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Open Thread – Just Ignore Him


Saw a few nice looking black bears hanging out at water’s edge near the Esther Island fish hatchery. This one made me laugh because he sat there like that for a while, and a seagull was perched so they looked like they were back to back. It looked like two completely unlikely animals trying desperately to ignore each other.

Crazy day today… Just when you thought the Palin bucket of drama was drained dry, there’s more. And for those of you following the interminable rounds of public testimony on Anchorage’s non-discrimination ordinance, they finished up tonight.

Have fun with the open thread and remember it remains active until the next one goes up. So if the urge to off-topic post strikes you, this is the place to come. Thanks!



327 Responses to “Open Thread – Just Ignore Him”
  1. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    got it. Got you in my thoughts


  2. michigander says:

    SystemBucker and Seagull – note that the Washington times says leaked FROM, not leaked BY the pers. board.

  3. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I was hoping for a new OT thread; I had lots of good stuff to post, but I work Fridays.

    Could I just please ask Alaskans to keep their beady eyes on what’s happening (and with whom) on Pebble?

  4. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    justafarmer Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 10:47 PM
    Sally, I saw that and though WTF is she twitting about???
    It’d like she’s singing a C&W song,,,
    Fer sure she is – Big and Rich. Ha! Their IQ is “small and poor”. She has that in common with them.

  5. justafarmer says:

    Sally, I saw that and though WTF is she twitting about???
    It’d like she’s singing a C&W song,,,

  6. sally says:

    Is there a translator available? What does this mean?

    Detroit Down” & “Rollin”: “Aint gonna shut my mouth/I know there’s got to be a few hundred million more like me/just trying to keep it free”
    about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

  7. KateinCanada says:

    On the 21st Palin signed a sovreignty resolution. If this was discussed, I missed it.
    “The Alaska State Legislature hereby claims sovereignty for the state under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government,” the resolution says. “This resolution serves as Notice and Demand to the federal government to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.”

  8. mlaiuppa says:

    I’m going to human resources tomorrow to confront them about my legal rights to interview for the prep time resource teacher position.

    Please keep me in your thoughts. I really, really need this position. If they split me between two secondary libraries, my career is over; no National Board Certification, no future EdD. It will all be over.

    I need this job.

    Please whisper to your cats and give them a treat. They used to be gods, you know.

  9. can someone please give me the area code for Alaska, I want to call the ADN

    The comments section is reprehensible, and changes, also please show instructions of how to do a screen grab.

  10. austintx says:

    306 Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 5:56 PM
    Can someone find the Andrea Mitchell interview w/Cole & Van Flein. They talked all about the fund….
    I have looked every where for the Cole piece. A couple of us liveblogged it that morning. Cole said something that I can’t quite remember and we all thought it was compelling….something about personal expenses or…..sigh……this is gonna drive me crazy until I find it. A couple of us asked if we heard right.

  11. sauerkraut says:

    288 JHop Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 5:15 PM
    I am here to address the unusual letter that was leaked yesterday, the (b) contents of which are unprecedented in the history of our country, (/b) suggesting that a legal defense fund could somehow be unethical.

    that made me laugh.


    Yeah, me too. What a windbag she is. unprecendented indeed.

  12. sauerkraut says:

    301 austintx Says: July 22nd, 2009 at 5:48 PM

    When is Van Flea gonna trot his ass down to the courthouse and actually file a lawsuit ??


    Despite our comments to the contrary, he’s not stupid. He knows there’s a Pandora’s Box just waiting to rip him a new one should he file anything. He knows that all he can really do is flap his lips and create doubts about Palin’s fan club.

  13. Vaughn says:

    MS.Cole is a liar when she says she never talked to Sarah about the AFT.This woman is supposed to be one of Sarah’s best friends and I’ll bet you every time she saw Sarah the Queen was asking her how much is in the fund now
    Kristine.She’s as big of a liar as her very best friend Sarah.

  14. sauerkraut says:

    What’s the deal with all the concern over some WOT shenanigans? Did you all suddenly not trust Shannyn’s website just because some dipsticks gave her a poor rating? Keep visiting her blog… that’s all she needs to know about trustworthiness of her blog. WOT just wants to get itself installed on millions of computers; I’ll not download any toolbar jiggy from them.

  15. sauerkraut says:

    282 HistoryGoddess Says: July 22nd, 2009 at 5:02 PM

    RE: Cole Facebook statement

    I am assuming Cole just happened to forget to add any proof?

    Never assume. Just come out and state the obvious: Cole is too bleeping stupid to forget anything. She’s just showing everyone that she’s a lunatic walking about as a trampie political shill.

  16. JHop says:

    i am going to chat…

  17. justafarmer says:

    anyone up for a chat?

  18. the problem child says:

    sharing again, for those who have not yet caught up:

    Okay, the Jon Givens who appears to be the trust’s lawyer (appeared at press conf. w/ Kristen Cole (thanks, tamara)) is a partner with the law firm that represents the Mat-Su Valley Board of Realtors and ReMax Properties, Inc..,-P.C.-37887-f.html?

    Wonder whose interests he is really representing (hint: Re-Max Wasilla is Kristen Cole.)

  19. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Can someone find the Andrea Mitchell interview w/Cole & Van Flein. They talked all about the fund….

  20. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    It’s called an implosion I think.

  21. zyggy says:

    rflmao , “unprecedented in the history of our country” Cole’s head is even bigger than $arah’s. The lunar landing has been eclipsed by the pdf, might as well add it must have eclisped the end of WWII, and the election of Pres Obama.

    That letter will go down as a day of Infamy. Is it at the Smithsonian yet? Or at least on loan to the Lourve.

    =) Rant off. For now. But give me a few minutes while I stop laughing.

  22. pacos_gal says:

    So the Washington Times article (known as conservative paper) says not only that the State Personnel Board was the source of the leak, but that she will be found guilty by the board, and nothing will happen as long as she doesn’t take any money from it. So what happens if she does or even better, already has?

    And what is this comment on Hypocrites and Heffalump about Van Flein saying the fund only has 10’s of thousand in it? Wasn’t it already reported to have hundreds of thousands in it?
    I sense an audit coming from someone. IRS?

    And Cole now saying that she never spoke with Palin about the fund until yesterday. Yes sireee, a bridge to nowhere indeed. Panic, pure and simple. What kind of tweeters are going out? any? I haven’t checked and not sure I want to.

    Oh and Brad Blog is now saying that Chatman might have a case against Van Flein for statements he made, accusing her of a crime.

    Wow, this is a heck of an evening.

  23. SystemBucker says:

    Seagull Junker Palin, I didn’t even notice that the story is dated for tomorrow. So this might be the newest developement in this tangled story. hhhhm…I’m so curious as to who the leaker is!

  24. austintx says:

    When is Van Flea gonna trot his ass down to the courthouse and actually file a lawsuit ?? All this smack talk. Let’s see some sworn depositions.

  25. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – oops bold tutorial

  26. antiAnti says:

    @jhop think pointy brackets and the markup cmds will love you

  27. justafarmer says:

    pacos_gal…I’m snickering….

  28. pacos_gal says:

    HAHAHA justafarmer, I didn’t even catch that when I was writing it!!! You’re good.
    *a bow of respect your way*

  29. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Good catch SystemBucker – so this article in the WATimes (usually not a read for me!) is dated for tomorrow (it’s new) states that the AP says the report was released by the PERSONNEL BOARD. wow.

    “The Associated Press claims that outgoing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be found guilty of violating her state’s ethics rules, citing a report leaked from the State Personnel Board on one of the 19 ethics complaints filed against her.”

    Now, we know how frequent FACT ERRORS occur, but this one? Who knows.

  30. justafarmer says:

    lol pacos_gal @287:
    I guess that would be a REAL bridge to nowhere

  31. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    jhop, I too also laughed at the historical importance of Ms Cole’s whining . . . . 😀

  32. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 4:58 PM
    They are so full of BS.

    Lie & deflect.

    Daniels gave SP a favorable ruling on the Arctic Cat complaint – which had a bare minimum of an investigation, never asked how much $ was made – so it’s not too bright of them to complain now. So you agree with an atty when it’s in your favor, but he’s worthless when it’s not?
    The cultists are too amusing for words but it’s impossible for me to feel any sympathy for Daniel.

    The work he did on the Arctic Cat complaint was shoddy (remember all that talk about “oh, everybody has a logo on their shirt these days”) and his work on the slush fund complaint isn’t much better.

    No sympathy from Down Under. Let him learn his own lessons.

  33. SystemBucker says:

    Here’s an article in the Washington Times that says the State Personnel Board leaked the report to the AP. Who’s on the Board that would leak this info??? Of coarse, the Washington Times may not be reporting this accurately – who knows anymore, it’s all becoming very tangled!

    Oh Yeah, and on the right side of the article you won’t be able to miss the big Sarah PAC ad with it’s big donate button…I just found this amusing as I read the Ethics article.

    –“The Associated Press claims that outgoing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be found guilty of violating her state’s ethics rules, citing a report leaked from the State Personnel Board on one of the 19 ethics complaints filed against her.”–

  34. JHop says:

    yes youre right!!! thanks ds!

  35. ds55 says:

    JHop you’re still using the wrong brackets to create bold command. You need to use the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols, the ones that share the comma and period keys on your keyboard. Shift+comma and Shift+period

  36. JHop says:

    bold command is still not my friend.

  37. JHop says:

    I am here to address the unusual letter that was leaked yesterday, the [b]contents of which are unprecedented in the history of our country,[/b] suggesting that a legal defense fund could somehow be unethical.

    that made me laugh.

  38. pacos_gal says:

    Wow, this is what it looks like when the train is heading for the bridge and they finally realize that bridge is gone.
    They are trying to lie and throw suspicion on Any other person in the universe that they can. This my dears, is called desperation and the very fact that they are trying to do this..makes it much more likely that they know and recognize that they are guilty.

  39. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Here’s a link to HuffPo from NYHawk:

    A brief, two paragraph statement [PDF] by the private attorney of Alaska’s very-soon-to-be-former Gov. Sarah Palin was posted on the governor’s official public state website on Monday.

    I swear they are losing it.

  40. zyggy says:

    They will continue to deflect all the damage. I wanna see the AFT disclosure, where do I sign up? Is there a limit on how long it takes for AFT to respond with the info?

  41. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Have they no shame?

  42. HistoryGoddess says:

    geeze, targeted, not targeting.

  43. HistoryGoddess says:

    RE: Cole Facebook statement
    I agree that Daniel is being targeting, but this is what she wrote about Kim:

    “You know, we have witnessed time and again the blatant abuse of process when it comes to people filing these complaints and illegally discussing them and leaking them to the press- but this latest move further crosses the line and we are all reviewing action for the reputational harm caused by Ms. Chatman based upon the leak of Tom Daniel’s preliminary thinking on the matter – a product that may have ultimately been remarkably different and perhaps even dismissed. Where is the accountability for those who blatantly disregard the requirement to keep the issue confidential?”

    I am assuming Cole just happened to forget to add any proof?

  44. UK Lady says:

    Chatman, sorry.

  45. UK Lady says:

    Kristan Cole’s full statement!

    JHop, you will want to read this. They are still defaming Kim Chapman.

  46. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    They are so full of BS.

    Lie & deflect.

    Daniels gave SP a favorable ruling on the Arctic Cat complaint – which had a bare minimum of an investigation, never asked how much $ was made – so it’s not too bright of them to complain now. So you agree with an atty when it’s in your favor, but he’s worthless when it’s not?

    And KC never talked to SP? Don’t you think she talked to Sarah before her Andrea Mitchell interview?

    I think they are digging themselves a little too deep.

  47. zyggy says:

    that’s what I’m guessing jhop, just needed reassurance that I’m not going crazy. =)

  48. JHop says:

    daniels has no reason to lie. he was being paid by the board as an independent counselor. there is no doubt that palin approved of the fund. her own conflicting statements and those of cole are just the tip of the evidence, i assume.

  49. zyggy says:

    I posted this on the trust thread and now posting her.
    Kristin Cole is now saying “The first and only time I have spoken with the Governor about the Trust was yesterday to alert her that I was responding to this violation of the law and leak of preliminary and confidential materials from the complainant. ”

    Even though in the pdf, Daniel’s interviewed her and Kristin said she talked to $arah about the Trust and gave her approval for it.

    Next question if $arah never took any money from the Trust, then wtf is it for? Does this mean she’s not going to accept money? I’m so confused about all this. =)

    So who is telling the truth, Daniels or Cole? Am I not seeing this right?

  50. tamara says:

    Press release by Kristan Cole

    I think that Daniel is the selected one to be thrown under the bus

    This Trust was created by a team of expert lawyers from around the country. It was thoroughly vetted for compliance with federal and state law and trust law. So far Mr. Daniel is the only lawyer in the country who has questioned a legal defense fund despite the fact that his firm has set up legal defense funds for other office holders. Because his initial review was unprecedented and contained factual errors it was my understanding that Gov. Palin’s legal team, including Mr. Van Flein, were in on-going discussions with Mr. Daniel. The matter was not final.

  51. Terpsichore says:

    Thanks to all kind mudpups stroking my head and saying “there, there. it’ll be alright”. I will sleep.

    From my To Do List today:

    Read Mudflats
    Grade tests
    Buy wine
    Call Stockbroker and tell him to invest heavily in popcorn futures

    I think we’ve go some first class drama headed our way!

  52. MinNJ says:

    Wow, the joint is jumpin’. Trying to keep up here and watch the Prez…keep it up, kids…you’re so darn good! Back to read more links…

  53. SS says:

    Sorry I am on both threads at once and got a bit confused

  54. SS says:

    UK lady
    Yes I wonder what they are thinking now!

  55. tamara says:

    What troubles me is how will we know if the PB or AG will follow up on this complaint. They can keep us in the dark as long as they wish, if you follow their logic of confidentiality. We would be left with speculations only.

    Any ideas as to how we can legally obtain the resolution of the PB ?

    I remember that Petumenos had released a certain number of documents related to the kids travelling issue. What type of pressure/circumstances led to this disclosure ? Anyone know ?

  56. SS says:

    Ha Ha … maybe Murdoch got there just in time to reimburse the fund!

  57. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    The Gun legislation was defeated! Smart congresscritters said no way!

  58. Nebraska Native says:

    Gryphen has a new post up too… things are hoppin’ tonight!

  59. UK Lady says:

    SS – It was Donatelli wasn’t it?, I thought they were backing off coz it smelt too.

  60. SS says:

    Do you remember at the time the new fund was started that Sarah and company parted ways with the company that was doing the first PAC or fund? The reason given was that they wanted it to be Alaskan? I always thought this was odd… and that they didn’t want professional eyes watching them or the other people did not want to go along with what they were trying to pull.

  61. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Hon, I hear ya. I am telling you it cannot be right. You are wrong, wrong, wrong.

    First of all, Von fleebag is acting like a drunken fool waving around a loaded uh… water pistol. The complainant would never have had access to this email/document, therefore could not have leaked it. Said complainant (to my mind) has full right to raise holy ned about being the butt end of false accusations.

    If evidence of a crime is discovered inadvertently, the crime still stands, the evidence still exists. And in a case like this, the mayhem that would ensue if they didn’t follow the trail would be off the richter scale.

    ergo: you’re wrong (I think) lol

    feel better yet? rofl


  62. michigander says:

    Fed and state are due April 15, June 15, Sept 15 and Jan 15.

    Gotta go for a bit – sorry so short

  63. Ripley says:

    Seagull, it’s all there, in black and white. The connection between SaraPAC and the AFT. IN writing. Approved by $P herself. Let her try and say it was never set up to be a personal or family legal defense fund. Just let her try.

  64. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Terp & InJuneau – well, we see how far Van Flein went with his threat to sue Shannyn et al. As Shannyn said, Sarah Palin is a BULLY AND A COWARD.

  65. UK Lady says:

    Ripley @ 250 – Great catch!

  66. Kalena says:

    InJuneau, thanks for checking the yacht out! The thought of those two colluding is frightening to say the least.

  67. InJuneau says:

    ARGH, what are they smoking?

  68. ds55 says:

    Money. There’s nothing it can’t buy.

  69. InJuneau says:

    new thread…

  70. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Ennealogic just did a great post. See #250 above for link!!

  71. InJuneau says:

    Terpsichore–if my understanding is correct (which it may very well not be), unfortunately I think you’re right. Ms. Chatman says she was not the leaker, so it boils down to who you want to believe, her or Buttercup, about where it came from and who violated the law in letting it out in public…

  72. Terpsichore says:

    ” I have no doubt that the Trust will welcome guidance by the Board, as do we all, but it is my understanding that this matter was not resolved and the complainant’s violation of law has served to mislead the public and prejudice a fair review of this matter”
    * ** * * * * *
    Between that SP statement and Van Flein’s cryptic ‘any and all possible” remedies or whatever it was, does anyone think they are going to try to get this thing thrown out because of the leak?

    What kind of a barmy law would it be if a ‘defendent’ could find out in advance that things were not looking good for them, and only they had the right to waive confidentiality? If true, and I’m not sure it is, it would mean any (executive branch) defendent could anonymous leak a bad report on themselves, claim the case is now ‘prejudice’ (yeah, like it’s gonna go before a jury) and, if that could work to get it thrown out, get themselves off the hook!

    That is just nuts. Please tell me it cannot be right. Please tell me how wrong, wrong, wrong. I am.

    Really. I’ll sleep better.

  73. InJuneau says:

    Oklad–based on a photo I found when Googling and what I saw at the harbor, I’d lay money on the yacht being here. I can’t find a photo of his plane, but there is a mysterious one at the airport, so it could be his too.

  74. Nebraska Native says:

    anybody still here who wants to chat?

  75. the problem child says:

    That Halcro article is about the complaint that was settled with a recommendation for a staffer getting ethics training.

  76. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    1st Qtr ends 3/31, report by 4/30? , 2nd 6/30, report 7/31, 9/30 report 10/31? That’s how sales tax reporting works.

  77. Blooper says:

    JHop: The first comments on that Halcro post start 8/7/2008. There are several that are on 8/7 so I am would be willing to say that that was the day it was posted, since his site was pretty well visited.

  78. michigander says:

    I still wish you would check into what is meant by quarterly. I believe they are due April, June Sept and Jan – same as est taxes for businesses.
    Also I agree with Canadian Neighbor. Breathe puppies and slow down (o:

  79. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Finished reading Jhop’s review of the trust. (In the forum, sign in & hit “unread posts since last visit” it will show up below)

    #1 – the “independent” review did not review the trust itself, it reviewed the website.

    #2 – the actual “Trust Purpose” does not define specifically “legal fees” it covers everything. Only caveat is that it applies to SP as Gov. (the website says legal fees, the trust purpose does not)

    #3 – If Daniels had studied the trust would he have had to, as per Dr. Patois forward this report to someone else? Is that why he chose to base his report on the website rather than the trust?

    #4 – I read that every 30 days they need to provide Sarah Palin, the beneficiaries, and the public with name, amount and date of each donation. The expenditures to be reported every quarter. So based on that, the donations were reported to Sarah Palin (not the public though) on May 22 and June 22, and today, July 22.

    Correct any mistakes in my synopsis please!!

  80. JHop says:

    that halcro email post is so interesting! i also wish it was dated though.

  81. honestyinGov says:

    As per C Neighbors advice hold off on my comment earlier.

    As a follow-up to what KTUU and ADN have reported they are legitimate News sources. They should be able to request the info from Kristan and get a reply.

  82. honestyinGov says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 2:26 PM
    I can no longer download the Alaska Fund Trust Agreement. Is that the same for anyone else?
    I see that antiAnti was able to download, But I was not able to. It said it was downloading and then it said it stopped. It locked up my computer as well. Had to close everything down.
    As far as emailing Kristan (post # 212 ) If we all email I would say be very friendly and nice .
    She may not respond because were are not ‘ Official ‘ Media…. so feels no need to respond. Sean Cockerham and the KTUU reporter Ms. Burke who was on with Rachel are Official Media and they may not know about JHops little piece of info about the July 22nd Quarterly disclosure.

    I think an email to both of them asking them to ask Kristan about the disclosure statement is in order though.
    I will emailing both of them. The more that do as well… the merrier.
    Can’t post two links or the Mods will eat it. Here is KTUU news desk.

    [email protected]

  83. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Dr Patois
    Are you on the forum?

    As for the Halcro blog, I looked at the first comment and it was dated Oct 2008. I kinda wish that the blog itself was dated too, but oh well.

  84. UK Lady says:

    JHop has posted analysis on the forum.

  85. Blooper says:

    austintx: Yeah, I’m still not sure if those dates are just an incredible coincidence or if they really are evidence of strategic timing. I guess we’ll just have to wait a few more days and see. 🙂

  86. UK Lady says:

    ds55 – Not sure but I think that article is quite old. I’m not sure, but I think I’ve read it before.

  87. austintx says:

    Blooper –

  88. Dr. Patois says:

    I can download everything on the AFT site except for the Agreement. I also get a blank page with your link JHop. What is up?

  89. SS says:

    Did I miss where to get Jhop brief?

  90. ds55 says:

    NVM, I think it’s just an old article about an earlier ethics complaint. I need a scorecard to keep up with all of them. ::sigh::

  91. ds55 says:

    Is this ethics complaint #23?

  92. tamara says:

    JHop, incredible research and work you have done on your memo. You shed light on very murcky areas.
    Thanks again

  93. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Dr. Patois #220 – verrrry interesting!!

    I printed Jhop’s review of the trust & now will read. THANKS MUDPUPS for your hard work!

  94. Blooper says:

    InJunea: Thanks for the info on that! I would have been surprised to see Murdoch haul his Yacht all the way up here through Cook Inlet!

    I think we have a ‘name Palin’s Fox show’ contest in our future soon, lol.

  95. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Should we all email and ask when they will be making a disclosure statement… as required by Law..?
    Maybe the same link needs to be added to some of the Huffpo threads so everyone on Huffpo can ask the same question. ( ADN comments section? )
    How many emails would Kristan get….?

    You have no idea what you are playing with and suggesting something like this could screw something up totally.

  96. Blooper says:

    Here’s a theory posted on Huffpo’s comments section for the Alaska Fund Bust story. This one really caught my attention. (Thanks to PJama who reposted this on Celtic Divas blue Oasis):


    I think Palin”s resignation has to do with the 6/30/09 hearing in the Tennessee case of the University of Tennessee student, David C. Kernell, who got into Palin”s personal Yahoo email accounts last fall. The dates fit like an Isatoner glove:

    6/29/09 Palin makes 2 tweets sounding mighty cocky about the trial the next day.
    6/30/09 the hearing did not go forward as a trial, discovery matters were argued.
    7/1/09 in the evening she tells Parnell she is going to resign.
    7/2/09 Todd has to leave his fishing to return to Wasilla.
    7/3/09 She puts out a notice at 9am that there will be a press conference at 11am.

    At press conference she was noticeably shaken and hyperventilating and announces she is resigning effective 7/26/09. That”s an odd day. Why?

    7/27/09 is the next hearing in the Tennessee case when the judge will rule on all the emails that she will be required to produce. THE DAY AFTER HER RESIGNATION.

    From the 7/17/09 “At a hearing Thursday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Clifford Shirley asked Davies how “recent developments” might have an impact on his request, a reference to Palin’s abrupt announcement earlier this month that she was stepping down from the governor’s post. “It heightens (the sense of urgency),” Davies responded.”

    Posted 11:56 PM on 07/21/2009
    – ProChoiceGrandma

  97. InJuneau says:

    Blooper–they’re here, in Juneau (at least the yacht is, based on a photo I found on-line and the monstrocity we could see from the road; I’m guessing the plan is the mysterious plane hanging at the airport too).

  98. JHop says:

    this is the link for the trust document. can you all access it?

    valley – i will email you too!

  99. antiAnti says:

    I just downloaded the Alaska Fund Trust – Trust Agreement .pdf.

  100. InJuneau says:

    pvazwindy–it was more the Speaker of the House’s call than the Senate President’s, though I do think Stevens should have (and prob. could have) insisted on Juneau.

  101. Blooper says:

    Ah, never mind. Topic was discussed earlier in this thread. Sorry. 🙂

  102. Dr. Patois says:

    JHop, (BTW, how are you feeling today?) I was wondering if perhaps Daniel Thomas did not address the Trust agreement (which I can no longer view) in its entirety because it fell under criminal violation rather than an ethics violation. The Executive Ethics Act states that if possible criminal activity is discovered, the independent counsel is to hand it over to the proper law enforcement authorities.

    Sec. 39.52.340. Confidentiality.
    (a) Except as provided in AS 39.52.335, before the initiation of formal proceedings under
    AS 39.52.350, the complaint and all other documents and information regarding an investigation
    conducted under this chapter or obtained by the attorney general during the investigation are
    confidential and not subject to inspection by the public. In the case of a complaint concerning the
    governor, lieutenant governor, or attorney general, all meetings of the personnel board
    concerning the complaint and investigation before the determination of probable cause are closed
    to the public. If, in the course of an investigation or probable cause determination, the attorney
    general finds evidence of probable criminal activity, the attorney general shall transmit a
    statement and factual findings limited to that activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
    If the attorney general finds evidence of a probable violation of AS 15.13, the attorney general
    shall transmit a statement to that effect and factual findings limited to the probable violation to
    the Alaska Public Offices Commission. The attorney general and all persons contacted during the
    course of an investigation shall maintain confidentiality regarding the existence of the
    (b) It is not a violation of this section for a person to contact an attorney or to participate
    in a criminal investigation.
    (c) The subject of the complaint may, in writing, waive the confidentiality protection of
    this section.

  103. Blooper says:

    Caught this comment at Diva’s Blue Oasis:

    “Hmmm… Also, too, Rupert Murdochs yacht in town, and also, too, his private 737…. Hmmmm….”

    Wonder which town the commenter was referring to. Cook inlet near Anchorage might be a little iffy for a yacht due to tidal mud flats… could be referring to port in Juneau though.

  104. ValleyIndependent says:

    JHop – glad to see you – am on the road today and the computer is about dead – will send you an email late tonight or am

  105. the problem child says:

    Everyone, I would not read that notation “Via e-mail” as being a sign that this was sent only to English. In a lawyer’s office, the typical way to send a pdf letter is to note above the addressee information that it is being sent “via e-mail” (or via courier, or via regular mail or via fax). Then, the pdf is attached to a usually very brief e-mail that will typically say “Please see attached document re: ….If you have any questions or difficulty reading this attachment, please contact our office.” Then some boilerplate about confidentiality of communications that is automatically sent with every e-mail.

    $P and Chatman could have been blind cc’d, or English might have forwarded it to them for comments, or it could be that they received a separate e-mail from Daniels with the same attachment. They would not get separately addressed communications.

    So, unfortunately the fact that the letter says “via e-mail at the top is not really definitive proof of anything without a copy of the actual e-mail that it was sent with.

  106. Dr. Patois says:

    I can no longer download the Alaska Fund Trust Agreement. Is that the same for anyone else?

  107. pvazwindy says:

    ADN article–Law says legislators to be polled as to where special session should be held. But lo and behold Senate leader Stevens ignors the law and picks Anchorage for special session. I guess Alaska politics will never change. No wonder Palin was never held accountable by the legislature. Breaking the law in AK, is the norm, it seems.

  108. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    AKMFan Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 9:31 AM
    I have been reading comments on the various blogs I read this morning and something just hit me, so I came here to ask for opinions.

    Didn’t the PAC pay for the children’s travel that had to be reimbursed? If this is the case, doesn’t this also fall under the gift area just like taking money from the AFT would?
    I don’t know if a PAC is allowed to pay expenses incurred prior to its formation, but with Angry having her own company to funnel money through, it would be easy enough to pay for anything.

  109. honestyinGov says:

    I went to the AFT website to see if there was a disclosure there.
    It could be hidden anywhere I guess…. if they even post it online.
    There is one link that says…

    Media Inquiries
    All media inquiries should be directed to Trustee Kristan Cole at [email protected].
    Should we all email and ask when they will be making a disclosure statement… as required by Law..?
    Maybe the same link needs to be added to some of the Huffpo threads so everyone on Huffpo can ask the same question. ( ADN comments section? )
    How many emails would Kristan get….?

  110. pacos_gal says:

    Problem child, the pdf is the email. Look at the top, VIA EMAIL.

    So looking at it now, it could be the letter was an attachment format, like Canadian Neighbour says, but this is the leak, and it was communication between Daniel and English.

    I think I’m over analyzing myself. LOL

  111. C. Rock says:

    @the problem child
    This was found on the other site.
    Daniel wrote:

    The relationship between Ms. Cole and the governor could cause a “reasonable person” to conclude that the payment of the governor’s fees is intended to influence the governor’s performance of official duties, actions, or judgment. I cannot read Ms. Cole’s mind and therefore it is possible that her formation of the legal defense fund is entirely altruistic without an expectation of anything in return. But as explained above, the standard for interpreting this section of the Ethics Act is an objective one. The circumstances around the creation of the trust fund suggests that the organizers expect “that when policy decisions are made in the future, the [governor] will be favorably disposed to give more weight to the [their] viewpoint.” In addition, my role as independent counsel for the personnel board is only to decide whether there is probable cause to believe a violation of the Ethics Act has occurred – not to reach a definitive conclusion.

  112. zyggy says:

    Donna, basically they are saying that because he is a democrat he’s not able to make a good decision, they are trying to deflect attention from their Queen Beehive.

  113. Dr. Patois says:

    I wonder if, in the grifter mentality, they (ie $, family, BFF’s) will try to withdraw more than $13,000.00 per year. Remember, a person can donate only $150 per donation but they are not limited in how many times they donate. The $13,000.00 limit is per donor/donee. So they could withdraw from different donors and still be following the letter of the law as long as they take no more than $13,000.00 from a particular donor per year.

  114. pacos_gal says:

    Canadian Neighbour, you mean it could have been bcc’d to anyone. While that is true, it states that “This letter constitutes my report” meaning the email, written as a letter Is the report, no attachment. Otherwise, you would refer to the attachment as being the report.
    Within the letter/report, it states “Notice of this decision will be communicated to the governor and to Ms. Chatman.” Which is what leads me to believe that on this particular email they were not copied.
    It would be stated, that both were notified as per this email of the report, etc, since the email itself is written as the finding.
    This is an informal (Dear Debra), letter telling her personally his findings and making it his report. That limits things a bit.

  115. JHop says:

    curiouser – your comments @194 are really interesting. it is definitely pertinent for analyzing the AFT.

  116. the problem child says:

    Link, please to this e-mail from Daniels? All I have seen is pdf of the actual report.

  117. Donna says:

    zyggy–what are the pee-ers saying?

  118. curiouser says:

    JHop – I made some comments at 194 about the other trusts.
    Will check out your analysis in a few.

  119. ValleyIndependent says:

    Sorry if this has been posted – I have been away for a few days and have lots of catch up to do.

    New Margaret & Helen post:

  120. zyggy says:

    those cee4pee’ers are doing a witchhunt on Daniel’s right now. Daniel wrote a very pro Palin opinion and now they’re going after him?

  121. JHop says:

    okay posted – Analyzing AFT, under the Sarah Palin heading

  122. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Email most likely sent with the report attached as a document, therefore it could have been sent to multiple addresses and you have no idea as all that we see is the repot.

  123. michigander says:

    In regard to quarterlies – Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here but I read that as quarter year, same as paying est. taxes for example. Not 3 mons. since it was created.


  124. pacos_gal says:

    tamara, friday morning? So, a troll on the site (?), but then why mention a specific day. Interesting.
    More interesting perhaps is that friday is the last work day before the weekend and her resignation.
    Still, like you said, maybe rumor, or just a really pissed off personality trying to get a rise out of the true believers. (it isn’t that difficult to do) 🙂

  125. tamara says:

    Austintx at 189

    Very good comments on your link.

    spencers mom says:

    Actually, men do have final say on abortion. Get a vasectomy, wear a double-layer condom, or just stop having sex with anyone who could possibly get pregnant.

    There. Problem solved. You’re welcome, Rep. Adams(R)Misogyny, OH

  126. ds55 says:

    @ Terpsichore – 191: In case the current trustee is ever demoted to “covered staff”, perhaps?

  127. curiouser says:

    After my comment last night about thinking all the other trusts were for specific legal actions, I revisited the other trusts.

    All the example trusts incorporate Legal Expense Trust in the document title.
    The Stevens and Kerry trusts are the only ones that relate to a specific legal action.
    The two Clinton trusts specify expenses before or after a specific date.
    Tom Delay – “ legal fees or charges incurred by the Trustor in connection with his official duties and position in Congress, and matters bearing on his reputation or fitness for office.”
    Gephart – “ legal fees or charges incurred by the Trustor in connection with his candidacy for and election to the U.S. House of Representatives.”

    Allowed annual or fiscal year contributions are $10K and $5K
    The Clinton trusts allow for distributions to the Clintons.

    I believe. awhile back, JHop noted the document for Palin’s trust is titled Trust Agreement. The purpose is to cover expenses related to Sarah Palin being governor.

    After scanning the other trusts I have a different perspective on the AFT section 3.a. “written notice to Trustee of the amount Donee wishes to withdraw, but no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.”

    I wonder if this wording might be to protect the Trustee and to put the burden on the Donee/Beneficiary.

  128. pacos_gal says:

    One thing that I still want to know is who leaked it. That could tell us a lot about what is going on with it.

    What Rachael D’Oro has possession of is a copy of an email between Daniel and Debra English. I can’t tell who might have been sent this email, but since he states that Chatman and Palin will be notified, they weren’t copied on the email. So technically, they couldn’t have released this document. This was communication between the investigative lawyer and the Board, with English being the head of the Board.

    That rather makes me think that this either came from the PB office (where it was printed out) or Daniel’s office, where it might have been printed out.

    I totally discount the wild accusations about Chatman, who would Not have had access to this email and would have only been contacted by the journalist Ms. D’oro to comment on the story before it went to press. That is rather standard procedure, you try to get as many pertinent comments from interested parties before printing as you can, it makes the story better.

    So, now we have two office’s only with access to a printed out email. That makes the whole thing rather More interesting doesn’t it.

  129. tamara says:

    Found this comment in Politico article. Do not know what it is worth. Just another rumor ?

    SCAJUN: Jul. 22, 2009 – 12:35 AM EST
    This is just the tip trools. Wait until friday morning, thjere will be a big surprise for all the palin bots. You have been conned. You are following a false profit. But that might not matter to some of you trools because you too are false profits. Hint the collection plate is missing a few coins. You know what Jesus said about the money changers.

  130. Terpsichore says:

    177 antiAnti Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 1:13 PM
    @jhop – am I right in understanding that both Track Palin and Bristol Palin are entitled to $13,000 (tax free) for this year and Gov. Palin can NOT stop them from making a withdrawal? Can the trustee refuse to let them make a withdrawal?
    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    My understanding is Gov. Palin could not stop them but the trustee can and, if being true to the name ‘trustee’, should, if the trustee thinks the request is not in the spirit of what the trust was set up for. And, of course, would be dependent on what money was in there, and what other priorities the trustee might have for it.

    But here’s my not-so-hypothetical question: Since the fund was set up to benefit Sarah Palin, her family, and ‘covered staff’, what if Ivy Frye, Bill McAllister, Kris Perry, Talis Coberg, and/or Meg Stapleton end up, down the road, needing legal counsel after she’s out of office for the shennanigans they abetted her in while she was IN office? Under that, they would be entitled. But I doubt they would ever see any money, because of what I said above, “the other priorities the trustee might have for it.”.

    So … why even put ‘covered staff’ in there? Seems weird to me.

  131. AuntieRuth says:

    She lies when she Tweets. The latest double-Tweet claims that “the feds” do not have a definition of “renewable” energy that includes hydroelectric.

    Well, I guess she didn’t look too hard. Found this on my first google:

    2.2.9 Hydropower
    For the purpose of the EPACT 2005 requirement, hydropower energy qualifies as
    renewable energy if it is from new hydroelectric generation capacity achieved from
    increased efficiency or addition of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project.
    Hydroelectric generation capacity is “new” if it was placed in service after January 1,
    1999, consistent with the definition of new in EO13423.5

    2.2.10 Hydrokinetic
    Hydrokinetic energy technology extracts energy from moving water without relying on
    dams to create hydrostatic energy potential. Hydrokinetic energy is also known as ‘run of
    river’. Hydrokinetic energy used as electricity qualifies as renewable energy for meeting
    the EPACT 2005 and EO13423 Requirement. 6

  132. austintx says:

    Oh boy………..this will get your blood boiling real quick. What a piece of s^*t.

  133. honestyinGov says:

    # 168
    antiAnti Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:58 PM
    @ 155 JHop Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    Ironically, today, July 22, 2009, is the three-month or quarter-year mark. We can request a disclosure starting today.
    How SWEET it is!
    OK…. how does someone go about getting a disclosure statement. I hope someone is on it already. Maybe Keith O.. or Rachel… or even JHop.
    Does this info get disclosed on the Trust website… or where is it posted..?

    I’m guessing Kristan will TRY to delay the disclosure till Monday morning with some excuse. That way $arah won’t have to answer questions on camera Sunday. She will hide in Wasilla to let things die down.

  134. InJuneau says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign–awww, thanks 😳 (You and Pi too, BTW!)

  135. Jackie says:

    @Jhop – isn’t it fraudulant to advertise something as one thing and yet not have that one thing even mentioned in the trust docs and to in fact have the latitude to spend that money on anything? Wouldn’t that be a case for one of the “abc” agencies?

  136. JHop says:

    yes good idea UK Lady

  137. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ InJuneau

    You couldn’t be any cuter than you are now!

  138. InJuneau says:

    Ya know, my hair looks just fine and shiny and nice, and all I do is use the Costco brand of shampoo (what, $14 or so for 2 huge bottles that last the two of us a year or so?). Just imagine how much better it’d look if I put $118 worth of stuff in it!

  139. UK Lady says:

    JHop, couldn’t you start a new topic on the forum just for your analysis?

  140. Dr. Patois says:

    Here is the part of the Executive Branch Ethics Act that I think applies (not being an attorney and the Act being confusing). You have to substitute independent investigator for attorney general.

    Sec. 39.52.330. Corrective or preventive action.
    After determining that the conduct of the subject of a complaint does not warrant a
    hearing under AS 39.52.360, the attorney general shall recommend action to correct or prevent a
    violation of this chapter. The attorney general shall communicate the recommended action to the
    complainant and the subject of the complaint. The subject of the complaint shall comply with the
    attorney general’s recommendation.

    And if the Personnel Board would actually apply penalties available, there is this sweet section:

    Sec. 39.52.450. Payment of twice the financial benefit.
    The personnel board may, in addition to the civil penalties described in this chapter,
    require a current or former public officer who has financially benefited a person in violation of
    this chapter to pay to the state up to twice the amount that the person realized from the violation.

  141. JHop says:

    the trustee can refuse it; but you know that won’t happen.

    i am trying to figure out a place to post my little AFT analysis in the forum…

  142. UK Lady says:

    MadCity Chick

    LOL, what a plonker!, did the email to the NYT ever get printed?

    I still want to know about the tickets to the baseball game, was Bristol there?

    So many questions.

  143. MadCity Chick says:

    Sarah’s hair wasn’t thinning it just needed to get back to shiny! I cannot believe that this is an issue considering all the other things GINO should be worried about.

    Consider Ms. Beehive’s interview w/a Boston paper on Palin’s hair when you read the first sentence of the last paragraph.

  144. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – am I right in understanding that both Track Palin and Bristol Palin are entitled to $13,000 (tax free) for this year and Gov. Palin can NOT stop them from making a withdrawal? Can the trustee refuse to let them make a withdrawal?

  145. InJuneau says:

    honestyinGov–actually, that river boat isn’t ON a river. It’s “docked” in a pond(?) at AlaskaLand (I think that’s what it’s called), an odd little frontier town/museum/entertainment park type place.

    SS–I stand corrected about her being here in town; apparently there was a small moving van at the Mansion today being packed for the move out…

    AND, the radio report said that if a governor actually bothered to live here in the Mansion in the CAPITAL CITY, it might make our property values go back up. That would be good right? (except then we’d be paying more in taxes! 😉 )

  146. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Question: This mywot site — In order for it to show the indicators for the sites you go to, do you have to be logged on all the time or is it recognized and just warns you?

    I’m not a lover of new stuff but did register & vote.

  147. jojobo1 says:

    B b b but she lies so well and her and her followers are a very vindictive bunch of people as shown by what they tried to do to Shannyn’s site and if you read the comments you can tell who said what.Bunch of creeps who have nothing better to do than refreshing and voting to make a site look bad.Good thing Honest people know better

  148. pacos_gal says:

    oops, in #169, the “their” should be “they’re” (pulling a Palin)

  149. pacos_gal says:

    JHop let me know when you post your analysis somewhere. I’d be interested in your take on it, vs the take of Daniels.

    I wonder if he specifically addressed the issue of using the fund for “legal fees” due to the complaint itself addressing “legal fees”.

    Although within his findings he went into gifts as benefiting the Governor, that seemed almost rambling, compared to stated findings of fund use for fees.

  150. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Maybe after the picnic on Sunday, she sails off with Murdoch in the Titanic for a “Gilligan Three Hour Tour”!!!

  151. Canadian Neighbour says:

    In articles that it mentions Coale, has he or Greta not stated that they discussed with Palin how to set it up? He was advising Palin — not Cole. Van Fleas if I recall also stated that it was legal. He is her personal lawyer. Therefore, how did he have access to the documentation if not through her?

  152. pacos_gal says:

    I don’t know. If she were to make the deal with the devil (Murdoch), and start appearing on Faux, then just think about who they have now and how stupid and rabid of statements They make. Their audience loves this stuff and can’t see the d*u*m*b for the B*S*.

    I know this seeing as how a lot of my family will not watch anything other than F*& for their news. These are actually educated people, but also evangelical Christians who will vote Repub for no other reason than that they think that is who represents the Christians. (like a Dem can’t be religious or a christian)
    Imagine my sisters shock, Shock I tell you, when I said a Repub (Blunt) said that they should never have started medicare/medicaid. She just refused to believe me.

    So yes, She who will be Rich, could have as long a career as their are blind, ridiculous people to watch her.

  153. antiAnti says:

    @ 155 JHop Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    Ironically, today, July 22, 2009, is the three-month or quarter-year mark. We can request a disclosure starting today.

    How SWEET it is!

  154. UK Lady says:

    JHop and SJP and all diggers,

    You are all brilliant, thank you so much for all your hard work.

    This legal stuff goes right over my head. From an ordinary person’s point of view, one of the dodgiest bits is where it says that anyone $P is related to or works with can have money and the bit about minors being signed for by someone else.

    Sneaky devil, keeping the fund going when she knew this as coming up the pike.

  155. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Ah, I just re-read $arah’s stmt. She never said she did not “authorize” the fund.

    “I find the notion that I have taken any action pertaining to the legal defense trust fund misguided and factually in error. I am informed that this fund was created by experienced attorneys in DC and was modeled after other similar funds established for senators and others. The fund itself was not created by me nor is it controlled by me. Neither I nor my lawyer has received a penny from this fund, and I am informed the Trustee was withholding any action or payment pending final resolution with the Personnel Board. This is the hallmark of legal compliance and prudent conduct.

    “In short, I have not ‘acted’ relative to the defense fund and it is misleading to say I have. I have no doubt that the Trust will welcome guidance by the Board, as do we all, but it is my understanding that this matter was not resolved and the complainant’s violation of law has served to mislead the public and prejudice a fair review of this matter.”

  156. Donna says:

    ds55–as the old saying goes “from your lip’s to God’s ear.” But she’s said so many colossally stupid things so many times that I am not sure. Don’t get me wrong–I don’t think this is a long term gig. So much of her appeal is based on her looks (even if I don’t think they’re any great shakes) and those are fading. She is not someone who’ll age well at all–look at her mother. Now, this is impossibly petty but she has those huge marionette lines and her chin is falling and she’s always had lousy skin and a turkey neck. The height of her looks was in Vogue and during the 2008 campaign, when she had the best possible lighting and makeup. But that’s over and the infrastructure isn’t good enough to make up for it. meow.

  157. Freakout in Kansas says:

    148 Donna Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:01 PM

    actually, I may be alone in this opinion, but I think her career on Fox (which I believe is imminent) will be short-lived.
    I agree with you on this…Fox would be a bit challenging for Buttercup. However, if I was Mika (on Moron Joe) I would definitely be worried. Lord, what a vapid woman. I actually think Buttercup would be an improvement. I hate it when I turn on the TV in the morning and I forgot to change the channel after watching Keith or Rachel the previous night…yecchhh…gets my day off to a bad start!

  158. austintx says:

    I am on the Whitehouse mailing list and just recieved this:

    President Barack Obama

    Dear Friend,

    As you read this, we are closer than ever to passing comprehensive health insurance reform that benefits American families and small businesses. Despite all the back and forth in the news right now, it is important to understand just how far we’ve come in this challenging process.

    That’s why I’m holding a press conference tonight at 8pm ET, and writing to let everyone know where we are, what’s ahead, and why health insurance reform is so important.

    Let me be clear: although Congress is still debating parts of the legislation we have achieved critical consensus on several key areas:

    If you already have health insurance: reform will provide you with more security and stability. It will limit your own out of pocket costs and prevent your insurance company from dropping your coverage if you get too sick. You’ll also have affordable insurance options if you lose or change your job. And it will cover preventive care like check-ups and mammograms that save lives and money.

    If you don’t have health insurance: you will finally have guaranteed access to quality, affordable health care, and you can choose the plan that best suits your family’s needs. And no insurance company will be allowed to deny you coverage because of a pre-existing medical condition.

    Now, I realize that the last few miles of any race are the hardest to run, but we can’t stop now. There’s no dispute about it: we cannot control our long-term fiscal health as a nation without health insurance reform. American families and small businesses understand that the health insurance status quo is taking away those things that they value most about health care. The stability and security that comes with knowing that you can get the treatment you need, when you need it. Without reform, we are consigning our children to a future of skyrocketing premiums and crushing deficits.

    We have to seize this opportunity and pass health insurance reform this year. You can help by forwarding this email to your family and friends and letting them know what’s at stake in this debate.

    Thank you,
    Barack Obama

    P.S. Tune in to tonight’s press conference on health insurance reform at 8pm ET on

  159. Dr. Patois says:

    I found this very interesting. Posted by CD on her website yesterday.

    “In response to rampant speculation (brought on by Palin lies/spin):

    1) Once a report is sent out to the complainant, the findings have already been approved by the Personnel Board.

    2) In this case, it looks like they were just waiting for Palin to agree to the remedy so they could close the case and move on, as well as for her to determine whether or not to waive confidentiality.

    3) For Palin to let it to sit there for a week like that is unheard of. It makes one think that perhaps they had no intention of paying the money back nor of informing the folks who gave them the money. Of course, that’s speculation… ”

    If #1 is true, and CD should know, the only way that Ms. Chatman could have leaked the report ( I do not believe she did but that is the spin by Van Flea) is if the Personnel Board has finalized their decision. By trying to accuse and threaten Ms. Chatman, Van Flea has inadvertently shown the decision to be final not just by the investigator but by the Personnel Board as well, otherwise, Ms. Chatman would not have access to the report.

  160. ds55 says:

    @ Donna – 152: I agree with just one possible problem for her, namely she may say stupid things at her paid speaking engagements that will bring her celebrity status to an abrupt halt.

  161. justafarmer says:


  162. justafarmer says:

    lol honesty! maybe some dad fish will float by, also, too

  163. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Jhop – so $arah’s defense claim that she did not authorize this fund, or was not involved with it is out, based on the fact that she was notified May 22 & June 22
    per the Fund Trust of all donations received.


  164. Dr. Patois says:

    Whoo Hoo!

  165. honestyinGov says:

    # 144
    justafarmer Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:57 AM
    do you think red shoes will be thrown?
    Red ‘ Flip-Flops ‘ would be appropriate I think. With some strong Husky Dog poo for emphasis added.

    Since the Quit ceremony will be on that riverboat on the water… we can hope that the ducks might return as well to give their ‘ opinion ‘…. Quack !!

  166. JHop says:

    This is in my little AFT memo that I am drafting, but I think it is really interesting:

    Disclosure Provisions. The Trustee is authorized and directed to release information to SARAH PALIN and any other beneficiary hereunder and the public the name, amount and date of each donation every thirty days. The Trustee is authorized and directed to release the amounts and categories of expenditures for the benefit of any beneficiary hereunder and the public on a quarterly basis.

    A small silver lining to take away from this cloud of corruption. According to this provision, the Trustee is directed to make quarterly reports to the public about amounts and categories of expenditures. The trust was created April 22, 2009. Ironically, today, July 22, 2009, is the three-month or quarter-year mark. We can request a disclosure starting today.

  167. Moose Pucky says:

    And taxing for SS above the cap makes perfect sense also. Why should the lower income folks bear the major burden (by percentage of income) of Social Security taxes?

    It’s amazing how many folks pay SS taxes, pay Medicare/Medicaid taxes, actually work in the field of health care…and have no benefits of their own.

  168. Moose Pucky says:

    @London Bridges

    Excellent thinking on health care public option access.

    As folks can retire at 62 and collect SS benefits at that time, it makes perfect sense to have Medicare option available at 62. At 65, Medicare becomes a requirement not an option, if one is collecting SS benefits.

    Gradually lowering the age of the option makes sense. And there is nothing wrong with starting at age 60. However, I still feel for folks who are out of work and out of benefits and have some health issues that need attention.

    If socialized medicine is good enough for Congress, it should be okay for everyone else–also, t**.

  169. Donna says:

    Oh, I don’t underestimate her–she’s completely without either insight or conscience, which makes her very dangerous. But I think that her future is as a speaker. She’ll travel around the country giving speeches to what she will be certain are friendly audiences and make a lot of money. In a few years, she won’t look so hot and her speaking career will be flat. But she’ll have made alot of money in the interim.

    It’s really what she wants–she’ll be the center of attention, she gets to practice that “fancy pageant walking” and waving, she’ll pose for photos. That’s what I think of as her niche.

  170. honestyinGov says:

    Has anyone seen little Piper around or is she busy trying to open those ‘ unopened packages ‘ by herself before Mom quits her job. Not filing out those forms on time is ridiculous though. A few part-time people in afternoon could have opened all those letters. Especially when she was over in Kosovo… lieing to the Troops about what she would be doing for them.
    So she hasn’t declared what’s in the packages..
    She still never gave details about Artic Cat sponsorship.
    ( What is the status of her Exemption request?) Does the Personnel Board make that decision?… or what Agency does.
    Won’t disclose what is in the AFT… or what she has used it for.

    I see a recurring theme here. It’s ALL about the MONEY!!!

    And do you think Bristol will show up Sunday… or is she still PO’d at Mom… allegedly ( Rumor that is … don’t sue me )

  171. JHop says:

    Donna – I agree with what you previously said about Palin suing her attorneys (and the consequences it would cause for her). I also think that her career on Fox or radio would eventually get old; she doesn’t have anything to say, she can’t think on her feet, and she doesn’t care about learning. At the same time, I do not underestimate her. She is too scary.

  172. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: darn, you always show up when I have to go to work.

    Just like the Jehovah’s Witnesses that I just chased away while I was trying to get dressed.

  173. Donna says:

    actually, I may be alone in this opinion, but I think her career on Fox (which I believe is imminent) will be short-lived. She delivers a prepared speech somewhat effectively–to those who are receptive to what she has to say. But she can’t think on her feet at all and I think her fans respond to having her at a distance. Ghastly as it is, she’s a fantasy object. I don’t think she’d have much longevity on any sort of talk show. But I also think they’ll throw a bunch of money at her to get her in the short term.

  174. ds55 says:

    Hmm… I notice “Froward” just joined HuffPo in July 2009 and has only made one comment, the one I quoted above.

  175. JHop says:

    Hi team – i am reading everything and catching up.

    I also wrote something about the AFT using the specific language in the trust document. I will post it somewhere whenever I am done, if anyone cares to take a look. I am very curious about who leaked this report….

  176. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Shannon was just on MSNBC and they are in a few mins going to do a special about Buttercup/grifter.
    Also you will be happy to know the festivities on Sun will be live! Get the popcorn and adult bev ready!!!

  177. justafarmer says:

    do you think red shoes will be thrown?

  178. ds55 says:

    Here’s the tip on HuffPo that Lori (above) and Gryphen mentioned:


    FYI –
    I live in Juneau and a couple days ago Rupert Murdoch’s big yacht and big jet showed up in town. I’m willing to bet that there are currently talks going on about something like ‘The O’Palin Factor’ or ‘Hannity and the Hottie’ or something along those lines. You heard it here first 🙂

  179. InJuneau says:

    SS Says: (July 22nd, 2009 at 10:52 AM )–not likely that she’s here, unless it took her this many days to pack up the meager belongings at the Mansion. Although I still think the State Museum should have a staff member there to do inventory…

  180. UK Lady says:

    Yikes! the though of Rupert Murdoch and $P in cahoots is truly scary. All sorts of questons pop into my head.

    Are they going for World domination?
    Is Greta Van Suckup worried about her job?
    Can Rupert afford $P?
    Do either of them know they both have a rattler by the tail?

    The mind boggles.

  181. Jackie says:

    Isn’t her Ak Fund Trust a case for fraud? It’s advertised as a legal defense fund but yet the trust docs say nothing of legal defense and say it can be used for any purpose? Also too, I believe that the donations were limited to $150 because of reporting reasons.

  182. jojobo1 says:

    I thinki Palin would leak it or have someone leak it if she thought it would make the complaint go away,so yes I think she would leak it.

  183. honestyinGov says:

    Bretta…. or for anyone else who attends the picnic…

    Don’t let her torture any more of those babies by letting her sign them.
    ” Step away… from the Sharpie Governor!”

    And you just know that if say 10,000 people show up Staplegun will say she had 10K adoring Fans to see her. When in reality most of them will show up to give her the departing ‘ George W. Helicopter Cheer’

  184. Village Reader says:

    @ 104


    Thanks for the heads up on Shannyn’s ratings. Went there and voted. Hope it helps. Need more people. Thanks!

  185. Bretta says:

    @#23, womanwithsardinecan Says: “”The best remedy for skunk spray on dog: mix one fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, one full box of baking soda, and a scant quarter cup of liquid soap. Spread thoroughly on dog. Let sit a minute or two. Rinse thoroughly. Do not do it on your lawn as it will turn the grass brown. Repeat if necessary. My dog LOVED skunks. This formulation was created at a university.””

    I’m gonna take some to the Govenor’s PicNic to get this $tink offa me.

  186. lovemydogs says:

    Dr Chill:
    Have you seen all of the suggestions over the past couple of days for new artwork from you?

    Get busy, we are waiting.

  187. ds55 says:

    @ suchanut: Regarding Murdoch’s yacht and plane in Juneau, the Devil is making a deal with Sarah.

  188. lovemydogs says:

    For those of you who have numerous questions re: the ATF.

    We were all up late last night with JHop on the Alaska Fund Bust thread.

    It will take a while to read it all but the last oh 8-9 pages are enlightening re: Daniels’ opinion, etc.

    He chose to OMIT the whole part about the fund being able to be used for anything other than legal defense (and by other people than SP).

    He quoted directly from the website as opposed to from the original document.

    etc, etc, etc. Happy reading!

  189. Suchanut says:

    Gryphen just posted this at his site:

    “Wednesday, July 22, 2009
    Heads up people.
    Here is an interesting question.

    Why was Rupert Murdoch’s giant yacht in Juneau?

    And why is his 737 STILL there? Is this the beginning of Sarah’s next big carer move?

    Enquiring minds want to know. If anybody has inside information please send it my way.

    Thanks. ”

    Very interesting….

  190. overthemoon says:

    For those who wonder what part of the defense budget baffles Palin here is a little fun explanation of defense spending.

  191. Liz I. says:

    I hate Firefox, but I sucked it up because I owe Shannyn Moore for being such a clear and courageous progressive voice.

    I fired up Firefox, downloaded the app, installed it, registered, rated her site. commented and rated the comments. Go Shannyn!

  192. lyn says:

    New Post from AKM

  193. tamara says:

    I always look for the small details, sometimes missing the big picture. Anyway, here is my meandering contribution :
    her yesterday’s twitter says “new info was just requested”. So it took the Flea/the PB 11 days to figure out that they needed more info ? And it happened at the exact time the report hit the media ?

    “Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final reportabout 21 hours ago from TwitterBerry ”

    This one may suggest that $ wasn’t going to address Daniel’s report before it became public.

  194. SS says:

    sorry “greet” him. need coffee

  195. SS says:

    Is she in Juneau to great him? i wonder if he helping
    her to pack?

  196. Alaskan Sisu says:

    @125 Lori in La –

    thanks for the inspiration this morning. Please everyone go and take the time to sign in and vote for Shannon’s ratings. The ratings are already improving….and the sign ups go fast.

  197. justafarmer says:

    thanks womanwithsardinecan for the skunk remedy.
    Fortunately, the dog didn’t get a direct shot, but even a bit of eww de pepe le peu goes a loooong way!

  198. SS says:

    signed in to support Shanny it’s easy though I had to use antoher name. mine taken already. Do it!

  199. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Interesting comment on Huff. Post from commenter “Forward”

    “I live in Juneau and a couple days ago Rupert Murdoch’s big yacht and big jet showed up in town. I’m willing to bet that there are currently talks going on about something like ‘The O’Palin Factor’ or ‘Hannity and the Hottie’ or something along those lines. You heard it here first :-)FYI “

  200. rebekkah says:

    Good questions coming from OcLiberal about the fund. It’s so frustrating that clear answers just aren’t forthcoming. Another question would be; since the fund says that it can pay for the Governor, persons who work for the State, family members, have any funds been directed at, say, Todd’s sister’s legal fees. Or, maybe another relative who has some legal need, which has nothing to do with State affairs. This legal fund just begs for some serious answers.

  201. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    ok, I did it. Once you put in a comment, you can uprate (or downrate) other comments and then the little bars move accordingly. I realize that if you have not registered for the WOT site, you have no idea what I am taking about.
    Bottom line: Shannyn needs our help. PLEASE. Go to:
    Sign up (allow download). Then write a comment and rate other’s comments.

    Failure to do the above results in computer users getting a warning when they go to Shannyn’s website – this is likely the result of the xtain taliban attempting to squelch free speech.

    SO DO IT. For Shannyn.

  202. leenie17 says:

    Hey AKM, another great photo! I’m sure you’ve posted this before but I don’t remember…what kind of camera do you have?

    It takes beautiful pictures (thanks to the photographer holding it, of course!).

  203. DonnaInMichigan says:

    It won’t be easy
    You’ll think it strange
    When I try to explain how I feel
    That I still need your love
    After ll that I’ve done
    You won’t believe me
    All you will see
    Is a girl you once knew
    Although she’s dressed up to the nines
    At sixes and sevens with you

    I had to let it happen
    I had to change
    Couldn’t stay all my life down at heel
    Looking out of the window
    Staying out of the sun
    So I chose freedom
    Running around trying everything new
    But nothing impressed me at all
    I never expected it too

    Don’t cry for me Alassska
    The truth is I never left you
    All through my wild days
    My mad existence
    I kept my promise
    Don’t keep your distance

    And as for fortune and as for fame
    I never invited them in
    Though it seemed to the world
    They were all I desired
    They are illusions
    They’re not the solutions
    They promise to be
    The answer was here all the time
    I love you and hope you love me

    Don’t cry for me Alassska

    Don’t cry for me Alaska
    The truth is I never left you
    All through my wild days
    My mad existence
    I kept my promise
    Don’t keep your distance

    Have I said to much?
    There’s nothing more I can think of to say to you
    But all you have to do
    Is look at me to know
    That every word is true

    Palin’s last Alaska……..(Taken from the song Don’t Cry for me Argentia)

  204. ocliberal says:

    I am going to say that the main difference between Arctic Cat complaint and the ADF complaint is that there is a very definite amount of concrete benefit attributable to the ADF (the $ donations) versus it being difficult able to assign a monetary benefit to Sarah Palin for wearing the Arctic Cat jacket.

    I personally thought the Arctic Cat complaint was very viable and was a clear violation of Alaska’s very detailed definition of conflict of interest, but remember this is a Personnel Board who works from the premise that the Governor is innocent even if proven guilty.

    And that is what makes this latest complaint even more remarkable. Obviously there is something so glaringly unethical about the ADF that even a sympathetic PB couldn’t outright dismiss the complaint.

    And I’m further convinced that the choices that was given Ms. Palin apparently convinced her that quitting her job was really her best option.

    Inquiring minds would really love more details about that ADF fund. It amazing how few details exist.

  205. karen marie says:

    To explain — despite getting 58 senators to vote in favor of this horror of an amendment being added to the military budget bill, they needed 60 to make it happen.

    You should still phone your congresscritters and let them know how you feel about this kind of legalized terrorism.

  206. pacos_gal says:

    I’ve logged into WOT and supported Shannyn and other sites that I am a fan of. While I have noticed that on the comments, the support marks have increased, at least 4 others have marked support for the hateful comment.
    One must assume that the rating will go up eventually with all the support marks for her.
    Lori, at the top of my browser (firefox) is a WOT icon, click on that and then go to
    view scorecard for rating details and make your comment, marks there.

  207. ds55 says:

    @ Lori: I use Firefox and the WOT loaded itself with an icon at the top of my browser. I click the icon when I want to rate a webpage.

  208. karen marie says:

    The NRA’s attempt to reduce concealed weapon laws in every state to the lowest standard of any single state has failed!

    In a narrow defeat for gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association, today the United States Senate voted against a proposal that would have allowed certain gun owners to bring concealed weapons across state lines.

    The Senate’s 58 to 39 vote fell just short of the 60 votes needed to tack on the contentious amendment to a massive defense policy bill…. The amendment would have let people with concealed weapons permits carry their guns into other states as long as they followed that state’s laws about where concealed weapons are permissible.


  209. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Dr. Chill @ #109 – I signed up on WOT. I even got to the rating page for Shannyn’s site. I CANNOT, however, figure out how to rate the site. I tried dragging the little bar over to the green section, but it does not move. HELP.

    Mudpups – this takes a bit of time (to sign up and figure out the site) – but it is the least we can do for Shannyn, after all she does for us, Alaska, and her Country.

  210. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Honesty – not that I’m going to do it, but it would be very interesting to compare side by side both reports from Atty. Daniels – the Arctic Cat report and the AK Fund Trust report.


  211. honestyinGov says:

    I was just reading the Washington Times story where they are quoting Mr. Daniel and the statements from his report. The quote is…
    “Governor Palin is able to generate donations because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure. Were it not for the fact that she is governor and a national political figure, it is unlikely that many citizens would donate money to her legal defense fund,” Mr. Daniel wrote.
    Now Daniel is the one that reviewed the Artic Cat complaint. If you replace ” generate donations” in the first line with ” getting a sweet deal”.. or “getting a very good discount”.. or “getting a great sponsorship” instead of donations how could he have used the same thought process and come to the conclusion about the AFT…? Artic Cat was an ‘ ethics violation’ as well.
    The ONLY reason Daniel doesn’t know what ” the sweet deal ” was or how much money or value it had was because $arah refused to disclose the amount saying she wanted an exemption from the facts.
    She and Todd got what they got…(HIS quote )…”because of the fact that she is a public official and a public figure.” No Kidding…. Mr. Daniels.
    I’m sure she was guilty with Artic Cat….. if the financial details were released.
    What’s changed… the fact she won’t be around to apply pressure now if she didn’t like the answer.

  212. UK Lady says:

    austintx, done again.

  213. Sen. Begich about to address the Heritage Foundation (AAARrrggghhh!!!) on missile defense. Here’s the video link:

  214. Dr Chill,,

    Thanks for the heads up on this. We need to spread the word. I may do DailyKos and fdl posts on it. Do you have more information?

  215. MissSunshine says:

    To Manoloho
    Re: Wardrobe-gate.

    This is purely speculation on my part, but with the RNC having to sent a lawyer to Alaska to try and retrieve those clothes, I have no personal doubt that SP still has a few treasures tucked away, that she slips on behind closed doors and has a good laugh at Cindy McCain.

    If she had conducted herself in an ethical manner, those clothes would have been dry-cleaned and auctioned off for a worthy charity.

    The clothes stuffed into garbage bags were probably ExGino’s (and the kids) cast off old clothes. What was the lawyer supposed to do? Go though every box and closet trying to match the clothes to a list? Try and pull the silk underwear off the First Dud’s butt? No, he took the garbage bag she gave him and slunk back to the States with nothing worth trying to auction off.

  216. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Country Girl @ #62:
    I never saw a purple cow.
    I never hope to see one.
    But I can tell you anyhow –
    I’d rather SEE one, than BE one! ~Ogden Nash

    I would LOVE to see AKM’s photography on a 2010 calendar!
    I would LOVE to see Scarah taken away in handcuffs from this weekend’s picnic. I would LOVE to go to Pittsburgh next month.
    These are my three wishes, where is that darn genie?

  217. DrChill says:

    Need your help to repair Shannyn Moore’s reputation.

    WOT “Web Of Trust”, is a voting method of rating sites by their trustworthiness.
    Issues of spam, malware, vendor reliability are rated by users of this service. has been hit with negative ratings- comments such as “Hate speech” – “Rumors stated as fact”
    It has caused my WOT warning to pop up and warn me away from her site.

    This is obviously political backlash!

    I’d like Mudflatters to sign up with WOT and help fix her rating.
    A few dozen ratings should fix it.
    You can sign up here…

  218. ds55 says:

    @ AKMFan: If Sarah used PAC money to reimburse the state for the children’s travel, isn’t that some sort of double violation? It’s like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  219. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    whoops….someone already posted that.

    i’m so back a**wards.

  220. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    whoops….someone already posted that.

    i’m so back a**wards.

  221. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    whoops….someone already posted that.

    i’m so back a**wards.

  222. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    senate voted down gun bill extending rights…

  223. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    senate voted down gun bill extending rights…

  224. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    senate voted down gun bill extending rights…

  225. austintx says:

    UK Lady –
    Do it again.

  226. honestyinGov says:

    I was reading some story ( Maybe Monday ) from KTUU I think about the ongoing series “Sarah Palins Wild Ride ” and someone mentioned that there had been no National Press signed up so far to cover her last speech Sunday before she
    ” Quits ” ….No CNN or anybody.
    Has anybody heard whether Dennis Zaki is back from vacation and will get footage…?
    I hope a lot of the local people will get tapes to post on YouTube as well.
    And which one of the ” 3 Girls from Alaska” will be on the scene…. or will ALL of them be there. Gryphen and Phil are invited as well….also, too.
    Charge up the camera batteries everybody.

  227. Moose Pucky says:

    Begich is from Alaska–a gun totin’ state. Even so, you’ve got to wonder why he would inflict that amendment (to allow the less restrictive gun laws prevail when crossing state lines) on America and his own party. Glad the Senate defeated it.

  228. AKMFan says:

    I have been reading comments on the various blogs I read this morning and something just hit me, so I came here to ask for opinions.

    Didn’t the PAC pay for the children’s travel that had to be reimbursed? If this is the case, doesn’t this also fall under the gift area just like taking money from the AFT would?

    She is getting a benefit (by having those bills paid) that the average person would not have access to.

    You could actually substitute it in the paragraphs in Daniel’s report and it would come out exactly the same, IMO.

    So another ethics violation for accepting an inappropriate gift? Is that money taxable?

  229. Kalena says:

    I so agree booboodog. I think she will stir up the right fringe just like she did during the campaign. She delighted in it then and will be even more rabid now that she isn’t confined by the office of Gov. She could become very dangerous!

  230. booboodog says:

    I’ll be in line right behind you, ds55!

  231. Blooper says:

    Maybe we’ll get a new mental illness named after Sarah and entered into the DSM-IV. That would probably be her best contribution to society at this point!

    Palinesia perhaps?

  232. Terpsichore says:

    I haven’t read much ‘legalese’, but I found Daniel to be pretty darn easy to understand and very clear and direct. He covered a lot of stuff in that report.

    This was helpful for me in understanding the process:

    “In addition, my role as independent counsel for the personnel board is only to decide whether there is probable cause to believe a violation of the Ethics Act has occurred – not to reach a definitive conclusion. See AS 39.52.320. The ultimate determination of whether the governor has violated the Ethics Act can only be made by the personnel board after a formal hearing and a report by the hearing officer. See AS 39.52.260-370.”

    I had thought that the PB could just take the independent counsel’s report and come to their own conclusions about it. It appears they can’t.

    If this is so, then the leaking has no benefit to the complainant (as I see it, happy to hear other opinions).

    Independant counsel says, “Yes, probable cause” means hearing – means people testifying. Who is this hearing with? Who represents which sides? Who presides?

    I also think the fact that Daniel reccommended SP do some pretty detailed things suggests the depth to which he believes his conclusion is correct.

    I posted a very admittedly tin foil hat theory earlier on the thread, but now, how about a Reynolds Wrap Heavy-Duty Turban-donning?

    Is there any benefit to SP for leaking this herself, through some agent obviously?

  233. austintx says:

    ds55 –
    Not sure how old that site is , but it says:

    “Did you know that while Sarah is employed as a Governor, she can not take payment for “speeches?””That’s why the people must prepare her financially to make the run.”

    Guess they need to update.

  234. ds55 says:

    @ booboodog: If she starts tweeting conspiracies or plots against our President, she will go straight to prison. Right after I personally kick her azz.

  235. ocliberal says:

    I hope this issue doesn’t fade away. I am convinced that this latest complaint is why Palin resigned.

    As I said in the other thread, if you put that much money in front of a certified grifter regrettable things will happen.

    Here are the questions that may never be answered but would explain a whole, whole lot:
    How much money has been raised by the fund?
    How much money is in the fund now?
    Who has received money from the fund?
    Who controls the distribution of the funds?
    What happens to the fund when Palin leaves office?
    What would have happened if Palin had stayed in office and not repaid the fund?
    How much money is Palin on the hook for personally from legal fees associated with Troopergate and McCain lawyers?

  236. booboodog says:

    I have a feeling that when she is out her twittering will not only be more non-politically correct, it will become dangerous. I think she will not only take some low shots at this administration (already is), but her read-into-her-words-because-we-really-don’t-know-what-she-is-saying followers could be very easily manipulated; and the ‘behind doors’ leaders of the right Will exploit this as far as they can take it.

  237. UK Lady says:

    austintx – PM’d you

  238. ds55 says:

    *I’m sure it’s a scam (not scan).

  239. ds55 says:

    Speaking of scam websites, someone posted this one last night and I’m sure it’s a scan. Otherwise, as ez.pz just wrote, did they think nobody would notice?

  240. womanwithsardinecan says:

    her political tweets are just whistling in the wind. Does she think that Obama and Congress pause in their busy day to check on her twittering opinion? Of course she does, that’s her mental illness speaking.

  241. austintx says:

    86 UK Lady Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 8:59 AM
    Someone needs to kick her sorry a**, who in the hell does she think she is?
    THE QUEEN !! How dare you ask. If again , it will be the guillotine for you.

  242. rebekkah says:

    It’s funny to hear the Gov tweet about her concerns, about national foreign subjects. She is deflecting this week’s accusations of her by trying to sound all smart and concerned. Her concern was not shown during her tenure (it would seem) the last 2 years; Why is she twittering about things that she has no control over?

    Her tweet: “Safe and clean American energy and jobs or force our reliance on foreign countries; what more to ponder, oh wise Washington? Where’s DC’s common sense?”

    It’s questionable to take someone seriously twittering these things, someone who spent their youth seeking pageantry, sport’s journalism. If she was so concerned about DC’s common sense or the wisdom of Washington, why didn’t she have a passion at the beginning for political studies so she could make a difference?

    Like the bear, just ignore her.

  243. ez.pz says:

    @ghostbuster – thanks for the info.

    Last year, here, some morons set up a scam website which requested donations to help pay for the cancer-treatment of a famous actor (who was only playing the role of a cancer-victim in a TV soap-opera, and who was in real-life- you’ve guessed it – perfectly healthy).

    Of course, they got donations; of course, they were soon arrested and tried.

    How on earth did they think they would get away with it? Did they think nobody would notice? Are they reeealy that stupid?

    I would just luurv to ask Sarah and her gang the same questions.

  244. UK Lady says:

    Someone needs to kick her sorry a**, who in the hell does she think she is?

  245. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    GREAT find mommom of the Meg Stapleton quotes about the REAL Alaska Fund Trust.

    I’m sure there are many statements by $arah’s SPOKESPERSON relating to it.

    Very thin line she is trying to hold stating that she did not approve this fund.

    I think one of the most damning parts of the investigator’s report is where he lists the 3 or 4 appointed positions Kristan Cole has with the State of AK. From Dairy to Oil/Gas. Yeah right!!!

  246. UK Lady says:


    I sign HJR28 Oppose Restricting Oil/Gas Devlp;we urge President to promote US resource devlp.Pretty simple, Mr.President & Congress:choose
    10 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

    safe clean American energy&jobs or force our reliance on foreign countries;what more to ponder,oh wise Washington?Where’s DC’s common sense?
    9 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  247. London Bridges says:

    Will it be Kristan Cole? John Coale? Nat King Cole?
    Old King (Queen) Cole?

  248. lyn says:

    Report Questions Palin Legal Defense Fund

    July 21, 2009, 9:08 pm

    “The fund has raised more than $250,000, but that money cannot be spent until the ethics complaint is resolved.”

    “Still, Ms. Palin is not without resources. She is expected to receive several million dollars for a book about her experience as the Republican vice-presidential nominee. And her political action committee had $456,000 in the bank as of the end of June.”

  249. pacos_gal says:

    The problem with following the money is that there is at this point no trail to follow. No information about donation lists, money taken in or going out or for what purpose has been released.

    Considering who we are dealing with the only way to get that information would be through a court process and subpoena, requiring someone to submit proof of something, in this case that no money has been improperly received or paid out of the trust.

    Don’t get me wrong, I believe that this is exactly where the trouble lies (money) and it is going to take an IRS or Federal investigation to get that proof. (state doesn’t exactly seem willing to bite the hand that feeds them)

    If this moved into a criminal case, then that information would have to be provided.

    However moving things to criminal from ethical, seems to be a bit of a problem in that no one really wants to. In a state where even the FBI office isn’t worthy of trust (via whistle blower complaint in Stevens trial) I don’t know how that is going to happen. Does Alaska have a Patrick Fitzgerald?

  250. Terpsichore says:

    Sarah’s writer wrote a great Press Release for her about this (no one can possibly believe she wrote that after reading the 7-part Twitter Meltdown Sunday night).

    It sets her up perfectly to throw anyone under the bus. When, oh when, will people learn? Hitch your wagon to a flaming star and you will get burnt to a crisp. Who will get thrown to the wolves (without a gun or helicopter)?

    Will it be Kristan Cole? John Coale? Nat King Cole?

    Mr. Van Flein? Ms. Stapleton?

    How she reacts to the news is all we need to know about her character.

  251. SS says:

    How there are people who can not see that Palin has been a grifter from the get go is beyond me. From Housegate to the clothes to the trustfund. My sense is people were all looking out for their own adgendas and didn’t really see behind her front. She’s a master at telling everyone what they want to hear at the moment with no alligence to any one but Sarah. When people have found out they have been had my sense is they are too embarrased to admit it and just get away as quick as possible but quietly.

  252. hawk says:

    71 Irishgirl Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 8:28 AM
    She is tweeting again!

    # this records concerns w/threat of NKorea attack & questions military cuts;we must be more than baffled by Fed’s priorities; must take actionabout 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry
    I’m signing HJR12 Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System reso;AK’s system the only operational sys defending against long range ballistics…about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry


    She’s so clueless and misleading.. I wonder if her and the ex first dud realize that if Alaska secedes (AIP) those missles go away.. The military bases go away.. All the federal handouts go away.. What doesn’t go away would be our natural resources which Russia, China, NKorea etc.. would all LOVE to take control of.. While Todd and his buddies may be a brilliant carpenters and amazing boatbuilders I don’t think they could hold off the Russian Army

  253. Lilybart says:

    Irishgirl: those tweets are standard GOP crap….LOOK, OVER THERE….NORTH KOREANS!!

  254. Polly says:

    69 hawk Says: ..Just the name of the fund has fraud written all over it.. The Alaska Fund Trust??..
    Yes, the name of the fund is misleading. Is there a regulation about using a state’s name, when the state itself is not part of the fund?

  255. manoloho says:

    I meant to post this here, but was reading another thread at the time, so it’s posted twice. My bad.

    Call me obsessed, but I still wanna know what happened to that fabu wardrobe. Manoloho (as if you can’t tell from the name) is somewhat obsessed with consumer goods of the luxury variety. Even she cannot spend an average of $25K per person (six Pailn’s divided into $150K) in the amount of time it took Sarah w/o shopping being a full time job. Somehow, I doubt clothes for Trig came anywhere near that.

    Is Piper (Willow?, which one is the little one?) still carrying that LV bag? Did Todd send back the suits, or is he wearing them on snowmachine patrol? I’m sure Trig has outgrown his gear by now, but maybe he handed ‘em down to his nephew?

    I still think the classiest thing would have been a big ole charity auction. Hey, even Princess Diana did it.

    Y’all know some old, rich, perverted Dick Cheney wannabe would have paid huge bucks for Sarah’s red leather jacket or a pair of pumps! If they’d tossed in some La Perla, woooooheeee! AK Special Olympics or some other worthy cause would have been in high clover for years.

  256. Lilybart says:

    Interesting: just found this post at I do remember reading this one, but it says she GETS to resign and it all goes away……

    Okay I found this comment on Grphyen’s Immoral Minority blog. The post is titled:
    “Let’s take a mental health moment and enjoy…:dated Sunday, July 5, 2009.

    Syrin has left an extremely interesting comment on Shannyn Moore’s blog:

    “There are several more RUMORS going around.

    Such as: Palin was found guilty of abuse and misconduct for wrong doing with her ‘Legal Defense Fund” (WHY DOES SOMEONE ETHICAL NEED A LEGAL DEFENSE FUND?) millons of dollars are said to be un accounted for RUMORED embezzlement- Sarah Pac sponsored?… She was given an ultimatum (I think this is highly improper, possibly unlawful) by her appointed 3 member personnal board that she, if continues to be the Gov the TRUTH of the matter would have to come out and the whole mess and paper trail would have to be released to the public. However, it’s RUMORED if she RESIGNS she was told by that appointed 3 member board that determines ETHICAL matters in the State of Alaska that she can essentially TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just a RUMOR”

    Hmmm…somebody knew something

  257. Bystander says:

    Follow the money, and expose the Trust. This will end Sarah’s political potential, for sure, as NO one beyond her nut base 7 per cent will support someone who used fraud to solicit a personal slush fund.

    Obviously being a fraud and a liar enhances her earnings on the far right circuit ( See Limbaugh, O’Reilley, Coulter, Malkin, Hannity, et. al.) but she can’t do lasting damage to the country on Faux Noise.

  258. Irishgirl says:

    She is tweeting again!

    # this records concerns w/threat of NKorea attack & questions military cuts;we must be more than baffled by Fed’s priorities; must take actionabout 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry
    I’m signing HJR12 Ground-Based Midcourse Defense System reso;AK’s system the only operational sys defending against long range ballistics…about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

  259. zyggy says:

    hawk, I thought I read “bigger boobs” as “bigger boogers” =)

  260. hawk says:

    Just the name of the fund has fraud written all over it.. The Alaska Fund Trust??.. It has nothing to do with Alaska (or trust) other than the people skimming off of it unfortunately live here.. It might as well be called the “I need more botox, shoes and bigger boobs fund”

  261. London Bridges says:

    Here is my idea to jump start the United States’ health insurance reform. If you think it has merit, send it to your Congressional Representatives and ask them to champion it.

    Health Insurance Reform

    Here is a simple, effective, relatively painless-for-all, starting point for health care reform.

    Effective January 1, 2010, lower the minimum beginning or starting age for Medicare heath insurance eligibility from the current, age 65, to age 60.

    Then, each succeeding year, for the next 8 years, continue to lower the minimum beginning age by 5 years until everyone age 20 and up would be potentially eligible for Medicare.

    While the minimum eligibility age would be lowered, the current 40 wage credits (10 years of work) rule would be retained providing an incentive to work in order to become eligible for health insurance.

    Younger and uninsured workers would continue to be covered by the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and/or Medicaid.

    Workers would be required to keep work provided private health insurance if it, both, was cheaper and provided better coverage than Medicare.

    Private health insurance companies would continue to be eligible to bid for contracts to administer the Medicare program as they do now as well as to continue to offer Medigap plans which supplement Medicare coverage.

    Medicare would continue to evolve and make changes and improvements to coverage, deductible, and coinsurance rules.

    Partial funding would be obtained by raising the current Medicare 1.45% payroll tax to 2.45% for all workers whose wages exceed the Social Security covered wage base amount, currently, $106,800. The higher rate will only apply to that portion of earnings that exceed the covered wage base cap.

  262. SS says:

    “The trust document says in section 3. Rights of Withdrawal – that the “… written notice to the Trustee of the amount the Donee wishes to withdraw, but no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.” The document also says that if any Donee is a minor the withdrawal can be made by “natural guardian”.,” it appears that this legal defense fund is more like a little lipstick wearing piggy bank for whatever.

    This is what should be picked up by the news outlet. It has fraud written all over it. IMHO

  263. tamara says:

    I have a question for JHop or anyother legal wizpup.

    If $ brags about a complaint having been dismissed, can it be considered as a waiver of confidentiality on her part ?

    If so, can the public have access to the proceedings ?

  264. Polly says:

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The filer of an ethics complaint that led an independent investigator to conclude there is probable cause of ethics violations by Gov. Sarah Palin told Channel 2 News on Tuesday she did not leak the confidential report to the media, contrary to a statement made by Palin’s lawyer.

    (comments left on article were destructive and mean towards Chatman and McLeod)

  265. michigander says:

    Freakout in Kansas – It is beautiful up there! We used to regularly stay w/friends in Hesperia which is Oceana County and borders Newaygo Co. So many lakes and rivers (o:

  266. michigander says:

    AKM, Dr Chill somebody? request: I want a picture of a piggybank wearing lipstick (and red heels would be nice also too).

    That brightens my day – thanks HistoryGoddess.

  267. Country Girl says:

    Haven’t had time to read previous comments, hope I am not repeating information.

    I just responded to an article by Alex Koppelman in Salon. Maybe – maybe – the penny may start to drop that if one ethics complaint is valid, maybe others were not so frivolous after all.

    I wrote: ONE PURPLE COW
    As kids we would say, “One purple cow is all it takes to prove that purple cows exist!”
    One ethics complaint with merit proves that valid ethics complaints against Palin exit. It may mean that several other ethics complaints that have been filed against her are/were also valid, even though they have been dismissed by her personal Personnel Board. We may find that not all of the ethics complaints filed against Palin are “frivolous” after all.

  268. pacos_gal says:

    Sorry that comment was by Lynn D and this is the link:

  269. pacos_gal says:

    I don’t know how Alaska would go about making the necessary changes in regards to getting a handle on ethics and cronyism, which seems to run rampant thoughout the state, but it needs to be done and Alaska is probably not alone in this.
    AG should be a voted in position. Personnel Board should be appointed by different departments, not Governor.

    I saw a comment by Lnyy D on The Immoral Minority, talking about Washington states procedures and I think it’s worth a read. This is the main part I’m referring to, although her entire comment is interesting.

    “In WA the board is appointed by three different branches. If I remember right the State Secretary appoints a member. The OFM (Office of Financial management) and the AG’s office. The AG in our state is also an elected position just like the Gov. Currently our Gov is a democrat and the AG is a Republican. It is not a perfect system but much better than allowing one person to control the whole show.”

  270. HistoryGoddess says:

    Looking at who gets to use the fund (purt near anyone Sarah likes) and the AntiAnti @40 addition of this, “The trust document says in section 3. Rights of Withdrawal – that the “… written notice to the Trustee of the amount the Donee wishes to withdraw, but no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.” The document also says that if any Donee is a minor the withdrawal can be made by “natural guardian”.,” it appears that this legal defense fund is more like a little lipstick wearing piggy bank for whatever.

    That being said, before people donate to causes, they should really look at the fine print themselves. All this was included on the website, though one would have to make a few extra clicks and take the time to read. I can’t feel bad for those who didn’t do due diligence, but I do believe that one reason governments have ethics rules and laws regarding these types of trusts is to protect citizens against people like Sarah & Co who may try to use emotion and fancy talk to take advantage of citizens. Even the sheep need a shepard or two.

  271. mommom says:

    You all remember all of the Meg-mouth statements about the “official ” Fund ? Its not ready yet,don’t donate to other funds,wait for the “official” one,etc ?

    Guess that all might bite Palin on the butt!!

    “It is legal. It’s just not the official one. Please tell people that the official one is soon to come. Again, we do not know that donors will comply with our terms and guidelines which are very strict – we may end up needing to contact every single donor to ask the questions that we will be asking. However, we appreciate any and all assistance! Thank you.”

    Today that same spokesperson is telling the Associated Press and other media outlets that it is not a legal defense fund and Sarah Palin can’t accept the money.

    Here is the statement from Meghan Stapleton of SarahPac:

    “The continuing generosity of Alaskans and Americans is overwhelming as many reach out to assist Governor Sarah Palin and her family with their legal bills.

    However, the official legal defense fund for Governor Sarah Palin has not been formed and the Governor cannot accept monies for those obligations from any other entity than the one in formation. Numerous federal and state laws to need to be abided by and the official legal defense fund will have very strict donation guidelines.

    We thank everyone interested in helping the Governor. The best way to assist her will be through this official fund which will launch later this month.”

  272. Bystander says:

    If the Fund’s activities are exposed, it is likely to be proven a fraud- a slush fund for Palin’s benefit. Van Flea is lying- attorney’s fees bills are not privileged and are routinely submited in court. Only an idiot puts privileged information is a bill and if they do, anything truly privileged can be redacted.

    The multiple and conflicting information about the source and use of funds is a tip off to the fraud. In earlier posts I have compared the Fund to a fraud by which a mother solicits funds for a child she claim has cancer, when the child is healthy. Just as Sarah hides the checkbook and the “legal bills” the scammer hides the checkbook and the medical records. The purpose of both frauds is the same- to get money from well-meaning people by lying.

    I wish one of the ethics hounds in AK would file a request for investigation of Van Flea, as I think there is probable cause that his activities with regard to the Fund could be assisting a client in a fraudulent or criminal act, which is unethical in every state.

  273. Ghostbuster says:

    I’m pretty sure the tweet about visas/walking down the street/driving had to do some piece of legislation requiring proof of citizenship or legal residency to get a drivers license. It’s one of those emotional issues, like voter id laws, that are really pushed by the right wing because they sound sort of logical and relatively innocuous while at the same time they appeal strongly to anti-immigration sentiments.

    That the actual consequences of enacting the bills are detrimental to the general safety of the public (for one thing, no DL means no insurance, but certainly doesn’t mean no driving!) is of course a point lost on the ideologues.

  274. michigander says:

    I am confused about the gun law now so off to read links and research.

  275. lyn says:

    Team Palin responds to leaked ethics report

    July 21, 2009

    “Mrs. Palin issued a lenghty statement late Tuesday evening saying the fund “was the hallmark of legal compliance and prudent conduct.”

  276. michigander says:

    HistoryGoddess – Great comment! Glad you found that, if I remember correctly using the fund for custody etc. was discussed on here a while back and yes, it certainly appears it was written that way for a reason, eh? Sneaky

    ez.pz – I don’t understand the walk/drive twitter but I like your catfish joke (o:

  277. karen marie says:

    Mark Begich is a co-sponsor of this bill:

    Nearly all states issue licenses to carry concealed firearms, but the criteria for granting such permits vary widely, and it is now, sensibly, up to each state to decide whether to accept another state’s permits.

    At least 35 states prevent people from carrying concealed weapons if they have certain misdemeanor convictions. At least 31 states prohibit alcohol abusers from obtaining a concealed carry permit and require gun safety training. The Thune amendment would force states with more restrictive standards to accept concealed carry permits from states with less stringent rules — in effect giving the lax rules national reach.

    Passage of the amendment would make it much harder for law enforcement to distinguish between legal and illegal possession of a firearm. It would be a boon for illegal gun traffickers, making it easier to transport weapons across state lines without being caught.

    Essentially, ONE STATE could create a concealed-weapon licensing scheme with no standard to keep guns away from nuts and thereby lay all other states open to having individuals wandering around w/ concealed weapons.

    Call your congresscritters today! Alaskans, please call Begich’s office and ask him why he wants to inflict this kind of carnage on America!

    via Political Animal

  278. Bonnie says:

    Hilarious picture!

  279. HistoryGoddess says:

    Re: anadventurer
    “I will be working (in official capacity) the Saturday gov’s picnic in Anchorage, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

    Official capacity wearing a blue shirt with a little yellow set of boots pin and a camera around your neck, I hope! Does your official job require any live blogging, by chance?

  280. anadventurer says:

    Palin rejects allegations over legal defense fund:

    EVERYONE on each side KNOWS SP is all about the fund. Now SP is all like “what, it’s not “official” official, I have nothing to do with those people” (in her head you she is thinking that come Monday she can get the key out and cash in)

    I will be working (in official capacity) the Saturday gov’s picnic in Anchorage, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  281. ez.pz says:

    Oh, yes, I forgot.

    When all else fails, when her excuses have all been exhausted and she has nobody left to blame, what’t the betting that she throws Trig under the bus and claims POST-NATAL DEPRESSION for her behaviour?

    I honestly believe she would.

  282. bubbles says:

    if i were sarah i would have given ms macleod the damned job AND a promotion too,also……sheesh

  283. bubbles says:

    akm “`great photo. loving that bear and that bird posing as if they knew you were there with your magical camera…b

  284. ez.pz says:

    Perhaps I missed the comments, but did anyone actually work out, or explain, the meaning of this twitter message?

    Rep.Lynn’s good HB3 Visa/Drivers Lic law:”If u dont have legal right to walk down AKn street, why should u have right to drive same street?”
    8:43 PM Jul 20th from TwitterBerry

    I’ve posted before regarding my opinion as to why Palin freqently talks about “America” and “veterans” etc.

    She does it to divert attention from the rest of her message. She knows she’s on shaky ground, or lying, perhaps, and she throws in the “patriotic” element, because it discourages people from challenging her message for fear of being deemed “unpatriotic”.

    It’s a disgraceful tactic, and, in my opinion, by HIDING BEHIND the nation, the flag, the military, and the veterans, like this, she is showing enormous disrespect for them all.

    There is a more sinister side to this, too, in that she is appealing for “support” from the increasingly christian-fundamentalist armed services (thus, by definition, increasingly right-wing armed services), saying “Look at me! I’m on your side, and I’m one of you, too, also.”

    Now, the above twitter mentions a “visa” and “If u dont have legal right to walk down AKn street, why should u have right to…” That’s just a little bit creepy, to me. A little bit of right-wing/secessionist sub-text leaking out, maybe? Starting to point the finger at non-AKers as not being “one of us”?

    Any comments?

    Finally, it’s 4.35pm here and I believe it’s 6.35am in AK, so here’s a 40-year-old schoolboy-joke to go with your morning coffee…

    Q. What’s the difference between Sarah Palin and a catfish?

    A. One’s a scumsucking, bottom-dweller and the other’s a fish!

  285. antiAnti says:

    Paragraph 2 of the Daniel report says the trust fund document restricts expenditures to pay ONLY for legal expense. That is __false__.

    The trust document says in section 3. Rights of Withdrawal – that the “… written notice to the Trustee of the amount the Donee wishes to withdraw, but no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.” The document also says that if any Donee is a minor the withdrawal can be made by “natural guardian”.

    Either Daniel wanted to mislead someone with his report or he didn’t bother to read the trust document.

  286. EyeOnYou says:

    Polly Says:
    Today’s ADN – back pedaling. Ethics complaint isn’t final afterall,

    I am not sure that they are backpedaling, rather the story up at the ADN today is by their writer Sean Cockerham, whereas the one yesterday was by AP writer Rachel D’Oro. Two different stories, I will grant you that, but two different writers as well.

  287. G Katz says:

    karen #37 I agree with you. I haven’t posted there in ages, but I couldn’t help but have some fun with it today, considering all that has gone on.

  288. karen says:

    I don’t go to gretawire anymore. I’m glad she hasn’t had a palin link lately. Maybe she realized what sp is all about. Gretawire was a site for palinbots to post inciteful messages about our president and anyone else who didn’t agree with them. It’s time to pull the plug.

  289. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    it might not be a bad idea. What a mess.

    something I just read here startled me:

    It’s about a GOP proposed bill – quick version, it would force all states to honor the concealed-carry laws of every other state, even if their own state’s laws are more restrictive. Here’s a quote:

    “For Alaska to permit residents who have committed repeated violent misdemeanors or who have committed misdemeanor sex offenses against minors to carry a concealed weapon is terrible public policy. For the Senate to extend that permit to 47 other states would be the height of irresponsibility, as well as a breathtaking violation of legitimate states’ rights.”

    Yes, the whole paragraph grabs your attention, but I’m also *really* surprised by the first half of it; does Alaska really “permit residents who have committed repeated violent misdemeanors… (etc) to carry a concealed weapon” – ??

    I admit, Alaskans can face wild animals those of us in the lower 48 see most often in zoos, not in our driveways.

    Can somebody ‘splain it to me, please?


  290. HistoryGoddess says:

    michigander- I must be one of the two pending comments. I posted the beneficiaries of the Palin Friends and Family Fund:
    (from the pdf document,

    4. Beneficiary. The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be SARAH PALIN. In
    addition, the class of potential beneficiaries shall include any “Covered Individual.” For purposes hereof, a “Covered Individual” shall be any other person determined by the Trustee, in the Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) hold a “covered staff’ position within SARAH PALIN’s administration and/or an employee in the office of the Governor of the State of Alaska;and (ii) hold a covered relationship with SARAH PALIN, including without limitation, a family member, such as a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling and other close family relationship.

    THIS is the part that bothered me the most. She hires so many friends and this covers the whole famdamly- the whole clan! Does this mean Bristol could use the fund for custody purposes if she claims that Levi’s lawyers are being extra tough since she is Sarah’s daughter?

  291. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Wonderful picture! I’d love to see your photos in a book – or better yet, as prints to be framed and displayed.

  292. Silvermoon says:

    Isn’t it amazing that some people who blindly support her always threaten to do physical harm to her opponents ? (From VF article). These whackos live to fight/threaten.

    None of us like Sarah, but would never think in terms of doing her physical harm.

    Their hate is sicken and frightening.

    Andree is courageous to continue to stand up.

  293. mmboucher Florida says:

    Is there anyone besides me that thinks if this finding by Daniel was not leaked, it would be another ethics complaint dismissed like all the others? I think ALL the previous complaints should be reviewed by the state or “feds”.

  294. Just for fun, from a facebook alert:

    Bill Maher The Republicans say the health care plan is too confusing and too convoluted…but these are the same people who say they can make sense out of a Sarah Palin speech.

    and beautiful picture of the bear and the bird. What a holiday that was.

  295. michigander says:

    re: AKM Alaska Fund Bust story on Huffpo – last I looked there were only 84 comments (2 are mine). Reminder to y’all – get on over there and show your support for AKM (o:

  296. Terpsichore says:

    tin foil hat/on

    Maybe …

    Sarah Palin TOLD the Personnel Board NOT to make any finding until after July 26th, or she TOLD them to dismiss Daniel’s opinion.

    And MAYBE someone on the PB got tired of someone telling them what to do.

    And ‘accidentally’ got the info into the hands of an AP reporter … somehow … how DOES that happen?

    tin foil hat/off

  297. Sparky says:

    I am in awe of Andree’s bravery. Quite frankly there need to be more of her kind not just in AK government but in all our states’ government. Whether it’s Palin or Blago or Edwards or Ensign or Sanford, democrat or republican, we need more ethical behavior from our elected officials.

  298. Lilybart says:

    Miss Wasilla will do what she wants until a judge tells her she can’t.

    THAT is her opinion of laws and ethics rules, so it is no surprise that the Fund was set up to be unethical because she doesn’t care what the rules are. There are NO RULES for her, until a judge tells her no.

  299. Polly says:

    Today’s ADN – back pedaling. Ethics complaint isn’t final afterall,

    The matter isn’t settled. Daniel said in an interview that his report to the state personnel board was a preliminary “probable cause” finding. He said the case won’t be final until Palin resolves it, possibly by refusing to take money from the fund, or it goes to a formal board hearing. …….Daniel’s report said his decision is confidential “unless confidentiality is waived by the governor.” Van Flein threatened legal action against Chatman for Tuesday’s release of the report, although he was vague about what that means, saying in an e-mail only that “all options are open in terms of legal remedies.” Chatman had no comment.

  300. Martha says:

    I found these comments under AKM’s Alaska Fund Bust on Huff Po. I don’t know if they have been posted on “the flats” before, but they are VERY interesting.
    A very good take on why Palin resigned, timing is everything.

    ProChoiceGrandma I’m a Fan of ProChoiceGrandma permalink
    I think Palin”s resignation has to do with the 6/30/09 hearing in the Tennessee case of the University of Tennessee student, David C. Kernell, who got into Palin”s personal Yahoo email accounts last fall. The dates fit like an Isatoner glove:
    6/29/09 Palin makes 2 tweets sounding mighty cocky about the trial the next day.
    6/30/09 the hearing did not go forward as a trial, discovery matters were argued.
    7/1/09 in the evening she tells Parnell she is going to resign.
    7/2/09 Todd has to leave his fishing to return to Wasilla.
    7/3/09 She puts out a notice at 9am that there will be a press conference at 11am.
    At press conference she was noticeably shaken and hyperventilating and announces she is resigning effective 7/26/09. That”s an odd day. Why?
    7/27/09 is the next hearing in the Tennessee case when the judge will rule on all the emails that she will be required to produce. THE DAY AFTER HER RESIGNATION.
    From the 7/17/09 “At a hearing Thursday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Clifford Shirley asked Davies how “recent developments” might have an impact on his request, a reference to Palin’s abrupt announcement earlier this month that she was stepping down from the governor’s post. “It heightens (the sense of urgency),” Davies responded.”

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 11:56 PM on 07/21/2009
    – ProChoiceGrandma I’m a Fan of ProChoiceGrandma permalink

    “Shirley gave Davies a July 27 deadline to narrow his subpoena request or present proof of the records’ relevance and admissibility.”

    Reply Favorite Flag as abusive Posted 12:30 AM on 07/22/2009
    – ProChoiceGrandma I’m a Fan of ProChoiceGrandma permalink
    Sarah sent these two tweets (twits?) on 6/29/09:
    TN proceedings begin tomorrow re: democrat lawmaker’s son’s hacking my & my family’s personal, private email then broadcasting them on net.
    3:17 PM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry

    Is it ok to hack emails? Go thru someone’s mail & broadcast what you stole? Nope, not ok to most Americans.TN proceedings tomorrow to decide
    3:21 PM Jun 29th from TwitterBerry

  301. womanwithsardinecan says:

    This comment is for justafarmer. Somebody point it out to her. The best remedy for skunk spray on dog: mix one fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, one full box of baking soda, and a scant quarter cup of liquid soap. Spread thoroughly on dog. Let sit a minute or two. Rinse thoroughly. Do not do it on your lawn as it will turn the grass brown. Repeat if necessary. My dog LOVED skunks. This formulation was created at a university.

  302. Polly says:

    Just read todays McLeod interview in Vanity Fair.
    Meet Andree McLeod, Sarah Palin’s Worst Nightmare

    There is one comment so far:
    “Did you bother collecting information, investigating? The board was appointed by prev. Gov. Few Alaskans agree with McLeod’s actions. This lady is in need of serious mental health help! I truely believe she may be a danger to others. This is an obsession, and getting much worse. All because she was refused a job by Governor Palin.”

    Maybe some of you savvy mudpups can submit some helpful comments?

  303. Freakout in Kansas says:

    19 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 4:51 AM
    Perhaps Alaska should be willing to negotiate with Van Flea.

    I think it would be funny (and appropriate) if Van Phlegm gets stiffed by both Sarah and the state…let him sue someone for his fees.

  304. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Perhaps Alaska should be willing to negotiate with Van Flea. Perhaps Alaska should be willing to allow the State to pay legal expenses for all complaints dismissed without negotiation, and excepting frivolous complaints filed against the governor by the governor.

    That means that for the per diem, travel, slush fund and Troopergate complaints, she pays.

    Who has the power to make the decision?

  305. Freakout in Kansas says:

    Sarah Palin’s Last Supper this Sunday in Fairbanks…how about a photoshop Dr. Chill? Who betrayed her to the AP and will take the place of Judas? Was it Meg? Kristan? Piper? Who will the other apostles be?

    Sarah Palin, our new jaded mandarin.

    (Judas to Jesus)
    You sad pathetic man – see where you’ve brought us to
    Our ideals die around us and all because of you
    But the saddest cut of all – someone has to turn you in
    Like a common criminal, like a wounded animal
    A jaded mandarin, a jaded mandarin
    Like a jaded, faded, faded, jaded, jaded mandarin

  306. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Here’s something that’s been bothering me all along about the ethics charges, and when Investigator Daniel made that statement, I just have to wonder where in the world have either the legislators or anybody in the state government been when all this stuff has been going on? Per Diem, Illegal Family Travel, Fund Trust, etc., etc., etc.,! Isn’t there anybody with a legal, ethical mind up there to advise her? And, if their advice is not taken, to point this out to the proper state authorities and the press? Does it all hinge on private citizens? AK needs an overhaul politically!
    I think the fundamental problem is – like AKM says – if there are rules, Sarah will break them and make up new ones. Never before has Alaska had to deal with governors claiming per diem for days they didn’t get out of their own bed, claiming travel for their children on falsified travel claims, dragging their family feuds into government, etc. Sarah Palin has plumbed new depths of corruption in Alaska – and that will be her shining legacy.

    Of course, now that those precedents have been set the legislators are going to have to do their job. There might even name an Act especially after her. 😉

  307. LiladyNY says:

    Great picture AKM.

  308. Justina says:

    My understanding is that the Alaskan legislative investigation of Palin’s trying to fire her ex-brother-in-law found that she had violated Alaska’s state executive ethics law. While, that is not a part of the criminal law code, it is a law and she was found to have violated it.

    Reporting on the results of the legislature’s investigation of Palin, conducted by attorney Branchflower, the Anchorage Daily News reported that:

    “The Branchflower’s report contains four findings. The first concludes that Palin violated the state’s executive branch ethics act, which says that “each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”

    The report says Palin failed to reign in her husband’s inappropriate efforts to use the governor’s office to contact trooper employees in his attempts to have Wooten fired.

    “Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates
    in order to advance a personal agenda … to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired,” Branchflower’s report says.

    “Compliance with the code of ethics is not optional. It is an individual responsibility imposed by law, and any effort to benefit a personal interest through official action is a violation of that trust. … The term ‘benefit’ is very broadly defined, and includes anything that is to the person’s advantage or personal self-interest.”


  309. tigerwine says:

    Hey, I just brought up the pic! WOW! And the bird just adds something, too! Gee, AKM what a multi-talented gal you are!

  310. dee says:

    re: vanity fair article
    Do some people not understand the difference between ethical rules and the law? I see lawyers investigating, I see quotes about no laws being broken (BM) and yet I don’t see anything about ethics.
    There is a big difference and one that I think the politican’s, at this point, are trying to minimize.
    Ethics have a higher standard than the law.
    An unethical person can still be a “law abiding.” at least until they HAVE to be ethical by law, then the roller coster ride begins as is happening in AK.
    at least imho
    (hope that makes sense to you all)

  311. The Right Reverend says:

    WOW! We never see anything like that down here… outside of a zoo, that is.

    There are black bears here and there, but they’re not all that common.

    I was thinking of these red shirts. Now politics is a straight-up sport? Do we need bands, cheerleaders, and people dressed as mascots…
    Maybe take the wind out of their sails by dressing up as Star Trek crewmen would help. Can’t be all that hard to find & order cheap Star Trek costumes from eBay…
    That’s how silly these red shirt people are.

  312. tigerwine says:

    Boo-Hoo! I couldn’t bring up the picture!

    A quote from Investigator Daniel:

    “I can only apply the Ethics Act as currently written,” he wrote. “And as currently written, it does not allow a state official to use her position to solicit funds to pay for a private attorney or any other personal expense.”

    Now – this Fund Trust was widely publicized in the press and online. Why did it take an investigator to come up with this amazing conclusion? Why wasn’t it nipped in the bud immediately?

    Here’s something that’s been bothering me all along about the ethics charges, and when Investigator Daniel made that statement, I just have to wonder where in the world have either the legislators or anybody in the state government been when all this stuff has been going on? Per Diem, Illegal Family Travel, Fund Trust, etc., etc., etc.,! Isn’t there anybody with a legal, ethical mind up there to advise her? And, if their advice is not taken, to point this out to the proper state authorities and the press? Does it all hinge on private citizens? AK needs an overhaul politically!

  313. Paula says:

    I Heart Bears

  314. michigander says:

    My local news just covered the Chatman complaint. Wow, I am impressed!

    Aussie Blue Sky – thanks for the VF link. Others were asking about Andree and I think it’s important to get the truth out there. Most people only hear she is doing this because she was refused a job in the Palin Admin. So much more to this. My opinion has always been that after Andree worked so hard (on Palin’s behalf) to hold Ruedrich (sp?) accountable she was dismayed when discovering Palin was doing the same thing (and worse!). I think she was used by Palin and thrown under the bus.

    Perhaps she feels some responsibility for originally helping Palin’s political career and feels a moral obligation to get the truth out. I wish her the best.

  315. lexky says:

    love love love the picture.
    i always love your pictures.
    had a great time last night chatting during the anchorage meeting.

  316. lemonfair says:

    Thanks for those links, Aussie Blue Sky.

    I haven’t noticed a link to this interview on fivethirtyeight dot com about the coming progressive majority. This should not be news to any of us, but it’s good to see that solid demographic analysis confirms it. Scroll down to july 20 at 9pm and see the post about the coming end to the culture wars (sometimes my links put me in moderation, so I’m doing this without the link).

    There’s also a post from Nate Silver yesterday (july 21) about how the latest Sarah scandal doesn’t pass muster as the “other shoe.”

  317. michigander says:

    Love the title and the picture!

    Have a great day all (o:

  318. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Don’t miss Vanity Fair’s profile of Andree McLeod

  319. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Here’s another good reason to write your reps demanding decent health care for Americans:

    Product recalled due to possible salmonella risk

    About 22,000 cartons of romaine lettuce, distributed by Tanimura & Antle Inc. of Salinas, Calif. The cartons of bulk or wrapped romaine being recalled are marked with the lot code 531380 and were harvested June 25-July 2. They were sold to retail, wholesale and food service outlets across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. For more information visit

  320. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Great post, AKM – ignoring and ignorance. 😉

  321. lemonfair says:

    strangelet: For some of us it’s Morning. 😀

    Here’s hoping the president is able to rally congress for health care tonight. Write your representatives!

  322. strangelet says:
