Taking a walk today and seeing all of the Paladino lawn signs, it struck me that these are the type of people that are going to leave them up on the lawn even after he loses. I’m so tired of see ” I’M MAD AS HELL ” plastered everywhere. It’s like angry litter mixed in with all of the beautiful leaves.
Can’t wait for tomorrow to be over ! Wish there was a way to sleep through it after I get done voting in the morning. This is the first time I’ve cared about so many elections outside of my state. Too much stress!!!
Something that drives me nuts…listening and reading the constant negative that the Republicans are going to take over Congress…the sign that says ‘Vote American’ when someone not white is running….trouble will be made at the polls…..and on and on and on.
But, all we have to do is look at the number of folks that attended the recent rally in Washington D.C. It gave me hope!
I’m going with the stereotype of the catty female today…
Those are some amazingly FAKE eyelashes on SP! Could sweep the floor with them or at least dust the funiture.
( course I am envious)
In critical areas, Dems are canvassing neighborhoods with paid aids in huge numbers —– but the RNC is short of money and is using volunteers.
And in Nevada……
“That leaves Republicans here such as Ms. Angle more reliant on untested operations run by a new political organization affiliated with Republican strategist Karl Rove.
The group has sent volunteers with newfangled technology into the Las vegas suburbs —–
in a dry run for a larger get-out-the-vote drive for the — 2012 presidential election.”
Excellent! And for the record, I mailed my ballot last week. I will put hubby’s ballot in the mail tomorrow. That’s the tricky thing in Washington state – our ballots have to be postmarked by November 2, not received. So it will likely be a while before they have them all in and counted.
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture has published a “scorecard” for Senators’ votes on torture-related issues. Ms. Murkowski scores a mere 14%, right down there with John Kyle, Sam Brownback, and others of their ilk. For a complete list and an explanation of the scoring and the issues, see: http://www.nrcatactionfund.org/storage/nrcataf/documents/2010_senate_score_state.pdf
And your local Democratic statehouse candidate in Alaska.
Taking a walk today and seeing all of the Paladino lawn signs, it struck me that these are the type of people that are going to leave them up on the lawn even after he loses. I’m so tired of see ” I’M MAD AS HELL ” plastered everywhere. It’s like angry litter mixed in with all of the beautiful leaves.
Can’t wait for tomorrow to be over ! Wish there was a way to sleep through it after I get done voting in the morning. This is the first time I’ve cared about so many elections outside of my state. Too much stress!!!
Something that drives me nuts…listening and reading the constant negative that the Republicans are going to take over Congress…the sign that says ‘Vote American’ when someone not white is running….trouble will be made at the polls…..and on and on and on.
But, all we have to do is look at the number of folks that attended the recent rally in Washington D.C. It gave me hope!
Vote McAdams in the State of Alaska!
Confirmed: People overseas think the US has gone bonkers:
Well, I’d just have to agree with them. It’s as if we let our nutty Aunt Zelda take over the family finances.
The Mudflats are mentioned (indirectly), as $arah Payless loses all restraint!
I’m going with the stereotype of the catty female today…
Those are some amazingly FAKE eyelashes on SP! Could sweep the floor with them or at least dust the funiture.
( course I am envious)
Vote (Flow Chart)
that is EXCELLENT….says it all….8 yrs or mismanagement…..incompetence….VOTE….
In critical areas, Dems are canvassing neighborhoods with paid aids in huge numbers —– but the RNC is short of money and is using volunteers.
And in Nevada……
“That leaves Republicans here such as Ms. Angle more reliant on untested operations run by a new political organization affiliated with Republican strategist Karl Rove.
The group has sent volunteers with newfangled technology into the Las vegas suburbs —–
in a dry run for a larger get-out-the-vote drive for the — 2012 presidential election.”
This is from the Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704477904575586614122672600.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
This is disquieting, but anything with Karl Rove’s name attached to it rings big loud alarm bells for me.
I thought this might hearten those amongst you working the phone banks:
Please, Nutmeggers, get out there tomorrow and vote with me!!!
Looking at that picture of snarling Dick is torture.
I mailed mine over a week ago, but good reminder just the same.
Excellent! And for the record, I mailed my ballot last week. I will put hubby’s ballot in the mail tomorrow. That’s the tricky thing in Washington state – our ballots have to be postmarked by November 2, not received. So it will likely be a while before they have them all in and counted.
The National Religious Campaign Against Torture has published a “scorecard” for Senators’ votes on torture-related issues. Ms. Murkowski scores a mere 14%, right down there with John Kyle, Sam Brownback, and others of their ilk. For a complete list and an explanation of the scoring and the issues, see: http://www.nrcatactionfund.org/storage/nrcataf/documents/2010_senate_score_state.pdf