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Palin’s GhostTweeter Revealed!


Looks like President Obama isn’t the only one with a Supreme Court pick on his mind today. Just got a Twitter update from the governor.

AKGovSarahPalinJNU: Look forward to today’s staff discussion re: my 3rd justice appt to highest court in 3 yrs. Supreme Court truly effects AK’s future…

Actually, it doesn’t.

It affects Alaska’s future.

When the big announcement came that the governor was going to start using a Twitter account, I, like a lot of people,  presumed that it wouldn’t actually be the governor tweeting her own material.  I figured it would be a paid staffer whose job it was to make the governor sound good, sound busy, and craft tweets that sent people to websites, talked about issues, and made politically advantageous statements. 

After last week’s reference to “reasources” in one of the governor’s tweets, and after today’s effect/affect confusion, I thought to myself, “She really needs to get a better ghost-tweeter.”  And before some of you start pointing out how I’m throwing stones, and that Mudflats has been guilty on more than one occasion of a typo, or erroneous grammar usage, or a syntax slip-up, let me say right off the bat that you’re correct.  Let me also say that I have nobody looking over my shoulder, no paid staff, and I’m definitely not thinking about running for President of the United States.  If I change my mind on that issue, I promise to hire an editor.  Really.

In any case, I decided to look over what the governor’s ghost-tweeter has been chatting about in the last few days.  And while the platform has been used to discuss the stimulus money rejection, bill signings, and some policy issues, I have also learned that her “little hippie baby” has gotten his first hair cut.  She’s been on a riverboat ride with Todd.  She had a hockey bet with South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and the whole first family attended the Stingrays Aces game, but the Aces lost.  So, being superstitious, she decided to let the first family go to the next game without her, to “change it up,” and give the Aces a chance to be “redeemed.”   She planned to listen on radio, but at the last minute couldn’t resist attending the game.  Apparently the magical thinking about “changing it up” didn’t hold water, because the Aces have now come one step closer to winning the Kelly Cup with a 3-1 victory over the Stingrays. I know this because there are no less than 5 tweets on the subject, one of which includes a smiley face emoticon.

Oddly enough, not one single tweet about the hockey games from Governor Mark Sanford.  Where are that man’s priorities anyway?

All of this led me to the conclusion that yes, in fact, the governor actually does this herself.   If that’s the case, maybe she needs to get a ghost-tweeter.  Her use of social media “reasources” might not be having the “affect” she’s looking for.



153 Responses to “Palin’s GhostTweeter Revealed!”
  1. Jamie says:

    Whatever she twitters makes her sound like a teenager twittering for her friends, like my 18 year olds twitters. Business is business – I started a twitter account to try and increase traffic on my food blog and I know that this means sticking to cooking, shopping, kitchen boo-boos, etc. It may be juvenile, but at least I am focused on a particular audience/reader and keep it to business. My sons’ haircuts? No interest unless I can tie it in directly to what I am cooking! If I followed my Gov’s twitter account, I may just want to know what he is doing for the state of Florida.

  2. Nan says:

    no argument here…

  3. austintx says:

    150 Nan Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 5:17 PM
    I guess it’s that rapier intellect going into action, y’suppose?
    The whole lot of ’em collectively have the I.Q. of a pinecone.

  4. Nan says:

    Oh! I downloaded the pdf of her request for FEMA/disaster relief/assistance. In it, she says that the ice breakup/flooding thing *began on April 28″ (25? not sure which, sorry). Where the heck was she between Apr 25/28 (whichever) and May 25 – a WHOLE MONTH – before putting in for disaster assistance?

    A whole month for her to wake up and smell that coffee. And the “bots” have the chutzpah to be p.o’d that Obama is taking more than 24 hours to leap into action?

    I guess it’s that rapier intellect going into action, y’suppose?

  5. samper says:

    there, also, too… forgot to add the whatevers…

  6. samper says:

    Why did SP wait SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long to figure out if there was a “bonafide” emergency?

    Were the PHOTOS of HOMES SINKING INTO THE ABYSS not enough “proof”????

  7. zyggy says:

    Palin’s word salad on twitter is a riot, also too.

  8. austintx says:

    I hate my Gov. , but his ass is in a Texas National Guard chopper at dawn checking up on the problem. Film on the 5 o’clock news too.also.

  9. samper says:

    austintx: No need for a mechanic if your radio goes loud enough!!!!

  10. justafarmer says:

    hiya Terpsichore,
    I’m in Kentucky but it’s the same thing here. My guv also declares a disaster in anticipation (based on NWS and other forecasts) so the basics are in place for the “official” federal request ASAP.
    Our current guv is a Dem, previous was a Rep, both handled disasters brilliantly.

  11. austintx says:

    141 samper Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 1:12 PM
    antiAnti: I find that if you don’t look at it, it goes away!

    Same thing with a weird “noise”… if you turn the radio up loud enough, suddenly, the noise stops!
    Or get the mechanic in the car…………………..

  12. Mae says:

    ~ snicker ~
    C4P got their undies all wadded up, due to some gal named Mae…. Okay, it was me. However it was blast posting about the clueless actions of the Gov. on their “Palin Love Train” blog. It like messin with a bees nest…

    I’m just sittin here enjoying the airport wait…

    Palins tweets border embarassing and laughable… the “duh” moments are kind a common. Like this one: “Alaska’s role is to provide domestic energy leading to less reliance on foregin sources…” = duh

    My sweetie and I, now call them “Duh tweets” as opposed to “Palin tweets”.

  13. samper says:

    antiAnti: I find that if you don’t look at it, it goes away!

    Same thing with a weird “noise”… if you turn the radio up loud enough, suddenly, the noise stops!

  14. samper says:

    Hey Guys!

    I KNEW you couldn’t wait for the “update”! Here it is!!!!!

    A&D was AWESOME… but not QUITE true to the book, unless I missed parts peeing… All that “free” soda is dangerous! Still, I felt like I could sneak out and come back, not missing all that much, having read the book and all.

    Full of popcorn. Need Dental Floss.

    Seriously, though, also, too, there is a leak in the kitchen plumbing. Do you have ANY idea what it’s like to go without kitchen water???? It’s HELL, I tell you! HELL!

    Dear BF is such a juvenile term…. I’m 45, he’s 56 and we’ve been together for 14 years… is “boyfriend” REALLY all we have to describe that????

    That said, Dear BF isn’t that enthusiastic in finding the cause/solution to the plumbing issue. However, KNOWING the price for not doing so, he succumbs to my demands, even if grudgingly. No worky, no play-y. Wink Wink 😉

    We’ve had too many “adult” beverages to bother now… time to shuck the corn, peel the pots, and marinate the pork chops.

    My life is just a WHIRLWIND of exciting activity!

    That nap might come first, though… we smuggled “adult” beverages into the theatre and I’m just a TAD on the “who the hell cares if we EVER eat” side!

    And THAT, dear Mudpuppies, is what is going on NOW… no need to “subscribe” to “being my follower” on Freakin’ TWIT TWAT TWEET!

    You’ve got the “down low” right here! And WITHOUT having to go to that INANE site!!!!

    You’re welcome.

    (PS: If you go there, you might accidently run into SP’s tweetathon. What is she, TWELVE?)

  15. austintx says:

    138 antiAnti Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 11:12 AM
    @austintx – aha an expert! So how does the the wheel well get wet while everything else stays dry? (And the other mystery is that it usually happens on Tuesdays but sometimes on Fridays when the moon is full.) Sigh.
    Hm-m-m………Sounds like a mystery for Click & Clack.

  16. antiAnti says:

    @austintx – aha an expert! So how does the the wheel well get wet while everything else stays dry? (And the other mystery is that it usually happens on Tuesdays but sometimes on Fridays when the moon is full.) Sigh.

  17. austintx says:

    Newt’s tweet a while ago…………

  18. austintx says:

    135 antiAnti Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 10:27 AM
    Samper is actually spending the day boating on the Amazon. The post was just to make us all feel better about our humdrum lives (like the 3rd round of trying to figure out how water leaks into the car trunk).
    Weather stripping is usually the guilty party.

  19. antiAnti says:

    Samper is actually spending the day boating on the Amazon. The post was just to make us all feel better about our humdrum lives (like the 3rd round of trying to figure out how water leaks into the car trunk).

    (Thanks, samper, I laughed out loud.)

  20. InJuneau says:

    Oh, samper, you’re a funny one! (and I’m under 140 characters also too!!)

  21. samper says:

    Hey, you guys?

    I’m not all that Twitter Savvy or even mildly interested, so here is what I’m doing RIGHT NOW:

    We just finished lunch. I made homemade potato chips (for the BEST chips, order a bag from, made in Detroit. You won’t be sorry. They beat LAYS hands down).

    I paired that with a nice juicy burger. Ketchup, Mustard and Onions. I know… I’m not as classy as our No Ketchup President, but I like the stuff. NO pickles in the house, so it was kind of a “B” rated burger. Pickles are mandatory for an “A” rating.

    As soon as I finish this, we’re going to see Angels & Demons. I was hardly waiting for opening day and then one thing after another led to delays in seeing it. $4.75 matinee with dear boyfriend coupled with unlimited popcorn and soda for another $5. What a bargain!

    After that, we plan to drive home and take a nap (it’s what we “unemployed’s ‘do'”) after enjoying a game of Yahtzee (addiction) and a “refreshing” (adult) beverage (also, too, there, an addiction).

    When we wake up – I give it about 2 hours – we will likely watch recorded episodes of the Daily Show from Mon and Tues and figure out dinner as well as fix the plumbing fiasco under my kitchen sink.

    I’m thinking WINE, grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, garlic bread, corn on the cob, and a nice salad featuring the romaine lettuce in the pot outside my service porch (that stuff grows like CRAZY!). Dessert: The BEST: Hostess Ding Dongs and a tall, cold glass of milk.

    Glad you are all SOOOOOOO concerned about what I’m doing RIGHT NOW!

    What? I broke the 140 character limit?

    OH NO! I’ll have to update you LATER then!!!!

  22. K8KZ says:

    The haters at C4P have a blog featuring this blog and defending Scarah – fun read and the comments are sappy but none the less entertaining.

  23. Donna says:

    anyone see Shannyn’s latest? Unbelievable! Palin is such an embarassment.

  24. Terpsichore says:

    “Each time we’ve had a disaster in my county, my governor immediately (and I mean IMMEDIATELY, not one, two three four weeks later) requested federal disaster declaration. FEMA as here within days.”

    Yeah, Justafarmer, same in my state (maybe it’s same one. FL?), SOP here is that Governors declare disaster BEFORE a hurricane hits (if one is reasonably threatening). That just gets all the paperwork done sooner.

    We just had some big rainstorms that caused some flooding further north (I’m near Ft. Lauderdale) and Gov. Crist immediately declared disaster to get the federal ball rolling.

    I don’t believe he tweets. We rarely hear about his new wife. and he NEVER decks himself out in company logo attire. And he actually has a calendar, a schedule, and commits to appearing at events IN ADVANCE! Wow. What amazing concepts. Governors acting gubernatorial (I just like the word gubernatorial – did I spell it write? Too lazy this morning to check))

  25. Isabella says:

    trisha Says “It seems the content of Palin’s tweet’s are soooo People magazine.”

    Have you seen reader comments after those, People Magazine, exclusives? A lot of bashing going on. I cannot find actual copies sold but the stands are full of unsold magazines.

  26. trisha says:

    It seems the content of Palin’s tweet’s are soooo People magazine.

    People Magazine seems to be the only reading material we can confirm that Palin reads. I bet she has them on speed dial to give them the latest scoop about her trashy family. How very Presidential of her.

  27. Nan says:

    trisha Says:
    Good Ol’ Palin…..putting her journalism degree to work.

    ha, ha, ha, ha!

    Good one! Hat’s off to you.


  28. Isabella says:

    antiAnti Says “23,509 is pretty respectable for a small time politician?

    I was watching the first few days as accounts were created. More then 60% are false accounts created by Sarah type PAC freaks and hundreds more are just curiosity seekers who have nothing posted about her in their dialogs.

    btw, in the beginning Palin, was following, Mudflats.

    Notice how the crowds are pissy when she is around?

  29. trisha says:

    Good Ol’ Palin…..putting her journalism degree to work.

    ha, ha, ha, ha!

  30. BuffaloGal says:

    PS on the Twitter YouTube episode :

    I just watched it again but this time with Palin in mind and it fits PERFECTLY. Makes it even funnier with that spin.

    The link again is :

  31. BuffaloGal says:

    For those of you who are twitter bugs as well as for folks who think the twitter thang is all a bunch of whoohaw , if you’ve not seen the YouTube episode , then you owe it to yourself to head over there. Only the most twitter-dicted will not find it funny:

    If the link doesn’t work just go to youtube and type in “twouble with twitter” (and yeah…it’s “twouble”). enjoy !!

  32. Nan says:

    Valley Independent – not a problem, I was just being silly, really. Probably need more sleep is all.

    And I would swear that the link to that toxic personalities page was not there last night. That’s really odd.

  33. mt says:

    her education from Idaho really paid off huh? HA, a journalism/communications major who can’t spell. hmmm

  34. ValleyIndependent says:

    Sorry Nan, I was just using the name given in the “toxic personalities to avoid” thingie Big Slick sent us to.

    I don’t think the two of you have anything in common. Thank heavens. One of her is quite sufficient.

  35. EyeOnYou says:

    Here is my vote:
    A combo of all of them~

  36. mlaiuppa says:

    So GINO is appointing her 3rd AK supreme court justice, huh?

    Gee, does she have any more high school BFFs left to nominate for anything, also, too?

  37. Nan says:

    Um. ValleyIndependent? Could we maybe rethink that “Narcissistic ‘NANcy” thing?

    Just askin’

    Nan 😉

  38. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ BigSlick – I vote for Narcissistic Nancy.

  39. BooBooBear says:

    I love it….everything and I mean EVERYTHING she Tweets is fair game to reappear in print when she makes her run at the presidency. Oh…my…gosh….that is going to be SO fun! She is so full of herself to think people are actually interested in haircuts and hockey games. Shows how much she is NOT doing for the State of Alaska. Pathetic. Our ever entertaining GINO. If she only knew how many people are laughing at her every day,……………

  40. lynnrockets says:

    Ooooooh, I love all that hockey talk.

  41. CO almost native says:

    G’nite, curiouser- sleep well 🙂

  42. curiouser says:

    I posted 5 times and all 5 vanished. But my ‘test’ worked. It must be a sign. Think I’m supposed to go to bed.

  43. curiouser says:

    Tried to post 4 times and all 4 vanished. Going for 5.

    Here goes another try though I’ve lost some of what I wanted to say and don’t have the energy to recreate:

    I think Blue Idaho #10 is on to something with the tick tock. Palin’s tweeting late at night….so, add some alcohol and something that’s ticking her off more than usual and BOOM goes the twitter bomb.

    I clicked on her twitter link, too. She’s following John McCain and he’s NOT following her. Neither is Eric Cantor nor Gov. Richardson. Some of the other politicians are following thousands, so I didn’t bother to look. Huckabee is following her.

    To her credit, she has followed JMcC’s and Cantor’s lead and limited the number of people she’s following.

  44. curiouser says:

    I posted 3 times and all 3 vanished.

    Here goes another try though I’ve lost some of what I wanted to say and don’t have the energy to recreate:

    I think Blue Idaho #10 is on to something with the tick tock. Palin’s tweeting late at night….so, add some alcohol and something that’s ticking her off more than usual and BOOM goes the twitter bomb.

    I clicked on her twitter link, too. She’s following John McCain and he’s NOT following her. Neither is Eric Cantor nor Gov. Richardson. Some of the other politicians are following thousands, so I didn’t bother to look. Huckabee is following her.

    To her credit, she has followed JMcC’s and Cantor’s lead and limited the number of people she’s following.

  45. M G J N U says:

    Sorry about the typos in the last comment. For some reason the text wasn’t showing up in the field on the blackberry. I look worse than Sarah!

  46. curiouser says:


  47. M G J N U says:

    She has a ghost tweeter as well. Out of anchorage. From a reliable source. But it doesn’t. Surprise me that she adds a personal touch so one wouldn’t think there is a ghost tweeter. tweetre

  48. curiouser says:

    I’ve tried to post twice and they both disappeared. Is this a sign? It’s never happened to me before.

    I won’t repeat accept (hehe…will Palin ever do that?)…I clicked the twitter link and discovered that Palin is following John McCain and JMcC is NOT following Palin. Neither are Eric Cantor, Gov. Richardson nor Newt Gingrich. John Coale is following Palin and she is not following him.

  49. riley says:

    Doesn’t this poor ignorant woman understand that these posting of hers on the internet will be used against her if she ever tries to run for another elective office?

    It is just not fair, you folks in Alaska has this endless source of amusement. There are only a few states in the deep south that can compete with you with governors hoof and mouth disease.

  50. curiouser says:

    Just tried to post and it disappeared. And I didn’t bother to copy. Maybe it was a sign.

    Well, the main points:
    I think Blue Idaho #10 is on to something with the tick tock. Palin’s tweeting late at night….so, add some alcohol and something that’s ticking her off more than usual and BOOM goes the twitter bomb.

    I clicked on her twitter link, too. She’s following John McCain and he’s NOT following her. Neither is Eric Cantor nor Gov. Richardson. Some of the other politicians are following thousands, so I didn’t bother to look. Huckabee is following her.

    To her credit, she has followed JMcC’s and Cantor’s lead and limited the number of people she’s following.

  51. seattlefan says:

    North_of_the_Range Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 7:58 PM
    Our state constitution limits the governor’s authority to choose Supreme Court nominees. The governor has to choose from a list approved by the Judicial Council. Remember the last one, from just a few months ago? She had to select from two candidates that the base did not especially care for.

    The nomination process is not even an apples to apples comparison. It’s more like apples to baby food. That’s just how it is.

    Thanks for that clarification. Perhaps someone should inform your governor that she is just taking a multiple choice test when she does her “choosing” of the Supreme Court Justice. Quite a different task than the POTUS making his choice.

  52. curiouser says:

    I’m just rereading AKM’s post and the comments. My head is spinning. I think Blue Idaho #10 is on to something…..just how long will we have to wait before the Palin twitter bomb blows? wes-ben pointed out that she’s twittering late at night….so, add a little alcohol and something that riles her up and it might not be too much longer.

    antiAnti, thanks for the link to the twitter acct. I checked it out and guess what? Palin is following John McCain….John McCain is NOT following her. Neither is Eric Cantor or Gov. Richardson. Some of the others are following thousands…I didn’t bother looking.

    In Palin’s favor, she seems to have followed JMcC’s and Cantor’s lead and limited the twitterers she’s following.

  53. justafarmer says:

    My personal experience with FEMA, FWIW…
    Each time we’ve had a disaster in my county, my governor immediately (and I mean IMMEDIATELY, not one, two three four weeks later) requested federal disaster declaration. FEMA as here within days. Not sure what they were doing outside of the county seat but they were here.
    One of our disasters (actually several in the same area) was flooding. The last flood, FEMA said they wouldn’t assist anymore unless all the homeowners moved to higher ground (and there was a significant buyout involved).

  54. Physicsmom says:

    @samper – the First Gent’s radio show was on am 1310 in the Detroit area, WDTW, about 10pm on Sun. I just checked their website tho’ and it hasn’t been updated in a while, so the schedule isn’t accurate and it doesn’t show him on it. Might have been a one-time thing since it was the holiday weekend. BTW, I’m in Northville.

    LOL at the image of GINO introducing the Dud to foreign dignitaries. We are so lucky we dodged the bullet of SP as VP.

  55. EyeOnYou says:

    North_of_the_Range Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 7:58 PM
    Twitter does not exactly lend itself to clarification and nuance.

    Well, neither does Palin so I guess it’s a perfect fit. 🙂

  56. North_of_the_Range says:

    Our state constitution limits the governor’s authority to choose Supreme Court nominees. The governor has to choose from a list approved by the Judicial Council. Remember the last one, from just a few months ago? She had to select from two candidates that the base did not especially care for.

    The nomination process is not even an apples to apples comparison. It’s more like apples to baby food. That’s just how it is.

    But Twitter does not exactly lend itself to clarification and nuance.

  57. samper says:

    That should be “also TOO there”. I don’t think SP would use commas so I’m not going to also too. There.

  58. samper says:

    SlappyOC: COOL! Ahhhhhnold is serving the people for FREE! Considering the state of the state, it’s a generous thing to do. That said, he’s set for life, anyway, and married to a Kennedy, so cash really isn’t an issue for them.

    Kind of shows up SP and her troup of merry followers (kids and Dud) on every stinking trip she’s ever taken, as well as the whole per diem thing also to there, doesn’t it????

  59. Sarah in SC says:

    I have a question–are those Blackberries (is that the plural form of the copyrighted “Blackberry?” lol) that she uses paid for by the taxpayers, or are those personal accounts? (or does she bill the state for them?)

    If the state pays for them, couldn’t any correspondence done via Blackberry be considered public domain? Meaning she would have to turn it over if someone should subpoena it? Hmm.

    Just curious, because of the 95,000 dollar email debacle, and wondering if she would try to shimmy out of that by saying it was “all” personal since it was via Blackberry.

    This has probably been asked & answered, but I’m too sleepy to google it tonight. lol

  60. samper says:

    EyeOnYou: NO WAY! She seems so “down to earth”! Again… barf. The day she is “elite” is the day monkeys and pigs fly out of my butt and paint rainbows on my house in permanent neon colors.

    seattlefan: If you thow back a shot of liquor before going in, you MIGHT make it for a few of her inane, vapid posts.

    But get out quick. No telling what Page Two holds and we don’t want to find out at the expense of a Mudpuppy!

  61. Nan says:

    John(Canadian mudpuppy)
    I just can’t picture SP allowing anyone to get ahead of her in line, let alone hold the door for anyone else. Sorry.

    Surely, there’s another reason she missed the queue for (a functional) brain.

  62. seattlefan says:


    Kudos for trying to go there! I don’t think I could take it. Glad you got out. What a bunch of crap that whole thing is.

  63. EyeOnYou says:

    samper Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 7:28 PM
    Why doesn’t she just say “Family and I went to game” instead of FIRST Family? I think we all know who she’s referring to without the adjective of “FIRST” everytime she mentions them. Is narcissistic the right word?


    She uses “First Family” because it sounds more elite and official. She may claim to be just a hockey mom, but she doesn’t really feel that way, she sees herself as something special and wants to make gosh darn sure that everyone else knows it. ::wink wink:: You betcha!

  64. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Sarah does one thing for people i know of. She’s the funniest thing to ever come out of politics in a long time. If she ever stops telling lies about Obama, we will stop telling the truth about her. Brains aren’t everything when it comes to Sarah, in fact in her case they’re nothing. I don’t think shes a fool, but what’s my opinion compared to that of millions of others around the world. When they were handing out brains Sarah was the first in the queue, and held the door open for the rest of us, hence the lack of ability to construct two simple descriptive sentences.

  65. samper says:

    I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get past page one. I was weak.

    First, she is “following” a zillion different whatevers – news organizations, etc. Does she get a tweet every time a comment is posted? That would be distracting as HECK! She doesn’t have “time” for all that!

    Next, the first tweet or twit or whatever they call it is: To see PHOTOS and more on ME signing some stupid bill, go to…”

    Is she kidding? She’s directing folks to go look at PHOTOS of HER SIGNING STUFF? Could there POSSIBLY not be enough photos of her circulating without her having MORE taken and begging folks to go look at MORE of them?

    All the folks at that “other” site are bashing Obama for taking a few hours off to play a round of golf on the holiday, saying SP was “WORKING” and he was “PLAYING”.

    Ummm… don’t they tweet? She was on her little joyride with Dud while Obama was golfing. That makes them about even in time off for the holiday. They are IDIOTS.

    Why doesn’t she just say “Family and I went to game” instead of FIRST Family? I think we all know who she’s referring to without the adjective of “FIRST” everytime she mentions them. Is narcissistic the right word?

    I didn’t see anything except messages about her fabulous life and wonderful duties as Gov. No responses from the public. Does she really think more than 41 people (right now) actually care about what she’s doing every second of the day?


  66. SlappyOC says:

    Don’t know if anyone has already posted but she follows Gov. Schwarzenegger and this post of his caught my eye today:

    “Thanks, @drkilzum. I paid for my trip to Washington. The state doesn’t pay for any of my travel, food, lodging or salary.”

    Wonder if she noticed that one.

  67. samper says:

    OK you guys… I’m going in. I’m going to the TWIT PAGE.

    I’ve had a couple of cocktails and can use a good laugh.

    If you don’t see me by tomorrow night, send in the SWAT Team because that will mean I didn’t make it out alive.

  68. AlaskaDisasta says:

    What can one expect from the poor grifter when her very own party’s choice for president was known for saying “”Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” Lol

  69. antiAnti says:

    In contrast to Palin, John McCain’s
    twitter has 672,000+ followers. Palin’s 23,509 is pretty respectable for a small time politician, but will need a steroid shot if she competes in 2012.

  70. antiAnti says:

    @austintx Says: the word hippie tossed in……..
    May 26th, 2009 at 6:29 PM

    Having recently been hooted into silence for using “hippie” by a group of thirty somethings, I’m getting very wary of my aging vocabulary. Palin might want to run her tweets by Piper for a “dork” check to avoid having her terminology show her age just as badly has her fading, er, “beauty”.

  71. samper says:

    Wasillawarrior: Whittier, AK? We have a Whittier here, too! No fudge there, though. We have to go clear up to the bridge connecting the peninsulas for that.

  72. samper says:

    Sorry… that was for anadventurer, @ 75.

    SHOULD lay off the Rum & Diet for a minute or I’ll start spewing word salad out of my fingers!

  73. wasillawarrior says:

    Whoops I meant Samper I am new at this but Whittier has great fudge…

  74. wasillawarrior says:

    Sampler thanks for the laugh ..all good stuff, very funny…

  75. samper says:

    @74: … chewing taffy in a wind tunnel… ROFLMAO!

    Mackinaw has EXCELLENT salt water taffy, too! They make it right in front of you.

    I gotta get up there this summer! It’s ALL about snack foods!!!!

  76. austintx says:

    antiAnti – Thanks for that twitter link. As I scrolled thru a few , I started to wonder how she could be in all the places she is talking about. Are those towns close to each other ? Sounds like she is on a dead run going everywhere. The one about Trig’s first haircut and the word hippie tossed in……..

  77. samper says:

    Did I spell “shiney” incorrectly? It’s 10:30PM EST (or are we on EDT now?). Well past my bedtime, since I didn’t get a decent nap today.

    You’re a forgiving lot, though, so I betcha it doesn’t matter! 🙂

  78. anadventurer says:

    Nice TEASE & HOOK w/ the title AKM! I was thinking: “there is no way there is a ghost writer, I follow her tweets and unless it’s a middle schooler trying to make sense a message the govenerness leaves on her answering making while chewing taffy in a wind tunnel, there is NO WAY it’s a ghost writer.

  79. samper says:

    Marnie – Thanks! I’ll send a modest check and you guys can best decide what is needed most and what can be bought with it. SP must have lost the state check book, but I still know where MINE is!

    PhysicsMom – Nice to meet you! I’m in Warren. You? Regarding our First Gentleman’s radio show… Do you know if we get it here in Detroit? Maybe he has a page on…

    pvazwindy – Red Wings? Oh yeah… they’re winning some kind of shiney object, aren’t they? LOL! We win it so often it puts the Palin Klan (and Track, the hockey “star”) to SHAME I tell you! SHAME!!!!! The one thing about hockey, though, is that it used to be a WINTER sport. Now, it goes clear into JULY (it seems) with all the playoffs! (Same with all the sports.)

    Mentioning the carmel corn … MMMMMMM….. CARMEL CORN!!!!!!!!!! It’s the BEST up there, isn’t it? I take it you are a transplant, now out of state?

    AKM and ALL – Maybe I wasn’t clear in my first post… didn’t SP sign a request yesterday to have the state declared a “disaster” as the “first step” in the process of getting a hand out from the feds? Not sure how FEMA works, but I thought they didn’t bother until some kind of request from a Gov was submitted and THEN they go in, assess, disburse resources. I stand corrected. Sorry folks! At any rate, what happened to her big idea of AKns “takin’ care of themselves without the feds”?

    Doesn’t it scare ANYONE that she was a heartbeat away from meeting dignitaries from all over the world and at the “ball” would be introducing Dud?

    “Mr. Prime Minister of Ultra Important Country, I’d like for you to meet the First Dude of the USA… My husband and hunka hunka burnin’ love, Todd! He’s very fertile, you know! We have four… maybe 5 kids!”

    She would have embarrassed us ALL!

    I’m sorry Alaska… you just need to motivate your voters in 2010 to take back your state.

  80. wasillawarrior says:

    That’s what you get with one of those five colleges later sportscaster degrees you bet ya.
    But she’s got more experience than Obama at appointing them judges…wink..wink..
    Janet in Texas thank you for letting us suffering through the tail end of Palin’s governorship know that we are not alone in our distaste for the very stupid…

  81. Marnie says:

    McCain says of himself that he makes snap and or impulsive decisions and if they are wrong, he’ll live with the results.

    But a real leader can’t make ill considered decisions, if for no greater reason than the fact that he is forcing others to suffer the consequences.

    It wasn’t Sarah personally that was his downfall, it was the quality of his decision that was frankly terrifying.

  82. antiAnti says:

    urrrgh. techie’s should be techies

  83. antiAnti says:

    A log of every tweet by Palin is available at
    just keep pushing more button at the bottom of the page to go back in time.

    I think the ghost tweeter steps in with fillers so there is a steady stream. For example, the following seems to completely avoid the twitter mission – “quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? ” The mudflats techie’s would know if it’s possible to robo-post to twitter and automate the whole idiotic process.

    ====sample twitter post from Palin’s twitter======
    Congratulations to all of AK’s graduating high school seniors! You have so much to offer AK & the world – we’re so proud of you!
    7:29 PM May 14th from TwitterBerry

  84. Marnie says:

    61 mae lewis Says:

    There are times I feel sorry for her but she is hurting so many people that my sympathy is for them and not her.

  85. austintx says:

    63 Janet in Texas Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 5:49 PM
    What was McCain thinking? Seriously ! This woman is a complete IDIOT ! I can’t for the life of me figure out what he was thinking.
    The little head was doing the thinking. Seriously !

  86. seattlefan says:

    Janet in Texas,

    I don’t think McCain was thinking at all. He went with the “package” thinking the knuckle dragging base would buy into it and he thought Hillary supporters would cross over and support his choice.

    I’m certain he regrets it and is embarrassed and ashamed for putting her on the forefront. I believe a tell-all book will someday come out about his true feelings about her. His daughter won’t even discuss her. With time, it will all come out.

  87. austintx says:

    Maybe someone can consolidate all the stupid tweets and language mangling speeches and do what Jacob Weisberg did with Bush. Jacob did quite well with his book series of “Bushism’s”

  88. Marnie says:


    I posted the Pay Pal infor for donations and other info in the comments of the previous article.

  89. Janet in Texas says:

    What was McCain thinking? Seriously ! This woman is a complete IDIOT ! I can’t for the life of me figure out what he was thinking. It only took 24 hours after he named her to see the skeletons come flying out of her closets. And they’re STILL flying out.

  90. austintx says:

    seattlefan – according to this , she does it all nite……..

    16 wes_ben Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 2:49 PM
    I’m with you AKM. I signed up for her tweets moments after she announced she had a twitter account. I cannot believe the stupid crap she puts out (and all fricken night long). I think she is trying to convince everyone just how involved she is with “Akns” She is so busy, in fact, she has no time for herself!


  91. mae lewis says:

    Back atcha, Marnie, I like your image of spinning faster and faster, fear of falling. I used to call it “Rock Star Complex,” always having to top your latest hit. The audience has to be larger, louder; the rush higher and stronger. This was validated by a friend of ours who had the distinct pleasure of knowing Judy Garland, unfortunately when she was in her slide downwards. Each hit had to be bigger, and there reaches a point where you just can’t top that last great moment. We can remember how great Michael Jackson used to be, and how he lost his musical-magic. Some stars can’t handle it, and they crash.

    In reference to Sarah Palin, the campaign was a rock star moment. Huge crowds, roaring applause to her every word. It didn’t even matter what she said– she was dressed and made up to look like a star, a speech was handed to her. No matter what, Alaska is no longer what it used to be, and your image of her spinning and turning, trying harder and harder to catch the magic, and the let-down when it doesn’t meet expectations is right on point. From our perspective, we laugh at the twits and tweets, the tabloid comments vs.the Johnstons, and she’s just trying harder and harder. What a ride! And, sorry to say, the citizens in Alaska are the ones who have to pay the price for a governor who is more concerned with her own ego instead of the state.

  92. CO almost native says:

    witsendnj Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 5:06 PM

    The affect/effect confusion is one of the most annoying mistakes. But for more, I highly recommend “Eats, Shoots, and Leaves”
    One of my favorites, when I was teaching high school English- and Strunk’s “Elements of Style”. I’d recommend both to Gov. Twit, but I’m not sure she’s take the time to read either. Just saying-

  93. seattlefan says:

    For those of you who follow her twitters, what does she say and how often does she do it? I can’t bring myself to sign up and be a “follower”, but I’m curious enough to ask. LOL! Is she doing it constantly? Do people write back to her? I guess I just don’t get the whole tweeting thing.

  94. Maria says:

    I’m sorry, but I’ve never understood the total waste of time that is Twitter. No one’s life is that interesting. And Palin tweeting? I have a mental image of a big grinning gas bag.

  95. witsendnj says:

    The affect/effect confusion is one of the most annoying mistakes. But for more, I highly recommend “Eats, Shoots, and Leaves”

  96. austintx says:

    I can feel the vibe…………lynnrockets is a comin’……..

  97. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “Shes just a hockey mom who wants her finger on the bomb and each nite she’s a prayin’, that there will come a day and she will find a way, to be a playa’….”

    LynnRockets, HELP!


  98. austintx says:

    ….”he’s just picking his 1st Supreme Court justice and everyone’s making such a fuss, but I’m picking my 3rd cuz I’ve been governor for 3 years and I have so much more executive experience. And, dammit, why is everyone paying attention to him?”
    What a self-centered , juvenile dumb-ass.

  99. Nan says:

    I have heard the expression (1st Fam) on occasion, but as you said, it pops up in AK dang near every time you turn around. (I hit “send” too soon, or I’d have added that even if it is in use, it *is* kind of jarring.)

    Nan 🙂

  100. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    That was my intention!


  101. Enjay in E.MT says:

    Obviously GINO believes that EVERYTHING in her life is important to her followers — except of course those off-limit children — who are preparing themselves for the public stage all on their own.

    Bristol representing teens for abstinence only now (however unrealistic)
    Piper Palin for President in 2043 or some such thing

    She believes she has started a dynasty — how soon they will fall ?

  102. lilybart says:

    Samper: I agree, I live in NY and I have no idea if Gov Patterson even has kids. I know he’s blind but that is obvious. I think he is married but I don’t know her name. I am a news junkie, so if he was boring everyone with his First Family, I would know.

    She is just pretending she IS President. We only have ONE first family and that includes Sasha and Malia, not Trap Door and Bad Tripp.

  103. mlaiuppa says:

    I would have thought “reasources” and “effect” would have been a dead giveaway. The only thing throwing the identity in doubt is no “also, too.”

    Also, too, can you imagine the Governor giving up her personal power over her twitter account? How could she possibly trust anyone to be her? She’s all about control.

    She’s got nothing better to do with her time?

  104. TBNTJudy says:

    #19 sauerkraut said: “Please don’t pull her finger!”


  105. Marnie says:

    I have to wonder if what she is running away from is her Down’s Syndrome baby. If she ever stops running away from her children, she will have to deal with the life long responsibilities of caring for a growing child who has limited ability to care for himself. Her magical life as Beauty Queen and almost VP will crash down around her. And she will have to look at herself in the mirror and look into the faces of all her damaged children.

    At least for today – I’m guessing she’s frightened of being normal and of the difficulty of accomplishing the world’s hardest, 24 hours a day job –
    being a good parent.

  106. seattlefan says:


    I was just about to post the same thing! This woman is such a JOKE and I cannot fathom how she made is as far as she has. She has the mentality of a “tween” and her speaking skills are a reflection of her intellect…..grossly lacking.

  107. InJuneau says:

    Oh, sjk, I sense an inspiration for lynnrockets…

  108. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Ghost Tweeters in the Sky…..

  109. Marnie says:

    27 mae lewis Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 3:32 PM
    I think that she’s trying to progress her political career with those little notes;

    Sarah still doesn’t get it that her words and behavior are a matter of public record. As in, You Tube, cell phone cameras, tape recorders, Save buttons, video tape, and what that means to her political future, forever.

    She is building up an enormous mass of idiocy and failure that can and will be used against her. And she is either so compulsively out of control or so self absorbed that she can’t see that she’s killing herself politically.

    If I were her advisor I would get her off coffee and what ever phen-phen type upper she is on. Her little brain’s streaking around the inside of her skull like a circus clown on a motorcycle in one of those wire drums. Problem is its so hard to slow down, for fear of falling, unless you know how, so you just keep zooming faster and higher. There’s no thought processes involved, just the ever-present fear of what will happen if you slow down.

    I don’t suppose Sarah has ever heard of Icarus.

  110. Lisabeth says:

    And yes she has a real competition thing about Obama and the fact that “she” lost! She needs to be reminded often that McCain was the one running against Obama not her. Her comment today about the Alaska court is plain weird! Alaska had what a population of 600,000? The city I live in as 3 times that!

    Doesn’t anyone have iceberg news? I can’t wait for her to be history.

  111. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Try that one again!!

    In the end, Obama’s 1st can trump her 3rd!!
    His 1st would have ability to overturn her 3rd!!
    With a ‘Take That!!’ Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!!!!

  112. Canadian Neighbour says:

    In the end, Obama’s 1st can trump her 3rd!!
    His 2st would have ability to overturn her 3rd!!
    With a ‘Take That!!’ Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!!!!

  113. Lisabeth says:

    the words Fiest Family may be used by others but I have now lived in about 8 states and I have never anyone use it so frequently! And I never knew much at all about the family. I guess I just can’t stand Sarah because I think she is an opportunist.

  114. curiouser says:

    #23pvazwindy Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 3:20 PM

    Did I read this post right? Palin is trying to equate herself with Obama over a court pick.

    equating herself to Obama? No! She’s putting herself above him….”he’s just picking his 1st Supreme Court justice and everyone’s making such a fuss, but I’m picking my 3rd cuz I’ve been governor for 3 years and I have so much more executive experience. And, dammit, why is everyone paying attention to him?”

    It is supremely strange that she would pick today to make an announcement about her AK Supreme Court justice pick.

  115. austintx says:

    25 samper Says:
    BTW: Doesn’t FINALLY getting one’s Journalism degree demand that one has at least a fundamental command of the English language as it is supposed to be spoken and written?
    I was thinking the same thing……….

  116. pvazwindy says:

    Samper @25–The Great Lake State not only has a good Gov, They’ve got the Red Wings. Go Wings, another Lord Stanley Cup, please. Oh how I miss those fudge shops on Mackinac Island. Ryba’s was a favorite. And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Alice’s Carmelcorn, in Mackinaw city. Memories. Michigan a water wonderland.

  117. Physicsmom says:

    I’m with samper. I also live in Michigan and Gov. Granholm is focused on the state and its business. Recently she has made some trips associated with the advancement of her career (ie. she was on the list for Supreme Court Justice) but she combined that with legitimate state business. She doesn’t drag her family around with her or ask the “first gentleman” to substitute for her at events she cannot attend. I learned just this weekend that the Gov’s spouse had a radio show on progressive radio on Sun. evenings. He seems to be an articulate commentator in his own right and is going about his own business. GINO would have tweeted about the Dud’s radio slot interminably and sent promotional twits and everything. (I don’t understand the whole twitter phenomenon, sorry).

  118. Closet Mudpup says:

    I follow SP’s tweets, too, and find them to be a clear reflection of what makes SP’s presence in politics so disturbing – she is still Miss Wasilla.

    It’s a beautiful day here in AK! I can’t resist going for a walk. BTW, I screwed you out of $30M! That’s o.k. tho right?? b/c I really want to become Miss America in 2012!!

  119. Lee323 says:

    Palin is her own Tweeter for four reasons:

    1) She can’t resist another way to pat herself on the back in front of the public.

    2) She can’t resist the delusion that the public is clamoring to know her every waking thought.

    3a) She can’t relinquish control over any electronic device that will substitute for actual governing

    3b) She can’t relinquish control….over anything.

    4) She doesn’t understand that just because something is written down, it doesn’t make it true. ( In fact, anything written ( or spoken) by Palin has a high probability of a direct inverse relationship to Truth.)

  120. Canadian Neighbour says:

    There is one benefit of her on Twitter. As it only allows 140 characters, it doesn’t allow for the ‘also’ and ‘too’ and all those other hanging words. You know — Those words that make her comments into one very loonnnnnnggggg sentence.

  121. West Coast Annie says:

    “Effective immediately, Supervisor Neil Derry and his staff will no longer use Blackberry pin numbers to communicate with one another on county time, said George Watson, his chief of staff.

    The new directive comes after former federal prosecutor John C. Hueston noted in a report released last week that former county Assessor Bill Postmus and his staff bypassed county servers by communicating using Blackberry pin numbers, which are not traceable. Utilizing such communication tactics precludes the media from being able to access the electronic communications via California Public Records Act requests.

    Watson said the move is to further Derry’s campaign promise of bringing transparency to government.”

  122. InJuneau says:

    wes_ben–So, if she’s tweeting/twitting/whatever in the middle of the night about governating things, that means she’s actually governor 24/7! That means she doesn’t have any “her/personal” time in which to write her esteemed tome and therefore it will obviously have to be completely ghost-written…

  123. Marnie says:

    14 Irishgirl Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 2:40 PM
    Ignore my thought processes!

    It’s OK. Thinking about Sarah does that to you sometimes.

  124. mae lewis says:

    I think that she’s trying to progress her political career with those little notes; they remind me of the notes that we used to pass to each other in high school. I don’t care if the whole family gets shaved bald, and they spray paint each other with pretty colors. It isn’t state business. Our former governor (we know how to impeach people in Illinois) wasn’t allowed to leave the country to appear on a reality show, so now his wife is off to the jungle to eat worms and earn money– we never called them our first family. Despite his many flaws, he did keep his kids out of the media.

  125. Marnie says:

    If she has a staff member doing her twitting, wouldn’t they have to make sure that their little gossip page was strictly state business? And if they are from Sarah PAC just how much state business should Sarah be leaking to a twit.

    I’d say something about the Bird Brain in Chief.
    I won’t.

  126. samper says:

    I have a very well known Gov… Granholm from MI. She’s been on stage with the President and involved heavily in the auto LOANS (Please, don’t call them bailouts, because that is not what they are… tell your R friends… they are LOANS that will be paid back!). She’s all over MSNBC as well as local stations when necessary.

    Guess what? I have no idea how many kids she has, when their first/last haircuts were, what hockey games she attends, what “friendly bets” she’s making (unless we are in a FINAL round of some sport – winner take all – we usually offer up our World Famous Cherries, Mackinaw Island Fudge or something equally very “Michigan”), which ones are knocked up or already parents, or where she goes on “date night” with our First Gentleman (who I have no idea about, either). I’d be hard pressed to find any other Gov with such a widely publicized “family life”. MY Gov pays attention to my STATE, not advertising every little thing she does of a personal nature.

    Doesn’t SP also too there have a STATE to run? WTF is she tweeting about a haircut for when her attention is demanded elsewhere?

    God, she is one crazy woman and those supporting her are equally certifiable. Was on that “other” site to see what’s going on over there and they are absolutely absurd idiots with no clue. They are actually discussing the fact that President Obama is “taking too long” for the FEMA funds to reach AK. Really! No kidding! To that, I say… It took SP two weeks just to figure out it is, indeed, an emergency for FEMA’s attention and only YESTERDAY made the request for assistance. Was the President supposed to hop on AF1 headed to AK with a brief case full of money today?

    BTW: Doesn’t FINALLY getting one’s Journalism degree demand that one has at least a fundamental command of the English language as it is supposed to be spoken and written? If I was her alma mater, I’d be embarrassed that she actually has a diploma with my name on it.


    To clarify the FEMA stuff… They are still in Alaska, working their way down the Yukon. Once they are finished, THEN they make a damage assessment. Assuming that the amount of damage will in fact qualify for federal relief dollars, THEN the governor can ask for the money. So to say that Obama is taking too long is a bit silly because she can’t even officially ask for the money until they are done. And the fact that she wrote a press release saying she decided to ask them to make an assessment AFTER they were already here…. Argh. AKM

  127. Canadian Neighbour says:

    She’s Tweeting State business. One problem — There’s no printable record. It also allows for the easy deletion and no record of it. Hmmmmmm

  128. pvazwindy says:

    Did I read this post right? Palin is trying to equate herself with Obama over a court pick. Will my staff think I did a good job of choosing a 3rd justice? This women is unrelenting. Today is the day she tweets this, as she needs to show that she too can pick a court appointee. Somehow, someway, she just has to say, look at me folks. This gal needs a colonoscopy with the camera attached to a 2 by 4. Oh, how I wish that iceberg would come ashore on Lake Lucille, now, right now. Gryphen do it.

  129. BigSlick says:

    Tweet, twit, tweet!

    Twitter is made for twits like Palin and her 3 second attention span.

    It will consume her every waking moment because she lacks self-control and boundaries both.

  130. Lee323 says:

    In effect, Palin’s Tweeter Affect effects adverse changes very effectually in my affect, giving the effect of effective affliction :< (

  131. Priceless says:

    With that busy a social life, exactly when does she play govenor?

  132. sauerkraut says:

    10 Blue Idaho Says: May 26th, 2009 at 2:24 PM

    It is just a matter of time before she lets a massive twitter bomb out.


    Please don’t pull her finger!

  133. sauerkraut says:

    Perhaps she’s using the tweet as a campaign tactic… which makes her a twit on the campaign trail while at the same time being paid with public tax dollars. What’s the reporting requirement for that?

  134. UK Lady says:

    Found the Kos story about Scarah being a jinx the comments are also wicked.!

  135. wes_ben says:

    I’m with you AKM. I signed up for her tweets moments after she announced she had a twitter account. I cannot believe the stupid crap she puts out (and all fricken night long). I think she is trying to convince everyone just how involved she is with “Akns” 🙂 She is so busy, in fact, she has no time for herself!


  136. UK Lady says:

    I say affect she says effect, they say sympathy I say empathy – lets call the whole thing off……

    Mae @ 4 – Lol, say what you really mean.

    I posted a link to a story Daily Kos did about Scarah being a jinx for the Aces, it was really funny, but I can’t remember where it is now. The comments were shocking, well they were if you are Scarah. Will see if I can find it.

  137. Irishgirl says:

    Ignore my thought processes!

  138. Irishgirl says:

    OMG, is that Casper the Friendly ghost?? If so..AKM is really 27! 🙂

  139. GlobalVillage says:

    austintx Says:
    May 26th, 2009 at 2:12 PM

    Was sarah also runner-up at the spelling bee ??

    Just love this photo – very spelling bee. Now is it “i” before “e” or is it “e” before “i”? My bet is she didn’t get anywhere near runner-up.

  140. Nan says:

    I think every state refers to their governor’s family as “the first family of Alaska” or “Texas” or wherever. Same with “First Lady of Missouri” or – well, you get the idea.

    I don’t think it’s intended to be posturing, just shorthand. Sorta.

  141. Blue Idaho says:

    Tick Tock Tick Tock ……………. It is just a matter of time before she lets a massive twitter bomb out.

  142. Lisabeth says:

    Is it just me or does the expression “first family” nauseate anyone else?! To me of comes across as what I call “noveau pretentious.” people with low self esteem who use titles as away to elevate their prestige or social standing (in their own minds). I can’t stand that expression and how many governors use it as much as she does!

    If she’s tweeting herself, I wonder if she reads any of the negative ones that come back to her! I sent one and then promptly removed her from my follow list because she bugs me so much.

  143. I see villages from my house says:

    And what does she know about the Supreme Court? Which has a history in this great nation to which I give a shout out to the real America also there, decisions that affect states rights in this country of which I am so blessed to progress and grow fiscal conservative leadership reigning in judicial advocates. . .what do I know about Soto? She may have been a mayor but not of main street Wasilla. That’s my executive input on the judicial nomination process.

  144. austintx says:

    They are thinking of a twitter tv show ?????????????

  145. MissSunshine says:

    Thanks for looking into this.. I did think she would have a staff member handling this. (Shrugs) It just seems kind of “high-school” to me, but I hope we have someone following her “tweeter” to see if anything interesting pops up. (Not that I expect her to be truthful about anything.)

  146. akshamu says:

    And I presume then that this is somehow worse than 57 states that President Obama visited on the campaign trail? Oh yeah and he still had one to go.

  147. FW says:

    Ugh…I bet she got another blackberry to use exclusively for tweeting…I’m sorry, I just can’t stand the thought of twittering/tweeting all day. Who the f cares about what I’m doing…it just seems like a pointless, self indulgent waste of time….ooh, now I know why Sarah loves it

  148. Mae says:

    The govenors tweets are embarassing.

    She is a total self absorbed twat, tweeting to a base that didn’t get her elected.

    Who ever is advising her, needs to take that blackberry away.

  149. austintx says:

    Was sarah also runner-up at the spelling bee ??

  150. Professor Geezer says:

    AKM, I think one reason Gov. Palin won’t let anyone see her e-mails (as some have requested) is that we’ll find out she is functionally illiterate (and I’m not trying to be mean!).

  151. Lin in AZ says:

    Do you mean to tell us that other governor’s don’t include their personal stuff in their tweets?