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Mark Halperin Slurps-up Sarah’s Spoon-fed Spin


By Linda Kellen Biegel

I watched a piece last night on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” that was good overall. It was about Palin’s bus-to-nowhere tour:

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I was pleased that O’Donnell pointed out the potential illegalities involved in using her SarahPAC money, regulated by the Federal Election Committee, on a “family vacation” rather than on a campaign. At one point, he even mentions that the media doesn’t report on such things because frankly they generally don’t understand them.

That statement proved to be ironic.

O’Donnell then brought out Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin, co-author of “Game Change”–an analysis of the 2008 presidential campaign. He introduced Halperin with these words:


“Now Mark you in “Game Change” the book you co-authored with Jack Heilemann…you studied Palin and the Palin Campaign very, very closely. Your camera, in effect, went in closer than anyone ever has in that world.”

The two men proceed to banter back and forth on whether they think Palin is going to run in 2012. Later on, O’Donnell gives Halperin even more praise for his alleged “expertise” on the subject of Sarah Palin:


“What I like about this, Mark, is that you’ve actually dug into her very closely and thought about the details of her history that you know and that you’ve worked on discovering.”

When O’Donnell stated his belief that Palin quitting her Governor’s job in Alaska killed any chances she has at the presidency, Halperin responds:


“…and she quit the Governorship — I’m not here as an apologist for her — she quit the Governorship because under the laws of the state, her family was going to be bankrupt by litigation and public records requests and she wasn’t interested in doing that.”

This from the mouth of a much-touted “Sarah Palin expert?”

I refer Mr. Halperin to Chapter 25 of the Alaska Statutes: Public Record Disclosures. I refer him there because that chapter makes it abundantly clear that NO GOVERNOR must delve into HIS OR HER PERSONAL FINANCES to satisfy a request for State of Alaska public records.

Actually, as a paid MSNBC commentator, Mr. Halperin would not even need to do that simple bit of research himself. He would only have to pick up the phone and call fellow-employee Bill Dedman who wrote about the first release of emails to satisfy one of the requests for records made by MSNBC itself. (As another wave of emails is about to hit MSNBC, learning the ins-and-outs of Alaska public records law should be especially simple.)

Secondly, if Mr. Halperin would have EVER bothered to speak to State officials or even those of us who filed an ethics complaint against Palin, we could tell him that there is NO NECESSITY for a lawyer to either file OR respond to a complaint stemming from the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Not only that, far-and-away the most expensive ethics complaint for the State of Alaska (and it can be assumed, Palin as well) was the one she filed against herself to try and circumvent the Troopergate investigation started by a unanimous vote of the Alaska Legislative Council. Not only did she hire her own lawyer, Thomas Van Flein regularly acted as a spokesperson on the right-wing radio circuit, making the rounds sometimes multiple times a week.

That couldn’t be cheap.

Mr. Halperin also needs to understand is that “coincidentally,” around the same time she announced she was quitting, Sarah Palin discovered that an investigation determined there was “probable cause” that Palin’s “Alaska Fund Trust” Legal Defense Fund possibly violated the law. (A second investigator made the same determination and she had to return the money.)

I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but I still become flummoxed when I see how readily the media regurgitates the lies Palin spoon feeds to them, even if they aren’t fans. This isn’t the first time I’ve rolled my eyes over something Halperin has said, but it is the first time I’ve stayed up until 2:00 am to finish a rebuttal.

Of course, this is just another reason to buy “Blind Allegiance” written by the true Palin expert(s)!



77 Responses to “Mark Halperin Slurps-up Sarah’s Spoon-fed Spin”
  1. Susan says:

    Halperin is the very reason that our household has discontinued our paid subscription to Time magazine. He wrote an opinion piece that lacked basis in reality, but what flipped my switch was him referring to President Obama as “BAM”. I can no longer tolerate the lack of basic respect demonstrated by those in the media towards the President. I certainly won’t pay them for it. Instead I am contributing that money and more to President Obama’s campaign re-election fund.

    Palin upsets me, but the media’s contrived and fundamentally dishonest coverage of her makes me furious. IMO, bottom lines, coprorate agendas and alternate realities have become their highest priorities.

    • JClark says:

      I know you guys will likely laugh, but that’s ok. I come from a military background; my father is retired Army. I was raised such that it was extremely disrespectful to diss the president. Any other politician is fair game, but you don’t call the Prez bad names n’such. I actually unfriended a long time friend recently because he referred to Obama as a piece of s&Rt. I called him on it, he wouldn’t back down. So be it. Just not ok in my world. Course, I love Obama, but hey….even when Bush was president, I still didn’t refer to him by vulgar names.

  2. m says:

    Alaska to release 250 pounds of Palin emails, some may touch on family matters 🙂

  3. puffin shrapnel palin says:

    CNN aired a clip of La Palin in Boston riffin’ on the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Here’s the transcript:

    “…he who warned, uh, the…the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms…uh, by ringin’ those bells and um…makin’ sure as he’s ridin’ his horse through town…to send those warning shots and bells…that, uh, we were gonna be secure and…and we were gonna be free…and we were gonna be armed.”

  4. Evie says:

    Those c4pers are seriously delirious……..Wow!!!

  5. Evie says:

    Off topic but saw this over at Gryphen’s WoW! They are ypset with FOX

    • alaskaliberal says:

      Still laughing at the comments…they want to show Fox they’d better be nice to $arah or they’ll stop watching…except maybe Greta, as long as she continues to support $arah. OMG….what world do these people live in???

  6. seattlefan says:

    Hope this is on topic. Tonight on Lawrence O’Donnell Steve Schmidt said that Palin was unelectable and that if she were the Republican candidate that would ensure an Obama 2nd term. Are the big guns coming out now? Those who really know are starting to make comments. I can’t forgive the McCain Campaign for putting her out there and not vetting her, but at least we are seeing some cracks in the dam and the leaks and true feelings are starting to come out.

  7. ks sunflower says:

    AKM – I have a question. In Chapter 19 (cannot cite a page number because I’m reading on Kindle where it just gives percentages) Bailey says that the story about Track vandalizing school buses is made up. Is that true?

    • ks sunflower says:

      Er – excuse me, that would be on page 179 (just found out I could click on the bottom and have the page number come up).

      I do not remember Sarah saying it could be Wooten planting “seeds” (lies) about Track. I thought there was other corroboration of that story, that there was substance behind it.

      • tigerwine says:

        Thanks for bringing this up again, Sunfloweer! Yukon Bush Grandma and I have both questioned this. Hope we can find out the truth.

        • Valley_Independent says:

          I have heard other stories about Track around town that would make the bus vandalism story believable, but have also not seen any formal confirmation. If he did it, those who know aren’t talking, and you can’t believe anything out of the Palin camp.

          Let’s just hope he’s on the straight and narrow now and enjoys a long and happy marriage.

          • `I discussed this with the parent of a kid who knew the teens involved in the vandalism. They stated that Track was not involved and the parent believes them. I also heard from a source involved with the Dept. of Corrections that folks are looking at the wrong crime that…allegedly…got him his military “sentence” (*sniff, sniff, sneeze*), but we’ll never prove it because juvenile records are sealed…allegedly…

          • JClark says:

            I read it was a drug bust that got Track into the Army. I read sooo much that I have no idea where I read that, or I’d tell ya =)

  8. G Katz says:

    A short cartoonish video showing a celebrity’s bus running over a “rill” politician in New Hampshire today:

    • ks sunflower says:

      Simple, but effective – and true!

      The folks she hired sure have Rovian tactics down pat. I wonder how Mitt felt when he found out about her little clambake?

  9. teal says:

    …the One Idiot tour….
    …coming soon to a monument near you….

  10. Hope says:

    Just a question: Do any or all of the TV newspersons do any of their own fact-finding? Ever? Or checking?

    Also, good call, Linda! Are you sending these questions to those who need to answer them? Who would that be?


    • Millie says:

      Watching Chris Matthews on MSNBC – he makes me sick! Think he should be pulled from the network! He supports Palin and it’s obvious he is doing it for ratings. He certainly isn’t talking about having vetted her in Alaska. Jerk! Drop his show folks. Plus, he talks over those he interviews constantly. Don’t even know why they have him in the company of Rachel who surpasses him in intellect, research and knowledge.

      • bubbles says:

        dropped! and i agree with you Millie.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Me, too! His show is a waste of time. He should never have guests on because he ignores or talks over them. So full of himself he is (yoda speaking through me, hehe).

  11. CarolE says:

    I am frightened. Please someone help me! Reassure me! It doesn’t seem to matter what is disclosed or said about her, there doesn’t seem to be any stopping her. I REALLY can’t stand this anymore!
    HELP !

  12. AKMuckraker says:

    Thank you, Linda. Excellent piece!

    There are many who share your frustrations. Since she has been shown over and over as having a “truth optional” attitude, If you’re going to be lazy and look for a talking point, why on Earth would you use one of hers?


  13. SouthPaw says:

    Hmmmm interesting. Something’s up. I’m sure Ailes listened to O’Donnell last night. My gut is telling me Fox is going to let her go. This was in the Boston Globe today…

    “Palin said that when she was in New York City last night she did speak with Roger Ailes, chairman of the Fox television network, but she refused to provide details of that conversation.”

  14. Cathy Heyworth Harris says:

    Has anyone ever noticed that the number $500,000 is the number SarahPAC and Sarah uses as what all these ethic complaints cost her in personal legal fees, and to please send her $$$$$ This is exactly the amount of the personal fine the APOC leveled against her for breaking the law by starting a PAC while still Governor. It’s just such an amazing coincidence.

  15. blue_in_AK says:

    Oh, yes, he did. I was thorough disgusted by that interview. What an idiot!

  16. Jill says:

    I have zero respect for Sarah and Todd as parents. Children deserve to have their privacy and dignity respected, regardless of the ambitions of their parents.

    It was exceedingly unwise and exploitive for the Palins to put their children on a reality TV show (just ask Kelly Osbourne if spending one’s teen years on reality TV is a good idea). And yes, I have zero respect for the Gosselins, too.

    Now, on Sarah’s ego trip, poor Piper is not being protected by her lousy parents and grandparents. It is painful to see the girl so mistreated, and shamed, in public, by the very people who should be protecting her from the glare of the spotlight.

    The Bushes and the Clintons vigorously protected their children from the media circus. Completely aside from politics, I admire them as parents. I have total disdain and contempt for the Palins as parents.

    A Quitter we can count on. Palin 2012

    Why does the media continue fawning over this dead zebra?

    • leenie17 says:

      Don’t you remember all this terrible scandals involving Chelsea Clinton????

      Oh yeah, that’s right…there were none.

      Now, Malia and Shasha are being shielded as much as possible from the spotlight and I commend the Obamas for doing so. Being the child of a President is difficult enough without being used as a wardrobe accessory or campaign prop.

      • fishingmamma says:

        Michelle Obama was in an interview and was asked what she thought was an appropriate age for her daughters to start using social media and to have their own facebook pages. (Remember the Palin girls blasting someone on facebook recently?) The First Lady’s response was “Well, ask me that when they are 18, and maybe I can consider it”. Those girls are well taken care of and protected. Good parents, lucky girls.

  17. RJ49 says:

    There was a list publised of the 50 WORST pundits and Halpren was in the top 5. He is a lazy and incometent investigator and Frequently gets his facts wrong. I trust The Globe more than this joke.This interview shows why.

  18. MelvisB says:

    Thanks for your re-cap and analysis. I also saw this segement. I am constantly amazed by how much of what Palin spews goes unchallenged…by even the (supposedly) most objective commentators.

  19. tallimat says:


  20. Miss Demeanor says:

    I feel like the media has become one big “Church Bulletin”. No questions, ever.
    Take the ADN, for example, please.
    Publishing a “realclearpolitics’ piece verbatim, and yesterday running three WGE pieces in a row literally right next to one another, and giving WGE the “up arrow” for her “We’ll Grift Eastcoasters” tour?!
    These are basic questions with ready answers, journalists.
    Mr. O’Donnell – you need to prepare, too.

  21. Martha says:

    Halprin has been on “Morning Joke” too long.

    The only reason he could possibly be doing this is because as a paid talking head…..Palin is good fodder…….as good as it gets for the talking heads…and a big dose of jealousy over what he missed in HIS book.

    NONE of the MSM did their homework when it comes to Palin and now THEY are being exposed right along with HER.

    You will notice that what is being left OUT of the “news” are the 2 latest books about Palin, because it makes the MSM look like the lazy fools they are.

    There are NO …talking heads….discussing these.

    Thank God for the bloggers who have kept video, audio and written records of $arah.

    So thanks again Ms. Devon, to you and all of your compatriots who sincerely care what happens in your country.

    • Martha says:

      PS…..Sorry Linda, should have thanked you first because you wrote this great post……. Thank you!

    • ks sunflower says:

      I agree. We are very lucky to have bloggers who search out the truth behind the image.

      Linda, I saw O’Donnell’s show last night and was as disappointed and displeased as you were. I expected him to counter Halperin’s regurgitation of Palin’s PR macine and then blithely mouthing platitudes as if we should be grateful for his “wisdom.” O’Donnell let us down. He failed to step up with solid facts. It isn’t as if he or his staff couldn’t find things to challenge Halperin’s dribble with, but he didn’t. I hope this does not foreshadow a kid glove treatment of Palin or we may be looking at a real nightmare if she can pull off a nomination. There are too many people willing to be lulled into celebrity adoration by the media.

      Thank you for being one of several brave souls who are doing the real journalistic research and creating meaningful editorial presentations. I can only hope that you and others get an increasingly wider access to all voters. We need the truth you all are presenting.

    • Pinwheel says:

      I agree that the talking heads on MSNBC were seemingly inadequately prepared to interview Bailey. It’s not like they didn’t have the opportunity to research and ponder him, as well as his subject.

  22. PennyArcade says:

    I’m in the middle of the book and so far, I don’t feel the least sorry for Bailey. He bought Sarah’s Kool-Aid hook, line and sinker because he thought she was a right-wing evangelical sucker, like him. I’ll wait and see if I change my mind before the end. I feel sure that Jean and Ken had to told their noses through much of his religious ranting.

    • tallimat says:

      Well I’m about 1/3 thru and am slowly getting a more postive view of Bailey.

      Bailey carries a heavy load. And I’m not making excuses for him.
      It is good that the book is out.
      Alaskans need to know what a horrible govenor Palin was.
      When I’m done with the book, it is going to my cousin in Nome. And he has to read it before fish camp starts so he can forward the book to another cousin. Who is going to read it while at fish camp.

      As much as I can barely stand Bailey, I am thankful he has spoken thru the book.
      Bailey will be able to produce good things without crap swirling around in his head.

    • JClark says:

      I’m also about halfway thru Bailey’s book, and I really don’t get any impression at all that he’s seeking anyone’s sympathy. He does a credible job of taking responsibility for his own poor choices in being suckered in by her. He readily admits he should have seen it and known better. I’m glad he wrote it; it really REALLY shows Palin’s personality, and shows clearly that all the crap we’ve seen with her in the 2008 campaign existed long before 2008. Clear patterns of narcissism, manipulation, vindictiveness, anger issues, lies….oh I could go on and on, but you know already =) It’s an interesting read, for sure, and good information to have just in case she does decide to run….I still don’t think she will though. It’s all about the moolah and attention.

  23. Susabelle says:

    Just finished Blind Allegiance..Oh boy! This Palin family struck gold. The awful result is the damage they leave behind. The other crime is how these “Snake Oil Salesmen” are shilling their way up the East Coast. Someone call them out and stop them.
    Maybe Sarah has used up outsiders and the only ones left are Piper (who doesn’t have a choice) and her parents!!!!Just thinkin.
    I wish Mr Baily and his family well. Too bad it took him so long to get out of that mess. His wife is a patient woman.

  24. laurie says:

    I have stopped watching Sunday morning political shows and most other political shows because I can’t stand the boldface lies. Isn’t there some way to push back? Should we email this show or this guy and let him know the facts? It seems like we should do something.

    Regarding Sarah’s vacation, the news reported that she went to Boston this morning. I guess she was afraid to let her plans be known because the anti-palin crowds would have outnumbered any crowds of supporters she’s seen so far. Is the Grizzly momma afraid?

    • Dagian says:

      She’s more of a lemur mama, really. So to answer your question, she’s afraid. She doesn’t go anywhere she feels she won’t get a warm enough reception. Maybe that’s where other family members are–scouting out ‘happy places’ for Her Royal Ego.

      • Dagian says:

        I meant marmoset mama, not lemur. Don’t know where my mind wandered off to…

        *whistles ‘come here’, snaps fingers*

    • ks sunflower says:

      Laurie, I think you have hit upon the heart of her strategy: keep things under wraps as much as possible to avoid protestors. She must know she is laughed at because of her inability to communicate well, ridiculed for her poor parenting skills, her superficial values, and lack of empathy of anyone else, and her hypocrisy of claiming to support causes such as the troops or disabled children and then failing to contribute any or little of her large speaking fees, book profits, or Fox salary.

      She continually talks about being genuine, being one of the common folks, but rides in private jets, large SUVs, and this giant tour bus. She hides her true age through plastic surgery and too much makeup and dresses inappropriately for her age because it seems she cannot accept herself as she is – a middle-aged grandmother who will soon be receiving her first AARP membership invitation.

      The only thing common about Sarah Palin is her manner, though I think it would be more accurate to call her manner coarse and crude.

    • Pinwheel says:

      I saw no video out of Boston. Perhaps the Mass. press had better things to do covering Western Mass tornadoes.

      • mea says:

        perhaps there are more important things for real people to think of right now, and rah-rah’s timing just is really unfortunate for her in Mass. her coyness, matched with her pouring out of words that are not sensible; topped off with the unreality of it all. it’s so really boring and hilariously unbelievable.
        i do feel sorry for Piper. i’ve watched kids like her raise their parents. that she’s loyal to her mom is not her fault. let’s give her a bit of compassion.

        • LoveMyDogs says:

          Nope, no compassion for Piper. She feels entitled to front of the line treatment and Secret Service details and all of the money/goodies/attention she is getting from this…well, let her see how the royal family in England feels every time they step out of the palace. 10 years old is not too young to learn a few of life’s hard lessons. Unfortunately Mommy dearest has put her out there and given her the go ahead to act this way so only society can teach her the lessons that she needs to learn. It’s called socialization Piper, you haven’t been getting it in school, no one has taught you any manners, Mommy is a disaster soooooo…deal with it. Sorry you lost in the gene lottery.

          • Moles says:

            The best possible schooling to drag Piper back into reality would be from her own peer group at school. There’s nobody quicker to jump on a bratty child than one of her own age, they can spot a spoilt prima donna a mile off and usually make their lives hell.
            It’s called the school of hard knocks and she’s headed straight for it. On the other hand, she’s never in school so probably it ain’t going to happen

  25. leu2500 says:

    Linda – I’d be interested in your take on the upcoming records request release. I know that when you pursued a records request, the state originally said it was going to cost $5000, although when it was done it cost less. The current records request is 3 cents per sheet copying and the cost of shipping (of 250 lbs of paper!). I’m curious; based on your experience is the state consistent in what it charges, or is it charging something different each time?

  26. Diane says:

    I listened to her explain why she was doing this tour.
    The arrogance is astounding.
    She presumes that I need a lecture from her on America’s greatness?? Does she think we are stupid?

    We are not see America’s greatness by her ‘tour’. We are seeing sarah palin seeking out and flirting with the press and her daughter being a brat. I highly sympathize with her daughter, being dragged around by her mother who obviously cares more about where the press is rather then having fun with and educating her daughter. And where is Trig? A bus ride would be a perfect opportunity for him to spend time with his family, but yet again, he is MIA. I guess it isn’t important for him to be seen until she is really campaigning.
    I’m angry. sarah palin quits her elected position, makes a ton of money, finally leaves Alaska and she thinks I have forgotten about my country?

    • daisydem says:

      I sympathize (as a mother) with Piper some too, but I am sorry …. a brat is a brat. And a brat is the outcome of very poor parenting. Why does Sarah feel she needs to have Piper RIGHT THERE! I mean this is the same thing we saw in all the pictures of her so-called governorship, while it lasted. Piper was in the official photos all the time. It is unreal. On a trip like this, which is not really a vacation, why does the Grandmother not keep Piper in the hotel while Mom flirts with the press, dines (gag) with Trump, visits evil colleagues at FOX, etc.? Maybe the grandmother cannot handle Piper either.

      • ks sunflower says:

        I’ve only seen one mother keep a young daughter at her side even at inappropriate events or times. That mother had been the victim sexual molestation as a child, and was fearful of leaving the young girl with anyone, including family members. I am not saying this is what is happening in the Palin family, but I bring it up to ask if anyone else has seen a mother behave like this.

        The only other alternative I’ve heard discussed is that Sarah may be fearful of what Piper, a headstrong child, might say if left unattended. Because Sarah told Frank Bailey and others that she doesn’t trust Todd, perhaps this explains why she drags Piper everywhere. Of course, if this is the point of the exercise, it is failing as Piper is telegraphing her anger, frustration and poorly parented childhood at every stop.

        Sarah is actually harming her image every time she appears with her children. Their behavior has become a liability, not an asset.

        My sympathy for Piper goes only so far. I agree with others here, she is behaving like a brat. At some point, each of us has a choice as to which path to take. Piper has not been given many options and has poor role models to follow, but she is old enough to be self-aware and should have a sense of wanting to be liked. Obviously, her anger is veering her towards bad decisions – a family tradition it seems.

  27. mea says:

    i am wondering where Todd and Bristol went. are they on the bus? in the car? where are they, and why is poor Piper alone on this jaunt?

    • Lilybart says:

      Anyone who could, left the bus to nowhere. Only the Grandparents, all three of them, and Piper.

  28. I See Villages From My House says:

    Once upon a time it was good enough for Sarah to determine who Real Americans were. Well thank goodness she’s got such the servants heart to instruct us unreal Americans on the fundamentals of our country so that we can become good citizens and vote for her or any single person or issue lucky enough to benefit from her self-serving PAC.

    When is Sarah going to learn that she has to reign in that maverick tongue of hers?

    Not in terms of speech (we know her Word Salad is her unapologetic brand) but in terms of the it’s frenzied gymnastics inside and outside its home?

    It’s perverse, which serves a purpose for certain sycophants, but disquieting for us normal people (LOL, I’m sure to Palin’s fans, we are not normal.)

    Bristol does the same thing, a lot, on DWTS and on some red carpet somewhere. It’s either a base attempt at flagrant sex-appeal, extraordinary self-consciousness or a by-product of meds.

    We’d ask her to keep her tongue in check, but we all know how she takes even helpful advice (think the icy reception political gadfly Ann Kilkenny received on the “lose the gum, it’s not dignified in conducting a City Council meeting” from Sarah and her BFF’s.)

  29. G Katz says:

    I just posted a comment about using the PAC money on the Open thread, but it also seems relevant here.

    … But, at a time when “rill” Americans are struggling to put gas in the car to take their families to stay at a Motel 6, how can they identify with such an atrocious display of extravagance that this multimillionaire isn’t even financing out of her own pocket?

    • Valley_Independent says:

      I’m going with Phil Munger’s theory that she can’t publicize where she’s going next on the family vacation for fear the protesters will come out in large numbers.

      By now, quite a few SarahPAC contributors should have realized that all she’s really doing is spending their hard-earned cash on her own personal vacation. She’s not serving the people, she’s bilking them.

    • fishingmamma says:

      She justifies her behavior the same way Chris Christie justifies using the state-owned helicopter to fly him to his kid’s baseball game.

      Humility is not in their vocabulary.

  30. I’m getting pretty tired of these so-called experts doing such a poor job of fact checking. ANYBODY (as in all of us) who has been paying attention knows that the Palins were not going to be bankrupted by the ethics complaints (I don’t even know how the FOIA lie snuck in there). Unless keeping Van Flea on the payroll 24 hours a day so that he could threaten to sue everybody (that seems like about all he did) was really expensive. That had to do with Sarah’s paranoid delusions, not the complaints themselves. And NOBODY seems to get the dollar amount right, nor the fact that the second Troopergate round was Sarah’s instigation. I’m sorry, I can’t be nice anymore. Sarah IS Hitler, Jim Jones, and every other delusional sociopathic, pathological lying, charismatic nutball this world has ever seen. If people don’t wake up and stop acting like she’s just a harmless nutty lady we are all going to regret it. There is NOTHING harmless about that snake.

    • Lilybart says:

      And none of them remember that the GOP paid over $200,000 of the bill also, too and it has never been shown that she sent the AFT money back to anyone.

    • Valley_Independent says:

      Me, too. Halperin just lost any credibility he might have had, and O’Donnell let him get away with repeating the meme about why she quit. Are there no journalists anymore?

      ARGH! Thanks, LInda for picking up on this and sharing.

      • Elizabeth says:

        The “journalists” are out acting like Keystone Kops chasing Sarah around. What a ridiculous mess!

  31. TruGal says:

    I’m so glad you wrote this. I’ve watched both Halperin and Heilemann many times (too many times!) on Morning Joe spouting so many inaccurate statements about Sarah Palin that I’ve actually found myself yelling at the TV. Last night Halperin acted like he knew EVERYTHING about the quitter, but Lawrence was once again the voice of reason. When Halperin gave his explanation for Palin leaving office almost verbatim what SHE has said, I smelled a skunk. I’ve become so fed up with the “liberal” press (MSNBC, CNN?) not doing their homework, and am just very thankful to have O’Donnell in the 8 P.M. time slot to say things no one else is saying.

    • silverball says:

      i’m with you, trugal….i have a lot of trouble with halperin being called a “journalist”….he’s a tool….and larry is pretty focused in his show….love to watch him….

  32. lemonfair says:

    Great exchange last night, especially seeing the interpersonal dynamics between Lawrence and Halperin. I was disconcerted by Halperin’s take, as I think he’s been pretty good lately on Morning Joe.

    I thought that Steven Colbert’s exploration of PACs and Super PACs showed that you can spend Super PAC money on pretty much anything you wanted to. You definitely don’t have to be a candidate for anything. Steven’s difficulty with getting a Super PAC has been convincing his corporate owners they aren’t at risk of making in-kind political contributions if Steven has a Super PAC. It’s a former head of the FEC who has been advising Steven (on camera, too) if I remember rightly. In fact, it made me wonder why I’m not founding a Super PAC to take care of travel expenses etc. Maybe Mudflats should have a Super PAC.

    • g says:

      Yes, that’s my impressions too. The people O’Donnell cites who were investigated with sitting politicians and elected officials with ongoing campaigns. Palin is sitting in a financial sweet-spot because she hasn’t declared.

      I think it is allowed for PACs to spend money on whatever they think furthers their cause, as long as it doesn’t go to a declared candidate.This seems wrong, and sleazy, but it’s probably legal. If they want to pay for an individual’s appearance, entertainment budget, “fact-finding” trips, I think they can do it.

      What’s interesting about Palin’s take on it, is that while everyone else does a kind of “wink wink nod nod” thing, she is blatantly saying, “I’m not campaigning, I’m not making political appearances, I’m just on a trip around the country.”

      I think many of her followers are perfectly happy financing her activities if they they think she is going to be supporting other candidates, or making speeches and “sticking it to the liberals” – they really don’t care how much of their money she takes if they can see her doing that. What’s interesting this time, though is that she’s actually DENYING that she’s acting politically, she’s saying outright that its a family vacation. Plus – the fact that she is not holding any real events, not making speeches,reinforces that. It’s very odd. Even her supposedly education trips to historic sites is bogus, she hardly spends 15 minutes there.

      So what I’m interested in is how her support holds up. If you’re a Tea-bagger hoping she’ll run, or counting on her to get out the vote for your local Tea-bag candidate, you don’t mind giving her gas money or paying her Hyatt bill for that. But if she blatantly shows that she’s not doing any of the even cosmetic political work, and only using the money to enhance herself? I wonder how long that will keep the rubes sending in their money.

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