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BP Spills Coffee

Another one of those “laugh so you don’t go crazy” moments.

[h/t Mudflatter Andy]



44 Responses to “BP Spills Coffee”
  1. jojobo1 says:

    I have read on some blogs people saying we should nuke it closed and my thoughts are it would make it much worse and open a bigger gush.

    • NOLA says:

      Nuking it would be the absolute wrong thing to do, even as a last resort. There has been talk about it since the beginning and thankfully, the government says it won’t happen. Not sure what will happen if hte relief wells don’t work, but I’d still not advocate nuking it. The region will recover if the well is capped eventually, but nuclear fallout lasts a bit longer than the oil residue will. GAH.

      • strangelet says:

        Ah, I think you misunderstand the plan, which is to drop a teeny nuke on Tony Hayward.

        At least it would shut him up.

  2. Nebraska Native says:

    Have any of the rest of you heard that there is concern among some that the gulf seabed will collapse/crack due to the pressure of the oil coming out… and the mother lode will indeed be tapped although not in the way BP had planned initially? The idea just makes me sick, and I am wondering if I need a tin hat, or medication. I do not think we are being told the truth.

    • NOLA says:

      NN, there is actually speculation that the well bore casing has fractured and oil is spewing from the seafloor. Ive not seen confirmation yet, but do we really expect the truth from BP at this point?

      I’m not sure I’d advocate nationalizing a business, especially a foreign-held business (can that even be done?) but maybe its time to look at NOT having something that is so integral to our nation and security but in the hands of such obviously ethically-inhibited entities (read a**hats). Time to nationalize and regulate the heck out of it.
      And while I’m at it, I’m sick of hearing about the poor people who’d invested in BP. This is the risk you take and while i don’t want some old English pensioner going without their tea and scones, I certainly don’t think investors should reap benefits of this while and entire region of this country risks losing its culture and income. The US should lay claim to the dividends.

  3. bubbles says:

    Nola i have two questions. first did the wetlands come back at all after Katrina? what can we mudpups do to help the people who are there helping. i have a feeling you are doing what you can. let us know if there are agencies in place who can use a few bucks coming from here and there.thanks NOLA.

    • NOLA says:

      Bubbles, the wetlands, if anything, were more torn up by Katrina, the loss rate has not slowed one bit. Before this disaster, I had been thinking about volunteering once my busy season at work ended. I’m now able to devote time and I’m either going to volunteer with Audubon or with one of the wetlands projects, or maybe both, we’ll see how it pans out. Louisiana has been losing wetlands for decades and the loss of so much buffer causes worse damage from hurricanes when they hit. I honestly don’t think anyone should volunteer to pick up oil, that should be a very well-paying job.
      I’m not really sure who the best recipient would be for $$ donations, but from what I see, Catholic Charities is doing a lot to assist, their website is . There is also one I saw on : . They’re going to help out in the lower parishes. I’ll do a bit more research and post what I find.

      I’ve had to take a bit of a mental break these last few days, the constant need for updates and information was starting to feel overwhelming, but I’m looking forward to what the pres has to say tonight. I hope it is the right thing. for the PEOPLE of the gulf coast.

  4. NOLA says:

    I have to say, living in New Orleans, being raised in Houma, doing quite a bit of fishing and even trawling for shrimp in the inland marshes as a kid, I’m grieving for the wetlands, and it started even before this oil spill. Wetlands loss is truly the most devastating thing happening in Louisiana now. If the CoE could actually figure a way to route the Mississippi’s waters through there w/o costing even more damage to the towns in the way, then I’d be all for it. I’ve ranted and I’ve cried and watching this video made me laugh. Even in the midst of horror, laughing is healthy.

    Feel free to at least chuckle over the talent displayed. I can tell you, there is still laughter along the coast.

  5. aussiegal77 says:

    I laughed when I saw this last week then I grimaced then I rolled my eyes then I clenched my jaw and then I sighed deeply.

    Will it ever end? Also too…..will Palin ever go away for good?

  6. VernD says:

    “BP spills coffee” and 587 different agencies begin to study the catastrophe. Stay tuned.


  7. LA says:

    Does anybody know what time Our President is speaking tonight? I’m out is California……land of Arnold, Whitman and Carly. HA..oh lucky me.

  8. Lacy Lady says:

    Wolf pack—-my son thinks that the president may have the Corp of Army Engineers look at drudging the marsh-lands , and then let the Mississippi River flood these areas. The way I understand this, is that these lands would revert back to what they once were in the early times of our country. Possibly this could clean out all the oil and restore the fishing beds??
    I am anxious to hear the President speak tonight.

  9. ks sunflower says:

    Thanks for the link! Totally absorbing concept, and, based on my experience corporations, totally true.

    I particularly like the idea that you have to pay people enough to take money off the table, then use non-monetary incentives. People do want to feel as if they are making a difference, getting satisfaction from what they do, and have fun (even just being interested) in what they do. Obviously, BP and Wall Street firms are not operating under these inspirations.

    I am going to look into the other videos from this source as well. Thanks.

  10. BigPete says:

    BP Develops Technology to Convert Lies into Energy

    LONDON (The Borowitz Report) – In what is being called a game-changer for the embattled oil company, British Petroleum announced today that it has developed a new technology to convert lies into energy.

    At a press conference at corporate headquarters in London, BP CEO Tony Hayward said that environmentalists would embrace the new technology “because lies are a totally renewable resource”. Illustrating the impact of BP’s new technology, Mr. Hayward told reporters, “Over the past month alone, my words could power the city of London for a year”.

    But the new technology has its skeptics, including the University of Minnesota’s Davis Logsdon, who warns of the dangers of “lie spills”: “We have learned from recent BP press conferences that once the lie flow starts, it can be very hard to stop”.

    • beth says:

      [It probably should be noted the above is *comedy*…it is *not* an actual, rill report based on facts and/or factual evidence; it *is* a Borowitz gem, though. Sad to say, but sometimes folks get confused about what it rill and what isn’t…and they go off spouting as rill, stuff that was meant as a joke. (If I’m not mistaken, there’s a woman from AK who tends to take things as factual and rill when they’re nothing more than…) beth.]

      Here’s a source link to the above:

      • jojobo1 says:

        I think most know isn’t real but sure seems to show just how BP and darth vaders co. acted

  11. Lacy Lady says:

    Think this video hits the nail on the head.
    Why is there not enough time to do something right, but enough time to do it over?
    I remember my boss saying this to all of us in the office.

  12. Lacy Lady says:

    Think this video hits the nail on the head!
    Why is there not enough time to do something right, but enough time to do it over?

    • jojobo1 says:

      You got that right Lacy Lady.This video shows just how slow and complex and dare I say stupid corporate people are.They should have done the best first not doing little or nothing.Trying to save money at the expense of the world.

  13. This is an interesting video about motivation. More money does not make better management!

  14. Irishgirl says:

    “The head of BP in America faces accusations in Congress on Tuesday that the energy giant caused the worst oil spill in US history with a calculated strategy to cut costs.”

    • bubbles says:

      the problem i have with grilling is that there is never a penalty for wrong doing. the senators who are doing the grilling need to be grilled themselves. some, maybe not all, but some, ought to be arrested, indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail and or executed for treason and for being stupid. John McCain ought to be grilled till he is well-done and served with coleslaw and Bush’s baked beans.

      • ks sunflower says:

        Enjoyed your menu suggestions, bubbles.

        Good points because oftentimes the Senators or Representatives aren’t really asking honest, inquiring questions – just trying to make political points or set a particular viewpoint in the mind’s of listeners.

  15. Irishgirl says:

    I really don’t like the fact that Paylin is taking advantage of a woman with dementia just for political gain. Grrrh!

    • bubbles says:

      ohhh Irishgirl…i tried to help help. truly i did but the tossers tossed me out. dagnabbit

  16. Irishgirl says:

    Ok, I am having problems getting caught up in the spam machine. Snos is trying to help me escape this dark dungeon, so I am going to be commenting a lot in the next hour, with nothing really worthwhile to say.
    Hope you can bear with me.

    • benlomond2 says:

      My sympathies, Irish !!!…I got in the same machine …even with Snos’s help, took about 2 weeks to finally get out !!

  17. Irishgirl says:

    That video pretty much sums up the whole mess.

  18. Maria says:

    On a serious note film producer James Fox, who has been documenting the oil spill, has posted this latest comment on his FB page:

    James Fox “Is in Pensacola FL at the Cabana with Obama…Really he is in the same Hotel as me and there’s secret service circling area with bomb sniffing dogs. I’m going to try and get a question in while he’s here. Wish me luck!!!”

    Mel Fabregas of the Veritas Show has been airing interviews with James. His latest interview brings news to the public of BP’s spraying at night of the dispersant Corexit into Perdido Bay, and discusses the media blackout enforced by security firm Wackenhut. Here are links to parts 1 & 2 of that interview,

  19. ks sunflower says:

    Saw this on Rachel’s show earlier. So glad you put it up here as well. Typifies the kind of corporate “team think” that I observed firsthand for too many years. Somehow the team members always seem to lose their way, divorcing themselves from reality and effective, efficient solutions. It’s sort of like a group mental cramp where nothing is seen for what it is, therefore nothing gets resolved easily.

    Love this improv group. Did you see them when they got into a stockholder’s meeting dressed like the corporate bankers and then started singing? OMG – so funny and so painful because it was too true.

  20. Wolf Pack says:

    If only we had built a levee along the entire US coast.

  21. bubbles says:

    good grief!!

  22. Carol - Seattle says:

    Perfect parody! Unfortunately, waaaay too perfect representation of the thinking (or lack thereof) that has gone on.

  23. MonaLisa (inCT) says:

    Funny, yes. But nope… too soon for me.

    Maybe AFTER it’s under control, I can maybe laugh. At least, without this chokey feeling in my throat and this tight, stingey feeling behind my eyes.
