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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Jell-O

I know Sarah Palin dishes it up all the time, but tonight, this is what my brain feels like. I, and many others survived four hours of public testimony on the 2011 slash & burn Anchorage Municipal Budget, brought to you by Mayor Dan Sullivan.

The final tally was:

Pro-Mayor’s budget – 32

Anti-Mayor’s budget – 52

Crazy – 3

I forgot to wear my “I’ve been Sullied” button… Gotta remember that next time.

But now I’m off to bed to reboot the ol’ grey matter.



161 Responses to “Open Thread – Jell-O”
  1. Califpat says:

    My five daughters,( and another daughter in college at home) seven grandchildrens, and son-in-laws will be here tomorrow to enjoy homemade potato pies, dressing, banana pudding, cheese cakes, various cakes, macaroni and cheese, dressing, turkey, collard greens, and candied yams. I cook most of the food but my older daughters contribute by cooking most of the desserts.Afterward, we will karaoke and dance! I am elated! Will post pictures later! Oh, and we are definitely proud elite liberals, so no political fights at the table.(Of course we disagree on some things but mostly we are pretty much on the same page, politicallly.(They all think Palin is an idiot)! We are thankful for each other and what God has blessed us with! Mudpups across the world, have a wonderful, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a wonderful day…

  3. michigander says:

    I think I might have to add some olives and cheese to the traditional jello salad and call it ‘Wacky Salad Jello’ – my Mom is laughing from above, as is hubby’s Mom and Dad. Seriously, we were raised on the celery, carrot, (pineapple on a good year) thing.

    Not sure how the rest of the family will take it but honestly, no one eats the jello anyway. I think it will be fun.

    There’s always room for Jello – even in the compost (o:

    Peace to those who have passed on and Blessings to all

  4. vyccan says:

    To Everyone:

    Whether you are alone, or with family and friends,

    Have a wonderful day of Thanksgiving!!!
    {P.S. Try not to overeat. 😉 }

    • leenie17 says:

      Lots o’ turkey, stuffing, sweet petayters and punkin’ pie all around….

      A Happy and Thankful Day to everyone!

      -< -< -< -<
      -< -< -< -<

  5. Irishgirl says:

    Night bubbles!

  6. bubbles says:

    oh dear. poor Delay may be Delayed indefinitely. heehee.

  7. bubbles says:

    to everyone here on Mudflats. thanks again for all you kind thoughts and wishes for my special day.
    may you and yours have a wonderful day tomorrow. lots of yummy things to eat and drink. in the immortal words of my dear friend Suzy (Irishgirl will remember Suzy on Halloween):
    From Our House to Yours, May God Bless you and your family with a Happy Thanksgiving, Be thankful for what you have and not question what you don’t have…
    Eat, Drink, be merry then have a good old fashion family brawl…..:)
    dear Suzy, always with the words of wisdom.

  8. flying pig ranch says:

    So Sarah is worried about FLOTUS encouraging kids to eat their veggies…..

    I guess it is just me, but I thought Bristol looked and danced her best the first night of the competition and didn’t really improve after that. Compare her photo in the DWTS season promos with the Gothic Madam Vampire, she was packing something on….perhaps fried pickles.

    The Palins really put their own hate on…..very vindictive and reactive. Is that what all that prayer and direction from god is inspiring them to do? Bristol flipping off the people that don’t want the Palinization of our country. What do the Values Voters think about this kind of behavior?

    No I don’t want Sarah to ever be Commander in Chief. Can you imagine her sending bombers to strike South Korea? I think I read in Game Change that Sarah didn’t know the difference between North and South Korea when they were prepping her for the debate with OH Biden.

    There are some people that should have been eating their veggies and doing their homework, also too.

  9. Moose Pucky says:

    Shredded the bread, added the sage, black pepper, and other seasonings that I like.
    Will soon grind the onions and celery in the old hand grinder and put aside in covered container in refrigerator.

    Tomorrow morning will saute the ground onions and celery in real butter. Fry up and drain the sausage. Knead onions, celery, sausage into seasoned bread crumbs. Add chopped water chestnuts, apples, mushrooms, black olives, nuts.

    Mix it all up and stuff into free-range bird, put in oven, and await the arrival of neighborhood friends.

    Snow has not yet turned to rain, and is piling up.

    Happy day before T-Day all.

  10. OMG says:

    That evil, self serving wench makes me want to scream! ARGH! In her latest ghost written piece of mackerel wrap, Palin again slams Obama using an out of context quote:

    His actual words were:

    “I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. I’m enormously proud of my country and its role and history in the world. If you think about the site of this summit and what it means, I don’t think America should be embarrassed to see evidence of the sacrifices of our troops, the enormous amount of resources that were put into Europe postwar, and our leadership in crafting an Alliance that ultimately led to the unification of Europe. We should take great pride in that.

    “And if you think of our current situation, the United States remains the largest economy in the world. We have unmatched military capability. And I think that we have a core set of values that are enshrined in our Constitution, in our body of law, in our democratic practices, in our belief in free speech and equality, that, though imperfect, are exceptional.

    “Now, the fact that I am very proud of my country and I think that we’ve got a whole lot to offer the world does not lessen my interest in recognizing the value and wonderful qualities of other countries, or recognizing that we’re not always going to be right, or that other people may have good ideas, or that in order for us to work collectively, all parties have to compromise and that includes us.

    And so I see no contradiction between believing that America has a continued extraordinary role in leading the world towards peace and prosperity and recognizing that that leadership is incumbent, depends on, our ability to create partnerships because we create partnerships because we can’t solve these problems alone.”

  11. OMG says:

    Classless Palin continues to go after Michelle Obama.

    Never has someone who seems to want to run for president attacked a first lady. Plus she’s attacked a former first lady, the popular silver fox no less. Please oh please let Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan slam her then let her try her nasty attacks against them too.

    • Dagian says:

      Words fail me.

      I think it’s official, Palin is coming apart at the seams. Maybe all it will take is the ratings to continue to tank on “that show” and she’ll start foaming at the mouth.

      Look away, world; just look away.

      • twain12 says:

        her book is nasty…everything out of her mouth is nasty , and her girls are not far behind.I hope it comes back to bite her.

    • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

      Watching her popularity increase among her base over the last couple years, and noting her influence on the national media (who can’t seem to stop covering her every word) she has become delusionally self-confident. All that adulation from her adoring fans at booksignings and speeches has convinced her that her power is greater than it really is. That’s why, in my opinion, she’s saying these things.

  12. Bev says:

    Excellent letter…hear hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was a divorced mom of a 2 year old with $100 a month in child support…guess how far that went.

    I worked, paid the bills I could and sat a few times in the dark when the electric was shut off and heated my own water when the gas went off on a hot plate.

    How can she say she works hard when she finds time to Dance with the Stars, date and pose for pics?

    If I got 4 hours of sleep at night I was lucky working two jobs and hardly seeing my son.

    Easy to brag being a good mom when you don’t have to be….way to go Bristol, raise another who feels entitled.

    • Buffalogal says:

      Kudos to you, Bev ! There are many here on Mudflats who can tell a similar story.

  13. OMG says:

    If only Bristol would listen.

    • Blooper says:

      Yup, doubt she will ever see this letter. Too bad because I think it speaks to the truth.

    • Dagian says:

      Only if/when she loses custody of her son to Levi. That *might* be enough of a clue-by-four that the rules DO apply to her. Regardless of her surname.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Both Bristol and Willow need to listen,they both think they can get away with murder because of their mother and thug father,who would buy their way out of any trouble.

  14. Blooper says:

    This was posted by KatieAnnieOakley at It is perhaps one of the best written responses to the whole DWTS/Bristol fiasco. I thought you all might agree:


    Bristol, we don’t hate you simply because you’re $arah Palin’s daughter.

    Hate is a very strong emotion, and very draining to the haters soul. It poisons the hater as well as their target. With that said, there are many people that dislike you simply because of the pregnancy thing… and strangely, many of those people who would judge you for that single thing happen to vote hard right Republican – so that’s a paradox unto itself. Getting pregnant was obviously not what you, or anyone, wanted to happen – but it did. And you can never go back…

    You are a Palin. Your mother craves attention and the limelight – and that may never change, and you know it. You will be judged on your own actions, but – if you partake in your mother’s numerous agenda’s, then you will also have the response to it re-directed at you. And clearly, your mother has a big part in directing your life. It’s like a canoe; with all of her cargo on board, your provisions won’t fit, and you will be subject to her direction – it is her canoe, after all. And when you try to reposition items in the canoe, you will have a reaction from your Captain. When there is no way but the Captains way, you need to re-think your position on that canoe… because if you don’t check for a life jacket for yourself AND YOUR SON, if the boat sinks, well – you do too.

    Being a Palin comes with large responsibilities, whether you like it or not. The public expects more of public figures, and that’s a fact. A higher standard of behavior is expected. That is the trade-off for being a daughter of a public person. It is what it is.

    You have let “the public” down: for example, appearing on a magazine cover with Levi to announce your engagement, but knowing when it hit the shelves that you were in fact broken up at the point… joining the cast of a TV show that emphasizes participants are “Stars” – and you know, KNOW – in your heart that you’re not. You are simply the daughter of a public figure… that you appeared because you felt that “you may as well anyway” showed us some chutzpah – but then, the shadow of your mother started to loom heavily over you. Holding your head up high, showing up for practice sessions and rehearsals took gumption on your part.

    But please – when you tried to sell the public that you’re just another “hard-working single mother doing the best she can,” well, that falls flat. It is a cop-out. You KNOW you’re different, simply because you’re the daughter of Sarah Palin. And, you know that you were not One of the Best Dancers… you know it. And I feel that it honestly began to eat at you.

    You are the daughter of a woman with vast resources… fanatical supporters… you are regularly on the covers of the “Hot Sheets”. You may have been raised “simply,” but make no mistake – you are a child of position and privilege. You have never worried about keeping the lights on OR buying Tripp’s formula. You have as much in common with everyday unwed mothers as a butterfly has with oatmeal. You have NOTHING in common with 99.9% of single mothers. Your life as a single mom is incomparable to most. So pulling the self-pity card is condescending to us, the general public. You are not a victim. You have made lemonade from the “lemon” of teen pregnancy, simply because your last name is Palin… and lots of people resent that. You’ve been given a Golden Opportunity – and at times seem ungrateful for it.

    People don’t HATE you, Bristol. They don’t even KNOW YOU. They hate condescending behavior coming from people that have it all, but still continue to cry foul. They hate many of your BEHAVIORS… like the Facebook Flame War with Willow. Like the condescension shown to the teacher in Homer, speaking her mind. Like the dragging of your son’s father into court for child support, over and over… just because you can. The persistent public humiliation of Levi and his family at the hands of your family. Sure – he and his family are easy targets – you could stop it, at the very least coming from your mouth, but you don’t. You’ve piled-on, despite the courts order to NOT disparage each other. You have CHOSEN spiteful and petty instead of dignity and grace. You’ve chosen to kick your son’s father and his family while they’re down… you don’t gain respect by disrespecting others.

    Do you realize that Levi could petition the court for custody of Tripp, based solely on the headlines and your mothers TV show and public statements / book? It is permanently damaging to a child to have his parent trashed. You are traveling a very slippery slope… one that not even influence or money can get you out of.

    But last night, when you said: “Going out there and winning this would mean a lot… It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me…” you lost me. It was so reminiscent of your mother, who’s always the “lamestream media’s victim”. It sounded so Entitled. Arrogant. Self-serving. An obscenely self-indulgent… VICTIM, and it showed us that like your mother, you know how to pull the victim card, and you’re not afraid to use it. You’ve shown us that yes – you are your mother’s daughter… in thought, words AND DEEDS.

    God help you, your son and his father. I’m beginning to think your ship has sailed… and your mother, aka Fletcher Christian has set you adrift on a collision course with destiny, on a canoe named Bounty, without life jackets, paddles – or a clue.

    • Dagian says:

      But last night, when you said: “Going out there and winning this would mean a lot… It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me…”

      Oh, that’s what she said? I didn’t watch the show, so the reference went right over my head. Wow. That takes the biscuit.

      I would have been impressed if she had said something like, “I came here with the least amount of training, but I’ve thrown myself into it and I appreciate everyone who taught me how to dance. I would be honoured if I were to win.”

      But no, to her own self she was true. That’s a shame. She had a chance to demonstrate that she had some manner, or maturity, or graciousness, or class. Instead, she blew it. It’s official, she’s mommy’s girl all right.

      • Blooper says:

        Yep, my jaw dropped when I read that quote. It’s like she’s the new mouthpiece of ‘The Griz’.

      • Millie says:

        I think Bristol will look at this recent fiasco on DWTS and wish she’d never done it. It has put more negative light on her that she will have a difficult time overcoming. I’m not impressed with her and feel for her in the fact she has Sister Sarah as her mother.

        • leenie17 says:

          It would be nice to think that Bristol would actually look critically upon her DWTS experience and learn something from it. However, she has clearly learned from her mother that self-awareness and reflection are weaknesses and should be avoided at all costs. The best course when things don’t go your way is to refuse to accept any responsibility and to blame others loudly, repeatedly and enthusiastically. It is one of her mother’s only ‘skills’ and, sadly, Bristol seems to be following right along in that same path. Most intelligent and sensible people wonder what they did wrong or might have done better when they fail. Palins are NEVER wrong so it always must be someone else’s fault.

          Bristol is now old enough to make her own decisions and has the added responsibility of making decisions that affect her son as well as herself. Unfortunately, it appears that two more generations have been damaged by Sarah’s almighty quest for fame and fortune and the warped values she has passed on to her children.

        • CO almost native says:

          I doubt it. She got oodles of attention, caused a great deal of controversy, and made a lot of money. What more could she want?

    • bubbles says:

      well. no need to add any more to that brilliant piece. outstanding letter Ms.Katie.

      • jojobo1 says:

        Right on Bubbles. i don’t watch Tv at all any more and was wondering what she said to get all this negative attention.Now I know. That letter was so true and I think Bristol thought she was entitled.I hope what she said was what cost her even with all the bots cheating on the voting.

    • GAmom says:

      Simply brilliant! It should make the first page of the ADN, not just the comments section.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Mother and daughter relationships are complicated even in the most loving of families. I can’t imagine the difficulty that the Palin brood of girls will experience as they try to extract themselves from the shallowness of their mother and strike out on their own to make lives for themselves. I almost feel sorry for them. It takes a very courageous and introspective person to be able to separate one’s self from that of the negative aspects of their upbringing.

      I certainly understand Bristol’s desire to defend her mother to the public but who knows what kind of attitudes she has acquired from her mother when out of the public eye. It can’t have been an easy two years for the Palin girls.

      That being said, Mrs. Palin has not been a very good model for her daughters in the fact that she needs, ney, feels compelled to respond to every perceived insult or comment made about her in any way. And to respond to those comments by dwelling on them in book form where she can retaliate in the most public way possible.

      Bristol would do well to learn to have a thicker skin or get out of the public eye altogether. Like the letter said, she is not your typical unmarried single mom. She is the daughter of a woman who seeks out and courts celebrity. She would be wise to remember that.

  15. LibertyLover says:

    You can’t take that Jello to Margaret or Helen’s

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I’m Thankful that there are still reasonable people in the world.

  16. twain12 says:

    Sarah The (Iowa) Farmer
    “Tease-in-Chief Sarah Palin, forever stoking speculation about a presidential run, now is touting her Alaska “farm” experience on the eve of a book-tour visit to first-caucus-state Iowa on Saturday.”

  17. mag the mick says:

    Those stuffed olives look like they’re screaming to get out of that nightmare they’re in.. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  18. Lacy Lady says:

    I remember when my brother was drafted for the Army during the Korean War. He got his walking papers on the Sat. before Easter. It wasn’t a happy Easter that year.
    I was happy that he returned home safe and sound.

    And yes—–I will fix jello for tomorrow, but there will be nothing added. Just plain ole jello. That’s the way the younger grandson likes it, with a lot of whipping cream on top. As for me—-it is a NO.
    I had to eat the stuff after having surgery. Guess they call it a “liquid” diet!!!!
    Just took the homemade bread out of the oven. Smells sooooooo good. Pumpkin pies are next, and I will be on the home stretch.

  19. Bretta says:

    Great picture AKM – I want some!

    Thanks for doing the budget for us. It is intense work. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  20. lilybart says:

    Palin’s day just got worse:

    The Obama administration is setting aside 187,000 square miles in Alaska as a “critical habitat” for polar bears, an action that could add restrictions to future offshore drilling for oil and gas.

  21. Zyxomma says:

    No Jell-O for me (I know what it’s made of), though I did drink it warm as a tonsillitis-stricken child. I’ve spent part of the day zesting citrus and VitaMix blending various concoctions (more to go) for the fabulous Thanksgiving dessert I have planned. I’m not preparing the meal; the bf & I were invited upstate to share the meal of a business associate. He assured bf that there will be plenty for us vegans to enjoy, but I’m bringing the pie because (a) I’ve been invited to too many Thanksgivings where I got that assurance, only to find next to nothing edible, and (b) I know we’ll have one great dessert, no matter what anyone else makes or brings. If it turns out as lovely as it is in my mind’s eye, I’ll post the recipe in the Forum.

  22. OMG says:

    UH OH…Gov. Christie might have just made Sarah’s bus list:

  23. OMG says:

    Oops…should have been M*A*S*H

  24. slipstream says:

    Alaska is geographically close to North and South Korea (no, I can’t see them from my front porch). You would think an Alaskan would remember which side has nuclear missles with adequate range to hit Anchorage.

    During a radio interview with Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin said: “But obviously we gotta stand with our North Korean allies.” “We are bound to treaties,” Palin continued, before Beck corrected her.

    She’s Really Quite Dumb.

    • OMG says:

      For heaven’s sake…didn’t she ever watch Mash?!

    • scout says:

      To snow-for-brains, treaties are made with marshmallows and Rice Krispies. She should take a plate of cookies to North Korea.

      • CO almost native says:

        Bwa ha ha…good one.

      • Bretta says:

        My nephew and I call marshmallows “Snowman Roadkill.” Now I’ll have to tell him that $Palin’s brains are made of Snowman Roadkill.

        They live in Australia – his Dad is a Democrat, like me, or would be if he were a US citizen; when he speaks of her to me he says, “That Woman!” with disgust. I always know exactly who he means.

        He’s gonna love “Snow-for-Brains.”

  25. twain12 says:

    LOL don’t think it was a gaffe , I truly think she is that ignorant. I fear for the planet if she ever makes it to the White House.

  26. OMG says:

    Sarah shows her international expertise:

    • leenie17 says:

      I read that this morning and my immediate reaction was that her Sea of Pee-ers will vigorously defend her by saying that it was a simple slip of the tongue. These are the same people who are STILL claiming that Obama doesn’t know how many states there are when he made his mistake during a seemingly endless campaign that would have landed most of them in the hospital for exhaustion.

      But, of course, anything’s okay if SHE does it.

      And did you notice that she sounded royally peeved when she was corrected?

      “CO-HOST: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea? […]

      PALIN: But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies. We’re bound to by treaty –

      CO-HOST: South Korean.

      PALIN: Eh, Yeah. And we’re also bound by prudence to stand with our South Korean allies, yes.”

    • CO almost native says:

      My favorite comment:

      “We should cut her some slack. It’s not like she can see North Korea from her house, after all.”

    • Lee323 says:

      “A slip of the tongue? Maybe, maybe not. But in John Heilemann & Mark Halperin’s Game Change there was this telling point which suggests otherwise.

      She knew nothing. She had to be taken through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea. She continued to insist that Iraq was behind 9/11; and when her son was being sent off to Iraq, she couldn’t describe who we were fighting.”

      Next thing you know, she’ll be calling Africa a “country.” Wait…….

    • SouthPaw says:

      Report: Kim Jong-il launched military strike to woo Sarah Palin

    • GoI3ig says:

      This was painful to listen to. Laura and Sarah together. The only thing missing was Ann Coulter. If anyone ever runs in to John McCain, tell him thanks a lot for unleashing this idiot on the world. He’s got to be kicking himself daily.

      • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

        A new low for Palin…….

        I couldn’t manage to listen to the whole thing…. After she started lying (again) about Michelle Obama I had to stop listening. Now I’m off to go do something to get my blood pressure down….

    • Dagian says:

      So much for being respectful of your elders. Not saying she can’t disagree with Bush, but she definitely took it to the gutter.

      I guess she simply wanted the home-turf advantage.

      This will simply strengthen her base (lowest-common denominator); it will also inform those with more going on between their ears than her base that this person is not fit to win the office. It may also make them sit up and start questioning and thinking about why–exactly–she QUIT halfway through her term.

      Sarah is going to hang herself with a rope of her own manufacture. Couldn’t happen to a classier human being.


      • Bretta says:


        Wasn’t there a movie about class warfare? “The Two Mrs. Grenvilles.” Anne-Margaret and Claudett Colbert. Great movie.

        The ultimate put-down was “Not Our Class, Dear.”

        At least $arah makes it easy to tell which class she is in.

        If she was ugly the Tea-Baggers wouldn’t want her at their party either. You Betcha they’d be tellin’ everyone how stoopid she is.

    • leenie17 says:

      Love her or hate her, Barbara Bush has a lot more of that ‘gravitas’ that everyone says Palin is lacking. She’s also a lot tougher tha many of the people Palin’s gone up against…and has nothing to lose by speaking her mind. She’s also managed to finagle her husband and her idiot son into the White House.

      Princess Wind Between Her Ears has picked the wrong enemy to battle this time. Babs can wipe the floor with her and never break a sweat.

    • Dagian says:

      Some of the comments are incredibly funny and astute.

  27. Laurie says:

    I just called my senators and asked their offices whether they purchased their own health insurance on the open market or if they partake in the government sponsored, taxpayer funded, plan. They’re going to get back to me.

    If you have a minute or two (while the pie is in the oven) please consider calling your senator.

  28. tallimat says:

    As a child I remember viewing that jello mold ad.
    WTH! Olives, cheese squares and celery.
    I believe my mom banned jello from the house because of that mold.

  29. scout says:

    In Harrisonville, thousands line street to keep Phelps clan away from soldier’s funeral

    “A silver lining in a dark cloud.”

    I’m thankful, thousands in Harrisonville, well done.

  30. IsyFleur says:

    Back to DWS:
    I cannot help but ponder… if only Sarah Palin had let her husband go on the show, which apparently was the original DWS idea… They could have found a Christian yet sassy professional dancer to teach him, shown clips of Todd virilely riding his snow machine through the finish line, vigorously building fences, and heroically blasting at ferocious wolves. Todd would have had the time of his life, surrounded by swooning fans longing for his 2nd Amendmentish looks, while Sarah could have gone about her God given labor of rescuing from the evil forces of colored socialism her otherwise perfect yet threatened by-heart America.
    … I beg your pardon?… ahhh… Right….

    • Dagian says:

      “They could have found a Christian yet sassy professional dancer to teach him”

      He would have run off with her and…

      Sorry. Was just thinking that would have derailed Palin for an indefinite period.

    • bubbles says:

      not to worry. we shall no doubt have pleasure of watching other Palins flop around the TV circuit. there is going to be a Skating With The Stars next season. can’t wait.

      • Dagian says:

        Maybe if they fall down and hit their heads enough, it will make room for good sense, right? Right? *sighs*

  31. Baker's Dozen says:

    Aurora borealis movie. It’s over Norway, but what the hey!

    • ks sunflower says:

      That time-lapse clip was awesome! Thank you.

    • Beautiful! I needed that peaceful moment.

    • bubbles says:


    • jojobo1 says:

      I had a video like that only it was from Alaska.I also had one about Talkeetna,Wasilla and Anchorage and the sleeping lady was on there also was well as the many mountans.I gave them to my dad after watching and have no idea what he had done with them.My sister had given them to me so I could get to know a little more about Alaska.She used to pan for gold at one time.

  32. TX SMR says:

    My husband calls my family’s annual TG jello salad “carpet pad jello.” I have never been able to eat that stuff, but there are some who do, so someone (besides me) is tasked with making it every year. Yuk.

    On an open thread note, here’s a great one about the icky former gov person/feminism/etc:

    snippet: because it’s not (omigod) an argument about how to get women to be interested in anything. It’s an argument about how to make idiot males want to rub themselves. Which they’d do anyway, but gosh if you can make them feel Rigtheous at the same time… why, maybe you could even quit your job and still get paid!

  33. London Bridges says:

    Today’s Democracy Now had a Canadian doctor speaking about his theories about ADHD. The implications of which are much broader and really provides valuable insight to anyone who is a parent or a child, i.e anyone/everyone who is not a Palin.

    While I am being jocular, it is an excellent discussion.

  34. Sitkajo says:

    Ahh! Bristol has been eliminated from Dancing with Stars. The last time I felt this releived was when my dentist finished drilling out the root canel. I never watch that show but the headlines on yahoo were unavoidable. Its been an especially creepy year for Palin headlines. Let us be thankful for a respite just in time for the holiday season.

  35. merrycricket says:

    That is the UGLIEST jello salad I have ever laid eyes on. Getting ready to do this big whirlwind thing. Today is truck day so it’s our last shipment of stuff to get out on the floor for Black Friday. I work til closing tonight. Up tomorrow at 5am to drive to my Dad’s house to cook Thanksgiving dinner. We will try to get through this day together. It has always been my honor to cook this meal with my Dad and now that he is gone, it will be bittersweet.

    Black Friday I will be working at 4am. Then I think I’ll need a nap after that.

    • London Bridges says:

      Don’t forget they only had 6 flavors to choose from! I lived near a Jello factory. You could smell the Jello as you drove near it. Must have been generic Jello fragrance.

      • slipstream says:

        Jello factory? I thought Jello was harvested from the fields by happy, laughing peasants carrying huge baskets on their shoulders


      • InJuneau says:

        Somehow that sounds better than living downwind of the Kraft Velvetta plant or the Purina plant that makes monkey chow.

    • leenie17 says:

      I have always had a problem eating things that looked back at me. That jello mold looks like it’s got eyeballs all over it. Ugh! I’m not a fan of olives anyway, but that combination just looks foul!

      Merrycricket…hugs and wishes for a Thanksgiving full of happy memories…and lots of pumpkin pie.

    • CO almost native says:

      Looks like something from the Awful Recipes thread on Mudflats Forum. It’s been quite awhile since Bonefish and I started it (both of our dearly departed moms were wretched cooks)- AKM’s jello might have won a prize…

      • leenie17 says:

        Oooohhh…I need to check out that forum thread.

        I grew up eating Campbell’s Tomato Soup on fat, overcooked spaghetti…yum. You have no idea how grateful my sisters and I were for the invention of Ragu Tomato Sauce!

    • bubbles says:


    • Bretta says:

      Happy Thanksgiving and good memories, merrycricket! I lost my Dad in February – now my Mom lives with me, so I expect this will be a bit tough for her. At least my daughters are here with me.

    • benlomond2 says:

      we’re in the same boat here, the first Holiday season is the toughest…we mourn the loss of having them in our lives, remember the good times, and know they are still with us in our hearts, accepting that they will be there to greet us when we too, pass on to where they have gone …

  36. OMG says:

    I was thinking back to Palin’s snarky reply about Katie Couric while watching Elliot Spitzer last night. Mr. Spitzer was a laughing stock of the country, hated by many or at least the object of disgust by a majority in the country. He made great late-night fodder for comedy shows for more than a year. So did he do a Palin and hide behind only the friendliest media? Of course not.

    Even John McCain took his lumps on Letterman after his failed stunt during the 2008 campaign. Ridiculed in countless jokes, McCain went back on the show and showed courage and dignity (granted I can’t stand the guy but you’ve got to give credit where credit is due). In fact, just about every celebrity or politican I can think of has not shied away from the media. Anyone with courage, knowledge and intelligence goes into the lion’s den to try to prove themselves and the best usually win. Recently even Whoppie Goldberg had the courage to go on O’Reilly after the infamous ‘walk off’ on The View, and it must be noted that O’Reilly is a nasty interviewer.

    Just goes to show that Palin not only lacks the intellect, she also lacks the courage and anything even close to leadership qualities necessary for the job she aspires to.

    • silverball says:

      couldn’t agree more…she doesn’t have the b@lls she claims to have….wouldn’t you love to see her on a rachel maddow special…a whole hour….if she thought katie was bad….especially that incredibly gotcha and tough question about what does she read….wow that katie is one to stay away from…

      • Bretta says:

        Plus Rachel Maddow is so much more beautiful than $arah PayMe. I could look at and listen to Rachel all day.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Good points, OMG, very good points.

    • Gramiam says:

      I believe Helen (of Margaret and Helen fame) calls O’Rielly an a$$hat!

    • marlys says:

      Just like her boy Joe, $P is “all bag, no sack!”

  37. Juneaudream says:

    Lets bots, folks..headline news made..righthere. Sarah for Prez. and Bristol for …vice-prez…….(ahhhhmommagrizley and the cub..dancin’ all over the nations historic buildings..and bidness)..No?………………………..

  38. Lynnrockets says:

    Now that it is finally over, let’s have a little dittie about Bristol Palin and DWTS:

    Dancing Queen song link:


    (sung to the ABBA song “Dancing Queen”)

    She can dance, she’ll connive, someday she’ll be Levi’s wife
    Scheming girl, pregnant teen, she is the dancing queen

    Not too bright and her sights set low
    Stepping out just to earn some dough
    Where they play right-wing music, sporting her new bling
    Let’s pray that she don’t sing

    Baby Tripp is right by her side
    Sarah Palin mulls suicide
    First Dude, he’s sure to lose it. Here comes Palin decline
    There’ll be no second chance
    Let’s all watch Bristol dance…

    Bristol’s the dancing queen, two left feet, unwed pregnant teen
    Dancing queen, seeking green from the cash machine
    (Oh yeah)
    She’ll enhance her sex drive, and prove that she is pro-life
    Bristol girl, on TV, she is the dancing queen

    She’s a teaser, she leads boys on
    Never makes them put condoms on
    She’s the unwed teen mother soon to make Baby Two
    She loves to take a chance
    Let’s all watch Bristol dance…

    Bristol’s the dancing queen, two left feet, unwed pregnant teen
    Dancing queen, indiscrete on the TV screen
    (Oh yeah)
    What’s the chance she’ll survive? Will she make it to Round 5?
    Bristol girl, on TV, she is the dancing queen
    Bristol’s the dancing queen

    • Ripley in CT says:

      *clap clap clap*

    • Gramiam says:

      Outstanding, Lynnrockets!

    • Dagian says:

      Fantastic. All we need now is some four-part harmony, a video camera and youtube…

    • CO almost native says:

      Bravo! Bravo! Outstanding lyrics, as usual…and sooo appropriate, too. also.

    • Dagian says:

      In keeping with today’s visual:

      Watch it wiggle
      see it jiggle.
      Cool and smoothy,
      Jello brand gelatin.
      Of all desserts you’ll love the one that tastes so lights and makes such fun.
      Make Jello gelatin and make some fun.

      If ONLY it were that much fun to watch!

    • SouthPaw says:

      Your the best Lynnrockets! I love ABBA also too.

  39. So wish I could have been there AKM – car down and out temporarily and just couldn’t make it. Looking forward to future developments – and sorry I wasn’t there to add my 2 + 2 + 10 cents.

  40. fishingmamma says:

    I had that salad on my menu. What am I going to serve now — Word Salad?

    • MonaLisa (inCT) says:

      Oooo! Throw in some cooked alphabet noodles!!!

    • Dagian says:

      Speaking jell-o:

      The Associated Press
      Wednesday, November 24, 2010; 7:33 AM

      WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says he respects Sarah Palin’s political skills but hasn’t thought about the possibility of facing her in the 2012 presidential election.

      Obama acknowledges that Palin “has a strong base of support in the Republican Party,” but says he spends most of his time focused on being “the best possible president.”

      In an interview taped Wednesday with ABC’s Barbara Walters, the president says that if he does a good job “the politics will take care of itself.”

      Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, told Walters last week that she’s considering a presidential run. When asked if she thought she could defeat Obama, the former Alaska governor replied, “I believe so.”

      • GoI3ig says:

        Palin? 2012? Maybe those Mayans were on to something?

      • Enjay in E MT says:

        I giggled when I read this part:

        “I don’t think about Sarah Palin,” Obama told ABC’s Barbara Walters in an interview, part of which was released Wednesday. ”

        Palin Explosion in 5….4…..3…..2…

        more @

        • Dagian says:

          It’s almost like he has a job…one that entails huge responsibilities and can affect billions of people around the globe.

          Sarah Palin just doesn’t think.

          • fishingmamma says:

            Now she is going to come out and say that Bristol lost on DWTS because Obama and his ‘community organizers’ and the Jim Ayers followers and ACORN all worked together to get Jennifer Grey the trophy as a message to Sarah not to run in 2012.

        • leenie17 says:

          That is absolutely the BEST thing he could say about her….completely dismiss her!

          And also the one thing that is guaranteed to make her the MOST angry.

          • Dagian says:

            No, no. To wind her up still further, he has to SMILE when she starts spitting and foaming with fury.

            Trust me–that works wonders when you want someone to just hurry up and lose their temper (and their mind) already.

        • AK Raven says:

          Interesting that Palin says she will “offer up her name for public service” Of course she will never say that President Obama is performing a for public service.

        • Bretta says:

          “I don’t think about Sarah Palin.” $he’s just so much fly-buzz. Remember his ninja-skill at catch and destroy that insect during the interview?

          She’s already fly-gut pancake. Looks like the front end of an Alaska car in summer – bug-juice splatter.

  41. GoI3ig says:

    Thanks for taking the pain for the rest of us.

    • GoI3ig says:

      By the way. Princess Bristol had to settle for the bronze. I’m guessing that the finals are scored by the judges, and not the Palinistas.

      • fishingmamma says:

        Stay tuned. By Friday she will be telling everyone she “Lost because of the Haters”.

        • twain12 says:

          with a big middle finger LOL

          • Yeah, that just shows the lack of class that girl has. If that was her only motivation for winning, well, . . . pathetic. So was her dancing. I actually checked on line to see who won before the show started here on the west coast. If it had been Bristol, I wasn’t going to watch at all. As it is, I’m not watching the next season. ABC seems to think all this uproar is just what they want – good for ratings. There really is a point where even big corporations should be careful about selling their soul for the almighty dollar. They may gain the loony viewers but are likely to lose most of the people who have watched year after year.

            And it would have been nice if Bristol could have figured out that people weren’t voting for her or didn’t want her to win because she wasn’t as good as Kyle and Jennifer. What a twit – just like her mother. And with quite a foul mouth. I must say, if one of my girls had posted the kind of stuff on facebook that Willow and Bristol posted, I would’ve been all over them like ugly on a spider. Wonder where they learned that charming language.

          • lilybart says:

            Remember the Palins’ favorite saying?

            May we be happy and our enemies know it.

          • leenie17 says:

            I have no doubt that the ratings were up specifically because all of the Palinbots were watching to see their lumbering Princess. Although Jennifer Grey winning in the end may diminish some of the bad publicity, the show has lost a tremendous amount of credibility. I realize it’s just a silly little reality show on television, but I am sure many people were turned off by the obvious cheating that took place.

            Next season, when Bristol is no longer a contestant, there will be no reason for all of those ‘bots to continue watching. Meanwhile, I suspect that this season’s voting debacle will cause the regular viewers to abandon the show in droves. ABC and DWTS will ultimately pay for their crass publicity/rating stunt.

            And, as usual, yet another Palin is laughing all the way to the bank.

          • AK Raven says:

            OH I loved that classy comment Bristol made. Winning would be like giving a big middle finger to the people who hate her mother. We don’t hate her mother- we hate what she stands for and how she will destroy our country. I can imagine that her comment stirred “the haters” to vote for the more talented dancer. Most of “the haters” probably couldn’t care less who won a dancing contest…. until she made the comment that made it political. She could have said something like “gee I will do my best and I hope the best dancer wins- I am here to have fun after all” but that’s not how the palin’s low class family thinks.

          • nswfm says:

            but she’s so SHY!

          • 264 Crayons says:

            I was shocked they actually aired that comment! She definitely takes after her momma.

          • Jen in SF says:

            Before her “finger” comment, I actually felt sorry for her a bit. I assumed Bristol would be unsure if she was kept on the show for her own merits or for her mother’s looming shadow. But, it looks like she didn’t care how she won. Eek.

        • CO almost native says:

          She already inferred that last night 😉

        • gens says:

          Stay tuned. By Friday she will be telling everyone she “Really Won, but Obama somehow [sneaky-meanie] mandated the judges to rule otherwise”

      • laingirl says:

        I think a lot more people, who normally do not vote, this time got on the phone and computer and voted for Jennifer and/or Kyle. Heard that the phone lines for all of them were jammed.

      • Kallie in Texas says:

        She didn’t even deserve that!

      • Hope says:

        I give her credit for driving out there, finishing and then showing up on the “View.” I don’t know her character but think this takes something. I thought she did well, even though…

      • Motorhead says:

        Hey, a Bronze! Just like Joe Miller kept telling us all that he had…