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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Troll of the Week

It’s time once again for the little segment we call “Troll of the Week” because it sounds better than “Troll of an Undetermined and Random Time Interval.”

Every once in a while a particularly fascinating troll will wander across the mudflats and end up at our back door. There are lots of trolls of the not-so-fascinating variety that come by and yell an insult, or call us all names I can’t repeat. The fate of those trolls is to live in anonymity, with comments never posted, and then be flung unceremoniously into the mudflats from whence they sprang. But the fascinating ones are another story, and they come in all kinds of species – the virulent troll, the irony troll, the spam troll, the mouth-breathing troll, and many others.

This week, we’ve caught an interesting little fellow.  (grabs tongs and holds up troll by the back of its overalls as it wriggles and flails)

This here is a spam troll, which can be some of the most amusing trolls around. They tend to post messages with links back to a website. The messages are generic, but always manage to be really obviously trollish. For instance, it might appear on a long wonky post about oil taxes, saying something like, “Thank you! This post makes me happy. I will share this site with all my friends at school!”

True to form, our troll was oddly inappropriate. It posted on an open thread with a picture of an American Coot (the bird, not the previous Republican nominee for president) But that’s not the best part. This time we’ve actually managed to snag an ‘exotic’ – an ESL (English as a second language) spam troll. Now, I know what you’re thinking… Every Tea Party type troll sounds like an  ESL troll, and I’ll give you that point. But this one came complete with Japanese characters in the identifier. And it is actually sort of a a sweet little troll. Here’s what he had to say:

I find myself strongly over it, and love learning on this topic, and melted it a bit leaving resin on the bottom of the part 2.

Awwww. (pinches the trolls cheek) I find myself strongly over it too, little fella. Even though you left resin on the bottom of the part 2.

Another interesting thing about this troll I discovered as I checked his location of origin, feeling certain it would be Tokyo, is that he is actually from Paris. Yes – Paris, France. And they say Parisians are rude! This is the cutest little troll I’ve ever seen.

I asked the other editors if we could keep him, but they said no. Meanies.

So off goes little Japanese Pierre. Au revoir mon ami.



70 Responses to “Open Thread – Troll of the Week”
  1. Mo says:

    A little light reading about Peak Oil, with cartoons:

  2. OMG says:

    (Conservative) Forbes magazine offers a perspective about Common’s attendance at the WH:

    It’s a great read.

  3. OMG says:

    This is a long post because I couldn’t link to this particular Huffpo piece that appeared in a much longer story. The story outlines all the GOP presidential hopefuls. Enjoy the segment about Palin:

    “The big must-read piece on Palin this week was from Josh Green of the Atlantic, who expounded on the Palin-that-once-was and the Palin-that-is-now, wondering “what went wrong?” Interestingly enough, her home state seems all-but-ready to close the Palin chapter:

    “During a week spent traveling there recently, I learned that Palin occupies a place in the minds of most Alaskans roughly like that of an ex-spouse from a stormy marriage: she’s a distant bad memory, and questions about her seem vaguely unwelcome. Visitors to Juneau, the capital and a haven for cruise-ship tourism, are hard-pressed to find signs of the state’s most famous citizen–no “Mama Grizzly” memorabilia or T-shirts bearing her spunky slogans. Although the town was buzzing with politics because the legislature was in session, talk of Palin mainly revolved around a rumored Democratic poll showing her to be less popular in Alaska right now than Barack Obama. The only tangible evidence I saw was her official portrait in the capitol and a small sign in the window of a seedy-looking gift shop advertising “Sarah Palin toilet paper.” Alaska has moved on.

    “What might Palin become? The folks over at Crasstalk, having read Green’s piece, I feel, have her pretty well pegged as America’s Next Top Internet Troll. And sure enough, this week, her only news-making event was the fact that she weighed in on the nontroversy that was rapper Common’s appearance at a White House poetry reading. Palin yammered and yapped, but for the most part, people had learned not to care about what she thought, and indeed, the poetry jam went off without a hitch.

    “And so, absent an actual decision to enter the presidential race, the sun begins to set on Palin’s career as an influential figure in American politics. We can, however, look forward to Levi Johnston’s tell-all book, which will probably be terrible, but will nevertheless provide us with a Palin-related pseudo-event.”

    • Mo says:

      The part about the bad spouse is a great metaphor. Now, to find which “seedy-looking” gift shop has the t-paper….

  4. mike from iowa says:

    Several groups have filed suit against the Federal Gon’t over designating 187,000 square miles as critical habitat for Polar Bears. The groups include North Slope Borough,Arctic Slope Regional Corp(ASRC) and Inupiat Comm. of Arctic Slope. The ASRC says its mission is to preserve Inupiat customs and heritage and to protect and preserve the land and traditional way of life. It is a for profit corporation that wants to preserve oil and gas revenues and tax monies which could amount to millions of dollars or more. Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me. Does anyone know more about these groups? Wiki doesn’t provide much useful information.

  5. Mo says:

    Just hadta share – guess who said this:

    “You never know, somebody might have a great book in them.

    This does not apply to Sarah Palin. Unless she happens to eat The Sun Also Rises at some point.”

  6. Nebraska Native says:

    Ah, about 3/4 way through Dunn’s book and it is so very very good. And is such a treat to see the AK basement dwelling pajama clad blogger peep’s get their props! I and I say YES! I remember that post! Yes, I was reading and refreshing constantly that day. YES! I was there when Mudflats went down because of high traffic. I remember this, I remember that. Wow. What a long strange trip it’s been. Thank you thank you AKM for all you have done and continue to do! And it will be even more fun to read the new books coming soon! Summer reading has never looked better 🙂 Oh, and buh bye Sarah.

  7. California Dreaming says:

    Those ‘moderate’ republicans continue to keep the heat on the ‘big’ picture in the sky story today:

    “But I believe the media feeding frenzy that followed McCain’s selection of Palin as his running mate distorted her as a human being in a fundamental way.”

    Was Sarah Palin done in by Trig “birther” story? Posted By: Debra J. Saunders

    While ignoring all the obvious problems with that idea.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Jon Stewart is headed for Bill Orally’s show Monday night to hopefully smack some smug Orally chops.

  9. Waay Out West says:

    I wonder if Pierre is related to Antoine Guevara who has been earnestly entreating me to “Make your wang bodacious” dozens of times daily for weeks.

  10. leenie17 says:

    I was SO excited to look forward to next week in school. It was to be the first week since early January(?) that we had NO state, standardized, mock, practice or benchmark testing scheduled. Whew!

    One week between the nasty language and math state tests of the past 2 weeks and the standardized tests for grades one and two coming later this month.

    One week to take a breath and congratulate ourselves on surviving the first 21 days of testing for this school year. Yes, we’ve had 21 days of testing since September and that doesn’t include testing for ESOL kids or the intelligence testing we put the kids through for their IEPs.

    One week to mentally prepare for the last 7 days of testing we have before the end of the year.

    One stinkin’ little week with no tests!

    Sigh…but it was not to be. 🙁

    Got an email this afternoon from the assistant principal informing us that there will be a field test for all students in grades 3-6 next Tuesday.

    Soooo, tell me again WHEN we actually get to TEACH????????

    • scout says:

      Bless you, Lennie, and bless your littles. “Standardized test” what a steaming crock of oxymoron gruel, eh? I do not like them. No, I don’t.

      Thank you, Lennie, for all you do for our little people.
      Green Eggs and Ham: Jesse Jackson:

      • leenie17 says:

        Your link brought back a fond(?) memory for me:

        A few years ago, when we still had the Great Read Aloud (community members visited the school and read to the kids), the librarian decided on a Dr. Seuss theme. Each grade got a different Dr. Suess book. Naturally, the sillier ones were chosen for the primary kids.

        I had the dubious ‘honor’ of trying to interpret the stories for our deaf students. Dr. Seuss does NOT translate well into sign language!

        “When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottle’s on a poodle and the poodle’s eating noodles…
        …they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle.”

        I warned the librarian that if she EVER picked Dr. Seuss for my deaf kids again I was going to have to hurt her!

        • mike from iowa says:

          I think the sillier ones were read to the politicians and that is what they live by.

  11. mike from iowa says:

    Okay so you now got resin on your tongs,your getting dangerously close to Triad territory. I don’t know if Paris has a Chinatown or not,but the Tongs are certainly Chinese and the resin could be from Opium that people of Chinese descent have sold for ever to poor souls to enhance their dreams. We have a woman of mystery and intrigue and a possible troll from Interpol(I made that up). We have politicians that don’t pretend to play by the rules and don’t care whether you know that or not. We have all sorts of motives for all sorts of shenanigans. So what do we have? We have nothing?Just don’t step in it.

  12. Baker's Dozen says:

    If you got resin on your tongs, AKM, they’re now considered HazMat. Please dispose of properly in Lake Lucille.

  13. Laurie says:

    The teen eagles are awake and interacting with each other. It might be more entertaining to watch them now that they do a bit more than eat/poop/sleep. They seemed to be picking on each other just a little and imitating mom doing nest maintenance. It is so amazing to see this family up close.

  14. Zyxomma says:

    I’ve been asked by the Environmental Defense Fund to forward this to five friends. Posting it here should be far more effective!

  15. beth says:

    Or, as Aesop would say…

    Moral of the Story:
    When assembling anything (i.e. toys, furniture, your brain, etc.) keep any and all burning and/or super heated material(s) away from the workspace; failure to do so will invariably result in melted resin from Part 1-G falling on the bottom of Part 2 and will totally preclude Part 2 from being inserted into upper Slot A of Part 6-C for firm attachment –see: step 25– to Part 4 (Part 7 in the larger version) with the 9 screws found in packet: 13-1.

    Thanks for the reminder, little Japanese Pierre. beth.

  16. scout says:

    “GOP denies TSA money to buy more body scanners”

    “$76 million to buy 275 scanners” By my math that works out to 2.76+ million per scanner. Some dear mudpup linked to an article about the amazing trained Navy canines. (sorry I cannot locate the post to give proper credit) According to that article it costs $20,000.00 to train one dog. We could get 138 trained dogs for the price of one nekkid scanner. I would trust a trained dog’s nose before I trust a human watching a screen with a picture of a nekkid human. just sayin’, TSA, there’s a better way.

    • slipstream says:

      I think you slipped a decimal, scout. I get $276,363 per scanner.

    • jimzmum says:

      We flew from St. Louis to NYC two weeks ago for a long weekend of theatre and food. Neither Lambert St. Louis or LaGuardia had the scanners in operation. Nobody was pulled aside.

  17. Eyes wide Open in Pgh PA says:

    AKM: Wonderful tong usage.

  18. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    good morning, mudpups

    just gotta share my joy at watching a pair of birds playing house in my window sill.
    she established yesterday via a long warbling concert that, indeed, this was the one and only house that she would consider for her nest.
    he did a bit of fluttering here and there, trying to convince her that the edge of a window sill three stories up was probably not the safest of abodes for their future offspring, but the shemale prevailed and all sorts of building materials are progressing there way onto the ledge.

    wish you could be here

    • bubbles says:

      morning Fawnskin mudpup. you have been blessed with a feathered family. you lucky lady. i just hope they are not going to keep you awake when the little darlings arrive. them little birdies are always hungry and are always crying for more food. LOL

    • leenie17 says:

      Directly above my bedroom window is the attic vent in the side of my house. Although I have placed wire mesh over the vent on the inside, there is just enough space for some very determined sparrows to build a narrow nest between the vent slats and the mesh, if they push it inwards just a little. It’s a great location because no predators can reach it in the middle of a flat wall, 20 feet above the ground.

      Once the babies are hatched, I am awakened every morning by the cheeps and chirps. They are ALWAYS hungry and it never ceases to amaze me how much volume can be attained by a teeny, tiny set of lungs!

    • UgaVic says:

      I love hearing the observations of new little ‘families’ getting started each spring. ‘Hope there are updates all season!

      We have seen the robins, sparrows and all sorts of snipes show up in the last week for a summer that looks to be warmer and dryer than normal.

      No swallows yet, who like to nest in spots, Leenie17, like your sparrows.

      The swans and cranes are so loud just as the sun is rising in the morning it can be like a chorus outside. So much for the ‘quiet’ of the ‘county’ 🙂

  19. scout says:

    “Is Scholastic Selling Elementary School Kids on Coal?”

    “predatory marketing”? Indubitably.

  20. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Since it is open thread, I’d like to ask a question about the ethics complaint against Frank Bailey re the emails.

    It seems to me that the courts found in favor of SP in her ethics complaint re “private” email accounts. And that said accounts were to be considered “private” and not to be considered as part of any “search for emails” within the AK gov’t. Do I have that right? (Or any part of it?)

    Because if that’s so, then why is it that emails written to Bailey – or from – if on a yahoo acct are included in that book, then that would be a “private email,” no?

    If so, then it seems as if they’re trying to burn both ends of a gov’t candle; claiming that “private accts” are not part of the AK gov’t FOIA attempts, vs claiming that “private accts” do contain privileged information of the AK gov’t and therefore, were wrongfully used [in Bailey’s book].

    So which is it?
    1. Those emails are safe from “outsiders” cuz they aren’t actually gov’t emails, or…
    2. safe from outsiders cuz they are

    IF I have the gist of the whole thing right, then precedent has already been set, seems to me.

    Good luck…

  21. Lacy Lady says:

    Laurie—–I noticed that the Mother Eagle leaves the nest more often now. But she still is feeding them.

  22. LibertyLover says:

    Warning to all mudpuppies: Watch where you step on part 2, you wouldn’t want to get any of that resin on you. It’s really difficult to remove.

    It’s as thick as mudflats mud and smelly like troll feet. 😉

  23. ibwilliamsi says:

    Thanks, Gryph! I should have looked harder for an answer first, I guess! Need more of that coffee!

    • Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

      I’m beginning to love my “Google Reader” (where all my fave blogs are listed, with all the posts), very handy.

  24. ibwilliamsi says:

    Anyone notice that IM and Palingates are both stuck on Wednesday? Is something going on there?

  25. Gryphen says:

    If it is okay with AKM, I would just like to tell everybody that Blogger is down, which is why there are no new posts at IM. They are working on it, and tell us it should be back up soon.

    You can follow the progress by visiting my Twitter account:!/Gryphen2009

    I apologize for interrupting this thread but I am having difficulty getting the information out.


    • michigander says:

      This comes off like an attack. I’m sorrySorry Gryph but you come off sounding worse than the tabloids with your tease talk. I don’t find it amusing. Do I think there is truth behind it? Yes. Do I believe you are capable of being a better writer? Yes, I’ve read it.

      If you care to get the truth out do it. If you want to make money keep pretending you care. Adding to the top, I apologize for how mean I sound )o:

  26. who me? says:

    OT Does anyone know what is going on with the Immoral Minority site? Yesterday’s posts have disappeared and I am not getting anything beyond Wednesday. Is it Blogger?

  27. scout says:

    “10,000 Protesters Turn Out To March On Wall Street, Call For Millionaires Tax”

    NY, you rock! ♥ ♥ ♥

  28. aussiegal77 says:

    I love this! ESL by the way is the reason I can speak English =D haha

    Eternal thanks to my third grade teacher Mrs. Hudson for making sure I went to ESL classes every day =D

  29. merrycricket says:

    I love troll of the week! AKM, you are truly funny! Thank you for the morning chortle.

    Good morning all. It’s my day off and I have planting to do. I tilled up an expansion to the vegetable garden before work yesterday morning to allow me to do more succession plantings.
    Right now though, I am sitting in my garden living room enjoying coffee and listening to the birds. I have all kinds of things sprouting and I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about it!

    Have a great day everyone!

  30. Buffalogal says:

    I often find myself strongly over a good post on the Flats. And it never fails, when there’s a topic that I really love learning, there’s always the chance of a bit of melted resin being left on the bottom of the page 2. Can’t be helped !

    Happy Friday !!

  31. Lacy Lady says:

    Have you all seen the Decorah Eagles as of late? The babies’s feathers have turned dark, and they look more like teenagers now.

    • Laurie says:

      Thanks for the reminder. They’re all tucked in now, but I can tell their feathers are quite dark. I need to watch more. I’m curious to see what a feeding looks like now that they are teens.

  32. Kimosabe says:

    Troll resin! Now I know what that gunk on my keyboard is. Ya learn something on Mudflats every day!

  33. Irishgirl says:

    The Moderate Voice responds to both Green and Sullivan.

    “Green’s “tragedy” of Sarah Palin is understandably getting a lot of attention. That’s because few ever did any homework on Palin before she blew her career up on a simple Katie Couric question about her newspaper and magazine reading habits. That was just for starters, with the crescendo of crushingly bad responses coming when Mrs. Palin chose to put herself above the Tucson shooting tragedy victims by invoking “blood-libel.”

    In a moment that should have inspired selfless performance, Sarah Palin chose the opposite. This is the crux of Sarah’s lack of character and the single element that reveals the person she has become to date, which if it is rendered a “tragedy,” as Green suggests in his piece, it’s by her own hands. Everything in her life has been through what she crafted herself, which is what drew me to cover her in the first place.

    The Palin derangement crowd never cared about her career, which is why they ignorantly attacked pieces I wrote on Sarah Palin that were rooted in reality in what she was doing throughout the health care debate that took her into the midterms where she became one of those primarily responsible for the Republican rout. It had its roots in her career in Alaska. “

    • OMG says:

      I am enjoying the backlash on Green’s column but louder voices need to be raised. Palin was a fraud as governor not the champion that Green asserts. She has not “become” a new type of person…as Andrew Sullivan points out, she has always been the same person who was not as capable as Green suggests that she once was.

      • I See Villages From My House says:

        It’s mystifying that NO ONE is calling the former freshman half-term co-Governor to the mat for not backing up her signature pieces of legislation, neither ACES or AGIA, heck, even her ethics reform bill.

        If she ‘quit’ to progress Alaska without a title, how come she wasn’t testifying on her signature laws in Juneau? She didn’t even phone it in or send a letter. These laws made her a household name within powerful Conservative circles that ended up making her a household name, and she couldn’t be bothered to engage in its follow-through?

        As for her credentials as a Fiscal Conservative, business friendly lawmaker – Craig Medred did a nice piece in the Alaska Dispatch on how much more Marxist she is than Socialist, try defend that one in a Presidential debate Sarah.

        She taxed the snot out of big box stores while Wasilla was growing and then Big Oil on the coattails of Frank Murkowski. How does that make her business friendly? Sounds like she was making Corporate Alaska pay for government, infrastructure and all our social programs.

        • slipstream says:

          And then she sent everybody in the state $1200 — and that was only for a Vice Presidential run. If she runs for the big office, will she send me $2400?

          • I See Villages From My House says:

            $750 million to every man, woman and child in Alaska on top of the annual PFD, that’s what she did with the initial windfall. That sound like a fiscal conservative? The chief executive using her most critical problem solving skills when 1/3rd of her constituents living off the grid with $8 – $11 a gallon fuel prices and empty pantries? She circumvented the Legislatures carefully constructed fuel voucher system and sent a check indiscriminately, did nothing to discourage the consumption of fuel and promote conservation and alternative energy programs. Just suggested the church fill her void and that people take turn-key jobs on the slope like Todd and throw out all the local leaders.

        • Valley_Independent says:

          I agree with all your other points, and she is certainly no fiscal conservative, but just how did she tax “the snot out of big box stores” in Wasilla? I don’t think even the last few years that there was a property tax it was that high (we have had a zero mil rate for several years) and there weren’t that many big box stores then. The vast bulk of city revenue comes from a low sales tax, which is paid by the customer, and only passed through to the city by the retailer, not paid by them.

  34. Diane says:

    Is that a code word?
    Well, our last day of sun before the rains come, Again.

    Out to the garden. Have a nice day everyone!

  35. Irishgirl says:

    Sully’s rebuttal to Green.

    “Josh takes one policy legacy and ignores the reams of evidence that she abused her office on personal vendettas, could not rid herself of congenital lying, played culture war politics from the first moment she entered politics, and left her state in the lurch halfway through her first term. Palin is what she always was. Part of what she is and was is contemptuous of sage advice and bored by policy. She had no superpowers but great performance skills and empowering resentment. It just so happened that those abilities met a rare moment in Alaskan politics and the tax was passed. But the notion that she could then don a new persona and help the country is simply at odds with who she is.”

    • I See Villages From My House says:

      I find it interesting that those that admire Governor Palin for not mixing a culture war issue with oil in a Special Session on her pet project, AGIA (an astonishingly cunning campaign (in retrospect) to get the 2008 GOP’s attention as they start shopping for a running-mate) fail to grasp the effectiveness of her juvenile, yet crafty technique of issuing a nasty smack-down while retaining her “isn’t she pretty, isn’t she nice” image.

      The way her gleefully vicious tone was interpreted by Alaska Family Council is incredibly forgiving, shifting the blame to Democrat Hollis French instead of READING and PROCESSING Sarah’s incredibly harsh reprimand to Lyda:

      (HB364) that would overrule the Alaska Supreme Court decision and return to parents the right to direct and control the medical care of their children. Twelve other legislators came on board as co-sponsors. HB364 passed the House but never made it to the Senate floor for a vote because Sen. Hollis French, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, refused to bring the bill forward. Although Senate President Lyda Green has a procedural right to pull the bill out of Sen. French’s Committee, she chose not to do so and instead, wrote a letter to Governor Palin asking her to add HB364 to an upcoming special session to be held in June regarding gas line negotiations.

      Governor Palin indicated in a follow up letter to Senator Green that although she did not believe the gas line special session was the appropriate venue to address HB364, she did say that she felt the issue was “important enough to be handled independently, outside oil and gas deliberations.”

      Read the letter our gal Sarah wrote to her hometown lawmaker and tell me this isn’t a classic Palin sting operation – go for the throat but still lay enough bullshit platitudes to keep the gratitude and integrity of her bogus Family Values cred intact.

    • I See Villages from my House says:

      I find it interesting that those that admire Governor Palin for not mixing a culture war issue with oil in a Special Session on her pet project, AGIA (an astonishingly cunning campaign (in retrospect) to get the 2008 GOP’s attention as they start shopping for a VP) fail to grasp the effectiveness of her juvenile, yet crafty technique of issuing a nasty smack-down while retaining her “isn’t she pretty, isn’t she nice” image.

      She gleefully guts Lyda’s abilities and questions her competence yet the way the Alaska Family Council interprets her denial is incredibly forgiving, shifting the blame to Democrat Hollis French instead of READING and PROCESSING Sarah’s incredibly harsh reprimand to Lyda:

      (HB364) that would overrule the Alaska Supreme Court decision and return to parents the right to direct and control the medical care of their children. Twelve other legislators came on board as co-sponsors. HB364 passed the House but never made it to the Senate floor for a vote because Sen. Hollis French, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, refused to bring the bill forward. Although Senate President Lyda Green has a procedural right to pull the bill out of Sen. French’s Committee, she chose not to do so and instead, wrote a letter to Governor Palin asking her to add HB364 to an upcoming special session to be held in June regarding gas line negotiations.

      Governor Palin indicated in a follow up letter to Senator Green that although she did not believe the gas line special session was the appropriate venue to address HB364, she did say that she felt the issue was “important enough to be handled independently, outside oil and gas deliberations.”

      Read the letter our gal Sarah wrote to her hometown lawmaker and tell me this isn’t a classic Palin sting operation – go for the throat but still lay enough bullshit platitudes to keep the gratitude and integrity of her bogus Family Values cred intact.

      Lyda had her pegged, Sarah from her hometown wasn’t even fit to lead the State of Alaska as Governor and it was a cynical and desperate ploy to appoint an unvetted, immature and unqualified meangirl as a running-mate.

    • I See Villages From My House says:

      I tried posting through Firefox and Windows but it didn’t go through to follow up on Irishgirl’s observation. I’ll try to recreate my better worded post earlier. . .hrmph.

      A perfect example of WGE Sarah Palin’s supposedly pragmatic diplomacy as (not) portrayed in Joshua Green’s Atlantic piece on the ‘divergence’ from her leadership fiction.

      The Alaska Family Council not only glossed over the Governor’s backhanded evisceration of their pro-life champion, Senate Majority Leader Lyda Green, but were grateful Sarah suggested another medium in which to push Parental Rights legislation. They also accepted that it was Senator Hollis French’s fault that Lyda wasn’t using her prerogative to assign French’s Committee oversight over SB 264.

      Color me impressed that Sarah could even sign a letter written for her (but with her meangirl charm) calling Lyda “The Honorable.” The bitch-slap goes on and on in each paragraph, it is a spectacular display of derision and disrespect for the most powerful woman in the Legislature, from her very own hometown. All because Lyda pegged it when proclaiming Sarah Palin not even fit for Governor, how could she have been chosen to co-run the whole country?

    • Irish – thank you for posting this – I read the other piece and was taken aback at its perspective. It was missing so much context that it was hard to determine how to address it. Sullivan did a great job, clear and to the point without belaboring the obvious.

  36. jimzmum says:

    I am just wondering what he left on the bottom of the part 1? So many questions.

    It might be a nice day here. Rain last night may have broken the unseasonable heat. 90+ degrees this time of year is just rude!

    It is already noisy outside. Birds are waking up and making sure all living creatures know about it. Some of them, wrens to be exact, are trying their best to wake the dead.

    I’d like to also too thank the Governor of Florida for refusing that money. It went to Illinois, and boy, can we use it!

  37. WakeUpAmerica says:

    I love “Troll of the Week.”