A Sunday Smile – Baby Walruses!
Here’s a fantastic update on the two orphaned baby walruses that were rescued this summer, and rehabilitated at the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward.
Get ready to “awwww!”
Here’s a story from the Big Apple where one of the two walruses was adopted!
I want one. 🙂
Thanks for sharing Mitik and Pakak’s stories. We appreciate spreading the word about these two amazing animals.
If you would like to see more videos of these two, check out these three videos that we took during their stay with us.
This was of Pakak a few days after he arrived at our facility, the Alaska SeaLife Center – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az9z9rBUwig
Here Pakak enjoys his pool – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzPrw1BE4Ws
In this video you can see both Mikik and Pakak – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvvwMopeFfM
For more pictures check out our FB fanpage – https://www.facebook.com/AlaskaSeaLifeCenter
To help us help others like Mitik and Pakak, please consider donating – http://www.alaskasealife.org/New/about-ASLC/index.php?page=donations.php
Alaska SeaLife Center
Seward, Alaska
warms the cockles of my heart, it does.
Lovely. 😀
Aww… Cute! And a happy ending, even. 🙂
Nice story.
Mitik has arrived in NY. Great photos and video:
Thank you! I’ll incorporate that link in the post. Enjoy the little darling, and be sure to send pics if you (or anyone in NYC) goes to visit!