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Vote Tuesday – Critical Elections in Fairbanks and Mat-Su!

Fairbanks! Mat-Su! This Tuesday, Vote Like You Mean It.

You know how sometimes you stand there in the voting booth, squint your eyes, and vote for the lesser of the two evils. You’re half tempted to close your eyes, make a big circle in the air with your pencil, stab it down on the ballot and pick whichever Assembly member you come closest to. This is definitely not your problem if you live in Fairbanks or the Mat-Su Valley.

In Fairbanks, the Tea Party is well represented among Borough Assembly incumbents like talk radio host Michael Dukes. Predictably, assaults on borough services and the employees who provide them have started. Morale among those who make sure the Fairbanks North Star Borough functions each day has taken a beating from the scapegoating and attacks. Tuesday, the rational among you have the opportunity to sway the election in your direction.

Which candidates are ready to infuse the Assembly with … um… what do you call that thing again?  Sanity!

Swooping down to the Mat-Su Borough, there is another voice for sanity running for a seat. His name is Pat Johnson, and he deserves your support.  He’s already got the support of one of the most amazing Borough residents ever – Katie Hurley.

To the editor:
I am so proud to support a candidate of Pat Johnson’s caliber for the District 4 assembly seat. He has been a big of this community. Pat has been involved in our schools and in scouts with his wife, Anne, for their son, Leif. Pat went on to serve on both the Planning and Platting Boards at the borough giving him an “education” which will assist him in his decisions. Pat Johnson listens. Pat searches out the facts and acts only when he has all the information he can find. Pat Johnson has no special interest to represent and no organization to answer to. Please support him by voting Pat Johnson on Oct. 4.

Katie Hurley

~Pat Johnson and Katie Hurley

You can check out Pat’s website HERE. It won’t be an easy fight, but this seat is totally winnable if we get out the vote!  So, bring a friend or six with you when you go!

Also on the Mat-Su ballot are two crucial propositions for those who believe in basic things like education and infrastructure.  Proposition 2 is a transportation bond with a 50% match from the state, and Proposition 3—an education and capital improvement bond, qualifies for a 70% state match.

Because our kids and our communities deserve our support, so do these two ballot initiatives, and The Mudflats wholeheartedly endorses a “yes” vote on ballot propositions 2 and 3.

Despite traditionally low turnout for local elections, these are the ones that really matter to YOU in your day to day life. The reason they say all politics is local is because it’s true!



4 Responses to “Vote Tuesday – Critical Elections in Fairbanks and Mat-Su!”
  1. tisalaska says:

    Huge..just Huge election for the fastest growing area of the state Matanuska Valley. Zyxomma has it right. Local elections are the most important and where you can really make a difference! Both Prop 2 (roads and pathways) and Prop 3 School bonds (a 5 year plan for bonding) deserve a yes vote to address critical infrastructure needs. And just as critical is a YES for Pat Johnson for Assembly district 4. Its been a long time since Wasilla had good, stable representation. Here is their chance! GO VOTE! Polling places are open in the valley 7am-8pm. Cant get to your polling place go anywhere there is a polling place and cast a question ballot. Just get out there and vote!

  2. Pat Johnson says:

    Thank you, Jeannie for your great endorsement. I look forward to serving all of us in the Valley. Pat

  3. tallimat says:

    My sister and brother both live in Wasilla. Well my brother lives in Wasilla city and my sister about a mile outside of city limits. I live in the mat su borough, but off the road system.

    We are all voting tomorrow. AND we get to have a wonderful dinner at my sisters house!
    I love it when my sister cooks. Moose stew with way too many fresh garden veggies and dumplings.

    I just photographing the sign wavers on the street corners. I wonder if the gals with long skirts and hair behind a scarf will waving signs? Last year, they were sure out in full force with the Joe Miller signs.
    Anyway, this election is not as national and has a welcome local

    I hope there is a huge turnout.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    VOTE!! Local elections are sometimes more important than national. Good luck, MatSu.