Corporate Welfare By State
New York Times reporter Louise Story has an incredibly well researched piece on today’s front page, which, if you live in a state like Alaska where corporate tax “incentives” are currently all the rage, will be of interest to you.
Alongside the piece is a fantastic, interactive map where you can break down corporate welfare by state, industry and more. (“Fantastic” refers to its functionality, not to what it reveals.)
I notice that in 2012, Alaska gave an almost $10M tax break to a company called I-Centrix. A simple Google search did not bring up any information on the tax break. I wonder why we’re giving it to them?
I can’t access the articles!
Can’t absorb it all yet but is a well-worth -it read.
Not liking that governments big and small can’t /don’t track whether these incentives really get them what seems to be being promised…
Please let WC second AKM’s recommendation. The story is a remarkable piece of research and writing. Among other tidbits: Texas gave Amazon $100,000 in tax credits for each $25,000-$30,000 a year job.
Highly recommended.