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Open Thread – Rock Ptarmigan

Anchorage is full of all sorts of interesting wildlife, but the humble ptarmigan is often overlooked. Ptarmigan have a couple things going for them. First is the cool silent “P” at the beginning of their name. Second, the Alaska State Bird is a ptarmigan, specifically a Willow ptarmigan. It isn’t, as you may have heard, this:

It is also rumored that ptarmigan are delicious, but I cannot vouch for that personally. I much prefer them in situ.

The fellow up there on the rock is the appropriately named ‘rock ptarmigan.’ Go figure

[photo h/t Spouse]



112 Responses to “Open Thread – Rock Ptarmigan”
  1. yukonbushgrma says:

    LMD, if this is what most of us feel, can you imagine the intensity of Frank Bailey’s struggles?

    I’m convinced, too, that he didn’t write this book for money or retribution. With every word, he’d have had to bring back all the pain — and he did that. No one could go through that emotional pain again without a commitment to truth. For him to stick it out and let the world know about his former queen is pretty admirable in my opinion. I believe him. The guy needed to set his soul straight.

    I hope at least some of her bots can put themselves in Frank’s place and suddenly realize that they’re exactly the same sychophant Frank admits to being.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      hmmmm….thought I hit “Reply”! That was supposed to be a reply to #32!

    • LoveMyDogs says:

      Hi YBG. Hope all is well with you. I think about you often.

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        Hi Back!!!! Miss you! I still remember laughing ’til I hurt!

  2. LoveMyDogs says:

    I was talking to a friend this morning and she brought up the fact that her son goes to the same church as Frank Bailey. Her son had been an avid supporter of the Quitter. He told her that Frank is not the kind of guy to lie about anything and the book has turned her son’s thinking around on the quitter queen. So, in spite of all the flying monkey attacks out there, it is having an impact. It might be small but, one Palinbot at a time….

    Let the Palinbots’ “momma” have her time in the sun (and may she broil in her black clothes) even if it is inappropriate. All things come around in time. She can keep on progressin’ herself through the 7 deadly sins (let’s see she is already down with: greed, envy, wrath, pride…). Self-promotion must be in there somewhere. Her day will come. Anyone so vengeful cannot last forever on top of the mountain of fame. Eventually she will stick her knives into one too many people and someone will fight back. Perhaps she can shine a light on the idea that most of us are looking for a certain state of grace (and I mean this in the spiritual and not the religious sense). I am making a huge effort to stop giving this creature any more of my time than is absolutely necessary (to keep her out of office). Like war, she is unhealthy for children and all living things. I think that she will run because she just can’t help herself. I have to believe that she will lose (or, more than likely, quit) because the alternative is unspeakable.

    In the meantime, I am trying to devote my time to more important things. After all, she is really very unimportant in the big scheme of things and this is what eats at her soul more than anything else. If her little stunt at this bike rally brings more money and shines a light on what that vets are trying to do that is great. May that please be the outcome (rather than the distraction that she always is from people who actually have a message). May the people who support her each have a “come to Jesus” moment like Mr Bailey had. May she fade into the obscurity of old age (when she can no longer charm anyone with her looks) with regret for her hubris and may she spend the rest of her days repenting. Will this day come? I think that it will. The damage that she can inflict on my country is dependent upon people paying attention to her. Most of us have paid attention because we see her for a very humorous train wreck. It is time to stop rubbernecking and either move on or look for people that we can help.

    It is my most fervent hope that I can hold myself to this because the intense dislike that I hold for her and what she stands for has become like an addiction and it is very unhealthy for me.

  3. OtterQueen says:

    That’s a pretty chikkin.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Good afternoon, all. I’m unexpectedly at home today. Visited the most local Greenmarket and bought a beautiful bottle of local bee pollen, picked up a neti pot at the health food store, and sat enjoying the birds in the tiny garden on my block (I’ve been a member for years, and recently I was elected secretary). if you’d like to see for yourself.

    I love the ptarmigan photo. Do all of them have feathers on their legs, extending right to their feet, in winter? Please answer, Alaskans! I do appreciate it.

    Health and peace.

    • thatcrowwoman says:

      Glad you’re up and about and feeling better, Zyxomma. Teh neti pot will help with teh sinus stuff. Little Bird got an evil sinus infection the week before finals, but is all better now. Leaves for her summer job Wednesday; my loss is the gain of many Jewish yeladim. ๐Ÿ™‚

      BTW, I sent her the link to “your” garden when she was researching urban gardening last fall, and she sends her thanks and best wishes.

      Don’t know about ptarmigan ptoes, but we’ve had several different breeds of chickens with feathery feet year round. Ain’t diversity amazing and entertaining?


    • CO almost native says:

      Wow. Gorgeous oasis. Wish my backyard looked like that…

    • LoveMyDogs says:

      Very cool garden.

  5. Irishgirl says:

    The American media is beyond a joke. This isn’t funny anymore. In fact it never was. They have put this mentally ill and retarded woman forward as a presidential candidate. Enough is enough..Make. It. stop.

  6. auni says:

    Aren’t there 3 different types of paa-tarmigen living at different elevations–seems like I remember learning that at AMU

  7. auni says:

    Hope–I grew up in an incredibly strict church. Clothing, hair–everything–was dictated by the church. I was reminded of the “smallness” of that life with your insightful comments about the Southern women. It takes introspection, and a lot of time, to grow out of those old ways of thinking. People like Palin and Bush simply don’t have the capacity for self evaluation. President Obama has it.

    • Hope says:

      Thanks for the response, Auni. I so agree! It is that ability to get outside himself and see the big picture – and help others see it – that makes me love Obama and be so proud he’s our president. How can we encourage more of that big thinking? I think “Blind Allegiance” might help trace that path for people, and it sounds like it may be helping people understand those who get caught in that tiny thinking. I hope it can help those trapped inside it to find their own way out. Maybe there are those who will read it and find that thread.

      Sometimes I wonder how one can tell. This woman, of course, if she were challenged, would have believed she was the one seeing the “big picture.” Maybe each of us would. Is there some way to test this in myself? I think kindness may be the test, but kindness to whom?

      The humility to know that I am small allows me to stay fluid and kind toward the other small beings around me as we try to find greater and greater truth together and separately without damaging each other. Yet… I can see others’ smallness with terrifying clarity! Can I see my own? I wonder. What would it take? And where would it take me? For me, this is a burning question.

      I think AKM has given us a great example in her work with the book – with finding the connections and the respect for this journey that Frank chronicles. AKM, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.


      • fishingmamma says:

        I appreciate your line of thinking. It is the ability to ask questions of ourselves and criticize ourselve and change our thinking that creates wisdom.

        I have been thinking lately about the concept of “enough”. About how a world view can be based on either sufficient or insufficient, and most RWNJs seem to base their world view on an idea of insufficiency, meaning that if my neighbor has money, that means there is less for me. If my neighbor has food, that means there is less for me. So then, my motivation is to hoard as much as I can, because there is not enough for everyone. The view that resources are a pie, and there is only so much to go around, creates insecurity and fear.

        A world view that is based on sufficiency, however,means that my neighbor can have enough food, and I can have enough food, and so can everyone on the street. No fear. Resources are not a pie, but a constant stream.

        • Hope says:

          I just listened to a great story about just this, and I’ve wanted to share it. I like to listen to stories while I drive, and I bought Jack Dalton’s cd, “The Two Stories” (I think that’s the name of it.)
          www DOT ravenfeathers DOTcom

          Jack is an Alaska Storyteller, and he’s doing a workshop in McCarthy on June 4-6. Not an advertisement, exactly, but after listening to this cd, I’d love to go!

          Anyway, this cd was done several years ago, but the story is “The Gathering Song.” It is the story of a village in hard times. The People follow their fears and their personal interests for generations until they are in very bad straits and at war with each other. Then an old man comes and teaches them the Gathering Song, which they find, to their amazement, they know. It is an amazing story, and beautifully told.

          Let me know what you think, if you get a chance to listen to it.


          • fishingmamma says:

            Sounds like a story I would love. I will hunt down a copy. Thanks.

        • A fan in CA says:

          Yes, I agree. I was taught by a wise person to think about this as some having an outlook of paucity and others having an outlook of plenty.

  8. yukonbushgrma says:

    Here’s my favorite $P quote from today —

    “Amid the rumble of motorcycles, Palin was asked whether all of her tour events would be that loud. ‘Oh, it would be a blast if they were this loud, if they smelled this good,’ Palin declared. ‘I love that smell of the emissions!'”

    Talk about lame, on so many fronts …….

    • A fan in CA says:

      Does that send tingles up the leg of the Koch brothers?

      I’ve often wondered about some of the language she uses. I’d say exhaust not emmissions. I’d say meat not protein. Who talks like that? Is this some kind of code/dog whistles?

    • tigerwine says:

      Hey yukonbushgrma! Seen any of my son this spring? Glad to see you posting again!

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        Hi Tigerwine!

        Nope, no sign of your l’il bugger!

        Haven’t been able to keep up with Mudflats as I’d like, but will try to pop in every now and then. Lots of stuff going on, and too few hours in the day. (Translation: I’m trying to discipline myself – ha!)

  9. beaglemom says:

    Our local paper was a treasure trove of interesting news today (comment above, early on). There was a small article about bears (ours are black) having been seen several times recently at the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and advising campers not to leave any food around.

    This morning a bear was seen in a neighborhood in downtown Traverse City. A member of our Quaker congregation had seen him/her walking down the alley earlier. When my husband got home, he told me that the police had the bear confined in a backyard and were waiting for the tranquilizer gun to arrive. I hope the bear is now sleeping it off in a nearby forest.

  10. tigerwine says:

    I mentioned earlier if Palin were visiting historical places, going to NH, she’d have to stop in my hometown of Portsmouth – the most historical city in the state. But, according to the map, she’s going to Manchester – Portsmouth isn’t even shown. Know why? Manchester is a bastion of right wingers!

    If Roger Ailes wants to remain credible, he ought to fire her. Wish Gingrich or Pawlenty would challenge him on it!

    • Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

      They could, but would then be seen as more of the GOP pickin’ on pore li’l Sarah. Besides, how much credibility does Ailes have as it is?

      • tigerwine says:

        Hey, Nan! I think Ailes does have credibility with the right wingers, and if he shows partiality, and lets SP get away with this, he will lose that credibility. I’ll bet O’Donnell will let him have it!

        • Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

          Good point; I was seeing it through the wrong lens lol

  11. Hope says:

    Since this is an open thread, I’m going to go against type here and share some weird thoughts or feelings, for what they’re worth. Probably not much, but… here goes:

    A few years ago I bought a dvd called “Women of the Civil War.” I didn’t know what it was, and when I got it I couldn’t get it to play or do anything. I finally realized it was a bunch of PDF copies of old books written by women about their experiences during the Civil War. I just found the thing this morning, and put it into my computer, and have been reading the first one I opened.

    This first one is by a Southern woman, a very sweet, innocent, passionate young proponent of “The Cause.” Absolutely certain. Unquestioningly clear on what is right, who is good, true, patriotic, pure. And those were her experiences.

    I can never get very close to the Civil War, because it breaks my heart. Reading just the first few pages of this little book has had that effect, but it has also put me, somehow, right in the mulch and turmoil and myopia of that time and place, her life, her passion, her joy and her โ€” for lack of a truer word โ€” smallness. And I feel her unwitting smallness like I feel my own soul! How small and certain each of us is of what is true and right and worthy! And how ready to fight for our miniscule passion for “right” and “country” and “cause.” For “self.” To nail our little truth down once and for all and for ALL so that our tiny truth freezes history and humanity to that infinitesimal pinpoint that is me and mine.

    It seems to me that democracy is supposed to be the antidote to that.


    • ks sunflower says:

      Hope, thank you for sharing this. How we all wish that Sarah had the capability to think such profound thoughts. Perhaps she would be humbler if she could understand what you are sharing with us.

  12. auni says:

    Lilybart–good point–she would redefine the hell out of what the presidency is–and not in a good way–it would be about the attention, neat planes, living in the White House–not the actual WORK. Saw the pictures of her at the Rolling Thunder thing–in all her glory–push-up bra–Good God! Has the kids with her–do they ever go to school?

    • AKPetMom says:

      In all fairness the last day of school in the Valley was Wednesday. Not that this proves the kids really attended school, just that they wouldn’t need to be there now.

    • CO almost native says:

      According to Immoral Minority, Willow was kicked out of Palmer (?) High School for disciplinary reasons; they are trying to homeschool her, but four veteran teachers have quit, refusing to put up with her attitude. Piper may not be in elementary school for long, either- due to the excessive number of absences. Very sad.

      Maybe the Palins are planning to move and enroll them in AZ schools-

  13. Martha says:

    At Rolling Thunder event, Palin just insisted to CNN reporter that she was not politicizing this event~~~~wยญhile a HUGE placard was carried high above the crowd,(attached to 2×4) directly behind her, sporting professionยญal logo and web adress for “VetsforSaยญrahPalin”.

    I guess no one is to believe their lying eyes.

    This day is supposed to BE for the vets~~~not “vets for Sarah Palin”…$arah is a self centered, unpatriotic, dishonorable media whore.

    While Tawd, Bristol and Piper were in tow……there was NO sign of her “veteran son” Track.

    If her son were to be there it would take away from HER…simply disgusting!

  14. OMG says:

    Capehart is a brilliant guy so let’s hope he knows what he talking about here:

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      If a contest does emerge between Palin and Bachmann, it might give us a clue as to how completely Palin will divide the GOP in the nomination process. It will put her up against a sitting legislator who, while clearly a TP heavy, doesn’t sound like someone who is going to leave her party. Any debate that could emerge between those two could provide us lots and lots of popcorn moments. I can’t wait!

    • I agree with Capehart, but I don’t want Bachmann taking up our time either. There must be some republican out there who is intelligent and can at least address the issues. Now, whoever it is just needs to find the guts to do it and quit bowing down before the likes of Palin and the TPers.

  15. Lacy Lady says:

    I heard McCain on Cnn—–Now I am wondering if he is “baiting” her to run.
    I saw the Nut riding on a motorcycle today. EEEEEEE Gods”

  16. Lacy Lady says:

    I hear

  17. auni says:

    I have followed President Obama’s activities closely over the months. I am amazed with his energy level–after getting home just yesterday from his trip, he is off to view storm damage today. Doesn’t he get jet lag! Exhausting! I can’t imagine how Palin would possibly manage that schedule. Apparently she doesn’t actually realize what the job involves–her nerves would be frayed–her family would suffer–she just isn’t realizing what the demands would be.

    • Lilybart says:

      She can send Todd or Bristol in her place and she can go mountain biking with George W when he’s in town.

      Of course she can’t the job but she thinks that only SHE defines what the JOB is.

  18. mike from iowa says:

    Would someone please alert the media that I,mike from iowa, have no plans to be in Washington D.C. now or ever. They can start looking for my arrival now and stop looking tomorrow. I still won’t show,at least the media will have something positive to report on for 24 hours. Paylin’s next child or grandchild will be named PCH Paylin,as in Porcupine Caribou Herd Paylin or maybe Dead Wolf or Dead Bear.Paylin.

  19. formerwriter says:

    Just finished AKM’s book with Frank Bailey. I read every page. It was insightful. It was funny. It was also incredibly sad. I loved AKM’s final words, in the epilogue: “Thank you to my partners in this unlikely trio… for proving that we dont’ need to agree politically to be friends, work together, and care about our country.”

    AKM, you most definitely are a writer! Your mom is so proud. Thank you for all you do.

    • tigerwine says:

      I agree with FormerWriter – it is incredibly sad. Although many have criticized Bailey for writing this book, and portraying him as a sore loser and a person who was just as much to blame for having followed her/Todd’s orders. I can certainly see how this could happen. After all, he was right in the center of all that was important in AK politics, and we must remember the Gov had an 80%+ favoribility rating (some say even in the 90’s). That’s heady stuff.

    • PollyinAK says:

      Did you cry when he had the conversation with the trooper? Near the end of the book, when he volunteered at Eagle? And later when he found his wedding band?

      • formerwriter says:

        I was hoping, just hoping, as I read, that the ring was inside. I just felt his desperation as he sat, tire blown, no tools or people around. I have to admit that as I read, my negative feelings towards Bailey gradually changed to that of understanding and sadness. Especially when he wrote about Capt. Keith Mallard and that last campfire at Eagle. So, so sad. And yet, there is still redemption, in the end.

      • tigerwine says:

        Polly – haven’t gotten that far yet. I’ll be on the lookout!

    • Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

      I finished the book a couple nights ago. It was incredible, and left me overwhelmed, speechless, and sad. Congratulations and many thanks to AKM, Frank, and Mr Morris for providing us with an insightful and riveting read (I could NOT put it down)! Wish I could hug all three of you!

      I notice the Palinbots are over there on Amazon posting negative reviews in an attempt to drive the ratings down; also, discussions about it are raging on the Amazon Discussion Boards. The book has sure ruffled some feathers. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • formerwriter says:

        from what Bailey wrote about the way Palin’s crew hijacked online voting, the targeted way that the Palinbots are treating Amazon reviews is no surprise. i will go over later and post the strengths of this sad tale. AKM’s writing is incredible. The tone is measured, logical, and yet, deeply touching. He goes from true believer to horrified staffer subjected to depositions. amazing.

  20. G Katz says:

    The last 4 paragraphs (except you can ignore the very last paragraph) of this Politico article seem to verify that the portrayal of $P in Blind Allegiance is spot on.

    • OMG says:

      You’re right on that…people need to read the book and then this article which verifies the claims Baily made.

      • Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

        A slight digression here; on page one of that article is this statement:

        “Palin rehired advance aides Doug McMarlin and Jason Recher to plan the tour. Theyโ€™re now part of an increasingly small Palin circle, made even smaller since spokeswoman Rebecca Mansour was sidelined from talking to the press after tweets criticizing Palinโ€™s daughter were posted by the Daily Caller last week.

        (italics are mine) That’s the first reference I’ve seen to RAM since that little kerfuffle.

        Read more:

        • Kath the Scrappy says:

          I caught that and am wondering too. WHAT “little kerfuffle”? I read Mudflats and IM daily, but have heard nothing.

          AHAH thx Google! Here’s the Daily Caller link, but what’s strange is that RAM sent the message over a year ago, why is it coming out now? RAM has just as much “class” as she did back at c4pee:

          May 29, 2011
          What a top aide to Sarah Palin really thinks about Mitt Romney, Bristol Palin, Erick Erickson and more
          Published: 12:15 AM 05/24/2011

        • Kath the Scrappy says:

          Looks like my comment about the “little kerfuffle” went to moderation, probably because it had a kid’s name in the link. Should it disappear just Google Rebecca Mansour and look for the Daily Caller article.

          I think she wasn’t quite as potty mouthed about the kid, but as we are seeing in Frank Bailey’s book – NO criticism is too petty to provoke an intense overreaction from Team Palin.

  21. GoI3ig says:

    I happened to be at Costco yesterday and I took a stroll by the books. The supply of Frank Bailey books had dwindled seriously over the previous four days. As I was watching, I saw three more people pick one up.

    To me, this is a good sign. The word is getting out from a member of her inner circle. Her approval rating in Alaska continues to sink.

  22. leenie17 says:

    The other cool thing about ptarmigans is that you get two birds in one…a white bird in the winter and a brown, speckly bird in the summer!

    • tigerwine says:

      You also get the dumbest bird alive! It’s almost as bad as shooting wolves from helicopters.

  23. Waay Out West says:

    Corrected link to the map.

  24. Waay Out West says:

    The Australian news article is strange, must have been written with the aid of a crystal ball. So far she is a no show, she was expected at 7AM. The Washington Post has the most recent update at 10.55AM

    with a link to a nice map

  25. Irishgirl says:

    “WHEN Sarah Palin set off last night from the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in Washington on a campaign-style bus tour, she did not need the roar of 100,000 motorbikes to know she has shaken up the Republican field for next year’s presidential elections.

    However, while supporters may be delighted that the most colourful US politician is taking steps to enter the fray for 2012, her former close aide is horrified.

    “It terrifies me when I think of her not only trying to lead the party I belong to, but this country,” said Frank Bailey, who worked with Palin from 2005 until 2009. “America needs strong, honest, principled leaders – the only principle she is about is furthering Sarah Palin’s ambition.”

    As her campaign director during a rise from small-town mayor to governor of Alaska and vice-presidential candidate in 2008, Bailey initially saw Palin as “a Reagan in heels”. Now he believes her whole image is a “myth.” ”

  26. Irishgirl says:

    The woman has no shame. She has alerted the media as to the time of her arrival at the Rolling Thunder event.

    “Sarah Palin will roar into D.C. on Sunday, mounting up with a pack of bikers that are part of the larger Rolling Thunder veterans demonstration. The Associated Press reports Palin will be riding a rented motorcycle.

    The 2008 vice-presidential candidate will be joined by her husband, Todd Palin in Sunday’s ride. Media has been advised the couple will be in the area around 11 a.m.”

  27. beaglemom says:

    This morning’s local newspaper has a full page article (well, almost) about GOP possible presidential contenders. Featured in the text was Gov. Perry of Texas. Nothing like nominating a secessionist to be president of the country. Featured by way of a very large photo was Sarah Palin! Also linked, as we know (but not many others), to secessionism by way of her husband’s former political affiliation. Now we can be sure that the GOP doesn’t like the country we all share.

    I quickly turned to the weather page where I saw that, once again, Fairbanks is going to be substantially warmer than our part of northwest lower Michigan today. We warm up tomorrow and Tuesday fortunately, and then cool off a bit but not back to the 50’s like last week. Anyway the weather forecast was much more encouraging than the Republican potential-presidential-nominee field.

    PS The ptarmigan is really cute.

  28. G Katz says:

    Atul Gawande gave the commencement speech to the Harvard Medical graduates this year. He has a lot to add to the debate about the quality of healthcare that reaches beyond the typical political rhetoric. I just started reading his book, The Checklist Manifesto, and it is fascinating so far. Here is the link to the transcript of his speech:

  29. yukonbushgrma says:

    I got into Joe McGinnis’ blog for the first time, and he mentioned Elia Kazan’s 1950’s movie, “A Face in the Crowd,” with Andy Griffith, Walter Matthau, Patricia Neal and quite a few other famous types I can’t remember.

    He was discussing Griffith’s character, Lonesome Rhodes, and making comparisons to $P. The idea in the movie was that you could take any bum off the street (or out of jail, in this case) and make them a celebrity …. and it worked, magnificently.

    After reading about the movie, I’m tempted to get the DVD. Has anyone seen it? Is it worth getting? Thanks!

    • prisonernumbersix says:

      Yes, I have. I was struck with the same connection to $carah! It is worth your time to get it.

      • Haven’t thought about that movie for a long time. Yes, it is good. However, I think the difference is that the main character is a likeable sort, and somewhat innocent in his beliefs and trust of others, unlike $P.

    • yukonbushgrma says:

      Thanks guys! Think I’ll get it!

      • Zyxomma says:

        Surely you must be aware that Keith Olbermann always called Glenn Beck “Lonesome Rhodes” Beck.

        • I don’t think it referred to that movie, though, do you? I always took it for something else – like the fact that Beck tends to travel his own weird road. Guess I’ll need to watch the movie again to see if the character resembles Glenn in any way.

    • Bob Benner says:

      They show this movie every so often on TCM.. The next showing will be on Wednesday, June 15 @ 12:15 AM (Eastern time) or 4:15 AM (Alaskan time)… The thing I found interesting about the movie is that the fake character that Andy Griffith endears himself to the audiences with in the movie is almost the exact same character that he used as the Mayberry Sheriff in his popular TV series a few years later… The main difference between any comparisons with the Quitter Queen is that she’s already been exposed as a fraud but her Palin-bots still won’t abandon her… i.e. just look at how Hannity reacted to Frank Bailey… forget that Queen is a fraud, Fox has too much invested in they myth so they just do a character assassination on the messenger of bad news instead… Kind of like a small child slapping at their mommy when she tells them the Easter Bunny isn’t real..

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        Thanks a bunch, Bob — if I can find it on my teevee, you just saved me a few bucks!

      • yukonbushgrma says:

        It’s on TCM June 15 at 12:15 a.m., which is

        June 14 at 8:15 p.m. ALASKA TIME.
        (4 hours earlier!)

        Thanks again, Bob. I never would have found it.

    • Lilybart says:

      Well worth seeing. Andy Griffith as you never thought you would see him. Potboiler and relevant to our time, unfortunately.

  30. fishingmamma says:

    I posted this yesterday, with apologies for being off-topic. I am posting again, because it is just too cute to miss.

  31. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    My dear deparpted husky would agree with the rumor that ptarmigan are delicious. Sorry – she always ptold me they ptasted just like chicken, and I believed her. I won’pt go inpto deptails since you are a vegeptarian!

    • tigerwine says:

      MUYS – I worked for the Cooperative Extension Service when I lived in Bethel, edited the monthly newsletter “Tundra Trails”. I thought I was so clever to headline an article on recipes for ptarmigan
      It’s Ptarmigan Ptime Again”, but you have me beat!

      • Mag the Mick says:

        No less a fellow than James Joyce got in on this madness a hundred years ago when he wrote his master work “Finnegan’s Wake”. In it, he envisions a fancy restaurant in Dublin, wherein a waiter asks: “Will madame ptake some ptarmigan?”

    • boodog says:


    • sali says:

      Spelling of “ptarmigan” is a reminder that they are descendants of pterodactyls. ;-D

      • DudleysPa says:

        That might be true…the reminder thing…but it’s not where it came from. Not that I knew that, but your post stirred my gray matter and I just had to find out the timelines. If we trust Wikapedia we find the following:

        The word ptarmigan comes from the Scottish Gaelic tร rmachan, literally croaker. The silent initial p was added in 1684 by Robert Sibbald through the influence of Greek, especially pteron (ฯ€ฯ„ฮตฯฮฟฮฝ), “wing”, “feather” or “pinion”.

        and this: The first pterosaur fossil was described by the Italian naturalist Cosimo Collini in 1784. Georges Cuvier first suggested that pterosaurs were flying creatures in 1801,[23] and coined the name “Ptero-dactyle” 1809 for the specimen recovered in Germany;

        Don’t you love the inter-tubes? ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. jwa says:

    Is it true that photo of the mosquito is life size?

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      It is gnat true!

      • CO almost native says:

        I think the mosquito is the state bird of Minnesota. They tried to carry us off as children, when we’d vacation along the Gunflint Trail- border between Minnesota and Canada.

    • slipstream says:

      No, in that picture the mosquito is about half size.