Open Thread – Suds!
The Exhibit Hall at Netroots Nation is hopping before the opening night keynote speakers. Here’s to outspoken, passionate people! >clink<
January 5, 2025
Thursday, August 3, 2023
The Quitter Returns! -Monday, March 21, 2022
Putting the goober in gubernatorial -Friday, January 28, 2022
Update on the militia trial: the defense rested today. Next up, closing arguments. Then it goes to the jury.
I was so busy keeping up with Netroots news yesterday, that I completely missed this open thread. Adjusting to the changes. Can’t wait (but will) for the Return of the Emoticons at The Forum 😉
I’m kinda missing the list of recent commenters that was on the side… was always looking for a couple of people to see what they had to say … or is there a feature that pops that up ?
Missing that list…me too.
Also liked the links at the bottom of the page that brought you to the next post without going back to the main page. I suspect there’s a way to still do that I just haven’t figured out yet.
new voice!
I gave it a try, but I really wish the new Mudflats design didn’t have pictures flashing at me and words scrolling across the top of the page. TV has created a generation of attention deficient children, and flashing web pages are just adding to that. #curmudgeon #Luddite
Thought it was just me, but I agree.
I also don’t like the idea of those kindle things. When I read a book, I want to hold it in my hands and curl up on the sofa. What’s next—-people in church holding those things for song books, prayer books & who know what.
In AKM’s defense, when it comes to subjective, personal tastes, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy. I’ve seen comments by Mudpups who love the new site, and there are always going to be people who have an issue getting used to ANYthing being different. Remember the last update, a couple of years ago? When Mudflats went from only one, long post being visible at a time to there suddenly being (*gasp*) a menu, with multiple posts near the top? There was the same outcry of “too newfangled and flashy!” from a few folks then, too. 🙂
I’m GREATLY appreciative of the comments being displayed in chronological order, now! Makes following the ‘trend’ of the thread *so* much easier — I don’t miss any of the wit and wisdom of the ‘pups as they share their insights and thoughts on the Mudflat’s vast array of topical interests.
I, too, have ‘trouble’ with the flashing photos on the home page…it slows my computer down like nobody’s business. Not only that, but it reminds me that my computer is going on 7-years old and is in dire ned of upgrading to something that’ll handle more than the latest bells and whistles and technological limits of 2005. I’m not a fan of shopping for electronics, but I suppose I must take the bull by the horns and get an upgrade. A massive one. beth.
Actually, the one thing I’m having the hardest time with is that the original comments are in reverse order while the responses are in regular time order. It’s confusing for me to try and figure out what I’ve read already and what’s new. When I go to other comment pages, I usually choose to view them in oldest-to-newest order because it’s just easier for me to follow.
Since my time zone on the east coast is so off from the local Alaska folks, having a clear way to keep track of where I left off makes it easier for me to follow the thread.
I’m sure I’ll get used to it, just like I got used to the last set of changes, although I’m pretty sure I liked all of them right from the start. I DO like the option of being notified of follow-up comments and new posts by email. I probably won’t use that feature all the time but it’s nice to have that option!
leenie17 – if you check, all the comments are in order –now– of the time they were posted (in AK time, not ‘local’ time.) 😉 When the new format first came out, all the comments were in ‘reverse’ chronological order, making it most difficult to follow . They are now *back* to the way they are supposed to be: actual chronological order. I’m a happy camper with the return of the old post ‘show’ format. beth.
beth – I just checked again and they’re still coming up in reverse order on my screen: the original comments on this post are, in order, from Alaska Pi at 8:28, John at 7:09 and Ben in SF at 5:36 am.
I have gotten used to everything being in AK time but the combination of forward and reverse is doing a number on my poor tired brain, especially after a very long week at work!
in reply to leenie17 @ 4:54… [if there were a red-faced icon, I’d post it > here. Twice, possibly thrice.] You are absolutely correct…the comments (all except the ‘nested’ replies) are listed from newest to oldest on the page. I haz a 🙁 that they are. A *big* sad.
I think I was so excited to see so many posts following the “proper” chronological order, that I willed myself into the delusion that all comments were again listed ‘properly’ (IE — oldest to newest, for us stick-in-the-mud old pharts.) The ‘old’ way made it so much easier –and enjoyable– to read; I could see the minds of the ‘pups working by the comments made that picked up on some nuance made by another ‘pup earlier. I do hope we return to that good old, ‘proper‘ format. beth.
PS – I flat missed Alaska Pi’s comment — have never before seen a comment on the ‘flats with an embedded video! Does that mean we can now post YouTube thumbnails, etc., rather than having to post the web link to them? b.
beth – please do not haz a sad or red face…we will all get through this transition together!
Mudpups are well-known to be supportive of each other in times of crisis, or in times of mixed-up-semi-reverse-kinda-un-chronological-order comment reading.
I suspect that, based on previous experience, AKM (when she returns from her netroots adventure) will digest all the comments and suggestions from readers and do a little tweaking of the new format. Perhaps we’ll get the old system back that doesn’t involve our poor, sleepy brains doing a blogified version of Time Travel Two-Step! 🙂
leenie17 — the “blogified version of Time Travel Two-Step!” – I like that. But as The Doctor has reminded, since ‘Time is all wibbly-wobbly’, my version Two-Step is about as wibbly-wobbly as they come…
Yes, I shall put on my Patience Pants and wait for our AKM to catch her breath from her east coast adventures before she tackles the whines of us old pharts about display of comments. [I can just see her now — sleeves pushed up, hip-waders on, well-fortified coffee mug in hand: To Chronological comments, or Not…that is the question.]
As evidenced by my 12:06 reply to you, one thing I could *certainly* use, is a preview/edit window and/or a 10-15 minute ‘grace period’ to make corrections to my posted comments! I get to typing along and, though I *think* I’ve proof-read what I’ve typed, I’ve been known to hit “submit” only to have giggantoc spelling erors and/or non-intentional formatting show up on the page. I’ve also been known to miss typing in a crucial word or two…
When I think back on how this site was when I first had the good fortune to find it right after the GOP’s unconscionable VP selection for ’08, I’m tickled and ever grateful for the ‘flats and for how it has evolved and grown. It has always been a fantastic site, but it’s becoming even more fantasticer! I do love me some Mudflats and I do love me its ‘pups! beth.
Absolutely agree that you can’t please everyone. I’ll adjust to the changes. I just wanted to put it out there. I’m not going to stop reading Mudflats just because I would have asked for a different page design.
Apparently she’s nothing if not responsive to her fans. 🙂 The scrolling headline ticker seems to have disappeared. As for the featured photos for the individual stories, I like that they change. Keeps things fresh instead of stale.
This early in the morning, I’ll have coffee and toast. (A toast to AKM)!
I’ll second that motion!!!
But if I turn on the TV, I might want something stronger.