Ethics Complaints Against Sarah Palin – A Drama in an Undisclosed Number of Acts.
Well ethics complaints seem to be the theme of the day. In an article on Politico, the number of ethics complaints against the Palin administration (12 or 13 that we know of) was described as “unusual”. I don’t think many would dispute that. This means one of two things.
1) The number of ethics complaints is a function of a whole lot of politically motivated people who have decided to create a string of bogus ethics complaints for the sole reason of taking down the governor because they hate her and they’re just bad bad people.
2) The number of ethics complaints is a function of the misconduct of the Governor and members of her administration.
It’s either the complainers or the complainee. If you’re the complainee or her spokespeople, you’re solidly in the camp of scenario #1. The ethics complaints have been called frivolous, bogus, asinine grandstanding, and outrageous. And that’s just in the official state press releases.
The other question bandied about is why didn’t these ethics complaints start until after Palin was nominated as John McCain’s running mate? There are a couple of possibilities here, as well.
1) Because the nomination turned a bunch of people in Alaska against Palin and made them decide that they’d do anything to “take her down.” Yeah, they thought she was great before, but the VP nomination turned them against her for some reason.
2) Because they weren’t paying attention before the nomination, but after the candidate was presented on a national stage as someone who was defined by concern with ethical conduct and government reform, they decided to start. And besides, the McCain campaign taking over that whole Troopergate thing didn’t sit very well.
Again, if you’re the complainee, you’ve planted your flag firmly in scenario #1, whether it sounds plausible or not.
I suppose it’s exciting to frame this as some kind of war between the Palin administration and the “haters.” It makes for an exciting read. The good queen holed up in the tower, surrounded by her loyal followers just trying to be benevolent and rule her kingdom in the spirit of goodness and light, while the barbarian horde pounds on the door with a battering ram so they can overtake the castle and extinguish the flame of righteousness, while they wash down their dinner of charbroiled red meat with the blood of the innocent.
The thought that the queen might actually just not be all that great, and that people have decided to call her on it? The fact that she might be like a lot of other politicians who say one thing and do another? Well….that’s not all that exciting, but it’s probably more likely.
Same goes with the process. Hand-wringing and shouting from the rooftops that the process is flawed, the filers are overstepping their bounds, and it’s all done to bankrupt the governor because they hate her, means that the fur flies, and everyone gets all excited. Drama. Lots of drama.
Let’s face it. We want popcorn! We want the story! We want to make this about cloak and dagger, good and evil, right and wrong, Palin vs. haters, ADN commenters vs. Other ADN commenters, blog wars! We want a good fight!
Practicing patience, and waiting to hear what the investigators think about a politician that’s not what they claim to be? Poring over statutes, and holding elected officials to the letter of the law because they said, “Hold me accountable?” That’s kind of … boring by comparison.
But, there are those nagging questions….
Why so many complaints? Why now? What’s going on? We’ve heard a lot about what the Palin administration has to say, through the use of state press releases. So what does Andree McLeod have to say? Why not ask her? She’s filed several ethics complaints against the governor, but doesn’t get nearly the ink. Here’s what she had to say.
Why have you filed ethics complaints against Sarah Palin?
Governor Palin actions increasingly crossed he lines of proper conduct; a debilitated legislature and media did nothing to provide the checks and balances towards keeping Palin in check; and Palin’s use of fear and intimidation compromised most public processes. So I decided to take Palin at her word when she asked Alaskans to hold her accountable in Dec. ’06.
Why do you think so many complaints have been filed against this governor?
The number of complaints is a function of the misconduct of Governor Palin, Todd Palin and certain state workers. Public record requests have also shed light on the inner workings of the Palin administration. The more people find out about this administration, the more compelling people’s motivations become to hold this administration accountable for wrongdoings. Governor Palin constantly blurs the lines between her personal and political interests and the interests of Alaska and Alaskans. Alaskans are fed up and are finally doing something about it.
What do you think about the legitimacy of the other complaints you know about?
Every complaint is legitimate except the one Governor Palin filed on herself. That’s the one that has driven her legal bills out of sight in an effort to cloak her actions in secrecy in order to avoid any embarrassment during her failed VP run.
Generally, Alaskans are fortunate to have strong ethics and financial disclosure laws and are courageous enough to apply them when necessary. We are a state where people tend to know each other; which makes it more difficult to hide improper motivation by Alaska public officials.
What do you think about the way the governor has handled the complaints?
Governor Palin’s modus operandi when met with complaints and criticism is to vilify, malign and disparage. The newly created funding stream deceptively called the Alaska Fund Trust further emboldens Governor Palin to do as she pleases as the consequences to her bad behavior have already been bought and paid for…
Will there be more ethics complaints in the governor’s future? What will happen with those already filed? Will we learn more after the meeting of the Personnel Board on May 27th? Stay tuned. There will undoubtedly be more drama in our future.
Sarah Palin needs to be impeached, she is taking advantage of every and anything that she thinks she can get away with. It has to stop and Alaskans has to put a stop to it, start a petition and protests at the capitol while legislature is in session.
Soldotna Sue Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 12:01 PM
If you watched KTUU last night (probably other channels too) Palin is just laughing at the citizens of Alaska who dare to file ethics complaints against her. She is going to sponsor (or at least be the first signer) of the initiative on Parental notification of a child’s abortion that the legislature didn’t pass during the session. She doesn’t understand that the Governor is suppose to be neutral in such things.
I read the article regarding that on ADN and she says she believes she is just as entitled to 1st Amendment Rights as the next person and is only NOT SPONSORING the bill herself (which is what she REALLY wanted to do) because she got feedback from lawyers that if she did so it would invite more of those pesky ethics complaints. So, instead, she’s going to be the first in line to sign the petition or whatever.
In that same article, in at least 2 places she had to arrogantly add something about the “new trend” in AK politics to file ethics complaints. It was so utterly juvenile it made my stomach turn. This woman has no conscience.
Great posting everyone. You provide a fabulous read, thank you all so much.
I meant to say Per Diem and Travel Allowances and ANY OTHER benefits she is currently receiving as an adult member of the family.
And, what if she weds/engages and they all live in SP’s house? Do these new ”First Family” members as it’s currently applied get on the State’s teat, also?
I’m confused: How does any adult related to SP other than SP’s husband qualify for State benefits of Per Diem unless they are ”officially” employees?
Someone may need to file ethics charges against whoever is approving those benefits within her administration. That would be a new twist on things and certainly get some proper attention and cause the department to CLARIFY the State’s policiies.
This ”First Family” term is being vaguely applied. Is there precedent for this or is it being created by her now? Is the term defined, somewhere, or does everyone just ”guess” at what it means.
So if BP lives with SP during her next term (should she be re-elected) I guess she and Tripp are covered, again, too.
Which brings up another point: Who is picking up the post natal care tab for Tripp? Is this covered under ”First Family” in her State insurance policy?
60 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 6:25 AM “……..BRISTOL is the POSTER CHILD for teen pregnancy!!! She was put up for all to see! I even saw a TV drama, I forget which one and the two girls think its ok to get preggers, B/c the VP canidate daughter is!”
Funny that you should mention that because I watched a “Law and Order: (Special Victims Unit)” a couple days ago about four girls who got preggers in a pregnancy “pact.” One of the teen girls justified her pregnancy by saying something to the effect of “that Vice-president Lady’s teen daughter got pregnant and it was OK.”
Tad bit ironic that the Palins’ family values are shaping the script of the “Special Victims Unit”……..not to mention, of course, the guv’s personal mission to be perceived as a special victim in all things critical of her.
Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 10:18 AM
I don’t see Fax News listed, maybe it’s a dis, lol.
Yeah, there is no Faux news? 🙂 Maybe PO got out his little red pen…..?
aha Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 11:31 AM
So, now that BP is over 18 and considered an ”adult” she is no longer sucking the State teat for airfares, accommodations, right?
NOT right. Travel records I’ve received in response to records requests show that family travel is still being paid for with state funds…including Bristol. The operative phrase “First Family…” is included in the purpose portion of the travel authorizations. And Todd’s trips are paid too…purpose of trip is “Meeting with Executive Residence Manager for update on House Projects and Schedule.”
Makes one wonder about conflicts of interests re: per diem claims.
If you watched KTUU last night (probably other channels too) Palin is just laughing at the citizens of Alaska who dare to file ethics complaints against her. She is going to sponsor (or at least be the first signer) of the initiative on Parental notification of a child’s abortion that the legislature didn’t pass during the session. She doesn’t understand that the Governor is suppose to be neutral in such things. She is convenience that she can do whatever she damn well pleases without any consequence, and so far she’s right!
So, Team Arctic Cat goes to D.C. It will be cold outside, please wear something warm Palins.
BP, good grief, you’re no Miss Congeniality, Miss Alaska Runner Up, or Miss Wassilia, but you certainly are lucky to have a mom who’s crowned you Miss Multiple Pregnant Teenage Daughter. I’d suggest you move to Idaho, surely you’d win their State pageant.
Gotta be an ethic complaint in here, somewhere. This SarahPac or Alaska Fund Trust ponying up airfares, hotels, and meal tickets. Recession? What recession? No poverty amongst the rich and religious.
Soooo…how’s that Housegate coming along?
And doesn’t Johnston have her day in court this week, sometime?
Hmmm…it looks like one of those “pregnant with Trig” pictures from last year. Has anyone seen Willow recently?”
Oh, that is too close to reality.
So, now that BP is over 18 and considered an ”adult” she is no longer sucking the State teat for airfares, accommodations, right?
She can do whatever advocating she pleases on her own dime. Unless SP has made her some kind of ”ambassador” lol.
Here is my email to Candies Foundation:
Ms. Marino:
I understand Candies Foundation is (or is planning to) appoint Bristol Palin as Ambassador. Although I frequently wore Candies in the past- and have several iconic pairs in my closet- I will not be purchasing any of your products in the future.
I do not see Miss Palin as an advocate for abstinence. She has been in the news, feted, rewarded with clothes, baby gifts, interviews, and the like. I do not see that she has taken any personal responsibility to improve the life of her child or her own. She has not taken the GRE or completed high school; she is not working, to the best of my knowledge, and she is surrounded by babysitters and caregivers. This is not the typical situation a pregnant teen/single mother faces. In my 29 years of teaching high school students, I worked with a number of young women overcame pregnancy- some put their child up for adoption and some not- and became successful, caring adults.
I would hope your foundation would chose someone who is a model of perseverance, determination and hard work, not a teen who sits back and accepts attention.
You’re going to love this one, Palinbots hit back at Romney!!-Palinbots-Hits-Romney-wVideo
Sarah Palin has taken her political wars to the national level, against Mitt Romney! Palin backers put out video mocking Romney. But he is one of her “rebranding” buddies, she’ll have to be pallin’ around with him.
What WILL Palin do on the rebranding tour, start food fights?
Palin joins national Republican rebranding effort
The listening tour was launched Saturday. Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Cantor held a town-hall style meeting in Arlington, Va., where they heard about people’s concerns on issues from the economy and health care to the rising costs of college tuition.
The council, which plans listening sessions in other cities, also includes Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Sen. John McCain.
Palin Backers Mock Romney With ‘Bear’ Reagan Spoof (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | Rachel Weiner
Asked about Gov. Sarah Palin on Sunday, Mitt Romney referenced her spot on Time magazine’s list of most influential people in what some of Palin’s supporters viewed as a dig.
“Was that the issue on the most beautiful people or the most influential people?” he asked. Now backers of the Alaska Governor are fighting back with a web video mocking Romney.
Thanks for link, could this man be any more repulsive?
I had to use the little cursor hand thingy to poke him up the nose, just to make me feel better. Childish I know, but I’m not above such things.
p.s. What the hell is a “presidential perspiration”, is this a quaint Americanism that I haven’t heard before?
UK Lady – Here’s Rush Limpdick. No beverages or food near computer. He is in love with sarah.
Been planting flowers , wanted to come in a take a “peek” ans see what was happening!!!! Soooooooo there goes the yard work ….Palins are front page today..Wow AKM doing good today…
How would flights/hotel bookings work in what I think is NormalLand?
Bristol Palin: 18, an adult Alaskan resident, invited to speak at an event in NYC on Wed. 5/6 at 1:00pm. Books a flight out of AK sometime on Tue. 5/5 and stays overnight at a hotel. Attends event, and catches flight home sometime that evening – one round trip airfare AK/NY, one night hotel stay. We all know she has plenty of people around to care for the newborn. Heck, she could ask the baby’s father to watch Tripp while she’s gone, for no less than two days.
Since two can stay nearly as cheaply as one at most hotels, let’s just take Todd and Sarah together for sake of arguement.
2 roundtrip tickets from AK Fri. 5/8 early enough for Sarah to make it to the Fish Thing (probably an evening event). Stay overnight Fri. night. Sat. night 5/9 attend White House Correspondents dinner (invited by Fox News, how is this Alaska business? But I digress). Stay overnight. Fly home Sun. 5/10. Hotel stay for two nights.
Even expanding this scenario to account for extended travel time and difficult flight schedules between AK and NY, this would not add more than one night’s hotel stay for each trip. (Bristol 2, Palins 3)
That’s what I would expect expect to see from any regular governor.
Any travel scenarios this week including Palin’s children and/or stays for SP, Todd, and Bristol, expanded beyond the dates of the event they have traveled to attend, are highly suspicious as to motive.
I’m happy to wait to see, and won’t have to wait long because all this news about this travel only came THIS WEEK!
(sung to the Beatles song “I’ve Got A Feeling”)
I’m Sarah Palin, a Palin deep inside
Oh yeah, Oh yeah (that’s right)
I’m Sarah Palin, a fact that I can’t hide
Oh no, no, Oh no! Oh no
Ya betcha! I’m Sarah Palin. Yeah!
Oh God believe me, I’d hate to miss my plane
Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah
Cuz if you leave me, I know I’ll go insane
Oh no, oh no, oh no
Ya betcha! I’m Sarah Palin. Yeah!
I’m Sarah Palin
All these years I’ve been living in Alaska,
Wondering why folks thought it was so great,
When all I ever really wanted was to live in the
Lower Forty-Eight
I’m Sarah Palin, Naughty Monkeys on my toes
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
I’m Sarah Palin, sporting “Arctic cat” clothes
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Ya betcha! I’m Sarah Palin. Yeah!
Every Palin had a hard year
Every Palin had a good whine
Every Palin has a snowmachine
Every Palin hates Ol’ Levi
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Every Palin had a brain cramp
Every Palin loves both the “Joes”
Every Palin had a junket
Every Palin sportin’ new clothes
Oh yeah, Yeah! WOOOOHOO!
(repeat with both parts sung simultaneously)
[Oh my soul…it’s so hard]
Sorry to break into the Bristol thing (who’s brilliant idea was that?), but apparently Rush Limpy virtually anointed SP on his show today! as the leader of the Repubs. Just get the popcorn and watch the GOP explode.
There are going to be some very p*ssed off party bigwigs!, so now they are going to have to diss Rush or go with the Sarah theme. **snort**
60 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
I wouldn’t put anything PAST GINO! But yes I think they are cashing in on the name, BRISTOL is the POSTER CHILD for teen pregnancy!!! She was put up for all to see! I even saw a TV drama, I forget which one and the two girls think its ok to get preggers, B/c the VP canidate daughter is! I’m sure that sort of thing happened in real life. Why didn’t they pick Jamie lynn Spears or something???
I emailed them. Its a crock.
The big difference between BP and Jamie Lynn Spears is that Jamie Lynn is actually capable of financial support of her baby. Bristol not so much.
lynnrockets – Thank you , thank you very much !!
And for you………..
the norwegian blue Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 10:03 AM
125 mommom Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 9:28 AM
Are you saying she gets a scholarship???? From candies???
That’s it?? Grifting! Someone said she want to be a nurse!
Great email BTW 🙂
I don’t see Fax News listed, maybe it’s a dis, lol.
125 mommom Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 9:28 AM
To email Candies Fund.
Thanks for the link – this is what I sent them – not even touching on the obvious lack of info on contraception/choice in their approach:
Bristol Palin, Teen Ambassador for Abstinence? You’ve got to be kidding! She is suffering NONE of the dread “consequences” of teen pregnancy. She has built-in babysitters, a cushy house, plenty of money, lots of cute outfits for her son(s), and a hunky swimcoach beau. Plus, catnip for teens who may be considering her choice: the glamour of media attention. It’s worth having to deal with the pesky ex who keeps mumbling about custody. Hell, Bristol’s life makes me want to have a baby!
If you want a useful morality play, find a pair of twin teenaged girls, one of whom exercises her right to choose to bear her child and is doing so without parental/paternal support, stuck living on what she can make as a Hooter’s waitress while paying for child care. Then let’s look at her exemplary virgin sister who is starting college on a Candie’s scholarship and free to decide between pre-med and brand marketing. Those two would personify the impact of abstinence — not silly Bristol and her family tradition of glorifying consequence-free teen childbearing.
LynnRocketts! TaDa another classic! I ♥LynnRocketts!
For austintx:
(sung to the Aerosmith song “Back In The Saddle”)
She’s back
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
She’s back in Wasilla again
Ridin’ into town dethroned
Like a childish cartoon
Lookin’ for Levi Johnston
To pop like a balloon
That boy’s the missing link
He best not tell no lies
Before Ol’ Sarah can wink
She’ll put out both his eyes
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
Best hide all of your dogs and cats
Until the risin’ sun
She’s in her copter wearin’ spats
And with her loaded gun
Shootin’ every living thing
That she can see
Sportin’ those fur hides like bling
On the T.V.
Reciting all of her lines
Like a G.O.P. hack
Tho’ she’s dressed to the nines
Does she have to come……back?
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s whining, and blaming the media
She’s whining, and talkin’ trash “Ya Betcha”
She’s whining, and claimin’ life’s a bummer
She’s whining, where’s her best pal “Joe the Plumber?”
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
She’s back in Wasilla again
She’s back
Tellin’ lies
Tellin’ lies
Tellin’ lies
crystalwolf aka caligrl said “Well ya know Bristol was for it before she was against it…just sayin’”
BP went for “it”, did “it” and apparently more than 1x. Just like dear ole Mom….
Whoa, Candie’s Foundation eh? It’s tied to — which own a lot of fashion and home brand manufacturers. In any case, I wrote to them. Guess they haven’t heard of STD’s and the absolute necessity of contraceptives such as condoms. Do they think this is the 70’s? Ridiculous. Straight out of a third world mentality. It’s about their religion, IMO, more brainwashing.
71 austintx OMG, ROTFL! Brill, aptly put.
Candie’s Foundation email: [email protected]
iconixbrand, Justine Marino email: [email protected]
Some of Palin’s problems are those of the big toad (beauty queen-mayor) in a small pond, Wisalla, to little toad (new political face) in a big very big pond (VP candidate).
The public’s point of view changes as well. Kind of a double parallax phenonomen.
Its the same problem Perry and Jendil have. As long as they were just down home boys in their state’s political stage, they were ok. Their quirks and short comings could be brushed off , laughed off or ignored. When they stepped onto the nation state they played to a different audience. They are not down home boys to the nation. And they came off badly, as did Palin.
The citizens of their states then saw them as national figures; to see them as others see them; figures that did not measure up to national standards. Even the citizens who were willing to let some things slide by, were suddenly seeing their governors with new eyes. Their perspective (parallax) had be altered.
Your mom and dad may have thought your were great in your college recital, but when you stand on the stage at Carnige Hall, whether or not you have “greatness” is a quantum leap beyond that in the little recital hall.
Back OT
19 Gingerbread Man
THIS is really important and truly needs to be addressed by all voters. Alaska isn’t alone in this, Canada is increasingly becoming more closed and the Freedom of Information Act is increasingly becoming just a title. Freedom and information is becoming available to those with loads of money. It affects those that have less money and those not walking the corridors of power. The opposite of the new US Administration. Canada’s PM Harper is following Bush doctrines to a greater extent. A good thing his ratings are falling.
Palin and ethics in the same sentence? HA! Only if it suits her purposes.
I just looked at the photo with the yellow crochet thing. Is she pregnant again?
austintx Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 9:13 AM
caligrl – Wanda is a very proud Black , Lesbian woman. Unless told not to do it , she WILL take a shot at sarah. Can’t wait to see it if it happens !!
Austintx-pretty sure it will happen 🙂 It is going to be streamed online I think?
should be a gas!
How in the world can this be “state” business? Bristol is 18 now which is an adult so why should the state pay for anyone’s expense? Whoever extended the invitation should pay for them. Does this mean that any time an adult member of Alaska’s legistation performs anything for themselves the state pay’s expenses? This sounds personal to me, not state business unless there is a law on the books prohibiting teen sex or sex before marriage.
Here’s a giggle for ya……….
To email Candies Fund.
dang, the link didn’t go through, here it is again.
forgot to add, we’ll all be able to watch live, lol……..I really must get outside to mow, hate to leave the fun but I’ll be back!
Check local listings for schedule and repeat program listing. The digital file also will be posted on the WHCA archive on C-SPAN.ORG. We will add a link as soon as the video file is available.
There’s the rub, they’ll be “guests” of the Fax News……
Sarah, Todd Palin: FOX’s guests
Posted May 4, 2009 7:30 PM
The Swamp
by Mark Silva
That black-tie White House Correspondents Association dinner coming up Saturday night is one of those events where many are thought to be only as good as their guests.
So look who FOX News got:
“ has exclusively learned that Gossip Girl star Chace Crawford has been invited to be the guest of the Fox News Channel,” Us reports of the celeb currently filming the drama, Twelve, in New York City.
But look who else FOX got: 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and husband Todd, and actor Matthew Modine.
They’ll be the guests of the network and its various celebs, including Greta Van Susteren, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace.
Comedienne Wanda Sykes will headline the annual affair, where, as we noted over the weekend, CBS News will play host to Ben Affleck and Colin Powell.
Who are, of course, not Chase Crawford.
Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:54 AM
btw……what do you think of her yellow crotchet statement? lol……obviously back to pickin out her own professional looking outfits.
Hmmm…it looks like one of those “pregnant with Trig” pictures from last year. Has anyone seen Willow recently?
caligrl – Wanda is a very proud Black , Lesbian woman. Unless told not to do it , she WILL take a shot at sarah. Can’t wait to see it if it happens !!
I suspect that GINO’s appearance at ALASKA House which is being Co-hosted by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute was a forced issue by GINO that the First Family be invited and therefore the expenses can be charged to State. I don’t foresee where an ethics filing would be successful as it will be shown that the FIRST FAMILY was invited — even though it was probably coerced as that will not be disclosed.
The fact it is closed to the public is questionable but media, politicians and celebs will be present
the problem child IS MY NAME Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:29 AM
I wonder if “catfood jello” is on the menu…
LOL……Thanks! I was having a hard enough time getting past the wine pairings with canned salmon….ewww.
And @ AKMFan and crystalwolf 103
The political touchstone of Alaskan abundance, in salmon or oil, is increasingly a function of proper conservation and management. Georges Bank used to feed the world until it was overfished. Peak oil means global oil output is slowing
Frontier days, when you could tote yer pretty new NRA assault rifle to the woods and shoot your own office couch upholstery, are a potent identity myth for Alaska but not a basis for managing increasingly scarce resources. Did Bible Spice not read the bit about the good steward?
114 sauerkraut Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:55 AM
So Sarah is gonna do some whining and dining in DC this weekend? I’ll be there for most of the day on Friday… maybe I’ll hold my nose and stay an extra day or two. Think I’m staying down by the river in a Hilton, too.
Keep your camera handy for pics. Bonus points for pictures of Candies shoes.
Late getting to the party.
@mae lewis, Lainey, and sauerkraut…re consequences for Palin if she’s guilty of the pending ethics complaints. Any consequence, even a slap on the wrist (hard enough to bruise and inflicted in the public square), would be meaningful if it would get her to stop thumbing her nose at the ethics acts and Alaskans who think she should be…well, ethical.
I doubt she’ll be found guilty of any of the pending complaints. There’ll probably be a settlement just like the family travel mess and the complaints will be dismissed. (I hope I’m wrong.)
If Alaskans would get angry enough to really hold her accountable to her open and transparent’ promise…open up the personnel board Troopergate documents and show that she committed perjury, it might be a different ball game.
So Sarah is gonna do some whining and dining in DC this weekend? I’ll be there for most of the day on Friday… maybe I’ll hold my nose and stay an extra day or two. Think I’m staying down by the river in a Hilton, too.
110 Terpsichore Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:41 AM
Assuming the State of Alaska is picking up the tab for SP’s whole family, how does a fiscal conservative justify the expenses of 5 adults and 2 infant airfares from AK to NY, plus however many nights hotel stay, for anyone other than SP? (And I question whether her presense is actually doing any good for the people of the State of Alaska)?
I suspect the state won’t be picking up the tab, and if by chance they do, then I suspect yet another ethic complaint to be filed. Even the diehards followers of Palin will object to the huge waste of money.
the norwegian blue Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:43 AM
Here’s a classy Candies’ shoe ad featuring Jenny McCarthy on the potty
Perhaps it’s a step up from Naughty Monkey…
I had a pair of Candies knockoffs…as I recall they weren’t very comfy with that wooden sole…? But they were Naughty! 😉
Here’s a classy Candies’ shoe ad featuring Jenny McCarthy on the potty
Perhaps it’s a step up from Naughty Monkey…
I’m being more vocal than usual because this issue really makes me angry.
(And because I am trying to avoid grading my last batch of Final Exams.)
Yes, a large part of that anger is because I can’t do what she does, getting someone else to pay for her trips, whether
‘vacation’ or no. So I suppose therefore in that sense, I am jealous.
And that I should just get over. And I will.
But another and equally large part of my anger is that SP keeps flapping her yap about ‘fiscal responsibiliy’ and Republicans keep yapping their flaps how they are the party that supports good fiscal responsibilty and how they are against waste.
So (and I will try to refrain from using all caps too much, tho’ I want to) …
Assuming the State of Alaska is picking up the tab for SP’s whole family, how does a fiscal conservative justify the expenses of 5 adults and 2 infant airfares from AK to NY, plus however many nights hotel stay, for anyone other than SP? (And I question whether her presense is actually doing any good for the people of the State of Alaska)?
I question whether SP’s presence is even neccessary, but Todd’s, Bristol’s (except for the one day of her event), Piper’s, Willow’s, Trig’s and Tripp’s are NOT in any way shape or form. It is a HUGE WASTE of Alaska’s money to pay for them.
I hope to God we are all wrong on this, and that only SP, Todd and Bristol are going. Even for the State to pay for that is questionable IMO, because Bristol’s hotel should only be paid for one night, and Todd’s (at best) for only one night – the respective nights adjacent to the events Bristol and Todd were ‘invited’ to.
austintx Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:34 AM
Since it’s not in the Whitehouse , Wanda will unleash on sarah. sarah is a coward……….she’ll be a no show.
I kind of wondered about that, on the website it says Wanda will be picking on PO, but I know if GINO there, WoooHooo! Wanda will have a flippin’ field day. And faux news did invite her…? Maybe we will have to look @ scarahpac for her itinerary….?
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:30 AM
last time BP and SP were in NYC someone was gonna have a baby…just sayin’.
Well ya know Bristol was for it before she was against it…just sayin’ 😀
Who Knows?
Since it’s not in the Whitehouse , Wanda will unleash on sarah. sarah is a coward……….she’ll be a no show.
last time BP and SP were in NYC someone was gonna have a baby…just sayin’.
‘Global Seafood Tasting Event: May 8
Co-hosted by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, this event will showcase canned Alaskan salmon distrubuted in the United Nations’ Alaska Canned Salmon Global Food Aid Program for schoolchildren, diaster relief, and food-for-work and maternal/child health projects. Wine pairings will accompany tastings of various recipes featuring the salmon.
I wonder if “catfood jello” is on the menu…
zyggy, Olbermann used to say “keep your knees loose” and I suspect BP may have taken that literally……rock on!
AKMFan Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:22 AM
I am not Alaskan so please correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t one of the reasons that the natives in the YK Delta area had such a bad winter because of the dismal salmon season?
If there are no longer enough salmon running to fully run the fishery and for the natives who follow a subsistence lifestyle, how exactly are there going to be enough salmon to feed the hungry of the world?
Maybe I am missing something here?
No your not missing anything, I was wondering the exact same thing when I saw the first tweet from the twit!!!
I am not Alaskan so please correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t one of the reasons that the natives in the YK Delta area had such a bad winter because of the dismal salmon season?
If there are no longer enough salmon running to fully run the fishery and for the natives who follow a subsistence lifestyle, how exactly are there going to be enough salmon to feed the hungry of the world?
Maybe I am missing something here?
Rebekkah Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:14 AM
OT here; keeping up with the shock of BP as ambassador for the Candies Fnd., the menu at the top has a section on “sexy for tees”, with an ad for sleeveless t-shirts that read, “I’m sexy enough to keep you waiting”. Wow. Real christian values. Tease those red-neck red-blooded boys. Does this sound counter-productive, it does to me.
I thought the same thing, not to mention the guy behind the whole organization???
OT here; keeping up with the shock of BP as ambassador for the Candies Fnd., the menu at the top has a section on “sexy for tees”, with an ad for sleeveless t-shirts that read, “I’m sexy enough to keep you waiting”. Wow. Real christian values. Tease those red-neck red-blooded boys. Does this sound counter-productive, it does to me.
Terpcichore, I think she does things “this way” to easier “get away” with what SHE wants to do. She’s open and transparent huh. It will be interesting to see if this blows up in her face and goes south, and if she gets skiddish and pulls out now, she’ll have to cancel her flight, which would show up on expense reports as already being booked. correct?
Lori in Los Angeles ~
The White House Correspondents Dinner is not taking place at the White House but at the Washington Hilton.
Here is the best part of this:
The White House Correspondents’ Association has announced the winners of three major awards it will give out at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner on May 9 in Washington, D.C.
The winners of the Merriman Smith Award for presidential coverage under deadline pressure are Sandra Sobieraj Westfall of People magazine for her election night reporting and David Greene of National Public Radio for his coverage of President Obama’s historic speech at a critical juncture of the presidential campaign.
Michael Abramowitz, formerly of the Washington Post, will be awarded the Aldo Beckman award for sustained excellence in White House coverage.
Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong of the Seattle Times will be honored with the Edgar A. Poe Award for excellence in coverage of news of national or regional significance.
So the Gov and her Hubby are going to an award dinner to watch someone get an award for the coverage of Obama during the campaign!
Lori in Los Angeles ~
The White House Correspondents Dinner is not taking place at the White House but at the Washington Hilton.
Here is the best part of this:
The White House Correspondents’ Association has announced the winners of three major awards it will give out at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner on May 9 in Washington, D.C.
The winners of the Merriman Smith Award for presidential coverage under deadline pressure are Sandra Sobieraj Westfall of People magazine for her election night reporting and David Greene of National Public Radio for his coverage of President Obama’s historic speech at a critical juncture of the presidential campaign.
Michael Abramowitz, formerly of the Washington Post, will be awarded the Aldo Beckman award for sustained excellence in White House coverage.
Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong of the Seattle Times will be honored with the Edgar A. Poe Award for excellence in coverage of news of national or regional significance.
So the Gov and her Hubby are going to an award dinner to watch someone get an award for the coverage of Obama during the campaign!
Lori in Los Angeles Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 8:04 AM
If it is true that Fixed News invited both Sarah AND Todd to the White House Correspndence Dinner – here is my question: How does AIP Todd get security clearance to get into the White House? The thought of GINO in our White House, even for a brief time, gives me a stomach ache.
Yeah? Really? How can he pass security? Does anyone know if this is confirmed????
The dark side——–>well they can’t stand Wanda and I don’t think Wanda thinks much about GINO, lol, it would be fun but not for GINO, lol!
And now this! Palin got her way, she is in the national spotlight. She tried to make them beg for her to join, when they wouldn’t of course she joined.
“As long as they understand Alaska comes first” I threw up in my mouth!
Palin Joins GOP Rebranding Effort After Ignoring Calls
| 05/ 5/09 11:13 AM
Terpsichore Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:55 AM
My last post #83 was written before reading posts #77 and #81.
Will revise with the additional itinerary information.
It is cerainly curious that these “invitations” seem to come so last minute. Any reputable group organizing event wants to have guest speaker/panelist member info out early in order to get people to come to their events! Yet even Palin fan sites can’t seem to confirm rumors of SP’s attendance at some of these things, even at only a week out from the event. That is highly irregular.
Don’t most governors and senators and representatves keep a schedule of their events? Don’t most post it on their websites? Why is every single thing about the way she works so weird, weird in a bad “I’m trying to hide something” kinda way, rather than a weird “I’m just different” kinda way.
That’s b/c she is trying to hide something, lol! I remember Halcro writing, a day in the life…I think it was called how her calendar is empty! So if that is true she can fill in these last min. things!
First Family and all! Got to make sure they check the “first family” invited box….you betcha!
If it is true that Fixed News invited both Sarah AND Todd to the White House Correspndence Dinner – here is my question: How does AIP Todd get security clearance to get into the White House? The thought of GINO in our White House, even for a brief time, gives me a stomach ache.
My last post #83 was written before reading posts #77 and #81.
Will revise with the additional itinerary information.
It is cerainly curious that these “invitations” seem to come so last minute. Any reputable group organizing event wants to have guest speaker/panelist member info out early in order to get people to come to their events! Yet even Palin fan sites can’t seem to confirm rumors of SP’s attendance at some of these things, even at only a week out from the event. That is highly irregular.
Don’t most governors and senators and representatves keep a schedule of their events? Don’t most post it on their websites? Why is every single thing about the way she works so weird, weird in a bad “I’m trying to hide something” kinda way, rather than a weird “I’m just different” kinda way.
Kinky Friedman inspires more trust in me than SP.
82 zyggy Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:36 AM
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
rflmao, that is brillant, and I so want to see that on facebook, twitter and every site I go to. So that is her new motto, and I’m so stealing that for my siggie.
I think you will find this interesting…………
yep, I predict the state of AK will pay……read all those “children” references in the event info……gotta have the family along to represent children.
btw……what do you think of her yellow crotchet statement? lol……obviously back to pickin out her own professional looking outfits.
Terpsichore Says:
I agree with you but this is what I see happening.
SP charges for herself and her family to fly to NYC (hotel fare also too) because a) Bristol is representing Alaska teens in advocating for abstinence and the family is representing AK at the Friday gig, and even though invited to the Correspondents dinner via Fox, they will be there representing AK, so they are there as the First Family. That gets them all covered for the trip as far as airfare and hotel expenses, and food will be covered by per diem (all she has to do is say she was working for AK to claim that) and perhaps a little bit out of pocket, but then they are free to spend their own $$ on shopping and whatnot.
The Palin family does expect others to pick up the tab for them, as has been proven by all the charges to the state for the trips by the kids. That is what this “legal fund” is for. Someone else picking up the tab for their expenses.
Wanda Sykes on sarah……….starts at the 2:30 mark.
Once upon a time the ADN supported the citizens of Alaska in attempting to make their government more open and responsive. Once upon a time ADN supported the gadflies and muckrakers. Now they proudly proclaim there can be no anonymous bloggers, because accountability is somehow lacking. Sadly, ADN has sold out Alaskans to the well connected and self satisfied.
Extrordinary times require extrordinary means. When has Alaska had a governor’s spouse who hangs out in the Governor’s office for the purpose of tending to political errands? When has there been a governor more willing to proclaim an open and transparent government but then acted to make her administration more closed and opaque?
Why should Alaskans have confidence that the ethics complaints are without merit if we must rely on the findings of a board the governor controls?
There should be a seperate entity to take ethics complaints relating to the governor, their family,and high administration officials. The legislature is the obvious choice.
GIno is attending the opening of Alaska House in NY:
‘Global Seafood Tasting Event: May 8
Co-hosted by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, this event will showcase canned Alaskan salmon distrubuted in the United Nations’ Alaska Canned Salmon Global Food Aid Program for schoolchildren, diaster relief, and food-for-work and maternal/child health projects. Wine pairings will accompany tastings of various recipes featuring the salmon.
This is a private event and is not open to the public’
Oh I bet grifter GINO will get the state to pay———–>
As the twit tweets….
# Learn how Wild AK Seafood can help combat world hunger. Pure, healthy, abundant protein; exciting initiative rolled out in NY this week.9:57 AM May 3rd from web
See that Word Alaska there? She doing it for Alaska! Of course they should pay right????? State’s dime, you betcha! 😉
EyeOnYou –
“It says she is going to be one of the panel guests at the town hall meeting they are having. It will be interesting to find out what she has to say on this. I will also be interested to find out how much of this trip is paid for by the Palin family or if it is going to be a state paid trip with the Governor claiming that Bristol is on “State Business”. ”
My guess is the Foundation pays for (or reimburses) travel expenses for invited speakers/panelists, but unless they pay for the other panelists mothers/fathers/children/spouses, it would be wrong for them to pay for SP’s airfare, hotel and meals if she accompanies Bristol. And I don’t see any way it would be an Alaska State trip either, so the state better not pay if she (SP) goes. I don’t even see how the PAC could pay for her expenses either. And the Alaska Fund Trust, if it really was set up for her, her family’s, and her staffs legal bills, then using THAT money would be directly taking away money supposedly needed by people like Frank Bailey and Ivy Frye for fraudulent (IMO) purposes.
Now here’s a novel thought – Sarah, if you want to go with your daughter on this trip, great! Pay your own airfare, hotel and meals. And don’t try to claim them as tax deductable ’cause they’re not.
That’s the choice all the rest of us mere mortals have to make – pay, or don’t go. I thought that’s what real fiscal conservatives did – not buy stuff if they couldn’t afford to pay for it, rather than expect someone else to pick up the tab.
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
rflmao, that is brillant, and I so want to see that on facebook, twitter and every site I go to. So that is her new motto, and I’m so stealing that for my siggie.
lol Right now I don’t even care if the candies group is actually a good group to hang with, that quote is (albeit made up) is the best thing I’ve read in a long long time.
Canadian Neighbour Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:24 AM
GINO & DINO were also invited by FOX along with Greta, Bill O, Hannity to the White House Correspondents Dinner at the Washington Hilton on Saturday, May 9th in Washington so she will be spending the rest of the week in the lower 48. C-SPAN is covering the dinner. Wanda Sykes is the featured entertainer. Ooohhhhh!!!
Wonder if Greta does an update interview in that they both be in Washington for this dinner.
Assuming GINO, DINO, Bristol, Piper, Trig & Tripp are all there for the duration of a vacation on Alaska’s dime.
Lets see, Bristols “event” tomorrow, her Alaska thingy on fri, the whopteedoo on Sat, now what about Mother’s day??? Boy nice she can co-ordinate all this better than she runs the state…! Wonder if there enough money in the ATM fund so her and Bristol can go shopping in NYC??
Last nail in this coffin…–1514227.story/?gt1=28135
It all reads well… right up to the point that her boyfriend is TWENTY… and she is SIXTEEN! Hey Billie Ray… what ARE you THINKING? Such is the plight of a role model.
It’s 7:30am in AK. Are the voting booths open yet?
Alaska has a fair share of priorcorrupt politician, seems to me Palin is just following in the footsteps of prior crooks. Is she learning by example? lol
I wonder why it’s taking so long for the ethic complaints to be investigated and completed.
Is there deadline for complaints to reviewed and a decision rendered?
From the looks of the comments at the majority of posts are slamming the editorial. I think even the republicans in Alaska are growing tired of Palin’s antics.
austintx Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:12 AM
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
Could always use one of these…………
AustinTX, 😆
GINO & DINO were also invited by FOX along with Greta, Bill O, Hannity to the White House Correspondents Dinner at the Washington Hilton on Saturday, May 9th in Washington so she will be spending the rest of the week in the lower 48. C-SPAN is covering the dinner. Wanda Sykes is the featured entertainer. Ooohhhhh!!!
Wonder if Greta does an update interview in that they both be in Washington for this dinner.
Assuming GINO, DINO, Bristol, Piper, Trig & Tripp are all there for the duration of a vacation on Alaska’s dime.
Oh those kids at wonkette…………comments too.also.
…when oh when is the intermission…
Candie’s Foundation
I don’t know about you folks, but there used to be a brand of shoes by that name. They were also affectionately known as f#@* me shoes. Wonder if there is any relationship to this bunch of wackos.
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
Glad I wasn’t eating or drinking coffee while reading that comment, lol! 😀
Please enter that post for the ‘Best Pithy Comment By Definition’ category.
Simply brilliant.
“The mission of The Candies Foundation is to educate America’s youth about the devastating consequences of teen pregnancy. The goal of the Candie’s Foundation is to raise awareness of this serious problem, and the consequences, bringing it into the national consciousness and to reduce teen pregnancy. By using the dialogue that celebrities have with teens we feel that we can speak as peers and effectively communicate this message to the impressionable group.”
Valiant effort, no doubt. Whatever happened to PARENTS? This brings up the aged arguement about role models. How on earth can you equate a celebrity who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Junior High School student from Anywhere, USA? Just WHAT do they have IN COMMON? Kind of like the politician who has the nations BEST healthcare (for FREE) telling John Q. Public that he should be grateful that only HALF his salary goes to a family medical plan at his place of employment… not quite on the same page.
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
Could always use one of these…………
Didn’t Bristol admit that Waiting was unrealistic when she was interviewed by Gretta. Also i have noticed Gretta has slacked off on interviewing Gino since that interview.
sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
And make sure you’re standing up, gravity will prevent pregnancy… (I heard that in one of my health classes in high school from a student asking questions, the teacher and I were floored. )
crystalwolf aka caligrl,
This organization Bristol has hooked up to is just so organized — A joke. Been around since 2001 — ever heard of them? The Candie’s Foundation. The press link you provided gives far more information than their site. Their site tells you to follow them on twitter for live updates.
Great — get the message out to them about teen pregnancy in 140 characters or less!!
Bristal was added as their ambassador on their twitter page 2 hours ago.
They have one other message that they are getting ready for this. They have 17 people following them. Now that’s big time organization to reach teens — anybody for that matter. A total joke as this should have been set up, publicized, organized long ago. Big names are listed on their history page for participating and donated money previous years.
Bristol will be in NY with the family because of the Alaska Event with Gino is attending.o you can assume the the travel and expenses for this trip are on the dime of the State of Alaska.
LOL – sjk from the belly of the plane,
Bristol says ‘keep your knees together’ — That fits a twitter message!!
So, do you think this is “why” Scarah is going to NY to “promote” Alaska seafood to feed the world? So she and Bristol can grab a double whammy? A plug for the good Gov promoting AK. And a plug for her groupies bringing under the radar political gain.
She’s so sneaky, eh? Book deal while there? well, maybe a meeting on it huh, a photo shoot too?
“The governor is apparently going to New York to push canned salmon at a “global seafood tasting” event at Alaska House, a non-profit arts and culture center in SoHo. It’s “a private event and is not open to the public,” says the Web site, but Ear got an invitation so it can’t be that classy.
Anyhow, the grapevine immediately began spreading claims that Sarah plans to sign a book contract while she’s in NYC”
Bristol says, “keep your knees together”.
The Event to Prevent
Each year The Candies Foundation hosts an annual fundraising event to honor individuals that have done exceptional work for the cause and helped advance the foundation message.
Now what exactly has Bristol done in last year to warrant this Honor???
Oh yeah, she was “for it before she was against it” yeah, that it….
sorry OT, but this should be interesting! more Palin family media attention, lol. Tomorrow! LOTS of media coverage, lol.
“NEW YORK, May 5 /PRNewswire/ — The Candie’s Foundation announced today that it has appointed Bristol Palin as its Teen Ambassador. Palin, daughter of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, will participate in a town hall meeting and select media interviews to promote May 6th, the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy to help raise awareness for teen pregnancy prevention.”
“Palin will be joined by Good Morning America’s, Chris Cuomo who will be the moderator of the town hall meeting and fellow panelists; actress, Hayden Panettiere, MLB starting pitcher and MVP for the Tampa Bay Rays, Matt Garza, Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen Magazine, Ann Shoket, CEO of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Sarah Brown, and Founder of The Candie’s Foundation, Neil Cole. The town hall meeting will take place at 1pm at The Times Center.”
The guy behind it…it one of those christian things..
Neil Cole, “organic church” She’s pandering to her base again using Bristol.
BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 6:25 AM
crystalwolf… unbelievable! I had to clean up the coffee I dropped to the floor.
“If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment.”
She couldn’t even prevent HERSELF from getting pregnant! To ‘lead by example’ USUALLY means to lead by GOOD example. Couldn’t they FIND a good example? I agree… it’s all in the name being dropped here.
dropped coffee, lol!
Its great you have such a great relationship with your Daughter. I wrote to them that I’m outraged they would pick her. This is really getting ridiculous!
What is candies? All I can’t think of is the “shoes” hehe, maybe Bristol gets free shoes….? haha
Gov. Gimme, Show us HOW the legal bills were accrued. Thanks!
EyeOnYou Says:
May 5th, 2009 at 6:18 AM
crystalwolf aka caligrl ~ I was just reading about that.
It says she is going to be one of the panel guests at the town hall meeting they are having. It will be interesting to find out what she has to say on this. I will also be interested to find out how much of this trip is paid for by the Palin family or if it is going to be a state paid trip with the Governor claiming that Bristol is on “State Business”.
I wonder if this could be considered “cashing in on the family name”?
I wouldn’t put anything PAST GINO! But yes I think they are cashing in on the name, BRISTOL is the POSTER CHILD for teen pregnancy!!! She was put up for all to see! I even saw a TV drama, I forget which one and the two girls think its ok to get preggers, B/c the VP canidate daughter is! I’m sure that sort of thing happened in real life. Why didn’t they pick Jamie lynn Spears or something???
I emailed them. Its a crock.
crystalwolf… unbelievable! I had to clean up the coffee I dropped to the floor.
“If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment.”
She couldn’t even prevent HERSELF from getting pregnant! To ‘lead by example’ USUALLY means to lead by GOOD example. Couldn’t they FIND a good example? I agree… it’s all in the name being dropped here. My daughter as a young teen would have set a MUCH better example. When faced with the peer pressure of teen sex, she came to me, we talked at length about the issue, and SHE decided to wait. THAT’S leading by example!
crystalwolf aka caligrl says: “Hey everyone! Guess who is going to be a sponsor AGAINST teen pregnancy? Bristol!”
Like mother, like daughter, both of whom are shining examples of remaining chaste before marriage. I want them as my role models! Not.
sauerkraut Says:
Absolutely correct, EyeOnYou. Perhaps it’s time for those RINOS to start a party which represents their values instead of the self-serving values of Newt, Mitt, Eric, dickless, Larry and Mo.
The problem is that these guys you listed have no values. Their values and ideas change to suit whatever way the wind is blowing. Perhaps I should say that their publicly stated values are the ever changing ones while their private values are just like Palins’. Get as much for me and mine as I can for as long as I can.
crystalwolf aka caligrl ~ I was just reading about that.
It says she is going to be one of the panel guests at the town hall meeting they are having. It will be interesting to find out what she has to say on this. I will also be interested to find out how much of this trip is paid for by the Palin family or if it is going to be a state paid trip with the Governor claiming that Bristol is on “State Business”.
I wonder if this could be considered “cashing in on the family name”?
sauerkraut says: “If my memory serves correctly, she was conceived and born in…
Poor Idaho. At least they got rid of ONE wacko family when sarah and her folks pulled up stakes.
Hey everyone! Guess who is going to be a sponsor AGAINST teen pregnancy?
If you as offended as I am…write to them, I think that they are cashing in the Palin brand.
The “event” is tomorrow I think in NY. They advocate “waiting”. Didn’t Bristol write on her myspace about her first BF before Levi, that GINO thought her preggers, and she wrote “so I’m a slut” lol! Great advocate, just great.
When Palin was picked by McCain, I immediately called my little sister and asked, “who the hell is Sarah Palin? I thought Murkowski was governor.” Sis’s response was typical of a great many Alaskans: “I don’t know much about her. She kinda sneaked in under the radar.”
“… oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive…”
There’s a political cartoon waiting to be drawn. Something along the lines of the last scene of the original movie ‘The Fly’. Picture if you will, it’s GINO’s head on the fly body, entangled in her web of lies and deceit, unable to free herself as the spider (representing ‘We The People’) moves closer and closer. All we hear is her ‘ness as she screams… ‘Help me… heeeeelp meeeeeeee!’ Then comes the smashing rock. But just who survives?
My money is on the spider!
Absolutely correct, EyeOnYou. Perhaps it’s time for those RINOS to start a party which represents their values instead of the self-serving values of Newt, Mitt, Eric, dickless, Larry and Mo.
30 Lainey Says: May 4th, 2009 at 10:39 PM
palin…made in Alaska
If my memory serves correctly, she was conceived and born in…
sauerkraut Says
You’ve forgotten the creed of the new Republican hierarchy: they who do not march lockstep with us real conservatives are liberals.
Don’t forget that Palin fans claim that any republican who doesn’t agree with Palin 100% down the line are RINOS and degenerates. 😉
28 mae lewis Says: May 4th, 2009 at 10:06 PM
As they say in the movies, “Let’s cut to the Chase!” Just suppose that Sarah Palin is found to be guilty of all of the ethics violations she is charged with. What is the worst thing that would happen to her?
How about these as starters?
a) She would cease to be a viable candidate for national office.
b) She may have to get a job in the private sector.
16 Leona Wright Says: May 4th, 2009 at 9:28 PM
What I find interesting is the fact that conservative Republicans blame the filing of these ethics complaints on “liberals.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe that the lovely Ms. McLeod is a registered Republican.
You’ve forgotten the creed of the new Republican hierarchy: they who do not march lockstep with us real conservatives are liberals.
@pearl89 and BashtinBoyo
the reason her spokesman/woman/representative said…blah, blah, blah is because she doesn’t know how to read a teleprompter or anything else for that matter.
I think this comes out of the Corrupt Politicians Handbook. As long as a spokesperson says it, the pol can deny saying it, deny meaning it, and deny knowing anything at all about it.
AKPetMom: You are right, any of us here knows more than she does. I was Miss Brainerd Minnesota, I can ride a snowmobile, I studied journalism and theatre, but I know WAY MORE about just any topic than she does. I know the names of more foreign leaders than Palin or Bush for that matter. I know there are separate countries in AFrica.
the GOP doesn’t care about competence, they only care about winning
Almost forgot… Sarah P. told us about real America and real American values and the other parts of America that are not America and have un-American values. Sarah told us Drill, Baby Drill and later that she believes the science of global warming. She’s a pro-lifer who contemplated abortion and Bristol had a choice but other woman (even those who are raped) should not have a choice. She told us she is well read but, couldn’t list a single publication or book. She told us the role of the Vice President was to run the Senate.
12 or 13? Is that all? Why so lttile?
Sarah P. was telling more lies per minute when she was campaigning. Thanks but, no thanks to that Bridge-to-nowhere (although she kept the money). She was the Gov that saved America by laying the trans-continental gas pipe line (that doesn’t exist). She was the most experienced of all candidate (for being CEO of Wasilla). She had foreign experience (watching Putin raise his head from her porch). She told us President Obama was palin’ around with terrorists. Bristol was getting married (before she wasn’t). Levi was a great young man (before he was a sleazy no good, lying, dead beat father). All she ever asked for was a coke to wet her whistle (while the First Dude was wearing $ 400 RNC silk boxers and she had $200,000 of RNC clothing in the cargo hold of her jet).
What can one expect from a frivolous Personnel Board who serve a frivolous governor at will? They found their boss and her first Dude innocent while the Legislature’s attorney found her guilty of abuse of power and the First Dude in contempt.
I want to see the e-mails.
Martha UYS says: “Just snicker a little bit while remembering that the twit governor raised a million bucks for Planned Parenthood.”
I did a LOT more than snicker, Martha! Talk about unintended consequences. This is priceless. Thank you for sharing!
Alaska Kelly Says:
May 4th, 2009 at 8:45 PM
I believe that Mrs. Palin’s behavior has gotten worse since her failed run at V.P.
A good indication of this is found in the press releases on the state website.
These are a list of them the Governor has issued via her website (aka the state of alaska governors website) that could and should be considered ethically questionable, or indicate the attitude change/behavior change in the Governor & her administration.
These are their titles & dates on the website:
April, 2009
Latest Complaint Deemed Outrageous
Alarming New Development in Alaska Politics
Politics Cloud Judgment in Final Week
from Political Adversaries of Governor
March, 2009
Latest Bogus Ethics Complaint
Commented on by Governor Palin
February, 2009
Comments on Personnel Board Settlement
on the Subject of Children’s Travel
Governor’s Staff Addresses Expenses Issues
on News Media Coverage of Per Diem
Palin on Defenders of Wildlife Campaign
as Reprehensible and Hypocritical
January, 2009
Governor Says “There You Go Again”
to Salacious Nature of Recent Reporting
August, 2008
Governor to Turn Over Findings
from Department of Law
July, 2008
Palin Responds to Latest Falsehoods
Addresses Commissioner’s Comments
You can see the change in attitude/behavior since the election took place. All of these are still currently available on the state governors website. You simply need to go to the top of the front page, click on the link that says “newsroom” and it will bring up the most current press releases. At the bottom of this first page it shows “News Archive >”, and if you click on that it takes you to archival press releases. At the bottom of each of the following page it shows “next 100 listings” and you simply click on that link to go to the next listings. They are set up by chronological date in reverse order…2009, 2008..2007…
AKPetMom – couldn’t agree more. Where was the Valley outrage when she first ran for gov?
But, that was then and this is now:
“She’s bigger in the media than in reality,” lamented veteran GOP consultant Mike Murphy. (and thanks for that, sally)
Oh and I forgot this in my previous post.
She has got SOME nerve. She continually thumbs her nose at the law and Alaskans…really all of America.
I was told that if I acted unethically that someone schmuck would actually hold me accountable so I’m not going to walk through the front door. I’ll just go around back and hope no one notices and slaps another “bogus” ethics complaint on me.
Her hubris is awe inspiring!
This is maybe a bit off topic for this thread (maybe not), but I see AKM hasn’t posted about this particular topic yet.
I saw on Palin Daily News (I think it was) that she is not coming out in support of the anti-abortion initiative because that would get her in trouble (again. According to Dept. of Law), BUT that she is going to be “first in line to put her signature on it” or something like that.
Now I may not be the smartest crayon in the box, but isn’t that actually still coming out in support of the initiative, though perhaps in a slightly backdoor manner?
So is this ethics complaint number 16 (I think there are a couple ahead of it with the use of State webpage for personal whinage and the Arctic Cat link on the webage, also…too)?
Just snicker a little bit while remembering that the twit governor raised a million bucks for Planned Parenthood.
Palin, and Bush at over a million dollars also, too, are two of the largest donors in the history of the organization.
32 Candy Knight Says:
May 4th, 2009 at 11:15 PM….” Time to bring in the Feds.”
I agree. I think people sometimes forget how small Alaska is in terms of population. If someone doesn’t know a person, then they know someone who does know that person…or are related somehow. Very chilling as far as actually getting anywhere on investigations when there may be limited independence from each other.
Call in the Feds for investigations if possible….then people can feel free to blame the Feds instead of their neighbors.
@mae lewis
Not being familiar with Alaska State Law, my guess is that impeachment and removal from office has to be enacted in that heavily Republican Legislature.
the citizens of Alaska can petition for a recall
hey crystalwolf aka caligrl
I complain to CREW all the time! They are watching GINO! She does maintain a office in DC.
I’m glad they’re watching her too…thanks for the idea!
The main point that the news sources dutifully recording Palin’s warped version of these events tend to miss is that the airhead was governor of Alaska for barely a year before her run for VP. Most people will sit back and give a politician a second or third chance before saying, “Enough is enough,” and trying to do something about the politician’s behavior. There was a lot of ugly, unethical conduct in Sarah’s past, when she was mayor and on the oil and gas board, but it was off most people’s radar screen. The fact is, she has been governor for a pathetically short time. And yes, the campaign swelled her already big head to monstrous proportions. Because she has gotten away with so much in the past, it has encouraged her to think she can do anything she wants. How DARE these little serfs try to tell her differently?
Time to bring in the Feds.
mae lewis Says:
May 4th, 2009 at 10:06 PM
I complain to CREW all the time! They are watching GINO! She does maintain a office in DC.
Complain to them. They also involve the IRS. HeHe!!!!
I have given up complain to state ethic’s… I go directly to FBI and CREW.
@BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin
Even Nero was reputed to fiddle while Rome burned to the ground around him, seemingly oblivious to all that led up to it…
End of rant.
couldn’t have said it better! excellent…rant away
palin…made in Alaska
There is also an ethics complaint that was filed against Palin, the RNC, and others by CREW (Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington). I tried without success to find the result of this complaint. Don’t think the FEC has ruled, yet. It was in regards to the clothes bought by the RNC with campaign contributions for Palin and her family.
Also…a news organization (can’t remember which one), that requested Palin emails was told that it would cost them $15M+ to get copies and the last I tracked this story, the state of AK had filed a third extenstion in providing the information. So, Andree, you are not alone. It seems to me that if the Palins, don’t want to provide information…they delay, delay, and delay and attack,attack,attack..
In deciding to help the National Council for a New America a Palin spokesperson (MS) said she would “as long as everyone knows that Alaska always comes first.” As a nonAlaskan, I think this comment is offensive. I assume that she means that Alaska is a higher priority for her, but that is not the way it sounds. Sounds like her AIP dues are all paid up and to hell with the rest of the country.
BashtinBoyo the reason her spokesman/woman/representative said…blah, blah, blah is because she doesn’t know how to read a teleprompter or anything else for that matter.
As they say in the movies, “Let’s cut to the Chase!” Just suppose that Sarah Palin is found to be guilty of all of the ethics violations she is charged with. What is the worst thing that would happen to her? Slap on the wrist? Pay a fine? Someone will publicly deface her photo?? Not being familiar with Alaska State Law, my guess is that impeachment and removal from office has to be enacted in that heavily Republican Legislature. The only other penalty might be that Alaska voters may not vote for her if she chooses to run in some future election. (Won’t look good on her national resume as well).
What other course of action are there and what do they achieve? Obviously keeping these well documented charges in the public eye makes it harder for her to continue. For example, once the abuse of travel expenses was exposed, I would hope that those charges declined. In addition to posting on blogs, I have another place in mind– and I don’t know if they are the ones to handle these complaints, unless she actually break some kind of law.
I’m thinking of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Their mission statement is to “target government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests.” All right, Sarah is not in Washington, but she came this close, and she continues to be on the national political stage with an eye on Washington. Alaska’s Don Young is on the CREW website right now; they quote a newspaper source that he is no longer paying lawyers from his campaign fund (probably a non no).
Maybe other Mudpups can suggest other avenues for the airing of these ethics complaints so they will have consequences. (Example, the shiny new assault rifle and motorcycle– are they going to be declared on all the proper forms, including the one that goes to the IRS?) As I wrote in the first sentence, movies aside, what is the end game here– what will be the result if Sarah Palin is found guilty of the charges??
“… but don’t worry, the party is taking a whole new direction with Michael Steele at the helm.”
“What? Me worry?” Alfred E. Newman.
I don’t think we have much to worry about. The GOP is, and continues to be, so self-destructive, all the rest of us have to do is watch out for flying debris.
I had at least a month of disbelief after she got elected as Governor. I was sooooooo against her and everything she stands for. She was a crummy mayor and I personally had just discarded her and laughed out loud at my christian soccer mom friends that supported her. We battled back and forth with our bumper stickers; they had Palin and I sported Knowles. I internally and with my husband verbally questioned the intelligence of these people that we called friends who were supporting this “numbskull”.
So here we are, 3 years hence, with a “Governor Gone Wild”. I think part of what has put her so over the top is her taste of fame; that adoration from like-minded people has puffed up her ego and she’s going to ride it until she realizes that there aren’t enough like-minded people to support her national aspirations.
For goodness sake, anyone of us that posts on this blog would have the intelligence to fill her shoes (except we’re not all size 7.5 🙂 But, you know what I mean, she’s gotten to a certain level because people carried her there. There are less and less people willing to carry her as each day passes and that means that she will finally land in a position, perhaps as a talking head on faux news or some other arena, but in a position where she can do no further harm to our country or our state.
She is done and we have to live with her for 564 more days as Gov but she won’t get any further. Of that I am sure…but she sure is fun to talk about; she makes me feel smart each and every day, and for that I am grateful.
I posted this at Phil’s blog earlier…I think my ADN is blocked.
I left 3 comment on ADN (one next to Andree) and I think my comment are banned or hidden. Phil if you don’t mind may I post here?
Who wrote this? This is the most unprofessional piece of journalism I have ever seen. Must of been GINO herself writing it. We all know ADN has caved in to a anti-Truther blog, who makes screen shots and sends to the advertiser’s. Blackmail. Didn’t know a Huge newspaper would cave to that. Thank god we have Bloggers who aren’t afraid to tell the truth.
People have a RIGHT to expect their Governor to act in a responsible ethical fashion. Making them pay to file a complaint is just crazy. Why don’t you expect the governor to act ethically? Why did she wear another Acrtic cat jacket last week? Why does the SOA website link to acrtic cat….?????
She’s always acted unethically since she stole 50K as wasilla mayor.
“I’m the mayor and I can do what I please until the courts tell me different’ I her mantra.
the people are just trying to get the courts to tell her “different”
Well since everyone is so upset by the “ethics complaints” maybe people shouldn’t bother with the personnel board handpicked by palin and instead just write the local FBI office or CREW in Washington.
That will solve everything and get a corrupt official out of office finally.
Thanks Phil! I feel much better now!
ADN sux!!!
Paul Jenkins wrote an opinion in a local newspaper…GINO Daily News, I think…I found this at the immoral minority site…
“Somebody decides to beef about the SarahPac ethics complaint on an official state Web site. That is your Web site and mine. It belongs to all Alaskans. We pay for it. It is more than a little disturbing that her office, apparently swept up in some kind of vengeful tizzy, would bring to bear state resources to castigate, harangue, insult and accuse individual citizens who make legal complaints.
“I’m no lawyer, but state law seems pretty clear: “A public officer may not … use state time, property, equipment, or other facilities to benefit personal or financial interests. …” Without much doubt, state time, property, equipment and other facilities were used to toss that hissy.”
Well…would that be number 14?
@ BooBooBear
Take heart! Of course we will survive her inept governorship – we are Alaskans and have been through much worse, time and time again. She’s the one who will suffer much longer than any of us, so keep the faith that her political life is heading for a tailspin. I couldn’t care less about her personal life or family, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to be pretty, either. She’s done nothing but make mistake after stupid mistake since returning, and is just a black comedy punch line waiting to happen.
There are great numbers who will rise up against her every move as she tries to progress her pathetic political career outside of Alaska. She is a legend only in her own mind. Time is NOT on her side and doing her no favors whatsoever.
One of the (melo) dramatic Acts that Palin hoped would play out……hasn’t.
Remember her call for a “public backlash” to the most recent ethics complaints….didn’t happen.
The ADN tried to whip up some outrage with its flawed editorial….but judging by the comments it only whipped up outrage at its own flawed argument.
Andree McLeod’s comments are so reasonable and un-dramatic…..the perfect antidote to the Drama Queen who shrieks “Outrageous!!” like the little boy who kept crying “wolf.” People just don’t believe her outraged shrieks anymore. They’re looking at all those ethics complaints and wondering why…
Some Republican leaders prefer not to discuss Sarah Palin
By JONATHAN MARTIN | 5/3/09 10:47 PM EDT
There is almost a sense of exasperation among many party elites over the media coverage the two polarizing figures get — attention which, in Palin’s case, is widely seen as a product largely of her good looks and tabloid-fodder family troubles.
“She’s bigger in the media than in reality,” lamented veteran GOP consultant Mike Murphy.
The Queen is clueless. I think many were on to her before she was tapped as the VP candidate but were too AFRAID to cross her. Those who have been roughly thrown under her big, wide bus knew what was going on but didn’t dare expose her for what she is. After the campaign, riding on the big jet, wearing the fancy clothes, being surrounded by adoring crowds, she came home with a whole new attitude. She seems to think she is above the law every day. And she has surrounded herself with her unqualified high school buddies who do not want to lose their cushy state jobs and retirement, ……. they just go along and keep their heads down and curtsy and bow when needed. I hold little hope that the personnel board will do anything to correct this rotten behavior. Palin seems to enjoy pushing the envelope and thmbing her nose at us. So many people cannot believe this is going on day after day……who can stop her? Or who WILL? We all talk about recall but no one is gutsy enough to start the process. So for now all we can do is make sure every move she makes is recorded. I am sure that is why Meg Stapleton does all her statements. That way, if it backfires, she can always throw Meg under the bus with the rest of us and place the blame on her. Then Palin can play the “poor, pitiful victim again”……..sigh….classic Palin. Will we all survive her reign?
The Republican Party called today begging for donations to “stop Obama.” I told him exactly how I felt about our Governor, and he said ” I have heard that from most Alaskans, and McCain should not have picked her, but don’t worry, the party is taking a whole new direction with Michael Steele at the helm.” I told him,,,,”Thanks…..but NO THANKS! Have a great evening.” Gosh that felt good!
Gov. Palin’s administration has purposefully withheld public documents for what seems to be the entire duration of her governorship. And they have withheld them not only from citizens, but from the press. They routinely quote outrageously overinflated fees for document preparation (high enough to make them unobtainable). Several press outlets have complained about this for months now.
These records requests have been in accordance with the Alaska State Public Records Act – isn’t there some recourse that could be taken? What would it take to get the feds to intervene on the public’s behalf?
It’s just so sad to me that the Palinbots don’t see this administration for what it is – a complete slap in the face to the Democracy.
sally….Yes that is a great point.
“I found a clue in a comment made below a recent ADN article about the Alaska Fund Trust. A poster named Msimoniam provided this historical summary:
Everyone seems to forget that it is the Governor’s choice to hire a private lawyer and pay for it on her own. Originally, Van Flein was hired to represent the Governor on state contract for Troopergate. That is perfectly legal and normal. That changed when Van Flein started consulting with the campaign and representing Todd too. It made his communications with people other than his client (Palin) subject to the Alaska public records act, thus open to the public. Thus, every communication he had as a state contractor with Todd, staff and McCain campaign people was not protected by attorney/client privilege.
So, Van Flein quickly became her private lawyer to avoid public record disclosure issues. It’s Palin’s choice to pay for it on her own, or get her supporters to pay, so that she can keep it all hidden. It also allows her to use her lawyer as a propaganda tool, which Van Flein happily did during the campaign. So for her to cry personal financial hardship is disingenuous.”
What I find interesting is the fact that conservative Republicans blame the filing of these ethics complaints on “liberals.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe that the lovely Ms. McLeod is a registered Republican. No? wink!
Rubber Room Hotel: exactly what I was thinking…
Suppose for a moment that persons making complaints about the Governor kept these secret. Would there be more, or fewer complaints?
Ideally, there would be more, because when a notoriously unethical act occurs, a dozen or more people would all quietly lay complaints.
But in a corrupt system, no one would complain, because a) there could never be proof that the complaint wasn’t immediately thrown in the garbage, and b) Only openness protects the plaintif from reprisals.
I think I should say that with out the great work of AKM and other bloggers in Alaska we would not seem to know anything that our Gov. is up to. Or just get a one sided view.
So maybe the new investigative journalists are the bloggers.
Well put, AKM and Andree.
Welcome, BahstinBoyo-
Glad you are here on the “Flats. (Waving to you from Colorado) Jump in more often…
And rant on, Rubber Room- I agree, she is dragging those Naughty Monkey heels so she doesn’t have to release any emails. Can she drag it out until her term is over?
I thought Palin was phony when she was first running for gov. I was surprised people seemed to fall for her shtick. I also think that the regular Alaska news sources did a very poor job of investigating her. But she threw down a great big distraction and in my opinion a pay off to Alaskans with the extra energy money that came with the dividends. While doing nothing to help Alaskans with the cost of energy. Every time I hear someone say “well she gave us all that extra money” like it was from her own pocket, it just drives me crazy.
I think people were catching on to her antics before she went national. Her behavior a and actions sense have been pretty outrageous. I am particularly outraged at her administration for not releasing documents in any sort of a timely manor. Gino’s continued stall in this seems an awful lot like a cover up to me. It saddens me that it has been left to the people and bloggers to continue to push for explanation of Palins actions. It seems there is little true investagative journalism in Alaska.
OK rant over.
Having to work a second shift here on the southeast coast of Florida, I find myself, like many other ‘easties’ , waitng with bated breath every morning for the next installment of all things Alaskan. Been an occasional poster but rabid raeder of AKM et al since the nomination. Since I have to go to work around 10am AK time, and I can’t respond to the topics du jour until aftet I get home, the frustration of not being able to participate until then is nearly unbearable! So I read the posts and follow the links and generally mull about the net for my fix, waiting patiently for my shift to end so I can dash home to join in! Which brings me to my point. No matter WHERE I am on the net, who’s blog, which paper, whatever MSM homepage, I am seeing the same thing over and over… “A Palin spokeswoman said…”, “A Palin spokesman said…”, “A representative from the Governors office said…” Will she EVER just come forth and speak on her own volition? Will we EVER hear DIRECTLY from her? How long can she continue to hide behind that curtain? The great house of cards she appears to live in will SURELY tumble down. Won’t it? Eventually? I can understand why she would rather hide behind the barking dogs, it being safer and all. Does she really NOT see how day after day her whole career continues to fade? Even Nero was reputed to fiddle while Rome burned to the ground around him, seemingly oblivious to all that led up to it. Is THAT part of who she is? Just oblivious?
End of rant.
Most all are asleep here on the east coast and in Europe, so hello ‘westies’! I will retake my seat with thanks, to watch, listen and learn. Can hardly wait for the election results! I hope it’s all decided before I go to work tomorrow!
As far as I know, the Personnel Board has a number of private attorneys to whom this investigation work is subcontracted. Since the state usually awards contracts to the lowest bidder, I doubt that any of Ms. Palin’s friends can afford to take this work on…after all, her personal attorney is owed 500K just for the troopergate complaint – one expensive dude!
Sarah Palin, since coming into office, has demonstrated a regular pattern of utter disregard for legal ethical standards… at least as they might apply to her.
When it comes to ethical behavior , the governor should be setting the standard, not lowering the bar.
@The Rubber Room Hotel:
I’m with you; what is the appeal procedure? Her Personnel Board friends have not thrown The Queen under the bus so far, so I doubt if any of the filed complaints will be judges to have merit.
Reading the various blogs and the ADN (I don’t have t.v. to watch, thank goodness), I believe that Mrs. Palin’s behavior has gotten worse since her failed run at V.P. Before her national exposure she was doing her job (to the best of her ability). After she was trotted out as the next vice president by the McCain team, she’s been distracted (to say the least) from her job as governor. The whole ‘was she really pregnant’ thing came about after she knew she was tapped as his running mate, and it’s gone down hill since then…all deception and weird Fargo accents all the time now. Yeah, she really has become worse than Frank.
I was wondering if the personnel board decides that the complaints have no merit is there any other recourse?
Who gets to investigate the Personnel Board? I’m ready for someone to investigate them….
Second- who will the Personnel Board appoint as Investigator? The same person for all complaints? Thirteen investigators- a bakers dozen? Does The Queen have thirteen more friends that can be appointed and put on the payroll?
A sweeping bow to Andree–and I’m off to get more popcorn…
First, the Personnel Board (all loyal lackeys) will dismiss all complaints. So- what happens next?