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Open Thread – 12 Days of Palin (Day 2)

The Mudflats Choir is out in the frosty Square, ready to start us off on day 2 of 12.

The conductor taps his baton on the music stand, and the singers commence.

On the Second Day of Christmas My Ex-Gov Gave to Me:

Two Crappy Books

And a Dead Fish on My TeeVee



158 Responses to “Open Thread – 12 Days of Palin (Day 2)”
  1. OMG says:

    Poll finds that women are likely to support Obama in 2012, overwhelmingly if he runs against Palin:

  2. OMG says:

    Oops…the judge who ruled that the Affordable Health Care bill was unconstitutional because it required people to buy health insurance needs a little history lesson. He scoffed that the mandate would be like the founding fathers requiring all citizens to buy guns, which was a ridiculous notion in his mind. Poor man…if he had only opened a history book to learn that the founding fathers (namely George Washington) DID require all citizens to buy guns.

  3. OMG says:

    11% of Washington elites think that Palin is qualified to be President:

    That means that 89% of them have been silent while she rose to stardom.

  4. Pinwheel says:

    I have jumped directly to comments. These mudpups are tough. It is extremely, extremely, very, very cold out tonite. Carolling is an endurance sport. Many satisfactions, but man, it’s cold!!!

    Thanx all. And to all a good night.

  5. Me Guest! says:

    Just checked Amazon. ABHate is #47 and sinking!

  6. Lacy Lady says:

    G -kATZ—–I agree—–she was truly out of her element. At one point—she just stood in the room/tent, and looked dumbstruck.

  7. Moose Pucky says:

    Looking forward to Days 3-12. Laughing much already. Such a charming annual tradition from the Flats!

  8. G Katz says:

    Here’s an 8-minute clip of Greta/Palin/Graham in Haiti. Funny, it starts off with Great saying, “You will not see this anywhere else. You are going to Haiti with Governor Sarah Palin and Reverend Franklin Graham.”

    It’s wasn’t as painful as I thought it might be. I believe $P was really feeing out of her element and couldn’t find her screeching voice.

    • G Katz says:

      “Greta” saying, NOT “Great.”

      • Hope says:

        Can’t watch. Saw the comments on Fox Nation, that was enough.

        • Pinwheel says:

          More and more people need to know her Antoinette stuff, “let them eat cookies”. Lots and lots of people need to know how she left half of the territory that is the responsibility of the State of Alaska not only cold but hungery as well.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Yes. Help needed. Bring toys.

      Did they donate the SUV?

      • beth says:

        It always irks me that this time of year, any gifts taken to kids who would otherwise go without, are opened at a time convenient to the donor/bearer…ie: immediately!

        I see it time and time again – the ‘haves’ schedule a party for all the ‘have nots’; ‘haves’ swoop in and distribute presents to the ‘have nots’; ‘have nots’ open the gifts and ‘haves’, with their oh-so-generous hearts, get to see “the joyful” faces of the ‘have nots’ who’re the recipients of the incredible largesse and kindness. [/snark]

        Meanwhile, Santa is scheduled to arrive on the 25th. That’s when he brings gifts to children. On the 25th. That’s when kids expect Santa to leave a gift for them, too. It’s Chistmas, after all — that’s when Santa comes! But, no…the ‘haves’ have already doled out the kid’s gift — and doled it out at a time convenient to them. Nothing from Santa for the kid on the 25th – they were already “joyful”, remember?

        $arah and Franklin delivered shoe box gifts to the kids and got to photo-op while the kids opened them up. Whooptie-feckin’-do! How much kinder it would have been to give all those boxes to the staff so the kids would have “something from Santa” on the 25th! Would it have hurt $ and F to share a song or play a game or do something with the kids *other* than hand out and watch them open [donated] gifts? Just 2-weeks before Christmas? Sheesh!

        My heart aches for little kids (and bigger ones, too) who’ll get nothing from Santa on the 25th…all because the $arahs and Franklins of the world wanted to witness (at their convenience!) appreciation of the gifts they so ‘magnanimously’ gave….days, even weeks, before Christmas. Seriously, how unthinking and cruel can ‘adults’ be? beth.

        • G Katz says:

          I have to agree with you there. A similar thought flitted through my mind, but I didn’t go back to it. You stated it so well.

  9. OMG says:

    I had seen this before but it bears another look as the tea party PaliBecksters try to claim that God opens doors for them:

    • Pinwheel says:

      It would be good to get this one out there, further afield than our choir. Thanx OMG

  10. Shadow's Heart says:

    Ok mudpups if we could put aside the Siren of Sedition for just a moment, I need some of those good mudpuppy vibes. I have a job interview tomorrow (and they aren’t easy to come by) it’s only for a part-time position but it’s for what I went to school for (clerical) so I’ll at least get some experience in that department, wish me luck cause I’m gonna need it, there’s a lot of competition out there. Cross your fingers, toes, legs eyes (just not when your doing something that can get you hurt) and anything else you can think of. Thanks.

    • jimzmum says:

      The best of luck! Shoo, I will even cross a street!

    • Dagian says:

      Go Shadow!

      You’ve researched the company, you’ve picked out your interview clothes, you have questions to ask of them, you already know what your “weaknesses” are (Accuracy and clarity are so important to me), and you have tic-tacs stashed in your pocket too. Just in case.

    • bubbles says:


    • ks sunflower says:

      Good luck! May your needs be met.

    • OMG says:

      All crossed!

    • merrycricket says:

      Everything all crossed! Good luck!

    • G Katz says:

      Best of luck! Go with confidence!

    • TX SMR says:

      Good luck to you! I’ve been working on this sort of thing this week for a school project.

      You’ve researched the company and can ask some insightful questions of your own, right?
      You’ve practiced answering the questions they can be expected to ask, right?
      Do you have a shiny new resume?
      Examples of past experience that exhibit leadership/pro-active/etc qualities?

      I haven’t had to bust out w/a resume or do an interview for almost 20 years. I cannot believe it.

      A suggestion for you that was not part of my coursework, but I think it would be helpful if it were me — find a positive affirmation that works for you, centers you, calms you, and repeat it often. Out loud at home and in the car, in your head when you’re waiting for your interview…

      Sending positive vibes & best wishes!

    • TX SMR says:

      Along the lines of positive affirmation:

      These are so lovely. I’ve bought them for countless friends. I kept the box in my office and handed them out to friends going through difficult times, there always seemed to be a card perfect for their situation. I have one on my refrigerator, here’s what it says:

      “I breathe in the fullness and richness of life. I observe with joy as life abundantly supports me and supplies me with more good than I can imagine.”

      the other side says “I am safe in the Universe, and All life loves and supports me.”

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      {{{{{Shadow’s Heart}}}}}
      Wings crossed.

      • Shadow's Heart says:

        Thanks mudpups for all the support and encouragement. With all you pups behind me how can I miss. I’m taking you all with me in spirit, but I’ll keep that part to myself. Thanks again.

      • vyccan says:

        Shadow’s Heart – adding vibes of success, (and a little prayer)! Be confident, relaxed (hide the nerves), and warm.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Best of luck tomorrow!! We’re on your team.

      • prisonernumbersix says:

        Good luck, Shadow. Your qualities show in your posts. Interviewing is a two way street, even these times. Quiet confidence and genuine interest is rarely missed. I predict that you will do very well.

    • seattlefan says:

      Good luck Shadow’s Heart and may the force be with you tomorrow! Hugs and crossed everything! 🙂

    • jojobo1 says:

      Every thing is crossed for you along with prayers that you get this job Good luck Shadow’s Heart

  11. Auni Uskoski says:

    I loved the discussion about religion–I am a Christian, but have trouble with church–if you know what I mean. I went to a small country church in our previous town for some time. Lots of singing, very joyful. I donated heavily, but cleared out right after church was over–didn’t get to know anyone. I didn’t hear anything from the preacher that sounded political, but I was afraid that I would have to quit if I found out that they were the conservative types that give religion a bad name-you know what I mean.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I know exactly what you mean. I grew up searching for that joyful worship. Found it on my own – just celebrate every day with my family or those I meet. Smiles, kind words – all exchanged with simple appreciation for and of each other.

  12. Hope says:

    Posted this one earlier. Oh my.

  13. Paula says:

    I guessed it right! I guesses it right. Twwoooo crapppyyyy booooooks.

  14. Big Red says:

    In 2008, McCain and Palin had Joe the Plumber help weave a false narrative. In Alaska’s 2010 election, Palin has Joe the Lawyer spinning the false narrative. I’m thinking Joe the Plumber was a better plumber that Joe the Lawyer is a lawyer.

  15. Xenon says:

    I think two days of Palin are quite sufficient.

  16. OMG says:

    Things to come? Is Palin the new role model for aspiring presidential hopefuls? Forget the grounding in business or law…forget actual knowledge about history, geography, international affairs and civics. It’s all about the image…right? If she can do it then welcome President…Snooki?

    The Founding Fathers (of whom the Palinistas speak) would be so proud.

  17. SouthPaw says:

    a good one from lynnrockets today:)!

  18. g says:

    Oh, barf:

    From the Time magazine link above: she said her impressions of the poorest country in the western hemisphere were “much harsher” than she had expected.


    • Dagian says:

      Well, you know, if the images don’t come from a made-for-tv movie or Fox “news”, you know Sarah couldn’t possibly have half a clue about Haiti.

      I guess she missed the reference made to it in the movie “Ruthless People”. Admittedly it was a one-liner, but it was funny. In a macabre sort of way.

      In fact, who here is willing to bet that she’s seen, or ever heard of Amistad? Whether through the artistic-liberties taken film, or actual history?

    • benlomond2 says:

      pictures and TV cameras don’t really SHOW the dirt on people and things; all third world countries have substandard facilities and hygene, somthing that Americans just take for granted with thier indoor plumbing and hand sanitizers… and you can be sure Sarah and tribe did NOT expose themselves for very long in amongst the masses. Just the jungle smell alone probably set them aback, with rubbish smoke in the air added to it …She should try serving hot dogs a la Govenor’s Picnic to the Haitians for a week or so….

  19. G Katz says:

    Gotta wonder if she approved this photo of herself:

    • beth says:

      The photo looks like an oil portrait done from a photograph (definitely not from a live, in-studio sitting) by a somewhat talented amatuer who isn’t quite ready yet for prime time.

      There’s something decidedly ‘flat’ about the photograph – it captures no animation…not even the briefest glimpse of heart or compassion normally present in a human. There’s no hint, whatsoever, of an inner soul that cares naught but for itself. Maybe in that respect, it perfectly captures $Ps true essence. beth.

    • I can’t imagine, with all the time we’ve seen her primping with her hair, that she thinks that is a good photograph. She may be trying to look more presidential, but I think the description by one woman that she looks like an android is about right. The other, who thought the photo was a success said she looked like a woman of her age. Ouch- probably not what Sarah wanted either.

      I notice the hair is completely different. Some women can wear their hair long into their 50s or 60s. Sarah doesn’t have the face for it. It just makes her look like she’s trying to hold onto her fading youth. Time for a new hairstyle, one that is shorter and more flattering. Plus, if she really wants to give people the impression that she means business, a style that is less fussy would help – at least until she opens her mouth.

      • Baker's Dozen says:

        Matronly. Looks like she has smoker’s wrinkles around her mouth. Her skin is losing its luster and, as she isn’t actually a person with interests that animate her, it’s not being replaced with any sense of depth. Her neck looks strained; she has the deer in the headlights look we saw when asked what she read and her hair looks like a wig that isn’t quite pulled on correctly.

        One thing this attempt at a serious picture makes achingly clear is that there is no “there” there. Just empty space. There’s nothing behind the eyes.

    • Dagian says:

      She’s looking more and more like Eleanor Bron (1967 “Bedazzled”, 1995 “A Little Princess”, Patsy’s mother in “Absolutely Fabulous”, etc.).

      Admittedly, Eleanor Bron is a great deal more talented, smarter, classier AND attractive–but it’s interesting to see how see looks so much more severe.

    • ks sunflower says:

      The glint off her glasses makes it seem that she is wearing blue eye shadow – ever the class act.

      Someone should have told her to hold her forearms up for a bit before the photo was snapped because the blood in the veins makes her hands look like the middle-aged woman she is – perhaps even a bit older. I think her neck is strained looking because she is trying to pull her head up and chin out to erase the minor gobble-neck she is developing which you can see in some snapshot photos when she is out and about – nothing wrong with gobble-neck unless you are afraid of growing older. I’ve read articles where they say to hold your jaw as she is doing to also help reduce that neck wattle. What happened here though is that she looks like she is suppressing one big angry curse.

      I wish someone would tell her to lose those flag pins and flag bracelets. I don’t care if they are made with diamonds and rubies – they look cheap and always signal to me that the person is a faux-patriot trying. Sort of like the stores owned by new immigrants or the newly naturalized citizens who put up big American flags in their windows to offset the prejudices of some of their customers. I wish she would just stop trying too hard to convince everyone she cares about the country when her behavior and public statements do nothing but divide it. (end of rant).

      • ks sunflower says:

        oops —– ” . . . a faux patriot or someone trying to convince others who question their patriotism.” This is what happens when you try to edit on the fly. Sorry to have left out so much.

      • bubbles says:

        I wish someone would tell her to lose those flag pins and flag bracelets. I don’t care if they are made with diamonds and rubies – they look cheap:

        WHAT! CHEAP?!! dang Sunflower. i was gonna have my new bridge accessorized with a diamond, sapphire and ruby flag designed grill made by El Idiot de Loisiada.

    • G Katz says:

      One of the HuffPo comments mentioned “Stepford.” That works for me. I think it’s a pretty awful photo. One thing she does seem to have going for her is her looks, and that photo is not at all flattering in the face.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      Whatzername looks more reptilian predator than presidential if you ask me…creature from a “B” horror movie or a nightmare…

  20. OMG says:

    Is ABC selling its journalistic soul or are they prepared to do a real interview with Palin?

    • Dagian says:

      Place your bets, folks.

      Maybe this can be another fundraiser to keep this site up and going?

      I’m still good for the donation, Jeanne, upon completion of the current “book”.

    • Dagian says:

      Well, if they’re NOT going to sell their souls (or maybe it’s a rent-to-own option they prefer), I think they should follow up on this:

      October 3, 2008
      Gov. Palin Releases Tax Returns, Reveals Charitable Giving

      By Eric Kelderman

      Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, has released her 2006 and 2007 tax returns, which include the totals of her charitable giving.

      In 2007, the governor and her husband, Todd Palin, donated $2,500 to charity in cash donations and $825 in non-cash gifts, for a total of $3,325. This is 2 percent of their adjusted gross income.

      The year before, the couple donated $4,250 to charity in cash and $630 in non-cash donations, for a total of $4,880 — or 3.8 percent of their adjusted gross income.

      Gov. Palin is the final major party candidate for President or Vice President to release her tax return for public consumption.

      She follows her running mate, Sen. John McCain, Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama, and Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden.

      In addition to getting her in the cross hairs regarding whether or not her husband and children were EVER without health insurance (via Todd’s Native Alaskan roots), etc.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Don’t most fundamentalist churches ask for 10 percent from their congregants? Oh, wait – that’s right, I forgot, no one has seen her go to church since the 2008 campaign (or just prior). Hmmm.

  21. Dagian says:

    You know, you could tweak the header *just* a little bit and it would still be apt.

    “Twelve Days of Pain”.

    A big shout-out to Bubbles–

    Not only did I proudly wear my Hufflepuff scarf to the HP movie, I wore it the past several days. 30-40 mph winds, temps in the 30’s (highs), rugging up the horses and feeling guilty for the ones who don’t have any (destroyed them late last year and I failed to purchase more), lugging out many buckets of hot water to swirl in the 100 gallon troughs… It was an essential and invaluable layer.

    • bubbles says:

      most excellent Dagian. i have been wearing my scarf also and i love it. i sent one to my daughter and she wears hers with mudpuppy pride over there in Ohio. glad you like it.

  22. AK Raven says:

    She is disgusting. Why we would want to hear about $arah in the 12 days before Christmas is beyond me. I won’t be tuning in.

  23. Susabelle says:

    Many wars causing deaths and hardship have been waged in the name of Religion. I am afraid, very afraid of where our beautiful country is going.
    I get comfort reading all your posts……….
    Palin and her followers with their guns make me cringe.

    • OMG says:

      I think that’s why so many of us are focused on her…the damage that she and her followers can (will?) cause is staggering.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      That’s OK. Lots of folks who are not her followers have guns, also too. Palin knows this, believe you me!

      I only say this not as a threat or anything of the sort. It is a fact.

  24. OMG says:

    Sullivan posts a little Limbaugh hypocrisy:

    • Hope says:


      Take a link at that link below. Comes from Conan’s show, Barbara asks Palin why she scares people. My laught of the day was played twice!

  25. OMG says:

    I hope this link works. It’s from Politico’s Playback and the Palin clip is great.

  26. G Katz says:

    Will she or won’t she? Maybe only her hairdresser knows, but her “quitting” may be her eventual achilles heel when it comes down to it:


    But perhaps the most salient line of attack that her potential GOP rivals might use against her is criticism of her decision to resign with a year and a half left in her first term as governor.

    Despite their almost universal praise for Palin’s ability to energize the party, there have already been several instances in which Republican White House hopefuls have drawn attention to her early resignation.

    After Palin stepped down in July of 2009, Pawlenty in an interview with Fox News carefully made sure to emphasize that Palin would “continue to be a strong voice and a leader for the Republican Party” but then drew a sports analogy in which he suggested that it was time for the Republican Party to “get some new draft picks.”

    Huckabee had an even starker immediate reaction to Palin’s surprising move, telling Fox News at the time, “Even if she did get out primarily because of a feeling of being chased, that’s not going to stop if she continues in politics.”


    • ks sunflower says:

      I read an opinion piece on HuffPo this morning that suggested Huckabee is a front runner for the GOP nomination, right behind Mitt Romney and that either would crush Palin. Pointed out the similarities and differences between Palin. Honestly, all three potential front runners for the GOP disturb me. I wouldn’t want any of them as President.

      • G Katz says:

        I agree with you, especially about Huckabee. Whenever I’ve tried to watch his show it doesn’t take long before I get disgusted and turn it off.

      • OtterQueen says:

        The first time I really noticed Huckabee was when he said it’s easier to change the Constitution than the ten commandments. Scary.

    • London Bridges says:

      Pawlenty of his own problems:

      • ks sunflower says:

        Wow – that was the most thorough explanation about the controversy I’ve read! Wow – truly insane to grant a pardon to that guy so his wife could open a childcare facility in his home! Disgusting. Pawlenty should regret that big time.

    • OMG says:

      Thanks for the link.

  27. Lacy Lady says:

    OMG——see Greta Vansusteran is with her in Haiti

    • ks sunflower says:

      Maybe Greta is hoping to become the Press Secretary in a Palin administration (yuck – that made me ill just to type). Greta is just another opportunistic or has a very serious girl crush on Palin.

  28. Ali girl says:

    It’s amazing how many people haven’t heard of Haiti’s needs? Because Fox News didn’t think they were worthy of the coverage when the earthquake struck. So now the Fox watchers are finding out how devastating the damage was. They don’t even know all the work and help that has been sent over there. Now comes Sarah??? The queen of phonies and now she expect everybody to assist her. She is tooo late. This was just a photo-op.

    • If she really cared, she would have gone months ago, pulled her hair back in a pony tail, rolled up her sleeves and offered to do some actual work. Photo op, indeed. I wonder if she realizes that, to most of us, the fact that she took time to have her bumpit fixed only shows how shallow and self-absorbed she is.

      • Dagian says:

        More importantly, she would have stuck around and done the work for more than…a week? She’s no marathon runner, she’s not even a sprinter!

        The woman lacks the ability to see a job through until completion. Evidence for that comes in the form of Track and Bristol. We’ll have to wait and see about the rest.

  29. TX SMR says:

    Here is a wonderful post about Christianity:

    It gives me a more hopeful feeling about our country’s direction. I’ve been away from the church for a long time now after being hit over the head with the “christian” mind-think that reared its ugly head when Bush 2 was elected. There’s not much about Christianity that appeals to me these days, but if I could find more people like the one who is in the post that I linked to I think I just might be able to bring myself to go back to the church. However, as long as crazy people like the quitter and her fellow “Christians” have co-opted Christianity and the GOP in the U.S. I’ll be keeping the church at arm’s length.

    Read the post & inject some happiness as an antidote to the two crappy books and dead fish.

    • jimzmum says:

      I found that video to be somewhat frightening. I will never turn away from family. However, I am Christian (Episcopalian). I try as hard as I can to live my life in a way that mirrors my belief system. I go to Service and find comfort in the rituals of the ages – of the music – of the choral reading. Of the bells. I didn’t walk away from all of that during the co-opting of the business-religious. I just stayed the way I am. I can not disparage the Evangelical movement, because it is their right. However, I can continue to walk my own path. And I do. And, I will continue to do what I can for others when I can, and how I can. I do not think that it was meant for me to give everything away, to turn from all, in order to follow.

      On another topic, do you think Mrs. Palin wore her padded bra so she’d have some flotation in case her plane went down over the water?

      • sallyngarland,tx says:

        I agree with you. I am a lifelong Episcopalin.

        • sallyngarland,tx says:

          “Episcopalian”–left out “i”

          • jimzmum says:

            But, Sally. We don’t think of I first, so you are fine!

          • Bretta says:

            Episcopalian – more piss than palin.

            Just kidding – that was my church of choice before I lost my religion. Again. I’ve lost count.

            Episcopagan is more accurate about me.

      • I’m with you, jimzmum. I watched the video and read the article. I think this particular man is very sincere in what he is doing. But I think many of the evangelicals have lost the perspective of actually studying the Bible and just cherry pick the parts that support their views. The danger I see with some Christians today is that they want to define religious beliefs and practices for everyone based on their own views, and they want the government to follow along.

        Even when Bush took over and started inserting religion back into government (which he never should have been allowed to do), I kept attending my Presbyterian Church. Just because some have gone round the twist doesn’t mean that all Christians have.

        • jimzmum says:

          Pat, I was taught that it was fine to question, question, question in order to gain knowledge. I don’t thnk you are supposed to do that in some denominations thaws days. I’d be tossed on my ear!

    • Laurie says:

      There was an interesting bit at there (The Dish) yesterday about just where in the Bible the right wing Christians get their excuse for ignoring the plight of the poor.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Thanks for the link. That did give me some hope. I particularly liked that the reader who post was quoted suggested, ” . . . a progressive, radical Christianity is possible in a world that no longer needs the Church as an institution.”

    • Elizabeth says:

      Wow, I hadn’t read about this. Wonderful! I know the community I call home, Bellingham, Washington, is going a slightly different direction, but it is all about community taking care of each other. Yes, we have our “conservatives” who believe in every man for himself stuff, but there is developing a strong core working on community and sustainable living.

      • dowl says:

        I’d like to add to this quite interesting ‘Chrisitianism vs Christianity (followers of Christ) discussion.

        My household is UCC (United Church of Christ), South Side Chicago. in 2001, our only child, a son, wanted to drive to Alaska via the Alcan highway over the summer between his HS junior/senior year. My husband and I agreed that it would be an adventure to do so. We took a month vacation round trip.

        We stopped in Bellingham WA at an open fruit market (cherries+), went to a local deli to replenish our cooler. Your Bellingham was a special pass through on our road trip. The people that we met (about 10 or so) were open and friendly.

        Keep up the good community building work that is hospitable (even in passing) to others unlike themselves. Thank you for the pleasant memory.

    • lilybart says:

      If this really were a Christian country, ruled by the Sermon on the Mount and the commandments of Jesus, to love one another, I could get on board with THAT.

      But I do not recognize these so-called Christians at all.

  30. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    hehehehe, la la la la la la la la la! hehehe

  31. London Bridges says:

    The president’s 2% payroll tax roll back for 2011 with be the death of Social Security and in 2012 when it goes back to its usual rate, it will be considered a tax hike.

    Here is my more progressive alternative which I came up with at 3AM this morning. I sent it to a half a dozen senators and congressmen. If you like it sent it to your reps!

    Here is a better way to give workers a tax boost than the proposed 2011 two per cent worker payroll tax reduction: Give each 2010 worker or self employed person a stimulus check in mid May 2011. The amount of the check will be $814.23. All 2010 workers will receive the same amount. How is it calculated? It is calculated by using the amount of the average annual wage for 2009 as published by the Social Security Administration in its program rules: and multiplying it by .02.

    This is a far superior plan for several reasons:

    1. There will be more time to implement this “rebate” plan.
    2. Paying the money in a lump sum will actually enable recipients to use it to make meaningful purchases which will stimulate the economy.
    3. The total government spending will remain the same.
    4. Issuing the payment in mid May will give recipients time to wisely plan their use(s) of the $814.23 check.
    5. Low earning workers will receive a meaningful amount of money which they will certainly spend rather than the $291 that a minimum wage worker would receive spread out over 52 weeks or $5.60 a week would not even buy Wednesday’s lunch.
    6. It is a progressive rather than a regressive plan molded in the spirit of the Social Security program.
    7. This plan would not be seen as a tax increase in 2011 after its one year life expires and will not be a death warrant for the Social Security Program.
    8. This is far preferable than giving highly paid workers making hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2011 a $2000+ payroll tax rebate.

    BEST Social Security Modernization Plan

    • Elizabeth says:

      I’ll go along with that. I am dismayed that the Social Security threat has not received more press. Of course it will be portrayed as a middle class tax increase just before the election.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      London Bridges that makes so much sense. Unlike the “payroll tax holiday” which has so many problems.

      And they could pay for it all by taxing all income–not just the first $106,000 regressive system they currently have that socks the lowest wage earners and gifts the wealthy once again.

    • jojobo1 says:

      Not a bad idea London Bridges .People will spend just like when they get refunds if they do. I know I made sure I paid more in than I had to,it was one way to be able to have money for large expenditures.Wonder if the republican house would go for it.Most likely not as it helps the middle class the most.None of this helps me as I am retired.My house rep is republican and he is another however person like Lisa seems to be

  32. Crunk Petrol says:

    Here is Keli Goff’s 10 things Michelle Obama would like to say to Sarah. (She should have made it 12 in keeping with the seaon). Its on Huff Post.

    Things Michelle Obama Wants to Say to Sarah Palin

    1. For once I agree with Barbara Bush.

    2. At least I know the difference between North and South Korea.

    3. If Katie Couric had asked me I could name plenty of publications that I read on a regular basis because reading is something you get used to doing in law school.

    4. When I said I was proud of my country for supporting my husband, what I really meant is I was proud Americans were smart enough to support him over the other guys (and gals, hint, hint…)

    5. Some people shoot harmless animals. I adopt them.

    6. When you accused me of not trusting parents to do a good job raising their own children, you were only partially right. I trust most parents, but some could use a little help because their kids are out of control; you know calling people offensive slurs and whatnot. Not like my well-mannered girls.

    7. While I realize a strong, attractive black woman defeated you for the Miss Alaska crown (which must have really stung since there are like 5 of us in the whole state) you shouldn’t let that leave you with a chip on your shoulder about all of us strong, attractive black women.

    8. Not that I’m judging, but Sasha and Malia will appear on “Dancing with the Stars” the day my husband goes ice-skating in hell with…well you.

    9. Some people appear on reality tv, while some of us appear on the cover of VOGUE. (Click here to watch a fashion faceoff between the two ladies.)

    10. Please run for president. I’d really like to live in the White House another four years.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Somehow, I don’t see Michelle in any of those comments, save possibly the first. She has better things to do than worry with Sarah. Thats what makes Sarah so mad.

      • Hope says:


        I like Sarah’s picture untouched. She is a pretty woman, why did they make her look strange even if she is dolt of dolts!

        • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

          Gag, choke, spit, cough. The outside can’t be pretty when the core is rotten and oozing puss.

          • Dagian says:

            “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” would be an excellent read for Sarah. If only there was a Cliff Notes colouring book version available for her!

        • gsb says:

          she opens her mouth and any beauty there, disappears. Her true soul shows.

      • I agree. Michelle Obama has more class than Sarah can ever hope to have. Even though all those things are true, Michelle would never be so petty to say them.

    • bubbles says:

      Michelle Obama is a class act. if the occasion ever calls for her to deal directly with Palin we will never know what she said. we will however be able to infer what happened because Palin will be sporting two brand new as*holes.

  33. OMG says:

    Palin’s trip, over in the blink of an eye:,8599,2036626,00.html

    Palin was handed a 30 page booklet about Haiti prior to the trip and asked lots of questions during her visit: all questions beginning with “why”. The woman is amazingly ignorant. If the trip had been planned for more than a month, wouldn’t you think that she could have spent a little time familiarizing herself with some of Haiti’s history? You know, while she’s getting her hair done….

    • twain12 says:

      from the article:
      “We are so fortunate in America and we are responsible for helping those less fortunate.”
      unless you are American, then you better pull yourself up by your bootstraps

      • lilybart says:

        And her teabagger friends would seriously disagree that we owe any unfortunates in any country anything. And funny, most teabaggers claim to want God back in Government.

        • n djinn says:

          esp Haiti, If you look at the history I am sure the “baggers” would think they owe us already.

      • Moose Pucky says:

        Pulling myself up by my hoof-straps!

    • OtterQueen says:

      I had only two weeks notice before my trip to South America… I learned all I could about Ecuador, bought Spanish tapes, and a Spanish/English dictionary.

      And when I got there, everyone spoke English, their currency is the American dollar, and it’s even in the same time zone as California. But at least I tried!

      • prisonernumbersix says:

        Rest assured, Otter Queen! They wiil notice and will appreciate your efforts.

        We went to Peru and Bolivia a few years ago and utilized our somewhat anemic Spanish, more likely “espanol turista.” The faces would brighten, however poor our accent and syntax might have been.

        Before the trip, we (futurexpat? and I) bought a large number of simple ball point pens (over 100 or so) to give out to the children wherever we visited. They were an unbelievable hit!

        In Pisac, Peru, A man saw us giving the pens to the various children and approached us and very respectfully asked if he might have one for his daughter who was not with him. We said “Yes” and asked him how many children he had and he responded that he had two children so we gave him two. He would have been grateful with just one for them to share.

        While visiting the “Floating Islands on Lake Titicaca, a fairly pure culture, we asked our native tour guide (Internationally schooled, but local to the area) if it would be appropriate to give the children some pens. While we were looking around, unbeknownst to us, he gathered all the children and presented them to us almost formally. The light in their eyes and their expressions of appreciation was unforgettable!

        These are good and noble people, as have been almost all of the people we have met in foreign lands.

        Remember, WE are the “foeigners” there and all of us don’t behave perfectly whe we visit them.

        Hope you enjoyed your trip!

        • prisonernumbersix says:

          whe should be when. Sorry! Stuck key. At least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

        • bubbles says:

          wow! prisoner number six you are a wonderful pup. i met you twice and both times i have been struck by your warmth and the kindliness in your manner.
          i want to take a moment to say thank you for being you. what a lovely story of your travels. i hope you tell us more of your adventures.

    • g says:

      Perhaps she had to find out what all the fuss was about – the earthquake probably slipped her mind.

    • Carol says:

      Some months back, there was a conservative columnist on the Morning Joe (I think) that asked the very same question. “Wouldn’t you think she’d buckle down and learn about the issues?”
      Guess that hasn’t happened yet. I still like the coment some journalist made – won’t pay attention to her (write about her) until she does something newsworthy. Instead of just Palin ego bolstering

  34. ks sunflower says:

    What fun!

    BTW – Will we finish that second book? Just wondering. Want to plan ahead to be sure I have time to recover before the holidays.

    • AKMuckraker says:

      Yes, we will. A mental health break was in order. But we’ll be back to it.

      • BigPete says:

        On the bright side: Sales of the second book have been so disappointing -morans still haven’t finished reading the first one -that the third book will surely be a “real” American Cookbook (hot dogs, freedom fries, apple pie etc.).

        • gsb says:

          I enjoyed myself the other day. While shopping. Went past the book section, as I do quite often,and covered up the palin books with others….THAT FOR YOU SARAH!!!

          • Waay Out West says:

            And I also too! Too funny I have been dropping them in the vacant space between the bottom shelves of the book aisle at WalMart, tossing in Glenn Beck for her to yap at.

          • jojobo1 says:

            Your keeping someone job safe,Think of it that way.

        • Blooper says:

          Or more like Moose Burgers (which are actually pretty good), clubbed halibut, mama grizzly bear steaks and suicidal caribou, lol.

        • Baker's Dozen says:

          Field dressing recipes!!!!!

        • Valley_Independent says:

          25% off at Wasilla Carr’s/Safeway.

      • Bretta says:

        I could not follow along anymore after chapter four or five or six – can’t remember – it fried my brain cells and that is even through the AKM filter. Toxic stuff.

  35. OMG says:

    AKM you are so wonderfully clever! Thanks for the smiles.

      • Kilia says:

        This is the comment on that video, that tells it like it is….

        “The worst part about it all (and what most are oblivious to), is that this is all happening “by design”, ironically. It’s not by accident. There is a concerted effort being made to dumb people down. Why?… because the masses are easier to control that way. They don’t want people thinking too much. If enough people like that got together it could be a threat to the establishment.? But fortunately for them, people are content with their heads in their I-devices, so no chance of that.”

  36. The family here are really looking forward to singing the entire song . . .
    I imagine the Pack will also join in with a few howls.

    • Susabelle says:

      I have a Border Terrier here that took one look at that face and went under the bed!
      I doubt he will be singing..only howling in pain…..

    • Bretta says:

      My darling daughter taught our three dogs to howl. It’s really quite fun to come to the house with a pack singing you in.

    • ibwilliamsi says:

      I’m feeling badly because I belong to a Women’s Chorus and really wanted to perform this at one of our rehearsals, if not one of our performances. But it won’t be finished before Christmas! Drat!

  37. benlomond2 says:

    OMG ! I’m gonna have to put up with THAT FACE popping up for the next 10 days ??? GGAACCKK !!

  38. thatcrowwoman says:

    Oy! Vey!
    and cha cha cha, also, too