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OK…Is it Just Me?

Thoughts? Discuss…



327 Responses to “OK…Is it Just Me?”
  1. westcoaster says:

    Put yourself and your baby in a magazine and make some money. This is what this picture reeks of. Lucky she has the last name Palin. Otherwise nobody would give her the time of day. And yes, they are making this picture look like it is bad to have a baby. “Statistic?” WTF?

  2. Armchair PR says:

    Is it just me or are Candie’s Bristol Palin ads making more of a case for abortion than keeping one’s baby? Seriously, if I was running an abstinence campaign in the hopes of reducing abortion rates, I would not position every ad as if having a baby is a depressing stigma.

  3. 264 Crayons says:

    She’s hardly a common statistic…poor thing…you think her mother makes her do this?

  4. overthemoon says:


    Andrew Sullivan has picked up JRC’s comment (#12) on the Daily Dish!!!

  5. brig says:

    if her mother wasnt who she thinks she is, or who so many followers thinks she should be, would we, the people who live far far away from Wasilla even know or care…she hasnt done anything meaningful to rate all this attention, I know lots of teenage girls who have become pregnant had their baby and no one outside of their friends and family know or care..why do we celebratize (palin word) this she hasnt done anything different then thousands of woman before her, she certainly has made lemonade out of lemons, now go set up your lemon stand somewhere else, accomplish something in your life and really be a role model until then who gives a …k

  6. clark says:

    “I never thought I’d be a statistic.”
    [because, those are just made up out of whole cloth, right? some kind of a liberal/communist plot to control our demographic data?]
    really, though… i hesitate to criticize bristol palin very much. have a kid her age, and recall that time in life myself — transitions, confusion, lots of uncertainty. [a pile of money wouldn’t have made anything easier, necessarily.]
    just let her work it out… take some time, get it right, read and research… take it slow and don’t embarrass yourself… don’t commit to an idelology and movement. just lay low for awhile.

  7. Zyxomma says:

    When I was a teen living here in the East Village, I went to a clinic and got birth control pills, because I didn’t trust condoms not to break, and I didn’t want to get pregnant, like too many other teen girls I knew.

    Forward to my 20s (I think). I was on a subway platform and saw a brilliant ad I can’t forget. It showed a teen in frumpy clothes, messy hair, and a sad expression. It said something like: “Having a baby. It’s like being grounded for 18 years.” Much better than anything from Candies Foundation or its current spokesmodel, Bristol, who (as well-substantiated rumor tells it) got pregnant on purpose with Tripp.

    And (more well-substantiated rumors affirm) it wasn’t her first time.

  8. Marnie says:

    If there keep being clouds in the sky evenutally it will rain or snow.
    That’s now nature works. And most of us figure that out by age three or four at the latest.

    If you keep having sex, even with maximun caution and protection, it probably eventually will be you.
    It does not take a genius to figure that out that that is how nature works.

  9. ToesInTheSand says:

    Oh just lovely “Mom”. Tripp grows up and finds this ad somewhere tucked away and sees the look of disappointment on his Mother’s face as she contemplates her being a “statistic”. How much more can she milk this? Oh that’s right……..her mother’s daughter.

  10. ToesInTheSand says:

    Oh just lovely “Mom”. Tripp grows up and finds this ad somewhere tucked away and sees the look of disappointment on his Mother’s face as she contemplates her being a “statistic”. How much more can she milk this? Oh that’s right……..her mother’s daughter.

    • dagian says:

      We can only hope that Tripp grows up, sees that photo, turns to his mother and says,

      “Mom, surely you signed a contract on my behalf and I received payment too. Where’s the money that you have been responsible for until I reached majority? I imagine by now there’s a pretty fair amount of compound interest built up and I need it for college.”

      THAT is a conversation I would love to believe will happen.

      Eh, my firstborn knows that she’s Mommy’s Little (New Year’s Eve) Hangover. We were engaged, we were (are) both employed, I had already earned my college degree and I decided to stay pregnant. I made certain to tell her she wasn’t an accident, she was an unexpectedly lovely surprise. Plus she knows I love her to pieces.

      In the end, we’re ALL statistics after all.

  11. I remember a girl from my high school who was a year older. I didn’t really know her, but I knew who she was. She was cute and when she got pregnant and had to drop out – required by the school back in the 60s. But she finished high school somehow or got her GED and then finished college at the University of Kansas. Her son stayed with her parents while she was in college and she drove 356 miles home every weekend to see him. I knew none of that till she was nice enough to give me a ride home one time. I was so impressed by her focus and dedication and the way her family supported her attempts to make a better life for herself and her son.

    She was a real role model. She made a mistake, some bad choices, but she didn’t sit and whine or try to find a way to exploit her son. Did she think she was going to get pregnant? Of course not. What teenage girl really does think that. “It would never happen to me.”

    Bristol could actually be giving girls a strong message, but she’s saying the wrong things and she’s chosen to associate herself with a company that sends the same mixed messages. More bad choices, and she gets paid for it. I think that’s the worst part of the message coming from Bristol. Young girls see that she has a lot of “things” because she is a teen mom and some of them probably secretly hope they can follow in her footsteps.

    And worst of all is the way she uses her son just like Palin used all of her children. Disgusting.

    • I agree totally–thank you for sharing that story. People like that are an inspiration…there are many like Bristol, learning all the wrong things—like the song from South Pacific goes: You’ve got to be carefully taught’—–so very true…

  12. I remember a girl from my high school who was a year older. I didn’t really know her, but I knew who she was. She was cute and when she got pregnant and had to drop out – required by the school back in the 60s. But she finished high school somehow or got her GED and then finished college at the University of Kansas. Her son stayed with her parents while she was in college and she drove 356 miles home every weekend to see him. I knew none of that till she was nice enough to give me a ride home one time. I was so impressed by her focus and dedication and the way her family supported her attempts to make a better life for herself and her son.

    She was a real role model. She made a mistake, some bad choices, but she didn’t sit and whine or try to find a way to exploit her son. Did she think she was going to get pregnant? Of course not. What teenage girl really does think that. “It would never happen to me.”

    Bristol could actually be giving girls a strong message, but she’s saying the wrong things and she’s chosen to associate herself with a company that sends the same mixed messages. More bad choices, and she gets paid for it. I think that’s the worst part of the message coming from Bristol. Young girls see that she has a lot of “things” because she is a teen mom and some of them probably secretly hope they can follow in her footsteps.

    And worst of all is the way she uses her son just like Palin used all of her children. Disgusting.

  13. Scruffer says:

    The Candies Foundation should sue and get their money back.
    Abstinence? Really?!

  14. Scruffer says:

    The Candies Foundation should sue and get their money back.
    Abstinence? Really?!

  15. Bretta says:

    Two questions:
    1. Genetics lesson: How do two brown-eyed brown-haired people produce a blue-eyed blond-haired baby?
    2. Biology lesson: When you were delivered of Baby #1 why did you think you could not get pregnant with Baby #2?

    This fish is more than three days o.l.d.

    • BBJ says:

      Two brown-haired, brown-eyed people carrying blond and blue-eyed recessive genes can have a blue-eyed blond baby. Not too hard.

      Why do you ask?

      • Bretta says:

        Rhetorical question.
        I know Bristol’s falther is blue-eyed (tho of AK Native heritage) and Levi’s Dad is supposedly of Latino heritage, but his Mom is light-eyed so they both could have the blue-recessive genes. The blue eyes and blond hair with dark-eyed dark-haired parents just makes me ask the question, though.

    • Two brown eyed, brown haired people can have a blue eyed blond child. I had a friend, both of whose parents were brown eyed, brown haired. They had six kids – three with their coloring and three with blue eyes and blond hair. But you could pick that family out anywhere – their faces were almost identical.

      It’s the two blue eyed parents that can’t have a brown eyed child.

      • TX Me says:

        Two brown-eyed parents can have a blue eyed child if one (or both) of them carry a recessive blue-eye gene. Or maybe both of them have to have the recessive gene. It’s been a looooooong time since I took that class! Sometimes you have to go waaaaay back to find the person who donated that recessive blue-eye (or blonde hair) gene. There’s a big deal in the UK right now about a Nigerian couple who had a blonde hair/blue eye baby, echoes of the couple several years ago who had twins, one dark like her parents, the other fair.

        In my mother’s family there are two dark hair/dark eye parents, 12 kids, a few of them with blonde hair, many with blue eyes.

      • TX Me says:

        Oops, I see I got your premise wrong, but it works the same — two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child because the brown gene is dominant, and many blue-eyed people have both the recessive (blue) and dominant (brown gene).

        At least I think I got that right……..

        • dagian says:

          “two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child because the brown gene is dominant, and many blue-eyed people have both the recessive (blue) and dominant (brown gene).

          At least I think I got that right…”

          ‘Fraid not. In order for blue eyes to be expressed, not merely carried, you need two copies of the recessive gene.

          It’s a Punnet’s square.

          B=brown eyes
          b = blue eyes

          BbxBb has three different outcomes with different rates of overall probability:

          BB = brown, will only have or sire brown-eyed children
          Bb = brown eyes
          bb = blue-eyed

          See? We’re ALL statistics.

          • benlomond2 says:

            chortle… one of my biology teachers in College was from Arkansa, and taught at a rural HS when he first got his teaching creditals… and was teaching about the brown eye, blue eye bit…. when one of the football players got up and told him he was wrong… both of his parents were blue eyed, and “Look-ee here, Ah gots brown eyes”…. as the prof was about 5’6” and 110 lbs, and the “kid” was 6’2″ and about as big as the barn door,,, he decided to just say, “it’s a new science theory , and hasn’t been proven for sure yet”…. he decided to transfer to another state after that school year finished up…

    • bubbles says:

      recessive gene……now as some of you pups know i am an African American pup. the descendant of a blue eyed great grandfather and grand mother. my eyes are brown but as i get older they will turn blue. i will lose my melanin. it has already begun. in certain light my eyes appear appear lavender blue. all the crying in the world won’t stop it. i like my brown eyes. i don’t want to change but there it is. the little baby Tripp is beautiful. i wish for him a happy life. a life of achievement and scholarship. i wish for him the joy of a loving heart and loving companions. may the universe hear me and make it so.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      recessive genes, dear one, recessive genes

    • benlomond2 says:

      the wives tale is that if you are nursing, you can’t get prego again… it’s not true…

  16. Bretta says:

    Two questions:
    1. Genetics lesson: How do two brown-eyed brown-haired people produce a blue-eyed blond-haired baby?
    2. Biology lesson: When you were delivered of Baby #1 why did you think you could not get pregnant with Baby #2?

    This fish is more than three days o.l.d.

    • BBJ says:

      Two brown-haired, brown-eyed people carrying blond and blue-eyed recessive genes can have a blue-eyed blond baby. Not too hard.

      Why do you ask?

    • Two brown eyed, brown haired people can have a blue eyed blond child. I had a friend, both of whose parents were brown eyed, brown haired. They had six kids – three with their coloring and three with blue eyes and blond hair. But you could pick that family out anywhere – their faces were almost identical.

      It’s the two blue eyed parents that can’t have a brown eyed child.

      • TX Me says:

        Two brown-eyed parents can have a blue eyed child if one (or both) of them carry a recessive blue-eye gene. Or maybe both of them have to have the recessive gene. It’s been a looooooong time since I took that class! Sometimes you have to go waaaaay back to find the person who donated that recessive blue-eye (or blonde hair) gene. There’s a big deal in the UK right now about a Nigerian couple who had a blonde hair/blue eye baby, echoes of the couple several years ago who had twins, one dark like her parents, the other fair.

        In my mother’s family there are two dark hair/dark eye parents, 12 kids, a few of them with blonde hair, many with blue eyes.

      • TX Me says:

        Oops, I see I got your premise wrong, but it works the same — two blue-eyed parents can have a brown-eyed child because the brown gene is dominant, and many blue-eyed people have both the recessive (blue) and dominant (brown gene).

        At least I think I got that right……..

  17. Amy_in_Wasilla says:

    Some else said this but it applies: Open legs, open doors.

    Born-again virgin Bristle is just like the liar Saint Sarah.
    She’s anti government, but she and her spawn are on native health services.

  18. Amy_in_Wasilla says:

    Some else said this but it applies: Open legs, open doors.

    Born-again virgin Bristle is just like the liar Saint Sarah.
    She’s anti government, but she and her spawn are on native health services.

  19. Remember Bristol got pregnant on purpose. It looks like she may be on her third pregnancy at this point.

  20. Remember Bristol got pregnant on purpose. It looks like she may be on her third pregnancy at this point.

  21. Blue Idaho says:

    Candies and Bristol are two pea’s in a pod. Say one thing do another.

  22. Blue Idaho says:

    Candies and Bristol are two pea’s in a pod. Say one thing do another.

  23. Dagian says:

    Just found this interesting.

    From phrontistery:

    trig — stone placed under a wheel to keep it from rolling

  24. Dagian says:

    Just found this interesting.

    From phrontistery:

    trig — stone placed under a wheel to keep it from rolling

  25. LoveMydogs says:

    Just a thought that I have had since Sept of 2008. I live in southcentral Alaska. It is very fundy and very red here. Education, for the most part, is not high on very many people’s lists of to do. The teen children of teen mothers are almost expected and encouraged to get pregnant (in or out of wedlock). It is actually something that is celebrated (as if this were the most important role that a girl can fulfill). The 30 year old mothers of teens can’t wait to become grandparents. It almost as if they are competing with each other. If their teen daughters miscarry it is a tragedy: not because it is so hard on the daughter, but because the mother isn’t going to be first to have a grandchild. It is extremely backwards and it is sickening to me because it places the value of women solely in the role of childbearing machine. I was not, and am not surprised that Bristol got pregnant (intended or not). I weep for the girls of these families. They don’t have a chance, abstinence or not.

    • Diane says:

      My husband had in therapy a 28 year old grandmother!! The great grandmother was 48.
      I had several kids of kids while working as a school nurse. Moms were 15-16 year olds.
      They too were products of teen pregnancies.

    • beth says:

      I overheard a woman at the supermarket telling a second woman that her [1st woman’s] daughter was “Yes, old to be having a first child.” The first woman’s daughter was standing right beside her and they’d been talking about the daughter’s 18th birthday party. The daughter was 7 months pregnant. The first woman was about half my age; I’m 60. beth.

  26. LoveMydogs says:

    Just a thought that I have had since Sept of 2008. I live in southcentral Alaska. It is very fundy and very red here. Education, for the most part, is not high on very many people’s lists of to do. The teen children of teen mothers are almost expected and encouraged to get pregnant (in or out of wedlock). It is actually something that is celebrated (as if this were the most important role that a girl can fulfill). The 30 year old mothers of teens can’t wait to become grandparents. It almost as if they are competing with each other. If their teen daughters miscarry it is a tragedy: not because it is so hard on the daughter, but because the mother isn’t going to be first to have a grandchild. It is extremely backwards and it is sickening to me because it places the value of women solely in the role of childbearing machine. I was not, and am not surprised that Bristol got pregnant (intended or not). I weep for the girls of these families. They don’t have a chance, abstinence or not.

    • Diane says:

      My husband had in therapy a 28 year old grandmother!! The great grandmother was 48.
      I had several kids of kids while working as a school nurse. Moms were 15-16 year olds.
      They too were products of teen pregnancies.

  27. overthemoon says:

    So if you want to get a good dose of Palin stupid, check out the latest Palingates.

    Then come back and discuss how if anyone else in politics had even half the lies and unanswered questions they would be crucified and gone in minutes.

  28. overthemoon says:

    So if you want to get a good dose of Palin stupid, check out the latest Palingates.

    Then come back and discuss how if anyone else in politics had even half the lies and unanswered questions they would be crucified and gone in minutes.

  29. Dagian says:

    For what it’s worth, my firstborn child knows that her conception wasn’t planned. We both laugh about “Mommy’s little New Year’s Eve hangover”.

    But I always told her that she wasn’t a mistake–she was a surprise!

    Well…not really, I knew how to prevent conception, but we were engaged, it was NYE, we got sloppy and I told my husband that there’s never a right time to have a kid, so let’s do it. I mean, I had my college degree, we were (are) both employed, etc.

    Turned out just fine. We even have a second kid. I worked long and hard conceiving THAT one. I think it helps to have a sense of humour about one’s own misjudgments and dumb and dumber moments.

  30. Dagian says:

    For what it’s worth, my firstborn child knows that her conception wasn’t planned. We both laugh about “Mommy’s little New Year’s Eve hangover”.

    But I always told her that she wasn’t a mistake–she was a surprise!

    Well…not really, I knew how to prevent conception, but we were engaged, it was NYE, we got sloppy and I told my husband that there’s never a right time to have a kid, so let’s do it. I mean, I had my college degree, we were (are) both employed, etc.

    Turned out just fine. We even have a second kid. I worked long and hard conceiving THAT one. I think it helps to have a sense of humour about one’s own misjudgments and dumb and dumber moments.

  31. Kallie in Texas says:

    Another media whore like her mother.

  32. Kallie in Texas says:

    Another media whore like her mother.

  33. Dagian says:

    We’re ALL statistics (lifetime cancer rate, academic achievement, earnings, etc.). But really, the only words that mattered in that ad were the first three.

    I wonder if Candie’s pays any of their OTHER spokesmothers as much as they probably paid this one?

  34. Dagian says:

    We’re ALL statistics (lifetime cancer rate, academic achievement, earnings, etc.). But really, the only words that mattered in that ad were the first three.

    I wonder if Candie’s pays any of their OTHER spokesmothers as much as they probably paid this one?

  35. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Poor kid looks unhappy. Maybe he has already figured out what an albatross around his neck the whole family is. I wish schools would try abstinence- only driver’s ed ( to see how abstinence only doesn’t work) before they try it in reality. Kids have hormones that seem like they can’t be denied. Thank you so much for a place I can visit and get away from all the hate on the internet.

  36. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Poor kid looks unhappy. Maybe he has already figured out what an albatross around his neck the whole family is. I wish schools would try abstinence- only driver’s ed ( to see how abstinence only doesn’t work) before they try it in reality. Kids have hormones that seem like they can’t be denied. Thank you so much for a place I can visit and get away from all the hate on the internet.

  37. AlaskaDisasta says:

    These people sure have no qualms about using their children for advertising and making money, do they? A real class act! Lol.

  38. AlaskaDisasta says:

    These people sure have no qualms about using their children for advertising and making money, do they? A real class act! Lol.

  39. Jen says:

    I am fascinated by the boxed in feeling I get when I comment on teen pregnancy in an after the fact way. I always feel I have stepped in a pile of shit. It is sort of like the way I feel when I am asked why I don’t have a support the troops sticker on my car.

  40. Jen says:

    I am fascinated by the boxed in feeling I get when I comment on teen pregnancy in an after the fact way. I always feel I have stepped in a pile of shit. It is sort of like the way I feel when I am asked why I don’t have a support the troops sticker on my car.

  41. tallimat says:

    When I see this, what comes to mind, is that Sarah did say Bristol was available, shortly after she came back from the campaign trail.

    Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is contrary to what is displayed. Find one thing that isn’t. I dare ya! Well Tripp is a cutie, but other than that, it is all kind of a fraud.

    Enought said about that.

    On a whole different note. Sherry Sherrod was on The View today. OMG… What grace, what understated glamor, what a role model for charm, candid wisdom…
    I am taken aback. I am in awe. So I got to get some more coffee and rewind to watch again. I feel so blessed to see this woman, Ms. Sherrod speak of her experience.

    • lilybart says:

      Here is Breitbarts “correction”

      While Ms. Sherrod made the remarks captured in the first video featured in this post while she held a federally appointed position, the story she tells refers to actions she took before she held that federal position.

      • I read a comment on this subject last night from a person that said something to the effect why apologize to the “N” woman, apologize to the white man and give him his farm back. Hate is truly pervasive and I fear this once great Nation will never recover.

        • Cortez says:

          I have to agree with you on this one Mike. Especially since the ignorant person who made the comment obviously didn’t hear or read the whole story. The farm was saved, the owners have consistantly praised Ms. Sherrod for her assistance.
          Ignorance is still the enemy of progress and the breeder of hate.

          • And I read an article today from , and it pains me awful to say this, Ann Coulter that said Andrew Breitbart is the victim here. He was set up by whoever sent him the video. I can’t link this stuff. Im not computer savvy yet.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Sherrod is a rare example of someone who is humble enough to admit her mistakes, her prejudice at one time in her life and then was humble enough to actually reflect on this side of her and CHANGE. She is an example of what true righteousness is – repent of her mistakes and prejudice and then act on her conviction.

      She helped the farmers keep their land, she did her job and she grew as a person. I can only hope to have 1 such moment of greatness in my life.

      I can only hope that people learn from her example. I don’t care about the haters and bigots, they are lost to their own poisonous attitudes. But I hope other reasonable people, sane people can look at this incident and say, this wasn’t right, this shouldn’t happen anymore.

    • Wallflower says:

      She really is an inspiration. I think because of her character and strength some good will come out of this; people will hear her own story. Maybe some of them will learn something.

  42. tallimat says:

    When I see this, what comes to mind, is that Sarah did say Bristol was available, shortly after she came back from the campaign trail.

    Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is contrary to what is displayed. Find one thing that isn’t. I dare ya! Well Tripp is a cutie, but other than that, it is all kind of a fraud.

    Enought said about that.

    On a whole different note. Sherry Sherrod was on The View today. OMG… What grace, what understated glamor, what a role model for charm, candid wisdom…
    I am taken aback. I am in awe. So I got to get some more coffee and rewind to watch again. I feel so blessed to see this woman, Ms. Sherrod speak of her experience.

    • lilybart says:

      Here is Breitbarts “correction”

      While Ms. Sherrod made the remarks captured in the first video featured in this post while she held a federally appointed position, the story she tells refers to actions she took before she held that federal position.

      • I read a comment on this subject last night from a person that said something to the effect why apologize to the “N” woman, apologize to the white man and give him his farm back. Hate is truly pervasive and I fear this once great Nation will never recover.

        • Cortez says:

          I have to agree with you on this one Mike. Especially since the ignorant person who made the comment obviously didn’t hear or read the whole story. The farm was saved, the owners have consistantly praised Ms. Sherrod for her assistance.
          Ignorance is still the enemy of progress and the breeder of hate.

    • aussiegal77 says:

      Sherrod is a rare example of someone who is humble enough to admit her mistakes, her prejudice at one time in her life and then was humble enough to actually reflect on this side of her and CHANGE. She is an example of what true righteousness is – repent of her mistakes and prejudice and then act on her conviction.

      She helped the farmers keep their land, she did her job and she grew as a person. I can only hope to have 1 such moment of greatness in my life.

      I can only hope that people learn from her example. I don’t care about the haters and bigots, they are lost to their own poisonous attitudes. But I hope other reasonable people, sane people can look at this incident and say, this wasn’t right, this shouldn’t happen anymore.

  43. frank222 says:

    Cute picture cute baby plenty of food and money – kinda makes me wanna be a teen mom too

    • johnny says:

      she wouldn’t have gotten all the media attention if she had not first been pregnant, second dragged Levi into the spotlight, third went on all the shows to make money from #1 and # 2 above. Then, she gets US weekly to pay her a bundle to say she’s engaged, another boyfriend comes out of the closet, and now she’s thinking it over because the mother isn’t too keen on the idea, and of course she already has the money from US and People. what better to secure future interviews/money, just say she’s decided to think the marriage over. Now she’s put the baby out there in a photo, somehow making him look sad too (I wonder how long it took them to get him to look like that)……with several other money making opportunities along the way, VF, etc. But as we all know, we should never drag children of politicians into the spotlight, the “one who must be obeyed” said that. Isn’t that the way Sarah Palin put it in that interview in Texas? Leave the kids out of it?

  44. frank222 says:

    Cute picture cute baby plenty of food and money – kinda makes me wanna be a teen mom too

    • johnny says:

      she wouldn’t have gotten all the media attention if she had not first been pregnant, second dragged Levi into the spotlight, third went on all the shows to make money from #1 and # 2 above. Then, she gets US weekly to pay her a bundle to say she’s engaged, another boyfriend comes out of the closet, and now she’s thinking it over because the mother isn’t too keen on the idea, and of course she already has the money from US and People. what better to secure future interviews/money, just say she’s decided to think the marriage over. Now she’s put the baby out there in a photo, somehow making him look sad too (I wonder how long it took them to get him to look like that)……with several other money making opportunities along the way, VF, etc. But as we all know, we should never drag children of politicians into the spotlight, the “one who must be obeyed” said that. Isn’t that the way Sarah Palin put it in that interview in Texas? Leave the kids out of it?

  45. JUST A THOUGHT says:






  46. JUST A THOUGHT says:






  47. From fancy designer gowns in a fashion mag to harried harrassed single mom — what a shapeshifter Bristol Palin is.

    I’m so sick of this farce. She has pimped out her vagina for a media profile & money. Why do so many willfully ignorant people pretend that this isn’t true?

    I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure she and her ‘most precious’ mistake are never traipsing through the White House and calling themselves the First Family.

  48. From fancy designer gowns in a fashion mag to harried harrassed single mom — what a shapeshifter Bristol Palin is.

    I’m so sick of this farce. She has pimped out her vagina for a media profile & money. Why do so many willfully ignorant people pretend that this isn’t true?

    I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure she and her ‘most precious’ mistake are never traipsing through the White House and calling themselves the First Family.

  49. survivor97 says:

    The ad should have stopped at “I never thought”.

  50. survivor97 says:

    The ad should have stopped at “I never thought”.

  51. LibraryLady says:

    This ad makes her out to be a helpless victim of some sort. She and her partner made a choice to have unprotected sex and now they are parents. They had other options. I guess the choice she’s making now is to play the victim role and taking her baby along for the pathetic ride.

    • johnny says:

      Incredible that it comes out the same week as her surprise engagement and surprise delay of the wedding.

  52. LibraryLady says:

    This ad makes her out to be a helpless victim of some sort. She and her partner made a choice to have unprotected sex and now they are parents. They had other options. I guess the choice she’s making now is to play the victim role and taking her baby along for the pathetic ride.

    • johnny says:

      Incredible that it comes out the same week as her surprise engagement and surprise delay of the wedding.

  53. Cortez says:

    Most of the posts here look like they are there to only bash “all things Palin”. I do not support Sarah in any political ambition. She has no experience, education, or sense of what comes out of her mouth.
    That said, this add is really not a fair place to bash the Palin’s. For starters, Bristol does not call her son a statistic, she calls herself one. This add is only one piece of an overall marketing campaign by Candies, it does not sum up their entire existance. Tough to do in one print add. It probably is just one of many ways that they try to reach their target audience. Bristol is probably exactly the right person to get through to some of the target market. After all, if the daughter of a bible thumping, hockey mom, ex governor and vp candidate can get pregnant, that doesn’t really leave anyone exempt.
    Many of you are bashing Bristol and the rest of the Palin’s for a marketing decision by Candies. Doesn’t that seem a little odd? If the marketing campaign doesn’t work, Bristol will be looking for another job. If it does, than thats what marketing MBA’s are getting paid for.
    I’m actually a little embarrassed to see this being a target of ridicule. There are so many other examples that Sarah creates that are worthy.

    • If the ad portrays Britol as a statistic, what exactly does that say about her son? I can’t find a lot of sympathy for a daughter of privilege that has a child out of wedlock. Hypocrasy kinda comes to mind when you talk the talk,but, don’t walk the walk. There are a number of products on the market that help prevent pregnancies. Tell me why a person that chose not to use these things and got pregnant would be a good candidate for this ad?

      • Cortez says:

        What better lessons in life than the mistakes we make? I have certainly used my mistakes to help educate my children. And from a societal point of view, they are both statistics. We all are in some respect or another.

        All I can say is that by attacking this add and Bristol, none of you are any better than the Tea Party, Rush, or the rest of the FOX talking heads. I find the attacks to be immature and petty to those that make the attacks and the efforts of progressives amoung us.

        Grow up, fight the good fight, and don’t lower yourself to the level of your opponents.

      • Wallflower says:

        I just went to the Candies Foundation website and looked at the whole series of print ads. As we’ve learned in the past couple of days in another situation, context can be important. All of the ads show celebrities such as Hayden Paniterre (sp?), Hilary Duff and Fergie, commenting how a teen pregnancy can change your life in ways you don’t expect. (A picture of a stroller and the words, “Not what you expected for your first set of wheels, huh?”) It’s probably not a brilliant campaign, but Briston Palin is quite appropriate in it.

        (Drat, it didn’t link. I’m so technically challenged.)

    • nswfm says:

      Supposedly, they were trying to make a baby. It’s the hypocrisy of the constant lying in addition to the crap about the poor little kid.

    • johnny says:


    • Martha says:

      Maybe if they (the Palin’s) promoted comprehensive sex education instead of abstinence, that even Bristol initially said didn’t work, they wouldn’t be ridiculed for the hypocrites that they are.

      And now that Bristol is obviously pregnant again, having Levi and previous boyfriend living with her, it makes it all the worse.

      Bristol set herself up for ridicule with her double standard.

      BTW………..she sold her sons AND her image to Candies to do with it what they will after complaining that Levi would “exploit” the image of their son to make money during their custody dispute.

      Their hypocrisy is never ending.

      They are nothing more than media whores interested only in the money they will make NOT the cause or prevention of teenage pregnancy………please.

      No Takers for Sarah Palin-Levi Johnston Kiss and Make-Up Interview

      Just one week after Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston got paid a whopping $100,000 to announce their upcoming wedding on the cover of Us Weekly, the Palin camp has been shopping around an interview plus photographs of Sarah and her future son-in-law together. The problem? No one wants them!

      “Last week sales figures for Us Weekly were a huge disappointment,” a magazine insider tells me. “After spending that sort of money, Us was hoping to sell over a million copies; instead they only sold around 750,000. Don’t expect to see any of the Palin’s on a cover of any other [celebrity] weeklies any time soon.”

      Sources tell me the asking price for the staged kiss and make-up interview was in the $150,000 range. However, once it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, the price was reduced to $10,000 and they still had no takers.

    • beth says:

      No matter how many MBA-types thought it’d be ‘good marketing’ for Candies, dollars to doughnuts, Bristol and Tripp would *not* be in the ad *IF* Bristol were doing it purely as a public service.

      She’s not.

      She’s making money – quite a bit of money! – off of her ‘claim to fame.’ How many other 19-yo ‘statistics’ do you know who have contracted to a speaker’s bureau where they command/demand 15-30K for a speech? (Her areas of ‘expertise’? “…her experiences on the campaign trail and in the media spotlight; her parenting approach; and her outlook on life.”** Riiiiiight.) How many other 19-yo single mothers have parlayed being their child’s mother into 100s and 100s of thousands of dollars? Bristol’s “PSA” for Candies is part of the foundation she’s constructed (around her being ‘a statistic’ –gaak!) upon which she’s raking in the bucks. Big bucks.

      So, yeah: Bristol, IMHO, gets to get slammed on this PSA. She’s a damned hypocrite. After honestly announcing: “But I think abstinence is, like — like, the — I don’t know how to put it — like, the main — everyone should be abstinent or whatever, but it’s not realistic at all“*** [emphasis added. b.], for her to pretend that it *is*, is disingenuous, not to mention totally ludicrous.

      You can be sure, Cortez, that if it profiteth not the Palins, the Palins won’t do it. Plain and simple. For her “PSA”, yup, she’s absolutely “fair game.” beth.

      **link to quote from “Bristol Palin to hit speakers’ circuit” –
      ***link to quote from “Exclusive:A Visit With the Palins” –,2933,494205,00.html

  54. Cortez says:

    Most of the posts here look like they are there to only bash “all things Palin”. I do not support Sarah in any political ambition. She has no experience, education, or sense of what comes out of her mouth.
    That said, this add is really not a fair place to bash the Palin’s. For starters, Bristol does not call her son a statistic, she calls herself one. This add is only one piece of an overall marketing campaign by Candies, it does not sum up their entire existance. Tough to do in one print add. It probably is just one of many ways that they try to reach their target audience. Bristol is probably exactly the right person to get through to some of the target market. After all, if the daughter of a bible thumping, hockey mom, ex governor and vp candidate can get pregnant, that doesn’t really leave anyone exempt.
    Many of you are bashing Bristol and the rest of the Palin’s for a marketing decision by Candies. Doesn’t that seem a little odd? If the marketing campaign doesn’t work, Bristol will be looking for another job. If it does, than thats what marketing MBA’s are getting paid for.
    I’m actually a little embarrassed to see this being a target of ridicule. There are so many other examples that Sarah creates that are worthy.

    • If the ad portrays Britol as a statistic, what exactly does that say about her son? I can’t find a lot of sympathy for a daughter of privilege that has a child out of wedlock. Hypocrasy kinda comes to mind when you talk the talk,but, don’t walk the walk. There are a number of products on the market that help prevent pregnancies. Tell me why a person that chose not to use these things and got pregnant would be a good candidate for this ad?

      • Cortez says:

        What better lessons in life than the mistakes we make? I have certainly used my mistakes to help educate my children. And from a societal point of view, they are both statistics. We all are in some respect or another.

        All I can say is that by attacking this add and Bristol, none of you are any better than the Tea Party, Rush, or the rest of the FOX talking heads. I find the attacks to be immature and petty to those that make the attacks and the efforts of progressives amoung us.

        Grow up, fight the good fight, and don’t lower yourself to the level of your opponents.

      • Wallflower says:

        I just went to the Candies Foundation website and looked at the whole series of print ads. As we’ve learned in the past couple of days in another situation, context can be important. All of the ads show celebrities such as Hayden Paniterre (sp?), Hilary Duff and Fergie, commenting how a teen pregnancy can change your life in ways you don’t expect. (A picture of a stroller and the words, “Not what you expected for your first set of wheels, huh?”) It’s probably not a brilliant campaign, but Briston Palin is quite appropriate in it.

        (Drat, it didn’t link. I’m so technically challenged.)

    • nswfm says:

      Supposedly, they were trying to make a baby. It’s the hypocrisy of the constant lying in addition to the crap about the poor little kid.

    • johnny says:


    • Martha says:

      Maybe if they (the Palin’s) promoted comprehensive sex education instead of abstinence, that even Bristol initially said didn’t work, they wouldn’t be ridiculed for the hypocrites that they are.

      And now that Bristol is obviously pregnant again, having Levi and previous boyfriend living with her, it makes it all the worse.

      Bristol set herself up for ridicule with her double standard.

      BTW………..she sold her sons AND her image to Candies to do with it what they will after complaining that Levi would “exploit” the image of their son to make money during their custody dispute.

      Their hypocrisy is never ending.

      They are nothing more than media whores interested only in the money they will make NOT the cause or prevention of teenage pregnancy………please.

      No Takers for Sarah Palin-Levi Johnston Kiss and Make-Up Interview

      Just one week after Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston got paid a whopping $100,000 to announce their upcoming wedding on the cover of Us Weekly, the Palin camp has been shopping around an interview plus photographs of Sarah and her future son-in-law together. The problem? No one wants them!

      “Last week sales figures for Us Weekly were a huge disappointment,” a magazine insider tells me. “After spending that sort of money, Us was hoping to sell over a million copies; instead they only sold around 750,000. Don’t expect to see any of the Palin’s on a cover of any other [celebrity] weeklies any time soon.”

      Sources tell me the asking price for the staged kiss and make-up interview was in the $150,000 range. However, once it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, the price was reduced to $10,000 and they still had no takers.

  55. JCos says:

    Next year, everyone’s going to abstain. The world will be a happy place, and God will snort milk through his nose that so many humans are behaving like idiots.

  56. JCos says:

    Next year, everyone’s going to abstain. The world will be a happy place, and God will snort milk through his nose that so many humans are behaving like idiots.

  57. Moon says:

    Too bad Bristol wants to remain a teen mom statistic and nothing else. I hope she decides to be a member of another group – teen moms who decide to go on to college. If she does that, then I will applaud and think she is a good role model. Until then, what she says is meaningless.

  58. Moon says:

    Too bad Bristol wants to remain a teen mom statistic and nothing else. I hope she decides to be a member of another group – teen moms who decide to go on to college. If she does that, then I will applaud and think she is a good role model. Until then, what she says is meaningless.

  59. sudsy says:

    I have always felt that children deserve to live with and be protected by both parents. Regardless of politics. It’s surprising that “family values” repubs do not inculcate this into their children evidently. Unlike democrats who actually tend to live and work together to raise their offspring. She ought to marry the child’s father since he, at least, is willing. Her relatives are not superior in any way to the child’s father. Too bad this fact cannot be perceived by the child’s “mother”. Refusing to commit to marriage is setting another bad example and contributing to skewed “statistics”.

  60. sudsy says:

    I have always felt that children deserve to live with and be protected by both parents. Regardless of politics. It’s surprising that “family values” repubs do not inculcate this into their children evidently. Unlike democrats who actually tend to live and work together to raise their offspring. She ought to marry the child’s father since he, at least, is willing. Her relatives are not superior in any way to the child’s father. Too bad this fact cannot be perceived by the child’s “mother”. Refusing to commit to marriage is setting another bad example and contributing to skewed “statistics”.

  61. Rai says:

    Is it just me or does that baby look completely disgruntled?

  62. Rai says:

    Is it just me or does that baby look completely disgruntled?

  63. Diane says:

    Th palin’s and Bristol could have used the opportunity to get into classroom’s and support programs that help unwed teen mothers. They are not supporting abstinence, they are supporting their own lifestyle.
    But they didn’t.
    Just like the twitter queen’s promise of supporting parents who have children with disabilities, nothing happened.
    They went for the money, making money off of this situation, making it glamorous lifestyle for Bristol.

    This is an obscene joke and it makes me angry that she is a poster child for unwed teenage mothers.
    She has it all, house, car, childcare and lots of money. For impressionable girls, she has what they will never have. It is cruel to hold her up as a role model.

    • Diane2 says:

      I don’t know if that is so great. I wonder if having money and fame isn’t a great loss. Your privacy is gone, people make fun of you all the time, and everyone comes out of the cracks to get your money. False friendships, lies, etc. I don’t know if that is worth it. What happens when someone new comes in the picture and your shining light is shut off? Negative publicity has spun this attention just as much as the major fans. When we stop writing about the ole gov. The money tree will finally have lost its leaves.

    • lilybart says:

      IF she dares to campaign for President, she should be asked: Please tell us about all you have done for special needs kids and their families.

      Oh, $1000.
      so easy to forget

  64. Diane says:

    Th palin’s and Bristol could have used the opportunity to get into classroom’s and support programs that help unwed teen mothers. They are not supporting abstinence, they are supporting their own lifestyle.
    But they didn’t.
    Just like the twitter queen’s promise of supporting parents who have children with disabilities, nothing happened.
    They went for the money, making money off of this situation, making it glamorous lifestyle for Bristol.

    This is an obscene joke and it makes me angry that she is a poster child for unwed teenage mothers.
    She has it all, house, car, childcare and lots of money. For impressionable girls, she has what they will never have. It is cruel to hold her up as a role model.

    • Diane2 says:

      I don’t know if that is so great. I wonder if having money and fame isn’t a great loss. Your privacy is gone, people make fun of you all the time, and everyone comes out of the cracks to get your money. False friendships, lies, etc. I don’t know if that is worth it. What happens when someone new comes in the picture and your shining light is shut off? Negative publicity has spun this attention just as much as the major fans. When we stop writing about the ole gov. The money tree will finally have lost its leaves.

    • lilybart says:

      IF she dares to campaign for President, she should be asked: Please tell us about all you have done for special needs kids and their families.

      Oh, $1000.
      so easy to forget

  65. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    She’s working up to be as mean and thoughtless as her mom, but doesn’t have the narcissistic tendencies to keep her from ever feeling regret, remorse, shame. She’s gonna have some ugly times ahead. Leave your boy with his family (he has two, one is very nice) for a month and trot off to Europe for the life education you would really benefit from. Do you know what a passport is? Nah, you’re never going to leave your witch mother clutches. Besides, Europe is just the capital of the country Africa and your mother would freak out that you might turn black or homosexual from all that close contact with those African Uripeans. You are doomed to a life of unremarkable and fetid drama in Southcentral Alaska.

  66. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    She’s working up to be as mean and thoughtless as her mom, but doesn’t have the narcissistic tendencies to keep her from ever feeling regret, remorse, shame. She’s gonna have some ugly times ahead. Leave your boy with his family (he has two, one is very nice) for a month and trot off to Europe for the life education you would really benefit from. Do you know what a passport is? Nah, you’re never going to leave your witch mother clutches. Besides, Europe is just the capital of the country Africa and your mother would freak out that you might turn black or homosexual from all that close contact with those African Uripeans. You are doomed to a life of unremarkable and fetid drama in Southcentral Alaska.

  67. leenie17 says:

    Abstinence until marriage was a much more manageable scenario back in the days when people got married at 14 or 15. You can’t expect a 17 year old to ignore the riptide of hormones screaming through their bodies just because some guy standing at a podium in a church tells them they should.

    Obviously, abstinence is the best choice, for a host of reasons, but we need to give our teens ALL the information and tools they need to make responsible and safe choices.

    • leenie17 says:

      I KNOW that four-layer chocolate fudge cake isn’t good for me and I’ll probably regret it if I eat it but it’s SOOO hard to resist!

      (And that doesn’t have the potential consequences of life-threatening disease or the lifetime responsibilty of a child like unprotected sex will!)

    • lilybart says:

      It is good to tell kids that waiting is better but not because sex before marriage is evil, but because it changes everything, you can’t go back (no you can’t, Bristol.) The emotional entanglements and inevitable hurt that especially girls feel when they “put out” and think its love, can wait!!

    • Paula says:

      Especially when they’re hitting puberty at ages 9, 10 and 11. Wait until they’re married? That’d be at 30, wouldn’t it? (after high school college, setting up a creer, getting ammried).

  68. leenie17 says:

    Abstinence until marriage was a much more manageable scenario back in the days when people got married at 14 or 15. You can’t expect a 17 year old to ignore the riptide of hormones screaming through their bodies just because some guy standing at a podium in a church tells them they should.

    Obviously, abstinence is the best choice, for a host of reasons, but we need to give our teens ALL the information and tools they need to make responsible and safe choices.

    • leenie17 says:

      I KNOW that four-layer chocolate fudge cake isn’t good for me and I’ll probably regret it if I eat it but it’s SOOO hard to resist!

      (And that doesn’t have the potential consequences of life-threatening disease or the lifetime responsibilty of a child like unprotected sex will!)

    • lilybart says:

      It is good to tell kids that waiting is better but not because sex before marriage is evil, but because it changes everything, you can’t go back (no you can’t, Bristol.) The emotional entanglements and inevitable hurt that especially girls feel when they “put out” and think its love, can wait!!

    • Paula says:

      Especially when they’re hitting puberty at ages 9, 10 and 11. Wait until they’re married? That’d be at 30, wouldn’t it? (after high school college, setting up a creer, getting ammried).

  69. LibertyLover says:

    My daughter and I watch ” The Secret Life of Teens” where I once counted the word “sex” used 15 times in a 10 minute period — (I personally can’t stand the show, but I only watch it so I can comment on it’s content with my daughter) — the show that Bristol had a guest shot on. And I think that more kids should watch “16 and Pregnant” — much more realistic about the life of girls that find themselves in this position. Amazingly, in the reality show, the boys that are the fathers have little to no roll in the girls’ or the babys’ lives at all.

    I wish we would do more to educate children about their bodies, not just tell them “Just say “No.”

    • mustang says:

      LibertyLover@7:30am: “I wish we would do more to educate children about their bodies”

      I agree!!
      Kids grow up thinking somehow their brains and not connected to their bodies.

  70. LibertyLover says:

    My daughter and I watch ” The Secret Life of Teens” where I once counted the word “sex” used 15 times in a 10 minute period — (I personally can’t stand the show, but I only watch it so I can comment on it’s content with my daughter) — the show that Bristol had a guest shot on. And I think that more kids should watch “16 and Pregnant” — much more realistic about the life of girls that find themselves in this position. Amazingly, in the reality show, the boys that are the fathers have little to no roll in the girls’ or the babys’ lives at all.

    I wish we would do more to educate children about their bodies, not just tell them “Just say “No.”

    • mustang says:

      LibertyLover@7:30am: “I wish we would do more to educate children about their bodies”

      I agree!!
      Kids grow up thinking somehow their brains and not connected to their bodies.

  71. aussiegal77 says:

    Yeah I love the message of this ad: I never thought that not paying much attention to my life and my decisions could actually result in very real consequences. Here’s me and my baby looking morose but isn’t he also very cute?

    Good grief, Bristol, get a clue. Drifting thru life means you WILL FOR SURE find yourself in situations you DIDN’T EXPECT.

    It’s not as if we all don’t freaking make mistakes but then acting like OMG, I TOTALLY DIDN’T THINK WOULD HAPPEN is just so freaking stupid. UGH. Surely….SURELY…..young women can see thru this ridiculous drivel. *facepalm*

  72. aussiegal77 says:

    Yeah I love the message of this ad: I never thought that not paying much attention to my life and my decisions could actually result in very real consequences. Here’s me and my baby looking morose but isn’t he also very cute?

    Good grief, Bristol, get a clue. Drifting thru life means you WILL FOR SURE find yourself in situations you DIDN’T EXPECT.

    It’s not as if we all don’t freaking make mistakes but then acting like OMG, I TOTALLY DIDN’T THINK WOULD HAPPEN is just so freaking stupid. UGH. Surely….SURELY…..young women can see thru this ridiculous drivel. *facepalm*

  73. LibertyLover says:

    I would prefer an ad that had both Bristol and Levi in it that said:

    “We had unprotected sex. Now we have a baby. Birth Control takes two.”

    But I have to wonder, when that baby grows up, how happy he will be to learn that he was a statistic. as well. Think he might feel a little bad knowing that he wasn’t planned?

  74. LibertyLover says:

    I would prefer an ad that had both Bristol and Levi in it that said:

    “We had unprotected sex. Now we have a baby. Birth Control takes two.”

    But I have to wonder, when that baby grows up, how happy he will be to learn that he was a statistic. as well. Think he might feel a little bad knowing that he wasn’t planned?

  75. Martha says:

    Maybe this is her way of announcing her third pregnancy……it’s obvious from the US pics that she is pregnant again.

  76. Martha says:

    Maybe this is her way of announcing her third pregnancy……it’s obvious from the US pics that she is pregnant again.

  77. Martha says:

    The Palin family motto is……….”Quisquam Parumper Pupa”…..and their coat of arms is $$$$..I hear they have in carved in their new mantelpiece………. (translates….”Anything For a Buck” )

    The ” influence” and “celebrity” of the Palin’s is finally diminishing.

    $arah’s fundraising can’t even keep up with Michelle Bachmann, let alone Romney, Pawlenty etc.prompting National Post contributor Tim Mak to ask “why isn’t Palin, a national figure with more media coverage than Bachmann, at least keeping pace?”

    They’ll be lucky to make the Anchorage news soon enough:

    No Takers for Sarah Palin-Levi Johnston Kiss and Make-Up Interview

    Just one week after Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston got paid a whopping $100,000 to announce their upcoming wedding on the cover of Us Weekly, the Palin camp has been shopping around an interview plus photographs of Sarah and her future son-in-law together. The problem? No one wants them!

    “Last week sales figures for Us Weekly were a huge disappointment,” a magazine insider tells me. “After spending that sort of money, Us was hoping to sell over a million copies; instead they only sold around 750,000. Don’t expect to see any of the Palin’s on a cover of any other [celebrity] weeklies any time soon.”

    Sources tell me the asking price for the staged kiss and make-up interview was in the $150,000 range. However, once it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, the price was reduced to $10,000 and they still had no takers.

  78. Martha says:

    The Palin family motto is……….”Quisquam Parumper Pupa”…..and their coat of arms is $$$$..I hear they have in carved in their new mantelpiece………. (translates….”Anything For a Buck” )

    The ” influence” and “celebrity” of the Palin’s is finally diminishing.

    $arah’s fundraising can’t even keep up with Michelle Bachmann, let alone Romney, Pawlenty etc.prompting National Post contributor Tim Mak to ask “why isn’t Palin, a national figure with more media coverage than Bachmann, at least keeping pace?”

    They’ll be lucky to make the Anchorage news soon enough:

    No Takers for Sarah Palin-Levi Johnston Kiss and Make-Up Interview

    Just one week after Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston got paid a whopping $100,000 to announce their upcoming wedding on the cover of Us Weekly, the Palin camp has been shopping around an interview plus photographs of Sarah and her future son-in-law together. The problem? No one wants them!

    “Last week sales figures for Us Weekly were a huge disappointment,” a magazine insider tells me. “After spending that sort of money, Us was hoping to sell over a million copies; instead they only sold around 750,000. Don’t expect to see any of the Palin’s on a cover of any other [celebrity] weeklies any time soon.”

    Sources tell me the asking price for the staged kiss and make-up interview was in the $150,000 range. However, once it became clear that wasn’t going to happen, the price was reduced to $10,000 and they still had no takers.

  79. pvazwindy says:

    Hoosier daddy?

  80. pvazwindy says:

    Hoosier daddy?

  81. maelewis says:

    When Bristol was having her custody fight with Levi, she announced that Levi should not have custody because he would exploit Tripp, using him in photographs. (At the time, Levi was photographed for Playgirl). So, in order to protect Tripp’s privacy, Bristol’s license plate is TRIPP, and it is Bristol who shamelessly accepts money to put him in photo shoots. That’s plural, not just Candies, but the fake fashion shoot, the happy birthday with mom photo shoot and her graduation picture (I got my diploma and this cute kid).

    Condoms help prevent the spread of aids and STD’s. For eight years of the Bush presidency, aid workers in Africa (which has record high cases of aids) were not allowed to mention condoms. Ignorance is expensive and deadly.

  82. maelewis says:

    When Bristol was having her custody fight with Levi, she announced that Levi should not have custody because he would exploit Tripp, using him in photographs. (At the time, Levi was photographed for Playgirl). So, in order to protect Tripp’s privacy, Bristol’s license plate is TRIPP, and it is Bristol who shamelessly accepts money to put him in photo shoots. That’s plural, not just Candies, but the fake fashion shoot, the happy birthday with mom photo shoot and her graduation picture (I got my diploma and this cute kid).

    Condoms help prevent the spread of aids and STD’s. For eight years of the Bush presidency, aid workers in Africa (which has record high cases of aids) were not allowed to mention condoms. Ignorance is expensive and deadly.

  83. mustang says:

    I guess the kids needed money after no rags wanted the ‘make-up’ spread @ $150k.
    The only way they know how to ‘earn’ money is to display their ‘private’ soap opera
    to public viewing.
    EZ $$ being attention whores.

    Why does this baby look like he, too, suffers….

  84. mustang says:

    I guess the kids needed money after no rags wanted the ‘make-up’ spread @ $150k.
    The only way they know how to ‘earn’ money is to display their ‘private’ soap opera
    to public viewing.
    EZ $$ being attention whores.

    Why does this baby look like he, too, suffers….

  85. ilovepoodles says:

    It’s not just you! This ad is offensive and untrue. Could Bristol be any different from the “average” teenage girl who finds herself pregnant?

  86. ilovepoodles says:

    It’s not just you! This ad is offensive and untrue. Could Bristol be any different from the “average” teenage girl who finds herself pregnant?

  87. Aloha43 says:

    So….that means that there are 775,000 more babies that are born that are unwanted.

    Yea….that is the way to go.

    Bristol Palin needs to go away, just like her mother. Or better yet….her whole family.

    A rich snob preaching abstinence after having her own baby at 17 is ridiculous.

  88. Aloha43 says:

    So….that means that there are 775,000 more babies that are born that are unwanted.

    Yea….that is the way to go.

    Bristol Palin needs to go away, just like her mother. Or better yet….her whole family.

    A rich snob preaching abstinence after having her own baby at 17 is ridiculous.

  89. rebekkah says:

    Fundamentalist christians teach abstinence before marriage because it’s biblical. They do it out of obedience unto God.

    What I don’t understand is why does the secular Candies foundation so adamant against abstinence? Probably a variety of humanistic reasons, like planet control, sexual disease control, encouragement for young girls to concentrate on an education and get involved in community, putting relationships on the back burner until they are educated and self-sufficient. Of course, all good reasons, but, not for the ultimate reasons a christian abstains; although the divine decrees do make sense in that abstinence also reduces all the above problems and a society will be the better for it, producing happier, unburdened kids with babies.

    Why then do the “christian values Palins” choose this secular forum for the abstinence issue? That’s a question that many fundamentalist might have. Usually, young christian girls like Bristol would do the church circuit and speak in youth ministry. The difference here is that the church circuit would be done voluntarily for free. The secular route gets one in the $$$$$. So basically, to a christian, this would be sell-out way to preach abstinence.

  90. rebekkah says:

    Fundamentalist christians teach abstinence before marriage because it’s biblical. They do it out of obedience unto God.

    What I don’t understand is why does the secular Candies foundation so adamant against abstinence? Probably a variety of humanistic reasons, like planet control, sexual disease control, encouragement for young girls to concentrate on an education and get involved in community, putting relationships on the back burner until they are educated and self-sufficient. Of course, all good reasons, but, not for the ultimate reasons a christian abstains; although the divine decrees do make sense in that abstinence also reduces all the above problems and a society will be the better for it, producing happier, unburdened kids with babies.

    Why then do the “christian values Palins” choose this secular forum for the abstinence issue? That’s a question that many fundamentalist might have. Usually, young christian girls like Bristol would do the church circuit and speak in youth ministry. The difference here is that the church circuit would be done voluntarily for free. The secular route gets one in the $$$$$. So basically, to a christian, this would be sell-out way to preach abstinence.

  91. bubbles says:

    Gad!! what fools them Palins be….Pffffft.

  92. bubbles says:

    Gad!! what fools them Palins be….Pffffft.

  93. Wallflower says:

    I think the photo is beautiful. I does look very Madonna-and-child-esque, even if the baby looks like he wishes he could be calling his agent and geting out of this gig! I’m sorry, I also don’t see the text where it says he’s a mistake. She says she’s a statistic–one of a number of teen moms. That’s true, isn’t it?

    I don’t think the Palins would ever have sent Bristol to college whether or not she was pregnant because they don’t value education. I was looking at a website the other day that had cities with the lowest percentages of people with some college. In my state, California, they all corresponded to areas that vote red. Is anyone surprised that Todd and Sarah Palin have no interest in helping their daughter with higher education?

    • giddyup says:

      This comment appeared in a recent article in

      “She gave up her plans to go to college to study for a business degree and then become a real estate agent , in order to raise her son Tripp, now 18 months, EVEN though her parents are wealthy enough after Sarah’s $12 million haul from the sales of her memoir Going Rogue, to get her daycare money or a babysitter.”

      • BBJ says:

        If I had the Palin’s money, and a teenage daughter with a baby, then, for the Lord’s sake, I’d hire a nanny to take care of Trig and Tripp while she was at classes and I was doing whatever it was I was doing. It’s not that hard.

      • Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it. Even if the kids have some vision of doing something constructive with their lives, the parents don’t. Maybe not helping Bristol with college/day care is the Palin’s way of punishing her for putting mama grizzly in a less than positive light as a mother. Sarah has been shown to be vindictive against anyone who crosses her – it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she did the same to her daughter. Otherwise, why would Bristol be so afraid to tell her mother that she’s going to marry Levi?

  94. Wallflower says:

    I think the photo is beautiful. I does look very Madonna-and-child-esque, even if the baby looks like he wishes he could be calling his agent and geting out of this gig! I’m sorry, I also don’t see the text where it says he’s a mistake. She says she’s a statistic–one of a number of teen moms. That’s true, isn’t it?

    I don’t think the Palins would ever have sent Bristol to college whether or not she was pregnant because they don’t value education. I was looking at a website the other day that had cities with the lowest percentages of people with some college. In my state, California, they all corresponded to areas that vote red. Is anyone surprised that Todd and Sarah Palin have no interest in helping their daughter with higher education?

    • giddyup says:

      This comment appeared in a recent article in

      “She gave up her plans to go to college to study for a business degree and then become a real estate agent , in order to raise her son Tripp, now 18 months, EVEN though her parents are wealthy enough after Sarah’s $12 million haul from the sales of her memoir Going Rogue, to get her daycare money or a babysitter.”

      • BBJ says:

        If I had the Palin’s money, and a teenage daughter with a baby, then, for the Lord’s sake, I’d hire a nanny to take care of Trig and Tripp while she was at classes and I was doing whatever it was I was doing. It’s not that hard.

      • Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it. Even if the kids have some vision of doing something constructive with their lives, the parents don’t. Maybe not helping Bristol with college/day care is the Palin’s way of punishing her for putting mama grizzly in a less than positive light as a mother. Sarah has been shown to be vindictive against anyone who crosses her – it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that she did the same to her daughter. Otherwise, why would Bristol be so afraid to tell her mother that she’s going to marry Levi?

  95. Alaska Pi says:

    Pretty much no one ever thinks they will be a negative statistic
    Certainly not teens
    so if this ad is supposed to reach other teens I’m thinking it probably fails right out of the box…

    I have a lot of sympathy for Ms Palin given that it’s been pretty clear for a long time that her mother is pretty much an epic fail in the ‘mom’ department -especially in the role model thingy.
    It makes me very sad to see what appears to be another generation of kids being used as a prop.
    Whether the intention is there or not, the appearance is…

    • leenie17 says:

      Exactly the reason so many teen drivers get into accidents…it won’t happen to ME. Teens tend to think they’re invincible and bad things only happen to other people.

    • kejia says:

      Bristol is hardly a negative statistic. The message I hear is, “Don’t have unprotected sex teens, or you might just end up going to famous clubs in NYC and modeling designer clothes in magazine spreads.” Horrors!

      • Alaska Pi says:

        Ms Palin’s personal reality hardly matters here- it’s the framing of the advert itself and teens and their invincible thingy in general I was remarking on.
        However- IF teens who see this do know about her personal reality, it becomes another of those phony messages even invincible teens are smart enough already to know is in the “yeah, right… sure, whatever…” category.

      • seattlefan says:

        And don’t forget getting megabucks for “exclusives” and shopping around for reality shows and “what not”. 😉 Hi kejia!

        • Alaska Pi says:

          I can’t whup up any excitement over this whole thing beyond what I’ve said about teens in general.
          Whatzername is a whole different issue as she is affecting way too many issues in this country.
          Not going to let my disgust with her spill over onto her kids ,,,
          Or at least trying hard not to…

  96. Alaska Pi says:

    Pretty much no one ever thinks they will be a negative statistic
    Certainly not teens
    so if this ad is supposed to reach other teens I’m thinking it probably fails right out of the box…

    I have a lot of sympathy for Ms Palin given that it’s been pretty clear for a long time that her mother is pretty much an epic fail in the ‘mom’ department -especially in the role model thingy.
    It makes me very sad to see what appears to be another generation of kids being used as a prop.
    Whether the intention is there or not, the appearance is…

    • leenie17 says:

      Exactly the reason so many teen drivers get into accidents…it won’t happen to ME. Teens tend to think they’re invincible and bad things only happen to other people.

    • kejia says:

      Bristol is hardly a negative statistic. The message I hear is, “Don’t have unprotected sex teens, or you might just end up going to famous clubs in NYC and modeling designer clothes in magazine spreads.” Horrors!

  97. thatcrowwoman says:

    Well, if your mama neglects to have “the talk” with you, and your church preaches abstinence only, and your school “teaches” abstinence only…statistics happen.

    The saddest, ugliest part is their view that the dear baby is a “mistake.” He didn’t ask for the family he’s burdened with. Dear Lord, he’s a child, not a burden and sometimes convenient prop.

    Family values?

  98. thatcrowwoman says:

    Well, if your mama neglects to have “the talk” with you, and your church preaches abstinence only, and your school “teaches” abstinence only…statistics happen.

    The saddest, ugliest part is their view that the dear baby is a “mistake.” He didn’t ask for the family he’s burdened with. Dear Lord, he’s a child, not a burden and sometimes convenient prop.

    Family values?

  99. BuffaloGal says:

    Why do Bristol and poor little Tripp look so tragic? Reminds me of the famous dust bowl era photo of a mother with her children :

    • nswfm says:

      That photo of Bristol is nowhere near as honest as the dust bowl era photo. That was a migrant farm worker and her children, if I remember correctly. Bristol is an overpaid school drop out.

      • Buffalogal says:

        Oh, agreed. I was thinking more along the lines that the photographer was going for that sort of feel of a woman alone under tragic circumstances. I have to wonder what direction they were giving her. They could have easily gone for a less depressed feel to the photo.

  100. BuffaloGal says:

    Why do Bristol and poor little Tripp look so tragic? Reminds me of the famous dust bowl era photo of a mother with her children :

    • nswfm says:

      That photo of Bristol is nowhere near as honest as the dust bowl era photo. That was a migrant farm worker and her children, if I remember correctly. Bristol is an overpaid school drop out.

      • Buffalogal says:

        Oh, agreed. I was thinking more along the lines that the photographer was going for that sort of feel of a woman alone under tragic circumstances. I have to wonder what direction they were giving her. They could have easily gone for a less depressed feel to the photo.

  101. London Bridges says:

    With apologies to the Dovells.

    THE DOVELLS lyrics – Bristol Stomp

    (Kal Mann and Dave Appell)

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Whoa, whoa they start spinnin every Friday night
    They dance the greatest and they do it right
    Well, it’s the latest it’s the greatest sight to see

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    (Ah-ah-ah, whoa)
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Whoa, whoa it started in Bristol at a dee jay hop
    They hollered and whistled never wanted to stop
    We pony and twisted and we rocked with Daddy G

    The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    It’s got that groovy beat
    That makes you stomp your feet
    Come along and try
    Gonna feel fine
    And once you dance with me
    You’ll fall in love you see
    The Bristol Stomp will make you mine
    All mine

    The stars are spinnin every Friday night
    They dance the greatest if they do it right
    But it’s the latest it’s the greatest sight to see

    The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    It started in Bristol at a dee jay hop
    They hollered and whistled
    Never wanted to stop
    We pony and twisted
    And we rocked with Daddy G

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Feel so fine
    Oh, got to say, please, mine
    I’m talkin (when they do the Bristol Stomp)
    Mine baby (kids in Bristol…)

  102. London Bridges says:

    With apologies to the Dovells.

    THE DOVELLS lyrics – Bristol Stomp

    (Kal Mann and Dave Appell)

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Whoa, whoa they start spinnin every Friday night
    They dance the greatest and they do it right
    Well, it’s the latest it’s the greatest sight to see

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    (Ah-ah-ah, whoa)
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Whoa, whoa it started in Bristol at a dee jay hop
    They hollered and whistled never wanted to stop
    We pony and twisted and we rocked with Daddy G

    The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    It’s got that groovy beat
    That makes you stomp your feet
    Come along and try
    Gonna feel fine
    And once you dance with me
    You’ll fall in love you see
    The Bristol Stomp will make you mine
    All mine

    The stars are spinnin every Friday night
    They dance the greatest if they do it right
    But it’s the latest it’s the greatest sight to see

    The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    (Whoa, oh, oh)
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    It started in Bristol at a dee jay hop
    They hollered and whistled
    Never wanted to stop
    We pony and twisted
    And we rocked with Daddy G

    The kids in (Bristol) Wasilla are sharp as a pistol
    When they do the Bristol Stomp
    Really somethin when they join in jumpin
    When they do the Bristol Stomp

    Feel so fine
    Oh, got to say, please, mine
    I’m talkin (when they do the Bristol Stomp)
    Mine baby (kids in Bristol…)

  103. Leota2 says:

    She’s a statistic all right. Candies would sell their grandmother’s catheters out of the medicine cabinet to sell more product and pimp this failed abstinence crap on teens. Hmmmm. Does Candies want to jump over the new baby rumors? Tiresome. . . . .

  104. Leota2 says:

    She’s a statistic all right. Candies would sell their grandmother’s catheters out of the medicine cabinet to sell more product and pimp this failed abstinence crap on teens. Hmmmm. Does Candies want to jump over the new baby rumors? Tiresome. . . . .

  105. mea says:

    i can’t watch the vid, so I don’t know what it tells us, but I am interested in the comments. I go to “enemy sites” of varying natures, and in one of the places I go, the commenters would be talking about how girls should keep their legs together, and similarly clueless, cruel things. At least here at Mudflats, folks are human. Oddly enough, the ones who would be saying “keep your legs closed” would also be fawning all over Sarah Palin and her family, so they wouldn’t say that about Bristol. Hypocrisy anyone?

    • Terpsichore says:

      Oh I hate those “legs” comments too. It never fails that about 95% of the people seem to lay the blame for getting pregnant all on the womem! As she did it herself! Where are all the comments about guys just ‘keeping it in their pants’? That’s one of the big reasons for the miserable statistic. Where are the Candies Young Male Spokespeople?

  106. mea says:

    i can’t watch the vid, so I don’t know what it tells us, but I am interested in the comments. I go to “enemy sites” of varying natures, and in one of the places I go, the commenters would be talking about how girls should keep their legs together, and similarly clueless, cruel things. At least here at Mudflats, folks are human. Oddly enough, the ones who would be saying “keep your legs closed” would also be fawning all over Sarah Palin and her family, so they wouldn’t say that about Bristol. Hypocrisy anyone?

    • Terpsichore says:

      Oh I hate those “legs” comments too. It never fails that about 95% of the people seem to lay the blame for getting pregnant all on the womem! As she did it herself! Where are all the comments about guys just ‘keeping it in their pants’? That’s one of the big reasons for the miserable statistic. Where are the Candies Young Male Spokespeople?

  107. OMG says:

    After her magazine spread, wearing designer clothes and looking happy, wealthy and settled, I think using her for this ad pales the message of the foundation. Of course, I think the sexy clothing line that Candies promotes distorts that message even more.

    • Paula says:

      Don’t forget all those rides in private jets.

    • I find it offensive that they purposely made her look “frumpy” as if that makes her more “relatable.”

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        Me, too. She’s all sad and frumpy looking while telling girls not to have sex, and yet all happy and glamorous looking while posing for magazine articles that show and tell about all the things she got only because she had sex and got pregnant. It’s a mixed message at best.

  108. OMG says:

    After her magazine spread, wearing designer clothes and looking happy, wealthy and settled, I think using her for this ad pales the message of the foundation. Of course, I think the sexy clothing line that Candies promotes distorts that message even more.

    • Paula says:

      Don’t forget all those rides in private jets.

    • I find it offensive that they purposely made her look “frumpy” as if that makes her more “relatable.”

      • ValleyIndependent says:

        Me, too. She’s all sad and frumpy looking while telling girls not to have sex, and yet all happy and glamorous looking while posing for magazine articles that show and tell about all the things she got only because she had sex and got pregnant. It’s a mixed message at best.

  109. B in Co says:

    Poor, poor Bristol. Let’s see, townhouse, new vehicle, money to burn, financial security, photo shoots with hair, make-up, designer gowns. Typical unwed mother. (:
    What did they do to Tripp? Maybe he is tired of his mother trotting him out for every camera.

  110. B in Co says:

    Poor, poor Bristol. Let’s see, townhouse, new vehicle, money to burn, financial security, photo shoots with hair, make-up, designer gowns. Typical unwed mother. (:
    What did they do to Tripp? Maybe he is tired of his mother trotting him out for every camera.

  111. Grammy11 says:

    Doesn’t anyone wonder if he is sleeping over at her house and in her bed .. again? By the way, anyone hear or know what happened to Trigg? Not a peep or photo-op for a long time.

  112. Grammy11 says:

    Doesn’t anyone wonder if he is sleeping over at her house and in her bed .. again? By the way, anyone hear or know what happened to Trigg? Not a peep or photo-op for a long time.

  113. Bordo says:

    If the Palins hadn’t discovered the vast riches of the political scene, they’d be right at home working the carnivals and fairs, ripping off the locals and the rubes. The whole family is nothing but a bunch of grifters and con artists. And the continual use of their infants as theatrical props –whether it is Trig or Tripp– is simply appalling.

    Has this kid ever finished high school? I know the Palins worship at the altar of ignorance, but sheesh, even a GED would be an improvement.

  114. Bordo says:

    If the Palins hadn’t discovered the vast riches of the political scene, they’d be right at home working the carnivals and fairs, ripping off the locals and the rubes. The whole family is nothing but a bunch of grifters and con artists. And the continual use of their infants as theatrical props –whether it is Trig or Tripp– is simply appalling.

    Has this kid ever finished high school? I know the Palins worship at the altar of ignorance, but sheesh, even a GED would be an improvement.

  115. Paula says:

    Poor kid. Wonder what he’ll think of being used as an anti-sex poster child. “Look at the kid, I got him ’cause I had sex, now my life is totally f-ed up. I’ll be stuck with him, egads, forever!”

    Boo hoo.

  116. Paula says:

    Poor kid. Wonder what he’ll think of being used as an anti-sex poster child. “Look at the kid, I got him ’cause I had sex, now my life is totally f-ed up. I’ll be stuck with him, egads, forever!”

    Boo hoo.

  117. JRC says:

    I keep thinking about her son in 15 years or in 20 years. If he looks at this ad campaign or searches magazines and newspaper articles/blogs for his family’s bizarre behavior and commentary about his birth—it just makes me sad to think how he will feel. Its just so twisted.

    But to comment specifically on the imagery. I’m a cultural historian (meaning, I used alot of art and objects during my studies and work) and the image of Bristol with the baby on her lap is very “Madonna and Child.” I find it pretty creepy that on the one hand she’s calling herself a statistic (which is ridiculous considering how completely different her life is from the other 749,000 young girls out there) and on the other she’s being presented in an iconographic pose. There is just so much here that is screwed up, contradictory and sad…ugh.

    • G Katz says:

      Really!! How would anybody like to grow up knowing (or finding out eventually) that the world knew you as a statistic? So glad this virtuous family keeps the kids of out it.

      You’re so right about the “Madonna and Child” thing. Until you pointed that out, I couldn’t quite figure out why that photo was so creepy. I was thinking it was the facial expressions they chose to use. I think they should have used one that showed the boy as looking a little less than miserale.

    • mattie says:

      He probably won’t get an education either, so reading these articles will not be a problem.

    • Mag the Mick says:

      This is the child of Bristol and Levi we’re talking about. Given his parentage and grandparentage, this is a child who is pretty much doomed to grow up unimaginative, uninquisitive, and probably not real inclined to do “research”. And with the family culture of “anything for money”, this ad campaign probably wouldn’t be that much of a shock. I have some sympathy for the young parents, and definitely for the kid. However, I’m saving most of my sympathy and empathy for the thousands of young unwed moms with no money and no prospects.

      In my college years, back in the Paleolithic Era, I campaigned hard to have birth control available on campus, and volunteered with Planned Parenthood and the local county health department’s family planning clinic. Getting young women informed and educated, and assuring that safe birth control methods were easily available was my first cause. It kind of breaks my heart to see there’s still this huge “statistic”.

    • overthemoon says:


      Andrew Sullivan has picked up your comment on the Daily Dish!!!

  118. JRC says:

    I keep thinking about her son in 15 years or in 20 years. If he looks at this ad campaign or searches magazines and newspaper articles/blogs for his family’s bizarre behavior and commentary about his birth—it just makes me sad to think how he will feel. Its just so twisted.

    But to comment specifically on the imagery. I’m a cultural historian (meaning, I used alot of art and objects during my studies and work) and the image of Bristol with the baby on her lap is very “Madonna and Child.” I find it pretty creepy that on the one hand she’s calling herself a statistic (which is ridiculous considering how completely different her life is from the other 749,000 young girls out there) and on the other she’s being presented in an iconographic pose. There is just so much here that is screwed up, contradictory and sad…ugh.

    • G Katz says:

      Really!! How would anybody like to grow up knowing (or finding out eventually) that the world knew you as a statistic? So glad this virtuous family keeps the kids of out it.

      You’re so right about the “Madonna and Child” thing. Until you pointed that out, I couldn’t quite figure out why that photo was so creepy. I was thinking it was the facial expressions they chose to use. I think they should have used one that showed the boy as looking a little less than miserale.

    • mattie says:

      He probably won’t get an education either, so reading these articles will not be a problem.

    • Mag the Mick says:

      This is the child of Bristol and Levi we’re talking about. Given his parentage and grandparentage, this is a child who is pretty much doomed to grow up unimaginative, uninquisitive, and probably not real inclined to do “research”. And with the family culture of “anything for money”, this ad campaign probably wouldn’t be that much of a shock. I have some sympathy for the young parents, and definitely for the kid. However, I’m saving most of my sympathy and empathy for the thousands of young unwed moms with no money and no prospects.

      In my college years, back in the Paleolithic Era, I campaigned hard to have birth control available on campus, and volunteered with Planned Parenthood and the local county health department’s family planning clinic. Getting young women informed and educated, and assuring that safe birth control methods were easily available was my first cause. It kind of breaks my heart to see there’s still this huge “statistic”.

  119. WakeUpAmerica says:

    oy! Don’t forget, she and her mom with her millions of dollars are just like us. They feel our pain. Really.

  120. WakeUpAmerica says:

    oy! Don’t forget, she and her mom with her millions of dollars are just like us. They feel our pain. Really.

  121. Diane says:

    Isn’t it common knowledge that she Wanted to get pregnant? What an opportunist like her mom!
    And yes isn’t this just what a maybe candidate for office needs a really negative statistic for her daughter.
    And please don’t make me laugh, how can Bristol be like any other teenage pregnant girl? None that I know of drive large SUV’s and have condos.

    What really surprised me as a mother and before I got to know the real sarah palin is this.

    The palin family obviously had money then and gops of money now. Why didn’t they say, OK live at home with us, but go to at least a 2 year college. This way, she gets the guidance she needs(right!!), they know the baby is taken care of and they have given her the gift of an education. Something it does not look like she will ever get now, or is important to the family. If they really did not want her to end up with Levi, they should have given her opportunities.

    • A Fan From Chicago says:

      A condom would have been a lot better for her than a condo. And cheaper also, too.

    • lilybart says:

      YES. I said before a good mother who had means, would help her daughter go to college while living at home with help for the baby.

      But the grifters don’t needs school.

      • who me? says:


      • leenie17 says:

        The Palin family has proven over and over again that they place absolutely no value on education.

        With their resources (money and number of family members) it would have been a piece of cake to help Bristol care for Tripp while getting a degree. I understand that being a teen mother is never easy, regardless of the circumstances, but I can’t imagine having the money and the ‘compound’ that the Palins have and not making the situation as positive as possible for both Bristol and Tripp. She has essentially eliminated most of her options for the future for no reason.

        If they REALLY wanted to make a difference for teen parents, they would start working on education and training programs to help them improve their lives. Maybe establish some special day care centers with attached school programs where both the mother and child could find support. Use that fame and fortune to actually MAKE a difference for real people, not to line your own pockets with ad money. Get into the schools and talk about the day to day difficulties of being a teen mother, don’t just pose for a magazine spread and claim to be helping, when all you’re doing is glamorizing teen pregnancy. (Yeah, I know…the Palins aren’t into actually making a difference when it’s soooo much easier and more profitable to sell your picture and story to a magazine.)

        Working in a city school district, I see far too often that teen pregnancy is a cycle that continues generation after generation. Many of our teen moms were children of teen moms themselves. We need to break that cycle for the benefit of everyone. A Candies ad just isn’t going to do that.

        And I wonder what Tripp will think when he gets a little older and sees that Mommy regarded him as a ‘statistic’. Gives ya the warm fuzzies, doesn’t it?

        • nswfm says:

          The little kids in that whole family have been doomed since birth. What kid wants to find out he was a mistake, a statistic, blah blah blah? Supposedly she and Levi were trying to have a kid. How can you tell when they are lying? When their lips move.

    • LoveMydogs says:

      I think they put condoms over the books in their house.

      • dagian says:

        No doubt about it. Unless, of course, they keep the around for photo shoots. I guess they have to have someone remind them not to hold them upside-down for the cameras though.

  122. Diane says:

    Isn’t it common knowledge that she Wanted to get pregnant? What an opportunist like her mom!
    And yes isn’t this just what a maybe candidate for office needs a really negative statistic for her daughter.
    And please don’t make me laugh, how can Bristol be like any other teenage pregnant girl? None that I know of drive large SUV’s and have condos.

    What really surprised me as a mother and before I got to know the real sarah palin is this.

    The palin family obviously had money then and gops of money now. Why didn’t they say, OK live at home with us, but go to at least a 2 year college. This way, she gets the guidance she needs(right!!), they know the baby is taken care of and they have given her the gift of an education. Something it does not look like she will ever get now, or is important to the family. If they really did not want her to end up with Levi, they should have given her opportunities.

    • A Fan From Chicago says:

      A condom would have been a lot better for her than a condo. And cheaper also, too.

    • lilybart says:

      YES. I said before a good mother who had means, would help her daughter go to college while living at home with help for the baby.

      But the grifters don’t needs school.

      • who me? says:


      • leenie17 says:

        The Palin family has proven over and over again that they place absolutely no value on education.

        With their resources (money and number of family members) it would have been a piece of cake to help Bristol care for Tripp while getting a degree. I understand that being a teen mother is never easy, regardless of the circumstances, but I can’t imagine having the money and the ‘compound’ that the Palins have and not making the situation as positive as possible for both Bristol and Tripp. She has essentially eliminated most of her options for the future for no reason.

        If they REALLY wanted to make a difference for teen parents, they would start working on education and training programs to help them improve their lives. Maybe establish some special day care centers with attached school programs where both the mother and child could find support. Use that fame and fortune to actually MAKE a difference for real people, not to line your own pockets with ad money. Get into the schools and talk about the day to day difficulties of being a teen mother, don’t just pose for a magazine spread and claim to be helping, when all you’re doing is glamorizing teen pregnancy. (Yeah, I know…the Palins aren’t into actually making a difference when it’s soooo much easier and more profitable to sell your picture and story to a magazine.)

        Working in a city school district, I see far too often that teen pregnancy is a cycle that continues generation after generation. Many of our teen moms were children of teen moms themselves. We need to break that cycle for the benefit of everyone. A Candies ad just isn’t going to do that.

        And I wonder what Tripp will think when he gets a little older and sees that Mommy regarded him as a ‘statistic’. Gives ya the warm fuzzies, doesn’t it?

        • nswfm says:

          The little kids in that whole family have been doomed since birth. What kid wants to find out he was a mistake, a statistic, blah blah blah? Supposedly she and Levi were trying to have a kid. How can you tell when they are lying? When their lips move.

    • LoveMydogs says:

      I think they put condoms over the books in their house.

  123. lilybart says:

    Candies should be pushing comprehensive sex education, and the fundies have to admit that the states in which they are most numerous have the highest rates of teen pg.

    Sex is part of our strongest animal instinct; survival.
    Life is compelled to go on so that is why we have no control over the reproductive urges that start in our teens. It is denying life itself to pretend that kids will ignore this imperative for life to beget life! It’s denying science, but then they hate science.

  124. lilybart says:

    Candies should be pushing comprehensive sex education, and the fundies have to admit that the states in which they are most numerous have the highest rates of teen pg.

    Sex is part of our strongest animal instinct; survival.
    Life is compelled to go on so that is why we have no control over the reproductive urges that start in our teens. It is denying life itself to pretend that kids will ignore this imperative for life to beget life! It’s denying science, but then they hate science.

  125. LA Brian says:

    The last 15 words are unnecessary, and at this point most people have already deduced the first 3 as well.

  126. LA Brian says:

    The last 15 words are unnecessary, and at this point most people have already deduced the first 3 as well.

  127. hulibow says:

    Is it just you who thinks putting your child out there as a negative statistic is bizarre? No. Is there anything about this group of people that is reasonable?

    • barbara says:

      that’s getting to me too – okay the pregnancy was accidental but they appear to be pushing the concept that he’s nothing but an albatross around his mother’s neck. i had children under less than optimal circumstances and they remain the best four things i ever did in my life.

  128. hulibow says:

    Is it just you who thinks putting your child out there as a negative statistic is bizarre? No. Is there anything about this group of people that is reasonable?

    • barbara says:

      that’s getting to me too – okay the pregnancy was accidental but they appear to be pushing the concept that he’s nothing but an albatross around his mother’s neck. i had children under less than optimal circumstances and they remain the best four things i ever did in my life.

  129. Lani says:

    Sorry, but I am really gagging on that ad. How hard is it to use a condom? To get the pill? It is ugly to treat a baby as a stupid mistake of a couple of teens who coulldn’t even manage simple birth control. Teens have sex, get over it. Give them options, like simple birth control measures.

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      Yet there are many who would do anything they could to close a clinic where teens can go to learn the facts about sex, and obtain birth control. There are an awful lot of kids out there who are clueless and engaging in very risky behavior without knowing all the dangers or how to protect themselves.

      It would be great if they were all abstinent, but the reality is, they aren’t, and STD and pregnancy rates are way too high. It’s high time for the anti-sex-ed, anti-clinic people out there to stop burying their heads in the sand and get real.

  130. Lani says:

    Sorry, but I am really gagging on that ad. How hard is it to use a condom? To get the pill? It is ugly to treat a baby as a stupid mistake of a couple of teens who coulldn’t even manage simple birth control. Teens have sex, get over it. Give them options, like simple birth control measures.

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      Yet there are many who would do anything they could to close a clinic where teens can go to learn the facts about sex, and obtain birth control. There are an awful lot of kids out there who are clueless and engaging in very risky behavior without knowing all the dangers or how to protect themselves.

      It would be great if they were all abstinent, but the reality is, they aren’t, and STD and pregnancy rates are way too high. It’s high time for the anti-sex-ed, anti-clinic people out there to stop burying their heads in the sand and get real.

  131. fishlady says:

    would be a good ad for Planned Parenthod that her mother is so dead set against……

  132. fishlady says:

    would be a good ad for Planned Parenthod that her mother is so dead set against……

  133. historygoddess says:

    This ad would be a lot more powerful IF it wasn’t sponsored by Candies AND if the same mom hadn’t also done THIS photo shoot

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      Yes. It would also be more powerful if she wasn’t profiting mightily by being an unwed teen mother – something very atypical for unwed teen mothers, and something she wouldn’t be able to do if her mother wasn’t a celebrity.

      I would be very surprised if she has any idea what it’s like to raise a child without a large, supportive family, or what it’s like to have to work multiple jobs just to try to cover the cost of rent, daycare, food, medical care for the baby, and basic transportation. She and her mother are the last two people I’d want my daughters using as examples or taking advice from.

      • Gemini says:

        You got it, Valley … Hit every one of those points right on the head, so to speak.

    • VernD says:


    • vyccan says:

      Me, I wonder if the ‘statistic’ also includes the pregnant ‘teenager’ who is ‘married’. Just curious.

  134. historygoddess says:

    This ad would be a lot more powerful IF it wasn’t sponsored by Candies AND if the same mom hadn’t also done THIS photo shoot

    • ValleyIndependent says:

      Yes. It would also be more powerful if she wasn’t profiting mightily by being an unwed teen mother – something very atypical for unwed teen mothers, and something she wouldn’t be able to do if her mother wasn’t a celebrity.

      I would be very surprised if she has any idea what it’s like to raise a child without a large, supportive family, or what it’s like to have to work multiple jobs just to try to cover the cost of rent, daycare, food, medical care for the baby, and basic transportation. She and her mother are the last two people I’d want my daughters using as examples or taking advice from.

      • Gemini says:

        You got it, Valley … Hit every one of those points right on the head, so to speak.

    • VernD says:


  135. Lani says:

    Really, WTF? Buy condoms, Get the pill. Show some responsibility. How hard is that? Birth control is not a huge intellectual challenge.

    • jimzmum says:

      Exactly! That ad is just stupid. Good grief.

      • Latitude 66 N says:

        I always told my children AND their friends that if they were too stupid to figure out how to use birth control, then they were too stupid to be parents. Assuming young adults won’t be sexually active is just incredibly naive. , , as one well-known family has proved several times over.

    • DuckDriver says:

      Seems to be for the Palin clan!


    • Jo Ann says:

      I couldn’t have said it better, Lani!

    • Moles says:

      It is if there’s nothing between your ears.

  136. Lani says:

    Really, WTF? Buy condoms, Get the pill. Show some responsibility. How hard is that? Birth control is not a huge intellectual challenge.

  137. Freakout in Kansas says:

    as my mother always says

    “if you’ve got nothing nice to say don’t say anything”

    of course, my mom also always says

    “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

    let that one be a lesson to you, Buttercup!

    • southernyankee says:

      Yes and my mom always said what goes around comes around. I say karma is a bitch.

  138. Freakout in Kansas says:

    as my mother always says

    “if you’ve got nothing nice to say don’t say anything”

    of course, my mom also always says

    “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

    let that one be a lesson to you, Buttercup!

    • southernyankee says:

      Yes and my mom always said what goes around comes around. I say karma is a bitch.

  139. twain12 says:

    all i have to say is get an education , a job , raise your kid and go away !!!

    • Lani says:

      Oh, and use birth control, ok?

      • twain12 says:

        yup that too

        • Diane says:

          This ad creates an odd feeling. Many young girls decide to have their children. Statistic? What about communication with parents, education, etc. (Or the fact that some young girls can’t talk to their parents). “Rape, incest, etc.” Statistic??? I don’t know if that is powerful statistic. Or a scarlet letter?

          • Lower48 says:

            Many young girls end up in Bristols’ situation precisely BECAUSE either the parents are very uptight and can’t – or won’t – open up and have that dreaded “Birds and the Bee’s” talk, OR… the parents are too busy “doing their own thing” or too lax in their parenting skills to notice their daughters blossoming sexuality. The Palin$ seem to be guilty of both. Too much sheltering (bailing them out of trouble instead of suffering the consequences of their bahaviors) and / or too little supervision (Levi and Bristol sleeping in the same bedroom in the Palin home!) seem to be key to the teen birth rate.

            If they don’t get the information from their parents, and they can’t get it at school (I know $arah and the religious right are hell-bent to remove sex-ed from public schools), and the Conservatives are busy with denouncing all things birth control and Planned Parenthood, a girl can only get Sex Education from her friends, online, on TV… all less than ideal sources.

  140. twain12 says:

    all i have to say is get an education , a job , raise your kid and go away !!!

    • Lani says:

      Oh, and use birth control, ok?

      • twain12 says:

        yup that too

        • Diane says:

          This ad creates an odd feeling. Many young girls decide to have their children. Statistic? What about communication with parents, education, etc. (Or the fact that some young girls can’t talk to their parents). “Rape, incest, etc.” Statistic??? I don’t know if that is powerful statistic. Or a scarlet letter?

          • Lower48 says:

            Many young girls end up in Bristols’ situation precisely BECAUSE either the parents are very uptight and can’t – or won’t – open up and have that dreaded “Birds and the Bee’s” talk, OR… the parents are too busy “doing their own thing” or too lax in their parenting skills to notice their daughters blossoming sexuality. The Palin$ seem to be guilty of both. Too much sheltering (bailing them out of trouble instead of suffering the consequences of their bahaviors) and / or too little supervision (Levi and Bristol sleeping in the same bedroom in the Palin home!) seem to be key to the teen birth rate.

            If they don’t get the information from their parents, and they can’t get it at school (I know $arah and the religious right are hell-bent to remove sex-ed from public schools), and the Conservatives are busy with denouncing all things birth control and Planned Parenthood, a girl can only get Sex Education from her friends, online, on TV… all less than ideal sources.