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Friday, January 28, 2022

Slogging Through the Mud. No, Really.

No political mud this time.  Today, it was the real deal.

Since the summer has been unusually warm, and many flowers seem to be blooming early, I thought I’d take a hike to my favorite iris spot.  Irises love boggy marshy areas, and there’s a great one near here.  Usually they are blooming by mid June, so I thought I’d go check it out in the hopes they made an early showing.

It soon became apparent that this was no hike.  This was a slog.


The path was interrupted by long stretches of deep black mud. Successful navigation required walking way up on the side of the mud hole, clinging to alder branches, and inching along while hanging backward over the gooey mess, all the while knowing that a broken branch or miscalculated hand or foothold, and you were an unceremonious splat away from disaster.

‘Buf’ the dog tagged along, watching my slow progress and contortionism in the trees, as I made my way around the mud pit.  Her way was much more efficient, and she looked a bit amused at my silly human antics.


The second challenge was the trees.  Last winter we had a terrible wind storm and hundreds of trees in the area were blown down.  Some trees were live ones, torn up by the roots.  Others were dead spruce, rendered lifeless by the dreaded spruce bark beetle years ago.  When these went down, the trunks were snapped in two like a pencil.  This trail was littered with dead spruce, and their sharp dangerous broken branches sticking up everywhere, tangled all together, making climbing over the huge piles risky business.  There were pokes and scrapes and snared backpacks, and several four-letter words, but no major injury.  I realized when I got back that I didn’t take any pictures of them. I was just happy to get out of there without being impaled.

Scrambling through this stuff was pretty tiring, and once I’d hit a clearing, and just before it started getting boggy, I saw some nice violets, which are fond of moist areas, and decided to sit for a minute.


I was hot and sweaty and needed a rest. No sooner had my butt hit the ground, than a cloud of mosquitoes rose up from all around me.  My landing had quite forcefully announced the presence of a warm-blooded being, and “rung the dinner bell.”  Then the flies came.  Black ones, and neon yellow ones, big and small.  This was no time to sit.

To check for the irises, more mud navigation was required, more walking down fallen trees that acted as unreliable but necessary balance beams over big swampy areas. 


When no trees were available, it became a game of hopping from one high and semi-dry spot to the next.  Tall tufts of moss and grasses stuck up out of the muck, and acted as stepping stones.  Using these “stepping tufts” felt like leaping from one giant tall pile of soggy pillows to another. Finally, here was the spot and ….. no irises.  Not a one in sight.  No buds even.

But all was not for naught.  Marsh marigolds were blooming and a couple other little white flowers I can’t name.  Some bog flower smelled sweet, and some other plant smelled like fresh rosemary.  The same pair of flies must have liked my company because they followed me for quite a while, much to my annoyance.  Jumping on soggy pillows while wearing a backpack and a camera and flailing around swatting creepy yellow flies all at the same time was a recipe for catastrophe, but luckily I navigated out.

I’ll try this again in two weeks, only because I know how lovely it is when the purple irises and the bright yellow marsh marigolds bloom together in this beautiful spot.


Although the hike was short in length, it was definitely a work out.  I caught up to Buf the dog, resting in the driveway, looking like exhausted, happy road-kill.  Do they make dog-shaped mud boots?




53 Responses to “Slogging Through the Mud. No, Really.”
  1. Firecracker says:

    Buf is so cute! I hope you had on your xtra-tufs (or something similiar). It looks like a nice hike and I had been thinking about looking for the irises in Juneau this weekend.

  2. InJuneau says:

    Awww, how cute that Buf is! Our dog liked to roll in dead salmon (YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!) and always thought she could catch the gulls at the beach (the ones already swimming out on the water!).

  3. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    bathtime for Buf! Awesome pics.

  4. SBfromNL says:

    AKM, you should apply for subsidy from the Alaskan Tourist Board. My mental image of Alaska was that of a bleak landscape, covered in snow year-round (with the bits not covered in snow sprouting nothing more interesting than moss).
    Your photo-hikes have shown an Alaska that very much worth visiting. In fact, I even went so far as to look up how much it would cost to fly from Amsterdam to Anchorage. Turns out it is cheaper to fly to Anchorage than to Athens (the one in Greece)!
    Thanks to your wonderful portrayal of your state, Alaska has gone from being non-existent on my list of places to visit, right to the top ten.

  5. Obamanos! says:

    You are such a talented writer. Reading your “work” is pure joy for me here in Texas.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your talent and the beauty of Alaska.

  6. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BUF, the “mudpuppy” 😀

  7. northofdenali says:

    I’m glad you’re getting fine weather, too! We are. Fairbanks has been quite warm for June, into the low 80’s a lot of days, very little rain. Thanks, Mom Nature, for the lack of rain because that means the wildfires can start.

    And since there has been little State funding for firefighters, hotshot crews, smoke jumpers, etc. since Murkowski, this may be a problematic season!

  8. akmuckraker says:

    **There is a new open thread and also a post up on the Ziegler clip. Great minds!**

  9. EyeOnYou says:

    DrChill Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:41 PM
    Dave on the Sarah – Bristol Joke Flap


    That was handled beautifully!! He will play this for all it is worth and Palin and “Todd” gave him more material to use because they went way overboard in their reactions.

  10. BigSlick says:

    Letterman knew what he was getting into and will get what he wants from this dialog with The GINO. He’s already got most of what he set out to get.

    C’mon, GINO, take another nibble at the bait.

  11. DrChill says:

    Dave on the Sarah – Bristol Joke Flap

  12. Mara Severin says:

    Thanks for sharing the good (today’s hike) the bad (Sarah Palin’s antics) and the ugly (yesterday’s showing of red-shirts). I’ve never posted a comment before, but thought it was long overdue that I offered my thanks for providing a sane on-line sanctuary for like-minded Alaskans. It’s all too easy to think we’re alone out here! Keep up the good work!

  13. Can my dog go with you next time – ? He loves other dogs, people and walks….and walks…and walks….and OK – time to go for a WALK.

  14. nswfm CA says:

    Bakers dozen, glad your home is safe. That fire was brutal. Hope to meet up when you are back.

  15. strangelet says:

    @35 nebraska: Many years ago, I had a Lab who didn’t like to swim. We’d go to the beach (Pacific Ocean), and he would happily go into the water up to his chest, and that was it.

    However, a nice rotting pile of kelp, or — on one memorable occasion — what I think was a dead seal, and he’d be rolling around in it like nobody’s business.

    Had to keep the windows open on the drive home, but he enjoyed it so much it was hard to deny him. Dogs may not see color, but they get a lot more fun out of their sense of smell than we do.

  16. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Yellow “Muttluks”:

    Big Yellow Boots Dog Lessons (don’t totally see the connection)

    But seriously . . . would any self-respecting dog wear boots. Especially a lab mix like Buf or my own Puanani? No. They revel in the mud. As many of us do, though secretly.

  17. Suchanut says:

    I heart Buf!

  18. nebraska mudflatter says:

    My experience with dogs is the slimier and stinkier, the better. In fact, they didn’t even notice that a skunk gassed the house tonight (but the cats knew stat!). They love mud, and muck, and the protean lifeforms that make such mess.

    We tried awhile to dress out barely-haired Ugandan wild dog in sweaters and jackets when she moveed to the NE winter. It was traumatic for all our us, except her aunt Chris in Uganda who knitted her a propper, attractive sweater. But it stretched and she adapted this Jennifer Beal in Flashdance look. Knitted sleeves casually draped down arms and shoulders do not smack of raw sexuality on a dog. They just look a bit daggy.She tries to make it work, but eventually she gets testy and snips and one of us.

    I do want to find some proper yellow Wellingtons for a pic of the darlings just for the website. It will be some feat of nature, or domineering control bordering on cruelty. You can decide!

  19. Baker's Dozen says:

    Hey, did anyone notice Carrie Prejean was dropped as Miss CA! Wonder what Sarah will say now? 🙂

  20. jojobo1 says:

    _Photos sure were worth the trek Thank AKM This is one reason My sister and I did not talk as much as we could or should have, time difference and My getting up at 5 am for work ,She was a stay at home mom for the most part except fo0r helping her husband with his business, when I worked those hours I wasn’t up till 1 AM so we did not catch each other much of the time. Peonies are out here but Irises re not yet

  21. Baker's Dozen says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:17 PM
    Speaking of Buf, has anyone seen or heard from CA dreaming of AK?
    Aw, thanks for thinking of me! Actually, CA dreamin’ of AK is right here–just not on my own computer! Using a family member’s name.
    It’s good to know someone noticed my name was missing!
    Made the wedding, got chased from the house by falling ash, though we didn’t have a mandatory evacuation. Home again for a little while, though not long. It’s our Summer of Weddings.

    Love your pictures, AKM. They always remind me of the summer I spent in AK and how beautiful it was, despite the fact that I was a jaded teen that hated everything, especially camping with my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. BigSlick says:

    Weather is getting weird for sure…

  23. Lee323 says:

    The photos were worth the trek. Thanks.

  24. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Also too I’m hanging out for some baby moose sightings.

  25. Karin in CT says:

    That is one happy dog!

  26. seattlefan says:

    LOL…I live on a lake and my doggie gets muddy almost every morning (He loves jumping into the lake and having a swim).

    It seems the muddier he gets, the happier and “jump all over the place” he gets. We let him go for it and when we get back to the house I gently wash him up with the hose and then it is off to the deck to dry off!

  27. sauerkraut says:

    “she looked amused…”

    yep. girl dog.

  28. CO almost native says:

    Love Buf the dog- my doggies were out playing in the hail, after it stopped. I was out during, trying to shelter all my flower pots. Of course, the guys came today to trim two big trees, one with a huge split branch. They gave up after waiting for 30 minutes during the downpour–hopefully they’ll be back tomorrow, as it looks like I have a downed tree in the front: all the cut branches.

    I like Buf’s mess better 🙂

  29. who me? says:

    Great photos, great post. I wish I was there.

  30. DrChill says:

    Just saw Letterman, and he spent a lot of time addressing the flap about his jokes about Palin and Bristol ( Not Willow ).
    Some self-effacing remarks – “were they in poor taste ? Of course. I do it thousands of times.” Was it about rape or child abuse no.”
    Never in a thousand years would I make a joke about a minor and inappropriate sex.

    Now, about the other Joke- #2 Palin went to Bloomingdales to update her slutty Stewardess look”
    ” I kinda Like that one.”
    He invited her to the show, “Bring Todd, or leave him home.”

    : )

  31. WakeUpAmerica says:

    AKM, the do make dog mud boots, but it affects their dexterity greatly, not to mention that wearing foot coverings tends to be humiliating to the family quadriped. Much better to let her have fun and hose her off later.

  32. KaJo says:

    Uh….you guys…that sure looks like Buf is a girl dog.

    (says the gal who wondered how AKM knew for sure Brian the moose was a guy moose) 🙂

  33. Seattle Snowflake says:

    Thanks so much. I love this post. You live in such a beautiful area. It must be wonderful to step outside your back door whenever you want and explore The Great Outdoors – with your dog along for company. What a nice break from politics. I almost can’t stand the craziness anymore.

  34. sauerkraut says:

    Who is Sara? And what’s a blot?

    Nothing is more important than Sarah.

    Well, except in this post, Buf. Is Buf a vampire slayer?

  35. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    We are all OK! Better than OK! Don’t let ’em get you down.

  36. Star says:

    Hi Mudpups…After watching th events unfold in Wa. today i really fear for my country…Thanks to Sarah’s hate speeches at her rallyes , Larbutt. Sanity, beck, coulter included..Crazies buy into this ^hit everyday…They ae not going to be happy until they see Obama gone…I really fear for our POTUS…Sorry for the rant but need to get this out…My immediate family is all repub…I’m the only dem…My sfe place is here…Sy a special prayer for our Pres. and his family, they need it…Thx AKM for giving me this place to come to..God Bless you…

  37. short-timer says:

    Sorry, I should have posted #13 in the open thread and not mucked up the story about muck!

    BTW, (and on topic for this post) I love, love, love when you go hiking, AKM. Great pictures and story. 🙂

  38. pvazwindy says:

    Buf wants to know where the kiddies swimming pool is.

  39. JRC says:

    Aww! Now that’s a MudPuppy 🙂

  40. short-timer says:

    SP is never going away. Looks like Exxon and Transcanada are cutting a deal. Shannyn Moore has a new blog about it.

    If the pipeline is a go, SP will take all the credit….

  41. witsendnj says:

    Hi, AKMuckraker.

    What you are seeing is climate chaos. Please visit my blog about the effects in New Jersey.

    I haven’t got your brilliant insights into Palin politics, but I think you might find some resonance when it comes to the effects of human induced global warming.

    I do enjoy your postings about Alaskan politics, and the antics of Sara, which are endlessly amusing.

    But as important as they are, they pale in comparison to what is the global import of increasing amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere.

    I follow your blog faithfully but I would find it even more relevant if you started to use your phenomenal skills to address climate change.

    Best blot I know is

    Gail at

  42. seattlefan says:

    “Buf”…..a real mudpup!

  43. sauerkraut says:

    Nothing a good strong hose and a bit of water pressure cannot cure. …

  44. zyggy says:

    lol at Buf, what a great picture of him. But he looks so happy.

  45. nswfm CA says:

    Speaking of Buf, has anyone seen or heard from CA dreaming of AK? The last I saw was on another thread that featured a hike with Buf. CA Dreaming of AK was going to a wedding in SF the weekend I was going to one in Santa Barbara and after we back and forthed on the thread, there was the awful SB fires. Does anyone know if his/her house was harmed by the fires? Haven’t seen any posting since that Buf thread….

  46. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I don’t think Buf was lying there exhausted. I think he was lying there and wishing his Mommy would get home quick and “Please Mommy, just hose me down now please!!”

  47. Lainey says:

    Buf is too cute.

  48. CorningNY says:

    By the way, my 95-year-old father always calls my sister’s dog “Buf,” even though his name is actually “Bounce.”

  49. CorningNY says:

    Wait a minute! Why didn’t you just wear your shiny yellow AKMuckraker boots and tramp right through the mud?!
    I mean, if they can get through Sarah Palin’s endless slimy muck, surely they can handle the real stuff!

  50. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Well done on staying dry and mud-free and not impaling yourself, AKM (falling in the mud is my specialty). I’m loving your camerawork.

  51. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I want to be “Buf”! No laundry to do after a hike!

  52. seattlefan says:

    Yikes! Sounds treacherous but you sure took some wonderful pics! “Buf” looks so cute at the end. Happily exhausted and blissfully dirty as only a dog can be. I hope you find those irises soon. They are one of my favorite flowers, though the Columbine is my absolute fave.