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Open Thread

Got back late from the Assembly meeting.  Tried to get a post up but am falling asleep at the keys.

Testimony was taken at the meeting until 11:00, and will continue at another meeting next Tuesday.

Pictures and writeup tomorrow morning…..




314 Responses to “Open Thread”
  1. Terpsichore says:

    Oops! I inadvertently put an html thingy in the previous post – it ate a sentence and then turned everything italic. Meno to self: don’t do that again.

    Prejean said something like: Well, I guess I should have said, OK, you guys can get married.

    Or something like that.

  2. Terpsichore says:

    Saw a follow-up story about former Miss Cali Prejeanm and part of her statement was something like . And then acted as if she had no idea what The Donald was talking about re: not doing her duties.

    Two peas in a pod, Prejean and Palin – never their fault. Can’t seem to figure out how their actions, their decisions end up causing RE-actions that hurt them, and worse in the case of Palin, those around her.

    Palin pops off to People in Dec. “Levi’s not a dropout, he’s in an electrician apprenticeship”. WHOOPS! Not now. If you had kept your mouth shut, though, maybe he still would be.

    I had hopped Gov. Palin would be smart enough not to try to run for Pres. in 2012, but sadly, I cannot think why else she organized her little “Rainbow Tour”. I don’t see how any of it would help a re-run for the Governor’s chair in 2010.

    Speaking of “Rainbow Tour” from Evita, actually it was Mr. Terps who put that one in my head after I read him the Meg Stapleton/Why would you pull a move like that on someone who drew a crowd of 20,000 earlier in the day? statement:

    “Auburn has fallen for the charms of Guv Palin
    She can do what she likes it doesn’t matter much
    She’s a new world madonna with a grasping touch.
    She filled the streets with about twenty thousand people
    But if you’re prettier than Newty Gingrich, that’s not hard”

    (apologies to Tim Rice)

  3. mlaiuppa says:

    Okay, watched the Letterman bit.

    He wiped the floor with Palin. He’s had 30 years of experience with this stuff. It was a bit pathetic. He was having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. I thought I’d spew when he attempted to read her response verbatim. You can’t read a transcript of Letterman. You have to watch him and listen for the timing.

    He’s baiting her. He’s goading her. He invited her on the show again. It was a challenge. And she’ll do it. And he’ll do to her what he did to John McCain. He’ll be very polite. And her career will be over.

  4. EyeOnYou says:

    The Kathleen Parker article in the Post invited discussion, and since the link has been posted many times I won’t add it yet again, but there was a very important comment that was asked/pointed out and Kathleen responded to it with perfection and really does sum up Palin’s problems with her attire/attitude.

    Re: Letterman: Listen, Letterman is a comedian. Comedians that don’t go over the line are not funny. If you said she looks slutty, that’s over the line. If I say it, it’s over the line. Why wouldn’t Letterman say it – have you been on a plane?

    Kathleen Parker: I don’t have a problem with raunchy humor, but time and place are everything. In a nightclub, fine. But Letterman is sort of an American institution. It just seems to me that when a woman is running for public office, we should avoid sexualizing her.

    Okay, I censored myself before so I’ll say it now. I also think it’s out of line for a woman to sexualize her candidacy, which Palin did. Just ask Rich Lowry, who wrote that he had to sit up a little straighter when she winked during the vp debate. So, maybe when you play the flirt and invite males to see starbursts bouncing off the walls (Lowry again), then maybe you invite the sexual punchline. I’m wobbling here.

    She DID sexualize her candidacy and continues to do so, but cannot understand the comments made. Since her return from the campaign she has gone out of her way to sexualize herself even more. Palingates has a timeline of her clothing choices before/during/after the campaign and it is obvious that she is attempting to use her looks to attract attention.

  5. Brettapplebaum says:

    His bottom line, for me, is that it is too late to fix global warming to save humans. Very soon, within the next 40 years, the temperature will be unlivable in the currently temperate zones. It isn’t that 700 million people will be moving, it is that only about 550 million of our nearly 7 Billion population will survive the temperature increase. I went home from the conference and apologized to my children.

  6. Brettapplebaum says:

    #278, June 10th, 2009 at 7:41 PM, pearl89 Says:
    “””Article on DailyKos about the arctic ice melt. The authors of this article predict there will be no summer ice left in the arctic by 2050 and possibly as early as 2030. Heard on NPR today that as many as 700M people may be relocating in the next 50-100yrs due to rising sea levels.”””

    At an Oil & Ice Conference last year the keynote speaker announced that the melting arctic ice would open the Northwest Passage, thus reducing shipping costs from the current route by 8,000 miles. [This would be so economically good for Alaska!] He also put up the graphic about the projected greenhouse gasses and the actual rise of those greenhouse gasses. Which are exceeding the predictions.

    It is important to note that this was a business conference and the keynote speaker was from the Federal Minerals Management program.

    His bottom line, for me,

  7. BigSlick says:

    Norman Coleman owes Senator Al Franken $95,000

  8. lisabeth says:

    HERE is the problem with the health care system! What is wrong with this country!

    Thanks to whomever posted this. I don’t even know what I would DO with five million a year let alone 1 million a year or 24 million a year. I am sorry , but they do not deserve to make this much money!!! This has GOT to stop!

    * Ron Williams – Aetna – Total Compensation: $24,300,112.
    * H. Edward Hanway – CIGNA – Total Compensation: $12,236,740.
    * Angela Braly – WellPoint – Total Compensation: $9,844,212.
    * Dale Wolf – Coventry Health Care – Total Compensation: $9,047,469.
    * Michael Neidorff – Centene – Total Compensation: $8,774,483.
    * James Carlson – AMERIGROUP – Total Compensation: $5,292,546.
    * Michael McCallister – Humana – Total Compensation: $4,764,309.
    * Jay Gellert – Health Net – Total Compensation: $4,425,355.
    * Richard Barasch – Universal American – Total Compensation: $3,503,702.
    * Stephen Hemsley – UnitedHealth Group – Total Compensation: $3,241,042.

  9. mlaiuppa says:

    If Sarah thinks she can “beat” David Letterman, she is in for a rude awakening. David Letterman will never apologize. He’ll just make her the butt of more jokes. The last thing Sarah should ask for is for attention because if he finds all that video of her introducing Michael Reagan by plagiarizing Newt Gingrich, she will be in for a fine roasting. I don’t think Letterman likes her. He likes John McCain. And look what Letterman did to him.

    As for Prejean. She’s unemployed now. And….doesn’t Sarah have to appoint a new state Supreme Court Justice? Hmmmm?

  10. BigSlick says:

    Last week, I was driving on the freeway and ran into the beginnings of a tornado.

    The funnel cloud came down to about 200 feet above ground and then scooted back up into the storm cell.

    A wall of wind hit my car and shook me pretty good, then branches and other debris flew by for about 2 minutes. Lightning struck the ground about 30 yards away , then hailstones the size of marbles, then a deluge of rain (4 inches in about 20 minutes) and more lightning strikes.

    This video from a nearby town shows some of the wind and you have to look carefully at the white blob to make out the funnel cloud form.

    50,000 homes were left without power in the wake of the storm, some for as much as 2 days.

    Never in Oregon. Never especially in June. Never have I ever seen this kind of thing happen.

    Is your local weather getting weird?

  11. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Gov. Palin’s Shout-Out On The Colbert Report: WTF..


  12. honestyinGov says:

    I was asking myself this question the other day when reading a story about all the Progressive AK bloggers working together.

    The question is…. are there and GOP bloggers or websites in Alaska…?
    (sea pee doesn’t count- they are Not from AK)

    If there aren’t… isn’t that a little strange..?

  13. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh, now she’s all hush hush, cuz now! she’s workin for the state, she’s not all about herself, accept she is, always will be……..

    “Gov. Sarah Palin is in Texas, where both ExxonMobil and competing oil company Conoco Phillips have their national headquarters, but her spokeswoman would provide no details on what the governor was doing there or say anything about a possible announcement. The governor’s office would only say no announcement is forthcoming from Palin.”

  14. Karin in CT says:

    @274 sauerkraut Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:23 PM
    Karin @ 272 – my question is “what useful or informed advice can Sarah provide to Prejean?”

    Answer: not much.

    I’m hearing you! Dumb Pageant runners-up all think alike in that they don’t.

  15. sauerkraut says:

    If she went on the show, he’d better have some cool ranch or peppercorn or spicy french ready to put on that word salad she’ll serve up.

    btw – why is there so much secrecy in so much of what she does? is she operating the state government in the same fashion as the politiboro? perhaps that’s why she can see Russia from her house!!

  16. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    mmboucher – but it’s a FREE TRIP……..

  17. mmboucher Florida says:

    299 Terpsichore Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:09 PM

    I don’t think she will ever go on the show! Dave would read the same jokes all over again to explain why she was there. He might ask her some tough questions, she won’t go!

  18. Terpsichore says:

    “Anyone on East Coast watching Letterman…pretty please.”

    Yep … and if SP had just ignored it, DL wouldn’t have had to use all three jokes again tonight … in order to defend himself. To spread them around to a whole bunch more people who didn’t hear them the first time.

    He read both Todd and Sarah’s statements on the air, and said he agreed with them …

    but …

    while I think his apology could have been a little more apologetic, he made it perfectly clear that he was not making sex jokes about their 14-year-old-daughter, and would not do that to any 14-year-old (“It’s not funny”).

    But best move of all – he invited her to be on the show.

    John McCain had the guts to go on after he had ditched Letterman for Couric (and ‘rushing’ back to DC to save the American economy). And what did he do? He said “I screwed up”. Anyone wanna place odds on ever hearing those words come out of SP’s mouth?

    And after the Letterman interview, I can’t wait to see her interviewd by George Stephanopolous. And David Gregory, and Bob Scheiffer. And when visiting Miami, Michael Putney.

  19. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    And again, we have the crossover of Meg/SarahPac giving statements about the Governor’s supposed “work”

  20. honestyinGov says:

    272 Karin in CT Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:15 PM
    Wonder what advice Scarah is giving poor little Miss CA?
    Scarah probably won’t give her ‘advice’…

    She’s out of a Job… Gino will probably give her a place in her Cabinet instead.
    Qualifications…? Who needs to be qualified…

  21. mmboucher Florida says:

    291 CCH Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:02 PM

    Guiliani’s wife doesn’t trust her?

  22. nswfm CA says:

    She can’t negotiate, but is probably going to do it anyway and give everything up to the oil companies. Over confident and incompetent. Couldn’t even be the mayor of a 7000-person town without a city manager and still left wassilly in massive debt with a sports center scandal to boot. Also. Too.

  23. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Sounds like her stop in Chicago to meet up with the reps of Transcanada on her way to her meeting in Evansville, Indiana where her and Steele gave speeches. Which was at the same time as the W.A.R. confirmation and a few days left in the legislative session. No one knew about the stop. Like Bush, everything with Palin is secretive.

  24. Lee323 says:

    Someone should send Letterman a video clip of Palin saying “Screw political correctness” at the Anchorage event…..

    He’d probably put it to excellent use….

    Who can’t see the irony?

  25. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:58 PM
    Gov. Sarah Palin is in Texas, where both ExxonMobil and competing oil company Conoco Phillips have their national headquarters, but her spokeswoman would provide no details on what the governor was doing there or say anything about a possible announcement. The governor’s office would only say no announcement is forthcoming from Palin.
    Of course no announcement. They need a couple weeks to put spin on this baby.

  26. CCH says:

    I’d like to comment on a couple of things that caught my eye but haven’t seen any posts about:

    1. When GINO introduced Michael Reagan, we all saw her walk off the stage on her right side and shortly after, he walked on from the other side.

    Why? I don’t think he wanted to be photographed with her! Any other thoughts of why? I’ve never seen a politician introduce someone in this manner. Usually, the person announcing introduces the visting celebrity and s/he walks out and greets the announcer, they embrace, then they walk off stage. Right?

    2. At the Yankee Stadium baseball game, did you notice Guiliani sat next to his wife and put GINO on the other side of her? Can you believe this? In sequence it was…Todd, GINO, the wife, and Guiliani! GINO had to talk over the wife to get to Guiliani. Is this funny or what?

    Tee Hee…

  27. mmboucher Florida says:

    I didn’t really think his statement was caving to the Palins, he said he would never in a million years make that kind of jokes about a 14 year old!

  28. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Isabella – who the hell is NEGOTIATING for her? I know dang well the Gov. can’t do it alone.

  29. Isabella says:

    Gov. Sarah Palin is in Texas, where both ExxonMobil and competing oil company Conoco Phillips have their national headquarters, but her spokeswoman would provide no details on what the governor was doing there or say anything about a possible announcement. The governor’s office would only say no announcement is forthcoming from Palin.

  30. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Thanks mmboucher! That’s classic – repeating the jokes!!!

  31. Isabella says:

    mmboucher Florida “Reads joke about palin as a slut “I like that joke he said”

    LMAO, as if Palin, would be the one to shut him up. Go Dave!!!

  32. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut ….Much Love thanks for posting.

  33. mmboucher Florida says:

    Reads joke about palin as a slut “I like that joke he said”

  34. sauerkraut says:

    wimp… he shoulda told more off-color jokes about them!

  35. sauerkraut says:

    He’s on about it again, mmboucher.

    Addressing comments the Palin’s made in response… he has not specifically addressed The Dud’s claim that he joked about raping a 14-y.o.

    And now he’s repeating the jokes… hahahahaaaaa. …

    spitzer joke… haven’t heard from spitzer.

    objective is to get a laugh.

    yankees game… knocked up by A-Rod…

    now… I recognize these are ugly and borderline. but in an act of desperation… but why didn’t we hear from Alex Rodriguez?

    These are not jokes about the 14 – y.o.

    Girl who was knocked up is 18… not 14. That would not be funny.

    Top 10… okay… now… drinks… I kinda like that joke. puts card to the side…

    There are thousands of jokes I regret on this program. Am I guilty of poor taste? yes.

    Invites Palin onto the program.

    Next… stupid human tricks!

    (She lacks the balls to do so is my guess.)

  36. ValleyIndependent says:

    Just checking in. Looks like I missed a bunch of stuff. Thanks Lee323 for the link re: the crazy at the museum.

    Our Sarah didn’t think she was doing anything wrong when she was making inflammatory speeches to the masses. Incidents like this make it clear how unacceptable that was and is.

  37. Trini says:

    #270 SystemBucker,
    She should be held to the standard that she has chosen! I’m amazed that people are bowing down to her complaints. So disgusting! You don’t even have to go to all of her gates to see the inconsistensies and lies. Gawd, what a gash! If she thinks that we should “screw political correctness” then it should apply to her as well. Not just when it is convenient for her.

  38. mmboucher Florida says:

    Just watched Letterman, he said Palin was furious with him, she called him pathetic and he felt really bad. He said I went out spent $150,000 on cclothes for myself and I felt a lot better. He has not apologized yet!

  39. pearl89 says:

    Article on DailyKos about the arctic ice melt. The authors of this article predict there will be no summer ice left in the arctic by 2050 and possibly as early as 2030.

    Heard on NPR today that as many as 700M people may be relocating in the next 50-100yrs due to rising sea levels. Some people on south Pacific islands already are having to evacuate their homes with no chance of returning. Sometimes, I am glad to be old.

  40. Lee323 says:

    @ Canadian Neighbor
    So true about Fox News.

  41. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    yep, you got it CorningNY! ………Scarah can twist and turn truth and facts pretty dang well. Sick isn’t it.

    #235 CorningNY Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 4:09 PM

    that’s a Candie’s slogan, isn’t it? “You can look sexy without having sex.” The company that her own daughter is being paid by, in other words, is making the claim that you can look slutty without being a slut. That’s our Sarah–she has to have her cake and eat it, too. Also.

  42. Lee323 says:

    Just visited Gryphen’s blog, The Immoral Minority. He has an interesting post on the shooter, von Brunn, as well.

  43. sauerkraut says:

    Karin @ 272 – my question is “what useful or informed advice can Sarah provide to Prejean?”

    Answer: not much.

  44. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The problem I have with Shepherd Smith’s speech about the emails he and others receive is that he blames the internet but I’d suggest he might want to hold a mirror up to what’s tossed out their via all the Faux News shows such as O’Reilly’s ad nauseam on Tiller and all the other shows too.

    I have no desire to thank Smith for what he said as he missed the mark totally. He only has to look around the building he works in to see and hear the hate rhetoric

  45. Karin in CT says:

    Wonder what advice Scarah is giving poor little Miss CA?|htmlws-main|dl2|link7|

  46. Lee323 says:

    268 sauerkraut Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:51 PM
    Your post was excellent on Dunkle. It sounds like the gov. is keeping an eye on him…..hopefully.

    Unfortunately, there are probably many more of his ilk taking his place in the shadows.

  47. SystemBucker says:

    Trini, you are so correct about that! I forgot about Palin’s “screw political correctness” statement. With that statement alone, she has invited political incorrectness into her life but now she wants to disinvite it…hmmmm…I see a pattern here!

  48. Lee323 says:

    @ sauerkraut 265
    Thanks for the heads-up on Rachel’s show….

  49. sauerkraut says:

    John Dunkle… women’s clinic terrorist who asked a volunteer if she’d prefer to die by knife or bullet. He’s going to be the next clinic killer. Has all the hallmarks. Here’s what I had to say about him nearly 2 (two!!) years ago.

  50. Lee323 says:

    @ Canadian Neighbor
    That’s what I thought, too. They have their own alternate universe which has its own laws of physics and statistics.

    @ Seagull JP
    Well-written post by Feldman. HuffPo also has a story on Shepherd Smith (Fox News) commenting that the anti-Obama emails are getting “more and more frightening.” Violent talk has escalated and is even enjoying the tacit and, in some cases open, approval of the “leaders” of the losers of the 2008 election.

    I can just hear Palin’s ignorant quote to Hannity resonating through the rabid right…”We told ya so.” That quote… with the implied underlying attitude….is not only a subtle form of “approval” rhetoric but smacks of self-righteous justification to the likes of those who murdered Dr. Tiller and the guard at the museum.

  51. Trini says:

    Ok, I just can’t stand it anymore. Saying that a politician’s daughter got knocked up, while true, is politically incorrect. Making fun of a politician who has “issues” with problematic relationships is politically incorrect. Implying that the politician couldn’t keep his eyes off of a minor is politically incorrect.

    Lots of things said in public are politically incorrect. It shouldn’t be done. It’s wrong. But GINO, while introducing a man who thinks that shoving grenades up a baby’s butt is ok, said, while wearing hoshoes, “Screw political correctness.”

    But for GINO, it’s not ok for Letterman to make statements that are politically incorrect when it impacts her?!?! I am angry that Letterman thought he should apologize. She, in saying “screw political correctness, said “bring it” and he “brung it” and now she thinks he’s pathetic?!?! She asked for it and now she want to play a victim. I hope that she goes on his show and he presents her head on a plate! I’m so tired of her wanting it both ways.

    (actually, when you look at the “pathetic” statement, she is really insulting herself for being of such little interest to engender such statements since it was a slow news day and she was of little importance)

  52. sauerkraut says:

    Lee @ 255 – there’s a women’s clinic terrorist up in Allentown who is a Palin supporter as well. Watch Rachel Maddow for more on John Dunkle.

    Hey, wait… I blogged about him awhile ago. And he posted a response to my comments!!

  53. sauerkraut says:

    AGIA?? The pipeline?

    Why am I not surprised… way to waste public money, Palin!!

  54. sauerkraut says:

    dang… was wondering where all my troopers went off to.

    I am naming the chipmunk Sarah… evil, she is. Yes, she is.

  55. seattlefan says:

    I find it telling that in the last hour I’ve been watching tv and surfing CNN, MSNBC and FIX, FIX (Hannity) did not even mention the Museum shooting. I was going back and forth, but I”m pretty sure he didn’t go there. I’m done with tv for now but I’m guessing Gretta will not be covering it either. Are they in denial or purposely not reporting it to their sheeple. I am amazed.

  56. pvazwindy says:

    Alaska Reports……………reporting that AGIA is dead. 500mil lost. What a boondoggle.

  57. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Lee, I searched on HuffPo for other articles by Jeffrey Feldman and found a recent one.

    It’s interesting that his scope of work focuses on hate speech in politics….

  58. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Palin probably had a 91 percent among those the same as von Brunn

  59. Lee323 says:

    Holocaust shooter, James von Brunn: “The same Media went to great lengths to scandalize & destroy Sarah Palin. She maintains a 91% approval rating among voters from all parties, thanks to the Internet and investigative journalists who don’t work for the mainstream media.”

    Jeffery Feldman “This letter suggests von Brunn was a supporter of Sarah Palin and parroted lines about “media deception” the Palin campaign used in the 2008 election and still uses to this day in interviews.” (snip)……..”During that campaign, Palin was repeatedly criticized for accusing the Obama administration of ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’–words literally peppered throughout white-supremacist conspiracy literature about Jews taking over the country.”

    Note: von Brunn also had on his website that he was a member of Mensa, the high-IQ society.

    I guess von Brunn’s high IQ faltered a bit on polling statistics. He got it backwards….Palin’s approval rating is more like 19% and falling instead of 91%.

  60. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 5:25 PM

    Thanks Cali.
    no prob 8)

  61. Lee323 says:

    Apparently the white supremacist shooter/hater at the Holocaust museum was a Palin supporter. Why am I not surprised…..

  62. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I said it earlier, Palin’s using her kid to keep herself in the news.

  63. Isabella says:

    Thanks Cali.

  64. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 5:14 PM

    Crystalwolf – isn’t that just lovely (website) sick!

    Re: Letterman, I think the KO commenter said it best – the Gov. probably isn’t offended at all, and now has a free trip to NYC out of it.

    Just would like to see her at ANY interview sit down other than Faux.
    Oh yeah, that hatesite, all gino’s friends signed on to it!
    Funny she didn’t say a thing yesterday about Willow/outrage on JZ program?
    She is a total attention ho and she knows her dumbass minions will make a mountain from a molehill!

  65. Isabella says:

    Anyone on East Coast watching Letterman…pretty please.

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 5:10 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “You have to sign up @ the forum. Are you on there?”

    Mudflats or WordPress?
    Mudflats, there is a button on this page to lead to the forum———–>

  67. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Crystalwolf – isn’t that just lovely (website) sick!

    Re: Letterman, I think the KO commenter said it best – the Gov. probably isn’t offended at all, and now has a free trip to NYC out of it.

    Just would like to see her at ANY interview sit down other than Faux.

  68. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “You have to sign up @ the forum. Are you on there?”

    Mudflats or WordPress?

  69. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    sabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 4:47 PM

    UK Lady Says “austintx – have PM’d you.”

    How do you do pms here?
    You have to sign up @ the forum. Are you on there?

  70. Isabella says:

    UK Lady Says “austintx – have PM’d you.”

    How do you do pms here?

  71. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 4:12 PM

    Crystalwolf – you’ll just have to report, that site was way too much for me. They are repeating the RAPE line.
    That site is on GINO’s friend ivyfry & BBQ man’s twitter! Its a major conservative hatefest there!
    Letterman is CAVING!!!!
    Its going to be on KO now. Something like he went over the line…you know peeland will be saying they caused him to change his mind!
    Oh and he was talking about Bristol not willow!! Its in their sick heads the inserted willow’s name!
    Oh now KO is asking if “slutty was really needed” ???????

  72. rebekkah says:

    In regards to the Letterman quips about Sarah and Willow, I don’t find it’s funny, and it’s tasteless. But, that’s what David and comedians, commentators are all about, decadent comedy at everyone’s expense, especially those who are in the limelight. Now, the Palin’s, including father Todd, have a responsibility to their kids. They can’t have it both ways. They know that the spotlight will result in negative press like this. So, the people who need to stop the negative press are WHO? the Palin’s. They’ve got to choose. What do they want? What is their priority? Their children’s lives, or their ambition?

    Am pretty certain that Sarah is driving for the prize, knowing full well that she and family members will be mercilessly lampooned. It’s unfortunate, but that’s life. So, do these Letterman words REALLY bother indignant Sarah? The proof is in the pudding. She CAN put a stop to it by stepping down politically, and it’s no one’s fault if she doesn’t.

  73. UK Lady says:

    nswfm CA – WOW! have you got a link?

    Is it official, can we say Senator Al Franken, I want to see Billo’s head explode.

  74. nswfm CA says:

    from huffpo–posted too fast

  75. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Letterman “clarified” his joke (Entertainment Tonight reports) and invited the Gov. to his show.

  76. nswfm CA says:

    Republican Norm Coleman must pay Democrat Al Franken $94,783 to cover court costs for his appeal of Minnesota Senate election results.

  77. UK Lady says:

    austintx – have PM’d you.

  78. austintx says:

    sauerkraut – You sent the wrong guys for the chipmunks.

  79. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Crystalwolf – you’ll just have to report, that site was way too much for me. They are repeating the RAPE line.

  80. CorningNY says:

    Did anyone else notice that in the JZ–Contessa Brewer interview, JZ accuses David Letterman of calling SP a slut? Maybe a minor point, but Letterman only mentions her “slutty flight attendant LOOK.” IMO, that’s not the same thing. In fact…that’s a Candie’s slogan, isn’t it? “You can look sexy without having sex.” The company that her own daughter is being paid by, in other words, is making the claim that you can look slutty without being a slut. That’s our Sarah–she has to have her cake and eat it, too. Also.

  81. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Izzy: I think she was hanging with Malek, dog killer last night and went to something Vets4sarah: From Malek tweet.
    # @Vets4Sarah: So glad you enjoyed last night. She is a star isn’t she? Thanks for all you do for the GOP! #tcot #sarahpalin10:15 AM Jun 9th from web
    Oh man and following one of his tweets I found this little gem: Radical Right (drudge report format) #tcot Report! I kept seeing this pop up on tweets

    With some gems like:
    Rules for Conservative Radicals

    *You have to see it to believe it*
    Beating Saul Alinsky at His Own Game

  82. austintx says:

    208 Ripley in CT Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 3:30 PM

    Sarasite is now in the Urban dictionary.
    Great Find !!

  83. jc in co says:

    The recent domestic violence is very frightening. There’s an article on huffpo regarding “scary” emails Shepard Smith has been receiving, it’s worth the read. Sarah is in the gang that is inciting this sort of thing. Riling up the wingnuts, etc. Shepherd also commented on “hate blogs”. These include foxnation & gretawire, where any kind of hate directed towards the president goes. I’ve emailed greta how she should be ashamed letting her bloggers call our president & 1st lady gorillas, President Obama a halfbreed & Michelle a hag. She’s partially responsible for these wingnuts & needs to moderate her hate blog. Instead of kicking off people with different opinions, she needs to not post the hate the right wing fringe posts….

  84. nswfm CA says:

    She should have blinked, but she was wired for the mission…blah blah blah. Someone said the Media Whore of Babble On…In what respect, CHARLEEEE?

  85. nswfm CA says:

    From the link above:
    Kathleen Parker: I agree that Palin was picked too soon. Bobby Jindal is a genius (I promise) and he would be an utter flop right now. Witness his response to Obama’s address to Congress.

    Trust me when I say I’m not comparing Palin and Jindal in any other regard. They’re moons apart intellectually and with regard to accomplishments. But timing is important and even a talent like Jindal would crash right now.

    Can Palin reinvent herself for later? Sure. She’s young. But becoming media-savvy is only part of the equation. More important, she has to become educated and learned. But first, she has to want to. I’m not sure she has the intellectual curiosity necessary to bring her up to speed. Actually, this is a widely held doubt within the party.

  86. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Hot off the press in Nebraska: Nebraska doctor plans to offer 3rd-term abortions in Kansas!

    This is the Omaha physician who worked at Dr. Tiller’s clinic when he had procedures that could not be done under NE law.

  87. sauerkraut says:

    KO coming on for the first round… and Palin vs. Letterman is on! Guess what I’ll be doing for the next couple of hours?

  88. Canadian Neighbour says:

    This is a comment made by Kathleen Parker that I found interesting but I don’t believe it for a minute as to Sarah — the family possibly but not Sarah or Todd. Her OTOH (on the other hand) is more truthful

    “I am told by people close to her that Palin and her family would love to turn back the clock to July 2008 . . . and just say “no” to John McCain. That may be the best indicator of her future political ambitions. OTOH, power is an addictive aphrodisiac.”

  89. sauerkraut says:

    “Falls Church, Va.: I don’t understand why this conversation continues. Don’t. Give. Her. Any. More. Ink.

    Kathleen Parker: As long as people are throwing money at her – and as long as the GOP treats her as a serious candidate – we’re going to cover her.

    Alas, I note that the poll featured on the front page of USA Today today doesn’t mention Palin as a spokesperson for the GOP. She may be fading already.”


    Thanks for posting that additional link, Say No at 184. Was an interesting read, especially the quoted part above.

    We can only hope the bloom has gone from that thorny rose.

  90. Isabella says:

    Canadian Neighbour “Palin is responsible for keeping it in the media. If she has just shut up and said nothing, it would have been a joke on Letterman and gone. It’s her addiction to be in the news and she again is the one using her kid to do it.”


  91. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Palin is responsible for keeping it in the media. If she has just shut up and said nothing, it would have been a joke on Letterman and gone. It’s her addiction to be in the news and she again is the one using her kid to do it.

  92. Isabella says:

    honestyinGov “Does anyone have to link to David Letterman’s Show”

    [email protected]

    We’ll direct your comments and questions to the appropriate departments of the “Late Show.”

  93. Isabella says:

    honestyinGov “And any REAL Guy ‘ should be ‘ embarrassed to be called ” First Dude ” by his wife”

    Not much better is his friend & Arctic Cat buddy calling him shthead.

  94. Isabella says:

    How much are the tickets to sit behind home plate at Yankee stadium?

    Palin sat behind home plate with husband Todd.

  95. Isabella says:

    That poor kid wants away from Palin and she is holding him back for a photo op.

  96. InJuneau says:

    Isabella–Yes, that is Willow’s head in that photo.

  97. honestyinGov says:

    Does anyone have to link to David Letterman’s Show (probably CBS website) so we can all email and ‘ THANK HIM’ for his political humor..?

    And we should all tell him to visit Mudflats to obtain more joke material.

    And I saw that Todd said something… Too..? I’ll bet he had to ask Sarah if he was allowed to say something first. And any REAL Guy ‘ should be ‘ embarrassed to be called ” First Dude ” by his wife. Has she totally emasculated this Guy….?
    Hey ” Dude”… grow a pair.

  98. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Bristol is now 18, and has put herself out there as a public PAID figure by way of being appointed the spokesperson of Candy’s whose corporate side sells, advertises and promotes clothing and shoes that easily can be the attire in the ‘Red Light District’. She’s done the media blitz on the talk shows, some with baby in arms. There’s no crawling back to the apron strings now. She’s a Public figure now.

    The fact the Willow was in attendance at ‘Public’ events on the weekend dressed in Daisy Dukes and carrying a baby, it was easy for anyone to think it was Bristol.

  99. Isabella says:

    KaJo Says “I have to admit, despire all the David Letterman post-joke furor, I’ve looked all over the Internet and I CANNOT find any visual evidence that Willow Palin or anyone other than Todd Palin accompanied Sarah Palin to the Yankee game”

    Willow was there, wasn’t she? Isn’t that her head sitting below Palin’s hand (If not directly linked it is the 3rd picture).

  100. InJuneau says:

    Ripley in CT–Rockin!

  101. sauerkraut says:

    “Prejean claims pageant honcho Keith Lewis actually asked her last month if she would take two gigs — appearing on “I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!” and Playboy. Prejean says Lewis told her Playboy offered $140,000 for her to pose semi-nude. She rejected both offers.”


    Oh yeah… just like the female pageant bigwig – also a former Miss CA USA – who posed for Hugh. Bunch of hypcrites, imho, yapping at each other for doing what each other has done or intends to do. Trump could do us all a favor by getting rid of that dog’n’pony show.

  102. Ripley in CT says:

    Sarasite is now in the Urban dictionary.

  103. austintx says:

    201 sauerkraut Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 3:12 PM
    130 EyeOnYou Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 11:19 AM

    This is the kind of “groupies” that Palin has…

    We need to send to ALL Republicans and tell them that any female media person that does not highly condemn Letterman for what he did, the Republican is to refer to the female as a Slut whenever they go on their show.

    It’s the type of crap that results in more and more republicans to switch their voter registration cards to democratic. Who the hell wants to be in a party that acts more and more like the frikken politiburo? Who gives these people the right to tell others what to think or say?

    Bullies at best, imho.
    The Rethugs sure seem to be drawing the proverbial “line in the sand” awful early. They used to be pretty good at the timing on trotting out “wedge issues”. Getting desperate by lashing out at comedians. Now Rove is getting pissy also.too.

  104. InJuneau says:

    Bretta–I think, among other things, he was looking to go back to his small town life after screwing up in the AG’s office. He was on the borough assembly for a number of years and a professor at the local college and a small town lawyer. This is prob. just another notch in that type of belt…

  105. nebraska mudflatter says:

    “Joseph Persichini, assistant director in charge of the Washington FBI field office, said the shootings were being investigated as a possible hate crime or a case of domestic terrorism.” (BBC News coverage of the shooting at the Holocaust Museum)

    Great! And now what about the shooting of Dr. Tiller?

  106. KaJo says:

    UK Lady Says: June 10th, 2009 at 12:05 PM “My hubby has just noticed that when I go into the Peelander site it constantly uses 50 – 95% of the CPU power on my PC. He says that is very suspicious, as a web page shouldn’t be using any CPU at all. Mudflats and other sites use 0 – 1% for example.
    I wonder if they’re using a trojan/botnet? It certainly slows my system down to the unusable level. Just a “heads-up”

    I noticed that some months ago. My McAfee software manages to defeat whatever it is that they are sending out, but I’ve had a LOT less trouble since I changed to Google Chrome browser.

    I’m on another Palinista site right now, and my computer is reacting the same way it used to on C4P, a “revving-up” of the CPU. It stopped when I closed the browser.

    I’m sure your husband is right, UK Lady.

  107. KaJo says:

    …first line…should be “despite”, not “despire”… 🙂

  108. KaJo says:

    I have to admit, despire all the David Letterman post-joke furor, I’ve looked all over the Internet and I CANNOT find any visual evidence that Willow Palin or anyone other than Todd Palin accompanied Sarah Palin to the Yankee game as guests of Rudy Giuliani.

    Therefore, as far as “Palin’s daughter getting knocked up by ARod”, even if it DID happen, it must have been in some clandestine meeting that wasn’t at the ballpark.

    And Todd Palin’s faux outrage would be “much ado about nothing”.

    If Willow was in the nosebleed seats (much cheaper) and Todd Palin accompanied Sarah Palin to that Yankees game as guests of Rudy Giuliani, she must declare AT LEAST TWO $2,600/seat tickets on her next disclosure statement to the state of Alaska…unless she wants another Travel-Gate. I don’t think there’s any way SarahPAC can be used to slide that by, can they?

    Anyone else ever see pictures of ALL THREE Palins at Yankee Stadium from Sunday?

    A side commentary: The Palinistas here are so full of hate for the Obamas. Can’t believe anyone’s comparing a failed VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate to a winning PRESIDENTIAL candidate/now President.

    Sore losers.

  109. sauerkraut says:

    130 EyeOnYou Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 11:19 AM

    This is the kind of “groupies” that Palin has…

    We need to send to ALL Republicans and tell them that any female media person that does not highly condemn Letterman for what he did, the Republican is to refer to the female as a Slut whenever they go on their show.

    It’s the type of crap that results in more and more republicans to switch their voter registration cards to democratic. Who the hell wants to be in a party that acts more and more like the frikken politiburo? Who gives these people the right to tell others what to think or say?

    Bullies at best, imho.

  110. Isabella says:

    BuffaloGal “The children should be protected and cared for by all of us. If we are here online saying that “Sarah is a terrible parent and she’s abusing her children by putting them in the spotlight” — Then we should be stepping up to the plate and speaking FOR her kids and ABOUT her children in a positive way.”

    Except, Bristol, has proven to be as mean, spiteful and hateful as her mother toward the father of her child. The girl is young but not young enough not be held responsible now that she has a child and is exploiting him.

    Willow, I haven’t seen anyone bash her or Piper.

  111. Isabella says:

    Bretta “to the “Troopergate” investigator for the state Legislature inquiry.
    Or maybe he just thought it would be a good time to bow out before he was investigated.”

    Lets hope he is holding a grudge when Palin, gets kicked out of office. I have a feeling the troopers are going to find all kinds of reasons to pull her over.

  112. BuffaloGal says:

    @194 sauerkraut

    I’ve already posted that I basically agree that Letterman didn’t target Willow. I think he and his staff thought it was Bristol on the road with Mom.

    I also think that even Bristol shouldn’t be a target of our frustration, cyber poking, anger, targeting and commentary. She is under Sarah’s control. She is doing what Mom says. And, Sarah Mom is all powerful in her eyes as well in the eyes of the kids in the family. They have no idea what to think. They have access to the internet. The kids old enough to know for a google search have probably seen more than any kids should ever have to deal with about their mom.

    The children should be protected and cared for by all of us. If we are here online saying that “Sarah is a terrible parent and she’s abusing her children by putting them in the spotlight” — Then we should be stepping up to the plate and speaking FOR her kids and ABOUT her children in a positive way.

    Letterman and the entire late night crew has open season on Sarah. She ran into the field barking, frothing and biting.

    Her children were at home wishing Mom was simply “there” with them. They had no choice in any of this.

    The children are innocent and off limits in my view.

  113. sauerkraut says:

    105 BuffaloGal Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:22 AM

    I can’t find again who mentioned it earlier but I think they were exactly right when they said that Letterman and staff probably assumed it was Bristol that was with Palin on the NYC trip. She certainly does look at least 18.

    So with it being Willow and her being 14 Palin can “technically” say that Letterman was making a joke about the “rape” of her daughter because she’s underage.

    I really do not like to disagree with fellow mudpuppies but you are just plain wrong on this. The joke was about one of the Palin girls getting knocked up. Bristol is the only Palin girl who got knocked up. Considering the supposed practice of abstinence in the Palin household and Bristol’s hiring by the schlock shoe salesman, she’s fair game for jokes. Nothing was said about rape – not even close – and the context was about as far removed from the younger Palin girls as anyone with a brain can imagine.

    Letterman is being unfairly portrayed by a bunch of unintelligent idiots. Try not to be among them.

  114. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    BuffaloGal (@#73:

    Hear, hear!

    Please, people!

  115. sauerkraut says:

    93 lettersfromeurope Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    Contessa Interview – I tried to watch it twice and it crashes everytime she says “You want to do this interview” and her eyes have gone sort of narrow for a second and she is getting ready for a kill. She was going to give him a chance there a split second earlier, when she gave him a big smile, but he started off by being totally rude.


    Kudo’s to her for having the juice to demand that his mic be cut (which she does right at the very end of the segment).

    There’s nothing in journalism which requires and interviewer to have to continually put up with a rude interviewee. He was extremely rude and was deserving not only of a powerless mic but also of a good slap upside the head.

    Contessa Brewer showed gumption in her handling of that pseudo-journalist. I’d buy her a cup of coffee just for how she handled that.

  116. Bretta says:

    #188 June 10th, 2009 at 2:24 PM Isabella Says: “”“Seems damn odd the guy who’s profession is legal councel would give up the Grand Poobah of attorney land at the Attorney general’s office to become a mayor.”””

    Ummmm, I think he had to give up the State Attorney General position because he gave bad advice to Palin’s employees and spouse regarding testifying to the “Troopergate” investigator for the state Legislature inquiry.
    Or maybe he just thought it would be a good time to bow out before he was investigated.

  117. sauerkraut says:

    73 BuffaloGal Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:33 AM
    The remarks about Willow absolutely were uncalled for an over the line. She is 14 years old. She didn’t ask to be brought into this insanity

    The lines were not about Willow. Indeed, Letterman never named anyone. When I actually listened to his routine, my impression was that Letterman was tagging the abstinence-only diva for allowing her oldest daugher – who is neither Willow nor Pillow or whatever her name is – to become pregnant by a guy who spent nights under the roof of the Palin house. It was not about Willow.

  118. Kalena says:

    The others at Faux are inciting these type of people. I hope someone writes a good article on how Sarah delighted in whooping up these type of loons at her rallies during the election. IMO she chose the wrong week to start campaigning and calling Obama out on being a socialist…I hope it bites her in the butt.

  119. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    fricken repubs and their talking points………..

    Republicans: Debt will bring Barack Obama down

    “The president is still popular, but his policies are catching up with him,” said Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander, who, as the No. 3 Republican in the Senate, is in charge of messaging for his conference. “When that happens, it helps us make our points.”

    Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told POLITICO that GOP candidates in 2010 will almost certainly use the deficit to argue that Democrats own a Washington mess.

    “This was not an inherited situation. This was a matter entirely of this administration’s and this Democratic leadership’s making,” Cornyn said. “In large part, I believe, 2010 will be a referendum on their performance.”

  120. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Wow, check out this video from Shepard Smith talking about the tons of scary e-mail he get. Good for him to speak out! We should all e-mail and thank him. And demand that others at Faux News don’t ingore it.

  121. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    LOL……lightning rod.

    K. Parker……”Palin is quite the lightning rod. There seems to be no middle ground among those who write. They either think she’s dumb as dirt or the Second Coming. All very odd, if you ask me.”

  122. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “hmmmmm, Isabella…….what’s the talk around town? I didn’t even know he was running.:

    I haven’t a clue. Seems damn odd the guy who’s profession is legal councel would give up the Grand Poobah of attorney land at the Attorney general’s office to become a mayor.

  123. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    my above post is new read…….

    “Savannah, Ga.: Ms. Parker, do you think that disorganization alone is holding Palin back? When I hear her speak on her positions, she sounds, well, like she doesn’t really understand what she’s talking about. (Alaska is very capitalist because it take wealth generated from natural resources and distributes it to all its citizens?) Do you think she does understand, and just comes off inarticulate, or do you think that good organization can overcome a basic deficit of ideas and understanding?

    Kathleen Parker: Good question. One of Palin’s biggest problems, obviously, is an inability to clearly articulate her positions. I have it on good authority that she had a terrible time training for the vp debate and threatened to leave at one point. The McCain people were very frustrated with her as they tried to hammer a few talking points. Time will tell, but I’m not optimistic. (No winking)”

  124. lilybart says:

    Here is my fave part of the Kathleen Parker conversation linked above:

    Can Palin reinvent herself for later? Sure. She’s young. But becoming media-savvy is only part of the equation. More important, she has to become educated and learned. But first, she has to want to. I’m not sure she has the intellectual curiosity necessary to bring her up to speed. Actually, this is a widely held doubt within the party.

  125. InJuneau says:

    mlaiuppa–and did you SEE that jacket she was wearing for the “Founder’s Day” shindig? UGLY, and falling off her due to the weight of that flower arrangement she was wearing. Good grief, Charleeee Brown!

  126. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I haven’t read all of this yet, I think it’s newer then her earlier article.?

    “Parker was online Wednesday, June 10 at 2:30 p.m. ET to discuss her column about how Palin’s approach is causing her problems with the GOP and how it could impact her political future.”

  127. BuffaloGal says:

    @153 Eric-the-Bun

    I LOVE Borowitz! Haven’t read him in too, too long. I laughed heartily at the Nostradamus / Book of Revelation prophecy of Palin . The really funny thing to me is that I was left wondering how many Palin fan(atics) took it literally and went racing to their bibles to see if perhaps reference to Sarah really WAS in there.

    And, if they couldn’t find the actual words “Sarah Palin” then , by gawd, they were going to post a VERY angry entry about John of the Book of Revelation being ANOTHER in a long line of haters and that for the 2,000 years leading up to the “Time of Sarah” , haters have been trying to take her down, even before she was born. Because…THAT”S how freakin’ POWERFUL and frightening she is!

    (still chuckling)

  128. texdude says:

    The lunatic terrorist who murdered the guard at the Holocaust Museum today was a big Sarah Palin fan. As if!

  129. justafarmer says:

    ~~~ waving at weaver from NE Ky!!!

  130. Gino Weeno says:

    I can’t wait to see Carrie in her new job as nekkie weathergirl for the local FOX News affiliate in Vacaville CA.

    Then the release of her new movie “Nailin Palin2: Pallin & Prayin With Prejean”

    And then the headlines “Prejean Pregnant!”

  131. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh good, a republican challenge for Scarah’s seat, , lol…….bet she’s a bit PO’d about this.

    “Former Republican state Rep. Ralph Samuels is considering a challenge of Gov. Sarah Palin in next year’s election, and Valdez Republican Rep. John Harris says he plans to run for governor if Palin doesn’t.

    Samuels is the former House majority leader. He sparred with Palin when he was in the Legislature, particularly on natural gas pipeline issues.

    Samuels said he won’t decide before the end of the summer and likes his job with Holland America as its vice president for external relations.”

  132. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    The Kathleen Parker discussion about the Gov. was good!!! She stated that

    “One of Palin’s biggest problems, obviously, is an inability to clearly articulate her positions. I have it on good authority that she had a terrible time training for the vp debate and threatened to leave at one point. The McCain people were very frustrated with her as they tried to hammer a few talking points. Time will tell, but I’m not optimistic. (No winking)”

    Then of course the Palinbots attack in the comments!!

  133. BuffaloGal says:

    UK Lady – Thanks for posting the link ! I figure that our job on these sites is to make sure the info gets out there efficiently and timely while being broadcast widely. I figure each of us have our favorite blog and news sites that we visit regularly and and then we also share a common overlap with a core few. We’re all beginning to come together to function as a effective system and it seems to be happening organically. If I had any free time I’d really like to do some research and pondering about how the internet is allowing this to happen. It’s fascinating .


  134. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hmmmmm, Isabella…….what’s the talk around town? I didn’t even know he was running.

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 1:29 PM

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “is it true Talis Colberg is the new Mat-Su Borough mayor?”

    Yep, landslide victory of only 4,000 total votes cast. Now, did he really give up the AG office cause he had to be mayor or is Palin, stacking her Paln B department?

  135. UK Lady says:

    BuffaloGal – ROTFLMAO! at that discussion, it was a good catch, hope you didn’t mind me linking it.

  136. C. Rock says:

    Continued from post #172 Read some of the comments they are comparing Prejean to Gino. LOL

  137. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hey Scarah got my message, thanks Meg! from twitter……..

    # Despicable act of hatred @ Natl Holocaust Museum today. Our hearts & prayers are w/victims of the shootings. God bless our Jewish community.about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

  138. weaver57 says:

    justafarmer and lexky, I ‘m in Berea. Would love to meet you both.

  139. BuffaloGal says:

    UK Lady – Thanks for posting the Parker discussion link. I was just on my way over here to do that too. Instead, I’ll post this quote from the piece that made me really laugh but also a little sad cuz, dang – isn’t America just like that and hasn’t it got us a boat load of problems, time and time again?

    Folks were asking questions to Parker about her take on Palin. Here’s a great one:

    >>San Francisco: Do you think that a lot of the interest in Palin is just curiosity? During the election campaign, everyone I spoke to, liberal or conservative, said they would go to hear her speak – but not a one thought she was a qualified candidate for national office. They just wanted to see her because she is such an anomaly.

    Kathleen Parker: She’s interesting. As Flannery O’Connor once said, “People will stand in line to shake hands with a monkey.” Or something to that effect. <<

    I wonder how many of the throng of 20,000 were there for JUST that VERY reason!

  140. C. Rock says:

    Sorry if it’s already been posted. Carrie Prejean……FIRED . She can not get along with others. Sound familiar , She is a friend of Gino’s|main|dl2|link3|

  141. BigSlick says:

    And is there any hope that GINO will lose her crown too? Also?

  142. BigSlick says:

    15 minutes ago it was announced that Carrie Prejean was removed as Miss California USA.

    It was based on contract violations.

    Any predictions on how the GOP will blame President Obama for this one?

  143. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “is it true Talis Colberg is the new Mat-Su Borough mayor?”

    Yep, landslide victory of only 4,000 total votes cast. Now, did he really give up the AG office cause he had to be mayor or is Palin, stacking her Paln B department?

  144. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    is it true Talis Colberg is the new Mat-Su Borough mayor?

  145. Isabella says:

    Madcity Chick “so she had to make news again by both Sarah AND Todd going after Letterman. Sound familiar?”

    Hehehehehe, yep, it is already in discussion 🙂 Oh what will Palin, do when the lights stop flashing. Everyone in Wasilla, might want to consider moving.

  146. Madcity Chick says:

    Sorry if it’s already been posted but she can’t stand to be out of the spotlight. Hardly a story on Politico or Huff Post on her today so she had to make news again by both Sarah AND Todd going after Letterman. Sound familiar?

  147. Isabella says:

    Thank you, EyeOnYou!

  148. Isabella says:

    UK Lady Says ” p.s. can I draw your attention to my post no 147? on this thread.”

    I went over on a quick link proxy server. It blocks IP. I wouldn’t go there again. They are freaks. Nothing important is being said or done.

  149. UK Lady says:

    Buffalo Gal posted this link on the equal rights thread, but having started to read it I thought it would be a good read on the open thread. It is Kathleen Parker in an open discussion about Scarah.

  150. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    UK Lady – I noticed your post (147) – it probably does mean something.

    I’ve decided for my own sanity to not ever visit there again. Don’t want to give them the traffic.

  151. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 1:03 PM
    Who has the link Palin, is 35th out of 50 govs?


  152. Closet Mudpup says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics

    I think Pat Robertson should take time off from bashing gays and blaming them for all manner of misfortune, and devote his time to contemplating why it is that his beloved Babble Belt is also (cue ominous wind noises) Tornado Alley. Maybe someone’s pis-s-s-s-s-sed.

  153. UK Lady says:

    Isabella – I think it was on Yahoo news.

    p.s. can I draw your attention to my post no 147? on this thread.

  154. Isabella says:

    Who has the link Palin, is 35th out of 50 govs?

  155. nswfm CA says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 12:38 PM

    ….And note to Sarah: You’re a public figure now. Suck it up.
    And note to Sarah from me: You are a public figure now–how ’bout acting your age? How ’bout acting like a professional? How ’bout dressing like a professional?

    You want people to take you and your family seriously, but don’t act like it and then whine when you are called out for bad behavior, like a kid acting like a spoiled brat.

  156. mlaiuppa says:

    They want Obama to fire Letterman? I’m sorry. Did the Government bail out CBS? Is Obama the head of CBS now?

    They need to get a grip. Compare the Letterman jokes to Hal Turner or Rob & Arnie or Bill O’Reilly if you really want to hear what hate speech is. Letterman is a comedian who tells jokes.

    And no, I do not think he was out of line. Palin took her daughter on the trip and has paraded her around as a prop. If Willow can stand on a stage in frayed Daisy Dukes up to her crotch, then Letterman can make a joke about whether Willow is going to follow in the footsteps of Bristol, who got knocked up at least once. If Palin doesn’t like it, she can leave her daughter at home or she can see that her daughter at least dresses more appropriately. I think Letterman’s joke was more a commentary on the Palin’s lack of parenting skills and proper supervision.

    I also think the “slutty flight attendant” remark was spot on. But I would like to hear something about her “drag queen spiked heels” too. The black patent leather ones she walked the parade in.

    And note to Sarah: You’re a public figure now. Suck it up.

  157. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    On CNN (we’ve already passed a really substantial part of the interview) They have William Cohen (former Sec. of Defense?) and his wife Janet Cohen on – they were at the Holocaust Museum getting ready to put on her play tonight – a conversation between Anne Frank & Emmit Till. They basically witnessed the whole thing. They are making some great heartfelt comments. I would tune in, it’s still going on.

  158. Eric-the-Bun says:

    @105 BuffaloGal

    I swear there must be reference to her in the book of revelation somewhere because they HAD to have seen her coming down the pike. (and it won’t be one of the good references either) I bet she causes the cherubim to have nightmares.
    Funny you should mention that :

  159. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @crystalwolf aka caligrl:

    “Good bible boobs losing her crown! Now the peelanders will be mad at trump! lol!”

    No, seriously, they will blame Obama. Every single thing is his fault, like her getting “uninvited” to speak at the Wasilla High graduation! They believe he called the school and told them to do that. It’s insane!!!
    @Seagull Junker Palin and TX Lisa:

    Thanks so much for bringing up SPLC. I actually just popped onto this thread to post a link to an article they have about the internet and hate crimes:

    Those folks are amazing and more than ever we need to support them!!

  160. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh those extreme religious nuts……..about talking to their gay kids.

    “Or, alternatively, you can seek out the advice of a doomsday-predicting, despot supporting, Scotland fearing, snake-oil selling, idiot religious fanatic!

    Here’s a video that documents some parents who have chosen the latter path, and who sought out the advice of 700 Club huckster Pat Robertson. Let’s see what he had to say:”

  161. jc in co says:

    #70 Are you the same GA Peach that riles up the Gretawire blog? I’m “obamagirl” used that handle as the name just riles them up…
    Apparently I’ve been banned at that site. Either because I questioned
    Greta & hubbys motives regarding the palins (swinging or that they want Tawd & silly sarah to join their creepy cult). My other infraction could’ve been when one of the wingnuts was being snarky about the first lady’s apparrel & I asked her if she was the the “fashion police” & how did she feel about Sarah’s f me shoes & mini skirt at the Memorial day thingee….oh well, I’ve been kicked out of better places….

  162. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    with all this crap talk from the repubs towards President Obama (SCARAH!) I hope more of this stuff DOES NOT happen, you hear me Scarah!!!

    “Von Brunn has a racist, anti-Semitic Web site and wrote a book titled “Kill the Best Gentile.”

    In 1983, he was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board. He was arrested two years earlier outside the room where the board was meeting, carrying a revolver, knife and sawed-off shotgun. At the time, police said Von Brunn wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation’s economic difficulties.”

  163. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    TX Lisa – glad to meet you! The SPLC reported on these type of events right after the election. It’s just so sad. The security guard died. They are closing the Museum tomorrow in honor.

  164. UK Lady says:

    My hubby has just noticed that when I go into the Peelander site it constantly uses 50 – 95% of the CPU power on my PC. He says that is very suspicious, as a web page shouldn’t be using any CPU at all. Mudflats and other sites use 0 – 1% for example.

    I wonder if they’re using a trojan/botnet? It certainly slows my system down to the unusable level.

    Just a “heads-up”

  165. TX Lisa says:

    134 Seagull Junker Palin –oh, oh, oh—I’ve also supported the Southern Poverty Law Clinic for years and love their “Teaching Tolerance” program. They are incredible!!! (And busy now, with all the hate violence.)

    I’ve never “known” anyone else who supports the SPLC. (Probably because I live in Texas, where hate crimes happen all the time, e.g. (1 ) the release of two white men who were accused of dragging a black man to death and (2) the 18 year old, but mental capacity of a 7 year old, who was convicted of molesting a child and sentenced to something like 90 years in prison for a first offense!!! (both of these were in Paris, which is in northeast Texas)

    SPLC tracks hate crimes and hate groups and sues for reforms. Morris Dees is a true hero.

  166. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “I am still amazed that they did their “press release” via Facebook.”

    LMAO< McAllister, probably changed the password on her at the Official Govs site when she tossed him out. Apparently Twitter is her new forum for all thongs governy cause she is posting their now (Or someone is) about the shootings at the Holocaust.

  167. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I am still amazed that they did their “press release” via Facebook.

  168. EyeOnYou says:

    Naturally it will be a top news story in People. Palin has them on speed dial when she wants to make a comment on something, and I bet they are pretty unhappy about Facebook getting the press release instead of them.

  169. jc in co says:

    #52 I liked the comment where a guy said he’d rather trim his nose hairs with a carrot scraper then listen to either one?

  170. SlappyOC says:

    People is featuring the Letterman/Palin drama…,,20284295,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

    “A spokesman for The Late Show had no comment.”

    Palin’s team should try and learn from the Letterman team.

  171. InJuneau says:

    Oh dear, MN’s resident wingnut is at it again:

  172. nswfm CA says:

    Sarah Palin’s Dysfunctional Organization May Be Her Undoing
    Too late, she’s undone, not going to get back on track–there is far too much documented here, on palingates, etc.

  173. SunSweetie says:

    hmmmmm….watching Shepard Smith reporting on the Holocaust shooting. He is really scewering all the right wing nuts who have been fanning the hate flames. Seems like he is making some not so veiled references to the folks at Fox……

  174. UK Lady says:

    Those peelanders will be the exact same people who thought it was great when the likes of Limbaugh and McCain trashed Chelsea Clinton. I bet they laughed like drains.

    The Clintons, if I recall correctly, didn’t dignify the comments with any reply.

  175. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    not sure if this has been posted yet, rather scathing assesment of Scarah by Kathleen Parker….

    Half-Baked Alaska
    Sarah Palin’s Dysfunctional Organization May Be Her Undoing

    “Everyone seems to have a Sarah Palin story of ignored calls, mishandled invitations or unanswered e-mail. Disorganized is how one might charitably describe the Palin operation.

    “Basically, it’s just rude,” says one political operative who is a Palin fan. “They’ve been running the great snub machine. That’s the reason the boys in the Republican Party are unhappy with her.”

  176. Isabella says:

    Canadian Neighbour “Sarah’s “groupies” who think they run the Repug party. Good luck and what a joke.”

    Letterman has been on tv for more then 20 years just signed a 16 million dollar contract for four more plus has a successful production studio. He isn’t the one going nowhere fast.

  177. EyeOnYou says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 11:28 AM
    Sarah’s “groupies” who think they run the Repug party. Good luck and what a joke.


    They are inconsequential, but it does give one a view into the mind of those who are her supporters. Some are much less vocal than others about their feelings, but from all I have seen them say, that quote captures the mindset perfectly. They HATE. They are hypocritical to the core. They are of the belief that they are right while everyone else around them is wrong. They have no room for discussion or compromise. They fit Palin to a “T”.

  178. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I’ve donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center for years now, and am going to send a little more now. Teach Tolerance!

  179. A Nana Moose says:

    Have returned from a couple of weeks wandering about Alaska. Spotted a wolverine on Chilkat Pass (BC section near BC/Yukon border) yesterday morning!!! It boogied across the road, low and fast, wide stripes clearly visible, into the alpine forest.

  180. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Sarah’s “groupies” who think they run the Repug party. Good luck and what a joke.

  181. nswfm CA says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:54 AM

    One good thing is The Donald’s quote:

    Trump said: “To me she was the sweetest thing. Everyone else — she treated like s**t.”
    Sounds like Palin–no wonder she rushed to defend Prejean. I’m glad Prejean was terminated because she violated her contract, over and over.

    Saw that museum shooting story, too, and think that all the hate speech from the right is getting to their crazy followers. See Dr. Tiller assassination, see shooting at the Holocaust Museum, etc. If you haven’t read Shannyn Moore’s blogpost on Palin forcefully defending Prejean and then barely saying anything about the Ob/Gyn being killed in a church, you should. See her blog on the AK bloglist.

  182. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    another ouch for Scarah……..not equipped, yeow!

    “She has to sit there and agree with him, knowing it’s a speech she cannot give, that she is not equipped to give,” Mackowiak said.

  183. EyeOnYou says:

    This is the kind of “groupies” that Palin has…

    We need to send to ALL Republicans and tell them that any female media person that does not highly condemn Letterman for what he did, the Republican is to refer to the female as a Slut whenever they go on their show.

  184. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Willow was seen in pictures on the weekend holding a baby. Easy enough to think it was Bristol. Most don’t follow the Palins close enough to know the difference between them as that was the first time seeing Willow in months.

  185. Closet Mudpup says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl

    That bird reminds me of the Arctic terns we had to brave in King Salmon, AK. Walk by where they’re nesting and they’ll launch coordinated attacks – one, or even two sometimes, will come at you from the front to decoy your attention while the real attacker(s) come(s) from behind you. They’re well known for hitting hard enough to knock ball caps off – and for the accurate placement of their bomb drops.

  186. EyeOnYou says:

    Molly Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:59 AM
    Ok, I watched the Letterman thing, but it only showed the Spitzer part. There is an A-Rod part that wasn’t shown?


    Molly, on my post #56 of this topic I linked to the youtube of the A-Rod video. These were two seperate incidents. The A-rod was night before last, and the Spitzer comment was last night.

  187. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Rob in Ca Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:37 AM

    Uh oh…Huffpost is reporting that Sarah’s newest BFF Carrie Prejean is getting fired today. Wonder what Sarah will have to say about that?
    Good bible boobs losing her crown! Now the peelanders will be mad at trump! lol!

  188. Molly says:

    Ok, I watched the Letterman thing, but it only showed the Spitzer part. There is an A-Rod part that wasn’t shown?

    Be that as it may, the Palins should be HAPPY that they got mentioned on Letterman–isn’t publicity why they went to NY anyway?–and reasonable people can only exPECT to be made fun of by Dave, especially when they TROT their pregnant daughter Bristol out at the RNC, and lately, TROT their other daughter out in New York State with the shortest of shorts and the tightest of shirts while claiming that the entirety of their family is unimpeachable and not to be talked about in a bad way EVEN IF WHAT WAS SAID IS TRUE–BRISTOL DID GET KNOCKED UP.

    And that Ziegler guy–I totally see him as completely disrespecting Contessa Brewer because she is female; he is blatantly mysogynistic towards her and good for her for getting all slitty-eyed at him and calling for that idiot’s mike to be cut. Someone needs to wipe that crazy woman-hating drug-adled grin off that man, who obviously is in thrall to GINO.

    So, even if Dave said something about one of the daugter’s getting knocked up, well, it’s TRUE, Bristol DID GET KNOCKED UP, and, apparently, TWICE OVER…….Sarah would be wise not to get her undies in such a bundle about pregnancy-related stuff or, yes indeedy, Babygate will rear it’s head and she’ll be “forced” once again to “comment on the most asinine story I’ve ever been forced to comment on”. Tell the truth, do your job, stop dragging pregnant teenage daughters and inappropriately dressed 14 year olds out into public, and, if you continue to do so, EXPECT COMMENTS.

    Sorry AKM if I seem a bit testy…..I am just SO wanting GINO out of any sort of power. Moreso, I think, I am just SO wanting the rest of the country to see her for what she truly is, and cannot understand why so many seem to still think she is wonderful. I just don’t get it. Are people’s brains really made that differently?

  189. Bretta says:

    Did Willow have to pay for her rape kit?
    Will the baby be brought up in Qaballa?

  190. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I feel like crap now posting about Carrie Prejean when the White Suprem. shooting at the Holocaust Museum is really the news…..

  191. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    One good thing is The Donald’s quote:

    Trump said: “To me she was the sweetest thing. Everyone else — she treated like s**t.”

  192. Closet Mudpup says:

    Here’s a link to the Prejean firing story. Nothing real juicy – just not complying with her contract by making personal appearances without permission and skipping out on appearances she was committed to by the pageant people.

  193. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Now here’s a Real Dad protecting his kids! 🙂

  194. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Palins parading Willow in her Daisy Dukes in their adventures on the weekend isn’t necessarily identifiable as to what daughter it is in that Willow was tripping around carrying a baby.

    Having Bristol signed and paid as a spokesman for Candy’s and doing the media rounds makes it open season for anyone.

    A bit late for Todd to grow a set and act like a father.

  195. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Rob in Ca Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:37 AM

    Uh oh…Huffpost is reporting that Sarah’s newest BFF Carrie Prejean is getting fired today. Wonder what Sarah will have to say about that?
    Breach of contract won’t resonate with sarah, since she does that hourly as GINO. She’ll probably claim religious intolerance. The peelanders will be calling for Obama to make Trump hire her back.

  196. ColoradoGal says:

    This business about Letterman may be big in the world of SP and her supporters who evidently need to get a real life, but it a tiny speck in actual world.

  197. austintx says:

    110 Rob in Ca Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:37 AM
    Uh oh…Huffpost is reporting that Sarah’s newest BFF Carrie Prejean is getting fired today. Wonder what Sarah will have to say about that?
    More pictures ?? If so , no big surprise there.

  198. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:29 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, is Palin, back in AK yet?
    I heard in peeland she is going to Texas? ‘course her Itinerary is top secret, ya know, like the Prez… :rol:

  199. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    #103 lynnrockets … You are SO right: ” … very dangerous to heckle the comedian or late night host…” It’s like going after Limbaugh for his “I want him to fail” comments. The responses just fuel the fire – and the ratings which of course is what it’s all about.

    Letterman is an entertainer and he wants a response – usually just a laugh. But when he gets an issued statement from a wounded target (in this case a former VP candidate), he must feel like he’s hit the million dollar jackpot. I betcha we haven’t head the last from him on this subject!

  200. Rob in Ca says:

    Uh oh…Huffpost is reporting that Sarah’s newest BFF Carrie Prejean is getting fired today. Wonder what Sarah will have to say about that?

  201. CO almost native says:

    Heh Heh…Palin, Ziegler, her groupies, what great material for comedians. Perhaps they are– the New Bush!

  202. SunSweet says:

    Re: Letterman… Letterman makes his living as an edgy comedian who frequently pisses off his guests (remember Cher and Madonna to name a few), and tells it like he see’s it. His humor is generally acerbic and mocking. That’s his schtick. If you don’t want to be the butt of his jokes, quit acting stupid – like Palin. The Palin’s schtick is to act offended over every imagined slight or insult (lipstick on a pig), and then re-focus attention back on them as the poor victims of all the mean liberals. I am finding this very tiresome and hope to hell the Republican’s running in 2012 start eviscerating the dumb cluck.

  203. BuffaloGal says:

    Just saw this on Huffington Post :

    Shooter at Holocaust Museum is White Supremacist

  204. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, is Palin, back in AK yet?

  205. austintx says:

    lynnrockets – Letterman is the King of snark. Buddies with KO also.too. Janeane Garofalo also.too. Game on !!

  206. EyeOnYou says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:24 AM
    I don’t know what Sarah and her folks are thinking.

    Are you implying that they actually think? 😉

  207. lynnrockets says:

    I don’t know what Sarah and her folks are thinking. Do they not know the rule that it is very dangerous to heckle the comedian or late night host when that person has a microphone, a nightly show and an audience numbering in the millions? The splashback can be awe inspiring (and funny also, too).

  208. BuffaloGal says:

    I can’t find again who mentioned it earlier but I think they were exactly right when they said that Letterman and staff probably assumed it was Bristol that was with Palin on the NYC trip. She certainly does look at least 18.

    So with it being Willow and her being 14 Palin can “technically” say that Letterman was making a joke about the “rape” of her daughter because she’s underage.

    Always the shrewd one, she is.

    And I just got back from C4P and am laughing but not in that fun way that makes you feel good. I am SO sure that these are some of the same people who LAUGHED at the Reagan/grenades-in-baby-butts jokes. For all the hateful projectile spew that they have listened to from the hate jocks I’m sure they never once called a station manager or stopped buying a sponsor’s product.

    Again, I’m still entirely against bringing the children into public ridicule but Puhleeeze C4P’rs – get a GRIP. You want Dave fired !??! I would say this over on your site but you won’t allow it.

    Good gawd – all of this caused by the national appearance of ONE singular woman. I swear there must be reference to her in the book of revelation somewhere because they HAD to have seen her coming down the pike. (and it won’t be one of the good references either) I bet she causes the cherubim to have nightmares.

  209. austintx says:

    Saw the interview with Contessa live earlier……….Ziegler looks and acts like Howdy Doody on crack. Why in the hell MSNBC gives him airtime is beyond me.Not only was he jacking with her , he maligned the network at least twice.

    Now as far as Todd and his distortion of what was said on Letterman…… careful Dud , what exactly was/is the specialty of the Dr. who delivered Trig ??

    I’m sorry if I’m cranky…..but no sleep does that. Fought the good fight last night and then got 57 kids off to NYC early this am. If I ran into that Stan Roach guy from last nite , I’d pimp slap his ass so hard that they would stop him for speeding in the next county. There , I feel better.

    Here’s Ziegler-

    ps. Ripley , don’t leave without me.

  210. EyeOnYou says:

    BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:00 AM



    ROFLMAO….too true!!!

  211. OH Good, the huffington link let me see the whole interview! Love it! ” Cut the mic” YEAH!! Ok, maybe she was ready for something like that, but she did pull it off very convincingly. “professional Palin supporter” LOL….. If there were no money in it for him, he wouldn´t be there. Thanks and goodnight all.

  212. Isabella says:

    BooBooBear “Have you all noticed that all online polls get “Freeped” (that’s what they call stuffing the ballot box over at that THAT other website) by the Palinbot Sheeple. They call all their barbarians to vote repeatedly like little robots”

    They are also voting by proxy servers. One person can vote as much as they can as fast as they can click going to a place like this that shuffles their IP.

  213. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    OMG! The are calling letterman’s joke HATE SPEECH! WTF? with Rush, oRielly, eddie smurke and all the other hate spewing aholes this is HATE speech?
    These people are delusional! They really are mentally deranged. I’m speechless 😮

  214. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:



  215. EyeOnYou says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:53 AM
    Todd’s response, on Facebook no less

    That’s what I am saying. Seriously you are going to respond to something like this and you do it on Facebook? The Governor? Her husband? On FACEBOOK?

    I mean you almost have to ask how old these guys are.

  216. BooBooBear says:

    Have you all noticed that all online polls get “Freeped” (that’s what they call stuffing the ballot box over at that THAT other website) by the Palinbot Sheeple. They call all their barbarians to vote repeatedly like little robots. The polls are always skewed to their messiah, the Queen. The real truth comes out in the TELEPHONE polls where they cannot manipulate the vote. The latest telephone poll of 1,015 people showed less than 5 people thought GINO was the voice of the Republican Party. That is the TRUE sentiment in America. What a joke for the sheeple to think that if they change the vote that she will rise in poplarity. That just shows how stupid they are.

  217. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Todd’s response, on Facebook no less, AGAIN show’s that they are waaaaayyy out of their league. Is it only Meg who advises them?

  218. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    all they’re doing is giving Letterman and ALL the talk show hosts MORE juicy matterial, lol…….they do it to themselves, then blame the media, crazy!

  219. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:46 AM

    Oh, I betcha now Palin, is going to be so upset she will forget to PAY BACK Alaskans that 10 grand in fraud per diems.
    Oh she will be so upset she will have flea ask for a extension and hope everyone forgets about it…. heh! 😈

  220. Contessa Interview – I tried to watch it twice and it crashes everytime she says “You want to do this interview” and her eyes have gone sort of narrow for a second and she is getting ready for a kill. She was going to give him a chance there a split second earlier, when she gave him a big smile, but he started off by being totally rude. I´ll have to try again in a few days, see if my laptop survives another go, because I want to hear her say “cut the mike”. I do like it when she says something about Ziegler taking issue with journalists and how that obviously excludes him totally. He is not in her league…. got that out of the few seconds it stayed up, can´t wait to see the rest. Thanks for the link.
    As I can´t wait to see what Letterman makes of the distortion of his words…. I don´t always like his jokes, but that does not mean you can lie about what he said.

  221. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    GA Peach…….yeah, the Scarah groupies love pumping up polls for Scarah, like they can “wish” her into winning just by spamming the polls, LOL.

  222. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:


    Agreed. Now that Bristol is an ‘adult’ (AINO?) and has accepted the concequences of her actions, then she is susceptible and open to ridicule and of being made light of. Comedic fodder. The whole fam-damily!

  223. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:36 AM

    Well Palin fans are calling for Letterman to be fired over this, and they want Obama to demand it.
    Oh yeah right….When Pigs(with lipstick) fly!!!Gino is like a annoying flea to PO!
    She can dish it but can’t take it. I like the interview the woman with JZ, and he trys to paint gino a victim and she says she’s been through that “and is still here” like “sticks and stones….”
    All of them, Gino, dud, peeland, freepers watb! all of them! Waaaaaaaaaaah!

  224. Isabella says:

    Oh, I betcha now Palin, is going to be so upset she will forget to PAY BACK Alaskans that 10 grand in fraud per diems.

  225. Madcity Chick says:

    Keeping you informed AKM:

    Contessa Brewer Steamed By Palin Defender: You’re Insulting Me, “Cut His Mic”

    Can you guess who HE is?

    She creates a circus wherever she goes!

  226. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    “eyeonyou says: Well Palin fans are calling for Letterman to be fired over this, and they want Obama to demand it.

    Todd should be ashamed of himself for using the term rape when it wasn’t even suggested in the joke that Letterman told.”

    more Scarah Palin drama!!!

  227. aha says:

    Oh, Todd’s statement is rich! I knew when Sarah kept repying to Ziegler something to the affect ”…good old Letterman…” she was making fun of his age.
    Now Sarah’s statement: wasn’t Levi older than Bristol, who was a minor, when she got pregnant ? And, if she’s so concerned about underage children and sex, why does she let her kids date under the age of 18?
    Sarah’s logic: acceptance (by anyone) of sexual comments about minors contributes to sexual exploitation of minors (by older men who use and abuse others)
    I like how they include all Alaskans and everyone else in their statements. What we, Alaskans and everyone else know, is:
    that they’re both lying about Trig
    Sarah is committing a sort of fraud by not finishing her disclosure requirements
    for the gifts she isn’t planning on opening and the APOC questions she hasn’t
    answered/isn’t planning on answering.
    As evidenced by her comments, Sarah doesn’t equate Bill Ayers past terrorist acts
    with Scott Roeder’s current terrorist acts

  228. BigPete says:

    the problem child Says@68
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:21 AM
    Here is a petition for single-payer health care, if anyone is interested.
    “No medical attention for you…business is business!”

    How could dealing with a “bureaucrat” from your own government possibly be any worse than fighting with an “bureaucrat” from an for-profit insurance company, who’s earning bonuses by denying you healthcare? Obviously, the experience of haggling over the phone with private sector “bureaucrats” is an experience that must be foreign to our politicians.

    And by the way, “bureaucrat” is a French word!

  229. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:37 AM

    ouch again…….even Cheney doesn’t back her……..there is a repub poll her also, too. I voted for Powell, lol.

    “If I had to choose in terms of being a Republican, I’d go with Rush Limbaugh, I think. I think my take on it was Colin [Powell] had already left the party. I didn’t know he was still a Republican,” Cheney recently said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

    The poll’s expired and obviously the palinbots got there.

  230. CO almost native says:

    Oh good grief. I watched the Letterman piece; any baseball fan knows the joke/pun is “knocked up”: getting hit by a foul ball/line drive and getting pregnant unintentionally. Of course, the A-Rod reference is to his womanizing past.

    Typical borderline raunch from Letterman- if Palin wants to play politics with the big dogs, she needs to have much thicker skin. BTW: loved the poll results where 52% couldn’t identify the GOP voice–how about developing some viable ideas first?

  231. Isabella says:

    If she kept her a s s in Alaska, these things would not happen, ya think?

  232. the problem child says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:35 AM

    The right has gone INSANE! INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE isn’t that what KO used to say???
    Actually, that was Cypress Hill.

  233. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou Says”Well Palin fans are calling for Letterman to be fired over this, and they want Obama to demand it.”

    So asinine I believe she would.

  234. SlappyOC says:

    Wow, they are freaking out about a joke on late-night after singing the praises of a man that says to put grenades up baby’s butts (and kill the mothers as well). Both may be tasteless but one was said poking fun at tabloid headlines and the other was said out of pure hate.

  235. Closet Mudpup says:

    re: The Letterman Jokes

    After watching the Letterman clips, I believe that Letterman’s writers didn’t understand that the daughter with Palin was 14-year-old Willow and not Bristol. Had they realized they were not taking shots at Palin and Bristol, they would have also realized 1) the context was seriously age-inappropriate, and 2) that the intended humor is just not there without Bristol for context.

    I think, too, that with Bristol’s well known history and her now being on the public stage on her own promoting extreme horniness, she is fair game for comedy writers.

  236. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    ouch again…….even Cheney doesn’t back her……..there is a repub poll her also, too. I voted for Powell, lol.

    “If I had to choose in terms of being a Republican, I’d go with Rush Limbaugh, I think. I think my take on it was Colin [Powell] had already left the party. I didn’t know he was still a Republican,” Cheney recently said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

  237. EyeOnYou says:

    Well Palin fans are calling for Letterman to be fired over this, and they want Obama to demand it.

    Todd should be ashamed of himself for using the term rape when it wasn’t even suggested in the joke that Letterman told. It is yet another disgusting attempt by the Palin family to portray themselves as victims. Was Letterman’s joke a bit tasteless, sure, but that IS what he does, with lots of people. The Palin family seem to want to be the center of the universe and paint themselves as victims all the time unless you are bowing before them. PATHETIC

  238. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Geeze in their world everyone must kiss the queens azz or apologize to her, In the past couple of days I’ve heard Mr. Dunn, should apologize to her, now letterman, jz called all blogger’s who blogged about her plagiarism “terrorists”
    The right has gone INSANE! INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE isn’t that what KO used to say???
    They really are. Wingnuts, wackjobs, hysterical, hysteria, crazy, loony, I could go on….

  239. the problem child says:

    By making a big deal of this, GINO is really painting herself into a corner. We all know that the road to the White House runs through David Letterman’s studio. And we know that, if she ever is foolish enough to go on his show, this whole sorry episode will be revived (and rehashed, and analysed, and people will (again) wonder which daughter it was, and someone will bring up the babygate thing).

  240. BuffaloGal says:

    For the record, I do not support anything (and i mean ANYTHING ) having to do with Sarah Palin herself. Nada. Zip. Omigawd nuthin. I was beside myself during the election campaign and truly thought I’d go mad if I saw coverage of her at one more rally of hate and venom.

    BUT!! (and it’s a big butt, to paraphrase Pee Wee Herman) We cannot – simply CANNOT allow ourselves to fall down that dark, nasty pit to the depths of the likes of Rush, Hannity and Coulter. The remarks about Willow absolutely were uncalled for an over the line. She is 14 years old. She didn’t ask to be brought into this insanity. Please let us say and think good positive things about this child and, as our Grammas always said, if we can’t say something nice, let’s not say a dang thing. And, when someone does publicly speak crassly about them for the sake of a stupid laugh, let’s call them on it. Yeah…Palin’s referring to rape when Letterman said, “knocked up” and she’s going to squeeze it for all it’s worth but heck…it’s her kid. (although, i’ll be the first one to say that the way she cares for them is much more damaging than any bad jokes made on late night tv)

    I think C4P would find a way to get up in arms if the sky dared to rain on a Palin parade day and would blame it on all of us haters. Of course they’re going to take something valid and run the living hell out of it , round and round and use it as a rally charge into serious battle. ( they freak me out more than a little) But this time, they have a point.

    My heart breaks daily for those children. I want to scoop them all up and give them a place of peace and childhood happiness. I can’t stand it when we allow anyone to rag on them in any way and we don’t say something in their defense.

    And, in closing, OY! I really want Sarah out, out , OUT!!! She’s poison wherever she goes!

  241. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    OMFG! They are such maroons! Oh wonder if letterman has the b@lls to say this to dud’s face, oh we have to forward this el rushbo, oh I just told best western on facebook how I changed my vacation plans, blah, blah,blah!!!
    These people are Hysterical! Not laughing in a mental illness way!!!

  242. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:19 AM

    lettersfromeurope “The Letterman story is being distorted by using the word rape, when that was not actually used in the joke.”

    Does Palin really want to revist RAPE kits and the insane RAPE statistics in Alaska? Why does Todd not have a job since he is NOT watching the kids?
    I thought of this also, when the dud used the “rape” word!

  243. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    sarah’s the ‘pretty pathetic ‘ one. What an idiot to even respond to Letterman. He’s going to have a field day with her. And if she responds every time, she’s going to be governing Alaska a whole lot less (if that’s possible). Can’t wait to hear his response in tonight’s Top 10.

  244. the problem child says:

    Here is a petition for single-payer health care, if anyone is interested.

  245. Isabella says:

    lettersfromeurope “The Letterman story is being distorted by using the word rape, when that was not actually used in the joke.”

    Does Palin really want to revist RAPE kits and the insane RAPE statistics in Alaska? Why does Todd not have a job since he is NOT watching the kids?

  246. pearl89 says:

    The whole thing is about 9 minutes long. The remarks about Palin start around the 8 minute mark.

    I think those guys over at the place that shall not be named have lost their minds. First, they praise Ziegler and talk about what a whipping he gave Brewer. Since when does being obnoxious and rude deserve praise…only in the world of the far right. He obviously went on the show with his own agenda in mind and not to participate in any meaningful discussion. Why do all right wing radio guys try to copy the Rush?

    As for Letterman, I did not see that the his comment was directed toward Willow so much as against Spitzer. The people residing in the alternate universe are calling for a campaign of emailing Letterman sponsors and producers to voice their objection.

    The righties could definitely use funny bone implants.

  247. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    Pot? Kettle? Black?

    Where oh where were the visible, high profile, in-your-face reactions to the underage pregnancy from Daddy T-Odd? Any angry quotes from dear old Dad before, during, or even after the VP run regarding the FACT (not a suposition) that her underaged daughter was, in fact, knocked up? Any? Consentual or not, aren’t there statutory laws on the books in AK? And I watched the Letterman monologue and that quip was near the very end. If the insinuation is what they are all aghast about, the hypocracy is comical!

    Get a grip, Palins!

  248. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    ouch…….that’s gotta hurt, lol…….a whopping five people take Scarah seriously.

    “That means that of the 1,015 national adults who were asked who speaks for the GOP, Newport said, less than five people cited Palin.

    That is an infinitesimal fraction of the amount who said that Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, or Newt Gingrich speak for the GOP.”

  249. ValleyIndependent says:

    Harris is part of the extended Valley group that looked like the good ol’ boys club (with one female member) last year when they were campaigning, and who all voted to confirm Wayne Anthony Ross. Huggins/Menard/Gatto/Harris/Keller/Neuman. Harris’ challenger seemed like a very bright woman with some good ideas. I hope she runs again.

  250. The Letterman story is being distorted by using the word rape, when that was not actually used in the joke.

    It is the same as using pro-abortion instead of pro-choice and I am sure you all can think of loads of other examples of the same word games. People don`t bother to check out the correct wording and are successfully manipulated, despite youtube.

  251. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    BooBooBear Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:04 AM

    Here is the Contessa Brewer video.
    BooBoobear, Thanks for that! OMG! he is such a effing idiot, from the gate “Obama’s offical network” I’m surprised she let him rant on so long! I loved the “CUT THE MIKE!”
    he is one huge turd! He will not last long on his “radio show” I think he’s on drugs or something, he’s always got his eye rolling around and stupid grin on his face, he’s on something!

  252. EyeOnYou says:

    WOW..Ziegler is such a pompous a*hole. He lies when he says he asked her (Palin) tough questions. He has PROVEN that is nothing more than a Palin cheerleader. That’s okay with me. She can have him.

  253. UK Lady says:


    I will try to link the Jon Ziegler interview with Contessa Brewer, he was so awful she lost it at the end and said “cut the mike”

  254. mlaiuppa says:

    Don’t forget to vote for AKM for the netroots scholarship. Next window is closing soon.

  255. sauerkraut says:

    I am sorry. I got it wrong.

    It’s not the peelanders who started the spin, but Todd the Dud. Shame on him for getting beyond his ability to think by claiming Letterman made a joke about the daughter getting raped. Perhaps if The Dud would learn how to turn on the tellie, he might be able to watch the segment in which Letterman makes his crass joke.

  256. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 9:00 AM

    Now I’m really curious if Letterman said that, Did he? I’m wondering if she is pulling the lemonade stand thing over this, you know, how she talked about the trampoline and swing when it had nothing to do with it. I really doubt that Letterman would say something like that, I’d like to know if he said that also, too.
    He did, but he didn’t make reference to WHICH daughter, only her daughter and alot of people are confusing willow with bristol nowadays…
    I was a tastless joke, but its letterman???? That’s his Schick! Peeland is Hysterically magifying anything they perceive to be a slight on the queen or 1st fam. lol!

  257. EyeOnYou says:

    This is the clip from where he says “one awkward moment for Palin was when her daughter got “knocked up” by Alex R.

  258. EyeOnYou says:

    Letterman did say these things, but I get the feeling that he was making jokes about Palin and not really directing them towards the daughter per se.

    This is where he makes the joke about Eliot Spitzer

  259. BooBooBear says:

    Here is the Contessa Brewer video.

  260. sauerkraut says:

    49 lettersfromeurope Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:58 AM

    Letterman used the term “knocked up” . I thought that means to get pregnant? Not a nice joke in any case, but not “rape”. And some think he is talking about Bristol and some think he is talking about Willow (only 14).

    I agree with your interpretation. Just watched the video.

    I think it was a slam on Palin’s lack of supervision of her kids, A-Rods crappy behavior and of Bristol getting knocked up. Poor taste, yes, but then lots of stand-up humor is. I see where the peelanders have got their collective jocks sticking out of their noses over this. Shame on them for trying to spin it as a rape on Willow or Piper.

  261. curiouser says:

    #28 Closet Mudpup Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:58 AM

    From yesterday’s Cafferty File, Jack Cafferty asks his listeners –

    “Would you rather listen to a speech by Sarah Palin, or a speech by Newt Gingrich? Or would you rather just stick needles in your eyes?!?”


    Gawd, I love Jack Cafferty. Thanks for the link. I’m visiting with family which is seriously limiting my cable news watching and computer time. I never would have seen the Cafferty piece without your heads up. I’ll be laughing about this all day.

  262. here_in_PA says:

    Now I’m really curious if Letterman said that, Did he? I’m wondering if she is pulling the lemonade stand thing over this, you know, how she talked about the trampoline and swing when it had nothing to do with it. I really doubt that Letterman would say something like that, I’d like to know if he said that also, too.

  263. Letterman used the term “knocked up” . I thought that means to get pregnant? Not a nice joke in any case, but not “rape”. And some think he is talking about Bristol and some think he is talking about Willow (only 14). I did not see it in context (you can find the bit on all the rightwing thingies now), but I think he should not have made it in any case. But then Letterman is not always nice, so…. He is just an entertainer after all. Right?

  264. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:47 AM

    When/where did Letterman make such a joke??
    Last night he was talking about GiNO,
    in NY shooting rats from a helicopter…
    sitting in the far,far, right seats with Rudy G.
    And the hardest part, the hardest part was keeping Eliot Spitzer away from the daughter.
    “THEY” are equating this to ‘prostitution” ???
    On Mon night
    Letterman said something like
    ARod “knocked up” her daughter (at the game)
    So they’ve got their panties in a twist about the whole thing…!

  265. BooBooBear says:

    I guess it was different when the Queen laughed multiple times about Lyda Green being a “Cancer.”

  266. here_in_PA says:

    Was watching KO lastnight and he had this female on and they were talking about American Idol and A Rolling Stones article. It was all about Adam Lambert coming out of the closet. Was very interesting. I felt Adam shoulda won and figured half way through the season that he was gay. He never was big on his female fans which gave me my first clue. LOL, for all you Idol fans.

  267. sauerkraut says:

    38 EyeOnYou Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:34 AM
    Todd & Sarah Palin Facebook Statement on Letterman


    “Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too.”

    When/where did Letterman make such a joke??

  268. nswfm CA says:

    What did Letterman say about the 14 YO?
    Also, did the parents forget their under age daughter got pregnant under their supervision?

  269. GottaLaff says:

    VIDEO: Watch MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer cut Palin filmmaker John Ziegler off


  270. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    So GINO is using facebook to vent her outrage about letterman!
    peeland is outraged too(WATB)
    Its funny they don’t get their panties in a wad when their rush attacks PO!
    Just anything Palin. I have to agree Letterman should have plenty to make fun of Gino with, re ho shoes, word salad,ect., he doesn’t need to go after Willow, but she paraded Willow around in inappropriate clothing??? Here what she wrote on facebook:

    Statements from Sarah and Todd Palin
    Today at 8:17am
    “Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too.”

    – Todd Palin

    “Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands – that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.'”

    – Governor Sarah Palin

  271. pdx mb says:

    CityKid Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 2:20 AM

    email to Rep. Don Young:

    If you do everything in your power to support “single payer” health care – administered by my Federal Govt. I will do everything I can think of to see that you are not re-elected. Nuff said. I’m sick and tired of the BS.

    I don’t know about you, but I run the show for a surgeon who is a solo practitioner, including all his billing plus billing for his asst surgeon. IMO, one of the primary reasons the US has such high health care costs with similar (or worse) outcomes than other industrialized nations is the amount of money going down the rabbit hole of the private insurance industry. Physicians spend a ridiculous amount of employee time (that’s a health care cost) dealing with insurance companies. Insurers are among the worst offenders in terms of outrageous exec. compensation, and it’s a pretty shady business if you ask me. Just google United Healthcare + Ingenix. Read about that judment, then consider that Ingenix also sells their database info to physicians to guide them in setting fees… Anybody who believes health insurance is a free market system is fooling themselves. It is a dictatorship run by the insurance industry.

    I could go on and on. While there are problems with Medicare reimbursement in terms of physician practice sustainability, at least it is consistent, they pay and pay on time, and my experience has been that most problems are solved in a reasonable manner.

    Enough of my rant…

    Have a good day ; )

  272. Star says:

    Just read an article on dailyKos…Quote~ SP, gov& “it” girl canwarm up the repub. base like a hot toddy in a duck blind..But further inside the paty org., the air is a littl nippy..Not ready for primetime…Lmao..Run silly Sarah….

  273. EyeOnYou says:

    Todd & Sarah Palin Facebook Statement on Letterman


    “Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too.”

    – Todd Palin

    “Concerning Letterman’s comments about my young daughter (and I doubt he’d ever dare make such comments about anyone else’s daughter): ‘Laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is not only disgusting, but it reminds us some Hollywood/NY entertainers have a long way to go in understanding what the rest of America understands – that acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone’s daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others.'”

    – Governor Sarah Palin

    Seriously? They are issuing a statement on this via FACEBOOK??? OMFG!

  274. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    “But no one associates her with leadership qualities or sees her as speaking for the party…
    She did not come to Americans’ minds when they were asked this question,” Newport said, delicately.

    My favorite line from that post! PURRRfect use of the word ‘… delicately.’

  275. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    I guess we need a bigger wall to write on…

    Hint Hint…

  276. otrplm says:

    redwooodmuse: I have a ?4u. What does it feel like to touch a 2000 yr. old Redwood?

  277. redwoodmuse says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 8:11 AM

    Redwood muse I always like your thoughtful posts.

    Why thank you kind person. (I would say kind sir/madam but I don’t know gender)

    and isn’t it lovely that on mudflats the essence of the individuals shine through. It is interesting when we learn facts about someone, but I treasure that the ‘who-ness’ of a person comes through without any ‘facts’ necessary. It always makes me think of the Quakers and their saying of seeing the light of god in everyone. I think AKM has provided a platform for much light. I for one am truly thankful for AKM, Mudflats and all the wonderful mudpuppies, especially when we see hatred expressed other places as a matter of right and entitlement.


  278. Carol.Seattle says:

    Interesting article in today’s WA Post regarding GOP thoughts concerning Palin.

  279. Marnie says:

    6 UK Lady Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 5:14 AM
    LOL, I know I shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, and I hope Gov Goodhair Perry gets better soon.

    Wasn’t Scarah supposed to be going to Texas today? Was she going to meet Perry?

    It does look as if she brings bad luck with her”

    Rush wondered if a white male would have broken his ankle the way Sotomayor did.
    Wonder if he will make the same crack about a middle aged white man’s breaking his colar bone trying to be 16 again.


    A wize middle aged Latina would probably have more sense that to do mountaining unless she was already a pro.

  280. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    redwoodmuse Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:48 AM

    Hey, I didn’t know you lived so close. I moved up to Oregon from Felton,CA (in the redwoods just above Santa Cruz) and I’m just counting the time til I can return. I love the redwoods and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Miss it. Miss it. Miss it. And Geoffrey Dunn is a wonderfully talented man.

    redwoodmuse: Wow! I love it down there! My Godmother used to live in Ben Lomand! All the beautiful Redwoods! Small world 🙂

  281. nswfm CA says:

    Redwood muse I always like your thoughtful posts.

  282. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut, everytime I see your logon I crave a footlong with the works!!!

  283. Closet Mudpup says:

    From yesterday’s Cafferty File, Jack Cafferty asks his listeners –

    “Would you rather listen to a speech by Sarah Palin, or a speech by Newt Gingrich? Or would you rather just stick needles in your eyes?!?”

  284. sauerkraut says:

    22 Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:35 AM

    Contessa said “CUT HIS MIC”

    Reminds me of an old Cheech and Chong skit…

    “Bailiff!! Cut his. …”

  285. sauerkraut says:

    19 Isabella Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 7:32 AM
    sauerkraut “I am so often tempted to label Ziegler”

    Palindimwits, are calling him awesome, outstanding, a champ.

    That’s because the dimwits have lower standards than do most Americans.

  286. redwoodmuse says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 6:48 AM

    Wow! I didn’t know Geoffrey Dunn lived in Santa Cruz! That is a very beautiful place about 50-60 miles south of me… 🙂

    Hey, I didn’t know you lived so close. I moved up to Oregon from Felton,CA (in the redwoods just above Santa Cruz) and I’m just counting the time til I can return. I love the redwoods and the Santa Cruz Mountains. Miss it. Miss it. Miss it. And Geoffrey Dunn is a wonderfully talented man.


  287. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Sign Sonia Sotomayor’s virtual cast!!

  288. Nan says:


    Hope it makes it to YouTube…

    Think of me, willya? Gotta go fix and thread a loom before tomorrow. Only a 6 hr job, have 3.5 hrs to do it in. I hear they call it “job security” ha!

    puppy smoochies to all,

  289. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Contessa said “CUT HIS MIC”

  290. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Mic was cut because he was being a TOTAL ASHAT. Contessa was PISSED.

  291. Nan says:

    sauerkraut – Now there’s a thought.

    C’mon, y’all. I gotta head to work but would really really like to know: Was his mike cut off because they had to go to another segment? Or was the mike cut off because he was just “being his own self” (i.e. jerk)?


  292. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut “I am so often tempted to label Ziegler”

    Palindimwits, are calling him awesome, outstanding, a champ. LOSERS are grasping. What kind of pervert will they be calling McCain, now that he has committed to debranding himself from everything Palin?

  293. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “Just another sign that the Gov. is in a really really bad place – Of all people the crazy Ziegler is going on the tele & defending her. Pitiful.”

    Palin’s, own fault for surrounding herself with nitwits, leeches and dumbasses. No one with 1/3 a brain & hearing can tolerate her, anyway.

    I cannot decide who is the greater scammer. Palin, who thinks she has one up on Angry Meg or Angry Meg, who thinks she is puppetering the next POTUS.

  294. sauerkraut says:

    Nan… you’d make better use of that towel by stuffing it into his open maw.

  295. sauerkraut says:

    I am so often tempted to label Ziegler as a tool, but I don’t want to insult my tools.

  296. Nan says:

    Frankly, if I had to count on Z to defend me, I’d just chuck that towel in and be done with it.

    What the heck happened on MSNBC? I was too late to catch it. Will check back before heading out to work, just in case there’s more info.

    What a world we live in.

  297. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Just another sign that the Gov. is in a really really bad place – Of all people the crazy Ziegler is going on the tele & defending her. Pitiful.

  298. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Contessa CUT HIS MIC!

  299. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Ashat Ziegler is on MSNBC – being a TOTAL JERK

  300. Madcity Chick says:

    I’m probably late on this one since we mudpups are such diligent reporters, but here’s another article on the queen. McCain is about to suffer the wrath of all those lovely Palin supporters.

    McCain deserts Palin again on oil drilling in Arctic refuge

  301. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Santa Cruz blogger set to write a book on Sarah Palin
    By WALLACE BAINE – Sentinel Staff Writer

    Updated: 06/09/2009 07:47:34 PM PDT

    said that he’s been intrigued by Alaska since his first fishing trip there more than 30 years ago. Since working at a cannery near Ketchikan as a young man, he’s visited there many times. It was in 2005, he said, while he was struggling with treatment for cancer and visiting Alaska, that Dunn became interested in the notorious “Bridge to Nowhere” story, involving then-U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens. He then began following closely Palin’s successful campaign to unseat GOP Gov. Frank Murkowski the following year.”

    Wow! I didn’t know Geoffrey Dunn lived in Santa Cruz! That is a very beautiful place about 50-60 miles south of me… 🙂

  302. Isabella says:

    Letterman is hilarious…Julia asks him if his wife took his name.

  303. Isabella says:

    “LOL, I know I shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, and I hope Gov Goodhair Perry gets better soon.”

    ROTFFLaughing at the comment.
    Take some of that stimulus money and fix those potholes and you’ll have a better ride.”

    Maybe it is an excuse to get out of being in a photo with Palin. She has done used up her 15 minutes and even this desperate piece of gov trash knows it.

  304. Isabella says:

    “Rep. John Harris says he plans to run for governor if Palin doesn’t.”

    John is yellow. He might as well keep his name out if he is afraid of going up against, Palin.

  305. UK Lady says:

    LOL, I know I shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misfortune, and I hope Gov Goodhair Perry gets better soon.

    Wasn’t Scarah supposed to be going to Texas today? Was she going to meet Perry?

    It does look as if she brings bad luck with her

  306. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    pvazwindy, I’m a bit confused by that too also. Maybe CityKid left out a word. It was 2.20 a.m. after all. Maybe CityKid was worried and sleepless.

    I will do everything in my power to see that Don Young is not re-elected, anyway. 🙂

  307. pvazwindy says:

    CityKid Says:
    June 10th, 2009 at 2:20 AM
    email to Rep. Don Young:

    If you do everything in your power to support “single payer” health care – administered by my Federal Govt. I will do everything I can think of to see that you are not re-elected. Nuff said. I’m sick and tired of the BS.

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Whats wrong with single payor (public option)? I think you could find plenty of other reasons for not supporting Young.

  308. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Potential Palin challengers mull Alaska’s 2010 governor race

    Former Republican state Rep. Ralph Samuels is considering a challenge of Gov. Sarah Palin in next year’s election, and Valdez Republican Rep. John Harris says he plans to run for governor if Palin doesn’t.

  309. Eric-the-Bun says:

    Thought I’d repost this here as it ended up way,way down since, if right, I think the Palin Roundup post needs a correction
    ************** ALERT ************************************
    The Clare Booth Luce Institute Letter Is probably a Scam (I put probably because of libel laws) and NOTHING TO DO WITH PALIN AT ALL.

    The requested donation is for the Clare Booth Luce Institute not Palin. I can’t see a “Sarah Palin approves this message” or similar (or is that necessary for this?). Effectively they are looking to raise money off the Palin name/controvesies.

    They send out a letter all about how someone in the public eye is being attacked, make it look as if they are organising a support campaign and then ask for money for THEMSELVES not for the person they claim to support.

    This should be forwarded to SarahPAC, Alaska Government, C4P etc for confirmation or not that Palin is involved and, if not, we can watch the infighting that develops.


    Thank you. I’ve corrected the post. AKM

  310. CityKid says:

    email to Rep. Don Young:

    If you do everything in your power to support “single payer” health care – administered by my Federal Govt. I will do everything I can think of to see that you are not re-elected. Nuff said. I’m sick and tired of the BS.

  311. Snoskred says:

    Well I have to say it was absolutely awesome to be able to watch the testimony live across the internets. 😉

    A massive shout out and thank you to Lori in Los Angeles who posted the link where we could all tune in to the streaming – I would never have known it existed and I think neither would a lot of other people who hugely appreciated being able to watch it. 🙂 I pasted the link into the mod chat and several of us ended up watching it together.

    It was almost as good as NASA TV.. though I have to say I am really glad NASA TV does not have all the redneck haters in red shirts. 😉

    Only a couple days now until Space Shuttle Endeavour launches – it is set to go just after 7am EST on Saturday the 13th. Another fantastic mission to look forward to. 🙂