I have absolutely had it with this ignorant woman. I did not vote for her to lead my state, and I certainly did not vote for a ticket with her name on it to lead this country. She claims transperancy. She’s as easy to see through as the air I breathe. She claims expertise on energy issues, but has yet to verbalize a sentance that would back that up. She lies, she is a fraud, and for the life of me I can not understand why anyone is listening to the hatred and fear she spews. She will not have my ear until she finally faces a non-scripted, hard core, old-fashioned press corp. Of course, if we took away her pre-scripted questions, rehearsed talking points, and follow-up questions, I suspect her head would twirl off. Having said that, now that I have officially reached my Palim limit, I almost wish the Administration would appoint her to some energy expertise position so we could finally, as a group, witness her unraveling. Her ignorance is overwhelming, and quite frankly, it’s old. Sarah, it’s time. sit down, and for the love of God and Country, shut up.
Apparently “Quitdraw McGraw” has given up on finding a practical solution for the Gulf oil disaster in favor of praying for one. Dark Ages thinking at its finest.
her minions are now saying that Saint Sarah wanted to drill in ANWR and THAT was safe, greenies are at fault…..if only we LISTENED to $arah….this is REALLY REALLY sickening, she and her TEAMSARAH’s are simply NOT GOING TO STOP, they wear their stupidity with pride.
I sobbed watching this. Brilliant. I wish it could get nation airplay. The most effective & poignant 5 minutes about the Gulf armegeddon that I have seen. The first time I heard Palin say ‘drill baby drill”, as an Alaskan, I was embarrassed & enraged. Every time she has said it since, I feel fear. It is truelly sickening & is gaining momentom among her followers.Palin is without consience & she has access to money, power & free media to support & spread her deeply disturbing ambition to become president of the U.S. She has the power to be dangerous in a way that the dreaded “debt carried over into the next generation”(which never bothered the Republicans before)could ever be. We are talking about continued energy practices that will not maybe destroy the earth & make it impossible for life as we know it to continue. Money will mean nothing if everything is contaminated & scarce. A Stephen King novel wrought real. You can’t breathe through oil, you can’t eat food that has been contaminated by fossil fuels & the toxic agents that are being used in a vain attempt to ‘clean’ the water & beaches. What will we drink if we contaminate our water sources? Drill baby Drill has the potential to mean kill baby kill because that is what BP, Exxon, Halliburton etc want: more & more & more & more & do not care what the cost is to the “little guy”. The teaparty people are mad at the wrong party.
That is a very powerful message. I hope it gets the attention it deserves. I can’t imagine how Saint Sarah can sleep at night after watching this. But then again, there is no rest for the wicked.
Perhaps, if Teddy Haggard is correct in his prediction that the “Religious Right” will self-destruct, Sarah Palin will burst into a ball of flames and disappear in a puff of smoke. Poof, the wicked witch of the North would be GONE! And then I could let go of this visceral hatred in my heart. She’s evil, I have no doubt.
For those of us who listened to, participated in, and/or were victimized by the Exxon Valdez spill, this disaster is like re-living those days. We didn’t have to live in Cordova or any other Alaskan port, for that matter, where fisheries were the life of those communities. It was painful and that pain has continued to linger in our memories. Anyone, and you didn’t have to be an Alaskan, who felt that pain would never CHANT Drill Baby Drill. But, as an Alaskan and an Alaskan politician, it’s beyond insensitive.
The reality is that none of the Palinbots will watch this. Even if they did, they would never believe it. Even if they believed it for a moment, they would perish the thought immediately because surely this is a liberal plot to destroy their way of life, to destroy everything they hold dear – because liberals and democrats and progressives are ALL godless heathen (even the ones who say they are not without faith, they must be lying) and can never ever ever tell the truth. Whereas Sarah Palin SAYS she is a Christian ALL the time – so therefore she MUST be one.
hhhmmm… She “speaks:” next Friday at Turlock.. about a 2.5 hr drive… I have next Friday off…”That woman is an Idiot” by KO…on one side of the sign…” A dike 5000 ft tall and 41 miles out to sea … Great solution , Sarah !! ” on the other side…. should I spell it dike ,,,,or dyke ???? 🙂
benlomond2… If that is going to be your sign… I’ll be looking for it. Driving down from Sactown.
I’ll be there as well. Not sure what the sign will be yet…..still doing some pondering.
I will be taking LOTS of pics though. This may be the 1st time I have ever seen a ‘ bumpit ‘ up close.
In CA I believe they have been ‘ extinct ‘ for some time now.
Alas, I cannot watch the video (dial-up is my nemisis). I can imagine what it says from your comments though.
Having a husband who works in the oilfield has made all of this a very difficult time for us. He struggles with the guilt and the anger (and the knowledge of how things are) working for a company that is presently guilty for this disaster. We feel very sad for the 11 lives lost that could so very easily be his or that of a close friend. We feel devestated by the immense damage to an irreplaceable ecosystem. We are fully aware that if it wasn’t BP, it could very easily be any of the other oil producers that could be responsible. It has been very interesting to hear my DH and others (who are the workers, drillers, etc in the oilfield) discuss this tragedy. The general consensus seems to be that the whole thing could have been avoided and that many stupid mistakes (as well as company shortcuts) were made. My point to them (that I have to voice gently) is that accidents are almost always human error and no matter how great your technology, you can never count out human error. This has been my mantra in rejecting opening ANWR.
My DH and I are great lovers of animals and the planet earth. We do NOT want to see her injured.
He and I both feel that $P is a complete idiot. Her pipe dream about natural gas is no closer to being built than before she was half-term governot. She has a black soul that’s only purpose is to spew hate and anger and therby enrich herself and her cronies. Corporate greed is nothing compared to her greed for attention.
That being said, the comment above about her faith would be denied by many so-called christians in the state of Alaska. Just the other day there was a long letter to the editor in our local rag of a newspaper from a dominionist. It is important to acknowledge that there are many people who came to Alaska who very much believe (to the depths of their “souls”) that they were put here by god to rule of the earth and everything in it and to take whatever they want, whenever they want, because it will never all run out, because “god will provide”. These people mark this disaster as a blip on the radar and are screaming to get on with the drilling and the mining and the killing. We will NEVER change their minds because this is the bedrock of their “faith” that has nothing to do with reason.
I support my president and continue to believe that (at this point in time) he is the best person to be doing his job (due to his intelligence, capability of rational thought and unbelievable bility to radiate a sense of calm in the face of huge storms). DH says that even though the de-regulation took place during the previous administration, this disaster occurred on his watch. Ultimately that means he will take some of the blame as the keeper of the henhouse. He is the ultimate boss over the regulators and (although he has many balls to keep in the air and sooooooo much to clean up from GWB) he is still the guy responsible for allowing this crap to go on. I know, I know, “how can he possibly be expected to know everything that is going on in all of the departments under him?” He probably can’t. Nevertheless, it will still come down on his head and I, for one, am prepared to have his back (even if he isn’t left enough for me).
I struggle (as does my husband) every day with the fact that, at this time, our ability to pay our mortgage, feed ourselves and our dogs, take care of aging parents, etc depends upon my husband’s job. My moral self wants to say, don’t contribute to the problem. I, however, have to drive to work every day (too far to walk or ride a bike, no alternatives), heat my home (no alternatives for this yet). And, at 51 years old, in the middle of a recession, he probably won’t be changing careers. My hope though, because he is a moral man (and one very aware of the dangers in the oilfield) he will be on the frontlines of doing everything that can be done towards prevention. He does not hesitate to pull the “stop” card out whenever he sees anything that isn’t being done by the book and completely up to safety regulations.
We are all aware of the fact that there was no contingency plan with the deepwater drilling. We are all aware that this country has to be pulled (kicking and screaming) away from dependency on oil. How that is going to be achieved (with the other side of the spectrum spewing it’s lies and anger and obstructionism) I have no idea. All I can do is vote my conscience, continue to speak out where I can and hope that we are not too late.
For me the biggest problem is how things are done….we (at least i) do realize that people have to make a living and until governments are serious about moving towards cleaner energy oil will be with us . Probably to some degree always will be, well until we run out of course. I just think drilling should be done as save as possible if we absolutely have to and what enrages me is the shortcuts and greed of those corporations. They take chances with the lives of their employees and our environment . The guild should not be yours our your husbands but BP’s
From many of the reports I’ve heard and read about the initial explosion, the vast majority of the men on the frontline were doing everything humanly possible to avoid the disaster and fix the problems before a tragedy occurred. The people with the real responsibility for this calamity were NOT the men like your husband who were, as always, doing their jobs to the best of their ability. It was the people in the highest levels of management who were making decisions based on greed who were responsible for what happened. There is no benefit to BP employees who work on the rigs (and in the onshore oil fields) to cut corners or use faulty equipment since it is their lives on the line if things go wrong.
As torn as you must feel about working for BP right now, it is a necessary choice that you must make for the survival of your family. Just the fact that you are struggling with the situation demonstrates a level of integrity that the executives of BP are clearly unfamiliar with. I wish you and your husband peace and continued safety.
LMD… Sounds like you and DH are doing all that can be done …. work safely, follow existing regulations, ….. and speak your minds at the ballot box…. not unlike what US troops are having to do..doing their assignments as safely as possible for themselves and their teammates, and using the ballot box to speak about the direction of the country.. ( They WAIT until they are OUT of the service before vocalizing their critisisms ). It’s a tough situation, but it sounds like you are both doing everything you can to do things right…
LMD – great and empathetic post, I think all honest and feeling human beings can identify with it. I too am video challenged and can’t see the subject here, but I can guess.
The sad fact is that everyone of us who does not have a few hundred million stashed away in off shore accounts, or to be truly realistic even enough to live off for one year, is faced with the exact same coercion, do this or you lose your job, if you lose your job you lose your right to go to a doctor if you get sick, if you can’t pay your mortgage for a month you lose your house and all your equity in it, if you step out of line an inch you will be punished severely. That kind of extortion is both commonplace and readily accepted.
By contrast we have one of the greatest mass murderers in US history living comfortably in Dallas despite the fact that he lied us into a war that has cost at least 4000 lives and thousands more maimed and injured. Not once in his tenure did any politician call him out for the blood on his hands. Moreover, it is to him we can look for the responsibility of the endemic corruption of government that led to many other disasters but particularly to this one, and of course his cronies and enablers who do everything they can, largely in secrecy to maintain the corruption. They want government to fail, so that they can assume the dictatorship of the chosen. Literally the divine right to control the small people.
We are a country of some 300 million people and yet a few million zealots whose avaricious need for power and dominion is so great that they will lie, cheat, steal, injure and murder to further their purpose, whose audacity is unlimited, whose ability to confront reality is non-existent, those few, that tiny minority, set the tone and define the discourse in this whole country because we are too polite or too intimidated to call them what they are. Or perhaps even worse, we are too caught up in our own personal concerns to realise that our whole way of life is being slowly eroded and one day in the not too distant future some political puppet like Palin will be strutting upon the national stage their crooked cross of fake gold and diamonds proudly displayed on their lapel, telling us that black is white, up is down, starvation is plenty, and death is life, and most of us will have no choice other than to accept it or take arms against the tyranny, and by opposing, end it.
It is a glum outlook to be sure. One that I hope not to live to see, but if past history is any marker, it is coming, sure as dawn.
Very finely written paragraphs, with one omission: 4,000 is the approximate number of American deaths. Please see http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ for the number of documented Iraqi deaths (about 100,000 to date) and a timeline with when most of them occurred. This is dead only, and accounts neither for the huge number of injured, nor for the refugees.
There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t stop to think about the people in the gulf. Shame on Palin and her ilk that want to rape and pillage this country for your own riches.
I just wish the media would cover this more than they do Sarah!
These are people who are putting their butts, backs and money where their hearts and heads are. They are doing instead of complaining. Their story needs to come to the forefront – maybe it would cause people to reevaluate false leaders like SP, Beck. Limbaugh and Hannity et al.
Very thought provoking message, but I would have preferred to see much less of $arah Paylin. She is not much of a Christian if she thinks we have a right to pillage, rupture and desecrate this Earth. She is not much of a humanitarian is she thinks it’s okay for peoples lives and livelihoods to be subserviant to the greedy want of more oil. She is stupid if she thinks “Drill, Baby, Drill” is a good rally cry for our country under any circumstance. $arah Paylin definitely is a disgraceful excuse for a human being.
Wow! Well done. Mrs. Palin is nothing more than a stupid self-grandoising narcissistic stooge pedalling the snake oil of the oligarchy. Unfortunately this idiot has an audience in the 30% of the population who are morons!
This video says it all on how we feel in the Gulf and also clearly demostrates the consequence, when a business puts profit ahead of safety and the environment. This disaster will take many decades to clean up and to get wildlife populations back to the same level as they’re today (if it actually can be done). There is no replacement, however, for the eleven lives that were lost, or the tragic effect it will have on their families.
How anyone can possibly support and encourage any current or future off-shore drilling at this particular time is beyond me, particularly as this disaster continues to worsen. To most people, remaining quiet about any oil drilling in general would be the pertinent and wise action to take. But not for someone like Sarah, who is ignorant enough to actually believe she is competent and knowledgable, and who actually believes what her advisors tell her what to say or write for her. But in reality, which it honestly seems out of her grasp for her, she knows very little about the oil industry or its possible environmental consequence, dispite living through both the Exxon Valdez spill, and now the Gulf of Mexico disaster.
Sarah is not capable of discussing alternative energy sources, environmental considerations of each of the various sources, or even a National energy policy, because she is simply is not knowledgable or informed enough to discuss such matters openly and freely, and probably never will be. It is no secret to most of us this is the reason she will not speak to the media, or that she believes the media is “evil”. But what I honestly am starting to believe is what I’ve heard others suggest, is that Sarah has a learning disability such as Attention Deficit Disorder, and is incapable of sitting down and learning what she needs to learn. To accomadate this she has developed a system of deflecting what her detractors say, and avoiding the press by making all her statements one way by creatively using Facebook, and by only taking prearranged questions after her speaches. What other reasons are the plausible on why she would need to write down her three main talking points on her palm? And when she gets caught how does she deal with it, she makes fun of it repeatably in public in front of the press until it becomes old.
Perhaps it time we acknowledge that Sarah is the disaster and her followers are her victums.
An incredibly powerful message. My heart breaks for lives lost, for livelihoods destroyed, for the decimation of wildlife and destruction of our earth. Evidence that greed continues to take us to hell in a hand basket.
The greatest sadness of all is that we could stop this greed if we all worked together to demand changes in campaign finance laws, demand enforceable ethics rules, and demanded criminal prosecution of every big player in scenarios such as this. Fitzgerald was right: “The rich are different than you and me.” They can buy their protection and verdicts in too many cases. Yet, really, if we are honest with ourselves, it is our fault for not being active, for not paying attention, for not banding together.
I laugh at the Tea Baggers, but at least they are trying to change things. I don’t agree with their agenda, but at least they are out there working towards a goal. Thankfully, they aren’t educated enough, civil enough, or the type of people who compromise enough to work together as a whole, but imagine if they were! Of course, they are being manipulated by greedy people as well because they don’t reflect upon the consequences of what they are doing or understand what it is they really believe in or why. They are just angry people wanting change. Why can’t we all do better?
Yes, the rich are different. But as yet (unless there’s something they’re not sharing with us), they don’t have another Earth (or Type M planet, for all you trekkies) to murder. “What good is a house, if you don’t have a fit planet to put it on?” Pesticides, monocrops, and transit stress are killing off the honeybees, BP’s oil volcano is killing everything in the Gulf, and they fiddle while Rome burns.
I thought this was one of the best responses I’ve ever seen. I don’t care if the man makes some silly gaffes from time to time, it just shows he’s human. Joe Biden is a great man, politically and personally.
Were the voters of Alaska more intelligent, the first woman Governor of Alaska would have been Fran Ulmer who was the Democratic nominee in 2002 when the voters elected Frank Murkowski, the first of three disastrous governors. Fran is an intelligent, gracious and articulate woman respected by all who know her. She can speak extemporaneously in full, well organized paragraphs — no word salad ever left the lips of that woman! She has served as Juneau Mayor, state legislator, and Lieutenant Governor. She is currently the Chancellor of the University of Alaska Anchorage and serves on the Aspen Institute’s Commission on (gasp!) Arctic Climate Change. (Yes, there really is a problem with climate change in the Arctic.) She is also one of the seven members appointed to the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Off Shore Drilling Commission. Thank God that the rest of the country will soon see a different kind of Alaskan woman!
Be careful, Sarah. This could be the first sign that God is watching and she might finally be getting really pi$$ed off at you.
Alas as our mother bleeds. The thought that anything could move the passion of Sarah is for naught. She has not an ounce of humanity in her being. A wasted shell of human flesh. Bless all who must carry on past all the ignorance.
Palin is unbelievably crude and hateful. Greed of people is what holds us back from a clean, green way of life. We should never have invaded the natural home of creatures who were just peacefully living in their habitat. It was/is cruel.
I wish someone would tell Palin to park her big a$$ SUV’s and private jets and walk.–or when she is in the “lower 48” to ditch her limos and take a bus or train. She knows nothing of the real world(however, I’d love to see someone put her in the driver’s seat on the expressways of Dallas. I bet she couldn’t handle it.)
Also, Palin is going to have a show to show the beauty of Alaska. Does she really think this will bring people onboard to destroy it?
I hope someone at the TLC network – someone who supervises whoever is responsible for producing her new show sees this video. I hope they have a heart and feel shame. It’s still not too late for them to shelve the series. Networks do it all the time – even after many episodes have been filmed. Something happens, they just never show them. Let the money spent – even the money given to Sarah – turn to ashes in their mouths.
You know, I never made that connection, that her reaction to the spill is in direct contrast to the purpose of her TLC show. It just makes the show seem like a complete joke. I wonder if she’s finally realized she should keep her big yap shut. I also wonder if she regrets, just a little, leaving her office. She might possibly command some attention as a relevant spokesperson during this spill if she were still governor.
I think she does regret it, a little, for the ‘power’ the title gave her.
Nan, you forgot the entire sentence- “working for Alaska” ‘s ex-governor’ bank acct.
Remember a few days ago when SP was interviewed by Bill O, and she said the US had refused aid offered by other countries, namely Norway and the Dutch? Then KO refuted that? I wrote to Politico(of Pants on Fire fame – the one that named SP Liar of the Year) and just got a reply from them. Link is below, but the gist is that some aid that was offered was in the form of stuff countries wanted to sell., some we already had, some we didn’t need. Read the full post. No, they didn’tmention any dikes or dykes!!
There was an AP article in the newspaper this morning that gave some specific examples of the ‘aid’ that was being offered. It listed the amount of foreign aid that the US was providing to these particular countries and what they were offering to SELL or LEASE to the US. Little, if any, of the ‘aid’ was being offered for free because of the assumption that the US is a wealthy country and can afford to buy emergency equipment.
While I suspect that some of the countries did not receive immediate response to their offers because of the chaos during the first few weeks of the spill, I also suspect that many of the offers were for supplies and equipment that can be obtained right here in the US, thereby providing an economic benefit to US companies and a more rapid turnaround time for shipment to affected areas.
I have been reading theoildrum.com lately and there are several trolls on there claiming that aid was turned down for various reasons all of which imply that somehow Obama is to be faulted for not accepting the generous offer of skimmer boats from Holland etc. etc.
Republicans are calling this a “natural disaster”.
Republicans are apologizing to the giant multinational oil company that makes $24 billion in profit along per year because the president “coerced them” into pledging 83% of that profit to pay for the damage they did.
Republicans are screaming at the top of their lungs that the moratorium imposed on deep water drilling is costing 5,000 jobs and at the same time blocking unemployment benefits for millions of citizens put out of work by the fraud of big banks and insurance companies.
I have no doubt that the tragedy of the Gulf signals the end of Palin’s “political” career, such as it was. If the Republicans are foolish enough and cynical enough to trot this obscene ass out as their candidate in 2012, they will have finally earned the fate they so deserve. This woman should forever be remembered as “Shill, baby, Shill.”
Great video! I am surprised that there has been so little said about the “Drill Baby Drill’ refrain and what’s happening now. Her latest interview on Fox where she belittles Obama for not doing enough is not only silly but repulsive. I just read that the press will be allowed next week for her speech in a public university in California, it will be interesting to watch. I surely hope students will make their voices heard.
Yeah, and then a couple days later David Korn and Pat Buchanan are discussing her as a leading candidate for the Repug nomination. How can that be? I mean, how can anyone in all seriousness, after that display of total incompetence of BOR, continue to think she is a viable leader????? I can only say it’s because they, too, have a hard-on for her.
Or, because they know the country is in such a mess that they want a straw man to run against Obama in ’12, rather than sacrificing a “real” and viable candidate who can wait for ’16. Or both.
The speech is $500 dollars per ticket and their is as yet no provision to let students participate or even attend unless they buy a ticket. It is the schools foundation holding the event so they can do pretty much what they want.
Unfortunately I don’t think many students will be attending and frankly the so-called press ceded any credibility with respect to this despicable character almost two years ago when they gave her a complete pass in the national election. Not one press conference. Not one honest interview. The press has so far been complicit in hiding her many and obvious disqualifications for any office, let alone high office. The reason for my first assertion is that tickets start at $500 for this event.
But yes it would be glorious to have 2 or 3 thousand UC student show up each with their dixie cup of crude oil chanting drill baby drill, kill baby kill, shill baby shill.
I was uncomfortable with the video not just because of what’s happening from the spill but because SP is made the centerpiece, when so many others with much greater power, now and in past, could be targeted. It seems to give her power she doesn’t have or deserve, as if she started the whole idea of aggressive drilling when all she’s ever been is a soulless, vile puppet for the actual powers in the energy world.
Mel – I totally agree with you. Cheney & company need to be held responsible for some of this. And those before him, people who only saw the $$ signs and cared nothing about the environment and took no precautions to protect it; weak weak regulations, etc. Will this country never learn?
However, Sarah is the public face for the Drill, Baby, Drill mentality. She is not the originator or even an active power player, but she is the popular icon for this madness.
That’s why it is so important for the truth about her past to come out. That’s why it is so important to have real journalists from across the political spectrum interview her, asking real questions and expecting real answers. She is the facade. There’s nothing much behind that thin veneer and the quicker her followers know that the better. Then we can go after the real power players who have done and are still doing such damage to our country’s economy and environment.
You have to start somewhere, and the weakest chain in the link is the place to start: Sarah Palin.
I am totally comfortable with $carah being the target. But hey, I used to live in Prince William Sound. Also, no offense, cause yeah, there are so many others in a position of power.
We gotta keep in check, that $carah seems to use the “drill baby drill” mantra has a advancement in her career.
Appologies to those whom read the words $carah – advancement – career, all in the same sentence. I can attest that the blindness derived from the 3 word combo doesn’t last long.
It is appropriate to call her on her ‘mantra’. Cheney and Co may need to be held accountable for creating this mess. But SP needs to be stopped from minimizing the extent of the damage and calling for continued drilling as usual. Cheney is involved in the past. SP is calling for a future course of action that will only bring more of what is happening in the gulf today.
Yes to what you said, but the repocons, be it Chaney, or the Bush Mafia or the bought off politicians will continue to conive and cut the industry slack as long as the mega bucks keep flowing.
Mel, before Sarah was even invited to McCain’s ranch in August, to be asked if she’d join his ticket, BP specifically named her taxation policies as the reason why they were moving new drilling into the Gulf.
I understand your point and feel that the Bush/Cheney adminstration policies are indisputably more culpable for this disaster than Palin. However, they are firmly settled in the dirty, ugly past (although Cheney still seems to be trying to wield political power) and Palin is the one being suggested as a potential candidate for president. Cheney may be giving his sppeches at right wing gatherings, but Palin is the one traveling the country, spewing hatred to her adoring crowds and being paid exhorbitant amounts of money for the drivel. She is the one with the regular exposure on Fox and the face that appears far too often on the television.
Bush and Cheney’s manipulative,evil strategies have already been exposed while far too many people are still blindly following Palin’s lead and singing her praises. Others may have been more responsible for the legislation that lead to this catastrophe, but she is more potentially dangerous to our future.
i remember sarah
i remember sarah shouting
drill baby drill
i remember rill ‘mericans chanting
they were chanting
drill baby drill
drill baby drill
over and over again
the rill ‘mericans shouted
then they added a new chant
to go with the old chant
they shouted a new but very old refrain
kill him they shouted
kill him they sang
make his wife a widow
and his two sweet babies be hanged.
drill baby drill
kill baby kill
Bubs, that makes the hair stand up on my arms! such evil in the heart of the one who said or lead others to say these things. hate is what they espouse. hate is what they get back. how do we change the hate from those who blindly follow it?
This video hurts. Everyone who has responded is hurt, too. I would love to see one speck of humanity come from Mrs. Palin. One time in her small existence when she changes her mind in public, and walks away from supporting the drilling. One time. Once.
I know you read here, or at least one of your people reads here. So, yo. Mrs. Palin, I hope one of your people is brave enough to pass this on. Here is my message. Put it away. Grow up. Get right.
“Get right with God, Sarah. If you confess your sin, the Lord is faithful & just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Then spend the rest of your political life advocating for responsible government, responsible regulation that are enforceable and working to help the poor and disadvantaged – no matter who they vote for, where they come from or what race they are.”
My heart breaks for those in the Gulf who are affected by this tragedy. My heart weeps for the lives that have been irrevocably changed by the oil that keeps coming with no end in sight. My heart bleeds for the animals, sea creatures and birds whose lives will be ended or painfully shortened.
My anger burns for the people whose callous disregard for others caused this disaster and for those whose ambitions and greed cause them to belittle the suffering that is being felt by tens of thousands of our fellow Americans and by all those innocent animals.
Sarah Palin and all those who do not mourn for what has been lost forever should be ashamed.
We went to Biloxi last summer and were pleased at a lot of the rebuilding that had happened,as casino people we were shocked how the flow of customers was diminished.Then we road along the waterfront into outlying areas of the county as much as we could.The shock was unbearable,leveled homes,devastation,piles of debris,properties with only a swimming pool left,or a chimney,or a power pole.People living in travel trailers,small ones,and they were out in their yards working by themselves on clean up or fix up.This oil spill only serves to shove them back down,under the mess again.The economy will not support the expenses still to be met from the Katrina clean up,on top of this oil spill,for years to come.We just donated dog food to help out the pet owners there.Its so little to do,I wish we could do more.
Then they have to listen to Mrs PAYlin trying her best to make a buck off of their heartbreak.As a grandma,were I to see her up close,I would have to slap her foul mouth and tell her to shut up if she had nothing helpfull or positive to say.If she knows so much,why not put some of it to use,and make an effort somehow to help.If not shut her nasty mouth!
Just more evidence of her black heart. She was hired from the start to spew right wing lies and she has never had a problem with that. I have never found her attractive, but some do. “A pretty face don’t make no pretty heart.” Her insides look like that oil. If she really believed in hell she would know she’s on her way there.
VERY POWERFUL. This video says it all. As you watch and listen, this video shows you the hurt that is felt in the Gulf and at the same time it shows you Palin’s stupidity and ignorance.
McCain claimed she was one of the best experts on energy in America. Perhaps McCain and Palin can clean up some oil covered wildlife. No? Of course not they are to busy lying to everyone.
Palin could use her position to raise money, find companies that make things like the mop heads they are using to soak up oil on the beaches and talk them into freebees.
I doubt the thought of helping has even crossed her mind. And that alone debars her from being a true Christina.
Most of us are limited to donating a few bucks, but some have the position to really have an impact. I am apalled and saddened that there is seemingly no one on TV, or politicians, or the big TV Christian groups, nobody seems to give a flying fig about the people who are being impacted.
Wow is right. A complete re-enactment of what happened to Alaska and Prince William Sound….a mess that 21 years later goes mostly uncompensated, and has never been cleaned up. Thanks, AK for bringing this to our attention, rest assured it will be forwarded to as many as I can reach.
makes you weep for this earth and it reminds me again why i had this instant deep dislike for her and her cronies…i felt the same about Bush .It might be a harsh thing to say but i don’t think she is a good person.
While the truth can sometimes be a harsh thing, it needs to be stated. And you are absolutely correct: s’error palin is not a good person. My New York friends have a word for her, but I will not repeat it here.
Please tell that to my pastor. He appears to think (and have no problem saying so DURING SUNDAY SERVICE, as part of his “sermon”) that Palin loves God and is a good person who is being smeared unfairly by lies and innuendo.
So Palin is a Christian: Try out her hatred, lying, and other non Christian practices with The Sermon On The Mount, Matthew V,VI and VII. I can not hate Sarah, for it is not for me to judge, but judged she will be.
My saying is, “If you have to say you are Christian you probably are not.”
When I was in an evangelical church in the 70’s, (no politics then, little hate) we used to say…”if you were accuse in court of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
These days, hating gay people and being against reproductive rights for women is what makes you “christian.”
The “D’s” need to go on offense. I have been waiting for ab ad that cuts back and forth from Sarah’s speech in Louisiana a week before the spill and the current photos of what is happening. It’s time to expose her for the fraud that she is!
“She through her actions, has established the “LOW” end of the bar in terms of establishing and maintaining transparency and forthrightness as she negotiates her way through the murky waters of political cronyism and a self serving agenda.
She has become the the line in the sand that demarcates the difference between unscrupulous versus unwavering. Sometimes it is just as important to become the antithesis of noble, and thus the standard bearer for ruthless. It gives us a moral compass by which to raise our children, and set an example of what NOT to do- or become.
Thank you Sarah Palin for your relentless commitment to this vainglorious effort.
Your use of twitter and myspace in lieu of meaningful person to person exchanges, demonstrates your mastery at exploiting this medium as a tool to spout your loathing and contempt so imperiously to the huddled masses.
Hiding behind a computer is your Wassilla basement is a cowards way out in terms of pointing fingers at others while avoiding well deserved scrutiny.
Thank you Sarah Palin for showing us the road that shouldn’t be traveled. In that way, you have been a beacon that instead of beckoning- warns us away from the Abyss.”
Thank you, but the road of Sarah Palin should be dug under! You are correct, her showing of a road, THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRAVELED! What a psychotic…….! moronic legacy, at best
You know, if she does opt to run, she’s going to have to find someone dumber than herself. That narrows the choices to a shrub or a potted plant.
But really, let’s play the game. $P runs. Who’s her running mate?
Feel free to join in, Mudflatters. JakeD, in particular, states that he has questions that he wants answered (he’s a Palin fan).
Yes, you’ll have to join. It’s free.
It’s too long for Sarah Palin to be able to follow it all the way to the end. In fact, I doubt she’d get further than 37 seconds into it.
I have absolutely had it with this ignorant woman. I did not vote for her to lead my state, and I certainly did not vote for a ticket with her name on it to lead this country. She claims transperancy. She’s as easy to see through as the air I breathe. She claims expertise on energy issues, but has yet to verbalize a sentance that would back that up. She lies, she is a fraud, and for the life of me I can not understand why anyone is listening to the hatred and fear she spews. She will not have my ear until she finally faces a non-scripted, hard core, old-fashioned press corp. Of course, if we took away her pre-scripted questions, rehearsed talking points, and follow-up questions, I suspect her head would twirl off. Having said that, now that I have officially reached my Palim limit, I almost wish the Administration would appoint her to some energy expertise position so we could finally, as a group, witness her unraveling. Her ignorance is overwhelming, and quite frankly, it’s old. Sarah, it’s time. sit down, and for the love of God and Country, shut up.
Apparently “Quitdraw McGraw” has given up on finding a practical solution for the Gulf oil disaster in favor of praying for one. Dark Ages thinking at its finest.
This woman is an idiot…..
her minions are now saying that Saint Sarah wanted to drill in ANWR and THAT was safe, greenies are at fault…..if only we LISTENED to $arah….this is REALLY REALLY sickening, she and her TEAMSARAH’s are simply NOT GOING TO STOP, they wear their stupidity with pride.
I sobbed watching this. Brilliant. I wish it could get nation airplay. The most effective & poignant 5 minutes about the Gulf armegeddon that I have seen. The first time I heard Palin say ‘drill baby drill”, as an Alaskan, I was embarrassed & enraged. Every time she has said it since, I feel fear. It is truelly sickening & is gaining momentom among her followers.Palin is without consience & she has access to money, power & free media to support & spread her deeply disturbing ambition to become president of the U.S. She has the power to be dangerous in a way that the dreaded “debt carried over into the next generation”(which never bothered the Republicans before)could ever be. We are talking about continued energy practices that will not maybe destroy the earth & make it impossible for life as we know it to continue. Money will mean nothing if everything is contaminated & scarce. A Stephen King novel wrought real. You can’t breathe through oil, you can’t eat food that has been contaminated by fossil fuels & the toxic agents that are being used in a vain attempt to ‘clean’ the water & beaches. What will we drink if we contaminate our water sources? Drill baby Drill has the potential to mean kill baby kill because that is what BP, Exxon, Halliburton etc want: more & more & more & more & do not care what the cost is to the “little guy”. The teaparty people are mad at the wrong party.
More Palin hunti’, fishin’, trackin’, probably chantin’ and most definitely…lyin’:
That is a very powerful message. I hope it gets the attention it deserves. I can’t imagine how Saint Sarah can sleep at night after watching this. But then again, there is no rest for the wicked.
Perhaps, if Teddy Haggard is correct in his prediction that the “Religious Right” will self-destruct, Sarah Palin will burst into a ball of flames and disappear in a puff of smoke. Poof, the wicked witch of the North would be GONE! And then I could let go of this visceral hatred in my heart. She’s evil, I have no doubt.
For those of us who listened to, participated in, and/or were victimized by the Exxon Valdez spill, this disaster is like re-living those days. We didn’t have to live in Cordova or any other Alaskan port, for that matter, where fisheries were the life of those communities. It was painful and that pain has continued to linger in our memories. Anyone, and you didn’t have to be an Alaskan, who felt that pain would never CHANT Drill Baby Drill. But, as an Alaskan and an Alaskan politician, it’s beyond insensitive.
Heart wrenching.
The reality is that none of the Palinbots will watch this. Even if they did, they would never believe it. Even if they believed it for a moment, they would perish the thought immediately because surely this is a liberal plot to destroy their way of life, to destroy everything they hold dear – because liberals and democrats and progressives are ALL godless heathen (even the ones who say they are not without faith, they must be lying) and can never ever ever tell the truth. Whereas Sarah Palin SAYS she is a Christian ALL the time – so therefore she MUST be one.
I am sick of her, she is a terrible awful person.
hhhmmm… She “speaks:” next Friday at Turlock.. about a 2.5 hr drive… I have next Friday off…”That woman is an Idiot” by KO…on one side of the sign…” A dike 5000 ft tall and 41 miles out to sea … Great solution , Sarah !! ” on the other side…. should I spell it dike ,,,,or dyke ???? 🙂
benlomond2… If that is going to be your sign… I’ll be looking for it. Driving down from Sactown.
I’ll be there as well. Not sure what the sign will be yet…..still doing some pondering.
I will be taking LOTS of pics though. This may be the 1st time I have ever seen a ‘ bumpit ‘ up close.
In CA I believe they have been ‘ extinct ‘ for some time now.
Powerful. Thank you.
Powerful video. And last I checked, 4 people had given it a “thumbs-down” at YouTube. Guess Trig doesn’t have an account there (yet).
Very beautifully powerfull.
Alas, I cannot watch the video (dial-up is my nemisis). I can imagine what it says from your comments though.
Having a husband who works in the oilfield has made all of this a very difficult time for us. He struggles with the guilt and the anger (and the knowledge of how things are) working for a company that is presently guilty for this disaster. We feel very sad for the 11 lives lost that could so very easily be his or that of a close friend. We feel devestated by the immense damage to an irreplaceable ecosystem. We are fully aware that if it wasn’t BP, it could very easily be any of the other oil producers that could be responsible. It has been very interesting to hear my DH and others (who are the workers, drillers, etc in the oilfield) discuss this tragedy. The general consensus seems to be that the whole thing could have been avoided and that many stupid mistakes (as well as company shortcuts) were made. My point to them (that I have to voice gently) is that accidents are almost always human error and no matter how great your technology, you can never count out human error. This has been my mantra in rejecting opening ANWR.
My DH and I are great lovers of animals and the planet earth. We do NOT want to see her injured.
He and I both feel that $P is a complete idiot. Her pipe dream about natural gas is no closer to being built than before she was half-term governot. She has a black soul that’s only purpose is to spew hate and anger and therby enrich herself and her cronies. Corporate greed is nothing compared to her greed for attention.
That being said, the comment above about her faith would be denied by many so-called christians in the state of Alaska. Just the other day there was a long letter to the editor in our local rag of a newspaper from a dominionist. It is important to acknowledge that there are many people who came to Alaska who very much believe (to the depths of their “souls”) that they were put here by god to rule of the earth and everything in it and to take whatever they want, whenever they want, because it will never all run out, because “god will provide”. These people mark this disaster as a blip on the radar and are screaming to get on with the drilling and the mining and the killing. We will NEVER change their minds because this is the bedrock of their “faith” that has nothing to do with reason.
I support my president and continue to believe that (at this point in time) he is the best person to be doing his job (due to his intelligence, capability of rational thought and unbelievable bility to radiate a sense of calm in the face of huge storms). DH says that even though the de-regulation took place during the previous administration, this disaster occurred on his watch. Ultimately that means he will take some of the blame as the keeper of the henhouse. He is the ultimate boss over the regulators and (although he has many balls to keep in the air and sooooooo much to clean up from GWB) he is still the guy responsible for allowing this crap to go on. I know, I know, “how can he possibly be expected to know everything that is going on in all of the departments under him?” He probably can’t. Nevertheless, it will still come down on his head and I, for one, am prepared to have his back (even if he isn’t left enough for me).
I struggle (as does my husband) every day with the fact that, at this time, our ability to pay our mortgage, feed ourselves and our dogs, take care of aging parents, etc depends upon my husband’s job. My moral self wants to say, don’t contribute to the problem. I, however, have to drive to work every day (too far to walk or ride a bike, no alternatives), heat my home (no alternatives for this yet). And, at 51 years old, in the middle of a recession, he probably won’t be changing careers. My hope though, because he is a moral man (and one very aware of the dangers in the oilfield) he will be on the frontlines of doing everything that can be done towards prevention. He does not hesitate to pull the “stop” card out whenever he sees anything that isn’t being done by the book and completely up to safety regulations.
We are all aware of the fact that there was no contingency plan with the deepwater drilling. We are all aware that this country has to be pulled (kicking and screaming) away from dependency on oil. How that is going to be achieved (with the other side of the spectrum spewing it’s lies and anger and obstructionism) I have no idea. All I can do is vote my conscience, continue to speak out where I can and hope that we are not too late.
For me the biggest problem is how things are done….we (at least i) do realize that people have to make a living and until governments are serious about moving towards cleaner energy oil will be with us . Probably to some degree always will be, well until we run out of course. I just think drilling should be done as save as possible if we absolutely have to and what enrages me is the shortcuts and greed of those corporations. They take chances with the lives of their employees and our environment . The guild should not be yours our your husbands but BP’s
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((LoveMyDogs and Dear Hubby)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
From many of the reports I’ve heard and read about the initial explosion, the vast majority of the men on the frontline were doing everything humanly possible to avoid the disaster and fix the problems before a tragedy occurred. The people with the real responsibility for this calamity were NOT the men like your husband who were, as always, doing their jobs to the best of their ability. It was the people in the highest levels of management who were making decisions based on greed who were responsible for what happened. There is no benefit to BP employees who work on the rigs (and in the onshore oil fields) to cut corners or use faulty equipment since it is their lives on the line if things go wrong.
As torn as you must feel about working for BP right now, it is a necessary choice that you must make for the survival of your family. Just the fact that you are struggling with the situation demonstrates a level of integrity that the executives of BP are clearly unfamiliar with. I wish you and your husband peace and continued safety.
Thanks for sharing this LMD
LMD… Sounds like you and DH are doing all that can be done …. work safely, follow existing regulations, ….. and speak your minds at the ballot box…. not unlike what US troops are having to do..doing their assignments as safely as possible for themselves and their teammates, and using the ballot box to speak about the direction of the country.. ( They WAIT until they are OUT of the service before vocalizing their critisisms ). It’s a tough situation, but it sounds like you are both doing everything you can to do things right…
Lovemydogs and Husband,
LMD – great and empathetic post, I think all honest and feeling human beings can identify with it. I too am video challenged and can’t see the subject here, but I can guess.
The sad fact is that everyone of us who does not have a few hundred million stashed away in off shore accounts, or to be truly realistic even enough to live off for one year, is faced with the exact same coercion, do this or you lose your job, if you lose your job you lose your right to go to a doctor if you get sick, if you can’t pay your mortgage for a month you lose your house and all your equity in it, if you step out of line an inch you will be punished severely. That kind of extortion is both commonplace and readily accepted.
By contrast we have one of the greatest mass murderers in US history living comfortably in Dallas despite the fact that he lied us into a war that has cost at least 4000 lives and thousands more maimed and injured. Not once in his tenure did any politician call him out for the blood on his hands. Moreover, it is to him we can look for the responsibility of the endemic corruption of government that led to many other disasters but particularly to this one, and of course his cronies and enablers who do everything they can, largely in secrecy to maintain the corruption. They want government to fail, so that they can assume the dictatorship of the chosen. Literally the divine right to control the small people.
We are a country of some 300 million people and yet a few million zealots whose avaricious need for power and dominion is so great that they will lie, cheat, steal, injure and murder to further their purpose, whose audacity is unlimited, whose ability to confront reality is non-existent, those few, that tiny minority, set the tone and define the discourse in this whole country because we are too polite or too intimidated to call them what they are. Or perhaps even worse, we are too caught up in our own personal concerns to realise that our whole way of life is being slowly eroded and one day in the not too distant future some political puppet like Palin will be strutting upon the national stage their crooked cross of fake gold and diamonds proudly displayed on their lapel, telling us that black is white, up is down, starvation is plenty, and death is life, and most of us will have no choice other than to accept it or take arms against the tyranny, and by opposing, end it.
It is a glum outlook to be sure. One that I hope not to live to see, but if past history is any marker, it is coming, sure as dawn.
it is coming. indeed it is upon us.
Very finely written paragraphs, with one omission: 4,000 is the approximate number of American deaths. Please see http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ for the number of documented Iraqi deaths (about 100,000 to date) and a timeline with when most of them occurred. This is dead only, and accounts neither for the huge number of injured, nor for the refugees.
Health and peace.
To repeat:
This just leaves me cold, I am so enraged,
There isn’t a day that goes by I don’t stop to think about the people in the gulf. Shame on Palin and her ilk that want to rape and pillage this country for your own riches.
Very Powerful video and message, thank you AKM for sharing it with us. I will pass it on.
I cry for the gulf.
It is somewhat encouraging that an “Evangelical Environmental Network” exists and that members are visiting the Gulf states. Maybe they can bring Sister Sarah into the fold. Brief article on Huff Po: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/17/evangelical-gulf-oil-spill-moral_n_616797.html
I just wish the media would cover this more than they do Sarah!
These are people who are putting their butts, backs and money where their hearts and heads are. They are doing instead of complaining. Their story needs to come to the forefront – maybe it would cause people to reevaluate false leaders like SP, Beck. Limbaugh and Hannity et al.
These pictures will break your heart.
Very thought provoking message, but I would have preferred to see much less of $arah Paylin. She is not much of a Christian if she thinks we have a right to pillage, rupture and desecrate this Earth. She is not much of a humanitarian is she thinks it’s okay for peoples lives and livelihoods to be subserviant to the greedy want of more oil. She is stupid if she thinks “Drill, Baby, Drill” is a good rally cry for our country under any circumstance. $arah Paylin definitely is a disgraceful excuse for a human being.
Wow! Well done. Mrs. Palin is nothing more than a stupid self-grandoising narcissistic stooge pedalling the snake oil of the oligarchy. Unfortunately this idiot has an audience in the 30% of the population who are morons!
This video says it all on how we feel in the Gulf and also clearly demostrates the consequence, when a business puts profit ahead of safety and the environment. This disaster will take many decades to clean up and to get wildlife populations back to the same level as they’re today (if it actually can be done). There is no replacement, however, for the eleven lives that were lost, or the tragic effect it will have on their families.
How anyone can possibly support and encourage any current or future off-shore drilling at this particular time is beyond me, particularly as this disaster continues to worsen. To most people, remaining quiet about any oil drilling in general would be the pertinent and wise action to take. But not for someone like Sarah, who is ignorant enough to actually believe she is competent and knowledgable, and who actually believes what her advisors tell her what to say or write for her. But in reality, which it honestly seems out of her grasp for her, she knows very little about the oil industry or its possible environmental consequence, dispite living through both the Exxon Valdez spill, and now the Gulf of Mexico disaster.
Sarah is not capable of discussing alternative energy sources, environmental considerations of each of the various sources, or even a National energy policy, because she is simply is not knowledgable or informed enough to discuss such matters openly and freely, and probably never will be. It is no secret to most of us this is the reason she will not speak to the media, or that she believes the media is “evil”. But what I honestly am starting to believe is what I’ve heard others suggest, is that Sarah has a learning disability such as Attention Deficit Disorder, and is incapable of sitting down and learning what she needs to learn. To accomadate this she has developed a system of deflecting what her detractors say, and avoiding the press by making all her statements one way by creatively using Facebook, and by only taking prearranged questions after her speaches. What other reasons are the plausible on why she would need to write down her three main talking points on her palm? And when she gets caught how does she deal with it, she makes fun of it repeatably in public in front of the press until it becomes old.
Perhaps it time we acknowledge that Sarah is the disaster and her followers are her victums.
An incredibly powerful message. My heart breaks for lives lost, for livelihoods destroyed, for the decimation of wildlife and destruction of our earth. Evidence that greed continues to take us to hell in a hand basket.
The greatest sadness of all is that we could stop this greed if we all worked together to demand changes in campaign finance laws, demand enforceable ethics rules, and demanded criminal prosecution of every big player in scenarios such as this. Fitzgerald was right: “The rich are different than you and me.” They can buy their protection and verdicts in too many cases. Yet, really, if we are honest with ourselves, it is our fault for not being active, for not paying attention, for not banding together.
I laugh at the Tea Baggers, but at least they are trying to change things. I don’t agree with their agenda, but at least they are out there working towards a goal. Thankfully, they aren’t educated enough, civil enough, or the type of people who compromise enough to work together as a whole, but imagine if they were! Of course, they are being manipulated by greedy people as well because they don’t reflect upon the consequences of what they are doing or understand what it is they really believe in or why. They are just angry people wanting change. Why can’t we all do better?
Perhaps it is only because no one will pay us to stand up for ourselves.
If true it is a truly sad state of affairs, that we should be so desperate as a people.
Yet I suspect in some measure it is.
Yes, the rich are different. But as yet (unless there’s something they’re not sharing with us), they don’t have another Earth (or Type M planet, for all you trekkies) to murder. “What good is a house, if you don’t have a fit planet to put it on?” Pesticides, monocrops, and transit stress are killing off the honeybees, BP’s oil volcano is killing everything in the Gulf, and they fiddle while Rome burns.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABToOl-xbHE&feature=player_embedded is a video of Joe Biden’s reaction to the BP apologist.
The video above rings absolutely true. $P would be a joke, except that jokes are funny; Scarah ain’t.
Health and peace.
Barton got himself a spanking there! Go Joe!
I thought this was one of the best responses I’ve ever seen. I don’t care if the man makes some silly gaffes from time to time, it just shows he’s human. Joe Biden is a great man, politically and personally.
Dear Sarah Palin,
Were the voters of Alaska more intelligent, the first woman Governor of Alaska would have been Fran Ulmer who was the Democratic nominee in 2002 when the voters elected Frank Murkowski, the first of three disastrous governors. Fran is an intelligent, gracious and articulate woman respected by all who know her. She can speak extemporaneously in full, well organized paragraphs — no word salad ever left the lips of that woman! She has served as Juneau Mayor, state legislator, and Lieutenant Governor. She is currently the Chancellor of the University of Alaska Anchorage and serves on the Aspen Institute’s Commission on (gasp!) Arctic Climate Change. (Yes, there really is a problem with climate change in the Arctic.) She is also one of the seven members appointed to the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Off Shore Drilling Commission. Thank God that the rest of the country will soon see a different kind of Alaskan woman!
Be careful, Sarah. This could be the first sign that God is watching and she might finally be getting really pi$$ed off at you.
Actually the first woman governor of the state of alaska would have been Arliss Sturgulewski (if experience counted for anything)
Alas as our mother bleeds. The thought that anything could move the passion of Sarah is for naught. She has not an ounce of humanity in her being. A wasted shell of human flesh. Bless all who must carry on past all the ignorance.
Bloody well done. Palin’s lifeless visage speaks volumes to her heartlessness.
A very moving video.
Palin is unbelievably crude and hateful. Greed of people is what holds us back from a clean, green way of life. We should never have invaded the natural home of creatures who were just peacefully living in their habitat. It was/is cruel.
I wish someone would tell Palin to park her big a$$ SUV’s and private jets and walk.–or when she is in the “lower 48” to ditch her limos and take a bus or train. She knows nothing of the real world(however, I’d love to see someone put her in the driver’s seat on the expressways of Dallas. I bet she couldn’t handle it.)
Also, Palin is going to have a show to show the beauty of Alaska. Does she really think this will bring people onboard to destroy it?
I hope someone at the TLC network – someone who supervises whoever is responsible for producing her new show sees this video. I hope they have a heart and feel shame. It’s still not too late for them to shelve the series. Networks do it all the time – even after many episodes have been filmed. Something happens, they just never show them. Let the money spent – even the money given to Sarah – turn to ashes in their mouths.
You know, I never made that connection, that her reaction to the spill is in direct contrast to the purpose of her TLC show. It just makes the show seem like a complete joke. I wonder if she’s finally realized she should keep her big yap shut. I also wonder if she regrets, just a little, leaving her office. She might possibly command some attention as a relevant spokesperson during this spill if she were still governor.
But if she were still governor, she’d not be able to accept any money for appearing on that show.
And that kind of puts an interesting “light” on “working for Alaska”
I think she does regret it, a little, for the ‘power’ the title gave her.
Nan, you forgot the entire sentence- “working for Alaska” ‘s ex-governor’ bank acct.
WOW! That’s powerful.
Remember a few days ago when SP was interviewed by Bill O, and she said the US had refused aid offered by other countries, namely Norway and the Dutch? Then KO refuted that? I wrote to Politico(of Pants on Fire fame – the one that named SP Liar of the Year) and just got a reply from them. Link is below, but the gist is that some aid that was offered was in the form of stuff countries wanted to sell., some we already had, some we didn’t need. Read the full post. No, they didn’tmention any dikes or dykes!!
There was an AP article in the newspaper this morning that gave some specific examples of the ‘aid’ that was being offered. It listed the amount of foreign aid that the US was providing to these particular countries and what they were offering to SELL or LEASE to the US. Little, if any, of the ‘aid’ was being offered for free because of the assumption that the US is a wealthy country and can afford to buy emergency equipment.
While I suspect that some of the countries did not receive immediate response to their offers because of the chaos during the first few weeks of the spill, I also suspect that many of the offers were for supplies and equipment that can be obtained right here in the US, thereby providing an economic benefit to US companies and a more rapid turnaround time for shipment to affected areas.
I have been reading theoildrum.com lately and there are several trolls on there claiming that aid was turned down for various reasons all of which imply that somehow Obama is to be faulted for not accepting the generous offer of skimmer boats from Holland etc. etc.
Republicans are calling this a “natural disaster”.
Republicans are apologizing to the giant multinational oil company that makes $24 billion in profit along per year because the president “coerced them” into pledging 83% of that profit to pay for the damage they did.
Republicans are screaming at the top of their lungs that the moratorium imposed on deep water drilling is costing 5,000 jobs and at the same time blocking unemployment benefits for millions of citizens put out of work by the fraud of big banks and insurance companies.
They have no shame. They should be ostracisized.
I have no doubt that the tragedy of the Gulf signals the end of Palin’s “political” career, such as it was. If the Republicans are foolish enough and cynical enough to trot this obscene ass out as their candidate in 2012, they will have finally earned the fate they so deserve. This woman should forever be remembered as “Shill, baby, Shill.”
There is no fence high enough to hide what you are, Sarah Palin! You are a despicable human being.
Great video! I am surprised that there has been so little said about the “Drill Baby Drill’ refrain and what’s happening now. Her latest interview on Fox where she belittles Obama for not doing enough is not only silly but repulsive. I just read that the press will be allowed next week for her speech in a public university in California, it will be interesting to watch. I surely hope students will make their voices heard.
Yeah, and then a couple days later David Korn and Pat Buchanan are discussing her as a leading candidate for the Repug nomination. How can that be? I mean, how can anyone in all seriousness, after that display of total incompetence of BOR, continue to think she is a viable leader????? I can only say it’s because they, too, have a hard-on for her.
Or, because they know the country is in such a mess that they want a straw man to run against Obama in ’12, rather than sacrificing a “real” and viable candidate who can wait for ’16. Or both.
The speech is $500 dollars per ticket and their is as yet no provision to let students participate or even attend unless they buy a ticket. It is the schools foundation holding the event so they can do pretty much what they want.
Unfortunately I don’t think many students will be attending and frankly the so-called press ceded any credibility with respect to this despicable character almost two years ago when they gave her a complete pass in the national election. Not one press conference. Not one honest interview. The press has so far been complicit in hiding her many and obvious disqualifications for any office, let alone high office. The reason for my first assertion is that tickets start at $500 for this event.
But yes it would be glorious to have 2 or 3 thousand UC student show up each with their dixie cup of crude oil chanting drill baby drill, kill baby kill, shill baby shill.
Throw in some bendy straws with those dixie cups of crude.
Agree about the MSM…..they are useless.
This video is heartwrenching. Damn SP and all she stands for.
I was uncomfortable with the video not just because of what’s happening from the spill but because SP is made the centerpiece, when so many others with much greater power, now and in past, could be targeted. It seems to give her power she doesn’t have or deserve, as if she started the whole idea of aggressive drilling when all she’s ever been is a soulless, vile puppet for the actual powers in the energy world.
Mel – I totally agree with you. Cheney & company need to be held responsible for some of this. And those before him, people who only saw the $$ signs and cared nothing about the environment and took no precautions to protect it; weak weak regulations, etc. Will this country never learn?
I agree with you both.
However, Sarah is the public face for the Drill, Baby, Drill mentality. She is not the originator or even an active power player, but she is the popular icon for this madness.
That’s why it is so important for the truth about her past to come out. That’s why it is so important to have real journalists from across the political spectrum interview her, asking real questions and expecting real answers. She is the facade. There’s nothing much behind that thin veneer and the quicker her followers know that the better. Then we can go after the real power players who have done and are still doing such damage to our country’s economy and environment.
You have to start somewhere, and the weakest chain in the link is the place to start: Sarah Palin.
I am totally comfortable with $carah being the target. But hey, I used to live in Prince William Sound. Also, no offense, cause yeah, there are so many others in a position of power.
We gotta keep in check, that $carah seems to use the “drill baby drill” mantra has a advancement in her career.
Appologies to those whom read the words $carah – advancement – career, all in the same sentence. I can attest that the blindness derived from the 3 word combo doesn’t last long.
s’error palin is so weak that she can not even be considered part of the chain, let alone a link in it.
It is appropriate to call her on her ‘mantra’. Cheney and Co may need to be held accountable for creating this mess. But SP needs to be stopped from minimizing the extent of the damage and calling for continued drilling as usual. Cheney is involved in the past. SP is calling for a future course of action that will only bring more of what is happening in the gulf today.
Yes to what you said, but the repocons, be it Chaney, or the Bush Mafia or the bought off politicians will continue to conive and cut the industry slack as long as the mega bucks keep flowing.
I agree with you Mel, they should have included the whole rotten bunch of them.
Mel, before Sarah was even invited to McCain’s ranch in August, to be asked if she’d join his ticket, BP specifically named her taxation policies as the reason why they were moving new drilling into the Gulf.
I understand your point and feel that the Bush/Cheney adminstration policies are indisputably more culpable for this disaster than Palin. However, they are firmly settled in the dirty, ugly past (although Cheney still seems to be trying to wield political power) and Palin is the one being suggested as a potential candidate for president. Cheney may be giving his sppeches at right wing gatherings, but Palin is the one traveling the country, spewing hatred to her adoring crowds and being paid exhorbitant amounts of money for the drivel. She is the one with the regular exposure on Fox and the face that appears far too often on the television.
Bush and Cheney’s manipulative,evil strategies have already been exposed while far too many people are still blindly following Palin’s lead and singing her praises. Others may have been more responsible for the legislation that lead to this catastrophe, but she is more potentially dangerous to our future.
i remember sarah
i remember sarah shouting
drill baby drill
i remember rill ‘mericans chanting
they were chanting
drill baby drill
drill baby drill
over and over again
the rill ‘mericans shouted
then they added a new chant
to go with the old chant
they shouted a new but very old refrain
kill him they shouted
kill him they sang
make his wife a widow
and his two sweet babies be hanged.
drill baby drill
kill baby kill
You forgot :
Hate baby hate
Bubs, that makes the hair stand up on my arms! such evil in the heart of the one who said or lead others to say these things. hate is what they espouse. hate is what they get back. how do we change the hate from those who blindly follow it?
bubbles, that was *chilling* (very effective, too)
I remember too, bubbles. She makes it less safe for all people of color.
” She makes it less safe for all people of color,” including white, if one happens to be Jewish or any faith other than her version of Xtian.
This video hurts. Everyone who has responded is hurt, too. I would love to see one speck of humanity come from Mrs. Palin. One time in her small existence when she changes her mind in public, and walks away from supporting the drilling. One time. Once.
I know you read here, or at least one of your people reads here. So, yo. Mrs. Palin, I hope one of your people is brave enough to pass this on. Here is my message. Put it away. Grow up. Get right.
I want to add:
“Get right with God, Sarah. If you confess your sin, the Lord is faithful & just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Then spend the rest of your political life advocating for responsible government, responsible regulation that are enforceable and working to help the poor and disadvantaged – no matter who they vote for, where they come from or what race they are.”
My heart breaks for those in the Gulf who are affected by this tragedy. My heart weeps for the lives that have been irrevocably changed by the oil that keeps coming with no end in sight. My heart bleeds for the animals, sea creatures and birds whose lives will be ended or painfully shortened.
My anger burns for the people whose callous disregard for others caused this disaster and for those whose ambitions and greed cause them to belittle the suffering that is being felt by tens of thousands of our fellow Americans and by all those innocent animals.
Sarah Palin and all those who do not mourn for what has been lost forever should be ashamed.
Thank you ;-(
We went to Biloxi last summer and were pleased at a lot of the rebuilding that had happened,as casino people we were shocked how the flow of customers was diminished.Then we road along the waterfront into outlying areas of the county as much as we could.The shock was unbearable,leveled homes,devastation,piles of debris,properties with only a swimming pool left,or a chimney,or a power pole.People living in travel trailers,small ones,and they were out in their yards working by themselves on clean up or fix up.This oil spill only serves to shove them back down,under the mess again.The economy will not support the expenses still to be met from the Katrina clean up,on top of this oil spill,for years to come.We just donated dog food to help out the pet owners there.Its so little to do,I wish we could do more.
Then they have to listen to Mrs PAYlin trying her best to make a buck off of their heartbreak.As a grandma,were I to see her up close,I would have to slap her foul mouth and tell her to shut up if she had nothing helpfull or positive to say.If she knows so much,why not put some of it to use,and make an effort somehow to help.If not shut her nasty mouth!
Just more evidence of her black heart. She was hired from the start to spew right wing lies and she has never had a problem with that. I have never found her attractive, but some do. “A pretty face don’t make no pretty heart.” Her insides look like that oil. If she really believed in hell she would know she’s on her way there.
VERY POWERFUL. This video says it all. As you watch and listen, this video shows you the hurt that is felt in the Gulf and at the same time it shows you Palin’s stupidity and ignorance.
Well done, we wish you the best in the Gulf.
McCain claimed she was one of the best experts on energy in America. Perhaps McCain and Palin can clean up some oil covered wildlife. No? Of course not they are to busy lying to everyone.
Palin could use her position to raise money, find companies that make things like the mop heads they are using to soak up oil on the beaches and talk them into freebees.
I doubt the thought of helping has even crossed her mind. And that alone debars her from being a true Christina.
Most of us are limited to donating a few bucks, but some have the position to really have an impact. I am apalled and saddened that there is seemingly no one on TV, or politicians, or the big TV Christian groups, nobody seems to give a flying fig about the people who are being impacted.
Wow is right. A complete re-enactment of what happened to Alaska and Prince William Sound….a mess that 21 years later goes mostly uncompensated, and has never been cleaned up. Thanks, AK for bringing this to our attention, rest assured it will be forwarded to as many as I can reach.
makes you weep for this earth and it reminds me again why i had this instant deep dislike for her and her cronies…i felt the same about Bush .It might be a harsh thing to say but i don’t think she is a good person.
While the truth can sometimes be a harsh thing, it needs to be stated. And you are absolutely correct: s’error palin is not a good person. My New York friends have a word for her, but I will not repeat it here.
Please tell that to my pastor. He appears to think (and have no problem saying so DURING SUNDAY SERVICE, as part of his “sermon”) that Palin loves God and is a good person who is being smeared unfairly by lies and innuendo.
Yeah. I know. *head meets desk*
So Palin is a Christian: Try out her hatred, lying, and other non Christian practices with The Sermon On The Mount, Matthew V,VI and VII. I can not hate Sarah, for it is not for me to judge, but judged she will be.
My saying is, “If you have to say you are Christian you probably are not.”
I totally agree with your last statement.
I have said almost those exact works on a number of occasions. This is the first I have herd or read them from someone else.
Thanks for that affirmation.
When I was in an evangelical church in the 70’s, (no politics then, little hate) we used to say…”if you were accuse in court of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
These days, hating gay people and being against reproductive rights for women is what makes you “christian.”
You need to find yourself a new church.
And raise the tax-exempt status question for religious organizations that campaign for id…I mean politicians.
The “D’s” need to go on offense. I have been waiting for ab ad that cuts back and forth from Sarah’s speech in Louisiana a week before the spill and the current photos of what is happening. It’s time to expose her for the fraud that she is!
The “D’s” could spend all day blowing on a vuvuzela and we’d still make less noise but more sense than anything gushing from s’error palin’s lips.
I agree. I really don’t get why they are so reluctant to engage.
“She through her actions, has established the “LOW” end of the bar in terms of establishing and maintaining transparency and forthrightness as she negotiates her way through the murky waters of political cronyism and a self serving agenda.
She has become the the line in the sand that demarcates the difference between unscrupulous versus unwavering. Sometimes it is just as important to become the antithesis of noble, and thus the standard bearer for ruthless. It gives us a moral compass by which to raise our children, and set an example of what NOT to do- or become.
Thank you Sarah Palin for your relentless commitment to this vainglorious effort.
Your use of twitter and myspace in lieu of meaningful person to person exchanges, demonstrates your mastery at exploiting this medium as a tool to spout your loathing and contempt so imperiously to the huddled masses.
Hiding behind a computer is your Wassilla basement is a cowards way out in terms of pointing fingers at others while avoiding well deserved scrutiny.
Thank you Sarah Palin for showing us the road that shouldn’t be traveled. In that way, you have been a beacon that instead of beckoning- warns us away from the Abyss.”
Huffpo comment.
Cool ya quoted me 🙂
I feel so loved 🙂
Thank you, but the road of Sarah Palin should be dug under! You are correct, her showing of a road, THAT SHOULD NOT BE TRAVELED! What a psychotic…….! moronic legacy, at best
Wow! A very poignant video.