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“Alaska Fund Trust” – It’s the New SarahPAC!


SarahPAC is so….yesterday.  All the cool kids are now throwing their hard-earned money to Alaska Fund Trust!

Campaign Solutions, the Republican consulting firm running the show at SarahPAC has dropped the PAC like a hot potato “parted ways” with Sarah Palin’s political action committee, whose first financial disclosure we can look forward to in June.   This news came the day after an ethics complaint was filed against the governor alleging that the contractual relationship between the Governor and SarahPAC is a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. 

The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC but decided to step aside after a series of strategic and philosophic differences, according to a source familiar with the decision.

The SarahPAC website appears to still be accepting donations, but potential contributors are headed off at the pass with a big text box asking them to donate to the legal defense fund with the lofty name “Alaska Fund Trust” instead.   But as of this writing, there is still no actual link on SarahPAC to the fund, but instead,  a statement saying to wait for the link, and that the fund is coming soon.  Seems like a little breakdown in communication.  Hmm.  How very unusual….

According to the Alaska Fund Trust site, its mission is to:

“defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues.”

The broadly worded mission statement seems to indicate that others in Palin’s circle will also benefit from donations.  The site goes on to say:

For Alaskans, the time has come to end the siege on our government by political tricksters. Enough is enough. With the help of reform-minded advocates from across our nation, we will stand up for what is right. Your maximum contribution of $150.00 will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans and reduce the incentive for mischief by her opponents. Together, we can help Governor Palin and future elected officials turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.

I guess they figure those dang mischiefy tricksters will decide to stop doing all that complaining if the money is coming out of the disposable earnings of conservative donors across the nation.  And we still haven’t been told the cost of the ethics complaint the governor filed against herself, nor the cost of the legal advice given to state employees who ignored legislative subpoeanas in the Troopergate investigation and were found in contempt.  And what about the ethics complaint that resulted in Palin reimbursing the state for unethical use of state money to fund her children’s travel expenses and lodging? 

And who is the person who has thrown herself in front of the inevitable oncoming scandal bus?  Who, of all Alaskans did Palin pick to head up this effort that was sure to come under a giant magnifying glass?  Who, in the governor’s estimation was the person to manage this effort?  Kristan Cole.  She was sitting comfortably in the Chair’s chair, during the Dairygate scandal last year, while the rest of Alaska was literally crying over spilled milk.  Word on the street in Wasilla tells us that this choice is not uncontroversial.  Cries of shady dealing, mismanagement of the dairy, and bullying are flying under the surface today. 

Under the category of “you can’t make this stuff up”, Cole’s mother, Cheryl Moseley King has a colorful past involving…(wait for it)….trust fund money.  We can only hope that Cole did not inherit her philosophy of money management.

Early in 2002, B.C. broker Cheryl King shocked the local real estate community and the 35 sales reps at her Re/Max Assist Realty office in Kamloops when she disappeared, along with trust fund money and real estate commissions.
She faced charges of fraud, breach of trust and forgery, but it took until last month before the issue was resolved. King, now known as Cheryl Moseley, pleaded guilty to one charge of illegally accessing trust funds on June 21, reports The Daily News in Kamloops.

And get that popcorn ready because Cole will be a guest on Eddie Burke’s radio show today in the 3:00 hour.  If anyone has any questions or comments for “The Trustee”, you can call 907-274-5297  or toll free at 866-610-pending who calls, this might be very interesting.  You can stream live HERE.   

Yes, we’ve been given a whole new bucket of fodder with this latest development.  And the rift between the governor’s in-state staff, her out-of-state staff, and anyone who is left trying to advise her on a national level just keeps getting wider.



249 Responses to ““Alaska Fund Trust” – It’s the New SarahPAC!”
  1. pearl89 says:

    I am not a lawyer and as not might have misunderstood this, but the part that jumped out at me is that “each of the beneficiaries of this trust, shall in each calendar year, have an absolute and unrestrircted power to withdraw from this trust up to $13,000/year. No purpose for said withdrawal need by shown. If any donee is a minor, such power of withdrawal may be exercised by such minor’s natural guardian.” By my math, that means the Palins could withdraw $104,000 yearly. Also, SP has the power to decide who can withdraw monies including her husband, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren. No where did I see where these monies have to be used for legal defenses.

    If people wanna donate, let them, but I hope they read it first. It looks to my untrained eye that she is setting up a trust fund for herself and her kids. This whole thing just has a bad smell to it.

  2. Helen says:

    What seems SO mind numbingly stupid about this Palin move (aside from Cole’s corrupt role model/parent who stole from a trust twist) is that putting Cole into position is just going to inevitably bring up Dairygate all over again, and it will be rehashed everywhere, blogs, news accounts. It’s “The gate that never fails to refresh…”

    Doesn’t La Palin even have a shred of a political instinct to help herself? Sheeesh

  3. in ohio says:

    “It’s quite possible that everything about it is legal “… hehehee..

    Okay, you know that it was very likely WAR who advised them in setting up this trust… that’s probably what he did during his 2 weeks of employment as the AG 🙂

    So, yes, I’m sure it’s completely legal

  4. in ohio says:

    looks like she’s hoping to move up to the federal level. Has anyone read the documents on the site? This is a local AK trust fund. So she had better keep her solicitations within Alaska or that becomes an IRS matter. It is NOT a 501c3, its a trust fund and who ever the trustee deems worthy can with draw a certain amount of funds…

    What I don’t understand, I thought all of her Tailgate was paid for by the Christian right… did they withdraw all that? It was over $200k?

    Why do you need an attorney for an admin case? How much fancy lawyering can you do in reading regulations?

    Also, how can a highly regulated PAC, physically located in Wash DC with a stated National Purpose be diverting donors to a local AK trust fund that is less regulated and allows the benificiary to withdraw money (including reimbursement of taxes owned on the money received)? If I read it right, she, Todd (probably the kids and parents) can withdraw $13k EACH, each and every year for ANY PURPOSE. As a minimum, that’s $26k/yr tax free… nice job. And the Trustee can hire anyone she wants and (of course) gets a salary… sweeet setup!

    WOW… No wonder that crew withdrew from SarahPAC…

  5. Terpsichore says:

    Still doing my research, comparing the drafting of the Alaska “Taking the FUN out of FUND” Trust with the six others linked to on their very own website.

    Of the six, the two from the Clintons are really very different animals.

    Of the other four, the persons who actually had the charges and therefore legal fees assigned to them was called the “trustor”, and signed the document as an agreement with his “trustee”.

    The two set up for the Clintons were done by another party refeered to as the “Grantor”, the agreement signed by them with the several Trustees.

    The Alaska Fund Trust is the only document I see where one party is referred to as the “Settlor: … and the agreement is between the Settlor and the Trustee who both happen to be Kristan Cole! She signed a contract with herself! Gee, I hope she dutifully transfered that $150 from herself to herself …

    I suppose making a contract with yourself must be legal (or is it?), but isn’t the whole idea of a contract that if one side of a party does not fulfill their obligations, the other side will call them on the carpet for it? And will have that contract in writing for proof of who renigged on who? If it is an agreement with one person, I can only surmise that, in theory, Kristan Cole could renig on anything in the contract, and who could take her to task about it?

    Your thoughts????

    It’s quite possible that everything about it is legal – it’s just not anything I would want to be involved in, or recommened to others, and certainly not anything I would feel comfortable handing my money over to.

    In that way, it certainly abuses the word ‘trust’.

  6. greatgrammy1 says:

    If Sarah Pac is no longer accepting donations, where will the Queen get money to travel out of state for non Alaskan venture? You know, like fund raising for her repub buddies?

  7. daisydem says:

    Well if it is for Alaska, and it is for the governor, her “family” and/or “colleagues”, can we earmark our donation to go to Levi (he was almost family) or to go to baby Tripp or Trig? Just wondering?

  8. NYHawk says:

    In 1999 a group called the Alaska Outdoor Council set up the “Alaska Trust Fund” “for permanent and long-term funding of its operations.”

    That “Alaska Trust Fund”presumably should not be confused with “The Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska Trust Fund [which] is a fund created by the state legislature for the purpose of accepting tax-deductible donations, the purpose of which is to create an endowment sufficient to operate Team Alaska in perpetuity.”

    What Palin set up is called the “Alaska Fund Trust.”

    Ya’ really can’t make this stuff up, folks.

  9. justafarmer says:

    ok, nope that wasn’t it but it was pretty close to the original I remember…I’ll keep looking

  10. justafarmer says:

    OK, I think this might be it:

  11. justafarmer says:

    Can’t find the video that used newsheads back in the 80s, but here’s a link to Don Henley with subtitles for the lyrics:

  12. justafarmer says:

    OK, is tis the best music?
    Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry”
    I heard this first time back in the very early 1980s when I was working for my BA or MA in journalism in Illinois.
    I remember sitting in the media communication center watching the video (courtesy of my department’s head)
    Great tune. I’ll see if I can find the original video.

  13. Tealwomin says:

    charity case [aka GiNO]!

  14. Tealwomin says:

    current dot com/ items/ 89994246_iranian-gay-seeking-asylum.htm?xid=55

    very sad situation…

  15. Palimonium says:

    Soooo. . . . Kurt Robar, is an editor/videographer/graphic artist from Anchorage with past work history at Fox 4 KTBY and is Krobar. Shows up in the AK license database and at LinkedIn:, and on Facebook. No clue yet as to how he ended up on the radar of the “trust me I’m for Sarah” bunch.

  16. Tealwomin says:

    it was my 1st & last time…as mentioned before, I’ll visit once, once chane to win me ova’… so nope, no re-visit for me

    they ‘show no love’ to Levi…so I can’t support that…

  17. zyggy says:

    Tealwomin Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:41 PM
    ZYGGY…i went to that site ans had a few laffs….sems that there was a poll on who who would play GiNo better:::::Megan Mullaly, from Will and Grace should play GiNO in the HBO movie, thats what me thinks, but it says that Sandra Bullock won the on-line vote

    methinks Sandra would rather eat Megan than take the part, lol

    who wants to portray a sick woman. =) Gosh I hope Palin is just stupid and not sick. And we might make fun of Palin and her antics, I think she’s just uneducated and not touched with a disease.

    Nice to know I’m not the only one going to that site.

    Honestly, I think we need to grab every site name sp and all the names associated with gino.

  18. Helen says:

    What does the Alaska Fund Trust, Sarah Palin, and Team Sarah have in common?


    This is an in-depth post about Sarah and Scientology, and is not for the faint hearted. But come and see the knock out Team Sarah/Scientology graphic anyway even if you don’t feel like reading the world’s longest post on Scientology and Alaska (and America.)

  19. lynnrockets says:

    Yavolt! (oops, I mean Hello). This is Komrade Senator Ted Kennedy reporting for duty. I would like to inform Our Great Leader (oops, I mean George Soros) that I too have some dead brothers that may be of some help to the cause. i think that I can contact them directly through my bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey. Or is that just an hallucination? I’ll get back to you on that.

    Over and Out

  20. lynnrockets says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 8:17 PM

    This is Jimmy Carter checking in? My tinfoil hat reception was temporarily obscured by the hard hat I was wearing at the Habitat for Humanity worksite… have I missed the entire meeting? Please forgive me, Comrades (I mean co-religionists) if this is the case. Please don’t revoke my membership in the Leadership (I mean fellow Peace Prize winners circle).


    This is Kommandant George Soros. Mr. Carter, I read you loud and clear. Your membership in the party (oops, I mean group) remains unscathed. Also, our tinfoil helmets are a bit limited. Would your hardhat be capable of allowing us to transmit messages to and from your dead brother, Billy? If so, I believe he could be of great help to the cause (oops, I mean the group).

    Over and Out

  21. honestyinGov says:

    Gramiam Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:51 PM is up and running and I was first commenter. Wonder how much fun we can have with this!!
    Gramian posted this link and I went there. Who exactly is running the webpage or is just a webapage set up to use the name of the trust Fund and mock Sarah…

    Does anybody know….?

  22. here_in_PA says:

    UPDATE by RAM: There will no doubt be rumors and statements from “anonymous sources” about why Ms. Donatelli is no longer with SarahPAC. We don’t like it when unnamed sources talk about the Guv, so we’re going to extend the same courtesy to Ms. Donatelli. I’m not saying you can’t speculate in the comments, and I’m certainly not criticizing anyone for writing about it. With all the problems that SarahPAC has had with communication gaffes, it seems like a wise decision to “shake things up” and start fresh. Let’s leave it at that, shall we…

    UPDATE by RAM: (h/t Jody) The ADN reports:

    But Donatelli severed the relationship with SarahPAC on Friday morning, after Palin’s legal-expense fund chose to use another company to host its Web site and process donations. Donatelli did not respond to a request for an interview.

    Stapleton said that Palin had one request when she agreed to allow Cole to launch a legal-expense fund: keep it in Alaska. To that end, they chose a company named Krobar.

    “Campaign Solutions is not based in Alaska,” Stapleton said. “We appreciate Donatelli’s good work for us, but as we have been saying all along, the governor is focused on Alaska and Alaskans.”

    The governor’s political action committee now directs people to donate to her legal-expense fund instead — on an Alaska-based Web site run by an Alaska-based company.

    Campaign Solutions will no longer process donations for the political action committee or host its Web site, Stapleton said, and the committee will be looking for a new Alaska-based Web host for SarahPAC.

    Read more…

    This is off the pressses of see4pee
    sorrry if I offend anyone by going there. “You know the saying, keep your friends close …….

  23. Tealwomin says:

    lynnRockets…you are funny

  24. lynnrockets says:

    THIS JUST IN: Michelle Malkin stares with forked eyes.

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    katiebegood Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:50 PM
    Katiebgood…I think they are trying to close down sarahpac b/c its too regulated…this “Alaska BS fund” they can use for anything don’t have to name names or what’s its for…its basically GINO’s very own ATM machine!
    IMO, I think this could be what brings her down… 🙂 Anyone who gives to this is a fool!
    But of course that is what she is hoping for her minions are fools!

  26. Tealwomin says:

    NOPE, once you give GiNO money [or anything] it’s heres…you do not get it back

  27. Tealwomin says:

    SARAH does NOTHING for FREE…[I would add a punch line here – but it would not be nice]

  28. katiebegood says:

    Ok, now I’m really confused. Wasn’t the site originally set up to collect money for Sarah’s legal defenses? But not it’s collecting money for Sarah Palin’s “war chest” to encourage her to run for higher office.

    Wow, what a scam this whole thing sounds like. So, let’s say this site raises $200,000 for Sarah Palin’s war chest and she decides to retire from politics. Will she have to give the money back?

  29. Tealwomin says:

    they may as well have started a SHOPPING TILL YOU DROP FUND, cause really, it equals the same thing

  30. katiebegood says:

    I found this on the SarahPAC page very interesting:

    At this time, we ask you to please hold your much appreciated donation and keep checking back here for the link to the Alaska Fund Trust, the official legal defense fund that will be announced shortly to help the family and state colleagues pay off legal debts incurred by politically-motivated attacks.

    So, the fact that state colleagues took legal advice from Talis Colberg and ignored lawful subpoenas is not in the category of “politically motivated attacks”. Is Sarah Palin really going to give some of her hard earned defense fund money to the state employees who incurred legal fees by ignoring a lawful subpoena? Also, how is this defense fund money going to help “the family”? Would this be Sarah’s family? If so, who else in her family has incurred legal expenses… Oh, yeah, Todd, who also ignored a legal subpoena and ended up in hot water over it.

  31. Gramiam says:

    katiebegood Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:43 PM

    ….will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans….

    Ok, what does this mean? How would Sarah Palin be able to charge Alaskans for her legal defense?
    Sarah will find a way!! Can I get an AMEN?!!!!

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    katiebegood Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:43 PM

    ….will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans….

    Ok, what does this mean? How would Sarah Palin be able to charge Alaskans for her legal defense?
    Its not true, but her minions are too stupid to know it, their over @ ceefourpee, “I gave $50.” oh it felt so good! 🙄
    You know what they say, “A fool is soon parted from his/her money” !

  33. Tealwomin says:

    believe me,,,she would find a way

  34. katiebegood says:

    ….will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans….

    Ok, what does this mean? How would Sarah Palin be able to charge Alaskans for her legal defense?

  35. Tealwomin says:

    ZYGGY…i went to that site ans had a few laffs….sems that there was a poll on who who would play GiNo better:::::Megan Mullaly, from Will and Grace should play GiNO in the HBO movie, thats what me thinks, but it says that Sandra Bullock won the on-line vote

  36. lynnrockets says:

    @ Wildlife Avenger:

    Just wondering, but are those wolves that have hitch-hiked and caught a ride on that car in an attempt to get away from Sarah’s helicopter?

  37. lynnrockets says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Twenty (20) million people killed in Chinese industrial accident. No further details.

  38. Physicsmom says:

    I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out already (haven’t finished reading all the posts), but at $150 per donation, it will take 3,334 people to donate before she gets enough money to repay the $500,000 she owes already for legal representation. If this is truly set up as a trust, where you can only touch the interest, not the principle, then the most she can tap out of the fund is $10,000 per year (assuming 2% interest) and it will take 50 years to repay VanFlea or whatever his name is. If she racks up more bills, and I’m sure she already has, the prospect is even worse. Of course, she could also get like a million donations and voila! she’s home free. Which do you think is more likely?

  39. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Wildlife Avenger Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:30 PM

    caligrl – We have started a new business. You might like the work.
    OMG! Its just beautiful!!!!!!! I ♥ it!!!!!

  40. Tealwomin says:

    lynn…hows about something to the tune of Fresh Prince?

    GiNO took the red pill – stuck in Wonderland – how deep that rabbit-hole goes…we’er just getting a small taste…

  41. Gramiam says:

    Is it recall or impeachment time yet? huh? huh? Lynnrockets, your name will be forever connected, in my memory, with lyric genius. You go girl!! Keep your skills sharp for the next election cycle.

  42. Wildlife Avenger says:

    caligrl – We have started a new business. You might like the work.

  43. lynnrockets says:

    Oh, what the heck. Let’s have a muthaflippin’ encore…

    (sung to the Thin Lizzy song “The Boys Are Back In Town”)

    Guess who just got back today?
    That beehived lass that had been away
    Hasn’t changed, still too much to say
    Oh man, that Palin chick is crazy

    People asking if she was around
    That really crazy lipsticked hound
    She thought she was D.C. bound
    Man, that meth high left her hazy

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    You know that Guv that used to wink a lot?
    One time she had a laughable cable TV sports spot
    Man, she couldn’t tell a free throw from a slap shot
    Ya betcha, idiotic!

    And that time over at Wooten’s place
    Well Barbie got so pissed that she slapped Michael’s face
    Man, the First Dude fell about the place
    If Monegan don’t like it, forget him!

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    I said
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town

    Spread the word around
    Sarah’s back in town

    Let’s spread the word around

    Friday night we’ll be dressed to thrill
    Down at the Mudflats Bar & Grill
    If barracuda looks could kill
    Man, Caribou would chew us up and spit out

    That jukebox in the corner blasting out Lynnrockets songs
    She’ll be out of office, it won’t be long
    Won’t be long till she’s long gone
    Now that the people are on to her

    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    Spread the word around
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back in town
    The noise is back, the noise is back

    The noise is back in town again
    Been hangin’ down at Mudflat’s
    The noise is back in town again

  44. Tealwomin says:

    Together, we can help Governor Palin and future elected officials turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.

    seems like the MEAN-n-Greedy-n-B!%chy-n-Stupid’est Gurls had another meeting

    ‘unnecessarily personal’ & ‘political attacks’

    Hey WOMAN, I’ve told you that this is VERY NECESSARY!

  45. Karin in CT says:

    lynnrockets–you ROCK! Thanks so much for the hearty belly laughs!

  46. austintx says:

    April 24th, 2009 at 7:24 PM
    This is Kommandant Soros signing off:

    Good night. Sleep tight
    Joe Sixpack dreams to you
    It’s late. I gotta go
    and have a drink or two
    And now till we meet again…
    Off I go. See ya soon. Bye until then
    Have fun and be careful. Cheers !!

  47. Karin in CT says:

    @154 austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:59 PM
    Looked up grifter on wikipedia. Click to the link and read the def. and then scroll down to Psychopathology , click on Malignant Narcissism. That is sarah.

    Scary stuff! The whole famdamily is infested!

  48. Gramiam says:

    I’m cruising the comments on CNN Political ticker about the Palin Defense Fund. The general consensus is…” You want to do what? With who’s cookies?” I could only find a couple of comments in favor of the “Palinator” By George, I think she’s done it. Had to copy and paste this comment, tho. CUTE!
    Who needs Tina Fey? Palin is doing a great job of spoofing herself.

  49. lynnrockets says:

    This is Kommandant Soros signing off:

    Good night. Sleep tight
    Joe Sixpack dreams to you
    It’s late. I gotta go
    and have a drink or two
    And now till we meet again…
    Off I go. See ya soon. Bye until then

  50. Ennealogic says:

    Interesting. Both Alaskatrustfund dot com and Alaskafundtrust dot com resolve to the same site.

    The radio show with Kristen Cole on tonight kept calling it Alaskatrustfund dot com, even though that is NOT the name of the fund.

    False advertising? What do the folks at Alaskatrustfund really think about this usurpation?

  51. Cynamen Winter says:

    “Together, we can help Governor Palin and future elected officials turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.”
    If I understand that correctly, it would imply that the GINO’s Democratic successor might also benefit from the pail….depending on whether this turkey flies ~ and the grifters will surely try to drain it dry (by any means necessary).

    IRS; are you listening?

  52. austintx says:

    190 lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:57 PM
    @ austintx:

    This is attorney Robert Shapiro. Please do not mention without my express written permission.

  53. Tealwomin says:

    there is NO DEFENSE for being Sarah Palin…NONE!

  54. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Barry Manilow song “Copacabana”)

    Her name was Sarah, She was a schoolgirl
    With lots of style gel in her hair and a dress cut down to there
    She used to play flute, no not the skin type
    And yes she was a sportscaster, a job that she could not master
    Although she was a pup, with Todd she got knocked-up
    They were young and they had each other
    Just a mere hiccup

    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla
    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    Those rimless glasses made them look like asses
    At the Copa…they fell in love

    (Copa Copacavilla)

    His name was Toddie, she liked his body
    They got married one fine day, He insisted he’s not gay
    They said a prayer, then she was mayor
    But to add some attitude, she changed his name to the “First Dude”
    Sarah then hired some crooks, and then she banned some books
    There was trouble with city contracts
    So they cooked the books

    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla
    At the Copa, Copacavilla
    Handouts and kickbacks and lots of “Joe Sixpacks”
    At the Copa…next it was Guv

    (Copa Copacavilla) (Copacavilla, ahh ahh ahh ahh)
    (Ahh ahh ahh ahh Copa Copacavilla)
    (Wasilla, rhymes with vanilla)
    (Dumbness and fashion… were always her passion)

    Her name is Sarah, she is the Guv’nor
    She even tried to be V.P., cuz she was so damn “Mavericky”
    That was a pipedream for our gal, Sarah
    The job was above her pay-grade. More substance in lemonade
    Her inlaw getting high. Now she just hates Levi
    She lost the race and she lost her mojo
    Now she’s lost her mind!

    At the Copa (CO), Copacavilla (Copacavilla)
    The hottest spot north of Wasilla (Here)
    At the Copa (CO), Copacavilla
    No education. Unwed procreation
    At the Copa…That’s our dear Guv

    (Copa) That’s our dear Guv
    (Fade to end)

  55. zyggy says:

    lol this is a good site. Too bad sarah peeps didn’t grab this site first.

  56. Tealwomin says:

    austintx…that’s one of my fav lines from the Matrix….

    HEY Johnnie Cockran is DEAD…and so will this joke of a so-called legal funndling…soon

    FUNNY that the very people we CAN NOT TRUST, need a legal TRUST fund…

    TRUST FUND indeed!

    comedy tour coming soon

  57. lynnrockets says:

    FOX NEWS FLASH: Don’t miss this week’s episode of Tea-Bagging With The Stars, featuring Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

  58. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 7:09 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: Ann Coulter is a man.
    LynnRockets is on a roll……! 🙂

  59. PalinSucks says:

    “Gramiam Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:51 PM is up and running and I was first commenter. Wonder how much fun we can have with this!! LOL!”

    OMIGosh you are hilarious!!!

  60. lynnrockets says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Ann Coulter is a man.

  61. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:46 PM

    @ Crystalwolf and Dowl:

    This is Kommandant George Soros. Yes I will be starting a fund for our Palin Prosecution Team. There is no need, however for any of our Komrades to contribute to the fund. Komrades Obama and Geithner have arranged to send federal bailout money to us. It will be laundered through Acorn and Bill Ayers will be trustee.

    Also, please be advised that our tinfoil helmets do not allow us to speak with the dead Johnnie Cochran, they only allow us to converse silently with each other and to monitor Air America Radio and Radio Free Europe. Sometimes mine also brings in the Disney Channel.
    Ah yes…Acorn, of course! Sometimes I get Discovery channel with my hat on 😉
    OMG! Lynnrockets you are such a effing hoot!!!!!! 😆 😆

  62. lynnrockets says:

    NEWS ALERT: Comedian Rush Limbaugh has just announced that he will donate 150 Vicodin tablets to the Sarah Palin Defense Fund so long as they are specifically earmarked for distribution to Diana Palin and Sherry Johnston.

  63. PalinSucks says:

    How much you wanna bet those donations sent to the Wasilla P.O. Box never find the way to being reported, on finance records?

  64. lynnrockets says:

    THIS JUST IN: Tripp tripped.

  65. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Dionne Warwick song “I’ll Never Fall In Love Again ”)

    What do you get when you are the Guv?
    Ethics complaints that get you in trouble
    Legal fees that will burst your bubble
    I’ll never be the Guv again
    I’ll never be the Guv again

    What do you get when you cross Levi?
    T.V. stints where he verbally bones ya
    He lawyer’s-up, and then he owns ya
    I’ll never cross Levi again
    Dontcha know that I’ll never cross Levi again

    Don’t tell me what it’s all about
    ‘Cause my big smile has become a pout
    I feel I’m in chains, those chains that bind you
    I blow like the wind. Need I remind you?

    What do you get with a defense fund?
    Access to dough that you can borrow
    It should last well beyond tomorrow
    I’ll never spend my own a-gain
    No, no. I’ll never spend my own again

    (Musical Interlude)

    Ahh, I feel I’m in chains, those chains that bind you
    I blow like the wind. Need I remind you?

    What do you get with a defense fund?
    Access to dough that you can borrow
    It should last well beyond tomorrow
    I’ll never spend my own a-gain
    Dontcha know that. I’ll never spend my own a-gain

    I’ll never spend my own again

  66. lynnrockets says:

    @ austintx:

    This is attorney Robert Shapiro. Please do not mention without my express written permission.

  67. austintx says:

    This is Kommandant George Soros. Yes I will be starting a fund for our Palin Prosecution Team. There is no need, however for any of our Komrades to contribute to the fund. Komrades Obama and Geithner have arranged to send federal bailout money to us. It will be laundered through Acorn and Bill Ayers will be trustee.

  68. austintx says:

    Dumb – asses should’ve used

  69. lynnrockets says:

    @ Crystalwolf and Dowl:

    This is Kommandant George Soros. Yes I will be starting a fund for our Palin Prosecution Team. There is no need, however for any of our Komrades to contribute to the fund. Komrades Obama and Geithner have arranged to send federal bailout money to us. It will be laundered through Acorn and Bill Ayers will be trustee.

    Also, please be advised that our tinfoil helmets do not allow us to speak with the dead Johnnie Cochran, they only allow us to converse silently with each other and to monitor Air America Radio and Radio Free Europe. Sometimes mine also brings in the Disney Channel.

  70. sandra in oregon says:

    I think whoever wrote the trust and whoever wrote the medical letter on November 3, 2008, are related. Why hire professionals when you can do it yourself?

  71. austintx says:

    Send a real penny.

  72. austintx says:

    This is the end of the line as far a national run is concerned. Romney , Pawlenty , etc. are laughing their asses off right now. Toast – adios – done – seeya……….

  73. Quetzalcoatl says:


    Send a cheque for 1¢ to the PO Box # . LOL

    Make sure it bounces!

  74. dowl says:

    @Lynnrockets–love your songs.

    #164 Do our tinfoil hats allow us to channel the very dead Johnnie Cochran? Would SP be even interested in Cochran’s defense of any of her dastardly deeds?

  75. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Democrat G Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    everyone donate 1 penny and pay by credit card so in a sense they get no money (credit card fees) and lots of paperwork!! Screw Sarah!
    sh*t a$$ site won’t let you do .01!!!!!!!!

  76. Democrat G says:

    everyone donate 1 penny and pay by credit card so in a sense they get no money (credit card fees) and lots of paperwork!! Screw Sarah!

  77. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    lilybart Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 6:03 PM

    Is this really legal?

    How can it be if it says there will be NO PUBLIC ACCOUNTING not even by a court.

    What am I missing?
    If there were real political consultants working with her they would NOT let her do this. She must not be taking anyone’s advice.
    Send screen shots, links, anything, guys this could be the BIG ONE!!!!

  78. zyggy says:

    I think Palin will have to start a legal fund to offset this legal fund that will be hit for ethic violations. That should put her in a topsy turvy spin that she’ll never recover from. Also too.

  79. austintx says:

    160 lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:18 PM
    This is a message from Kommander George Soros and Komrades Pelosi and Reid.
    Attendance is mandatory and please ensure that your papers are in order.
    Over and Out.

  80. Gramiam says:

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx

    Found this in comments on the Daily Kos link. Am I just crazy or was Groucho talking about the “Palinator”?

  81. lilybart says:

    Is this really legal?

    How can it be if it says there will be NO PUBLIC ACCOUNTING not even by a court.

    What am I missing?
    If there were real political consultants working with her they would NOT let her do this. She must not be taking anyone’s advice.

  82. PalinSucks says:

    Lol, the fund is run by a bunch of dumbasses apparently from Trig’s nursery.

    Why is Todd in the picture? Says on the site monies collected could be issued to any Palin family member. Does that mean Todd’s sister and brother would get something to cover the fight toward their felony charges to clean up, Palin’s family tree?

    BTW, do the Clinton’s know their fund is linked to Palin’s?

    So, it is the responsibility of the donor to know the gift laws, etc… and testify to the fact they do not expect a return for their donation even though, WINKY says they’ll get a little something extra from the gov’s office.

    For Alaskans, the time has come to end the siege on our government by political tricksters. Enough is enough. With the help of reform-minded advocates from across our nation, we will stand up for what is right. Your maximum contribution of $150.00 will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans and reduce the incentive for mischief by her opponents. Together, we can help Governor Palin and future elected officials turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.

    Donations are accepted through this website via PayPal, or may be mailed to:

    The Alaska Fund Trust
    P.O. Box 876954
    Wasilla, AK 99687-6954

    To donate, you must agree to the following terms:

    No donations over $150.00.
    No donations from a registered lobbyist in Alaska or from a person who has competitive commercial contracts for products or services issued to the State of Alaska.
    No donations from a federally registered lobbyist.
    No donations from a lobbying firm.
    No donations from a foreign principal.
    No donations from a foreign national.
    No donations from any corporation, partnership or union.
    No donation that is given, offered, or promised in any way or for any purpose that would be a violation of any federal, state or local law.
    No donation that is made upon a condition that it be paid or applied other than for the purpose of the Alaska Fund Trust.
    No donation that would violate Alaska Statute 39.52.130 (Improper Gifts).
    By continuing, I certify that I am not in violation of any of the above terms.

  83. austintx says:

    Tealwomin Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:01 PM
    You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights.

  84. tm68 says:

    Who in their right mind would give to such a fund? Even if I supported the person, I would not donate to a fund to help with legal bills. That is NOT my issue or my problem! I have my own family to support without worrying about someone else’s legal bills.

    I don’t get this whole thing to be honest.

  85. Quetzalcoatl says:

    Gotta agree with you 152 austintx, been saying the same thing.

    Feeling sorry for someone suffering from that affliction is one thing. Trouble is, they don’t notice or even think there is anything wrong with them and it’s everyone else whom is off base in their minds. On top of that, someone in her position has caused much more suffering to those around her and those she affects, her constituents. Hello, Nunam Iqua [love how they call AKM mayor of mudflats, lol].

    Too much power in the hands of someone in her state [it ‘aint Alaska I’m talking about] is dangerous and not good for the well being of all of Alaska. A person like her is against everyone, including those who try getting close and just working with someone like that…in short, sucks. The wheels of the bus overrun everyone. Including her own kin, I may add. It’s not normal, folks. Remember Hitler?

    Can’t march her in for a psychiatric examination or therapy either. She has to do something criminal and then an examination has to be very strongly recommended after a guilty verdict [must be recommended to the judge and be part of final discharge].

    Keep piling on those charges and hopefully some will stick. Best be to just Recall. Get it all out of the way, as the constituents of Alaska truly want, even though many are afraid to voice their opinion — those here are the exception.

    Way to go bloggers!

    I’ve Putin on the line here, wants a word, komrade lynnrockets! LOL.

  86. Gramiam says: is up and running and I was first commenter. Wonder how much fun we can have with this!! LOL!

  87. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:59 PM

    Looked up grifter on wikipedia. Click to the link and read the def. and then scroll down to Psychopathology , click on Malignant Narcissism. That is sarah.
    Oh yeah, fits her to a “T”! I thought if the show on FX the “Riches” didn’t get canceled that they should rename “the Palins’

    GINO’s ATM Machine!!!!!! We should all send .02 via pay pal!!!! (Do ya think pay pal will be pissed???)
    We need to stamp out GINO’s ATM machine.
    AFT Stands for “Alaskan’s for Truth”!!!!!!
    And what was the other new PAC? Alaskan bloggers??? Sometimes I just have no hope…like HOPE…But I know we can’t let GINO win, she is doing the “I’m the mayor/gov and I can do what I want until the courts stop me” and Its time to MAKE THE COURTS STOP HER!!!!

    Ready for an emergency meeting at the Kremlin (oops, I mean White House) this evening. The purpose of this meeting will be to develop a 5 year plan (oops, I mean 4 year plan) to defeat Governor Palin should she decide to run for Premier (oops, I mean President).
    Komander are you going to start a fund for us, you know us, in the trenches?? Over and out!

  88. austintx says:

    154 zyggy Says:
    If this is really her problem, then she truly is sick, and we shouldn’t make fun of her.

    But she should be forced to resign. And making fun of her was so much fun. I just don’t know what to think of all this, sick or just stupid. Egad, either way, neither of those are good for Alaska.
    In all seriousness , remember that she released her “Medical Records” on the eve of the election. It was a one page letter from the MIA Dr. that supposedly delivered Trig.The Dr. has dropped off the planet.She is is not qualified to do her job. sarah is a mess and should resign.

  89. austintx says:

    154 zyggy Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:04 PM
    austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:59 PM
    Looked up grifter on wikipedia. Click to the link and read the def. and then scroll down to Psychopathology , click on Malignant Narcissism. That is sarah.

    If this is really her problem, then she truly is sick, and we shouldn’t make fun of her.

    But she should be forced to resign. And making fun of her was so much fun. I just don’t know what to think of all this, sick or just stupid. Egad, either way, neither of those are good for Alaska.
    In all seriousness , remember that she released her “Medical Records” on the eve of the election. It was a one page letter from the MIA Dr. that supposedly delivered Trig.The Dr. has dropped off the planet.She is is not qualified to do her job. sarah is a mess and should resign.

  90. nswfm CA says:

    161 lynnrockets:


  91. lynnrockets says:


    Johnnie Cochran has just signed on as co-counsel for the Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund. He has stated, ” If she winks and blinks, the other side stinks”.

  92. curiouser says:

    I’ve especially noticed some funnies on this thread by here_in_PA, austintx, Bystander, tealwomin, ziggy, winkwinkWA and lynnrockets. Thanks for the laughs.

    I love the way the blog comments are sprinkled with hilarity. You guys are a hoot!

  93. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Meanwhile over at c4p:

    Jody said…

    I just checked out the pictures.

    Man did you see those clogs?

    That is awesome. She wears clogs a lot.

    I love my clogs. 😉

  94. EyeOnYou says:

    DonnaInMichigan Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 5:12 PM
    So who gets all the fund collected so far in the SarahPAC?

    From the sounds of it they are planning on keeping it going for now just relocating the PR part to Alaska or something like that (from what I have read that Meg said).

  95. lynnrockets says:

    This is a message from Kommander George Soros and Komrades Pelosi and Reid.

    There will be an emergency meeting at the Kremlin (oops, I mean White House) this evening. The purpose of this meeting will be to develop a 5 year plan (oops, I mean 4 year plan) to defeat Governor Palin should she decide to run for Premier (oops, I mean President).

    Attendance is mandatory and please ensure that your papers are in order.

    Over and Out.

  96. curiouser says:

    151 the problem child IS MY NAME!

    I missed your comment on the last post. Cash machine, indeed!

    It’s hard for me to keep up with the pace here. My brain moves slowly and, by the time I get some words together for a comment, it seems like there’s a new thread and 200+ new comments. Not complainin’…..just impressed/amazed by the verbal prowess here in the mudflats.

  97. MooMoo-Bear-Wink-Wink says:

    Hey, Lynn Rockets…..This dairy corruption story with Kristan Cole-Sapp-Moseley-Tanner and the Princess would be fun to have incorportated into a MOOOOOOO-ving Melody. My real hope is that the FBI and IRS are paying attention to what these two women are cooking up and it ain’t listeria laden cheese….oh I forgot….they already did that one! They will be stuffin’ their pockets with OPM….”Other People’s Money!” Bring us a tune!

  98. DonnaInMichigan says:

    So who gets all the fund collected so far in the SarahPAC?

  99. zyggy says:

    austintx Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:59 PM
    Looked up grifter on wikipedia. Click to the link and read the def. and then scroll down to Psychopathology , click on Malignant Narcissism. That is sarah.

    If this is really her problem, then she truly is sick, and we shouldn’t make fun of her.

    But she should be forced to resign. And making fun of her was so much fun. I just don’t know what to think of all this, sick or just stupid. Egad, either way, neither of those are good for Alaska.

  100. Tealwomin says:

    You can’t scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights.

  101. austintx says:

    Looked up grifter on wikipedia. Click to the link and read the def. and then scroll down to Psychopathology , click on Malignant Narcissism. That is sarah.

  102. lynnrockets says:

    @ sally:

    Ask, and you shall receive…

    (sung to the Looking Glass song “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)”)

    (doo da in doo da da), (doo da in doo da da)

    There’s a town not far from Bristol Bay
    With strip malls, both near and far away
    Lonely oil guys go the Wasilla way
    And live in motor homes

    And there’s a girl in this forlorn town
    One time, she wore a pageant crown
    They say “Sarah, please put that gun down”
    She knows she’s just a punch-line

    The oil guys say “Sarah, you’re a fine girl” (you’re a fine girl)
    “What a good Prez you would be” (such a fine girl)
    “Not here, but maybe somewhere overseas”
    (doo da in doo da da), (doo da in doo da da)

    Sarah, sports a beehive mane
    And some rimless glasses but she has no brain
    A locket that bears the name
    Of the man that Sarah loves

    He came on a winter’s day
    On board his gas-powered sleigh
    What he saw in her, Todd couldn’t say
    Cuz he was drunk since he left home

    The First Dude said “Sarah, you’re a fine girl” (you’re a fine girl)
    “What a good wife you would be” (such a fine girl)
    But it’s booze, snow-machining and pornos for me
    (doo da in doo da da), (doo da in doo da da)

    But Sarah looked into his eyes
    And she took an inventory
    She could feel something on him rise
    Then she saw his morning glory
    She said “To hell with abstinence!”, lord, she jumped on that sad-sack
    And before she could say “Stop!”, she had Track.
    (doo da in doo da da), (doo da in doo da da)

    Todd, had a loaded pistol
    Sarah gave birth to a daughter, Bristol
    She too had an ac-ci-den-tal
    And now you hear her say…

    You hear her say “Mama, you’re a fine girl” (you’re a fine girl)
    “Two peas in a pod aren’t we” (such a fine girl)
    “But Ya Betcha we have a screwed-up family”
    (doo da in doo da da), (doo da in doo da da)

    “Sarah, you’re a fine girl” (you’re a fine girl)

    “What a good Prez you would be” (such a fine girl)
    “No not here, but maybe somewhere overseas”

  103. justafarmer says:

    I’m sorry, when I hear the initials ATF, I automatically think of the US Treasury Department: Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms.

  104. curiouser says:

    AKM, Great post! The Trust’s mission statement is outrageous and inflammatory….and vague. I imagine that the Trust itself leaves out the outrageous language and is sufficiently vague so it can pan out costs for ethics violations. I think you could write, at least, another 10 posts based on this crazy Trust.


    107 Terpsichore Says: ….most of the others limit what the funds will cover to a specific case or lawsuit, or if not, the covered incursions are strictly limited to the polirician named

    Palin’s Legal Fund Trust….not limited at all.

    Looks like the Palins may even be getting some free money.

    I could be totally misinterpreting or missing limits set by another section. But if I’m interpreting the fund document correctly, Section 3.(a) allows the Trust to give Sarah Palin…and family and colleagues, as determined by Cole…up to $13,000 a year for whatever they want. There could be some mighty fine vacations in the Palins’ future…or a way to pay AK for the ‘settlement’ on past trips.

    excerpt from 3. Rights of Withdrawal: “…each beneficiary has an ‘absolute and unrestricted power to withdraw…….up to Federal Gift Tax exclusion….currently $13,000…..from current year additions or previous year excess… purpose for said withdrawal need be shown.”


    32 Rob in CA….So many questions now

    Great list and bet more questions will continue to come up. Boggles the mind that people would donate with so many unanswered questions…especially, without knowing the details of the legal costs.

  105. strangelet says:

    Contribution limits and gift tax. The Federal gift tax cuts in if you give more than $13,000 in a tax year to any one donee. The gift tax, if any, is levied on the donor, not the recipient.

    As for the $150 contribution “limit”, I have read somewhere that the specific laws governing legal defense funds require that there be some limit set on the size of individual donations, but I confess to not knowing the details.

    I believe that the legal defense fund is required to disclose donors and donations. It occurs to me that they may have selected a fairly low per-donation limit so that a statistical summary will show lots of small contributions. You know, lots of “support from regular folks” to publicize.

  106. Tealwomin says:

    To me it’s a sign that GiNO is worried that her FREE RIDE is coming to an end…

    the baby/ies might need legal help…[requesting divorce from parents]
    BP might need legal help…[Custody, DNA testing, libel & slander]
    Toddie might, I mean ‘will need’ legal help…[house, Iron Dog}
    state employees who co-signed her BS might need legal help, [even those who quit already]…

    She has reveled her own hand and it’s a looser!

  107. zyggy says:

    140 Tealwomin Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 4:31 PM
    Look out GiNO might file complaints againt people filing complaints against her….

    GiNO says you can never have too much FUN[d].

    freakin’ freeloader….

    she filed one on herself, she might as well file another on herself and the on the other complaintants. =)

  108. Tealwomin says:

    call the IRS
    they snack on trust funds all day

  109. EyeOnYou says:

    Okay, how is it legal for the Governor of Alaska to be soliciting funds for an Alaska Fund Trust to pay off her legal bills incurred while on the job as Gov. of AK through a PAC?

    If the PAC is asking people to not donate to that, but instead to donate to the legal fund ….basically that is the PAC asking for donations to be put into the legal fund instead. How can this be legal??

    My next question is…..if this legal fund is to help pay off legal bills past and future for her and her colleagues while basically on the job, why are family members allowed to benefit from this….and the family member listed are pretty broad ranging….**a family member, such as a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, sibling and other close family relationship.”**

    Do any of those people really expect to work for the state of AK and have an ethics violation filed against them and need legal help that they cannot afford on their own?

    This whole set up is rather curious!

  110. Tealwomin says:

    Look out GiNO might file complaints againt people filing complaints against her….

    GiNO says you can never have too much FUN[d].

    freakin’ freeloader….

  111. sally says:

    Hey Lynn, would you consider doing a song …”in the mood” , “i’m looking over a four leaf clover”, or “brandy”(what a fine girl you could be).

  112. dave says:

    Let’s just let more money be poured down a useless hole into Alaska. It’s probably where dangerous donors’ funds would have the least effect

  113. winkwinkWA says:

    Palingates time clock—-555 days-6 hrs-30 min.-15 sec. till we get rid of that skunk smell!!!

  114. here_in_PA says:

    cc is on w/les garas now

  115. Tealwomin says:

    Lynn…my tummy hurts fron laffin’ AND it’s your faught…that song…LOL

  116. sally says:

    Kristel Cole somehow being involved. That’s what BS’s first assertion seemed to indicate. ..
    Well, it is “Kristan Cole, Sapp, Mosely, and King” Opps, and Tanner!

  117. Tealwomin says:

    …Did she run out of HIGH SCHOOL friends, cause this one is a recycle….

  118. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Tony Bennett song “I Left My Heart In San Francisco”)

    The loneliness of Juneau seems somehow sadly grey
    The glory that was D.C. is of another day
    I’m a long forgotten memory in Minneapolis
    I’m longing for my favorite city in A-K

    I left my heart back in Wasilla
    Convenience stores
    and strip malls too
    It’s where methamphetamines
    are the drug of choice of the teens
    You can hunt wolves from in the air,
    I bagged a pair

    My love waits there in old Wasilla
    Todd the First Dude
    and snow-machine
    When I come home to you,
    old Wasilla
    Will you accept me
    as your queen?

  119. InJuneau says:

    here_in_PA and Tewise–if it happens, it will be in the time honored tradition of the Friday news dump, scheduled to occur REALLY past everyone’s ability to get it in the news cycle, esp. if it’s coming out of Alaska. By Monday when most people start tuning back into news, it would be old news.

    Haven’t heard anything yet, but it will be interesting if we do to see what website posts the press release, the State of Alaska one or caPharaS…

  120. ds55 says:

    That double-speak about the maximum contribution limit of $150 is what will land GINO in her next pot of hot water.

  121. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    ynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 12:56 PM

    This is Commandant Soros. All Mudflatters, please don your tinfoil helmets and make contact with headquarters forthwith. We are planning a tea socialist (oops, i mean social) this afternoon and attendance is mandatory.
    OMG! It must of been a STRONG signal for all mudpuppies b/c
    I wasn’t even on line and I had tea!!!!
    And I did not have my tinfoil hat on…. 🙁

  122. Tealwomin says:

    108 Terpsichore
    “Alaska Whatveritzcalled Trust”

  123. the problem child IS MY NAME! says:

    sally Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 3:58 PM

    Track Palin bus vandalism?
    Google: Results 1 – 10 of about 73,900 for track palin bus vandalism. (0.26 seconds)
    Oh, yes, there are plenty of google results for that old rumour, but none that reference Kristel Cole somehow being involved. That’s what BS’s first assertion seemed to indicate.

  124. austintx says:

    You can bet the RNC is going over this with a fine tooth comb.

  125. CA dreamin of AK says:

    Where can we contribute to the Palin Prosecution Provider Fund????

  126. Tewise says:

    here_in_PA Says:………..thats the way I took it too. Maybe one of our proffessionals can way in on this…..

  127. here_in_PA says:

    It’s almost 4:30 up there, just wondering about Phils comment earlier about pernell and schmidt

  128. curiouser says:

    On the $150 or $13,000 gift limit…..the FAQ page is confusing. I think they are trying to get kudos for the self-imposed $150 limit… limits are not imposed by federal or state laws. $13,000 is the amount that can be donated tax free if the Fund allowed you to give that much, which is does not.

    Section 8.a. of the Trust document says there is a $150 annual limit per person.

    It would help if they changed the FAQ page to say $150 annual limit. Or, maybe, they want to trick donors.

    I hope this makes sense.

  129. here_in_PA says:

    It looks like to me that none of it will fall under gifting so she won’t have to report one dime as a gift.

  130. BS says:

    Problem Child – I can’t remember where I saw that about the youth court way back when. It was either here on Mudflats or one of the other Alaska blogs, or possibly the ADN? It was at the end of a list of who was with the truth squad.

  131. the problem child IS MY NAME! says:

    I’m also confused over the $150 limit, since they don’t say whether it is each donation by a donor, this is a donor’s yearly limit or lifetime limit? I don’t think it was addressed in the trust document, either. Altogether it is a poorly drafted trust document in some respects, but the “plain english” version that most of the public will see on the website is that much worse.

  132. sally says:

    Track Palin bus vandalism?
    Google: Results 1 – 10 of about 73,900 for track palin bus vandalism. (0.26 seconds)

  133. Ripley in CT says:

    sounds like 13K is a total, like as in if they get enough people to donate 150 smackers each till it gets to that number. ( I suck at math)… so, if she can keep the total to, say, 12, 999 bucks, she’s not liable for the gift tax. Then she can open another trust, name it something else and get another 12,999 clams.

    Just a guess.

  134. Tewise says:

    Terpsichore Says:……good eye, thank you for your sleuthing.

  135. here_in_PA says:

    @ Karin in CT Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 3:35 PM
    Can someone please explain the following paragraph from the AFT FAQ page?

    “5. Is there any monetary limit on contributions?

    Yes, the maximum acceptable contribution set by the terms of the Trust is $150.00. Absent this self-imposed limit, there are no limits on amounts that could be donated to the Trust. Amounts in excess of $13,000 would be subject to the gift tax.”

    If I didn’t already know that Scarah and Kristan went to school together, I might have guessed they were classmates by their command of the English language.

    I was questioning that too. Does this mean that anything over $150. They’d have to claim that individually??? so, if everyones donation is at that amount, none of the money in the fund is exempt from gift reporting? Is this what she is trying to get around by setting a limit under the gifting, and if a single person in multiples of $150. adds up to more than 13,000 will be under the gifting? I don’t know, good question.

  136. akdennis says:

    The party elite are starting to distance themselves from the Disasta from Alaska. It was only a matter of time until they figured out what an unelectable idiot she really is.

    Time was I was just pissed off all of the time over Palin’s actions. Her actions have moved into to the realm of antics and are becoming cartoonish and wildly funny. She is SO history at this point. I think I can just watch and enjoy the popcorn from here on out.

    AKM, Celtic Diva, Andrew Halcro, Phil Munger, Shannyn Moore, Gryphen, and yes, even Dan Fagan thanks for all that you have done to keep Alaskans and particularly the folks Outside informed on the truth about our Dear Leader. I know I forgot some bloggers there but you know who you are. And thanks to my fellow Mudpuppies, especially the Alaskan ones, for the letter writing campaign that actually caused the legislature to grow a pair.

    And lastly credit where credit is due. Sarah has done ALL of this to herself. Hehehehe.

  137. Ripley in CT says:

    Am I the only one that can’t understand anything she does? She thinks that people are filing ethics complaints so she goes BROKE defending them? Or that the Alaskan people go broke?

    Uhhhh… No GINO, it’s not so you go broke. It’s because you VIOLATE ethics continually. And it’s not so you go broke, it so you GO TO JAIL.

  138. the problem child IS MY NAME! says:

    @sally, Thanks. But I don’t see anything there about the Palmer Youth Court there?

  139. Quetzalcoatl says:

    Here’s the whois on the Alaska Fund Trust.

    Randy Evans
    1500 Soaring Hawk Point
    Atlanta, Georgia 30339
    United States
    email: [email protected]

    Who also owns 16 other domains and is a lawyer [partner – Washington DC, Atlanta] at
    Domain name expires in 1 yr from registration date of April 10, 2009

    Seems the name Alaska Trust Fund is the same as Alaska Fund Trust… same reason, palin’s legal expense fund, same registrar, Randolph Evans.

  140. sally says:

    #109 here is the link

  141. the problem child IS MY NAME! says:

    BS Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 3:23 PM

    Don’t forget Kristan Cole was dispatched by the infamous “Truth Squad” to make sure people in the Valley didn’t talk – especially the Palmer Youth Court. Hmmmm –

  142. Karin in CT says:

    Can someone please explain the following paragraph from the AFT FAQ page?

    “5. Is there any monetary limit on contributions?

    Yes, the maximum acceptable contribution set by the terms of the Trust is $150.00. Absent this self-imposed limit, there are no limits on amounts that could be donated to the Trust. Amounts in excess of $13,000 would be subject to the gift tax.”

    If I didn’t already know that Scarah and Kristan went to school together, I might have guessed they were classmates by their command of the English language.

    The whole bunch of them are so far in over their little pin heads.

  143. Terpsichore says:

    Oh ,,, Em .. Gee

    I am not a lawyer, but I just read some of the paperwork creating this trust fund, and I think it’s fuller of holes than Swiss cheese. Did a lawyer actually review it? If so, please forward me his/her name so I can be sure never to use them!

    First, it looks like a “cut and paste” job from some previous Trust incarnation – not in and of itself damning, except that I don’t think it was drafted correctly for this purpose. The names in CAPITAL LETTERS are a big giveaway. And the occassional incorrect grammar.

    I got on this by comparing the Trust documents that were linked to from other politicians on Sarah’s trust website. As if to say, “See? They did it. Why can’t I?” Unfortunalety Sarah, not all legal defense funds are equal. I have not completed my research, but so far, most of the others limit what the funds will cover to a specific case or lawsuit, or if not, the covered incursions are strictly limited to the polirician named – no one else mentions family or staff being able to be covered (except the Clintons, but since they are both actually politicians … ). Lastly, the “blanket” qualification for Trustee of most (if not all, haven’t finished research yet) is that they not be related, family-wise or have an employment relationship.

    If you read the documentation of the Alaska Whatveritzcalled Trust, it seems as if great pains were taken in the wording to see that Ms. Cole, despite her very publically known employee/employer relationship with Sarah Palin, would legally be able to administer this trust as trustee. That in itself is highly suspicious.

    More later as I collect some actual facts …

  144. austintx says:

    104 BS Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 3:23 PM
    Don’t forget Kristan Cole was dispatched by the infamous “Truth Squad” to make sure people in the Valley didn’t talk – especially the Palmer Youth Court. Hmmmm –
    She’s a meaney , huh ?? Bet her phone and e-mail records would lead to her mama.

  145. SameOld says:

    “She is a hit with the 6 pack NFL and Nascar nation folks.”

    Unfortunately for her they are all being laid off and Sarah is not a member of the family.

  146. BS says:

    Don’t forget Kristan Cole was dispatched by the infamous “Truth Squad” to make sure people in the Valley didn’t talk – especially the Palmer Youth Court. Hmmmm –

  147. lilybart says:

    Is anyone else bothered by this “First Family” horse-hockey?

    I live in NY. I don’ t even know if Gov. Patterson HAS any kids.

  148. Paula says:

    Too much fun. Every day. Never stops. God must be SO tired of this one!

  149. austintx says:

    Cole knows exactly where her mama is.

  150. nswfm CA says:

    Basically posted on the milk mustache thread but waiting moderation:

    If Jonathan Blattmachr (who I think is an advisor to the Kennedy family) set up the legal structure for AK, and now his brother Blattmachr is setting up this trust, wouldn’t you think the two of them know something about how to skirt the laws but do it legally? They must be admitted to the AK Bar (the legal one, not the drinking ones).

    My guess is that this is likely a income/asset shelter, not really a legal defence fund. The fact that money can go around to the kids and other family members is the giveaway, mudflatters. Next thing you know, there is going to be a 501c3 foundation so all the friends and family can work there and get paid by the donations.

    See what our Gov did before he ran:
    “Schwarzenegger has incorporated himself as Oak Productions. For tax reasons, studios paying him for movie roles make out the multimillion-dollar checks to that entity. He has set up separate corporations that own the 1977 documentary film Pumping Iron, publish fitness books, run an annual fitness competition in Columbus and manage his interest in a movie-theater chain. He has smaller interests in a regional sports network, Web sites and an Israeli cell phone-software company.”

  151. here_in_PA says:

    I SMELL A SKUNK!!!!! No, literaly, I smell a skunk. Runs to shut windows and doors to avoid the stinky smell!!!

  152. Irishgirl says:

    UK Lady Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 2:33 PM

    Those naughty wags on Daily Kos are having great fun at SP’s expense! read the comments!
    Thanks…just saw some great clips of the interviews that impressed us so much…lest we forget. 🙂

  153. Team Alaska says:

    WIth a name like Alaska Fund Trust, she is going after Joe Six pack, Joe Chopper, joe the plumber, joe the want-a-be hunter, joe machinegun, joe driller, joe army, and any other Joe that has a passing interest in Alaska, and thinks that the bad no growth, tax and spend liberals are taking away good hard working peoples rights and jobs. She studied media and TV and knows how to be a populous, and turn the charm on to get her way.

    Alaska is on the map now. Gino’s campaign and the soon to be release tv adds, are going to capture the romantic image about Alaska. “Sarah, in her own state is under attack” and needs your help America. She is a hit with the 6 pack NFL and Nascar nation folks.

  154. sally says:

    John McCain Launches ‘Palin Truth Squad’ To Dispose of the Truth About Sarah Palin
    National Members Of The Palin Truth Squad: …
    Meg Stapleton, Former Aide To Governor Palin
    Kristan Cole, Lifelong Friend Of Governor Palin

  155. IsyFleur says:

    “…turn back the tide of overtly partisan and unnecessarily personal political attacks.”
    Ahh the irony! Remember? “Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday accused Democrat Barack Obama of “palling around with terrorists”.”

  156. Chaim says:

    If I were a C4P type in the lower 48, I would not find this defense fund terribly appealing. To contribute so that the charismatic Governor of Alaska can spread her message of conservative values throughout the USA is a lot more appealing than chipping in to help her defend herself from her local “enemies” in Alaska. A champion that has to be rescued first “sparkles with a duller thud,” to quote Walt Kelly.

    @ Ennealogic #69: Thank you for reading what I couldn’t stand to!

  157. Lee323 says:

    That Sarah Palin….what a li’l mavericky Reformer!

    -12 ethics complaints….including one roguish one she filed on herself.

    -$500,000 plus in legal bills defending aforementioned ethics complaints.

    -Now comes the Reformer part….Instead of paying for her own legal bills that she incurred by acting unethically, she’s begging the poor schmucks who still believe her lyin’ ways to foot the bill.

    Wow! Kind of a socialistic grifter mavericky beggar type of Reformer…..

    P.S. Putting the word “Trust” into the name of her very own new alms platter for herself just seems like adding insult to robbery….somehow.

  158. yukonbushgrma says:

    Oh yeah, another thing — I certainly hope the very first payment that’s made out of the fund goes to reimburse the State of Alaska for all costs incurred due to its governor’s unethical behavior.

  159. UK Lady says:

    Those naughty wags on Daily Kos are having great fun at SP’s expense! read the comments!

  160. sally says:

    John McCain Launches ‘Palin Truth Squad’ To Dispose of the Truth About Sarah Palin
    National Members Of The Palin Truth Squad: …
    Meg Stapleton, Former Aide To Governor Palin
    Kristan Cole, Lifelong Friend Of Governor Palin

  161. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Wonder what Greta’s husband is going to do now? He’s so enamored with GINO, he must be totally depressed!! LOL!!

  162. libby says:


    “Um….Cole tied to apartheid?”


    Could it get worse? Definitely another “you can’t make this stuff up” moment.

  163. 0whole1 says:

    Um….Cole tied to aparthied?

  164. nabrum says:

    Hmmm. SarahPac no longer the place to be. Wonder what Greta van Suckup will say about this?

  165. I own a blog of the same name at Blogger: Alaska fund trust – Anyone want it? Just email me.

  166. Matha says:

    Under the category of “you can’t make this stuff up”, Cole’s mother, Cheryl Moseley King has a colorful past involving…(wait for it)….trust fund money. We can only hope that Cole did not inherit her philosophy of money management.

    Early in 2002, B.C. broker Cheryl King shocked the local real estate community and the 35 sales reps at her Re/Max Assist Realty office in Kamloops when she disappeared, along with trust fund money and real estate commissions.

    She faced charges of fraud, breach of trust and forgery, but it took until last month before the issue was resolved. King, now known as Cheryl Moseley, pleaded guilty to one charge of illegally accessing trust funds on June 21, reports The Daily News in Kamloops.

    I remember this!! Kamloops is a 3 hour drive away from where I live , but this made Canadian national news too. This was a “first” for this type and size of fraud for B.C. real estate.
    We always wondered if this women was sincere about her health problems and if she ever did have any type of heart surgery.
    Anyone on the Mudflats know? I have friends in Kamloops that would love to know. Thanks………….:)

  167. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Zooming Chat going Here ~~
    Too bad about Alaska FUND TRUST (which also sounds state sanctioned) versus Alaska TRUST FUND — sometimes I transpose numbers too.

    Politico readers have some great comments too:

    A) Sarah Palin as the Republican Presidential nominee in 2012 would be the greatest thing EVER for the Democratic Party. I don’t want her crippled. I want her to be alive and well. So well, in fact that she can continue with her polarizing messages of “real Americans” versus what I can only assume to be not-so-real Americans. She can show the country and the world the true differences in what the two major parties in our country have to offer.
    I don’t want her crippled in any way. Stay viable, Sarah. Please!!!!!

    B) Is there a fund to send her to college or buy her some books? That would be more productive for her. The woman is as dumb as a bag of rocks.

    C) Let your grand child see his father!

    read more @

  168. ez.pz says:

    AFT=Association for Family Therapy (in the UK) 😉

  169. Canadian Neighbour says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:

    Meant to say — I didn’t reserve it. I just went to the site to see and went through the steps and found out it’s already reserved.

  170. Canadian Neighbour says:

    the problem child IS MY NAME! Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 2:05 PM
    @sauerkraut re: [email protected] : Nobody has registered it yet. Wanna grab it?

    The name is already reserved as I already tried playing!!

  171. Canadian Neighbour says:

    They’ve even set up a Paypal account.

    On the donation page, it specifies $150.00 only. There is no mention of the $13,000 which appears on the FAQ page. No clarity.

  172. 0whole1 says:

    > GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
    > AFT as in the abbreviation for after? Like after this, her political career is toast?

    It’s the part of the boat that comes in last.

  173. yukonbushgrma says:

    @#69 Sauerkraut:
    “and defenders of the status quo.”
    “There’s something contradictory in this statement.”
    Exactly what I thought. Curious statement.

    Remember when campaigning, SP always talked about the good ol’ boy network? Oh boy, she was challenging the status quo, eh? She’s turned out to be a main hub in the network.

    The only change she’s brought about has been total confusion and lack of direction.

  174. sauerkraut says:

    70 the problem child IS MY NAME! Says: April 24th, 2009 at 2:05 PM

    @sauerkraut re: [email protected] : Nobody has registered it yet. Wanna grab it?

    It’s already registered but whoever did, probably did so recently and hasn’t replied to the confirmation email that wordpress sends out. When I click on the link, I get to the wordpress signup page that already has the blank filled in. When I try to fill in the password and email blanks I get the “already taken” message.

    Palin’s people aren’t bright enough to sit on the blog name, so it’s gotta be someone who’s a local partisan and in favor of keeping the status quo!

  175. BigPete says:


    “defenders of the status quo”

    Isn’t that the definition of a “Conservative”?

  176. InJuneau says:

    @Ennealogic–Oh, thank you(!) for taking one for the team. I don’t think I would last a NY second over there (kind of like why I didn’t try to get a job cleaning up after the Exxon Valdez spill–my mouth could get me in serious trouble in some places!).

  177. sauerkraut says:

    68 Ennealogic Says: April 24th, 2009 at 2:03 PM

    I read seefourpee so you don’t have to.


    You’ll go blind doing that!

  178. yukonbushgrma says:

    Ennealogic –

    a true sacrifice, for which we should forever be indebted to you!

  179. sauerkraut says:

    re IsyFleur at #66:

    “Since her Vice-Presidential nomination, the Governor has become a target for local partisans, national professional political operatives, and defenders of the status quo.”


    There’s something contradictory in this statement.

    If the local partisans are complaining about her unethical behavior and lack of job performance, isn’t the ending phrase a bit problematic? Afterall, the local partisans are trying to get her to conduct the states business in ways which are not according to Sarah Palin’s modus o., ie, the real status quo, but in ways which benefit the residents of Alaska.

    Am I making sense here? I mean… someone please tell me that AKM, Shannyn, Linda, etc., are not local partisans who defend the status quo.

  180. Ennealogic says:

    A truly ironic comment on seefourpee referred to the recent opinion from acting AG Rick Svobodny — having to do with how Alaska should replace an empty Senate seat (by voting in public) — this way: Sarah is a reformer, that’s who she is, that’s what she does!

    In other words, they are giving props to SP for ‘shaking up’ the way things work. They think it is a great thing that the longstanding Republican and Democratic processes for filling empty seats is being challenged. I’m sure that will win SP a lot of support from both sides of the aisle… NOT.

    I read seefourpee so you don’t have to. 🙂

  181. yukonbushgrma says:

    @#62 IsyFleur:
    Maybe $150 per donation, $13K for the whole year – ?

  182. IsyFleur says:

    “and defenders of the status quo” Those darn Obama types just don’t like change!

  183. austintx says:

    The grifters just keep playin’ the fools…… , wanna play ??

  184. el from Saskatchewan says:

    tRUSTY GATE – next?
    It conjures up visions of a cold fall evening, evil winds blowing and clouds blocking out rays of the moon. The rusty gate to the sinister mansion swings back and forth, screeching at times. One eery light emits from a mansion window and inside………..

  185. IsyFleur says:

    “Absent the self-imposed limitation of the Trust, an individual can make gifts of up to $13,000 per year, gift tax free. Section 2503 of the Code allows an individual an exclusion from the gift tax of the first $13,000 (for 2009) of gifts made by the individual per donee per year (called the annual gift tax exclusion).” […] “Consequently, because the Legal Expense Fund will have certain Crummey powers, any individual can donate up to $13,000 per year to the Legal Expense Fund without triggering the gift tax.”

    I’m confused: is the limit $150 or $13,000?

  186. Bystander says:

    When I see AFT I think of “A F—— Tool” That’s our Sarah!

  187. sally says:

    Payson real estate agent wanted for fraud
    By Michael Maresh

    Clear Lake woman faces charges in Canada
    By Bob Fisher, KRIB, Mason City

    Realtor to serve sentence in U.S.
    by Robert Koopmans

  188. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    AFT as in the abbreviation for after? Like after this, her political career is toast?

  189. antiAnti says:

    from the

    “caustic political games cannot be allowed to stop the progress of the people’s elected representatives. Since her Vice-Presidential nomination, the Governor has become a target for local partisans, national professional political operatives, and defenders of the status quo”

    hey, a mama grizzly can handle it, right?

  190. yukonbushgrma says:

    Does anyone else get the feeling that SP is actually *wanting* to go to court against those mischief-makers? This is so way over the top … I can just hear WAR advising her, just like throwing a bucket of cold water on the troublemakers …

  191. PalinSucks says:

    ATF comment..

    NRA members, keep an eye out for your copy of May’s American Rifleman, if it hasn’t already arrived. According to the latest edition of the magazine, Bob Reynolds, gunsmith and owner of Templar Consulting LLC, will make a special presentation at the NRA Foundation Banquet on May 14.

    It’s a modified AR-15 (civilian version of the milspec M16 rifle), specially customized in honor of Gov. Sarah Palin and dubbed “The Alaskan Hunter.”

  192. PalinSucks says:

    Was Palin visible yesterday doing anything for Alaskans?

    Seriously, is she the PATHETIC leader who was over at for obscene amount of hours voting on the Water Cooler Poll, whether or not Levi, should keep his mouth shut?

    Yeah, that was us, voting against you Sarah. Take a look everyone, Palin/Cronies, were there for SEVEN HOURS straight, 105179 votes, logged, LMAO!!!

    We left at 6P.M. with Levi having a 68%. Those idiots must have been on until midnight, (When the poll closed) to get the his count down to 54%.

    For reference, how PATHETIC, Meg & Palin, are spending HOURS and HOURS on an Us Magazine…the poll today, is on that controversy OcotoFreak and those lame jerks, Hedi & Spencer AND they after 15 hours ONLY have around 18,000 votes.

    Someone check Palin’s fingers for blisters

  193. sauerkraut says:

    well, looks like there is already an site. having trouble loading it, tho. any of youse guys set up that blog? what are ya gonna do wid it?

  194. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ ValleyIndependent:

    … or Alaskans For Truth!

    (Actually, I still see AFT and want to turn the letters around to Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms!)

  195. aspiecelia says:

    For those who do not live in Alaska the definition of “state-employed colleagues” is people in Palin’s high school class.

  196. Irishgirl says:

    Rob in Ca Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 1:24 PM

    So many questions now…
    Is SarahPac still going to exist?
    How successful was SarahPac in their fundraising? Did they really ever do anything?
    Who fired who here? It is unclear…
    Who is in charge of SarahPac now? Is John Coale still associated?
    SarahPac website says don’t donate…Is Sarah afraid donations to the Pac will dilute the available donations for her legal fund?
    Is this a sign that Sarah is withdrawing further from the national stage?
    Is this a sign that Sarah is putting all her trust in her Alaska advisors, and who exactly is in that inner circle now, besides Todd?

    I’d love to hear some answers to these questions.

  197. ValleyIndependent says:

    Actually, Alaskans need to “defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched” BY (not against) “current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues.”

    Do you think they might have purposely picked a name similar to Alaska Trust Fund in hopes some money meant for ATF might accidentally get misdirected to AFT? Some “charities” have purposefully picked names similar to well-known charities and had some success diverting donations.

  198. Ennealogic says:

    The name of the witness and notary for the founding trust document is MOSELEY, Sheila. Sorry for the above misspelling.

  199. Donna says:

    The “real deal” of what? Whenever I hear that I always wonder. The “real deal’ as far as I can tell is a Wonderbra, tattooed lipliner, and Tammy Faye mascara.

  200. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ #43 Regina:
    How can that be legal? No accountability? What government agency let this happen?–who registered them? (Please don’t tell me it was someone from the Valley …)

  201. IsyFleur says:

    “This is the official website for the Governor Sarah Palin legal expense fund.”
    I am convinced somebody aught to file a complaint. It is meant to look like an official state website.

  202. Ennealogic says:

    Oh, and they named the trust the “Alaska FUND Trust.”

  203. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Enjay in E.MT
    She really loved those Initials too — ATF (Alaska Trust Fund)

    Might find they change it to ATM (Alaska Trust Machine).

    Would be her having her own personal ATM Machine!!

    Everybody should own one!!

    Another thought — if allowed to use the state name Alaska in it, would that not give the impression it’s usable by Republicans and Democrats in that she doesn’t own the name Alaska for her personal use.

  204. Bystander says:

    If indeed the contributors to the Fund have their names published, it should be an invaluable tool for hucksters of all sorts- a mailing list of morons with some money to throw away. Extended car warranties? The Brooklyn Bridge?

  205. sauerkraut says:

    Just wondering… anyone try to set up a wordpress blog named “Alaska Trust Fund” yet?

  206. regina says:

    Ennealogic posted this comment on my blog:

    “I’m concerned by some of the wording in the legal documents that govern the establishment and administration of this “fund.”

    In one place, it says “notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall any Trustee at any time acting hereunder be required to make any current or final reports, inventories or accountings to any court.”

    In another place, it says that “…the Trustee shall not be bound to inquire further into the validity, expediency, reasonableness, or propriety of the statement, certification, and demand.” This relates to the Trustee’s obligations after the Trustee decides to make payment. In other words, at the “Trustee’s sole and absolute discretion,” when payouts happen, nobody can challenge them.

    Given that all this ‘sole discretion’ is being given to Kirsten Cole of Dairygate fame, I’d want to do some digging into Kirsten Cole’s ethics and honesty before ever sending a donation. But hey, that’s just me. :)”

    It all sounds a bit fishy…

  207. sauerkraut says:

    “reduce the incentive for mischief by her opponents. ”


    hmmm… so many ways I can address this one. But I cannot get beyond the mischief she gets into. …

  208. Ennealogic says:

    WAIT WAIT … isn’t it Cheryl Mosely who notarized the founding documents for the Alaska Fund Trust? Hmmm no, it is “Sheila Mosely.” Gosh, sounds awful similar. Any relation to Cheryl?

  209. yukonbushgrma says:

    @ #33 IsyFleur:
    That’s how I understand it. Am sure someone will correct us if we’re wrong!
    And remember, it goes to the AG (appointed) and Personnel Board (appointed). All tied up in SP’s neat little bow.

  210. Enjay in E.MT says:

    I thought that name sounded “state sanctioned” – betcha nobody bothered to “google it” or register it as a Domain name either ….. She really loved those Initials too — ATF (Alaska Trust Fund)

    Don’t say it isn’t so Joe – she put the frikkin cart before the horse again.
    Poor GINO – surrounded by incompetents – maybe she should look for more “qualified”

    Palin Legal Defense Fund -0- Palin ILLEGAL Legal Defense Fund 2

  211. zyggy says:

    lynnrockets , how about a song to Mack the Knife, I know she’s not a shark, but she is a pitbull and barracuda. =)

  212. Star says:

    Did anyone see Ms. Graham on Neal Cavuto?? She said we were allafraid of Scarah…BECAUSE she’s the rea deal…What a dumb a^^!! LMAO

  213. Rob in Ca says:

    Snowbound, the Alaska Trust Fund is for an NRA offshoot, based on the website. It’s all about funding to keep the government (the feds) from controlling guns and hunting and ‘motorized access’ to hunting and fishing areas. Guess that would include helicopters to chase after those cute little wolf puppies?

    Sarah’s supporters can donate to either fund and be happy, I think…

  214. yukonbushgrma says:

    (continuing on from #21)
    Not only does the trust violate the intent of the ethics law, the gubernatorial appointments to Attorney General and the Personnel Board do the same. That is also a Chilling Effect, because one might hesitate to file a complaint if they figured it would go nowhere.

  215. Moose Pucky says:

    lynnrockets must be part raven–such a trickster, that one!

  216. IsyFleur says:

    yukonbushgrma – it actually says “reduce'” not “eliminate.” Which still means the Governor of Alaska wants to discourage Alaskans from exercising their lawful right to file a complaint against their Governor… If I understand well, though, when a complaint is filed, it goes to the Department of Law and somebody decides if it has merit. If it does not, it is dismissed, and the Governor never needs to address the issue at all. Do I understand this correctly?

  217. Rob in Ca says:

    So many questions now…
    Is SarahPac still going to exist?
    How successful was SarahPac in their fundraising? Did they really ever do anything?
    Who fired who here? It is unclear…
    Who is in charge of SarahPac now? Is John Coale still associated?
    SarahPac website says don’t donate…Is Sarah afraid donations to the Pac will dilute the available donations for her legal fund?
    Is this a sign that Sarah is withdrawing further from the national stage?
    Is this a sign that Sarah is putting all her trust in her Alaska advisors, and who exactly is in that inner circle now, besides Todd?


  218. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Has she not run out of yearbook buddies yet? Or does she have that many because she failed so many years? She just appears to have an overabundance of yearbook buddies to hire. Makes you wonder about all the skeletons in all their closets??

  219. C. Rock says:

    lynnrockets Says:

    This is comrade Pelosi. Please report to the Democratic communist (oops, I mean commune).

    Okeydoke. Over & out

  220. InJuneau says:

    Ah, comrade Pelosi, so glad to know it was you causing my ring to ring and not that meanie Putin! Reporting for duty to the tea socialist (social)/Democratic communist (commune)!

  221. Cynamen Winter says:

    “Life is like a baux-a-chocolates…” and getting nuttier by the day!

    Somebody, please pass the popcorn.


  222. Moose Pucky says:

    Does the Trust Fund clarify that for $150, the person’s contribution will amount to $12.50 for each ethics complaint filed against Palin to date?? Such a deal!

  223. AKRaven says:

    Hey that IS a sad thought. Can this fund be used to try to fight Levi in the custody arrangements? It’s good he got a lawyer. I wish him good luck.

  224. snowbound says:

    @Lori. Alaska Trust Fund belongs to an Alaskan organization that is into guns and sports hunting. The Gov has chosen to use Alaska Fund Trust. I thought it was weird and ironic. Sad and stupid?

    I think it’s a travesty that the Gov is using our state’s name and flag to advertise for her personal gain.

  225. strangelet says:

    I’m visualizing Brian with three cups and a pea.

  226. lynnrockets says:

    @ C. Rock:

    No, this is not Axlerod. This is comrade Pelosi. Please report to the Democratic communist (oops, I mean commune).

  227. IsyFleur says:

    “will allow the Governor, her family, and her colleagues to retire their legal debt at no cost to Alaskans” Well, it will cost them if they contribute, right… And were Alaskans going to have to pay for them anyway?

    “and reduce the incentive for mischief by her opponents. ” mischief… hehe… How it reduces the incentive is unclear. Actually, it makes no sense whatsoever, does it?

  228. yukonbushgrma says:

    Kristan Cole: “I joined with fellow Alaskans in forming the Alaska Fund Trust to help alleviate the Governor’s legal debt incurred while performing her job ****as well as eliminate the incentive for future attacks by her opponents****.”
    (Asterisks are mine.)

    Ms. Cole’s words just might come back to bite her.

    I’m not a lawyer, but I think this is called the Chilling Effect.

    “chilling effect legal definition – (n.) – In constitutional law, the inhibition or discouragement of the legitimate exercise of a constitutional right, especially one protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, by the potential or threatened prosecution under, or application of, a law or sanction. (Webster’s New World Law Dictionary)”

    By funding legal representation, the existence (prime purpose, even) of this new trust is, by Ms. Cole’s very own admission, inhibition and discouragement of constituents’ right to file an ethics complaint.

    Just as the Whistleblower Law protects government employees who want to file complaints, citizens need to feel that they can hold elected officials accountable without fear or retribution. The purpose of the Alaska Fund Trust violates the very intent of the Ethics Act! Who knows, maybe it even violates federal law. This needs to be hauled into court and shut down.

  229. SMR says:

    Rats deserting the sinking ship… what a blessing it will be when she is out of office. One hopes that AK voters will be more particular next time.

    Do these people that associate themselves with her not get that she is the kiss of death? Does lt gov Parnell not get that he is OVER after her term is up, that he could not be elected nor appointed to any position by any legitimate concern in the future if his life depended on it? And the other appointees, well, I guess that they have raked in enough unsavoury money to keep them going until their next grifter scam… AK politics is so discouraging. Thanks for shining a light AKM.

    3 weeks and counting, my days in AK crazy politics land are numbered, thankfully.

  230. hwmnbn says:

    Now I’m REALLY saddened. Soon we won’t have Sarah to kick around anymore. All the joy of pointing out her mental and vocabulary deficiencies, the thrill of translating Sarah-speak into English, and the excitement of predicting her next political fiasco… no more.


    It was a magical time, Sarah. But we’ll always have the memories.

  231. BigPete says:

    Yes, but will the “Fund” defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s daughter from an onslaught of “political attack” custody suits, launched by a certain lawyered-up, mischievous trickster known as Levi Johnston?

  232. C. Rock says:

    13 lynnrockets Says:
    April 24th, 2009 at 12:56 PM
    This is Commandant Soros. All Mudflatters, please don your tinfoil helmets and make contact with headquarters forthwith. We are planning a tea socialist (oops, i mean social) this afternoon and attendance is mandatory.
    Is that you Axlerod ? Over & out

  233. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    snowbound Says:
    “I guess “Alaska Trust Fund” was already taken. And look who has it.”
    wow, they did not even check to see if the name was available? That should have been the first step! And I think Cole is a bad choice to head this thing – too much baggage (and suits pending against her) re dairy gate. Dairy gate can get a bit complicated to explain, which is my opinion of why the media has not covered it more. Here is a short summary, correct me if I have it wrong:

    Mat Maid in brief:

    Palin fired the whole state Agriculture and Conservation board in July 2007, ostensibly to save a mismanaged state-owned dairy, and replaced it with her usual gang of cronies (Kristan Cole included). As a result, the dairy lost more money than it had in twenty years. The dairy, an Alaska icon, closed anyway in two months, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional state money with it. Millions of dollars in dairy equipment ended up, at a steep discount, in the hands of a local Palin ally, who now runs a remarkably similar operation.

  234. lynnrockets says:

    (sung to the Dionne Warwick song “I Say A Little Prayer For You ”)

    The moment I wake up
    Before I put on my makeup
    I say a witch-mass prayer for Todd
    While combing my hair now,
    And choosing which specs to wear now
    I’m casting out demons for God

    Forever, and ever, the demons be damned
    And exit our lives
    Forever, and ever, to them I command
    “Go possess Levi”
    Together, forever, that’s how it must be
    Satan and Levi
    That would be like heaven for me

    I run to the Statehouse
    So glad the First Dude is my spouse
    He helped a lot with Mike Wooten
    We make love on state time
    Except when it’s my head-ache time
    Or when I’m dealing with Putin

    Forever, and ever, the demons be damned
    And exit our lives
    Forever, and ever, to them I command
    “Go possess Levi”
    Together, forever, that’s how it must be
    Satan and Levi
    That would be like heaven for me

    (Want me to speak in tongues for you?)

    (Want me to speak in tongues for you?)

    Forever, and ever, the demons be damned
    And exit our lives
    Forever, and ever, to them I command
    “Go possess Levi”
    Together, forever, that’s how it must be
    Satan and Levi
    That would be like heaven for me

  235. Sandra says:

    Here’s a revolutionary idea, Sarah: stop breaking the law and you won’t need to beg for money to defend your sorry self. And if you can’t do that, well — pay for your (same) sorry self out of your own bank account. Geez – this isn’t rocket-science (wink, wink, grin, wave)

  236. lynnrockets says:

    This is Commandant Soros. All Mudflatters, please don your tinfoil helmets and make contact with headquarters forthwith. We are planning a tea socialist (oops, i mean social) this afternoon and attendance is mandatory.

  237. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Ha! I guess that little meanie ethics complaint meant something after all. All kinds of jumpin’ through hoops goin’ on by Sarah’s little rat team – tryin’ to take the state’s name in vain for their creepy shenanigans. I object to that – and I object loudly to her using ALASKA for everything she does. TWIT on the run!

  238. IsyFleur says:

    SarahPAC are still accepting donations after all, it seems…

  239. Alaska Pi says:

    Holy moley-

    “defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s Office from an onslaught of political attacks launched against current Governor Sarah Palin, the First Family, and state-employed colleagues.”

    We could defend the integrity of the Alaska Governor’s office simply by stuffing a sock in the ghastly gov’s mouth and wiping away the lipstick and whine she’s been smearing all over our State website .

  240. Amereurocan says:

    The old bait and switch sarah style, no links, no thinks and completely devoid of legalese.

    She is in self-destruct mode.

  241. John(Canadian MudPuppie) says:

    I do not comment much on any blog, but I love Mudflats and come here daily to get my dose of reality concerning everything Alaskan. I enjoy everyones sense of wit and sometimes most of you make my day so much brighter. As for AKM, she is second to none when it comes to her post. I fell in love with Mudflats from day one and have been here almost a year now,sometimes just lurking around and reading everyones thoughts. I have watched and learned everything I could about Sarah Palin when she first came to the spotlight of the 2008 election. I am a 55 year old man who always trusted that little tingle I get when I know something is wrong with someone.Sarah Palin is someone that embodies everything that is wrong with politics. She is there for one reason and one reason only. To further her own objectives. On the campaign trail in 2008, I would get a scary feeling this woman would do anything to achieve her goals, be it stab a friend in the back or throw them under a bus. Alaskans and more than three quarters of America now understand what this woman is.As a Canadian and your neighbor, I am hopeful that one day very soon, we will see and hear the last of Sarah Palin. Gino has had her day and she has failed the test miserably. Time for Alaskans to elect someone who does the job they were elected for. Representing the citizens of Alaska.

  242. 0whole1 says:

    Hey — “political tricksters”! I like the sound of that!

    AKM — I hereby submit “political trickster” as a new product idea for the ‘flats store.

    Perhaps something jester-y. Or maybe coyote-y.

  243. WakeUpAmerica says:

    BWAA HAAA HAAA HAAA!!!! The fun never ends. And I’m wondering just who the “state-colleagues” are with whom she would be willing to share some of that dough. No one comes to mind.

  244. snowbound says:

    I guess “Alaska Trust Fund” was already taken. And look who has it.

    Can’t make it up…

  245. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    And that twit doesn’t speak for THIS ALASKAN or many others than I know – so it’s another big fat lie out of her venomous mouth. She definitely took Karl Rove’s class on truth twisting, but we have her number. She’s using old tricks and has nothing new to offer. Ho Hum.

  246. John(Canadian MudPuppie) says:

    Sorry, should have spelled it KNOW.

  247. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “For Alaskans, the time has come to end the siege on our government by political tricksters.”

    Dern tootin’ Sarah – so watch your back and your butt! We are right here and not going anywhere!

  248. John(Canadian MudPuppie) says:

    I just finished reading about this on CNN. Almost 95% of the comments are against her on this one. Thank God most Americans are intelligent enough to kow this woman is nothing but pure FLUFF.