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Friday, January 28, 2022

Hey, Alaska! Palin Thinks You’re Stoopid!

It’s interesting to seethe spin coming from the Palin camp regarding the newly discovered illegality of Palin’s legal defense fund, The Alaska Fund Trust.  Trustee Kristan Cole is spinning so hard in her panicky 3-page press release, you might as well just give her a funny hat and call her a whirling dervish. Part of the basis for the ethics complaint filed by local resident Kim Chatman, regards the provision of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act that talks about “the prohibition against a public officer accepting gifts that are intended to influence the performance of official duties.” This has ruffled the feathers…

Shoveling Through Kristan Cole’s Press Release…

Boots?  Check. Shovel?  Check. Aspirin?  Check. Flask?  Check. OK, looks like we’re ready to go on a field trip, and shovel our way through yesterday’s press release from Kristan Cole, trustee for The Alaska Fund Trust (aka Sarah Palin’s legal defense fund).  Stick with me and don’t get separated, or we may never find you in there.  It’s easy to get lost in the histrionics, the whining, and the unrelenting spin.  Ready? First off, we learn that the conclusions reached by Mr. Daniel are “unprecedented in the history of our country.”  Yes, never in 223 years and two weeks has there…

Alaska Fund Trust – Who Knew?

Well, the dust-storm kicked up yesterday by the leaking of the investigator’s findings regarding the Alaska Fund Trust is still raging.  Presumably taken off-guard, the Palin administration and the Alaska Fund Trust have been scrambling. A three-page, single-spaced, 10 pt. type press release just came from Kristan Cole, the Trustee of the Alaska Fund Trust.  This is serious stuff. The usual Palin melodrama is present in the first sentence of the release, citing “the unusual letter that was leaked yesterday, the contents of which are unprecedented in the history of our country.”   This unusual letter is an investigator’s report regarding…

“Alaska Fund Trust” – It’s the New SarahPAC!

SarahPAC is so….yesterday.  All the cool kids are now throwing their hard-earned money to Alaska Fund Trust! Campaign Solutions, the Republican consulting firm running the show at SarahPAC has dropped the PAC like a hot potato “parted ways” with Sarah Palin’s political action committee, whose first financial disclosure we can look forward to in June.   This news came the day after an ethics complaint was filed against the governor alleging that the contractual relationship between the Governor and SarahPAC is a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.  The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC…