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Open Thread – Obey the Turtle!

Whenever Lisa Murkowski did something against the interest of the state and the nation just to toe the party line and appease leadership, my classic explanation to anyone who brought it to my attention was, “Obey the Turtle.”  It usually took some explanation, but eventually they understood.   But flyinureye nailed it, and we never even had the conversation!



12 Responses to “Open Thread – Obey the Turtle!”
  1. Evelyn says:

    I think of former Sen Phil Gramm as the turtle. McConnell is more Humpty-Dumpty, with that big oval head and blank stare. In any case, it appears the current of the middle class will not be enough to overwhelm him. good job – as always

  2. CityKid says:


    “The Drone Wars; Killing by remote control in Pakistan”

    “U.S. to use more drones to hunt for al Qaeda in Yemen”

    “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles In The Service of the Israel Air Force”

    Who loves you; who love humanity?

  3. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Great work FIYE! McConnell always reminded me of something, but you hit the nail on the head with this one! I’ll never look at turtles the same.

  4. Moose Pucky says:

    Kudos to Gustavus!!

    54% McAdams
    27% Miller
    20% Write-ins

  5. Moose Pucky says:

    Not much to add when flyinureye does it so well with graphics. Like that throwing a little dirt in front of flow for the M I D D L E C L A S S analogy.

  6. bubbles says:

    Flyinyoureye has captured McConnell ‘s face and personality. i hope i never run afoul of Fly. we are lucky to have you dear Artist.

  7. ks sunflower says:

    Just popping in to say thank you to FIYE for fantastic artwork. I was afraid my thanks might get lost in the longer thread following this one.

  8. justafarmer says:

    yep, here in Kentucky McConnell is regularly referred to as “The Turtle” or “Turtleman”

  9. LOL – love the image of McConnell. Perfect. Even though I think turtles are pretty cool, I wouldn’t want one in charge of anything that needed to be changed.

    @Zyxomma – it seems that we are giving up our freedoms and protection for individuals, one issue by one issue. We are told that we are safer when we fly and maybe we are. But taking away our ability for class action suits is just one more win for corporations and one more loss for the little guy.

  10. Zyxomma says:

    I, too, refer to him as turtle-head; I love turtles and tortoises, but his looks are undeniably turtlish.

    Here’s an under-the-radar story. The Supreme Court is hearing an AT&T case that could end class action lawsuits:

    “In many ways this is a stealth move in response to the growing pressure for Washington to beef up consumer protections across the board. If successful then corporate America will have effectively dismantled the final bit of offense that individual consumers have to protect themselves against abusive and predatory practices–the threat of large class-action damage awards and attorneys fees as punishment for bad behavior.”

  11. A fan from CA says:

    Many turtles follow the same path year after year. Used to have one that crossed the corner of my backyard at 8 every morning. It was amazing.

    Great work FIYE, you have captured the true McConnell.

  12. Pinwheel says:

    An image to be preserved as Classic. But a bad rap for turtles. Thanx