Sarah Palin and Greta Van Susteren – Reflections of a “Hateful Blogger”
By Jeanne Devon
She will run, she won’t run, she will, she won’t, she will…
Everyone is weighing in. Everyone is asking. Hints are being dropped. Money is being raked. And yes, I believe that Sarah Palin is getting ready to inflict herself upon the nation once again. The national spotlight beckons to her like yummy brains to a zombie. (Here, you can imagine her doing a robot walk with stiff knees and arms stretched out muttering “Must…Have…Attention…”)
But before the official announcement is tweeted to the world, the ‘lamestream’ media must do its due diligence and feel around for any kind of hint, or indication that the inevitable is going to happen. This time it was Greta Van Susteren’s turn to ask. Now, if you recall, Palin has called her the most influential journalist today. OK, it was because she couldn’t actually think of any journalists, nor could Todd when she asked him, and then conveniently she saw Greta standing there like the back of a flash card – but at least it was some kind of answer.
The full clip is 10 minutes, but we’re going to start about 5 and a half minutes in – partly because I find Newt Gingrich uninteresting, and partly because it would involve transcribing five additional minutes of Sarah Palin. I’m fairly certain at this point that one loses 10 minutes off the end of life for every minute of Palin transcription, and frankly I’m worried about what my tally is at this point.
So, let’s roll ’em! (As always, my comments appear in red)
Greta Van Susteren: I know you haven’t made a decision, but do you have a fire in your belly? Do you really want it?
Sarah Palin: Ohhhh… that’s a great question. I think my problem is that I do have the fire in my belly. (I think her problem is that ALL she has is a fire in her belly) I am so um… adamantly… um supportive of the good traditional things about America and our free enterprise system, and I want to make sure that America’s put back on the right track and we only do that by defeating Obama in 2012. I have that fire in my belly. It’s a matter for me of some kind of practical, pragmatic decisions that have to be made. (Oh, really? Do tell…)
One is, with a large family, understanding the huge amount of scrutiny and the sacrifices that have to be made on my children’s part in order to uh see their Mama run for President. But, yeah, the fire in the belly – it’s there.
(This puts me in mind of a passage from the recent book The Lies of Sarah Palin by Geoffrey Dunn in which we learn that the family meeting in the living room when she polled her children to find out if they wanted her to accept the VP nomination, and they all said “Go for it, Mom!” actually went something like this:
When the Palin family entourage landed in Ohio, Palin took [McCain aide Steve] Schmidt aside and asked him to tell her daughters the news about her selection. She hadn’t told them yet. Neither had their father. (snip) Bristol, as Schmidt knew, was pregnant.
After hearing the news and realizing their young lives were about to be turned upside down, a “strained silence” followed. And thus concluded the family meeting and the “vote.” But, I digress.)
GV: You talk about your children… Haven’t your children been through sort of the hell of it? (See above) At some point, you just reach the saturation point. I imagine for children of politicians, they’ve heard it all. I mean is there really anything, … in terms of the personal cost, haven’t they heard it all? (Translation = Greta calls BS on Palin’s excuse.)
SP: Yeah, and you know, that’s a good point, and I know that my kids have heard it all, and yet you know the darts and the arrows keep flying. You see that movies are being made, books are coming out… um, hoarded emails from a disloyal former staff member (points at Frank Bailey) have been compiled by a hateful blogger, (points at self) and those are going to be released. (points at the Blind Allegiance Amazon page where you can pre-order this season’s most highly anticipated political memoir. Wink.) Things like that that are taken out of context and told a story around ’em.
(I particularly like the fact that Palin does not call Bailey “dishonest” or “disgruntled” but “disloyal.” Apparently being on the receiving end of getting thrown under the bus doesn’t agree with her.)
GV: That kind of stuff sticks in the beginning, but after a while it’s like you know – really?
SP: Yeah, yeah, really.
GV: I mean even in our business, every day I get emails saying how terrible I am on TV and I do this and I do that, and I’m all these horrible things, but you know after twenty years on TV it’s like yeah OK. (I wonder if any of those emailers criticize her for saying things on national TV like “it’s like you know really?” and “it’s like yeah OK”?)
SP: Well, exactly Greta and I’m at that point of saying, “Yeah, you know, whatever.” (Yes, her blase almost zen-like attitude in which she lets all this roll of her back is inspiring) It’s gonna keep on comin’ and I feel like I have a prayer shield in front of me that deflects a lot of that. I just want to make sure that for my loved ones, for my parents, for my spouse and my children and those close to me, that they have that that tool to deflect also so they’re not adversely affected. (Sooo… she’s hogging the “prayer shield” tool and leaving the rest of the family out there unprotected?)
GV: Well, all the candidates that decide to run – they’ve got to know that we’re going to go after them, and we’re going to hopefully do it with good manners, but we’re going to be very aggressive, prying into everybody’s past… (Uh-oh…)
SP: OK then Greta, what you, and you can help lead your colleagues in this mission – come after us based on our record, based on our present day statements about what we intend to do to, for, and with this country. Don’t come after us for little petty stupid things like… (Like our past, or previous decisions, ability to use good judgment, honesty and integrity, contents of emails, stuff like that. Nothing to see there.)
GV: Then don’t take the bait. (Zing! And let the stammering, finger-pointing, defensive, strained explanations begin!)
~”Hateful” screen capture of Sarah Palin
SP: Here’s the bait. Here’s how we do it. Here… here is how the bait though is almost impossible sometimes not to nab. Somebody emails the other day from a tabloid and says, “We hear a story about one of your kids.. bla bla bla.” And they have the facts so wrong that obviously… and they say they’re gonna write the story no matter what and if you don’t respond, then the record won’t be set straight, (Get ready, she’s about to nab that bait!) so dang it, you gotta respond to at least get the facts out there that that uh can help set the record straight. Well, boom, you just, you just took the bait. Now they have an opportunity to perpetuate whatever story it is that they have. (OK, so they’re going to write a story regardless, and you take the bait, and then they run the story. So the reason it’s impossible not to take the bait is because you take the bait. Now, I see.) I think it’s sick. I think it’s ridiculous. It’s such a waste of time. Time is our most precious resource. I’m tired of wastin’ it.
So yeah, I’ll take you up on that, in me being committed to not taking the bait, and you being able to lead your colleagues in just gettin’ the facts out there – who, what, where, when and why in reporting. Hammer away at our records and our intentions and what our view for America is. Lay off the petty stuff.
(Yes, I’m sure Greta is pleased that they’ve reached agreement in this fictitious bargain she never agreed to – Sarah Palin not taking the bait, and Greta Van Susteren leading the mainstream media in a crusade to not report anything negative, or go digging for facts, and to remind themselves of the 5 w’s of Journalism 101. I can see how this is a brilliant career move for Greta.)
GV: Well, you know this is going to be an interesting season. Whoever runs, whether you run or not, and I hope we can go after everybody aggressively, and anybody’s got any dirt though, really bad things in the past you know, voters need to know that. It’s fair. Some of it’s ugly, but it’s fair…
SP: That’s fair. (But… but… but you just said…)
GV: Arnold Schwartzenegger’s a perfect example if he were to run again. If he’s going to betray his wife and his children, maybe he’ll betray the voters, so I think it’s a legitimate topic. And some of the stuff stings and hurts, but it’s the process and I guess that’s where you know you’ve gotta have that fire in your belly to take it.
SP: It is. And that’s fair for the media to come after candidates based on that kind of criteria – what really matters and have their past actions been a reflection of their character and how perhaps they would govern and try to lead, so that is very fair. (We grip the arms of our chairs to steady our inner ear from this instant 180 degree change in position. Then we realize that she has suddenly remembered that even though she doesn’t want the media doing it to her, this is what she did and intends to do with Obama. How will she reconcile the two positions? Let’s watch…) What isn’t fair though is when it’s only one-sided, when it’s only the conservatives, say, who get hammered away at.. um those things that the press wants to know. You know, we, um, the perfect example of um the media one-sidedness is Obama’s record not being explored – his associations in the last campaign not being explored, and now revelations of maybe some of his upbringing, some of his background, certainly his associations, how they impact his world view and how that affects his decisions today.
(And suddenly on the table is marital fidelity, “associations”, upbringing, background, more “associations”, world view, and how all these things affect decision making. I’m imagining this would include, oh… I don’t know… emails from her campaign and gubernatorial administration. Wouldn’t you think? Oh, but she’s a conservative and they’re always getting picked on…)
GV: I, you know, I, I, I, think that’s you know it’s I mean everyone should be challenged the same way equally… (Wow)
And I think at this point, we’ll leave these two masters of the word salad, and suggest that if Sarah Palin continues to have a fire in her belly that she take an alternate solution than foisting herself on the American people in a presidential run.
We love you, Jeanne <3 (BTW, why the very French first name?)
“um, hoarded emails from a disloyal former staff member (points at Frank Bailey) have been compiled by a hateful blogger, (points at self) and those are going to be released.
Things like that that are taken out of context and told a story around ‘em.”
Awww shucks, AKM, RAM has read your book. She’s subsequently set the quitter’s industrial-ranked machine to maximum-spin as the pusillanimous liar rats her hair, slaps on another layer of rouge, and palms some shield-notes for her up-coming role: Sarah puts the “ick” in victim. Her emails are going to be released therefore Mr. Bailey is “disloyal”, and you are “hateful.” because Sarah wrote hateful, disloyal emails. Preemptive retaliation: color me “naughty blogger” shocked. Also, too, there, Newt’s already used-up the “if you quote me it’s a falsehood” shtick, so I wish her good luck with that there also.
Note to RAM: “taken out of context”, says my ex-1/2-term gov. as she pals around with Andrew Britbart. Really, RAM. Putting things in their proper context is, arguably, the most vibrant color in the palate of Jeanne Devon’s artistry. Honestly, Rebecca: “The truth shall set you free.” History shows the wheels on Sarah’s bus run folks down. Granddad used to say “Two ways to change the world; love or hate. Choose love.” Applied liberally, you too, can have a joyful life:
I won’t watch the clip. Your annoted transcription is hugely entertaining. Funny how one person’s “hoarded e-mailed from a disloyal employee” is another’s “documentation from a diligent whistle-blower.”
Great post, AKM. I rather enjoyed it.
So, I’m still unclear, Sarah, do we get to ask you about your record as “Quasi-Governor” of Alaska and as “Sort-of-the-Mayor” of Wasilla, and as a “Patheticly Underinformed Oil and Gas Commisioner”, and as a “Possibly Pretend Actual College Graduate”, and your association with the AIP and that crazy witch doctor guy or is that all off-limits because it’s not your “current views” on what you’re gonna do to…oops, I mean for, this country.
Seriously, Sarah, what exactly is your position on this matter, because you, like, seem to agree with whatever Greta says even after you say the opposite so it’s really confusing. Also.
AKM, I am quite sure you take the title “Hateful Blogger” as a badge of honor, but Sarah thinks you’re just jealous of her superior brain power and her stunning beauty.
Molly, let me explain. You may question everything about President Obama back to his birth, and even before. You may not question anything about Sarah Palin for any time period exceeding her attention span — so the last three minutes are open for questions. Two minutes on a bad day.
She’s about as sharp as a sack of wet mud.
Hey guys, just doing some work on the site, don’t panic if you see things appearing and disappearing, or maintenance mode.
Okay, I am not panicking . . . but the home page is all kerflooey.
(That’s a technical term used by us computer geeks.)
Yeah we see it – working on it
“Hateful Bloggers” translates to “Those despicable people who have the audacity to write the truth about me.”
DD (who loves hateful bloggers)
I think her and Bristol got a 2 for one deal on “corrective Jaw Surgery”. They both look like the bottom half of their face doesn’t belong to the top half. Frankly I hope she runs. Think of all the fun we’d have laughing, night after night at her stupidity.
yup. the woman is clearly deranged. i can hardly wait. she says “game on” we say “let”s get it on”♪♫
I am totally floored! Palin says Obama’s associations were not fully discussed in the last election…??? You mean, she’s saying she didn’t aggressively ‘explore’ his association with terroristS? She certainly ranted about it…now she’s admitting she did that without exploring those associations.
Thinking about her many lies, her anger, resentments and convoluted rationalizations, I’m wondering what Dr. Amen would discover if he did a brain scan.
Well said. I think she could be very busy on K Street, where the dollars mold the morals.
Thanks for worrying about me, sali and slipstream. Just logged on. Talk about an incentive to read this blog – seeing people wonder about me (in a good way for a change).
The weather did affect my energy – those fast-moving fronts are a bit hard on the joints so I’ve been taking it easy. Plus, getting my husband and dog up in the wee hours to go prepare for a dash to the basement took its toll. Why is it that women are the ones who “guard the village.”
Must be that I am now entering the Crone stage of my life where I am supposed to keep watch so that’s part of Nature’s plan to make my joints hurt enough to keep me awake and alert to danger. Ah, well, just goes to show that even pain can be a blessing of sorts.
As it the usual case, the day has been most sunny and very warm, but those east of us in Missouri have had multiple tornado warnings and some sightings this afternoon. Watching the doppler radar is a kind of indoor sport this time of the year. Technology has made it possible the meteorologists to pinpoint neighborhoods and streets with a time estimate as to how long you can wait before you duck below ground (if you are fortunate enough to have a basement). I call neighbors, even in the middle of night, to alert them because you cannot always hear the sirens if you have window air conditioners, so they can dash over to our basement if need be. The Spring and Fall have their exciting moments.
I am so grateful for the invention of air conditioning. Blessings are easy to identify when it comes to creature comforts and good people.
As for Rapture, well, let’s just say that if you read my comments here you probably could win a bet that I would not make the cut. I have been thinking some rather rude and unforgiving comments about SP and the GOTP for so long and so often that I suspect that thinking and saying those things alone would disqualify me. If people such as Sarah are going to heaven, I want no part of it – it cannot be big enough to keep her away from me and mine. I’ll take my chances and enjoy the company of those “hateful” (and probably “sinful” by Palin’s skewed standards) bloggers and their loyal readers.
Oops – now see what you’ve gone and down, sali and slipstream, you’ve unleashed a ramble from me. That will make you think twice about mentioning my name. Sort of the “speak of the Devil” caution in play here.
Sigh – the second comment – the one with the red icon was my first (which I proofed and rewrote) and resubmitted when the “red” one was on hold for moderation because, one again, I screwed-up my email address. I mean, how sad can it be to mess up your own email address?). Well, as you can see, I added bubbles to the rewrite because, by the time I got round to resubmitting with the correct email address, the first one was read and posted by some kind soul.
I shall have to refrain from commenting for a week or so just to make up for this screw-up. Sigh.
I guess I need to eat another dark chocolate-dipped strawberry to sooth my frustration. Wish I could share!
It’s all the better to hear from you twice. Glad you survived the rapture!
OT, but noticed there are no comments from KS Sunflower. Nasty weather there. Hope she’s OK.
Hmmm . . . yesterday was the rapture, and today we’re not hearing from KS Sunflower.
Well, the rest of us are still here.
well if one of us was gonna be raptured it would be sweet Sunflower.
not to worry she will put in a good word for us pups.
You always say the nicest things about people!
You’re not so bad at that yourself, fishingmama.
Fishingmama ♥ yay! Sunflower has returned,♥
Thanks for worrying about me, sali, slipstream and bubbles. Just logged on. Talk about an incentive to read this blog – seeing people wonder about me (in a good way for a change).
The weather did affect my energy – those fast-moving fronts are a bit hard on the joints so I’ve been taking it easy. Plus, getting my husband and dog up in the wee hours to prepare for a dash to the basement took its toll. Why is it that women are usually the ones who “guard the village” in the middle of the night?
Must be that I am now entering the Crone stage of my life where I am supposed to keep watch so that’s why Nature makes my joints hurt enough to keep me awake and alert to danger. Ah, well, just goes to show that even pain can be a blessing.
As it the usual case, the day has been most sunny and very warm, but those east of us in Missouri have had multiple tornado warnings and some sightings this afternoon. Watching the doppler radar is a kind of indoor sport this time of the year. Technology has made it possible for the meteorologists to pinpoint neighborhoods and streets with a time estimate as to how long you can wait before you duck below ground (if you are fortunate enough to have a basement). I call neighbors, even in the middle of night, to alert them because you cannot always hear the sirens if you have window air conditioners, so they can dash over to our basement if need be. The Spring and Fall have few boring moments around here.
Being the sloth I am today, I am so grateful for the invention of air conditioning. Blessings are easy to identify when it comes to creature comforts and good people.
As for Rapture, well, let’s just say that if you read my comments here you probably could win a bet that I would not make the cut. I have been thinking some rather rude and unforgiving comments about SP and the GOTP for so long and so often that I suspect that thinking and saying those things alone would disqualify me for a millennium or two (possible three). If people such as Sarah are going to heaven, I want no part of it – it cannot be big enough to keep her away from me and mine. I’ll take my chances and enjoy the company of those “hateful” (and probably “sinful” by Palin’s skewed standards) bloggers and their loyal readers.
Oops – now see what you’ve gone and done, sali, slipstream and bubbles, you’ve unleashed a ramble from me. That will make you think twice about mentioning my name. Sort of the “speak of the Devil” caution in play here. Thank you guys for making my day!
Glad you’re still with us, Sunflower. Please explain what “air conditioning” is.
Game on!
Depressed Republican Leaders Are Convinced Obama Will Easily Win Reelection
Good. I want them depressed and unmotivated.
With all that has come out about Palin and her family members and the expectations of more to come before the end of May, AND then to be warned on top of it all by none other than Greta on FOX! Wow! How would, or could, Palin stick their nose out there to run for any national office? A true glutton for punishment! Most sane folk (not idiot Sarah) would cease this type of charade immediately!
Nobody sees the string that comes out the backside of Palins brain. Fox pundits keep pulling on it to get the sock puppet to say something gripping, instead we see a painted up howdy doody look alike babble on. Her complete BS about Americans being in danger because Obama wants to jump start peace talks in the mid east, shows her lack of any understanding of diplomacy. I wish she would run, first the cat fight with the rest of the republicans would be intertaining and second President Obama would clean her clock.
Ah, yes…the Great Polling of the Palin Children. I seem to remember another time when their opinion was the tipping point for her actions — to whit:
In fact, this decision [to quit half-way into her first term as Governot] comes after much consideration, and finally polling the most important people in my life – my children (where the count was unanimous… well, in response to asking: “Want me to make a positive difference and fight for ALL our children’s future from OUTSIDE the Governor’s office?” It was four “yes’s” and one “hell yeah!” The “hell yeah” sealed it – and someday I’ll talk about the details of that… I think much of it had to do with the kids seeing their baby brother Trig mocked by some pretty mean-spirited adults recently.) Um, by the way, sure wish folks could ever, ever understand that we ALL could learn so much from someone like Trig – I know he needs me, but I need him even more… what a child can offer to set priorities RIGHT – that time is precious… the world needs more “Trigs”, not fewer.
FROM: “Full Text Of Palin’s Resignation Speech” – 3 July 2009
So, in reference to what she told GVS, would her resignation speech be something the MSM, LSM, and/or HB (Hateful Bloggers) should “look into” as they explore her actions “based on [her] records”? If so, I’ve a couple of questions…
1) did she poll all 5 of her kids? Even the 1.5-yo baby? And when was she planning on expanding –as promised– on the “hell yeah”, comment? Did Todd get a ‘say’? Do/will ALL her decisions be based upon polls of her children?,
2) What, exactly has she done, since her resignation, to “fight for ALL our children’s future” — what “positive difference” has she made for anyone?, and finally,
3) Will she ever be able to accept that once something she ‘knows’ is ‘true’, in fact, *isn’t!* (her insistence that “mean-spirited adults”/HBs were “mocking” her youngest child, for example) will she drop the falsehood from her repertoire? How much proof does she need that what she’s blathering is a flat-out lie *before* she will stop blathering it?
Oh, just so many questions for $P…so much repeat bs from $P. So much: Enough, already! beth.
No matter how much surgery, botox, makeup, wigs and fancy clothes you might have, the Ugly inside ALWAYS comes through eventually. All that hate and anger she’s been spewing for so long is showing on her face and in her body.
An average looking woman who smiles all the time will look beautiful when that smile comes from the heart. A woman with compassion is beautiful no matter how many wrinkles she has. A woman who cares for others before herself glows with inner beauty that is infectious and inspiring. A woman who laughs often is a joy to be around and makes the world a better place.
Palin WAS an attractive woman but now it’s All Ugly, All The Time.
What a waste of a life.
♥ Hateful Blogger R Us ♥
i demands to be a hateful blogger also too.
Me, too! Me, too! I wants to be a member of the Hateful Blogger Club
yes! we best put Irishgirl down too. welcome to the club.
I’m in!! Hateful blogger here (and I’m in my nightie at my laptop, though in my own place).
I would love to hear this idiot debate our President, but don’t think she will make it that far. And I agree with that fact that she looks awful. It will be interesting to see just who makes it to the finals, as they will knock off each other before the end.
She’s not ready for prime-time. But, her problem is, if she doesn’t run, the people donating money to her, will turn on her. She’s kinda stuck.
She’s not ready for Saturday Morning Cartoon time!
Sarah Palin will never debate anyone… she’s not capable… in a debate she would ignore any questions that the moderators are asking and use the time to say what SHE wants to say to the American people… she’s done it before and she’ll do it again…
I sure do love me some hateful blogger, I do!
they all said “Go for it, Mom!”
It’s a small thing, an insignificant little lie among her big lies, but I definitely knew, when I first heard her story about the “family meeting” that it was a lie.
Among the details that seemed so unreal about the story was that she said that Track wasn’t present, because he was “off doing his thing,” as she dismissed it. Of course, his “thing” was enlisting in the Army and serving in Iraq – she made it sound like he was going off to surf camp or something. I found that to be such a false note. It was quite obvious that the story she was telling had no emotional reality.
All of Palin’s stories seem to serve one purpose — as political calculations in order to paint Palin in the best possible light.
As we saw when the details came out about her 2008 VP actions on the trail — she was wanting to address “the petty things” that would blow the petty things into even bigger things… the handlers wouldn’t have it.
It might be interesting to know exactly what she thinks is petty vs what the public’s right to know is.
And she is still lying. . . .She claims she is asking the fam about running for President. So will Steve Schmidt be there telling the kids she’s going to run, again?
Sarah could care less what her family thinks.
I’m no fan of Greta (best journalist, seriously?), but it did seem like she was trying to let Sarah know that the questions would be tougher and more in-depth than when she was on the ballot for VP. I don’t think Sarah got it. She only thinks it’s OK if they go after other people, but not her. She sees herself above all the rules that apply to everyone else.
And what was she on about when she started in on his upbringing? I seriously think we should look into her upbringing, as she seems to be lacking in compassion and empathy and a real understanding of what family life should be.
Does she really think that those nasty facebook posts by her daughters this last year about gays won’t be brought up again? And does she really think that Willow’s misbehavior won’t be talked about? And then there are all the people who have noticed what an abominally poor mother she is to her special needs child. None of those things inspire confidence in her ability to run the country. If she can’t be in charge of your own house, why would we let her be in charge of the White House?
And of course, there’s always the issue that her record in Alaska wasn’t as stellar as she likes to tell us. Not to mention the matter of her quitting because the going got tough. If she couldn’t last as governor of a state with a small population, then what on earth makes her think she could be the president of all the states, with half the people at any one time not liking what she has said or done.
Oh, right, it’s that prayer shield. I think she’d better get a new one. The current one doesn’t seem to be doing her much good. Or maybe she’d better learn the Patronus charm – Expecto Patronum! Well, that won’t work – she’d have to have a really strong happy memory and I honestly don’t think she has happy memories, at least not from the last four or five years.
Thanks for the transcription, AKM. You are our hero. ♥
“And what was she on about when she started in on his upbringing?”
I think she’s projecting. I haven’t read Dunn’s book yet but I’ve read discussions online stating that he delves pretty heavily into her families (Chuck Heath) dysfunction.
“Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother” was released a few weeks ago. The narrative following Stanley Ann Dunham, goes into quite a bit of President Obama’s upbringing, which was about self-discipline, intellectual curiousity, and compassion for others. The main “dysfunction” was having an absent father and a single mother that lived in foreign countries and was a bit of a free spirit. – Does Sarah Palin know that? I thought she reads everything! (“all of ’em”).
Teddy Roosevelt, when President, once said, “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both.”
Apparently, Palin can do neither.
Last night on the local news, they broke the news that Sarah Palin is house shopping in Scottsdale. OMG. I think I might have to move now.
On the other hand, those Scottsdale women can be a handful. Might be fun to watch a Wasilla Hillbilly try to fit in there.
Well, sorry Arizona, but I’m glad to hear she isn’t planning a move to Washington state. And that Arizona sun is going to age her even faster than we’ve seen in the last two years. Maybe if y’all are lucky, she’ll move there and just stay inside all the time.
I might have to move back to Seattle.
If she decides to run for President, or perhaps for Senator Kyl’s seat?
I took a deep breath and watched the clip. The most interesting part to me was when Greta talked about the gender bias and Palin’s eyes lit up, obviously thinking that Greta was about to say how poorly little Ms. Palin had been treated…but when Greta defended Pelosi and Clinton without a mention about the victim Palin she had to fight to contain herself. Priceless!
and here it is:
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Is This Sarah Palin’s New House?
May. 21 2011 – 7:14 pm | 710 views | 0 recommendations | 1 comment
Sarah Palin addressing the Republican National.
Sarah Palin addressing the Republican National Convention (Image via Wikipedia).
Former Republican candidate for Vice-President, Sarah Palin, may have been the secret buyer in the $6.7 million cash sale of a sprawling 7,800-square foot house in Scottsdale, Arizona. Safari Investments, LLC. is the named buyer, but that company was set up the day before the house was sold, and the lawyer listed on the deal declined to comment when asked if the real purchasers were Sarah and Scott Palin.
The house has six bedrooms, a swimming pool, home theater, wine cellar, billards room, six-car garage and is surrounded by six acres of mostly-desert property.
In 2010, the Palin’s daughter, Bristol, bought a house in Maricopa, about fifty miles south of the Scottsdale home.
i don’t know if her big fat ego will fit in that house
wanna see inside?
u-UG-leeee! (said like an ah-oogah horn).
It’s what I’d expect of her. Cold marble. No character. Faux greco-roman accents randomly thrown around, completely out of step with the bunker feeling. Then I saw the outside. When they make the offing of bin Laden into a made for Tee Ve flick, they can use that place for the outside of the fortress he lived in.
Just goes to show that money does not taste and good sense make. I’m kinda smelling a split between Mr. and Mrs. Palin. I wonder if she’ll go back to Heath?
My thoughts exactly. It seriously looks like a prison from the outside, complete with guard tower. A little foreshadowing, perhaps…?
The inside is completely over-the-top tacky, just like her. The rustic, arched, dark wood doorways and trim are in a completely contrasting style to the ornate stone fireplace and stone scrollwork. All showmanship, no thought put into it whatsoever. Just her style.
On the upside, it looks like there’s a handy floor drain in the middle of the marble floor in the living room, so Todd can change the oil in the El Camino without even having to move it outside. Bonus!!
I had the same reaction – uninviting, and similar to the Bin Laden compound. But it is big, and shiny, and expensive, so it would appeal to her. What struck me was the colossal waste of water that giant green lawn must be i the middle of the desert.
Good thing she will be able to find so much cheap labor to clean the house and maintain the compound and the pool. Bet she will stop talking about closing the borders now.
“Scott” Palin?
Hope McCain is enjoying being stalked by a rabid weasel.
rabid weasel–made me laugh! Thanks.
I read on IM that the LLC paid about $1.7 million. From the photos and video it doesn’t look like a very inviting place to live. And the stairs and floors look just plain dangerous for lively children.
And cold…not in temperature but in atmosphere. Not exactly a family home, unless she plans to leave the family in Wasilla!
She’d better be careful about blowing through all of her bank accounts too fast. Whether she runs (and, no doubt, crashes and burns early on) or declines, her days of hefty speaking fees are rapidly coming to an end.
It’s going to be much harder to raise the kind of cash she needs to keep herself ‘in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed’ once the gravy train leaves the station…and the whistle’s blowing! No more nice cushy book contracts – they can’t even sell the ones she already wrote – and FOX is looking more and more like a limited engagement these days.
She might want to put some of that ill-gotten cash away for a rainy day because the storm’s just over the horizon and moving fast!
Yes, very interesting – I give a bit of well-earned applause to Greta.
Did you notice how she keeps shaking her head “no” while talking about running? She doesn’t want to run; she wants to be anointed.
The real elephant in the political room is . . . that there IS NO elephant in the political room! There are hyenas, coyotes, pushme-pullyous (Dr. Dolittle), and ostriches, but no elephants.
Question. What was going on in Wasilla when she hired a City Manager? Was that house being built?
According to her, if there are some questions that need to be explored about President Obama’s upbringing and background than it’s also fair to explore hers.
I first saw this posted as a link on IM. Frightening.
Very frightening, indeed.! But I should’nt be surprised, did’nt half term quitter “declare” Wasilla a christian community when she was mayor?
She also stated in a video (no link, can’t remember) that Ahlaaskaa was a Christian state dedicated to God. The video is of her holding a baby doll before she was ‘tapped on the head’ to be Queen of All.
Character First IACC Wasilla, another frightening truth, did’nt see Scotsdale on the list of 200. time will tell.
Good grief. Do those people honestly think the Clinton campaign didn’t try their hardest to find something? Standard procedure.
Thank you for transcribing that hogwash. I can not watch or listen to her anymore. Her voice hurts my ears, and those jerks and grimaces are just painful to see.
I hope you rewarded yourself with calming music and cucumber slices over your eyes!
Those Associations she wants to talk about are so 2008. NO ONE will want to hear about Bill Ayres except her bots.
Now, it is about HIS record (Osama, saving the Auto industry) against HER record. Good luck with that.
hee hee Osama?
As Sarah Jones says…anytime the right wing denigrate the President….just keep repeating to them “Obama got Osama.”
Yeesh! That’s always a painful experience, reading what she says. Almost as painful as hearing it.
You are a naughty blogger, aren’t you?
This is a tad sexist, but “the naughty blogger” sounds like something Frederick’s of Hollywood would have come up with.
ooo! Naughy Bloggers! Where can I get one?
Ooh, Ooh! Me Too! I want some “Naughty Blogger Monkey Pumps”!
(Stylish yet sensible, with a seriously pointed toe, just in case you run into a crazed, brain-eating zombie in need of a swift kick in the arse!)
I’m at that point of saying, “Yeah, you know, whatever.”
Sounds more like one of my fifth graders than a Presidential candidate. And that fifth grader would be corrected for improper use of grammar and for having an attitude! Can you imagine her in negotiations with other world leaders and coming out with phrases like that? She’d be laughed out of the room!
I love how the past associations and personal history are fine to use in attacks against President Obama but that same kind of history is off limits when it come to her. He’s been attacked for and explained everything from his pastor to some acquaintance he met years ago to the length of his Afro in college, for heaven’s sake.
Setting aside all the personal family baggage for the moment, has anyone EVER asked her, ON RECORD, about Muthee OR the AIP OR the sinkhole of debt she left Wasilla in when she was finished OR the City Manager they had to hire because the Mayor couldn’t handle the job OR the mysteriously familiar construction materials used in her house OR the repayment of her family’s travel expenses OR the real findings (ethic violations) of the Troopergate investigation OR the ultimate re-allocation of the bridge-to-nowhere money that was never returned to the federal government OR that invisible gas line OR how she abandoned the rural villages when they were starving and freezing OR….OR…..OR……..OR…………..
No attacks on family members? Fine. Been there, done that anyway.
How their past actions have been “been a reflection of their character”? Bring it on, sister!!!!
Greta: “…they’ve got to know that we’re going to go after them, and we’re going to hopefully do it with good manners, but we’re going to be very aggressive, prying into everybody’s past…”
Does anyone else think that just maybe, that sentence is a general head’s up to say “Look out, toots. WE are ALL going to go after [all] the contenders” – ?
Just maybe, the bloom is off the Palin rose (finally) as far as Greta is concerned.
I live in hope
You have to wonder, too, if Greta, because of her close association with Palin, knows where some of the as-yet-undiscovered ‘bodies’ are buried. I bet she knows some secrets Plain would REALLY not want shared with the world!
i think that when Palin blows up Greta is going to lose her job also. too
Greta has always said “Challenge her on her policies but not on personal stuff” or something like that. But, then, Greta seldom does. So, being cynical, I expect Greta will go after all the others, but not Palin–unless being associated with her becomes too much of an embarrassment which it soon might be.
Yeah! Like when was the last time she REALLY had a baby!!! I guess Levi got a big payday.
Well, if she does run, it will certainly be entertaining. GS just got her to contradict herself and revealed what a total hypocrite she is within the span of about 5 minutes.
Bring on the popcorn!
Greta is a lawyer and she could get Palin to admit anything if she really went after her.
Roger Ailes is not impressed with Palin either.
“He thinks things are going in a bad direction,” another Republican close to Ailes told [Sherman]. “Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks the election of Obama is a disaster. He thinks Palin is an idiot. He thinks she’s stupid. He helped boost her up. People like Sarah Palin haven’t elevated the conservative movement.”
and i think Roger Ailes is a jackass and a traitor.
I do too.
Ditto. He and Murdock brought Palin on themselves- couldn’t have happened to two better people
I had the feeling Murdoch foisted Palin on Ailes, but I could be wrong. When the deal was being brokered, my understanding was that it was a multi-year, multi-media deal that included at least two books [check], a Fox program [check], and other appearances on Fox as an analyst/contributor [check]. I’m pretty sure Fox has just about fulfilled it’s part of the bargain and the contract must be coming up for renewal soon. When they signed her on, I said ‘they really don’t know what they’re getting, do they?”. Well, now Ailes knows.
But whether he thinks she’s stupid or whether he thinks she’s a regular William Jennings Byran, if he thinks she helps bring in FoxBucks, the contract will be renewed.
And I bet she’ll let them, and then announce she’s running for President.
You had me at: ‘The national spotlight beckons to her like yummy brains to a zombie.’
Greta was almost sending a message….stop whining bitch!
Let’s get into product placement and give you a Gold Star for using Berkley’s Gulp Grubs. That stuff is made about 50 miles from me in Spirit Lake,Iowa. Berkley Bedell was a Democratic U S Congressmen in Iowa’s 5th district(now occupied by nj Steve King). The company was sold to somebody and remains in Spirit Lake -churning out all kinds of fishing equipment and accessories. Bedell lost his seat to RWNJ Fred-the Love Boat’s Yeoman Purser Gopher Smith- Grandy,another B-level actor from Sioux City,Iowa who stated that America’s problems weren’t the fault of politicians,She needed better voters. Bedell and his wife Elanor have donated land and money to the State of Iowa for parks and trails around Iowa’s Great Lakes.Take that Palin,you wimpy girlie-woman.
BTW-I saw the words Track Palin on Yahoo last evening. Is that like a verb or a verbal command thingie?
Oh you hateful blogger you!
I’m counting down the hours until THE BOOK arrives.
I also thought it was very telling that she called Bailey disloyal. She who must be obeyed requires complete loyalty from her subjects. Who the heck does she think she is?
On the other hand, she looks awful. She is painfully thin and that stupid wig only exacerbates it. I watched the entire video and her hair kept getting stuck in her eyelashes which drove me nuts. There was also one point where Greta said they would be aggressively vetting the candidates and you could see Palin swallowing in fear…..I loved it.
Also too, the hot governor had on way too much make-up….she looked an absolute joke. She’s probably not getting enough sleep. I wonder what could be keeping her awake at night?
“swallowing in fear”
Irish, you made me go and look at that clip again (gads) Dang if you ain’t spot on! (some days do start out well, after all)
excellent observation Irishgirl.
It is around the 10.03 mark. She does a big gulp!
Hahahahahahaha. AKM, you do the best Palin to English translations of anyone.
Poor Sarah. Out of her bobble head comes word salad—yet again.
She’s threatening to go all klan against President Obama because in her freaked out, angry, know nothing world President Obama is still not like “rill Mericans”, was raised by Hawaiians and darn it he had those intellectual associations that she feared ’cause they speak english better than her. And she still thinks the President beat HER in 2008. Thus; she’s got nothing but hate, as usual.
Palin has absolutely no self awareness whatsoever. This woman truly is a sociopath. And if she runs, this (like Gryphen says) is going to be a bloodbath. The first five rows will definitely get wet
with Palin hemoglobin. Of course she’ll be getting steady transfusions as she pulls her anorexic carcass along the campaign trail bleating, snarling and winking.
Everytime I see that “fire in my belly” quote I think: Take some Prilosec & that indigestion will go away.
Yup, weaseling about her record, but it is “based on our present day statements about what we intend to do to, for, and with this country. Don’t come after us for little petty stupid things like ..” what we said yesterday or last week, that doesn’t count anymore.
Doesn’t she look awful? Like she has aged 10 years in the last week?
So, she is begging us to ignore her past, all of it, and concentrate on what she says in her FB rants.
sorry, that horse has left that barn…..