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Breaking: Romney – Entitled Blowhard

Newsflash, if you’re like almost half the country, 47% to be exact, you’re a freeloading moocher who sponges off the government and doesn’t pay any taxes – which means you also must be a Democrat. That’s what Mitt Romney thinks. Here’s the quote.

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it — that that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. … These are people who pay no income tax. … [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”

Actually, he might be interested to know that 9 of the top 10 states with the highest percentage of people who pay no income tax, nine are red states.

But, according to the recently released secret video tape that caught Mitt saying what he really thinks to a room full of fellow entitled elites who think the same thing, “it’s not [his] job to worry about those people.” 2/3 of those blood-sucking parasites who are the beneficiaries of entitlement spending goes are seniors — the one age group in which Romney was actually leading. Well played.

As Bill Clinton might say – “it takes brass” to whine about the poor not paying taxes, when you won’t even release your own tax returns despite accusations that you haven’t paid any taxes yourself.

But see, the thing is, Mitt resents people who don’t pay taxes because they make to little, not the corporations and fat cats who don’t pay taxes because they makes too much, or who make just enough to hire savvy accountants that tell them how to stow away their acorns in a nice tax shelter somewhere offshore.

…in 2011, 78,000 tax filers with incomes between $211,000 and $533,000 paid no income taxes; 24,000 households with incomes of $533,000 to $2.2 million paid no income taxes, and 3,000 tax filers with incomes above $2.2 million paid no income taxes.

A recent study showed that the super wealthy have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280 billion in lost income tax revenues a year that should be making its way into federal coffers. But instead, it’s not. And it’s all thanks to Mitt and his cronies who weasel out of paying their fair share, and saddle the rest of us with the burden of making it up. Nothing says patriotism like shafting your country of its due, and sticking it to the suckers. E pluribus unem and pass the apple pie.

Mr. Romney has a whole laundry list of complaints that he’s kind enough to enumerate on the video. He’s also is a bit disgusted that common people believe they have a RIGHT to health care. I guess he’s not counting on military personnel who have a right to health care. Or prisoners of war who have a right to health care. And if memory serves me correctly, members of Congress and the Executive Branch also seem to have a right to health care. Inmates in our prison system even have a right to health care. Why? Because it would be considered “cruel and unusual” punishment if they didn’t. Mitt, who proclaims that he and Ann got everything they have “the old fashioned way.” So, he wants to save cruel and unusual for those who are too lazy to claw their way to the top using nothing but their inheritance, job connections, degrees from fine schools, and stock portfolio, like he did. Those were tough times when things were don the old-fashioned way.

*dabs eyes and also blows nose into hanky.*

“Had he been born of Mexican parents, I’d have a better shot of winning this,” he said of his father George Romney who was born in Mexico. But nooooo… George was unhelpful enough to be born caucasian, that bastard. That’s right gentle readers, Mitt clawed his way up the old-fashioned ladder while also being a white Anglo-Saxon, with all the disadvantages that brings. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Barack Hussein Obama.

“… if the Hispanic voting bloc becomes as committed to the Democrats as the African American voting bloc has in the past, why, we’re in trouble as a party and, I think, as a nation.” When one attendee asked how this group could help Romney sell himself to others, he answered, “Frankly, what I need you to do is to raise millions of dollars.”

Money is speech, right? Time to start talkin’, bazillionaires! For some reason, those poor, dark people are kinda quiet… Huh.

He also gave the swanky party-goers a little scoop on the polling they’ve done. People “love the phrase that [Obama’s] ‘over his head.’” Even if that’s true, one has to wonder how the guy who’s flailing around in the deep end of the pool drinking water through his nose, alienating foreign leaders, and members of his own party at home gets to celebrate the other guy being over his head.

The more he talks, the more it feels like the Romney campaign, unless it can pull out an incredible win in the debates, is beginning to circle the drain. Please stick a fork in Mr. Romney. And remember, start with the outside salad fork and move inward until you reach the dessert fork. Because, he’s done.



33 Responses to “Breaking: Romney – Entitled Blowhard”
  1. StElias says:

    It may appear to Romney supporters that much “piling on” over this despicable spiel a few months ago to that small gathering of millionaire backers is occurring. Unfortunately for Romney he doesn’t recall nor payed heed to the old axiom “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”. Granted, embellishment of fact takes place continually in politics, but Willard’s campaign has engaged in a demagogic, falsehood riddled, crusade the likes of which US presidential contests have never beheld. To the extent that now the accumulation of lie upon lie has gotten too prodigious for him to cope with.

    The magnitude of this brazen rhetoric first caught my eye with the release of an early campaign ad. It quoted then-candidate Obama back in the 2008 campaign saying “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.” The problem was, that Obama at the time was actually quoting the words of a strategist from Sen. John McCain’s campaign. When confronted with his campaign’s blatantly dishonest ad, Romney refused to pull it and exhibited a flip, nudge-nudge, wink-wink demeanor. The egregious nature of his attitude left me wondering how long he was going to be able to sustain this subterfuge without garnering public ire.

  2. BigSean says:

    Wayne Self, a friend blogging at the Huffington Post, wrote a great piece about his mom, friends, and family who are among the 47%. It’s titled Will Americans Let Romney Talk About Their Mamas? and can be found here and is a great read.

    FTA: “So if you think Mitt Romney was really talking about deadbeats, losers, and bottom feeders, I think you’re right. But to Mitt Romney and his super-rich friends, those bottom feeders, deadbeats, and losers are your mama and you.”

    Love the MudFlats, congratulations on your success, and sorry I missed y’all when I was in SF for WWDC and to visit Robin and Kevan.

  3. tallimat says:

    Why is Romney claiming 47% of Americans don’t pay taxes?
    Why even go down that road to begin with?
    Why when he himself hasn’t shown how much taxes he has paid?
    Romney needs to release his tax returns.

    • Lacy Lady says:

      He won’t release his tax info, because he cheated!
      Hope this subject comes up in the debates.

  4. harvard says:

    Romney is so American then why is his money in an off-shore account? How American or ethical is that?
    The Swiss Banks are releasing information on UBS accounts and forwarding that for a tax review…lol…
    That should piss off a bunch of folks who thought they could EVADE taxes…and it will expand to expose all those who like to hide their money in other countries to avoid taxes…then claim to be American while taking advantage of the system…boy RobMoney is a real Prize….Ponzi Prize…

  5. Zyxomma says:

    This one is for Otter Queen, and every significant otter:

  6. Zyxomma says:

    Be sure to check out the Wall photos on this page:

    They’re lovely. You’ll like this one especially:

  7. benlomond2 says:

    the unfortunate event is that the majority of republicans who are NOT in the 1%… will still vote for Mitt… anything he says or does simply doesn’t matter to them, – they are voting against Dems, they are voting against Obama… I really do think that if Stalin was the Republican candidate, they would still come out and vote for him.. simply because they are voting against Obama….. I almost wrote Hitler,but even the common mass of Republicans aren’t THAT illiterate…. … I think…

  8. thatcrowwoman says:

    Oh, Willard…
    W Mitt Rmoney…Republ1%can…
    …none so blind as those who will not see…
    I am the 47% (?) and not only do I pay my fair share of taxes, I Vote, also, too.

    littlebird volunteers for President Obama’s campaign in Mississippi and shared this site:
    Today’s reason, #42, “President Obama has done something about mountaintop removal.”
    *hugs to Zyxomma*

    littlebird was here to celebrate the New Year, so our year is off to a sweet start.
    Tikkun Olam Shalom.

    5773, may it be a sweet year for you and yours.
    love and raisin challah with honey-butter,

    • Zyxomma says:

      (((((((( thatcrowwoman and family )))))))) Hugs to you, too, thatcrowwoman, littlebird, DH, and forest. L’Shanah Tovah. Tikkun Olam Shalom. Apple slices dipped in honey to you and yours. May the new year bring all of you love, peace, prosperity, longevity, and joy, and also, too, victory for President Obama. This year adds up to 22, a master number. Let us all seek our higher purpose.

  9. Alaska Pi says:

    Post very, very good AKM.
    Comments great, ‘pups.

    You’re damn right Mr Romney-
    but it is 100%.
    100% of Americans are entitled

    2. To furnish with a right or claim to something:

    to healthcare, food, and housing.
    All humans do.
    Most of us don’t want the government to provide those things, most of us are quite happy to work away at providing those things for ourselves.
    Problem is we have too many recipients of corporate welfare sucking up more than
    their fair share of the pie we all share amongst ourselves,

    When are you and your buddies “going to take personal responsibility and care for [your] lives.” , sir? When?

    There. Fixed.

  10. Lacy Lady says:

    The bottom line is that Rommney is a FAKE!!!!!!!!! I don’t think even Fox news can rescue him this time.
    His designer jeans just won’t cut it. Obama was right—–he shoots first and aims later.
    I am one of those senior citizens who gets soc sec. I worked for it. I am on medicare and I don’t want any of his damm vochers to go and buy insurance from the companies that are wanting more business.
    I dumpted Blue Cross Blue Shield when they wouldn’t pay the $10.00 at the ER for pain pills when I broke my arm last year. We had been with them since 1950. Got so we were paying $6,000.00 a year.
    This man would destroy everything as we know it. And who were all the rich people who paid $50,000.00 a plate at the dinner. How Rommney can go out and face people now, is beyond me. Maybe he should put a sack over his head.
    But most of all, he insulted the veterans who I am sure that will need help when they return home.

  11. “Mitt, who proclaims that he and Ann got everything they have ‘the old fashioned way.'”

    The really old fashioned way: they inherited it. The Mitt thinks that if feudalism worked in Europe for a millennium or so, it can certainly work in the U.S.

  12. DiAnne says:

    I really like the new look to your website. I haven’t been here in awhile. Nice post. I was so happy last night when I saw the Mother Jones videos. I can’t see how he can recover from this one. The party will still sink $$ into anti Obama ads, but we just all have to keep up the pressure to get out the vote.

  13. Blooper says:

    Great post, AKM! While somewhat unrelated to the point of your post, I couldn’t help but notice that Alaska has the lowest percentage of non-payers of any state. That actually surprised me to some extent. Regardless, it’s hilarious to see that most of Mittens’ ‘locked in’ states have the highest percentage of non-payers.

  14. Mag the Mick says:

    Every single person in this country “depends” on the government. We get highways, public education, public health, clean water, clean air, federal loans for college, subsidies for farmers (some farmers – hi Mikey), deductions for our dependants, law enforcement…I need not go on, because everyone here depnds on it too, and understands. I have visited countries where people cannot depend on the government for much, and they get; cholera, malaria, 45% infant mortality, warlords, and lots of other bad stuff. I refuse to feel guilty about being dependant on my government.

    I am a low-income, lifelong, liberal Democrat, and I have never been on welfare. Suck on it, Mr. Romney.

  15. mike from iowa says:

    Willard has claimed he did not receive an inheritance and the million bucks he claimed he did not inherit he gave to BYU University. So,on the one hand,he gets to say he did not have a rich start in life while at the same time he gets to prove his charitable giving street cred. Just like dumbass dubya,Willard pulled himself up out of a life of poverty by his Gucci bootstraps and is clueless as to how people survive on less than millions of dollars per year. His children and their children all have large trust funds so they won’t ever feel the bite of famine or want or bitter cold. Just like Mittens.

    • Beaglemom says:

      What about those stocks that Mitt was given and from which he paid for his education? And what about the few thousands of dollars his dad doled out on birthdays. Hmmm. Poor little rich boy.

  16. COalmostNative says:

    Great facts; I read on Andrew Sullivan that 7,000 filers with incomes over $1M paid no taxes in 2011. And, what Romney does not consider, many of the 47% are Republicans: seniors (22%), active military serving in combat zones…

    Before my sister died, she applied for SSDI, as she taught most of her life- and she needed assistance. It was approved, and she had much-appreciated help for 4 months. My brother-in-law receives benefits, as does my nephew (niece is over 18)- those funds are and will help with college costs. Kirk continues to work long hours, and both kids had summer jobs- after college, each will be productive members of society, and they have all paid payroll and other taxes.

    I see Romney as the taker, the moocher; as CEO of Bain Capital, he bankrupted several companies and stuck the federal government with the tab for unpaid pensions… or the employees lost everything and needed government benefits.

    And the hedge company owner who hosted the private party did the same; I think the feds are going after him for a recent instance, when he bankrupted a company rather than pay owed benefits.

    Scum, the both of them.

  17. HoboJohn says:

    Much better than just caring about the top 1 %. I thing both parties are the same. Obama was caught takling to venture capitalists in San Francisco in 2008. Satyng Hillary voters clinging to their guns and bibles so he couldn’t get their votes.

    This may be the only honest thing Mitt has said ever.

    • COalmostNative says:

      You need to read the full quote in context. Yes, he did say clinging to their guns and religion, when referring to rural Pensylvanians. But the context: he felt they wouldn’t vote for him, but they had the same concerns as Obama did and he hoped they would work together.

      Obama’s words were awkward, and he paid for them in lost votes- but he didn’t write the people off as losers and moochers.

      Go read David Brook’s column…

    • Alaska Pi says:

      Both parties are not the same.
      Centrist Dem philosophy accepts the everybody wanna get rich thing but expects a level playing field and opportunity for all.Pretty pie in the sky to me but infinitely more human than the Rep “platform”.
      Current R thing drops the level playing field dealie and presumes a natural born aristocracy , themselves of course, are the only capable folks to manage all that high flown counting piles of dough and looking down their long lyin noses at the common folk stuff.
      Personally, I’m not a fan of the New Democrat/ Third Way philosophy but it really is different than the other outfit in important ways.
      And Ms Clinton is 5X the Centrist Mr Obama is.

  18. Beaglemom says:

    When George W. Bush was president I felt often that our nation was sliding down a very deep rabbit hole. Now I realize that any Republican candidate has that effect on me. I’ve never thought that Mitt Romney was very intelligent. Now I’m absolutely sure of it.

  19. JaneE says:

    Oh sure but he is already brazenly trying to spin it. Just watch, every mother loving one of those hypocritical baaastids and their wimmen will get on board. Puts me in mind of a title, _Ship of Fools_. No relation at all to that sad movie but succinct none the less. He has doubled down mightily and that’s what boggles.