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Friday, January 28, 2022

Alaska Fund Trust – Who Knew?

Well, the dust-storm kicked up yesterday by the leaking of the investigator’s findings regarding the Alaska Fund Trust is still raging.  Presumably taken off-guard, the Palin administration and the Alaska Fund Trust have been scrambling. A three-page, single-spaced, 10 pt. type press release just came from Kristan Cole, the Trustee of the Alaska Fund Trust.  This is serious stuff. The usual Palin melodrama is present in the first sentence of the release, citing “the unusual letter that was leaked yesterday, the contents of which are unprecedented in the history of our country.”   This unusual letter is an investigator’s report regarding…

Alaska Fund BUST. The Governor’s (Il)Legal Defense Fund.

[Read this story at The Huffington Post and Buzz it Up!] The Alaska Fund Trust, the most hubristically-named piece of legal defense fundraising in the state of Alaska, has felt the sunshine of scrutiny, and it isn’t holding up too well.  It seems as though the Associated Press got its mits on some interesting information involving an ethics complaint against the governor’s office that was dismissed as frivolous by the administration. After the investigation into the legality of the fund itself was completed, appearances seem to indicate that it was, indeed, a valid complaint that uncovered some unsavory legal fund…

Palin’s Legal Defense Fund Has a Milk Moustache.

The amazing shape-shifting, now you see it – now you don’t Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund is coming soon….we think. Last week some guy from Texas started one because Bill O’Reilly said he’d give money to it.  Palin mouthpiece Meghan Stapleton was quick to come out with a statement disavowing it, and saying that they wanted nothing to do with this rogue fund, and that everyone should wait for the “official” fund. Then, SarahPAC put up a notice saying “Thanks, but no thanks” to donations, and to wait for the Legal Defense Fund. “At this time, we ask you to…