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The 12 Days of Palin – Day 5

On the fifth day of Christmas,

my Ex-Gov gave to me:


Five Living Props!


Four Dancing Stars

Three Lame Tweets

Two Crappy Books

And a Dead Fish on My TeeVee



143 Responses to “The 12 Days of Palin – Day 5”
  1. Baker's Dozen says:

    Sarah competes with POTUS Obama doesn’t notice.

    “Of Me I Sing” by Sarah Palin
    Pictures by Trigg Palin

    Price $237.95 Buy now on Amazon and save $237.95 700 new and used from $.05

    Have I told you how great you are? Well, you are if you’ve been baptized into the right church and aren’t brown, black, yellow, red, blue, green, muslin. Orange like Boehner is OK. So if Jewish if you bring on the apocalypse.

    There’s lotsa great Rill Umerikuns that you, also, can be like, too.

    Jim Jones was such a Rill Umerikun that he was a preacher for the Lord. You can tell he did it right ’cause his followers worshiped him like he was Jesus or something. He moved them all to Guyana to a place he named “Jonestown,” just like Jesus named places after himself, also. He made everyone drink poison kid’s drink ’cause Obama was gonna make them stop worshipin’ him. Jesus did that also, too.

    Julian Assange is a Rill Umerikun. He leaked all those papers that show that Obama isn’t a Rill Umerikun, which is why he doesn’t think about me or call me to fix the oil spill (I gotta strainer right here, taped to my blackberry) or know that Hawaii isn’t part of Umerika it’s a part of Cuba ’cause rill Umerikun men think about me 24/7. Julian leaked the rill birth certificate from Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and Obama didn’t stop him which is stupid, ’cause I stopped my book from bein’ leaked, ‘cept it had been leaked already, also.

    George, Paul, John, and Ringo are Rill Umerikuns also, too. They kept the British from invading’ and rearan’ their liberul heads over Alaassssska and Paul lived the Umerikun dream dontchano by buyin’ a rill castle in Scotland and movin’ it home to some place in California like Saint Simon only in some other language like, maybe, British so make California a rill conservative state by taken’ over some lamestream media guy’s place and called it Hurts Castle which is good ’cause his wife was a liberal elite and builded some Ivy Leak school in a place named Berkeley which is British for elitist and all our towns should have rill Umerikun names like Wassilla, Wasila, Wassila, and Wasilla.

    All my family is rill Umerikuns ’cause Todd uses his rights to try and make Alaasssska receediate or seceediate or somthin’ just like our Founding Fathers Trigg likes all of ’em and Bristol on rill Umerikun Tee Vee and Piper skipping’ school with our permission jest like all rill Umerikun kids and Track bein’ in a war zone all this time and he says where he is now is the worst war zone ever so I’m a proud grizzly mom and then there’s that other kid the middle one I forget but Todd kinda watches her and sometimes recognizes her so she’s OK.

    So, yeah, you kids can be rill Umerikuns also too donchano if you smack your gum when ya’ talk.

    So, who else is Palin’s Rill Umerikun? 🙂

  2. leenie17 says:

    Today was a good day.

    Not only was it the last day of school before the winter break (anyone who’s ever worked in an elementary school the week before Christmas vacation understands the significant increase in the abundance of gray hair I’ve accumulated in the past few days!), but I also got affirmation that the CPS system DOES occasionally work, albeit excruciatingly slowly at times.

    A child I know who has been seriously neglected for several years was finally removed from the home. This child had been put in foster care temporarily before but was eventually returned to the parents. Despite promises to the contrary, things didn’t improve. The CPS worker, like most social workers, was extremely overwhelmed with cases but finally managed to collect enough documentation, testimony and evidence to convince the judge to return this child to the wonderful foster parent who had custody before.

    I have high hopes that the new year will be a much better one for this little pumpkin, who deserves so much more love, attention, cuddling, spoiling and pampering than was previously provided.

    Today was a good day. 🙂

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Those are the kinds of things that make teaching worth all the aggravation from silly administrators, dumb laws, lame parents, stupid textbooks, meaningless paperwork, and long, long hours. It makes it all worth it.

      I bet little Pumpkin has a much merrier Christmas!

    • bubbles says:

      ((((little pumpkin))))(((((Leenie)))))

  3. seattlefan says:

    This 12 Days of Palin is hilarious. I can’t even imagine what “12” will be.

    Here is a link to another funny take on the actual song. Long, but funny…..

  4. Zyxomma says:

    You all know Brooklyn NY’s Congressman Anthony Weiner. Yes, the skinny, charismatic one. Well, he has a new website. Go there and sign up to show your solidarity (I signed up a few weeks ago):

    Democrats who fight!! That’s a movement I can enjoy.

  5. tewise says:

    Anybody watching the live hearing of Mr. Greasy Hair Miller and Van Flea?

  6. Xenon says:

    You know, it occurs to me that if announces her candidacy, she will use the old “I’m quitting for the country” meme to make her escape upon realizing what an unmitigated joke she is. Come to think of it, she may decide not to run at all under the same pretense.

  7. OMG says:

    I was guided to this article by reading Sullivan’s post:

    Read the comments and see what most of the hunting enthusiasts think about Palin. Wasn’t this supposed to be a big supportive audience for her?

  8. Rob says:

    Palin is going to linger on so she can cash in on more money . If she was to announce anything right now it would take away some of the money she is scamming off her followers.

    Its the money, the Health Records she has not wanted to show, what will they show, that she simply was unable to have a baby.

    The many questions that she has failed to answer, her phoney reason for leaving governor job. Its a joke that she be called Governor Palin, what a joke

    Where is Todd in the posting of this picture when he was shown before????? Why is he not shown??????

    Todd, are you getting your fill yet? Track are you ready to barf, Willow when are you due? Bristol how about you?? Piper what is on your wish list??? Money Money

    12 dAYS BEFORE Christmas, how about the end of Sarah Palin””

  9. Lainey says:

    what would be the ultimate happiest of holidays for me is all 4 of her crappy kids writing ‘mommy dearest’ books! …but I guess they would hate to give up the millions that mommy is controlling them with.

  10. Eykis says:

    Due to the fact that I determined long ago the posters at Wonkette are much younger than Eykis, I rarely post there, but read it regularly – more fodder on the Snowbilly Grifter from this afternoon:

    I love those DC kidz! They sound about the same age as my daughter, 28 and educated~my daughter is a teacher in Louisiana.

    • ks sunflower says:

      That was fun! Thanks.

    • Mo says:

      Say It With Wookies has a WIN on Wonkette –

      “I won’t vote for her in a pinch,
      I won’t vote for her v. the Grinch;
      I don’t believe she’ll keep us free,
      She’ll outlaw MSNBC.
      Her speeches swirl with mindless sound
      While turkeys die in the background;
      She’ll fight communists and lesbo porn
      With tax cuts and with tort reform;
      And to Iran her wrath will turn
      To hasten Jesus Christ’s return;
      She’ll turn our youthful innocents
      Into pregnant teens for abstinence;
      With her gift of verbal diarrhea
      She’ll protect our ally, North Korea.
      The only advantage Sarah offers —
      She’ll quit in two years to fill her coffers.
      I do not want this witless spoor
      To plague good newsmen anymore —
      She’ll fix the nation through and through
      Like she did to that caribou.
      So just in case this is not clear
      Please throw that half-gov on her ear;
      So don’t persist in asking me,
      I will not vote for Sarah P.”

    • OMG says:


  11. lilybart says:

    I am thinking of starting a new group….Atheists for Jesus. They want religion in the public square, fine, how about some Sermon on the Mount!

    I feel more Christian than those who proclaim themselves to be.
    Miss Wasilla never mentions Jesus, that dirty hippie, because she knows lightening would strike if she did.

    • ks sunflower says:

      Wahoo – now there’s a movement I could feel comfortable with. I am so tired of these new con-Christians ignoring the core of their faith. Hate, mistrust, and greed were not part of the message.
      I would be okay with most of the principles of the Sermon on the Mount even though I am not Christian – but then, oh, yeah, I am a Democratic progressive.

      • flying pig ranch says:

        Kansas Democratic Progressives. There are a few of us in Kansas. We need to increase our numbers or move but I am not sure where to go. Brownback and Kobach just may try to round us up esp. if they find out that we are Rationalists. Our last election was really depressing.

  12. Eykis says:

    This is a MUST READ from

    Please send it on:

    Thank you. We must rid America of this swine.

    • ks sunflower says:

      My gosh, that was a great article, and many of the comments (such as yours and one from another mudpuppy, Martha Unalaska Yard Sign, was great as well).

      I hope people follow the link Martha suggests:

      I have long been fan of Leah Burton’s quest to educate Americans on the dangers of dominionism. She herself is a Christian, but dead-set against the kind of Christianity that Palin and her pals are trying to push onto the country through their Seven Mountains strategy.

      • SouthPaw says:

        KS..interesting review on Amazon/American Fascists…

        “The leaders of these “dominionists” are people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson who are strategizing daily to implement this plan, a plan that begins with proselytization, subserviance of the population and recognizing them as spokesmen for God, packing legislatures and judiciaries with loyal followers, altering our history (US founded as a Christian nation) and science (intelligent design), and by fusing Christian and national symbols into one.

        …the paradoxes of this Christian right, people willing to welcome people into their fold as long as they remain loyal and do not question canon. These are people who will also abandon “non-believers” to the torments they believe are predicted in the bible, while they will enjoy the rapture of being called to God.

        This is the frightening part, because this Christian right, so sure of its destiny, makes careless proclamations that bring the world closer to the brink of its own destruction. (There are) numerous examples of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson sanctioning nuclear strikes against those they condemn as enemies of God. More recently, it was Robertson who suggested that the Venezuelan ruler be assassinated (murdered), and it was Falwell who blamed 9/11 on atheists, the ACLU, secularists, gay and lesbians, and those who promote alternative lifestyles.

        …The lowest depravity of a high-living preacher and successor to the “Praise the Lord” empire as telling his audience to tear up their bills and send the money to him, that God will be displeased with them on judgment day if they do not send him money instead. (Pass the Loot.) This preacher of mercy stated that he wished he had a “Holy Ghost machine gun” to blow the heads off his detractors, because anyone who challenged him was a sin against Him! (Psalms 142: Put Not Thy Trust in Princes.)

        Democracy is not the enemy of faith. Democracy keeps religious faith in the private sphere, ensuring that all beliefs have an equal measure of protection and practice mutual co-existence. These dominionists will tolerate others, even share political platforms such as pro-life with Catholics whom they regard as nothing more than a cult, until they achieve the power to suppress their enemies and former allies. They do not want inclusion in democracy. They want the power to dominate and exclude others.

        Neither does this narrow band of Christians recognize other Christians, Jews or Muslims no matter how moral or righteous they may be. “Debate or negotiation with them is impossible,” says the author. They see themselves as soldiers in a great crusade. They even describe their destiny and roles in military terms.

        To understand his arguments even more, I recommend Catherine Crier’s, Contempt: How the Right Is Wronging American Justice and Susan Jacoby’s, “Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism.”

        This book is a siren hymn. It describes an insidious threat to our way of life. It is fascism cloaked in Americana.”

    • OMG says:

      excellent article.

    • SouthPaw says:

      Very good read, thanks Eykis.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Sarah Jones always writes well-researched, excellent articles about La Palin. Too bad she doesn’t work for the NY Times or Washington Post (I’d even settle for the LA Times).

  13. flying pig ranch says:

    Fred Thompson maybe well educated but he is currently selling reverse mortgage products to senior citizens on teevee. I think Sarah’s work ethic might be stronger than his right now….they are both scamming for a living. IMO Thompson did not have the reputation of being a hard worker when he was in Congress and he sure wasn’t a go getter when he ran for the Repub nomination.

    • Dagian says:

      Valid points, all of them. I still think she’s worse–but that’s splitting hairs by the micron, not millimeter.

    • Eykis says:

      The nicest thing I can say about ole Fred is that he was a young lawyer working on the Watergate investigation the time Hillary was a young lawyer working on the Watergate investigation.

      Fred is FAT and LAZY. Hilliary is a HARD-WORKER and ADVOCATE FOR THE PEOPLE.

      Fred has a relatively new wife and young kid – he is one of “those old guys” who uses Viagra and married a young chick.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I was disappointed to see Henry Winkler (the Fonz) doing one of those reverse mortgage commercials yesterday. Those may help some folks,but have the potential to harm many others.

      • jojobo1 says:

        My neighbor had to get one but it took forever because she had a duplex and it really really needed fixing,roof,ceiling because of leaking broken water pipes.A church group did her roof for her and I have seen someone over there at times working in the side she does not live in. but her side from what I hear is almost as bad.She feeds all the critters,cats dogs whatever comes around she throws out cat food for them.She has a nice big yard,fenced in and it is set up for a wheelchair as her Husband was in a wheelchair till he passed..It is just that she did not have the money available to fix the house so she lost her renter and of course couldn’t get another.

  14. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    5 living props – priceless!

  15. SouthPaw says:

    Lynnrockets has a good one today:

    (sung to the Christmas carol “The Twelve Days Of Christmas”)

  16. Dagian says:

    I thought this was interesting reading and HAD to be somewhere on a Palin thread!

    • Eykis says:

      Thank you. It is terrific to be around Snowbilly Grifter detractors~

    • Eykis says:

      Dagian, thank you for calming me down – the Marsha Blackburn thing makes me ill. She does NOT represent her gerrymandered district and she never comes to this side of the county, where actual people who have lost their jobs live and used to work.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Eykis, I share your pain. I feel the same way about Brownback, Roberts, Kobach and others here in KS. Kobach is an abomination of a human being. He helped write the AZ anti-immigrant law and wants to do it here in KS. Yikes!

        Also, too, consider the plans of the new FL governor as regards education – or maybe not, you are an enlightened soul and reading abut it might get your blood pressure up to dangerous levels.

        Sarah has probably come close to blowing many of our valves as it is.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Excellent article. Thank you for posting, Dagian. Probably, I would not have found it otherwise.

    • bubbles says:

      excellent article Dagian. thanks. wow.

  17. flying pig ranch says:

    Someone commenting on Palin’s poll numbers said, “She’s Fred Thompson with a tampon!.”

    • Dagian says:

      He’s got more grit and determination, he’s better educated and has a better sense of humour about himself.

      Wikipedia isn’t perfect, but at least they made this available!

      He attended public school in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, graduating from Lawrence County High School. Thereafter, he worked days in the local post office, and nights at the Murray bicycle assembly plant.

      Thompson then entered Florence State College (now the University of North Alabama), becoming the first member of his family to go to university. He later transferred to Memphis State University, now the University of Memphis, where he earned a double degree in philosophy and political science in 1964, as well as scholarships to both Tulane and Vanderbilt law schools.He went on to earn his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Vanderbilt in 1967.

      Sarah Palin can’t even dream of earning a double degree AND seeking more education and opportunities that require more than a wink, nod, cleavage and thighs.

      I’m not a big fan of Thompson, but I think we shouldn’t unnecessarily besmirch him with Princess Wind Between Her Ears.

      • Dagian says:

        Sorry, another relevant difference between Palin and Thompson:

        He did not speak much about his religion during his campaign saying, “Me getting up and talking about what a wonderful person I am and that sort of thing, I’m not comfortable with that, and I don’t think it does me any good.”

      • Eykis says:

        Actually, I live in Tennessee and good ole boy Fred is NOT even mentioned around these parts any longer. Thank heavens!

        • Dagian says:


          I bet a LOT of people are just as happy about that fact as you (and I).

          But I still think Palin falls short of Thompson. One must give credit where it is due.

          • Eykis says:

            Well, we are stuck with Lamar Alexander until 2014 – unless he drops dead and Bob Corker until 2012 – he must NOT get re-elected – and I am STUCK with Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) who had NOT A SINGLE SIGN in the District for her re-election. Marsha is the blonde standing with the Gasden flag on the Speakers’ balcony the day of the HC vote – She is a HORRID HUMAN – Snowbilly Grifter with a drawl……………..and power.

          • Dagian says:

            There-there Eykis…remember, the only consistent thing in the universe is change.

            *pats back gently*

          • ks sunflower says:

            Palin falls short of most everyone with a brain and a heart. Sorry, I know that sounds over-the-top, but it is what she brings out in me.

  18. Dagian says:

    Ack! If someone can–I posted the same thing over and over again (it wasn’t showing up fast enough to suit me, evidently) and would like the repeats withdrawn.

    I wasn’t trying to deliver a litter of them!

  19. Dagian says:

    Cross-posting this because I want to do so!

    Another “compare and contrast” opportunity!

    To whom could Palin read her book aloud? Could she read her book aloud? Hmm.

    Obama reads his children’s book to 2nd graders

    The Associated Press
    Friday, December 17, 2010; 1:01 PM

    ARLINGTON, Va. — Usually, big-name authors plug their books on a nationwide book tour. President Barack Obama took a lower-key approach Friday, reading selections from his new children’s book to a group of delighted second-graders in suburban Virginia.

    In the library of Long Branch Elementary School, some four dozen youngsters giggled and squirmed as Obama gave voice to passages from “Of Thee I Sing,” an illustrated volume in the form of a letter to his daughters describing the lives of 13 great Americans. It was written in 2008 but just came out this fall, with proceeds going to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled soldiers.

    “I hope you guys have fun,” he said. But he said as they open their Christmas presents he hopes they spend time thinking about the less fortunate. “Not everybody is as lucky as we are. There are a lot of kids out there who may not be able to get a lot of presents for Christmas because their parents don’t have a lot of money.”

    “Of Thee I Sing” has done well in early sales. With a list price of $17.99, it sold 50,000 copies in the first five days, which its publisher, Random House Children’s Books, said made it the fastest-selling picture book in company history. The volume was part of a $1.9 million, three-book deal Obama signed with Random House in 2004.

    • lilybart says:

      Oh No, I feel another book coming from Miss Wasilla….she can’t let President Obama’s book be the fastest selling picture book in company history!!! She will HAVE to compete.

    • Wallflower says:

      So, she already has a ghost-writer; would she need a ghost-reader? “The voice of Sarah Palin will be played by. . .”

  20. Jeanne, I don’t know if I can take seven more days of this…

    • ks sunflower says:

      But it’s better than having Palin in any office for any length of time. I have this fantasy that a Palin supporter will visit here, read the blog posts, even the sarcastic 12 Days posts, and have the beginnings of an enlightenment that will transform their understanding of who Sarah really is and what she really wants. If even one person has a breakthrough, then I can easily deal with reading about her book or singing the song because, well, first of all, it is great fun and secondly, she simply has to be stopped.

      I keep reading and hoping that the various polls are correct, but I have lost the faith I once had in the electoral system and in the media to expose lies and liars. Therefore I am not one to dismiss Sarah just yet. She and Huckabee and a number of others scare me enough to endure whatever it takes to keep on top of the games they keep trying to play.

      BTW – OT, but those of you who haven’t visited WC’s website, you are missing out on insightful political commentary and some unbelievably fantastic avian photography! I promise, visit his website and you will be as grateful to get to know him as you are with AKM.

    • bubbles says:

      there there. Wickersham there there. you can do it.

  21. Dagian says:

    Trying again! From today’s Washington Post:

    Obama reads his children’s book to 2nd graders

    The Associated Press
    Friday, December 17, 2010; 12:28 PM

    ARLINGTON, Va. — Usually, big-name authors plug their books on a nationwide book tour. President Barack Obama took a lower-key approach Friday, reading selections from his new children’s book to a group of delighted second-graders in suburban Virginia.

    In the library of Long Branch Elementary School, some four dozen youngsters giggled and squirmed as Obama gave voice to passages from “Of Thee I Sing,” an illustrated volume in the form of a letter to his daughters describing the lives of 13 great Americans. It was written in 2008 but just came out this fall, with proceeds going to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled soldiers.

    “I wanted to borrow you guys, and read to you,” Obama explained, sitting down on a wooden chair as the children sat cross-legged on the carpet.

    He began with entries on Albert Einstein – “he was one of the smartest men ever” – and Jackie Robinson – “he was the first African-American to play in major league baseball” – before skipping to the end, and the entry on Abraham Lincoln.

    “Everybody know who Abraham Lincoln is?” Obama asked, to a chorus of “Yes!” from the youngsters. “He helped to end slavery in the United States.”

    Obama left behind a signed copy for the school library. “You can read about all these other different people who are brave and imaginative and creative and smart, just like you guys are,” he said. “I hope you enjoy it.”

    Obama also read the Chrismas poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Moore, pausing so the kids could jump in at key points and making side comments on things like the couple of inches of snow Washington was dusted with Thursday. “I’m surprised you guys are in school ’cause a lot of times in Washington people don’t go to school when there’s even an inch of snow,” he said.

    He also answered a few questions on life in the White House and whether it’s fun being president, before posing for pictures, shaking hands and wishing the children and their teachers happy holidays.

    “I hope you guys have fun,” he said. But he said as they open their Christmas presents he hopes they spend time thinking about the less fortunate. “Not everybody is as lucky as we are. There are a lot of kids out there who may not be able to get a lot of presents for Christmas because their parents don’t have a lot of money.”

    “Of Thee I Sing” has done well in early sales. With a list price of $17.99, it sold 50,000 copies in the first five days, which its publisher, Random House Children’s Books, said made it the fastest-selling picture book in company history. The volume was part of a $1.9 million, three-book deal Obama signed with Random House in 2004.

    • Dagian says:

      Doncha love crocodile tears? Such good political theatre. *rolls eyes*

      • SouthPaw says:

        A crying shame

        John Boehner cares about your future; or he just cries really easily.

        Incoming House Speaker John A. Boehner weeps for our schoolchildren even as he works to take away their dreams. Writes Tom Lutz in Wednesday’s Op-Ed:

        “He does, I believe, worry about the children, and yet his entire political philosophy is devoted to limiting the federal government’s ability to help them. He has voted against providing health insurance for children (many times), against student aid, against unemployment benefits, against equal pay, against food safety, against money for teachers, against raising the minimum wage, against tobacco education, mine safety, alternative energy, pollution control, whistle-blower protection, science and technology research.

        If he were making his decisions based on what government programs might help today’s schoolchildren reach their dreams, like the Kennedy- and Johnson-era programs that helped him, his voting record would be very different. It is a deep enough contradiction to make him weep for the future.”

        Incoming House Speaker John Boehner weeps for our schoolchildren even as he works to take away their dreams.,0,773830.story

        • ks sunflower says:

          I am so glad someone has pointed this out. John Boehner is such a hypocrite and liar or else he is simply self-delusional and unfit for office. He certainly is inconsistent and self-interested.

          I think he will regret being Speak of the House because it will cut down on golfing and fund-raising (or at least I hope it will!). Boehner’s voting records makes most of us weep.

          • vyccan says:

            You know KS, maybe he isn’t inconsistent. Self-interested, sure, inconsistent, maybe not. His behaviour could be saying that he ‘struggled’ to accomplish his American dream, so there is NO WAY he’s going to make it easier for today’s children to accomplish the same thing. After all, if ‘everyone’ starts accomplishing the American Dream his effort won’t be as noteworthy? People won’t be as impressed by his sweeping the floor and working every part-time job available (and therefore won’t understand his SUFFERING) if it becomes a commonplace thing! Poor soul (snark), doesn’t realize that his past ‘suffering’ is no greater than that of many others in the world. Fact is, some people who suffer greatly end up being somewhat empathetic. Maybe he needs a suffering trophy, so that he can worship it in private and move on in public.

        • michigander says:

          He weeps from guilt over what his greed is costing our children – that is my opinion. Wish we the people could have his psychological records, though I doubt it would change far right opinion. Simply put – deliberately hurting others to benefit yourself then constantly crying to ‘cleanse’ yourself is not normal. Seems to me that is what he does )o:

  22. Dagian says:

    Speaking of things that will bite her in the ass, here’s another compare and contrast moment!

    Obama reads his children’s book to 2nd graders

    The Associated Press
    Friday, December 17, 2010; 12:28 PM

    ARLINGTON, Va. — Usually, big-name authors plug their books on a nationwide book tour. President Barack Obama took a lower-key approach Friday, reading selections from his new children’s book to a group of delighted second-graders in suburban Virginia.

    In the library of Long Branch Elementary School, some four dozen youngsters giggled and squirmed as Obama gave voice to passages from “Of Thee I Sing,” an illustrated volume in the form of a letter to his daughters describing the lives of 13 great Americans. It was written in 2008 but just came out this fall, with proceeds going to a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled soldiers.

    “I wanted to borrow you guys, and read to you,” Obama explained, sitting down on a wooden chair as the children sat cross-legged on the carpet.

    He began with entries on Albert Einstein – “he was one of the smartest men ever” – and Jackie Robinson – “he was the first African-American to play in major league baseball” – before skipping to the end, and the entry on Abraham Lincoln.

    “Everybody know who Abraham Lincoln is?” Obama asked, to a chorus of “Yes!” from the youngsters. “He helped to end slavery in the United States.”

    Obama left behind a signed copy for the school library. “You can read about all these other different people who are brave and imaginative and creative and smart, just like you guys are,” he said. “I hope you enjoy it.”

    Obama also read the Chrismas poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Moore, pausing so the kids could jump in at key points and making side comments on things like the couple of inches of snow Washington was dusted with Thursday. “I’m surprised you guys are in school ’cause a lot of times in Washington people don’t go to school when there’s even an inch of snow,” he said.

    He also answered a few questions on life in the White House and whether it’s fun being president, before posing for pictures, shaking hands and wishing the children and their teachers happy holidays.

    “I hope you guys have fun,” he said. But he said as they open their Christmas presents he hopes they spend time thinking about the less fortunate. “Not everybody is as lucky as we are. There are a lot of kids out there who may not be able to get a lot of presents for Christmas because their parents don’t have a lot of money.”

    “Of Thee I Sing” has done well in early sales. With a list price of $17.99, it sold 50,000 copies in the first five days, which its publisher, Random House Children’s Books, said made it the fastest-selling picture book in company history. The volume was part of a $1.9 million, three-book deal Obama signed with Random House in 2004.

    • leenie17 says:

      This story made me tear up. How I would have loved to see the faces of those kids while they listened to him!

      Thanks for sharing.

  23. Lacy Lady says:

    All her remarks will come back to bite her in the ass—–just like when Rachael M. played the video of Huckabee last night. Like she said—–you can CHANGE your mind, but lying about it is a NO NO, when everything is on tape.

  24. Zyxomma says:

    I’ll stick with the five golden rings from the original, thanks very much. So glad she’s not “my” ex-gov.

    Yes, my ex-governor (Spitzer) resigned from office after getting caught with an overpriced hooker. I could care less about that. What I did — and do — care about is that I was emailed, from a reliable source, a report that the reason Spitzer was in DC to begin with was that he’d followed the money in the mortgage meltdown scam.

    Following the money is what he was best at while Attorney General, and there’s every reason to believe he retained that skill as governor. Allegedly, he had an appointment with the press in DC to spill the beans to a reporter (I don’t know whom, but I’m guessing it was someone at the Washington Post). Before he could get to that appointment, the FBI showed up, busting Client No. 9 and his whore, “Ashley Dupree.” Whatever he went to DC to do (like give the lowdown on the mortgage meltdown to a reporter), did not get done.

    David Paterson never was up to the job, and now Andrew Cuomo is governor-elect. No one knows what/who caused the mortgage crisis, except perhaps Mr. Spitzer, who has remained mum on the subject. I know he’s a TV talking head now, but I’ve never read or heard anything about the real reason he was in DC that day. Still waiting.

    And several posters here are very correct: Track looks absolutely miserable. I suppose if I’d figured out I wasn’t my father’s kid, and that my siblings were really half-siblings, I wouldn’t smile for the camera in family photos, either.

    • Zyxomma says:

      A little correction to my post: Governor Paterson did two good things. He signed a bill imposing a moratorium on hydrofracking NY’s portion of the Marcellus Shale for natural gas, and he appointed Kirsten Gillibrand to Hillary’s Senate seat when she left for her cabinet appointment. Kirsten has proven herself to be a good Senator, and I’m grateful for that, even though I’d hoped my Rep in Congress, Carolyn Maloney, would get the seat.

      • lilybart says:

        I am a New Yorker too, and those are two very good things!!

        The other good thing is….I don’t know if he even HAS any kids because he is a professional on that level.

      • leenie17 says:

        Another NYer here who agrees with both good things.

        I wasn’t sure about Gillibrand when she was first appointed, but I’ve been nothing but impressed at how she has risen to the challenge. She is smart, works hard and is not afraid to speak out about what she believes. She has integrity and doesn’t seem to sway in whatever political or corporate wind is blowing through Albany (and there’s a LOT of hot wind in Albany!).

        On the other hand, I was extremely disappointed in Spitzer because I had high hopes for him to be able to clean up Albany. He was abrasive for sure, but the cesspool of Albany politics won’t be cleaned by anything less than sheer guts and tenacity.

        Not too impressed with Paterson who appeared to be in way over his head from the start. I had hopes that someone chosen by Spitzer as a running mate would be a bit more ready to run with the ball, but he just wasn’t up to the job. Hopefully, Cuomo can finally make some progress towards getting our state out of the political and financial mess it’s currently mired in. Pretty please???

    • Eykis says:

      Track may actually read articles and blogs that are NOT part of the reich-wing and “Merkian Evangeliban”. He might actually KNOW what a FRAUD his entire family has become and he undoubtedly KNOWS that Trig is not his brother.

    • lilybart says:

      David Vitter had hookers too and he didn’t have to resign.

      As they say, It’s OK if you are a Republican.

      • ks sunflower says:

        I read that most voters in LA did not even know about the hooker problem. Perhaps they had too much on their plate after Katrina, but I still find that statement about ignorance of Vitter’s behavior to be astonishing.

        I agree that Republicans seem to gloss over their own situations with hookers, gay gigolos, money laundering, et cetera. Just never seems to be a problem for them amongst themselves and their supporters.

        • leenie17 says:

          Don’t forget about tax evasion, hiking the Appalachian Trail, voting fraud, embezzlement, bribery, perjury, obstruction of justice, lying to the FBI and sessions of public bathroom footsie!

          All they have to do is cry on camera and beg for forgivness from the little baby Jeebus. All is forgiven and forgotten. See how that works?

          But it ONLY works if you have an (R) after your name.

  25. OMG says:

    Interesting pattern pointed out by Weigel (

    “The pattern goes like this.

    1) A poll comes out showing that Sarah Palin is one of the least popular figures in national politics.

    2) Conservative supporters of Palin argue that Ronald Reagan didn’t poll well, either, before he won the presidency. So there.

    3) Another poll comes out showing that Sarah Palin is one of the least popular figures in national politics.”

  26. Baker's Dozen says:

    Reminds me of a “Monk” family photo–with Palin holding the baby to show that they actually like each other.

  27. Hope says:

    “She also called the tax deal “lousy” but praised Obama for “flip-flopping.” “He, you know, can term it compromise. I term it flip flop,” she said. “I was thankful that he did, but it’s still not good enough because our economy is … at a breaking point and we are on a path towards insolvency if we do not start incentivizing businesses to start producing more in our own country.”

    Open mouth insert foot disease needs to be cured before she considers to run. EVER!!!

    • lilybart says:

      Demand fuels hiring, nothing else. Cut their taxes they save the money, they don’t hire until DEMAND is there.

      She is too stupid.

      And just how do get businesses to produce more here? Labor costs down to 2$ an hour? Punish them for outsourcing? Not sure that is a GOP ideal.

    • G Katz says:

      I wonder how many jobs she is going to create with all the tax advantages she’ll be getting.

    • Pinwheel says:

      One of the last things she did as gov of AK was to impose a hiring freeze for State jobs. The freeze was lifted before she actually left ‘office’. Lilybart has it correctly as I understand our current plight. As long as, for instance, folks buy their goods at big box stores, there is no demand on American business and/or industry (oh yea, what American industry?)

      Please do not forget that this new ‘compromise’ seems to me to be the beginning of the dismanteling of Federal safety nets. I’m thinking this evening to ask the Ak Legislature to create a method to cover the loss of Federal support for seniors, the disabiled. The gops seem to have forgotten that those who are receiving these supports, have contributed to these programs all their working lives. This is a raid on Social Security. And every working person now, and throughout the last 60 years, need to be sharpening the pitchforks.

      I guess you can tell I am completely disappointed with my government. And I just don’t know where to focus my energy and ability to stop this out of control spiral. I happily welcome any suggestions. Thanx

  28. Polly says:

    According to NY Times, Palin’s book is #5 this week. It dropped from #2 last week.

    (It should be #500!)

    • Hope says:

      He is awesome, did you watch Jon Stewart last night? This needs to go all over the place. We need to help out our 9/11 responders. This is outrageous!!!

      Christmas???? Take care of our fellow Americans!!!

      • lilybart says:

        But, but, what if one of them is not really that sick and what if one of them would have gotten cancer anyway…….Christian country indeed.

      • A fan from CA says:

        Hope this stays at the top of HP for a while too. It was a great show that points out why Stewart is the Most Trusted Man in News.

        The MSM should be ashamed of themselves for ignoring this story in favor of pushing Sister Sarah upon us. Why didn’t Robin ask her about the Responders bill?

        Do watch Stewart question Huckleberry about the bill. It will go down as a classic of R obstructionism. Huck tries to claim that it is coupled with other stuff in the bill that Cons object to. Stewart doesn’t let him get away with that nonsense. Wonder if an MSM “reporter” would have let him have a pass?

        • Eykis says:

          I saw Jon quizzing Huckbilly last night – the Huckster was dumbfounded and came up with nonsensical Rethug BS. Such a terrific example of an Xtian minister.

  29. Dagian says:

    Whoa. Take a look at the body language in that photo. Track was one pissed-off kid the moment that was taken.

    Let’s just say that I wouldn’t want THAT photo to be seen by everybody. That photo is more of a “just family” kinda thing.

    • Polly says:

      Other blogs several months ago speculated that Track wasn’t “feeling well” and folks (bloggers) were wishing him the best, hoping that he was getting help.

    • vj says:

      In the blown-up version it’s very easy to see she has a BlackBerry in each hand.

    • Elizabeth says:

      I still think it is a bunch of individual photos photoshopped together.

    • VoteNov4 says:

      And this must be the best photo of the whole bunch…..or maybe Track could only stand to take one shot and this is what they got…

    • ks sunflower says:

      When most photographers take portraits of families, the members are grouped closely together to symbolize family unity (as well as the close grouping makes for better design). What does this photograph symbolize about the Palin clan?

  30. Eykis says:

    Oh, poor pathetic Snowbilly Grifter – when Orally asks Snowbilly Grifter about the criticism of her non-real show being unpresidential, she actually says, “hoity toity” – can anyone imagine these moronic imbecile in a meeting? Her cabinet would consist of Faux & Fiends, HucktheHick, Newtie, Orally, Stupannity, 9/11Truther Nappy, and gawd knows what other idiots she thinks would “make ‘rill ‘merikkka” EXCEPTIONAL again.

    Oh, please, Snowbilly Grifter, JUST GO HOME and keep your mouth closed.

    • ks sunflower says:

      I can just see Orly Taitz being the fictional President Palin’s choice to be Attorney General – may all the forces of good in the known and unknown universes save us.

      I almost didn’t write this because I didn’t want to even chance putting the thought out into the cosmic continuum. Please consider it erased even as you read it.

    • G Katz says:

      Just got to the part where Sarah calls herself a “business woman.” Say what? Since when? What business besides grifting to fame and fortune?

      • Elsie says:

        I see a close relationship between the daily actions of “women of the street” and Sarah Palin, so, in that regard, she WOULD be “a rill business woman”.

        It’s all about the same, don’tcha think?

        Also, and too
        you betcha…
        (wink, wink)

        • OMG says:

          Good point.

        • frsbdg says:

          Guy walks up to a girl in a bar and says: “would you sleep with me for a million dollars?” She looks him over and says, “sure, you’re not that bad looking.” Then he asks her “would you sleep with me for 20 bucks?” She replies “what kind of a girl do you think I am?”

          “Oh, we’ve already established that – now we’re just haggling over the price.”

          I’ll be here all week…

        • Eykis says:

          Actually the Working Girls have an actual job that requires work, unlike Snowbilly Grifter, whose job is to disrespect the President of the United States of America for doing his job.

          Snowbilly Grifter gets WORSE each time she has a microphone in front of her face. There has been NOT A SINGLE SOLUTION offered in the two plus years we have listened to her gibberish. Snowbilly Grifter has no clue what she is talking about, ever.

          • ks sunflower says:

            Just like most of the GOP, Palin is a professional nay-sayer. Not a problem solver, just a problem.

            I grew up in the sixties and seventies when one of the common mantras was “If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.” Palin is part of the problem.

      • sallyngarland,tx says:

        All of her staff is paid with other peoples’ money out of SarahPac–she’s not paying out of her pocket.

      • jojobo1 says:

        I thought her and Todd had a fishing business together

      • Pinwheel says:

        Remember there was that pie business, delivering to shut-ins. I didn’t dream that did I?

      • dowl says:

        …grifting for gold in the name of God.

    • Hope says:

      People are hoping that she will shut up long enough to do her homework and have a plan or a solution instead of 1000 annoying tweets!

      • ks sunflower says:

        In just under four years, Sarah Palin will have lived half a century – the big Five O. If she hasn’t learned the importance of studying, learning, and evolving by now, I doubt she ever will, sad to say.

  31. OMG says:

    Since I will not watch Palin on ABC (because my teeth hurt every time I hear her voice), I have read little snippets about the interview. The best part of this article is when the author recaps a recent poll that says while 59% say they will definitely not vote for her (for Pres.), a mere 8% say they will. Gotta wonder what is wrong with the 8%.

    • Hope says:

      Watched MSNBC this morning and one of the panel members started on “how she was so mistreated. How about when she let’s her writers take to Facebook and Twitter (isn’t that her). She has offended a lot of people. People did not offend themself for the sake of blaming her. If MSNBC starts to defend her get ready for her to run. I am sure she will.

      • OMG says:

        Palin deserved most of the bad press she received. She was not prepared for the national stage and she lacked all qualifications for the job she sought. It’s like the SLN skit that used Palin’s own words–she basically wrote the script that ridiculed her.

      • Treated her unfairly? Yeah, I’d agree with that. They gave her a pass on all the things they would have nailed any other candidate on. That’s what’s been unfair. I think at first, because she was unknown to most of us, they tiptoed around because they got slammed for sexist remarks they’d made about Hilary – and they were wrong in that. But when Palin started doing interviews, they all – except Gibson and Curic, and even they were pretty nice – were afraid to ask her anything substantial.

        But it still bugs me, after all the nasty things she has said about everyone else, that some are still willing to defend her and buy into that “oh, poor me, they’ve been picking on me” routine. If she wants to be seen as a serious candidate, then she need to act like it and the media needs to take off the kid gloves and treat her the same as anyone else.

        Whether or not her numbers improve is irrelevant. She wants to run so she will, no matter how hard that door slams in her face.

        • Zyxomma says:

          I think Gwen Ifill, who moderated the VP debate, really fell down on the job. I was SO disappointed, as I’d previously admired her PBS work. I lost all respect for her when she let Sowah say whatever she wanted, rather than answering questions. The TV press, excepting Rachel & Keith, are WAY too soft on her. I didn’t watch the Barbara Walters interviews, so I can’t comment on them, but it seems to me that for some reason they fear being tough on her. I just don’t understand it. Not only is she not a serious politician, she’s not a serious person in any field but grifting. P*sses me off.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Hope, were you watching Morning Joe?

        • Zyxomma says:

          No, I didn’t. It’s on cable, and I don’t have cable (I do have cable internet; dial-up had to go). What happened?

  32. Ripley in CT says:

    Ah, I do so love the 12 Days of Palin… I only wish she would go away when the song is done.

    PS: That picture of her just about ready to bludgeon that poor fish in the head makes me cringe.

  33. scout says:

    In Fairview, ‘Dancing Guy’ hangs up his iPod:
    Awwwww, I’ll miss you, dancing guy: happy trails and thanks!