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Open Thread – Moore Up North

Tune in Saturday at 4pm, and Sunday at 9am to KYES Channel 5 for Moore Up North!  The show films Thursday nights at 5:15 at the Taproot Cafe on Spenard Road.

The photo shows this week’s panel beginning (ironically on the far left) with Tom Brennan, Jill Burke from the Alaska Dispatch, and (also ironically on the far right) Scott Turner-Scofield. There was lively debate and great conversation. Shannyn also interviewed the indomitable Jeff Mittman from the Alaska ACLU. Don’t miss it!

Jeff Mittman is the Executive Director of the ACLU in Alaska which just celebrated 40 years in The Greatland.

Tom Brennan is the author of the “The Snowflake Rebellion” and regular columnist for the Anchorage Daily Planet.

Jill Burke was a former anchor and reporter at KTUU Channel 2, and is currently a staff writer at

Scott Schofield is an author, award-winning performance artist and the new Executive Artistic Director at Out North Contemporary Art House.



78 Responses to “Open Thread – Moore Up North”
  1. Just Me says:

    WTF Beth? You sound like you just fell off the turnip truck, but I’m sure Scarah will love you for your antiquated, narrow minded position. As for the MAJORITY of us…not so much. CHOICE, CHOICE, CHOISE…give me Freedom of Choice and I abolutely agree with the statement that if men could get pregnant, abortion would be sacrosanc.t

  2. mary wilson in TN says:

    Hey, gang…and AK, of course:
    Two questions:

    WTF subject was Bristol going to speak about?

    Oh, this is a comment: The shameful parent that tormented the poor boy from Russia…that happened in ignorant Tennessee, right here. sooo embarassing…especially when we have over 10,000 kids in foster care dreaming of a real loving family…

    Keep up the great work, We love you down here in GOP/TEA hell.

  3. Pinwheel says:

    I was glad to see Congressman Kucinich on MSNBC: O’Donnell?, Maddow? with comments on Egypt vis a vis her neighbors, its friends. What a great guy. He helps us keep the faith.

  4. beth says:

    As a follow-up to yesterday’s posted article:
    Dennis Kucinich Settles Olive-Pit-In-Sandwich Lawsuit

    [snip] Kucinich, a liberal who made an unsuccessful bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, said he was satisfied with the legal outcome.

    “I feel that the defendants have responded fairly and reasonably,” he said in a statement. “I don’t want to have to make another dental visit for a very long time.” [/snip]

    Full article, here:
    I know how he feels about not wanting another dental visit for a very long time — I spent so much time in the dentist’s chair last year, I thought I’d not be able to claim my home as my physical place of residence on my tax return! ebth.

  5. Mark Begich said on FB:

    After the President’s reference to salmon in the State of the Union, I sent him the best. Alaska smoked salmon. Join me in tweeting the President: @WhiteHouse Try the salmon!

    I am tweeting it now, come on everyone JOIN ME & TWEET!!!

    • bubbles says:

      Lumpyballs would say he is NOT racist. he insults everybody equally. he would say Chinese people should be grateful for his including them. what a guy!

    • Millie says:

      As to this episode w/Rush Limbaugh…I reported him to the Federal Communications Commission over the internet and then was surprised to receive a letter from them suggesting I could refile the claim if I’d like. They referred me to a website and a form which I’ll share w/the rest of you –
      FCC Form 475B – Regulation of Obscenity, Indecency and Profanity at

      When I reviewed the FCC Consumer Facts about Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts – it seems to me that Limbaugh is in huge violation.

      I recommend that as many as possible get on board with this. I was complaining specifically as to Limbaugh’s display of mimic (as to language) of the Chinese head that visited President Obama. He actually played himself doing it again with a basic ‘f you’ to those that were compalining about it.

      It just makes me sick when I hear Limbaugh say the things he does about President Obama and Michelle too. Daily rants….I only listen to about 15 minutes of his radio show to see what crap he is spreading and then cannot handle it anymore. The man has one black soul and I cannot imagine how he lives with himself – day in and day out – ranting and raving about our President in such a horrid way. I know there is ‘freedom of speech’, but the hate stuff spread by Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, O’Reilly and Hannity has to be stopped.

  6. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    It’s a clear day in Juneau and it’s shocking, I tell you. What is that bright thing up there which hurts my eyes?

    It’s pre-race Friday! I am lazy today and am plagiarizing myself since I’m too blinded to type, so skip on by if you saw this in yesterday’s Open Thread:

    Rogues Gallery Kennel hits the race trail again Saturday the 29th, in the Tustumena 200 mid distance race!

    This race is on the Kenai Peninsula, home territory of RGK and regular training runs. This has its own set of pros and cons. One of the pros is that they don’t have to travel to the race. This doesn’t sound like a big advantage, but it’s always a big deal to load up the truck with racing dogs, cab dogs, sleds, gear, bedding, food, mushers and handlers and arrive at the race start without too many mishaps along the way. They had travel & truck mishap after mishap during their last race in the Copper Basin 300, including almost hitting another musher’s MIA sled on the way home.

    One of the cons could be that the dogs are in home and training territory and might not be as excited to race. Somehow I don’t think this is going to be a problem for the RGK rogues, who seem to be about as happy to run as any dogs I’ve ever seen! But the temps are warm, the snow is cement with ice underneath, and Brian the Moose’s relatives have been very cranky along the trails lately. Very cranky!

    It’s one thing to pee in your mitten by accident (Joseph on the Copper Basin 300 trail), it’s completely another to have a moose get in the middle of gang line, or just as bad, chase you down to knock you off the sled. This is the darker side of Brian and Brenda -or should I say, the wilder side.

    We’d love to see a Facebook page for the RGK, but with hubby Joseph keeping up with the blog, being a handler and often a musher as well, all the while taking pictures which transport the reader right onto the trail with them – alas, I think he’s probably a bit busy. This year he’s also following the race on behalf of the newspaper. However, the race has a website and a FB link on the home page. There are some strong up and coming mushers in addition to veteran pros – it will be a great one to follow!

    Colleen and Joseph Robertia walk the walk and talk the talk. They rescue and rehabilitate dogs, and somehow get the misfit bunch whipped into a team to look out for! Rumor has it that Colleen has become a musher to watch! She’s a rookie no more, so now she has to be sneakier.

    LoveMyDogs was there, too:

    LoveMyDogsNo Gravatar says:
    January 27, 2011 at 6:11 PM

    Thanks MUYS, I was going to post about this but you beat me to it. Mudflatters can try to follow the race at the Tustemena 200 web site but they are notoriously bad about posting times well. Hubby, friends, neighbors and I will be at the start to cheer Colleen on and possibly do the all nighter at the Clam Shell Lodge where they take their 8 hour rest (unless things have changed). I love this race because it starts about 5 miles from my house! One of the other problems with racing where you train is that the dogs are used to going on certain trails and can try to take wrong turns (they never forget a trail that they have been on).

    MUYS and I will probably try to keep everyone here updated, eh MUYS?

    Shhhhh….it’s a secret….but Colleen might be able to win this one and that is their goal (along with keeping all of the dogs safe and well). So put on your mushing hats and cheer her on!!!

  7. scout says:

    Glad I saw Bubbles’ flower before this:
    “The House GOP’s Plan to Redefine Rape”

    • bubbles says:

      they just never stop do they?
      meanwhile enjoy all the flowers that come your way. they help with the stench the GOP wafts over all the world.

    • beth says:

      I loved ‘our’ Scott’s response when he was running for the Senate – it was something along the lines of: If a woman qualifies to have government funding to have her broken leg set, she should qualify for -and have- all other medical procedures and services paid for by the government, too. beth.

    • Pinwheel says:

      This was when I nearly lost my coffee over my keyboard. Perhaps some of you remember one of the greatest bumper stickers of all time from NOW. “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacroment”.

  8. OMG says:

    Good news…Little Green Footballs blog picked up Halcrow’s piece:

  9. Lacy Lady says:

    If you missed Chris Matthes on Msnbc last night——check this out! Good One!

    • scout says:

      Quitty & Batty ~ 2012

      2 words: ‘Merikan flag accessories!

    • bubbles says:

      Chris Matthews said “Who is putting this garbage in her head?”
      no one Chris. it is her head and her garbage.

    • Pinwheel says:

      Yes indeedee. Chris came as close to loosing it last nite as I have ever seen, and I have watched this guy for too long.

      Ed Shultz has been muzzled with his “Psycho Talk”. Who’s next?

  10. For a little offbeat fun(I hope) check out the University of Okoboji winter games in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Lots of fun things to do and see,in a small town atmosphere. In case your ever in Iowa and not bored,this could be a nice getaway for fellow Mudpups. I had to get one plug for my home state.

    • scout says:

      Mike, on the subject of winter silliness, I think you’d have a grand time here:
      Wilderness Woman Contest

      slipstream, wanna take Mike to Talkeetna?

      • I’m betting you would be right. It just doesn’t get that cold here and I’ve already accepted the fact that woman can do all that I can and then some. I try to be humble and don’t want to be totally awe-inspired by legendary women of Alaska scaring the stuff out of me. Didn’t I mention before I’m basically a coward at heart? Last wife I had,I was the one needed pertection.

      • leenie17 says:

        Ooooohhh…LOVE Talkeetna.

        The last time I was there, I bought a purple moose umbrella, complete with antlers, in one of the gift shops!

        Don’t they also have the Moose Dropping Festival there, too?

  11. AKjah says:

    Ah yes Saturday afternoon. Feet up, beverage of choice and moore up north. Life is good.

    Finding great information over at Firedoglake about Egypt. Siun has been doing great for the past few days. Check out the comments.

  12. Could it be within the realm of likely that Quitty and the dingbat behind door number two,are locked in mortal combat to see who really is the……….biggest Nutter? Anything you can say,I can say dumber. There does not appear to be a single light on in either head. Nope,no one is home here. Maybe someone should suggest the two lighten up on the hairspray.

  13. bubbles says:

    for all the snow weary pups on the East Coast. a flower:

    • scout says:

      awww, bubbs, a flower,
      hee hee

    • Zyxomma says:

      Thanks, bubbles. I must admit I’m enjoying the snow (although the part where the soles of my warm Canadian shearling-lined boots cracked was no fun), and the caption on the flower photo is priceless. The boots are being re-soled (with Vibram, my favorite), and will be ready Tuesday. They’re also getting new lambswool insoles to replace the felted shearling insoles they came with (they wore through to the foam beneath them). I’m having the shoemaker put in the insoles because they need to be cut down to fit the boots. I bought a second pair (also too large) for the hiking boots I’m wearing while the others are being repaired. This means I must be more careful about foot placement; these boots aren’t as tall as the others. At least I’ll only be without them for a few more days.

    • merrycricket says:

      Beautiful Bubbles! I am impatient for spring.

      • bubbles says:

        not so long now Merrycricket. can’t wait to see your garden blooming. don’t forget a small pot of blooms for the woman across the street. (smile)

    • Dagian says:

      It made me chuckle–not just for the caption though. It’s so…phallic!

  14. Zyxomma says:

    Yesterday, a hearing started in Franklin Circuit Court (Kentucky). HuffPo is calling it Clean Water Gate. The coal mining companies are behaving worse than I knew (and I try to stay informed). Background here:

    and here’s the link to the article by Jeff Biggers at HuffPo:

    “More so, affected citizens argue that’s it hard to imagine what Kentucky — or any coalfields community — would look like without neutral third party monitoring. Nearly a year ago, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and the Sierra Club filed a complaint that the Frasure Creek Mining company had begun three mountaintop removal mining operations without proper permits. Less than two years ago, a massive boulder from a Frasure Creek Mining operation smashed the bedroom walls of a Floyd County resident’s home.”

    We’re talking 20,000 violations, including the forging of reports. Anyone who still thinks the proposed strip mine through a salmon stream in Chuitna also thinks denial is a river in Egypt.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Oops! The above sentence SHOULD have read, “Anyone who still thinks the proposed strip mine through a salmon stream in Chuitna is a good idea also thinks denial is a river in Egypt.” Passion sometimes makes that submit comment button get ahead of the fingers.

  15. BigPete says:

    Have you ever heard of any campaigning politician, in any other industrial democracy, promising to provide “an American-style health-care system”?

  16. tallimat says:

    As much as it would be fun to attend a Moore Up North taping, the trek to get there is long…

    Maybe before commerical fishing begins?,,,
    till then it is TVO…

    In other news, my eyes are glued to live feeds on what is taking place in Cairo.
    Dang. Lots of upset people ragin in the streets.

    • GA Peach says:

      my eyes are glued to live feeds on what is taking place in Cairo.
      Mine, too. Talk about history being made. Unbelievable.

  17. OMG says:

    I enjoyed this segment of “Hardball” (although I do tire of hosts talking over their guests):

  18. flying pig ranch says:

    Remember Ronald Reagan running for his second term,? “it’s morning in American.” Well,… would seem that we have awakened from a 25 year sleep with a headache, a hangover and flashbacks and nightmares about deregulation, trickle down economics, and don’t worry about the debit. The unemployment rate then is about what it is now. The Lauffer Curve was a really bad economic joke. I remember a 16% car loan rate back then. American made cars were crap.

    Wake up America. We have a lot to celebrate! Have a donut.

  19. OMG says:

    Move over Sarah, there’s a new dimwit garnering attention that the world lavished only on you (another sad day in America):

  20. OMG says:

    “Yikes” is right. Another commentary on Palin’s WTF pronouncements and her total disregard for historical facts:

    • G Katz says:

      Thanks, OMG. He also links to a entertaining read by Alexandra Petri, “WTF Moments with Palin on the ‘Race to Space,’ Sputnik, and Spudnut”

      • OMG says:

        Thanks G Katz…a great piece.

        • Mo says:

          Yeah! Tip o’ the hat from me, too. One of the reasons I like mudflats is the quality of the links from other posters!

          Money quote from the PostPartisan piece:
          “Even worse, it seems that Palin planned her rhetorical disaster, as she goes on to discuss the “Spudnut Shop,” a bakery in Washington State that’s succeeding without government support. Yet more evidence that her judgment in both what she says and who she has vetting it is pathetic. It’s not even cleverly manipulative. It’s just dreck.”

          The Lamestream worm seems to have turned, eh?

  21. The panel was supposed to be balanced and I read that only Madame Grifter Jr. would be speaking. Did I read something wrong or is ‘balanced’ one sided?

    • jimzmum says:

      Here is the original make-up of the panel.

      The panel’s topic: abstinence. It will also include representatives from the Catholic Student Center on campus, Missouri Right to Life, and Planned Parenthood, said Scott Elman, president of the Student Health Advisory Commitee at Washington University.

      • Sarafina says:

        When I read the school’s article yesterday, it talked about a “balanced” panel. With BP, the Catholics, and right-to-life-until-they-are-born v. Planned Parenthood, it looks like 3 to 1 to me. Not really balanced, as only PP would/could talk about optionS (plural) if reality occurs.

      • Dagian says:

        So where in the world would Bristol fit in?

  22. TX SMR says:

    I’d have liked to listen to that show. I know Tom, and he is a great guy. I’ll have to track it down somewhere online to give it a listen. Does Shannyn post clips at her site? Anyone anyone?

    Re: the BP appearance, or cancellation now, I suppose – isn’t she a Candie’s abstinence spokesperson? Shouldn’t she be paid by them when she goes around talking about abstinence?

    I don’t really see how that works — you’re a “spokesperson” for a company, so what do you get? Free shoes and no money? Is she paid by Candies to speak about abstinence or not? Is she double-dipping, trying to milk people other than Candie’s for money while also being paid by Candies?

    That yukky apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    So glad the kids are abstaining. Talk about a monumental waste of dollars that can buy books and computers and thousands and thousands of other important things. Whose effing crazy idea was that anyway?

    • GA Peach says:

      Shannyn used to post Moore Up North on Youtube, but no longer, and I haven’t been able to find where or if they’re archived elsewhere.

  23. OMG says:

    This is a very important reminder about how the party of “Hell No” responded to the bailout of the auto industry as it compares to the reality of said bailout.

    • lilybart says:

      The President saved an industry, in a time when we have very little manufacturing left. I find that scary. It is a National Security issue if we could not make heavy equipment in our own country.

      This alone deserves a second term.

  24. jimzmum says:

    Whoopsie. Bristol won’t be at Wash U.

    A little snip from the article:
    A Facebook petition to compel the school to nix Palin’s appearance had hundreds of signatures Thursday evening. “It’s not necessarily in opposition to the ideas that are being presented,” explained Philip Thomas, the Washington U. student who initiated the petition.”People are getting so angry because of the opposition to Palin’s lack of expertise and the high cost she is charging,” especially in light of budget cuts that have adversely affected other student activities, he said.

    The whole thing:

    • ks sunflower says:

      So glad the students did that! So glad she had not signed a contract, but I wonder if the head of the Advisory Committee (probably a businessman) gave Bristol some sort of monetary compensation to cancel.

      • jimzmum says:

        Good question. I am sure that will come out, if it happened. Wash U isn’t the sort of place for secrets of that sort. I find it odd that no contract had been signed.

    • OMG says:

      The students are doing exactly what they should be doing. After all, they are attending University in order to further develop rational thought. And any rational thinking person would recognize that paying someone for nothing is ludicrous.

    • Dagian says:

      Good for them! Clearly they can see through the line of b*11shit the family has been generating. I guess she’s not a role model they aspire to become? Who would have believed it? (Bristol Palin and Bellatrix Lestrange won’t. Those tweets will be flying!)

      Whatever are they going to do with the honorary degree they probably generated for her?

      I say, don’t shred it, use it as a fund raiser for the STUDENTS’ benefit. Library, perhaps?

    • Dagian says:

      Good for them! Clearly Bristol Palin and Bellatrix Lestrange don’t have such a fascination over them as feared.

      Maybe the university can auction off a joke honorary degree with Bristol Palin’s name on it to raise money for the university library.

    • G Katz says:

      Good news! Evidence that some people are raising their children to employ critical thinking skills and to stand up for what makes sense in a higher edjumacation system.

    • beth says:

      This is what I’ve been talking about when I say all college professors are left-wing radicals … and worse! You send your children to university to get an education and what happens? They get brainwashed by these liberals into thinking it’s not important to heed the memory and words of our founding fathers who knew even then, back in those days when they were fighting for our freedom from big government, that we should honor the sanctity of life that starts at the moment of conception and wrote the Constitution to protect it by practicing abstinence until after marriage between one man and one woman as G_d made manifest. All colleges and universities should have government funding pulled from them unless they only hire (or keep) professors who take a solemn pledge to only teach (and follow) the guidelines for life as overwhelmingly voted on by the Amurican people in the last election who, then, know conservative values will save the exceptionalism of our country that can’t be done if librul, left-wing, socialist professors try to brainwash our hard-working children like Bristol into thinking abstinence is not something they should know about and practice until holy matrimony, then, in our heartland and all across our nation. President Obama just doesn’t get it – he is so out of touch with the Amurican people because he went to school where the professors all fed him socialist agendas and Michelle did, too, also, then, and she wants to tell us what we can feed our children and he doesn’t listen to the people who demand small-business solutions to job creation and doesn’t see anything bad for Amurica with college professors telling our children not to practice abstinence as Bristol, that hard-working gal and great mama to an adorable little boy, will tell them to do but they’re having second thoughts about the invitation because the librul professors are helping to ruin our country.

      [shakes self]
      Sorry — don’t know what came over me… it was as if I was channeling some annoying, weird, manic screech, or something, beth.

      • A fan from CA says:

        ((((((Beth))))))))), we can do an intervention her at Mudflats. Maybe a bakers dozen of Spudnuts washed down with adult beverages will flush the demon from your soul.

        • Baker's Dozen says:

          Sorry. I don’t have any spudnuts. Or adult beverages (all mine are under 18 years old) 🙂 I suggest Beth watch Rachel, Jon, and Steven for several hours and read Mudflats archives.

      • Valley_Independent says:

        Good job Beth! Thanks, I needed that.

      • leenie17 says:

        Okay, Beth, this is starting to get a little scary.

        Unpin the flag from your lapel, take the bumpit out of your hair, remove the Naughty Monkey pumps, wash the sharpie off of your hand and step awayyy from the crockpot with the moosemeat chili.

        Help is on the way…

      • Art says:

        Beth, you’re a great Amurican! … Loved the screech but was relieved at the end. Thanks!

    • Yay for the students! I was appalled when I read that she was being paid out of their student activity fees.