Alaska Dispatch Senatorial Debate (Live Stream & Blog)
McAdams and Murkowski are on stage. There’s a giant beardless empty chair right in the middle. Can’t imagine why… But they saved a chair… how sweet.
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McAdams and Murkowski are on stage. There’s a giant beardless empty chair right in the middle. Can’t imagine why… But they saved a chair… how sweet.
Anybody know where I can watch this? I missed it last night. Thanks in advance.
Thanks all for blogging this. Anyone know if a transcript of the full debate will be available?
As Teflon!!! Yuk!!!
What’s up with Lisa’s non-answer when asked who she would vote for if she had to pick between Miller and McAdams. Granted, I know it is hard to say you’d vote for one of your opponents but she couldn’t even bring herself to say she’d vote for McAdams. I guess she would forfeit her right to vote and not make a choice at all. Or she’d (gasp) write in herself, lol.
McAdams said he would vote for her over Miller. I know that must have been tough for him to say but at least he gave a solid answer and not some non-answer.
You’re right, Blooper, Murkowski dodged that question. Her non-answer was that Miller is too scary and McAdams isn’t qualified. Actually, she dodged a lot of questions. She is slippery.
Slippery as a salmon, I say. đ
Slippery as snot, as my Dad used to say. (not one his better quips I might add)
Thanks Slip for the boots on the ground report. We were waiting with fingers in mouth biting our nails!! Thanks for taking one for the team!!! Also, you are right about Miller! He is an Almond Joy not a Mounds!!
I agree he is an Almond Joy. Do you remember the jingle “With Almond Joy, you can share half and still have a whole”. Definitely the way Repugs handle the budget!
Interesting op-ed piece in the Anchorage Daily News:
Joe Miller’s just another nut from Fairbanks
I heard there were Joe Miller protesters out in front of the Anchorage Daily News headquarters. Not sure if this is verified fact or just rumor, but thought I’d toss it out here.
Oh and I almost couldn’t believe the title of that op-ed piece! Not because it’s not true (it is) but that it veers from the normally objective titles that grace their front page. I never thought the adn would print something so true, yet so obviously incendiary to the nut job Miller supporters. Truly a bold move by them and I for one am so glad they did it.
Second attempt at my âboots on the ground reportâ â I was actually wearing sneakers.
Okay, I was in the room for the debate. I will attempt to write impressions of what I saw and heard that probably werenât apparent on the audio / video feed . . .
Neither Murkowski nor McAdams had security goons. McAdams was far better at getting all around the room (before, after, during breaks) and shaking hands with everyone there. Murkowski tended to huddle with advisors or tape an interview during breaks.
Murkowskiâs supporters were more organized â buttons, applause at obvious âapplauseâ lines, etc. McAdamsâ supporters were more quiet. It felt like a 50/50 split. Didnât see a single Miller button.
Murkowski is more skilled at dodging questions she didnât like â she would chatter away, and you had to stop and ask âdid she actually answer the question? No, she didnât.â McAdams was not as smooth at this. Miller has it mastered â just donât show up. Or handcuff the reporter.
McAdams is funnier. But he missed the chance to say âthe thing I most appreciate about Sarah Palin is that she is no longer the governor of Alaska.â
In the room: Shannyn Moore, Phil Munger, Bob Poe, and I think I saw Gryphen (Iâm not sure about that). I was able to shake the hand of Tony Hopfinger â he who kept after Miller about misconduct in Fairbanks and got himself handcuffed by skinhead goons.
Oh, No!! Slip!!!!
Miller admits borough disciplined him
LUNCH HOUR: Polling performed on co-workers’ computers; then their caches emptied to hide act.
By SEAN COCKERHAM [email protected]
Published: October 18th, 2010 09:53 PM Last Modified: October 18th, 2010 10:17 PM
Republican U.S. Senate nominee Joe Miller acknowledged Monday that he was disciplined for violating the Fairbanks North Star Borough’s ethics policy in 2008 when he was a part-time borough lawyer.
Okay, I am back home and submitted a long report . . . which apparently disappeared into the Great Electronic Void. Wish I had saved a copy . ..
[[I feel your pain, {{{{{{slipstream}}}}}}} … beth.]]
Oh NOOOO! I’m so sorry, that’s beyond frustrating!
I’ve gotten to the point where, if it’s important, I type an email to myself drafting/writing the document. Then I copy&paste, but still have the original email which is easily deleted after I see my post ‘took’.
Really appreciate your hard work and hope to see you’re In-Person perspective of how it went and how the crowd received it all!!!
Okay, I got home a few minutes ago. I was in the room for the debate. I will try to give impressions of what I experienced by being there — what the cameras and microphones probably missed.
Neither McAdams nor Murkowski came with a security detail. McAdams was far better about getting around the room during the breaks and meeting everyone there; Murkowski tended to huddle with advisors or tape interviews during those times. Murkowski’s supporters were more aggressive about wearing buttons and applauding at the obvious “applaud” lines. McAdams’ supporters were quieter. Didn’t see a single “Miller” button. Or Miller, the big chicken.
When Murkowski got a question she did not want to answer, she talked all around it — you had to stop and think “hey, she never answered the question.” McAdams was not smooth at that.
In the audience: Shannyn Moore, Phil Munger, Bob Poe. Thought I saw Griffen but not sure. I was able to shake the hand of Tony Hopfinger, he of the recent handcuffs.
Thanks for your mini re-cap. I would’ve liked to shake Tony’s hand if I coulda been there . I think he should definately pursue civil charges against Miller and his hired Goon Squad and/or even criminal charges for unlawful imprisonment, harassment, impersonating law officials(?), kidnapping?
I mean for crying out loud it was a Townhall Meeting! That definition alone screams PUBLIC event. I’m still steaming mad…
Scott just keeps hitting it out of the park! Lisa just keeps spouting the whole ‘you won’t be anything without me’ line of thinking which is rather insulting. She is appealing to our latent sense of fear, just like Joe Miller. Repubs and Tea Baggers like to do that, because 1) It’s easy and 2) They really don’t have anything else better to bring to the table. Scott goes the hard path by trying to appeal to our sense of hope which is much less effective at time but is the truer route IMO.
Like others here have said, we do have a great candidate in Scott McAdams and have no reason to fear voting for him.
Wow, that was pure fun to watch. Not sure why but, I was able to watch/hear pretty good, but I started about 20mins late. After all my ActBlue donations, I finally & totally felt like a ‘participant’. The only thing missing was a glass of beer in my hand.
Booming over the mic “So, WHO would you vote for Lisa?” SM is clearly a kind and decent man with a sense of humor. Personally, I thought Scott dominated the debate.
Surprisingly, I checked the ActBlue donors just before watching (I have the tab and check occasionally) and then checked again right after. During the debate time, SM had lobbed yet another 60+ donors. I do think the McMentum is building, getting faster by the day (or Miller meltdown shenanigans). Thanks everyone for the postings, great job all around.
After watching the debates, I have to say that I believe Lisa has a point when she says she would be more effective in Washington. But then I asked myself: “More effective at WHAT?” And the answer is very concerning to me.
Lisa would be effective at blocking healthcare reform, she would be effective in gutting environmental safeguards, she would be Very effective at taking donations from large corporations and then being beholden to their lobbyists to vote in favor of those corporations interests, against her constituents’ best interests (Citizens United was great by her!).
Lisa would be effective in bolstering the power of the religious right (she has Prevo’s support and is therefore beholden to him). She’d continue to do a bang-up job of undermining the rights of women, gays, and those who want a clear division of church and state. She would continue to do what she has done consistently for the past two years, which is to lock arms with the “Party of No” and help ensure that all the needed economic reform, regulatory reform, healthcare reform, and betterment of this country that we voted for in 2008 will be blockaded. Lisa will vote lock-step with the obstructionist conservative Republicans to ensure that the Democrats will not be able to claim victory in any arena. And all this obstruction is for the goal of returning the Republicans to power so they can continue the pro-corporate, anti-democracy policies that got this country into the mess we are in now.
Sorry, Lisa. I don’t think so.
Well said.
IMO Scott won the debate hands down.
Wow! Scott is so impressive! He has well thought out answers that go way beyond what any other candidate is saying now or has said in the past. He will be great in the senate!
Two weeks left to bring this on home, folks. Here’s to the McSurge!
Hear, hear!!
Wish I’d heard the whole thing. Maybe the Dispatch will re-run it?
Hopefully they will post it in full- will have to watch for it.
And yes- Firecracker, voting my values !!!
I missed most of the first part from what I saw I think it was a strong showing for Scott. Vote your values and not your fears!!
An excellent debate. This is the sort of debate we should have had all along except for the outside interferences that do not want to see Alaska function autonomously as is its state right to do. Thank God what’s-his-name didn’t even show up. Perfect!
Scott was outstanding. That was a great debate format and much more revealing than the usual. I loved it.
Rather have Begich as Alaska’s Senior Senator, thank you.
shaking hands over the empty Joe chair
is over
Scott McAdams is having a lot of fun with this race. Lisa is running terrified. I’m confident Scott McAdams is going to be a great Senator for Alaska and the country.
You just put into words what was at the back of my mind listening to this. Scott was interested in running initially so he could engage Lisa in a conversation about the issues. He was doing just that tonight, and she did not like it one bit.
I think he would be, too. He does have a quick wit, which is a sign of a deeply intuitive mind. I believe he would work very well with his fellow Senators to get some things actually moving forward in this country again.
Lease-A bashing Joe for not showing up for the “job interview.” She thinks Scott as a junior member is too inexperienced. “We’ve got to think about what that means for us as a state.” Lease-A defending her write in. Spelling her name.
Scott: I can share with you that the time I’ve spent with my community for 8 years was well spent. Voting against the chairman of the appropriations committee 12 times is dangerous for the state. Wants to open ANWR. He has something to prove. Wants union labor to drill ANWR. Vote your values, not your fears.
THANK YOU! you type fast and well and even hear and breathe all at once!
I’m at the age where maintaning a heartbeat and breathing is multitasking- great live blog job!
Alaska Pi, you’re welcome! Wish I’d heard the whole thing, and am hoping for a rebroadcast. I do type well, and fast; I used to be a computer typesetter. Of course, I couldn’t get it word for word, but hope I hit all the salient points.
Wish I’d thought to open both windows at once because of sound.Missed most of 1st half cuz of sound.
You hit a most of the points beautifully
good job!
slipstream is due to give us all a rundown as was supposed to be there tonight so we’ll hear more… even if it’s not rebroadcast…
and thinking AKM might have been there too…
GO Scott!!!!
Saying the same old way has not gotten us what we wanted anyway- heehee
SM thanking everyone – he sure does that a lot
I just feel that LM has nothing more to offer than her ‘experience’ and I really don’t think that is enough given her throwing AK aside in order to walk lock step with the Party of NO
That “experience” is what got us into this mess to begin with, eh?
Why would any progressive Alaskan risk their vote on a murky write-in when such an outstanding candidate is right there on the ballot??
LM final remarks playing same old violin about seniority is what we have to have and she’s the one who has the experience
Excellent debate so far. Without Miller, the whole thing now seems far more serious and adult and concerned about what Alaskans really care about.
Scott: God is too good for the muck of politics. Lease-A, lifelong Catholic, believes religion is part of who you are and is the basis of some of your thought processes. Closing remarks next.
“G-d is too good for the muck of politics” – McAdams. LOVE IT! beth.
Thanks, folks.
Scott would vote for approval of civil unions in all 50 states.
Lease-A admitted voting for the Defense of Marriage Act.
Scott: I believe that we will be known as Christians by our love. Both disagree w/Prevo.
re prevo’s sicko remarks about gays and lesbians
Scott would refuse corporate PAC money as a senator.
SM: It’s time to return our democracy to working people. He’s talking about loss of unions.
Scott thinks campaign donation reform is #1 issue.
Lease-A luvs her Big Coal donations.
( if she says ‘what you need to understand… ” one more time I’ll scram… )
i’ll scream too
End of audience questions. Lease-A opposed Kagen re guns. Scott has 100% NRA rating.
Scott: biggest mistake as Sitka mayor sponsoring clean indoor air act.
re the re-hashing in the assembly after voters ahd already passed it
Lease-A trying to defend her primary. Failing.
Lease-A boasting about her record on Natives. Scott: we have to do everything we can; tribes are underutilized in developing Alaska; tribes should be self-determining. AK’s tribes need to be acknowledged as sovereign.
(Tribal law and order act has an inserted line re AK- LM had something to do with that… and she knows we only have one reservation…)
Scott “loves our tourism sector.” Lease-A thinks the cruise industry is crucial.
LM: $P is a runner, advanced some ethics reform, and loves the outdoors. Scott appreciates “She’ll never refudiate Alaska’s right to develop resources, & can’t come up with anything else but “there’s something beautiful about every human individual.”
ROFL til I break 3 ribs !!!
Did he really use the “word” “refudiate”?
Yes. And he made it sound like it was in quotation marks!
[paraphrasing a bit: “Abortion is a medical issue — it’s between a woman and her doctor. If a woman qualifies for funding for a broken leg or cancer, she should qualify for funding for an abortion…no matter what the funding source is.”]
Don’t know how this #35 ended up here — it should have been a 30.point-something as a reply to *that* post (#30) of mine. beth.
ROFL SP- Question!!!!
Now that Miller is imploding in spectacular fashion, we need to get Dems and Independents to come back to Scott McAdams. There’s no reason for anyone who voted for Begich two years ago to cast their vote for Lisa. If you like this video, please share it with any of your friends who are suffering from MDS (Miller Derangement Syndrome).
Hey that was SUPER EXCELLENT! Needs to go viral!!!
Ya know I know how to spell Lisa’s name but after watching that video I had to think about three times about the correct spelling. I have to tell ya Shannyn’s tweet on twitter made my day when she said someone ask Scott to name something good about palin and he said he was stumped.I said the same thing when asked.
Scott does not believe the state has any right over the sovereignty of an individual in the bedroom. LM said basically the same.
SM said faith and evolution are NOT mutually exclusive. Lease-A will not force taxpayer dollars to fund abortion; said abortion should be used for rape, incest, impending death of the mother.
yup he did- i mis-typed there!
NAILED it on the abortion question, Scott! WOW! beth.
I agree!!
He absolutely hit that one out of the park!
Sound quality is not the best. However, I think this has been a very good, and respectful discussion. Scott has tried to get Lisa to explain her “no” votes, she seems to slide, trying for cover in procedural votes, committee votes, collaboration with Stevens. What she is saying does not jive with the “Lisa Votes” list.
Scott has tried valiantly to distinguish between the ANCs and the Tribes. Got a great dig on Clare MacAskill (sp?). Lisa will not talk about Tribes. Then she said something about not consolidating villages but perhaps only maintain one runway among a nest of villages, and build roads from hubs.
It’s been a good production.
somebody pickup? i can only type 11wpm without punc and 7 with
do you believe in evolution ? both yes, SM says faith and eveolution are mutually exclusive
Correction of above: Scott said faith and evolution are NOT mutually exclusive.
Already corrected below- thanks!
who would you vote if you were not in the race? LM- concerned about JM and don’t think SM has experience or ability to do it
SM- if had to choose LM and Joe, etc, I’d vote for lisa
what have you done in office for ak?
LM- too fast for me- inc DV
SM- sitka mayor, voted for DV prevention programs
both are saying they are winning
-would one of you drop out if it looked like the only way to keep JM out?
Both said no as far as I’m concerned.
That’s a good question! If it really looked like a surefire way to keep Joe Miller out, I think I would do it, for the sake of my state. However, at this point I don’t think neither McAdams or Murkowski need to drop out to keep Miller from getting in.
yes- great on the JM slam1
which salmon would you be? both kings
Good slam on Joe by Lisa. She doesn’t want to take his chair in case he decides to show up (apparently someone took her chair during the break) : )
Waiting patiently for Slipstream’s boots on the ground report!!!
me too!!! missed too much already
sound IS better on dispatch site
Lisa’s ad out today is attacking Scott, apparently he is the man to beat! She has completely ignored him up till now, I guess Miller is TOAST!
Go McAdams!
Joe is a jerk.
Lisa is a corporate shill.
Just got back from an AARP-backed focus group. It is very worried about how seniors are perceiving the possible cuts to doctors in December and wanted feedback as to what AARP members think and expect the organization to do. Consensus: we have to get more information. We believed Congress will be too cowardly to make the cuts and will postpone once again so AARP would be seen as successful if it backed a short-term solution and then backed a long-term revamp of how doctors are paid. Wish I could stay up and hear more from the debate. I would not trust Lisa or Joe to come up with any viable solution to the doctor payment problem. Just saying.
McAdams seems to be doing well – just showing up puts him way ahead of Joe. People need to remember Lisa will follow the Party of No as she has been doing and take that into consideration. Anything she says about change is probably pandering.
Good night all. Am looking forward to the follow-up discussion tomorrow!
audience questions coming up…
have just lost sound too often to keep the sense of what they are saying…
lost sound again
MUYS just flew by…
SM- appropriations committee culture changed
LM- is about being fiscally responsible
Well, well, well, Queen Palin’s anointed King Joe has no clothes! He also has no “cajones” and he certainly doesn’t know how to “man-up”. Where’s the spine? Pathetic. Two adults and one loser, who is in debt up to his ears, running for the senate in Alaska.
Maybe he couldn’t find his man pants or had previous commitment to attend a bake-off.
lost sound again… anyone getting it?
Not the best quality but I haven’t lost it yet. I do have to admit that I have it open in on the Alaska Dispatch website and not on Mudflats. I found the video feed on that website first. I don’t know if that matters or not. I am also using Mozilla and not IE.
Thanks, Firecracker. I got the sound on Alaska Dispatch, and while not first-rate, it’s listenable. They’re taking an intermission, so I hope someone has an update on the first section. Anyone?
Got em both open now… will see if sound is better after break… missed too much in first part
SM ask LM- seniors and their docs- medicare accessibility bad here, her vote made that worse
LM_ says she bucked her party to add reimburse % to docs for alaska . got it in. stopped bleeding some- docs not kicking medicare patients off
I have a friend in Anchorage who just bought a building for his business. he is renting out the top floor to a group of doctors who are going to take Medicare Only patients. They got some kind of a grant (can’t remember if it is state or federal but may have been from stimulus money–not sure on this) so that they can set up shop. They will have their own radiology, lab, etc. It sounds like an excellent idea and perhaps needs to be copied elsewhere. These are the kinds of solutions to medical system problems that need to be pursued by people with imagination. I am so sick of Leasa’s pandering when she needs us. She rolled the bus over us again and again when she didn’t think she needed us. Too late Leasa.
I can’t hear the feed; it sounds like it’s being disrupted by CB radios!! I’ll check back later for an update. Miller’s a coward, like all bullies everywhere.
LM- history,,,
hickel, came in 30th of oct
thinks they are doing it
the write in thingy
demonstrating we can do it
SM- pointing to him only needing 1 vote more than either to win , she needs enough to stand up to scrutiny …
lindauer, taylor…
misspelled taylor
stakes too high
LM- asking about why he’s saying write in won’t work- details of why- instead of issues who are the 7000 ak voters who are going to botch the vote to win?
the business model of corps means they have no more responsibility to shareholders than Wal-Mart to theirs…
wants focus to be on tribes not for profit corps…
lost the sound…
sounds like he was addressing something to do with *(a) ?
anybody hear?
SM-talking about tribes v for profit native corporations
There are clear differences between Lisa’s votes and Scott’s vision for Alaska’s future. Hope this is evident in the debate tonight.
What a big scaredy baby, couldn’t show up to a debate after his last pissy event.
Hope this is the nail in HIS political career coffin and the media nails him for all his bad behavior.
Here, ready to read live blog. Thanks all.
Not that I know of…
Terrible sound quality. Is this being broadcast on radio somewhere?
Not for nothing, but a better man would have shown up and made an adult apology. Bad on Joe the Jackboot.
Lisa should be attacking Joe, not Scott.
Go McAdams!