I’m thinking….could this end up in court? Because if it does it’s going to be highly entertaining. I’m so hoping there isn’t a fine and settlement. This really needs to go to court and be open to the public.
Just think of Sarah Palin on the stand having to answer questions extemporaneously. I mean, she’s fine reading what Stapletongue has already written for her. But Meg can’t testify for her. And while they can anticipate some of the questions, write out a response memorize it and regurgitate it, you know the IRS is gonna have lawyers smarter than Sarah. (I’m sure the IRS has janitors smarter than Sarah.) There are going to be ‘surprise’ questions. Deer in the headlights questions. While I doubt we’ll get video, we will get artists renderings and we’ll certainly get to read transcripts.
There’s your popcorn moment. Imagine reading the word salad Sarah tries to spew and being pinned like a bug by the IRS lawyers.
It’s gonna be sweet.
145 Lori in Los Angeles Says:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. My money for the “anonymous person” is Sanford’s wife or wife’s father (both very educated, wealthy people in their own right BTW).
SKIL power tools indeed !!
mlaiuppa Says:
“An anonymous person sent his e-mails to “The State” back in December and they happened to have a reporter at the airport when he landed. Pure luck.”
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. My money for the “anonymous person” is Sanford’s wife or wife’s father (both very educated, wealthy people in their own right BTW).
With Mark Sanford in the news Sister Sarah had to do something – anything – fast to try and get some press.
For her spokesperson (interpreter) to say the picture of her holding her child is “iconic” is absurd and sad. Only someone as dense and egoistic as Sarah Palin would actually believe it. She is delusional.
Governor Governor In Name Only may be needing to have a permanent begathon for her legal woes. I wonder if this is part of HER $600,000 REQUEST.
I just read the stuff from Palingates and the Bob Lynn site…
I’d be real careful about latching on to the “claims” of the anon poster. There are some real odd phrases in those rants: net worth, that harvard is watching Palin, “federal internal investigation,” etc. A real discordant rant.
Martha. It could be the co-signers on the Palin home.
I knew it would be the IRS that finally ended her political career.
After reading the ethics complaints re: Arctic Cat and per diem it was obvious she and Todd are not only clueless/careless regarding their finances but they also don’t really care about the law because it doesn’t apply to them. Or they don’t think they’ll get caught. (I’m sure Sanford didn’t think he’d get caught either. And he almost didn’t. An anonymous person sent his e-mails to “The State” back in December and they happened to have a reporter at the airport when he landed. Pure luck.
I’m sure they’ll be an anonymous source or two for Palin.
Gee, what does a disgraced politician do? Hmmm. Write a book and get hired by Faux Noise? She’ll have to leave Alaska and live in the lower 48. Or….she could leave Todd and the kids. Wonder what she’ll choose?
Oops, wrong thread. Meant to hit the Open Thread. Sorry!
I could see (and would join in on) the outrage if, say, Trig’s face had been PhotoShopped onto Burke’s body.
Palinbots seem to have a collective wire crossed somewhere in their negatronic brains…
Martha… I don’t get it. What’s so special or unusual about these real estate transactions?
Here’s an aside but I wonder if the potential new ethics complaints have anything to do with it… in my blog’s stats for today, there are 8 who came via search for “akmuckraker picture.”
Someone’s out there looking for something. …
BooBooBear Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:48 AM
Here is a link to look at….the ICEBERG?
Document Year: 1994 Number: 018024 Suf: 0 District: 311 – PALMER
Date Recorded: 11/08/1994 Time: 09:15AM Book: 787 Page: 447 Pages: 6
Desc: D/TRUST 140000.00
Grantor – PALIN TODD M
Grantee – CARTER AMY L
Location: Lot: 10 Block: 1 Plat: 62-5
Who ARE these Carters? And why are the Heaths running their trust?
Martha – Oh yeah !! Good find……Thanks !!
BooBooBear-Just what kind of Agriculture is Mr. Ray Debenham involved in? No one in the Valley is aware of any agricultural activity by this man? Anyone? What is this guy up to to get that kind of a loan? Is he getting into DAIRY? Hmmmmm….inquiring minds want to know. This story is getting bigger and bigger and may be a huge web of deceit going on.
It doesn’t hurt to ask, if the cost is too high, you just say you can’t afford it. But the big cost is they would say they need to pay a lawyer to go through each one to see if there was any confidential information that couldn’t be released.
Palins army raining down in the middle east;
This is funny!
119 deist Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 9:22 AM
After I’d read this stuff, I thought the claim to Petuminous that executive branch staff were not aware of these rules and retention schedules was pathetic. It seemed flagrant. But it’s difficult to penalize anyone for disregarding or breaking these laws. Petuminous only took token action and he didn’t refer anything to DOL.
Well, there’s the problem. People not doing their jobs or not doing what the law requires. That’s not a matter of ethics, tho, but something which can be remedied by filing a mandamus action forcing the stick-in-the-mud to do what the law requires.
garden slug… my thought exactly. one at a time. requests from people other than celtic diva but always one or two at a time. it’s called a sideways maneuver and confuses your prey. also, it is a smart way to protect oneself from personal attacks. makes what you are trying to accomplish not about you but all about the goal. omho…b
slug –
If for a recent day, there should be no cost since all of the emails can be transferred electronically (no paper/copy costs).
Comment 124…. Included in the minutes of the Board of Agriculture meeting you can read where this board requirted no signatures of guarantee for a $630,000 low interest loan to Palin’s personal dairy, Valley Dairy DBA Matanuska Creamery……..a BIG story to be uncovered there. A;ready they have a very large Federal Tax lien slapped on them for not paying their employee payroll taxes. Rumor is that they are not making their payments either.
What would be the costs to an individual requesting the governor’s e-mails for just one particular day, (a whole day’s worth of e-mail)?
She is just too darn shifty. Her DC cronyism would be a nightmare.
@ womanwithsardinecan
“Maybe Palin IS a robot. Chuck created her in his basement, programmed her with his “ethics” and thought processes, and sent her out to take over the world. His wife is a robot too, but she was the first generation and he couldn’t figure out how to make her talk.”
I haven’t laughed this hard all week – I think you are on to something here. Chuckie made up for the no-speaky Sally (Sarah the First) & gave Sarah Robot #2 the power to speak for both of them. However, there was a rare lightning storm which hit when they moved to Wasilla, and Sarah Junior got zapped. As she grew older, her words began to make little sense. They poured out of her mouth and tumbled into the air, but what did they mean? She got louder and snarkier in frustration over the word salad syndrome which began to develop and the words became more confusing than ever! Then…. dum de dum dum… the broken VOICE at puberty turned into fingernails on the blackboard and Sarah was horrified that it did not match the persona she wanted for her adult life. She wanted a sultry voice, to hypnotize and seduce those she wanted to do her bidding. But not to be undone, she came up with a diifferent plan…
“I WILL rule the world!” she cried. “My voice of horror and speech patterns of DOOM will utterly confuse and cause dismay – unless people slam their hands over their ears, they will SUCCUMB to my power and the world will be MINE!” She also plotted against the family dog, who was the only being in their home who knew the truth of her obsessions and wild ambition…
New appointment Ramona Reeve is Todd Palin’s Iron Dog sponsor, Fairbanks Gold Company. No disclosure of financial interest or amount.
“Owners John and Ramona Reeves are the largest individual land owners in Alaska with thousands of acres of patented mining claims and proven/unproven gold reserves.”
Kristan Cole is board chair of the Alaska Agriculture & Conservation Board. Cole is the initiator and Trustee for Sarah Palin’s ‘Alaska Fund Trust’, currently soliciting cash donations on behalf of “the Alaska Governor’s Office.”
In November 2008, this board approved a $625,000 loan to Ray Debenham, also a Todd Palin sponsor, Debenham Investments. Again, no disclosure of amount of Palin Iron Dog donation.
Seems like the State would quickly go bankrupt just accessing its own records as necessary during day to day operations.
I guess I’d be playing hard to get if I was headed for that IRS ice berg on top of everything else I’d done. I wouldn’t move into the mansion, file for Governor or POTUS if the IRS had the stink eye on me. Problem is, with technology these days, it’s so easy to connect the dots! Also, I’d love it if someone filed for the rest of the children’s travel since she used a loop hole to justify not paying back all of the trips. Tweaaaat! Thumbs Up! She has been called Blago in a dress, this will just fuel that fire. Get ready for more comparisons between the two. Blago and Palin Ticket Anyone?
If you read over at Celtic Diva, she had a lawyer go over the reasoning for the cost of the request. They went over each item, line by line. It seemed as if the Gov’s office wanted to double-triple charge things like for example; most large record searches are done by computer program, at night when no one is there, no need to have an employee stand by and watch the wheels spin; yet it seemed that not only was the Gov’s office going to charge hours for running that program no one is watching, but also multiplying a cost by how many different names the program was looking for. Definitely no kosher accounting by any means. I’ve just paraphrashed what I read over at Diva’s site, so go over there and read the letters going back and forth over it. Pretty telling on how that office works.
my favorite comment over at huffpo is “Is her rallying cry for 2012 going to be
“David Letterman & bloggers are mean to my kids, make me your president”?
saurkraut: I looked at those laws too around the time when folks were trying to run State business through private email accounts. The State records management site is at:
“email: faq and rules” is especially informative:
After I’d read this stuff, I thought the claim to Petuminous that executive branch staff were not aware of these rules and retention schedules was pathetic. It seemed flagrant. But it’s difficult to penalize anyone for disregarding or breaking these laws. Petuminous only took token action and he didn’t refer anything to DOL.
We all use email regularly. I use it as an invaluable tool in my business. As part of that, I have to keep my emails forever, (at least it feels like that) and I have to keep them accessible. I have learned there are a few simple tricks and tools to doing this. I can do an email search on a key word, a name, a subject, a date–the possibilities are endless. And I generally have my information within about twenty minutes. It boggles the mind that ANYBODY would consider even $5500 a reasonable price for a limited records search (and that’s what we’re talking about here). Even if you add in the cost of printing out all relevant records at 25 cents a page (which is pretty steep) that’s a heck of a lot of pages. When I first read about this it sounded like what I’ve sometimes done when I’ve been asked to do a job that I suspect will be more trouble than it’s worth–I raise the price to the point where I suspect the requestor will feel it’s too costly. If by some chance they go for it, hey, I’m being paid for my trouble. It’s one thing to do that as a private citizen–and with something that I am not mandated by law to provide. I would think the expectation would be that it would be provided for free, or at cost. This sounds to me like they’re simply tacking on a price tag that will shut down the legally mandated requirement to provide records. And don’t get me started on the redacting…
The Huffpo article refers to Burke as a “conservative talk show host”- like he is George Will. I wish someone would clue them in on this nutball, as illustated on the thread below….
At @105 and @113
You should start the video with her response to at the Newsweeks women’s conference saying that when there is any perceived whine it doesn’t do women any good. That would be a good intro to her pouty whine video compilation!
The Burke Baby story is now over on huffpo, lots of comments, as always when it comes to GINO. Nothing on Greta yet, you know she’ll be all over it.
Greta is really busy screaming about Sanford right now, they eat their own, you know. We all know this feigned outrage about the burke baby is really
a diversionary tactic & also about the envy sarah has over sanford hogging up the headlines.
@ 105 Ennealogic
go for it! I don’t have any sort of compilation of pics, and I wouldn’t have the first idea how to do it anyway. Palingates has a bunch of them… I just love looking at the pouty face one and Laughing out loud at it!
It’s just so perfect…. especially the line about too many churches…
109 deist Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:58 AM
How would this be handled within the framework of the public records laws? If they are not following the laws, are they breaking them? If so, who enforces the laws?
You’d need to look at the specific and relevant statutes to determine who does what in what time frame and what happens if that does not follow. In matters of administrative law – of which public records laws are but one variety – a roadmap is presented within the statute. Follow the yellow brick road and ye shall find the wizard in oz. Although, the bricks within the Palin administration appear to be a bit bent, broken or discarded.
In other words, the statute sets forth what needs to be done. It’s been awhile since I looked at it but I have no recollection of any provision which allows for an ethics complaint to be used as a hammer to get them to do what they are supposed to do.
Thanks problem child.
Makes sense. I just don’t have time to read all this stuff. 5500 also sounds like a rip off to me. Perhaps they’re violating our laws by charging that much. As Linda indicated, most government agencies don’t charge for public record requests.
In addition to my post at #70, Palin could never survive a campaign because she is too thin-skinned and would spend the entire time reacting to every perceived insult and playing the victim- which would also, too, doom her campaign. Other than her Idiot Base, no one will take a candidate seriously and expect them to stand up to Iran and North Korea, when they go into a pout when faced with Katie Couric and David Letterman (and Celtic Diva).
I agree with #103 Sauerkraut- speculating about these “icebergs” , arrests, IRS enforcement, etc. makes people look as foolish as Palin and the Palinbots.
How would this be handled within the framework of the public records laws? If they are not following the laws, are they breaking them? If so, who enforces the laws?
When Petuminous (sp?) came out with his report the day before the election, as I recall he indicated Mr. Bailey should take ethics training because of his apparent failure to comply with State public records regs. I guess Petuminous thought non compliance of public records regulations was ethics related.
When someone makes an ethics inquiry, they’re questioning, not complaining. That’s not harassment. Maybe you are right but I’m not sure DOL would agree with you that overcharging is just a public records law issue.
Well, I AM getting tired of waiting for Ben Stevens to get his comeupance, and for Young, and the Palin’s. But I have more faith in the Obama Administration’s FBI and IRS then I did with the past Administration’s. The FBI has a very long memory and lots of patience. (And I do believe they harbor grudges – and I think they have a few towards Alaskan politicians perhaps even more so when they belong and support seccessionist organizations?)
The IRS has brought down some of this country’s biggest criminals (with what seemed the most simple of crimes). I’m sure if there’s wrong doing here by the Palin’s they won’t escape from the Feds on this one unscathed. I’m just hoping I don’t have to wait for the snow fall to see public action on it.
I do agree with you, deist, that the price is still wildly overinflated.
deist Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 7:36 AM
Speculating about ethics complaints, there may be some ethics issues associated with individuals in the executive branch claiming an email records request would cost over 60,000 dollars and then backing off to 5500. It would seem weird if the initial estimate may have been so incorrect.
The reason for the reduction in price is that CD decided to really narrow her request from her original (which included all e-mails going back to the beginning of the GINO administration, and a fair number more employees). Nothing nefarious there (for once).
Ripley in CT: We really ought to make a video using that song as the sound, with pictures of Sarah’s faces and all the hyper over-the-top language she’s used to denigrate and whine and incite others, all others from PO to bloggers to anyone who files an ethics complaint…
It would be perfect.
Here is a link to look at….the ICEBERG?
82 samper Says: June 25th, 2009 at 7:51 AM
What would REALLY be cool is if IRSGATE is ALSO TOO somehow tied to BABYGATE… Claiming him as a dependent, getting his PFD, etc. Perhaps the IRS might be interested in a little visit with Dr. Whatshername along with her filing cabinet, and the State Records office re: birth and birth certificate???
Absolutely not!
This is more nonsense.
The IRS is charged with tax collection not paternity.
Let’s not let rank emotions and off-the-mark speculations make us look more stupid than Meg Stapleton’s mouth makes Palin look.
LOL So they = DO they! my grammar is in the kitchen baking cookies!
80 deist Says: June 25th, 2009 at 7:36 AM
Speculating about ethics complaints, there may be some ethics issues associated with individuals in the executive branch claiming an email records request would cost over 60,000 dollars and then backing off to 5500. It would seem weird if the initial estimate may have been so incorrect. Perhaps this should be investigated– technically savvy people might cast doubt on the integrity of the original estimate. If so, perhaps this would be an ethics issue.
This is the type of nonsense that plugs up the system, mucks up the works and gives Palin justifiable reason to complain about political harassment.
The cost of the copies and the extraordinary length of time it’s taken to produce the documents to CD are matters which should be handled within the framework of the public records laws, not thru an ethics complaint. Delays and overcharges simply are not matters related to ethics but failures on the part of Palin to follow the public records law(s).
Yeah, Iconic. A picture of her with “a” baby facing away from her, waving him around to a crowd of Sarahsites. Iconic. I think they meant IRONIC. Those damn people really don’t know how to spell, so they?
I wonder if the IRS thing has to do with Dairygate? Buddies in collusion? Kick backs?
“malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation ”
Scarah and Trig are now the Madonna and Child? Icnonic????
79 Kallie Says: June 25th, 2009 at 7:28 AM
It’s about time a different organization like the IRS gets involved!
Given the various things I’ve read and heard about Palin, it was only a matter of time. If, IF, the IRS is involved, expect some aspect of the lakeside home to be part of any enforcement action. There were 4 or 5 other things which caught my attention during the past several months as being IRS-worthy.
I saw that C Diva had removed the graphic by Dr. Chill but I just figured she had made her point (as she referred to the same Letterman graphic by Crooks and Liars ) and was moving on. I never heard that Meg came out and made some sort of statement.
Because the Graphic of the ‘ baby ‘ in her arms had a mustache… and below it it said Baby Burke. Thats like adding 1 + 1 and getting 10. And it had the picture that Eddies face was pulled from. Morons !
Todds statements (Willow and R ) about Letterman were completely false and got repeated as faux outrage. Meg must be an idiot if she thinks she can connect the dots this way.
Where was this statement made… and to who in the Media?
73 pvazwindy Says: June 25th, 2009 at 7:01 AM
WOW-First on political ticker, Palin blasts Diva over the Eddie Burke superimposed pic. Meg wants PO to speak out on the pic.
It’s a state-level political issue that falls within the realm of protected political speech.
Why should, or would, the President need to “speak out” on it?
Are all of Palin’s peeps such blowhards or is it just another example of Stapleton’s nascent personality problem?
The last time President Obama defended Sarah Palin and her family against the media she took his words, twisted them and still uses them as somehow being about protecting only his family.
WHY the hell would he want to speak out in her defense again???? And no, she is not holy and her special needs child needs a mother not a spokeswoman.
Also, too
I just heard this song on the radio. I gleaned a whole new meaning this time :))
read on.
40 Amereurocan Says: June 25th, 2009 at 2:43 AM
I don’t get it. How can a board she hired be taken seriously?
It shouldn’t be. Having people you appoint “investigate” ethics complaints against you is not only unethical but a clear case of what falls under the legal definition of “conflict of interest.” If the statute cannot be interpreted in any fashion other than how it is currently written, then is seems ripe for a claim questioning its constitutionality. At best, having your own appointees make legal decisions whose outcomes are always in your favor is a matter of bad, very bad, public policy that needs to be changed by the legislature ASAP. Where the heck is Les Gara on this and why isn’t he pushing for the obvious changes?
37 Alaska GUY Says: June 25th, 2009 at 1:32 AM
Let’s see if the Personel Board will give the IRS a $6000 Bill.
The IRS uses these funky old things called subpoenas… can’t charge the IRS for documents to be obtained in their investigation(s).
She is much too sensitive to run for President. Just look at what the right did to Obama, Obama Waffles (that was the fundies of course) photos of the white house with a watermelon patch instead of the Rose Garden, calling Michelle an ape, and that is the TIP of the iceberg for what they did to him.
How could she campaign? She would spend all her time in PoutRage.
7 deist Says: June 24th, 2009 at 11:17 PM
I’m sure no one will win any complaints, but at least historians will be able to look back and see how corrupt our State was in stifling them all.
Let’s hope you are wrong on the “winning” part.
Maybe sarah will get arrested as she is clearing Customs on the way home………..
deist Says:
June 24th, 2009 at 11:17 PM
I’m sure no one will win any complaints, but at least historians will be able to look back and see how corrupt our State was in stifling them all.
When you have a system where a governor is judged by people she appoints and can fire, you have the biggest case of conflict of interest possible. Until Alaska changes their system and assigns an independent group to look into ethics complaints, the state will just have to put up with unethical governors.
Oh, the above quote was from SJK in the belly of the plane. Sorry for not citing the source.
staplemouth just nominated scarah for sainthood:
“Recently we learned of a malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation of a mother’s love for a special needs child.
Iconic? Really? She thinks a photo of SP shlepping around that baby without face to face positioning is “iconic”? Really?
And she wants PO to “say something” about it? REALLY? She doesn’t think that PO has enough on his plate right now? She REALLY thinks that he gives a sh*t about little SP’s temper tantrums? REALLY????? She thinks this little picture is worthy of the Leader of the Free World’s demanded attention?
PO is not, I repeat NOT, SP’s personal bodyguard or bully in waiting. If she wants to say something, fine, but don’t waste MY President’s time and energy on this drivel.
What’s he going to say and how does it benefit her? “It’s in “bad taste”” (a PC comment to pacify, but there is really no benefit. It’s not like he can make CD take it down).
It’s not like CD can be arrested or punished for it.
So what DIRECT BENEFIT do they look for from the President getting involved?
And, while they’re at it, in fourth grade, a friend drew an unflattering picture of me in the margin of her notes. I want him to address that, too, while she has his attention.
sjk from the belly of the plane Says: June 25th, 2009 at 3:19 AM “Amereurocan, she didnt hire the P board. Murky did and she re-appointed one member….”
..And retained the others, which is the same as (re) hiring them.
I don’t mean to pick at YOU, sjk, and I’m not — but this is a specious excuse by the Palinbots to try to deflect Palin’s responsibility for their behavior in making decisions on her ethics complaints.
What would REALLY be cool is if IRSGATE is ALSO TOO somehow tied to BABYGATE… Claiming him as a dependent, getting his PFD, etc. Perhaps the IRS might be interested in a little visit with Dr. Whatshername along with her filing cabinet, and the State Records office re: birth and birth certificate???
OOOH! That would be the best! Embezzlement, Baby Gate and Tax Fraud all rolled up into one “Can’t get out of jail free” scenario.
I feel evil today!
Well, we now know what she looks like in orange.
Speculating about ethics complaints, there may be some ethics issues associated with individuals in the executive branch claiming an email records request would cost over 60,000 dollars and then backing off to 5500. It would seem weird if the initial estimate may have been so incorrect. Perhaps this should be investigated– technically savvy people might cast doubt on the integrity of the original estimate. If so, perhaps this would be an ethics issue.
At Blue Oasis, note that the letter from Perez is copied to the Governor’s Chief of Staff and an Assistant Chief of Staff. You almost wonder if folks have been pressured to jack up prices?
5500 dollars may still be way too much. Perhaps everyone who contributed to Linda should join in a class action lawsuit against the State of Alaska for a refund. I could be wrong but this all seems shameful to me at first glance. I want my state government back and I want it serving Alaskans again.
If I were directly involved in this matter I’d consider making a confidential (no press releases) ethics inquiry (not a formal complaint) to the Department of Law. This way it could stay away from the personnel board, and if personnel action was warranted the Department of Law could take it. Might not make the news but it might resolve records request pricing issues.
It’s about time a different organization like the IRS gets involved! The ethics complaints fall on deaf ears since the ethics committee is picked by the governor.
Wow, Walley Hickel rips palin. Yea! (not fond of Walley though)
IRSBerg ahead! the SSPalintitanic is sinking, but the orchestra, the see4pee’s , are still on the deck, playing their violins.
Lets all pray together.. (he he)!
Another lame attempt by the GINO squad to “divert & deflect” attention from the impending storm…so that when it rages, she can then blame the POTUS.
Silly Sarah. Tsk, tsk.
pvazwindy Says:
June 25th, 2009 at 7:01 AM
WOW-First on political ticker, Palin blasts Diva over the Eddie Burke superimposed pic. Meg wants PO to speak out on the pic. What the hell happened overnight?
Megamouth, thanks to the peeNUT gallery has found a little hair to pick and is trying to spin it big time so no one will notice the Embezzlement/IRS Iceberg for GINO GRIFTER!!!
If you look on Diva’s site she has the same picture made into a cartoon someone did of GINO/Letterman. So this really won’t fly. They are as usual WATB’s!!!!
Today is a great day, IRSberg!!!!
And for you up there wondering if Alaska report is credible I suggest you check out his “corrupt bastard club” page. And the links on his site, “crime fighting” links. Dennis is a most dedicated journalist and dedicated to getting the truth out there, something that doesn’t happen very often in ALASKA!!!!!
What worries me is that she can shoot off at the mouth and shoot herself in the foot a hundred times but unless something seriously criminal shows up, she still has a clear shot for VP. I can’t see ANY possibility of a viable presidential run but VP is doable. For some reason, that bar seems to be fairly low. The only counter , if that time comes , will be a well organized history of Palin’s doings. But, a big ol’ iceberg in the near future would be much, much better.
WOW-First on political ticker, Palin blasts Diva over the Eddie Burke superimposed pic. Meg wants PO to speak out on the pic. What the hell happened overnight?
sarah and the sea of pee – perpetually offended by the inane because they’re unable to grasp the profound.
I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but anyone can start a rumor. We just have to hold our breath and wait to see what happens. Bystander is right, though. No way can she make it through a two year campaign without demonstrating there is no substance to her. While that didn’t stop people from voting for Bush (twice) she doesn’t have the same backing he did to get past the primaries.
I wish you were right about the “icebergs”, but I certainly don’t expect anything to come of another three ethics complaints. Sarah could steal the Alaska Trust Fund, and her “ethics board” would help her load the cash in a waiting truck.
What will doom her national ambitions is less dramatic- her utter ignorance, and inability to convey a coherent thought in English. She can’t avoid giving any interviews (other than to Fox) or press conferences during a two year campaign. The Mc Cain campaign tried to hide her for two months, aned she still opened her mouth and became the national laughingstock.
Is Alaska Report reliable?
Just a question re: embezzlement. Who or what could they embezzle from?? There is no involvement with any businesses or corporations, outside of Artic Cat ?? I am guessing at a minimum the “feds” are looking back from 5 years ago and later and it has nothing or will have nothing to do with the S-Pac etc.
crystalwolf aka caligrl, I am hoping its not an ethics complaint. I want handcuffs on her and the dud.
Also, too, let’s see how many rats abandon ship before she gets back from where ever she is….And then round two of the exodus once the sh*t hits the fan…
Oh, I’ll be smiling about this all day.
You guys this is the “Iceberg”!!! Dennis told me yesterday to watch Mudflats as AKM would “keep us updated on the story”….THIS is the BIG Kahuna!
Fire up the popcorn poppers Grifter is GONE!!!
THIS is the thing we’ve been waiting for, I just know it. YAYYYY to whomever is standing up to this sheister.
*rubbing hands together* getting a case of popcorn…
So, if there are “regular” ethics complaints against Palin, why it’s the fault of those evil liberal bloggers, right?
How are they gonna spin an IRS investigation? Oh yeah, that’s right ……. OBAMA is so SCARED of Palin that he personally made the IRS investigate her. Even if the investigation has been going on for a year or two, it’ll still be spun that way, IMHO.
OMG! OMG! This is such happy news! Did you guys see FEDS/Embezzlement???

No matter how she spins her faux outrage re: Diva Baby Burke Pic its not going to save her! I’m sure we will learn the details of the ethics complaint later and the “ICEBERG” is EMBEZZLEMENT!! Grifter no more!!!!!
They really need spell check (I do to, but I use it)
is that suppose to be
viscous which is my favorite as the root is viscid-having an adhesive quality
Noticed in the Alaska report that the “rumor” tease of the SS Palin title is gone. Guess this embezzlement investigation scandal might be that “iceburg”. Wondering if it has any teeth, or substance? Every week, I say, every week, she’s in the news!
while visiting overseas, will the DRAMA QUEEN ‘try/beg’ to meet the REAL QUEEN?
maybe GiNO knows that this is her last chance to travel for a while….minus her pending trip up the river….
Back from the Sea and brought this with me :
*** Looks as if more work is needed in fundraising efforts. There are 3 more ethics complaints to be filed against Sarah “soon”. Additionaly there is an ongoing IRS/ embezzelment investgation by the feds. What is that all about? Where did that come from? Does anyone know anything about this? I hope it is just a viscious rumor that is being circulated; however, it is finding its way around the web. Stay strong. ***
If they only knew!
…why is it that whenever things are a’brewing, she gets gone?
Never mind that she didn’t attend the GOVs meeting w/ PerzO, [not invited i guess, sure she’s say she diddn’t want to go]…Oh he did mention that the GOVs there were willing to work past party lines….not something she can do – as she can’t even work within party lines…
staplemouth just nominated scarah for sainthood:
“Recently we learned of a malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation of a mother’s love for a special needs child.
Saint sarah and the magic baby….Poor kid….
sarah strikes me as the type that would steam open an envelope , take the money , reseal , and say she never got it……….
IRS? Might be the teensy problem the Palins have with correctly declaring gifts/sponsorships on their tax forms- just because Sarah doesn’t open the boxes and envelopes, she still has to pay the tax man what she owes.
Check out palingates for more….
Maybe Palin IS a robot. Chuck created her in his basement, programmed her with his “ethics” and thought processes, and sent her out to take over the world. His wife is a robot too, but she was the first generation and he couldn’t figure out how to make her talk.
Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
June 24th, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Her weirdest fans are going to get a headache trying to figure out who to attack next – isn’t this when the robots “short out” from their logical loop dilemmas like in the old sci-fi movies? Palin is a pageant walkin’ dilemma all unto herself!
The Commander owed her for that promotion she gave him.
Her visit to the Alaska National Guard is so she can lie in the primaries that she is the Commander in Chief of the National Guard. She tried it before and the idiots believe her even though the General in charge said she has NO say over them.
I really have nothing to add, except, WOOOHOOO!!! Forecasting dark, dark skies with a chance of rat showers!
16 Lee323 Says:
June 24th, 2009 at 11:29 PM
Her personal little rubber-stamping Personnel Board would have absolutely no jurisdiction in a case like this.
If they want to have a future in gov., the members of the personnel board may want to CYA and stop being a rubber stamp. Even if she ran for Gov again her reelection is iffy. They are probably beginning to feel like rats on the Titanic.
Sara may look up one day soon and see a sky full of falling rodents if she can’t get her act together, and quickly.
I wondered the other day if that half mil in legal fees might not be and IRS or similar prob.
Palin flew, by default, to the top of the Repub wanna be pres list. If recent history is any judge that means she’s gonna go down in flames.
The Bushies are corrupt from top to bottom, so this kind of thing is not surprising.
Baby Bush is too selfish to help these relatively low level slime balls, and daddy Bush isn’t going to soil his reputation by helping, an in any case daddy dearest isn’t really a Bushie (he has his own sin, Iran Contra).
We all know that any complaints brought before her Personnel Board will be minimized, delayed, or dismissed, but I do feel a bit more hopeful about any inquiry from outside Alaska. I never thought I would be on the side of the IRS, but a through examination of SP’s finances would be a big step toward transparency.
I too, read the comment on Palingates and thought nothing would come of it, but if there is substantial money involved, and a decent lawyer has been hired by the complainant, well, maybe something will happen.
As always, SP looks at her most dangerous enemy in the mirror every morning.
It’s late here BigSlick and I’ve had a big day, or maybe I’ve gone into meltdown because of the prospect of exciting Palin fall from grace, but I don’t get the ‘Todd Palin has severe Mommy issues” comment – would you mind explaining for me please?
Amereurocan, she didnt hire the P board. Murky did and she re-appointed one member. IRSburg. I like that. The cryptic post over at Ak report sounds like Wooten got ripped off by the Palins and now he he gonna unload on them in court…just my guess…
I think we are having a collective ‘holding our breath’ on this one. Please let it be so.
UK Lady is right……..she always hauls ass when there’s trouble. Are all these pictures on the ship sarah’s version of “Mission Accomplished” ?? Like “I’m protectin’ ya’ll”.
I don’t get it. How can a board she hired be taken seriously?
The Alaska Report story and the cryptic phrasing by the anonymous blogger leave me very very suspicious, but I am going to go out on a limb her and make a bold proclamation:
Todd Palin has severe Mommy issues.
What if the personnel board was investigated…..
Let’s see if the Personel Board will give the IRS a $6000 Bill. They must feel so, SO small to have this investigated.
lexky…. it looks like they dropped it off the Politics page. I had to go to the ‘Sarah Palin Big News Pages ‘ to find it again.
Just posted the Alaska Report on the Sanford story as well. That story has the most trafic.
i cant find that article at huffpo
The Huffpo story about the GOP’s most favorable poll numbers just had the Alaska report story quotes pasted there.
Lets see if that creates a buzz.
So….”The Princess Goes To Europe” so she can have something on her resume? Something besides Ireland and Mexico? When does she ever work for Alaskans? She is never here and when she is she does nothing but cause drama . I am really happy to see more ethics complaints headed her way. No worries …her C4Peeps will just keep sending in their hard earned money to cover her so called legal expenses. If it is embezzlement the FBI will take care of that. It looks bad with Palin’s dad involved. WooHoo! Did Tawd go with her to Europe? Who takes care of all the kids?
I could care less about that PEW poll either. I sure wish AKM could find out from Hays Research if they have a poll in the works soon.
After Letterman and the protest…… the numbers are probably down 10 points.
Thanks Eyeonyou – that one was slipped in after I posted. Would love to see new polls for Palin in AK. The anti Palin comments in ADN are always the most recommended by a long shot.
The IRS and FBI will not pass these through like her so called personnel board. SS. Palin………..sinking…sinking…..she will not stay afloat. It is just a matter of time. Then all the stories will come out….people in Wasilla aftraid to talk, people in her office, people who are hiding under the proverbial bus. Justice will prevail in the end.
UK Lady~ check out Phil’s post..#24
This embezzlement thingy (dairygate?) must be the iceberg, Alaska Report has replaced the iceberg paragraph with this news but left the little ‘stay tuned’ bit at the end.
Well Scarah may get that time she needs to write that book.
Well this sounds like it’s gonna be fun – for us. Read one of those whacky comments over on Palingates, just thought it was some spaced out teenagers having some fun and watching for the bloggers to go nuts. Not quite so sure now, hmmmmmmmmm.
Well Scarah certainly is good at being out of state when the proverbial hits the fan.
Those repubs do generate some entertainment.
from an insider:
SPIRIT OF ALASKA BROADCASTING Talk KBYR-A/ANCHORAGE has been informed by PREMIERE RADIO NETWORKS that it will lose GLENN BECK’s show to another station in the market. GM JUSTIN MCDONALD tells ALL ACCESS that the syndicator gave no indication which other station is taking BECK’s show.
The move means that KBYR will add additional hours to SALEM’s DENNIS PRAGER (now 8-11a) and PREMIERE/CITADEL’s SEAN HANNITY (11a-2p) to fill BECK’s 10a-noon slot.
The ethics complaints will be dismissed like usual, but if the IRS is looking at her…well that is a different story altogether!
I just hope this stick to this teflon GINO. She has been able to do whatever she wants and her hired personnel board has been able to dismiss her corruption. I hope these ethic charges goes outside her hired clean up crew, such as the IRS. Yes!!!!
Atta girl, Scarah.
when i read the comments at palingates, i thought it was a joke
Also, too, and now we know why she’s looking for $600,000 or more for her legal fees — she’s known for a while now that she would need a lot more money to fight these charges.
Meanwhile …Letterman has not let up either. He did two more jokes about her tonight. (he is NEVER going to stop ) She made it personal.
Can’t remember the 1st one. 2nd one was about Sanford. Then he said…I don’t know if i can tell jokes about ‘Governors’..? I sort of get in trouble when I do that.
So, is Sarah gonna go hike the Pacific Crest Trail for the next week?
Check out Palin’s visit to her new “Anti Liberal Blogger Attack Platform”:
maybe this is why she is hiding where she is at…
i just want to know the details
….“long simmering embezzlement/IRS scandal”
Hmmm…..This possible scandal certainly carries some echoes of the “Anonymous” poster on palingates and other blogs lately who stated that his/her trust fund had been “embezzled” by the Palins several years ago. He/she stated that it would bring down Palin.
Her personal little rubber-stamping Personnel Board would have absolutely no jurisdiction in a case like this.
Whoops, spelled my own name wrong!
Iceberg right ahead! (Or should that be IRSberg?)
Is she going to Europe? After her “let them eat cookies” visit to Emmonak, she’ll probably want to make a pilgrimage to Versailles, the home of “let them eat cake.”
As long as the IRS is hunting in Alaska, it’s just a matter of time until they bag the alpha moose cow.
I can be patient.
Her weirdest fans are going to get a headache trying to figure out who to attack next – isn’t this when the robots “short out” from their logical loop dilemmas like in the old sci-fi movies? Palin is a pageant walkin’ dilemma all unto herself!
If they are not from bloggers…. she won’t know how to respond..?
Get out the speechwriter…. quick!
Is she out of town yet…. to Europe…?
How can she stomp her feet and say ‘ frivolous ethics complaints ‘ in a Press release. And if Meg went with her…. who will play the role of her MOUTH?
I suppose she will reply with a Tweet…. tweet…. tweet… Twit!
Look, caligrl – no Celine Dion!
I’m sure no one will win any complaints, but at least historians will be able to look back and see how corrupt our State was in stifling them all.
Historians also got a lot of good source information this week for future studies on how Anchorage became the United States’ first municipal theocracy.
Woo hoo! It will be soooo interesting to find out what she’s done (or is being called out for) next. She really needs to be toppled by one of her stupid ethics violations before she’s the last one standing in the GOP, as the other govs continue to self-destruct.
ive gotten my hopes up before but this feels different.
I hope this is the iceberg!!
Go “Feds”!
is this the iceberg?
I love Karma!
wink, wink
you betcha!!
WOW……wonder if these will have any different outcome from the past dozen….