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Boots on the Ground – Torture Judge Comes to Anchorage

~Ruth Sheridan and Tom Macchia


By Ruth Sheridan, Alaskans for Peace and Justice

On Thursday, May 5, three activists from Alaskans for Peace and Justice were in the Federal Courtroom in Anchorage where a panel of three judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals were holding hearings. One of those three judges was Jay Bybee, author of the “Bybee Memo” aka “the torture memo.”  When the session ended at about 10:30 and before the judges left the room, we stood up. One person held a banner reading – Impeach Bybee War Criminal and said “Remember the torture memos!”  The second person said “You’re a disgrace to justice” and the third remark was “You bring shame to the United States.”

We were there at the suggestion of Susan Harman, an Oakland activist, who alerted us to the fact that Bybee would be in Anchorage. In case people have forgotten, Bybee was appointed to the 9th Circuit Court for life by George W. Bush in 2003 after having done Bush’s bidding as Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Council. It was Jay Bybee who signed off on the notorious memos of John Yoo “justifying” torture in Aug. 2002 and Jay Bybee who “justified” aggressive war, unconstitutionally authorizing the president to launch wars, claiming that Congress has no power to interfere with anything a president does. He was John Yoo’s boss. At the time of Bybee’s confirmation hearing, news of the torture memos had not yet leaked to the public.

Since the session had been gaveled to a close we were not arrested or harassed after making our statements. The Marshall’s Office knew we would be present and there was no interference with our right to be in the courtroom and speak out against a judge who should be removed from the bench. However, we were not allowed to take a picture right at the door of the courthouse. Instead, we moved to the corner of 7th and C for the photo op!

Stay tuned for details of the opposition to John Yoo, the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Alaska Bar Association in Fairbanks. A favorite slogan for him is SHAME ON YOO!

We invite the public to voice their concerns with a war criminal sitting on our Federal Appeals Circuit Court the next time Jay Bybee comes to town.



15 Responses to “Boots on the Ground – Torture Judge Comes to Anchorage”
  1. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    Amazing how the “REPUGS” in Congress can forget what President
    George Bush gave his okay to…yes, when will Rice, Cheney, and
    Rumsfeld be brought before a Court of Law. (??) Never! Bush
    appointed Chief Justice Roberts to the highest court in the USA.

  2. Desa Jacobsson says:

    Right on, Ruth and Tom! Thanks for taking a risk and showing this yip yo that Alaskans don’t like corruption or ignorance.

    When will Condosleazy Rice, Cheny, Scooter, Li’l Dubya and Rumsfeld be indicted for War Crimes? I’d love to be a member of the jury on that one.

  3. scout says:

    ((((((Ruth Sheridan & Tom Macchia))))))

    Thank you for your indefatigable activism.
    Peace and Justice.

  4. Eugene says:

    It’s good to see that you are still kicking butt, Ruth. Your activism is a much-needed example for others to emulate.

  5. PennyArcade says:

    Hi Ruth. I’m glad to see you are still out there speaking for all of us,I was horrified when I saw that the Alaska Bar had invited John Yoo and adding insult to injury, Bybee is there, too. Ruth, you may not remember me (Renee Murray) but I was sort of a rabble rouser like you. Now I’m doing my rabble rousing in New Mexico. I am so appalled at what the GOP is trying to do with women’s reproductive rights. We all need to speak out, as I’m sure you do. Best regards, Ruth. Keep up the good work for all of us.

  6. Amy C says:

    Right on Tom and Ruth and that 3rd activist! Wish I could have been there. Keep it up.

  7. benlomond2 says:

    I was somewhat disappointed that the current administration chose to not investigate/prosecute members of the previous admin for illegal activities. I understand why Ford pardoned Nixon, in order to get the country to move forwaqrd, but that was one man, not an entire admin. When I apply the standards set by the Nuremberg Trials against the Nazis, to the activities of the Bush Admin, in my mind’s eye, there is suffecent cause for trials. History will record the Bush 2 Years as a low point in American values and morals.

  8. Skagway Kid says:

    This judge and John Yoo are anxious to rewrite history. A spin off from wasting OBL is the rapidly unfolding history of the hunt. The republicans are either totally stupid or totally incompetent. Their so-called “enhance interrogation” was well underway before these bozo lawyers trashed the constitution to justify it. The signature piece is Bush2 “I don’t know where is, I got better things to do”
    One has to wonder how long America’s patience can hold out to be surrounded by a such a collection of dingbats.

  9. Celia Harrison says:

    I would like to know who invited them. Those people need to hear from the citizens of Alaska.

    • slipstream says:

      Celia, the article says “a panel of three judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals were holding hearings.” Bybee, war criminal though he may be, is one of the judges on the 9th. Today’s hearings were not an invitation; they were a regular part of the business of the court.

      Let me know next time, and I will come protest with you.

  10. Sally says:

    Good for you! If the law won’t hold these criminals to account, citizens must make sure they never forget.

  11. biglake says:

    Good on ya Ruth and Tom!

  12. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    Well done.

  13. FrostyAK says:

    It’s a damned shame that WAR CRIMINALS like these are allowed to walk free AND to judge all of US. Not the country I grew up in…