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Palin’s Legal Defense Fund Has a Milk Moustache.

The amazing shape-shifting, now you see it – now you don’t Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund is coming soon….we think.

Last week some guy from Texas started one because Bill O’Reilly said he’d give money to it.  Palin mouthpiece Meghan Stapleton was quick to come out with a statement disavowing it, and saying that they wanted nothing to do with this rogue fund, and that everyone should wait for the “official” fund.

Then, SarahPAC put up a notice saying “Thanks, but no thanks” to donations, and to wait for the Legal Defense Fund.

“At this time, we ask you to please hold your much appreciated donation and keep checking back here for the link to the Alaska Fund Trust, the official legal defense fund that will be announced shortly to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.”

Then the Wall Street Journal put up an article stating that a Legal Defense Fund (presumably the real one) would be announced on Friday.

Then the story got picked up by Huffington Post and others.

Then the Wall Street Journal article mysteriously vanished from the blogosphere for hours, causing much chin stroking and head scratching in Alaska.

Now it’s back.

According to the WSJ, the fund is headed up by none other than Kristan Cole.  Cole, as you might remember was Palin’s choice for Chair of the Board of Agriculture and Conservation, and the Creamery Corporation in June of 2007.  Not surprisingly, she’s a fellow alum from Wasilla High.  (Go Warriors!)  The mother of five was also Miss Alaska 1982, two years before Palin came in second third.  For those wanting an extensive and detailed take on “Dairygate” Andrew Halcro wrote a good piece back in February.  Got Fraud?

Cole also worked as a realtor with Franci Havemeister who was appointed by Palin to head up the State Division of Agriculture. Her credentials?  She likes cows.  (Really.  Click the link.)

Donations will be capped at $150, according to materials describing the fund, and no contributions will be accepted from corporations, state contractors, state or federal lobbyists, lobbying firms or foreign nationals.

Palin backers also said all names of donors, dates and contribution amounts will be made public. Supporters say the governor wanted the fund to be more restrictive and transparent than other legal-defense funds.

Before you go thinking that the governor out of the goodness of her heart, and a staunch adherence to the philosophy of open and transparent government, “wanted” the fund to be more restrictive and transparent, remember what spokeswoman Meg Stapleton said about it last week.

“It needs to comply with state and federal laws and there will be incredibly strict guidelines to which donors will have to adhere,” Stapleton said. “We don’t want registered lobbyists contributing. You can’t be a foreign national. We also will have a limit so you don’t get $10,000 donations.”

So she “wanted” it to be that way because she had no choice.

The Wall Street Journal goes on to say:

Such funds have become increasingly common as scrutiny of politicians has intensified. While helping officials to rally supporters, the accounts also have been a source of controversy, in part because they are sometimes lightly regulated relative to campaign funds.

A source of controversy?  Stay tuned…




219 Responses to “Palin’s Legal Defense Fund Has a Milk Moustache.”
  1. MooMoo-Bear-Wink-Wink says:

    Soo…when the legal defense fund exceeds $500,000, which I have no doubt it will, where does that money go? Kristan Cole’s mother knows how to steal from trust funds……but got caught. She is the sole decider of how to spend the money…isn’t that lovely?

  2. here_in_PA says:

    Went to cfourpee and they have a streamline up w/an Eddie Burke, Mcallister, and Kristian radio interview. It looks like they plucked it off of you tube. Not in the mood to listen to it right now, maybe I will later. Thought maybe someone might want to hear what they have to say about the ATF.

  3. What!? says:

    Hey, here’s a thought….perhaps some of the money gathered for the Alaska Legal Defense Fund can go to pay the people at Mat Maid who had to file lawsuits against Trustee Kristan Cole and Palin when they were thrown under the bus for telling the truth?

  4. InJuneau says:

    @KaJo–Yeah, it’s called the Friday news dump in the journalism business, esp. since if it were coming out of AK it would occur REALLY past everyone’s ability to get it in the news cycle, and by Monday when most people start tuning back into news it would be old news.

  5. KaJo says:

    97 Philip Munger Says: April 24th, 2009 at 12:32 PM If Palin is going to actually do the Sean Parnell to AG – Schmidt to lite guv switcheroo, it will probably happen at about 4:30 this afternoon, AK time.

    Because it’d be that last minute item just before the weekend, after the ADN staff and any ombudsman or legislative personnel will have left the building?

  6. TX Lisa says:

    lynnrockets @ 208–ROFL!!!

    Lt. Lisa reporting for duty.

    That is, until we Texans get the red light call to report to Austin and deal with Gov. Perry. So our time may be limited…..

  7. nswfm CA says:

    Last comment was awaiting moderation but, moderators, please let AKM know about my post as the next thing to investigate on the grifter.

  8. nswfm CA says:

    If Jonathan Blattmachr set up the legal structure for AK, and now his brother Blattmachr is setting up this trust, don’t you think the two of them know something about how to skirt the laws but do it legally? They must be admitted to the AK Bar (the legal one, not the drinking ones). This is likely a income/asset shelter, not really a legal defence fund. The fact that money can go around to the kids and other family members is the giveaway, mudflatters. Next thing you know, there is going to be a 501c3 foundation so all the friends and family can work there and get paid by the donations.

    See what our Gov did before he ran:
    “Schwarzenegger has incorporated himself as Oak Productions. For tax reasons, studios paying him for movie roles make out the multimillion-dollar checks to that entity. He has set up separate corporations that own the 1977 documentary film Pumping Iron, publish fitness books, run an annual fitness competition in Columbus and manage his interest in a movie-theater chain. He has smaller interests in a regional sports network, Web sites and an Israeli cell phone-software company.”

  9. TSM says:

    Someone may have already asked this question, but isn’t this a form of socialism and welfare?

  10. Lainey says:

    @Andree McLeod
    This legal defense fund is unethical.
    AK Executive Branch Ethics Act: Sec. 39.52.130. Improper gifts.
    A public officer may not solicit, accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, a gift, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, employment, promise, or in any other form, that is a benefit to the officer’s personal or financial interests, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment.
    If I may ask…what makes THIS unethical action (#infinity) by your gov, any more (or less) incriminating than any of her other long list of violations??? …which one, if any, will be the one to STICK and get some indictments against this crooked politician? For Heaven’s sake, the upstanding citizens of Alaska deserve nothing less!!! Why the fear of this woman?

  11. InJuneau says:

    BTW, New Thread Alert!

  12. Melangell Mudpuppy says:

    @ # 149 Problem Child

    Many thanks for the clarification! I guess I thought that the trust could be seen in that light, because its stated purpose is one thing, and yet it has that “get the money out free” clause. My thinking was that the inconsistancy would lead to the issue of how to construe.

    At any rate, I think we should all be buying stock in popcorn!! This is way better than the movies!

  13. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Has she not run out of yearbook buddies yet? Or does she have that many because she failed so many years? She just appears to have an overabundance of yearbook friends to hire.

  14. lynnrockets says:

    This is Commandant Soros. All Mudflatters, please don your tinfoil helmets and make contact with headquarters forthwith. We are planning a tea socialist (oops, i mean social) this afternoon and attendance is mandatory.

  15. C. Rock says:

    WOW Mine is ringing also. Must be All hands on deck.

  16. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    One more thing… these stupid Obama and Axelrod conspiracy people could easily unstupid themselves if they spent a little time actually READING. Oh wait, the three Rs are just another Obama commie plot, I forgot. Heck, all of eddication is a commie plot!

  17. C. Rock says:

    Philip Munger Says:
    My George Soros secret decoder ring just started flashing. If I don’t call Axelrod or Rahm Emanuel within 90 seconds, an implant Al Gore put in my brain will explode.
    You crack me up. LOL

  18. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Phil

    Well I’m getting the same signal – we both must be really important to this Axelrod mission right now! Gotta go, too!

  19. Palin has to create all these funding devices to protect her pure image from the likes of us. After all, as Linda K pointed out, we’re being run out of the Axelrod annex in the White House basement.

    Oops!!! — Gotta go…

    My George Soros secret decoder ring just started flashing. If I don’t call Axelrod or Rahm Emanuel within 90 seconds, an implant Al Gore put in my brain will explode.

    ROFL!! 🙂 AKM

  20. Alaska Pi says:

    @ Andree McLeod (R)
    ‘…under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment. ”
    This is what the issue would turn on in a real court…
    as well as the likely improper motivation of the giftor…

  21. libby says:

    Martha – love your shout out!

    Far from Fenway – Well, when you put it that way… yikes.

    Philip Munger – “Sarah’s labyrinth is getting exceedingly complex for someone who barely managed to get through school with a communications degree.”

    *And for someone who continues to rely on her high school buddies for positions in government.*

  22. Amereurocan says:

    I don’t see how this ‘fund’ can ethically be allowed under AK laws. Aren’t the donations considered gifts. Also, how do they use the states name when she is the beneficiary? No, this can’t be right…she must be going for a baker’s dozen on ethics complaints.

  23. If Palin is going to actually do the Sean Parnell to AG – Schmidt to lite guv switcheroo, it will probably happen at about 4:30 this afternoon, AK time.

  24. Lisabeth says:

    If the defense fund is illegal, will someone do something about this. I mean don’t you think she consulted lawyers? I can’t believe she’s that dumb.

    No one mentioned the links I posted. Maybe they are off topic but I find it strange that the senate wrote a soverignty bill for Palin. Isn’t that the same as succeeding?

  25. Sarah’s labyrinth is getting exceedingly complex for someone who barely managed to get through school with a communications degree.

  26. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Ooops – I almost forgot to give my shout out to whichever of Sarah’s minions is in charge of reading the blue blogs today! Hey MINION, hope you are having a grand time – and NO, we don’t like your boss one intsy tiny bit!

  27. NYHawk says:

    Team Alaska Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 12:10 PM

    IF GINO�S legal bill�s are not paided, do you really think that her laywer is going to try and collect from GINO? These laywers will just write the over priced bill off, and take it off there taxes as a loss. There is something funny here.


    I don’t think lawyers can just write off free work as a tax loss. If lawyers could it would mean that taxpayers would be indirectly subsidizing the case a lawyer unilaterally decided to “write off.”

  28. Far from Fenway fan says:

    What planet am I on? This fund pays OUR governor, her family and state-employed “colleagues” to fight US when we exercise our legal right to question their behavior. This has to be a bad nightmare I’ve having …

  29. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Forever Anonymous

    You are right! I knew what you said, but when I copied and pasted your post, I missed grabbing the “non” at the beginning of the sentence – didn’t catch it, sorry!

  30. What!? says:

    If this Krstan Cole is under a current investigation of illegally giving 4 dairy farmers state money, I say this woman needs to be watched. Two wokmen who were seeing what was going on with shady money dealings at the Palin Matanuska Creamery were fired and have filed complaints. They could tell all about how money is being shared amongst a handful of people….all friends and family. The director of Ag, Franci Havemeister (high school bud of Palin and worked for Kristan Cole at her realty) walked into that new dairy when the heat was on about the money, and basically said they were going to have to cook the books. And that their only two strings “left were Palin and Kristan Cole.” Corruption at it’s finest—you can’t write this stuff, folks. This Palin dairy has not provided financial information before or after they got their bogus loan and still has no insurance. They recently flipped a rented stainless steel tanker and totalled it. With no insurance, the owner had to eat the loss. No rules for these folks……So, they make no payments on their loans, have to cook the books, provide no financials and get another $630,000 from the Board of Ag….headed by none other than Kristan Cole. Soemthing must be done about this new legal fund and how it will be handled.

  31. Team Alaska says:

    IF GINO’S legal bill’s are not paided, do you really think that her laywer is going to try and collect from GINO? These laywers will just write the over priced bill off, and take it off there taxes as a loss. There is something funny here.

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 12:06 PM

    Andree McLeod (R) Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    This legal defense fund is unethical.

    Thank you….I thought this fund sounded extremely fishy.
    So now what? I’ve forwarded this to CREW and also told them to pass to IRS. Haven’t sent to FBI. Any Ideas???

  33. BPOINT says:

    How can the defense fund be unethical? She surely ran by Mr. WAR. Right?

  34. Martha Unalaska Yard sign @164-

    I said Alaskans vs. non- Alaskans.

  35. Irishgirl says:

    Andree McLeod (R) Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    This legal defense fund is unethical.

    Thank you….I thought this fund sounded extremely fishy.

  36. snowbound says:

    OT. Has anybody else been wondering why the Gov’s website is advertising the Iron Dog and its sponsors?

  37. Enjay in E.MT says:

    @ Forever Anon ~~

    AKM does not ban Mudpuppies for commenting – we may sometimes disagree, but we don’t “slam-ban” a person for their opinion.

    “In the interest of keeping the blog readable, enjoyable, and civilized”

    “…remove any comments which I find offensive, inflammatory, or disrespectful. Differing opinions are welcome, but play nice, or don’t play at all. I am all for free speech, but the Mudflats is a benevolent dictatorship…”

    Read more @

  38. deist says:

    Andree: I think (c) in 39.52.130 is most interesting–

    Does that mean people who contribute to her legal defense would need to sign some kind of commitment to never support her again? That’s the way I read it. Otherwise they’d sure have “potential for conferring a future benefit on a public officer.”

  39. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    C. Rock Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    MSNBC reported a little while ago about Gino’s Trust fund was set up for OLD legal bills.
    May very well be the motivation at this time, but the trust document makes it pretty clear that it can apply to future bills, too. For up to 10 years, with the discretion in the trustee to continue after that.

  40. deist says:

    If a recall forms I’ll volunteer, but I’ve been thinking about it more and I figure Palin is probably a lame duck governor, she’s lost most of her power; we’ve only got one more legislative session with her, and by the time we would get around to recalling her she’d be done with most of her tenure anyway.

    Halcro seems to be burned out and taking a break but before he does he will be writing on Monday about “With a 2010 re-election campaign about to come knocking, I’ll tell you why Governor Sarah Palin can’t afford to answer the door.”

    I don’t always agree with Halcro but he’s at least two things Palin isn’t– smart and ethical.

  41. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I think people think they are banned b/c they get the “you message is awaiting moderation” thingy….I just tried to post 2 messages and got it, I don’t know why…too many smiley’s???
    For all you lurkers, AKM doesn’t ban people, unless they are out-n-trolls, then they are “thrown” gracefully SPLAT into the mudflats!

  42. C. Rock says:

    MSNBC reported a little while ago about Gino’s Trust fund was set up for OLD legal bills. Why in the Hell would anyone in there right mind give her money for the trooper gate case. Hardly no one even heard of her back then. Wasn’t that enough of a clue that something was not right with this girl. That is when my ears perked up and I told myself that I need to keep an eye out for That One. Yes ,That One. I’m still here. It never stops.

  43. Andree McLeod (R) says:

    This legal defense fund is unethical.
    AK Executive Branch Ethics Act: Sec. 39.52.130. Improper gifts.
    A public officer may not solicit, accept, or receive, directly or indirectly, a gift, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, employment, promise, or in any other form, that is a benefit to the officer’s personal or financial interests, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment.

    (4) “improper motivation” means a motivation not related to the best interests of the state, and includes giving primary consideration to a person’s
    (A) kinship or relationship with a public officer;
    (B) financial association with a public officer;
    (C) potential for conferring a future benefit on a public officer; or
    (D) political affiliation;

  44. BPOINT says:


    Kristan Cole is also under investigation by the Alaska Legislative Audit for illegalities in how monies were dispensed to 4 dairy famers and a PRIVaTE dairy corporation, Valley Dairy, dba Matanuska Creamery

  45. nswfm CA says:

    Legal smart people, please, please look into this Blattmachr stuff. This is probably why there hasn’t been any book deal, etc. They were getting the set up so there could be some major tax sheltering going on and the doofuses who donate are just going to enrich this clan. Payoff from the Repubs for the loss? Further grifting? who knows, but someone needs to look VERY carefully at this.

  46. Lainey says:

    Instead of donating to anything that ‘her heiness moron’ is affiliated with, please take a couple of seconds to check out this link and drop your U.S. Rep a line. Thanks!

  47. zyggy says:

    169 Cathy from Colorado Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 11:41 AM
    “The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created ……..”

    Can she legally use the States name for a fund that only benefits her, her family and cohorts?

    lol, time for someone to file yet another ethic violation.

  48. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I have to giggle actually – all these forays many of us have made at TeamRats, Cs for the Big Rat, and ADN’s archaic comment systerm have put “banned” into our blog’s dialect. I hereby UNBAN everyone who thinks they are banned for some reason! I have no idea who gave me the authority to do that – maybe Palin’s hubris is up for grabs and I grabbed a piece of it.

    Relax, have fun, do research, post links, write witty songs, write dumb poetry (like mine), write silly or insightful things, get involved, sit back and read only as a lurker – it’s a BLOG, enjoy, share and learn!

  49. BRING ON THE IRS says:

    Bring on the IRS and the FBI. It is said in the Valley that Kristan Cole’s real estate company is tanking. Hmmmmmmm….How much of a percentage will she get for administering this fund? It sounds like from the wordage that they can use it for pretty much whatever they decide, the “friends and family plan.” Palin is famous for that. No wonder she wanted more control of it. Who oversees this fund? That is what I want to know so I can send an alert to them. Now when I read about Cole’s mother embezzling funds in Canada and possibly another relative notarized this………it all just sounds too cozy and unethical. REmember, Sarah, you said “Hold me Accountable!” Well, we are , and will continue to dog these crazy things you are up to.

  50. Cathy from Colorado says:

    “The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created ……..”

    Can she legally use the States name for a fund that only benefits her, her family and cohorts?

  51. nswfm CA says:

    oops on the bolding

  52. nswfm CA says:

    Someone with a law background should be looking at that Blattmachr (both of them) stuff very closely. The fact that the “family” is mentioned, plus the $13K tax free gifting smells like a tax sheltering bonanza extrodinaire. There are supposedly 5 kids in that family, plus the Todd and Sarah, plus that giant extended family in AK, plus the grandkid(s). At 13K/person, that’s a lot of money to be sheltered. There’s probably a way to shelter Arctic Cat and Tesoro stuff in there, too. Also.

    This may be why Levi didn’t want to say he was lawyered up on Larry King.

  53. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    More Kristan Cole tidbits from I Eat Gravel:

    Now, to her credit, she is not still married to this a$$…

  54. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Forever Anonymous

    “Alaskans vs. Alaskans seem to be an emerging trend as well as the evaluation of communication skill or style of the poster.”

    Did we read different posts? And why would you be banned?

  55. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Canadian Neighbour

    Thank you for that insight! In fact, I HUG you for that insight!

  56. Hope@127- Your suggestion for action is powerful-

    some of your arguments are disappointing and discouraging, IMHO, non- Alaskans vs. Alaskans seem to be an emerging trend as well as the evaluation of communication skill or style of the poster. The consensus of opinions should be the only thing that matter. Among the chatter you have come up with a great idea and you do need this audience to make it a reality.

    Until I’m banned, thank you for listening.

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign,
    Last night reading a comment, someone had posted that you should recall her. I typed a response but hit the refresh, so lost it!! I wanted to type the last line as: It’s OK Martha, got this one!!!

    My thoughts were: It’s not as easy as you think in that you have to submit it but have the support of those in office. Knowing full well how hard it has been to get support for some other things that have appeared so simple, you know it’s not a reality to gain support for a recall. It’s Alaska and the deck has been stacked. Recall is not a reality. It’s not an up and down like Blago. For another example what appeared as simple — look at Senator Burris — he’s still there and that was thought a walk in the park to get it done. It’s not. So before driving our Alaskan friends on here over the edge — give up the recall. Not gonna happen. If it coulda — it already woulda!!!

  58. avahome says:

    I have an old quote from 2000 when McCain was running for President……
    This particular PR firm made sure they got a cut of monies collected for their candidate and I feel they went for the prize… Sarah is no longer a prize… Could it be all about money? (sorry I don’t have a link)

    Two years ago, Becki Donatelli and her partner Tom Hockaday opened their Internet political shop, Campaign Solutions, banking on a future that did not yet exist. As chief Web consultants to McCain’s presidential campaign, Hockaday and Donatelli earned a cut out of every e-dollar McCain raised online.

    “Madison Avenue sells soap, while the political media world knows how to sell candidates,” said Donatelli. “In this world, we’re the new media consultants.”

    The Washington Post May 2000

  59. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I get why they didn’t want people to donate to SARAHPAC, b/c this loosely/goosey “trust” fund was coming out, it seems she or anyone in her family can use it as they want, travel, legal anything!
    SarahPac was too restricting!!
    OH MAN! It just never ends….
    Where is Alaska’s Aslan?????

  60. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    disgusted Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    AAUUUUGGGHHH! Kristan Cole as the TRUSTEE? You have got to be kidding me? She has quite the reputation of being shady and unethical.
    disgusted: Please forward all your info to CREW @
    everything about the dairy, any links… Or to the FBI Please! If your in Alaska there is a FBI in Anchorage.
    If CREW and IRS and FBI get on her case….about this legal fund and the dairy and EVERYTHING it will take her down!!!!
    TheProblemchild: Thanks for the link for the unzipper 🙂
    Austintx: 🙂

  61. ALARMED says:

    WOW—What I would like help with is …….Who oversees “Legal Defense Funds?” I want to know so I can report this tight little incestuous con-artist gang. This Kristan Cole relationship needs looking into…..and then that Sheila Moseley might be Cole’s sister, and that Cole’s mother embezzled almost a million dollars? You can bet money would be shared amongst this little bunch. Notice how Palin surrounds herself with only women? And high school friends with no experience to get their cushy state jobs? No wonder this state is running amuck!

  62. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Hope

    “I would like to be part of …mosquitoes, Inc. discussion group!”

    I LOVE that! Mosquitoes unite! It’s that time of year, let’s go GET ‘EM!

  63. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    I don’t know how to use the forum, but if I could, I would like to be part of a “What to do” or a “mosquitos, Inc.” discussion group!


    There is a forum thread on Shifting the Media that you can read.,5109.msg60919.html#msg60919 Joining up is pretty easy — hope you will!

  64. sauerkraut says:

    “4. Beneficiary

    The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be SARAH PALIN. In addition, the class of potential beneficiaries shall include any “Covered Individual.” For purposes hereof, a “Covered Individual” shall be any other person determined by the Trustee, in the Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) hold a “covered staff’ position within SARAH PALIN’s administration and/or an employee in the office of the Governor of the State of Alaska;
    and (ii) hold a covered relationship with SARAH PALIN, including without limitation, a family member, such as a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling and other close family relationship.”

    This is the language in the trust document that prompted my comment above. Truth in advertising? Anyone?


    Seems overly broad. Wonder what the IRS or FEC think of it.

  65. pearl89 says:

    Hope the link works, never done one before.

    According to this article on HuffPo, Campaign Solutions has dropped SP. Campaign Solutions had worked with SarahPac to raise money.

    Meg Stapleton said it was because they want SarahPac to be more Alaskan focused.

  66. sauerkraut says:

    53 EyeOnYou Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:21 AM
    So the PR firm has pulled out. The fact that they are “parting ways due to series of strategic and philosophic differences” really does make you wonder what is going on. Is it all going to start falling apart?

    What it means is, a) she is too controlling and b) their invoices are not getting paid.

  67. Hope says:

    @144 Philip Munger
    @141 Martha Unalaska Yard Sign

    Thank you, both! Yes, I know that recall or impeachment just aren’t practical, and, though I appreciate the encouragement, it often strikes me as I feel “Just leave!” strikes a person caught in an abusive relationship. It can feel more like a criticism than an encouragement.

    I’m down on the Peninsula, and am just looking for something to DO to combat feeling beaten up all the time – something concrete that I can do to feel less hopeless and helpless.

    I, too, feel certain that we will eventually move past this horrible time in our history, and I’m looking for a way to make a contribution toward that day!

    Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it! I don’t know how to use the forum, but if I could, I would like to be part of a “What to do” or a “mosquitos, Inc.” discussion group!


  68. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Hope

    “Most days I don’t hold out a whole lot of…hope…”

    You know darn well that your letter(s) about WAR kicked butt, and kicked HIS butt big time! You hang in there – YES WE CAN!

  69. sauerkraut says:

    fre, few, meh

  70. sauerkraut says:

    14. Who is the Trustee?

    She is Kristan Cheryl Cole. She is a long-time Alaskan who is proud of her state and is dedicating her time and efforts to defend the integrity of the Governor’s Office and restore the Governor’s effectiveness in reforming government.

    “… restore the Governor’s effectiveness in reforming government.”

    Pardon me while I ask a fre really stupid questions, but… but…

    1) when did she ever really try to reform government? Turning government on its ear is not reforming it, that’s just a different approach.

    2) if she’s never actually reformed government, then how in hades can she be effective at something she’s never done? Gotta be doing something to be effective at it.

    3) if she’s never been effective, then how can her ability be “restored”? Again, gotta have been effective before someone can restore your ability to be effective!

  71. pvazwindy says:

    OT–Any word from Palin on the plight of these natives?Flood forces Eskimos to abandon their village
    Climate change is being blamed for flooding in the tiny Alaskan coastal village of Newtok, that forced 340 residents from their houses. The village, home to indigenous Yupik Eskimos, is the first of possibly scores of threatened Alaskan communities that could be abandoned. “We are seeing the erosion, flooding and sinking of our village right now,” said Stanley Tom, a Yupik Eskimo and tribal administrator for the Newtok Traditional Council.

  72. Ennealogic says:

    I’m wondering if Kristen doesn’t have an eye on some of those “defense” funds for herself. Isn’t there still an investigation going on in Dairygate?

  73. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    Melangell Mudpuppy Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 10:16 AM
    Somebody please correct me if I’m wrong here, but doesn’t that make the whole document internally inconsistent? And isn’t it a basic tenet of legal interpretation that any document will be construed against the drafter of that document? The point being that any drafter of a document can be presumed to have drafted it to support his or her own interests, and therefore the fairest interpretation by a court of law is to construe it from the best interests of those who might be injured by its provisions.

    Yes, the document is internally inconsistent.

    Construing inconsistencies against the drafter is a principle usually applied to contracts, not trusts. (However, that is not to say that the trust couldn’t be legally attacked for its inconsistencies.)

  74. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    disgusted Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    AAUUUUGGGHHH! Kristan Cole as the TRUSTEE? You have got to be kidding me? She has quite the reputation of being shady and unethical.
    disgusted: Please forward all your info to CREW @
    everything about the dairy, any links… Or to the FBI Please! If your in Alaska there is a FBI in Anchorage.
    If CREW and IRS and FBI get on her case….about this legal fund and the dairy and EVERYTHING it will take her down!!!!
    TheProblemchild: Thanks for the link for the unzipper 🙂
    Austintx: 🙂

  75. BPOINT says:

    I am wondering if anyone knows how many of the 12 ethics complaints have actually been looked at by the personnel board?

  76. Does anyone know how much of Palin’s alleged $500,000 legal expenses were accrued from her own investigation of herself?

  77. Hope says:

    @ 129 The problem Child is my name:

    Thanks! I see what you mean. Here in Alaska these opinions ARE local in every paper. The hot-button phrases are also way more loaded here, so it’s more difficult to be “reasonable,” or to be heard.

    I’m thinking that we mudpups are very aware of these facts, but she’ll still look like a bright new penny Outside to the many people going about their regular lives now, not paying daily or weekly attention to her. And it’s easier to pull off the blame game Out There, because people who are inclined to believe it, but are also not died-in-the-wool, have not had direct contact with the facts. So if they become aware of these as just plain facts now, and over time, any national play, if and when that happens, will arrive into a more educated group with HOPEFULLY a more clear view that will be less easily clouded by lies and sleight-of-hand/lip at the time.

    Most days I don’t hold out a whole lot of


  78. HOPE,

    There’s in no sense in going the recall route unless Palin’s popularity dips into the mid-40s. I’m predicting that the first post-legislative session poll will put her between 54 and 57% positive.

  79. Lainey says:

    Back to Kristan Cole……her mother is Cheryl Moseley AKA Cheryl King who was accused of embezzling over $700,000 from two realty companies.
    very interesting…so, ALL of palin’s buds have criminal tendencies in some way, shape, or form?
    this KARMA should be amusing!

  80. nswfm CA says:

    Jonathan J. Blattmachr is also well known for trusts for very wealthy people like the Kennedys and passing wealth from one generation to the other without paying taxes legally, like charitable remainder trusts and other such trusts.

  81. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Thank you Hope – well said! You are right – we ARE often speaking in code here (which maybe means we’ve been here too long!). We should also invite more posters and delurkers to join in so that our perspective grows. You make very good points, esp. with the constant call for impeachment and recall to the Alaskans here. For one thing, any serious effort to recall would most certainly NOT be advertised or discussed on a community blog until it was well on its way. For another, it’s very tiring to read the same request over and over and it serves no purpose here, since Alaskans reading this blog are not the ones needing convincing or prodded. I invite those non residents who just can’t give up the idea to move to AK and start the process themselves. This is not the only way, and probably the least likely way, in which we will get rid of Palin in our own government and to tarnish her image for the national scene. I have NO DOUBT that we can do this – and your suggestion of everyone pitching in to spread the word outside of the Alaska blogoshere is a great one!

    I am personally tiring of the soap opera since it’s happening right here under our noses, but I will continue to fight against this petty corrupt twit in all the ways I have been because it’s a necessity – but rehashing the same thing over and over is as tiring to me as the soap show itself. I love the mix of posters and readers here and it’s so comforting to know that there is an “army of awake soldiers” outside of our borders ready to tromp her, too. We all play the part that we can, and do what we can, and it will be the death of a million mosquito bites that could very well bring the witch to her knees.

    Most Alaskans are quite used to our relative isolation and privacy, but it’s a necessary evil now that we join in the task of shining light in all the dark places – ones we tried to ignore and or just flat didn’t know about. But there are many days that I miss my “old” Alaska and want it back. There are many days that I want to just slap the lipsticked twit who brought all the negative publicity to our state.

    Thank you Hope! Yes, there is always HOPE!

  82. rush says:

    It is interesting that the PAC won’t take any money – they direct you to the legal fund. Now I would not pay a cent to alleviate silly sexy sarah’s self-inflicted legal bills. But I would contribute to her PAC if that was a way to encourage her (and her rabid supporters) to keep on dreamin’ about 2012. Call it “OPERATION CHAOS, TOO, ALSO.” … keep up the good work – discovered this site at the end of August and can’t stop reading.

  83. Melangell Mudpuppy says:

    #78 & #92 The Problem Child –

    THANK YOU for posting those clauses! And thank goodness I’d finished lunch when I read them, because I’d never have been able to clean out my keyboard!! 🙂

    I have never read anything that brazen. The statement – @ post #92 – in 2. Trust Purpose, stating that the sole purpose of the Trust is to be for legal fees, is directly contradicted by the final line – @ post #78 – in 3. (b), which states that “no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown”.

    Somebody please correct me if I’m wrong here, but doesn’t that make the whole document internally inconsistent? And isn’t it a basic tenet of legal interpretation that any document will be construed against the drafter of that document? The point being that any drafter of a document can be presumed to have drafted it to support his or her own interests, and therefore the fairest interpretation by a court of law is to construe it from the best interests of those who might be injured by its provisions.

    In other words, Mom might let one kid cut that last piece of cake on the table, but the other kid gets first pick.

    *still chuckling*

  84. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    crystalwolf, yes that is a direct quote from the trust document. I had no problem unzipping, but I have a pretty up-to-date in terms of programs system, thanks to DH. You can download programs (free) designed to unzip things…


    HOPE! Yes, that makes sense for people in Alaska, for sure, but I think for us “outsiders” the big national media sources would perhaps be more effective: NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today etc. They each probably run a couple of Palin related stories a week, so it’s topical to respond to whatever articles they run.

    My experience is that local papers are interested in local issues letters and are also more likely to print letters that are in response to specific articles on local issues.

    Glad you still have HOPE!

  85. here_in_PA says:

    I went to seefourpee to see what they’ve been saying about all of this. Their comments are like Sarah booted her, I don’t think the pac is shut down by the sounds of it. Like they want to move it from VA to AK. They’ve got some pretty interesting comments but all deny that the firm quit and that they were booted by GINO. I shoulda got the link but there is an article on AOL that says the discrepencies were about the pac scheduling speechs for GINO and then her saying that she didn’t say she would go.

  86. Canadian Neighbour says:

    If they have shut done the PAC, they never filed any documents declaring amounts received as it was supposed to have been filed in April?? There would still be the requirement to do so as they were donations collected for the purposes of campaigning and they have expended funds to pay for Scarah and the administration of the PAC. Also, what was the balance in the fund as at the time they shut it down. Where are those funds now as it has to disclose for what purpose. You may not be able to convert campaign funds to a legal fund having the appearance of a gift slush fund.

    Having read some of the info in other posts of the broad coverage of this new fund allowing for gifts and the inclusion of ‘family’, this would allow for the giving of gifts to Piper, Trigg, et al as it says at the ‘discretion of the Trustee’. By the inclusion of ‘family’ this therefore spreads the tax free gift claims wider for Scarah to avoid the need to claim. Knowing the tight clique of friends and family, she could provide a gift to max amount to Track’s girlfriend if she still works for her and she can just hand the cash to Scarah as she also included wording to cover staff, without defining whom. Broad based definition again.

    I would think that having such a wide scope for who can be included to benefit from this ‘legal defense fund’, by identifying it inclusive of the name “Alaska’, it is definitely misleading and could possibly itself be illegal as it is not for the benefit of Alaska.

    If I was within Alaska, I would be copying the links setting out the info on the funds and any website and/or links to the terms of the fund together with link of the PAC info and statement it is shutting down. I’d also include links to stories of Cole & the dairy, story of Cole’s mother of embezzling in order to link the name Moseley to the person who notarized the documents and forward to the legal authorities (not Alaskan!!). I’m not sure to say exactly who, but I’d probably do an email setting it all out and send it to AG Holder, FBI, head of Democartic Party, not Steele, as in everybody and anybody in order to widen the pool that someone will address it. Cover all the bases!! Actually, one lawyer in Alaska if he is not already doing so that would be interested is Levi’s lawyer. I just noticed in a post by crystalwolf aka caligrl of the reference to CREW but I have no idea about them as I have never heard of them and of course, live in CDA. If that’s a good avenue to address, I’d go for it including the links as they wouldn’t be privy to the history of Cole, the mother & what appears as may be the sister or sister-in-law because of the same name.

    I wouldn’t be surprised that the reason the PAC would shut down is that is a company that works on behalf of certainly more than Scarah and their credibility is at stake.

    Don Young has a legal defense fund which I’m pretty sure I read had to be approved by the Senators in Washington to be set up. Setting up defense funds isn’t something you can do willy-nilly.

    I guess I look at things in a way that she does far too many things using people ‘too close’ for advising the real legalities and therefore anything and everything she does doesn’t pass the smell test. I haven’t read any other blogs or sites yet today (came to Mudflats first!!) so have no idea whether someone is already doing this.

  87. Team Alaska says:

    HOPE….. You speak with maturity and wisdom, I thank you.

    Blogging for me is a way to express my observations, understandings, and insights for bringing about a safe fun healthy planet for all.

  88. lisabeth says:

    Here is the vanity fair article. This is the first time I have seen a mainstream magazine make a comment that Trip might not be the “first grandchild.”

    PS My other post that has both of these says “awaiting moderation.” I am confused why that did not go through but these did, thanks.

  89. lisabeth says:

    Well that post went through (hmmm) here is the link for the article on the senate:

  90. austintx says:

    caligrl – Love you bunches. Glad you are not on my case……

  91. lisabeth says:

    Hey everyone, I tried to post two links but my posts did not come through. What can I do? One as an article saying that the Alaska senate has actually sent Sarah a bill about sovereignty. Can you believe that?

    The second is a vanity fair article where the author refers to Tripp as the governors first “acknowledged” grandchild.

    Is it because I put links that my post did not go through here?

  92. disgusted says:

    AAUUUUGGGHHH! Kristan Cole as the TRUSTEE? You have got to be kidding me? She has quite the reputation of being shady and unethical. Her involvement with the Division of Ag has been under fire from day one. Palin made sure she stocked the new board with all “friendlies”. They, as a body of 5-7 depending on the month (many resigned once they saw the illegalities going on) , made sure that hundreds of thousands of State dollars went to a PRIVATE business, the new Matanuska Creamery. They built that business on Federal grants and State money, they were given over a million dollars of equipment out of Mat Maid and were paid for milk that was dumped in the fields for months and now they just got an illegal loan of $630,000 in January. (no signatures of personal guaantee or collateral required—wouldn’t we all like to get a 3% loan like that?) Word on the street is that they are making no payments. They tried to sneak 30,000 pounds of listeria laden cheese onto the public. They fought tooth and nail to have the cheese released despite repeated labratory tests. These people involved in Wasilla are unscrupulous and con-artists. They all follow their leader, Kristan Cole, to make sure Palin’s dairy friends and nieghbors are living the high life. Remember when Palin sacked the board, and inserted “Cole and Gang?” The first thing she did was raise the prise of milk paid to the Palin farmers by 50%! So, now basically the State of Alaska is subgsidizing this gang in a private business with STATE money. Illegal.

  93. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Here is my “hope” for GINO——->About CREW
    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington uses high-impact legal actions to target government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests. CREW Tipline

    Do you have some information you would like us to investigate? Perhaps you read a news article and thought, “Where’s the outrage?” If you found evidence of unethical behavior in government, we’d like to hear from you. You may submit your tip anonymously. But if you provide contact information, it will help us should we have any questions. We will hold your information in strict confidence.

    Get her shut down for good. CREW also uses IRS and it doesn’t hurt to contact your local FBI office.

  94. austintx says:

    117 CrabbyPatty Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 9:27 AM
    Wow – looks like Palin – OR JUST ABOUT ANYONE SHE DEEMS – can get money from this fund to pay legal expenses – sort of a “Friends and Family” plan for those pesky legal issues that just seem to plague her family and friends.
    Lawyers on lay-away. What a concept !! It’s……’s…….so…….so…….mavericky !!

  95. Hope says:

    I have a suggestion – a plea, really.

    AKM’s information is obviously very stimulating to all of us, and you commenters always have such passionate, informed and informative responses! I very often get the feeling that we are made more certain of what’s “obvious” as we “listen” to each other comment. If it’s so obvious, how can this go on and on and on like this? I know there are frequent calls for impeachment and recall, and that obvious solution just doesn’t seem possible from where I’m sitting.

    I’m an Alaskan, and I would very much like to see this saga end for Alaska, as much fun as it seems to give everybody day by day on and on and on.

    Here’s my suggestion: Instead of trying to find some huge final solution of organization on a mythic scale, since that seems to be something that’s not in the cards, how about if each of us, as situations come up that we learn about from AKM, Shannyn, Halcro and others, think about it, then write a non-snarky, thoughtful, personal, informative and passionate letter to the editor of our own newspaper (All over the WORLD!) by way of helping to keep our own area informed of what’s going on up here in Alaska.

    While it’s helpful to get our frustration out here on mudflats together, what is needed in the world is a clear, compelling yet compassionate dissemination of the facts of our situation without “spin,” even though, of course, WE are spun with each new twist and turn of the knife here.

    We have been doing this so long we are speaking in code to each other. We all already know how we see these continued machinations. Can I plead with you all to try to report clearly and honestly what is happening here in Alaska to those in your area in a way that helps people on all sides of the hot-button phrases to understand what is happening here? The more venom we apply, the more venom we’ll get back, so, “just the facts, ma’am.”

    I know if we get this solved it may be no fun any more, but then at least we can all start helping the country in positive ways to get the really important things done once we don’t have to keep watching our backs all the time. And once everybody’s safe, all around the world, or at least we’re heading in that direction, things will start being fun again for EVERYbody! Eh?


  96. austintx says:

    Team Alaska Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 9:13 AM
    The historically fast growth of the fertile Matanuska Valley/Palin country durning her early years, has given GINO a big ego fueling her personality disorders. Gino’s unethical and corrupt tendencies are very understandable, and will no dout go down in the history and medical books. Maybe some clever chemist will come up with a new drug for her disorder and call it the,”PALIN PILL”.

    Life was so much easer back before the valley boom. It was the boom you see……, which has fueled her ambitions and unethical corrupt tendencies. She is a victim of herself.

    The GINO posse quickly grew obedient and loyal, as big box stores, new Hi-ways, schools, car/boat/motocycle,RV dealerships, fast food, and strip mails became the law of the land. Lots of money and jobs promoted unprecedented growth. Big Churches got bigger, god was happy on the 7 Mountains. Most Alaskans were along for the ride during the boom.

    What change?
    Dang – And all without permits thanks to sarah. A developers wet dream !!

  97. Tanya says:

    So the fund did begin…(sorry if someone already posted this – didnt read all the comments)… Love how there is a pic of both her and her husband.

  98. CrabbyPatty says:

    So Campaign Solutions has stepped aside, and wasn’t the treasurer of SarahPAC fired from the RNC under some “interesting” circumstances? Right at the time Michael Steele was elected, this guy was let go or fired from the RNC, but I think he kept his job at SarahPAC. HHmmpphhh …..

  99. CrabbyPatty says:

    Wow – looks like Palin – OR JUST ABOUT ANYONE SHE DEEMS – can get money from this fund to pay legal expenses – sort of a “Friends and Family” plan for those pesky legal issues that just seem to plague her family and friends.

    AND administered by a close friend – and Wasilla alumni – who didn’t do such a good job last time with that whole dairy thing. Yup, everything is fine and dandy here – no reason for concern. What could go wrong?

  100. Muppet2 says:

    Hey, the Washington Post says this company quit now!!!!

  101. Lilybart says:

    I just read that SarahPac is no more? At Huffpo:

    Campaign Solutions, a Republican consulting firm advising Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee, has parted ways with the former Republican vice presidential nominee.

    The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC but decided to step aside after a series of strategic and philosophic differences, according to a source familiar with the decision.

    The parting of ways between Palin and Campaign Solutions is the latest sign of a divide between the governor’s official Alaska staff and those advising her on the national level. Palin has struggled badly to balance those competing interests; she recently agreed to and then canceled an appearance at a fundraiser to benefit the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.

  102. Team Alaska says:

    The historically fast growth of the fertile Matanuska Valley/Palin country durning her early years, has given GINO a big ego fueling her personality disorders. Gino’s unethical and corrupt tendencies are very understandable, and will no dout go down in the history and medical books. Maybe some clever chemist will come up with a new drug for her disorder and call it the,”PALIN PILL”.

    Life was so much easer back before the valley boom. It was the boom you see……, which has fueled her ambitions and unethical corrupt tendencies. She is a victim of herself.

    The GINO posse quickly grew obedient and loyal, as big box stores, new Hi-ways, schools, car/boat/motocycle,RV dealerships, fast food, and strip mails became the law of the land. Lots of money and jobs promoted unprecedented growth. Big Churches got bigger, god was happy on the 7 Mountains. Most Alaskans were along for the ride during the boom.

    What change?

  103. petepeta says:

    From the Washington Post’s the fix article: Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways

    When the Governor gave Kristan Cole permission to launch a legal expense fund, she had one request: keep it in Alaska. Campaign Solutions is not based in Alaska,” said SarahPAC spokesperson Meghan Stapleton. We appreciate Donatelli’s good work for us, but as we have been saying all along, the Governor is focused on Alaska and Alaskans.”

    Contact Us from the SarahPac website:
    P.O. Box 7711
    Arlington, VA 22207
    (202) 747-1812

    What part of Alaska is your SarahPac check coming from, Meg?

  104. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:08 AM

    “3. Rights of Withdrawal
    (a) Each of the beneficiaries of this trust, shall, in each calendar year, have an absolute and unrestricted power to withdraw from this Trust up to the lesser
    ProblemChild: did this come from the PDF that is zipped on the site?
    I can’t get it to open? But I did send what you wrote about it could be used for family members to CREW.
    Did you see dud’s pic on there????
    This thing stinks to high heaven.
    I’ve sent 2 email to CREW about it. Can anyone tell me how to open that zipped file?

  105. So is Kirsten cole working for SarahPAC?

  106. BOO-BOO-BEAR says:

    Or should I be MOO-MOO-BEAR today? ;0) Back to Kristan Cole……her mother is Cheryl Moseley AKA Cheryl King who was accused of embezzling over $700,000 from two realty companies. Story was in the lst Issue of the March 2003 “Newsbreak” in Kamloops, BC, Canada. Now….a previous blogger stated that the Defense Fund was notarized by a Sheila MOSELEY. She is the CFO at Kristan Cole’s real estate company in Wasilla. Is Sheila Mosely a sister? A relative? This seems highly suspicious and all “in house” if that is the case. A pretty tight little circle.

    Kristan Cole headed up hundreds of thousands of dollars being funneled to 4 dairy farmer friends of Palin’s. Legislative Audit is still investigating all the illegalities that have and are still going on at the Division of Agriculture. Stay tuned…more will come out. More and more people are slowly rising to tell the story.

  107. Lainey says:

    With her continual unethical history, I see this as Obama-style campaign funding! just my opinion, b/c I don’t trust ANYTHING she says or does without knowing that there’s SOME underlying motive! She’s not going to all of a sudden, wake up one morning and say to herself, “I just want to be an honest, sincere, good-hearted woman today”!

  108. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ #75 KateinCanada Good question, but because she’s a politician, all complaints could be considered “politically motivated.”

    @ #76 Enjay Good point.

    @ #78 the problem child I agree – the name is misleading and certainly fails the truth in advertising smell test. Is there an attorney in the house who can tell us if this is prosecutable?

    Last but not least, thanks, AKM, for including the link to Halcro’s article on the dairy. It’s a classic example of how Palin works.

  109. Sarah had a meeting with Transcanada but no announcement was made as a reason for her travel.

    Did government staff accompanied her or was this a very private meeting?

    Was Tod Palin at the meeting? Was trig invited too??(sniffles??)

    SaraPAC was to reimburse the palins travel expenses.(outside employment)


  110. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Check—–> email to CREW re: Alaska Trust fund! 🙂


  111. C. Rock says:

    EyeOnYou Says:

    I’d say this sums up the Palin Clan saga…
    Love it. That is Great. LMAO

  112. EyeOnYou says:

    Ripley in CT Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:38 AM
    Wow, the sound of that cartoon anvil falling over the last coupla months is SOMEthing, isn’t it? I hope it hits her square on the mouth.


    I’d say this sums up the Palin Clan saga…

  113. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ #53 Riley

    I wish we had Freudenthal, too. The difference between him and Palin is abundantly clear in the letters they sent accepting the stimulus money. His is businesslike and concise, hers is two pages of improperly addressed drivel.

    If she doesn’t stop embarrassing us soon, I may have to move back there with my relatives who are also Republicans that voted for him.

  114. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:29 AM

    Anyone in AK know who Douglas J. Blattmachr is? He is listed on the legal document (notarized doc) as being “president and CEO” of the Alaska Trust Company.
    Well he appears to have a brother (Jonathan J. Blattmachr) who is a hot-shot trusts lawyer who wrote the Alaskan trust legislation (some of the “most advantageous” and “friendliest in the country”, according to

    Douglas has co-authored some books and articles with this brother.

  115. Ripley in CT says:

    Wow, the sound of that cartoon anvil falling over the last coupla months is SOMEthing, isn’t it? I hope it hits her square on the mouth.

  116. Sheesh says:

    Just let me know when and where to send my .02

  117. C. Rock says:

    Could all governors open up Trust finds to help pay & cover up there corrupted ways ? Where is Blago’s Trust Fund . I’m sure he could use one also. Let’s have all the corrupt politicians open one .

  118. austintx says:

    HEY teamsarah – suck on this –

  119. EyeOnYou says:

    Anyone in AK know who Douglas J. Blattmacher is? He is listed on the legal document (notarized doc) as being “president and CEO” of the Alaska Trust Company.

  120. Matha says:

    Laurie Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:17 AM
    I think the “parting of the ways” is the idea of the folks who set up the pac in the first place. Perhaps peope who have been in politics a long time and who have at least some common sense, are aware that too much is happening too fast, and they dont want to be involved any longer. I know if it were me…I would want off the crazy train…and saying there ” is a difference in philosophies” is a polite way to do it. Just sayin…

    They’ve had all they can stands and they can’t stands no more!!……lol

    This comes from “The Fix”, who voted AKM best political blog.

    More excerpt and link;

    Campaign Solutions head Becki Donatelli had long been associated with the fundraising efforts of Arizona Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and got to know Palin during last year’s presidential campaign.

    When Palin decided to set up a PAC earlier this year as a first step toward solidifying her role on the national stage and potentially positioning herself for a 2012 presidential run, Donatelli’s firm was the obvious choice to help raise money for the fledgling effort.

    SarahPAC formally incorporated in late January but is not required to file a report detailing its contributions and expenditures until the end of June.

    The parting of ways between Palin and Campaign Solutions is the latest sign of a divide between the governor’s official Alaska staff and those advising her on the national level. Palin has struggled badly to balance those competing interests; she recently agreed to and then canceled an appearance at a fundraiser to benefit the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.

    The news of the latest problem in Palin’s political world comes on the same day that the Alaska governor announced the formation of the Alaska Fund Trust, an official legal fund designed to “defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues,” according to a mission statement on the organization’s Web site.

    It also comes less than 24 hours after Levi Johnston, the former fiancee of her daughter, Bristol, appeared on CNN’s “Larry King Live” to discuss his relationship with the Palins.

  121. austintx says:

    64 BigPete Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:40 AM
    The new legal defense fund-and the ‘falling out’ with Campaign Solutions, the Republican fundraising firm advising Palin’s PAC-feels like panic over WAR’s defeat.

    The usefulness of a divorce lawyer (WAR) as AG was not so much his perceived ability to sue the Federal government, but his ability to help the grifters, at tax payer expense, with the Levi problem.

    Yup – Job 1 was to shut down Team Levi. I want Bristol deposed without sarah around. Talk about some dynamite !!

  122. There are a lot of smart people who post well thought out comments here. I can’t compete so:
    I am going to go run over a orphaned LGBT baby moose in my hummer and then go shoot some road signs in protest of the Palin government.

  123. EyeOnYou says:

    libby Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:15 AM
    BPOINT, interesting point. If SarahPAC paid for the travel…can she really say that she was on “State Business”?
    Excellent question, and take into consideration that this was supposed to be personal time at first (not political) and then it was “well she conducted state business while she was there, and even promoted AK at the dinner”, but none of that is technically “political” in nature which is what the PAC is supposed to fund.

    How much you want to bet that the PAC paid for all travel expenses for her and Todd and Meg, plus hotel/food etc….and then per diem is claimed due to the so called TransCanada Meeting/AK promotion?

    It’s like every reasoning is being thrown out in a CYA mode just in case anyone attempts to say anything….she has an excuse for it….well she did until the ethics complaint..hahahahahaha

  124. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    82 here_in_PA Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:16 AM

    I haven’t read the legal trust fund but if it does say “baseless”, just wondering if they are found not to be baseless, whether it could be paid due to the wording. LMAO, don’t think I’m making sense here to myself.
    Nope, it doesn’t say “baseless” because it was not written by the attack ferret.

    This is what it says:

    “2. Trust Purpose. The sole and exclusive purpose of this Trust is to provide a proper means for the acceptance of money, property, and services, including, if necessary, pro bono legal services, to provide for all reasonable, necessary, and appropriate fees or charges incurred by (i) SARAH PALIN as a result of the fact that she is Governor of the State of Alaska or as a result of the performance of her duties as Governor of the State of Alaska; and (ii) Covered Individuals, that may be selected or designated by the Trustee as provided herein, as a result of or arising out of their association or relationship with or employment by SARAH PALIN, in her capacity as Governor of the State of Alaska. In addition, the purpose of the Trust shall be to pay all reasonable, necessary, and appropriate expenses of Trustee’s counsel and such other and usual, customary expenses and services that have been or may be incurred in connection with the above-stated purpose.”

  125. Laurie says:

    Hmmm…I wonder if Palin will share some of her trust for illegalities with Don Young. He has been paying his legal bills from his fundraising for quite a while now…no? I mean…if its an Alaska Trust fund..he should get some, he is Alaskan too. (I am being sardonic by the by)

  126. mae lewis says:

    Living in Illinois, we are used to the crazy antics of our governors. Now that the reality show has denied Blago the chance to eat bugs in the jungles of Costa Rica, maybe Sarah could take his place. No different than her other stunts, heading out of state instead of tending to Alaska government business at home. She’ll get a much wider audience. I’m sure that they will provide wardrobe and makeup, after all it is TV, and she might even win $$$$. Blago stood to make at least $350,000., and she won’t have to rehearse a speech. In fact, I see Sarah’s future in the public eye– not in politics, which actually require some knowledge and preparation– no, she belongs on any of those countless TV “news” programs which fill the air with idle talk. There, World Salad is not only a requirement, it is a job description.

  127. HudsonElizabeth says:

    @ HudsonElizabeth,
    I was just thinking the same thing! Every time I read one of these posts I’m wondering “how many Wasiila High grads is that now?”

    Thanks to Problem Child and RLS for the relevant links.

    ChiCat — I also thank Problem Child and RLS for the informatio and links. Somehow I had missed the Palingates blog, but it is now one I will refer to often. And, I was glad to see that the article and the blog do concentrate on this ever growing list of “favorite people” in positions of influence. Hopefully this little abberation (sp?) of her operation will make the news in the lower 48 sometime soon. A flow chart with all the appointments would be a good way to illustrate it and maybe someone who knows them all will do that one day. Could start with the governments flow chart and fill in all the Wasilla appointments on that — if such a flow/organization chart even exists.

  128. BigPete says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME @78

    1. It’s a Gift fund?
    2. Bristiol’s legal bills due to a ‘politically motivated attack’ by Levi could be paid by the fund?

  129. C. Rock says:

    What a train wreck. This is Insane. Waiting for the KABOOM.

  130. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    9. Can the funds be used for personal purposes?

    No. Donations can only be used for legal expenses incurred by counsel on behalf of the Governor, her family, and staff as approved by the Trustee.

    From the FAQs of the Alaska Fund Trust webpage. Is this truth in advertising, given the above excerpt from the trust document?

  131. Laurie says:

    I think the “parting of the ways” is the idea of the folks who set up the pac in the first place. Perhaps peope who have been in politics a long time and who have at least some common sense, are aware that too much is happening too fast, and they dont want to be involved any longer. I know if it were me…I would want off the crazy train…and saying there ” is a difference in philosophies” is a polite way to do it. Just sayin…

  132. EyeOnYou says:

    here_in_PA Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:13 AM
    Wonder if the pac organizer pulled out due to the fact Meg Mouth is (funneling) telling donators not to donate to the pack but to put money towards the legal trust fund. Must be lots of illegal stuff going on between the two and they see the bad ethics of it and didn’t want to play a part in it. Something really stinks here.

    Another thought on that….funneling donations to the legal fund over the PAC because donations had dropped off so significantly that they were having to make a choice between one or the other and Palin et. al., decided that getting those pesky legal bills paid off were more important right now over donations to the PAC?

  133. here_in_PA says:

    I haven’t read the legal trust fund but if it does say “baseless”, just wondering if they are found not to be baseless, whether it could be paid due to the wording. LMAO, don’t think I’m making sense here to myself.

  134. libby says:

    BPOINT, interesting point. If SarahPAC paid for the travel…can she really say that she was on “State Business”?

  135. here_in_PA says:

    Wonder if the pac organizer pulled out due to the fact Meg Mouth is (funneling) telling donators not to donate to the pack but to put money towards the legal trust fund. Must be lots of illegal stuff going on between the two and they see the bad ethics of it and didn’t want to play a part in it. Something really stinks here.

  136. BPOINT says:

    Maybe areason for the nettle with SarahPAC-has to do with the Indiana ethics complaint and SarahPAC funding of the trip. Perhaps there was some funking funding for the Indiana trip though SarahPAC, and no one would lie for GINO.

    SarahPAC paid for the travel, a spokeswoman for the group has said.

  137. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    “3. Rights of Withdrawal
    (a) Each of the beneficiaries of this trust, shall, in each calendar year, have an absolute and unrestricted power to withdraw from this Trust up to the lesser of the total additions made to this Trust during each calendar year or an amount in cash or other property (including the cash value of life insurance policies, if no other cash or property is available) equal the lesser
    of the total additions made to this Trust during each calendar year, divided equally among such beneficiaries, or an amount in cash or other property (including the cash value of life insurance policies, if no other cash or property is available) equal to the maximum amount which qualifies for the Federal Gift Tax exclusion allowed by Section 2503(b) of the Code (currently $13,000 per donor, but such amount shall be adjusted to provide the maximum amount excludable) presuming that a donor’s spouse, if any, has consented to treat any such eligible gifts as being made one-half by such donor and one-half by such donor’s spouse. The holder(s) of such power are hereinafter referred to as “Donee”. Except as otherwise provided herein, said power of withdrawal shall not be cumulative from year to year, must be exercised separately for each calendar year in which any such addition or additions are made, and shall be exercisable only by
    written notice to Trustee of the amount Donee wishes to withdraw, but no purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.”

    “4. Beneficiary

    The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be SARAH PALIN. In addition, the class of potential beneficiaries shall include any “Covered Individual.” For purposes hereof, a “Covered Individual” shall be any other person determined by the Trustee, in the Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) hold a “covered staff’ position within SARAH PALIN’s administration and/or an employee in the office of the Governor of the State of Alaska;
    and (ii) hold a covered relationship with SARAH PALIN, including without limitation, a family member, such as a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling and other close family relationship.”

    This is the language in the trust document that prompted my comment above. Truth in advertising? Anyone?

  138. anon blogger says:

    Great article, AKM…as usual!

    As I was reading I thought about Troopergate, you know, the ethics violation complaint Palin filed against herself. And that reminded me of the affidavit of Todd Palin I read shortly after it’s release. As well as reading about Palins’ participation in a State of Alaska, state employee’s workman’s comp case. Considering all that and GINO’s track record, including the dairy and the pipeline, I don’t know why GINO has not been removed from office.

    Then, top that off with 11, eleven, 11 more ethics violations complaints filed against Palin by civic-minded citizens of the great State of Alaska. And, all complaints, from what I have read, seemed perfectly legit; sound reasoning. Shocks me that anyone would buy in to Palin’s innocence at this point.

    I feel sorry for those who respond to soliciting of monies for a defense fund to benefit of a person who used an elected office for own personal gain, with the help of the spouse, of course.

  139. Enjay in E.MT says:

    “” Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has had some trouble coordinating her Alaska staff and those working for her PAC. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings) “”

    OMG Does this mean — She can’t effectively manage?

  140. KateinCanada says:

    hmm– If the legalese actually says “to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.”

    will they have to prove that every legal charge is a “politically motivated attack”?

  141. Matha says:

    On a national level, republicans cannot flee Palin fast enough!

    Link ans excerpt;
    Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has had some trouble coordinating her Alaska staff and those working for her PAC. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

    Campaign Solutions, a Republican consulting firm advising Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee, has parted ways with the former Republican vice presidential nominee.

    The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC but decided to step aside after a series of strategic and philosophic differences, according to a source familiar with the decision.

    A spokeswoman for Palin did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

  142. MadcityChick says:

    From Ben’s blog on Politico:

    April 24, 2009
    Categories: Sarah Palin

    Palin retrenches

    Two essentially defensive moves today, moving Palin further from a 2012 bid that’s looking increasingly unrealistic.

    She set up a legal defense fund in Alaska, run by a close local friend; and she parted ways with one of her few Washington-based political aides: online fundraiser Becki Donatelli.

  143. Peaceful Granny says:

    AK Fund Trust? Not much truth in advertisement there. AFT to laugh at yet another attempt to spin the Gino’s foolish decisions and actions into a defensible money maker. Also have to wonder how much trust funds will go to advertising to get trust funds? You have to spend money to make money, don’t ya know?

  144. lisabeth says:

    Have all of you seen these articles?

    This first one says that the Alaskan senate has actually sent a BILL to Palin that supports succession!

    This second article is in Vanity Fair and they refer to Tripp Palin as Sarah Palin’s first “acknowledged” grandchild. Do you think they know more than they are saying?

  145. Debra says:

    Gosh, just think of us poor American citizens. When we need legal help do we get to campaign for a fund? No wonder no one is accountable in government, someone else always pays the tab.

  146. DebinOH says:

    “What the ef>>>GINO’s fundraiser firm quits. Very interesting

    They probably had to part ways, because the campaign fundraisers probably know that her followers can’t pay for both her legal fees & her campaign fees. JMHO:)

  147. Tewise says:

    It is listed in ADN but I am not going to link to there.

  148. Moose Pucky says:

    Go Warriors!

  149. Moose Pucky says:

    Heee Haaw….That’s the sound of Moose Pucky laughing like only a Moose Pucky can laugh.

  150. BodieP says:

    Ok, somebody’s gotta say it. Is there actually a line item on the government employment app saying, “Have you participated in a Miss Alaska pageant, and finished in the top three? State years_____________” “If not, did you a)attend Wasilla High School, or b) like cows?”

    I’m not saying that job requirements seem a tad arcane, but hey, they seem a tad arcane. I know politics is about who, not what, you know, but it just seems wierd that a former beauty contestant winner would be heading the defense fund for a former almost-winner.

    Not that beauty queens can’t be smart, but…ok, I’m done now.

  151. BPOINT says:

    @ the problem child

    I really don’t think Cole technically is a problem but as I posted earlier.

    The most deceptive part of the scheme and other appointments is involving close friends.

    The Gov. has a history of using personal e-mail for state business, that being said and known, she is able to smear the line between personal and state business. Who is to say for example an e-mail sent today from SP’s personal e-mail account to Kristin Cole isn’t actually state business cloaked as personal.

  152. BigPete says:

    The new legal defense fund-and the ‘falling out’ with Campaign Solutions, the Republican fundraising firm advising Palin’s PAC-feels like panic over WAR’s defeat.

    The usefulness of a divorce lawyer (WAR) as AG was not so much his perceived ability to sue the Federal government, but his ability to help the grifters, at tax payer expense, with the Levi problem.

  153. Bea says:

    I’m also LOLing at Palin’s DC fundraising company “parting ways” with her. Silly fundraisers, you are supposed to WAIT to be thrown UNDER the bus, not jump OFF it (even if it is lurching cliffward at maximum velocity)! 😉

  154. Matha says:

    Like rats leaving a sinking ship, republicans (on a national level) cannot get away from Palin fast enough. Flee…..Flee

    Here comes her 19th nervous breakdown……..

    Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways

    Campaign Solutions head Becki Donatelli had long been associated with the fundraising efforts of Arizona Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and got to know Palin during last year’s presidential campaign.

    The parting of ways between Palin and Campaign Solutions is the latest sign of a divide between the governor’s official Alaska staff and those advising her on the national level. Palin has struggled badly to balance those competing interests; she recently agreed to and then canceled an appearance at a fundraiser to benefit the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.

    The news of the latest problem in Palin’s political world comes on the same day that the Alaska governor announced the formation of the Alaska Fund Trust, an official legal fund designed to “defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues,” according to a mission statement on the organization’s Web site.

  155. BPOINT says:

    The fund states “her family” it’s obvious Todd will use the fund to cover his Troopergate problem. It will be interesting to see if and how the fund might be used should the Levi/Bristol matter become a legal issue.

  156. petepeta says:

    Another first for Palin. First governor with a legal defense fund. I don’t think Murkowski had one even with the many ethical problems his administration had. She is now in the Stevens/Don Young class. Was it only two and a half years ago there were pledges at the inauguration of open and transparent government? Oh I forgot, it’s all the haters fault along with everything else. I don’t think the Alaska blogs will run out of things to write about any time soon.

  157. Bea says:

    I’m sure she thinks she’s being SO clever giving it a name that implies that the fund will be working for the good of all Alaskans, instead of one very naughty (monkey) Alaskan in particular–implying that without this fund, somehow the AK taxpayers would be on the hook for her lawyer’s fees.

  158. EyeOnYou says:

    * I meant the Palin Administration

  159. EyeOnYou says:

    CrabbyPatty Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:23 AM
    From the wording that EyeonYou provided about the Alaska Trust Fund – it sounds like the fund is for “current Governor Palin” but might also be for OTHER governors and officials who run into ethic problems? Anyone else getting that read from the information (post #23). Interesting.

    It is hard to say, but I am willing to bet that this is exclusively for Palin and no one else (unless her “trustee” decides to allow it). I am only basing that guess on the answer below:
    13. Why is this fund being created?

    The Trust Fund is being created to assist the Governor, her family, and staff in paying legal expenses and costs incurred from previous investigations as well as future complaints filed. Her staff is similarly being targeted by these complaints and has also incurred and is incurring significant costs.

  160. BPOINT says:

    I think these are telling signs that she may have decided against running in 2012. She may have privately admitted to herself that she is not up to the personal scrutiny. Though she would never publicly admit it, one can see the weight bearing of local politics bearing on her.

  161. Freakout in Kansas says:

    I’m wondering if I send the Alaska Fund Trust a penney do they have to send me a receipt, let me know how they spent the money and itemize it on their financial reports? If so, it sounds to me like it might be a penney well spent.

  162. riley says:

    Man, we folks in Wyoming are jealous of our Alaskan friends. Here we are, almost 70% Republicans as registered voters, with another 6% Libertarians, and we go and elect, for a second term, a Democratic Governor.

    And what does he do? He goes to work every day, and does a quiet and efficient job of running the state. Budget surpluses every year, new schools being built from one end of the state to another, decent raises for school teachers, etc.

    But really, where is the fun in that? Want to trade Governors for a while, so we can have some excitement also?

    Nah, just kidding, you keep yours, we’ll keep ours.

  163. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Very Interesting — Alaska Legal Defense Fund hmmmm — sorta sounds “state sanctioned for all people” doesn’t it? I know we don’t have all the answers yet (and prob. never will) but …. if Levi needs a lawyer to guarantee his parental rights & visitation ….. will he be allowed access to the ALDF?

    #36 So Bill O’Reilly has publicly stated that he has contributed to a republican Gov.’s Defense fund. So how does this make Fox News fair and balanced? ANd how does this affect his so called “journalism credentials”

    Bill-O took off his FAUX Cap and put his DUNCE cap on

  164. CrabbyPatty says:

    From the wording that EyeonYou provided about the Alaska Trust Fund – it sounds like the fund is for “current Governor Palin” but might also be for OTHER governors and officials who run into ethic problems? Anyone else getting that read from the information (post #23). Interesting.

  165. pvazwindy says:

    @45–It’s all McCain’s fault.

  166. EyeOnYou says:

    So the PR firm has pulled out. The fact that they are “parting ways due to series of strategic and philosophic differences” really does make you wonder what is going on. Is it all going to start falling apart? Little by little, piece by piece…crumbling before our very eyes?

  167. austintx says:

    47 austintx Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:20 AM
    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:48 AM
    OK austintx, you made me look – but I’ll see you and raise you

    And I bump you wth this :

  168. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    SP is such a small town gal – this is why I keep saying that she can’t leave AK for any length of time! Unfortunately for us, she’ll bounce back like a rubber ball every time she tries to “forge” (remember that one?) her way into the real world for any length of time. Hence, no surprise at the Republican consulting firm parting ways with her! She doesn’t listen to anyone, nor take advice. She’s the Queen Pee! Well, in her own murky mind anyway.

    She’s so STUCK with herself, her friends, and the men she can flirt into following her red dress. and ugly plastic boots. She’s not capable of much else, besides a WHOLE LOT OF DRAMA. She’ll never change, she can’t change. Keep the pressure on her, and watch her explode.

    I still think I’m in an Alaskan TV reality show. Do extras get paid?

  169. austintx says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:48 AM
    OK austintx, you made me look – but I’ll see you and raise you
    And I bump you wth this :

  170. tigerwine says:

    BPoint and Mirage 18 – I love the part about the consulting firm stepping aside
    “after a series of strategic and philosophic differences”. Translated: they didn’t play her way. Talk about a “non team player”!

    It sounded good, all that “mavericky” stuff during the campaign, but the truth is, when you are playing with the big boys, you have to play the game.

  171. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    I wonder why this wasn’t signed in a LAWYER’s office?

    The Notary who took the sigs is an employee of Kristan Cole. (And of course, a graduate of Wasilla HS — no surprise there.)

  172. Mirage 18 says:

    Here is an interesting story from “The Fix” at the Washington Post …

    Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways

    Campaign Solutions, a Republican consulting firm advising Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee, has parted ways with the former Republican vice presidential nominee.

    The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC but decided to step aside after a series of strategic and philosophic differences, according to a source familiar with the decision…. (for the rest of it, see below)

  173. Cathy from Colorado says:

    I think an Education Fund would be a better option…….but then again, this is Petty Palin and the Blame Game.

  174. BPOINT says:

    Washington Post says,

    Palin, Fundraising Firm Part Ways
    Campaign Solutions, a Republican consulting firm advising Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s political action committee, has parted ways with the former Republican vice presidential nominee.

    The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC but decided to step aside after a series of strategic and philosophic differences, according to a source familiar with the decision.

    A spokeswoman for Palin did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

  175. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Johnny Nash song “I Can See Clearly Now”)

    I can see clearly now that Palin’s gone
    The Kristen Cole appointment causes dismay
    Ethics complaints have got her in a bind
    It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Alaskan day.

    Think of the times we’ll have when Palin’s gone
    Back to our lives. These blogs might disappear
    The situation we’ve been prayin’ for
    It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Alaskan day

    Ya Betcha we’ll miss, Little Miss Four Eyes
    The little Swiss Miss tending to moose pies

    We ‘ll all sleep soundly after Palin’s gone
    We’ll be in peace after she goes away
    She can go get her Naughty Monkeys shined
    It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
    Alaskan Day

  176. BPOINT says:

    What the ef>>>GINO’s fundraiser firm quits. Very interesting

  177. Nan says:

    BPoint, that reminds me, whatever happened to the emails that were supposed to be released? (from a previous ethics complaint!)


  178. BPOINT says:

    Here is the most deceptive part of the scheme and other appointments involving close friends.

    The Gov. has a history of using personal e-mail for state business, that being said and known, she is able to smear the line between personal and state business. Who is to say for example an e-mail sent today from SP’s personal e-mail account to Kristin Cole isn’t actually state business cloaked as personal.

  179. Just a thought says:

    someone needs to file an complaint against Cole. the name of the LDF should be named correctly. This eludes that folks donating into this ‘trust’ fund will be doing more than just paying the Palin’s mounting legal bills.

    And honestly, if the palins did not do the crime, the pennies would remain in the pockets.

  180. ChiCat says:

    @ HudsonElizabeth,
    I was just thinking the same thing! Every time I read one of these posts I’m wondering “how many Wasiila High grads is that now?”

    Thanks to Problem Child and RLS for the relevant links.

  181. Mirage 18 says:

    You had me ‘at the title’….:)

    Thanks for your take on this newest tidbit. I didn’t realize that Palin and Cole shared not only Dairygate, but high school and beauty queendom with each other, too.

    These twists and turns are never simple when it comes to Palin. Each new revelation comes wrapped in several layers and it takes the bloggers to peel them away.

  182. Diane says:

    So Bill O’Reilly has publicly stated that he has contributed to a republican Gov.’s
    Defense fund.

    So how does this make Fox News fair and balanced?
    ANd how does this affect his so called “journalism credentials”

  183. Lana says:

    Hey everyone, check out the wording in this article at Vanity Fair.

    Note this sentence: Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin’s first acknowledged grandchild, appeared on The Tyra Banks Show two weeks ago to end his silence

    Pretty interesting coming from Vanity Fair, you betcha, don’t ya think?

  184. Bystander says:

    Imagine Palin as President, with her Wasilla grade school playmates as her cabinet. No don’t, way too scary. Sorry.

  185. RLS says:

    @HudsonElisazbeth has an item titled Queen Sarah’s Court which has several links to parts of the “family tree”. Not a graph yet, but maybe Regina will get to work on it. It would be interesting to see it all laid out.

  186. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    “Our donors are everyday citizens that believe caustic political games cannot be allowed to stop the progress of the people’s elected representatives. Since her Vice-Presidential nomination, the Governor has become a target for local partisans, national professional political operatives, and defenders of the status quo. They have attempted to discredit Governor Palin and limit her effectiveness in reforming government, based on her solid conservative principles.”

    “caustic political games”? “national professional political operatives”? The attack ferret strikes again! (And she seems to have contracted RedState’s paranoia)

    Okay, on to review those “trust documents”…

  187. lynnrockets says:

    @ Irishgirl:

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  188. Irishgirl says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:07 AM

    Just to add a little balance, I propose the creation of the Palin Prosecution Fund. Let’s then give it one of those cute abbreviated names and refer to it as the
    Pee Pee Fund. If anyone would like to contribute, just mail a wee check in the amount of $ 150.00 to me.
    Good luck with that.
    I tried to set up an Irishgirlpac fund to go and see the beluga whales yesterday…..but there were no takers. 🙂

  189. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    “Alaska Fund Trust”
    Because she and her buddies are the pro-Alaska part of Alaska!

  190. lynnrockets says:

    Just to add a little balance, I propose the creation of the Palin Prosecution Fund. Let’s then give it one of those cute abbreviated names and refer to it as the
    Pee Pee Fund. If anyone would like to contribute, just mail a wee check in the amount of $ 150.00 to me.

  191. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:54 AM

    She is Kristan Cheryl Cole. She is a long-time Alaskan who is proud of her state and is dedicating her time and efforts to defend the integrity of the Governor’s Office and restore the Governor’s effectiveness in reforming government.
    It makes one want to gag!!
    Me, too. But an Office can’t have integrity and the sitting Governor obviously has never heard of it, so that’s out. Plus, the only reform government needs is getting rid of people like GINO.

  192. EyeOnYou says:

    Ahahahahahaha….the victim rises once again…poor Sarah…poor Sarah’s family and friends…everyone is picking them and costing them money cuz they are asking her to follow the rules…waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh…it’s not fair…you gotta help us……. 😀

    For Alaskans, the time has come to end the siege on our government by political tricksters. Enough is enough. With the help of reform-minded advocates from across our nation, we will stand up for what is right. Your maximum contribution of $150.00 will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans and reduce the incentive for mischief by her opponents. Together, we can help Governor Palin and future elected officials turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.

  193. EyeOnYou says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:54 AM
    It makes one want to gag!!

    Clever how they omit the fact that Cole is a long time friend of the Governor isn’t it?

  194. EyeOnYou says:

    She sure is a piece of work isn’t she?

  195. Irishgirl says:

    She is Kristan Cheryl Cole. She is a long-time Alaskan who is proud of her state and is dedicating her time and efforts to defend the integrity of the Governor’s Office and restore the Governor’s effectiveness in reforming government.
    It makes one want to gag!!

  196. EyeOnYou says:

    Welcome to The Alaska Fund Trust
    The Alaska Fund Trust is the official legal fund created to defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues. These baseless accusations have cost Alaska more than $1 million in public monies to defend, and Governor Palin has incurred more than half a million dollars in personal debt defending her official actions as Governor. You can help by donating to the Alaska Fund Trust today!

  197. Husky says:

    The name “The Alaksa Trust Fund” is in itself extremely shady- transparently so. It makes it sound like there is a noble purpose for the monies.

    Every time something comes up, it just becomes more and more hard to fathom. I’m thinking that at this point it’s become an all-out effort on GINO’s part to actually go for “suspension of disbelief”. The more and more absurd things become, we become numb and start considering them normal? That theory gives her credit for actually having a strategy, though. It’s time to go back and make an actual tally of the number of times the governor’s website has been used to either whine about “political” attacks or to blame another party for her ginourmous stretching of the truth.

  198. EyeOnYou says:

    11. Who gets to decide how money is spent?

    The Trustee has the sole discretion to determine how the money is spent.

    13. Why is this fund being created?

    The Trust Fund is being created to assist the Governor, her family, and staff in paying legal expenses and costs incurred from previous investigations as well as future complaints filed. Her staff is similarly being targeted by these complaints and has also incurred and is incurring significant costs.

    14. Who is the Trustee?

    She is Kristan Cheryl Cole. She is a long-time Alaskan who is proud of her state and is dedicating her time and efforts to defend the integrity of the Governor’s Office and restore the Governor’s effectiveness in reforming government.

  199. EyeOnYou says:

    Well the fund it up and running……….

    **Statement of Trustee Kristan Cole
    “Over the past months it became increasingly clear that supporters of Governor Palin needed to help defend against the onslaught of frivolous attacks against her. These baseless accusations are designed to inhibit her ability to focus on the issues Alaskans truly care about and force massive personal debt on her and her family. I joined with fellow Alaskans in forming the Alaska Fund Trust to help alleviate the Governor’s legal debt incurred while performing her job as well as eliminate the incentive for future attacks by her opponents. In doing so, we have created one of the most restrictive and transparent legal funds in history.”******

  200. BigPete says:

    Ennealogic @16

    “And what can those monies be used for?”

    The fund is ostensibly to help the ‘family and state colleagues’ pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.
    1. The family/colleagues category seems unusually broad.
    2. Given that Palin is a politician, what “attack” would be considered to be non-political?

    If Levi takes Larry King’s heartfelt advice, and sues for custody of his son, would that be considered an “attack” on the family?

  201. nswfm CA says:

    When do you have time to sleep? There is so much stuff going on that you need shifts to keep an eye on her. Or a bunch of watchdogs. You probably need a watchdog or two assigned to Kristan alone.

  202. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:


    If Kristen Cole is involved, you know she’s going to find a way to line her own pocket with some of the money.
    Well, that’s good. I hope she has deep pockets. Then there’ll be less to use in defense of GINO’s illegalities.

  203. Ennealogic says:

    So… is the announcement on SarahPAC saying to hold off contributing to SarahPAC and wait for this Alaska fund instead?

    And, what I’d still like to know is, who is authorized for either the PAC or the Alaska fund to withdraw monies? And what can those monies be used for? If Kristen Cole is involved, you know she’s going to find a way to line her own pocket with some of the money.

    AustinTX — after recently being totally floored by Susan Boyle’s incredible performance on video, I have to say that I had the opposite reaction watching SP’s flute playing. 😛

    Aussie Blue Sky — thank you for that excellent video! I hadn’t seen it before, and it says it all in such a short amount of time.

  204. the problem child IS MY NAME says:

    @ HudsonElizabeth
    It’s not a chart, but it has quite a few names to research …

  205. HudsonElizabeth says:

    Here is a project I wish someone would take on: a “family tree” so to speak that graphically depicts all the offices for which the Governor is in charge of making appointments. And, in it, some sort of graphic distiction that would make it easy to see which of the appointments were given to Wasilla friends and family — a way to see easily and clearly how many of the jobs she has to fill are filled by anyone in any way remotely tied to her days in Wasilla whether it be a schoolmate of hers or someone married to or related to a schoolmate of hers. I am hoping for some simple way to show the country and the world how small her “circle” is and how frightening it would be if these people were come to “rule” the country should we be so stupid as to let her get in office.

  206. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    OK austintx, you made me look – but I’ll see you and raise you

  207. MissSunshine says:

    Irishgirl Comment #10: That’s one of the beautiful things about following the Sar-rah story. She always chooses unquestioning obedience from her minions over intelligence. As a predictable result, wackiness ensues. Contemplate the many, many zany happenings if WAR had gotten the AG appointment. I expect a close eye on Caribou Ken would not be amiss.

  208. sauerkraut says:

    Can’t wait to see the day when she’ll have to hire out to the Time Bandit. Then she’ll see how far her bs gets her. And we’ll get to see how crabby she can get.

  209. Irishgirl says:

    You’d think that just once, Palin would appoint someone who is actually qualified — didn’t Kristan Cole lose an awful lot of money for that dairy?

  210. austintx says:

    8 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 3:58 AM
    Ahem, Sarah did NOT come second — she was second runner-up, which makes her *third*.

    Not second-best: she was the third cutest flute-player of her year.
    You just HAD to bring that up……..

  211. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Ahem, Sarah did NOT come second — she was second runner-up, which makes her *third*.

    Not second-best: she was the third cutest flute-player of her year.

    And that’s only the official part!

    Oops. My bad. I made the correction. Thanks. AKM

  212. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the showtune song “Camelot”)

    It’s true! It’s true! The Guv has made it clear
    Alaskans must be happy all the year

    A law was made a day or two ago here
    You must agree your governor is hot
    And there’s a legal limit to the snow here
    In Palinot

    The winter is forbidden for forever
    Your in-laws are allowed to deal in pot
    By order, Palin gets votes in November
    In Palinot

    Palinot! Palinot!
    I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
    But in Palinot, Palinot
    Sarah Palin is our Czar

    The oil must never cease to flow from North Slope
    From Russia, Putin’s head must not appear
    In short, he better not
    Fire one pre-emptive shot
    Or Sarah will fire back, with guns right here
    In Palinot

    Palinot! Palinot!
    I know it gives a person pause
    But in Palinot, Palinot
    Those are the legal laws

    The rain may never fall upon the First Dude
    When Bristol speaks you must stand-up and cheer
    In short, you better not
    Have one dissenting thought
    Or you’ll be jailed eternally right here
    In Palinot

  213. austintx says:

    And a Team Levi Fund too. also. Count me in !!

  214. possum says:

    Is there an Impeach Sarah Fund???? Let me know if somebody starts one – lots of people in the lower 48 will be glad to help, too, also. Count me in!

  215. austintx says:

    It really is incredible that sarah keeps choosing people that are “tainted” as it were. Unqualified friends that she hopes can keep covering her ass. P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. The corner that she has painted herself into is getting smaller and smaller………

  216. ds55 says:

    If her supporters don’t mind giving cash so the GINO can get her hair and nails done, then bless their foolish hind parts.

  217. Paula says:

    A source of controversy?

    When it comes to Palin what ISN’T a source of controversy?

    Anxiously awaiting the disater that is sure to come…