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Open Thread – Scary Apples

This video has been going a bit viral, and you may have seen it, but I’m posting anyway because, hey… It’s Thursday, and why not? Β This cat apparently has issues with apples, and the score is as funny as the video. Enjoy.



72 Responses to “Open Thread – Scary Apples”
  1. alaskaliberal says:

    Hysterical video! As were the links posted in comments! Thanks for the laughs this morning!!

  2. mike from iowa says:

    To LKB-I just read Bob Griffin’s comment and your response from yesterdays post and I must say I haven’t heard such a grand weasel smackdown in years. Too bad you stopped. He’s probably off in a corner somewhere changing undergarments. If there is another next time,please tell him how you really feel,for all of us.

    • beth says:

      Thanks for the heads-up/alert, mike from iowa. Yes, that was truly a grand weasel smackdown by one crackerjack of a woman…some weasels just deserve it more than others and Bob seems to be one of those. If nothing else, a lone, adult male tailing a school bus on its route certainly qualifies for close scrutiny on the sheer creepyness of the action. Leastwise it does in my book. beth.

      Griffin’s ‘defense’ and Linda’s response to his weaseling:

      • benlomond2 says:

        ..LKB agreed that “letters to the Editor” would be a good thing to do…. However, as I am NOT a “Local” ( last I heard, California has NOT annexed AK for its water resources ……yet) I shouldn’t be sending such letters, but I encourage those who are Anchorage residents to do so.

  3. Chenagrrl says:

    Hmm. First catnip experience?

  4. I love cats and miss my favorite cat, Boots, who gave us his own entertaining moments. That is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Thanks!

    • mike from iowa says:

      In due time you can probably teach your new Grandson to fear apples. He’ll have to be a quick toddler.

  5. Millie says:

    So, so cute! Looks like my kitty, Buddy, who is a wonderful and delightful pet!

  6. Cinquifoil says:

    So…now’s the time more cats on internets. AKM, can’t be critical how this summer & all the rain…

  7. Lacy Lady says:

    Thanks Lennie
    Funny video—–I don’t have a cat, but my sister-in-law will love this one!

  8. Wallflower says:

    That is one scary ninja kitty.

  9. merrycricket says:

    Ok so I got the proper link to my garden video posted on my blog. All you have to do is click on my name on this post and if will take you there.

    • merrycricket says:

      No it won’t because I did it wrong! Ha ha! I am annoying myself. Try it now.

      • Irishgirl says:

        I did and I love, love, love it! Your garden is gorgeous and I especially loved listening to you.

      • gran567 says:

        From experience, I can tell you that that “feral” cat is trying to tell you that he”s decided to “allow” you to move him on in. It happened just that way to me.

  10. leenie17 says:

    Michele Bachmann – put down the Yiddish and back away slowly before you get hurt!

    This is hysterical.

    I was raised Catholic but had many Jewish friends and, because of my community theater work, spent a lot of time in temples and Jewish centers on Long Island when I was younger. There were many common Yiddish terms that were an integral part of our conversations, and which I still sometimes use today, although people in western NY are a lot less familiar with them. I have NEVER heard anyone massacre the pronunciation of this word as badly as Michele Bachmann:

    I wonder if there are any medications that the President can take to cure his ‘choot-spa’! πŸ˜‰

    • carol says:

      I see where the queen of word salad is going to announce her intentions for the White House in August sometime. Michele, Watch Out!

    • mike from iowa says:

      According to the DesMoines Register-Ms Bachman signed the four page long marriage protection pledge without reading it first or ever. The pre-amble states that Black children born to slave parents were more likely to be raised by both parents than Black children born during Prez Obama’s term. Nice to know racism is still aqlive in the rethuglican party in Iowa. Rick Sanitarium signed the pledge,too.

      • beaglemom says:

        Children born to slaves saw their parents separated and sold and then they were sold as soon as they were old enough to work in the fields on in the houses. These Republicans live in la-la land. We once had to sit through a dinner where the hostess assured all of her guests that the slaves had wonderful lives.

    • tigerwine says:

      Well, Bachmann has her “Choot-spa”, and Palin has her Star of David. What phonies!

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Cue music:

      Ohhh, Chatanooga choot-choot,
      Why don’t you choot-spa me home?

  11. Juneaudream says:

    Such an..entertaining lil video..and! That is..the ‘mind/body’ of the teapartyish..facing Fear..of the unknown… Unknown..and..apples for the teachers, genuine the world. Can you not..see their ..ears..flatten, and their ‘tails’ a twitchin……….? πŸ˜‰ ….(dont wanna know..dont wanna learn..dont wanna………………………so, hissyfit n strut. ..) that there kitty..some naughty monkey shoes……….

  12. Lacy Lady says:

    Does anyone have the web site where I can get the video of the cat and the apple?
    Don’t know why, but as soon as I click on here——it goes off. —–strange

      • carol says:

        I was debating sending the mudflats link to someone I know who loves cats BUT is a palinbot, decided, nah, she can find the video elseways and then you’ve provided the link. No such thing as coincidence, I’ll have to send it. Thanks. yes, we must be nice to people we know (or are related to) even if they are palinbots.

        • leenie17 says:

          Think positively…perhaps excessive cuteness can cure her of her Palinbot affliction!

  13. PollyinAK says:

    I was never a cat “person”, but many of my friends are. Every time I visit, their cats curl up on my lap, purr and cuddle, so over the years I have developed a true fondness for them. – I think the main reason why I have preferred dogs and horses to cats is that, dogs and horses don’t walk on the kitchen counters when you aren’t looking. – This video was very entertaining, cute, and fun, and reached my soft spot.

    • merrycricket says:

      Dogs and horses usually come when called too, also.

    • slipstream says:

      And horses don’t curl up on your lap.

    • Irishgirl says:

      When we got our dog, (she was six months old), we had to push in the chairs under the table constantly. If we didn’t, Irish Buf (a Jack Russell), would climb up on the table and scamper delightedly over the kitchen counters.

      One day, having made dinner and having set it out on the table, I stepped outside the kitchen to call all the young Irish contingent for their meal. Imagine my horror as I stepped back into the kitchen to find my lamb chop – gone. There was an empty space between the mashed potatoes and the veggies. Irish Buf was found chewing contentedly in the back garden.

      The worst thing about it was that I was so hungry, I ate the mash and veggies, even though the dog’s snout had sullied my dinner plate. πŸ™‚

      • beaglemom says:

        Our beagle Annie did just about the same thing. She was about 1-year-old when we got her from the local humane society. (She had been picked up “loitering” probably with her mom about a week earlier.) Only slightly civilized, she could leap over furniture, jump on tables, and destroy Christmas tree ornaments and stuffed animals with wild abandon.

        At our Christmas dinner she stole my piece of prime rib, with about 9 people at the table, while I was in the kitchen fetching the bowl of peas that I had forgotten! After the holidays, she attended humane society “manners classes” and, after a rough start (at the beginning of the first four or five sessions, she and my husband had to wait behind a screen until she stopped baying and calmed down – all those other dogs just got her going), Annie managed to graduate with a standing ovation and a blue ribbon for being the “most improved.”

        She’s done quite well since then except for the French platter that she knocked on the floor looking for the cake that had been served on it earlier in the evening. Well, it’s nine years later and we love her very much and still have the blue ribbon on the refrigerator.

  14. aussiegal77 says:

    SO CUTE! Loved it. I really want a cat!!!

  15. leenie17 says:

    I am off shortly to work in my veggie garden which, because of the oppressive heat of the previous few days, has been sorely neglected. I meandered up to the back of the yard last night to survey the area and mentally plan what I needed to do this morning and discovered that a substantial portion of my lettuce has been nibbled down to a nub. The second planting of beans (which I needed because the first planting never sprouted) had finally been coming up and looking like it was ready to take off. Now it looks like a line of nekkid, broken umbrella frames…stalks and tiny branches but almost no leaves.

    Apparently the local rabbit that was playing tag with the groundhog in my yard the other night has discovered that he can jump my fence. And that there’s lots of tasty treats inside.

    I wonder what will be left out there this morning.


    • mike from iowa says:

      Leenie 17-Just send your groundhog to Mikey’s Rehab Clinic and I will engage it personally in “reparative therapy”.Just by suggesting he can change his/her deviant lifestyle through prayer,he/she can become the meat eater you always needed to eliminate your bunny burglars. This will be done for free(except for shipping and handling) because I don’t guarantee results. OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER- I did not intend to nor did I imply that being Vegan=deviant lifestyle.

      • Mag the Mick says:

        But Mikey – are you implying that bunnies are barbarians?

        • mike from iowa says:

          Yes,I am. Around here they all have scraggly moustaches and say something that sounds alot like sig heil.

        • Some bunnies are barbarians. Mine ate everything including a leather strap on my friend’s handbag which she so unwisely left on the floor where the guilty bunny found it. πŸ˜‰

    • jimzmum says:

      Maybe a little blue jacket?

      • Mag the Mick says:

        Beatrix Potter’s “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” terrified me as a little kid. She wrote another one about a fat, bad kitten who was kidnapped by really nasty rats, rolled in pie dough and was ready for the oven until rescued by a loyal terrier. She was a pragmatic country woman, and understood the terrors in nature. Her watercolors are sublime, but her tales were always a little too scary for me. But I have a little china figure of Peter in his blue jacket that I absolutely love.

    • leenie17 says:

      No scraggly moustaches or blue jackets on my bunny barbarians…just REALLY, REALLY round bellies that shake when they laugh at me (like a bowl full of jelly). πŸ™

      I had to chase the latest perpetrator out of the veggie patch again this afternoon but I got to him before he did any more damage. I just don’t understand…his momma bunny was SO well behaved and only ate my weeds, seeming to be particularly fond of dandelions. It was a very cooperative arrangement! There are lots of tasty weeds all over my yard but, lucky me, I had to get the new generation of gourmet teen bunnies who only like mesclun lettuce mix, tender young green bean sprouts and the youngest shoots of my variegated Nishiki willow bushes!

      Come to think of it, I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a white patch on his chest last night. I assumed it was just a white spot in his fur but mayyybe, it was really a tuxedo jacket. No wonder he won’t eat my weeds!

      • mike from iowa says:

        In Mikey’s garden of yore,I had to lay chicken wire over my peas and beans when they sprout to stop the rabbits from eating the small stuff. They don’t seem to like peas and beans after they get a certain size.

  16. merrycricket says:

    Let’s see if this works. I made a YouTube video of my garden.

    Enjoy! If it doesn’t work just search for merrycricket.

    • leenie17 says:

      The link didn’t work and I needed to search on ‘merrycricket garden’ (too many choices for just merrycricket). However, when the link came up and I clicked on it, all I got was a message that the video was removed by the poster.

  17. leenie17 says:

    I watched this video the other day while I was listening to Rachael Maddow so I had the sound turned off. It was still cute but I had no idea I was missing so much without the score. What a great job this person did with the sound editing. I found a video of what the editing looks like on his computer which I am sending to my nephew (went to school for music and sound engineering). It was fascinating, although it only made a little bit of sense to me but I’m sure he will appreciate it!

    In case any mudpups are interested (and more technically inclined than I am!) here’s the link:

  18. Pat in MA says:

    Here’s another ‘kitten vs scary thing’ the score is what really makes these!

  19. mike from iowa says:

    This shows us our taxpayer monies at work in conjunction with gov’t propaganda. This film was originally shot in the late 1960’s in Viet Nam. It was originally titled “Siege of Firebase Granny Smith” and is a perfect example of why our military keeps repeating the same mistakes. Firebase Granny Smith was located in the shadows of the Vietnamese highlands which allowed the enemy to completely encircle us and attack from all sides. If this firebase had been built with its back against the wall,we would only have needed to defend the front and two sides.The bad guys would be forced to run up the hill to attack and they would be winded and easier to shoot at, BTW- it took nearly 14 minutes for me to watch this the first time. My computer is ssssslllllllloooooooowwwwww. Gives me plenty of time to concoct dumb narratives.

  20. thatcrowwoman says:

    Sometimes you eat the apple,
    and sometimes the apple eats you!
    Anybody else flash on Little Shop of Horrors!?

    and for the Potter fans amongst us:
    Harry Potter does Little Shop of Horrors!

  21. thatcrowwoman says:

    What a fierce little feline with its ears all laid back!
    Although once upon a time or two I left a baby tooth IN an apple,
    I’d be a little jumpy myself if I saw an apple with That many teeth, especially if I heard that music at the same time, also, too. πŸ™‚
    Oy, vey!

    We submitted Yet Another set of paperwork to BoA yesterday, so now we wait for their response. I’ve worked through Shock and Panic, how mature of me, eh? I’m still preparing for the worst (monthly mortgage payment doubled and beyond our means), but hoping for the best (monthly mortgage payment reduced by 25%, we work and live comfortably another 9 years and retire North). Sounds reasonable to me.

    DH Happy and I will be okay, no matter what BoA does, no matter how things evolve;
    there are so many others who share our fate, and still more who suffer so much worse.

    Thank you all for your well wishes and encouragement and sympathy.
    Here’s to counting our blessings,
    not the least of which is cute kittens (especially the virtually viral ones). πŸ™‚

    • mike from iowa says:

      Speaking for myself,I don’t want you and DH Happy to be merely okay. I want you and all the “Pups” to come through travails as true winners and would like to see Korporate Amerika get their tails kicked up between their ears. There are just too many stories of good rill Americans being used and abused by the bad guys and it needs to stop. Curses on everyone that votes for and is complicit with the idea that only two percent of the populace should have all the money.Korporate welfare has got to go and so do the rwnj and tea-baggers that stain the fabric of America with shame.

      • ks sunflower says:

        I with you, babe. Hard-working Americans who’ve played by all the rules of being good citizens, good parents, good employees should not have to suffer for the benefit of the richest people in this country. We all need to vote for real Democrats, no Blue Dogs need apply thank you very much because they have been Republicans in disguise (not a very good one at that).

        That BoA benefited from our tax dollars and is still paying much less than its fair share and then turns around and treats good people like this is unconscionably.

        Blessings to you crowwoman and DH. I agree with Mike, we want you to thrive, not get along. We want you to prosper, not just be okay. You have earned the right to work and retire in dignity without fear. So though we know you have the intelligence, talent and stamina to survive, we want you to live your dreams. For your dreams are the dreams of us all – to work hard at things we love and then retire in a sustainable way without fear and without being a burden on the people we love. Blessings on you and yours.

    • leenie17 says:

      Keeping fingers, toes, eyes and other assorted, movable body parts crossed for you that it all works out even better than you’re hoping! πŸ™‚

    • merrycricket says:

      I’m with you in spirit.

    • jimzmum says:

      My fingers are a bit sticky from working on a book cover this mooring. But they are crossed, and I have a sinking suspicion they are going to stay that way for awhile!

    • bubbles says:

      ((Crow)) you will be more than ok. i am so amazed at all this. i don’t understand how BofA can do this to their customers.

    • barbara says:

      ah crowwoman i did not know you were going through this. best to you and your entire family.

    • fawnskinmudpuppy says:


    • Irishgirl says:

      TCW, take care. I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. (And also plenty angry). Sending good thoughts your way.

    • sharon says:

      thatcrowwoman – my heart goes out to you and you’re not alone for sure. I experienced my very first late mortgage payment in June. Still haven’t paid it and I made a promise to myself when I saw this coming. I will not panic and I will not allow this to ruin my sleep, my personal life or anything else. Even worse is the fact that I am a mortgage originator for a very large company and we’re expected to be financially stable for obvious reasons. This economy has swallowed up so many people that worked hard and did all the right things and still lost their homes. I see it all the time. I also see the republicans trying to shred what’s left of the middle class and strip the programs that help those who struggle the most. Everytime i hear of another way they’re going after us I get ill inside. scott walker stripping the unions of bargaining rights, massive cuts to education, social security and medicare on the chopping block and now the unemployment benefits they want to end. And they want to help the rich get richer by offering them massive tax breaks. And what about the bail-outs the govt offered to many of the banks, including the one I work for? It was our hard earned money that bailed them out. I never even recieved a thank you card, did you? So, my late mortgage payment doesnt’ upset me as much as it once would have. I bailed them out and I think they owe me a favor. πŸ™‚

    • Kat says:

      Hey, I lost a baby tooth in an apple too. I remember it as clearly as when it happened. πŸ™‚

      Bof A is THE most evil bank you can possibly deal with. I quit them 35 years ago for all the crap they pulled on us, They’ve only gotten worse over the years. So all my best wishes go with you & DH in your quest – you’ll need it.

      I second the counting your blessings, especially with the cute kittens. I have two who are four going on 2 months. Thankfully the periods of quiet have gotten a bit longer, but the mischief still reigns supreme. I laugh a lot!

  22. Ripley in CT says:

    It’s the score that made me laugh the hardest! Incredibly funny.

  23. GoI3ig says:

    I’m not a cat person, but that is funny. Of course the music is spot on. Well done.

  24. LaniN says:

    I watched that video recently and was struck with a huge urge to get another kitten. So viewers beware!