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Friday, January 28, 2022

Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear – Photo Album from D.C.

Despite my best efforts to report from the event, anything requiring wireless communication pretty much wasn’t working.

But here are some pictures from my trip to D.C. for the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. So far estimates put the crowd at 215,000. All I can tell you is that there were a LOT of people, and everyone was in a great mood. No screaming, no anger, just fun and congeniality. And Mudflatters wrapped up the day by gathering for a Mudstock meetup! Sanity stock was wonderful and all sorts of yummy goodness was provided by Fawnskin and Mr. Fawnskin. 40 Watt of Forum fame was there too, and had a huge part in organizing the affair. Thanks to everyone for the effort it took to pull off a great party. There’s a group photo in the gallery, but we missed the second wave of Mudflatters who came later. It was wonderful getting to meet so many of you face to face, and I couldn’t think of a better occasion than sanity!

And then I got home, and found out that the sanity did not extend to the Last Frontier, and that the Republican Party has lost its mind. You go away for two days, and look what happens…

I’ll get to all that tomorrow, but enjoy the pictures. I didn’t really have a good clear shot of the stage, but the signs were half the fun!

And I got to cross “See the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens” perform live” off my bucket list. Worth the trip all by itself…




31 Responses to “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear – Photo Album from D.C.”
  1. Teresa says:

    Thanks for the pictures! I laughed so hard I almost cried. And I needed the laugh — I am watching election pundits at 1am Hong Kong time on my slingbox. but ya know I voted absentee for Scott ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. barbara says:

    we missed you but i had the mudflats on my sign!

  3. sj says:

    I am sooo jealous! I would have loved to have been there. Then the crowd would have been 215,001. However, thanks for the pictures of the signs. Love the humor of these and the ones over at Huffington Post.

  4. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    And here’s my slideshow of rally sign pix, in case anyone missed my link in the other post:

  5. Moose Pucky says:

    I can see yellow boots from my lair.

  6. Ripley in CT says:

    Here’s a link to the pictures I took. I hope they are as fun to see as they were to take!

  7. LC says:

    I was at the rally on Saturday. Actually, I have been to all the progressive rallies in DC over the past weeks: Reclaim the Dream, One Nation and finally the Restore Sanity rally. I was truly overwhelmed at the mass of people at the Stewart/Colbert one. Although it was fun and an absolutely beautiful day in the District, I wish half of these people had marched or participated in the more politically relevant rallies to show their support other progressive causes. All in all, I’m glad I went and would do it again.

  8. Great pictures, and it’s so nice to see so many gathered and smiling and not yelling or carrying big guns. I do see a lot of cameras and cell phones, lol.

    The signs were all great, but I think my favorite is:

    If PRO is the opposite of CON, then what is the opposite of CONgress?

  9. klnb1019 says:

    I was there with my daughter and 3-year old grandson. My favorite space was the “Jump Rope with a Muslim” area in the middle of the throng. Just fun!

  10. Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

    Great pics! Thanks! What clever signs… ๐Ÿ™‚ Must have been wonderful to be there.

  11. Rivrat says:

    Thank you so much for the photos, I think I saw one or two people I know. It looked like everyone had a really good time. You are lucky people.

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Well I honed my crowd size estimating skills on the Mudsanity Stock picture and I am happy to report with confidence that the size of that crowd was around 1800 mudpups. Way to go!

    Now I’m off to Fox – they called and want me to interview for a crowd size estimator position. I think I’ve got it in the bag.

  13. Lacy Lady says:

    I would have loved to have been there. Looks like everyone have soooooo much fun. Loved the signs. Found this site today on the event

  14. Terry in Maryland says:

    I think the estimate is low. There were people well out beyond the Mall who couldn’t get close. Bodies solid between the museums, then lots of people back on Constitution Avenue, up 7th Street toward Gallery Place, and even back toward the Capitol and Union Station.

    I’m a born and raised DC metro person and I’ve never seen a crowd like this. Best of all, everyone was NICE. No pushing, no rudeness, even in the crowded Metro trains going to and from the event. Happy, nice people.

    It was a good reminder that our Country isn’t really predominantly made up of people who yell a lot or fear things in general.

  15. jimzmum says:

    Thank you for the pictures. I had a great time watching, but still wanted so much to be there!

    • Irishgirl says:


      you were missed but we carried you, as we carried all the absent pups, in our hearts and minds.

  16. Winski says:

    GOOD place for Brian to show up…sneaky..

    Was the guy in the Silver coat and baseball hat the actor that played McGiver and Jack O’Neil ??Sure looks that way.. BUT, my eyes are getting old…

    Thanks Mud….

  17. Megaera says:

    I *thought* Justin Bieber was Hitler. Now I know. Thanks, Sanity Rally!

  18. Molly says:

    Re: Sanity104

    Fine looking bunch of Mudflatters.

    I see Brian came out to DC with you all too!

    • Forty Watt says:

      historygoddess, I am so sorry we missed you, but happy you had a great time. Everyone did. It was truly an experience of a life time.

      I would like to say that, in terms of any organizational part I played, I was amply assisted by the bodacious bubbles and the irrepressible Irishgirl, without whom neither the Blog nor the Sanity Stock would be quite the same. And that was with Irish being under the weather. Had she been totally well, we might still be in DC celebrating! ๐Ÿ˜€ (I jest, but just a little bit.)

      It was wonderful to meet AKM and all the other mudpuppies who were there, and to feel the presence of all of our absent friends. Thank you again fawnskin and Mr. fawnskin.

      BTW, do you see my yellow boots in great pics above?

      • I See Villages From My House says:

        Forty Watt and the Fawnskin’s, Quyana, thank you so much for hosting the party!

        I was locked out of the forum and unable to track all the developments or offer my assistance since I was going to be in town. But your generosity is so appreciated.

        Good to meet you, Bubbles, Irishgirl and everyone else who came from afar to rally for sanity from under the safe haven of the Mudflats.

  19. terry says:

    We went and had a wonderful time. So many people. We were right near the lady with the smiley face balloon. Thanks for sharing the great photos.
    more news about the rally here:

    Oh, and I can’t wait until tomorrow is over!

  20. Buffalogal says:

    Rally for Sanity video done by the Coffee Party

    Great photos, AKM! The pictures coming in from every group, every attendee, every
    regional party , all have the such a wonderful energy. I get a boost every time I see the
    pics, watch the videos or hear the stories. The rally that keeps on giving!

  21. Alaska Pi says:

    Loving the signs! Loving seeing a lot of energized good natured people!

  22. OMG says:

    Those signs are fabulous…so many clever people!

  23. London Bridges says:

    Here is a possible scenario why unemployment has remained high in the U.S. The big unethical, faceless corporations favor the Republicans. Hence, they have all held off on any hiring until after the election hoping it will bring the Republicans back into power. However, if the Democrats win, the corporations may have to do some hiring anyway as they can’t afford to wait two years.

    The test? Vote Democratic on Tuesday.

  24. historygoddess says:

    So sorry to have missed meeting you and the other mudpuppies at the post-rally. We were pretty locked in where we were and without cell service we couldn’t contact anyone.

    It was an awesome day with wonderful people and a great message. People were even happy crammed into metro stations afterward. Loved it!

  25. AKjah says:

    Fun pics. Now that your home you just might want to hide for the next few days. The mud is getting deep. Not that i think you would for a moment but that’s what i would do.A chiropractor is in order from shaking my head lately. Homer had a nice sanity rally sorry i dont have pics.