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Friday, January 28, 2022

Rally in Columbus, Ohio! Live Streaming @4pm Alaska Time

The President and First Lady are at a rally this evening in Columbus, Ohio, and will take the stage at about 8pm Eastern time, 5pm Pacific and 4pm Alaska time. The Mudflats will be live streaming the event below. Enjoy!



48 Responses to “Rally in Columbus, Ohio! Live Streaming @4pm Alaska Time”
  1. ohiomom says:

    I was there last night. It was a great event. Took the whole family. Great fall evening with the quad filled with students, adults, seniors, kids, and babies! No mean signs, just a good time with fellow democrats.

  2. beth says:

    HOLY [expletive]!

    Words fail me. beth.

    Joe Miller Security Guards Handcuff & Detain ‘Alaska Dispatch’ Editor

    • Alaska Pi says:

      see today’s open thread beth

      • beth says:

        Ooops – sorry. I plunked it here because [from my experience], the latest post up on the front page [from AKM and/or guest] is usually the one with breaking news…even if it’s majorly OT.

        [color my face red…] I didn’t even bother to check today’s open thread – my bad. [color my face sloooowly getting back to its normal color.] beth.

  3. Moose Pucky says:

    CNN’s got it.

  4. Nebraska Native says:

    The HOPE lives on! Thank you POTUS and FLOTUS!

  5. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    Guests I expected to come tomorrow, came tonight instead! I’m happy they’re here, but I haz a sad that I missed this, too!

  6. Ohiovoter says:

    OH IO
    Fired up and Ready to GO!

    Come on Alaska! Go DEM!!!!!!!

  7. bubbles says:

    Blast!! late again. missed it. now gotta wait for it to appear somewhere else. i ‘ll check c span maybe they will show it again. i hazza sad.

  8. justafarmer says:

    most excellent event!

  9. Irishgirl says:

    Wasn’t it just? 🙂

  10. Sourdough Mullet says:

    HOME RUN!!
    Go Dems!

  11. Irishgirl says:

    Loved the car analogy!

  12. Irishgirl says:

    He is fecking brilliant….

  13. Irishgirl says:

    He is coming out fighting!

  14. Irishgirl says:

    Obama just said the Buckeyes don’t quit!

  15. Irishgirl says:

    Michelle was great!

  16. seattlefan says:

    First Lady Michelle is giving a great speech!

  17. AK Born and Raised says:

    Got it!

  18. AK Born and Raised says:

    No sound for me…..

  19. moseyon says:

    Gone again, looks like a great crowd

  20. Irishgirl says:

    Sound back and POTUS and FLOTUS are on!

  21. moseyon says:

    Its ok now ty mudflats

  22. Irishgirl says:

    Just went on me too.

  23. moseyon says:

    I’ ve got no sound

  24. Irishgirl says:

    Oh no…POTUS is coming up and I was supposed to be going to bed!

  25. Irishgirl says:

    “The young people are energised,”

    Wow, there is a great crowd there!

  26. justafarmer says:

    I am totally in love with John Legend

  27. justafarmer says:

    well, I voted absentee Saturday morning here in Kentucky and cast my vote for Jack Conway (D). I just cringe that the eejit Rand Paul is even on the ballot, but I’m pretty sure there was a concerted effort in the Republican primary to pick Paul over Trey Grayson (Rs here pretty much didn’t like either of them) because Paul would be easier to beat and everyone liked both the the Ds running in that primary. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Paul in the primary..sure hope that convoluted primary plan doesn’t come back to bite the people who pulled it off.

    • benlomond2 says:

      OT – JUSTA !! How’s Glory ???

      • justafarmer says:

        Glory is doing great but she’s in the figurative “doghouse” tonight…she chewed up one of my shoes! Now all I have to wear are flip-flops and bog boots until I can get to the store at the end of the week…sigh…

    • mary wilson in TN says:

      Hey Just a Farmer…I raised my 4 kids in Hazard…and I could not stand the thought of that racist dog getting elected to ANY government position in the Bluegrass State! Congratulations for your vote. And I happened to see a you tube showing Rand refusing to even speak to union coal miners at a ‘meet and greet’ in Pineville last week…what a slug.

  28. Irishgirl says:

    Had to share this…I looked at my FB page last night (which I rarely use), and FB suggested making friends with Dan Sullivan. 🙂

    I don’t think so.

    • I See Villages from my House says:

      That’s pretty funny. I keep getting invited to Joe Miller Meet & Greets. Those cups if water and potato chips sure sound inviting. And all the patriotism and Bible quoting would get us all fired up against the Democrat Party.

      Then there’s the fact that he wouldn’t like my questions. . .I’d be tempted. But then again, when I saw him at Senator Stevens service – all self-important, I wanted to smack his face. So it’s best I ignore. : )

      • Irishgirl says:

        Water and potato chips sure sound ….ummmm…revolting!

      • fishingmamma says:

        Yeah – and if he doesn’t like your questions, you may end up getting “arrested” by his goons, so be careful, do not let those potato chips entice you…..

  29. Madeline says:

    Joe Miller now has an add on Google. I sent them a message telling them I wasn’t going to use their service as long as his face popped up everytime I looked at it, and oh by the way, I switched to Bing! Let them know I thought this was a good time to try out the competition.

    • CoyoteMarti says:

      Another, perhaps better, option is to close your eyes, hold your nose, and click on it, because the Miller campaign gets charged for each click! It’s just a general advertising buy, so click away whenever you see one. :>

      • 1smartcanerican says:

        And maybe Miller will think he has this endless support – look at how many have clicked on my campaign ads? Won’t he be surprised in two or so weeks 🙂

  30. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Yay! I’m glad they are out there getting folks fired up. It’s what we all need to do! Don’t vote alone – grab someone and take them with you, or let them grab you and go with them. It’s fun, it’s exciting!

    At the recent municipal election I went screaming into the polls at 7:45p. I knew I’d get there and cast my vote, but the bummer turned out to be that it was late, dark and nobody was around to show off my I VOTED sticker to. So I stuck it on my McAdams sign hanging in my front window, and all is well.

  31. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    I just texted “Vote” (and my zip code) to 62262

    Fired up – ready to GO!