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Open Thread – Palin Bus Vandalism

“Palin bus vandalism.” Those words together used to summon up images of the alleged school bus vandalism by the oldest Palin offspring Track. Now, those three magical words can conjure a fresh new image in your mind.

After New Yorkers had their fun openly mocking Sarah Palin for using a knife and fork on her thin-crust New York style pizza, one of them decided to “enhance” Palin’s One Nation bus while it was parked outside Fox News studios in the Big Apple.

[More photos at Rumproast]



84 Responses to “Open Thread – Palin Bus Vandalism”
  1. Bearhug says:

    It was reported that on one of the fly-bye historical site visits. Cute little Piper sneared at some of the media, “Thanks for ruining our vacation!” And Willow later said, “Thanks for ruining our day!”

    I’m thinking they should thank Mama Cow for “ruining” what she ‘told’ them was a vacation.

  2. JUST A THOUGHT says:





  3. Laurie says:

    Is SNL live this week?? They will have so much material even without Tina Faye. Just the circus tour is hilarious.

  4. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    CNN aired a clip of Sarah in Boston, riffin’ on the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Here’s the transcript. Enjoy!

    “…he who warned, uh, the…the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms…uh, by ringin’ those bells and um…makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town…to send those warning shots and bells…that, uh, we were gonna be secure and…and we were gonna be free…and we were gonna be armed.”

  5. LoveMyDogs says:

    Wow, I just read over on palingates that it is perfectly legal for $P to use her PAC for “whatever she wants” because it is an “unconnected PAC”. Holy Crap Batman!, we could pay off the cave!!!! She can even use the money to “pay off her mortgage”. I wonder if she really did use PAC money to purchase the fort in AZ….hmmmm…. There are a few problems with the IRS though as she has to declare it as “income” if she uses it for personal stuff. Another reason to be against the rich paying their fair share. And another reason to use a shadow LLC. My, oh, my, hasn’t “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps” and just “workin’ hard” to get ahead taken on a whole new meaning… Palinbots, calling all Palinbots, do you realize what your mooney is paying for? Are you REALLY cool with supporting this woman and everything that she wants? I knew she was a grifter but holy smokes….

    Now how do I set up one of these “unconnected” political action bank accounts. I have some bills that need paying…

    • Laurie says:

      Steven Colbert is in the process of setting up a pack. He thinks they are great too. Could come in handy.

  6. TX SMR says:

    This cracked me up — it’s about the pizza thing.

  7. Terpsichore says:

    Just back from errands with my Mom (I’m on a working VaCay), and just wanted to relay, whichever one of you ordered “Blind Alligence” from The Hungry Eye Bookstore in Hemet, CA, it’s come in. At least I assume that one I saw on the counter with a slip of paper attached to it was an order.

    Encouraged to know the book has at least one sale in Hemet!

  8. OMG says:

    Swapland nails Palin’s “coincidence” excuses right down to her far-from-family-holiday attire and make-up to the length of time she actually spent at all these important places that she wants to educate the people about:

    “Palin says she is not inviting media attention on her family vacation. But she’s driving around a giant bus painted with “One Nation; Sarah Palin” on the side and a banner at the back reading: Join the “Fundamental Restoration of America”. And while the rest of her family is in flip-flops and shorts, she’s dressing in candidate- style clothing: skirts and heels and jackets with tiny American and Israeli flags on her lapel. Not to mention the ready-for-TV makeup. On most of the stops, Palin hasn’t lingered: she didn’t see the slave quarters or take the cruise at Mount Vernon; she spent only 20 minutes at Fort McHenry, 30 minutes at the National Archives; under an hour at Gettysburg and Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Really, just long enough for a photo op, to answer a couple of questions from reporters and to sign some paraphernalia for supporters. And her staff is leaking to select reporters where and when she’s going next in case they lose the bus. But, really, it’s all coincidence.”

    Read more:

  9. LibertyLover says:

    I have a question— I read recently that teh Palin had a recall petition started against her in her first year as Wasilla Mayor… is this true? I started reading mudflats when SP first was tapped as VP for McCain and thought that I was familiar with most things Palin, but this news surprised me…

    Clearly the outcome of that recall drive failed or reporters wouldn’t be following Palin on a wild goose chase in the Northeast of the country…Anyone care to take a stab at an explanation?

    • the problem child says:

      I believe she defused it by hiring a manager to do most of her work.

      • Laurie says:

        I read something recently that made it seem like before the recall threat she was enjoying her power a bit too much. She was stomping around demanding loyalty and threatening to fire people. It seems like after the threat of a recall she learned to be underhanded.

  10. Waay Out West says:

    Love it
    “Taking political advice from Joe Miller is like going to a mechanic who doesn’t drive a car.”

  11. Waay Out West says:

    The BOOK arrived yesterday and I am busy for the next couple of days. Will just have to manage on less sleep.

  12. Dagian says:

    Did Bubbles go post that on the B*tch Bus?

    I hope so!

  13. Bretta says:

    What’s the latest on the Missing Mansour?

  14. bubbles says:

    Tessie from Wonkette. honest to gawd i nearly caught an attack. i could just see it.

    It gives me great pleasure to imagine her sticking her head out the window expecting to be greeted by her adoring fans, and instead some low-life hoodlum, possibly even one of my boy cousins, yelling in a thick NY accent:


  15. Mo says:

    Just back from Wonkette, where they’ve tagged Joe Miller as “Greasy Joe.” Is that perfect, or what?

  16. Mo says:

    A scary post.

    What we need right now in our economy is jobs. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Jobs to fix infrastructure would be a great use of tax monies and government debt.

    So of course we’re not doing any of that at all.

    • mike from iowa says:

      I heard about two years ago that we needed 20 billion dollars to fix our bridges and work on the highways. We were wasting several billion dollars a week in Iraq at that point. We could have had our economy going strong and get our infrastructure repaired and put a lot of Americans to work. All we needed was a leader to make the choice of bring the troops home and make America our top priority.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I thought President Obama had been trying to get through an infrastructure bill, but that the GOP essentially quashed it and then diverted attention to more important issues like their war on women. Could be wrong, but I think he really was proposing several projects – e.g., the high-speed rail line that people such as Governor Scott of Florida refused.

  17. Zyxomma says:

    I know most of you are not in NYC, so you can’t go to the anti-Koch singalong this evening in Central Park, just east of the 63rd St. entrance (63rd & Central Park West). I am in the city, but can’t go. However, we can all learn the words to the song (the melody is the old “I’d like to teach the world to sing” Coke commercial). Here’s the link:

  18. Sourdough Mullet says:

    I was reading “Blind Allegiance” last night, and got to Chapter 26, where Sarah calls Frank Bailey on August 16 2008, (SPOILER ALERT! – I’m gonna reveal some info here) and she was “sobbing, trying to catch her breath…so upset she couldn’t speak”. The big news, as it turns out was that Oh, my Gawd, “Bristol was pregnant!”
    Now…that struck me as highly unlikely, because there’s something VERY unusual about that passage. I still have, in my yahoo inbox, and email from an old friend in Wasilla that is dated March 31, 2008. It says “Hey, did you know Sarah Palin’s going to be a Grandma?” The sender, who is not “in the Palin camp”, also told me that Levi was the father, and that Bristol had been attending school at West High in Anchorage. On March 31st. (Now, if you do the math, a delivery date of Dec 29th does indeed make this one looooong pregnancy, but that’s speculation for another blogsite, as I know AKM does not condone pregnancy conspiracy theories). But somehow, I managed to find out at least 3rd hand that Bristol was pregnant (barely, if this is a baby born on Dec 29th) on March 31st, but Sarah is “devastated and speechless” on August 16th, 4 1/2 months later, when she presumably has JUST found out?? Something is very wrong here. In the book, Sarah is quoted as saying “only Kris Perry, Sharon Leighow, and Sarah” had known about the pregnancy. I guess she’s either REALLY deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that all of Wasilla and much of other parts of Alaska were already talking about it, or she was lying, yet again. After reading the book, I’m betting on the latter. There are so many instances revealed in this book where Sarah Palin is caught being manipulative and deceitful, in order to further her own sneaky agenda. I imagine this is just one more.

    • LibertyLover says:

      My guess is that Palin was using the pregnancy to elicit sympathy from Bailey to continue to support her…I can totally see her manipulating people in that way… later ( spoiler) she uses Trigg as a reason to continue stringing Bailey along as well.

    • Irishgirl says:

      I’m sorry…but anyone with a brain knows she did not give birth to anything on April 18th.

  19. Blooper says:

    I think this ‘bus tour’ is going to come back to haunt her. Hopefully the right people are looking into the finer details regarding the financing of this trip. I’ve always held that SarahPAC (or the improper use thereof) will be the thing that finally seizes the Paylin engine.

  20. Ken says:

    I have a question for you Alaskans, or others who are up on this sort of thing.This is based on the assumption that SP’s behavior, in most families, would be a source of embarrassment: What do the Palins’ (Todd’s family) think of this stuff? I’m assuming that SP’s family thinks this is all hunky-dory.

    Also. Too. I viewed the CNN video featuring Piper. If I’d acted that churlish in private, let alone public, at that age, I wouldn’t have been able to sit down for a week. Nice job of parenting, S&T.

    • Irishgirl says:

      The poor kid shouldn’t even be exposed to this. Can you just imagine how bored and frustrated she must feel. Her mother obviously told her she was going on a vacation (she lied) and one can only imagine Piper’s disappointment at the circus that is unfolding. She just wants her mother to act like a mother. I feel enormous pity for her.

      I don’t think this tour has done anything for Palin’s ratings. As a mother, she gets an F.

      • OMG says:

        Agreed…now I wish the media would just stop following this non-news event. Wow, Palin’s in an RV, let’s put it on the front page…gee, she went to Boston, another gem of a scoop!…Holy cow, now she’s going to NH but won’t be making any kind of announcement!

        Honestly, the American public must enjoy watching paint dry too if this is enough to get them to tune in.

        • Moles says:

          If only the press would wake up to the fact that the real story would be to watch Palin’s reaction when she realised there was no press pack baying at her heels. Now THAT would be a scoop.

    • Bretta says:

      None of Todd’s family interacts with them – as far as I can tell – we never hear comments about or by them (except the time Todd’s sister was arrested for B&E, and when his mother refused to endorse $P for Vice President).

      Todd’s hanging in for the money; Piper still loves her mother; Bristol’s been assimilated into the pod; Pillow is under house arrest; Track stays as far away as he can from the whole circus; Chuck & Sally, on the other hand, are delighted to stay included, if they can keep Chuck from shooting off his mouth, Molly traveled with Bristol to the WHCD, and I think Heather stays under the radar as much as she can, as well.

      Just my observations – I could be wrong of course, Grisly $arah’s Legions would scream me down if I said this on ADN or other blogs.

      I agree with you, Ken, re: Piper’s behavior – my parents would have crushed me like a bug and I’m sure they would have thought it was the most loving parenting to do so.

      • Irishgirl says:

        But you obviously had loving and responsible parents. That is my point. My parents would have given me a clip around the ear and I would have felt their wrath. It wouldn’t have happened again.

        Piper’s behaviour is not good (an understatement)…..but it is ultimately the fault of her parents. She is only ten.

        • LoveMyDogs says:

          Piper, Piper, Piper….I have it on good authority (from someone who is involved in the Iron Dog) that Piper has always been a little diva and that she has come to believe that she is entitled to everything (including Secret Service and going straight to the front of the line) since Mommy Dearest has become a celebrity. Yes, she is 10 and 10 y/o girls can be an eye-rolling, mouthy nightmare to any mother but that will only get worse. My butt would have been whooped to a glowing red and my “vacation” would have been no fun had I pulled her little stunt. This whole family is just plain bad news for everyone involved. I don’t feel sorry for a one of them. They have what they wanted, now let them stew in it.

          • Moles says:

            All this is quite true, but don’t forget this has been her life since she was what, four years old? Talk about doomed.

          • yukonbushgrma says:

            The only way I feel sorry for Piper is that she was born into that family.

            They are screwy folks — sorry, that’s the only way to say it.

            I only think about Piper and her miserable future — then think, “well, if your GO***MN mother would have cared about politics, she would have paid attention many years ago.

            I hope Piper gets herself out of that messed-up family and makes something of herself. She looks like she just could do it.

            After all, Megan McCain did it ………

    • Arctic Bubb says:

      I don’t know about parenting, other than my dogs (I have 39 of them). I don’t let them act this way. SP is an embarrassment to Alaskans. I’m moving to Montana.

  21. OMG says:

    Palin insists that her ‘clam bake’ in NH, which is only minutes away from where Mitt Romney will make his presidential declaration, is a co-inky-dink. You know, the clam bake that she invited a bunch of Republican operatives in the state to attend:

    If I were Romney, I’d be saying: “that lying 6itch!”

  22. Irishgirl says:

    The media are getting cranky. 🙂

    “Palin’s whole strategy right now say observers, is to allow her to stand down without embarrassment if the polls don’t favor her. Not a very Presidential image. The business of no-schedule on her tour and I’m a rebel running on my own highway by my own rules is cool. But that road is filled with potholes and she is p*ssing people off, whom she needs for electoral votes if it ever comes down to it.

    Even the press is tired of this game, they need to know where to book rooms and set up cameras. Palin’s summer vacation is turning into a winter for them, and they will be needed in a real-live election, not a publicity stunt – which is what they are increasingly thinking.”

    • A fan in CA says:

      Ailes is turning the rest of the media into a pack of paparazzi. It’s time for them to fight back by just ignoring her.

  23. Zyxomma says:

    Please go to and sign a petition for President Obama to make a recess appointment of Elizabeth Warren. Thanks.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Done. Thanks for the link. I hope President Obama follows this advice.

  24. aussiegal77 says:

    Palin to Media: I hate you! Don’t leave me!
    Media to Palin: I love you! Don’t leave me!

    It’s getting really….REALLY….old.

  25. Juneaudream says:

    So nice..lovin’ it.. 🙂

  26. bubbles says:

    i found this superb video by the amazing Iman Crosson. i believe you are going to get a big ole belly laugh. so without further ado here is my President and yours announcing the death of Osama bin Ladin. watch until the very end. you know we love that Obama stroll:

    • scout says:

      😉 ty for the giggles, Bubbles.

      Our President ~ that stroll ~ great way to start the day!

  27. BigPete says:

    How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory

    The onetime Nixon operative has created the most profitable propaganda machine in history. Inside America’s Unfair and Imbalanced Network.

    • A fan in CA says:

      That is mandatory reading for anyone who cares about how our media has been distorted.

  28. Irishgirl says:

    The press are also noticing just what an unfit mother Palin is too. This bus tour is revealing a lot of things about Palin – and none of it is good.

  29. G Katz says:

    Finally the press is starting to question how much this family vacation is costing and who is paying for it. Aren’t there rules about using PAC money to pay for a family vacation? I can’t believe she would have left on this venture without having some loophole to fall back on. But, at a time when “rill” Americans are struggling to put gas in the car to take their families to stay at a Motel 6, how can they identify with such an atrocious display of extravagance that this multimillionaire isn’t even financing out of her own pocket?

  30. Bev says:

    When I first saw that pic, I suspected it was a photshop thing, then realized it was real…guess there “are” real Americans out there that are smarter then a 5th grader.

    When she uses a knife and fork to eat Pizza I see it as her trying to be elite…but at home I bet she gobbles.

    She is such a phony and it is proof that money does not buy you class, it just amplifies what you already are.

    • Zyxomma says:

      I’m with you, Bev. I can just see her taking her Crunchwrap Supreme (whatever the eff that travesty of corporate food might be) out of the wrapper, putting it on fine china, and using her silver to cut it into dainty bites whilst she watches whatever crap reality show strikes her fancy.

      She was only imitating her idol, The Donald (Chump), who uses a fork because he doesn’t eat the crust, only the cheese.

  31. thatcrowwoman says:

    New York City.
    She swapped her biker-chick mega-cross for her superstar-of-David bling, also, too. Oy, vey…

    One morning soon, may granny feckin’ fraud plow through that door and find no cameras waiting.
    The sound of one hand clapping in the wilderness.
    Amen? Amen.

    Extreme drought conditions and still no rain in the forest.
    Triple digit heat yesterday as hurricane season begins.
    LittleBird has left for summer camp.
    Sigh. and yet…

    Summer vacation starts Tuesday, and Blind Allegiance is on the top of a tall stack of books just waiting. Silver linings, glass half full, but no rosy colored glasses.

    127 overdue books to track down today. Sophomore class at the top of my list. (Does that strike fear? @ the TOP of the Librarian’s List!)

    hahahaha caw Caw CAW!

  32. G Katz says:

    Vandalism or clarification? You be the judge.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Even scribbled freehand, it’s better design than the mess that is that bus.

  33. Irishgirl says:

    McCain 2008 adviser Steve Schmidt tells Eliot Spitzer serious GOP 2012 presidential candidates are having to navigate through “a reality show” on CNN’s “In The Arena.”

  34. Co native livingin NC says:

    Is school out already in Alaska? If not, why are her children missing school for this “nonpubliciy” tour?

  35. Blue Idaho says:

    Did anyone notice that Palins ten year old had supper short shorts on in NYC. I would never let my girls wear that sort of thing.

  36. Heather J says:

    Love it!

  37. WakeUpAmerica says:


    • Lynn in VA says:

      Dammit, just spewed coffee all over myiPad!

      Also, too just finished Blind Allegiance… still waiting for the chills to subside. Outstanding work – I honestly didn’t think anything scarier could be said about that woman. Thank you AKM & co-authors for your excellent work!

  38. Nick says:

    Yeterday Sarah Palin visited the Statue of Liberty and it was the perfect backdrop to rail against illegal immigration. The major “historical lesson” of Ellis Island was to “Restore the Foundation” so that legal immigrants are placed into orderly lines (with racial quotas?) because the country’s getting full. Heartless.

  39. jimzmum says:

    Stay away. LOOK AT ME. Repeat.

  40. Irishgirl says:

    This my favourite moment of the bus tour. I just love it. 🙂