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Open Thread – A Barbaric Poll


I heard Eddie Burke on the radio Friday, salivating over a cartoon of  bikini-clad governor Palin that appeared in a comic book entitled “Barack the Barbarian.” I was hoping I would never have to see it. But, alas, it hit my in-box.   There she was…a wolf in wolf’s clothing.

And lest I be accused of being one-sided….here’s our protagonist.


As wrong as this is, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much worse it could have been. So, as the week draws to a close here in Alaska, I thought we could finish it off with a little poll.

[poll id=”13″]



314 Responses to “Open Thread – A Barbaric Poll”
  1. InJuneau says:

    pvazwindy–Oh, good grief…if she shows up and ruins MY Fourth of July/Statehood celebration, you all can be darned sure you’ll be hearing about it!!

    As for that chopper, if anyone’s still on this thread wondering about it, it was donated to some charity tied to Providence Hospital in Anchorage I think and raffled off this spring. Don’t know where it ended up, but we’re prob. just seeing the TLC episodes on it due to the long time it takes to edit TV episodes…

  2. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Thank you Aha.
    The documents I’ve provided to support the thics complaints I filed against Palin that clearly shows coordination between Palin’s State of Alaska business and sarahpac’s business.
    Personal board still dismiss the complaints even though the evidence stares at them in the face.

  3. aha says:

    For Andree from Vanity Fair article:

    ”Palin communicated with legislators and her staff mainly by BlackBerry, sometimes using a personal e-mail account to avoid having to disclose documents under the state public-records laws. (The one time Meg Stapleton, who handles Palin’s personal and political public relations, ever answered multiple e-mails was when I wrote her and Palin’s gubernatorial office at the same time, and she replied: “Thank you for emailing. I will email you separately so as to remove us from the state account.”)”

  4. Lee323 says:

    @ West Coast Annie
    You’re right. The Vanity Fair article is excellent. Thanks.

  5. Jackie says:

    As if one free ad for Palin wasn’t enough, ADN has now got a 2nd article up about SarahPac needing money…

  6. West Coast Annie says:

    Vanity Fair article on Palin. Must read.

  7. BooBooBear says:

    Watch the Queen LIE !

    Unbelievable. Square pillow baby.

  8. Lee323 says:

    Andree…the apparent going price sure went up with Linda’s request.

  9. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Ooops…i meant Tavis and Svobodny kept mailing out extension letters…
    I also requested and received Kris Perry’s emails from last year.
    Kris Perry was the staffer who accompanied Palin on the republican VP campaign trail and Georgia to campaign for Chambliss.
    Kris Perry’s emails from the end of August until just after the election the first week in November = $227.82.
    Now those emails are VERY interesting…though the new AG doesn’t seem to want to akgnowledge them….to support the complaint I filed against Perry.

  10. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    302 aha Says: June 29th, 2009 at 8:05 PM
    So, Andree, how much did it cost you to get the emails?
    Ivy Fry and Frank Bailey emails 2/1/08- 4/15/08 = about $350
    The AG’s (Tavis Colberg, Svobodny) keep mailing out letters extending the release date of Sarah and Todd’s emails.

  11. Lee323 says:

    We’re all supporting you, Andree!

    Very proud of your persistence and toughness regarding this very troubling issue concerning Palin.

    Let us know if we can help.

  12. aha says:

    So, Andree, how much did it cost you to get the emails?

  13. lexky says:

    go andree
    you are my hero

  14. Canadian Neighbour says:

    No idea where the chopper is — that’s what the comments have been. We’ve been asking if anyone has heard anything. Whether it has been presented to State or has it slipped into her personal cache.

    I just found a link posted May 7th on TLC American Chopper — the bike is finished. Doesn’t show any episode dates of the making of the bike or presenting it.

  15. austintx says:

    Sorry I’m late , had the munchies……..

  16. mlaiuppa says:

    Has everyone read this on Huffpost?

    I think he pretty much nails Palin. The comments are pretty good too.

  17. austintx says:

    If the chopper was donated to the state , then where is it ??

  18. BlueCollarJane says:

    I’d like to cast a write-in ballot: Rudy 9ui11iani (in the furs) and Pat Buchanan as The Barbarian.

  19. the problem child says:

    Wow, Andree, how did I miss it about the second judge being objected to? Report much, ADN?

  20. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Thank you Karin in CT:
    Just trying to keep it real! : )

  21. Karin in CT says:

    Wow Andree! Thank you so much for your continuing fight!

  22. honestyinGov says:

    Make sure you go the the Huffpo link that Ripley in Ct posted at #278.
    Say something ‘ nice ‘ about GINO 😉

    Jason REALLY took her to task and let her have it. just one of his quotes.

    “Anyway, shortly after Sarah Palin went WARBONKERS on a blogger you never heard of, the entire internet responded in an even more vapid and juvenile fashion, and now there are stupid Photoshops everywhere, thanks to Sarah Palin, because that is what happens when you feed the beast with your stupid anger, instead of calmly letting some stuff slide and depriving the beast of oxygen.”

  23. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    279 samper Says: June 29th, 2009 at 4:02 PM
    Andree… didn’t realize this was in the COURTS. Thought you just had “ethics complaints” yet to be resolved. Can you fill some of us latecomers in briefly on the issue?
    June 2008: Received 4 (xerox) boxes of emails in response to a public records request I filed in May of 2008. The emails showed that Sarah was using [email protected] and [email protected] for official state business. Many official state email documents were redacted…even the ones Todd sent and received.
    October 2008: I went to court and asked the judge to order Palin and her administrative staff to quit using private email accounts for state business, and to order Palin and gov’s staff to retrieve all those official emails that deal with official state business.
    I also filed a public record request for any and all of Sarah and Todd Palin emails from any and all official state email accounts and any and all private email accounts that were used for official state business.
    December 2008: Went to court to get state to unredact and elease all redacted emails that were sent or received by Todd Palin that I received in my initial May record request.
    May 2009: Judge Stowers recused himself.
    June 2009: Assigned judge removed because Alaska Asst AG objected.
    June 2009: third judge held Status Hearing.
    Next court date is August 4, 2009

  24. yardwork says:

    samper – I did not! re: “Atheletics” Glossed right over it!

  25. pvazwindy says:

    282 InJuneau Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 4:09 PM
    pvazwindy–actually, the statehood anniv. officially occurred in January, though Anchorage apparently celebrated it on Sat. The BIG official celebration, recreating the first (official) raising of the new 49 Star flag is on July 4, IN JUNEAU, the CAPITAL CITY, where the first one was raised 50 years ago that day.

    ———-Hmm, we should let Sarah know, yes.

  26. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Chopper was being done for the 50th Anniversary of Alaska.
    Should be State owned but, but, but…………..who knows

  27. the problem child says:

    So much swag, so little time.

  28. the problem child says:

    Wasn’t the chopper being donated to some museum? Or was it being auctioned? Or maybe there were two of them. Or maybe I am thinking of the NRA assault weapons…Head spinning…

  29. austintx says:

    283 Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 4:20 PM
    Has the bike from the Chopper guys ever been presented or appearred?
    Prolly in the garage at “Casa de Palin” , with all the Arctic Cat snowmachines………..

  30. leenie17 says:

    austintx Says:
    Palinbot getting ready to protest at a tea party……..


    Actually that’s pretty good grammar…if you’re using American Sign Language. Standard English…not so much!

  31. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Has the bike from the Chopper guys ever been presented or appearred?

  32. InJuneau says:

    pvazwindy–actually, the statehood anniv. officially occurred in January, though Anchorage apparently celebrated it on Sat. The BIG official celebration, recreating the first (official) raising of the new 49 Star flag is on July 4, IN JUNEAU, the CAPITAL CITY, where the first one was raised 50 years ago that day.

  33. Canadian Neighbour says:

    That would be where she & other staff used personal email addresses (Yahoo) on which there was state business conducted via emails.

    Best of Luck!!!!

  34. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Man it’s tiring to hear the MSM that you know full well they have been through the wait for tox reports before but are playing dumb with stupid questions “Why does it take so long for them to release”, etc. These people get paid what and why??

    Another ref driving me nuts is the 911 call and the MSM & their ‘experts’ saying CPR supposed to be done on hard surface like the floor. Dr. way wrong in doing it on the bed. Hey peeps – try my mattress. Don’t ever take a run and flying leap on it – your break bones!!

    All these turds are playing the “gotcha” game!!! The difference this time is the majority of people are intelligent and can answer the questions.

  35. samper says:

    Andree… didn’t realize this was in the COURTS. Thought you just had “ethics complaints” yet to be resolved.

    Can you fill some of us latecomers in briefly on the issue?

  36. Closet Mudpup says:

    Here’s hoping they’re productive, Andree.

  37. Bree Palin says:

    Poutrage is right. She’s acting out because she’s embarrassed she was caught doing something she shouldn’t have been – conducting state business with private email. And again, too, hiding behind her family.

  38. Closet Mudpup says:

    I suspect that this woman has a close genetic link to Michele Bachmann …

    Creation Science Investigates: Rainbows

  39. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    Is it ok to use unsecured and unprotected Yahoo accounts for official state business? Nope, not ok to most Alaskans….and Americans also.
    McLeod vs. Palin court proceedings continue on August 4, 2009 in Anchorage Superior Court.

  40. austintx says:

    271 samper Says:
    austin: Did you happen to read the books on the shelf in the Palinbot Library?
    Yeah – too funny……………….

  41. Ripley in CT says:

    do they do this type of thing on purpose at the Huffpo? I mean, come ON. The double entendre is so obvious. I want to slap someone.

    “Obama Responds To Gay Anger: You’ll Be Happy In The End”

    This has been changed in the last hour. The other one said Gays will be happy by the end.

  42. Karin in CT says:

    I just thought of something…

    Maybe GINO’s latest tweet about email hacking has something to do with Diva’s request. If she doesn’t approve of the likely heavily redacted emails Diva will receive, she can cry HACK again.

  43. samper says:

    CN: I must have misunderstood your comment. Sorry folks, for the long detail!

    austin: Did you happen to read the books on the shelf in the Palinbot Library?

    Also, too, the superpoop photo of the jackass trying to demand that which is already widely published is GOLDEN! Maybe dude needs to repeat 2nd grade!

    Those people NEVER STOP with the Birth Certificate thing! And yet, they can’t be bothered to read the Constitution, related legal and scholastic opinions on its intent and spirit, and the Dept. of State Website in order to determine that McCain isn’t Constitutionally qualified to be POTUS himself!

  44. antiAnti says:

    new post

  45. samper says:

    CN: I think she’s referring to the kid who guessed her yahoo password via lame security questions. He posted a few very tame emails for his buddies to see that he actually did it. I think he’s a college kid, bragging, of course.

    The bottom line is that some of those emails were directly related to State business… a huge No NO for security purposes (especially when her “private” email (one would think: sending grandma heath photos of the little darlings, not conducting State business) on Yahoo is FAR from secure.

    I don’t have ANY assumptions that my yahoo addy is “secure”, nor do I pretend it’s “private”. I also don’t do anything incriminating, so it doesn’t really bother me unless I don’t get photos of mom’s garden. Even then, she can just resend them. 🙂

    ANYWAY… She wants a big scene about this issue so she can play the victim again, on a case that is months in the past and inconsequential. She wants everyone to say “Oh yeah! SP had a HUGE problem back during the campaign!”

    As usual.

    ANOTHER POINT: It was HER email, NOT her “FAMILY’S” email account. That witch has to bring the sacred FAMILY into EVERYTHING!

  46. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Sarah, here’s ;your sign. Need a hug too?

  47. WakeUpAmerica says:

    “democrat lawmaker’s son’s hacking my & my family’s personal, private email then broadcasting them on net.”

    So she admits that she was doing state business on a private account. Now why would that be, Sarah, unless you planned to hide stuff? Unprofessional, probably illegal, definitely very suspicious, and did I mention incredibly stupid?

  48. austintx says:

    Palinbot getting ready to protest at a tea party……..

  49. Karin in CT says:

    I can’t believe the twit’s latest tweet.

    Did she run out of characters so she had to use “thru” or can she not spell the entire word correctly?

    I thank my lucky stars for this place every single day. No one else in my life, which is LOADED with DemocratIC party members, understands my utter contempt for this complete idiot.

  50. austintx says:

    Sign at Palinbot library………

  51. pvazwindy says:

    Greetings from Alaska where the fish are running and the sun is shining late!

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Somebody help me. I’m trying to visualize fish running. Nikes, tank tops, spandex?

  52. Canadian Neighbour says:

    This hacking was at sometime within the Pres campaign so it’s not new.

  53. antiAnti says:

    12 tweets in 19 hours – must be a slow day in the gov. shop

  54. ds55 says:

    So this new fake outrage over emails will prevent Celtic Diva from receiving copies of the emails she requested? How convenient.

  55. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    fact! not face, lol

  56. Gramiam says:

    I think it was that guy over there in the corner, twirling his mustache and laughing his butt off, also,too!

  57. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 2:59 PM

    Noted she had to make sure to say on the other tweet:

    “democrat lawmaker’s son’s hacking my & my family’s personal, private email then broadcasting them on net.”

    That old pesky Democrat!!!
    Oh yeah I noticed that too, also…
    This will be the next “faux outrage” the peeNut gallery will sieze on, hell they don’t want the Alaska standard news that AKM reported last thur. to get out now would they??
    Or the face that SHE hacked into a computer!

  58. Canadian Neighbour says:

    she’s blurring the lines as per usual in that it was the private email addy if I recall that she was using to conduct state business. If in fact it contained both private emails to family and business — oh well.

    Aren’t these the outstanding emails to be released?? There is emails from too many directions that I can’t remember if these are one and the same.

  59. honestyinGov says:

    # 232
    samper Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 3:01 PM
    Honesty: What was your decision on Free/Cheap cycle?
    I already signed up for two of them in my City yesterday. I’ve got some stuff to get ride of like old tennis rackets and a bike carrier that is made to go on top of a car…. like a ski rack. It was made for my old 280ZX ( over 15 years ago?) and it is in good shape, all the parts are there and still in the original box. No need for it when you have a pick up truck. ‘ Someone’… could use it though.

    Although, I had a problem with creating a new yahoo email account to use for the website. Didn’t want to use my home one and broadcast it for everyone to see. I created the name… and then it wouldn’t let me log in. Error every time. All they had was Help questions that went in a circle…No way to contact yahoo directly.. Aaargghh ! Maybe I’ll try to log-in again later this week.

  60. ChiCat says:

    Am I the only one ready for a new post so I don’t have to see that image of Palin the Barbarian when I click on the homepage? It gives me the willies for some reason, makes me very uncomfortable!

    For the record, Darwin is USUALLY awarded after death, but the main point is that you have to remove yourself from the gene pool, so you could technically live through that and as long as you are unable to reproduce after the incident, you are eligible. So it depends where this couple shot themselves…. not a pleasant thought… :p

  61. ds55 says:

    I would like to thank whoever introduced Sarah Palin to Twitter.

  62. samper says:

    yardwork: Did you also catch “Atheletics”?

  63. samper says:

    Ripley: Step away from the keyboard… nice and slow, hon. Now, step outside and breathe nice fresh air.

    We’ll wait for you.

  64. Gramiam says:

    I just figgered it out, folks!! “First Family” is a code. She probably has another one stashed somewhere!!

    I understood that the only “hacking” done on family was by McCain operatives trying to cover GINO’S dysfunctional butt!!

  65. Ripley in CT says:

    Oh man, I quit.. a double negative, too! sheesh!

  66. yardwork says:

    austin – good catch. “acedemics” Gotta love them priorities.

  67. Ripley in CT says:

    I should really read what I type before submitting.. I do know the difference between fishermen and fisherman….

  68. Ripley in CT says:

    short timer: thanks.. My ass is just chapped by these two stories being in the same paper. People are going to starve this winter there. and the commercial fisherman are the ones who are to blame, via the bycatch. I know now it’s not the Pink salmon fishermen that aren’t to blame, but you get my drift, yes? I want everyone to be able to do what they do to survive up there.

  69. samper says:

    Really? Someone ALSO hacked into her FAMILY’s email accounts? Never heard a PEEP about that until now.

    Anyone notice how she has to invoke “FAMILY” or “FIRST FAMILY” in practically EVERYTHING?

    Her stupid family’s email accounts weren’t bothered and hers was only minimally distributed. STOP THE WHINING!

  70. samper says:

    Honesty: What was your decision on Free/Cheap cycle?

  71. nswfm CA says:

    I hope the June 30 deadline shows she really hasn’t raised much. Then you can infer that her pay my legal bills ’cause I’m a crook fund is hurting, too. Also.

  72. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Noted she had to make sure to say on the other tweet:

    “democrat lawmaker’s son’s hacking my & my family’s personal, private email then broadcasting them on net.”

    That old pesky Democrat!!!

  73. short-timer says:

    P.S. Fish are also managed by river drainage. The closing of Ship Creek kings is going to be different than Kenai reds, for instance.

  74. justafarmer says:

    The continuing avalanche of immaturity evidenced by her twits…it’s just staggering.

  75. samper says:

    Does this have anything to do with the emails?

    On Hardball, they will be discussing the fact that the slimy emails between Sanford and his Argentinian ‘ho (don’t tell me she didn’t know he was married!) were “hacked” and distributed.

    Then, lovely SP has a “case” because someone actually GUESSED her lame security questions and revealed her using a YAHOO account for state business. She couldn’t have POSSIBLY thought yahoo was “secure”, could she?

    Hmmm… in neither case do I find even a shred of sympathy for the “breached privacy”. Both public figures. Both did STUPID things. Both were dumb enough to not CYA.

    “NOPE”. Compassion not forthcoming.

  76. honestyinGov says:

    I have a question about something that was posted back on one of the Rebuild Eagle threads. Maybe someone remembers the name of the website.
    I think LorinLosAngeles may have posted it. I think it was a ‘Green company’ as well. They were selling paper towels and the shipping was on $4.99 to ship to Alaska. I don’t seem to recognize the name when I Google and I wanted to tell my sister who was opening that Pet Clinic.

    Does the name of the company ring a bell…?

  77. short-timer says:

    @Ripley in CT Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 2:29 PM

    There’s a big difference between the king salmon run and commercial fishing pink salmon. Nobody is going to be out sport fishing for pink salmon. The fish are managed according to what type of salmon they are.

  78. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Is it ok to hack emails? Go thru someone’s mail & broadcast what you stole? Nope, not ok to most Americans.TN proceedings tomorrow to decide29 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    First off, didn’t SHE hack someones email in the name of ‘Ethics’?
    And she goes on to say “private” email. Ummm, she was using a yahoo email for state email, some of those emails had ‘govsarahpalin” on them.
    I saw them. Nothing much, Ivy frye, b*tching about Fagan, a couple of pics. They were trying to make a example of how not to conduct state biz!
    Oh, here comes the OUTRAGE!
    Man…her adrenals must be shot after all this…she just doesn’t quit mouthing off!

  79. samper says:

    Geeze! Fred Travalena? He isn’t a “big” name, but I know who he is… Stand up Comic.

    That makes, in 6 days: Ed McMahon, Farrah, MJ, Billy Mays and now Fred. After Ed & Farrah, I emailed Mom that it always comes in threes and who’s next? About 1/2 hour later, MJ’s death was confirmed.


    Those in CA, do NOT drink the water! I repeat! DO NOT DRINK THE WATER!

  80. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Is it ok to hack emails? Go thru someone’s mail & broadcast what you stole? Nope, not ok to most Americans.TN proceedings tomorrow to decide29 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    First off, didn’t SHE hack someones email in the name of ‘Ethics’?
    And she goes on to say “private” email. Ummm, she was using a yahoo email for state email, some of those emails had ‘govsarahpalin” on them.
    I saw them. Nothing much, Ivy frye, bitching about Fagan, a couple of pics. They were trying to make a example of how not to conduct state biz!
    Oh, here comes the OUTRAGE!
    Man…her adrenals must be shot after all this…she just doesn’t quit mouthing off!

  81. Gramiam says:

    Philip Munger Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 2:05 PM


    I’m not sure you’re eligible for the Darwin if you survive your encounter with survival of the fittest.

    That’s right, it is a postumous award, isn’t it. OOPS!! Thanks for the correction, Phil.

  82. trisha says:

    I am sure that Palin enlarged that image and it’s hung it near her tanning bed.

    You know she is loving it.

  83. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Exactly what Sanford’s wife wants — Sloppy Seconds! Ewwwww!

    Is it something in CA water or what? Too many this past week.
    Fred Travalena who appeared many times on Carson’s show, Letterman, Dean Martin Roasts, nicknamed “the man of a thousand faces” as he did impressions has passed from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He was 66.

  84. honestyinGov says:

    # 208
    Philip Munger Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 2:05 PM

    I’m not sure you’re eligible for the Darwin if you survive your encounter with survival of the fittest.
    I can’t find the story with Google but I remember reading it a few years back.
    A hunter was going after a Bighorn sheep. He saw it up above him on a ledge. He shoots the Bighorn sheep, it falls off the cliff above him ….and lands on top of Him. The sheep killed him. Looks like the Sheep was a ‘good shot ‘ as well.

  85. London Bridges says:

    “People are calling him a hypocrite, because he’s another family values politician having an affair, but I don’t see it in political terms. I’m just embarrassed for my gender. Ladies, if you want to know what it’s like being a guy, think about the fact that there’s a man, the governor of a good-sized state, who asked himself, ‘Hmm, can I sneak off to Argentina for a week with my lover without anybody finding out?’ And somehow came up with the answer ‘yes.’ I hope that gives you a sense of what we’re up against.” –Jimmy Kimmel

  86. samper says:

    Never once have I heard President Obama say, “Nope”. What is she? Fourteen?

    Star: I’ll bring a sleeping bag!

    Tried to comment on the ADN Begathon, but they won’t post from me (again). I was able to post for a minute there, but I guess I’ve been flagged again.

    GOLDEN: Rush seems to think Sanford “did it” because he was fed up with President Obama’s agenda. Yeah, PO forced him into this (how long?) affair with his POLICY AGENDA! Another one of the Lyin’ Cheatin’ Boys Club!


  87. Ripley in CT says:

    what’s wrong with this picture?

    from ADN:” Troopers cited seven people for fishing in the popular downtown drainage after 11 p.m. The fishery had been closed to all fishing from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. from May 15 through July 13. But beginning today, the Department of Fish and Game put into effect an emergency order closing the drainage to all sport fishing until Sept. 30 because of a lower than usual king salmon return.”

    THEN you have this:”The state is forecasting a catch of approximately 41 million pink salmon — substantially larger than last year’s all-species commercial harvest of 28.03 million salmon. That was the fewest fish since 1987.”

    Why is the STate commercial fishing expedition allwed to take all they want and they close a small portion of the river to regular people and fine them?
    Where’s the outrage? I’m outraged for those 7 people. I don’t care if they took 500 salmon. Jubus, what is wrong with Alaska?

  88. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 10:43 AM

    Alaskans celebrated statehood Sat, the 27th. To bad their governor was missing. More exposure in Auburn, I guess. Pretty pathectic, isn’t it.
    How come THIS isn’t being SHOUTED from the rooftops up there??? She made a big frigging deal of “Alaska’s statehood” and going to Auburn, but there IN ALASKA she was a NO SHOW!!!!
    How does it feel Alaskans to be under the bus?
    sickening, pathectic, UGH!!!! 😈

  89. antiAnti says:

    208 @Philip Munger Says: June 29th, 2009 at 2:05 PM

    thanx for the chuckle

  90. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Is it ok to hack emails? Go thru someone’s mail & broadcast what you stole? Nope, not ok to most Americans.TN proceedings tomorrow to decide
    14 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

    ROFL! The kid was hacking STATE emails, Sarah!

  91. antiAnti says:

    lastest twit t e r from Gov. Palin
    “Is it ok to hack emails? Go thru someone’s mail & broadcast what you stole? Nope, not ok to most Americans.TN proceedings tomorrow to decide”

    I would wager that Gov. Palin concocted this twit herself. It lacks a PR person’s polish.

  92. tewise,

    the newsreader took the only lines Steve wrote that could be considered critical, eliminated an important part of a sentence, and ran with it.

  93. tewise says:

    Not sure if this has been posted,

  94. Star says:

    @198~ yeppers…big basement..more the merrier…:))

  95. Gramium,

    I’m not sure you’re eligible for the Darwin if you survive your encounter with survival of the fittest.

  96. samper says:

    Anyone watching Ed? He’s out of his MIND that Sanford used state funds (payback irrelevant… he shouldn’t have done it in the first place) AND was on the payroll AND went AWOL AND had his staff lie about where he was AND AND AND.

    He’s even putting aside the infidelity, saying that’s another issue. Just talk about the JOB.

    “Try it in the PUBLIC sector! Take company funds, disappear for 5 days and see if you still have a job when you get back.”

    Some YAHOO comes on and says “Well, if he makes it right with his FAMILY, SC will forgive him.”

    OMFG! Sanford’s wife has already taken him off her priority list! She doesn’t want him!


    I swear, they get dumber by the day!

  97. I read and re-read Erika Bolstad’s ADN political blog entry she put up about 75 minutes ago. Essentially, it appears to be a brazen attempt to let people know that tomorrow night is the deadline for giving Palin money this quarter.

    She tries to get out of it by calling Palin’s requests “typical,” but she’s only printing out Palin’s pleas – word for word, it appears.

    Go there and point this out:

  98. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    is it this David Murrow?
    i actually think his ideas about female-friendly churches is interesting.

    and then i found this bit: he only spends the summers in alaska??? how does that work when he is supposed to be the communications director?

    Murrow spent twenty years honing his skills as a communicator, producing and writing award-winning television documentaries, commercials and specials. He’s contributed material to Discovery Channel, NBC, ABC, CBS, Food Network, Travel Channel, Dr. Phil, The Miss America Pageant and many others. Murrow has a degree in Anthropology from Baylor University. He’s a layman who’s served as an elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He’s married with three children. David and his family spend their summers in Chugiak, Alaska and their winters in Conroe, Texas. Please visit his Web site,

  99. Baker's Dozen says:

    Has the Gov made a statement decrying this depiction? Or is she pleased with it?

  100. Gramiam says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 12:23 PM

    OK… I was over at Immoral Minority and the link and story under FARK just MADE ME click on it. From the Pittsburgh paper… don’t we have a couple of Pittsburgh MudPups..?

    “Man, woman both wounded while trying out their new gun” (Hmmm?)
    Those two sound like nominees for the 2009 Darwin Awards. For those who don’t know, the Darwin Awards are made to people so dumb they really shouldn’t reproduce.

  101. Baker's Dozen says:

    Ensign and Sanford. That’s the couple I’d run from!

  102. Unnamed Person says:

    Lilybart Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 5:43 AM

    Kucinich is a good man. What is wrong with a Dept of Peace? His heart is with the people and he is NOT crazy like Bachman.
    Sometime before the last presidential election, I was standing with a conservative friend who asked who my “dream team” presidential ticket would consist of.
    I answered that I’d like to see a Dennis Kucinich / Ron Paul ticket.

    That wasn’t what my friend expected to hear, but would have helped avoid some of our current problems.

  103. Nebraska Native says:

    Newsflash from NE… one of our (many) republican reps dropped the “F bomb” on a DC cabbie who duly reported it and it’s on Huffpo. There must be something in the political waters…

  104. austintx says:

    198 samper Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 1:36 PM
    austin: Dear Coach has a few things out of order!
    Cain’t spel worth a s^*t either………

  105. austintx says:

    Ah – irony and stooopid all rolled in one……….

  106. The ADN poliblog just put up an entry written by Erika Bolstad that basically is just reprints of fundraising material from SarahPac. Go read it. I already commented.

    Also, C4P has taken down their fundraising goal thingie on he legal fund fiasco.

  107. Irishgirl says:

    Trying to book a hotel in NY!!!

  108. samper says:

    austin: Dear Coach has a few things out of order!

    star: Can I hide in your basement?

  109. BuffaloGal says:

    Uhoh – A new Hollywood movie being released about our soldiers in Iraq.

    How long before we hear the very first twitter from Sarah about our sacrificial soldiers and this bold movie ?

    And the Palin milking will begin in 5…..4…..3…..2….

  110. LiladyNY says:

    Giuliani is a joke. No way. No how.

    It will be Cuomo. He is an awesome AG and he does such a fantastic job. I believe he would be an excellent governor. I would love that. As for Gillibrand, I would love to see her advance much farther in the future. She is the real deal.

  111. austintx says:

    Star – I be skeered………

  112. Star says:

    Just read a funny at dlykos….Gino is currently cunducting “jihad ” on Ak bloggers…Wooo hoooo…Anyone feel threatened????

  113. UK Lady says:

    austintx – Coach McDaniel must have made at least one exception 😆

  114. BuffaloGal says:

    Hello from Buffalo NY –

    Agreed about Gillibrand and am looking forward to seeing what she can do. She’s got a really good feel to her. And I agree with the NYers who feel a bit badly for Patterson. I think New York is one of those weird states to govern. New York City and then Upstate/Central New York are like two different worlds. And he did inherit a bit of a mess. But, that said, he was going a little far floating out all his different tax ideas. It reminded me of the beginning of the movie Popeye with Robin Williams. Everything and anything was being taxed.

    The Tax Man : Well, first of all, there’s 17¢ new-in-town tax, and there’s 45¢ rowboat-under-the-wharf tax, and one dollar leaving-your-junk-lying-around-the-wharf tax, so all together, you owe the Commodore $1.87.

    Popeye : Uh, who’s this Commodore?

    The Tax Man: Is that the nature of question? There’s also a nickel “question” tax.

    When Patterson was talking about a “downloading files on the internet” tax I thought, “whoa! somebody get that man some chamomile and a cool towel!”

    And I don’t have a clue what’s going on with those politicians in Albany but whoever owns the best pub within walking distance of the state capitol bldg is doing some great business these days and I bet the bartenders are overhearing some fabulous chatter.

  115. samper says:

    Figures! The Cheatin’ Lyin’ Boys Club all out there defendin’ each other.

    After all… it’s only “HUMAN” to cheat on your spouse.

    You know what? Out of ALL the guys I know, not ONE has even remotely come close to cheating on a spouse. NOT ONE. They all seem to hold Sanford, Rudy, McCain, et al in total contempt. I guess I hang with gentlemen who think the more honorable thing is to tie up the loose ends at home (get a divorce, not publicly embarrass their wives, be fair, not flaunt a young chippie on the side) and THEN go trolling for sex. Not the other way around.

    What is in the water in Politics Land?

  116. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Pearl89 – great article. Gov. Icon has failed miserably with that lack of fact-checking tweet. That’s what you get when you base your info on 2 minutes of Faux news. Hopefully someone is screen capturing her idiocy for the future.

  117. pearl89 says:

    Article from Grist explaining the suppressed EPA memos. A memo written by an appointee of the Bush administration who is still trying to push their no-science is science approach to the environment.

    The Repubs had rather have a buck in their pocket than air to breath.

  118. swe123 says:

    Hey fellow NYer’s….I like Kristin Gillibrandt, too. I wrote several letters to Paterson when it looked like he was going for Caroline K in support of Kristin. So far I like what I’ve seen. As far as Paterson vs. Palin….no way, no how! I love how he’s handling those idiot leg’s right now. I kind of feel sorry for’s a tough time to be a governor of any state.

    I think I’ve figured out the reason behind the twerpy tweets. Prez. Obama was the first candidate to reach out to campaign with technology (video game ads, etc.). Simple Simon Pain (pun intended) thinks she’s doing the same with her tweets.

    And as for the fundraiser for the troops? I can’t wait for the troops to go ask the CO if they have to pay for their way home so they can find out what an idiot she is. Now she can be the laughingstock of our armed services, too.

    She really thinks we are all idiots, doesn’t she?

  119. leenie17 says:

    let it run Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 12:43 PM
    @183. It will be Rudy Guiliani.


    Actually, Andrew Cuomo is the name I’ve heard a lot more often. Guiliani has wayyy too many skeletons rattling around in his closet and there is a strong resentment towards NYC politicians in most places outside of the metro area (as a former LIer who now lives in WNY, I really notice it!). Cuomo has been doing a great job as AG and he’s not afraid to take on anyone. He’s starting to look and sound just like his father and I don’t know if that will help or hurt him…after the last two govs, the memories of Mario might seem a little rosier!

  120. austintx says:

    let it run Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 12:43 PM
    @183. It will be Rudy Guiliani.
    Shoulda seen him on MSNBC early am , was defending Sanford…….

  121. let it run says:

    @183. It will be Rudy Guiliani.

  122. LiladyNY says:


    It may be a bit latish, but Patterson FINALLY showed some spine with the Legs. I LOVE that he’s holding $$ back from them! Suddenly they’re all running around like cockroaches with the light on worried about getting stuff done! They should all be thrown out on their all-too-well-padded-behinds! And, after decades of doing nothing, the Republicans suddenly get Reform Religion? I don’t think so. They pull a coup because they no longer held the balance of power. Morans. I am beyond disgusted.

    I ♥ Gillibrand

  123. leenie17 says:

    I second your comments about Sen. Gillibrand…she seems to be smart and knowledgeable about politics and getting things done. Despite her short tenure, she seems to also have figured out how to wield some power and influence.

    I do have to admit that, with as little respect as I have for our own governor (#50 out of 50 on a recent poll…woo hoo!), I’d still rather have Patterson than GINO. I twitched just a tiny bit as I typed that, but at least he does keep his mouth shut and stays out of the media most of the time. I will also admit that I know nothing about his family…and kinda like it that way! Since his political career is pretty much toast, I’m hoping we have someone competent running next election…fingers crossed! I’ll share my crossed fingers that all you folks in Alaska have a tough time picking the best from an outstanding field of candidates next year. We can always dream, can’t we???

  124. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I must be missing something, why because Exxon now is in the picture is an increase in open season planning and more money needs to be appropriated from the budget, didn’t the state already have this planned and spending money for open season in place? (don’t know if I explained that too well, lol)

    It sounds like Scarah’s gonna have a rough leg session, starting off on the wrong foot.

    I like this part, dang those unresoved pesky issues, doing business with the devil, or is it the devil’s in the details, Scarah thinks she can play hard ball with the Exxon’s point thompson leases.

    “(Exxon) reserving an option to eventually become a full partner in the pipeline if unresolved issues with the state are resolved”

    “ExxonMobil’s entry into the project has raised some hackles among legislators.

    State Rep. Bryce Edgmon, R-Dillingham, said having a producer involved cuts against what he understands as the state’s goal in having an independent pipeline company develop the project rather than producers.

    Edgmon suggested that if ExxonMobil comes to the state with a request to change gas production fiscal terms, the state should take back the $500 million incentive grant.

    State Revenue Commissioner Pat Galvin told the committee that with ExxonMobil in the picture, there is an increase in the open season planning budget by TransCanada from $83 million to $150 million.

    This would require the administration to request a $40 million appropriation from the Legislature next spring to pay the state’s 50 percent share of the higher open season budget, Galvin said. The state has already appropriated $46 million as an initial contribution, but with the higher budget, this is enough to fund the state’s share of the TransCanada/ExxonMobil pre-open season’s costs only to mid-spring in 2010.

    The appropriation, along with any request for changes in fiscal terms, is likely to come under some criticism when the Legislature convenes its regular session in January. State Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Haines, a member of the House Finance Committee, has already criticized TransCanada’s alliance with ExxonMobil because of the latter company’s action in prolonging through litigation and ultimately reducing a $5 billion punitive damages award over the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

  125. Ripley in CT says:

    austintx: sent you a message on the forum.

  126. honestyinGov says:

    Riply in Ct….

    The new photoshop pic at ‘Hypocrites & Heffalumps’ is pretty good today as well.

    My comment was that I thought they were on the ‘Log’ flume ride at DisneyLand.
    Meg in the front seat… Gino sitting behind.

  127. austintx says:

    Went on a couple of missions for 2 mudpuppies too.also.

  128. oregonbird says:

    Not to damage anyone’s psyche, but I wouldn’t mind getting some idea — beyond drool — of Burke’s actual remarks. Palin’s been tossing around her “feminist bona fides” lately, and loudly. Was there anything remarkable that as any sort of woman — let alone ‘feminist’ — she absolutely *should* reply to?

    Did anyone get a word-for-word?

  129. austintx says:

    172 pvazwindy Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 12:07 PM
    Where’s Austintx, today. I’ll bet he’s all pigged out.
    I’m here. I recommended surgery @ 34.

  130. honestyinGov says:

    OK… I was over at Immoral Minority and the link and story under FARK just MADE ME click on it. From the Pittsburgh paper… don’t we have a couple of Pittsburgh MudPups..?

    “Man, woman both wounded while trying out their new gun” (Hmmm?)

  131. Ripley in CT says:

    I can only hope that GINO gets ahold of that something awful site with all the photoshops. Some are truly hysterical. Others cross the line for some. But there are some talented people out there.

    My new favorite is Scarah as MJ, dangling the baby over the railing. Must be seen.

    I saved it for posterity!

  132. pvazwindy says:

    Aw, thats just Sarah, triumphing her return, to her subjects.

  133. pvazwindy says:

    Kinda like the alaska political machine.

  134. pvazwindy says:

    Where’s Austintx, today. I’ll bet he’s all pigged out.

  135. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    okay, someone explain to me how this artcle explains how this is AGIA at work, lol…….not exactly is it? has AGIA even come into play yet? isn’t it a little early to be crowin from the rooftops or countin chicks before eggs have hatched. Hollow chest thumpin. I guess the spending money part could apply to AGIA @ work.

    from the twit….

    “Article talks about progress, competition, & producers coming to the table… this is AGIA at work!

    about 2 hours ago from web”

  136. pvazwindy says:

    problem child@168–Young might be facing more than a vested retirement.U.S. Rep. Don Young is under criminal investigation, the second member of Alaska’s congressional delegation to be part of a federal corruption probe. Maybe he should forget 2010.

  137. honestyinGov says:

    #165 Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:48 AM

    Gov. Icon is tweeting what she just watched on Faux News. Daily Kos is already disputing it. Note the word “suppressed”
    And she was watching Faux News when…Isn’t she supposed to be doing ‘ Gov. things’. Always time for Faux news in HER schedule. And since you can be fairly sure she wasn’t in front of a TV somewhere….I’ll bet she is checking out some of the recent photo shop work on that Crack-berry attached to her hand.
    Someone tweet her now… DO SOME WORK!!”

  138. the problem child says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:50 AM

    Young, 76, said he wanted to make it clear to potential challengers that he is in the race.
    Well, at his age, he might be forgiven for retiring. Surely his pension has vested by now?

  139. pvazwindy says:

    The doors are closing fast for sister Sarah. Rep. Don Young, Alaska’s sole representative in the U.S. House, announced today he will seek re-election in 2010. Young, 76, said he wanted to make it clear to potential challengers that he is in the race.

  140. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Lilybart – jinx!

  141. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Gov. Icon is tweeting what she just watched on Faux News. Daily Kos is already disputing it. Note the word “suppressed”,-Foxaganda-Finds-Another-Denier

  142. Lilybart says:

    Palin Twit mystery solved. Here is the link to a dailykos diary about FOX news claiming the EPA hid information…..,-Foxaganda-Finds-Another-Denier

  143. samper says:

    Honesty in Gov for Gov!!!

    Put them in the mansion! Great idea!

    What they should do over the summer is let families alternate so they can have nice beds, good showers, a real kitchen to prepare real meals in, etc., even if for only a couple of days each. I’m sure the reprieve and creature comforts would really energize the efforts!

  144. honestyinGov says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:10 AM
    I believe Sister Sarah thinks the Trail of Healing will get those homes built in Eagle. No need for state assistance, leave it to FEMA.
    My suggestion in my email to Dan Fagan was to have a picture of a ‘tent city ‘ set up….. tents compliments of the GINO. Problem solved. Who doesn’t like a nice warm tent… in the middle of Winter.

    She could let them move into the Governors Mansion as well though. It’s empty… she’s never there. And since the State maintains it already, there’s no need for extra funding. Boy…. this is it easy being the Governor. I just need to learn to Tweet. And not pi $$ off the internet bloggers.

  145. LiladyNY says:

    Whew! Good. All better now.
    : )

  146. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Samper – just saw that too. The endangered 1000’s of people with that chase. Ridiculous. Even though he was breaking the law, if he wasn’t dead in that car & the authorities do not have an ambulance there…….

  147. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I thought you were responding to me and that is why I was trying to explain that I understood what it was all about and how the post initially started.

    These things happen. No offense taken.

  148. samper says:

    WOW! Just saw a live police chase in DALLAS end in tragedy! MSNBC.

    Rough Details:

    Routine traffic stop.
    Dude didn’t feel like stopping.
    High speed chase on interstates.
    Moved off interstates to residential.
    Red Light.
    Dude sneaked between cars, turned RIGHT against light.
    Got T-boned by Pick Up truck.
    Millions of cops, not one with gun drawn, having looked in car.
    MUST be dead.
    PU driver seems to have walked towards car… not sure if I saw that right.

    Dammit! WHEN will cops allow a “routine” traffic stop just GO instead of endangering a zillion other people? This went on for OVER AN HOUR!!!!!

  149. LiladyNY says:

    Umm, Canadian Neighbour, could you clarify your response? I’m confused (a normal state for me, I assure you).

    I understand all the gov BS on this.

    I was unable to access a link posted earlier and therefore a few posts explaining what the link was saying in a condensed version!!)

    I was replying to a remark by Closet Mudpup in which your post was referenced. If I offended, I heartily apologise.

  150. samper says:

    No… leave it to GOD! Just pray and the homes will magically appear well before winter sets in.

    GOD will handle everything… no need for the Gov or FEMA.

    CN: Man! You guys can’t catch even a LAME break, can you? I know it’s going to get nastier before it gets better. Sympathies abound!!!!

  151. pvazwindy says:

    I believe Sister Sarah thinks the Trail of Healing will get those homes built in Eagle. No need for state assistance, leave it to FEMA.

  152. Star says:

    eeww no way could i vote….She is such a d@uche bag….

  153. LiladyNY says:

    Oh I don’t think there was any misunderstanding about the polar bears and climate change at all at all. Her new official Tweeter is going to have his thumbs in splints with all the CYA he’s trying to catch up on for her. No wonder he hasn’t had time to properly “introduce” himself to the public. And still writing fiction I see.

  154. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I understand all the gov BS on this.

    I was unable to access a link posted earlier and therefore a few posts explaining what the link was saying in a condensed version!!

  155. pvazwindy says:

    Sister Sarah’s latest tweet. “Suppressed EPA memos may help explain why our position on climate change and polar bear population became controversial and misunderstood. Read em.” Sarah, now what about those e-mails, you know, help us avoid any misunderstanding. Are they controversial?

  156. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The City has 11 beaches listed for the width of Toronto as much of the waterfront has been built on like condos, etc. 4 of the 11 are on the Toronto Islands so therefore Ferry cancellations means no access. Therefore access is 7. Better than nothing!!!

    The last time the E Coli testing was done according to the webside was June 20. 4 of the 7 were closed and further testing has been suspended! The 4 on the Islands were open!! Figures.

    Heat, rain and garbage will only add to the closures and when they are near rivers which 3 of the 7 are. We’ve seen some days where are of them have been closed. As I am typing this, it has started to rain which doesn’t help keeping the beaches open with e-coli, etc.

    The City has experienced strikes like this before as mentioned in 2002, so have to have plans as when you are dealing with a population of 2.5 million people — things can get out of control very quickly.

  157. honestyinGov says:

    Now that GINO is back in town she SHOULD get back to getting real work done. AKM had just posted the Eagle update but you see nothing in the mainstream news about any effort underway. Sure… Tweets about setting up ANOTHER fundraiser… for the NG now. What about Eagle…? She could ask for ‘ youth ‘ volunteers with skills to go up there (good experience and a plus on their resumes) but that might be too close to what Obama has asked. She would NEVER take his opinion or ideas.
    I think Shannyn ought to spend at least an hour of her show on the subject. Embarrass GINO on her ‘record’ and get people talking. GINO embarrasses herself with the other stuff on her own.
    I emailed Dan Fagan (no fan of GINO )at Alaska Standard asking him to write about it more and talk on the radio. This is just a few lines from what I sent. There was a LOT more.

    “My question is this ” What has Governor Palin done to help these people get their homes rebuilt before Winter comes?” They don’t have TIME on their side. I see NO stories from her Friends at the ADN about the Administrations efforts in this regard.Therefore one must conclude She is doing nothing…. because they don’t want to report ‘ bad news ‘ about the Gov.”
    I forwarded the same Dan Fagan letter to Lt. Gov. Parnell as well from his website. I knew GINO would never read it. She doesn’t even open Letters from her Fans. Eagle and the people there need it reported that GINO is not helping these people. It can’t be on Her mind… otherwise we would see it in some ‘ tweet ‘.

  158. London Bridges says:

    Mark Sanford is only 49 years in chronological age? Who would have thunk it? Mental age is a whole other issue, it seems.

  159. samper says:


    While Ruthie may have panicked having been told by dear Bernie that this was “All a big mistake! Hide EVERYTHING”, her words still seem sincere in that she seems to have alot of empathy for folks who lost big.

    Maybe that empathy comes from her own dwindled worth to a mere $2.5M, which is the amount I’m hearing she was able to keep.

    She’s been largely silent until today… we don’t really know what her involvement was until she, too, passes through the Halls of Justice.

    I have seen instances of folks that do wrong and then REALLY regret their actions and have true remorse for the victims. Could she not be one as well?

    I don’t believe Bernie is one for a single second. But I don’t think Ruthie knew as much as folks seem to think.

    Am I correct that the second their son found out, he turned in Dear Old Dad? Seems I heard that back when this all came to the surface. If so, obviously Son had his own “in the dark” situation as well and was appalled by Bernie’s actions.

  160. Gardenslug says:

    More of Murrow’s adoring prose about the governor:
    “She was down-home approachable, yet sophisticated. She seemed utterly uninterested in the trappings of power, yet ambitious to wield power for good.”

    “our governor keeps following that moral compass – and comes up smelling like a rose”

    “She’s stared down Exxon and won.”

    “Sarah is your garden-variety evangelical Christian. She’s a woman of genuine faith, but not a zealot or weirdo. She has not hidden her faith during her term as governor, but neither has she worn it on her lapel.”

  161. London Bridges says:

    Has former Senator Mike Gravel ever discussed Sarah, the ImPalin?

  162. pvazwindy says:

    Alaskans celebrated statehood Sat, the 27th. To bad their governor was missing. More exposure in Auburn, I guess. Pretty pathectic, isn’t it.

  163. The ADN has reconfigured their “Newsreader” today. No longer any editorial signature.

    BTW, I put up a post referencing the Mudflats poll. It includes some Sarah Palin and Tonya Harding 3D wrestling YouTubes.

  164. LiladyNY says:

    @Closet Mudpup Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 8:16 AM

    Canadian Neighbour

    He continued the faux outrage, disingenuously maintaining that the lefties are attacking Trig Palin because he’s Sarah Palin’s child and has Down Syndrome, and ignoring the simple facts that 1) it was never about Trig Palin, and 2) that it was Megamouth’s statement about “desecration of an iconic image” which provoked all the subsequent photoshop works that he’s now subsequently complaining about, and 3) that it’s still not about Trig Palin. It seems the omission of the most important facts about the whole kerfuffle is not important to him or to the commenters there. Welcome to rightie world.
    A commentor on says it in a nutshell:

    You do realize that the original intent was to mock the radio host, not her retarded baby, right?
    Of course now that the whole world has witnessed this would-be leader of the free world get all butthurt over a crappy ’shop job by a blogger called “Celtic Diva”, the floodgates are wide open.

  165. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    GOVERNOR ICON. That wins it for me. Thanks Alaskan Sisu!!!

  166. EyeOnYou says:

    Alaskan Sisu Says:
    how many more days until her term is over?….

    At this moment in time: 490 days, 16 hours, 10 minutes

  167. Alaskan Sisu says:

    The self proclaimed Governor Icon, hired a new media director David Murrow, author of two books on Christian men and church. The Juneau Empire states that according to American Library Assns. booklist, “Murrow advocates injecting a strong shot of testosterone into the proceedings to restore the masculine spirit of the church” in one book titled “Why Men Hate Church” and in the other book he published “How Women Help Men Find God.” No wonder he’s keeping his head down…how many more days until her term is over?….anyone?….


  168. SOS says:

    My post regarding the Governor’s request for donations for plane tickets for deployed soldiers is absent. It contained good, legit information.
    Mudflats, I didn’t save any of that and I don’t have time to redo a post. I said nothing offensive. If you could just take whatever you think appropriate, edit as you see fit, if you’re inclined to.
    It was real. I’ve been in contact with official sources and our congressional delegation. I won’t post anything further about it, as I’m unclear on what didn’t pass muster.

    If your comment is perceived as “too long” according to the random parameters of the spam filter, it will hold it in the queue. Releasing it now. AKM

  169. redwoodmuse says:

    10cats4me Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 9:54 AM

    I am not surprised at the reaction at wonkette and at something awful. I don’t like most of the images either. But part of me believes that Palin has asked for it.

    Yep, the minute she said “screw political correctness’ she was letting everyone know they were off the leash as far as she was concerned….oh, wait a minute…you mean she just meant that her peeps could say anything?….Karma is such a b**tch

  170. samper says:

    CN: Shows how stupid *I* am! I thought Toronto was a little more inland. Seems you folks have plenty of coastline/beaches to enjoy.

    Also, looked at your link… so much disruption!! Looks like your city is right on top of things, however, and have contingency plans in place to temporarily handle the most critical of issues.

    Mainly: That they are requiring double bagging at the dump sites! 🙂

  171. Gardenslug says:

    Lori in Los Angeles:

    Yes, but, how did Palin tighten the ethics laws as Murrow claims? by testing them?

    And, again, does writing a flattering write-up of the governor help your chances of getting hired for a $100,000/year job?

  172. phoebe says:

    Oh no…more trouble in paradise. Article refers to multiple affairs by Sanford. I guess he was “swept up by darkness” more than once….in fact multiple times. I think every” public servant” needs a lie detector machine installed in their office & a list of questions they need to answer on a daily basis. First one………….have you ever or are you now having an affair/affairs. Good weeding process.

  173. redwoodmuse says:

    samper Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 8:34 AM

    Madoff’s wife just released a very good statement outlining her own despair and embarrassment with Bernie’s behavior. It was very much about the victims, many her friends, who are “upended” and how she can’t believe the amount of suffering the victims are going through. Her words seem very sincere and are very well put together.

    this would be the same wife who had to be legally stopped as she was shipping/mailing jewelry etc to relatives so that it couldn’t be seized by the government? Hmmmm… little to late to recoup any sympathy from me I think. There was some talk about the level of her involvement. My guess is she’s tapdancing as fast as she can to make sure the bars don’t close behind her for a few years.


  174. LiladyNY says:

    If you’ve been following the amusing antics of our New York State Legislature, you will know we’re quite as embarrassed as you Alaskans are about the utter silliness of our elected officials. (snark)

    Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was named by our equally amusing Gov. Patterson to fill the U.S. Senate seat left empty by Hillary Clinton upon her elevation to the position of Sec’y of State (madly clapping – EPIC SUCCESS). Sen. Gillibrand was a virtual unknown from a small conservative bastion of upstate New York and there was much kerfuffling at her appointment. I was extremely hesitant and as worried as the rest. I am extremely happy to report I am a Gillibrand convert! Here is her (amazing open and transparent) website. Now here is a woman who IS a genuine role model for young women and who is doing REAL work. If she were ever to run for higher office, I would support her wholeheartedly. I think your GINO should take a few lessons from Sen. Gillibrand’s playbook and see what a real politician’s agenda should look like.

  175. samper says:

    I fully understand the “cooling off” issues, CN. I guess I just always think that here in MI, we are never more than (I think) around 20 miles from a body of water. It’s minimal… we can ALWAYS get to a lake and most of ours (especially inland) are pristine and refreshing. It’s so natural for Michiganders to head for the lake, we forget that others don’t quite have the same luxury.

    However, you do mention “ferries” … I just figured that Toronto has, also too, access to water other than at community pools. There are also the old standby’s of a cool shower and running through the sprinklers! 🙂 It kind of stuns me when folks complain about the heat, but won’t jump in the shower… confusing.

    But it’s really the daycare and trash I would worry about. Make shift dumps are going to be pretty gross – even after only a week.

    And it REALLY sucks that Canada Day is once again canceled. If it’s anything like our events, folks plan way in advance and invest heavily in time and resources.

    You know… we here in Detroit really enjoy our “International Freedom Whatever” days (they change the name regularly!) on the riverfront with Windsor. Together, we put on the largest fireworks display in North America (always around our Independence Day – 4th of July). It’s a festival of food, games, crafts, fireworks, etc. that is shared by both countries with surprising ease of movement over the bridge and through the tunnel those days … more border guards, I think, is the big answer there.

    Really fun for families, but I haven’t been in ages. Not a fan of the crowds.

  176. pearl89 says:

    #46 Sampler…Thanks for explaining what GINO meant by her comments regarding troops paying for own travel. I didn’t know if things had changed since my brother was in Army (served in VietNam).

    #43 Gramiam…Loved the Moosefest photos from Bennington. Saved the link so I can go back and peruse it more leisurely later.

    #56 Say NO to Palin in Politics…(or Anything) The injection of religion by Palin and her followers into their posts is very disturbing. As many have already noted, Phil has an excellent post about this morning.


    Above link is a contest hosted by NPR called Three Minute Fiction. They are requesting submissions for a contest (details at link) of a fictional story about 500 words long. I am not a writer, but I know that many on here are and thought some of you might like to give it a try.

    Off to feed the family of feral cats found living in a nearby garage. A very young mother and 3 babies, all black,balance my checkbook, order my Purple stuff, and take a shower if I can get the dog out of the tub. Since it’s turned really hot here, that’s where he likes to sleep.

  177. Marnie says:

    I wonder if she will squawk about this “desecration?”

    I’m guessing not, even though most women these days do not care to be portrayed as subhuman sex objects.

  178. 10cats4me says:

    To Saurkraut at 121. My posting was in response to some saying the site bumped them off. His credentials are okay, could be better. I’ve seen way better.

    I am not surprised at the reaction at wonkette and at something awful. I don’t like most of the images either. But part of me believes that Palin has asked for it. She has a tunnel vision mentality and is in way, way over her head. Unfortunately, instead of backing off and just being a governor, she is trying to butt at everything. We live in a publicity hungry world and instant reactions are everywhere. It’s good idea to be careful about what you say and do.

  179. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Parks & pools aren’t luxuries to some as when we have the extreme heat days — that’s the only outlets for the kids of many in the city. They don’t have A/C luxuries. Cooling off areas would be malls and theatres. Ferry service to the Toronto Islands cancelled so day trips for families who can’t afford holidays.

    The city has set up 19 temporary ‘dumps’, many of which are in parking lots of parks and on the property of arenas. Sure wouldn’t want to live anywhere near them. Smell and critters.

    In 2002, the garbage collectors were court ordered back after almost 3 weeks — City went to Court mainly because Pope was to visit. Canada Day got ‘trashed’ then too.

    Here is the page that shows what is and what is not hit but the strike if you’re interested. Toronto has a population of approx. 2.5 million

  180. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    GardenSlug – Nothing wrong with AK ethics laws; They rate among the best in the Nation. BIG PROBLEM is that they are NOT eenforced, especially by the GINO and her personnel board.

  181. samper says:

    It shouldn’t be at SarahPac. That is a fund set up for political purposes. As letter above states, they are cash hungry and “need” it before June 30th to “support” like minded conservatives who promote small gov’t, lower taxes, blah blah blah. No… SarahPac should NOT go towards funding vacation transportation for the National Guard.

    If she wants to pay for their vacation transportation, I suggest she do it herself.

    She’s making it sound like they will be deserted and she’s going to “fix” all that… the only thing that needs “fixing” is their ability to save their own paychecks to go home for vacation.

  182. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    It appears the Gov. is trying to fundraise to pay for the Nat. Guard troops transportation costs back home for their time off or vacation. Not their regular deployment or return transportation that is paid for the DOD.

    Haven’t seen where this $ is being fundraised at – is it really SarahPac?

  183. samper says:

    MJ’s mom gets the kids temporarily, but she’s 80… not likely to be permanent.

    She tried for their estates, but it was a no go.

    Seems since the second he died, she’s been looking for the cash… she called the nanny in the UK to find “hidden” stashes, and now she wants POA of the kids’ estates (value = “unknown” at this point).

    Where the he!! is the WILL? They have attorneys crawling all over the place around there and yet no WILL has been discussed?

    Word is that there IS a Will, but it’s “several years old”. Big deal. Mine is about 5 years old. Nothing’s changed (kids, marriage, etc.), so the Will doesn’t have to.

    Bring on the Will!!!! I want to see confirmation that he willed the Beetles library back to Sir Paul.

  184. Gardenslug says:

    From the newly hired Communications Director’s, blog:
    “Sarah tightened the states ethics laws.”
    Think this schmoozing helped him land the job?

    And, “anaadventure” – I agree with you about the vibe of Mr. Murrow’s website.

  185. jc in co says:

    Ok, here’s mine: Sister Sarah vs Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski is the former security advisor under the Clinton administration, father of Mika of Morning
    Joe. Recently when he appeared on said show he remarked to Joe Scarborough
    “Your knowledge is so stunningly superficial it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you”. Now we all know that Joe is at least twice as smart as Sarah, so can you imagine what Brzezinski would say to her. It almost makes tingles run up my leg thinking about it!

  186. jc in co says:

    #65, Bill Maher & Man Coulter actually did a debate not too along ago, it was a live thing. I can’t remember where, it turns out that they go way back. I kind of threw up in my mouth & will never feel the same about Bill Maher.

  187. samper says:

    CN: I’d be Pissed Off, too! Just when those services are needed MOST so folks can hold onto their jobs (referring to daycare, especially). And the community pools, parks, etc. during the short summer? Not nice at all!

    OK, parks and pools are “luxuries”, but still… many families depend on those recreations for their kids to get some fresh air & exercise. We had an inground pool in our backyard growing up. Mom could hardly wait for the period between ski season and swim season to end so we could open the pool and not be so dormant. That gray area between March and June is hell.

    But the TRASH PICK UP!?!? You can NOT cease that service!! Not in the summer, especially, with bugs and vermine! What are they thinking?????

    Do these strikes generally last long?

    I agree… sub it all out and get rid of the ungrateful city (?) employees who aren’t smart enough to recognize they have a job when so many are suffering. I’m sure there are small businesses all over the place that would LOVE to contract the work!


  188. sauerkraut says:

    Jacobson may run the legalinsurrection site but that’s no cause to go after him. He has solid bona fides. Do not see how that leads anyone to comment about any “downfall” just because he objects to some of the images over on wonkette.

    For the record, I am no fan of Palin. My comments here over the past several months should be proof of that. But while I may believe that Palin is fair game for humor, parody and criticism, I find some of the images at wonkette and other sites to be lacking in taste to the point of being downright disgusting.

  189. Martha says:

    84 wynsplc Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:55 AM
    I wish someone could explain to me this taking donations to send troops home? When I was in the military, Regular Air Force, not National Air Guard, the Gov’t paid my way to and from my assignments. Also if it was an accompanied assignment (family allowed) they also paid for them and household goods to and from. When I was Honorably Discharged, I and family and house hold goods were shipped back to Alaska from Washington D.C. (my last assignment). It is my understanding when Guard units are called up for active duty by the President, they have much the same “privilages” as active duty military units. They should be guaranteed return travel to their permanent duty station.

    Now if they take a leave(vacation) during their assignment, then that is a cost the member would have to cover. I was a Viet vet but since that time I do not believe the policy has changed much. Please if anyone any additional info, please let me know.

    It sounds to me that she might be collecting, funds under false pretensencs but that is JMO.
    Palin is simply attempting to appear to be “doing” something for “the troops”.

    More phony attention getting. BUT, she could find herself in a world of trouble with the pentagon if she keeps this up.

    First the disrespect to Kerry and Biden, now this. Palin thinks she is above all.

    If their airfare home were not paid for we would have known about it via Ted Stevens “series of tubes” (internet) at least, most probably on Rachel Maddow.

  190. samper says:

    austintx: I’d be bummed, too, if my colorist, florist, and favorite restaurant quit on me!!

  191. 10cats4me says:

    Here’s the Jacobson dud’s quals. Heavy on financial and securities. Part of the downfall?

    I am a 1981 graduate of Hamilton College and a 1984 graduate of Harvard Law School. At Harvard I was Senior Editor of the Harvard International Law Journal and Director of Litigation for the Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project. Prior to joining the Cornell law faculty I had a highly successful civil litigation and arbitration practice in Providence
    Rhode Island concentrating in investment employment and business disputes in the securities industry including many high profile cases reported in leading newspapers and magazines. I serve as one of a small number of private practice attorneys who train new arbitrators for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. I have argued cases in numerous federal and state courts including the Courts of Appeal for the First
    Fifth and Sixth Circuits and the Rhode Island Supreme Court. For a listing of my professional presentations reported cases and press references see my CV at:

  192. SOS says:

    Okay, ridiculous and overlong, but going with it anyway. This stuff is from the United States Army Alaska Soldiers’ Handbook and Arctic Warrior Standards (March 2008), issued to all.

    Standards of dress and appearance are important to the military, as we already knew. As “Chief” (her words were “chief of”, not commander-in-chief), I would think she should probably familarize herself as a guide to conduct and protocol when addressing troops in that role, on a military base.

    3. Responsibilities
    Commanders are responsible to ensure Soldiers under their command present a neat and Soldierly appearance. Noncommissioned officers are responsible for the appearance of subordinate Soldiers in their charge. Each Soldier has the duty to take pride in his and her appearance at all times.
    4. General
    USARAK Soldiers must project a professional military image. There must be not doubt that they live by a common standard and are responsible to military order and discipline.
    5. Army Uniform Wear
    a. Uniform Appearance. Your uniform identifies you as a member of the United States Army and United States Army Alaska (USARAK). This is a proud organization; we wear our uniform with pride. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by Soldiers is fundamental and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective military force. It is the duty of all Soldiers to take pride in their appearance at all times. Commanders are responsible at all levels to ensure that military personnel under their Command present a neat and Soldierly appearance. AR 670-1 prescribes all the regulatory guidelines for uniform wear and items for wear. Soldiers should use appropriate discretion based on weather conditions and duties.
    c. Mixed Uniforms. Wearing a combination of civilian and military clothing, while in uniform is prohibited.
    d. Off-duty Appearance and Wear of Uniforms off the Installation
    (1) In general, the professional atmosphere and high standards of appearance maintained by uniformed military personnel in USARAK should carry over into the selection of civilian attire. Wear of appropriate attire avoids public embarrassment and promotes a sense of community. It also assists in the orderly accomplishment of the installation’s mission and fosters loyalty, discipline, and morale of troops.
    (d) The authorized uniforms while traveling are prescribed in Department of
    Defense and Army directives. All personnel are reminded of the responsibility to maintain a high standard of dress and appearance. When in uniform you represent not only the United States Army, but also USARAK.

    Regarding the issue of troops without funding for transportation. Sarah makes it sound like it’s deployment-related travel, but if it is about R&R travel for personal leave, here’s what it says. Clearly, soldiers know that the military doesn’t pay for leave travel.
    d. Leaves and Passes. USARAK units must be capable of responding swiftly to meet contingencies ranging from war to civil disturbance to natural disaster. When you are on pass or leave, it is your responsibility to make sure that your unit knows where you are and when you will return.

    When you submit a request for leave, you are telling the commander that
    (a) You have sufficient days accrued or are asking for advanced leave.
    (b) You have enough money to cover your cost of leave and travel.
    (c) You will return on time.
    (2) Being placed in a pass status is not a Soldier’s right. Passes are a privilege for deserving Soldiers as determined by commanders.

    According to an official source this morning, there are NO deployed troops without transportation back to “duty station” in the United States. That if donations are being solicited to buy plane tickets for deployed troops, it should be considered a scam, that the Better Business Bureau should be notified and that a police report should be filed. The source said “the military does not leave soldiers in other countries, that would be ridiculous.”
    The source said that under all circumstances, the military provides transportation back to “home of record” on honorable discharge from the military at the end of enlistment period.

    Interesting. The governor is NOT formally identified in chain of command. The formal Chain of Command:
    Commander in Chief
    Secretary of Defense
    Secretary of the Army
    Chief of Staff of the Army/Sergeant Major of the Army
    United States Army Pacific Command Commander/Command Sergeant Major
    United States Army Alaska Commanding General/Command Sergeant Major
    Brigade Commander/Command Sergeant Major
    Battalion Commander/Command Sergeant Major
    Company Commander/First Sergeant
    Platoon Leader/Platoon Sergeant/Squad Leader

  193. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 8:48 AM

    hey guys tune in…….Man SOUR has been busy…..encouraging an ethics complaint against Ramas, so much for confidentially on their part, lol, guess they got on the bandwagon with us, lol.

    “This article has been emailed to the legislators. It’s now being discussed on the Bob & Mark Show with Sen. Begich.”
    Ummm, isn’t that illegal to talk about it?? If they file it will be thrown out b/c they blabbed!

  194. ThirtyFiveUp says:

    There is a clever website, Jib Jab, and it is awesome. They have several video cartoons including Obama,

    he’s come to save the day.

  195. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    OMG! @ the something awful website is now 10 pages and there is one of GINO holding a snarling wolf 😀
    There is also a “desecration” of the “first family” picture! You know the one where they are all outside (Bristol looks preg) well someone took it and made them all have “weird flat face” features except GINO. I wonder if megamouth will threaten to sue them for using a SOA official pic! Some of them are really edgy! lol.

  196. Aha says:

    Madoff’s wife was in the full know about her husband’s doings and most likely was an accomplice as evidenced by her actions over the past year, at least.

    Barack, you mandingo warrior you, lol. Whatever supplements you take to get that ripped I want some.

    Palin, you wolf slut, you, nipples showing, and what’s that between your legs…looks pretty chilly with all that snow around.

    Hasn’t Palin’s religious sensibilities kicked in and she held a press conference to stop such decadence. Or, who knows maybe she approves.

  197. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Here’s one for you:

    The City of Toronto city-run events for Canada Day on Wednesday have been confirmed to be cancelled due to a government worker strike. If you had a city permit to hold an event on city property – cancelled.

    Yea — a strike in these times of more people unemployed, etc. Mind boggling. Fire the whole friggin lot. Contract work out. (hint — I’m anti-union when it comes to gov arrogant, over-paid, over benefited workers) Would I run over them — you betcha! Of course the public pools for kids are closed; daycare centres which are the ones used by people who need them the most and can’t take off work. Public washrooms in city parks closed. City community centres closed which also provide day programs for kids for working parent(s). The usual BS. Garbage collection cancelled. Of course these strikes are always in summer adding the rodents. Time to hold their contracts in January. They being whimps, wouldn’t be walking pickets in snow and cold.

    Can’t tell I’m PO’d!!!!!

  198. samper says:

    What’s with ALL this twittering? Doesn’t she have a JOB to do? Why is she sending out these messages every three seconds?

    Frankly, I wouldn’t want my Gov twittering. Seems like something High School girls would do when talking about the cute boys.

    MSNBC NOW: Might read Madoff’s wife’s statement again!

  199. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hey guys tune in…….Man SOUR has been busy…..encouraging an ethics complaint against Ramas, so much for confidentially on their part, lol, guess they got on the bandwagon with us, lol.

    “This article has been emailed to the legislators. It’s now being discussed on the Bob & Mark Show with Sen. Begich.”

  200. austintx says:

    samper – Life is ruff for Ruth.

  201. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    twit twitter……me thinks she’s being nice to Begich these days, lol……

    “Meet w Sen Begich this wk will discuss Ag Sec’s review of Forest Service inventoried roadless policy/Tongass exemption; hopefully it remains”

  202. samper says:

    Madoff’s wife just released a very good statement outlining her own despair and embarrassment with Bernie’s behavior. It was very much about the victims, many her friends, who are “upended” and how she can’t believe the amount of suffering the victims are going through. Her words seem very sincere and are very well put together.

    Given Bernie’s demeanor, this is a 180 and refreshing. Try to catch her statement in full … MSNBC just had it on at 12:45EDT.

    Appears Billy Mays died of heart attack (preliminary finding). No head injury noted by coroner.

  203. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    trying to drum up “positive” press…….

  204. honestyinGov says:

    Both of S&M’s last two ‘faux poutrages ‘ have been so transparent ans weak. One of the posts over on Reginas blog had a link to the Letterman debacle. From the ‘TV Squad.
    Quote about the protesters…
    “Their persistence, craziness and downright insane notions about the joke and how it justifies the host’s termination literally made me laugh as their grasp for sanity and relevance withered to the weakness of a dollar store condom.”
    Seeing as how we are speaking about Sarah’s ‘ abstinence only ‘ Fan’s someone may have to explain the ‘ analogy ‘ to them.

  205. austintx says:

    sauerkraut –
    I think this exterminator can help with the chipmunks.

  206. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    test……my last two posts have gone missin, poof, weird.

  207. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 8:17 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    Even with the site locking my computer, as I mentioned, I did get to see that the blog is written by William A. Jacobson who sets out on the page as being the Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School in Ithaca, NY.

    Should he actually be weighing in on this??

    Seeing it’s NY — Megtard have any connection to this? Hmmmm
    I think he’s just commenting on it as the “right” has just gotten a clue about it…its on Hotair too, but I didn’t go there so I don’t know if it is his article or someone else’s.

  208. John says:

    New communications director has been on the job for more than two weeks and he hasn’t had time to issue a press release or talk to the Juneau Empire? I guess the Governor’s Communications Director is too busy tweeting to actually do any real communication.

  209. Enjay in E. MT says:

    It makes me wonder when I start looking at the “quality” of the people in the Congress & Senate. Shouldn’t there be a test of some kind that some of these ppl have to take, that shows they are qualified for the position?

    After all – a lawyer needs to pass the bar to qualify to work in a state, a doctor or nurse, even the lowly insurance agent? Maybe even give them the test potential new citizens have to take.

    Makes sense to me !

  210. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    dang it, does anyone else ever “lose” a post, just poof, when you hit submit, lol……it’s happened to me several times, I dunno why.


    on the guard travel……I think it’s about vacation travel, I think she’s bitchin because her son has to pay, or rather “she” has to pay for him to come home to visit mommy dearest, so she get’s all riled up and decides to go see him on the states dime, except the embarrassed son doesn’t want his mom to come near him, lol……I also think Meg and Scarah schemed that this could be used for a weekend media push to get her face out there and raise pac money. Except it failed, lol…..

  211. austintx says:

    Yeah Buddy…………like the far right is gonna get any mileage out of jackin’ with wonkette.

  212. samper says:

    wynsplc: Thank you for your service! CLAP CLAP!!! 🙂

    It seems to be the general idea that SP wants the feds to pay for the NG to go home on vacations. It also seems that SP wants the feds (no caps, she doesn’t respect the feds enough to use caps) to pay for their transport from whichever base they return to on U.S. Soil back to AK.

    MY point and MHO is that once they are returned to U.S. Soil and are not of active service any longer, that the STATE should pay for their transport home. The NG is a STATE unit, of which SP is Commander in Chief when they are not called to Federal service. She wants the citizens to donate to achieve this, when IMHO, it should be a line item in the State Budget.

    Lori in LA: ROFLMAO! 🙂

  213. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,

    Even with the site locking my computer, as I mentioned, I did get to see that the blog is written by William A. Jacobson who sets out on the page as being the Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School in Ithaca, NY.

    Should he actually be weighing in on this??

    Seeing it’s NY — Megtard have any connection to this? Hmmmm

  214. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    David Murrow, an author of Christian books – he started his job on June 10th. I wonder if there is any possibility he is doing the “tweets.” Lately, those tweets have become very religious in tone. Deserving of a censor by the Legislators IMO. The tweets about the Natives are especially disturbing, see Palingates for more info. SP (via Murrow?) is becomming bolder with her “code” words and I have always thought that this was the most frightening aspect of the GINO. Soon to be tweeted: “I am rapture ready, are you?”

  215. Closet Mudpup says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    He continued the faux outrage, disingenuously maintaining that the lefties are attacking Trig Palin because he’s Sarah Palin’s child and has Down Syndrome, and ignoring the simple facts that 1) it was never about Trig Palin, and 2) that it was Megamouth’s statement about “desecration of an iconic image” which provoked all the subsequent photoshop works that he’s now subsequently complaining about, and 3) that it’s still not about Trig Palin. It seems the omission of the most important facts about the whole kerfuffle is not important to him or to the commenters there. Welcome to rightie world.

  216. anadventurer says:

    David Murrow is a wacko. As per staff requirements. (does that sound rude?) He also seems a bit in the closet if I may judge a book by the cover (his books, that is)

    THEN trying to imagine any of the duo’s above coming to my door made my morning. rotflmao

  217. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Just saw this:

    Bernard Madoff Sentenced To 150 Years In Prison


  218. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:58 AM

    He talk about it and quotes some stuff off of wonkette, posts a couple of pics…Whines about how “wonkette said its all Sarah’s fault” (booHoo)
    The controversy regarding the Photoshop of Trig by Alaskan blogger Linda Biegel is only the tip of the iceberg. Ever since Sarah’s nomination, Trig has been a target. Last fall, the popular DC-based “gossip” website Wonkette joked how Trig must have wished he’d been aborted. Now Wonkette has taken Biegel’s Photoshop antics as an excuse to go after Trig anew.

    In a recent post, Wonkette promoted and joked about even cruder Photoshops of Trig at the Something Awful web forum, where people can post anonymously (examples below). Wonkette even included one of these photoshops in its post (above right) while mocking Trig as the “New Jesus,” “Holy Infant” and “Sacred One.”

    All the attacks on Trig are Sarah’s fault, according to the Wonkette post…

    I clipped the quote here a bit. For copyright sensitivities, and to keep from getting in hot water, it’s best to post a few sentences and then link back to the original article. Thanks! AKM

  219. austintx says:

    sauerkraut – Yours has teeth. Gives new meaning to…..never mind.

  220. Canadian Neighbour says:

    David Murrow, an author of Christian books who lives in Chugiak.

    Author?? — Has she already eaten her ghost writer?? LOL

  221. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I suppose they have signed confidentiality contracts huh…….dang.

    on the new Scarah spokesperson……did you read about his testosterone, lol

    about the guard travel……I too think it’s vacation travel that is not covered. She’s probably bitchin because her son has to “pay”, or rather “she” has to pay for her son to come visit mommy dearest. So she gets mad and goes to him on the states dime but he says no way mom, don’t embarrass me. At least that’s my take on it.

    also too, I think this was also a schemed plan by Meg and Scarah to “boost” the pac over the weekend, it failed, boohoo.

    “while two other deputy press secretaries have departed; Beth Leschper is now handling communications duties for the Department of Labor, and Charles Fedullo has returned to the University of Alaska Fairbanks”.

  222. Canadian Neighbour says:

    “Replacing McAllister is David Murrow, an author of Christian books who lives in Chugiak.”

    Pandering anyone — like she needs anymore to her Ilk base

    You must be running out of office space up there with all the various offices needed for this ‘spokespeople’

  223. mlaiuppa says:

    In screaming contract to Palin’s reactions, notice how Obama just lets this stuff slide off. He even makes fun of his own ears. Would Obama be offended or demand an apology from jibjab for the latest superhero treatment? Nope.

    Would Palin? You betcha.

    (Why is it far right extremists have no sense of humor. Dennis Miller used to be funny before he became a rabid, right wing Republican. Now it’s…Dennis who?)

  224. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl
    The Right is mad @ wonkette.
    I tried twice to see the site and it locks my pages.

    I did get to see that the blog is written by William A. Jacobson who sets out on the page as being the Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School in Ithaca, NY.

    Did he politicize it further? How much more religious commentary?

  225. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:


    “McAllister declined to comment to the Empire, but told the Anchorage Press newspaper that the move out of the governor’s communications director position was made at Palin’s request.”

  226. sauerkraut says:

    re 27, 28 and austin @ 35:

    Along those lines… could be this:

  227. Lilybart says:

    Replacing McAllister is David Murrow, an author of Christian books who lives in Chugiak.

    Yay, Bible guy will really help with her national credibility!!

  228. wynsplc says:

    I wish someone could explain to me this taking donations to send troops home? When I was in the military, Regular Air Force, not National Air Guard, the Gov’t paid my way to and from my assignments. Also if it was an accompanied assignment (family allowed) they also paid for them and household goods to and from. When I was Honorably Discharged, I and family and house hold goods were shipped back to Alaska from Washington D.C. (my last assignment). It is my understanding when Guard units are called up for active duty by the President, they have much the same “privilages” as active duty military units. They should be guaranteed return travel to their permanent duty station.

    Now if they take a leave(vacation) during their assignment, then that is a cost the member would have to cover. I was a Viet vet but since that time I do not believe the policy has changed much. Please if anyone any additional info, please let me know.

    It sounds to me that she might be collecting, funds under false pretensencs but that is JMO.

  229. honestyinGov says:

    73 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:23 AM
    The Right is mad @ wonkette
    Their quote…
    “Wonkette even included one of these photoshops in its post (above right) while mocking Trig as the “New Jesus,” “Holy Infant” and “Sacred One.”
    I realize that that website is truly ‘Preaching to the choir ‘…. but what they FAIL to realize is that Wonkette could not mock ” New Jesus, Holy Infant , and Sacred One “( THEIR words ) if Meg had not given him that ” Holy ” designation with her ‘ desecration and iconic’ references. They would never see it that way but it was MEG who gave Him that designation. Trig is a baby, just like any other baby. Wonkette and everybody else mock the fact that S&M have given Him a ‘ sacred ‘ status on a pedestal above all else. Cult and cult followers.

    Too bad S&M don’t worry as much about those ‘ native babies’ as well. The ones where the families don’t have ‘heat and food ‘ to help them survive the Winter. How about Meg stand up for those ‘babies ‘ as well.
    Meg….??….. we are waiting………

  230. BuffaloGal says:

    Has this been posted yet ? New spokesman for Palin is announced:

    >> he turnover continues in Gov. Sarah Palin’s public relations staff, with her top spokesman, Bill McAllister, forced out after less than a year in the position.

    Replacing McAllister is David Murrow, an author of Christian books who lives in Chugiak.

    McAllister moves to a newly created position as communications director of the Department of Law.

    Murrow said he was too busy to talk to the Empire on Friday, but earlier told the Alaska Budget Report Newsletter he began the job June 10 and is paid $103,716 annually.

    The governor’s office has not publicly announced the new appointment, and has been slow to announce the hiring of the last three communications directors. <<

  231. Gramiam says:

    Seen on a bumper sticker…….Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma. Take THAT, GINO!!

  232. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:36 AM

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:27 AM
    Wonder what is the importance of June 30th?

    I’m guessing that is the date they have to file with the FEC( or they have to file on July first), so the totals are going to be available to the public. They want more money donated quickly to make it look better.

    I’ve been regularly checking and so far the FEC filing for SarahPAC is still showing $0 so I’m betting that is the game plan.
    I think so too, also. 🙂

  233. EyeOnYou says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 7:27 AM
    Wonder what is the importance of June 30th?

    I’m guessing that is the date they have to file with the FEC( or they have to file on July first), so the totals are going to be available to the public. They want more money donated quickly to make it look better.

    I’ve been regularly checking and so far the FEC filing for SarahPAC is still showing $0 so I’m betting that is the game plan.

  234. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    BuffaloGal Says:
    Sarah Twitter: ” I may get nowhere w/DoD efforts to fully fund troops’ rtn trips so pls join charity drive to raise $ for flights. Nonsense troops must pay!”

    What are “nonsense troops?” In case of emmergency, please send ME the NO-nonsense troops, don’t want Moe, Larry and Curly in military uniforms. thnx.

  235. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this must have been meant for “this weekend media blitz” that Scarah was robbed of by MJ………rehashing an old story. Stale Meg, stale.

    “One more time on federal energy funds

    By Gov. Sarah Palin
    Published on Saturday, June 27, 2009 10:12 PM AKDT

    It is important for Alaskans to know that while state legislators resolved to accept all federal stimulus funds, I vetoed $28.6 million for state energy programs because it came with conditions. Many have looked at this money and did not see any strings. I can assure you, if we accept these funds there is great potential for Alaska to find itself on the hook.

  236. Canadian Neighbour says:

    As for Palin and her charity drive:

    Donate her Trust Fund!!!!

  237. austintx says:

    Guns in church………..

  238. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl
    “P.S. Please give before June 30th. Your help is critical. Visit this link to give!”

    Wonder what is the importance of June 30th?

  239. Closet Mudpup says:

    “To impart a heart for worship that is free from the religious bondage of cultural preference.”

    Is there any way to make that statement more theocentric?? “To be free from the religious bondage of cultural preference” is what we all want. Especially with regard to the religious culture Palin prefers.

  240. BuffaloGal says:

    Sarah Twitter: ” I may get nowhere w/DoD efforts to fully fund troops’ rtn trips so pls join charity drive to raise $ for flights. Nonsense troops must pay!”

    Is the State of Alaska website going to have a paypal button now ?? Who’s going to oversee this little charity ? Is she going to carry a coffee can with her when she’s out on the campaign trail (i mean official state business) so that folks can toss in their loose change?

    Is there a website or press release for this yet? How will the funds get distributed ? By lottery? WTF ??

  241. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    thank you Senator Mark Begich……….question, why do business them?

  242. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Scarah’s gonna have trouble………she’s got it comin.

    “A article by Walt Crowley and David Wilma is quoted: “On February 12, 1974, Federal Judge George Boldt (1903-1984) … finally held that the government’s promise to secure the fisheries for the tribes was central to the treaty-making process and that had an original right to the fish, which they extended to white settlers. It was not up to the state to tell the tribes how to manage something that had always belonged to them. Judge Boldt ordered the state to take action to limit fishing by non-Indians.”

    An Alaska inter-tribal class-action lawsuit must be considered by all tribes affected from the mouth of the Yukon River to the Canadian Border’s First Nations Tribes to address the high seas fisheries and the State of Alaska’s lack of concern for the ongoing Chinook salmon dilemma.

    Silence is not golden. Our subsistence rights must at all costs never be compromised.”

  243. sauerkraut says:

    I lied…

    Eddie Burke vs. Sondra Bernhardt.

    20 bucks says she kicks his butt.

  244. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Where’s GINO? Is she back? Do you know where your governor is???

  245. sauerkraut says:

    One last thought… Palin might play a nice Red Sarah… why not pair her against Putin?

  246. sauerkraut says:

    I’d like to see rush limbaugh and Rachel Maddow go at it. …

    Hillary should be paired with Mark Sanford not Stevens. Stevens is too old to do anything but sit in a chair and pass gas.

    Same with Specter.

    Why not pair Condi Rice against Caroline Kennedy?

    Jeanine Shaheen vs. Ensign.

    There are a number of female bloggers who would pair well against Chris Matthews.

    Mann Coulter vs. Bill Maher.

    Courtney Love vs. Brett Michaels.

  247. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Hey AKM got mentioned and quoted! whoohoo, you investigative progressive journalist you. Keep up the good work AKM!

    “According to an AKMuckraker Blog article, Something’s Fishy on the Yukon, “The sad truth that the State of Alaska doesn’t want to deal with is the fact that there ARE more fish. Lots more fish. And what’s happening to tens of thousands of those king salmon that are swimming toward the Yukon River right now as you read this? They will be caught in the nets of factory trawlers fishing for pollock off the coast, they will be hauled out of the ocean, and they will die. As WASTE. These precious king salmon that should be feeding Alaskans, sustaining a commercial fishery, and helping us fulfill our treaty obligation with Canada are thrown overboard dead.”

    Wanton waste is a crime along the river and the entire state. Yet bycatch of our precious subsistence and economic resource is allowed and unregulated in the high seas.

    The AKMuckraker Blog article also stated, “Up until now, the limit for bycatch has been nonexistent. No cap. They can take as many salmon as they want.”

    One season, some 120,000 fish were wasted.

    “The great compromise this year? The state has decided they will cap the number at 60,000…..two seasons from now in 2011.”

  248. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    *Barf Alert*
    ScarahPac-begging!From megamouth, she acts like she doesn’t see her every fricking day!

    “Greetings from Alaska where the fish are running and the sun is shining late!

    Not long ago, I had the opportunity to spend time with Governor Palin as we visited Central New York, Manhattan, Long Island, Washington, D.C. and Texas. ”
    “SarahPAC needs to be in the position to help fund candidates who are going to fight for what we all believe – smaller government, less spending, and fewer taxes. With your help, we can take the Governor’s message and encourage others who also have hope and are firmly rooted in the conservative belief that you know how best to spend your money and not government.

    SarahPAC can’t do that without your help. Please visit this link and give to SarahPAC today – and encourage others to do so as well.
    Meghan Stapleton

    P.S. Please give before June 30th. Your help is critical. Visit this link to give!”

    Then Gino herself pens a little word salad. Ugh! I will spare you the details, your not missing anything that’s for sure! Also,too…

  249. samper says:

    My God can beat HER God up any day of the week!

  250. samper says:

    Nan: The “charity drive” is so that she doesn’t have to add a line item to the budget to transport NG Members (STATE military units, not FED ones!) from whereever they are on U.S. Soil to their hometowns in AK at the end of their tour.

    I don’t think they should be given free transport for vacation, but evidently, SP wants to have the feds pay for that as well.

    She’s a lunatic.

  251. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    is this Scarah’s big promising victory over Moller going to the villages? a little late eh?

    “But many rural fishermen, who depend on king salmon for subsistence and commercial fishing, have said they felt like the giant pollock industry had the council’s ear. They argue the council’s vote will do nothing to limit the huge amount of king salmon unintentionally caught by the pollock industry.

    The issue prompted a greater outcry from villagers about the need for more input.

    Art Ivanoff, a resident from the Northwest village of Unalakleet, recently sent a letter to Alaska’s congressional and state representatives requesting designated council seats for Alaska Native organizations.”

  252. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 6:15 AM

    this is what the twit is tweeting about concerning Moller……..rather biased if you ask me. grrrrrr, she should stop shoving her friggen religion on the people of her state. No way in H*ll am I ever going to have her doing that to me as a citizen of the US.

    Go away Scarah and keep your religion to yourself.
    I saw this on Phil’s blog this morning and it was very disturbing 🙁
    Religion is a “freedom of choice” and not something you ram down someone’s throat.

  253. Nan says:

    Now she’s asking people to “join charity drive” to fund soldiers flights home. What charity drive? What flights home? When a GI is on leave, he’s *on vacation* – when the unit heads home, they are active duty and paid for.

    When they get out of the service, they got shipped back to the place where they enlisted – or so I thought. (can’t think of the term used for “where they enlisted”).

    Anyone with more recent military enlistment than my husband (back in 1980) that could answer?

  254. Gramiam says:

    I really resent anybody making judgements about me based on my religious beliefs, particularly when they imply that their way is better. Sarah Palin’s remarks and attitudes are just as intrusive and out of line as any bible toting fanatic who knocks on my door and disturbs my peace at home. My relationship with my creator is not up for discussion or alteration, Thank You very much!!

  255. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this is what the twit is tweeting about concerning Moller……..rather biased if you ask me. grrrrrr, she should stop shoving her friggen religion on the people of her state. No way in H*ll am I ever going to have her doing that to me as a citizen of the US.

    Go away Scarah and keep your religion to yourself.

  256. Eric-the-Bun says:

    “SP is, after all, CinC of her own NG, is she not? Then SHE should make sure they get home on the State’s dime.”

    Naw, she wants a handout from ‘the Feds’ – Alaska can’t afford both the ‘per diem’ and troop transport

  257. tizzielish says:

    I don’t know. . . I feel a little slimey. I confess that I am glad I saw these cartoon pictures. I despise Palin and it gave me a little lift to see her degraded. But I am ashamed of myself. This cartoon, portraying her as a sex kitten, degrades all women.

    And what about the Obama cartoon? He is so completely unlike the cartoon. . . he is a very skinny guy with big ears, nothing about him gives off the vibe of being physically powerful. Palin’s caricature, however, does what a good caricature is supposed to do: it exaggerates her actual physical appearance for satiric purpose.

    Maybe this next comment is also a little slimey . . but she really is a babe. I don’t like her. I think she represents a lot of scary, horrible trends in our society. I don’t think she is very pretty. But she is a babe with a smoking bod. She really is. It is scary and sickening to see a woman using her body to rise into power . . . but, keep in mind, what she has done, using her good physique, works. She is the gosh darn governor of Alaska and she got there because she’s a babe, she’s willing to wink and strut, and if people want to vote for her based on her hot bod that’s all right with her. I don’t think she could complaiin about this cartoon caricature: she is a joke.

  258. samper says:

    justafarmer: I agree… It seems to have been an “in place policy” for quite some time when it comes to the NG. And the way SP refers to it, you’d think we were leaving our men and women in the jungles of whereever with no food, shelter, clothing or way home, which is ridiculous.

    They are on U.S. Soil! They are also earning paychecks. If they want a vacation back home during a break between training and deployment so badly, it might behoove them to save for it, like every other American has to do. If it is the end of their tour, the State should welcome them home with transport from their bases in gratitude for their service.

    She just needs to break open that checkbook and get her own NG home from whereever in the U.S. they need gettin’ from and stop the drama. Heck, MI is broke. But I have no problem getting my NG back home from a U.S. post after they have served the country. I just don’t think it’s a Fed issue. It’s a State issue.

    SP is, after all, CinC of her own NG, is she not? Then SHE should make sure they get home on the State’s dime.

  259. Gindy51 says:

    Bachman is like Palin on steroids.

  260. Linda -WA says:

    Anything with Michelle Bachman makes me run screaming from the room! She is such a wackadoodle… not that Cheney isn’t right up there with her.

  261. the problem child says:

    Or to put it another way, decency vs. craziness.

  262. the problem child says:

    Lilybart Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 5:43 AM

    Kucinich is a good man. What is wrong with a Dept of Peace? His heart is with the people and he is NOT crazy like Bachman.
    I don’t think anyone said he was? The idea is to have a good versus evil comic book. We all know what side of the divide Bachmann is on…

  263. Ripley in CT says:

    OMG, Bachman was the hands down choice for me. Imagine the crazy eyes whe’d get via cartoonist? Too funny.

  264. justafarmer says:

    regarding troops paying their own way home.
    Our local NG were sent for training to a base on the east coast (can’t think of it at the moment) before shipping out to Iraq. They had a few days free (this was a Christmas time) and were allowed to come home for the holiday, but had to pay their own way. The city, where the Guard unit is located, arranged for and paid for a charter bus for the round-trip.
    When their Iraq deployment was finished there was, again, a charter bus sent to pick them up at the airport (in Louisville, I think).
    This is nothing new, so it’s just more faux outrage on SP’s part.

  265. Lilybart says:

    Kucinich is a good man. What is wrong with a Dept of Peace? His heart is with the people and he is NOT crazy like Bachman.

  266. the problem child says:

    Shannyn’s having a photoshop contest! Hope Dr. Chill will come out to play for this one…

    “I encourage categories like…Jerry Prevo, Ted Stevens, Sarah P, Eddie Burke, Mayor Sullivan or any other Alaskan public figure. Yes, you can even do mine…ugh, the gates of hell just opened. (Oh, wait, last weeks witch video counts.)”

  267. aeroentropy says:

    Palin – oh Ick! Just lost my appetite for breakfast…

  268. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    (Oh, and ANY combo with Cheney. Hands down.)

  269. Gramiam says:

    I just found out that Brian has a whole passel of cousins in Bennington, Vermont. Thought the mudpuppies would like to see them.

  270. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Actually, her pose is pretty appropriate; all sexuality and defensiveness, and judging by the angle of her eyes, somewhat ‘beneath’ us…

    Now contrast that with O’s strongly confident, at ease stance, his eyes level and looking straight at us.

    Just sayin’…

  271. samper says:

    tigerwine: For a price, you can have ANYTHING done. Remember when Michael Jackson was a black man? This is proof!

    pearl89: The closest we came to explanation was on the last Open Thread, I think.

    It seems that troops were getting a couple of weeks off between training and deployment overseas. During this time, they wanted to go from training camps to their home towns in Oregon (we only found 1 article that I know of or read). This was also dated 2003, IIRC.

    The military’s stand is that they can not dedicate military equipment to the personal, domestic shlepping about of folks that haven’t seen a single day in combat yet. These are folks who trained on U.S. Soil, and just wanted to get one last homemade apple pie out of Mom before leaving, mind you.

    The military, however, is happy to allow them any extra space on transport already going their way.

    Otherwise, National Guard members are responsible for finding their own vacation transportation.

    I’m kind of siding with the Gov’t on this one. My employers have never paid for my vacation transportation and I don’t want my military equipment or tax dollars burdened with someone else’s.

    Those aircraft are very expensive to run and are for military purpose. They shouldn’t be taken out of service because a NG member has a load of laundry he wants Mom to do for him before he goes overseas.

    This is not to imply, however, that we would ever leave a NG member in Kosovo or elsewhere. Someone suggested that they might be flown back to a U.S. Base, but from the Base to their Home State might not be provided.

    In that case, I suggest the States pick up the tab, as the NG is State (not Fed) governed.

    Palin is making it sound like we would leave them overseas until they came up with airfare to get home. However, the article specifically mentions the time between training and deployment… a vacation where the person has not even seen combat or been outside the U.S. yet, and COULD still change their mind about even going overseas.

  272. austintx says:

    tigerwine – google is your friend.

  273. the problem child says:

    BigPete Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 4:36 AM

    Although it must be a relief that the most recent sex scandals have involved “girls”, you’d think that the Family Values proponents would try to tone down the lechery.
    They can’t — it’s the only way to prove to the base that they aren’t in the closet.

  274. BigPete says:

    Although it must be a relief that the most recent sex scandals have involved “girls”, you’d think that the Family Values proponents would try to tone down the lechery.

  275. tigerwine says:

    Austintx – too gross!! But so funny I nearly choked on my iced tea! Is there such a procedure, or did you make that up?

  276. LiladyNY says:

    Greytdog � Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 3:41 AM

    Where’s the Arctic Cat Logo??

    Good one! : )

  277. austintx says:

    27 NY Dem Says:
    June 29th, 2009 at 2:04 AM
    And what the heck is that hanging down between her legs ?
    I think she is in need of a labiaplasty………..

  278. Patience says:

    That’s Cold.
    Just, f%#*ing cold!
    I could’nt vote either.

  279. Where’s the Arctic Cat Logo??

  280. pearl89 says:

    I ran across this a couple of nights ago. Posted a link under the last open thread. Seems the artist got a little carried away with her body, but didn’t do much to make her face look good.

    Plus, could someone explain to me what she meant when talked about soldiers paying their own way home when she was in Kosovo? It sounded to me like she was saying they have to pay to get home after their tour is over. That can’t be true.

  281. tigerwine says:

    Irishgirl- I couldn’t vote either! It was like, well, like I was somehow approving of them.

  282. Diane says:

    Is this the new “iconic” picture of Palin? It surely shows a mothers love for her young , bravely taking on any evil doers and nay sayers(those questioning her ethics).
    It would be especially horrible if an Alaskan radio personality or blogger desecrates this picture by drooling over it or worse.

  283. the problem child says:

    Are you SURE it’s dead, ds55?

  284. ds55 says:

    It’s a dead beaver pelt.

  285. NY Dem says:

    And what the heck is that hanging down between her legs ?

    Wait ! I don’t want to know !

  286. Jamie says:

    LOL! Seems I hit the nail on the head. Anyway, even Michelle Bachman alone makes me tear out large chunks of my hair and bang my head on the edge of my desk until I am bleeding. Dick Cheney is evil and the other Repugs I never get the chance to hear anyway, but Michelle Bachman is so loony, so off-base, so wrong in every word she says in the grating voice…. arrrrgghhh!

  287. NY Dem says:

    Is she 7 months pregnant in THAT cartoon too ?!?!?!?

  288. UK Lady says:

    What to do? What to do?, the Palinbots are going to be so angry at the Burke for letching over the goddess, but he is on their side. HaHa. Rock and a hard place.

  289. ds55 says:

    Sarah doesn’t mind at all when her own iconic image is desecrated. Witness the lack of outrage over the Nailin’ Palin purno flick. Sarah only gets upset over her kids’ iconic images being desecrated.

  290. Irishgirl says:

    I couldn’t vote, it was just too hard a decision. As an aside, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the radio show. I finally got to hear it. You should definately do it again.

  291. Lee323 says:

    Barack the Barbarian is only slightly “optimized” from reality.

    Palin the Barbarella has no connection with reality…..well, except for the snow and dead wolf.

    Sorry, Eddie….that ain’t no 46 year old grand multipara posin’ in that snow bank. Put away your salivary and other unimpressive glands while in public, please.

    Any poll with the words “barbarian” or “psycho” in the description MUST include Michelle Bachman. A male barbarian consort is irrelevant. Pair her with Genghis Kahn or a duck-billed platypus, it wouldn’t make any difference. She eats her young. She eats her constituents. She eats her own brain cells…..Very crazy, negative emo whacko. Lock up the knives, metaphorical or otherwise.

    Bachman………by a landslide.

  292. califpat says:

    Yea for Shannyn!! Great googa mooga11

  293. dowl says:

    wow, just wow…what happens now?

  294. Gramiam says:

    Latest tally at Netroots. Shannyn at #1 with 293 votes. #2 at 173 votes.

    Pack up the truffles and wine, ladies!!

  295. Gramiam says:

    Karma Alert!!! Sarah is in deepest doodoo. I have this feeling that Karma is about to hit her with her best shot. Popcorn, anyone?

  296. califpat says:

    Canadian Neighbor: I agree. Both of them are nighmarish.

    Eye on You, Gino would probably adapt the swagger after seeing this. LOL!

  297. Empish says:


  298. lovemydogs says:

    Watch out for the outrage.. Isn’t this just something SP would love to have the NOW complaining about? After all- it could be interpreted as exploiting women if she wants to have a hissy fit. But-oops, I forgot, it’s about her. So she is probably flattered. Personally, I would want to take about 10 baths in Clorox if EB were drooling over any representation of me.
    As for my options on the poll….eeeeww.

  299. honestyinGov says:

    I can only imagine how ‘ lecherously ‘ Eddie Smurf was describing the comic book and all the pictures inside.
    And how dare he ‘desecrate the iconic image’ of the Governor by making those kind of remarks.
    Eddie… President Obama will be going to call you tomorrow to Fire you… or maybe have Rahm do it for Him. You are in big trouble now Eddie.

  300. seattlefan says:

    Going with your bipartisan theme another idea: Sanford and Edwards.

    (I voted for cheney/pelosi. That coupling makes my head hurt and my ears ache.)

  301. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    ACK! And again, ACK!

  302. Visitor says:

    I feel so bad for Eddie’s wife. Why does she put up with him?

  303. samper says:

    Eye On You: But the ABS are perfectly true to SP. You know, it was those terrifically tight abs that helped her to “hide” her pregnancy with Trig for like 7 months!

  304. samper says:

    Michele Bachman makes my skin absolutely crawl. She is SUCH a ditz and alarmist.

    “We must pass a bill that declares the US Dollar as our ONLY currency because someone, somewhere is going to force us into using the Euro!”

    There’s a million more, but it hurts to recall them… She’s almost as bad as Palin, except that I have no idea in the world what her nuclear family consists of.

    Let’s keep it that way.

  305. EyeOnYou says:

    And I would also like to point out that while they simply made Obama much more buff than he normally is….they obviously did some airbrushing on the Palin comic character (notice the lack of stretch marks, wrinkles, and heavy duty make up, and it was obvious that they put the gloves on her not because it was cold, but because they are trying to hide her skeletal hands, plus they really gave her bigger boobs).


  306. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Now if you put Cheney & Bachmann together — they could take each other out at the complimentory GOP Hunting Trip!!!

    Doesn’t surprise me Burke salivating over the pic.

    That’s a first time I’ve posted First!

  307. califpat says:

    They are all nightmarish!! Yuk!!!

  308. EyeOnYou says:

    I would like to pick the option of “All of Them” please! 🙂

  309. lovemydogs says:

    That’s just wrong….on so many levels…

  310. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I’m shivering at all 4. Hard decision!!!