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Return of Bird of the Week: Resplendant Quetzal

WC has been accused of posting photos of boring birds. While there are no boring birds, it’s true that some have broader appeal than others. So here’s a lot of folks’ candidate for the most beautiful bird in the Western Hemisphere, the Resplendant Quetzal.

Resplendent Quetzal Male, Southern Ecuador

Resplendent Quetzal Male, Southern Ecuador

The bird is about 15 inches long, plus about 26 inches of tail. It’s iridescent green blue and red, and seen live absolutely takes you breath away. A member of the Trogon family, it is considered divine by Mesoamerican peoples. It is certainly spectacular, and WC counts himself luck to have been able to see and photograph this species.

For more bird photos please visit Frozen Feather Images.



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