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Les Gara on Wayne Anthony Ross.

As you might guess, I will vote against Mr. Ross today, and the vote will be close, if it happens.  There is a chance, if he doesn’t have the votes, that the Legislature will not vote on him at all and just call for a new nominee.

I’ve worked at the AG’s office, under Republican AGs whose politics I’ve disagreed with.  A good AG, like those I worked for, puts their politics to the side, and stands up for every Alaskan.

Wayne Anthony Ross is probably good man, on a personal level.  I don’t know him.  But he has expressed disdain for large groups of Alaskans doesn’t bode well for his ability to represent us all.  I will never vote to make someone who views the thousands of gay Alaskans in this state as “degenerates.”  Other comments he’s made also show a temperament that doesn’t bode well for his ability to represent us all equally.

Citizens, whether they’re the same as you or different than you, are, in America, equal, not damnable.  A person who sees segments of society as damnable can’t represent this state with the even handedness and dignity the job requires.

Peace, Les



90 Responses to “Les Gara on Wayne Anthony Ross.”
  1. esteroid says:

    Les, PLEASE run for governor….
    BTW, thanks for your vote re W.A.R.

  2. Judith says:

    This is the best news ever! I love Alaska and want the best for the state. Now if only Palin would go away!

  3. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Now I REALLY heart Representative Gara after the confirmation hearing ! Well spoken, and thank you for speaking for me, too, even if you didn’t know you were, too also.

  4. Kat says:

    A victory for Alaska! Wonderful! Mahalo Representative Gara and to all of the legislators who voted NO! And thank YOU AKM and all your fellow bloggers who keep us informed, amused, frustrated (not at you), bemused and delighted with your posts. What would we all do without you? THANKS!

  5. asiangrrlMN says:

    Thank you, Representative Gara. Thank you very much for voting with courage your convictions.

  6. Lee323 says:

    Thanks, Mr. Gara.

    You give hope for the future of Alaska. Your intelligence and guts always come through in your comments.

    Partisan politics aside….even crazy Palin aside……WAR just did not meet muster for the highest legal offfice in the state. He is a mediocre legal mind who brushed aside ethical concerns just like the guv. who nominated him….He also carries a lifetime of cultural biases against several diverse groups of people and indicated indirectly that those biases would influence his legal opinions.

    Salute to you.

  7. Chris Constant says:

    Good news about WAR, but your one of your first commentors has redefined Tim Grussendorf’s ame as Grusomedork. This is the sad part about the anonymity of blogs. Almost anyone who works with Tim Grussendork will say he is a nice guy and worthy of respect.

    He isn’t a bad man, he just isn’t right for the Senate seat.

    So why do commentors need to attack someone when they either have no clue about what they are saying, and are just perpetuating a terrible smear against a decent man?

  8. michigander says:

    I am so happy for Alaskans and so proud of everyone’s efforts to bring the truth about Ross to light. Thank you Les Gara, the Reps, Senators and the people of Alaska. Keep fighting the good fight with facts and words (emails too).

    And this needs to be said – AKM, what a blessing you are

    Kudos and respect (o:

  9. ATF says:

    I had to leave before the vote was taken . I cried when I read AKSisu’s report!
    That was an amazing division of votes! I am so grateful that our legislature listened to us!

  10. KateinCanada says:

    So happy for you! And really, this touched everyone, everywhere!

  11. KaraInJuneau says:

    Palin’s AG pick denies advice to ignore law
    Story last updated at 4/16/2009 – 10:04 am
    ANNE SUTTON | The Associated Press

    JUNEAU – Alaska attorney general nominee Wayne Anthony Ross denies that he advocated that the law should be ignored in filling Juneau’s vacant Senate seat.

    In a letter to lawmakers late Wednesday, Ross characterized that as only a rumor.

    But audio files indicate otherwise. Ross told the Alaska Public Radio Network on Wednesday that “the most important thing that can be done by the Senate is not argue what’s legal or illegal but to appoint somebody to represent Juneau.”

    On Thursday, just ahead of his confirmation vote, Ross told The Associated Press that he did not argue that he made the statement.

    But he said his point was that lawmakers should not get wrapped up in technicalities but should go ahead and fill the seat while the Department of Law studies the issue.

    **Wow – has anybody heard yet whether he was confirmed? I sure hope not!

  12. zyggy says:

    Another one bites the dust. =) No to War.

    Thankyou people of Alaska, I was so wrried.

  13. swe123 says:

    Yeah! Thanks for letting us know…I’ve been refreshing the page constantly for news! Wow, 46 Nays and only 22 Yea’s. That’s a huge change from the 30-30 tie a few days ago.

  14. Firecracker says:

    WAR is NOT confirmed. Yes, I can breath again (literally was holding breath during the vote).

  15. Firecracker says:

    WAR did not get confirmed! Yes!!! My heart is starting to beat again. I completely held by breath during the vote.

  16. Alaskan Sisu says:

    House voted first ATTORNEY GENERAL – 15 yeas & 23 Nays

    Senate voted 7 YEAS & 23 NAYS



  17. Laurie says:

    @InJuneau….thankyou! I will most certainly do that.

  18. AlaskaDisasta says:

    60 Laurie Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 10:49 AM
    ???? O/T but did anyone see this lovely pic on huffington post? Crap…I lost it, but its a pic of Glenn Beck with a sign that reads “Secede or Suicide”.

    Has he totally lost his mind?

    None to lose.

  19. JennAK says:

    Thank you Les Gara for your objective and thoughtful statement on where you stand with the confirmation of the nominee. I hope the rest of our elected representatives put as much time and thought into their decisions as you have put into yours.

  20. Alaskan Sisu says:

    They’re moving through the confirmation process slow but sure…on page 11 and Ross was just objected to and moved to the bottom with the other appts. that received objections. ROSS will be last. The objected ones will be voted on with individual votes instead of unanimous consent.

  21. SystemBucker says:

    There needs to be more Les Garas in this country! I wish you were one of my Reps. in Ohio! You rock Les! Keep up the good work! And if you ever travel to Columbus, OH I will HAVE to meet you!!!! 🙂

  22. mlaiuppa says:

    Glenn Beck is going to commit suicide? Isn’t that a sign of mental illness?

    Is Glenn Beck encouraging others to commit suicide? Isn’t that a criminal act?

  23. yukonbushgrma says:

    Mr. Gara, you summed it up so rationally, and as {ah…} an adult. Thank you for momentarily lifting us out of Alaska’s 3-ring circus.

    Now I hope at least some of the Repub legislators have grown enough of a spine to vote no.

    I sent my last-minute POMS to legislators earlier this morning. Just wish POMS would let us use more than 50 words – 75 would be so much better. (Had to edit it down 6 times.) It’s almost impossible to address six separate topics in 50 words.

    Do Alaska’s laws regarding appointment and confirmation need to be changed? Do legislators feel they are unclear, or is it more a matter of clear laws not being followed? If changes are needed, NOW is the time to do that, while everything is fresh in legislators’ minds.

  24. Hobos are Us says:

    Ross only wishes to represent his own stone age bigoted view of the world. He isn’t fit for public office.

    S. Palin, needs to be impeached for blatantly blocking representation of Juneau in the Senate. She didn’t submit three unqualified candidates by mistake. And here again, Ross fails the test for not calling her out for her stonewalling.

  25. Alaskan Sisu says:

    I’m watching the Confirmation Joint Session of the House and Senate on TV – everyone is just milling around – oops they’re gaveling in…

  26. InJuneau says:

    @Laurie–you make sure you go to the Forum and contact us about when you’re coming! The Juneau Mudpups Society is a great bunch and we want to make visits to our great city fun for all visiting mudpups!

  27. duct idaho palin says:

    Is Glenn Beck the one who cries all the time?

  28. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Beck, Palin, Perry & Ross – are they fracturing together?

  29. Laurie says:

    ???? O/T but did anyone see this lovely pic on huffington post? Crap…I lost it, but its a pic of Glenn Beck with a sign that reads “Secede or Suicide”.

    Has he totally lost his mind?

  30. scout says:

    Representative Gara,
    Mahalo nui loa,

  31. AK Climber says:

    Les Gara, thank you for continuing to represent all Alaskans! We need more politicians like you! 🙂

  32. Polly says:

    Exactly, politics is politics, and the AG position should represent everyone- equally !

  33. akdennis says:

    Well Les, I don’t always agree with your politics either. Thanks for putting the welfare of Alaska above political expediency.

  34. Laurie says:

    Les Gara….only Obama…Mudlfats…and now you….could give me the desire to move to Alaska. However I love my home in Canada, but I sure am looking forward to a summer trip to Alaska this year. I am so excited….and will go looking for all the things talked about over the last months here. I want to see the capital building…I want to go to the harbour where that brave lone protester went back in the fall. I want to find that coffee shop with the really really nice people who own it. I hope to meet a few mudpups…and share some laughs and mud love.

    Thank you Les Gara….for voting for what is right and proper.

  35. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I HEART Representative Les Gara!

  36. Nan says:

    OT – but a pip!

    On the page with Don Young’s mini-interview re socialism, I found this:

    the 1st two ads for SP in 2012. Oh. My.

  37. Lee says:

    Thank you Les. You are good for Alaska.

    I just hope the Republicans don’t vote the party line. I hope they vote what is best for their state. You need someone who will represent all Alaskans equally and fairly, and someone who has respect for the law.

    I think Palin is reading George Orwell, and putting it into practice. 🙂 Just sayin……:)

  38. Greytdog Δ says:

    Well if WAR doesn’t get the vote to be AG, and Palin has to submit another name, she can always try with Grusomedork. . . maybe McCain could pull some strings and have Arizona State University award Grusomedork with an honorary degree of Law.

  39. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    New thread about teabaggery, but perhaps not what you would expect.

  40. Alaskan Sisu says:

    I just can’t vision myself wanting to stand in a room full of people and watch him offend people right and left. He and Palin have both painted targets on themselves as well as our entire State of Alaska. The wingnuts love all this chaos she is creating. But my global friends, they are a small minority of Alaskans. They aren’t the ones home blogging for her though and don’t have much to donate. Imagine any other Governor supporting and encouraging divisiveness through the blogs against her own residents. Pretty Felking Weird
    Hopefully it will turn out to be another nail in her coffin. Technology will prove everything in the end – she’s a walking and talking technology time bomb.

  41. Nan says:

    Yes, Hope.

    And the willingness to live our lives the best we’re able to, to allow others to live their lives as best they can, without adding to the burden of just getting from this day to the next.

    Whatever happened to the (original) Golden Rule, anyway? Do unto others as you would like them to do to you. We all know that doesn’t mean give every person a jar of strawberry jelly, but to treat others with the same respect we’d like for ourselves. If we’re smart, it’s the same respect we expect… and receive… from others.

    So yes, Hope.

  42. Hope says:

    Thank you so much for this update and opinion, Representative Gara! There was a great discussion of this type a few threads ago, and this seems a good time to make a comment I’ve been feeling for a very long time.

    The thing that makes huge stuff like wars and “ethnic cleansing” and holocausts able to happen — and we’ve been talking and alluding to these things a lot lately! — is the ability to “demonize” large groups of people in order to “dehumanize” them and allow ourselves permission to do inhuman things to them in the name of — WHATEVER. As horrific as it is to find oneself in the group that is being dehumanized, it is even more unspeakable, to me, to find myself in the ranks of those who dehumanize others. If we are to find a way through this tangle of anger and division we are in, we, who understand this, must find ways, together, to — if not bridge the gap as neighbors and as fellow humans — at least keep reminding ourselves that we are all doing our best at this difficult job of being human, and treat each other the way we would hope to be treated, even when we are scared to death where the other’s viewpoint could lead.

    That doesn’t mean giving in to this kind of appointment or this kind of tubular, dehumanizing thinking. Just the opposite! It means resisting the strong temptation to go down the same path in addressing and dealing with it.

    I can think this, and say this, but I’m not always successful in doing it.


  43. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Professor Geezer – Palin said she liked Perry because he tended to make his decisions on which way the wind blows; put that trait with a person whose left hand doesn’t know what his right hand is doing and you have a pair of JOKERS. Alohalaska Sarah’s house of cards is collapsing. AYE

  44. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Those who dislike a certain trait in others find that it is usually the same trait that they dislike in themselves – call it the Ted Haggard syndrome. But it does seem that those who rale the loudest are usually the most suspect. Secure, well-grounded people eon’t feel remotely threatened by minority groups. Immature and insecure types tend to be the loudest and the most loathesome and the ones to avoid like a case of the clap!

  45. SMR says:

    Please let WAR and Palin go away. It makes me sick to see, day after day after day, divisive, petty, hateful things being done by our governor — events and actions that undermine the well-being of Alaska and Alaskans.

    I told my Senator (ick) and Rep (she’s okay, I guess) that should they vote to confirm him I will make it a point to campaign for & contribute financially to the coffers of anyone who runs against them the next time they are up for re-election.

    It’s a bit late in the day for emails to legislators taking that position, from others that is, as mine were already sent. That’s the only talk they understand, I think. And of course my Senator doesn’t give a rat’s arse for anything but voting along party lines because Mr. Moose Nugget Award winner is nothing but a republican shill.

  46. 24owls says:

    Thanks – appreciate your thoughts. His attitude on so many “different” people should not be wrapped up in a rainbow blanket, this needs to be a vote for the equal rights of all people wrapped in all kinds and colors of blankets and the vote needs to be no – the state of Alaska will not discriminate against anyone in the state anywhere period. He is wrong for the AG office for SO MANY reasons. He is not qualified. Is this really the best the state can do?

  47. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Please do not think Palin or WAR are a reflection of everyday Alaskans. Palin slipped under the radar using her same ole diversionary tricks and chaos. If you will, vision a trojan horse. I’m calling on Parnell and the Legislature to save our state’s national reputation and do an intervention on this Governor. We’ll have our reputation back overnight. I’d like to add one more item to the Impeach Palin Sign – “Where is the FBI”!

  48. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this is a very well written article!

    “Floating the idea of secession over this, even in a somewhat tongue in cheek manner, is a very different story. The history of secession in the US is not a pretty one. It was tried once and the seceding states were brought back into the union, but the cost was high as the country was torn apart by what was, at that time, one of the bloodiest wars in human history.”

    “Why then are Republicans willing to talk about revolution, secession and other ideas that would destabilize our country and our democracy. One hopes that most of this can be simply chalked up to a party that is weak, defeated, directionless and out of ideas, but it may not be that simple. Perhaps the demonstrators and, more significantly their leaders, feel that for some existential, and undoubtedly irrational, reason the Obama presidency is a profound threat to their worldview, values and vision of the US. If that is the case we can only hope that these people remain on the margins. This is likely to occur as Obama’s worldview, values and vision not only reflect those of a huge plurality of Americans, but will likely to continue to become more, not less, accepted over time.”

    “Undoubtedly, many will argue that the words of Governor Perry should not be taken seriously because they were said in the excitement of a rally and were certainly meant to be hyperbolic. This is not convincing because public officials understand that words and statements matter. That is why elected officials are constantly making speeches, talking to reporters and sending out emails.”

  49. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Thank you, Mr. Gara. Here’s to the hope that the majority of legislators understand that the position of Attorney General demands even-handedness, dignity and, above all, reverence for the Law.

  50. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Dragon Lady Says:
    April 16th, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    Not vote at all? Palin will only continue to resubmit his name and Ross will become acting AG until the next legislative session. Explain, please?

    If I read the law properly, she can’t resubmit his name. And if they decide not to confirm, either by doing nothing or by voting no, he is rejected either way. And he can’t continue on as acting/ interim either.

  51. KaJo says:

    “The rest of us”, I meant to say, “those of us in the lower-48″…sorry…. 😀

  52. Professor Geezer says:

    @Alaskan Sisu, I jotted this on the last thread. I think someone somewhere envisions a Palin/Perry 2012 run as part of the “Constitution” party or some other third party. Sure looks like they are gearing up for it with these “tea” activities. As a Dem., I hope so, because this will splinter the GOP further at a national level.

    Thank you, Rep. Gara, for trying to stop W.A.R. today. I wish you all success.

  53. duct idaho palin says:

    I think you can tell by the time on people’s posts– the last one I can see has 9:59am which I assume is Alaska time (it’s an hour later for me in California).

  54. HappyGirl says:

    I agree with Wootooten, I cannot believe the Republican legislators are PUBLICLY questioning his ability to be AG but will go right along and vote him in anyway. What kind of spineless morons are they?

  55. KaJo says:

    Since the rest of us are already on Daylight Savings Time, does that mean the vote is actually noon-1PM-2PM-3PM in the other time zones, or 1PM-2PM-3PM-4PM in the other time zones?

    In other words, has that elimination-of-Daylight-Savings-Time-in-Alaska law that the AK legislature just passed taken effect immediately, or at some future date?


  56. bijou says:

    I am just afraid of what it says about our state if this bigot is voted in. Can anyone tell me if we will know who votes what? Or is it so many yeas and so many neighs? Thanks Les for seeing the writing on the wall. I can only imagine how much shame we will all feel if he does indeed turn out to be our AG. (Does that stand for anti-gay?)

  57. duct idaho palin says:


  58. duct idaho palin says:

    WAR will back away from his stace on the Senate confirmation business if he wins, because the Republicans don’t want that to happen, no matter what.

  59. Cathy says:

    I believe a very explosive situation can be avoided by not having a vote if there are not enough votes to confirm this man. No one will be viewed negatively or all will be viewed negatively, depending on your slant. Considering the current political climate right now, this may be the best option for all in Alaska. Just my opinion.

  60. SmallSteps says:

    Thank you Les, and good luck today. Maybe we need a vorpal blade to slay the jabberwock, and give the rest of the legislature their spine back.

  61. Fran says:

    I have to wonder why even Conservatives who agree with Ross’s positions think that it would be smart to confirm him. It seems likely that Ross as AG will harm their causes with his unprofessional behavior. There is also the real risk that he will violate Alaskan laws through ingnorance or hubris, given his recent comments regarding the process of filling the vacant state Senate seat.

  62. Alaskan Sisu says:

    WAR and Palin have been drinkin’ an awful lot of Governor Perry’s Texas Tea these days. Are these 3 the new hangnails for the AIP? Governor Perry hangs his independent credentials on his chest. Governor Palin chose WAR to bring her credentials out of the closet. I am hoping the legislature will TABLE and not vote on the confirmation. Some of his stupidest comments have gone national – he didn’t even need to run for VP to be exposed, he’s exposed himself.

  63. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    In the unfortunate event that WAR is confirmed, I have to try to find a bright side. We will have TWO narcissistic people in power (Ross and GINO) – there cannot be TWO of them working together. One is more than likely to destroy the other. My money is on WAR to take down the “little woman” GINO. Might be worth it to see him destroy her political ambitions. His mere appointment has already lost her scads of female supporters – his views on rape and his sexism does not sit well – even with Conservative women.

  64. Mag the Mick says:

    If Les is reading this, I’d like to add my name to the list of those thanking him. I wasn’t a constituent when I lived in Anchorage, but Les was always respectful, cordial, and helpful every time I met him. I continue to support him, though I’m far away from Alaska. Even if La Palin prevails on this one, I am encouraged by the fact that there are people like Les still working with and for Alaskans. Decent people ultimately prevail, while unscrupulous, heedless people end up on the dustheap of history. It’s good to remember this. Thanks Les, and speed the plow.

  65. let it run says:

    She may implode at the Down’s Symdrome event over this. ..if WAR doesn’t pass.

  66. DebinOH says:

    Oops….I meant to add after — he views as “normal”.

  67. wootooten says:

    Vote is at 11:00 am Alaska time.

  68. DebinOH says:

    Thank you Les. Even though I don’t live in Alaska I have a gay son & it just breaks my heart to hear the words written/spoken by WAR. I understand that we all have our own viewpoints on issues but this man has to represent ALL the people not just the ones he views. If one cannot represent ALL the citizens then one should not run for any position.

    I am relieved to find that there are people representing us that realize this.

  69. duct idaho palin says:

    I’m pretty sure the vote is at 11am Alaska time.

  70. KateinCanada says:

    Salutation to Mr. Gara.
    Opposing Palin takes courage, since she can take revenge on the Alaskan districts, having evidently decided she no longer needs their votes to continue as Governor. She’s been there, done that, and didn’t like the clothes.

  71. Dragon Lady says:

    Yes, time please someone. It’s 1:41pm here and I am exhausted from the tension.

  72. zyggy says:

    What time will the Leg. be voting?

  73. wootooten says:

    So both Jay Ramras and Lesil McGuire voiced concerns about WAR but then went on to say they most likely would vote YES to confirm him? So….it appears this will come down to voting the party line? Sickening.

  74. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Mr. Gara, first of all thank you for letting us know your position.

    To request another nominee? What if Palin does nothing?

  75. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    If, by miracle of miracle WAR reigns, I’ll have to say this:

    SP will become “politically spayed”….

    Good luck AK today…

  76. Democrat G says:


    I get sicker and sicker in my heart when I think of all the ignorant and horrible people in Alaska and the rest of the world.

  77. pvazwindy says:

    His views are out there on any number of issues. Knowing that, how could any legislator vote for confirmation. This guy is nothing but trouble. And if by stupidity, he gets in, I can see the US. Attorney’s office, scrutinizing his every move. Good luck Alaska.

  78. Good luck.

  79. Tewise says:

    Exactly Mr. Gara, thank you for stating your opinion….

  80. UK Lady says:

    Thank you Mr. Gara. I don’t really understand though, am I being thick?. I thought there was just one vote with all the legs yeah’ing or naying, does it go to a secont vote somewhere.

    Sorry for not understanding.

  81. sundrose says:

    If my son’s teacher told me “I hate your son, he is a terrible, immoral person and it makes me sick to think about him. But I am his teacher and I’ll treat him with the same dignity as all the other kids.” I would not keep my kid in that teacher’s class. Period. The folks who are giving the yes nod to Mr. Ross are essentially asking us to trust someone who has not proven trustworthy in his speech or action. Thank you Les Gara for believing that we all deserve someone who views us all as human beings and worthy of laws that will protect us.

  82. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Thank You so much Mr. Gara, we need to hear our representatives representing us. This kind of polarizing politics that our Governor is partaking in is very detrimental to Alaska and the United States.

    The state of Alaska is taking very hard hits at our reputation, I believe that lawmakers should take a very close look at the impact this creates for now and in the long term.

  83. Cronopio says:

    Yep. I still want to marry Les.

  84. Sourdough Mullet Hussein Palin says:

    Thank you, Les, for you thoughtful and well-stated comments. I only hope that the rest of the Legislature and Judicicary Committee will choose to take their duties to the citizens of this state as seriously as you do and vote “NO” on this appointment.

    Isn’t it ironic that people like Wayne Anthony Ross, who view themselves as such “Patriotic Americans”, feel they are legitimate in epsousing views that are completely antithetical to Democracy and the principals which this country was founded on (equal rights for all)? The founding fathers would be rolling in their graves over the views of the Neocons, which are anything BUT patriotic.

  85. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    Thank you, Les Gara. I only hope the rest of the Leg. will also find him unacceptable as Alaska’s AG. A SICK Gino (Gov. in name only) will surround herself with people as sick and as unqualified as herself. Birds of a common feather, will flock together.

  86. austintx says:

    Mr. Gara – Thank you for being clear on this matter.

  87. Star says:

    Good on you Les…Here’s wishing you luck!! And all Of AK..:)

  88. Just Had To Jump In says:

    I am so glad to hear that this view is held in AK politics, as I thought it was.
    Thank you for voicing it for all of us to hear.

  89. Dragon Lady says:

    Not vote at all? Palin will only continue to resubmit his name and Ross will become acting AG until the next legislative session. Explain, please?