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Alaska Fund BUST. The Governor’s (Il)Legal Defense Fund.

[Read this story at The Huffington Post and Buzz it Up!]

The Alaska Fund Trust, the most hubristically-named piece of legal defense fundraising in the state of Alaska, has felt the sunshine of scrutiny, and it isn’t holding up too well.  It seems as though the Associated Press got its mits on some interesting information involving an ethics complaint against the governor’s office that was dismissed as frivolous by the administration.

After the investigation into the legality of the fund itself was completed, appearances seem to indicate that it was, indeed, a valid complaint that uncovered some unsavory legal fund raising tactics.

The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.

An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the “official” legal defense fund.

The fund is managed by long time friend Kristan Cole who states on the site:

I joined with fellow Alaskans in forming the Alaska Fund Trust to help alleviate the Governor’s legal debt incurred while performing her job as well as eliminate the incentive for future attacks by her opponents. In doing so, we have created one of the most restrictive and transparent legal funds in history.

Restrictive? Maybe. Transparent? Apparently. Legal?  Not according to the investigation.

As recently as last month, a conservative website was conducting a “webathon” to raise money for the fund, in an attempt to retire Palin’s legal debt.  As of this writing, the Alaska Fund Trust website is still up and running, and still soliciting donations.


The release of this information raises some interesting questions.  First of all, how did the Associated Press get this information? Normally the findings of an investigation by the Personnel Board would not be available to the public.  Ironically, in 2004 when Palin herself was told that the findings of a complaint that she filed would not be made public, she stated that she wanted to find a “hero” in the legislature who could change that law.

Will the governor have to pay back those who donated to the legal defense fund?  The fund has actively been raising funds for months, and reporting tremendous success in their goal of paying off the governor’s sizable legal debt, which has been reported as high as $600,000.

The report, dated July 14, means that the governor has known about the finding for a full week. Why is the Alaska Fund Trust still continuing to solicit donations?

The  governor delivered a rambling “I’m not a quitter, I’m just leading in another direction” speech on the third of July, leaving the media and Alaskans wondering about the “real” reason she resigned the governorship.  What, if anything did this finding have to do with it?

Suddenly the meme of “frivolous ethics complaints” has lost its sting.

Here is a link to the .pdf documents



680 Responses to “Alaska Fund BUST. The Governor’s (Il)Legal Defense Fund.”
  1. UK Lady says:

    Zyggy – Does Kristan Cole sell bridges at that Realty Business of hers too?

  2. zyggy says:

    Kristin Cole is now saying “The first and only time I have spoken with the Governor about the Trust was yesterday to alert her that I was responding to this violation of the law and leak of preliminary and confidential materials from the complainant. ”

    Even though in the pdf, Daniel’s interviewed her and Kristin said she talked to $arah about the Trust and gave her approval for it.

    So who is telling the truth, Daniels or Cole? Am I not seeing this right?

  3. Dr. Patois says:

    Has anyone else noticed that the AFT website was designed by “krowbar”?
    I thought that was appropriate.

  4. BigSlick says:


    “You can’t throw that much money right in front of a greedy grifter and not expect some regrettable consequences.”

    I just quoted you on a tweet…..gave you props.

    It was so “gutteral” and a “litter of tiv” that I just. could. not. help. myself.

  5. InJuneau says:

    oops–and cheaply too…

  6. InJuneau says:

    Janet Alexander–unfortunately, politicians in this state seem to be fairly easy to buy…

  7. the problem child says:

    Cammie Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 8:18 AM

    I too am wondering who reported the info to the AP when the news was about a “report” with recommendations and not a decision. Isn’t this in violation of the ethics laws? Do you think they might get the e-mails of people to see where they are getting their information? Anyway, do you think the entire thing will be thrown out now that the information has been released prior to any decision by the Personnel Board?
    Yes, it is a report from the investigator, not a final decision. However, the Personnnel Board has rubber stamped every other report by the investigator.
    It is not in violation of the ethics law; that is VanFlein spin. There is no penalty for revealing the report.
    No, they will not be looking at anyone’s e-mails unless they file a lawsuit. Journalists sharing confidential sources? Not likely.
    No, it will not be thrown out, unless the Personnel Board chooses not to follow the law.

  8. aha says:

    Since the FBI likes to surreptitiously listen in to Alaskan’s communications, I’ll bet they been getting an earful of Palin for quite awhile, now.

    The investigator does bring up the relationship between Palin and her Trustee in the first and second paragraphs on page 7.

    The many relationships between Palin and brow raising, to me.

    We should, also, remember that, according to Levi, Palin’s million dollar book advance has already been received.

  9. Janet Alexander says:

    Old Proverb-Every man has his price.

    The Devil must be chortling to himself at how cheaply he got his latest purchase. LOL

  10. manoloho says:

    Call me obsessed, but I still wanna know what happened to that fabu wardrobe.

    Is Piper (Willow?, which one is the little one?) still carrying that LV bag? Did Todd send back the suits, or is he wearing them on snowmachine patrol? I’m sure Trig has outgrown his gear by now, but maybe he handed ’em down to his nephew?

    I still think the classiest thing would have been a big ole charity auction. I mean, hey, even Princess Diana did it.

    Y’all know some old, rich, perverted Dick Cheney wannabe would have paid huge bucks for Sarah’s red leather jacket or a pair of pumps! If they’d tossed in some La Perla, woooooheeee! AK Special Olympics or some other worthy cause would have been in high clover for years.

  11. Cammie says:

    I too am wondering who reported the info to the AP when the news was about a “report” with recommendations and not a decision. Isn’t this in violation of the ethics laws? Do you think they might get the e-mails of people to see where they are getting their information? Anyway, do you think the entire thing will be thrown out now that the information has been released prior to any decision by the Personnel Board?

  12. ocliberal says:

    Janet Alexander Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 7:48 AM

    An interesting question is; Why does it take so long for the media to finally publish and the general public to finally grasp how ethically and intellectually challenged Sarah Palin is?
    The media? Because they love her! She is ratings gold. Wherever her name is mentioned, people tune in and she sells ‘units’. The public? I don’t think the public is fooled by Sarah Palin. At least not the majority of the public. She really doesn’t do well once a harsh light is shown on her as evidenced by her ever plunging approval rating during the presidential campaign.

    I also think though that when she is slowly and definitely revealed to be just another two-faced, hustling scammer the glow will finally fade from Our Lady of Alaska and even her most fervent followers will be forced to look elsewhere for their daily dose of deluded magical thinking.

    I mean she really isn’t looking too good these days. Her meme of ‘frivolous’ ethical complaints really isn’t holding up anymore. And no matter how anyone tried to spin it, quitting her job was not something that anyone can say helps her image.

    But what I would like to see is a real accounting of the ADF. How much money is there? How is it spent? Who decides who gets what? The fact it is administered by her old BFF from high school makes the whole thing highly shady and suspect.

    If her own PPB couldn’t find a way to let her keep the fund, that tells me that whole thing stinks to high heaven.

    You can’t throw that much money right in front of a greedy grifter and not expect some regrettable consequences.

  13. Janet Alexander says:

    An interesting question is; Why does it take so long for the media to finally publish and the general public to finally grasp how ethically and intellectually challenged Sarah Palin is?

  14. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Janet Alexander – I’m sure all bets were off once GINO started working her divisive magic aboard the Straight Lying Express.

    It does give this Alaskan a great belly laugh to imagine the divisiveness in the McCain campaign. The Governor In Name Only managed to create divisiveness throughout this entire state from her Wasilla home. Not much of an office person either, also.

    Nope, regardless of the outcome, we can all agree she really “stepped in it” this time. . .

  15. Bystander says:

    The multiple and inconsistent statments about the source and use of funds in the Fund are a tip off- it is a fraud and a personal slush fund for Palin. Someone needs to go after the Fund’s financial records and the “attorney’s fees bills”, which contrary to Van Flea’s lies are NOT privileged.

    An investigation would reveal that Palin lied about the amount of the “bills”, and the nature of the legal work to solicit contributions, and this is something that has put others in the slammer.

  16. cheerz89 says:

    If she can’t get the funds from the AFT, they can refund the money to the gullible people who donated (and it apparently hasn’t been paid out as the bills from the campaign lawyers are still outstanding as of last week–I also think Coale meant there was plenty of money to pay the bills). Then, once she’s a private citizen, they can set up another legal defense fund, even headquarter it in another state, and with all the publicity this ethics complaint has had (and I’m betting O’Reilly, Beck, Greta, Hannity, Limbaugh and all the other moonbats will talk about it), the new fund will raise at least twice as much money. Unfortunately, it could be a win-win for SP if they go ahead and agree to end the complaint process and escape a violation by disbanding the fund as the investigator suggested.

  17. ocliberal says:

    Janet Alexander Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 6:59 AM

    Why would the McCain people pay for Sarah Palin’s Troopergate legal fees. That issue began long before McCain asked her to be his VP.
    They wouldn’t. But because they didn’t vet Palin properly and probably had no clue what a conniving, manipulating liar she really was, they also didn’t have a clue what a mess Troopergate really was. They probably took her at her word that she did nothing wrong and it was all a politically motivated vendetta against her. The fact that in the end they felt compelled to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on high-priced lawyers to try and obfuscate the Troopergate investigate tells me that the Sarah Palin they thought they chose was not the Sarah Palin they ended up with.

    I wish we really knew what went on in the McCain campaign. At what point did they realize that they had chosen an unstable, unpredictable, dishonest, unmitigated disaster?

    I am more and more convinced that this ethics charge is what forced Palin to resign.

    And I know she didn’t do that willingly so she must have been told by her lawyers that she had no choice. If she didn’t resign she was on the hook personally for over $500K in legal fees. That really is a lot of cabbage even for Palin, especially when she really felt she shouldn’t have to pay the money.

    And I don’t think the Daniels reports tells the whole story. I think it was sugar-coated as much as it could be to give Palin as way-out. I’m sure there is much more legal wranglings behind the scene that for all we know could involve improper use of funds.

    I really hope someone picks up this story and runs with it. It is a big story. I think this story tells a very complete story of the rise and fall of Sarah Palin.

    Kudos to Kim Chatman! I remember when she filed the complaint many dismissed it as having no teeth at all.

  18. the problem child says:

    Deep breath, everyone. There is way too much conflicting information from Coale, Cole, VanFlein, $arah, Meg, etc. It’s safe to assume that they are all, to some extent, spinning or even outright lying, based on incomplete facts, miscommunications, self-interest, and, in some cases, ignorance. And the media is just as hindered in finding the truth as we are. Just step back, and wait for more information, it will come. And no matter what, $P is resigning in a few short days. 🙂

  19. Janet Alexander says:

    Why would the McCain people pay for Sarah Palin’s Troopergate legal fees. That issue began long before McCain asked her to be his VP.

  20. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Yep, the S.S. Palin has definitely hit some troubled waters, man the lifeboats!

    Thank mudpuppy goodness that Winky’s begging for money from children for her legal fund was not proper. I still cannot recall any fundraisers in history that have been directed towards children’s money. They specifically targeted children during their entire webathon.

    I, also, THANK the Personnel Board, Mr. & Mrs. Greta, Toad and all of the others who have ENABLED this governor right out of office!

    Happy Dance with a lame duck fart chaser!

    Hip Hip Hooray

  21. ocliberal says:

    I still keep going back to the fact the Sarah Palin quit her job in a huff. I can not believe that Sarah Palin wanted to quit her job. She is the Governor for chrissake, which is the closest thing to Queen she will ever get in the state of Alaska.

    No, something or someone made Sarah step down. And it just makes more and more sense that this ethics complaint, that she chose to hide, that gave her a very favorable option to keep her job to resolve what is clearly, clearly a huge ethical conflict of interest, is most likely the reason.

    And I believe that reason is very simple. Money. I think there is a substantial amount of money that Sarah Palin is personally on the hook for. Money she either has pulled out of the fund or planned to pull out of the fund and was now on hook for personally if she chose to remain Governor. And this debt is the legal fees incurred by her by McCain high-priced out-state-lawyers who descended on Alaska like a swarm of locusts to try and obfuscate the legislature’s Troopergate investigation.

    She obviously thought the McCain campaign was going to pay her Troopergate legal fees. They said no deal ever existed.

    “One thing is clear: Palin is fuming at the McCain camp, which she believes saddled her with all that debt. At the time John McCain tapped Palin, she was using Alaska state funds to pay the lawyer she hired to defend her against ethics charges. McCain aides, worried that that could raise ethical questions, put an end to the payments. Here’s where things get testy: Coale says the McCain campaign, and later the Republican National Committee, led Palin to believe that they would pay her bills, but never did, causing Palin’s debt to pile up. But two former senior McCain officials, who asked for anonymity to keep political peace, say there was no such promise (online finance records show no payments to Palin’s lawyer). Palin’s spokeswoman, her lawyer, and an RNC spokeswoman didn’t respond to requests for comment.”

    Therefore the ADF was formed for the primary reason of paying back these fees.

    My question though is:
    What happens to the money in the ADF when Palin is no long governor.

    Can she use it then to pay off legal fees?

  22. Donna says:

    I’m a lawyer and doubt that Palin would sue Coale. That’s not to say there aren’t grounds–he may well have given her advice based on assumptions about what Alaska law provided without determining the actual law. This is why lawyers typically work with local counsel in matters like this–to cover themselves and to make sure that advice is correct.

    However, if Palin sued Coale, she would be waiving any privilege that otherwise existed with respect to their communications–suing a lawyer acts as a waiver of the privilege. There could be all sorts of things that Coale’s malpractice carrier (because that’s who would be providing the defense) could raise in terms of her intentions/knowledge that would be far more damaging than any possible recovery. JHOP–do you agree?

  23. carriesblank says:

    Forgive me if this has been addressed. John Coale said recently that most of SP’s legal bills had been paid. When was this? Kristan Cole said the fund was frozen pending the outcome of the ethics filing. (Frozen for money going out). Right? When was it frozen? After the July 14 email? Sarahpac had to disclose their numbers, what a couple of weeks ago? Nothing about legal bills. Last night on Rachel Maddow a reporter from KTUU said that the personnel board doesn’t meet again until September. So I guess they can continue to collect money until the final decision, but will not pay anymore out before then.

  24. HistoryGoddess says:

    I posted this also on the new open thread, but remember, this fund covers Sarah, employees that work with her and her whole family (and I mean
    WHOLE family.) from the pdf doc,

    4. Beneficiary. The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be SARAH PALIN. In
    addition, the class of potential beneficiaries shall include any “Covered Individual.” For purposes hereof, a “Covered Individual” shall be any other person determined by the Trustee, in the Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) hold a “covered staff’ position within SARAH PALIN’s administration and/or an employee in the office of the Governor of the State of Alaska; and (ii) hold a covered relationship with SARAH PALIN, including without limitation, a family member, such as a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling and other close family relationship.

    No mention of inclusion of any or all people listed in church directory or high school alumni list, but that may be implied 🙂

  25. Janet Alexander says:

    Has Sarah Palin not listened to any of the legal advice given to her???? Even the greenest of lawyers could have told her what she was doing was going to create trouble for her. Is the woman so stupid she thinks “I want it so it must be OK” ?

  26. London Bridges says:

    Here is my idea to jump start the United States’ health insurance reform. If you think it has merit, send it to your Congressional Representatives and ask them to champion it.

    Health Insurance Reform

    Here is a simple, relatively painless-for-all, starting point for health care reform.

    Effective January 1, 2010, lower the minimum beginning or starting age for Medicare heath insurance eligibility from the current, age 65, to age 60.

    Then, each succeeding year, for the next 8 years, continue to lower the minimum beginning age by 5 years until everyone age 20 and up would be potentially eligible for Medicare.

    While the minimum eligibility age would be lowered, the current 40 wage credits (10 years of work) rule would be retained providing an incentive to work in order to become eligible for health insurance.

    Younger and uninsured workers would continue to be covered by the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and/or Medicaid.

    Workers would be required to keep work provided private health insurance if it, both, was cheaper and provided better coverage than Medicare.

    Private health insurance companies would continue to be eligible to bid for contracts to administer the Medicare program as they do now as well as to continue to offer Medigap plans which supplement Medicare coverage.

    Medicare would continue to evolve and make changes and improvements to coverage, deductible, and coinsurance rules.

    Partial funding would be obtained by raising the current Medicare 1.45% payroll tax to 2.45% for all workers whose wages exceed the Social Security covered wage base amount, currently, $106,800. The higher rate will only apply to that portion of earnings that exceed the covered wage base cap.

  27. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Grandma Nancy, yes, but they do contradict each other.

  28. Grandma Nancy says:

    SJK –

    From what I can tell, these are two different articles written by two different people, the second article by Sean Cockerham of ADN and the original one written by RACHEL D’ORO of The Associated Press.

  29. EyeOnYou says:

    libby ~

    If I get one then the rest of us should as well. I didn’t say anything that we all haven’t pointed out here thousands of times! But thank you anyhow, the thought it greatly appreciated! 🙂

  30. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    from an astute ADN poster:
    Wow, this is a completely different story than was released yesterday. What is heaven’s name is wrong here?

    I cannot believe the ADN is reporting this:

    “Chatman had no comment”

    Reported on this very website yesterday was Chatman’s statement from an AP story:

    “It’s an absolute shame that she would continue to keep the Alaska Fund Trust Web site up and running,” Chatman told the AP.”

    Somehow this new story completely wipes clean Chatman’s statement and actually leads people to believe that Chatman had no statement and we all clearly read that yesterday. Over 500 comments were made on that thread yesterday. Many of these claiming Sarah would be imprisoned for this.

    How is it that this story has 100% changed since yesterday?

  31. austintx says:

    Can we just get sarah under oath and on videotape ?? Of course she’ll blame Cole and Van Flea for everything.

  32. Jeanette says:

    If the state pays the bill for the private attorney in troopergate does that change the attorney client privilege or does the information become public under FOIA?

  33. ServerGuy says:

    Just out of interest, back in oz, we have these at state and federal level

    Just noticing the comments about conflict of interest et al

  34. libby says:

    EyeOnYou: You deserve a standing ovation for post #628!!

  35. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Its the investigators fault. He’s a commie left wing democratic Kerry contributin’ unfair SOB…or so I read “somewhere”….

  36. tizzielish says:

    I despise Sarah Palin but it seems wicked unfair that, first, the state does not automatically provide funds for her to retain a private attorney to defend herself against proceedings that arise out of her duties in public office and that, second, she can’t ask people to help her out with the legal bills. That just seems way, way, way unfair.

    I love seeing her get a comeuppance. . . but if we forget about Palin and just imagine Mary D. Citizen running for public office, and then serving the public, and then someone files a complaint against Mary, alleging that she did something wrong while pursuing her public duties. . . . I think it eminently reasonable that Mary be able to retain private counsel (because conflict of interest between Mary’s private rights and her public duties, a public attorney is not the right move with potential conflict like this) . . .and that the taxpayers pay her legal fees. Otherwise, all public servants are under tremendous financial risk. Any public servant could piss off some crazy person who might decide to engage in unfair vendettas by filing lots of scurrilous complaints . . . . True, if Mary does her job right, people aren’t likely to file ethics complaints. . . but come on, scurrilous complaints do get filed and public servants are servicing the public and undertaking personal risk and liability. . . I just don’t think it is fair to make public servants pay all their legal bills. . . except for this: if Mary Citizen is found to have violated some duty she had in her public work, maybe, MAYBE, she should have to repay the legal bill. But only if she is guilty of something.

    Some of the complaints against Palin have been a bit scurrilous. True, true, she makes things harder on herself than they have to be. She has always been free to, um, just stop doing things that are wrong. Nothing is stopping her from flying right.

    But this one, this situation where a special investigator concludes that it is a violation of Alaska law for her to ask the general public to help her with her legal bills . . . well, I have read the entire report. The guy writes carefully. He says that it might be that Alaska should change the relevant law because it seems wicked tough to expect a private citizen to incur legal bills. Legal bills can add up big and fast. We won’t have anyone willing to serve in public office if they have to be at risk of incurring a half million bucks of private legal debt.

    Palin is going to be okay, financially. I am sure she would very much prefer to use the Alaska Trust Fund to pay her legal bills but if she has to refund all those gifts and she is still on the hook for all the samolis owed to her attorney, she and Todd and the kids will be okay. Sure, it will be hard to take the bite but her book advance alone will cover her. She is going to make a ton of money in the next few years. She’ll be okay.

    But this is an issue beyond dirtbag scuzzballs like Sarah Palin (yes, she is a dirt bag scuzzball . . you don’t have to be a male to be vermin). . . people entering public service needs to feel protected from unintended mistakes that happen on the job. A person’s whole life can be destroyed by the financial debt of defending a law suit. . it’s analogous, financially, to catatrophic medical expenses wiping a family’s finances. I don’t think public servants should be put in such a risky position, not even scuzz buckets like Palin.

  37. EyeOnYou says:

    Sean Cockerham updated his story, but I don’t see much difference, with the exception that there are far less comments on this one. The previous story, which is no doubt located somewhere else on the site, was passing 420 comments the last time I looked at it.

    These are my comments there:

    “In cases where an ethics complaint has been dismissed for lack of probable cause, it would seem particularly appropriate to require the state to pay for that expense rather than requiring the public official to pay it out of her own pocket,” **

    I’m curious as to exactly what it would cost to defend against a case that has been dismissed for lack of probable cause.

    If there is no probable cause, what is a lawyer needed for? The case has been dismissed, not taken into consideration as viable…where is the cost in this? Well, except in Sarah’s case we know that the lawyer needs to write up statements, appear on television and radio shows, so that is going to cost some $$ but the state shouldn’t have to pay for that kind of showmanship!

    prohibit her from forming a private legal defense fund to help pay for the expense***

    Ah, but a true journalist/reporter would have delved deeper and found that the specific wording of the trust makes it clear that these funds are not solely for the use of Palin’s legal expenses. Look beyond what the website says. Go to the actual document and you will find that the wording is set that so Palin can use these funds for anything she wants as long as she can find a way to link it to her being Governor, which would be quite easy to do, and the same applies to her family and close friends.

    The state personnel board also has the power to impose civil fines for violations.***

    Or they can allow a brokered deal to take place which will allow Palin to claim no wrongdoing, and the allow the Governor to claim confidentiality on the outcome of the process, should it not go in her favor. Why is it that she is the only one who can waive confidentiality on this matter? You’ll notice that when she claims there is no wrongdoing that she is all over the SOA website with press releases regarding the dismissal, and her twitter just burns with “tweet” after “tweet” from her when she thinks it is in her favor, yet she has no problem crying foul when someone else speaks out publicly.

    This is also quite different from her past history when she was the one who was filing the complaints.

    I guess she wants it both ways. When it’s her that is filing them she wants everyone to know everything, but when they are being filed against her, she thinks it’s illegal to mention it.

    Fund trustee Cole told the Associated Press, which first reported the story, that organizers have frozen the legal defense fund pending the personnel board’s review.**

    That is another issue altogether. John Coale, Greta’s husband and (unpaid)advisor to Palin has stated that the fund has paid of nearly all of Palin’s legal bills already.

    So what is going on there?

    This brings up several questions. If the fund has “raised” nearly 250 thousand, and nearly all of the bills have been paid….then the bills weren’t close to the $600 grand that is being claimed.

    If the bills have already been paid, then when were the bills paid? before the fund was technically frozen? If so, why are we still hearing the complaining going on about it?

    If the fund is frozen and they have not been touched at all, why would Palin’s friend, and (unpaid) advisor tell people that the bills had be paid with the Trust money?

    But he was also sympathetic toward Palin***

    It is not his job to be sympathetic towards Palin. That is a personal finding and has no bearing whatsoever in his job which is to investigate the legal merits of the complaint. It leans towards a bias, which shows in his lack of recognizing in this report that this “Fund” is not specific to Palin’s legal bills, and therefore isn’t just about paying off bills associated with ethics complaints.

    LOL, can you tell that I am a little peeved not only at the reporting done, but with the so called “independent” investigator”??? 😉

  38. AKMFan says:

    The thing that seems to be forgotten in comparing the AFT to the funds by Hilary etc is that they were not (I don’t believe) at the STATE level, so other laws are in place for them.

    Oddly, the AK ethics act where Governors are concerned seem pretty strict. If none of the attorneys bothered to actually reconcile the trust set up with AK law and relied on the other trusts set up under other laws that could be a big problem, I would think.

  39. tizzielish says:

    I can’t begin to count the many ways Sarah Palin disgusts me. But, for sake of brevity, I’ll state that her hypocrisy really, really, really bugs the heck out of me.

    The hypocrisy of the addlepated chuckleheads who still think she can make a useful contribution to, well, anything other than her own and her family’s financial wellbeing astonishes me even more than Palin’s dogged, blind hypocrisy. How can people think she can be trusted to make intelligent, heartful decisions on behalf of Joe Six Pack or anyone else?!!

    I keep hearing people who still, amazingly, support her saying that all the ethics charges against her were dismissed in her favor . . . but this is, flatly, untrue. She had to repay airfare. The State Legislature determined that she violated state ethics laws, although, regrettably, the legislature dropped the ball and did not sanction her. They should have. And keep in mind that her cronies, people who got their jobs because they suck up to her, run the Personnel Board, which is used to channel these ethics complaints. I don’t think that’s right, btw, to allow a board appointed by the public official to investigate that official, haven’t you folks in Alaska gotten the concept of ‘conflict of interest’?

    I despise her and people who suspend reason and support her.

    AND . . . . .

    I don’t think it is wrong for her to use the Alaska Trust Fund to get people to help her with her legal bills.

    I think the state taxpayer’s should pay for the legal fees of any public official who incurs legal fees in the course of doing their job. Perhaps, in the cases where said public official is found to have violated an ethics law, maybe make them pay for the attorneys fees. Like her or hate her, she is incurring all these legal fees because she is governor, duly elected. I don’t think her legal fees for ethics complaints related to how she performs her job should be personal debt.

    I don’t like the name of the trust fund. She makes it sound like people are donating to the state, somehow donating to a good public cause, when the donations are going for personal debt. But I don’t think it is wrong to solicit help. And, come on, how can it be wrong for her to use her public title? She is the governor. She still has the same rights as the rest of us to ask for help. Come on. I despise her but on this one, I just can’t see how it is wrong for her to form an entity to solicit help.

    I don’t understand what could possibly motivate anyone to give her money . . . but that is a very different matter.

  40. AKMFan says:

    sauerkraut: I doubt most laypeople know res judicata (already judged) where they have most likely heard about double jeopardy. That is why I used that, plus I was being somewhat lazy as I was in a hurry when I posted. mea culpa.

    JHop: re: the AFT paying taxes on the amounts given to SP. In a “normal” situation, that would be allowed (as you said), but in this case wouldn’t that actually also be counted as a personal benefit to the governor?

    The way the ethics act is set up (it’s really quite strict, IMO), it seems to me that would set up a cycle of neverending “gifts” or “personal benefit” since once again it takes away monetary liability from her.


  41. strangelet says:

    Okay, now I’m really going to bed.

  42. strangelet says:

    @Aussie: You reminded me of the Runner’s World pix, which I saw for some reason that currently escapes me. I’m shocked, shocked to find that the American Legion has not been all up in Palin’s grille about the fact that she used the flag as a prop, draped over a chair.

    I guarantee you that, if Barack Obama had used a similar setting, the Legion would have been all over him about flag desecration.

  43. strangelet says:

    Ach, I’ve gotta crash.

    Nite all.

  44. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    What I believe is true is that plenty of money was taken out of the slush fund – and, commencing at the beginning of July – hurriedly put back IN by one very freaked-out governor, who had to borrow the money to do it (possibly that was up to $100,000 to Flea?).

    The next step could only have been out of the Governor’s office and into earning some big money. Given that the campaign legal bill can’t be fixed by the slush fund either, $$$arah is still $600,000 in the red, with no relief in sight.

    After the saucy Runner’s World pics, maybe she’ll pose for Playboy. They would sling her a few bucks and she wouldn’t even have to leave Wasilla.

  45. strangelet says:

    @Aussie: Good point, although that isn’t exactly what he said. It’ll be a bit of a surprise if it turns out they can’t use the funds, eh?

  46. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Strangelet, it’s possible that John Coale only meant to indicate that the necessary funds were piling up nicely to cover the bills; he might have been speaking figuratively.

    @Haughtee Monkey, you can relax; nobody connected with the PAC is going to do anything like that – remember there has to be a paper trail. The PAC was created for junketing, purely and simply, and that’s quite legal.

  47. strangelet says:

    Ah, UKLady — In case you didn’t go back to whatever thread it was, I was able to decode “Blinking Heck”. I was just teasing.

  48. strangelet says:

    I’ve been over on the Ordinance 64 thread, so just catching up, but it seems to me that tamara (#553) has spotted a serious. The Twit has stated that she has received nothing yet from the trust (I think). John Coale has stated that her legal bills are almost all paid (and that would have to be from the trust, eh?).

    Someone is not telling the God’s honest truth.

  49. UK Lady says:

    Kristen Cole certainly seems to be right in the thick of everything from Mat-Su Dairy to dodgy funds.

  50. lovemydogs says:

    I think the bills that they have mentioned so far are paying back expenses for the kids travelling with her and something else that was in another ethics complaint. I’m too tired to remember.

  51. Haughty_Monkee says:

    Could Kristan Cole have been stupid enough to use PAC money to pay legal defense bills, thinking she could then shift money from Alaska Trust Fund to the PAC and the world (And FEC) would be none the wiser? Tell me it isn’t true!

  52. lovemydogs says:

    And they’re playing up the Obama connection with the investigating lawyer. Saying he isn’t exactly impartial. Seems pretty partial to SP to me…

  53. lovemydogs says:

    I’m reading in the NYT and on Salon that the payments came out of the PAC which has something like $459,000 left.

  54. CG says:

    I just can’t sort out the two pots of money – one is direct solicitations, the other is a registered PAC that has to operate with FEC oversight. I don’t get what expenditures are allowed for either.
    If the facts are true in the Washington Post article, Alaska Fund Trust received $500,000 in donations.

    Palin’s PAC reports raising more than $730,000

    “Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee raised nearly $733,000 in its first five months, according to a report filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission.”

    “Stapleton said about $1.2 million has been raised between SarahPAC and a fund set up to help Palin pay more than $500,000 in legal debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints filed against her.”

  55. CG says:

    …and, he’s a trustee…

  56. jerryG says:

    Hey thanks, Seagull Junker Palin!!

  57. CG says:

    I don’t think she’s suing Coale. My impression is that Coale did his best to get in front of the train for her. I felt that he gave her several exit strategies from public scrutiny about the cost of ethics complaints. I think it’s revealed that once again, all she needed to do was just shut up.

  58. EyeOnYou says:

    Dr. Patois ,
    I don’t think she will either, but I would not put it past her to attempt to badmouth him for his claims made to the media that the Legal fund has already paid off most of the legal bills.

    That also brings up the question, who is lying on that? Was Coale telling the truth, as he knows it to be, and Palin did already dip into those funds and pay bills when she wasn’t supposed to, thinking that like all the other complaints this would just be dismissed?

    Or did someone give Coale bad information, and he just passed along what was told to him, which makes both he and Sarah look bad, since they are supposed to be friendly, as well as in an advisor/advised situation, plus the fact that Greta won’t be too thrilled if the Palin family makes her hubby look bad.

  59. JHop says:

    no i mean, services are different than gifts. it can be in-kind service. but what if he wrote it off as pro-bono or said it was informal advice that he did not charge her for?

  60. Dr. Patois says:

    Good point EyeOnYou. I don’t think she is going to try to sue Coale.

  61. CG says:

    Looks like Sarah’s going to have her hands full. Hearings, Personnel Board, speaking engagments, fundraising for Texas Gov Perry. Oh my.
    But look, there already seems to be a bit of a schedule glitch – the Simi Valley gala is on August 8. A hearing is scheduled for the 4th in Alaska.

    3AN-08-10869CI McLeod, Andree vs. Palin, Sarah et al
    Hearing Set: Event: Oral Argument Date: 08/04/2009 Time: 2:00 pm
    Judge: Smith, Jack W Location: Courtroom 301, Nesbett Courthouse
    Michael G Mitchell, Primary Attorney (Sarah)

    3AN-08-12168CI Latham, Ben vs. Palin, Sarah et al (Talis Colberg)
    06/29/2009 Order Granting Motions for reconsideration waive supersedeas bond and cost bond on appeal, proof of service filed, no opposition filed. Case Motion #17: Reconsideration Motion, Case Motion #18: Reconsideration Motion
    Stephanie Galbraith-Moore, Primary Attorney (Sarah)

  62. Dr. Patois says:

    JHop, I just saw your post about contingency. If I were $arah, I would be more concerned about the Scientologists, not Coale or $.

  63. EyeOnYou says:


    If Palin does attempt to blame/sue Coale, then isn’t she by default admitting to getting & relying on “free” advice from him, which was brought up in Andree’s last ethics complaint?

    Would that be a catch -22 for her?

  64. JHop says:

    i will write a primer on the trust, the law, and the consequences tomorrow.

  65. Dr. Patois says:

    Oy! Good Luck! I am in LA and I am going to bed. Thank you JHop for all that you give to us.

  66. JHop says:

    yes im in NY. pulling an all nighter and writing a brief…

  67. JHop says:

    any attorney would take it on a contingency. they receive X % of whatever she wins in the end.

  68. Dr. Patois says:

    JHop, aren’t you in NY?

  69. Dr. Patois says:

    From what she says, $arah doesn’t have the $$ to sue John Coale. 🙂

  70. JHop says:

    she can sue coale. if she says ineffective assistance of counsel led her to break the law. and his expert advice was what she relied upon in creating the trust….

  71. JHop says:

    okay i will write about this. i’ll analyze it tomorrow. you’re right. this stuff needs to be called out and brought to attention. the report is damning to her and still a whitewash, legally speaking.

  72. UK Lady says:

    Daily Kos has an interesting angle. They think $P could sue John Coale LOL, Greta Will be pleased. The commenters have some unique takes, as well as some fun.

    When you lie down with Scientologists
    you wake up with lawsuits.

    Stupid stupid woman hooks up with two gigantic f***wits. Facepalming galore ensues.

  73. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: You MUST write something on this and
    AKM: it needs to see the light of day

    Things are never going to change here if we don’t raise a stink to high heaven.

    The best we can do is try to be heard.

    Remember whoville?

  74. CG says:

    Refresh me, I’m tired. Who’s Sapp, Mosely, & King? What’s BFF?

  75. sally says:

    IMO…look at Cole, that is Kristan Cole, Sapp, Mosely, & King! Whew…that’s a lot of names, but go for it. The Trustee and the BFF! Something is terribly wrong with this situation.

  76. CG says:

    This is Alaska.
    A finding of misconduct in Troopergate. Nothing happened.
    Nothing also happened:
    1. when several people directly ignored supoenas.
    2. at the direction of state’s attorney.

  77. Dr. Patois says:

    Thanks JHop! I think the ‘flatters ought to work on that in support of those who have been harmed by him. I am not in Alaska so I will have to do some research. Thank you for bar association… I am too tired to think.

  78. UK Lady says:

    JHop, I’ve just got up, bottom line – will this stick?

  79. CG says:

    He doesn’t necessarily have to comment on his finding of probable cause. His assessment goes to the Personnel Board for action. They decide how to proceed, based on the probable cause.
    He’s given her a pass.

  80. JHop says:

    aha – he didn’t omit it. that’s what is so ridiculous. he can recommend whatever he wants as overall action. he just seems to ignore it totally.

  81. aha says:

    Has anyone else noticed that the investigator’s recommendation of corrective action explicitly OMITS his first finding of probable cause?

    WTF? He’s gonna have to re-write this opinion, anyway.

  82. JHop says:

    *on the statute….

  83. JHop says:

    you could file a complaint with the bar association (whatever their ethics or professional conduct section is).

    it would depend one the statute or guidelines that the alaska bar follows. we would need to find a specific clause he violated. but i bet it could be done. i can think of general clauses he has violated by the sheer audacity and misleading nature of his press releases.

  84. CG says:

    JD30 is not really JD’s style…

  85. Dr. Patois says:

    I wanted to know if there are grounds to go to the law review board and file a complaint about Van Flea. It’s called the law review board right?

  86. lovemydogs says:

    Well said, and now I must put me to bed.

  87. JHop says:

    im here dr. pat. what’s up?

  88. CG says:

    For Sarah, this evening…

    “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government;… whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”

    –Thomas Jefferson

  89. lovemydogs says:

    She still shouldn’t get away with defaming the complaintant.

  90. Dr. Patois says:

    JHop are you still on? I have a question for you.

  91. CG says:

    Iron Dog, Team # 3

  92. CG says:

    General Manager, NANA Oilfield Services, LLC

  93. aha says:

    The investigator clearly found ”probable cause”; for Van Flein or Palin to state or imply otherwise is improper in the least. Page 4 of the report, paragraph one says:

    ”…In light of the evidence that the governor expressly authorized the creation of the trust and the fact the website quite openly uses the governor’s position to solicit donation, there is probable cause to believe that Governor Palin used, or attempted to use here official position gain in violation of Alaska Statue 39.52.120(a).”

    No amount of spin can change that…if the complaint is thrown out on a technicality…no amount of spin can change the conclusion because it stands on its own.

    Lol…she wants to use Ted Steven’s claim that he’s innocent…too funny she won’t speak to the issues and everyone can see it.

  94. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Hey JerryG – take a look at the post listed up on the right “Screen Door Sunday” Not sure how many you will need to read thru, that’s where the plans were being made.

  95. honestyinGov says:

    Based on the wording and the style of writing or the way everything was twisted to try to tell a story…JD30 ‘s comments on the NewsMiner sounded like some writer in disguise from that ‘ other site ‘. Had some facts to try to spin the story so there was some thought there. Had an agenda…. BUT still some Wing-nut PalinBot.

  96. JHop says:

    J.D. PALIN, Palmer Anchorage Manager Service Oil and Gas .

    JD30 is someone different….

  97. jerryG says:

    Is there any public celebration in Anchorage slated for Sarah’s last day this weekend?

  98. lovemydogs says:

    “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!” Walter Scott
    Seems appropriate.

  99. JHop says:

    what does he do, CG?

  100. CG says:

    Todd’s brother’s name is JD…

  101. Lee323 says:

    BTW….Mr. Sherwonit had an excellent post on state-sponsored killing of wild bears a couple of days ago. Nature writing is his real niche. He needs to stick with that niche instead of wandering out on grimy side paths that he knows little about….

  102. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I have no patience for the ADN site, takes forever to log in, load etc.

    That JD30 et al, who are trying to discredit Thomas Daniel do not realize that he was the atty who cleared Palin in Arctic Cat.

    Not worth the response. They have been spun into the ground by Palin.

  103. JHop says:

    yes him

  104. Lee323 says:

    Bill Sherwonit

  105. JHop says:

    bill s[some last name]’s grimes piece* <–to clarify the above

  106. JHop says:

    JD30 is the one who went off under the bill s. grimes piece. accusing us all of lying about a potential lawsuit….

  107. honestyinGov says:

    I was just on the ADN link looking at the comments section. The same person that was on the NewsMiner ( JD30 ) has posted and is trying to spin the Obama/Coie conspiracy. And the NewsMiner comments said his Profile was started just this morning. He is a newbie troll with an agenda.

  108. ocliberal says:

    I would also be very curious to know how much money she has spent out of that fund that would have had to be paid back for her to continue as Governor. It might be a number that left her little choice but to quit.

  109. JHop says:

    ocliberal – well said, i agree completely.

  110. ocliberal says:

    I don’t think this is an iceberg, but I do think this is a reason that explains alot.

    I think the PB tried to sugarcoat this the best they could for Palin so that she could ‘gracefully’ bow out of the fund by paying back the money and then closing the fund.

    She instead chose to quit her job, keep the fund open, and is still attempting to scam contributions from her deluded minions. She is quite a piece of work.

    I think it’s very clear now why she was so pissed at her resignation speech. She obviously doesn’t like it when she is told she can’t have it her way always! And she was probably apoplectic that her own personal personnel board dared to cross her.

    Think about it. She was given an out by the investigator and the PB. She just has to relinquish the fund and repay any money she spent as Governor. She could have even done it ‘gracefully’ and pleaded ignorance on ‘legal technicalities’. (Well she could have if she would let an intelligent, articulate person write her speech for her).

    Instead she chose to deliver an unintelligible, incoherent manic rant railing mainly against those who file ethics complaints against her. And then she chose to quit! It was an impetuous, irrational decision arrived at by someone with the emotional maturity of a three-year-old.

    She obviously wasn’t about to pay back anyone, especially for what she perceives as unwarranted legal expenses foisted on her by the McCain campaign. The McCain BTW, campaign that apparently felt it had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover her lying, unethical ass.

    Karma is a b____!

  111. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Ha. Evening mudpups!
    I am just now catching up with today’s news and AKM’s post.
    I had to travel to Fairbanks to bring a sick dog to the vet.
    I finally got settled into a room and have just now read this news.
    Now I will go back and read all the posts I can’t wait.

  112. tamara says:

    With the facebook message, she is now clearly accusing John coale, her one time big friend, of lying when he stated that legal bills had already been covered by the fund.

  113. curiouser says:

    Now…for sure…bed here I come. Night all!

  114. JHop says:

    thanks lovemydogs. i love chatting with you all. such interesting discussion. i think something does need to be written to point out the fact that the trust mentions nothing about a legal defense at all.

  115. curiouser says:

    JHop – I looked at the other trusts when the AFT site first went up. I may not remember the legal action part correctly for all the examples. I’m pretty confident there wasn’t anything about personal distributions in the others and they did allow large contributions.

  116. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Can I tell you how much I appreciate having you here? Your input just calms me down when there is something I don’t understand fully. Thanks

  117. JHop says:

    curiouser – that is interesting, i was wondering about those other examples. it was going to be something i did in the near future. i was wondering how her “purpose” compared to others. what else do the others say? (i will eventually read myself….)

  118. JHop says:

    no that message is not hers. that is carefully worded. that is intentional, trust me. a lawyer or adviser wrote that for her. it is ambiguous and each word leaves an opening for interpretation….

  119. honestyinGov says:

    # 520 HistoryGoddess Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 10:00 PM

    Lawyer Thomas Daniel works for Perkins Coie, which has offices all over the country. This group also represented Obama, John Kerry, and Chris Dodd in various campaigns.
    Here’s his info…
    About the way the Palin-bots have ‘ tried ‘ to implicate Obama or some Democrats in some conspiracy they have dreamed up… check out the NewsMiner comment section. I was there this morning because in the past they have been critical of $arah. There were Two different people trying to spin this conspiracy. Someone else pointed out this Firm of Perkins/Coie is like a franchise all across the World. They have Offices EVERYWHERE.

    And if any Democrats or Obama were involved they would hide their tracks a LOT better than having a simple Google search turn up this info. These people are idiots ! You think Obama, Rahm and the rest in Washington could give a damn what a quitter is doing.
    I think their energy is focused on ‘ Healthcare’… and these GOP Senators asking Sotomayer these racist questions.

    Read the NewsMiner comments though. Really wayyyyyy out there.

  120. curiouser says:

    #517 SS – the other trusts on the AFT site all provide for payments directly to lawyers for specific legal actions. They are nothing like the AFT. I think they were put there for comparison because they allowed large donations while the AFT limits donations to $150/year. Thus, AFT can say their trust has strict provisions in comparison.

    Now, really, off to bed.

  121. HistoryGoddess says:

    lovemydogs- I know! Those fingers of hers are a twitchin’. She just posted it, and I saw Ivy”s tweet to view her side of the story immediately. Coordination.

  122. tamara says:

    HistoryGoddess @ 524

    Beware you all. SP’s facebook post is just a little too calm and structured. Either she shat in her waders/is talking to the herrings in the smoker and left her Legal Brain Trust to deal with messaging, or there is a stinking something ready to surface.

  123. JHop says:

    the PAC is different than the Trust. Trusts have different rules under the law. Simply put, they have to strictly abide by their intended purpose. which in palin’s case would be basically anything as long as it is in her role “as governor or resulting from her actions as governor.” it does specify $150 per person. but the trust is shady on its face to be a legal instrument for her to raise money. it says nothing about legal defense.

    the PAC is simply for anything raising money to be used for elections, campaigning, etc. anything works as long as its politically related. the FEC rules over PACS, on an agency level. they have to abide by donation rules, etc. but not specific trust rules. Trusts are overseen by the state and courts.

  124. lovemydogs says:

    TeamSarah: You need to go back a page or two. The PAC is a whole different matter. JHop addressed it briefly a little while back.

  125. curiouser says:

    SJP – thanks for the ADN link.

    I left a comment about the distribution to beneficiaries and questioned why no one is asking questions about the trust document.

    Now time to put AFT and sp outa my head and get some sweet sleep.

  126. lovemydogs says:

    So if they were witholding any action or payment then where did the money come from that has supposedly paid all of her bills?

    And there she goes defaming Chatman again.

  127. TeamSarah4CHOICE says:

    SarahPAC IS controlled BY Palin. In fact, Palin has personally authorize payments FROM SarahPAC to McCain, Lisa Murkowski, Palin Employees & her east coast trip.

    SarahPAC is just as illegal & unethical as the Palin Legal Defense Fund and for the exact same reasons!!!

    What do you guys think?

  128. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Nice…..$arah uses the FACT ERROR excuse. Give me a break Ms. 2 Million Dollar Meme!!!!

  129. lovemydogs says:


    She is spouting the words her lawyer has written for her. She will squirm and squirm until she can’t help but tweet.

  130. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    TS4Choice – I’ve seen you on Politico!!!

    There are some here that have the answer to that, I’m not one of them. Apparently it’s a completely different thing than the trust fund – different rules etc.

  131. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: If you haven’t gone to bed yet. Those student loans are looking smaller and smaller. You need to move to Alaska and get your license here. I’ll buy the ticket!

  132. tamara says:

    Aussie Blue Sky

    You are probably right. Everything this poor excuse of a gov touches becomes so twisted.

  133. HistoryGoddess says:

    The was just posted on her Facebook page (hat tip to Ms. Ivy’s tweet)
    Statement from Sarah Palin on Legal Fund News Report
    Today at 10:46pm
    “I find the notion that I have taken any action pertaining to the legal defense trust fund misguided and factually in error. I am informed that this fund was created by experienced attorneys in DC and was modeled after other similar funds established for senators and others. The fund itself was not created by me nor is it controlled by me. Neither I nor my lawyer has received a penny from this fund, and I am informed the Trustee was withholding any action or payment pending final resolution with the Personnel Board. This is the hallmark of legal compliance and prudent conduct.

    In short, I have not ‘acted’ relative to the defense fund and it is misleading to say I have. I have no doubt that the Trust will welcome guidance by the Board, as do we all, but it is my understanding that this matter was not resolved and the complainant’s violation of law has served to mislead the public and prejudice a fair review of this matter.”

    Sarah Palin
    Updated 36 minutes ago

  134. TeamSarah4CHOICE says:


    Seems to me that SarahPAC would be just as illegal and just as unethical, and for the same reasons, as Palin’s Legal Defense Fund.

    We already KNOW she used some of that SarahPAC money to PAY EMPLOYEES!!!!! OMG!!!!

    What do YOU think?


  135. Tealwomin says:

    Seagull Junker…LOL i know…I know

  136. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    You have completed your mission, thanks History.

  137. HistoryGoddess says:

    I am impressed with all you guys have analyzed. I can’t add much, but I did take one for the team and ventured out to the dark side.
    Tommy, linked to Obama and placed
    under the bus by the the cudas in less than two comments:

    Lawyer Thomas Daniel works for Perkins Coie, which has offices all over the country. This group also represented Obama, John Kerry, and Chris Dodd in various campaigns.
    Here’s his info…

    They also believe that Chatman released it. Had to be. Wasn’t $ or VFly. Lots of deleted comments, so some mod is busy.

  138. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    tamara Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 9:31 PM
    I started getting out the fermented grain, but too many questions still looming.
    The Flea writes :

    “It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions.”

    My reading of the Flea’s phrase is : Daniel explicitly reviewed with Chatman the confidentiality issue before she made public that she had filed an ethics complaint. Now the Flea has structured his phrase to lead the reader to believe that Chatman leaked the report. Does anybody else see it this way ?
    Tamara, I believe you’re mistaken, and here is why: the complaint goes through the hands of several people before an outside lawyer investigates it. If Daniel had any discussion with Kim Chatman it would have been after he had filed his report on his findings. He may have just reminded her that it was confidential (also, too, Van Flea could have made that up – he has no problem making stuff up).

    In any event, Kim Chatman said on KTUU news that she was not the one who gave the findings to AP. Van Flea would like us to believe that Mrs Palin doesn’t have enemies – ha!

    It’s quite clear that Flea libeled Kim Chatman in alleging “illegal actions” on her part. We all know Van Flea is way down on the scale of competence, anyway, but . . . .

  139. lovemydogs says:

    Got to go catch the news. Be back in a few.

  140. SS says:

    Do you think the terms of the other funds for polititions were set up so ambiguously for the didtribution on money anyway to anyone?

  141. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    It’s really wrong when the Govt. (Sarah Palin) goes after a constituent (Kim Chatman) like this. Dang I’m pissed.

  142. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Maybe you should e-mail AKM and tell her your thoughts. I would be willing to bet she would go for a guest blog. And you never know, you might end up on Huff Post. Now don’t stay up all night unless you can sleep in in the morning. Did you get my note re: not getting your e-mail?

  143. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    There’s an updated ADN report.

  144. JHop says:

    Filer of ethics complaint says she did not leak confidential report
    Investigator finds probable cause of Palin ethics violation

    by Channel 2 News staff
    Tuesday, July 21, 2009

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The filer of an ethics complaint that led an independent investigator to conclude there is probable cause of ethics violations by Gov. Sarah Palin told Channel 2 News on Tuesday she did not leak the confidential report to the media, contrary to a statement made by Palin’s lawyer.

    Kim Chatman told Channel 2 she was not The Associated Press’ source for the report, which details how the investigator came to his conclusion that the fund established to help Palin pay her legal fees is likely in violation of state ethics laws.

    Thomas Van Flein, Palin’s attorney, issued a statement Tuesday afternoon saying, “It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel (the investigator) explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.”

    Chatman declined a more extensive interview, citing a sudden illness in her family.

    Watch the Channel 2 News Late Edition for a complete report.

  145. antiAnti says:

    @510 JHop Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 9:48 PM
    none of my comments are showing up on the screen. so i don’t know if you are getting them….

    got this one

  146. tamara says:

    Link to the WaPo article, with a comment from the attorney of the trust fund.

    Update, 10:15 p.m.: Randy Evans, the attorney who helped Palin set up the Alaska Trust Fund, released a statement moments ago dismissing the allegation that there was any impropriety in its founding as “absolutely untrue”.

    Added Evans: “It was specifically patterned after well recognized trusts of prior Presidential candidates as well as high profile public servants. As with other public servants, there is no impropriety in the creation or operation of such a trust and any suggestion to the contrary is candidly absurd.”

    Evans, a partner in the firm of McKenna, Long & Aldridge, is a well known Republican attorney, having served as outside counsel to then Speakers Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and Dennis Hastert (Ill.).

  147. JHop says:

    none of my comments are showing up on the screen. so i don’t know if you are getting them….

    but yes, AKM or anyone could easily analyze what the document actually says as opposed to what the report quotes from (the website). it is an interesting detail they seemed to have ignored completely. and then painted the issue as if we should have sympathy for palin. please. i would be happy to write or analyze the legal stuff for whoever.

  148. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Teal – Sorry! I’m a wimp.

  149. Tealwomin says:

    chat…for Winners not Quitters

  150. GinaM says:

    Oh yeah that comment on Grpyen’s blog is at 3:51pm. Here is again in case you missed it.

    Okay I found this comment on Grphyen’s Immoral Minority blog. The post is titled:
    “Let’s take a mental health moment and enjoy…:dated Sunday, July 5, 2009.

    Syrin has left an extremely interesting comment on Shannyn Moore’s blog:

    “There are several more RUMORS going around.

    Such as: Palin was found guilty of abuse and misconduct for wrong doing with her ‘Legal Defense Fund” (WHY DOES SOMEONE ETHICAL NEED A LEGAL DEFENSE FUND?) millons of dollars are said to be un accounted for RUMORED embezzlement- Sarah Pac sponsored?… She was given an ultimatum (I think this is highly improper, possibly unlawful) by her appointed 3 member personnal board that she, if continues to be the Gov the TRUTH of the matter would have to come out and the whole mess and paper trail would have to be released to the public. However, it’s RUMORED if she RESIGNS she was told by that appointed 3 member board that determines ETHICAL matters in the State of Alaska that she can essentially TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just a RUMOR”

    Hmmm…somebody knew something

  151. BigSlick says:

    BigSlick674@AKGovSarahPalin signs

    less than 5 seconds ago from web in reply to AKGovSarahPalin

  152. tamara says:

    I started getting out the fermented grain, but too many questions still looming.
    The Flea writes :

    “It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions.”

    My reading of the Flea’s phrase is : Daniel explicitly reviewed with Chatman the confidentiality issue before she made public that she had filed an ethics complaint. Now the Flea has structured his phrase to lead the reader to believe that Chatman leaked the report. Does anybody else see it this way ?

    Another question : Daniel recommends that SP withdraw her authorisation for the trust to be recognized as the official trust fund. He is not recommending dissolution of the fund. Does this imply that the fund can continue ?

  153. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Maybe you could be a guest blogger…

  154. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: if you are still here

    So could AKM write a story outlining how the “investigator” doesn’t refer to the document but just to the website and then post a link to the document pointing out where he fails to address things? Would anyone be in trouble if they did that at this point?

  155. New Boston Yankee says:

    So what happens to the money when Palin retires? Does she keep it? Even if the final report declares an ethics violation? What about the “unreceived” gifts? Did she wait so long to open them so that she would be out of office and, in her mind, uncompelled to abide by disclosure regulations?

  156. JHop says:

    ss – he has been her “private” atty for awhile. but it raises a question by itself – who is her private counsel (why did she choose him in particular)? what is he charging her that she bitches to the state that her legal bills are $500K? (that figure is simply ridiculous). is this reasonable? is he on retainer/ what agreement does she have with him? there can be a lot more questions asked if she is going to say her legal bills are the public’s fault and she HAS to hire a private attorney to take care of it for her…..

    curiouser – the guy they picked as the independent counsel/investigator has a pattern of being very sympathetic towards palin. it says something that he could find nothing this time to let her off on this time (but still recommend no formal action).

    be right back guys.

  157. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Rob – I’m off base – I think it’s just because he didn’t mention Chatman in the 2nd post on Sarah’s facebook that I assumed he had thought twice about it.

  158. lynnrockets says:

    AH, Ha , Ha, Ha,Ha, Ha, Ha,Ha,

  159. Lacy Lady says:

    I am amazed at all the twists and turns. I think she will be caught in the maze.

  160. Tealwomin says:

    CHAT…not cat…

  161. Tealwomin says:

    cat..i’m there

  162. SS says:

    Sorry about that spelling!

  163. Rob in Ca says:

    GinaM….wow how did I miss that on Gryphen’s blog?

  164. lovemydogs says:

    Oh JHop: gotta love that defamation.

  165. EyeOnYou says:

    Anyone up for CHAT!!!!!?????????

  166. SS says:

    Maybe with all the behind the scene collaborating they are trying to throw Daniel’s under the bus. It looks like they have had some pretty immproper conversations and negotiation “off the record”. Maybe it’s thier last resort for this to be dismissed on a technicallity.

  167. Rob in Ca says:

    SegullJP….I thought Chatman’s quote could as easily suggest surprise that the trust was still up and running since the filing of the complaint, which was in April.

    I am not clear on why you think that Van Flein is backing off his accusation of Chatman….can you clarify?

  168. JHop says:

    curiouser – the guy they picked as the independent counsel/investigator has a pattern of being very sympathetic towards palin. it says something that he could find nothing this time to let her off on this time (but still recommend no formal action).

    ss – he has been her “private” atty for awhile. but it raises a question by itself – who is her private counsel (why did she choose him in particular)? what is he charging her that she bitches to the state that her legal bills are $500K? (that figure is simply ridiculous). is this reasonable? is he on retainer/ what agreement does she have with him? there can be a lot more questions asked if she is going to say her legal bills are the public’s fault and she HAS to hire a private attorney to take care of it for her…..

    be right back guys.

  169. Tealwomin says:

    …Alaskan toast…

    SOS….in other words…

  170. GinaM says:

    Okay I found this comment on Grphyen’s Immoral Minority blog. The post is titled:
    “Let’s take a mental health moment and enjoy…:dated Sunday, July 5, 2009.

    Syrin has left an extremely interesting comment on Shannyn Moore’s blog:

    “There are several more RUMORS going around.

    Such as: Palin was found guilty of abuse and misconduct for wrong doing with her ‘Legal Defense Fund” (WHY DOES SOMEONE ETHICAL NEED A LEGAL DEFENSE FUND?) millons of dollars are said to be un accounted for RUMORED embezzlement- Sarah Pac sponsored?… She was given an ultimatum (I think this is highly improper, possibly unlawful) by her appointed 3 member personnal board that she, if continues to be the Gov the TRUTH of the matter would have to come out and the whole mess and paper trail would have to be released to the public. However, it’s RUMORED if she RESIGNS she was told by that appointed 3 member board that determines ETHICAL matters in the State of Alaska that she can essentially TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just a RUMOR”

    Hmmm…somebody knew something

  171. lovemydogs says:

    Van Flea is earning his bucks tonight eh?

  172. Tealwomin says:

    …wonder whats gonna happen to Guv Panhandler & her flim-flam Lawyer…

    she quit as part of a deal?

  173. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Chatman was quoted in the AP story, but basically said that it was amazing that the fund was still up and running after this opinion over a week ago.

    I think someone just showed Ms. Chatman the letter. I think that Van Flein has also backed off his accusation of her…..?? Seems to be accusing Daniel??

    Correct me if I’m off base~!!

  174. BigSlick says:

    WOW. This system is rigged better than a chickenchit casino.

  175. EyeOnYou says:

    Jhop, I understand that. It’s just that with Van Flein saying that this isn’t resolved yet and there is a process, I don’t want people to think that this will be resolved anytime soon. As much as I would like to think that the Personnel Board will hold a meeting regarding this before Palin leaves office, I seriously doubt that they will.

    Everything we have seen so far proves that this system has been used to work in Palin’s favor, regardless of whether or not it should, but even complaints that have merit, like the children’s travel, was allowed to be worked out so that Palin could claim no wrongdoing.

    I have no faith that this system will do the right thing at all.

  176. curiouser says:

    #465 Rob in Ca Says:
    He almost certainly did read the trust document. There is a reason he did not cite it in his argument, because he could be shot down so easily. It is abundantly clear that he is reluctantly siding against Sarah in his finding, and going only as far as he thinks he has to.

    Just my opinion, of course.
    Your opinion makes sense though I don’t understand how he could be shot down.

    Did the PB hire this guy with the specific directive to find in favor of Palin?
    Seems like Alaskans need to insist on some legislative oversight. Then, again, the legislators probably aren’t to keen on ethics investigations either.

  177. SS says:

    It’s also very interesting that Van Flein keeps qualifing in his responses that he is “Private” Attorney for Sarah Palin not for the Govenor Palin. How long has he been doing that?

  178. JHop says:

    “It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions.”

    is there any proof of this? that chatman was briefed or that she leaked the investigation report? if not its defamation.

  179. strangelet says:

    @JHop et al — Generally, our ethics laws for elected officials are soft as butter. I imagine that Palin will get out of this one by repaying (some) of the funds and dissolving the trust.

    Nevertheless, I tend to think of this as at least a small iceberg, It forced her to quit. Can you imagine her trying to negotiate her way out of this mess while still being Governor? That would have solidified her image as “grifter” in 75% of the electorate. Now, she can try to be a private citizen struggling with the requirements of the big Bureaucracy.

    But, and it’s a BIG but, now she is a quitter. Alaskan toast.

    Iceberg enough for me.

  180. BigSlick says:

    Chatman couldn’t have leaked this, she was not in possession of the report yet.

  181. JHop says:

    no not tampering. they can request more information for “Clarification” and to assist in their findings. it looks like total collusion, you are right. but it isn’t because the board is so biased on its face that they are allowed to do this.

  182. LIsabeth says:

    Rob in CA thanks. You wrote that Coale said the defense money was used already to pay lawyers OR was she planning to use it, couldn’t and was mad and quit.
    If she has spent money I would guess she is in troylble Noe.
    Maybe this is where the IRS comes in.
    It’s all confusing now but it will become clearer.

  183. antiAnti says:

    another update at 4:52

    “All options are open in terms of legal remedies. It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.”

    Thomas Van Flein
    Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

    not clear what actions by Chatman were illegal

  184. BigSlick says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 9:00 PM

    (I got this off the ADN comments so…..) UPDATE II: From the governor’s Facebook page:

    “The resolution of the Trust Fund is not final. I have been working


    with the investigator regarding supplemental information. The matter is still pending. Whatever you have seen was released in violation of law. There has been no Board finding of an ethics violation and there is a detailed legal process to follow before there is a final resolution.”

    Thomas Van Flein
    Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

  185. JHop says:

    eye – they are only supposed to meet twice/year or something. they meet a lot more often if circumstances call for it. they have definitely met a lot more over palin’s complaints.

    they are going to twist this as a big breach of confidentiality and hurtful to palin’s rights. but the complainant could NOT have leaked it. she never had this report. so who leaked it? because that is who palin should be blaming. and a breach of confidentiality doesn’t negate the underlying charges or violations….

  186. SS says:

    Isn’t the personnel board not on a regular schedule but are called in and meet when they are needed?

  187. lovemydogs says:

    OT sorry guys: JHop, I never got your e-mail.

  188. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    (I got this off the ADN comments so…..) UPDATE II: From the governor’s Facebook page:

    “The resolution of the Trust Fund is not final. I have been working with the investigator regarding supplemental information. The matter is still pending. Whatever you have seen was released in violation of law. There has been no Board finding of an ethics violation and there is a detailed legal process to follow before there is a final resolution.”

    Thomas Van Flein
    Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

  189. EyeOnYou says:

    Based on what was stated on the RM show earlier, the Personnel Board isn’t scheduled to met again until September, so nothing more will happen until then anyhow.

  190. lovemydogs says:

    Rob and JHop: Can’t he be forced (by public opinion) to go farther? Think WAR folks.

  191. BigSlick says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 8:53 PM

    So it’s just like we have been saying from the beginning. This “trust” was a scam in its entirety and was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to obtain as much money for the Governor and her family/friends as possible using the victimology she has perfected as a ruse to obtain the funds!

    In a nutshell!

  192. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    SS – precisely! Same atty., same 1/2 ashat investigation.

  193. BigSlick says:

    Double whammy

    Poll says most people in USA want GINO to get out (and stay out) of the limelight

  194. Rob in Ca says:

    He almost certainly did read the trust document. There is a reason he did not cite it in his argument, because he could be shot down so easily. It is abundantly clear that he is reluctantly siding against Sarah in his finding, and going only as far as he thinks he has to.

    Just my opinion, of course.

  195. lovemydogs says:

    Hmmm, well, now that it is leaked and out in the open…do bloggers have free reign to ask these questions and post things on Huff Post etc? This thing was all over the country on the news (because they leaked it to the AP).

    AKM, Phil and Shannyn need to be reading this.

  196. curiouser says:

    us = up

  197. EyeOnYou says:

    So it’s just like we have been saying from the beginning. This “trust” was a scam in its entirety and was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to obtain as much money for the Governor and her family/friends as possible using the victimology she has perfected as a ruse to obtain the funds!

  198. curiouser says:

    I sent emails to scads of news organizations when the trust was set us giving them the trust document link and excerpts. I sent emails again to the reporters who were in AK after the quitting. No one has asked the right questions.

    Maybe someone will actually read the document this time. I’d bet on Rachel being the best bet.

  199. JHop says:

    i deleted the complaint yesterday, i had it bookmarked actually. im sorry. i am not sure if it quoted directly from the document. but it blows my mind the investigator didn’t. it is misleading and changes the whole nature of the allegations and investigation.

  200. SS says:

    Isn’t it similar to the very same attorney dismissing the Artic Cat complaint with out reading the “confidential” contract?

  201. curiouser says:

    Whoa! Kudos to Rob in Ca and everyone else who, unlike me, didn’t assume he read the trust document and just refused to acknowledge the Withdrawals section.

    How can you investigate a trust and not read the document? Does anyone remember if the complaint quoted any part of the doc?

  202. JHop says:

    lovemydogs- no, i wish we could do something, but that is just me being picky. all we can do is somehow point it out and make it be known. we can write emails, etc, to force people to read the real document. i think it is shoddy work by an attorney working on something like this. who refers to the website designed by the “defendants,” as opposed to the stated purposes in the trust document?! it is just misleading and poor research. the document says NOTHING about legal expenses. it is much more general and ambiguous. it makes her look more in violation of the law. and it negates all of the ‘sympathy” the investigator felt about the complaints and his recommendation that she should ask for state funds to reasonably reimburse her for dismissed complaints. the trust doesnt say a word about complaints or even “legal expenses,” except to add them to the general list of things the trust covers.

  203. lovemydogs says:

    I’m back-trying to get caught up on what I missed…

    So, JHop, is there any way to address the fact that he quotes from the website and not the document? That he bypasses the personal distributions that are seperate from the legal bills?

  204. JHop says:

    it depends. if the trust was just set up for a normal person, yes the trust could cover the taxes that the beneficiary incurs from the trust itself. but this is the governor. it would depend on the gifts, sources of income, amounts reported as gifts, services used, purpose, etc.

  205. curiouser says:

    Rob in CA – Thx. I need to go reread the report.

  206. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Is it normal for these trusts to pay the INCOME TAXES incurred by accepting these donated funds?

    (top of page 2…)

    “In the event that SARAH PALIN or any Covered Individual is considered
    to have received taxable income as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust, the Trustee shall be permitted to reimburse SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, from the corpus of the Trust for the actual amount of taxes incurred by SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust.”

  207. strangelet says:

    @271 sjk — I’m late, but that was good.

  208. JHop says:

    well, from this report, the personnel board would make a report and recommendations to the AG. who would then proceed or implement those recommendations. from this, it seems there would be no recommended formal (prosecutorial) action. so SP would just get away with it and dissolve her fund (which i could never imagine her agreeing to), if the AG chose not to pursue it. the penalties are really whatever the AG decides they are, after negotiations, and based on the recommendations of the personnel board. the whole process sucks.

    the ethics procedure is so shrouded in secrecy that the public is denied the right to have their legitimate claims investigated and heard by an impartial adjudicating body; it seems inherently unlawful if claims are being dismissed out of loyalty to the governor (who appointed them) or state; the governor is afforded automatic confidentiality that only she can waive (and which is only in the governor’s interests because in the event that she loses, she can just withhold her wrongdoing); the fact that a complaint is normally forwarded to the ethics panel by the AG, but a complaint filed specifically against the governor is forwarded to the personnel board, who she appoints; on its face, the whole process offers an unfair and unfounded advantage to the governor. that is why i think it needs to be reformed.

  209. EyeOnYou says:

    Since I expect shady dealings from the Governor and her attorney, nothing they do will or would surprise me, but this lawyer, Mr Daniel, is really ticking me off.

    Both he and Van Flein should be reported for unethical behavior to the bar association.

  210. Rob in Ca says:

    Curiouser..the investigator only cited the website info because then he didn’t have to address the truth that is in the plan documents. That would undermine his argument.

  211. curiouser says:

    JHop, I think the investigator did read the document. He quotes the purpose but doesn’t go any further. I posted this on the open thread before this one came up. Posting it again because it burns me up.

    The investigator’s report did not address section 3.a Withdrawal: disbursements to Palin, her family and covered staff without a requirement to specify how the funds are used.

    Aaack! Why won’t anyone address the personal distributions that are separate from paying legal bills? It is a separate provision in conflict with the stated purpose of the fund.

  212. Sharon Arnold says:

    Since they’re saying that Palin received free legal advice on setting up the fund, wouldn’t the free advice be an another ethics violation? Isn’t it against Alaska law to receive free or discounted services while she’s governor? Think I saw it on Huffington Post that John Coale said he gave her free advice. Also since her “personal attorney…did not yet bill her for services in Troopergate…” isn’t that also free services??? Is it possible that all those hotshot lawyers messed up by setting up the Fund based on what’s legal in DC but not legal in Alaska? Gee I smell a conspiracy by Greta’s husband…ROFL

  213. Rob in Ca says:

    For around a half mil or so, I bet Sarah and Van Flein are looking at every angle to attack this thing. They will not give up that much money without a fight, I am sure….

  214. Rob in Ca says:

    JHop – not to mention that the actual trust documents clearly give incredible latitude in the way the funds from the trust are distributed, in direct conflict with what the attorney states in his findings.

  215. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – YAY , I was wondering why the Daniels report didnt seem to notice that Palin family can get $ for ANYTHING not just legal

  216. Rob in Ca says:

    most of it, yes. I am going to have to reread the second half.
    My sense from the beginning is that the ethics law is designed more to correct problems that penalize them. But it seems odd (or crazy) that it is up to the governor to decide if the decisions are public or not. How could anyone pass legislation like that?
    It is clear that the personnel board exists only to make sure that all matters are settled BEFORE they have to be heard by….the personnel board.
    I can’t wait to see how Palin tries to pin this leak on Chatman, when Chatman is not cc’d on the email. Maybe that is why Palin and Van Flein are so quiet….they are truly stumped?

  217. JHop says:

    what makes me mad about the investigator’s report is that the attorney who wrote it quotes from the trust’s website, as opposed to the trust document itself. the trust document paints her as liable in a much clearer manner than the website. because the trust says nothing about legal defense, only the website does. so the trust looks even shadier, like a big slush fund for palin “as governor,” when analyzed by the instrument itself, rather than the website filled with lies and misleading purposes.

  218. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Oh gawd! Once again, Sarah & Meg trying to compare the Twit to REAL political players. And also, too – you know these “comparisons” to other politician’s legal defense funds is there because you can’t take the Twit at her word.

    This page compares her legal standing to other politicians.

  219. BigSlick says:

    If she is still soliciting, it means she is defiant and probably considering legal maneuvers to counter the report and any PB action. If she stops soliciting, I see that as a precursor to capitulation. The resignation indicates capitulation may be already decided upon, but she will try to collect every last penny before capitulating.

  220. JHop says:

    there are no specific penalties, Rob. everything can be negotiated and worked out. especially if the personnel board doesn’t recommend formal hearings (in court) to the AG. which pisses me off, because formal hearings never would have happened here, since the recommended action from the investigator is a slap on the wrist and to dissolve the fund. so unless this was leaked (Which palin never wanted or would have agreed to), no one would know what really happened or the real questions surrounded the fund that already exist. even before she is no longer governor and the trust loses all purpose and should be dissolved on its face. the second half of the report alleges possible criminal violations of illegal gifts and under-reporting; and they somehow did not plan to have formal hearings or hold her accountable for this. that is such a legal whitewash. saying she is above the law. i am wondering what they are going to do now that this is all out. does this make sense?

  221. Rob in Ca says:

    Not to mention that SarahPac was soliciting funds for the AFT…and still is!

  222. lovemydogs says:

    OK-I have to go feed my dogs (since I love them and all), Be right back.

  223. lovemydogs says:

    But she is STILL soliciting.

  224. JHop says:

    i am here, just reading stuff and trying to catch up….

  225. Rob in Ca says:

    JHop…does the Ethics Act provide a penalty for the unethical act of setting up the fund?

  226. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Are you still there?

  227. Rob in Ca says:

    Lovemydogs….it is not scotfree when you don’t get the money. That is really the whole point, I think. If this is a violation, she doesn’t get the money, and she also stops soliciting for this fund.

  228. JHop says:


  229. JHop says:

    i think it is very interested, the recommended action. to sweep it under the rug as long as she gives up the fund. first of all, what a shady suggestion. you just investigated a clearly unethical fund that you found probable cause for and alleged unreported gifts, etc, but lets just not have a formal hearing??? what BS. second of all, i think the idea of giving up the fund scared the hell out of SP. it would be a good enough reason to quit. especially if you, as governor, chose not to ever waive confidentiality, so no one could know what was coming down…. oops.

  230. mae lewis says:

    Rob 412: I agree with you; tough restrictions with PAC, has to be for political events. John Coale seemed to say to Margaret Carlson that most of Palin’s bills had been paid (using the Fund that he set up). The complaint was filed in April and was supposed to have been frozen. That’s why I think that the deal was either replace the money or adios.

    To Secret Shopper: Thank you for an act of bravery! How about those 87 boxes of unopened, undeclared checks, notes, cards, presents that Palin’s father was talking about? If they are addressed to the Governor wouldn’t that fall into the same category of profiting from her office? Also, a civic minded Alaska resident can file charges with the IRS for those undeclared gifts. They pay up to 10% reward for a big catch! Just saying.

  231. Rob in Ca says:

    Earlier someone asked about the fund being frozen. According the Kristan Cole, quoted by Rachel D’Oro, the fund has been frozen pending the decision on this complaint…..

  232. sauerkraut says:

    420 AKMFan Says: July 21st, 2009 at 7:54 PM

    BTW, I knew there was no double jeopardy in civil cases, I just used that term because I figured most laypeople know what that is and I was trying not to be too verbose (for once).

    Res judicata.

  233. lovemydogs says:

    So what does it all mean? Everyone waits for the PB or it gets tossed on a technicality? And if it doesn’t get tossed, she can just not accept the money and get off scot free?

  234. lovemydogs says:

    Rob in Ca: Oh, thanks.

  235. JHop says:

    “There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached,” her spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

    technically, she is right. the personnel board must write a report/recommendations based on this investigator report. but based on this report, it is obvious they can only make a finding against her or call for a formal proceedings. the complainant would not have this investigation report. so they could not have leaked it. it could only have been the law office or the personnel board. so sarah can try to BS about that, but it holds no weight….

    and yes all legal options and remedies are open. and otherwise would be confidential. i am very curious (and delighted) to know who leaked this…..

  236. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: another question, what if SP camp leaked it themselves? And now they are going to play the blame game to divert anyone from knowing?

  237. Rob in Ca says:

    Lovemydogs….the cost to Andree McLeod was for the FOIA requests that gave her the data she needed to file with. There is not, to my knowledge, any cost at all to file the complaint itself.

  238. lovemydogs says:

    AKMFan: I don’t think that it is all that easy or inexpensive to file these complaints. Andree was on the news the other night with reams and reams of paper around her and she mentioned that it had not been cheap or easy. Secret Shopper probably knows…

  239. Rob in Ca says:

    INteresting that the email leaked was NOT copied to Chatman. It was addressed to Debra English only, though he said that the Gov and Chatman were both notified of his findings.

    I don’t think Chatman ever had this email.

  240. AKMFan says:

    JHop, thanks. I wonder why people or another person don’t refile on some of these that could be better written/include more proof etc.

    BTW, I knew there was no double jeopardy in civil cases, I just used that term because I figured most laypeople know what that is and I was trying not to be too verbose (for once).

    I think there are a couple complaints that have teeth if they were worded a bit better and certainly the last one regarding per diems that was recently dumped for a signing technicality should be refiled.

  241. seattlefan says:

    Not meant to be OT, but this is relevant because we are all waiting to see what she says. So far, only one comment. Her latest tweets are very benign.

    Latest tweets: no mention of her current crisis, just reports on stuff she is supposed to be doing and shouldn’t be announcing………just saying…

    # Also sign SB177Sport Fish Guide Lic/Kenai Rvr Mgmnt Area bill;xtends sunset for sport fish guide program & addresses harvest data collection37 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    I’ll sign SB125 Aerospace Corp bill tonight; encourages developmnt of the industry in AK as we capitalize on our strategic location on globe40 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    Signabout 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

  242. Professor Geezer says:

    @Rob, Yes! I agree. A week to think of snarky tweets on this and yet they have nothing to tweet but vague “denials” and threats of “action”! Hmmmm.

  243. lovemydogs says:


    Here’s a tweet.

    “Palin posted an entry on Twitter in which she said the “matter is still pending.”

    “There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached,” her spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

    The only one generated so far

  244. I think Palin�s resignation has to do with the 6/30/09 hearing in the Tennessee case of the University of Tennessee student, David C. Kernell, who got into Palin�s personal Yahoo email accounts last fall. The dates fit like an Isatoner glove:
    6/29/09 Palin makes 2 tweets sounding mighty cocky about the trial the next day.
    6/30/09 the hearing did not go forward as a trial, discovery matters were argued.
    7/1/09 in the evening she tells Parnell she is going to resign.
    7/2/09 Todd has to leave his fishing to return to Wasilla.
    7/3/09 She puts out a notice at 9am that there will be a press conference at 11am.
    At press conference she was noticeably shaken and hyperventilating and announces she is resigning effective 7/26/09. That�s an odd day. Why?
    7/27/09 is the next hearing in the Tennessee case when the judge will rule on all the emails that she will be required to produce. THE DAY AFTER HER RESIGNATION.
    From the 7/17/09 â��At a hearing Thursday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Clifford Shirley asked Davies how “recent developments” might have an impact on his request, a reference to Palin’s abrupt announcement earlier this month that she was stepping down from the governor’s post. “It heightens (the sense of urgency),” Davies responded.â��

  245. lilyf says:

    anyone watching Larry King Live? Ms. Cheney and James Carville are talking about Palin and the ethics problem

  246. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Here is the Van Flea statement from “the other site” that shall not be named.

    “New facebook statement from the Gov’s lawyer:

    “All options are open in terms of legal remedies. It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.” Thomas Van Flein Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

    Looking for her tweet: hold on.

  247. jojobo1 says:

    sounds like it will be another poor me I’m a victim please help me thing again

  248. Rob in Ca says:

    OH…by the way, SecretShopper…..kudos to you for filing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  249. Rob in Ca says:

    SarahPac provides no personal benefit. Very different’ As a Pac, there are tons of restrictions, reporting requirements, etc…

  250. SS says:

    My guess is she leaked it also otherwise we would of been hearing her stream of conciousness tweets. she seemed ready for this to come out and she was quiet for a while (or at least not flying off the handle as per her usual mo) after it was released.

  251. nswfm CA says:

    My guess is Trig the Innocent. Then she can blame him, and he doesn’t get to defend himself. Just like she said, “Bristol can be used.” Harsh, I know.

  252. Rob in Ca says:

    Professor! And just think…she has had a week, as has Van Flein, to think up malicious sarcastic caustic twitters as well as attacks on Chatman and all the Chatman ancestors, cousins, and friends……and yet really there is nothing!

  253. Professor Geezer says:

    @JHop & History Goddess, I think WICKED is great!

  254. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:

    As a filer of one of the “frivolous” ethics complaints, I fail to see (at the moment) how the findings for the legal defense fund differs from the investigator’s findings from the ethics complaint re SarahPAC. In both instances Sarah personally benefited from the funds raised in both cases. After all they have been linked to one another on many occasions.

    Any thoughts? Should this be revisited in light of these new findings?

  255. Rob in Ca says:

    Either Sarah thought she could leave and take the money and the state can’t stop her, or she knows it is frozen, knows she can’t ever get it, and got so mad she decided to go for the easy money right now.

    My money is on the second version.

  256. Professor Geezer says:

    Twitter is silent? It IS serious then.

  257. JHop says:

    historygoddess – wicked is by far my favorite broadway show (and one of my fave books). please do not insult elphaba or glinda, who both have redeeming qualities in the play/book, by comparing them to palin and kristen. seriously, that is just unfair to the wicked witch.

    and defying gravity is my favorite song, too. its the best. in fact the back of my ipod is engraved “defy gravity.” do not judge me people. 🙂

  258. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: No twitters of rage. Just one about how this isn’t final. And then there was something threatening from Van Flea. I’ll go back and see if I can find it.

    The investigating attorney dealt with a couple of the other complaints but not all of them.

  259. HistoryGoddess says:

    oops, Glinda (not Ilsibeth) – Cole/Meg (Correction for any Wicked fans)

  260. Rob in Ca says:

    sauerkraut I think this is more than an ice cube. I also think some people may have exaggerated this into an indictment, though

  261. Rob in Ca says:

    JHop I read somewhere that the fund was indeed frozen. In fact, I suspect that is why she quit…..wish I could remember where though.

  262. sauerkraut says:

    The iceberg was supposed to involve a pending indictment… I see nothing about an indictment in this ethics report. Wake me up when something larger than an ice cube comes down the inlet.

  263. seattlefan says:

    JHop, as Rachel said on her show tonight…it was “mysteriously leaked”. My guess is someone in her camp did it in hopes of having it thrown out due to the confidentiality breach. I don’t pretend to know anything about law, but as I understand it these things are supposed to be confidential. If it is leaked there is a chance it could be tossed on a technicality. Hope that doesn’t happen.

    We should have a contest to guess who leaked it. Hehe…my guess is Sarah Palin.

  264. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    oops.. try this

  265. lovemydogs says:

    Jhop: What happens if she doesn’t go by his recommendation and takes the money anyway? Rules-shmules you know.

  266. sauerkraut says:

    121 DonnaInMichigan Says: July 21st, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    Hey Sarah Palin…can you see a Pasture from your house?

    Cause your about to be put out there!!!

    Quick! Someone warn the horses!

  267. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    HEEEEYYYYY… this link was supposed to be really old, but they have comments about today’s revelations….

    What’s up?

    Is this where the funds will be transferred to?

  268. JHop says:

    i am pretty sure this attorney is the same one who got her out of all the other complaints. i have not read this report yet, i am doing it now, but it is interesting to think that he couldn’t finagle his way around the law this time to give palin a way out. there must be damning stuff.

  269. SS says:

    I thought that Dairygate was going to be what brought her down, because they used federal funds.

  270. BigSlick says:

    Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:23 PM


    …and here’s another one!

    Wahoo…we’re to Thursday if we can get an AK to file!

    This is funny, Cassie, but no ethics violation here. This is a group collecting money using GINO as bait and then they use it however their “Political Action Committee” pleases. GINO probably gets nothing from them…..and it takes money she might otherwise collect on her own.

    From their legal disclaimer:

    Free American Citizens operates under the Federal Elections Commission as a Nonconnected committee, Non-Party, Non-Qualified. FEC#: C00457994


  271. HistoryGoddess says:

    Not as OT as you might think-
    I was listening this morning to one of my favorite songs, “Defying Gravity” from the musical Wicked. Based on last night’s meltdown, I heard it in a new way. I found the clip from the Tony Awards.
    Wicked Witch- Sarah (image her with glasses)
    llsebeth (?)- Kristen Cole, with a tinge of Meg
    authorities- “feds”
    townspeople at the end- bloggers/mudpuppies

    The scene opens with the accusation that WW is responsible for the death of the monkeys. She needs to escape.

    For those of you that know the story, pretend you don’t know that she is actually good. We know that wouldn’t be our Sarah.

    Green for good,

  272. JHop says:

    i am reading the report now. do we know how this was leaked? i am curious…

    have we gotten any 7 part tweets of rage tonight?

  273. SS says:


    I have the same feeling of a red herring here. She seems always to be diverting the attention somewhere else while she works behind the scenes at covering something else up. I wonder if this is a diversion to get her through her last week in office.

  274. mmboucher Florida says:

    382 Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:29 PM

    I couldn’t find that date, on the second pac you posted I found June 1,2009 total raised $1900+

  275. JHop says:

    well, at first i thought “yes she can get the money.” and i thought it was a good reason to quit. to take her money and run. i thought it would be an eventual problem because the fund is set up for her, “as Governor.” the main purpose of the trust. keep in mind, the trust wasnt set up as a legal defense fund. they may have said that. but the trust document with the purpose says nothing about legal proceedings. it simply says to assist palin as governor or in her actions from being governor. something lame and ambiguous. so there is no real “problem” with that other than being totally shady. but she did not break the law, unless she was accepting gifts and not reporting them, etc.

    nevertheless, i thought she could get her money before this stuff came to light. if her money isn’t frozen (and i doubt it is), she can still use it. but it will be under much tighter scrutiny now. and i think this is all a huge mess. after i got over my personal feelings of wanting a housegate, i thought the trust was the most likely problem to cause her resignation. but i just thought she made some backroom deal to keep the complaint under wraps and dismissed if she just left quietly…

  276. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – btw, this is the “iceberg” per alaskareport

  277. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Thank god you are here. Everyone is trying to figure out a lot of things.

    If you haven’t read the report, the fastest way to get it is off Progressive Alaska. It is something like 9 pages long but reads fairly easily (even for a non-attorney).

    1) If this was leaked and it was supposed to be confidential, does that make any rulings null and void.

    I’m sure others have questions. I’ll let you read it first.

  278. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    JHOP–follow the link at the end of the blog to link to the 9 page JPEG.

    Then we all need comments….

  279. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    mmboucher Florida Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:19 PM

    369 Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:15 PM

    If you check out that other pac, properties state created July 21,2009

    Not clear. Not created today—old PAC, April8, 2009 or so…before the current PAC.

  280. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – can Palin get the money from the trust when she quits?

  281. JHop says:

    AKMFan – you can refile, exactly like you said. there is no double jeopardy. and DJ doesn’t exist in civil proceedings anyway.

  282. rebekkah says:

    Yeah, maybe that door she said she’d go through has bars on it.

  283. ocliberal says:

    I don’t think Palin quit to get her hands on this money. I think money has already been spent illegally.

    I have always believed her quitting was a deal she cut somewhere with someone to avoid something much worse. She quit too quickly and too crazily and too angrily for it to have been something she really wanted to do. Something made her do it.

    This ‘leak’ may indeed be a red herring and there may indeed be something else buried somewhere else that is much more problematic for Palin.

  284. JHop says:

    hi team – i am trying to get caught up.

    what are the major questions that perhaps i can help decipher?

    i am as curious about all of this as you are….

  285. AKMFan says:

    If ethics complaints have been dismissed over technical filing issues or complaints written by laypeople (vs an attorney) so they are not as technically correct as they might be, what stops the filer or another citizen from refiling the same complaint in the proper (or more well defined) way?

    I haven’t seen anything about a “double jeopardy” type clause in the Ethics Act that wouldn’t allow for complaints to be refiled in the proper manner.

    Can anyone shed any light on this?

  286. leu2500 says:

    sauerkraut – Diva posted this week about the different steps/reviews an ethics charge goes through to debunk the frivolous charge.

  287. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    …and here’s another one!

    Wahoo…we’re to Thursday if we can get an AK to file!

  288. mmboucher Florida says:

    369 Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:15 PM

    If you check out that other pac, properties state created July 21,2009

  289. lovemydogs says:

    JHop did say that as soon as SP is no longer gov, the fund would have to be dissolved and then could be re-instated with a different purpose, name, etc. I think that she was waiting and hoping no one would find out about this so they could just roll it over into a different Trust. Looks like that won’t be happening now.

    It really IS about following the money.

    I do wish JHop were here to help us out though. I sent her a PM earlier but she’s probably in bed by now.

  290. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    BigSlick–let’s get it going!

    SOMEONE in AK puleeze file it! An ethics complaint per day until screendoor day!

  291. ocliberal says:

    Here is good read and good perspective – I highly recommend it.
    Nate Silver has interesting take on this latest Palin mini-scandal’.

    “Not the Other Shoe’

    “A while ago [Nate] came up with a test called the EMPSCAT to evaluate the impact of minor political scandals based on a five-question battery. The more of these questions are answered in the affirmative, the more likely that a minor political scandal will blow up into a major political scandal. ”

    He only gives this latest Palin outrage two out of five affirmative answers. But he asks some very interesting questions.

    One of my favorite:
    2. Does the scandal cut against a core element of the candidate’s brand?

    No. Although the McCain campaign briefly tried to position her this way, nobody ever took Sarah Palin seriously as some kind of clean-as-a-whistle ethics champion. The strengths of her brand (which are considerable — Palin the brand is much more powerful than Palin the candidate) lie elsewhere.
    I just have to say if no one ever expected Palin to be a “clean-as-a-whistle ethics champion” she has disappointed no one!

  292. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Sign? Sign from God–get out SP while you can!!!!


  293. sauerkraut says:

    Why should tax payers pay for investigating ethics complaints against a p-poor politician? Make Palin pay for those!

    And Ms. Burke from KTUU is wrong to continually couple the phrases “frivolous” with “dismissed ethics complaints.” Just because the complaints are dismissed does not automatically make them frivolous. None of us really know why any of those complaints were dismissed, but we can be certain that not all of them were frivolous.

  294. BigSlick says:

    Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 7:01 PM

    So here’s another glitch

    The pre Trust Fund organization….

    I think it was briefly operational before the real one was set up….how much did Van Phlem get from it? Should SP be taxed on it?

    I think you have another Ethics Violation right here, Cassie. The GINO has her name, image, and whatnot on that site, and then a blatant re-direct to a campaign contribution.

    In corporate advertising this is called a “bait-and switch”.

    Is she seeking a campaign contribution or a donation to the legal fund? The original — internet searchable — appeal is made to seek donations to the defense fund.

    Draw straws to see who files?

  295. lovemydogs says:

    From Celtic Diva’s site:
    “In response to rampant speculation (brought on by Palin lies/spin):

    1) Once a report is sent out to the complainant, the findings have already been approved by the Personnel Board.

    2) In this case, it looks like they were just waiting for Palin to agree to the remedy so they could close the case and move on, as well as for her to determine whether or not to waive confidentiality.

    3) For Palin to let it to sit there for a week like that is unheard of. It makes one think that perhaps they had no intention of paying the money back nor of informing the folks who gave them the money. Of course, that’s speculation… ”

    What I gather from this is: If the complaintant knows the findings it would appear that it is final.

    It remains to be seen what actions SP will take.

    Now that people know the results, we just have to wait and see what happens. I, personally, would be hoppin’ mad if I had given money to them.

    The next day or so should be very interesting. I am sure that Van Flea is ripping what is left of his hair out trying to figure a way to spin this to her advantage.

    However, it doesn’t look like she will be going to jail over it.

  296. Rob in Ca says:

    Diva didn’t clear it up for me. She almost seems to suggest that Sarah quit to get her hands on the money…which I really doubt can be done.

  297. antiAnti says:

    ahh – must have been a mis-type
    new tweet about signing a bill

  298. Rob in Ca says:

    Her tweet ‘Sign’ appears to be about a bill she just signed….a later tweet goes into detail.

  299. antiAnti says:

    @lilyf – that’s right. a one word tweet. “Sign”

    for some reason a single word utterance from Palin is unnerving

  300. pacos_gal says:

    antiAnti: Maybe it’s like PEACE or COOL.

  301. lilyf says:

    oh I meant tweeted

  302. lilyf says:

    she just twit the word “sign”?

  303. antiAnti says:

    @lovemydogs ooops – thanks – will check diva

  304. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    So here’s another glitch

    The pre Trust Fund organization….

    I think it was briefly operational before the real one was set up….how much did Van Phlem get from it? Should SP be taxed on it?

  305. Rob in Ca says:

    I really don’t think she can touch that money. But I am going to flip over to Celtic Diva to see what insights she has. And then I am going to hope that JHop shows up soon, so we can get some answers that are better than mine!

  306. pacos_gal says:

    Honestly, if the PB throws this one out too, after the report has been published and everyone knows about it, then someone should be filing a complaint/court action against the PB. JHop said last night that it could be done. I think there would be a case if they dismiss the complaint as “frivolous” at this point.

  307. antiAnti says:

    WTF – “SIGN” – what kind of tweet is that

    I was without internet for the afternoon – and now I am so confused

  308. Rob in Ca says:

    I think we should have a contest on what Sarah should donate the money to, since the trust documents do specify that she can setup a charitable fund after the legal bills are paid

    I am thinking she could fund a helicopter wolf-hunting tour for urban kids who have never had that hunting experience.

    Perhaps some portable air-conditioners to solve that pesky problem of melting glaciers?

    A contest prize for the Alaska National Anthem…(Alaska will need one after they secede)

    Special travel awards for Alaskan Progressive Bloggers (one way tickets to somewhere in Texas).

  309. lovemydogs says:

    For those of you who are getting frustrated, I suggest a little hop over to Celtic Diva’s page. She is very familiar with how these complaints work from beginning to end. She has a short write up and opinion on this as well as someinteresting info on how the last twitter was BS as the investigator’s report was apparently final. Check it out. It might help to keep the indigestion down.

  310. pacos_gal says:

    Rob, so that would have been after the ethic’s complaint was made and the fund supposedly frozen?
    So did she quit because she could use the money if she was no longer governor?

  311. mmboucher Florida says:

    345 Rob in Ca Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 6:51 PM

    Rob wasn’t this set up for the Governors office? Maybe the next Governor will get it. I think the personel board has to be very careful now that the people in Ak. know what is in this report.

  312. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Whose decision is it whether or not the State reimburses Mrs Palin for her private legal fees?

  313. Rob in Ca says:

    Polly, Coale specifically said that the defense fund had paid ‘most’ of the legal bills.. I verified personally with Coale’s interviewer – Margaret Carlson – that SarahPac was not mentioned even once in the interview.

  314. lyn says:

    Latest Twit:

    2 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  315. sauerkraut says:

    hahahahaaa, Rob.

    Maybe she can donate it to the M. Sanford Marriage Fund.

  316. Rob in Ca says:

    Lisabeth I think she is absolutely prevented from using this money. That is the whole point. That is why she got mad and quit. So she could dip into the pot of gold of her book and speaking fees. Because she will not be able to touch this money, other than to donate it to a good cause like…well, whatever she views as a good cause? Printing abstinence pamphlets?

  317. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Thanks, Rob. I was under the impression that it went to pay for her legal expenses.

  318. Rob in Ca says:

    Cassie….there was $187,000 in legal aid supplied gratis, give or take a thousand…but again it had not relation to Sarah.

  319. pvazwindy says:

    I thought that after leaving office, she was not to benefit from her short-lived stint as gov. This was for the ensuing two years.

  320. benlomond2 says:

    …5 hrs since her last Twit….guess it’s hard to write when you’re screaming in frustration……..

  321. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Rob–but I believe there was also a rather large cash contribution as well, I thought.

  322. SS says:

    I know that on the “other” site they were raving about how little she had spent out of her fund compared with others for administration costs. The final sum after all the expenses to date was in the $420,000 range. ( I don’t remember exactly I’ll try to go over and find it again) I have to line my stomache first!

  323. SystemBucker says:

    So Sarah’s mug had something to do with all of this….

    “the investigator finds that Governor Palin — through authorizing the use of her photograph on the website to solicit donations — attracted funds that would not be available to “an ordinary citizen.” The investigator recommended she not accept the donations from the website and she withdraw her authorization of the Alaska Fund Trust as her “official” legal defense fund.”

    …can’t wait to learn more!

  324. Rob in Ca says:

    Cassie…the lawyers from the Dobson group were not for Sarah..only for the legislators that were trying to throw out Troopergate (or fight the subpoenas maybe?) if I recall. They definitely were not representing Sarah though.

  325. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    Then it’s taxable income to her! LOL!

  326. Fern says:

    Well, whatever it is, is serious enough that she hasn’t tweeted for 5 hours.

  327. LIsabeth says:

    So once she is not governor, what is to stop her from using the money – nothing I would think. Her supporters are already calling this nonsense.

  328. Polly says:

    When Coale talks about money being spent, I believe it’s the SarahPAC fund he is referring to ???

  329. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    SS–but they may have had administrative expenses, right?

  330. ProChoiceGrandma says:

    I tried to post this on Huffington Post over an hour ago, still not approved. From comments I have tried to post in the past, I strongly suspect Sp has minions working as moderators there! I have seen some nasty comments there, and can’t imagine why those are approved and mine are not. Anyway, here is what I wanted to say:

    Thank you AKM, and all the other terrific bloggers in AK! Your writing and research skills are magnificent! And I always appreciate the links so I can see the facts for myself. You, Shannyn Moore, Gryphen from Immoral Minority, Celtic Diva, Palingates and Palin�s Deceptions have become a daily routine for me. Until I began reading these blogs this year, I never realized how much the MSM skewed or completely failed to report all the facts.

    AKM, I once tried to transcribe one of Palin�s word salad speeches myself, oh my, it was too painful! Thanks for the many times when you have made the supreme sacrifice for the rest of us and provided the written transcripts for our amusement!
    On that note, everyone should see how VANITY FAIR’s editors made colorful edits to Palinâ��s resignation speech. This is funny!
    Was that a homeschooled Journalism degree, Sarah??

  331. SS says:

    There was a ruling that the fund not be used until resolution of this complaint. She might not have listened to the ruling, being all mavericky and and all.

  332. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    the flea cant negotiate with the IRS. maybe she owes some $$$ with penalties and fines. Mayebe its an IRS thingy, and that will be c y’all later. At the very least this will tarnish her image. persona non grata with a side of moose poop.

  333. akfishergirl says:

    OOPS! is the SS $arah sinking?

  334. sauerkraut says:

    I’ve gone back and looked at the stuff from a month ago about a pending indictment and how this finding is the iceberg… gotta say, this finding is not even close to being an indictment.

    So… did DZ have a bad piece of info (about an indictment all but done except for the sign-offs) or was someone blowing smoke?

  335. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    There is also the issue of the money (160K, I seem to remember) that came from the Texas Dobson/ Focus folks. Did it go to the legal fund…or directly the the lawyer, AG (Talis Colberg)or Her Highness?

  336. pacos_gal says:

    I was putting that out as part of my questions. I’m not saying he did or he didn’t and that it is or isn’t unethical, just that if he had prior to her filing the claim it could be a problem, but I think he would have excused himself it that had been the case, if it is after the fact, then it doesn’t matter.

    Of course her attorney is going to spin it. I just Hope that this is being looked at by more than the PB, otherwise, you just Know those folks are going to do nada.

    Palin is saying this isn’t complete because the board hasn’t ruled, but Daniels recommended that it not go to the board. Of course since Coale has reported that money has been used (wouldn’t the fund have been frozen pending review from the time this complaint was filed?) so perhaps if money has been used, then it’s problematic for Palin.
    I would hope the IRS is looking at this.
    Still too many questions.

  337. SS says:

    Were any of the other ethics complaints dismissed around the 14th? Maybe the personel board presented her with an option of clearing this and they have heard nothing to date. They couldn’t keep it quiet any longer.

  338. aha says:

    Oh, and I can’t wait to see the fight that will ensue if she seeks reimbursement from the State!!

    Since she will be out of office there’s no way they’ll give her money…just watch and see all the ”heros’ coming out of the woodwork to spill their beans…lol

  339. lyn says:

    aha Says:

    I don’t believe the date at the top of the report, anyway. Knowing how this administration works, I’ll bet this report was completed long ago and this is the longest they could withhold it from the public for some reason. Maybe, a discovery of emails would show that.


  340. IrishPoppy says:

    I hope I can interrupt the flow for a moment to ask a question that’s been knocking around in my head ever since this fund issue first came up. These have all been ethics complaints filed against GINO Palin – which means (in my little bitty world) that they are related directly to how she has conducted herself as Governor of the State of Alaska – would that be a fair statement? If so, why has she incurred personal legal expenses in the defense of those complaints? Wouldn’t the Department of Law (or whatever its called in Alaska) be responsible for responding to legal questions/complaints filed against any state official in connection with their activities in the course of their employment?

    I haven’t posted here before, but I’m a fan of this blog and Shannyn’s as well as Celtic Diva’s. Even though I don’t live in Alaska, like a lot of folks, I’ve gotten addicted to the silliness and the drama that surround Palin and her circus.

  341. aha says:

    If she already used the fund to pay bills the violation can’t be undone. Reimbursement is an acknowledgement. Surely, ”administration costs have been paid”.

    Even if she hasn’t, yet, used funds (highly unlikely) she is still in violation for setting up the fund and solicitation.

    I don’t believe the date at the top of the report, anyway. Knowing how this administration works, I’ll bet this report was completed long ago and this is the longest they could withhold it from the public for some reason. Maybe, a discovery of emails would show that.

    It would be interesting to see the list of ”serial” gifters, wouldn’t it?

  342. Lisabeth,

    Maybe not, it seem enough trouble to make her quit. She realized she couldn’t use that money and she couldn’t get the advance money from the book deal, maybe?

    I just don’t get it, if jail wasn’t calling, what made her quit?

  343. AKMFan says:

    Since his recommendation is for her not to accept payment and John Coale has helpfully let everyone know in his Newsweek interview that the AFT is “well on it’s way” to paying off the legal bills, doesn’t that mean the investigator’s solution is already moot?

    Also, he clearly states that the amount paid must be declared as a gift and wouldn’t a gift worth $600,000 be taxable by the IRS?

  344. sauerkraut says:

    304 pacos_gal Says: July 21st, 2009 at 5:57 PM

    And her lawyer is talking about Daniel (the investigator) consulting with the filing person prior and then being the one to conduct the investigation?
    That might be construed to be unethical behavior by the investigator.

    Yanno… I’ve said it time and time again. You need to be careful about making these types of statements. Especially if your basis is something mouthed by her attorney!! He can say all he wants about Daniel, but that does not in any shape, manner or form make anything Daniel has done to be “construed to be unethical behavior.” I mean… comeon! Her attorney is her attorney and he’s going to kick up all kinds of amish road apples that he can to make her look less like a jack*ss! Him flapping his lips does not mean his words have any substance or that Daniels acted unethically!!

  345. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    @ Ennealogic

    Daniel also did the PAC complaint filed by Sondra Tompkins.

  346. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    zyggy Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 6:01 PM
    The Grifter has known about the findings for a week, but kept accepting money from the Trust? OMG, she’s a greedy little b*tch. Guess she wasn’t willing to fess up to all this after she quit, otherwise the grifter’s beg-a-thon site would have come down. And it’s still up.
    I’m betting we now know exactly when and why she commenced a-promisin’ b**chy tweets . . . . 😉

  347. curiouser says:

    AKM gave us one key to the confidentiality issue in this blog:

    “Ironically, in 2004 when Palin herself was told that the findings of a complaint that she filed would not be made public, she stated that she wanted to find a “hero” in the legislature who could change that law.”

    It’s time for the legislature, citizens and MSM to hold Palin to the transparent and accountability standards she’s applied to others and asked for herself.

    I think it’s also ironic that Palin boasts that the new ethics law is her baby yet she’s whining about it a lot lately. Why didn’t she stay on and fix it?

  348. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    I don’t think this is the door sarah’s been anxious to bust through. Looks like there could be some ‘feds’ on the other side of it.

  349. lilyf says:

    I sure hope so!!

  350. LIsabeth says:

    If this is the “iceberg,there must be more or something we don’t know yet. Wouldn’t you think?

  351. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    lyn Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    Didn’t Kim Chatman file this complaint some time ago?
    April 27th, I think–right after it was set up. (2009)

  352. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Since the legal fund was set up in 2008, we won’t know about any receipts or disbursements until they are required to file the information return….April 15, 2010 (for a calendar year) or the 15th day of the fourth month after dissolution.

    I would expect dissolution soon, actually. Not sure of any AK filings required since there is no state taxing agency, but they will be required to make an IRS filing for information purposes.

    We’ll let you know then! We’ll still be watching. I’m sure.

  353. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:

    “mae lewis Says:
    some one should grab hold of $arah’s ankles, hold her upside down to shake loose change out of her pockets and the dollar bills stuffed in her bra.
    What a great image—Dr. Chill? Are you there?”

    This is hysterical! If you are a member of the forum, you can send a personal message to Dr. Chill just to make sure this idea isn’t missed. I LOVE it.

  354. zyggy says:

    The Grifter has known about the findings for a week, but kept accepting money from the Trust? OMG, she’s a greedy little b*tch. Guess she wasn’t willing to fess up to all this after she quit, otherwise the grifter’s beg-a-thon site would have come down. And it’s still up.

  355. lilyf says:

    Lori in L.A.: that’s right, I had forgotten so much of that! Well, crazy women were made that way by their daddies, so I bet he is even more insane than she is. He sure has no discretion whatsoever, and apparently screwed with her boundaries enough so that she would greet men at the door in a towel (acc. to RNC staffers) But back to the matter at hand, there are six very prominent politicians (both Clintons included) used as examples on the fund trust site as having similar legal funds. When you see their names, you think oh, well it’s the same thing they have, then it must be okay. When you click on their names, you get their legal documentation. I bet they didn’t like being used as an example for SP’s money groveling.

  356. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Little Tommy Daniel says the State should pay for the cost of “dimissed” complaints. Does this mean – or does this not mean – that lawyering fees for negotiating Travelgate and perdiemgate are payable by Alaska as relating to “dismissed” complaints?

  357. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Anchorage Assembly just honoured The Late Mr. Allen Tesche for his service. Mary Tesche, his daughter was there to accept a certificate or something that was handed to her.

  358. lyn says:

    Didn’t Kim Chatman file this complaint some time ago? I think $carah has known that there would be trouble over it, but only found out how much around the 1st of the month.

    I think she was asked to resign.

  359. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    Yes, federal agencies have armed investigators when they think they need them…same with the IRS.

  360. anon blogger says:

    I think it will be another slap on the hand for Palin so long as she hasn’t spent any money yet. At least that was my take on what Rachel and Burke from KTUU said. Impeach, I doubt because it would go to the Leg and the Alaska law is unusual. They will probably go and fix the law that allows that defense fund for the next politician. See, that’s how it’s done. Citizens lose. Well, anyway, I don’t think it would have caused her to resign prematurely, unless she can take the money freely after leaving office.

  361. pacos_gal says:

    Didn’t Dennis mention on his site that the investigation he was talking about involved the IRS and Phil said that his source (via email) was that an Alaskan Law Enforcement person mentioned pending indictment?

    Now Dennis is saying that this is the iceberg, which if you put it together with other things he has said, might mean the IRS has already started an independent investigation. I don’t know that, I’m just trying to put 2 + 2 together and figure out how to get 4 and not 3 or 5.

    If this is as it stands, then it might be that she can use the money once she is no longer Governor.

    And her lawyer is talking about Daniel (the investigator) consulting with the filing person prior and then being the one to conduct the investigation?
    That might be construed to be unethical behavior by the investigator. Of course this could be spin and a bit of disaster management going on from the Palin team too.

  362. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    This has implications beyond the PB or she wouldnt have resigned. IMHO.

    Lets see…Mail fraud perhaps in relation to the fund? Just a guess..

    On a personal note, I once got a knock at the door 15+ years ago looking for my GF. It was a postal Inspector who looked like the father on Happy Days, very benign looking guy in his 50’s. He was looking for someone she knew, and was gone in 15 minutes.

    He had a Federal badge and a gun and lots and lots of time.

  363. SS says:

    Maybe she was supposed to have gotten some money from the fund before her Thank You Alaska tour but it wasn’t able to be released.

  364. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    mae lewis Says:
    some one should grab hold of $arah’s ankles, hold her upside down to shake loose change out of her pockets and the dollar bills stuffed in her bra.

    What a great image—Dr. Chill? Are you there?

  365. pvazwindy says:

    I think Andree is busy preparing another ethics complaint. I believe she said she wasn’t finished, if I read her correctly.

  366. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    lilyf- yep, papa Health has opened his mouth several times – and this has caused mucho trouble for $arah. He yapped about her “leaking fluid” in Texas, then flying umpteen hours to deli ver Trig (this is what started babygate rumors). He yapped about the children’s underwear (WTF?) and got the questions going about the RNC clothes. Daddy yapped about Levi being a deadbeat dad (and had to retract that). Daddy yapped about the “thousands of unopened gifts” to the press, possibly causing Kim Chapman’s antenna to go up. Wouldn’t it be amusing if papa Heath whined to someone about his little girl not being able to access the AK Fund Trust money? No wonder he was hanging his head at her resignation “speech.” He causes as much or more damage than her detractors!

  367. mae lewis says:

    Somewhere, we should be seeing an accurate accounting of the money coming in and out of Alaska Fund Trust. My opinion is that she already dipped in to pay some long over due bills. The investigation discovered this, and friends quietly advised her that she would have to pay the money back to avoid the violation. Having spent it (or not wanting to return the money) she was given the option to leave and there would be no problem. After the big picnic, some one should grab hold of $arah’s ankles, hold her upside down to shake loose change out of her pockets and the dollar bills stuffed in her bra. You might also want to check her back yard for any signs of recent digging, to bury a safe-load of Fund Trust.

  368. lilyf says:

    and I agree with you…seems like an ice cube to me, also too

  369. lilyf says:

    Sauerkraut, haha! or maybe she’s online buying more stuff…they don’t call her “little SHOP of horrors” for nothing 🙂

  370. Claw Washout Palin says:

    She should take this, seriously, because it is. She have to remember what happened to Stevens. Someone wanted this information to come out. You do have to claim your gifts.

  371. Wolf Pack says:

    How would Van Flein defend this? He has a conflict on interest in that this is a fund structured to pay him. The joker is probably wondering when he will lose his license to practice law.

  372. txindygirl says:

    This report is a red herring. In a nutshell, all the attorney is saying is that the Trust can’t fit within the parameters of the Ethics Act. Otherwise, he’s ever so sympathetic with poor $arah’s plight that he thinks the state should pony up for her legal bills.

    More of the same. I didn’t expect much from a Personnel Board that’s shut their eyes to ALL complaints against Palin, so I guess I’m not too disappointed.

  373. sauerkraut says:

    287 lilyf Says: July 21st, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    she hasn’t tweeted for hours!

    Perhaps she is busy crying into her cheap beer? The blush sure has come off that rose… in front of everyone, too. Also.

  374. sauerkraut says:

    Discusses gifts on page 5… what’s Andree’s take on it? Has she seen it yet? There was a little quake here awhile ago… thought maybe that was her dancing for joy. Seems this report greatly substantiates her recently filed ethics complaint on unreported gifts.

  375. lilyf says:

    she hasn’t tweeted for hours!

  376. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Rob in Ca Says
    She is paralyzed.

    I really think she is cornered…and that’s the LAST place we need to see her. Cornered animals generally behave badly.

    We’ll hear soon, I fear. It’s not over until she throws in the towel–not only on the governorship, but on all her aspirations.

  377. sauerkraut says:

    This was the iceberg?

    How disappointing… not much bigger than the ice cube in my iced mocha latte.

  378. SS says:

    If the report is concluded then whomever released it did not violate confidentiality to an on going investigation. It looks like it was over a week ago.

  379. Looselips says:

    I thought the iceberg would be bigger than this. Maybe this is bigger than I realize.

  380. lilyf says:

    thanks for the info…wasn’t it her Dad who also talked about how she had to go through all the RNC clothes while she said there were already returned heehee

  381. Rob in Ca says:

    How come Sarah has not said this is ‘frivolous’??

    That is PROOF POSITIVE that this scares her. She really takes this seriously. She hasnt’ had her attorney slam it yet. She hasn’t launched a personal attack on Kim Chatman…hasn’t even suggested that Kim leaked this as far as I know.

    She is paralyzed.

  382. Wolf Pack says:

    Funny how Van Flein, Sarah’s attorney who racked up $600,000 in legal fees didn’t advise her that the Fund he is to get paid from is unethical. Perhaps she will sue him for malpractice.

    Many have said the lady doth protest too much if reference to Van Flein’s attack on Shannyn Moore and the press. Now he and Sarah get caught will both their hands in the unethical cookie jar.

  383. Looselips says:

    Zaki is calling this the iceberg. see Alaska Report.

  384. the problem child says:

    On the other hand, if Kim Chatman DID leak this, there is no penalty for doing so.

  385. SS says:

    @ bucfan 266
    “I also find it ironic that we there has been an AP reporter following her around on her farewell tour, writing very positive things about her, and it is the AP who has put forth this report.”

    So right you are!

  386. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    As to the sympathetic wording in the finding, I’d say that the independent investigator is almost in the position of an arbitrator. He tried to propose a solution to a clearly black and white violation of ethics.

  387. the problem child says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 5:27 PM

    Why would an investigator find against her but recommend no formal hearing? Take the matter into a formal hearing for crying out loud!
    Perhaps he expects that the PB will simply adopt his findings as they have done in the past. Hoping to save the state money?
    lilyf Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    Fran, I agree. Does anyone know how she happened to mention about all the “unopened boxes” in the first place? It’s bugging me
    I think it was daddy Chuck who let that cat out of the bag.
    & lol sjk @ yellow snow!!!

  388. bucfan says:

    Lilyf, somebody linked to a story about Sarah’s dad yesterday where he talked about all the unopened packages that came in.

  389. sauerkraut says:

    “It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached.

    Meghan Stapleton
    Palin Spokesperson”

    Does this Stapleton woman possess no social graces? Why does she believe that her verbal diarrhea is socially acceptable.

  390. the problem child says:

    I am very pleased to read Mr. Daniels’ report. Whoever leaked it, the AP will guard their source.

    And congratulations, Kim Chatman, on a job well done.

    I don’t think Kim leaked this. I think it was an “inside” job. Whether it was with the expectation that somehow it would result in the Personnel Board dismissing the complaint or for some other purpose, the damage is done. Everyone will remember that that the Legal Fund Trust was BUSTED!

    If $P does anything other than what the independent investigator suggests, it will come back to bite her. Van Flein is full of it. There is no basis for a successful appeal.

    Going to check chat 😉

  391. EyeOnYou says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    Why would an investigator find against her but recommend no formal hearing? Take the matter into a formal hearing for crying out loud!

    Why? Look at the wording…he is sympathetic to her and doesn’t want to do her more damage.

    Heck..labeling one sections as asking if it is unfair to make palin pay for bills involving “meritless” ethics complaints….that says it all.

    He puts his own personal feelings into this by stating he sympathizes with her, and he has dismissed all other complaints he’s been handed to investigate, so my guess is that he had no choice but to make this ruling, and did so with as much effort to mitigate damage to the Governor.

  392. bucfan says:

    Canadian Neighbor, I would say great minds think alike but I wouldn’t want to insult anyone by comparing their mind to what it floating around in my noggin. This almost sounds Rovian in a way, like when he bugged his own office while running a campaign in Texas. Or many other examples. “Don’t look over here, look at the shiny thing, look, look” “Pay no attention to the woman in the bib waders and Naughty Monkey pumps”

  393. lilyf says:

    Fran, I agree. Does anyone know how she happened to mention about all the “unopened boxes” in the first place? It’s bugging me

  394. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    If you build an igloo with yellow snow, sooner or later you’ll get a sea of pee on your head…


  395. sauerkraut says:

    Why would an investigator find against her but recommend no formal hearing? Take the matter into a formal hearing for crying out loud!

  396. bucfan says:

    Look, I’m not a conspiracy nut (hold on a second, my tin foil hat fell over my eyes), but I wouldn’t put in past our soon to be ex-governor to be involved in leaking this report that is detrimental to her. Why? Because, now she can once again play the victim and try to point the focus away from her guilt and her actions, and towards whomever leaked the confidential report. (Cue LInda Rondstadt on “Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me”.) I would like to think that it was leaked by someone who didn’t want it to get buried until well after she was out of office, but felt that she should have to defend it while still in office. I also find it ironic that we there has been an AP reporter following her around on her farewell tour, writing very positive things about her, and it is the AP who has put forth this report.

  397. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Rachel’s show has not been uploaded yet but should be pretty soon as they’ve uploaded Keith’s. Here’s the link to Rachel’s so you can check

  398. phoebe says:

    G R I F T E R

  399. ExAlaskan says:

    Palin leaked the preliminary findings for two reasons; first it says that she is the only one that can authorize disclosure, therefore it can be thrown out. Second, Walter Conkrite’s death was stealing the HEADLINES therefore she had to get herself back into the spotlight. Remember she is a media @hore. She is so transparent, it”s a shame she didn’t govern that way.

  400. samper says:

    I feel no further ahead than I did a few minutes ago.

    We don’t know if the “leak” will render it “waived”.

    We don’t know WHO “leaked” it.

    I agree, though… whether “leaked” or not… it does NOT change the FINDING.

    If SP had one SHRED of “ethic” in her, she would pay the price and allow it to go through without the veil over “leaked” technicalities.

    If she DOESN’T? EVERYONE in her party will STILL use it against her and in a more inflammatory way!

    But I swear to all that is holy that if she spouts off about it being “DISMISSED” as “FRIVOLOUS” or “DISMISSED” for ANY OTHER REASON than that it was “leaked”, my head will explode.

    Even Rum can’t clean up THAT mess.

  401. Claw Washout Palin says:

    I’m hoping that Keith Olbermann would set things straight. He just seems to have the verbiage to set Palin, straight. He probably will have the Investigator on his show. Hopefully, he will also invite, Shannyn.

  402. austintx says:

    As Rachel says , “Talk me down” , but who gives a s^*t if it’s marked “Confidential” ?? The truth is the truth. Someone hates sarah’s guts. They are legion up there , but her and Toad have been able to intimidate people into silence. I’m sure more “leaks” are a comin’. Just because the truth gets leaked , it negates it ??

  403. Fran says:

    I think it likely that Palin quite because of the need to legally raise lots of cash in a short amount of time. I bet between the IRS breathing down her throat over unreported gifts including the construction of her house and the supposedly unopened boxes of gifts she may be looking at a tax pay many times her current income. She may also have been recently told that she is not going to be able to use the Alaskan Trust fund to pay of her huge legal bills. I think Sara owes mega bucks to lawyers and the IRS and is leaving her position to order to make as much money as possible while the getting is good. I think she seems so crazed lately because she can’t quite believe how deep in debt she is.

  404. pvazwindy says:

    Zaki says iceburg hits Palin right between the eyes. Guess this was it.

  405. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Chances are from my experience is that it leaked via Gov or her Atty’s office. Wouldn’t be the first time and won’t be the last leak — then deflect blame elsewhere. Problem is — the Teflon’s gone and it’s sticking like burned food!! What’s she gonna do — fire the Personnel now. Makes it difficult in your last few days in office.

    Oh wow, I thought it was locked in my desk!! Oh dear. It must have been the office cleaner.

    This just makes it more difficult for Van Fleas to negotiate his settlement he wants.

  406. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Blooper, I believe she vaporized enuff to have killed the connection between her 2 brain cells!

  407. aha says:

    How can they LET THIS GO?? The AFT has already paid out monies, hasn’t it?

    Someone better file a lawsuit against the personnel board or the State if they try this…

    So, Palin isn’t tweeting about this being frivolous, anymore, eh? Figures.

  408. Silvermoon says:

    Is there a link to the Daniels report?

  409. SS says:

    Many of the ethics complaints have been dismissed on technicalities. If constituants had used lawyers and filed wording it correctly her lawyer would not have been able to swirm Sarah’s way out. He has put in a lot of hours on getting technicallities to be shown to the investigating attorneys.

  410. SystemBucker says:

    I left a comment a bit back about google news searches. I tried a ‘Last Hour’ news search again and now things are showng up. Sorry if I sound like a total ditz, I just found it very strange that there wasn’t any search results for either ‘Palin’, ‘Sarah Palin’ or ‘Alaska”.

    Wish I had cable, I would love to watch Rachel now! I’ll just keep refreshing and catch up on it here. Thanks for the live updates!!! 🙂

  411. GreatGrey says:

    For everyone who missed last night’s KTUU “Palin’s Wild Ride Pt.1: From ‘open and transparent’ to something less”, here’s the link.

    Second installment should air in about an hour.

  412. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Palins bills are paid. She just want to play the helpless and homeless victim. Financially, I don’t believe she is suffering.

  413. SS says:

    It would not surprise me if Sarah Palin’s own subjects released this confidential report to have it waived on a technicality. They are desperate and didn’t have any other way for it to be swept under the rug.

  414. WinkwinkWA says:

    Who’s would benefit from the leaking of this to the press? Sarah or Chatman? Why would Chatman go thru all of this and then leak it and take a chance of it being thrown out? Time for a lie detector test????

  415. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I’m joking about getting the AP to reveal it’s source. It’s just ironic that this is where $arah ends up – fighting the press about sources.

  416. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    I don’t think so. The fact that the information got leaked doesn’t change the finding.

    The finding was clear: refuse the money or face the music. I think that’s why it got leaked. SOMEONE figured SP would take the money and be damned–after she left office.

    Not so easy, now.

  417. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Yep the ‘ole deflect attempt.

    Get the AP to reveal it’s source!!

  418. Looselips says:

    if she hasn’t used the money, how can Coale claim it has paid her legal bills

  419. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    yes, Rachael says “SHE IS DONE” re Palin. KTTU reporter is on Rachael’s show now. The worst damage that will come from this is that it is now NATIONAL
    news, woooo hoooooo! finally. Jill Burke of KTTU talks about the fact that complaint is stamped “confidential.” I say it may even get thrown out because it “leaked.” But, damage is done.

  420. Super Bee says:

    Scarah and crew including Daniels is making a big deal about the ‘confidentiality’ issue. This is going to be their loophole for weaseling their way out of these latest complaints. These hicks are so predictable.

  421. zyggy says:

    I want to know along with a few others is who or whom shared this info with the press? I don’t have a clue.

  422. austintx says:

    IrishGirl –
    Here is the link to her show. What you see is last nites. It takes about an hour after tonites show , then they will load it. Sorry ’bout that.

  423. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    This is just the typical LIE & DEFLECT show.

    The document is out – hey, the AP got a SCOOP!!!! Who’s to say WHERE it came from? Certainly not Sarah Palin or her atty. or her lackeys. Again they go for the constituent. SHAMEFUL.

    Don’t matter what they say, the document is out, Sarah can no longer claim that none of the ethics complaints were valid. Her whole reason for resigning is gone.

    Now, will someone start mentioning in the press that it was her own ethics violation, filed against herself that caused any and all private atty fees. And like Canadian N. said before – didn’t Coale just say THEY WERE PAID ALREADY!!!

    You can’t make this stuff up!

  424. samper says:

    I hope it’s Shannyn who goes LIVE with Rachel!!!!

    Shanny ROCKS!

    Maybe LINDA??????

    Linda ROCKS, too!

    Here we go!!!!!

  425. Looselips says:

    and rachel said it really really really is over for sarah

  426. manxmamma says:

    Samper: sarah calls for gin! with a glimpse at the vermouth…………try it you’ll like it (and it is medicinal)

  427. samper says:


    Couching it for a while.

    Want to watch Rachel, who is ALWAYS spot on with FACT.

    She’ll clear up our questions, I’m sure!

    Maybe I don’t need as much rum as I thought… Rachel is very Zen for me!


  428. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Here it comes…

  429. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Irishgirl—don’t know if there is a link for Rachel—it’s live on MSNBC right now. Palin story not up yet.

  430. samper says:

    I wonder if “LIVE” means Shannyn?

    If so, SHOUT OUT, Shanny! Go get ’em!


  431. Madeline says:

    Rachael Maddow already has the story and will be reporting about it soon.

  432. samper says:

    So… no Hate Fest tonite?

    Thank GOD for Closing that Door!

    Liquor store doesn’t have enough rum for both!

    I checked.

    And also too begged.

  433. Blooper says:

    sjk: Maybe all Palin needs is some vapoorize to solve her problems?

  434. samper says:

    Irishgirl: WAKE UP! Get some coffee… oh, wait… do you guys get MSNBC out there?

  435. Blooper says:

    Stranglet: LOL, interesting hypothesis! If that’s the case, let’s hope the alternate ‘Palin Whitehouse’ universe collides with the ‘Michelle Batshit Bachman’ Whitehouse universe so we can breath easy again. 🙂

  436. Irishgirl says:

    post a link!

  437. samper says:



  438. C4Pers claiming Chatman and Daniel conspired to leak it – or Daniel is a Dem – or send the Troopers after the REAL lawbreakers, Chatman and Daniel.

  439. Looselips says:

    yes. Maddow is having a live report.

  440. anon blogger says:

    On Rachel tonight.

  441. Irishgirl says:

    2am here…See you all for the screen door party!

  442. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Rachel’s got the story—coming on soon.

  443. SystemBucker says:

    I just got done doing one of my daily google news searches using the keyword “Palin’ and hit “Last Hour’ and nothing showed up. Then I did a ‘Last Hour’ news search using ‘Sarah Palin’ and then ‘Alaska’ and nothing again for both keywords.

    Whats up with that???? I have never had one of my ‘Last Hour’ news searches do that. Would Palin have enough power to put a stop on last hour news searches??? Has anybody else had this happen within the last hour or so? I find this very strange!

  444. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she stepped in some poo and it wont go away. BTW, the AK FAKE trust will even pay her, friends family, and cronies taxes if the services/funds used are found to be taxable….how dat work?

  445. EyeOnYou says:

    GinaM posted re the face book page statement:

    Latest Statement from Palin Attorney Thomas Van Flein
    Today at 4:52pm
    “All options are open in terms of legal remedies. It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.”

    Thomas Van Flein
    Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

    So what are they saying? That Chatman is the one who gave up the information and are now going to go after her?

    It is wrong that only the Governor can waive confidentiality in this case, since she will obviously never allow anyone to claim she has violated an ethics law. How is this being open and transparent? It isn’t. She wants it hidden so that she can claim she did nothing wrong, like always, even if it isn’t the truth!

  446. strangelet says:

    @Blooper: It’s the many-worlds hypothesis of quantum mechanics. Everything that possibly could happen does happen in some subset of the infinity of possible worldlines.

    In some parallel universe, there may be a “Palin White House”.

    On second thought, Nahh. This may actually serve to disprove the many-worlds hypothesis.

  447. rebekkah says:

    Wow, Empish, we were on the same wave length. Same questions, same time. LOL

  448. samper says:

    GinaM Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 4:24 PM

    Found this statement from Van Flea from the “other” cite:


    New facebook statement from the Gov’s lawyer:

    “All options are open in terms of legal remedies. It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.” Thomas Van Flein Private Attorney for Sarah Palin



    Does this guy EVER do ANYTHING but threaten “ACTION” against people who find a “PROBLEM” with SP?

    Sick to DEATH of this amateur!

    MORE RUM, please!

  449. rocket says:

    Who knows, maybe Gov. Palin will be forced to resign now that this report is out there.


  450. rebekkah says:

    I don’t understand how this Mr. Daniel’s letter (e-mail) to Debra English (personnel board) found it’s way to the media. Who would leak a confidential document like this? Will this nullify this complaint? So many questions about this latest news. These late nights are getting to me.

  451. Empish says:

    Who leaked this? If it was Kim the whole mess could get tossed out. Confidential was stamped on the front page.

  452. Blooper says:

    Wow, just caught this head scratcher in the adn comment board. Way to predict the future!

    “graykeeper wrote: “That poor unnamed ethics investigator just blew off a cushy appointment to the Palin Whitehouse however.”

  453. strangelet says:

    @UKLady: A tiny OT. I’m a USer, but once apon a time I was touring the Tower of London. As we approached one of the archways, the mom in front of us read the sign: “The Bloody Tower”. At which, one of her children (perhaps five or six) said “Oh, don’t swear, Mommy”.

    I had to pause briefly so that my choked laughter wouldn’t be embarassing.

  454. akdennis says:

    Boy, I bet the See4Pee’ers heads are exploding like popcorn right around now! Hehehe.

  455. honestyinGov says:

    In case anybody missed AKM’s little note at the beginning of the story… it is posted on the Huffpo and doesn’t have nearly the number of comments as it does here. Post a comment there as well.

  456. Canadian Neighbour says:

    A few things come to mind reading Daniel’s report.

    The reference to the State paying her legal costs for dismissed complaints:
    There shouldn’t be any legal costs in that the complaint would firstly be reviewed by an independent lawyer like Thomas Daniel has done so on other complaints i.e. Arctic Cat, and the findings that there was no violation of ethics, the complaint was dismissed. Therefore they didn’t pass the smell test to make it where she had to incur costs. Should Van Fleas have charged for his press releases of the compalints and for his media appearances on radio — these are no legal fees for which the state should be responsible.

    As to this reference of the $500,000 representing fees for her representation against the ethics complaints, an article which was linked the other day by someone here, set out that these costs were incurred while on the campaign trail. The article was referenced the McCain campaign wouldn’t pay her fees. At that time, the only active ethics complaint was her own — Troopergate. The others if I recall didn’t start flowing until after the campaign. Therefore — $500,000 referred to for Troopergate along. That’s questionable.

    A section I actually found funny when I read it as I recall having visions of Van Fleas jumping up and down at one point at the time the Legal Fund was being set up.

    Initially I it was implied that Van Fleas had declared it legal, but then Van Fleas did a 180 declaring it wasn’t and that they were setting up the Legal Fund themselves with Cole being Trustee. Remember when there was a private person who no one had heard of had started a fund for her?? It came about I think because O’Reilly had mentioned about a fund or something. Not getting Faux station, I’m going by what I seem to remember reading. But then he abruptly got shut down.

    From Daniels’ Report – pg 3:
    “There remains the question, however, of whether the governor’s supporters created the Alaska Fund Trust completely independent of any actions on the part of the governor. In that event, it would be difficult to conclude that the governor used her position to solicit the donations, as contrasted with supporters using her position to solicit the donations. If third parties created the legal defense fund completely on their own, free from any direction, influence, or guidance from the governor, it would not seem that the governor “used her position” in violation of the statute.”

    The fact that Cole created it with Palin and the beg-a-thon was set up in co-ordination with Cole and both have used pictures of Palin supplied by either the Fund or Governor’s office on their site — therefore the beg-a-thon cannot be recognized as a third party.

    In other words, sounds like they should have left the first one alone. With Coale’s help, they seem to have out-smarted themselves!!!! Love it.

    The Personnel Board will have the Legislature breathing down their necks dealing with this one as this will leave a sour taste if it is not dealt with. This will be remembered when it comes to their ‘Elections”. Are they willing to kiss their butts good-bye to save her this time — I don’t think so. They blew it on Troopergate — you don’t get a second chance.

  457. mae lewis says:

    London Bridges 145: Yes, some of the letters might be personal, and other would represent cashing in on her celebrity. How can we tell the difference? Well, if the letter is addressed to Governor Sarah Palin, then she’s cashing in. Any letter directed to State Capitol, Governor’s mansion, Sarah’s office are official. I’m going to guess that alot of the envelopes don’t actually have her street address, just sort of: To Sarah Palin, Wasilla Alaska. That’s not personal; they depend on her fame to have the post office deliver the mail. This sounds like the Santa Claus trial in “Miracle on 34th Street.”

  458. strangelet says:

    @UKLady: I knew that. I was just teasing.

  459. GinaM says:

    Note the loss of “Governor” in front of Sarah Palin?

  460. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:55 PM

    BTW Georgia Peach @53 your tsunami remark is hilarious!
    Thank you, Dr. I never go there. Can’t stand all the rage.

  461. GinaM says:

    Found this statement from Van Flea from the “other” cite:


    New facebook statement from the Gov’s lawyer:

    “All options are open in terms of legal remedies. It is a clear violation of Alaska law that Mr. Daniel explicitly reviewed with Ms. Chatman prior to her illegal actions. We will be contacting the appropriate authorities for review and action.” Thomas Van Flein Private Attorney for Sarah Palin

  462. SameOld says:

    I think someone leaked the report because SP said she intended to ignore the recommendations. That is her style and she thought she could get away with it (like all the other illegal and unethical things).

    At minimum she is going to be paying taxes on this money.

    The state is NOT going to pay her bills at this point.

  463. antiAnti says:

    Can anyone remember a news story or a press release where Palin said the Trust had been checked by the AG and was ok. I feel like I saw that once but can’t recall where. Also if it was ok’d who was the AG at the time? WAR?

  464. Tealwomin says:

    maybe shes gonna QUIT twitter 2-all-sew?

  465. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    187 Greytdog Δ Says:

    No PAC or any legal defense fund will qualify for 501 (c) (3)…they have other 501 sections, but they are not charitable. This trust for example is NOT a 501 (c) (3) as far as I can tell…contributions to it are NOT tax deductible as far as the webpage shows.

  466. granny68 says:

    OK, then. Imagine–All you need is love. Ta ta. : )

  467. phoebe says:

    #106 UK Lady

    Funny!!!! Still laughing at long tail cats in a room full of rocking chairs!!

    Well, since you’re up celebrate!!

  468. overthemoon says:


    I think that this Palin woman is working you ragged!! Will it ever stop??

  469. pvazwindy says:

    Palin says, not to worry. Fund story inaccurate. Boy, I’m glad she cleared that up.

  470. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    or Van Fluff has done a LOT of work regarding XGINO’s other activities…perhaps ones we don’t even know about yet and that’s why he couldn’t separate the official from the personal.

  471. samper says:

    Again, if idiots, er, SUPPORTERS, wanted to pay her fees, why not just send the checks to Van Flea with a note attached as to where to apply the funds?

    All this AFT, TX Fund, etc. crap seemed shady from the get go.

  472. Greytdog Δ says:

    Cassie Jeep Pike Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:48 PM :
    “The trust document says any excess funds will be donated to a charitable organization.”

    I believe it says excess funds will be donated to a 501(c)(3) of the trustee’s choosing. Which, in my way of thinking, means SP can set up her own non profit and then Cole tranfers the funds to that. In fact, I’ve been wondering if Palin was planning to use those funds as the “seed” money for her national campaign to “progress forward” the Real America, with herself at the helm

  473. GinaM says:

    Hey Dr. Patois we’re on the same wavelength. Oh yeah they are going bananas on that other site. I think it’s starting to sink in for them that their Queen might smell a little bit.

  474. G Katz says:

    I can’t help but remember SNL’s parody of the Couric interview:

    POEHLER AS COURIC: “Forgive me, Mrs. Palin, but it seems to me that when cornered, you become increasingly adorable. Is that fair to say?”

    FEY AS PALIN: “I don’t know is it? (high pitched gun sounds)”

  475. samper says:

    Trini: LOL! MEDIC!!

    IV 1/5 of RUM!


    Seriously, is the Red Shirt Hate Fest “on” tonite? If so, heed my words:


  476. nswfm CA says:

    Perkins Coie, the Daniel’s report law firm, isn’t like the local Wasilla AG guy who said “ignore the subpoenas”–they have a little more credibility, also, too.

  477. GinaM says:

    Hmm… after reading that report again, I noticed that her attorney Van Flea hasn’t requested that his fees get paid. Isn’t that strange that a lawyer wouldn’t submit his bill for payment? Something stinks here. Look on page 8 of the report at the bottom. It says that Van Flea: terminated the contract because his efforts relating to claims against the governor in her official capacity could not be separated from those alleging personal misconduct. What does that mean??

    Maybe $P and her attorney came up with this legal defense fund as a scam. She is a grifter. And don’t forget she said she was looking to quit a long time ago. Remember back in the spring when some other guy from Texas was starting up a Legal defense fund for $P and Van Flea first said it was legal then all of a sudden he said it wasn’t cause it wasn’t the OFFICIAL GINO defense fund. Again IMO ole GINO and her attorney got caught with there pants down on this one.

  478. samper says:

    Oh, wait!

    I was saving it for “Happy Time” on the plane to Greece, but I DO have ONE Valium left from a recent surgery!

    No… I’d rather have “HAPPY TIME” on the way to Greece!

    SP isn’t worth my last Class A Narcotic!


  479. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Thanks for the info Phil.

  480. Trini says:

    Samper, at least your breath smells sweet. But seriously, get yourself some Rum or Scotch. Medic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  481. samper says:

    Granny: I need WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than “one drink too many” or “one toke over the line (Sweet Jesus)” to get through what I anticipate tonite!

    I’m pretty sure we have to blog through the Red Shirt Hate Fest as well as await the next LYING tweet from the twit.

    Too MUCH!

    No way out… MUST run to liquor store. There is no way in the world my head won’t explode without MORE RUM (dammit!).

  482. Silvermoon says:

    Think about this: “boxes” of letters. Likely many with hard cash. What’s chances that that hasn’t been tapped? Who would know? Envelopes now gone; pocket the cash, and keep on going.

    No way in hell is she telling the truth.

  483. lilyf says:

    her forehead is always all botoxed and that stuff is soooo expensive. She also has lots of clothes and shoes that she loves to show off. It seems strange because she has so many financial responsibilities and she is always talking about how she is a “fisherman.” Is the implication that she has been using the legal fund for her own personal gain, or is it just that she made it “official”?

  484. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    slowly but surely the ‘berg is coming, IMHO only…Why didnt she stay thru the end of the month? To turn over the keys at the govs PICNIC? Bullshit!

    My guess is something BAD is due the week of the 27th that would have forced her to resign. Her last twitspew was from a mountain with a pic of Piper was very cute! Poor kid….

  485. Dr. Patois says:

    BTW Georgia Peach @53 your tsunami remark is hilarious!

  486. libby says:

    “Hasn’t submitted a bill yet? PUHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!

    SP has the bills. She is inflating them or he is.” – samper


    Scary, huh? If AK has to pay for the legal bills, then everyone in AK has a right to see ALL of the details. Confidentiality??? Really??? I suppose it would fit right in with that “Clear and Transparent Government” that she’s so proud of?

    Marnie, you might have something there.

  487. granny68 says:

    samper, who are they kidding? As a body, they’ve already proven themselves to be corrupt. That would be like having one drink too many…or one toke over the line (Sweet Jesus).

  488. Olbermann will be doing the Palin story tomorrow.

  489. nswfm CA says:

    If this teaches us anything, it’s that the East Coast Media needs to stay awake and at work longer in the day. No more blowing out of Manhattan early because you don’t think anything interesting happens past the Hudson (like that old New Yorker cover implied in the 1980s).

  490. austintx says:

    samper –
    sarah threw the bills in the same pile as all the “unopened gifts and letters”

    Pf-f-f-f-f-t……….Bwa-a-a-ha-ha-ha-ha !!!!!

  491. samper says:

    Trini: The state has an AG to work with SP. That she HIRED her OWN atty for the “frivolous” allegations is her OWN DOING.

    I hardly think that ANY investigator would recommend the state pays for that kind of idiocy.

    But, then again, I’ve been so busy drinking mouthwash (rum is gone, dammit!) that I haven’t read the .pdf report.

    Off to do so now…

  492. Dr. Patois says:

    GinaM@152, I agree, if the leak gets her off on a technicality she is definitely the leaker!

    In reading the document it seems this lawyer/investigator would have given her a pass if she had not put her stamp of approval on the fund. Ironic that others, the businessman in California and I think someone in Texas were trying to raise money for her legal costs but were told to cease and desist by Megamouth (I think it was Megamouth) because “they” were setting up the OFFICIAL fund raising site. $arah and Kristen just HAD to have control and now, she will pay for it.

  493. samper says:

    Schuster in for KO tonite!

    Birth Certificate story is on, but no mention of SP.

    Joe the non-plumber is mentioned, however. Like HE is worthy of listening to!

  494. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    lilyf Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:46 PM

    if she had established the fund as a personal one, would she be able to keep the money?
    The trust document says any excess funds will be donated to a charitable organization.

  495. Marnie says:

    151 libby Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:35 PM
    samper: God is too busy closing those doors to tweet.

    I keep saying that Witch Doctor did a reverse exorcism on Sarah. He actually put the whammy on her.
    He put George Carlins spirit in her, George’s making jokes about her using her as his straight man.

    Course her plumiting approval ratings in Alaska must be just a teeeeny weeeeny bit hard to explain to the Beltway Boys, considering Alaska is a Red state.

  496. Trini says:

    Samper, the bill thing bothers me too. Daniel’s wants the State to pay for them, but Van Flea claims that attorney-client confidentiality protects against having to disclose details. So, what, she just comes up with a number (hey, let’s say $600K!) and the State coughs it up to Flea-bag? Hmmmm, sounds like a money-laundering scheme to me!

  497. samper says:

    Some yahoo on CM right now:

    SP has the ability to raise a lot of $$ and “steer” the R’s.

    UGH! Blecccchhh! Double, no TRIPLE, Barf!!!

    Obviously, this was taped before the “leak”!

  498. lilyf says:

    if she had established the fund as a personal one, would she be able to keep the money?

  499. samper says:

    Not. Enough. RUM. Dammit!

  500. LiladyNY says:

    Thomas Daniel’s pdf is fascinating reading. I savored every word.
    It’s so interesting that this was out there for a week and not a sniff from GINO et al. Generally, she’s up to the minute gloating on her ethics violations complaints. I wonder why she/they were so mute on this one? Suppose it’s because THIS one is gonna stick?
    I wonder if she’s drawn any of the money. I think there are tax liablities too. Oh my my my as my sainted mother would say.
    Well, as Bette Davis said (in All About Eve), “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” (Chortle chortle)

  501. samper says:

    libby: Any Atty I’VE ever known has submitted bills at LEAST monthly. And I worked as a BILLER in a big shot L.A. firm!!!!

    Hasn’t submitted a bill yet? PUHLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!

    SP has the bills. She is inflating them or he is.

  502. Marnie says:


  503. samper says:

    libby: I think I hear a “SLAM” or two. God is VENGEFUL, don’tcha know!

  504. Sarah in SC says:

    The msg on DZ’s site has now changed to this:

    Sarah Palin on “hurt feelings”
    Soon to be former Alaska governor Sarah Palin says politicians need to have thick skin “Just as I’ve got” Which of course is hilarious since she quit as Alaska’s governor complaining about her hurt feelings from Alaska’s bloggers reporting on her numerous ethics violations.

    Is this a recent change??

  505. G Katz says:

    GinaM, I had the same thought. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  506. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    looks like mama bear will have 2 pratice what she twits about…Something about NOT ASKING FOR HANDOUTS!! BTW, that was 9 very enjoyable pages of readin’ dontchaknow!

  507. samper says:

    Granny68: Shout out to ALL YA’ALL! My family is in Cary!

  508. GinaM says:

    IMO i think $P or someone she trusted leaked this report in hopes that it would get dismissed. She’s had this for a week and she hasn’t done anything about it. Maybe that was her plan?

  509. libby says:

    samper: God is too busy closing those doors to tweet.

  510. libby says:

    Van Flea squirming puts a smile on my face…but I thought I read that he still hadn’t submitted his bill?

  511. samper says:

    How is it that we haven’t heard a tweet from God yet?

  512. Greytdog Δ says:

    DuckDriver, the story has legs in orlando because remember, we (& Tampa) were sort of Ground Zero for the Palin Hate Rallies during the campaign. And like it or not, O-town is a happy haven for white supremacists & c-street supporters. But I love the fact this is all over the news, and I do mean all over: “Palin hit with new claims of ethics violations”

  513. Bystander says:

    Van Flea can’t be reached for comment, as he is busy telling his partners they have to give the money back…..

  514. CG says:

    Gosh, I think it’s time for an encouraging personal essay from AP journalist/tour press guy Matthew Daly!

    $5 bucks says that when there is a newsy bit with Sarah quotes, it’ll come from her Christian war correspondent traveling with her.

    …any time now…

  515. London Bridges says:

    Remember recently Sarah was word salading about how maybe some of the gifts that people were giving her were “personal” to her (because they liked her!) and had nothing to do with the fact that she was the Alaskan Fuhrer. Maybe this was when she got first wind that she was going down!

  516. granny68 says:

    ez.pz Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:19 PM
    @ granny68

    Yeah, guessed it would be someone from mudflats -the writer was well informed, concise, relevant, accurate, humourous – just didn’t know who

    Hey, I studied journalism in the 9th grade, 54 yrs ago. Never forgot who, what, why, when and where. It helps. And, actually, I’m from NC. Hi, y’all!

  517. samper says:


    Any AKn’s want to live blog from the scene of the picnic?

    I betcha Harper Collins is regretting every single word in that there contract, also, too!

    Tom Arnold was on Letterman the other night… he was bragging about how he didn’t fulfill contracts (ie; Jenny Craig – gained weight instead of losing it), but still got to keep the deposit. He was all full of pride that if you get a down payment on a job and don’t fulfill it, that you’re in the clear, made a few million bucks and didn’t have to work for it.

    Seems SP has the same situation…

  518. pvazwindy says:

    Samper, sometimes you have to pick and choose.

  519. HistoryGoddess says:

    Mr. Thomas recommended the state pay for the complaints that were dismissed. That CAN’T include the one she filed on herself, can it? The one that she had to repay the kids’ travel, was that legally dismissed or resolved?

    I am uncomfortable with the last lines of his report that say it is confidential until she releases it. Ivy tweeted that it is a violation of AS 39.52.340

    That wouldn’t invalidate anything would it? The leaker could be in trouble, maybe, but nothing is said, I think, about people repeating/copying what they are given. I don’t want her to get “off” on a technicality.

    And dang it, how DARE she continue to call complaints frivolous after she already had this report. Witch.

  520. lilyf says:

    there were so many quiet ways she could have shut down that fund months ago without drawing attention…especially when she knows the people who donate to her are not the wealthiest ones. It’s just really shameful.

  521. Silvermoon says:

    Betcha Keith does a bit on Countdown tonite. Here’s hoping!!

  522. CG says:

    Bringing good questions over from the other thread:
    “of course they will let it go. But she still can’t get her greedy little hands on the money.”
    “So who gets the money if Sarah doesn’t?”

    I think they’ll negotiate it out, exactly like the children’s travel. Van Flein would be an idiot to counsel her otherwise. She’ll pay a fine, it’ll be “dismissed” with no acknowledgement.

    I’m guessing that she’ll get to keep the money. Ironically, that which demonstrates unethical personal benefit, also proves ownership. If it can be proven that it was step up for her and her family, then it proves that it’s hers. In which case, she gets it, but just not while she’s the governor.
    And of course, there will need to be IRS filings next. Unless Kristan Cole, John Coale, RA Mansour and a whole host will be paying taxes on that for her.

    Thomas Daniel was the Personnel Board “independent” counsel on 6 of the ethics complaints. Anchorage attorney Michael Geraughty reviewed 8 of them. Petumonos was the first 3. The last 2 (#19 and #20) – I don’t know. One was English, which I assume is Deb English, head of the PB.

  523. Polly says:

    In less than an hour there are already 230 comments on the ADN article.

    (Attorney recommends resolving without a hearing.)

  524. granny68 says:

    Didn’t $$arah Palin start living up to the Peter Principle the day she graduated from high school? And then had the audacity to drag her best buds along with her, aka the Palin Cabal?

    I know there are a lot smarter people in AK; some of them even write blogs. : )

  525. samper says:


    Do we have to follow this twit all night AS WELL AS the Red Shirt Hate Fest?

    If so, I’m buying stock in my local liquor store.

    There is NOT ENOUGH RUM to do this! NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!

    I can see her now… She’s madly dialing up Van Flea to compose some random “It’s not a violation” press”er” (let’s call it what it is…. a PRESS RELEASE) and poor little Piper is trying to calm poor little Trig because Mommy is throwing things about the house.

    Willow and Bristol have “left the building” for calmer territory.

    Poor little Piper!

  526. pvazwindy says:

    Trust Fund page still up and running?

  527. London Bridges says:

    Ok – a documentary movie, called the fall of saraH paliN!

  528. lilyf says:

    won’t the Reagan library people be delighted to know their speaker is guilty of ethics violation…mmm, great publicity for them.

  529. Fern says:

    125 austintx Says:

    I say “NO SHOW”…………same for Reagan Library.


    But… she’s written her speech and everything!

  530. booboodog says:

    London Bridges
    NO please, not a movie!! She will make even more $ and I will never get anything done again, ever.

  531. ez.pz says:

    @ granny68

    🙂 Yeah, guessed it would be someone from mudflats -the writer was well informed, concise, relevant, accurate, humourous – just didn’t know who 😉

  532. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    I agree–no show for the picnic, but the library deal is not open–no press, nothing except her base.

  533. Irishgirl says:

    Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:10 PM

    UK Lady Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    Blinking Heck Irish, we’ll never get a decent nights kip at this rate.
    Look at it this way, UKLady. You are a witness to history….and one heck of a good ride!

    That could be interpreted very differently on this side of the Atlantic! 🙂

  534. Bystander says:

    Fern: Anchorage Daily News. John Coale hasn’t been this upset since he and Greta got suspended from the practice of law for a year for sneaking into hospitals to solicit personal injury clients (even the “ambulance chasers” had the ethics and integrity to stop at the Emergency Room doors.).

    Ah the joy to occasionally see the scumbags squirm!

  535. austintx says:

    122 Fern Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:11 PM
    Sunday’s picnic is going to be fun fun fun. She will not be in a good mood.
    I say “NO SHOW”…………same for Reagan Library.

  536. London Bridges says:

    Is this what is called a Palin-os-copy?

    aka: The sh*t has hit the beehive!

  537. Fern says:


  538. Fern says:

    Sunday’s picnic is going to be fun fun fun. She will not be in a good mood.

  539. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Hey Sarah Palin…can you see a Pasture from your house?

    Cause your about to be put out there!!!

  540. London Bridges says:

    Maybe the entire Legislature will crash Sunday’s party and just before the mustard hits the hot dog, sample the (im)-Peach Cobbler!

    Would make a #1 movie!

  541. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    UK Lady Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    Blinking Heck Irish, we’ll never get a decent nights kip at this rate.
    Look at it this way, UKLady. You are a witness to history….and one heck of a good ride!

  542. UK Lady says:


    It’s a sort of English polite way of saying ‘Bloody Hell’ 😆

  543. Bystander says:

    This may be an iceberg, but like all icebergs, 90% is below the water line, and not visible (yet). Mr. Van Suckup is going ballistic- see ADN article update.

  544. lilyf says:

    strangelet: that’s what worries me. That and I am trying to diet and avoid adult beverages because they apparently have tons of calories. But if I knew it was really a reason to celebrate, perhaps I could make an exception 🙂

  545. Trini says:

    On the last page of the Daniel’s report he recommends that the SOA pay the legal fees that she incurred in defending against ethics complaints that were dismissed. Does he mean the legal fees from her private attorney? If so, I strongly disagree with this recommendation.

    Oh, and by the by, the report looks pretty final to me!

  546. Rob in Ca says:

    Some have asked why Sarah did not respond to this last week?

    Simple…she hasn’t opened her mail yet!

  547. DuckDriver says:

    This story has National legs! From Channel 2 in Orlando:

    “Iceberg! Dead ahead!”


  548. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    GLUG, GLUG!!!

  549. Nebraska Native says:

    live chat??? I feel inappropriate behavior coming on…

  550. strangelet says:

    @UKLady: “Blinking Heck”?

  551. anon blogger says:

    Palin brought a family feud into the Governor’s Office. That was her fault and things mushroomed from there. Why should citizens pay a legal fee for violations Palin caused while being paid by the citizens for her service ? Sorta like paying a lawyer to fight against you. She mentions vets quite often; her service was different, but not less than a service. But Palin was lining her pockets along the way.

  552. strangelet says:

    @lilyf: Well, it is AP, not the most trustworthy news source.

  553. Sarah in SC says:


    She is the reason the rum is always gone. ( a la Capt. Jack Sparrow)

    Can someone just say if this is the iceberg or not? I love the idea that there’s still something ELSE, but it would also be nice to know when the Titanic is finally gonna sink.

  554. UK Lady says:

    Blinking Heck Irish, we’ll never get a decent nights kip at this rate.

  555. lilyf says:

    Would AP be reporting on this if they weren’t sure it is confirmed and newsworthy? And is there a comment from her lawyer yet?

  556. ds55 says:

    If she goes to jail tonight, she’ll miss the picnic. ::snicker::

  557. London Bridges says:

    Sarah say it ain’t final because all her appeals have not been ruled upon.

    Why in Massachusetts are ethics violations subject to a $3,000 fine and 3 years in the slammer???

    Seems reasonable to me!

  558. strangelet says:

    @samper: Spike the rum with everclear.

  559. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    The CNN Wire Latest updates on top stories
    July 21st, 2009
    Palin defense fund may violate ethics laws, investigator says
    Posted: 07:09 PM ET

  560. strangelet says:

    @Irish: Oh, yeah, they CAN make her give the money back. Don’t know if they will. but they certainly can. Ain’t no state where you’re allowed to make money from a crime.

  561. DuckDriver says:

    Another writer at Politics Daily has written about this latest ethics lapse:


  562. Rob in Ca says:

    By the way, I know why the report is not final in Sarah’s eyes…..she didn’t open the mail yet!

  563. Rob in Ca says:

    I bet she can convert the money to a charitable cause (as specified already in the trust documents). But I bet she cannot use it herself or for her legal funds in any way.
    All the people that donated can contribute a second time to the new fund she will probably set the day after she officially quits. At that time, she doesn’t have to comply with the Ethics Act anymore, right?

  564. UK Lady says:

    Maybe $P thought that if she kept asking more questions to the investigator that would keep it pending, rather than final?

    I’m really confused.

  565. samper says:

    MY TAKE:

    Independent Investigator’s report is NOT confidential.

    EB’s final conclusion IS confidential.

    Am I missing something?

    OH! Everyone tune in to CM on MSNBC… they’re STILL going on about the Birth Certificate thing!


    Do we have to follow THIS and The Red Shirt Hate Fest tonite? There isn’t enough rum in the house!


  566. Nebraska Native says:

    Oh my Irish… ignorance and blind faith can do amazing things to otherwise decent people can’t it?

  567. zyggy says:

    although other politicians might have trust funds for frivolous complaints, and other stuff like law suits, it’s the laws of Alaska that I feel will bring her down. Other state laws I don’t think are as hard a$$ed as the law in Alaska is, and it’s probably due to your former governor’s antics.

  568. Leota2 says:

    Oh yeah–this was going to be swept under a big puffy red shoe wearing rug.
    Who squealed? But I have to say I still think the board is going to poo poo it in the end, make her pay back the money and Scarah will skate into national twithood disheveled but standing. I do like the disheveled part.

  569. Irishgirl says:

    Snos will kill me, but I did visit the other side and found this comment.

    *They cannot make her give the money back. They can fine her and maybe she is unethical. Well, let them say it, we know the truth*.


  570. Nebraska Native says:

    PB? Personnel Board?

  571. strangelet says:

    @Tealwomin: Stay away from that toilet unless you’re cross-dressing.

  572. strangelet says:

    PROBABLE CAUSE??!!?? From a PB investigator?

    Lord have mercy. She’s toast.

  573. granny68 says:

    ez.pz Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 2:40 PM

    Thanks! MadHeart is my nom de guerre over at HuffPo. : )

  574. Tealwomin says:

    Sarah Palin has announced that another ‘legal fund’ is being set up to cover the expenses incurred from defending the legalities of the first fund. All donations are to be sent in used bills directly to Sarah – please use unmarked envelopes. NB : We regret that receipts cannot be issued at this time.

    You forgot the address:
    behind the third toilet Community Center Wassila

    Tap toe 3 times before entering.

    (HuffPOST is funny, 2-all sew)

  575. I’ve posted The Daniel Report at Progressive Alaska as a series of nine jpegs:

  576. SystemBucker says:

    Just got done buzzing up! Man! I haven’t been this ‘buzzed’ since college! lol

    So, Buttercup got word of this last week? Guess her farewell tour was more like a hit and run…she got hit then had to run!

  577. ziggybutterfly says:

    I don’t understand. Sorry, but if someone could clear all this up for me… much appreciation to you!

    1) who is this independent investigator? is this the same group of ethics investigators who threw out most of the other complaints?

    2) this news is a week old… ?? why is this just coming out today?

    3) this blog post says the original complaint was thrown out. T or F? if True then how was it picked up again and by whom?

    I’m happy one of these complaints has been officially deemed valid (though IMO they were all valid) and I’m curious what the consequences are.

  578. Jeanette says:

    My understanding is there are still options for Sarah out there. This was the investigator’s report which evidently was still confidential, maybe until the Board takes action on it. Maybe it was leaked since someone was afraid the Board would try and sweep it under the rug or have it changed. But it does seem it is the final report of the investigator.

    The Board must have some options about how they handle the report and they may have asked Sarah about some information, such as has she used any of the money and that is why Sarah is able to say more information is being requested. I don’t think anyone has reported that this is the final report of the Board. I don’t know if they have the ability to accept or reject the report but that is a little harder to do now that it is public.

    I am sure the lawyers will be going over the the trust documents with a fine tooth comb to see what happens to the money if Sarah is not able to use it as governor. Can it be used to her benefit if she is no longer governor. I think that is the key question as to whether this issue was the determining one in her resignation.

    And isn’t Sarah Pac also one of the outstanding ethics complaints still out there? If so, wouldn’t the same principles apply?

  579. Nebraska Native says:

    kink=link *sigh*

  580. Nebraska Native says:

    Nice kink DuckDriver! Oopsie Meg.

  581. lilyf says:

    I think she wants to buy herself just 3 more days by saying it’s not final…

  582. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    From DuckDriver’s link above:

    “Palin posted an entry on Twitter in which she said the “matter is still pending.”

    “There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached,” her spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

    But Daniel said his report was final.”

  583. Ratfish says:

    Palin’s known about it for a week.

    And there have been NO tweets!

    And Van Flein has been silent!


  584. mae lewis says:

    I like the part of the statement by the AP that said that she used her office as governor to raise money for her legal expenses, something that a private citizen would not be able to do (to the same extent).

    If you had any doubt about the intention of the Alaska Fund, the wording is very clear from Sea of Pee: “The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created to defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin…”

    $o, it really i$ all about $how me the Money $arah!

  585. Rob in Ca says:

    Maybe we should call Eddie Burke for the official legal response?

  586. DuckDriver says:

    I got this link from the Daily Beast:

    It states the report *is* final. Pants on fire Megamouth?


  587. Bystander says:

    Her continuing to solicit donations to the Fund for a week after having the report speaks volumes about Ex-Governor Grifter.

  588. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Thomas Daniel = Arctic Cat investigator.

  589. Nebraska Native says:

    Van Flit is probably tearing his hair out…

  590. lilyf says:

    “A call to her lawyer was not immediately returned”…that’s unusual, right?

  591. Nebraska Native says:

    (secretly waiting for the twitter tantrum, round 2)

  592. John says:

    Nothing is final until the Personnel Board makes its own decision. But Tom Daniel is a very highly respected, competent attorney. He will be listened to. So now in addition to this not so frivolous complaint, she also had to pay taxes on her per diem and pay back her family’s travel expenses. And one complaint found that staff needed training in ethics. So the complaints have been helpful in routing out improper behavior and ensuring the highest ethical behavior by our government officials.

  593. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    AND if it was released unlawfully, don’t you think that $arah would have twitted “illegally releasing to the public”? Also, too, the AP person was the last reporter with her? Broken by the AP…..

    I love finding the story….!!!!

  594. Nebraska Native says:

    Go Irish!

  595. Irishgirl says:

    GA peach…I wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of that!!!

  596. HistoryGoddess says:

    Not that there is necessarily a correlation, but July 3rd I went to the Veterans Museum. Very moving. When I got back to the car, I heard on the radio that she had quit and had several phone messages wanting me to know. I was so thrilled I went to Eddie Bauer and bought a new outfit I didn’t need. Life was good.

    After a late night laughing at the Twitter Tantrum, I was sombered a bit by Canadian John’s touching veteran story. I decided to take two friends back to the museum today and listen to the stories of the men who gather in the USO room every day. Sure enough, get back to the car and my phone is a buzin’ away with tweets letting me know today’s great news.

    So, I’d like to think that honoring veterans brought good luck, though I don’t think that was the vet reference she was alluding to in her tweet last night.

  597. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Question – is this the same Atty who investigated Arctic Cat-gate? If not that one, he investigated one of the others.

    If I recall, the public received his investigation letter on that one too. The public does not receive the Personnel Board’s report.

  598. Greytdog Δ says:

    Just wondering, but given the caveat that this is confidential information unless released by permission of the Governor, will the publication of this document & the investigation findings now make this all null & void as far as charges being filed?

  599. Tealwomin says:

    Over @ HuffPost, in reply to someone defendin Palin

    “That hit of acid is finally kicking in.”

  600. Irishgirl says:

    OK, I think I have managed to buzz.

  601. anon blogger says:

    Poor legal advice, huh?!

  602. overthemoon says:

    The latest bitterquittertwitter:

    Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final report

  603. ez.pz says:

    from “Madheart” on Huffpost comments:

    this is what happens when you have your bff, Kristan Cole, the real estate agent, as your closest adviser and handler of your defense fund. You betcha.

    Madheart has it 100% correct.

  604. BooBooBear says:

    booboodog @#20…Yup , I believe this witll begin the unraveling of our Queen. Hopefully the IRS and the FBI are digging into a lot of her financial dealings. Her real Estate friend/best friend/chairwoman of the Board of Agriculture (tip to FBI) Kristan Cole should be shaking in her boots about what will be uncovered. It ain’t pretty , folks.

  605. C. Rock says:

    39 Nebraska Native Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 2:33 PM
    “Confidentially reviewing” what does that mean?

    Yeah and why is it so secretive if $P has done nothing wrong. She is such a dork.

  606. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Gram – it’s in AKM’s post above – @ the bottom.

  607. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Wonder if this quake has caused a tsunami in the sea of pee?

  608. Nebraska Native says:

    CG… not necessarily… there’s lots of attention now, and it’s going viral and that may not be so easily dismissed, especially if Sarah has a twitter fit again.

  609. Celia Harrison says:

    I guess the ethics board did not have the courage to make the call themselves, yet did not want their reputations sullied even further as they knew this violation was so clear.

  610. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 21st, 2009 at 2:35 PM

    The PDF report from Thomas M. Daniel is fantastic reading.

    At the end it notes that the State of AK could pay the Gov.’s legal fees (within certain parameters) – but that in regards to Troopergate, the private atty has not submitted the bill.

    The big Troopergate Grift.
    Where is the link to the pdf, please?

  611. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Isn’t Thomas Daniel the atty for Arctic Cat-gate?

    Yes. AKM

  612. tigerwine says:

    Skip from Asheville – I’m only an hour and a half away. Are you really buying?

  613. pvazwindy says:

    I don’t see how the personnel board can roll this under the rug. As for the state; the Branchflower report found her in violation. And it certainly lessens the finding of Petemenos, which was trumped up anyways.

  614. CG says:

    AP – “The practical effect of the ruling on Palin will be more financial than anything else. The report recommends that Palin refuse to accept payment from the defense fund, and that the complaint be resolved without a formal hearing before the Alaska Personnel Board.”

    They’re going to negotiate it, just like the repayment of children’s travel.

    They’re going to LET IT GO.

  615. WalterNeff says:

    Full speed astern. Hard a’starboard! Boink.

  616. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    I was FIRST!! YAY!!

  617. Nebraska Native says:

    Reaching back to the olden days “The whole world is watching!” And it is. It’s all good.

  618. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    The PDF report from Thomas M. Daniel is fantastic reading.

    At the end it notes that the State of AK could pay the Gov.’s legal fees (within certain parameters) – but that in regards to Troopergate, the private atty has not submitted the bill.

    The big Troopergate Grift.

  619. C. Rock says:

    Sorry Paula your post beat me.

  620. Nebraska Native says:

    HuffPo has the VF article, AKM’s post and Shannyn’s post… buzz ’em up!

  621. Nebraska Native says:

    “Confidentially reviewing” what does that mean?

  622. Paula says:

    Imagine the swear words flying from her mouth as she makes call after call trying to do damage control with this one -while answer-er-s giggle under their breath thinking “Ya shouldn’t have quit you twit.” Pay back time…

  623. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    I posted at the two sites at Huffpo I could find. One already has almost 500 posts. Can we all say VIRAL???

    My comment at Shannyn’s blog on Huffpo. A suggestion for a song parody on the theme song from Titanic. “My Tweets Will Go On!” Where is Lynnrockets??

  624. Nebraska Native says:

    This must have hit a nerve, as well it should!

  625. Irishgirl says:

    Thanks all for the info on buzz…scuttling off to do my thing.

  626. C. Rock says:

    Found this posted over at the other site. Was posted on face book by Megamouth.
    I cannot verify the validity of this claim. There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached.

    Meghan Stapleton
    Palin Spokesperson

  627. skip from Asheville NC says:

    “I feel tweets in my legs”….chris mattthews says! He always has had the hots for her.

  628. Paula says:

    Palin Tweets:

    Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final report

    And this was just posted on Gov. Palin’s Facebook page:

    I cannot verify the validity of this claim. There is no final report. The Investigator is still confidentially reviewing this matter. It appears suspect that in the final days of the Governor’s term, someone would again violate the law and announce a supposed conclusion before it is reached.

    Meghan Stapleton
    Palin Spokesperson

  629. Fairsfair says:

    Can I say Ding Dong?

  630. Ennealogic says:

    So, what’s next… does the Personnel Board get together and sit around a Ouija board or what? 🙂

  631. Nebraska Native says:

    Hot time on the old blog tonight… read, refresh, read, refresh 🙂 Love it!

  632. skip from Asheville NC says:

    DRINKS ARE ON ME TONIGHT!!! Can you make it to Asheville?

    Lovin this news…….

  633. Nebraska Native says:

    There has been suggestion on ADN comments that she repay the donors. Like that’s gonna happen. Silly supportive Palinistas.

  634. granny68 says:

    Who but $$arah Palin would have a real estate agent handle something called the Alaska Trust Fund?

  635. Ennealogic says:

    @Irishgirl, visit the HuffPo story… you’ll see a BUZZ UP button right under the title on the left. Just click it!

  636. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:


  637. Paula says:

    I am betting her next twit on tweet will be about what a bunch of twits these unethical filers are and how the bloggers twitted Ms. Twatter herself out -unfairly, of course, and with malice.

  638. zyggy says:

    It would be practical to pay the money back, and I suspect she will, but she’s just not wired that way. =)

  639. booboodog says:

    If this is not THE iceberg, it could well be the start of the unravelling of SP.
    This complaint could uncover more dirty laundry underneath. Feds, are you taking notes?

  640. Nebraska Native says:

    OK… over the guilt.

  641. Nebraska Native says:

    Irish… there’s an icon by the story– you have to register and then you can “buzz it up” Gramiam.. thanks for the quitter’s latest twitter 🙂

  642. Paula says:

    Karma is a beotch… still LMAO

  643. aha says:

    Okay, just what is going on with all these back door, ”…without a formal hearing before the alaska personnel board.”, finding non-findings. This just stinks.

    (From the ADN article):

    ” The practical effect of the ruling on Palin will be more financial than anything else. The report recommends that Palin refuse to accept payment from the defense fund, and that the complaint be resolved without a formal hearing before the Alaska Personnel Board.

    In his report, attorney Thomas Daniel said his interpretation of the ethics act is consistent with common sense.

    [snipped by AKM. Just a few sentences and a link back to ADN, otherwise they get crabby. Thanks!]

    So Palin received a copy a week ago…yeah, right, i’ll be she got it in June sometime.

  644. InJuneau says:

    Here’s the link from the ADN:

    Looks like she’s known about this result since 14 July… Hm, curious lack of tweets from her on this one…

  645. InJuneau says:

    Here’s the link from the ADN:

    Looks like she’s known about this result since 14 July… Hm, curious lack of tweets from her on this one…

  646. VernD says:

    Iceberg or bergy bit?

  647. VernD says:

    Iceberg or bergy bit?

  648. Nebraska Native says:

    Oh REALLY ExGINO??? Inaccurate? From God’s lips to your ears… heh heh heh. I am feeling kinda guilty about how much I am enjoying this, but I’ll get over it pretty quickly. Carry on Puppies!

  649. Nebraska Native says:

    Oh REALLY ExGINO??? Inaccurate? From God’s lips to your ears… heh heh heh. I am feeling kinda guilty about how much I am enjoying this, but I’ll get over it pretty quickly. Carry on Puppies!

  650. Irishgirl says:

    Stoopid question. How do you buzz it up?

  651. Irishgirl says:

    Stoopid question. How do you buzz it up?

  652. Ennealogic says:

    This ethics complaint was one of now FIVE that are still pending.

    In the past, if investigated, the complaints were dismissed based on the investigator’s report. Somehow AP got hold of this report (which is supposed to be confidential) which makes me think Sarah doesn’t have as many friends in her administration as she thought.

    So, who is this Daniels fellow who did the investigation? Hasn’t Tim Petumenos done most of the prior ones that got dismissed?

  653. Ennealogic says:

    This ethics complaint was one of now FIVE that are still pending.

    In the past, if investigated, the complaints were dismissed based on the investigator’s report. Somehow AP got hold of this report (which is supposed to be confidential) which makes me think Sarah doesn’t have as many friends in her administration as she thought.

    So, who is this Daniels fellow who did the investigation? Hasn’t Tim Petumenos done most of the prior ones that got dismissed?

  654. Paula says:

    LMAO, but shocked? Can’t say I am. Looks like the hammer is ready to fall…

  655. Paula says:

    LMAO, but shocked? Can’t say I am. Looks like the hammer is ready to fall…

  656. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final report

    Lies, damned lies and bullchit!!

  657. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    Re inaccurate story floating re:ethics violation/Legal Defense Fund;matter is still pending;new info was just requested even;no final report

    Lies, damned lies and bullchit!!

  658. Nebraska Native says:

    Tx– what is latest twit?

  659. Nebraska Native says:

    Tx– what is latest twit?

  660. Nebraska Native says:

    This is terrific and there are now 3 stories getting lots of comments on HuffPo, so by all means, buzz them up and then come back here pronto 🙂

  661. Nebraska Native says:

    This is terrific and there are now 3 stories getting lots of comments on HuffPo, so by all means, buzz them up and then come back here pronto 🙂

  662. Irishgirl says:

    Yes indeed. There are so many questions I would like to see answered.

  663. Irishgirl says:

    Yes indeed. There are so many questions I would like to see answered.

  664. TXChick4Obama says:

    Ha! Read her latest twit.

  665. TXChick4Obama says:

    Ha! Read her latest twit.

  666. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    I just got wind of this story on a breaking news thread from Arizona Republic. Could this possibly be the long awaited iceberg?? Nice going away giftie for Sarah!

  667. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    I just got wind of this story on a breaking news thread from Arizona Republic. Could this possibly be the long awaited iceberg?? Nice going away giftie for Sarah!

  668. Donna says:

    sorry to be obtuse here. But do I understand that the complaint was dismissed as having no basis and after that it was discovered that the investigator found probable cause? If so, that’s huge–not only in refuting Palin’s constant refrain that none of the complaints had merit but in establishing that the board that dismissed them is (hello?) biased in her favor rather than committed to doing what it is appointed to do.

    This complaint was not dismissed as having no basis. This was one of the pending complaints of which we knew nothing until today. The governor, however, knew about this last week. AKM

  669. Donna says:

    sorry to be obtuse here. But do I understand that the complaint was dismissed as having no basis and after that it was discovered that the investigator found probable cause? If so, that’s huge–not only in refuting Palin’s constant refrain that none of the complaints had merit but in establishing that the board that dismissed them is (hello?) biased in her favor rather than committed to doing what it is appointed to do.

    This complaint was not dismissed as having no basis. This was one of the pending complaints of which we knew nothing until today. The governor, however, knew about this last week. AKM

  670. aha says:

    oh could it be

  671. aha says:

    oh could it be

  672. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    Damn you are good, AKM!!

  673. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    Damn you are good, AKM!!

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] Mudflats comments: The release of this information raises some interesting questions.  First of all, how did the Associated Press get this information? Normally the findings of an investigation by the Personnel Board would not be available to the public.  Ironically, in 2004 when Palin herself was told that the findings of a complaint that she filed would not be made public, she stated that she wanted to find a “hero” in the legislature who could change that law. […]