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Daily Wrap Up – Showing Some Skin.

Wow.  If there was a theme for the day, it would have to be “skin.”  Who knew there would be enough of it to do a whole wrap-up on the “unwrapped,” as it were.

First, the governor herself. (She’s sitting all the way on the right)

~~Photo by Shannyn Moore~~

~~Photo by Shannyn Moore~~

Seems that the governor had another one of her wardrobe challenged moments.  Standing in front of the closet, on the way to a veterans’ memorial event that commemorated members of the Alaskan military who paid the ultimate price for their country, where hundreds had come, some from thousands of miles away, she chose…. a teeny little mini-skirt and peep-toe pumps.  And after accepting the invitation at the last minute, too late to even be included in the program, her-legginess asked to sit right up on stage.   As my mother used to say, “There is a time, and a place for everything.”  There’s even a time and a place for a mini-skirt and peep-toe pumps.  But a veterans’ memorial isn’t it.  Check out the post from Shannyn Moore who was at this event, HERE.

Second, we have Levi Johnston. (He’s the one standing)

”]levidiaper1There is a time and a place for half-naked diaper changes, and actually GQ Magazine is that time and place.  So kudos to Levi for knowing his audience, and not showing up topless at a memorial service.  The rest of the article promises to be quite interesting.  Among other things, it seems that The First Dude offered the First Daughter a shiny new toy if she dumped the father of her child. (using best game show announcer voice)  That’s right Bristol Palin, you could be driving away in…a neeew CAAARR!  Maybe if she had dated somebody super-scary she could have gotten an iPhone too.

And finally – The Great Cleavage Cover-Up!



Remember when Andree McLeod, activist, filer of ethics complaints and former Workforce Development employee sent a memo to the Commissioner of Administration and Palin’s Chief of Staff talking about the inappropriate dress of some of the young ladies in state offices?  And then remember how those emails mysteriously ended up in the hands of the Anchorage Daily News gossip columnist Sheila Toomey?   If not, you can refresh your memory HERE. Well….apparently, the email documents on this issue, which McLeod requested to see, have become top secret classified!  We may never know exactly what clandestine messages transpired on the issue of cleavage, because all the correspondence that happened after the receipt of McLeod’s original email has been “redacted” by the governor’s  Administrative Director.  Here was the reason given:

I am redacting the records based on the executive deliberative and process privileges.  The Alaska Supreme Court’s decisions in Gwich’in Steering Committee v. State 10 P. 3d 572 (Alaska 2000), and Doe v. Superior Court, 721 P. 2d 617 (Alaska 1986) , among others describes these privileges. These privileges apply to the records I am redacting because these records reflect predecisional, deliberative communications between Governor Palin and her closest aides, as well as among those aides.

Whoa.  That’s some fancy cleavage cover-up.  Citing the Supreme Court? “Predecisional deliberative communications?”  I’m thinking it’s safe to say that the content of the emails wasn’t, “Yeah, I guess we’d better ask everyone to reread the dress code.”  It seems awfully coincidental that one of the recipients of the leaked email is the same guy (Chief of Staff Mike Nizich) that said he hoped those who filed ethics complaints against the governor (like Andree McLeod) would experience “backlash” (like having email communication passed on to the Daily News)?

Seems like if the governor was going to think “cover up” it should have been at the Veteran’s Memorial.



188 Responses to “Daily Wrap Up – Showing Some Skin.”
  1. sandra in oregon says:

    Maybe she didn’t try the sitting down with the skirt at home. However, as soon as she sat in the car she would have known it was a problem. But then she asked to be seated on the stage. A better move would have been to do a walk on as she seemed to always do during her campaign appearances.

    It does seem that she had two different outfits that day. Maybe this was the one she was wearing for work.

  2. Mudpuppy Wannabe says:

    Has anybody here ever read any E.F. Benson?

    One of my fave silly British comedy of manners writers…

    For those of you who have, I’m becoming more and more convinced that Sarah is Lucia.

    (And re: Say NO to Palin’s pic link…Who sits in parking lots to sign bills????? There’s something in the way she’s sitting in that picture that makes me think of a little girl playing grown-up empress…Unbelievable…)

  3. the problem child says:

    Irishgirl, austintx, If I was wearing that poor girl’s sports bra, I’d be thinking of reducing my mass to improve my energy, also, too.

  4. the problem child says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 11:12 AM

    It seems to me the arguement to be made is that the leaked email has already been “made public” to someone, by either a participant/recipiant of the emails or Scarah’s administration.

    SO, I don’t see how they can “close” the door on these. It’s already been made public domain. A select “few” can not have “privilege”.

    The e-mail that was leaked/ released to the Ear was the cleavage complaint e-mail between Andree and that GINO staffer. Logically, there couldn’t be any executive deliberative process privilege. It was a response to a citizen complaint.

    However, the internal e-mail discussions at the GINO’s office might possibly carry that privilege, if the GINO and her staff are considering what to do about the dress code policy, whether to change it, how to go about enforcing it etc.

    So yes, a few can have privilege, and some might not, even if they were all in the same e-mail “string”.

    Are they abusing the privilege claim to avoid embarrassment? Almost certainly.

  5. Irishgirl says:

    I thought you would appreciate that pic…and I just knew it would make you think of Einstein!!! 🙂

  6. austintx says:

    IrishGirl – Seeing that first pic. made me think of this :
    Mass–energy equivalence was proposed in Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper, “Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?”, one of his Annus Mirabilis (“Miraculous Year”) Papers.[1] Einstein was not the first to propose a mass–energy relationship, and various similar formulas appeared before Einstein’s theory with incorrect numerical coefficients and an incomplete interpretation. Einstein was the first to propose the simple formula and the first to interpret it correctly: as a general principle which follows from the relativistic symmetries of space and time.

    In the formula, c2 is the conversion factor required to convert from units of mass to units of energy. The formula does not depend on a specific system of units. Using the International System of Units, joules are used to measure energy, kilograms for mass, meters per second for speed. Note that 1 joule equals 1 kg·m2/s2. In unit-specific terms, E (in joules) = m (in kilograms) multiplied by (299,792,458 m/s)2.

    from wikipedia.

  7. Lilybart says:

    154 Zggy – if your skirt rides up that high when you sit down, it’s too short.

    Or too tight and that is why it rides up so high when you sit down.

    But really, she has been on stage all her life in a way.
    She should know better and I am still shocked that she learned nothing from the excellent hair and makeup people and the stylists who dressed her. Nothing.

  8. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’d say for a professional it’s a bit too much leg, but she’s proud of em isn’t she.

    on the gov’s web site, until they read this, lol

  9. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    somebody with some time please check into the Supreme Court “cases” they are referring to, it would be fun to see what they are “basing” their “redacting” excuse on.

    Dontcha think? this could be fun, lol, what information, so important that it made it all the way to the AK Supreme Court are they comparing dress code emails to, lol.

  10. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    It seems to me the arguement to be made is that the leaked email has already been “made public” to someone, by either a participant/recipiant of the emails or Scarah’s administration.

    SO, I don’t see how they can “close” the door on these. It’s already been made public domain. A select “few” can not have “privilege”.

    And where is the story on emails or information being leaked (read that fed) from the gov’s office? sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! I think Sheila Toomey should be charged for using classsified information if the emails were not allowed to be made public. She violated the gov’s redact ruling. Is that like stealing classified info? selling it? lol (we know it was freely given and made public to slam Andree)

    (at least this leak tactic (most likely, but ya never know, lol) will not be attempted again, silly gov and Mag, for trying to be sly but not really suceeding, lol.) Good for Andree to take them on for it.

    And what will happen to the Eddie Burke requested emails? hmmmm…….will they take forever? will there be a “fair” and “equal” process used, as in “redacting” ? we shall wait and see……..also too, will the charges be the same? they better show impartial treatment or it will be yet “another” ethics charge, rightfully so, just warning Mag Forkedtongue.

  11. Doggonit says:

    Surprised she didn’t show up in a bikini trying to out do her new best friend, Ms Prejean.

  12. austintx says:

    177 trisha Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:47 AM
    OMG—-I love the elephant exploration photo. Thanks for the laugh austintx.
    Is that the perfect picture for a caption contest , or what ??

  13. trisha says:

    OMG—-I love the elephant exploration photo. Thanks for the laugh austintx.

  14. austintx says:

    175 Terpsichore Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 9:47 AM
    austintx @139, where did you find that? Still LMAO
    169 ?? A friend e-mailed it to me a while back and I thought it was perfect for this and dug back and found it. I laugh every time I look at it.

  15. Terpsichore says:

    austintx @139, where did you find that? Still LMAO

  16. InJuneau says:

    Zero to none!

  17. Terpsichore says:

    Gee, I’m not even a state governor (and hardly a fashionista), but even I know this one, Problem Child: “I would have to agree, that when picking a skirt for a serious event, it’s a good idea to do a test “sit-down”.

    I’ve done the ‘sit-test’ dozens of times, and I can’t imagine me putting on that skirt, sitting in a chair and having my current hubby, former hubby, BFF, Mom, Dad, sister, or any of my friends or collegues see that much thigh and say, “yeah, that’s fine for a memorial service for fallen soldiers on Memorial Day”.

    The skirt *was* too short (or tight, or otherwise ill-fitting, but same result)and I think, once she got there, she figured that out. She seems to be sitting very stiffly, as though she was (quite rightly!) trying to make sure nothing more got exposed than what already had been.

    Remember, she didn’t RSVP her attendance in advance, so maybe she didn’t really have it and the seriousness of it on her radar while she was getting dressed. I bet it never entered her pea-brain that she would be sitting, exposed, for long enough time periods for people to notice her legs and a bit too much thigh. And how inappropriately distracting it would be.

    Then again, I could be full of stuff that comes out the south end of a north-facing horse.

    But in any case, here’s how I see it:

    A) if she, with full knowledge of what she was doing, chose to go with that wardrobe choice (implying she passed up other choices), then she was definitely trying to grab photo-op attention from attending this event, which is reprehensible and only goes to further Bob Poe’s assertion that she is ‘narcissitic’.
    B) if that’s all the skirt/dress/non-jeans-or casualwear she had with her ‘on the road’, then she didn’t plan ahead, was not organized enough. Didn’t think ahead.
    C) if she made the wardrobe selection at home and failed to even think about the ‘sit-test’, well, she overlooked something that ANYONE in the public eye should know to think about before choosing a skirt (or dress) to wear for a public occassion. Again, it’s the not-thinking-ahead part that doesn’t give me confidence in her.

    None of these three reflects well on her.

    Sure, everybody can make a mistake every once in awhile, but in what I call NormalLand, people who make mistakes a) acknowledge them; b) apologize to the appropriate person(s)/group; c) make some convincing statement that they will not do it again.

    Odds we see any of that from Gov. Palin?

  18. aha says:

    By the way I’m pretty sure that symbol on the front of the podium is supposed to be a cross.

  19. KallieinTexas says:

    I seriously hope she doesn’t even attempt to run in 2012….it would be a tremendous waste of money. Sarah, do the right thing and go away.

  20. aha says:

    Haa ha ha. I can see her panties! Just lighten the photo a bit.

    Hmmm, was W.A.R. (almost Attorney General) present, I wonder?

  21. austintx says:

    Good thing sarah did not have a stop at a zoo on her appearance schedule that day , or this could’ve happened.

  22. the problem child says:

    “I wouldn’t even mention it”

  23. sue says:

    I remember Sarah attending a function in the Lower 48 shortly after she returned from the failed VP stint. The news clip of the event showed her at the podium in mid-calf leggings.

    Even tho she is not a professional it would be great if someone would at least instruct her how to dress like a professional. Clothes should not be distracting from the event. They should be a non-issue.

    But, like Richard Kinky (Big Dick) Friedman says, “You can lead a politician to water, but you can’t make them THINK!”

    She is a sleazy dresser.

  24. the problem child says:

    I would have to agree, that when picking a skirt for a serious event, it’s a good idea to do a test “sit-down”, if only to make sure that you don’t need to shave/wax a bit higher. Especially if it’s a new skirt or one you haven’t worn for a while (and might be a bit tighter or looser than last time you wore it.)

    Honestly, I even mention it, except that she appears to have been wearing other clothes in different pictures from that day, and they appear to be more appropriate, if ugly (not counting the shoes, of course).

  25. zyggy says:

    #161 lue5000, too tight yet, too short no, also too

  26. leu2500 says:

    *154 Zggy – if your skirt rides up that high when you sit down, it’s too short.

  27. ValleyIndependent says:

    @#153 Bystander – thanks for my opening laugh for the day!

  28. austintx says:

    Bystander – Funny you brought the “Cougar” thing up. As always , it’s fun to refer to the urban dictionary :

  29. Irishgirl says:


  30. Bystander says:

    This confirms the criticism that Sarah is (George) “Bush in a skirt”. Ok, this is too much fun, must move on….

  31. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    She left herself open for it!

  32. tigerwine says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever brag about living in the Alaskan bush again!

  33. zyggy says:

    I saw photos of her at the memorial service, and she wasn’t wearing a mini skirt, did she change? Or did her skirt just ride up to look like she was wearing one while being seated?

    I don’t have a problem with trashing Palin, but I don’t think she was wearing a mini skirt.

    And that Alaskan Bush comment was very funny, naughty but funny.

  34. Bystander says:

    In fairness to Governor Cougar, she may well have been headed to hook-up night at the local hotel bar when a war (memorial service) broke out, and she was called into service….

  35. austintx says:

    150 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 5:53 AM
    Sarah is just promoting the Alaskan bush….
    Hahaha……..yeah , we could have some real fun with this……

  36. the problem child says:

    I think the now-blurred baby boy bits may be the reason this post disappeared for a bit earlier. Just sayin’.

  37. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Sarah is just promoting the Alaskan bush….

    Sorry…I just had to…


  38. trisha says:

    I meant, defense fund…..sorry for the error.

  39. trisha says:

    Regarding those redacted emails, missing emails, ethics complaints being dismissed, outragous fees for copies of emails,etc……………….

    What’s going on up there? All of this seems a bit odd to me. Is this all legal? Why isn’t it possible to hold your governor and goverment accountable? Do you need to solicite help from the ACLU (or something) to look into the legality of these matters?

    How about starting your own legal defence fund to pay for an investigation in the current administration? I have never seen a State government like this one?

  40. Priceless says:

    thanks for the winkie coverup! My children were shocked at the naked photo. I just laughed wondering what the BIMBOGINO would be think’in about her grandson already strutting his stuff?!

  41. trisha says:

    Was Sarah wearing the official T-shirt of the Candie’s abstinence program with her mini skirt?

    It says, I’m sexy enough to keep you waiting”. Check it out.

    Picture that on Palin with her mini-skirt.

    But seriously, what kind of message is that supposed to be for young girls? Teaching young girls to flaunt their sexuality? How about teaching them that they are more than a sex object?

  42. Lilybart says:

    I am an empath and I have to say, I almost feel bad for Palin. She must be massively insecure under all that bravado. A normal person would have learned from professionals at the RNC how to dress and present herself. But apparently she is incapable of letting herself learn something from someone else.

    When she is no longer a threat to me in the lower 48, I will be able to feel full empathy. Now, I just want to expose her and bring her down, and then I would be happy to offer Reiki or a shoulder to cry on!

  43. trisha says:

    I’m guessing Palin dressed that way because she thought she would upstage the President of the United States on Memorial Day. NOT.

    I’m sure her thought process went something like this—- “Oh, the press will be there to follow my every move–I’m sure this will make National news because I am there.—I better show up and look HOT”.

    Was People magazine present?

  44. tigerwine says:

    Redacted? I scratched my head, then consulted Wikipedia:

    ‘In the study of literature, redaction is a form of editing in which multiple source texts are combined together (redacted) and subjected to minor alteration to make them into a single work. Often this is a method of collecting together a series of writings on a similar theme and creating a definitive and coherent work.”

    UH-OH! This means SP and staff can take all those words and wiggle them around to suit them. I wouldn’t believe a word – more word salad.

  45. austintx says:

    OOPS !! Did not look at all the pics. before I linked. Please do not look if you are easily offended. SORRY !!

  46. austintx says:

    139 sauerkraut Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 4:26 AM
    I’m surprised Perez Hilton hasn’t yet posted an uskirt of Palin.
    First person to get a picture of sarah getting out of a car is gonna make some serious bank………remember this :

  47. sauerkraut says:

    just noticed the little one’s wee has been fuzzed out… and along those lines, Levi had better step a bit more to the side so that if the boy lets one rip, he won’t get sprayed.

  48. sauerkraut says:

    101 KaJo Says: May 27th, 2009 at 8:12 PM

    When I saw that picture of Palin and all that skin showing, all I could think of was, �hope she kept her knees together the whole time she was sitting there!�

    If not, I�ll bet even in the darkness of the setting, you could see all the way up to Palin�s hysterectomy scar�


    I’m surprised Perez Hilton hasn’t yet posted an upskirt of Palin.

  49. austintx says:

    137 Isabella Says:
    May 28th, 2009 at 3:39 AM
    In the interview, the writer comments on Levi and Bristol, sending flirty messages to one another. “GQ writer John Jeremiah Sullivan watched them exchange flirty text messages.” Which is strange considering the physical as well as verbal animosity Bristol, showed in her interviews.

    I think Bristol, is as manipulative as her mother switching up emotions suddenly to get what she wants.
    All those text and e-mails between Bristol and Levi are GOLD !! I’m sure Bristol’s cell phone is in her parents name and sneaky ass sarah is reading the messages……..

  50. Isabella says:

    anon blogger “Wonder why Levi has Tripp in a hotel room (clothes hanging in background)?”

    Good eye. If you blow the picture up, you can see a door stop on the wall. I don’t think a residential home would have one like that.

    In the interview, the writer comments on Levi and Bristol, sending flirty messages to one another. “GQ writer John Jeremiah Sullivan watched them exchange flirty text messages.” Which is strange considering the physical as well as verbal animosity Bristol, showed in her interviews.

    I think Bristol, is as manipulative as her mother switching up emotions suddenly to get what she wants.

    BTW, you think maybe, Tank, is more a babysitter (To keep Levi, out of harms way of Palin, setting him up on some BOGUS charge) then of him walking around as Levi’s, shadow to intimidate his friends from using their iphones to submit a random picture to the National Enquirer?

  51. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Paula, I’m thinking that if it was after she found out that her daughter was pregnant that folks started becoming alarmed about the inappropriate way the governor was dressing …… that the governor might not have realised the world of difference between hoochie-mama and hoochie-grandma …..

  52. Paula says:

    Why would anyone over 30 even wear a miniskirt unless you’re a bar –? Cause even if you’re not, that’s what you end up looking like. Guess wil Bozo, we at least have to say, “Well, she didn’t wear her thigh high black shiny boots…”

  53. witsendnj says:

    Compare this to the Rethugs attacking Michelle Obama for her ARMS!

  54. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    131 anon blogger Says:
    Wonder why Levi has Tripp in a hotel room (clothes hanging in background)?
    I’d be willing to bet that’s Levi’s room. Remember, he was travelling a lot at the time, and his suitcase and backpack (which is what is hanging up) would have been doing double duty.

    Bristol would never let Levi take the baby on tour – not in a million years. Or a zillion years.

  55. anon blogger says:

    AKM…ol’ GINO dressed for veterans, the word memorial went right over her head. She dressed for the boys. Just like wearing that red lipstick with red shoes at match, and all that winking. That’s how she got where she is today. Certainly couldn’t be because of brains. Wonder if she realizes that those skinny, shiny, tanning bed baked, knotty knee, over exposed legs are really unattractive? Guess not, huh?!

    Wonder why Levi has Tripp in a hotel room (clothes hanging in background)? Very odd, wonder if he is traveling with Bristol on all her trips? Oh, I know they are supposed to be at odds with each other…but maybe not. Cause it doesn’t make sense him traveling with Tripp. Maybe it’s all been a publicity stunt orchestrated by ol’ GINO? After all, their alleged breakup certainly has generated a lot of TV and magazine interviews for a couple of young adults whose only accomplishment thus far in life has been producing babies.

    I think the administration is showing how silly they really are. To redact memos regarding cleavage shows how the administration abuses its power. Oh, a name of a particular person should be blacked out. But the whole memo, over dress codes?! Must be top secret, huh?! It should be obvious that this administration is not open and transparent at all.

    OT….AKM, I loved the photos of the moose babies!

  56. NY Dem says:

    TX Lisa Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 5:48 PM

    Baby Tripp looks tiny in the Levi/Tripp picture. On the other hand, he looked really big during Bristol’s interview with Matt Lauer on NBC. I know the GQ pic was taken earlier but still…..


    You are right Lisa – who knows how many prop/stand-in babies they have used for both Tripp and Trig. Whatever suits their purposes.

  57. Diane says:

    My 25 year old daughter would not wear a dress that short to a Memorial service for Vets. Why? Because I bought her up to know the difference between work clothes and party clothes!

    Interesting that she has to send an email re: cleavage to younger members of the staff. But why wouldn’t they dress this way when their employer dresses like this in her official capacity?
    Another Do as I say, not as I do from failing Palin.

    She has lost her way and doesn’t know enough to ask directions. She is dangerous.

  58. Isabella says:

    Anyone with an ADN account support Andree, please.

    Costs of dismissed Palin ethics complaints pile up
    Personnel board member says tab is “close to about a third of a million dollars.”

  59. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    The Anchorage Press was at the service at the actual memorial ….. not indoors looking up Sarah’s skirt.

    “Outside of honoring our fallen warriors, the highlight was watching [Matt] Claman play a beautiful rendition of “Taps” on the bugle, accompanied by Gordon Pospisil. Who knew?”

    Who knew? Not me.

  60. InJuneau says:

    EyeOnYou–most State employees are actually considered “executive branch”, unless they’re “legislative branch” or “judicial branch”, so you’re actually looking at a number that takes in most of the State employees throughout the whole state. Prob. doesn’t seem like such a large number in that context…

  61. SameOld says:

    # 118 califpat Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 10:50 PM

    Sarah needs to be forced to attend classes in etiquette, class, civics, history, geography, science, English, social skills, charm, anti-lying classes, and parenting. She also needs to be put in anti- hoochie detox. Just saying.
    Caipat … that implies she is capable of learning. The simple solution is for her to just be retired and sent to Wasilla. Big problem for her. What does a government grifter do when there is no more government?

  62. califpat says:

    @pearl89: You hit the nail on the head. I totally agree. You betcha!!

  63. EyeOnYou says:

    Holy Crapola ~ Did you all know (based on what the ADN states) that there are 15,841 full-time executive branch positions?

    That seems like an awful lot, but perhaps not???

  64. InJuneau says:

    seattlefan–I got one this past weekend (and also another one a couple of weeks ago!). If I’m not careful, I’ll actually start to look like I’m not from here by Martha UYS’s standards!

  65. EyeOnYou says:

    BigSlick Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 10:47 PM
    Guess who Geraghty represented in this other case?

    It wasn’t the Alaskan Department of Labor, nor the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW BOARD……


    Wow, thanks for that information. 🙂

  66. pearl89 says:

    While it is fun to poke fun at SP’s clothing choices, I am more concerned with the lack of respect she showed to the planners of the Decoration of Honor event. She could not take the time to respond to their invitation. She shows up on the day of and insists on being seated on stage and to be allowed to speak. I agree with Shannyn these are things she should do as governor, but not at the last minute. Maybe, if she could stay off twitter for a moment she could have found the time to let them know if she was attending or not. I think her actions were disrespectful to the planners and the veterans. It once again demonstrated that it is all about her.

    I think lynnrockets should do a parody about Sarah based on the old blues tune Minnie the Moocher. Wouldn’t even have to change very many of the words.

    Re: emails. I have read in many places how much the state of AK charges for their emails. They don’t charge for ones that are redacted, do they? If they do, what a scam.

  67. seattlefan says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 10:34 PM
    @ seattlefan

    LOL! You fit right in because you are (must be) from the Pacific Northwest! Alaskans love Washington (esp Seattle), you must know that. I hope you were welcomed everywhere and made to feel at home everywhere you went!

    Oh yeah! We were treated so nicely and we loved the experience. LOL! I actually got a sunburn in Juneau. The only sunburn I have had in the last 16 years!

  68. Pet says:

    Palin was the final nail on the coffin of the Republican party

  69. califpat says:

    Sarah needs to be forced to attend classes in etiquette, class, civics, history, geography, science, English, social skills, charm, anti-lying classes, and parenting. She also needs to be put in anti- hoochie detox. Just saying.

  70. BigSlick says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:58 PM

    This latest complaint dismissal shows how biased the system is. Celtiv Diva has a page from the lawyer who dismissed the case and he starts his conclusions with…Ms. McLoed is a repeat complaintent and goes on to add We have chosen to construe her allegations narrowly.

    x snip x

    As Diva says…Mr. Geraghty has chosen to play “lawyer semantics” with Ms. McLeod…like…errr…Palin’s defense attorney. However, HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A NEUTRAL PARTY HERE! Plus, one is supposed to be able to file an ethics complaint (and answer one) WITHOUT a lawyer. As I saw today at the Personnel Board Meeting, the deck is stacked.


    Guess who Geraghty represented in this other case?

    It wasn’t the Alaskan Department of Labor, nor the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW BOARD……

  71. carol says:

    What I find interesting about the veteran’s memorial event that our wardrobe challenged gov attended is that she did not tweet about the event. This was a significant event one that certainly should have been commented on by the gov–but not one word. It is always entertaining to see what she views as worthy of mention–her kids hair cut, river trips on chena with hubby among other things–but not one word about this very important occasion–priorities I guess…

  72. BigSlick says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:58 PM

    This latest complaint dismissal shows how biased the system is. Celtiv Diva has a page from the lawyer who dismissed the case and he starts his conclusions with…Ms. McLoed is a repeat complaintent and goes on to add We have chosen to construe her allegations narrowly.

    As Diva says…Mr. Geraghty has chosen to play “lawyer semantics” with Ms. McLeod…like…errr…Palin’s defense attorney. However, HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A NEUTRAL PARTY HERE! Plus, one is supposed to be able to file an ethics complaint (and answer one) WITHOUT a lawyer. As I saw today at the Personnel Board Meeting, the deck is stacked.


    Guess who Geraghty represented in this case?

  73. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ seattlefan

    LOL! You fit right in because you are (must be) from the Pacific Northwest! Alaskans love Washington (esp Seattle), you must know that. I hope you were welcomed everywhere and made to feel at home everywhere you went!

    This is probably why Sarah chooses her outfits poorly – she just hadn’t been out and about much and in small towns, pretty much anything goes. She just doesn’t know about appropriate clothing and she’s sure not going to listen to anyone now! Ha!

  74. Physicsmom says:

    This is just speculation, but I’d be willing to bet that those redacted emails contained a lot of snark about Andree and jokes that the complaint was petty. (Not that I think it was, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did).

    Levi looks fine, but I feel sorry for Tripp who will be a teenager some day and embarrassed that his nekkid baby pic was in a national magazine. Those usually are private family blackmail photos.

    When the lege next convenes, it seems they need to take a closer look at the ethics complaint process. This one is so flawed as to be completely ineffective. However, as with the Federal government, the legislature has so many bigger problems to solve than guaranteeing civil liberties and due process. It’s a sad state of affairs.

  75. Jamie says:

    loki Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:28 PM

    Regarding the inappropriate wardrobe of GINO section: This is not the first time this has happened. About a month before the VP nomination, I heard a first hand report of the last minute appearance of the Gov, seated on a raised stage, very short skirt, heels, no stockings. (Sorry, wasn’t at event, so can’t say which one it was). The shock was: with all her ‘people’, did no-one think to take her aside and whisper some advice?
    Remember the Presidential Campaign? Doesn’t seem that our Sarah likes advice or the advice-givers. And she was really great at dressing the part; remember the red suit with the short skirt and the black go-go boots? She tends to “dress to impress”, or “dress to attract” rather than dressing appropriately. But, then again, when you are elected for your looks, when you are picked to be a VP candidate for your looks, when most of your voters vote for you because you are “hot”, I guess you do have people to please and a part to play….

  76. seattlefan says:

    Martha…I guess you are not so appreciative of outsiders. I happened to be one of your tourists back in 2008 and absolutely loved the experience. I had jeans and a sweatshirt on, no makeup and being from Seattle, I have no tan. LOL! I guess some tourists fit your description, but not all!

  77. here_in_PA says:

    Meant to say “as if the Chena is mighty”.

  78. here_in_PA says:

    LOL, Martha UYS, I was thinking the same thing earlier today when I first saw the pictures. My thoughts were, it’s Freeekin’ Fairbanks”, what the h e double toothpicks is she all gussied up for? If you look at the people in the pics they are dressed normal for fairbanks. And the shoes? OMG. Hahaha. Alot of women don’t even wear makeup. You’d need a trowel just to find her dermatitus. I read she went on a boat trip up the “mighty” Chena, ehheheh, as in the Chena is “mighty”.

  79. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Let me put it this way… living in Juneau you can spot a tourist almost instantaneously even if they aren’t in the normal tourist “zones”. They have hair dos, wear makeup, have shoes with heels of some sort, wear bright colors and the biggest give away of all.. a tan. THEY think they look completely normal, and often feel very dressed down or casual on their vacation. To US – they are friggin’ dressed to the nines.

    Sometime around February, I look in my closet and say “DOH! It’s time to wear something with color!” Well, jeans are always the same color but you can go wild with a bright long sleeved T or sweater – woo hoo!

  80. here_in_PA says:

    I was thinking about 2010, I don’t know if she’ll run for gov. If she does and someone beats her, wouldn’t it kinda be like Obama and bush. Wouldn’t the next Gov be able to see what her administration did and see all the stuff that she is hiding. Can they hold her accountable then? LOL, can you hear the shredders working over-time?

  81. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I think Levi is very typical looking for an Alaskan kid without his shirt on! We don’t usually show much skin around here (except those rare sunny and hot-for-us days). I hate to say it, but in general we don’t really care what we look like when we take that shirt off or put on shorts – as long as you can feel the warm sun on your skin!

    I must add that in my opinion, folks in Anchorage overall are much more “spruced up” and presentable – it is a little city after all! But the rest of us – well, er.. uhmmm…

  82. EyeOnYou says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    wouldn’t want to give ‘The Grifter’ a single dime for her causes… BUT…?
    I wonder how much you would have to donate to get one of these ‘hand-written Thank You’s’…?
    And what EXACTLY does the note say….
    because could these notes be used as proof or ‘evidence’ in some ‘legal situation’ down the road… Hmmmmm…..

    No idea what they say, just have seen several of her fans bragging about getting personalized hand written thank you notes for donating to the “legal~gimme fund”.

  83. InJuneau says:

    TX Lisa–ah, I see your confusion. The “GOV” after the other people’s names specifically indicates that they work in the Governor’s office. Other departments’ three letter codes are different.

  84. InJuneau says:

    TX Lisa–“GOV Sponsored” just means it’s an e-mail on the State of Alaska’s e-mail system. Nothing nefarious there, as much as some may want there to be…

  85. BooBooBear says:

    The Queen just loves any kind of attention…good, bad… doesn’t matter. She is addicted to headlines every day. She knows her skirt was in appropriate…..she knows she should have comfirmed her attendance…she just doesn’t give a hott about anyone but herself. It makes me wonder if she grew up lacking love or attention. Did she have a sister who was prettier? Is she still suffering from not winning the Miss Wasilla pageant? She seriously does not act appropriately-ever. She seems like alost soul. Does she have any REAL friends?

  86. redwoodmuse says:

    The Levi and Tripp picture just makes me think ‘how sad, a boy having a child.”

    I’ll add that it is a sweet picture. And at least the baby’s not drugged.


  87. KaJo says:

    When I saw that picture of Palin and all that skin showing, all I could think of was, “hope she kept her knees together the whole time she was sitting there!”

    If not, I’ll bet even in the darkness of the setting, you could see all the way up to Palin’s hysterectomy scar…


  88. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:49 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl

    Can you pm me via the forums here? 🙂
    done 🙂

  89. honestyinGov says:

    # 83
    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:29 PM
    curiouser Says:
    Even though Governor Palin recently had four ethics complaints dismissed, she still has significant legal expenses. If you have not already donated to the Alaska Fund Trust, please consider it a top priority Sarah Palin-related donation.”
    Well the Gov is sending out hand written thank you notes to all who have donated, so I am guessing she isn’t getting the kind of funds she had hoped for, not if she finds the time to send a hand written note to each person who donated to her legal~ gimme fund.

    That must be why they are calling it a “top priority” .
    I wouldn’t want to give ‘The Grifter’ a single dime for her causes… BUT…?
    I wonder how much you would have to donate to get one of these ‘hand-written Thank You’s’…?
    And what EXACTLY does the note say….
    because could these notes be used as proof or ‘evidence’ in some ‘legal situation’ down the road… Hmmmmm…..

  90. seattlefan says:

    Aussie…I’m literally LMAO! That was and is hilarious!

  91. califpat says:

    Gino has never learned anything about class or etiquette.
    She had better watch it because if she gets caught checking out Alaska’s “stroll”, she might just mistakenly get caught up in a Prostitution sting by the police, strutting her mini and monkey peep toe shoes and later be recognized as the Governor at the police station. Just a vision running through my mind.

  92. AKPetMom says:

    Sarah used to have “cankles”. Where’d they go? 🙂

  93. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    56 justafarmer Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 6:52 PM
    saw that photo of Levi changing diapers…
    ain’t no “six-pack” there. He actually looks a lot more than flabby in the midsection and should have kept his shirt on.
    I couldn’t agree more! Far from the hunting/fishing/outdoorsy type, he looks like a teenage couch potato.

  94. EyeOnYou says:

    This latest complaint dismissal shows how biased the system is. Celtiv Diva has a page from the lawyer who dismissed the case and he starts his conclusions with…Ms. McLoed is a repeat complaintent and goes on to add We have chosen to construe her allegations narrowly.

    As Diva says…Mr. Geraghty has chosen to play “lawyer semantics” with Ms. McLeod…like…errr…Palin’s defense attorney. However, HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A NEUTRAL PARTY HERE! Plus, one is supposed to be able to file an ethics complaint (and answer one) WITHOUT a lawyer. As I saw today at the Personnel Board Meeting, the deck is stacked.

  95. sauerkraut says:

    bwahahahah, Aussie!!! oh mah gawd but that’s hilarious… not that I ever wanna hear your arse or donkey talk.

  96. CO almost native says:

    Classified emails on cleavage?! What a Governor Twit, and all her Tweetettes. I’m surprised she isn’t twittering her thank yous-

  97. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl

    Can you pm me via the forums here? 🙂

  98. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    If my arse ever starts talking, everything it says is hereby permanently redacted.

  99. curiouser says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:29 PM

    Well the Gov is sending out hand written thank you notes to all who have donated, so I am guessing she isn’t getting the kind of funds she had hoped for, not if she finds the time to send a hand written note to each person who donated to her legal~ gimme fund.


    Wow! She might have to break some more ethics laws and then find peeps to file complaints so she can incite her followers into sending more $$$.

    And I’m off to attend to personal s$*t. ‘Nite all.

  100. my thoughts, exactly says:

    I guess in Palins case, the more religious you are, the sluttyier you dress, and the more make up you wear. I’m embarrassed for her. I teach my daughters to dress correctly at all times. That includes no mini’s, no low cut blouses, no sleveless (were LDS, and it’s a culture thing). My husband would NEVER allow me to go out in public looking like I am getting ready to work the streets. I wonder if she and toddy think this is one of their little sex games?

  101. seattlefan says:

    I’m guessing those “cleavage” emails must have been pretty raunchy for them to suddenly be classified and “redacted”. Since when do you classify correspondence about dress code????? Something stinks here.

    Speaking of dress code…Ms. Palin needs some pointers on what is situation appropriate and age appropriate.

  102. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    I thought that rather odd?

    yes, they seem to get pertinent information pretty darn quickly which definately has me curious.

  103. curiouser says:

    #74 EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:20 PM
    Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. 🙂


    I appreciate your apology; but, considering how I worded the comment, I think any reasonable person would have come to the same conclusion as you did.

  104. Lisabeth says:

    I also am beginning to think that the personnel board is going to just dismiss every single complaint. What a joke.

  105. EyeOnYou says:

    curiouser Says:
    Even though Governor Palin recently had four ethics complaints dismissed, she still has significant legal expenses. If you have not already donated to the Alaska Fund Trust, please consider it a top priority Sarah Palin-related donation.”


    Well the Gov is sending out hand written thank you notes to all who have donated, so I am guessing she isn’t getting the kind of funds she had hoped for, not if she finds the time to send a hand written note to each person who donated to her legal~ gimme fund.

    That must be why they are calling it a “top priority” .

  106. loki says:

    Regarding the inappropriate wardrobe of GINO section: This is not the first time this has happened. About a month before the VP nomination, I heard a first hand report of the last minute appearance of the Gov, seated on a raised stage, very short skirt, heels, no stockings. (Sorry, wasn’t at event, so can’t say which one it was). The shock was: with all her ‘people’, did no-one think to take her aside and whisper some advice?

    Seemed quite trivial in light of all the subsequent information, but… thought I might mention it!

  107. Lisabeth says:

    Crystalwolf, of course it’s a joke. I thought it was funny almost because I could see the whole thing happening….

  108. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:17 PM

    Oddly enough peeland folks already have a copy (pdf) 15 pages of the attorney letters & complaint information sent to Andree Mcloed regarding this latest dismissal of the ethics complaint. That was pretty darn fast.
    I thought that rather odd?

  109. curiouser says:

    sauerkraut….you’re welcome.

    Here’s a recent entry from a haraS supporter blog:

    “Alaska Fund Trust Reminder — Please Donate/Continue Donating

    Even though Governor Palin recently had four ethics complaints dismissed, she still has significant legal expenses. If you have not already donated to the Alaska Fund Trust, please consider it a top priority Sarah Palin-related donation.”

    And if she gets enough donations, she won’t have to worry at all about that pesky Executive Ethics Act.

  110. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Sad, really, that she doesn’t realize how inappropriate it is for a woman her age to wear a mini skirt regardless of having good-looking legs. Mini skirts, jeans, next she’ll be showing up in Daisy Dukes.

  111. Star says:

    What a bunch of Hillbillies..Pathetic bunch they are….

  112. ValleyIndependent says:

    Just curious, but where’s the email in which the “restrained” Kreitzer sends Andree the state dress code?

  113. EyeOnYou says:

    curiouser Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 7:15 PM
    #65 EyeOnYou

    What I was trying to say was that I suspected the governor’s office sent Ear the email they received from Andree…or at least gave her a head’s up to look for it. I haven’t read the background at Celtic Diva’s blog. Thanks for the link.

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. 🙂
    You are welcome for the link.

  114. rebekkah says:

    Right, Canadian Neighbor, forgot about that $150,000 legal “Troopergate” legal fee. If the Palins (supposedly) offered Bristol a car for leaving Levi, how will donors feel about giving their hard-earned cash to their good governor who would buy her daughter”s allegiance with big gifts; if they can afford to buy their daughter a car, what must SarahPackers and sarah donors be feeling tonight? Not the love, I’m sure.

  115. EyeOnYou says:

    Oddly enough peeland folks already have a copy (pdf) 15 pages of the attorney letters & complaint information sent to Andree Mcloed regarding this latest dismissal of the ethics complaint. That was pretty darn fast.

  116. Lainey says:

    She is just a class-less female…and it’s unfortunate for the entire family that she is their only role model. When intelligence doesn’t exist, resort to sex appeal…it’s a cheap way to gather attention and recognition. I never expected anything else from palin…she’s shallow and easy to read and insignificant.

  117. curiouser says:

    #65 EyeOnYou

    What I was trying to say was that I suspected the governor’s office sent Ear the email they received from Andree…or at least gave her a head’s up to look for it. I haven’t read the background at Celtic Diva’s blog. Thanks for the link.

  118. sauerkraut says:

    Thanks, curiouser. Interesting stuff.

    Also interesting are the two blogs (one on blogspot and one on wordpress) that call themselves “alaskafundtrust.” Neither had done anything recently – except the wordpress one seems to be making fun of the “schmucks” in peeland.

  119. SondraTompkins says:

    The photo of Palin wearing a mini-skirt should come as no surprise to anyone. When you don’t have intellect to rely on to attract others (or engage others) a person is more apt to rely on their sexuality, or sensuality.

    Her choice of dress is indicative of the fact that deep down even Palin knows she doesn’t have much intellect or intellectual curiosity. Sex sells, and she’s clearly for sale. She’s demonstrated an amazing ability to prostitute herself. But deep down is a truly insecure and incurious person.

    Palin is an embarrassment, but mostly to herself.

  120. curiouser says:

    #50 Rebekkah, sauerkraut & Canadian Neighbour

    The AK Fund Trust doesn’t need to stop collecting. It is not for specific legal bills. Money can be used to pay any legal bills directly and can also be withdrawn by the Palins for any undisclosed reason…about $12-13,000 (or whatever the IRS nontaxable gift limit is) a year for each family member). The fund doesn’t even limit withdrawals to immediate family.

    The trust document is available to download here:

  121. EyeOnYou says:

    **FOIA** I keep getting those O & I mixed up. 🙂

  122. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lisabeth Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 6:59 PM

    Important! I am sorry if someone posted about this but have you read the Alaska Dispatch story about scurvy, Sherry Johnston and , Sarah Palin? Do a google and take a look!
    Its a joke…must be a slow news day for them.

  123. EyeOnYou says:

    curiouser Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 6:59 PM

    I think Toomey got the email from Andree and probably didn’t get the intraoffice emails.


    I don’t think so. Celtic Diva questioned Toomey about it, and was told via email response that she (Toomey) got them from the public records and that Diva could FIOA them if she wished.
    Diva Posted a Nice Topic about it all:

  124. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I suspect the fund is still collecting for that supposed 1/2 mill Troopergate bill. That bill should be made public and should be contested in Court as fees are too high.

  125. Lisabeth says:

    Important! I am sorry if someone posted about this but have you read the Alaska Dispatch story about scurvy, Sherry Johnston and , Sarah Palin? Do a google and take a look!

  126. curiouser says:

    #54EyeOnYou Says:
    So if all that information was “redacted” how in the heck did Sheila Toomey (AK Ear) get the information she put in her column like she claimed by requesting the emails via the FIOA?

    I think Toomey got the email from Andree and probably didn’t get the intraoffice emails.

    Think the back story on why Todd (and, presumably, SP) wanted B&L to break up would be pretty darn interesting material for a book.

  127. seattlefan says:

    Hey Ann…Good luck and have a safe trip! I can’t wait to hear your update! Godspeed!

  128. Isabella says:

    Tealwomin Says “OVER AT sarahPAC”

    Andree, is a recognized hero for putting herself in the path of the vain one. The outrageous retorts and headlines by Palin, is just showing over & over what kind of creep she is. The end result will be Andree, by proxy of Palin, dumb ass, will be the nail in the coffin. Everyone raise a glass to Andree!!!

  129. sauerkraut says:

    #50 Rebekkah _ interesting question. Wonder what the alaska fund trust blog has to say about that. …

  130. Tealwomin says:

    “Major Dimissal Today of 8 Complaints in One Ruling ”

    then says

    “McLeod’s complaint, amended several times since it was first filed, made eight separate allegations against the governor.”

    SARAHpack of lies

  131. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Seems she’s raised her office status to that of Cheney with redacting the emails.

    Time for GINO to go on a hunting trip now!!!

  132. justafarmer says:

    saw that photo of Levi changing diapers…
    ain’t no “six-pack” there. He actually looks a lot more than flabby in the midsection and should have kept his shirt on.

  133. Tealwomin says:

    OVER AT sarahPAC::::the same press release

    “…there is no need for a hearing on the complaint filed in March by Andree McLeod, who has been a vocal critic of the governor since being denied employment with the state last year. ”

    this is so wrong…trying to conect her being ‘DENIED’ a job with her holding GiNOs accountable….I haven’t read anywhere tha GiNO ‘personally’ turned her down…so whats he connection>>> there isn’t one!

    to bad Andree didn’t apply during the hiring freez…odds are that she would have been hired

  134. EyeOnYou says:

    So if all that information was “redacted” how in the heck did Sheila Toomey (AK Ear) get the information she put in her column like she claimed by requesting the emails via the FIOA?

  135. Canadian Neighbour says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 6:24 PM
    oops… meant, #39 !!

    I thought earlier of her pulling a ‘Sharon Stone’.

    I slapped my own face for even thinking it!!! But it is the low-life impression she gives.

    At least she didn’t wear her painted clogs. I’ll give her a singular brain cell credit for that, but only one.

  136. Forty Watt says:

    On a positive note, Tripp is really cute, Bein’ neckid is always appropriate at his age.

  137. Isabella says:

    “I’ll give you a car if you break up with your boyfriend. Morons.”

    LMAO, Phoebe that is just so truthful it hurts.

  138. rebekkah says:

    I attended pentecostal churches, and have met some very kind thoughtful people in these churches. However, sometimes people will hide their true “self” and play church. What gets to me is how a woman who has supposedly learned the christian tradition has no problem baring her legs like that, especially in the presence of those mourning during a memorial service.

    Now that 13 of the ethics complaints have been discharged, does that mean the Governor’s Legal Fund won’t need donations anymore? Can it still continue requesting donations now that most complaints won’t go to court?

  139. leu2500 says:

    Isn’t Google great? Here’s an interesting excerpt from the Gwich’in decision:

    “Generally, it is difficult for a requestor to override a presumptive privilege. [Fn. 56] Relevant factors include: the degree of confidentiality and sensitivity of the communication; the time elapsed after deliberation concluded and after communications were made; and whether deliberation is ongoing. [Fn. 57] ”

    Well, if the emails in question were leaked by the GINO’s office to the press, I fail to see how they are confidential and sensitive.

  140. Rob in Ca says:

    This is an outrage. The legislature needs to get on this immediately. To redact emails relating to a dress code complaint is clearly an unjustified coverup. Time to bring out the big guns. The intention, clearly foretold, to get even with complainers – is an actionable ethics violation.

    Don’t wait for the iceberg. Time for the legislature to create their own and sink the SS Palin.

  141. Tealwomin says:

    not that sarah::Is she a stripper or a governor?

    …hows about Alaska strippers her title…

  142. I See Villages From My House says:

    To think we got upset at our Junior Prom because one of the female freshman helper was wearing a pleather body-suit. . .that wasn’t disrespect. . .THIS is disrespect.

    My apologies to the veterans and our citizens for the Palin Administration’s dress code malfunctions.

    And I’m with you AKM, citing the Alaska Supreme Court in their justification for shredding, err, redacting sophomoric email exchanges between the Governor and her minions is over the top.

    One can only imagine the maturity exhibited in that series of correspondence.

  143. MinNJ says:

    I’m having a fit of the giggles…the whole group of them are just so…so HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  144. sauerkraut says:

    oops… meant, #39 !!

  145. phoebe says:

    Wow that’s a lot of leg for an old timer & grandma to be showing. Once again she doesn’t do the age & occasion appropriate thing. Can you imagine telling your teenage daughter…I’ll give you a car if you break up with your boyfriend. Morons.

  146. sauerkraut says:

    30 Canadian Neighbour Says: May 27th, 2009 at 5:51 PM

    Someone who meets Palin should ask her:

    “Governor, is all your clothing in the cleaners? I ask as it seem’s you’re wearing your teenage daughter’s clothes!!”

    See #37, above.

  147. Ann Strongheart says:

    Quick UPDATE:

    Hey all, just put up a quick update on The Strongheart’s are off to UGASHIK tomorrow 😀

    Next update will be from Ugashik!! Keep your fingers crossed that our flood waters stay down and we make it out tomorrow!!!


    Ann Strongheart

  148. sauerkraut says:

    35 Say NO to Palin in Politics Says: May 27th, 2009 at 6:12 PM

    AKM said: Seems like if the governor was going to think “cover up” it should have been at the Veteran’s Memorial.”

    Be thankful she wasn’t in her usual full 7th grade regalia… we wouldn’t want her to be up there with nothing under the mini.

  149. Isabella says:

    What is that saying about Idle hands are the devil’s playthings cause Palin is like going bat sht crazy over on Twitter today. The only people that watch her are curiosity seekers waiting for her to muff up. She won’t get a vote, a dime or a bff off that thing. She sure is going to town. Someone must have told her the Titanic 2 is about to get ripped open wide.

    I am not reading any snarky comments about Levi, with Tripp, in GQ. Someone shut her up about talking about the kid so now all she has are the Aces, lol.

  150. sauerkraut says:

    One of the most abused excuses for not providing requested public documents is the hallybooed “executive deliberative and process privileges. ”

    I wish someone with a law degree would file the same request, get the same response, and then file an appeal with the court. There simply is no valid reason to hide a request about the dress code under or behind “executive deliberative and process privileges.” I mean, seriously… what is providing unredacted emails going to do? Actually make the guv enforce the dress code? Or maybe it will become a matter of great state security.

  151. Isabella says:

    Corrections union sues Palin administration

    A union that represents state corrections officers has filed a lawsuit against Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration over the state’s role in failed contract arbitration.

  152. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    AKM said: Seems like if the governor was going to think “cover up” it should have been at the Veteran’s Memorial.”

    LOL…..ah, yeah! I agree with AKM.

    It would have been so easy to be politically and socially sensitive, so WHY this?……isit some stuff comin out sideways? really, is this p*ssy “phst” not weird? ………….alert christain groupies! the gov is acting out. And it anin’t pretty, since she’s an elected adult an all.

  153. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    karen Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    She is tweeting like crazy about her accomplishments, and her (supposed) opinions on national issues today. Me thinks it has something to do with Mudflats and Shannyn. Go!
    Does anyone have a blackberry? Does it automatically make tiny url’s? I don’t see how her tiny pea brain could go to the website and make one every fricken time? Anyone?

  154. Nan says:

    What that reminds me of is a whistleblower’s employer who calls him a “disgruntled employee,” implying that said employee is merely spouting bunk and only to get revenge on the employer.

    (Husband is still talking about the moose twins, by the way – keeps saying “awesome…” and I thought I heard the word “envy” at some point – lol)

  155. karen says:

    She is tweeting like crazy about her accomplishments, and her (supposed) opinions on national issues today. Me thinks it has something to do with Mudflats and Shannyn. Go!

  156. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    antiAnti Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 5:41 PM

    The may 27, 2009 press release on the gov’s web site about an ethics complaint
    includes the complaint filer’s job application history:

    “… Andree McLeod, who has been a vocal critic of the governor since being denied employment with the state last year.”
    That’s so bad…! Andree really needs to contact… Rex! I’m sure posting her personal info is a no-no.

  157. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Someone who meets Palin should ask her:

    “Governor, is all your clothing in the cleaners? I ask as it seem’s you’re wearing your teenage daughter’s clothes!!”

  158. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    TX Lisa Says:
    May 27th, 2009 at 5:31 PM

    Does anyone know why SP’s email says (GOV sponsored) after her name?

    Could it imply that she has another account that’s NOT “GOV sponsored” but is used at work????? Seems weird that her email is labeled differently from others in her office.
    You know how she beats a dead horse…the yahoo email account, the clothes etc. Its probably meant to show that IT IS INDEED A GOV EMAIL.
    Nothing more. GiNO is so AR.

  159. nswfm CA says:

    Answering the hotel door in a towel when on the campaign trail.

  160. TX Lisa says:

    Baby Tripp looks tiny in the Levi/Tripp picture. On the other hand, he looked really big during Bristol’s interview with Matt Lauer on NBC. I know the GQ pic was taken earlier but still…..

  161. antiAnti says:

    Just enter

    sarah palin towel

    in your favorite search engine

    A GREAT moment in campaign history.

  162. nswfm CA says:

    AK, you need one of those giant hooks they use to get people off the stage. This bimbo is a joke of a governor. She’s probably trying to get her hottest governor of the coldest state mojo back since she’s in so much hot water everywhere else.

  163. WakeUpAmerica says:

    What was the towel moment?

  164. seattlefan says:

    Nan….LMAO! I’m going to the corner to do a little “meowing” as well. I usually don’t engage in catty behavior, but I think it is demanded in this case.

  165. antiAnti says:

    The may 27, 2009 press release on the gov’s web site about an ethics complaint
    includes the complaint filer’s job application history:

    “… Andree McLeod, who has been a vocal critic of the governor since being denied employment with the state last year.”

    IMO, no one deserves to have their job application history publicized on a state governor’s web site. I really hope it’s illegal and Palin gets nailed for it. ….
    But I’d settle for getting nailed on the cleavage e-mails. I’m not fussy.

  166. Nan says:

    not that sarah – have you forgotten the “towel moment” during the campaign?

    ouch. I’d best go sit in the corner for a while until I quit trying to meow 😡

  167. not that sarah says:

    OMG. She looks like she’s going out for a night of drinking with the boys after work.

    Re the emails: Redacted, fancy language, more baloney and some monkey shoes. You can’t make this stuff up! Sounds like Sarah was unkind re the cleavage issue, and used it as another revenge tactic and now wants to cover up her high school mean-girl tactics.

    Wonder if she got the email about appropriate clothing? I’m sure the folks sitting beneath her got a Britney eyeful of bare-legged Palin. Gross. Is she a stripper or a governor? Wait, don’t answer that!

  168. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Re: sarah’s attire………..that’s all she’s got. Sad to say, those are her big guns.

    I actually thought she (or, at least, one of ‘her’ people) would eventually get a glimpse; now I’d be shocked and awed if just one of them got a clue.

    “Sunshine is the best disinfectant”
    Justice Lewis Brandeis

  169. Nan says:

    Sooooo, the emails whose subject was leaked to ADN are now (suddenly?) top secret? Are we left to assume that it related to national security?

    Oh! (while humming: the russians are coming, the russians are coming ta-ra, ta-raaa) I betcha… it’s a strategic defense to distract them russians who might rear their heads at any moment (who’s standing watch on the front porch right now, anyway?).


  170. TX Lisa says:

    Does anyone know why SP’s email says (GOV sponsored) after her name?

    Could it imply that she has another account that’s NOT “GOV sponsored” but is used at work????? Seems weird that her email is labeled differently from others in her office.

  171. lynnrockets says:

    After looking at those photos, I’m wondering if the people of Wasilla are going to make one of those naked calendars to sell for charity. Perhaps the charity could be Bristol’s college fund.

  172. wasillawarrior says:

    Shannyn Moore is the sh*t, she calls it and gets it out there on Huffington !!! I love it, she totally made my day – that and the new law suit …RECALL…IMPEACH..I live in the valley and Palin is such a kook, the skirt and shoes are a laugh out loud moment if it weren’t so disrespectful to our fallen heros..

  173. seattlefan says:

    oops! that should read “out of whack”. ugghh

  174. Isabella says:

    Betcha with his celebrity Bristol, is drawn to Levi. He is best to remember her genetic disposition to bright lights and cameras. He can do so much better then her.

  175. lynnrockets says:

    @ karen

    Good one.

  176. seattlefan says:

    Ha!!! Great post AKM. It seems your governor’s “cover up” priorities are a bit our of whack.

    BTW, don’t you just know the redacted contents of those emails are probably less than professional and damning?

  177. karen says:

    I think “aids” is correctly spelled “aides” unless she is implying something about her staff?

  178. Isabella says:

    “Just wondering, but is Levi wearing “Levi’s” in that photo?”

    Carharts and boy would that be a golden campaign. Levi, a true Alaskan with his baby guy in, Carharts.

  179. lynnrockets says:

    Just wondering, but is Levi wearing “Levi’s” in that photo?

  180. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Gee, I would like to know why those emails were so “super secret” that the A$$…Oopppps! Ear got them??? Hmmmm?
    All this needs to go to CREW.
    If you haven’t heard another ethics complaint dismissed today, big surprise there….
    Kudos to Shannyn for the “undercover” pic…can’t do THAT on a blackberry! 🙂
    (can you?)

  181. califpat says:


  182. WakeUpAmerica says:

    You crack me up, AKM! Again, Palin receives the official Hoochie Mama Award of Alaska.

  183. Wildlife Avenger says:


  184. lynnrockets says:

    Alaska seems to be a funny place. When the temperature goes up, the clothes come off. At least that seems to be the case with the Palins.

  185. nswfm CA says:

    You can’t make this stuff up!

  186. califpat says:

    First?? Maybe. Gino is so slow.