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Open Thread – Rachel Maddow Pics

Some shots from the live taping of the Rachel Maddow Show from the Taproot Cafe in Anchorage, Alaska!



34 Responses to “Open Thread – Rachel Maddow Pics”
  1. Diane says:

    It was great interview, Shannon and Rachel work so well together.

  2. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Hey Dear Alaskan Mudpups! I just finished watching another good night of Rachel. Thought you would get a giggle from Executive Producer Bill Wolff’s talk up. They always show on the Web before the show, to rev up the viewers & tell what’s coming on the night’s show. He makes a few comments about the whirlwind in Alaska (he thanks the folks in Anchorage & Nevada) and about the Joe Miller ‘interview’. Looks like he hasn’t shaved. Think you will also get a giggle (only 2 minutes).

  3. LibertyLover says:

    I would love to see RM interview that Palin creature.

  4. Enjay in E MT says:

    Forgive me if this is already posted

    Former half gov praises Beckers for “Educating America about History” OMG!!

    snip] Glenn Beck doesn’t teach history. He warps it to fit his various conspiracy theories and ideology. Like Palin, Beck is exploiting and inflaming our nation’s partisan divide for personal financial gain. If a few cops have to get shot along the way, so be it. If another Oklahoma City has to happen, oh well, what can you do? Beck and Palin not only spread the language of violence, but they profit from it. They will never denounce violence, because every violent act is another symbol of success in their war against intelligence and liberty. Palin and Beck are out to remake America one fearful, angry white man at a time, and a little bit of spilled blood isn’t going to stop them. [end snip

    read more @

  5. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Can anyone who was there for Rachel’s taping settle some curiosity questions for me, I’ve always wondered what you physically SEE? Is there some kind of monitor that prints out the words she says? I would assume she pre-writes her comments beforehand, because she never ‘looks’ like she’s reading. Well, IF there’s a monitor, so will await that answer.

    Other question, do they have some sort of big screen so the audience can ALSO see the clips they pop in for us TV viewers @ home? The audience always laughed at the appropriate points, so that’s what I’m imagining.

    What a great night! And, YES, I thought Rachel was more enthusiastic there in Alaska than the next day in Nevada. Still, she does have a LOT of friends in AK even if she hadn’t met them in person before, and was probably a little more tired/jet lagged by the time she got to Nevada. She did a good interview and was enjoyable, but nothing like the sparkle displayed in Alaska (perhaps I’m a little prejudiced).

    • Kath the Scrappy says:

      Another point I’ve been pondering. A few people posted that they wished Rachel had spent more time talking with Scott McAdams during the clips. But, I think personally, Rachel was spot on with the approach she took and actually did Scott more positive favors.

      By showing the big numbers of volunteers & how they even “had to buy more phones” and how Scott interacts with his volunteers, plus the level of their enthusiasm and smiles takes the “scare factor” out of voting for him. Like, so many people believe in him it’s okay to jump on board, too.

      Instead of Rachel interviewing to hear his positions. People can already tune in to hear him at townhalls or the debates. I thought showing this more human side sent a more powerful message. I’m so grateful Rachel went to Alaska, NOBODY could cover this race like she!


      Hey Scrappy…I was there and yes she does have a monitor that she reads her “pre-written” script from. It’s like the ones the news anchors use every night. When I arrived I could see her in the back room going over some stuff & writing notes. When she came out she had her notes…I think they were just to keep her on track as to what was coming up next. I must admit…it was AWESOME seeing her do her thing in front of all of us. She is truly a natural & if it DID NOT look like she was reading the monitor that’s a good thing!!

      Oh and ALL the folks that keep things going for her are AMAZING!!! The camera crew, the producers, the assistants & the sound folks are fantastic and they ALL are the kindest bunch of professionals you could meet in the industry. No drama queen or diva or divo attitudes at all. If it weren’t for the cameras, you’d think they were just a bunch of friends meeting up with a bunch of more friends at a bar.

      You asked about the monitors…yes there were several TV screens all around for us to watch the clips as they were played and even though we could talk during those times, it was as quite as a church house mouse in there. We all were ACTUALLY WATCHING the show as if we were at home in our living rooms. I’ll admit I did shout out once (which I often do at the tv at home) but it was all good because we weren’t live. There really isn’t much too the show except for the lights, cameras, and monitors. It’s not an elaborate type of thing at all. It was tons of fun though and I only wish everyone who wanted to come could have. Maybe if she comes up again we could have it in the Dena’ina Center or some place like that. I’m sure they will have no problem filling the seats. I wish I could post my pictures here from BEFORE we were allow inside. It was cold as heck and the line was wrapped around the building SERIOUSLY it was wrapped around the building! I got there a little after 3pm & they didn’t let us in til a little after 4pm and folks were there and ready to go when I arrived after 3pm. It was so cool seeing that kind of out!!

      ****Side note**** I had a table facing Rachel. I was sitting near a window and there were people standing outside peering in through the window to watch the whole thing. So I’m sure if she came again and was at a bigger venue it would be PACKED just as the Taproot was.

      • Kath the Scrappy says:

        Barbie, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I always figured they had a laidback, professional crew but your comments just confirmed!

        I’ve been watching Rachel nightly for years. Have always wondered how it works when she goes out of town and then with the crowd setting.

        Yike! I always thought she had a couple of camera people ONLY and then saw that executive producer (I have an old lady crush on him too) Bill Wolff. But never imagined there was such a big entourage to make it happen so seamlessly. She has said in the past that it’s expensive and that’s why she’s so grateful to MSNBC to let her do ‘field trips’, so now I can understand why.

        I can’t believe that tonight Rachel is already back and doing another show (I’m just sitting down now to watch it on the ‘net). After that whirlwind trip, where do they get the energy? But, if TRM Show helps keep some Democratic Candidates campaigns afloat (and I do think Rachel has such a following of Progressives, so she has a powerful voice!) – it’s worth EVERY cent!!

  6. Moose Pucky says:

    I assume she has the information on the new poll?

  7. Moose Pucky says:

    Maybe we need to send Rachel a thank you? What’s that E-mail again?

  8. beth says:

    Oh, UGGGH!

    I just came across this article posting over on HuffPo: “Sarah Palin: I’ll Run For President ‘If There’s Nobody Else To Do It’ (VIDEO)” —

    If you overlook the glaring glob of light-reflecting gloss hanging off her lower right lip, and can make it through the whiny sing-song to minute 1:43, you’ll be treated to a whole NEW wonderous delight falling out of the mouth of the whackjob woman. Trust me, it’s a corker.

    Ahhhh, yes; such a Mama Grizzly…”competing for ratings” with her daughter [hey, her words, not mine.] How cutesy. How family-values. How loving. How supportive. How adorable. How presidential. Not.

    How surprising that she’d actually admit that competing with Bristol is what she’s doing, but, at the same time, how totally unsurprising and nauseatingly predictable… beth.

  9. Alaska Pi says:

    Popcorn time!!!!!

    Senate write-in candidates flood Division of Elections
    Posted by Alaska_Politics

    Posted: October 28, 2010 – 4:32 pm

    Read more: http:// community /adn /node/154002#ixzz13hm6IpXR

    run url back together when you copy it… wouldn’t pass the spam filter without breaking it up…

    • Firecracker says:

      I’m beginning to doubt that there is enough popcorn in the world to make it through this election!!!! I best get down to the store and stock up. : )

    • leenie17 says:

      Well, I’m no legal expert, but I’d guess this will insure that this election will not be settled any time soon. I can’t imagine that the results will be accepted by any of the parties involved until they all have their say in court.

      How can anyone claim that Murkymosquito and Miller have anything but their own careers as a priority?

      And then there’s Scott…still travelling the high road…

  10. Firecracker says:

    There is going to be an Evening at Egan concerning Sarah Palin tomorrow evening. It should be both informative and entertaining. The info is below for anyone interested and in Juneau. I am sure that I will see at least a few mudpuppies there as I usually do.

    The Sarah Palin Phenomenon: An Alaska, National, & Int�l Perspective
    Clive Thomas, UAS Professor of Political Science
    Egan Lecture Hall
    University of Alaska Southeast
    7 PM

    Consideration of what the rise to “stardom” of Sarah Palin reveals about contemporary Alaska and particularly national politics, and the Washington D.C. â�� Hollywood image of American politics that she reinforces around the world.

  11. Zyxomma says:

    Rachel is as beautiful as Alaska, and that’s saying something!

  12. vyccan says:

    Thanks a lot for the pictures. Just looking at them recaptures the excitement for me. Those mudflatters who watch TRM show regularly, did you notice that she had way, way more enthusiasm in the Alaska one than in Nevada? Of course, her Alaska enthusiasm was undoubtedly fueled by the vibrancy in the crowd. : )

    By the way, (in case I can’t get through tomorrow) those mudflatters to the big rally this weekend – please travel safely and have a GREAT and unifying time!

  13. BuffaloGal says:

    Koch Footprints Lead to Powder Keg: Exposing the Far Right’s Secret Slush Fund to Keep Fear Alive:

    I highly recommend this. This Koch Brothers thing keeps getting freakier.

  14. TX SMR says:

    Here’s some comic relief for True Blood fans. Totally unrelated to political stuff. Just some pure Sesame Street genius. If you don’t watch True Blood you won’t get it, so don’t bother, but if you watch True Blood it will crack you up! (And if you don’t watch True Blood you should start, it’s GREAT).

  15. BuffaloGal says:

    Another addition to the “ya just can’t this stuff up” department –

    Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank Allied With Group That Celebrates Spanish Inquisition

    Nope – not satire.

    Dear Media –
    Wake up please.
    The Sane Citizens of America

    • TX SMR says:

      It feels like the sanity is outnumbered. What is wrong with people who don’t vote and don’t stand up for what is right? It has all gone to hades in a handbasket since youknowwho was trotted out by that limpster McLame at the RNC. It’s easy to feel discouraged. I want the 2nd to hurry up and get here and I want the 2nd to never get here. Oh well.

    • Thank you (I think!) that is certainly alarming….!This religion- mania has NO place in our gov’t….I loathe them…the groups that have ‘family’ in the name, are a FRAUD..

  16. London Bridges says:

    In the “you couldn’t make this stuff up department and not be institutionalized department,” the Christine O’Donnell campaign has demanded that tapes and videos of an interview with the I am not a witch candidate be turned over to the campaign and that the station/media outlet had no right to air them because they were not authorized by the O’Donnell campaign. Read:

    Apparently, during the interview the Witchy Woman pulled a Palin!

  17. Ripley in CT says:

    Gosh, is Rachel ALWAYS smiling? My crush has gone to higher levels now! LOL

    • BuffaloGal says:

      ha! you beat me to it !

    • leenie17 says:

      Well, she certainly looked like she had fun!


      Yep…she smiled the whole time…except when interviewing Murk & Miller. The faces she makes when they said something stupid cracked me up & yet she didn’t part her lips to smile. She just kept that poker “you’re an idiot” face LOL. The taping was fun & of course informative as only Rachel knows how to do it. She is sooooooo my favorite Girl Crush along with Shannyn 🙂

  18. jimzmum says:

    Thanks from me as well!

  19. ks sunflower says:

    Thank you!