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Friday, January 28, 2022

Beanied Congressman Don Young Addresses Interior Secretery Salazar

Dear Rest of Nation, You may have many things – cheap airline tickets, world-class museums and symphonies, outlet stores, the vineyards and orchards, good public transportation, five star restaurants, and fabulous architecture. But we have things too, like the best salmon in the world, soaring mountain vistas, drive up coffee stands, downtown moose… And, I feel confident in saying that you do not have a Congressman who wears a propeller beanie while questioning the Secretary of the Interior. And we do. Here is Don Young, “Congressman for All Alaska,”  at a Natural Resources hearing in our nation’s capital. He addresses…

Where’s Don? Rep. Don Young is Most Absent Member of Congress

Once again, Alaska has topped the charts. Even though we have but one lone congressman, he holds a dubious dishonor. Yes, folks, Don Young is the least present member of the United States Congress. Representative Don Young of Alaska likes to get around his home state, and he does not let his voting schedule get in the way. One Tuesday in July when his fellow House Republicans voted for their signature budget measure, known as Cut, Cap and Balance, Mr. Young was the only one among them to miss the vote, for a charity fishing trip in Whittier. OK, a…

So, if Gays are Lima Beans, What are Socialists?

OK, we’ve heard the “gays are lima beans” analogy from Attorney General nominee Wayne Anthony Ross. Now, here’s another odd food analogy from Congressman Don Young at the “Tea Party” in Wasilla yesterday.  Apparently socialists are consomme. And what the heck is “interpaneurspiship”? Don Young says socialism has never worked, because he was raised that way.  I guess he’s never used the library, or the roads, or the fire department, or the police, or went to public school.