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Open Thread

Brian the Moose hangin’ with Representatives Chris Tuck and Pete Petersen

Brian hearts Representative Berta Gardner



158 Responses to “Open Thread”
  1. ValleyIndependent says:

    When I was fairly new to Alaska, there were two bumper stickers that really caught my attention. The first was “Alaskan, yes. American, no.” That was way before I knew anything about the Alaskan Independence Party, so I thought it just referred to that independent spirit of Alaskans. Silly me.

    My favorite, though, was this one, which I was just reminded of by Maia at Own the Sidewalk: “Annoy Prevo: Think For Yourself.”

    Those expensive pre-printed signs, bused-in crowds, and kids too young to hate in the pictures outside the Anchorage Assembly chambers make me think we need to follow Maia’s lead. It’s time for a whole new batch of those bumper stickers. The original ones were black letters on bright yellow. Maybe these need to be white letters on bright blue?

  2. SlappyOC says:


    I wonder if the Palin emails are similar.

  3. EyeOnYou says:

    Snoskred Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:53 PM
    News just in – Carrie Prejean’s emails show that she is a nasty piece of work!

    Ugly both on the outside and the inside!


    No wonder Palin considers them “soul sisters”.

  4. honestyinGov says:

    Huffpo has a story about the whole Palin family. One child left behind.

  5. Lainey says:


    Vista doesn’t have moose or a bridge to nowhere, but other than that…probably not many differences…just take a look at example carrie prejean, palin’s protege. 😀

  6. Isabella says:

    austintx “Snoskred – Thanks !! KO had a segment on it. His guest commentator is a hoot.

    A W E S O M E!!!

  7. austintx says:

    150 Lainey Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 6:06 PM
    regarding carrie prejean…I’ve heard several commentators describe her as being from La Jolla, CA…..SHE IS NOT! She’s from Vista, CA…a rural, backcountry area of North San DIego county. La Jolla wouldn’t have the likes of her.
    Vista……..Wasilla………is there a difference ??

  8. austintx says:

    Snoskred – Thanks !! KO had a segment on it. His guest commentator is a hoot.

  9. Lainey says:

    regarding carrie prejean…I’ve heard several commentators describe her as being from La Jolla, CA…..SHE IS NOT! She’s from Vista, CA…a rural, backcountry area of North San DIego county. La Jolla wouldn’t have the likes of her.

  10. Lainey says:

    The extreme right wing nuts and the hatred fueled by the lies of limbaugh, beck, hannity, oreilly, palin, bachmann, gingrich, cheney (did I forget anyone?)…will this violence calm in our lifetime? …the middle east religious wars have 5000 years in their pocket. Somebody needs to pull the plug on airtime for these mongers…stop paying them a million dollars to “entertain”. This is scary stuff!

  11. Snoskred says:

    News just in – Carrie Prejean’s emails show that she is a nasty piece of work!

    Ugly both on the outside and the inside!

  12. samper says:

    We have the coolest president EVER!

    Little Kennedy should get that framed… it’ll be a nice conversation starter when she’s an adult.

  13. mlaiuppa says:

    Anyone know if AKM won the second round of the Netroots scholarship?

  14. austintx says:

    Skip school to see PO and he’ll write the absence excuse. The Master of cool never ceases to amaze.

  15. KaJo says:


    “olong” = tea (sort of, oolong)

    “along” = what I meant.

  16. KaJo says:

    To follow olong in the line of thinking of SMR above in #127:

    In the interests of protecting the rights of our comedians to be able to skewer any and all politicians from both sides of the aisle without favor, I have an absolutely BRILLIANT idea that should significantly counter any of the Palinista schemes to spam CBS or Letterman’s sponsors with their hateful threats on behalf of their idol, Sarah Palin.

    Turn on your televisions to CBS tonight. Doesn’t matter, just so long as it’s before the Letterman show is on; doesn’t matter if you turn the sound down.

    Let’s do this every week night for as long as we can remember — we’re “watching” David Letterman in support — not of his sometimes un-funny and/or tasteless humor, but to prevent the troglodytes out there from destroying the type of broadcasting we see on late night television.

    (not that I, personally, can ever stay awake long enough to watch) 🙂

  17. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    As Keith O. said, “Going from victims to opportunists”

  18. austintx says:

    Who’s private jet is she flitting all over the country in ?? Exxon has a mini fleet………

  19. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut “If the Today Show soft-gloves Palin then I will never again watch it. ”

    YES it will be with, Matt!!!

    Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be sitting down for a live interview with Matt Lauer on the “Today” show Friday in which she is expected to discuss her thoughts on the future of the GOP, and, even better, her recent feud with David Letterman over jokes he made about her and her family on his show Monday. Palin will be speaking from Texas, NBC says.

  20. Isabella says:

    VH1 comedian Chuck Nice appeared on Tuesday’s Today show and compared Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to the sexually transmitted disease herpes. He mocked: “But, Sarah Palin to the GOP, this is what I’ve got to say, she is very much like herpes, she’s not going away.”

  21. sauerkraut says:

    If the Today Show soft-gloves Palin then I will never again watch it. And I will send Meredith V a personal note of complaint thru a Rhode Island relative (she’s from RI).

  22. Isabella says:

    Levi Johnston gets movie role!

    Levi Johnston could soon be famous for more than his single father status.

    Last night at a launch party for Women Online Worldwide, the handsome Alaskan was offered his first movie role while (literally) chatting with, then he swiped at Bristol Palin’s abstinence stance.

    WOW Founder and former Miss Oregon Jennifer Murphy stood with Johnston and offered him the part of “the best looking guy” in an upcoming movie she’s producing. He gladly accepted.

    While plot details are mum, Johnston was loose-lipped when it came to his recent real-life drama.

    When questioned about Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol, the mother of his baby, he said their relationship was improving before taking this swipe : “She went out and said abstinence is not realistic. And then she goes out and says she’s all for it. That’s great but I don’t really think it’s going to happen.”

    In terms of his son’s famous grandmother, Johnston says he hasn’t spoken to Sarah Palin in months, but is a frequent visitor to her home.

    “I go over there all the time and pick him up, talk to Todd every once in a while, just friendly chat,” Johnston said.

    And as for his infamous ring-finger tattoo with Bristol’s name — it’s coming off!

    “[It’s] not forever,” he said, “I’ll probably just get a band over it.”

  23. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Watching Keith – segment about the Palin’s response – “going from victims to opportunists” Also she’s going to be on the Today Show tomorrow.

  24. sauerkraut says:

    One other thing about skunks… you can discourage them by putting small caps filled with household ammonia or peppermint oil along paths they commonly travel.

  25. sauerkraut says:

    84 MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:59 AM

    There’s a skunk living under my front porch.

    So, my beloved mudflatters: What do I do about Pepe? The porch is in serious need of refurbishing, so something MUST be done, and soon!


    Roxide makes a smoke bomb type product which works really, really well. Home Depot is one of the few places that carries the product. 5.97 per pack – contains 4 sticks. You light a stick and face the outcoming smoke under the porch. Keep it far enough away to not burn your porch down. And make sure of the wind direction. The stuff stinks. And it kills the smaller critters like chippies and mid-sized critters like ground hogs if you can get enough of the cyanide smoke in them.

  26. Paula says:

    Steele wasn’t impressed. “Letterman’s joke about Sarah and Todd Palin’s daughter was thoughtless and tacky,” Steele said in a statement to The Hill. “I saw his explanation for the joke, but sometimes the easiest thing to do is simply say ‘I’m sorry.'”

    “When Letterman starts making tasteless jokes about kids, it’s time to turn the channel,” he added.

    Todd Herman, who runs new media for the Republican National Committee, tweeted in response, “Steele suggests boycott of Letterman. New RNC chairman, NOW!”

  27. Closet Mudpup says:

    austintx @ 129

    There’s just no end to the twists and turns of rightie logic. It’s got to be hard to live with so much dissonance.

  28. Closet Mudpup says:

    A friend just sent me this video on Youtube. This is the best insight I’ve seen yet on the racism we live with – with apparently no end in sight.

    The Pathology of Privilege – Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality

    For years, acclaimed author and speaker Tim Wise has been electrifying audiences on the college lecture circuit with his deeply personal take on whiteness and white privilege. In this spellbinding lecture, the author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son offers a unique, inside-out view of race and racism in America. Expertly overcoming the defensiveness that often surrounds these issues, Wise provides a non-confrontational explanation of white privilege and the damage it does not only to people of color, but to white people as well.”.

  29. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Thanks ClosetMP for the link.

  30. Closet Mudpup says:

    The wingnuts go through the looking glass again. This from TPM –
    be sure to check out the video link to a Glenn Beck clip from yesterday with a rep from the Ayn Rand Institute …

    “It’s hardly been 24 hours since James Von Brunn allegedly walked into the Holocaust Museum and shot museum guard Stephen Johns. But already conservatives from Rush Limbaugh to Red State have started advancing their latest up-is-down meme: Von Brunn — a white supremacist consumed by hatred of Jews and blacks, who has called for President Obama to release his birth certificate — isn’t really a right-winger — in fact, he’s a lefty.

  31. SMR says:

    Suggestion for progressives & libruls: to counteract the crazies flooding David Letterman with hate mail following the manufactured outrage of the Palin clan, send a message via their feedback form showing your support of David Letterman!

    Sorry if someone has already posted this suggestion and I am being redundant!

    Here’s what I sent…

    This born & raised Alaskan, formerly registered as Republican for nearly 20 years, would like to thank David Letterman for his graciousness in the face of Sarah Palin’s hypocrisy.

    I sincerely doubt that Sarah Palin supporters spend much of their time watching David Letterman, as he does not espouse their “real American” values.

    This “Real American” living in Canada, however, sends her support and assures you that we will be happy to spend our hard-earned money to support your sponsors as long as you continue to speak to the truth and point out the hypocrisy of politicians and celebrities that put themselves, willingly, in the news.

  32. justafarmer says:

    Seems like “real news” are always being taken in by Andy Borowitz’s stuff.

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Businessman’s millions backed anti-Pebble campaign

    Is it just me, or could this guy be on GINO’s s#$T list b/c he opposed the mine? The problem is, is that he has money too, and money is power. Bet he didn’t fall for the winkin’ & blinkin’ and red ho shoes!

  34. BuffaloGal says:

    @116 samper

    The Gingrich/Fake-Broken-Ankle piece was picked up by a few sites and they ran with it as a real story. I totally thought it was a Gingrich quote when I read it.

    Even though it was satire it really DID sound so much like something he would say that these sites simply didn’t think twice about rebroadcasting the quotes. (but that doesn’t excuse not researching before posting but….. )

    I said this early that , at first, I found it funny but, after a few minutes of reflection, it was just plain scary. I think it forces the cold light of day onto the fact that the accepted talking points of the Republicans have now slipped to a really weird place.

  35. akgrrl says:

    #104 Isabella: Chastity Bono Undergoing Gender Reassignment Surgery

    Oh no! Will Chaz put on a pair of jeans and walk into the men’s room? The horror!

  36. Snoskred says:

    Say No To Palin In Politics – We have this for people who forgot their passwords –

    How To Reset Your Password

    If you continue to have problems let me know via the contact form on my blog –

    Contact Snoskred

  37. Marnie says:

    “One 10-year-old was lucky enough to skip school Thursday, see President Barack Obama speak in Green Bay, Wis.—and get a note from the president himself excusing her absence.”

    Obama knows how to keep his perspecive.

  38. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    @118 Writing from Alaska:

    I agree with WfAK. Let’s NOT go ‘there’, please!

  39. ValleyIndependent says:

    #118 & 105 – Good point on the link. Poor thinking on my part.

    I try to be fair and look at things objectively for myself before forming opinions, but I can easily pass on this one. Her mother has provided plenty of things to be outraged about without adding that one to the pile.

  40. “Somehow I missed the pic of Willow in short shorts. Does anybody have a link?”

    I know this message was farther up the thread, but just wanted to ask – PLEASE DO NOT put a link here of Willow in her short shorts, We don’t need to feed the nonsense and take the bait. Parading a young girl in front of a national audience dressed in short shorts is just baiting the public discourse, so that claims can be made of victimization. Creepy, I think. Let’s skip this one. Yes?

  41. ValleyIndependent says:

    Lilady, thanks for the fun story. He is a president we can be proud of, and he has a wife and kids we can be proud of, too. What great role models they are.

  42. samper says:

    I feel like an IDIOT! 🙁

    I thought Newt actually said that stuff… I’m not familiar with Borowitz.

    Still… Don’t you guys think it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that he could be that thick in the head????

    So, dear Sarah won’t go to NYC to “boost” Letterman’s ratings. Hmmm… does she realize that the boost would NOT be a good thing FOR HER as he would make her look like the fool she really is?

    It’s not like she would go, shine like the brightest star in the sky, attract FAR more supporters and go home with a little halo sitting atop her tiara.

    No, he would slam her (in a comedic way) that she doesn’t have the intellectual fortitude to pick up on. Letterman’s loyal followers will see it for what it is and she will think it’s all flowers and kittens.

    Sure, his ratings would be good, but they always are. Having her on wouldn’t really change all that much and if it did, so what? ONE night of ratings does not a show make.

    It’s certainly not a history making guest spot to have on a vindictive, mean spirited, stupid, ignorant, hypocritical tramp on his show.

    Wait, yes it would be! 🙂

  43. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    austintx Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:07 AM
    Speak English ?? Let’s learn to spell………..
    OMG and of course, he’s from my home state.

  44. Terpsichore says:

    austintx Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:07 AM
    Speak English ?? Let’s learn to spell………..

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Why am I not surprised? He’s got a Minuteman bumper sticker on his big gas-guzzling vehicle (yes, I am making an assumption that he is a he).

    Had the misfortune of finding out about them last year following a story about a junior HS teacher in Ohio who was rather blatently teaching Creationism in his Science class. Got fired, fought it, don’t know how successfully ’cause I stopped following the story.

    This same teacher had been active in anti-abortion protests with other Minutemen.


    So I can totally see how if these people are perfectly happy to dumb down science classes, they could also disdain education in general.

  45. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Margaret’s hit the nail on the head again re: o’reilly

  46. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    new thread up……Scarah’s in bed with Exxon

  47. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    dang we’re going into our 4th day in a row of tornadic weather moving through, running to the basement 3 and 4 times is getting old, besides it’s a musty down there, uck, looks like tomorrow we’ll have it also.

    Was it BigSlick that said something recently about strange weather and a close encounter? We loose tv and internet connection, thank goodness for weather radios.

  48. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Ugh, now I am on a total Iz fix. Not going to get my work down. Here are some more nice ones: (sniff, sniff)

    Someone mentioned Hawaii 78, the last link there and wishing to know what the words meant (if I remember the earlier comment correctly). The opening line that is repeated is:

    Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono (The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness) — it is the State Motto

    ok! back to work!

  49. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    thank you Nebraska mud pup……

  50. InJuneau says:

    Say NO–we do know them, but never met the pug.

  51. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    injuneau……no I’m not on the forum now, I was quite a while ago but have since forgotten my password, lol……I just saw the pic of the pug pup with the toy and thought of my puppies, awe, and then heh, we could make a scarah dog toy, lol. I think I got to the blog via Phils, not sure. You must know them?

  52. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @Say NO to Palin in Politics:

    glad you like the Iz video. He was such an icon of the Hawaiian Sovereignty movement, and instilled so much pride in all people from Hawaii. Unfortunately he and his brother both had genetic morbid obesity and died so young. Their voices were angelic. I was at Makaha Beach in that celebration towards the end of the video, mostly sitting back observing as I was not originally from that community and had been away from Hawaii for some time (though the beach he is sitting at earlier in the video is the beach I grew up on!). It was just as you say, a celebration of life, dignity, art and beauty.

    “Over the Rainbow” is in a lot of movies. I was on a flight from the Middle East back here as my father-in-law was dying and I tried to cheer myself up by watching Adam Sandler’s “51 Dates” (and taking advantage of the attendants’ bottomless vodka tonics!). The end of the movie came, many v&t’s later, and Iz’s version of “Over the Rainbow” starts, . I sat in that seat blubbering, it was so embarrassing!

  53. ValleyIndependent says:

    Somehow I missed the pic of Willow in short shorts. Does anybody have a link?

  54. Isabella says:

    Chastity Bono Undergoing Gender Reassignment Surgery

    Chastity Bono, daughter of Cher and the late Sonny Bono, is undergoing gender reassignment surgery, has learned.

    Chastity, who is transitioning from female to male, began the process earlier this year after turning 40.

    “Yes, it’s true — Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity,” publicist Howard Bragman tells

  55. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–OK, so I didn’t actually pay attention to the address of that blog you linked me to for the picture of Mikulas… that IS the one I was thinking of (and the one I was going to send you…having a cold induced foggy brain day!).

  56. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @MonaLisa IS MY NAME!:

    During Letterman’s response to SP last night suddenly the tv room was filled with skunk smell. Oddly, a skunk was just outside and guess it was a Sarasite, because it let loose on the house! The dogs were inside, nothing outside harassing it, just the sound of Letterman’s voice talking about SP. Filled the whole house. Not a nice way to try to go to sleep.

    As InJuneau says, you should call the wildlife department, or maybe a university agriculture extension department if you have such in your area. They have to be trapped, which you can do but risk getting skunked, as well as possibly leaving babies behind, which would not only be sad but they can die and then rot under the porch. There are also private pest removal services.

    Good luck!

  57. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    from yesterdays open thread…….I wanted to thank those who posted IZ youtube…….I hadn’t seen that, it is beautiful and exactly my idea of a funeral, we did that just one year ago we called it a “celebration” of his (our dear friend’s) personal life, he too was a very talented musician/singer/carpenter/community organizer, our large group of musicly talented friends played his favs for the service then we had a party and reminisced all the good memories, everyone brought their pics, it was wonderful.

    I want to be cremated and my ashes released into the wind from a high CO mountain top, I want a party of celebrated remembrance. Good eats, good music, good conversation, good freinds loving each other, good drink also, too.

    here is that link if someone missed it, there is wonderful background info too but it was too much to cut and paste. thanks again! I sent it to our group of friends. I’m going to watch more of his youtube vids later.

  58. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–are you over on the Forum? If so, what’s your name there? I could PM you the blog of the owner so you can see if it’s your dog!

  59. BuffaloGal says:

    Omydeargawd – has it really come to this ?? A new MTV series focused on 16 year old pregnant girls ?? There’s even a reference to Bristol in the article :

    >>now that the network has turned out the very Bristol Palin-era “16 and Pregnant” (beginning Thursday), a documentary-style series about real-life Junos who are not scoring in the 99th percentile on the verbal portion of their SATs. Each week revolves around a different girl struggling with the challenges of teenage pregnancy, and if the first three episodes are any indication, no one opts for abortion or giving the baby up to a pair of well-established 35-year olds. <<

  60. nebraska mudflatter says:

    @Say NO to Palin in Politics:

    see, if someone made scarah doll dog toys it would be viewed as sexist…..I say hey, if it’s good enough for W, just sayin…….

    We had one of the W dolls and our surly older cat loved it. But it was creepy, because he always licked the crotch area. Seriously. We had suspected he was a Republican based on his temperament.

    And anyway, Scarah can’t get too upset about sexist toys . . . remember the Dan Sullivan fundraiser that AKM covered? She pointed out how the “Hillary Nutcrackers” were auction items. And there was Scarah, lovin’ it all!

  61. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–so you’re in MO? I think they did travel from D.C. to get that pug, and it might have been to MO. It would just be so odd that there’d be two tan and black pugs with that same name out there…!

  62. mae lewis says:

    @MonaLisa Didn’t see your post when I was going on about Letterman. Since I feed the birds, I attract all of the other wildlife, too. My problems include raccoons, rabbits, deer, ground squirrels, even skunks. The deer and rabbit had been making breakfast-lunch-and-dinner of my hosta until I tried Liquid Fence. It comes in a ready to spray solution, or you can buy the concentrate and dilute it to spray. I only need a couple of applications: when the hosta are first coming up, once all over the leaves, last on the flowers. Seems to last through rainy weather. Proof that it really works is the half chewed spit out leaf leaf that I occasionally find on the lawn. One word of warning: this stuff really STINKS of garlic, rotten eggs, tomato and more. Lately, I’ve poured the concentrate down the little ground squirrels’ holes and they don’t go back to that spot. (They were chewing up stairs and the house). All I want is for them to just go to another yard.

    I did an internet search, just googling “get rid of deer” or “repel deer,” and some other good products came up, which I am also trying. Again, both STINK like anything, so I recommend wearing a mask, gloves and old work clothes. Messina Squirrel Stopper has a sort of napha smell. You might also be interested in Bonide Products Shot Gun Repels since it has a picture of all of the animals, including skunk; it seems to be ‘all purpose.’ I bought it at Best Nest. Both of these come in pellet form to sprinkle on the ground, down their little burrows and also a liquid to spray on plants. There are many others to choose from, but overall, I’ve had my best luck with these. The other nasty thing to do is put your garden hose down the borrow and try to flood the critter out. I did this with a woodchuck, who has moved across the street. It won’t work with the ground squirrels (too massive an underground network). I don’t know how the skunks burrow-nest-hide out. Good Luck!

  63. InJuneau says:

    MonaLisa–I’d recommend getting in touch with your state’s Department of Fish and Game or Fish and Wildlife (whatever they call it there) and ask for advice/assistance. Depending on the status of the skunk in your state, they may even be willing to trap and relocate it for you.

  64. nebraska mudflatter says:


    nebraska mudflatter–that job actually existed under previous administrations and was gotten rid of by this one. NOW they’re realizing that they need someone in that position again. It’s not as nefarious as everyone seems to think it is…

    Thanks for the clarification! I still do find it weird that Bill would basically admit that he has no experience relevant to the position. But, I guess if it was appointed it doesn’t matter. We have few appointed positions here in NE, and in HI where I am from originally, so this all seems weird to me!

  65. InJuneau says:

    As for the debate about whether Willow was at the game, there were photos on HuffPo that showed what I’m sure was her sitting in the row below GINO and Co.

  66. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    no inJuneau, I don’t “think” that is one of my pups, I never shipped so unless they came here it isn’t one of mine…..I was just saying I used to breed them (small time, AKC reg.) ……the animal rights/Peta wackos were freaking me out. they don’t want ANYONE breeding and target ANY breeder to confiscate your dogs, not just the terrible godawful puppy mills. Too many extreme weirdos out there.

    We’re big dog lovers, living in a puppy mill state it breaks my heart to see how many dogs are dumped along the rural roads. I pick them up when I can and take them to no kill shelters where they’ll be rehomed otherwise some dang ruthless rural jerk will shoot them. BTW, I had no clue when we moved from CO with our dogs to MO that it was the #1 leading puppy mill state, everyone in the rural areas it seems breeds dogs.

  67. LiladyNY says:

    MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:59 AM

    There’s a skunk living under my front porch.

    This site has a lot of great information:

  68. LiladyNY says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics
    btw I used to breed pugs, fond memories of hard work and puppy play…..they are great dogs, they make ya laugh.

    I have a little 18 pound, 9-year-old Pug furbaby. I’ve had her since she was 10 weeks old and fit in the palm of my hand. I adore her. She is ticklish, and I swear she “giggles” when I tickle her. Pugs are awesome dogs.

  69. mae lewis says:

    Back to Letterman: We’ve seen the 7 minute apology, but what Sarah doesn’t realize is that every time that she responds (I’m not going to NY to boost his ratings) he gets to make some more jokes (and boost his ratings). And, in case any one in the audience hasn’t heard the jokes already, he will tell them again and again and again. Don’t want the joke repeated? Just laugh it off and don’t respond. Want to hear the ARod, Spitzer and Bloomingdales jokes again, please do respond. Didn’t McCain teach her anything?

  70. pearl89 says:

    It appears that SP did not need to worry about Obama reading terrorists their rights, it was already being done by Pres Bush. Appears once again, SP needs to do more and better homework on a subject before spouting off. How many times can one person be wrong and still so revered by the extreme right?

  71. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Mona Lisa – I have no idea – but have to tell you that was a great post to read!!

  72. BigSlick says:

    Quote of the Day goes to Robert J Elisberg at HuffPo

    “I don’t care what Bristol Palin has to say. I wish her an exceedingly happy life, but it’s her life. Beyond that, she’s a teenage girl whose entire claim to fame is that her mother is a failed vice-presidential candidate, and she got knocked up in high school.”

    Bravo! Reality in a nutshell!

  73. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    There’s a skunk living under my front porch.

    I know this because, one night in early spring, I heard a rustle in the bushes, and looked down over the railing to see furry white-striped blackness. Not that the smell wasn’t a dead give-away….

    His ‘front door’ is located behind a WAY overgrown, 30 year-old rhododendron, with a side door behind my 20 year-old climbing roses.

    Last week, I tackled the rhodies, pruning them into as tidy a shape as possible, (one eye CONSTANTLY on Pepe’s front door, just in case he decided to suddenly convert from the nocturnal!) planting 3 different types of hostas and creeping myrtle underneath, with wave petunias in the newly full sun but still naked-from-the-rhody’s-shade soil.

    The roses are in MASSIVE bloom right now, I just can not bring myself to prune them back yet.

    So, my beloved mudflatters: What do I do about Pepe? The porch is in serious need of refurbishing, so something MUST be done, and soon!

    HELP! 🙂

  74. justafarmer says:

    BTW, if anyone is interested, you can read some of Borowitz’s other satire pieces at

  75. justafarmer says:

    Borowitz is a genius. A lot of his stuff “sounds true” and often gets picked up as fact.

  76. BigSlick says:

    Here’s a good piece by Michael Rowe about the macro-issues surrounding the Holocaust Museum shooting

  77. Paula says:

    samper- can Gingrich get ANY more pompous and idiotic than this

    Sad to say, but I bet he can.

  78. Canadian Neighbour says:

    54 Wurzelhexli,
    The picture of Judi Guiliana — that’s Rudy’s wife – married in 2003

  79. BuffaloGal says:

    justafarmer –
    Re: The Gingrich / Fake Broken Ankle story – It was picked up in a few places as a real story. Now that I reread it it sure does sound like Borowitz or something from The Onion. The funny thing to me is that it also sounded enough like Newt to be true!

    Wait – that’s not funny at all. That’s just scary!

  80. Paula says:

    InJuneau Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 10:36 AM
    Paula–give your daughter a big “way to go” from the ‘Flats!
    My kid rocks and used birth control. I think she calls it ‘responsible family planning.’

  81. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Hey Samper! The thingy on HuffPo is by Andy Borowitz – comedy I believe 🙂

  82. Paula says:

    (I promise AKM, it’s not… wink, wink, so far from it)

  83. justafarmer says:

    hi samper!
    that Gingrich story is a joke (really!) The author, Andy Borowitz, is a comedy writer and everything he writes for HuffPo is satire.

  84. InJuneau says:

    Paula–give your daughter a big “way to go” from the ‘Flats!

  85. Baker's Dozen says:

    Uh, no, the oldest trick in the book is using multiple women–payed via money, barter, or wedded exchange–for one’s personal pleasure and then dumping them when tired of them. Newt knows all about that trick!

  86. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–you bred THAT Mikulas? The one who lives in D.C. now with a husky and a senate staffer and spouse?

  87. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Samper……..Gingrich just made himself a public fool, hey maybe he and Scarah could run together.

  88. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    see, if someone made scarah doll dog toys it would be viewed as sexist…..I say hey, if it’s good enough for W, just sayin…….

    btw I used to breed pugs, fond memories of hard work and puppy play…..they are great dogs, they make ya laugh.

  89. deist says:

    Mudflats: That’s a nice picture of Berta. Wish she was governor and not Palin– wouldn’t that be different!

  90. samper says:

    From HuffPo (can Gingrich get ANY more pompous and idiotic than this??):

    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich accused Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor today of faking a broken ankle in order to get sympathy votes during her Senate confirmation.

    “She’s only wearing that fake cast to help her rack up votes,” Mr. Gingrich said. “The minute she’s confirmed, she’ll whip it off and start dancing a jig.”

    While Ms. Sotomayor reportedly broke her ankle while rushing to catch a plane, the former House Speaker said, “The fake-ankle-cast thing is the oldest trick in the book.”

    Mr. Gingrich said that if Ms. Sotomayor was counting on arousing the empathy of Republican senators by faking a broken ankle, she was “sorely mistaken.”

    “Ms. Sotomayor needs to brush up on her law,” he said. “Last time I checked, empathy was unconstitutional.”

    God, he’s pathetic!

  91. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    For those who need Exxon Valdez oil spill refresher here’s a link……

  92. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    well I have a post awaiting mod…..#63 it’s about a poll I think is deceptively worded. I didn’t double check the bottom of the post where a link was automatically loaded when I cut and pasted so it has two of the same links, my bad, lol.

    but do check out the poll, see what you think.

  93. Lainey says:

    Doesn’t stupid, ignorant palin realize that her daughter was “active” much younger than when she was actually busted by being inpregnated? Jeez, you would think palin, herself being inpregnated before marriage, would get it! But then, I would confuse her with a normal person. so sorry
    People who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones…isn’t this illuded to in somebody’s Bible?

  94. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this is a rather deceptive poll, if you agree to it being tasteless, you are agreeing to Scarah’s right to be mad the two don’t have to equate.

    Was she really given an award?

    “It doesn’t matter whether he was talking about Willow or Bristol, what he said was unacceptable,” responded Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

    Palin was in New York to receive an award for her advocacy for children with disabilities.

    Read more:

  95. Paula says:

    My daughter, who is very quiet and shy rarely comments on anything, BUT she was at the granny in laws last night… Granny listens to O’Reilly faithfully and was railing against Letterman. Daughter said, no granny, it was a joke about the 18 years old. Granny said oh but she’s helping other kids learn blah blah. Daughter says, well it sure didn’t look like it in the people magazine, they didn’t show a single picture of a screaming dirty kid in a highchair, just a huge perfect house with a well dressed happy baby and mother. Not like the kids I know who got preggo in HS. Granny said…”hmm..”

  96. Paula says:

    aha- I am afraid the trouble here is that you were looking for and expecting “integrity.” Thus the complaints and cost and problem with the woman who holds the office -she has NONE.

    Posted earlier, but I tell ya, a piece worth reposting, a worthy read. Amen!

  97. aha says:

    I just read the opening diatribe for the Alaska Fund Trust. If I were an Alaskan a complaint would be forthcoming. This opening statement is completely misleading and if a contributor were not paying close attention might think he/she were donating to the State of Alaska. The ”integrity” of the Alaska Governor’s Office doesn’t need defending and isn’t being attacked.

    The ”integrity” of the person occupying that Office is being questioned in order to preserve the ”integrity” of the Office. It is misleading to imply, by referencing the amount of money the State of Alaska has had to pay, that my money would be applied to that debt, now or in the future. Any money contributed to this fund will leave out the door with Sarah Palin when she leaves office and none of it will EVER be contributed to the State’s bills.

    Completely dishonest and unethical, even if only in appearance. I feel cheated.

    “Welcome to The Alaska Fund Trust

    The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created to defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues. These baseless accusations have cost Alaska more than $1 million in public monies to defend, and Governor Palin has incurred more than half a million dollars in personal debt defending her official actions as Governor. You can help by donating to the Alaska Fund Trust today!”

  98. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    yeppers, he sure did. thank you for all the good reminders Phil…….let’s here her groupies justify this! and remember there was not a word from her on the 25th anniversary, she knew she’d be going to them.

    “Andrew Halcro predicted we might be visiting this Exxon territory. He also accurately predicted Palin’s endgame scenario.”

    “At the time, Gov. Palin characterized the movement of the case from the Ninth Circuit to the Supreme Court, and the lowering of the initial Anchorage jury’s large award to plaintiffs, “a kick in Alaska’s collective gut.”

  99. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Looks like Huff Po is getting lots of recognition this morning

    Wonderful article re: GINO & Bristol

    “Sarah and Bristol Palin have chosen to pummel America by lecturing on abstinence. Except for that part about how cool it is to be a high school graduate with your baby. ”

    read more @

  100. txindygirl says:

    54 Wurzelhexli Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 9:36 AM
    Re. Lettermans jokes about GINO:

    Check this out! Palins daughter was not even at the game – it was Giulianis daughter (who looks a bit like Willow)


    isn’t the woman in the cream blazer (whom we believe is judi giuliani) wearing a WEDDING RING?

    also, too. the manner of the “mystery” woman’s dress. wasn’t willow wearing cutoff shorty shorts to the autism walk? i can’t see her going from that level of super casual to sophisticated chic just to go to a BALL GAME.

    how disingenuous of the palins to drag willow into the middle of adult humor. way to protect the kids. sheesh

  101. InJuneau says:

    So, does the description of the now former Miss CA sound like anyone else we know?

  102. InJuneau says:

    TX Lisa–the hiring freeze ended on June 1.

    nebraska mudflatter–that job actually existed under previous administrations and was gotten rid of by this one. NOW they’re realizing that they need someone in that position again. It’s not as nefarious as everyone seems to think it is…

  103. Wurzelhexli says:

    Re. Lettermans jokes about GINO:

    Check this out! Palins daughter was not even at the game – it was Giulianis daughter (who looks a bit like Willow)

  104. InJuneau says:

    CG–the job that McAllister’s moved to at Law is an Exempt job, so it’s an appointed, not a hired, position; there wouldn’t have been a Workplace Alaska listing for it. That job also does not have class specs listed in Workplace either, so they’re whatever the boss wants them to be.

  105. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’ll say!…….

    What Fox did is not just create a venue for alternative opinion. It created an alternate reality.

  106. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    har har har………

    ST. PAUL, Minn. — Republican Norm Coleman must pay Democrat Al Franken $94,783 to cover court costs for his appeal of Minnesota Senate election results.

  107. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this should be fun to watch, lol……..

    “When you see the video of her shout-out, if you haven’t already, it’ll be no secret to you that she has some serious difficulty in delivering a joke even to an audience that should be at least somewhat friendly. Who the Hell came up with that joke anyways? Why the heck did she think it was good enough to spoil the surprise of Colbert’s USO-sponsored trip to Iraq?

    Apparently, Sarah Palin’s comedy is best when it’s unintended. When the video comes on-line, I’ll be sure to check it out a second time to figure out if there really was heckling taking place. Utter bleepin’ failure. If that’s the future of the Republican Party, bring it on.”

  108. I found something really interesting yesterday folks might be interested in – the 11th article of the Treaty with Tripol in the 1700’s –

    ARTICLE 11.
    As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

    This treaty was passed by congress and signed by John Adams, none other than one of the founding fathers, and second US President after Washington.

  109. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Btw, have you read about the details that are coming out about this Holocaust Museum shooter?

    “According to, investigators found a notebook in the car believed to belong to von Brunn with a list of other targets in the city. Other locations on the list included the U.S. Capitol, the White House, the Washington Post, and a FOX News location.”
    Why couldn’t he have started at Fox News?

  110. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    now here’s a true Alaskan Maverick, lol

    Star Wars is just around the corner.

  111. nebraska mudflatter says:


    “I’ll be learning a lot about civil and criminal law. It’s actually something I haven’t done before…”

    Only in Alaska can you get hired into a top level government position created especially for you . . . and for which you possess NO qualifications!

  112. Good morning folks – I was just reading a bunch of the comments on the open thread and thought I was at the Letterman post – wish some of these comments had been left there so that the whole conversation could be shared.

  113. SlappyOC says:

    @lower 48 mudflats fan:

    Great article, thanks!

  114. TX Lisa says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics @ 24
    CG @ 40

    Very good points.
    Plus, how can a NEW position be created when the state has a HIRING FREEZE?

    I wonder what kind of dirtywork she wants Bill to do for her in the AG’s office?

    Probably tamp down any complaints made against her and spin everything going on in that Dept. that is a “problem” for her.

  115. BuffaloGal says:

    Posted this over on the kerfuffle thread but figured it should go here too.

    A piece on Huff Po about Sarah using her children as props:

  116. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Texas paper article on pipeline talks…….

    Exxon Mobil enters talks to help build Alaska gas pipeline

  117. CG says:

    Finally. There it is: “I’m a Christian—I believe that it was the Lord’s will that I got this job.“
    Okay. That explains why McAllister is on Palin’s staff and how a government employee can be so stunningly rude to the voting public and citizenry.
    And here’s the other reason. His wife is also a state employee – in the Oil and Gas Division; Palin’s previous stomping grounds.

    Okay, so reassigned – special assistant to the attorney general. What? Really?
    “I’ll be learning a lot about civil and criminal law. It’s actually something I haven’t done before…” No, actually, really? Huh.

    So, was there a Recruitment Bulletin posted on Workplace Alaska? Is Bill minimally qualified, according to State of Alaska recruitment protocol?

    Here’s the minimum qualifications for the lowest level job in that office, basically the secretary. Do you have this skill set, Bill?

    Six (6) months of legal secretarial experience working in an attorney’s office, either civil or criminal.
    Experience that demonstrates your ability to deal with dissatisfied/angry people on the telephone or in person.

    Ability to develop and to maintain cooperative working relationships with a wide variety of people.
    Ability to exercise a high degree of tact, discretion and sound judgment.
    Ability to exercise good judgment in interpreting and applying court rules and regulations.

    Additional information:
    Examples of Legal Documents: Affidavit; Appeal Brief; Arrest, Search or Bench Warrants; Assignments of Right, Certificate of Service, Charging Document, Children’s Proceeding, Condemnation, Court Report, Demand Letter, Directions for Service, Discovery Request or Response, Dismissal, Disposition, Entry of Appearances, Governor’s Warrant (out-of-state fugitive), Guardianship or Conservator, Grand Jury Waiver Hearing Transcript, Indictment, Information, Interrogatory, Judicial Certification, Jury Instructions, Legislation and Regulations, Lien Discharge, Memorandum of Advice/Instruction, Mental Commitment Dismissal, Motions (e.g., to withdraw, to quash bench warrant, for time extension, to change remand dates, to change conditions of release), Notices (e.g., unavailability, of expert, of intent to impeach, of change of judge), Formal or Informal Opinion, Opposition or Non-opposition, Order, Petition to Revoke Probation, Proposed Decision, Release or Settlement Agreement, Replies, Restitution Judgment, Rule 11 or Non-Sis Judgment, Rule 45 and Rule 5 Waiver, Satisfaction of Judgment, Sentence Memorandum, Sentence or Merit Appeal, Stipulation of Counsel (e.g., add, remove, change third party custodians; modify or continue; request hearing date; Rule 20 Transfer), Subpoena, Summons or Complaint, Temporary Order, Writ of Assistance, Writ of Executions.

    Examples of contacts for the purpose of obtaining, exchanging and correcting information and explaining or relaying information pertaining to legal and administrative procedures and processes: Third Party Custodians, Court Clerks, Court Reporters, Defendants, FBI, Federal Trade Commission, Judges, Judges’ Secretary, Judicial Services, Legislators, Aides, Native Corporations, Councils, Opposing Counsel or Staff, Parents, Police Officers, Staff, Private or Contract Attorneys, Staff, Probation Officers, Public Guardians, Social Workers, State Troopers, Staff, Teachers, Therapists, Victims, Witnesses.

    Examples of Commonly Used References: Administrative Code and Manual, Administrative Procedure Act, Alaska Statutes, APSIN, NLETS & NCIC Manuals, Bankruptcy Court Rules, Black’s Law Dictionary, Case Management Manual, Children’s’ Court Rules, Criminal and Traffic Law Manual, Department Style Manual, Directory of Attorneys, Federal Code of Regulations, Legal Secretaries Handbook, Legislation Drafting Manuals, Federal Appellate Practice Guide, Legislative Handbook, Notary Handbook, Polk’s Directory, Probate Court Rules, Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules of Court, Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Rules of the Supreme Court, Uniform System of Citation, Webster’s Legal Speller and Dictionary.

    Are you familiar with all this stuff, Bill?

    One more story of carpetbaggers moving to Alaska for permanent fund checks and juicy jobs that they wouldn’t be hired for anywhere else.

    Sorry, yeah, I’m a little bitter…

  118. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    is Meg supposed to be leaking information “for” Scarah about her work as gov? I thought the two were supposed to be separate?

    “Politico quoted Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton saying that it was likely negotiations over a key pipeline project.”

  119. Lainey says:

    Right now, I’m listening to this press conference in DC regarding the killing at the Holocaust Museum. I wonder if palin feels ANY responsibility…nahhh, probably not. BUT, (wouldn’t this be eye-opening and transparent) if the investigators could link a connection between palin’s “suggestions” and what this lunatic enacted…if he had been influenced in any way by hate words of palin’s and others in the right wing political/media world…maybe those limbaugh/palin/beck types, with a conscience, will stop all the “psycho talk”!!! One can only pray. Free speech is one thing…this is quite another!

  120. BuffaloGal says:

    Here ya go folks. Take a swig and pass it to the Palin blogger to your left. ( note I didn’t say right!)

  121. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Follow the money, if Scarah is trying to push something through it most likely has deep dark reasons, the sprawling outside city limits development comment struck me, who stands to benefit by that? I got that far and thought hmmmmm, now to read the rest.

    “the Palin administration has suddenly stepped in and is trying to keep the project alive. It’s a misguided use of state time and transportation dollars. Many people, including us, believe the bridge to mostly empty land in the Mat-Su does not fit into Anchorage 2020, the city’s development plan. It promotes sprawling development outside city limits”

  122. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Death at the Holocaust Museum and the Degradation of the American Dialogue

    Sarah “Screw the Political Correctness” Palin, on the other hand, seemed right at home. She marched into those same crowds grinning and winking, and “Yoo betcha-ing” like she was onstage at the Miss Alaska pageant. While her supporters waved watermelon slices and stuffed monkeys, Palin talked about who the “real Americans” were, and who was “palling around with terrorists.” She refused to address the blatant racism of her fans, or address the obvious exploitation of Obama’s middle name, Hussein, and the implication she herself was making with her “terrorist” comments.

    She was, after all, playing to the accurately-named Republican “base,” the same crowd to whom George Bush had sold his second presidential term by pandering to their darkest and most cowardly aspect. This time out it was fear of gay marriage and adoption, carefully tended fear of another 9/11, fear of more fallout from a war they still didn’t believe he’d lied about.

    One can almost appreciate the horrible honesty of the racists among the McCain-Palin supporters who were able to admit what the others obfuscated: that they didn’t want a black man in the White House. Certain videos from their rallies are deeply disturbing. They showcase the seething racism of her most ardent followers.

  123. samper says:

    Sarah must be BESIDE herself that one of “her own” has been FIRED for something as TRIVIAL as not complying with contract terms! I’m sure a phone call of consolation is to be expected by Prejean… wonder what Bible Boobs has to say? “Boo Hoo! I’ve been VICTIMIZED by this silly CONTRACT and the LIBERAL MEDIA and ALL DEMOCRATS and GAYS and EVERYONE SUCH AS!”

    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Beauty queen Carrie Prejean, who ignited a furor at the Miss USA pageant by taking a stand against gay marriage, has been fired as Miss California for violating her contract, officials said on Wednesday.

    Prejean, who nearly lost her Miss California crown last month following the same-sex marriage flap and revelations that she had posed topless at age 17, failed to fulfill her duties, a pageant spokesman said.

    “This was a decision based solely on contract violations including Ms. Prejean’s unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization,” Keith Lewis, the pageant’s executive director, said in a statement.

    I snipped the remainder of this article. Please provide only a small portion of the article and then link. Otherwise it’s a copyright problem. Thanks! AKM

  124. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this media whine business by Scarah and Mr. Bill and MEG is ridiculous……..they have convinced themselves that it’s true, that’s unfounded and unfair. Crazy I say.

    I think Mr. Bill does not realize he’s being played by underhanded Scarah. Put it all together Bill, you are blindly loyal.

    She doesn’t want to sit down and shut up now and she never did before, so quit blaming the media! She’s an unqualified politician rock star who is addicted to the lime light, simple as that, which makes her a lightning rod for media coverage.

    “Ziegler claims that McAllister wasn’t in the loop, because this wasn’t a state issue. “This was done at her home on her own time,” Ziegler writes in an email. “This was simply an understandable miscommunication caused by the pressure on the governor to keep state matters separate from those dealing with the campaign.”

    “Tuesday evening, on CNN, political rivals discussing the situation between Palin and the media found common ground. Republican pundit Bill Bennett said, “She should step out of the limelight and the media should leave her alone.” Democratic strategist James Carville agreed.”

  125. Lilybart says:

    Mike Hawker writes very well! Or just in comparison to GINO1

  126. ValleyIndependent says:

    Mike Hawker’s response to Palin’s defense of her stance on energy stimulus money.

    Is anybody surprised that she can’t tell the truth about this, either?

  127. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 6:41 AM

    I just happened to read the comments after the records request story, most fascinating!
    This needs to be saved or forwarded to someone! I just love reading comments, you can find out the best stuff sometimes 😀

  128. Mae says:

    Govenor Barbie now wants “the bridge to nowhere” to be built…

    apparently she directed staff to start working on its completion over two months ago…?

    Good grief…

  129. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I just happened to read the comments after the records request story, most fascinating!

    Did the Guardsmen ever get investigated? doesn’t sound like it, all sorts of people are asking for help, saying the corruption is all true. That Palin is looking the other way and ignoring this. the comments range from Oct. 24, 08 to March, 09!!!!

    What is going on??? Why isn’t someone investigating this???

    RMW wrote on Jan 25, 2009 7:42 PM:
    ” There is a cover up in the Alaska National Guard and should be iinvestigated. However, Sarah Palin could be involved along with the Generals. This would make a great media iinvestigation. ”

    RMW wrote on Nov 15, 2008 7:06 PM:
    ” My son is an Alaska National Guardsman and that Guard is as corrupt as they come. My son served 2 tours in Afghanistan with bravery and honor. These Generals, Campbell and Kacass have been on a “witch hunt” since he’s been back because he won’t do something dishonorable for them. They have denied him a promotion and silver star even though it was recommended by a commander in Afghanistan for his bravery. These Generals are real sob’s and I want justice. They are doing unethical and crooked things and should be held accountable. ”

    Barbara wrote on Oct 24, 2008 5:42 PM:
    ” I worked for the state in their IT department and can tell you that there is no technology issues. When Palin came to office they installed Outlook along with an electronic archiving system ( that provides for redaction of sensitive information. There’s no need to print anything out. Searches are almost instantaneous. And the IT division put clear policies and procedures in place for just this type of request. The ‘labor’ involved is minimal to do a search that searches title, body and even attachments. Look into it. There’s no tech issues. Stonewalling is the issue. “

  130. lower 48 mudflats fan says:

    Now & then I come on an article that’s so samazing, creative, & beautifully written it has to be shared. Wanted to share this one today with you all who I suspect will appreciate it greatly, as you know crazy when you see it. 🙂 Re: Obama:

  131. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    And where are those emails? And I still wonder, do other states charge like this for public record requests?

    “About a month before Governor Sarah Palin was picked by Senator John McCain to be his running mate on the Republican ticket for his presidential bid, I filed a public records request with the governor’s office. My request asked for emails to or from Governor Palin and several of her staff members regarding the Alaskan candidates for the U.S. House and Senate (and, for fun, regarding her nemesis Andrew Halcro). Since Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell was running against Congressman Don Young in the Republican primary, I wanted to see if there was any politicking happening that was on state time or with the state’s resources (something Palin was found to have been doing during her last year as mayor of Wasilla).”

    As per the statute that addresses public records, I asked that any fees be waived because my request was in the public interest. But Linda Perez, the governor’s administrative director who handles such requests, declined to waive the fees, and quoted me $6,500 to get the emails I’d requested.

    I emailed Perez back and withdrew my request, remarking on the expense and telling her I’d assumed that an electronic request would be simple.”

  132. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hmmmmm, I don’t get it. If Scarah is so fiscally responsible and belt tight, why doesn’t she work with a “private” non-profit organization that wants to save orphaned moose calves? If it’s done carefully and responsibly and monitored why doesn’t she work with them?

    And this writer seems to think it’s not quite right that this organization use the radio to further it’s cause. Wonder what he thinks of Scarah’s lawyer repeatedly using the radio to further her cause.

    I’m sure it complicated.

    That’s Flashlight’s nickname for the two orphan moose calves confiscated by the state of Alaska from the back of a pickup truck last week.

  133. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hmmmmm, Mr. Bill seems rather blind when it comes to Scarah, love is blind?
    a new attorney general will be nominated by Palin soon, Mr. Bill won’t just be the spokesperson, he’ll be helping the new AG on “Special Projects”, Scarah asked him to move to this job. Sounds like she has some serious plans doesn’t it.

    AND if the govs office is not supposed to be coordinating with MEG, then how did the Repub dinner that blew up come to be on her travel agenda?

    AND Mr. Bill, how come it’s a good thing for the leg to have regular press access for the public but you don’t think it’s a good thing for the public to hear and have access to the governor? Strange.

    “McAllister’s new job is special assistant to the attorney general. We currently have an acting attorney general, Rick Svobodny, but a new nominee will be announced by the governor’s office soon (McAllister wouldn’t say who). McAllister’s replacement hasn’t been announced, but in the ADN’s Alaska Ear column last week Sheila Toomey wrote she’d heard it’s a guy named David Murrow.

    McAllister’s new job will be partly media relations, but really it’s a brand new venture for him. “There’ll be internal components as well as the external components,” he says. “It won’t just be media relations, I’ll be on special projects—a lot of this is still to be determined when the new attorney general comes on board, exactly what the mix is. I’ll be learning a lot about both civil and criminal law.”

  134. Gramiam says:

    They have a new name in Texas for Representatives who toe the Republican party line rather than represent their constituents. They call them Congressvarmints!! I love that! Sounds like there are some of those in Alaska, too. Here in Arizona, we have a State House and Senate FULL of them.

  135. austintx says:

    21 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:11 AM
    tigerwine Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:04 AM

    RE: Miss California dethronement: Any notice just how much Carrie Prejean sounds like Palin? Not showing up for scheduled appearances, not honoring her contract, saying she would do as she liked, not needing any advisors. And, to me, they are soooo alike hiding behind Christian values, all the time doing stuff most of us woulnd’t think of: posing semi-nude (Prejean) ignoring folks in distress (Western AK, etc.). Wonder if Palin ever heard of the Good Samaritan? And then there’s the distorting the truth thing.
    She will probably invite bible boobs up to AK and create a job for her!
    Speakin’ about boobs , what are they gonna do about those ?? They invested in her future with that purchase. Does she give those , along with the crown to the runner-up ?? Or , at the least , they should give her the bill.

  136. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    tigerwine Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 5:04 AM

    RE: Miss California dethronement: Any notice just how much Carrie Prejean sounds like Palin? Not showing up for scheduled appearances, not honoring her contract, saying she would do as she liked, not needing any advisors. And, to me, they are soooo alike hiding behind Christian values, all the time doing stuff most of us woulnd’t think of: posing semi-nude (Prejean) ignoring folks in distress (Western AK, etc.). Wonder if Palin ever heard of the Good Samaritan? And then there’s the distorting the truth thing.
    She will probably invite bible boobs up to AK and create a job for her!

  137. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    but, but, but………Palin doesn’t want our governments money………and dang it all Alaskans have it so good, no property tax, no sales tax and she thinks less is just fine, less is better.

    “a plan meant to guide transportation spending—mostly federal government money—until 2025.”

    The Knik Arm Crossing, the bridge the federal government officially named “Don Young’s Way” took another political punch Monday when the Anchorage Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to remove the bridge from the Anchorage Bowl Long-Range Transportation Plan, a plan meant to guide transportation spending—mostly federal government money—until 2025.

  138. austintx says:

    Speak English ?? Let’s learn to spell………..

  139. tigerwine says:

    RE: Miss California dethronement: Any notice just how much Carrie Prejean sounds like Palin? Not showing up for scheduled appearances, not honoring her contract, saying she would do as she liked, not needing any advisors. And, to me, they are soooo alike hiding behind Christian values, all the time doing stuff most of us woulnd’t think of: posing semi-nude (Prejean) ignoring folks in distress (Western AK, etc.). Wonder if Palin ever heard of the Good Samaritan? And then there’s the distorting the truth thing.

    Oh, if AK could only get rid of Palin, like Trump got rid of Miss CA!!

  140. EyeOnYou says:

    The Colbert Report from Iraq:

    Sarah gives her shout out at 15:16 mark

  141. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 3:43 AM
    So is it the dead “pipeline to nowhere”? Why is she saying different?
    caligrl you made me laugh! “Why is she saying different?”

    Because she’s a pathological liar.
    Because she’s busy trying to put some spin on the truth for when she can’t cover it up any longer.
    Because she can’t yet figure out who to blame.
    Because she’s selling out to Exxon.

    How’s that for a start?

  142. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    What is she trying to pull? this from her twit:

    # In volatile world time is NOW to develop AK resources for environment, economy, natl security. AGIA moves pipeline ahead;news in coming days2 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

    From Alaska Report yesterday:

    Breaking News – AGIA is Dead!
    4:51 pm – Sarah Palin’s failed AGIA plan is dead. TransCanada “negotiating” with Exxon. Story here. Do we get our $500 million back, or was this the original plan?
    So is it the dead “pipeline to nowhere”? Why is she saying different?

  143. ValleyIndependent says:

    Thanks for all the progressive pics, AKM. It’s nice to be able to put faces with names.

  144. Doggonit says:

    lexky Says:
    June 11th, 2009 at 12:23 AM

    “i hate that he had to sort of apologize to her.”

    I didn’t see it that way. He wanted to point out, he wasn’t referring to the 14 yr old (obvious to all that she isn’t the one that got knocked up before). Mostly. he was making fun of Todd & Sarah again for being so stupid.

    If he wast giving a real apology, he would not have repeated the jokes.

  145. lexky says:

    i did read today that palin almost quit the campaign during the practice for the debate. never heard that before.

  146. akmuckraker says:

    OK, just posted David Letterman’s response to the Palin joke thing. So, let’s hop over there for comments on that, and leave the open thread for other stuff.

  147. Doggonit says:

    The audience was laughing a lot with Letterman’s jokes. It’s only over the line if you pretend he was talking about Willow instead of Bristol. Bristol is an adult and is fair game as she decided go on Gretta, get published in magazines and is a abstinence works spokesperson for Candies.

  148. lexky says:

    like mother like daughter i guess

  149. lexky says:

    i dont either. i hate that he had to sort of apologize to her, in his dave way. ive been thinking all day about the picture i seen of palin and her daughter when she was giving the speech and that kid had a pair of shorts on that left little to the imagination. if she was so worried about her kids why did she let her out of the house looking like that when she knew there would be cameras. people can wear what they want but dont be surprised if people judge you.

  150. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ 5 AKM,

    Yum, you always find us the ‘goodies’.

  151. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Nope, I love Letterman. Didn’t used to care for him, then discovered he’s a bigtime Dem. Also chipped in to pay for his writers & supported them during that big strike. Now, I listen to him more carefully and actually enjoy his jokes (now that I know where he’s coming from).

    Palin puts herself out there & her kids whenever possible. Not surprising Letterman would make jokes.

  152. akmuckraker says:

    There’s also a thread on John Ziegler’s take on Letterman if you want to hop over there. I’m going to post Letterman’s response as well.

  153. lexky says:

    i love dave he has always been my favorite. ive been all over the internet tonight reading about his palin jokes. do you all think he was out of line?

  154. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Brian is fast becoming an institution in Alaska politics. Or Anchorage social life.

    What’s on yer mind, lexky?

  155. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    It’s an OPEN thread – discuss away!

  156. lexky says:

    can we discuss letterman?