Senate Hopeful Ron Slepecki – Keeping Alaska Safe from the Buddhists?
With the number of uncontested races in Anchorage this election cycle, it surprised me to see someone actually running against Bill Wielechowski, also known as “The Best Bill in Juneau.” There’s nobody who works harder or more effectively for the benefit of all Alaskans than our favorite Bill.
So who is this daring upstart that thinks he can topple Wielechowski?
His name is Ron Slepecki, making this race: “Slepecki vs. Wielechowski”
Say that ten times fast.
So let’s check out Mr. Slepecki and see what he tells us on his website, and then we’ll look at what he doesn’t tell us, which as you can imagine is much more interesting.
- 20 years in the Air Force, retired
- Degrees in Business Management, Government and a Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) as well as an applied science degree in weapons systems from the USAF.
- Former member of Northeast Community Council where he got a safety fence near the Air Force Base ushered through
From the “Important Issues” page:
- Supports the military
- Supports the private sector
- Does not believe in taxes – “Taxes – NO; support for innovation and our private sector growth – YES (The answer)”
- Transportation projects and development
- Wants to reinstate the death penalty
- NRA member
- Anti same sex marriage
- Pro-life and supports national groups
Sounding like talking points for a pretty hard core but run-of-the-mill right wing conservative.
Oh, but our journey is just beginning. Let’s find out what else is out there stuck in the internets about Mr. Slepecki.
First of all, anyone with a Masters Degree in Information Systems should never ever have a website that looks like THIS. (I imagine being his teacher. I get out my red Sharpie and scrawl “You’re not working to your full potential, Mr. Slepecki. D+” before I return his paper)
He didn’t mention on his site that he’s a pastor at The Anchorage Baptist Temple, and that he was a principal at Anchorage Christian Schools. He says he left there in May of 2009 in order to run for the State Senate. But between May of 2009 and June of 2010 he seems to have been busily not raising money, not knocking on doors, not campaigning, not attending Community Council meetings, and not submitting his filing paperwork until about three hours before the June 1, 2010, 5:00pm deadline. He did, however, continue to identify himself as an “Elementary Principal” as recently as January of 2010.
And as an Elementary Principal, you might wonder what Reverend Slepecki thinks of President Obama’s Education plan? Fortunately that information is available as he was kind enough to review it on
Scarier Than Even I Thought It Would Be, March 22, 2009Barack Obama’s plan for the education of our children according to his book is to eventually have influence over them shortly after birth. He says he knows that is not cost effective right now, so initially they would target 4 year old children for State run and funded schools. This sounds more like the 3rd Reich of Germany made over in America.
Nazi alert! Hide the children! Public education for four year olds? Soon we’ll all be goose-stepping down Main Strasse and wearing itchy woolen uniforms and funny moustaches.
Reverend Slepecki also fails to direct you to his online profile at in which he tells us about one of his particular special talents.
Recovery of the Spiritually wounded (Those severely hurt through satanic activities Cult members etc…). Expert in ministry to those exposed to New Age, Hindu and Buddhist idealologies.(sic)
Awesome. So, Alaska, if the Dalai Lama comes back to visit some day, we can take him to Mr. Fixit and straighten him right out. And if Gandhi were still around, our guy could cure him too, I’ll bet! Don’t worry if you’ve been exposed to one of those New Age (or Old Age) “idealologies,” there is still hope for you. Ironically, Rev. Slepecki tells us via his MySpace page that he’s a Scorpio. Guess he’ll have to do some self-healing to cure himself from obvious New Agey astrological exposure.
I’m picturing a great campaign slogan – “Ron Slepecki – Putting the ‘lol’ in Idealology” I think it’s pretty catchy, actually.
And as for that Community Council participation? Turns out that he was part of an actual organized coup that took over the council under the direction of former Rep. Tom Anderson-R (currently incarcerated and formerly affiliated with the Anchorage Baptist Temple). It seems that half a dozen ABT pastors and their families and friends who’d never been to Community Council meetings before, suddenly showed up en masse, and voted in a whole pack of people to the Council including … Reverend Ron Slepecki who, according to several sources has some… how shall I put this delicately… “anger management issues” that manifest themselves frequently.
Once on the Council, he succeeded in creating a hubbub by having an red-faced eruption, accusing anyone opposing a giant barbed wire fence that wiped out some popular trails next to the military base of being anti-military.
Here’s some coverage from the Anchorage Daily News from Friday, May 7, 2004
Thursday’s meeting turned ugly early, thanks in no small part to one of the council’s elected officials. Ron Slepecki , secretary of the Northeast Community Council, was the first to speak about a motion to approve the fence, and he ended his remarks with a vicious attack against “people who don’t have the guts to admit they do not support the military.”
The standing-room-only crowd erupted. Fists slammed onto tabletops as two board members cried “I object!”
There was no turning back. The tone was set, and the debate got uglier and uglier as it wandered farther and farther away from the fence — an eight-foot chain link barrier topped with barbed wire — the Air Force says is necessary to protect the new housing project.
Rev. Slepecki inspired quite a few letters to the editor. Here are a few snippets from some of them for your reading pleasure:
Is Northeast Community Council leadership from another planet?
I was a spectator at the Sept. 16 Northeast Community Council meeting and I am not a communist. The philosophy and demeanor of the council president and his sidekick secretary is offensive. I suspect that Rep. Tom Anderson is pleased with his subjects, Josh Green and Ron Slepecki , for reinventing McCarthyism.
The council president and his secretary are obviously out of control, and neither should be in leadership positions of our community council. Additionally, Superintendent Carol Comeau and the Rev. Jerry Prevo should consider re-evaluating the suitability of these individuals to teach our children.
–Clinton R. Hodges
Council secretary has no business judging other people’s patriotism
I attended the Northeast Community Council meeting where loss of part of the Bartlett High School trail system was heatedly discussed. I was appalled at some of the behavior displayed, and I was highly offended by comments that were made, especially by council secretary Ron Slepecki . He read a prepared statement stating everybody who supported maintaining the integrity of the Bartlett trail systems were un-American, unpatriotic and secretly hated the military.
I support maintaining the Bartlett trails, but it is not because I hate the military or don’t support our troops’ defense. There is a bigger picture involved that some people fail to see. We are losing trail head access throughout the Anchorage and Eagle River area due to private development. If Ron Slepecki , an Anchorage Baptist Temple reverend, can’t be impartial and curb his personal, verbal attacks, he should resign. At the least, he owes an apology for idiotically judging people’s patriotism.
— Amy Murphy
Divisive council meeting
The Northeast Community Council meeting on Sept. 16, described in the Daily News article the following day, (“Meeting turns into yelling match”) was an insult to the democratic process. The divisive and inflammatory tone was set by council secretary Ron Slepecki when he accused those who came to discuss reasonable compromises on the Bartlett fence of being anti-military.
Mr. Slepecki was elected an NECC officer by friends of State Rep. Tom Anderson in response to Tom’s desire to see more pro-business, pro-development and pro-military people running the council. Apparently there is no longer any freedom to think about how best to support these endeavors. Your unconditional support is expected by Tom and his friends for their agenda.
Neighbors should be able to discuss and debate issues in a civilized manner without being subjected to emotional, extremist accusations.
–Dede Schwartz
Bartlett fence will only keep out lawful citizens, not real bad guysFirst and foremost, to Northeast Community Council Secretary Ron Slepecki , thank you for your service to our nation. That is, if you’ll accept the thanks from an un-American, anti-military individual like me. (Or am I unmilitary and anti-American? I get so confused.)
It’s a shame that there is an absolute unwillingness to consider options in this particular situation with regard to the Bartlett fence. It’s been apparent from the start that the intention was, “We’ll listen to your opinion at the meetings, but the decision is made and the fence will be built as previously conceived.” I’ve used these trails for the last 20 years, and I’ll miss the part of them that’s gone when the fence is completed.–Gregor Rakoski
Ethics of local Republican officials disturbing to this former party voterAfter experiencing the Sept. 16 Northeast Community Council meeting where the Rev. Ron Slepecki , secretary of the council, accused his neighbors of being un-American and anti-military for wanting to request that the barb wire fence the Air Force is putting up at Bartlett High School be moved, and after reading the letters to the editor, I too need to comment. Ron seems to love wrapping himself in the flag but forgets the ideals that the flag stands for. As a community and a free society, we need to come together to discuss important issues like this fence.
Ron and other members of the Tom Anderson-Baptist Temple faction at the board meeting that decides the council agenda really tried to keep the public from having this meeting. And then when the meeting did occur, he did his best to disrupt this meeting and keep it off issue.
As someone who used to always vote Republican, I have to say that at least on the local level, this party’s lack of ethics is very disturbing.
— Stu Grenier
Doesn’t he sound like just the guy you want representing you in the Legislature, East Anchorage? A real team player, a diplomat, an even-tempered guy that plays well with others, and can reach across the aisle for the benefit of his constituents and his community – oh wait. You’ve already GOT that guy. His name is Bill Wielechowski.
So, who’s sponsoring a fundraiser for our new favorite fringy wingnut? Oh, you can guess this one.
Yes! Mayor Dan “How do you like my ‘party planner‘” Sullivan.
Yes! Former Assemblyman and current disembowler of Title 21, Mr. Special Interest, Dan Coffey.
Yes! Former Lt. Governor and Lincoln impersonator who is offended by the “shameless misappropriation of the image of Abraham Lincoln, Loren ‘the Undertaker’ Leman.
Yes! Soon to be retired Senator Con “I’m the only one who voted that Todd Palin was not in contempt of the Senate” Bunde.
Yes! Tom “I was the lone vote not to make bestiality illegal in the state of Alaska” Wagoner.
Yes! Senator Fred “When I grow up I want to be as rude as Mike Doogan” Dyson.
There are others, but you get the general idea.
They’re all going to get together at the Sourdough Mining Company at 7pm tonight and help raise money to make this guy a lawmaker – someone who votes on things that count. Remember that in November, OK?
~The Best Bill in Juneau
I am amazed at how many wack-a-doodle folks show up associated with ABT.
A couple of details:
On his profile, he shows himself as Class of 1983 at Anchorage Christian High School (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jerry Prevo).
On his LinkedIn (jeez) profile, he shows his dates of service in the Air Force as 1978-1998, so he may have enlisted before graduating. He gives his age as 49, which would be consistent with born in 1960.
His A.S. in Liberal Arts was from Saint Leo University, a private (and this sort of surprised me, isn’t he Baptist) Catholic school near Tampa (I’m guessing he was stationed at MacDill AFB).
In 1988 he got one or more B.S. degrees (his reporting is inconsistent) in one or more of Management, Government, or Psychology from the University of Maryland University College, which is not exactly the University of Maryland, but does appear to be a legitimate, accredited university that caters to — among others — military students. Maybe he was stationed at Andrews during that period.
In 1998, he got the M.S. in Information Systems from Hawaii Pacific University (most lifers get one or two tours in Hawaii), and promptly retired from the Air Force (which had, of course, paid for his degrees) and shortly returned to Anchorage to become Principal of the Anchorage Christian Elementary School (a wholly owned subsidiary of Jerry Prevo). His profile says “1999-Present (11 years)”, which would suggest that he only left that job sometime this year.
Somewhere a long the way (1988?) he got ordained by somebody. I forgot to write it down. On some of his postings he refers to himself as an Assistant Pastor at ABT, but he is not now shown on their pastoral staff. He may have a wife and child.
On his Classmates profile — his name is listed as “Ron Slepecki (Karpiuk)”. Now, it’s not unusual to see something like this with women, whose last names sometimes change after high school, and certainly there are cases where a man’s last name might change. Since Ron’s name is now Slepecki, one would assume that he included the additional info because there might be some old acquaintances who would remember him as “Ron Karpiuk.”
Which is really only interesting because one of the persons who is on the ABT pastoral staff is Rev Stewart Karpiuk. This is probably of no consequence except to suggest that they’ve got a pretty tight-knit little group over there at ABT.
I’ll stop looking things up now. I probably could have just left it with bubbles’s comment 28, which appears to be absolutely accurate.
You folks are fun to follow – no clue – just a jumble of mixed up info. Happy searching
Ron Slepecki
He looks clueless and obviously is.
Just changed my aka . Will see if it works. Watching the Gulf spill after reading your post really emphasizes the fact that citizens need to think for themselves. The Anchorage Baptist Temple wants, like Palin, to turn our democracy into a theocracy. The USA, like any other 3rd world country, is operated thru corruption at the top. It’s not necessarily us “little guys” (till we get to the top possibly) but it’s hard to find people to run the govt who don’t have hidden agendas or who can’t be bought. I believe that Bill W is one of the few good guys who actually work with Alaskans & his constituents at heart. So, we gotta spread the word. We can’t allow organized religion or corporations to thrust themselves anymore into our constitutional infrastructure than they already have at the local, state or national levels. A Texan apologizing to BP. And the other Repubs who thought BP shouldn’t have to pay. Us little guys who make up the middle class need to get together before it’s too late, And we need to start here with local elections. I rant & rave too much but I’d like the political climate under control for my progeny before I shuffle off.
Hell, I just ranted & raved about theocracy & corruption at the local, state & national level & it all disappeared –poof. Anyway, we got to spread the word & keep the good guy, Bill W in office. Watching the Gulf spill only accentuates why we need thinking, hard working, honest people in govt. jobs. And to those repubs who apologized to BP & who want us taxpayers to pick up the tab –the finger to you. Corporations & organized religion cannot be allowed to insinuate themselves into the infrastructure of our Constitution more than they already have.
whadda putz
Sounds like it’s time to “tent” Alaska to get rid of all the termites…. Just sayin’…..
Thanks for the info. I’ll spread the word. And thanks for all the good posts & poetry. Good reading.
After reading this guy’s resume, I have decided his BS degree doesn’t mean Bach. of Science, but rather Bull S^&***(!!!!!. Where are these people coming from.? Seems as though they are crawling out of the woodwork, like termites.
Lol! BS indeed!
Lacy Lady, they ARE crawling out of the woodwork and it is just not in Alaska. I’ve never seen as many whackjobs in politics as I have in the last couple of years. I have been politically aware and active since the 60’s so that is saying a lot. I attribute it to the failure of the Republican Party and it’s tragic shift to the Evangelical Right. Suddenly, the number of reasonable right wing people have been outflanked and down-trodden by the fringe.
Oops he has a problem Houston.
No Taxes = no Transportation
“•Does not believe in taxes – “Taxes – NO;
•Transportation projects and development”
Wow, this guy sounds like a full-blown “redshirt” (remember them?). Will Saint Sarah be awarding him her sacred endorsement? I hope so…..that would surely bring on a loss.
Redshirt yes, Brownshirt more appropriate.
We were all taught that God made everyone, loves everyone, etc. Makes me wonder if God exists and if someone made him up to confuse us all. Maybe God just has a wicked sense of humor. Maybe we need an open thread just to discuss this.
When I first moved here, there were bumper stickers all over the place that said ANNOY PREVO – THINK FOR YOURSELF!
We need to bring those back.
Who is going to call Sarah out on her misuse of the clinical term “Schizophrenic” in her latest twatty tweety twitter? People who are affected by the disease are rightfully offended by its misuse, much like Sarah took offense to the word “retarded”.
Double standard again?
I hadn’t seen seen the text of the twatty twitter tweet in question, so I did the googles for it — here’s what I found from the account of SarahPalinUSA:
“Schizophrenic Agenda:just last wk DC claims top priority=JOBS;then=REDUCE DEBT;now=CAP&TAX(exploit tragedy 2 kill jobs/raise taxes)Pls,FOCUS”
(I assume she is NOT using the clinical term in a “satirical” manner… like Lumpbaugh and O’Really used “retard”**.)
Speaking of “schizophrenic” (as governot $P was doing in her twittive-missive to the masses)… wasn’t *she* b1tching just yesterday that “DC” wasn’t “focused” on the catastrophe in the Gulf? She’s today found a ‘new cause’ to rally her bots around against anything and everything “CEO” POTUS is doing? — can’t she stick with *anything* (no matter how asinine!) for longer than 48-hours; can’t see *anything* through to it’s (logical) conclusion *before* she goes off on *another* flight of irrelevant, annoying, deranged inanity? Sheesh, talk about the *clinical” schizophrenic!
PLS tak ur OWN ‘advice’ $P…FOCUS!
What a moran, she is. beth.
**Not to be confused with Emanuel’s use of the term “feckin’ retarded”…which, of course, is a pointedly specific slur and horribly offensive, according to $P. Gaaack. And is “Cap&Tax” similar to “Death Panels”? You know…part of the strictly socialist agenda of that ‘murica-hating, elite, guy of color in the WH? b.
Yes, double standard again. She would most likely come back with a defense that it was “satire” and mosey on without any calling out by the media. After yesterday’s debacle, she probably spent all day today trying to pry her foot (perhaps feet :)) out of her mouth and tweeted that nonsense with one hand after putting down the Red Bull.
The new mantra is “That woman is an idiot” and I suggest we keep chanting it.
Just for fun I went to my on-line Thesaurus and typed in “idiot”. Omg…..every synonym fits perfectly and some are even better. I tried to cut and paste, but Mac’s version won’t let me. I invite you all to do it. It will bring laughter.
Ahhh, yes: PC v. Mac… (I’ve got the former.) Here you go, seattlefan — as requested, all copied and pasted. beth.
Entry Word: idiot
Function: noun
Meaning: a stupid person
Synonyms blockhead, cretin, dodo, dolt, donkey, dope, dork [slang], dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fathead, goon, half-wit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, knothead, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull (or numbskull), pinhead, simpleton, stock, turkey
Related Words booby, fool, goose, loony (also looney), lunatic, madman, nut, zany; loser; gawk; featherbrain, scatterbrain; beast, boor, cad, churl, clown, creep, cur, heel, jerk, skunk, snake, stinker, villain
Near Antonyms egghead, intellectual, sage, thinker
Antonyms brain, genius
PS – That woman is an idiot! b.
Lol! Thanks Beth. My Mac widget thesaurus actually had the word “boob” included (along with dunce, dolt, moron, loon, dumbass, twerp, bozo and turkey). The best part was the antonym listed was: genius.
Yes…That woman is an idiot! (keep the mantra alive!)
I love this sentence from his web page:
“5) Strong support for our families and their safety through sufficient deterrents to crime the activation of the death penalty for capital crimes and security across our state that assures a level of safety for our elderly, our children, their mothers and or guardians to feel safe to play in our parks and designated community centers without excessive fear of criminal activities that might threaten their well being.”
Sarah would be proud.
But why is he not concerned about the safety of our children’s fathers to feel safe to play in our parks? And I like that some fear of criminal activities [sic] is okay; just not excessive fear.
As long as he supports Dutch and Norwegian dikes and finger thingies , I think he’ll be just fine. =)
And he calls himself a Christian, gosh, he gives Christian a bad name.
Sorry Alaskans, but I think you have far more crazies per capita than my state, Washington State does.
But what if those Dutch and(/or) Norwegian dikes have been exposed to New Age, Hindu, and/or Buddhist “idealologies”? Would he still support them? Inquiring minds want to know… beth.
There’s a page to fan on FB that ties right into this – Going to church and calling yourself a christian is like standing in a garage and calling yourself a car.
i’m a big fan of wielechowski and a constituent in his district. while democrats have had solid support in the district for decades, they sometimes win by razor thin margins due to low voter turnout. one of the two mt view precincts usually has one of the lowest turnouts of any precinct in the state. wielechowski’s predecessor gretchen guess, and state house representative gruenberg have won by as little as 50 or 80-something votes in several past races. better to not take it for granted, no matter how much of a wingnut their opponent may be. if the state democratic party is smart they will put some resources into a GOTV campaign in 20/J….
Hmm..I didn’t see Ron Slepecki’s name in the Pastor/Rev list on The Anchorage Baptist Temple website. Maybe they took it off?
He has not been with ABT since 2005. Maybe that is why they took it off.
Who MAKES these people and where on earth do they come from?
Anchorage Baptist Temple’s curriculum:
“You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught”
Rodgers and Hammerstein: South Pacific: 1949
You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!
love that, though so sad
WOW….been years since i heard anything from south pacific, but that is scary….and sounds like something the republiCONS wrote today…..just WOW….
Yup. Start em young and set the example in the home.
That why so many in the South (and elsewhere) still haven’t gottten beyond racism. They learn it in the crib.
You mean like Slepecki’s wife (Korean)? I think she is beautifully made. You folks sure know a lot about me having never met me. But I guess I am the mean one.
I’m thinking they are being built and programed from a super stupid undisclosed location. I really don’t think we need to know much more except no one should ever vote for the likes of them–and every time we see them on the street we should scream and point— NOT ONE OF US, NOT ONE OF US.
Fortunately, most of you can not vote and you are very mean. I would never say the ugly things about Bill that you folks seem to have made me into.
What comes to my mind is that back when Dan Sullivan was running for the office of Mayor, it seemed bleedin’ obvious that this guy was almost certainly not the best bet – yet Dan Sullivan was elected Mayor.
I sure hope you all can continue to get out the word, and get the voters out there and VOTING! I’d hate to think of … well, you get the drift I guess…
I am so sick of these ignoramuses comparing Obama and his policies to Hitler. My Mom works at the Holocaust Museum and I did too for a few months back in the 90’s. These doofs have no idea what they’re talking about. If we were dealing with the real Nazis running things in this country, they wouldn’t open their big stupid mouths for fear of being heard and dragged off in the night. Or worse, they would be egging them on to get rid of all of us who aren’t like them.
On the plus side, I don’t see any mention of his family (wife, kids) to be dragged out and about.
With this person on the ticket, your Bill W. should continue to be on the job. Right?
Geeze Louise! You poor peeps in Alaska can never get a break. Stock up on the popcorn and Tums.
Alos,too what a boring web page.
Ah yes, Mr. “I’m a Alaska Native man” Loren Leman, is right there beating his fellow Indians over the head with a bible, ….. when it is time for the money jar to be passed around.
When the Alaska Native Land Claims was passed… The Lemans stepped out of the closet packin their Native American roots. When Loren ran for Lt. Gov, he campaigned on this Russian roots.
The only time the guy professes any Alaska Native blood is amongst the “steeple people”, when he is collecting money for Pervert, er I mean Prevo’s caddy gasoline fund.
Loren doesn’t like to mention his AK Native blood to loudly. Cause it could probably be contested …
Sorry, confused here. What does this Loren Leman have to do with the subject “Senate Hopeful Ron Slepecki” subject?
Slepecki should be fairly easy to make self destruct. All the incumbant has to do is ask for a public debate and then hit a few buttons to make Slepecki blow his top. Get it on camera and tape and game over for his public service ambitions.
Oh, boy, another “if you ain’t with us, you’re aginst us” person.” We saw this all through the Bush years. Any criticism was met with cries of being unpatriotic and agains the troops at best, and being treasonous at worst. He looks like another of the bully boys who can’t win an arguement with facts so they use smears and accusations instead. I would like to know where he got his degrees from. I looked at his web site and didn’t find them, and I’m not sure how an applied science degrees in weapons systems would help him in the Senate. And while I respect him for being a retired veteran, again, I don’t think that means anything when running for Senate. And I say that as a retired veteran myself. I did see in one of the links that he attended Liberty University for a year. Great, Prevo and Falwell as influences. And as far as the pro family values and all that, has he ever said anything about the fact that his mentor went to the big house? I would think that corruption is not a family value. Nor is getting married four times, but I bet he is a Ditto Head.
Oh, my God, where DO these people come from??! This should be an easy one for the best Bill. I certainly hope so or I will have lost all faith in the east side.
Bad Karma
Presumably, this militaristic hillbilly quack would be dead set against any President who might be seen as “apologizing for America”!
OMG, I am SO glad I don’t risk being represented by that.
As am I, InJuneau..downstairs in Oregon..sigh. Mental midgets must have injested metal filings somewhere..they gather like..rusty nails around the same ..’imaginative-power’ source….
We slay them with information.
We hope.
“But between May of 2009 and June of 2010 he seems to have been busily not raising money, not knocking on doors, not campaigning, not attending Community Council meetings, and not submitting his filing paperwork until about three hours before the June 1, 2010, 5:00pm deadline. He did, however, continue to identify himself as an “Elementary Principal” as recently as January of 2010.”
It takes TIME to write some sort of foaming at the mouth screed with which to whip up your base.
Clearly he wasn’t, you know, READING anything about Buddhism.
Let’s put together a little collection and send him “The Tao of Pooh” and “The Te of Piglet”. Gotta start this guy off lite–because light is too long a word for him.
Those Buddhist cults, always in the news for the trouble they cause and the lives they destroy….:)
“I’m picturing a great campaign slogan – “Ron Slepecki – Putting the ‘lol’ in Idealology” I think it’s pretty catchy, actually.”
I bow, AKM. I bow. I’m going to be laughing about this all day, and I truly needed it today.
Thank you!
I have already stolen ” Putting the ‘lol’ in Idealology” THANKS!
New out is The Armageddon Factor by Marci McDonald is about the Canadian fundamentalist movement- of which Harper is part.
This is themudflats at its best! Educating the electorate with a sense of humor and style.
Oy, vey!
7 mountains, er, molehills, er, holier than all much?
Go, W! Bill W, that is.