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Jeanne Devon on Political Nation with Al Sharpton

Tonight Jeanne appeared on Reverend Al Sharpton’s Show “Politics Nation” to talk “Game Change” with Sharpton, and Dana Milbank from The Washington Post.

Here’s the clip.

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58 Responses to “Jeanne Devon on Political Nation with Al Sharpton”
  1. laurainnocal says:

    Just fabulous! Couldn’t be prouder and happier to know you! Your responses were cogent and insightful ……………. oh right, just like you! Congrats, friend from afar.

  2. Fleur Castain says:

    Good job Jeanne….Love hearing you on Thursdays in the Mud. Youre spot on with palin, but at the same time I just wish the media would ignore her. She has no viability as anything anymore; she’s resorting to saying the President wants to take us back to slavery days. That’s so ignorant because she has nothing to say and is grasping at straws. Once no one else covers her, she will be left at fox and then they will dump her as soon as her contract is out (as theyve already said they will do). A certain radio show host in Anchorage can’t seem to run her show without mentioning palin at least once…she needs to just let this corpse die. Good to see you on MSNBC!

  3. Mo says:

    The other good point I think Jeanne brought home was the whole Pageant Queen thing –
    validation from Being Chosen, as opposed to accomplishments. Destiny without actual achievement, just because….because…yer purty? It was a good gig while it lasted, I guess. But the cost of personal humiliation must really, really burn once everyone discovers you’re actually a dope.

    Sincerely hoping the GOP Cavalcade of Clowns continues with Santorum’s desire for a brokered convention. Watch Destiny gun down Palin like a slow duck.

  4. shoeho says:

    Ya done real good! Rev. Al is a terrific show for the sentiments often expressed here on Mudflats.

  5. Les Cronk says:

    Saw it live! Good job and may you have many more!

  6. slipstream says:

    Palin called Afghans who kill United States soldiers “savages.”

    Now a United States soldier had murdered sixteen Afghan civilians — including nine children shot in their beds while they slept.

    Anybody waiting for Palin to condemn this US soldier? Or waiting for Palin to label this US soldier a “savage” ?

    Didn’t think so.

    • OMG says:

      You won’t hear her chime in to condemn the action for two reasons: 1) the president already did and she will not be caught agreeing with him since he’s such a radical and all, and 2) The gunman was a Christian Amerikan (and you can read lots of disgusting comments on Fox news siding with the murderer). After all, isn’t that what she wants at the end of the day…or should I say at ‘the end of times’?

    • beth. says:

      One of the first things that crossed my mind when I read about the Afghan killings was: Will any of the US talibangelicals jump in to say the soldier did not represent x-ianity in his slaughter of 16 people any more than Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan represented Islam when he went on his rampage and killed 13 at Ft. Hood? I immediately realized that’d never happen…they had made Hassan a poster child for all things anti-Muslim the moment they heard his name.

      Funny how the Afghan rwnjs and the US rwnjs don’t see how they are mirror images of each other and how they both paint their ‘avowed enemy’ with such broad, broad brushes. And so very, very sad. beth.

  7. GoI3ig says:

    To quote Peter Gabriel: “Big Time.”

  8. PollyinAK says:

    You looked wonderful, and so articulate! I hope the clip drew in some new people to purchase Blind Allegiance.

  9. AKblue says:

    It was nice that the nation got to see an intelligent, articulate Alaskan lady.

  10. Zyxomma says:

    Thanks for posting the clip, Jeanne. You were terrific.

  11. @coolgreenpines says:


    I was listening to Sharpton’s show on my satellite radio & it lost signal! I’m bummed I missed it. Then again this clip more than makes up for it. Thanks for posting!

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Jeanne, love your voice. You always have a smile in your voice when I hear you on the air! Your light touch (mostly) and sense of humor are just fabulous for keeping things in perspective. You read all of those real emails from Screechmaster 9000, the ones she didn’t delete, and you didn’t self destruct or go insane. You just got better.

  13. akglow says:

    Thank-you for putting the clip up. You were great!

  14. hockeynana says:

    But…but…you didn’t have that horrible Alaskan “you betcha” accent. How can that be? Are we to believe that everyone up there doesn’t talk like that?

    Kidding aside, good job, Jeanne!

  15. leenie17 says:

    For someone who doesn’t have a whole lot of experience on national television, you looked and sounded amazingly comfortable and confident, as if you’ve done this dozens of times before. You didn’t stumble over your words and you made some good points, sharing the truth about Palin from an Alaskan’s perspective.

    Great job – congratulations!

  16. Mo says:

    Good point about all that she did accomplish while governor was as a moderate, with cooperation from the Democrats.

  17. MonaLisa (in CT) says:


  18. DuckDriver says:

    Bravo, Jeanne! Enjoyed that thoroughly.


  19. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Great interview AKM! You make us all proud so we hope to see you there again soon.

  20. Winski says:

    MUD!!!! Saw you on Rev. Al’s program….GREAT!!!

    I don’t think anyone that wasn’t there on the ground with you guys when the Monkey Queen was trying to conquer the heap will ever really understand how close we came,as a nation, to a complete disaster… Her being in ANY national office would have potentially set us back 100 or more years… Thanks a billion times for playing a part in de-railing Palin’s candidacy and making her unpalatable to the rest of the planet.

    Winski !!

  21. bonefish says:

    Excellent job!

  22. windpond says:

    This wonderful segment made me think back to the time Jeanne was ‘outed.’ At the time I thought that was so unfair, but now realize we really need Mudflats on the National stage. Good job, well done. Proud to be an Alaskan with Jeanne at the wheel.

  23. Tele says:

    Wonderful! Way to represent, AKM!

  24. seattlefan says:

    P.S. to my post above

    I saw it live with no heads-up! Cool!

  25. seattlefan says:

    Great job Jeanne and great to see you on my tee vee!

  26. jimzmum says:

    Mercy Maude! Great air!

  27. laurie says:

    Great job. The cat is out of the bag. The movie is being talked about and clips depicting Palin’s lack of knowledge are being shown everywhere.

  28. AKMuckraker says:

    Thanks for the nice words, everyone! It was a lot of fun. The people at PoliticsNation are really wonderful, and it was great talking with Rev. Al and Dana Milbank. It all happened very quickly this morning, so thanks to Linda for giving you all a heads up. 🙂

    • slipstream says:

      Now that you are a cable TV star, will you still talk to us little people?

    • the problem child says:

      Next time (there will be a next time) please have more fun. You have a smile that lights up a room and I didn’t see it until late on. Love you, love your smile.

    • formerwriter says:

      What an articulate and measured voice you are, AKM! I hope you continue to do interviews and spread the truth about Palin’s “transformation” into the monster she is today. So glad I found your blog, and was delighted to see you on the teevee!

  29. Alaska Pi says:

    oh good job, AKM!

    and thank you to justafarmer for the link for those of us who don’t have TV

  30. Millie says:

    You related to Palin with oil! She was not an expert in energy! But, they didn’t give you much time to talk – the other guy had the majority of the time. I was disappointed! Please know that I think the world of you!

    • KarenJ says:

      Guests on these cable news hosted shows NEVER seem to get enough time, and if they’re paired with a RWNJ whose specialty is talking points loud and over anyone else trying to get a word in edgewise, it’s frustrating.

      That being said, Dana Milbank is not a RWNJ, and Rev Al is getting better and better all the time at moderating his guests.

      I thought it was a real coup for an Alaskan who knows the Palin Saga (and mafia) landing on Rev Al’s relatively new show.

  31. Forty Watt says:


  32. psminidivapa says:

    Whoo hoo, Russell and I watched online, as we missed the ‘Flatter alert to see it live. (We were in the midst of a Big Bang Theory episode that we’ve seen 100 times but still funny) Hooray for our fearless leader – AKM! You are lookin’ fine, and as always, have the finger on the Palin pulse! Well done you!

  33. Wow, I’m so excited about this… I sure hope a clip appears here or somewhere soon. I don’t have cable!

  34. mike from iowa says:

    Looks like somebody stole Martina McBride’s blue eyes.

  35. mainiac1 says:

    It was so neat to see what Jeanne looks like…and she did a great job!

  36. Irishgirl says:

    Damn…missed it. Anyone have a link?

  37. Scorpie says:

    Congrats Jeannie~
    You did a great job~fun to watch.

  38. Ripley in CT says:

    I caught the best part as I finally found it online to watch. Jeanne was explaining something about Palin telling “someone” Jeanne “couldn’t remember”, about when she said Washington was her favorite founding father.

    that was Glenn Beck you couldn’t recall! I giggled myself silly. Glenn who?

    Awesome job. Especially on that unrehearsed bit of perfection about Beck. Priceless.

    • Palin & Beck are such……feed on people who ……they take advantage of opportunities to enrich theirselves at other peoples’ expense……..

  39. It was exciting….!

  40. justafarmer says:

    great job, Jeanne!

  41. bubbles says:

    and she’s on!
    Jeanne looks wonderful. those eyes and that hair. well done.
    knows her stuff. charming and bright as a new penny.
    excellent interview. wish it could have been longer.


    oh, gee
    oh, golly

    gotta get to the tiro