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Open Thread – Mudflats Turns 1!


Morning, Mudflatters!  It was nice to pretty much have a weekend off from political matters.  I wish all a belated happy Mother’s Day.  It struck me just now that my first post ever was on Mother’s Day!  One year ago today Mudflats entered the big wide world of the internet.  I never imagined I or Mudflats would have ended up here.  Thanks to so many of you who have given your time, talent and energy to make this all happen.  And a special thanks to Snoskred, Sephy, Danny, and the incredible team of Admins and Moderators who have devoted so many hours to building a place for this community.  Much of what The Mudflats is would not be possible without them.  There’s always much more going on than meets the eye.

And thanks to all the commenters who get the conversation going and share ideas, links and cameraderie.  And a shout out to lurkers (waves at you!) who walk among us unseen.  The good thing about that virtual pink cupcake up there is that not only is it completely trans-fat free, but we can split that into enough for everyone.  Thanks again to all.

I always go to bed Sunday night, wondering what’s coming this week, and knowing that it’s always SOMEthing.  So pound some coffee and buckle up for another week on the wild ride of Alaskan politics.

Remember that this open thread will be active all day for your off-topic posts.



187 Responses to “Open Thread – Mudflats Turns 1!”
  1. lynnrockets says:

    Happy Birthday and keep up the good work!

  2. Ethan says:

    Happy b-day, Mudflats!!!

  3. Celia Brooke says:

    ps – I know feeding the trolls isn’t standard operating procedure, but we want to out them and out the practice. The community manager seems unenthusiastic about her work.

  4. Celia Brooke says:

    Happy happy Mudflats joy joy – you and the Mudpuppies are heroes! You have created one of the most impressive and organic online communities out there. Bravo!
    Have any blog surfers noticed the troll infestation wherever politics are enjoyed by the leftish or lefties? We know – but can’t yet prove – that it is a paid effort by Repubco. They use the tactics you are familiar with at those 2 GINO sites we won’t name, and the poison the air.
    Community members at wowOwow are being buried in such trash. This is a site for women that started with a great deal of promise. Posters could go deeply into topics and really learn from each other. Now it is mostly a wasteland.
    If you have time, drop into one of the news stories on wow – you will see what I’m talking about. You can click on a poster’s avatar to see their comment history. If you like feeding the trolls to relieve your tension and sharpen your skills, join wow and help the liberals bash back.
    The moderator seems to be a bit selective in who she moderates.
    Need I add these paid shills love GINO?
    The exhausted libs at wow would appreciate any support.
    Rock on Mudpuppies! You are changing the world, one thread at a time (h/t Shannyn).

  5. GlobalVillage says:

    Congratulations on your first birthday and thank you most sincerely for being here. I too stumbled upon this little piece of heaven last year after SP received her VP nomination and have been lurking and learning ever since. I hope readers will not resent visitors from other corners of the world joining in, because the impact of someone like SP being elected (God forbid) has ramifications for everyone, as it did with Bush.

    When the patients are running the asylum then we are all in trouble.

    Thank you for your fabulous writing, your political insight and for taking me into your Alaskan home.

  6. Alaska Pi says:

    A brainchild of great strength and beauty turns 1 today.
    Happy Birthday MF.
    Thank you AKM.

  7. TBNTJudy says:

    Hey, austin, glad it was fabulous. I had no doubt. Now, my dear, I have to drag my lame a** off to bed. Got an early morning, so I’m leaving you the night shift. I’ll be baaaaacccckkkk…tomorrow afternoon. Thank you again for the wonderful links. I’m still crying…and cogitating..

  8. West Coast Annie says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Since August I have enjoyed you and some other Alaskan bloggers (Immoral, Celtic, Shannyn and Progressive) and plan to travel to Alaska shortly with my family.

    You and Andrew Sullivan are my favorite bloggers.

  9. austintx says:

    Oh yeah it was fabulous………there was some serious love in that hall……….powerful…….Bonnie was on fire.

  10. TBNTJudy says:

    Hey, austin, both links work…Thanks! I’m readin’..

  11. TBNTJudy says:

    Geez, austintx, I don’t doubt it. Still, I bet it was a fabulous concert, and I wish I had been there to cry with you..

  12. TBNTJudy says:

    @austintx: Wow, wow. I am sitting here with a broad smile on my face. You have no idea how much I enjoy reading local-color articles about people in the South. You will understand when I say that this kind of local flavor is hard to find outside of the South, and other folks just don’t understand. I only had a chance to skim through the article, but rest assured, I have added it to my Evernote account to peruse when I have more time.

    Did you get to the Bonnie Raitt concert? If so, how was it?

    I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell you that I have lived in Houston and Midland. It’s where I picked up my twang. I had no twang when I left MS. I guess I was impressionable, eh? I have many relatives in San Antonio, but none that I know in Austin. I only went to your fair city once, and it was not enough. I love your town. I also love San Antonio.

  13. Lainey says:

    well, it sure sounded like something he would do…taking into account all the crap he’s spewing on cable tv lately. 😀

  14. austintx says:

    TBNTJudy – Actually – Go to wcfish dot com. and look at the whole thing. The one I linked cuts it short.

  15. austintx says:

    TBNTJudy – Been waiting for you…….this is impressive and funny.

  16. TBNTJudy says:

    Oops. I didn’t put the link:

  17. TBNTJudy says:

    And, happy anniversary from Spokane, AKM! I am delighted to be numbered among your fans. Like so many others, I stumbled on Mudflats in late August because of wanting to find out more about SP, and in doing so, I have discovered so much more. Fabulous posts, fabulous people both U. S. and across the world. To IrishGirl, UK Lady, our Canadian neighbors, and all the rest outside the U.S, we are all in this together, and it really heartens me to think that we are a worldwide community of friends who have each other’s best interests at heart.

    TBNT, for those who haven’t guessed (Snoskred?!? 😉 ) is Thanks, but no thanks. I have a little place in Idaho, and when I was last there in the fall, some yahoo had put up a McPalin sign in our community right of way. I yanked the thing out of the ground, repainted it with a circle and slash, put thanks, but no thanks on either side, and then was afraid to put it up in my yard. Too many right-wing wackos over there who might shoot my house instead of the sign (there is that gun issue, IrishG and Uk Lady). So, TBNT Judy was born, and I am glad to be here.

    On another note, here is a call to action on SP’s rejection of stimulus funds for energy efficiency:

    Tell Governor Palin: Our planet should not be a pawn in your political game! Accept the $29 million to get a better energy efficiency program going in Alaska >>

  18. austintx says:

    166 wes_ben Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 5:58 PM
    Random question…I thought Palin couldn’t go to the correspondent’s dinner because she was out “surveying flood damage”. According to her tweet, she didn’t do that until today. So what was up that she blew off the dinner??
    Yeah – and she tweeted last week that she went. I called B.S. then.

  19. austintx says:

    165 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 5:50 PM
    Like tongue fiirmly in both cheeks, kind of satire.
    A humorist.

    Do you still want a cupcake from heycupcake ??

  20. wes_ben says:

    Random question…I thought Palin couldn’t go to the correspondent’s dinner because she was out “surveying flood damage”. According to her tweet, she didn’t do that until today. So what was up that she blew off the dinner??

  21. SystemBucker says:

    Happy B-day AKM! I LOVE this site. I don’t comment often but I sure read your posts everyday and browse through all the great comments too! When ever my husband sees me at the computer he laughs when I tell him I’m getting my fix…he knows that means reading Mudflats. btw: he’s always eager to find out the latest scoop too.

    Great stories! They are so informational and entertaining all at the same time…and the updates about rural AK has been so educational. Thank you!!!

  22. seattlefan says:

    Happy Anniversary from a loyal fan from Seattle!!!!! I appreciate this blog so much. AKM, your writing, humor, humanity and insight is awesome! I made brownies today so will celebrate with one of them and tip it up to the north and your way.

  23. Martha says:

    Lainey Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 4:42 PM
    did you read this?

    is cheney losing it? can’t this crazy fool be arrested? i bet george w is starting to realize a few things…not that i don’t blame him too!
    Andy Borowitz

    Andy Borowitz is a comedian and writer whose work appears in The New Yorker and The New York Times, and at his award-winning humor site, He is performing at the 92nd St. Y on April 30 at 8 PM with special guests Judy Gold, Hendrik Hertzberg, and Jonathan Alter. For tickets, go to

  24. jojobo1 says:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if someone followed behind him blasting about him approving torture and shooting a friend,Accidents happen but still. IMO we are less safe with our rights taken away by the patriot act.The feds could come and say you did anything and keep you in jai with no attorney just like they did at Gitmo.I think when someone is tortured they will say what you want to hear just to have it stop so amybe that could be art of the rant also Jus a funny thought LOL

  25. Lainey says:


    YES…I remember it well! There should be a Hypocrisy Religion. It’s shameful that this behavior is prevalent.

  26. jojobo1 says:

    Happy first birth to mudflats and all the moderators ect. AKM keep up the good work just gave a friend a shout out to take a look as IMO your site is great.They are from Tx and I felt they would really like your site and learn from it.

  27. austintx says:

    Lainey – Remember this :

  28. Lainey says:

    did you read this?

    is cheney losing it? can’t this crazy fool be arrested? i bet george w is starting to realize a few things…not that i don’t blame him too!

  29. Lainey says:

    RE: (ie: palin and other fundies preaching, judging, criticizing, etc.)
    I should’ve added breaking the law!!!

  30. Lainey says:

    Had to share this. Watched Chris Matthews AGAIN b/c a comment was made by chief political columnist of, Roger Simon. I wanted to quote it right since it made so much sense and it’s how I feel, too.
    (ie: palin and other fundies preaching, judging, criticizing, etc.)
    They were showing a John Edwards statement from 2007. John said: “God and my faith are enormously important to me personally and the Lord has gotten me through some very difficult times in my life.” Chris questions Roger: “What’s this God stuff?” Roger’s answer: “Every time a candidate invokes the name of the Lord to defend his actions, you find out later he’s not acting within ANY religious prescriptions or dogma…it undercuts him.”

    No kidding?!?

  31. austintx says:

    Greta is so full of s^*t. And Todd is a sissy for letting this happen :

  32. austintx says:

    146 tamara Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 3:12 PM
    I’m sure Cervantes is screaming, but here we go :
    “La realidad es una illusion causada por la falta de alcohol”
    Thank you very much !!

  33. Yes indeed… I remember how I found this blog as it was starting up just a week or two after I began blogging myself. Of course this website has far far more readers nowadays, but I think I’m ok with that. I can’t deal with so much Sarah Palin.

  34. Martha says:

    Palin Cleared Of Two Ethics Complaints; Dozen More Pending

    | 05/11/09 03:25 PM

    The ruling on this just blew my mind! for the love of Mike!!!!!

    Daniel also wrote that “the fact that the Governor traveled to Indiana to attend a dinner (and a breakfast meeting the next morning) did not take significant time, if any, away from the Governor’s duties … the Governor has staff members who interface with the Legislature, and the Governor herself can communicate with members of the Legislature by phone or e-mail, even when she is in another state.”
    WOW!! That’s great news!

    Now no sitting governor need ever reside in Alaska, except to keep official residency.

    Heck, Palin could be orbiting the earth in a spacecraft as long as she had phone or e-mail!

    Palin could hand pick another investigative board, from anywhere in the world.

    Alaska …………………….the satellite state!

    Palin could just beam herself in, like CNN has demonstrated, to fulfill any officiating duties.

    Palin could be in Hawaii next year to kick off the snowmachine race!

    OOOOOh, wouldn’t Arctic Cat even like that better! She could be surrounded by drugged panthers, wearing a lime green thong bikini. Yawoooza! Just beam the Gov. in………..aaaaand she’s off !

  35. austintx says:

    144 tamara Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 3:04 PM
    Getting my dictionaries out and will post it soon, my Spanish is still a joke. But in French : La réalité est une illusion due au manque d’alcool.
    The only thing I do miss here in Ecuador is my favourite Burgundy wines.
    Happy Yellow Tail Shiraz !
    Oh my – I thought you could do it off the top of you head. Don’t go to too much trouble. BTW – once knew a half French – half Peruvian gal……..the accent was incredible !!

  36. tamara says:

    I’m sure Cervantes is screaming, but here we go :
    “La realidad es una illusion causada por la falta de alcohol”

  37. lisabeth says:

    Thank you to those that commented. I wanted to add that I LOVE that people from overseas care about this issue and I am so happy you come here and contribute. I want to be an America that is loved and well respected around the world. I once visited Norway and Denmark and I just loved the people and they had such low stress levels. Something is wrong here, but I think it will get better if we can just get rid of the Palins in office. Thanks again!

  38. tamara says:

    Getting my dictionaries out and will post it soon, my Spanish is still a joke. But in French : La réalité est une illusion due au manque d’alcool.
    The only thing I do miss here in Ecuador is my favourite Burgundy wines.
    Happy Yellow Tail Shiraz !

  39. austintx says:

    142 sue Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 2:48 PM
    I hope she read this site, although I really don’t think she does much reading at all!!
    Oh – someone in Camp Palin is reading every word here. Bank on it.

  40. sue says:

    I greatly enjoy this site. Its everything the other sites aren’t. Other than the big HAPPY BIRTHDAY this is a bit of a slow news day. That is OK – seems peaceful not to have Sarah saying or doing something VERY STUPID. We sure could use a long dry spell of that.

    So what about that last 29M she is refusing for no good reason… even her republican cohorts want her to accept it.

    I hope she read this site, although I really don’t think she does much reading at all!!

    Thanks for a great place to read and comment!!!

  41. austintx says:

    tamara Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 2:41 PM
    Happy birthday Mudflats. Salud with a glass of Chilean wine !
    And for those wine lovers :
    “Reality is an illusion resulting from a lack of booze”
    Drinking a glass of Yellow Tail Shiraz right now. Could you put that lovely saying in Spanish please ??

  42. Frank LI NY says:

    Just curious AKM.
    Do you happen to know who your first commenter was?
    Also too,
    A very happy birthday/anniversary

  43. asiangrrlMN says:

    P.S. Thank you for allowing me to find some really wonderful people around the world. If it wasn’t for your blog, my life would be much less colorful and fun.

  44. tamara says:

    Happy birthday Mudflats. Salud with a glass of Chilean wine !
    And for those wine lovers :
    “Reality is an illusion resulting from a lack of booze”

  45. wired differently says:

    I’m getting to like this OT thread thing.

    Many of you are probably familiar with the Mom’s a Star personalized video that went viral yesterday. I received it from my sister and sent it to several friends. It’s had nearly 9 million hits and they’re going for 10 million, so here’s the link in case you haven’t seen/sent it yet.

    I’m just wired differently (but not like Sarah Palin).

  46. asiangrrlMN says:

    Happy Birthday, AKMuckraker and the ‘Flats! It’s been quite the ride, hasn’t it? Thank you for providing a voice of sanity during the craziness of the elections. Thank you for continuing to shine a light into the muck that is Alaskan politics. Mostly, thank you for doing your civic duty in keeping your governor from going national. The United States of America owes you one.

  47. Irishgirl says:

    Fantastic post!! Sums up everyones feeling perfectly.

    UK Lady,
    I would only let you away with that joke! 🙂

  48. austintx says:

    re: boobs & satan
    I saw the press conference on MSNBC , but can’t find the video. The contempt was dripping off Keith Lewis. If they go down , it will be fighting all the way.

  49. tamara says:

    Woman WSC
    I enjoy your “slight insanity”, as I also have a mean streak. It all started when I was about 10, with shoving a fresh egg in my dad’s boot, and waiting for the reaction. Well it came allright, I had to polish his shoes every Sunday, for a month.

  50. Lee323 says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats!

    Keep up the great work!

  51. Martha says:

    UK Lady Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 1:36 PM
    These people are freakin delusional! Now we know what GINO was telling Miss Californa to say!!
    Blue bugle woof! The dogie in my head said I CAN red this without throwing up in my mouth!! There that’s better!

    I’m glad the she cleared things up! Now I know it’s not Satan who likes free fake boobs, and self deprecating naked photos. Maybe they just don’t meet his standards, especially the boobs! EWWWWW!

  52. UK Lady says:

    These people are freakin delusional! Now we know what GINO was telling Miss Californa to say!!

    And ‘Ghaaad’ must talk real quick coz he said an awful lot in the split second it took the airhead to answer the question.

    Who the bloody hell do these people think they are, even if there is a ‘Ghaad’, and how would I know?, wouldn’t he be a bit too busy with the millions of people dying and suffering all over the world to be fretting about who wins a “BLOODY BEAUTY CONTEST”!!?

  53. Gramiam says:

    Isn’t it curious how many mudpuppies come from Texas and Arizona? Must be because we also have extremes of weather and a disproportionate number of wing nuts. Ya think?? Anyway, Happy Birthday Mudflats and thanks for giving us a blessedly “normal” place to hang out.

    For anybody who doesn’t already know it. I live in Phoenix,AZ, which I am doing my darnedest to turn purple!! LOL!

  54. Martha says:

    Happy anniversary!!! First I got “hooked” on American politics because of my interest in Obama, then the Huff Po, which led me………! I have yet to find a better political blog in all the “tubes”! The cherry on the ice cream, is the sincere, generous nature of AKM, her “staff” and the folks that post here.

    Everyone knows, that if it were not for this site and it’s contributors, some of the villagers would have starved/frozen to death this winter.

    The donations from the lower 48, the classroom in Hawaii and overseas have amazed me.

    This part of Obamas’ speech on the final primary night sums it up;

    In our country, I have found that this cooperation happens not because we agree on everything, but because behind all the labels and false divisions and categories that define us; beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people, united by common challenges and common hopes. And every so often, there are moments which call on that fundamental goodness to make this country great again.

    So, happy anniversary to all! I hope that you truly realize, you ARE making Alaska/America/the world a better place, because you all do your utmost to answer every call. Patting everyone on the back……did you feel it?

  55. Lainey says:

    Since this is an open thread, my comment does not follow the previous theme.
    I’m watching Chris Matthews…and Pat Buchanan BUGS me! Every time I see him try to debate and make a point, he thinks that by talking louder or talking over somebody else, his argument will suddenly makes sense. He also chose Limbaugh over Powell as a ‘better’ Repuke! ARGHHHH! i feel better now.

  56. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Birthday Happy to Mudflats & It’s Fearless Leader!!

    Let’s give a birthday present to Mudflats and vote at The Bloggers Choice Award site!

    There is a listing under
    59166 Best Political Blog
    70727 Best Blogging Host
    70377 Best Blog of All Time

    Click on the link and you can vote for all of the WordPress categories.

    You can vote by registering each email address you have. It’s a simple registration of username, password and email address. If you have 3 email addys, you can vote 3 times for each of the above categories.

    Mudflats.Wordpress was the old site of Mudflats. is the site when Mudflats upgraded for more visitor traffic! Bloggers Choice does not remove old sites therefore the two)

    So Mudpups!! Let’s put Mudflats at the Head of the Class again!! 🙂

    Thanks Canadian Neighbour! I hope you forgive me for editing your request a bit. They have two listings for Mudflats and only one has been active in 2009. I’m trying to get them to combine the nominations and votes, but have not heard back yet. So, please ONLY vote for and NOT the old blog archive which is ( I think you can only vote for one blog in each category, so better it be the current one! Thanks all! 🙂 AKM

  57. UK Lady says:


    This one is specially for you and wildlife avenger if s/he is about, this is lovely and you will love the last couple of minutes!!

  58. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ Terpsichore~
    “And I break out my flute and play a rousing, surefire pageant-winning rendition of “Happy Birthday” to The Mudflats….”
    Beautiful rendition……Bravo….and may I request an encore please!


  59. curiouser says:

    Happy Birthday Dear Mudflats! For the last 9 months of your first year, you’ve brought me laughter, tears, information and inspiration, leading to greater political and community participation.

    Cheers to AKM and all!

  60. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Happy Birthday/Anniversary mudflats and AKM, and all the moderators thanks again for the wonderful blog and creating this great community.

  61. UK Lady says:

    Thanks Lainey, I suspect that there are a lot of people who read this blog who had a similar journey to the Mudflats.

  62. Palmerite says:

    Happy birthday Mudflats and AKM. I am a long time lurker, since the first anti Sarah rally on the park strip. You are the first thing I do every morning along with my cup of coffee. Then I visit with the Diva, Progressived Alaska, Immoral Majority and our wonderful Shannyn Moore. Really miss Andrew Halcro. May you have many good years ahead of you.

  63. Lainey says:

    @UK Lady
    Then the shock of the Palin shout out, I felt sick, she frightened me beyond belief, found my way to Mudflats trying to find out more about her, found out that she was just as bad as my senses told me…
    WELL SAID! that’s my story too.

  64. UK Lady says:

    lisabeth @ 106

    What a smashing post, every word was worth reading, Twice.

  65. UK Lady says:

    This is still the open thread so I’ve got a ‘Paddy’ (Irish) joke for Irishgirl, as I’m half Irish she won’t mind.

    English family driving through Dublin are lost. They stop Paddy and ask which is the quickest way to the city centre? Paddy asks “are yer walkin or drivin?”, Englishman says “driving”, Paddy say “yeah, that’s the quickest way”.

  66. Elizabeth says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! and many happy returns.

    Lisabeth, I read every bit of your post, and was teary eyed at the end. That is what is so wonderful about the internet; we can find a real, world-wide family. UK Lady and Irishgirl, don’t ever think we don’t want your input. Many times an “outside” view can make our vision far more clear.

    AKM: thanks for all you do and all you have done to make this possible.

  67. Happy Birthday, Mudflats! Wooo Hoooo! ***jumps up and down and whistles loudly***

  68. Irishgirl says:

    UK Lady,

    I seem to be your echo lately….you have just verbalised what I wanted to say!!!
    The only thing is, it’s not the end…. 🙂

    Happy Birthday Mudflats and AKM.

  69. IsyFleur says:

    At least one member of the GOP had fun. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin couldn’t make the festivities due to tending to her state’s flooding problem, so she sent hubby, Todd, who had a whale of a time.
    Todd happily lapped up the attention from his tablemates and rarely left the side of his date for the evening, Fox News anchor Greta van Susteren.
    The two became so close that we caught them hanging out together well past midnight at Capitol File magazine’s annual after-dinner bash.

    Read more: “Meghan McCain a real pain at D.C. dinner” –

  70. UK Lady says:

    I chose my moniker because I wanted to be honest about not being from the USA, gives people a reason to ignore me if they think my opinion shouldn’t count on anything.

    How I got here is, I was utterly transfixed by the Primaries, stayed up till 5 in the morning coz of the time difference again and again to watch debates, vote counts etc., fell in love with Obama the more I knew. I knew he would make such a difference to the world we live in.

    Then the shock of the Palin shout out, I felt sick, she frightened me beyond belief, found my way to Mudflats trying to find out more about her, found out that she was just as bad as my senses told me, and nobody told me to sod off so here I still am. THE END 😳

  71. Terpsichore says:

    Speaking of our names, In Greek legend, Terpsichore was one of the nine Muses (from which our word music). They were the daughters of Zeus (Jupiter) and Mnemosyne (goddess of Memory)

    Terpsichore was the muse of choral dance and song.

    Although, as music and poetry were essentially identical in Ancient Greece, I could well have named myself:

    Calliope (epic poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Erato (love poetry), or Polyhymnia (sacred poetry). But I like my pick.

    Also, it’s in reference to the Monty Python “Cheese Shop” sketch. Mr. Wensleydale asks his customer if he’d like him to quiet the bazouki player, and John Cleese says “Heavens no! I delight in all manifestations of the Terpsichorean Muse!”. That’s also why you can hear two versions of this sketch after Michael Palin replies “Come again?”. One is “Eeeoow, I like a nice dance” or “Eeeoow, I like a nice tune”. Terps is the muse of both song and dance!

    Did you guess I am a musician and Monty Python fan?

  72. Karin in CT says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

    This place is the best.

  73. Wildlife Avenger says:

    “Birthday party ?? I’m ready !! ”

  74. barracuda78 says:

    Happy Birthday from New York…always check in with Mudflats pretty much daily, I tell everyone that I know more about what’s happening in Alaska than in my own neighborhood or even New York I have a few clients who are heading up to Alaska for vacations. May be someday I will too….Thank you for keeping everyone informed about the goings on with the gov and her family. My concern is keeping the gov in Alaska Happy Birthday and thank you so much for all you do

  75. Terpsichore says:

    Cynamen WINTER @74
    “I raise a flute of Merlot to honor the genius of AKM… and toast Mudflatters worldwide!”

    And I break out my flute and play a rousing, surefire pageant-winning rendition of “Happy Birthday” to The Mudflats.

    Really? Only a year old and two awards. Impressive. Bet HaraS MeaT and NilaP4seeC won’t be able to boast that when they’re a year old (Unless they each sponsor a contest and award the 1st prize to the other).

  76. rocky_rocky says:

    Happy birthday, Mudflats! Found you via HuffPo during the campaign and been “lurking” ever since. Best to you and wishing you many more anniversaries!

  77. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Wildlife Avenger Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 9:34 AM

    Happy B-day !! Let’s party !!!
    I’m guessing petey wants in on the celebration too.

  78. lisabeth says:

    Happy Birthday to Mudflats and thank you to AKM. I found on this blog something I never expected to find – like minded people that helped me feel better about the country we live in. I live in a red state and here I was able to listen to other people who felt like I did about the election and other issues. I was so very distressed during the election. When Sarah Palin came on to speak and uttered such nasty and horrible words to a cheering crowd, I was disgusted and horrified. I also was afraid! What shocked me the most was how that entire crowd thought the things she was saying were fantastic! To me, it was pure hypocrisy. These are the people who say they are so moral??? These are the people who say they believe in individual rights and freedom but want to have laws telling women what they can do with their bodies!?!

    I know I am not the only one who was totally appalled by Palin’s speech. Listening to the Republican pundits for the next week talk about how wonderful Palin was, I was shell shocked. The things she said about Barack Obama and others in the Democratic party were horrible. There is no other word for it. And yet, the Republican base just loved it! What is wrong with those people? She is spewing hatred and lies and they actually like this???? Something is very wrong with this picture!!

    Then came the rallies inciting racism and hatred. John McCain changed into someone I did not recognize. Thank God for Mudflats during that time period. I don’t think I have ever been so disgusted by a political campaign in my life.

    This was the first time I was ever even interested in politics. But life has been very hard to me the past decade or so with a chronic illness, disability and poor health insurance. I knew I had to become more involved because our country was turning into something I did not recognize. A country that did not care at ALL about the welfare of its people. A country that only cared about corporations and the very wealthy.

    I thank God every day that President Obama won this election. I thank Mudflats for so many things; for information, for AKM’s thoughtful posts, for laughs at some of the graphics, I thank Mudflats for telling the truth about the crookedness of Sarah Palin and others. I think bloggers and others online play a very critical role in getting the truth out to people. I am tired of corruption. I do not like liars or narcissists. And I will do whatever I can myself to make others more aware of these types of people so that we can move our country forward.

    I did not mean to go on this long but I just got emotional writing this. I just wanted you to know that you have provided a place where we can express our disgust with these politicians and feel like we are doing something!! All of us play a key role in educating others as well. I truly believe that without this Alaska blog and others, McCain and Pain might have won the election. You have to keep going AKM (and others) as our fight against political corruption isn’t over yet……think of 2010. It is right around the corner and so is 2012.

    Thanks for reading if you got this far!! 🙂 🙂

  79. va_soccer_mom says:

    It’s Stephen Colbert’s worst nightmare:

    Be careful out there! Really!

  80. MissSunshine says:

    Happy Birthday! Your blog helped me deal with the creepy horror of the McCain / Palin ticket, and I will be forever grateful!

  81. Wildlife Avenger says:

    “Yes , I know it’s Monday. It’s mudflats b-day , and I AM going to celebrate!!”

  82. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    A poem for AKM and the Mudflats for their 1st year anniversary.

    Written by John(Canadian MudPuppy)

    AKM(Mightier than the Sword)

    Her words cast a light for all to see
    For friends and loved ones and foes alike
    We all followed with wonderous glee
    Her dreams and thoughts of Alaskan’s plight

    As the days and weeks slipped slowly by
    Everyone who came decided to stay
    Her words and spirit we could not deny
    Not ever once did she lead us astray

    Now the year is gone and tomorrow comes
    The world we knew grows smaller and smaller
    From around the world we have all become
    One big family who now stands taller

    When we speak of Alaska’s beauty
    How can anyone ever forget
    AKM’s sense of pride and duty
    Faced with exposure and many threats
    But what many have forgotten once again
    Is that the sword is not as mighty as the PEN

  83. delnorteco says:

    Happy Birthday!!!My username is the town I live in,in colorado

  84. bubbles says:

    wildlife avenger-cutest thing i have ever seen. what a birthday baby. a big birthday kiss to all you mudpups wherever in the world you are.

  85. otrplm says:

    happy birthday… rock

  86. Snoskred says:

    Shuttle is about to launch!

    Tune in now if you dont want to miss it!

  87. dowl says:

    Happy Birthday AKM/Mudflats, Moderators, Admins and the ‘flatters crew–delurked, lurking also & too!

    Thank you and bless you all.

    South Side Chicago

  88. EyeOnYou says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats (and AKM). Watching you grow has been a joy and knowing that you will continue to grow will be enjoyable to see and be a part of.

    As for my user name, well it seems to fit how I feel about Sarah and her shenanigans. (just need to think about “I got my *EyeOnYou*” I started it on the ADN site, but when they started dropping comments left and right without banning me (they left one or two posts on topics other than Sarah) I deleted the account and started a new one. Now over there I am “Watching U” 🙂

  89. Wildlife Avenger says:

    Happy B-day !! Let’s party !!!

  90. Moose Pucky says:

    Mudflats Year in Review (And What a Year it Was)

    blog started
    Obama/Clinton face-off
    Democratic Convention (high)
    Palin announced as VP nominee next morning (low)
    Mudflats unites the country and the world through blogs and comments
    forum begins
    Mudflats elected as best political blog
    economy collapses (Bush: “This sucker’s goin’ down.)
    autumn election and celebration
    President-elect takes action
    inauguration and celebration
    Alaska legislature and governor face-off
    W.A.R. is declared
    legislators put a halt to W.A.R.
    volcano erupts
    first 100 action-filled end-to-torture days duly noted
    spring arrives in the north, autumn down-under

  91. Duncan says:

    Happy Birthday from Oregon.

    Only one year? It seems like I’ve been reading your blog forever.


  92. leenie17 says:

    Happy Birthday and congrats to AKM, the hard-working team that keeps everything running smoothly, and the rest of the mudpups who gather here to read, share and enjoy!

    As an Alaskan-hope-to-be-someday, I was getting pretty discouraged about the state of things up north. Becoming a regular on the flats has restored my faith in all (or most!) things Alaskan. What a wonderful bunch pf people I’ve ‘met’ here. AKM, you’ve done such an amazing thing here…keeping people informed and entertained, and calling people out when they fall down on the job. Many happy returns and best wishes for many more years of marching through the mud!

  93. pearl89 says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats. Reading your blog and being a part of the mudpuppy nation has been one of the most delightful parts of the past year. But instead of a cupcake, I’ll be celebrating with strawberry shortcake (with fresh, straight from the field strawberries that I picked this past weekend).

  94. Star says:

    Forgot to wish you a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” me bad. :))

  95. Star says:

    How cool AKM..I’m a newbie been here only a couple of mos…Just learning my way around..Really grat eful to you or providing this place for us …You guys are te very BEST..YBG…Hoping your well!!! How’s the leg?? Thoghts and prayers to all o you…:))

  96. MyChildrenAreOffLimits says:

    Palin’s children are off-limits except when I decide they’re cute and can show what a wonderful, normal mother I am. How did the Juneau Empire photographer know that Piper would be selling lemonade in front of the Governor’s house on Sunday?

  97. PalinSucks says:

    UK Lady Says ” there are a couple of paragraphs about our own dear Dud cosying up to Greta Von Suckup.”

    God Almighty they are dressed alike and wearing the same shoes. That one picture there, Todd, looks smitten.

  98. renegade80 says:

    I guess I’m a lurker as I seldom write, but I love Mudflats and read it every day as an interested ex-Alaskan. Moved there in 1954 (before Statehood), retired and moved to New Mexico in 2000, but I am still very interested in everything Alaskan, so Happy Birthday Mudflats and keep up the good work.

  99. weRpennst8 says:

    Mine is pretty obvious. It’s a well known chant from the college of Penn State.

  100. Actongue says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats.

    It was an honour to be in the Chat room on election night when Obama won.

    My next question is……..

    How is it that sending todd to NYC for the Seafood extravaganza event was in Alaska’s best interest?

    Logic would dictate that sending either


    Commissioner Denby S. Lloyd

    The head of the Alaskan Dept of Fish and Game would have been a smart move.

    She could also have sent
    Emil Notti commisioner of Commerce for Alaska.

    On the Greta Wire Greta is compalining now about how she is a Handler for Todd and Sarah yet she fails to realize that telling no to somone when they talked to todd makes her a Handler.

    The only reason Todd went was because of the Photo op with Greta. Palin fans even know it but think it was a good thing because they got to see Greta and Todd together.

  101. CO almost native says:

    BTW: my user name comes from the fact that, while I’ve lived in Colorado for 32 years, I’m still not called a “native”. At least our daughters are:-)

  102. Kris says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats…I’m new(er), lurker what ever you want to call me…I don’t say much most of the time in comments but boy do I think big. This place called Alaska sure takes some getting used to.

  103. Happy Birthday Mudflats!!!!

    You are great AKM, keep up the good work and know we adore you.

  104. CO almost native says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats!
    You’ve finally arrived at one-
    You’ve written about ScarySarah,
    But your work is still not done.
    We must hear more of Brian,
    Your friendly backyard moose;
    Keep up the alarms and sightings
    Of other Palins on the loose!
    And other doings in Alaska:
    Ice jams, and elections and mines-
    Us mudpups living elsewhere
    Feel your writing’s mighty fine.
    So, here’s to you, AKM, and your brainy Mudflats crew-
    I raise a Fat Tire in a toast:
    Bravo for all you do!

    (Fat Tire goes well with carrot cupcakes-heh heh)

  105. 56degreesN says:

    Palimonium was the closest thing I could think of to “pandemonium” on the fly, but I’ve switched to “56degreesN” since that’s where I am most of the time! Am enjoying getting a sense of the general area Mudpups are posting from.

    A special hello to Ann S. today–I am headed east to see my grandbaby-in-waiting (and her mom, who is graduating from med school this week!), and thought of you in Nunam Iqua. Hope you are getting some of this lovely sun.

    Good thoughts to yukonbushgrandma and Eagle folks today, too. How are donations and relief supplies coming? ADN posted news on line but not links to donation information.

  106. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats !

    It’s been an exciting year
    full of learning & growing.
    Some of it painful.

    Baskets of Congrats and
    may this be the first of many
    more celebrations to come.

  107. Laurie says:

    lol…I am soooo boring. My site name, is my real name. How sad is that?

  108. KateinCanada says:

    Happy Birthday everyone! And for the kids, here are some hard silver sprinkles on top the cupcake to make any loose teeth wobble.

  109. Happy Birthday to Mudflats, AKM, Admin/Mod staff, and mudpuppies worldwide!

    The cupcake is not only fat free/low-fat, all the carbs leaked out of it!

  110. Cynamen Winter says:

    I raise a flute of Merlot to honor the genius of AKM… and toast Mudflatters worldwide!

    Happy Monday…


  111. PalinSucks says:

    UK Lady Says ” there are a couple of paragraphs about our own dear Dud cosying up to Greta Von Suckup.”

    God Almighty they are dressed alike and wearing the same shoes. That one picture there, Todd, looks smitten.

  112. the problem child says:

    My mudpuppy/user name is derived from my Palin Baby Name Generator name: Shove Maggot Palin. I figured if you name a kid something like that, you deserve anything the kid dishes out in return.

    Of course, like many, I have morphed a bit, what with Hussein, “That One”, dropping Shove Maggot post election, the IS MY NAME (which is probably due for a rest, I’ve shouted enough). Done.

  113. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    BigLake and womanwithsardinecan

    I’m the one that’s confused – I was thinking USERNAME, not blog name, sorry! We don’t all have blogs, but DUH, we do have these other goofy names!

  114. wired differently says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats (Taurus!)

    Okay, I know that people and bears don’t mix very well, but this (link to article) seems a little one-sided. If you moved to Alaska wouldn’t you expect to have bears in the neighborhood? This is the kind of thing that gives newbies a bad name…

  115. UK Lady says:


    Jumping up and down on sauce packets will do that to you 😉

  116. BigLake says:

    I fell into the same (fish)trap, WWSC – BigLake is my user name.
    Must have had too much Wahoo tonight.

  117. womanwithsardinecan says:

    I shut up now.

  118. womanwithsardinecan says:

    How about Mudpuppy name?

  119. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Too confusing now that a bunch of us have blogs. More coffee.

  120. SoCalWolfGal says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats! And thank you AKM for all you do and have done to bring blogging to so many people. What was your very first blog? Why don’t you post it again. I am sure all Mudpups would love to see it.

  121. womanwithsardinecan says:

    I’m bleary-eyed and on third cup of coffee after a sore back kept me awake half the night.

  122. BigLake says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

    OK, Martha UYS, I’ll rise the blog name challenge. Bet no one could tell that Big Lake is my home! Or, will be next month when we leave tropical Dar es Salaam and head back up the Alaska Highway for home.

    Meanwhile, I’m enjoying a meal of wonderful Wahoo (local fish) and will top it off with a piece of that self-multiplying cupcake. Thanks Mudflats!

  123. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Oh, that’s not my blog name, that’s my username. My blog name is from when I went insane last winter and ran away to the desert for a month. My tagline says it all: Wandering in the wilderness of my mind.

  124. womanwithsardinecan says:

    I’ll take that challenge, Martha UYS. My name comes from a not-so-nice trick I wanted to play on my husband’s previous evil boss but didn’t have time to do because I was too busy packing to move. I then wanted to do it to Sarah, except that I don’t live in Alaska. The trick is to smear sardine juice under the driver’s seat of a vehicle. The driver can’t find the source of the stink, and it only gets worse with time. Yes, I’m mean and slightly insane. Another trick is to line up packets of Taco Bell sauce and Arby’s Horsey sauce along the bottom crack of somebody’s door and then stomp on them. The sauces squirt under the door.

  125. mwThatOne.. says:

    Ditto Dr. Chill #27 on first page…… Happy 1st, AKM !

  126. Lainey says:

    Happy 1st Birthday, Mudflats! …and many more.
    Thanks, AKM!

  127. UK Lady says:

    Here’s an article about Meghan McCain acting bratty at the WHCD, scroll down a bit and there are a couple of paragraphs about our own dear Dud cosying up to Greta Von Suckup.

  128. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Just because I’m a little evil, and a little giggly thinking about the ONE person who won’t want to wish you Happy Birthday, so I’ll do it for HER and ME!

    Happy Birthday AKM from Martha UYS and Sarah Palin! May the rest of your blog days be long and full of zingers, great info, minds meeting in harmony (and sometimes not), a means to holding whacked out politicians accountable, and a path to finding the great ones also, too.

    Sarah can’t be here today, I’m sorry to say. She’s counting up the money earned from Piper’s Lemonade Stand yesterday and figuring out how much she can steal for her legal fund. Shhhh… don’t tell Piper!

    It might be a fun diversion for posters to talk about their blog names. Mine had a life of its own and changed about four or five times before I settled on it. It’s a GORGEOUS day in Juneau and I’m out for the day w/ dogs and sun and pine cones and salmonberry and skunk cabbage extraction from the yard.

  129. BooBooBear says:

    Congratulations AKM! Your blog is wonderful. It is like a “One Stop Shop” to find everything that is happening in Alaska! Thank you for the laughs and all the links you and your readers provide! You are loved and appreciated!

    BooBooBear ;0)

  130. UK Lady says:

    Happy Birthday mudflats!

    Now I know what a cupcake is, we call them ‘fairy cakes here’, yummy by any name.

    Stevie Wonder says happy birthday too.

  131. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Keeps these folks in your thoughts and prayers mudpups……..

  132. bubbles says:

    happy birthday akm and THE TEAM. my heart is too full so i will shout a hearty amen to everything “doctor chill” said… b

  133. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I want to hug yukonbushgrma! How is your leg?

    Please keep in touch with us. Leave updates on these daily open threads okay? Whenever you get the time and chance, let us know how you and hubby are, let us know what people are saying about all this, how they are handling it, what they are going through, what it is like, what the needs are and definitely let us know what Scarah is or is not doing for ya all.

    Stay strong mudpuppy girlfriend. We are with you in spirt. I wish we could be there in person.

    BTW… are you getting online.

  134. tigerwine says:

    Happy Birthday! So sorry I didn’t find you until (I think) September. See all that I missed? But I’m here now, and want you to know how much you have meant to all of us mudpuppies. Keep up the good work, but take time for yourself, too. Best regards on this happy day.

  135. Bea says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats!!

    I wonder if Alaska blog “years” equal more than one, like dog years? Seems like they should, after ALL you and Alaska been through in 365 days.

    And thanks AKM… your little virtual kiddo has provided information, laughs and SANITY to so many all over the world!

  136. Snoskred says:

    Happy Birthday AKMuckraker! 😉

    Space Shuttle Atlantis is due to lift off at 2:01pm EDT today.. if you have never watched a launch live on the web, may I recommend to you NASA TV?

    It is wonderful. I am staying up late into the night my time to watch this. 😉 and I have dragged some of the Mudflats mods along for the NASA TV ride, also too! I adore the space shuttle, it is such a happy smiley spacecraft.

  137. PalinSucks says:

    I just checked an Email account I usually do not and look at the reply from the Lt. Govenors office. Palin, could take some pointers from, Parnell, on how do address a constituent.

    From: Toohey, Michelle K (GOV) ([email protected])
    Sent: Fri 5/08/09 2:03 PM
    To: [email protected]

    Dear Ms. Micheals,

    Thank you for contacting our office regarding the Lieutenant Governor taking the Governor’s place on a recent trip to the east coast. The Lieutenant Governor attends many public events, both on behalf of himself and on behalf of the Governor. Traveling on the recent trip would have been out of question however, as the Lieutenant Governor had made other commitments. Thanks again for your interest. mt

    Michelle Toohey

    Special Assistant

    Office of Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell

    550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1700

    Anchorage, Alaska 99501

    Phone: 907-269-7460

    Fax: 907-269-0263

    [email protected]

    —–Original Message—–
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 9:59 PM
    To: Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell (GOV sponsored)
    Subject: + Lieutenant Governor Parnell email +

    A person has sent the Lt. Governor an email message. Below is the information submitted

    **** Begin Submission ****

    Firstname: Bella

    Lastname: Micheals

    City: Homer

    Email: [email protected]

    Topic: Other

    Message: If the POTUS was to busy with something to attend a must be represented type event…They sent the VP or another high ranking cabinet member instead of their spouse.

    Is the Lt. Governor not trusted out in public?

    Why is Sean NOT taking, Palin’s place back East this weekend?

    Action: Send Email

    **** End Submission ****

  138. ben in sf says:

    A toast to AKM on Mudflat’s first birthday!

  139. antiAnti says:

    And may there be many more!

  140. LiladyNY says:

    Happy Birthday AKM and Mudflats! I bet you had no idea your “little blog” would have such a global impact!

    I “tripped” over Mudflats last summer after my husband returned from a six-week motorcycle trip to the Arctic Circle from New York City. He rode out and back. I became fascinated and curious about Alaska after seeing a picture he took of the Gun Loan Shop in Wasilla. It kind of made me think of a drive through liquor store for some reason. LOL!

    Then SP was nominated for VP and the rest, as they say, is history.

    I’m going to have a slice of my daughter’s homemade zucchini bread which is the most fabulous thing in the whole wide world and top it off with a piece of your awesome guilt- and calorie-free cupcake.

    Thanks for all you do, (((AKM.))) You keep us attentive to the political process, you’ve made an amazing community grow, you’ve enthralled us with your stories and poetry and pictures and our Mudflats Mascots, Brian and Brenda. Clap clap clap clap.

  141. Blue Idaho says:

    Happy b-Day and congratulations on your success this past year. I wish we had a blogger here in Idaho who could make politics as entertaining as you do. You have given all of us hours of enjoyment with your gift of writing and through your gift brought hope and help to many people. Thank You!

  142. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    We heart you AKM and your writing, we heart our mudflats home and happy playful mudpuppy family. We knew a good thing when we found it, lol.

    Happy Birthday and Congratulations! Here’s to more adventures, day by day, there’s always something happening……..Cheers!

    We won! Yes we did! Hip Hip Hooray! Be grateful!

    Everyone keep up the good work. Group hug and happy dancin, make it a great day. It’s a party. Smile, be happy and share the love.

  143. Cathy from Colorado says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats, from Colorado.

  144. KallieinTexas says:

    Happy Birthday. You are a class act!

  145. austintx says:

    BigPete – Good one !! Saw your man Kim Wilson last nite.
    Yup – I cried.

  146. Pepper1939 says:

    Maybe it was her ability to make me believe something like her could happen… LOL…Well it was a relief to find you.

  147. Pepper1939 says:

    Thanks AKM. I guess I should thank Palin too…. She led me here because of her ability to make me disbelieve anything like her could happen to our USA. You keep up the good work…Keep us in line… and PVAZWindy…. I’m up the hill from you in Prescott. Windy here too…but not as often. (hugs to all)

  148. sauerkraut says:

    I’ll let elvis do the talking.

  149. West Virginian says:

    Happy Birthday from WV (although I’m currently in AZ). Thanks for keeping me informed!

  150. .
    Happy Blogday!

  151. Scorpie says:

    I remember exactly how I found the “flats”. Was googling for information on Alaska and Gino, tah day found the flats.
    Happy Happy AKM~good cupcake too.

  152. 56degreesN says:

    Some silliness to celebrate your success!

  153. BigPete says:

    Happy Birthday to The Mudflats from Moscow

  154. Closet Mudpup says:

    Happy Birthday to The Mudflats from Tucson.

    So, you thought it’d be fun to write a little blog. lol Who could have imagined what you set in motion when you made that choice!

    Great work, AKM, and one heck of a first year!

  155. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats! Wow, time sure flies when I’m having fun. Thanks, AKM and mudpuppies.

  156. DrChill says:

    AKM, I’ve grown to admire you and Mudflats. What sets Mudflats apart from other blogs is the writing, and the clarity of your point of view. While others blend opinion and fact in a murky witches brew of fact opinion and distortion, you make it clear what your opinion is, and the thoughtful reasons you have for arriving at it- links and all. It takes considerable talent to pull it off with such apparent ease and humor and grace.

    You have so many fans and helpers because of your earnest, honest forthright approach. These are not weak attributes. People trust you for it. They amount to a credible and formidable web presence. A force to be reckoned with.

    Your original posts show the same dedication to holding politicians accountable and pointing out when they fall short, as you do now. You support causes you believe in. While you were willing to toil in obscurity and anonymity, your fans and fate had other plans for you. You’ve handled it well. I’m impressed. You’re quite the model citizen blogger.

    Happy blog birthday, and belated Mother’s day.
    My best to you and yours, and any critters that wander by.
    Your biggest fan.

  157. Zim from Oz says:

    I am still tuning in daily….not commenting much tho….

    Never in a thousand years did I think I would be interested in Alaska….I thank you for that….!!!!

    Has it only been a year ?

    Happy Birthday !
    You do a fabulous job and I salute you !

  158. who me? says:

    Happy Birthday from Illinois! I’ll have to find some cake to celebrate the event. Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.

    Thank you AKM for this wonderful site that you have created and all of the friendships, learning, and discussion that you have fostered. It is truly a treasure, and like so many others, I am incredibly grateful.

  159. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    uh oh…
    i’m up at our mtn place here in california and i don’t know where to find a cupcake!
    will a “hostess cupcake” fill the bill?

    it was up here in august of last year that i discovered mudflats. hence the name “fawnskin”, as in “fawnskin, ca”.

    ah, the memories.

  160. Linda -WA says:

    Happy Happy Birthday from Washington … the state that is!

  161. gdwyer says:

    Happy Birthday from Michigan! Thank you to AKM and all behind the scenes that make this such a great place to visit.

    Had a leftover piece of Mother’s Day cheesecake with my morning wake-up to celebrate. Thanks for the excuse! LOL

  162. Marnie says:

    Happy B’ day Mudflats. And many happy returns.

  163. Bonnie says:

    Happy Anniversary (one can only have one birthday. lol)

    I am going to miss a computer (and mudflats) starting tomorrow until June 3rd because I don’t have a laptop and the library in PA uses wi fi . Play nice until I return OK? 🙂

  164. pvazwindy says:

    Happy Birthday from Arizona. I think I saw a cupcake in the breadbox, going to go check. If so, yummy.

  165. Ripley in CT says:

    *wiping pink frosting from corner of mouth*

    Thanks AKM. Not just for the blog, but for being a really neat person.

    Oh, and for the no-calorie cupcake. 🙂

  166. Donna in Wisconsin says:

    Happy Birthday! I could not have made it through the 2008 election without you. What a difference a year makes. Thank you from the bottom of my brain!

    Donna K

  167. LadyInCali says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats!!! Thanks to AKM and all those who give their time to make this the most awesome blog on the net! I am one of those mudpuppies in pj’s because I work the night shift and the flats is the very first site I log onto every morning after work. I’ve haven’t met any mudpuppies as of yet but hope that will happen this summer…

  168. Diane says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Do you think that guy that outed you(he who shall not be name) will send you a card? Or SP?

    What a public service you have provided to those of us in the lower 48!

    Thanks so much and a belated Happy Mother’s Day!!

  169. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Happy Birthday!

  170. austintx says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME –

    Cupcakes is all they do , and it’s as good as it gets.

  171. obamamama says:

    Happy Birthday Mudflats! It still is my favorite place to visit every morning. Some Mornings, my cup of coffee will slowly wake me up. Some mornings Mudflats will jolt me awake in seconds. Thank you. Looking forward to spending many more mornings with you.

  172. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Aww, austintx, I don’t need a whole cupcake! Just a bite of yours…well, maybe two… oops, there goes the whole thing. Thanks!

  173. FWFIV says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Thank Goodness for your blog!

  174. austintx says:

    6 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    May 11th, 2009 at 3:43 AM
    Happy birthday and pass the cupcake!
    I will be driving by the Burnet Rd. location in a little while and get you a cupcake !!

  175. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    First things first. Happy Birthday AKM. You have brought so many great moments of joy and laughter and sometimes amazing pics into this old mans life. To all Mudpups, thank you for a great year. I love you all. You will and always will be number one for this Mudpuppy. I can only thank one person for finding the Mudflats and AK muckraker. I can honestly say that it is the one thing I believe this woman has ever done that I can agree with. So in the tradition of friendship on the Mudflats, Thank you Sarah Palin for giving me the best thing in the world for starting my mornings with my cup of java while still sitting around in my PJ’s. Keep up the fantastic work AKM. You are the best.

  176. Ashkee Colorado says:

    Thanks for your clear (unmuddied) and sane voice in the sea of insanity as our state of politics can be. Dubya and his lunatics pushed me to pay attention more. You and many others clarified the discussion. Happy Birthday, Mudflats!

  177. austintx says:

    Happy Birthday !! Love you , love the mudflats , love the ‘pups !! What’s not to love here ??

  178. TiredMom says:


    Congratulations AKM….. and thanks for everything.

  179. possum says:

    I no longer remember how I found Mudflats, but it has become a part of my day! I check my email then I check mudflats. I hate to say it, but I guess I have to thank She-who’s-name-I-don’t-want-to -say for bringing me here. However on a brighter note, I have loved Alaska forever andhave a few friends there.
    I must say this is one of the best blogs out there (if not THE BEST) – well written, thoughtful, informative, a definite asset to Alaska – far more beneficial than she-who-shall-not-be-named! Hey, that is POWERFUL!
    HAppy Birthday! And MANY MORE TO COME! (You betcha!)

  180. Grandma Nancy says:

    What a wonderful thing you have created! It’s the first thing I check in the morning, and the last thing at night. I feel like I have so many wonderful friends here. Happy Birthday!

  181. Forty Watt says:

    Happy Birthday, Mudflats! And many more! An international sensation and you just one year old — amazing.